  • Trepar
  • Trepar
  • Trepar
  • Trepar
  • Trepar was een Cardassian gul en de commandant van de Vierde orde. Zijn rechterhand was glinn Borven. Trepar was gul Dukat's grootste en machtigste politieke vijand, aangezien Trepar ooit een hogere positie bekleedde in het Cardassian leger. Hij kon er niet tegen dat één van zijn "onderdanen" hem voorbijgestreefd was. Deze informatie werd door Tekeny Ghemor tijdens zijn Shri-tal met Kira Nerys in 2373 onthuld. (DS9: "Ties of Blood and Water")
  • [verbe du premier groupe] [tɾeˈpaɾ] Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1. * grimper → escalar
  • Gul Trepar was a Cardassian military officer and commander of the Fourth Order. Glinn Borven was assigned as his aide. He was also Gul Dukat’s most powerful political enemy, this came from a deep resentment of Dukat who had once been Trepar’s subordinate and had know risen above him. Tekeny Ghemor revealed this to Kira Nerys during their Shri-tal in 2373.
  • Gul Trepar was a Cardassian officer and commander of the Fourth Order. His aide was Glinn Borven. Ghemor considered him Gul Dukat's most powerful political enemy, as Trepar had once outranked Dukat and resented his former subordinate's rising above him. This information was revealed by Ghemor during his Shri-tal with Kira Nerys in 2373. (DS9: "Ties of Blood and Water") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
  • Gul Trepar ist Kommandant des Vierten Orden. Er ist der mächtigste politische Feind Gul Dukats. Einst ist er ein ranghöherer Offizier als Dukat, wird jedoch degradiert und erhält nun von Dukat Befehle, was Trepar garnicht passt. Tekeny Ghemor berichtet Kira Nerys während der Shri-tal von Trepar und seinem Adjutant Glinn Borven. (DS9: )
  • Trepar was a high ranking Gul in the Cardassian Central Command. He commanded the Fourth Order of the Cardassian Guard in the 2370s. In 2357, Trepar would attend a party at the State Museum of Natural History. At this party he would trade barbs with Skrain Dukat, but was deflected by Dukat's cousin, Akellen Macet. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry) Trepar once outranked Skrain Dukat, and was furious that he had to take orders from him after the Union joined the Dominion. This made him one of Dukat's most powerful enemies. (DS9 episode: "Ties of Blood and Water")
  • [verbe du premier groupe] [treˈpa] conjuguerCatégorie:Conjugaison existante Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe prononciations * l. : [treˈpa] 1. * trépigner, gambader, folâtrer, sauter, danser → cambadejar, trescar 2. * piétiner, fouler aux pieds → trepejar 3. * marcher vigoureusement → trimar 4. * marcher à petits pas → caminar références * R1 : Mistral 1879Catégorie:ProvençalCatégorie:Languedocien * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, Ubaud 2011Catégorie:Languedocien, , Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, , en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, 1. * REDIRECTION
  • Man
  • Trepar
  • , id.
  • Trepar was een Cardassian gul en de commandant van de Vierde orde. Zijn rechterhand was glinn Borven. Trepar was gul Dukat's grootste en machtigste politieke vijand, aangezien Trepar ooit een hogere positie bekleedde in het Cardassian leger. Hij kon er niet tegen dat één van zijn "onderdanen" hem voorbijgestreefd was. Deze informatie werd door Tekeny Ghemor tijdens zijn Shri-tal met Kira Nerys in 2373 onthuld. (DS9: "Ties of Blood and Water")
  • [verbe du premier groupe] [tɾeˈpaɾ] Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1. * grimper → escalar
  • Trepar was a high ranking Gul in the Cardassian Central Command. He commanded the Fourth Order of the Cardassian Guard in the 2370s. In 2357, Trepar would attend a party at the State Museum of Natural History. At this party he would trade barbs with Skrain Dukat, but was deflected by Dukat's cousin, Akellen Macet. (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry) Trepar once outranked Skrain Dukat, and was furious that he had to take orders from him after the Union joined the Dominion. This made him one of Dukat's most powerful enemies. (DS9 episode: "Ties of Blood and Water") Trepar later lead Cardassian and Dominion forces in the Dominion War. (DS9 video game: Dominion Wars) Trepar kept the fact that the Fourth Order used the Glintara sector as a covert base of operations secret from the Cardassian government. Conservator Erek Rhemet was unaware of this. (DS9 novel: Hollow Men) Corat Damar's son Sakal would often imitate Trepar, an imitation that would amuse his father greatly. (DS9 short story: "An Errant Breeze")
  • Gul Trepar was a Cardassian military officer and commander of the Fourth Order. Glinn Borven was assigned as his aide. He was also Gul Dukat’s most powerful political enemy, this came from a deep resentment of Dukat who had once been Trepar’s subordinate and had know risen above him. Tekeny Ghemor revealed this to Kira Nerys during their Shri-tal in 2373.
  • Gul Trepar was a Cardassian officer and commander of the Fourth Order. His aide was Glinn Borven. Ghemor considered him Gul Dukat's most powerful political enemy, as Trepar had once outranked Dukat and resented his former subordinate's rising above him. This information was revealed by Ghemor during his Shri-tal with Kira Nerys in 2373. (DS9: "Ties of Blood and Water") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
  • Gul Trepar ist Kommandant des Vierten Orden. Er ist der mächtigste politische Feind Gul Dukats. Einst ist er ein ranghöherer Offizier als Dukat, wird jedoch degradiert und erhält nun von Dukat Befehle, was Trepar garnicht passt. Tekeny Ghemor berichtet Kira Nerys während der Shri-tal von Trepar und seinem Adjutant Glinn Borven. (DS9: )
  • [verbe du premier groupe] [treˈpa] conjuguerCatégorie:Conjugaison existante Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe prononciations * l. : [treˈpa] 1. * trépigner, gambader, folâtrer, sauter, danser → cambadejar, trescar 2. * piétiner, fouler aux pieds → trepejar 3. * marcher vigoureusement → trimar 4. * marcher à petits pas → caminar références * R1 : Mistral 1879Catégorie:ProvençalCatégorie:Languedocien * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, Ubaud 2011Catégorie:Languedocien, , Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, , en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, 1. * REDIRECTION Chercher "trepar" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
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