  • 25
  • 25
  • 25
  • 25
  • 25
  • 25
  • Episode 25, unlocked after completing episode 24.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "25" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Doug Ault (1977-1978, 1980) * Steve Davis (1985*-1986) * Carlos Delgado (1997-2004) * Dave Freisleben (1979) * Troy Glaus (2006-2007) * Roy Lee Jackson (1981-1984) * Len Matusek (1985*) * David Purcey (2008-2009) * Devon White (1991-1995)
  • #25 is the twenty-fifth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • El veinticinco (25) es el número natural que sigue al veinticuatro y precede al veintiséis. Categoría:Números
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 25.
  • [[Plik:25.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 25 (powiększ)]] 25 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Annopola na Banacha. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Praga i Mokotów.
  • 25 (twenty-five) is a positive integer following 24 and preceding 26. Its ordinal form is written "25th" or "twenty-fifth".
  • 25 is one of the letters used in the wrare language, of the Canacanatranancona. 25 makes the same sound, as the letter "L" in the English Language, but with a stronger accent.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses 25 September 12, 2008 That Guy is holding a pipe to his mouth with one hand and using the other hand to read a large red book. Suddenly he notices the audience, snaps the book shut and smiles. That Guy: Oh, Bom Dia. Didn’t hear you come in. Welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Title card comes up accompanied by Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Van Beethoven Narrator: If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too? Narrator: Why is lemon juice artificially flavored, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
  • David attempts to read Victoria's letter; Roger scolds him. David talks about going to jail and tells Roger that he was afraid there was something in it about his being sent away. Victoria implies David's guilt to Elizabeth, but Elizabeth brushes it off. Roger tells Victoria that David attempted to snatch her letter. Victoria is shocked that Elizabeth and Roger haven't spoken about the letter yet. David talks to Victoria about the Letter and how grownups always stick together. Victoria needles David subtly. David says he didn't fix Roger's brakes; Victoria says she didn’t accuse him. Roger suspects Burke of sending the detective; Elizabeth says they must stick to the story that Victoria was just randomly hired, lest Victoria start poking through doors and such. Roger flatly asks why in fac
  • Diana weist Julian in seine Schranken, um sich selbst vor zuviel Nähe zu schützen. Auch Dieters unsensibles Verhalten ihrer Mutter gegenüber macht Diana sehr zu schaffen. Überfordert sucht sie Trost bei ihrem Opa. Das Gespräch der beiden über Dianas verstorbenen Vater nimmt Lutz sehr mit, und er fordert Jutta dazu auf, ein lange gehütetes Geheimnis zu lüften. Vanessa ist Feuer und Flamme, als Tim eine Punkband gründen will, weil sie glaubt, so dem Spießertum der Familie entkommen zu können. Um sich die erforderlichen Instrumente zu kaufen, bringt sie wertvolle Geschenke ihrer Eltern zum Pfandleiher. Dabei wird sie von Simone erwischt. Julian hat das Projekt "Powersnack" gerettet. Der Produktion des Powersnacks steht nun nichts mehr im Wege. Julian hat auch schon eine Idee für eine geeignet
  • 24
  • 268.350000
Folgen Nummer
  • 25
  • 25
  • 50
  • 25.0
  • 25
  • 1.200000
original upload date
  • Jan.20.2016
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 9102006
  • 26
  • 1966-07-15
  • 25
  • 1967
  • 2
  • Episode 25
  • 1966-07-29
Character Name
  • 2
  • black; color:#ACEBFD
  • 24
  • 24.0
  • 25
  • 26
  • 26.0
  • Bawz_20061009_0025_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • 25
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses 25 September 12, 2008 That Guy is holding a pipe to his mouth with one hand and using the other hand to read a large red book. Suddenly he notices the audience, snaps the book shut and smiles. That Guy: Oh, Bom Dia. Didn’t hear you come in. Welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Title card comes up accompanied by Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig Van Beethoven Narrator: If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too? That Guy: (fast turn to look into the camera)That’s a very good question. The answer is yes. Yes, they do.(grins). In fact that once happened at the YMCA just down the street. One of the synchronized swimmers drowned and they ALL had to follow. I don’t need to tell you that they won the award for the best synchronized swim team that year.(grins wider). Because that’s dedication to your craft. And since then, they have won every single synchronized swimming award every year. They just dump their bodies into the pool and they just float there, totally lifeless.(mimes floating in the water face-down). Since every one of them stays dead, or breathe a breath of air, they always win every year. They call themselves the up-side down fish. And it’s one of the worst things we human beings can ever watch and experience....yea. Narrator: Why is lemon juice artificially flavored, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? That Guy: Because I’m Batman!(picture changes and That Guy is in a Batman costume-then flips back to normal) Narrator: If you were the owner of a factory, what would it produce? That Guy: I’d say it would be cute little toy versions of me. And you would ask it questions-just like you would ask a Magic 8 Ball. Except instead of looking into a little peephole to get your answer, you would look in my ass. Because, clearly that’s where I put all my information. In my ass! Indeed I have pulled many great things out of my ass! Like I pulled out this pipe(shows pipe) These glasses(takes off, shows, and replaces his glasses). In fact, let’s see what great wonders my ass has to offer this time.(reaches behind himself, grunts and a loud ‘Pop!’ is heard. That Guy brings the object up). A Hummel Figure! Isn’t that splendid?(nods) Yeah. Narrator: I was with my girlfriend the other night and the suddenly my phone rings, it was this guy that said “Get away from my daughter”, I asked her and she said that her father was dead. Then who was on the phone!? That guy: I’ll was me. And I know you have that restraining order against me, but I figure this is the only way to talk to you. I’m sorry about what I did to your Doberman. And I know you will need years of psychological therapy, but THAT doesn’t mean we can’t still be budiies-RIGHT?.......I look forward to calling you again...and watching you sleep. You sleep Soooo deliciously(rolls eyes up waggles eyebrows, smiles broadly and runs his tongue over his upper teeth suggestively). Narrator: If you tied a piece of buttered toast to a cat and chucked it off a bridge, which side would it land on? That Guy: I know what you’re getting at-the fact that toast always lands butter side down and a cat always lands on its feet. But cats also know this-And so they have this triggering mechanism mentally implanted in their brains to kill themselves before they can find out. Not too many people know this, but cats can actually self-explode! And they do this right before someone throws them off a bridge with toast tied to their backs. I tried this once with my cat, Fifi(mimes cat falling off bridge and exploding with sound effects). I never found out the answer. For if we found out the answer, the world would never be the same again. People would have to walk backwards....toasters would give us freshly squeezed orange juice...and Matthew Broderick would actually start having tallent(serious look). Pray that day never comes.(leans forward with serious look of concentration on his face-loud popping noise and pulls small music box shaped like a grand piano out of his ass, looks at it and smiles) The darndest things! That Guy: This is That Guy With The Glasses saying there’s no such thing as a stupid question-until YOU ask it! (winks, holds pipe in mouth again and resumes reading) End card comes up with the comment, “Ask your stupid questions today.”
