  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros (born Cynthia Michele Watros on September 2, 1968 in Lake Orion, Michigan) is an actress who is known for her roles on television such as Titus, The Drew Carey Show, Lost, Guiding Light, House M.D and currently Finding Carter. In 2007, she guest-starred on Law & Order: Criminal Intent in the episode "Offense" as Beth Hoyle.
  • Cynthia Watros played the part of Libby on LOST.
  • Cynthia Watros portrayed Elizabeth "Libby" Smith.
  • Cynthia Watros portrayed Tracy Miller.
  • Cynthia Watros spielt die Rolle der Libby.
  • Cynthia Watros interpreta a personagem Libby Smith.
  • Cynthia provides the voice to Carter Pewterschmidt's security system in "Ocean's Three and a Half".
  • Actress born September 2, 1968, best known as Erin Fitzpatrick on Titus, also known as Annie Dutton on Guiding Light as well as Kellie Newmark on the last two seasons of The Drew Carey Show, and Libby on Lost.
  • Actress Cynthia Watros (born September 2, 1968 in Lake Orion, Michigan) is the actress who portrays Sam Carr, James Wilson's first ex-wife. After a spell of television and movie small parts starting in 1994, Watros made her breakthrough by appearing on 24 episodes of The Guiding Light in 1998. Two years later, she landed the role on Titus of Christopher Titus's on-screen girlfriend Erin Fitzpatrick, a seemingly normal girl who, like the title character, was raised by a dysfunctional family that she refused to acknowledge was dysfunctional. After Titus, she landed the role of Kellie Newmark on The Drew Carey Show. After that, she appeared on the hit series Lost as Libby Smith.
  • Cynthia Watros played Liz Connor in the season eight Grey's Anatomy episode Let the Bad Times Roll.
  • Cythia Watros is de actrice die Elizabeth "Libby" Smith speelt.
  • Cynthia Watros interprétait Libby Smith dans la saison 2 de LOST. Elle a fait quelques apparitions en saisons 4 et 6.
  • Cynthia Watros interpreta el papel de Libby. Conocida por los seguidores de series americanas, esta actriz ya había aparecido en Spin City: loca alcaldía, Profiler, Another World, Titus y The Drew Carey Show antes de llegar a Perdidos (Lost).
  • Cynthia Michele Watros urodziła się 2 września 1968 roku w Lake Orion, w amerykańskim stanie Michigan. Aktorka jako dziecko po kilkuletnim leczeniu przez chemioterapie przezwyciężyła poważną chorobę krwi. W wywiadzie do trzeciego sezonu serialu 'Titus' oświadczyła, że podczas choroby wypadały jej włosy. Rodzice Cynthi rozwiedli się, kiedy miała 7 lat. Ukończyła Boston University.
  • Cynthia Watros è nativa del Michigan. Suo padre, Bruce è ingegnere elettronico e sua madre, Nancy, è segretaria in un ufficio legale; divorziarono quando la figlia aveva 7 anni. Ha un fratello più grande, Steven, anch'egli ingegnere elettronico. Dopo essersi trasferita a New York, come molti, in cerca di fama ha ottenuto un piccolo ruolo in "New York Undercover" in onda sulla Fox. E' però il ruolo dell'infermiera Annie Dutton nella soap della CBS "Sentieri" (Guiding Light) nel 1994, a darle la vera popolarità: qui infatti da dolce ragazza innocente e innamorata si trasforma gradualmente in pazza psicotica omicida, mettendo in mostra le proprie capacità interpretative. Nonostante alcune incompatibilità caratteriali con la star della soap, Kim Zimmer (alias "Reva Shane" rivale di Annie nella
  • Kobieta
  • CynthiaWatros.jpg
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Watros
  • Lake Orion, Michigan USA
  • Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
  • Lake Orion, Michigan, États-Unis
  • Lake Orion, MI
  • Lake Orion, Michigan, EUA
  • Lake Orion, Michigan, U.S.
  • Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
  • Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
  • Lake Orion, Michigan, USA
  • Cynthia Watros
Birth Date
  • 1968-09-02
  • 1968-09-02
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Michele Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • 2
  • 1968-09-02
  • 1968-09-02
  • Cynthia_Watros.jpg
  • Cynthia Watros
  • 1994
  • 914475
  • Knight Fall, six others
  • Female
  • 1968-09-02
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros
  • Cynthia Watros as Erin Fitzpatrick in Titus.
  • GA: 8
  • Cynthia Michele Watros
  • Libby
  • Libby
  • Cynthia Watros (born Cynthia Michele Watros on September 2, 1968 in Lake Orion, Michigan) is an actress who is known for her roles on television such as Titus, The Drew Carey Show, Lost, Guiding Light, House M.D and currently Finding Carter. In 2007, she guest-starred on Law & Order: Criminal Intent in the episode "Offense" as Beth Hoyle.
