  • 26
  • 26
  • 26
  • 26
  • 26
  • 26
  • 26
  • 26 ( API : /vɛ̃t.sis/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Vingt-six. Le numéro gagnant est le 26. 2. * Habitant du département de la Drôme. Les 26 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. * 26ième 26 ( API : /vɛ̃t.sis/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Drôme. J’habite dans le 26. * deux six * *
  • 26 is a number. It is half of 52.
  • Episode 26, unlocked after completing episode 25.
  • Number 26 was an item on The List.
  • 26 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Osiedla Górczewska na Wiatraczną. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Wola, Praga i Żoliborz.
  • The year 26 AD
  • #26 is the twenty-sixth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "26" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Brian Bowles (2003) * Sal Butera (1988) * Chris Carpenter (1998-2002) * Valerio de los Santos (2004) * Jim Eppard (1990*) * Steve Hargan (1977) * Vince Horsman (1991*) * Mike Huff (1994-1996) * Adam Lind (2006-2009) * Doug Linton (1992-1993) * Willie Upshaw (1978, 1980-1987) * Ozzie Virgil (1990*) * Mickey Weston (1991*)
  • Hey guys! Have you ever heard of the Last of the Jedi book series? Plenty of characters for a Attacktix series there, I'll try to get the link. Ok, the link takes you to the, and gives a review of the second book of the series, more their though.
  • orłowo skm kilf
  • 26 (twenty-six) is a positive integer following 25 and preceding 27. Its ordinal form is written "26th" or "twenty-sixth".
  • El veintiséis (26), antiguamente veinte y seis, es el número natural que sigue al veinticinco y precede al veintisiete. Categoría:Números
  • 26 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Vingt-six. 2. * Le numéro gagnant est le 26. 3. * Habitant du département de la Drôme. 4. * Les 26 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. * 26ième 26 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Drôme. 2. * J’habite dans le 26. * deux six * *
  • The number 26 was not generally used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 26.
  • Für Diana bricht eine Welt zusammen, als ihre Mutter ihr endlich die Wahrheit über ihren alkoholkranken Vater, sowie dessen Lebensstil und Tod mitteilt. Diana fühlt sich von Jutta betrogen. Erst nachdem sich der erste Schock gelegt hat, erkennt Diana, dass ihre Mutter nur aus Liebe zu ihr gehandelt hat und sie schützen wollte. Diana trifft eine folgenreiche Entscheidung. Axel gelingt es durch eine Intrige, Julians Planung für die Snackproduktion als geschäftsschädigend erscheinen zu lassen. Derweil nutzt Axel Richards angespannte Suche nach einer Lösung und präsentiert erneut seine Idee. Richard steht selbst unter enormem Druck, denn er hat die bittere Wahrheit über das Steinkamp-Zentrum erkannt. Richard beauftragt kurzerhand Axel, sein Modell umzusetzen. Tim fürchtet, dass ihn Julian nach
  • Victoria asks David why he attempted to murder Roger and shows him the bleeder valve. The little sociopath attacks her and she locks it in a drawer. She tricks him into leaving her room. Roger confronts the Sheriff; Victoria and David wait each other out on opposite sides of Victoria's door. Roger continues to confront the Sheriff and implies that the Sheriff is afraid of the now-rich Burke. He also implies he'll use the Collins influence to take Carter's job. Roger wants a search of Burke's room; Carter says only a psycho would keep the bleeder valve; David tries to run outside, telling Elizabeth "he has to get away." He also accuses Victoria of trying to hurt him. David says that Victoria is going to make up stories about him and even says that Victoria will try to blame him for Roger's
  • 26 (sechsundzwanzig) ist die einzige Zahl, die zwischen einer Quadratzahl (25=5x5) und einer Kubikzahl (27=3x3x3) liegt. Diese Tatsache haben zunächst die Pythagoräer (eine mathematische Sekte um den berühmten Pythagoras) erfunden. Aus Angst vor dem Verlust ihres Mathemonopols hielten sie dieses Wissen aber unter Androhung der Todesstrafe zunächst geheim. Auf diese Geheimniskrämerei stützte sich auch der interessante Umstand, dass 26 vermindert um die kleinste ungerade Primzahl 3 = 23 ergibt, welche die Erkennungszahl der Imunilatten ist. Weitere Erkenntnisse zeigten den Gelehrten im Altertum, dass es mit dieser Zahl etwas auf sich hatte. Die Quersumme der 26 ergibt 8. Legt man auch diese quer, erhält man das Zeichen für Unendlich ∞. Zieht man dagegen das Quersubstrat, erhält man 4, die kl
  • Ask That Guy: Episode 26 September 25, 2008 That Guy is holding a pipe to his mouth in one hand and reading a large red book with the other one. Suddenly he notices the audience and snaps the book shut and takes the pipe out of his mouth That Guy: Oh! Keshie! I didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Title card comes up to the music of Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Von Beethoven Narrator: John Ferris Asks, “I just finished swallowing a gallon of antifreeze and am about to go into a large freezer. Will I need a coat?”