  • Episode 25, unlocked after completing episode 24.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "25" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Doug Ault (1977-1978, 1980) * Steve Davis (1985*-1986) * Carlos Delgado (1997-2004) * Dave Freisleben (1979) * Troy Glaus (2006-2007) * Roy Lee Jackson (1981-1984) * Len Matusek (1985*) * David Purcey (2008-2009) * Devon White (1991-1995)
  • #25 is the twenty-fifth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • El veinticinco (25) es el número natural que sigue al veinticuatro y precede al veintiséis. Categoría:Números
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 25.
  • Diana weist Julian in seine Schranken, um sich selbst vor zuviel Nähe zu schützen. Auch Dieters unsensibles Verhalten ihrer Mutter gegenüber macht Diana sehr zu schaffen. Überfordert sucht sie Trost bei ihrem Opa. Das Gespräch der beiden über Dianas verstorbenen Vater nimmt Lutz sehr mit, und er fordert Jutta dazu auf, ein lange gehütetes Geheimnis zu lüften. Vanessa ist Feuer und Flamme, als Tim eine Punkband gründen will, weil sie glaubt, so dem Spießertum der Familie entkommen zu können. Um sich die erforderlichen Instrumente zu kaufen, bringt sie wertvolle Geschenke ihrer Eltern zum Pfandleiher. Dabei wird sie von Simone erwischt. Julian hat das Projekt "Powersnack" gerettet. Der Produktion des Powersnacks steht nun nichts mehr im Wege. Julian hat auch schon eine Idee für eine geeignete Produktionsstätte, will seine Idee aber erst mit konkreten Zahlen belegen, bevor er sie Richard präsentiert. Zeit genug für Axel, um in Julians Daten zu stöbern.
  • [[Plik:25.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 25 (powiększ)]] 25 – linia tramwajowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Annopola na Banacha. Linię obsługują zajezdnie tramwajowe Praga i Mokotów.
  • 25 (twenty-five) is a positive integer following 24 and preceding 26. Its ordinal form is written "25th" or "twenty-fifth".
  • 25 is one of the letters used in the wrare language, of the Canacanatranancona. 25 makes the same sound, as the letter "L" in the English Language, but with a stronger accent.
  • David attempts to read Victoria's letter; Roger scolds him. David talks about going to jail and tells Roger that he was afraid there was something in it about his being sent away. Victoria implies David's guilt to Elizabeth, but Elizabeth brushes it off. Roger tells Victoria that David attempted to snatch her letter. Victoria is shocked that Elizabeth and Roger haven't spoken about the letter yet. David talks to Victoria about the Letter and how grownups always stick together. Victoria needles David subtly. David says he didn't fix Roger's brakes; Victoria says she didn’t accuse him. Roger suspects Burke of sending the detective; Elizabeth says they must stick to the story that Victoria was just randomly hired, lest Victoria start poking through doors and such. Roger flatly asks why in fact was Victoria engaged to care for David? How did Elizabeth know about a girl who was a total stranger when Elizabeth hasn’t left the house in 18 years? Elizabeth reminds Roger that he told her about Victoria; Roger laughs. Elizabeth explains her lies and orders Roger to adhere to them and prepare for the uncheckable answering of Victoria's questions. Roger seems to agree, but Roger still wants to know the real truth. When Elizabeth keeps it clamped, Roger threatens not to comply; Elizabeth threatens to kick him to the curb if he doesn't. David finally gets a history answer right. David wants Victoria to believe her, and says he doesn't lie. Roger asks if Victoria still has the letter because he'd like to discuss it with her. Roger tells Victoria that Burke hired the detective (they think) and just wants to mess up the Collins Family even though looking into Victoria's past doesn’t hurt the family at all. Victoria remembers her first meeting with Roger and his reaction to Elizabeth's "story". Roger says a woman in New York, who was a mysterious anonymous donor to the Hammond Foundling Home, is the one who turned him on to her. He tells her to waste the letter; he gets peeved that Burke has not been arrested. Victoria finds her letter is missing and finds the Bleeder Valve in David's drawer when she looks for the Letter.
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