  • Teren Rogriss
  • Teren Rogriss was a Human male who held himself to a strict code of personal honor and duty. He was a career officer in the Imperial Navy, rising to the rank of admiral, while at the same time managing to raise a family. When Warlord Zsinj presented a threat to the Empire in the chaotic aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Rogriss commanded the fleet tasked with destroying him. To accomplish that, he worked in cooperation with General Han Solo of the New Republic in an unusual partnership which culminated in an unsuccessful ambush at the Battle of Vahaba. Solo, however, killed Zsinj shortly thereafter, and Rogriss commanded the effort to conquer Zsinj's territory, in which he faced the warlord Treuten Teradoc and New Republic Supreme Commander Ackbar. In that campaign, he was defeated, result
  • *Rise of the Empire era *Rebellion era *New Republic era
  • *Galactic Empire *Imperial Remnant *Adumari Planetary Defense Forces
  • Teren Rogriss
  • Adumar: Pilots Wanted
  • New Republic
  • Adumar: Pilots Wanted
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20040401adumarmain
  • c. 45 BBY
  • Teren Rogriss was a Human male who held himself to a strict code of personal honor and duty. He was a career officer in the Imperial Navy, rising to the rank of admiral, while at the same time managing to raise a family. When Warlord Zsinj presented a threat to the Empire in the chaotic aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Rogriss commanded the fleet tasked with destroying him. To accomplish that, he worked in cooperation with General Han Solo of the New Republic in an unusual partnership which culminated in an unsuccessful ambush at the Battle of Vahaba. Solo, however, killed Zsinj shortly thereafter, and Rogriss commanded the effort to conquer Zsinj's territory, in which he faced the warlord Treuten Teradoc and New Republic Supreme Commander Ackbar. In that campaign, he was defeated, resulting in his relegation to minor commands. Rogriss served nonetheless, finding a place in the Imperial Remnant once the Empire dissolved. There, he was assigned to the mission to negotiate the planet Adumar's entry to the Imperial Remnant. To do so, he swore an oath to the Adumari that he would leave without harming their world if they declared allegiance to the New Republic, but he knew that the Empire would command an attack if they did so. Torn by this conflict between his duty and honor, Rogriss was approached by the New Republic delegate to Adumar, General Wedge Antilles. Antilles offered Rogriss safe haven, and when Adumar decided to join the New Republic, Rogriss refused to carry out his orders, defecting. He accepted a position as the defense minister of the Adumari Planetary Defense Forces, in which he stayed for several years, fending off retaliatory attacks from the Imperial Remnant.
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