  • 26 was a Chasmosaurus whom Karl Scott was partnered with. 26 was very much a miracle. Whilst her mother was giving birth, a group of Tyrannosaurus Rex stormed through the village, trampling her mother to death. 26 was the only egg from her mother to survive the attack. A skybax rider brought 26's egg to the hatchery.
  • 25
  • 283.525000
Folgen Nummer
  • 26
  • 26
  • 26
  • 1.200000
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 10102006
  • 27
  • 1966-07-18
  • 26
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • 1
  • 26
  • Episode 26
  • 1966-08-01
Character Name
  • List Number 26
  • 2
  • 25
  • 25.0
  • 26
  • Female
  • 27
  • 27.0
  • Bawz_20061010_0026_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • Robbed a stoner blind
  • green
  • 26
  • 26
  • 26 ( API : /vɛ̃t.sis/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Vingt-six. Le numéro gagnant est le 26. 2. * Habitant du département de la Drôme. Les 26 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. * 26ième 26 ( API : /vɛ̃t.sis/ ) {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Drôme. J’habite dans le 26. * deux six * *
  • 26 is a number. It is half of 52.
  • 26 (sechsundzwanzig) ist die einzige Zahl, die zwischen einer Quadratzahl (25=5x5) und einer Kubikzahl (27=3x3x3) liegt. Diese Tatsache haben zunächst die Pythagoräer (eine mathematische Sekte um den berühmten Pythagoras) erfunden. Aus Angst vor dem Verlust ihres Mathemonopols hielten sie dieses Wissen aber unter Androhung der Todesstrafe zunächst geheim. Auf diese Geheimniskrämerei stützte sich auch der interessante Umstand, dass 26 vermindert um die kleinste ungerade Primzahl 3 = 23 ergibt, welche die Erkennungszahl der Imunilatten ist. Weitere Erkenntnisse zeigten den Gelehrten im Altertum, dass es mit dieser Zahl etwas auf sich hatte. Die Quersumme der 26 ergibt 8. Legt man auch diese quer, erhält man das Zeichen für Unendlich ∞. Zieht man dagegen das Quersubstrat, erhält man 4, die kleinste Nicht-Primzahl. 26 wiederum dividiert durch die kleinste Primzahl 2 ergibt die Unglückszahl 13, den IQ von Paris Hilton und gleichzeitig das Alter, in dem sie ihre erste Abtreibung hatte. Das Quadrat von 26 ergibt, nachdem die Quadratwurzel gezogen wurde - ja, man staune! - 26! Führt man den Zifferntausch durch (62), addiert die kleinste ungerade Primzahl und multipliziert dies mit einer Million, erhält man die Anzahl der Jahre, vor denen die Dinosaurier ausgestorben sind. Dividiert durch die Lichtgeschwindigkeit in km/s erhält man 216,67, just der Preis eines Stativs für astronomische Refraktoren, welche unter ominösen Umständen aus eBay entfernt wurden. In der Zahl 26 ist auch die höchstvergebene Postleitzahl von Bielefeld verschlüsselt: 3^3-7-3+9 33739; eine Stadt, die es erwiesenermaßen nicht oder nur als Ansammlung von Fassadenatrappen entlang der Autobahnen A2 und A33 existiert. Diese wiederum sind in sich auch eine Verschlüsselung der Zahl 26: 2(*10^1)+3+3. Dass dieses Wissen in die Neuzeit transportiert wurde, verdanken wir dem mutigen Eingreifen eines jungen Schülers, der dann auch nicht älter als 26 wurde (von zwei Lastzügen überrollt mit einem Zuggewicht von 20t und 6t, gesteuert von zwei polnischen Fernfahrern die jeweils schon 13 Stunden am Steuer waren). Den Beweis, dass diese Zahl die einzige Zahl ist, die zwischen einer Quadrat- und einer Kubikzahl liegt, führten Die Pythagoräer allerdings nicht. Tatsächlich rieten sie einfach eine Zahl und stellten dann durch ausprobieren fest, dass es wohl keine andere zu geben scheint.