  • Cynthia Watros è nativa del Michigan. Suo padre, Bruce è ingegnere elettronico e sua madre, Nancy, è segretaria in un ufficio legale; divorziarono quando la figlia aveva 7 anni. Ha un fratello più grande, Steven, anch'egli ingegnere elettronico. Dopo essersi trasferita a New York, come molti, in cerca di fama ha ottenuto un piccolo ruolo in "New York Undercover" in onda sulla Fox. E' però il ruolo dell'infermiera Annie Dutton nella soap della CBS "Sentieri" (Guiding Light) nel 1994, a darle la vera popolarità: qui infatti da dolce ragazza innocente e innamorata si trasforma gradualmente in pazza psicotica omicida, mettendo in mostra le proprie capacità interpretative. Nonostante alcune incompatibilità caratteriali con la star della soap, Kim Zimmer (alias "Reva Shane" rivale di Annie nella contesa dell'amato Josh), il personaggio interpretato da Cynthia diventa uno dei più amati dai fan e le vale nel 1998 un "Daytime Emmy" come migliore attrice emergente. Da qui decide di misurarsi con altri ruoli non rinnovando il contratto per l'anno successivo e lasciando così la serie. La vediamo ancora in "Cafe Society" del 1996, "Rock Paper Scissors" per la Fox, nel ruolo della malata Vicky Hudson McKinnon in "Another World" alla fine del 1998, nel ruolo di Erin nell'episodio pilota di "Titus", ma la Fox ironicamente l'ha pagata meno rispetto a "Rock Paper Scissors". Come risultato del rifiuto dell'offerta, dopo riflessioni approfondite la produzione di "Titus" ha fatto pressioni sulla Fox perchè venisse incontro alle richieste dell'attrice. La Watros ha così dimostrato le proprie abilità di attrice comica con un buon successo di critica. Come altri che raggiunto il successo sul piccolo schermo, l'attrice ha avuto la possibilità di interpretare anche ruoli cinematografici come "The Yellow Bird" del 2001 e "P.S. Your Cat Is Dead" del 2000.
  • Cynthia Michele Watros urodziła się 2 września 1968 roku w Lake Orion, w amerykańskim stanie Michigan. Aktorka jako dziecko po kilkuletnim leczeniu przez chemioterapie przezwyciężyła poważną chorobę krwi. W wywiadzie do trzeciego sezonu serialu 'Titus' oświadczyła, że podczas choroby wypadały jej włosy. Rodzice Cynthi rozwiedli się, kiedy miała 7 lat. Ukończyła Boston University. Jej pierwszą poważną rolą była postać Annie Dutton w mydlanej operze telewizji CBS 'Guiding Light' w latach 1994-98. Za tę rolę otrzymała Nagrodę Emmy w kategori „wybitna główna rola". W 1997 roku wystąpiła w reklamie Nutri Grain. W 1998 rok Cynthia gościnnie zagrała w serialu 'Zagubiony Świat' zastępując aktorkę Jensen Buchanan, która wzięła urlop macierzyński, w roli Victorie Hudson McKinnon. Aktorka jest też znana ze swojej roli w serialu 'Titus', gdzie wcieliła się w rolę Erin Fitzpatrick i Kellie Newmark w serialu 'The Drew Carey Show', gdzie zastąpiła Christe Miller, która zrezygnowała z dalszej gry w serialu. W latach 2005-2006 roku Cynthia grała Libby w drugim sezonie popularnego serialu Lost.
  • Cynthia Watros played the part of Libby on LOST.
  • Cynthia Watros portrayed Elizabeth "Libby" Smith.
  • Cynthia Watros portrayed Tracy Miller.
  • Cynthia Watros spielt die Rolle der Libby.
  • Cynthia Watros interpreta a personagem Libby Smith.
  • Cynthia provides the voice to Carter Pewterschmidt's security system in "Ocean's Three and a Half".
  • Actress born September 2, 1968, best known as Erin Fitzpatrick on Titus, also known as Annie Dutton on Guiding Light as well as Kellie Newmark on the last two seasons of The Drew Carey Show, and Libby on Lost.
  • Actress Cynthia Watros (born September 2, 1968 in Lake Orion, Michigan) is the actress who portrays Sam Carr, James Wilson's first ex-wife. After a spell of television and movie small parts starting in 1994, Watros made her breakthrough by appearing on 24 episodes of The Guiding Light in 1998. Two years later, she landed the role on Titus of Christopher Titus's on-screen girlfriend Erin Fitzpatrick, a seemingly normal girl who, like the title character, was raised by a dysfunctional family that she refused to acknowledge was dysfunctional. After Titus, she landed the role of Kellie Newmark on The Drew Carey Show. After that, she appeared on the hit series Lost as Libby Smith.
  • Cynthia Watros played Liz Connor in the season eight Grey's Anatomy episode Let the Bad Times Roll.
  • Cythia Watros is de actrice die Elizabeth "Libby" Smith speelt.
  • Cynthia Watros interprétait Libby Smith dans la saison 2 de LOST. Elle a fait quelques apparitions en saisons 4 et 6.
  • Cynthia Watros interpreta el papel de Libby. Conocida por los seguidores de series americanas, esta actriz ya había aparecido en Spin City: loca alcaldía, Profiler, Another World, Titus y The Drew Carey Show antes de llegar a Perdidos (Lost).
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