  • 26 was a Chasmosaurus whom Karl Scott was partnered with. 26 was very much a miracle. Whilst her mother was giving birth, a group of Tyrannosaurus Rex stormed through the village, trampling her mother to death. 26 was the only egg from her mother to survive the attack. A skybax rider brought 26's egg to the hatchery. Her egg was assigned to Karl's care, and she was expected to become his dinosaur partner upon hatching. She was named for her egg number, as Karl initially resented his responsibilities to the point of not giving much thought to a name. 26 was as adventurous as Karl and swiftly grew attached to him. When Karl tried to leave Dinotopia, she threw herself into the sea trying to catch up to him. Karl gave up on his chance to escape (which would probably have failed anyway) to rescue her. From that point on, he embraced his responsibilities and cared for 26 as a father might for his daughter. Karl brought 26 with him when he attended his brother David's graduation ceremony in Canyon City. She was briefly taken away from Karl when he and his brother were accused of treason, but they were reunited after the Scotts saved Dinotopia by rediscovering the source of the sunstones. Karl's father Frank Scott, who had been living in the World Beneath and was still getting used to dinosaurs, was introduced.
  • The number 26 was not generally used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 26. * Number of league games played between the start of the 1999–00 season and 23 April 2012: 596 * Number of appearances by players wearing number 26: 223 * Percentage of Rovers games featuring a number 26: 37.4%
  • Episode 26, unlocked after completing episode 25.
  • Für Diana bricht eine Welt zusammen, als ihre Mutter ihr endlich die Wahrheit über ihren alkoholkranken Vater, sowie dessen Lebensstil und Tod mitteilt. Diana fühlt sich von Jutta betrogen. Erst nachdem sich der erste Schock gelegt hat, erkennt Diana, dass ihre Mutter nur aus Liebe zu ihr gehandelt hat und sie schützen wollte. Diana trifft eine folgenreiche Entscheidung. Axel gelingt es durch eine Intrige, Julians Planung für die Snackproduktion als geschäftsschädigend erscheinen zu lassen. Derweil nutzt Axel Richards angespannte Suche nach einer Lösung und präsentiert erneut seine Idee. Richard steht selbst unter enormem Druck, denn er hat die bittere Wahrheit über das Steinkamp-Zentrum erkannt. Richard beauftragt kurzerhand Axel, sein Modell umzusetzen. Tim fürchtet, dass ihn Julian nach seiner Hochzeit wieder abschieben wird. Er teilt seinem Bruder seine Ängste jedoch nicht mit, sondern versteckt diese hinter einem betont ruppigen Verhalten. Tim schreibt Julian schließlich einen Brief, in dem er seine wahren Ängste und Gefühle offenbart.
  • Number 26 was an item on The List.
  • 26 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Osiedla Górczewska na Wiatraczną. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Wola, Praga i Żoliborz.
  • The year 26 AD
  • #26 is the twenty-sixth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "26" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Brian Bowles (2003) * Sal Butera (1988) * Chris Carpenter (1998-2002) * Valerio de los Santos (2004) * Jim Eppard (1990*) * Steve Hargan (1977) * Vince Horsman (1991*) * Mike Huff (1994-1996) * Adam Lind (2006-2009) * Doug Linton (1992-1993) * Willie Upshaw (1978, 1980-1987) * Ozzie Virgil (1990*) * Mickey Weston (1991*)
  • Hey guys! Have you ever heard of the Last of the Jedi book series? Plenty of characters for a Attacktix series there, I'll try to get the link. Ok, the link takes you to the, and gives a review of the second book of the series, more their though.
  • Ask That Guy: Episode 26 September 25, 2008 That Guy is holding a pipe to his mouth in one hand and reading a large red book with the other one. Suddenly he notices the audience and snaps the book shut and takes the pipe out of his mouth That Guy: Oh! Keshie! I didn’t hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Title card comes up to the music of Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Von Beethoven Narrator: John Ferris Asks, “I just finished swallowing a gallon of antifreeze and am about to go into a large freezer. Will I need a coat?” That Guy: (in profile, takes pipe out of his mouth and does a quick head turn to face the audience) That’s a very good question. The answer is no. You will not need a coat. Because you will be dead. (smiles) And dead people are not usually very cold. They are usually very dead(shakes head and rolls eyes) That means they don’t feel the heat or the cold or anything like that(bobbing head from left to right on every point) Because they are dead! So perhaps the answer to your problem is, if you ever get cold, just...die! And that way you will never have to wear a coat.(bigger smile and shakes his head) Don’t ever talk to me again. Narrator: David asks, “I have an unnatural hatred for the color magenta, do you hate the color magenta? And if so will you join my underground resistance to purge this world from everything magenta colored and related?” That Guy: I would hate the color magenta except for the fact that there are no magenta colored people. My philosophy is if the color is not on the scale of a particular race?-it’s not worth hating.(smiles for a moment) What? Narrator: Ethan asks, “Can ninjas catch me if I am on fire?” That Guy:(another quick head turn to the audience) Yes they can, because they have this wonderful invention called water. Apparently water does not react very well to fire. It puts it out in fact. But if they were smart, the ninjas wouldn’t put out the fire out, ‘cause they’d be like-Hey! he’s on fire...job done for us! And you would burn alive in incredible agony(big smile) That’s a happy ending I can look forward to. Because my Mother went the exact same way! Burning alive while being chased by ninjas.(close up of That Guy) It was the best Birthday ever!(smiling still) Heh! Narrator: Elke Yonson asks, “If Barbie is so popular, then why do you have to buy her friends?” That Guy: Because Barbie is very lonely...and a bitch..and needs ALL sorts of attention. After all, she does have trouble holding down a job..while giving birth to children who never seem to grow up..trying to pay off her cars, pets, homes and occasional enchanted castle..and of course, the lack of sexual reproduction organs. That would make anyone rather angry. So please, don’t let Barbie be alone(serious expression) or she will kill you in your sleep. She does that(facial tic and worried expression places pipe back in his mouth). Narrator: Justin idiot asks, “Where do all the blocks from Tetris go when they disappear?” That Guy: Well, haven’t you seen the beginning of the game? They go to Russia. That’s where they get all the bricks to build their gigantic buildings. It’s also what they use to make giant nuclear missiles. So stop playing the game, or else you’re just giving them more firepower. Because we should ALL hate the Russians-EVEN though they are not magenta colored.(Big smile quickly switches to a bitter frown) But someday they WILL BE. That Guy: This is That Guy With The Glasses saying. There’s no such thing as a stupid question. Until YOU ask it. (Winks and then resumes reading) End titles come up with the comment “Ask your stupid questions today!
  • orłowo skm kilf
  • Victoria asks David why he attempted to murder Roger and shows him the bleeder valve. The little sociopath attacks her and she locks it in a drawer. She tricks him into leaving her room. Roger confronts the Sheriff; Victoria and David wait each other out on opposite sides of Victoria's door. Roger continues to confront the Sheriff and implies that the Sheriff is afraid of the now-rich Burke. He also implies he'll use the Collins influence to take Carter's job. Roger wants a search of Burke's room; Carter says only a psycho would keep the bleeder valve; David tries to run outside, telling Elizabeth "he has to get away." He also accuses Victoria of trying to hurt him. David says that Victoria is going to make up stories about him and even says that Victoria will try to blame him for Roger's accident. David is ejected from the room and tells Victoria Elizabeth won't believe her. Carter has obtained his Search Warrant but hasn't finished his sandwich. Roger attempts to join Carter on the search, and that's where Jonas finally draws the line. David attempts to eavesdrop on Victoria and Elizabeth's conversation, where she recounts the last few minutes of the previous episode. Victoria tells her that she didn't try to hurt David, he tried to hurt her. Victoria tells Elizabeth she was afraid of David. Elizabeth says Burke caused the accident, and doesn't believe Victoria’s story of finding the bleeder valve.
  • 26 (twenty-six) is a positive integer following 25 and preceding 27. Its ordinal form is written "26th" or "twenty-sixth".
  • El veintiséis (26), antiguamente veinte y seis, es el número natural que sigue al veinticinco y precede al veintisiete. Categoría:Números
  • 26 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Vingt-six. 2. * Le numéro gagnant est le 26. 3. * Habitant du département de la Drôme. 4. * Les 26 de l’année dernière sont arrivés au camping et ont repris le même emplacement. * 26ième 26 {{[[Modèle:|]]}} 1. * Département de la Drôme. 2. * J’habite dans le 26. * deux six * *
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