  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • "Dominion" is the nineteenth episode of the tenth season of Stargate SG-1.
  • Tess learns that General Slade was found unconscious on a street corner, proof that someone has gained access to the Phantom Zone's escape portal and sent him back. Clark decides to return to the exiled land to make sure other phantoms are not fleeing and is furious when Oliver tricks him into taking him (Oliver) along. With Clark's powers gone, the two are immediately captured by the Zoners who take them to their new leader Zod, who is thirsting for revenge on Clark for banishing him to this Kryptonian jail. Meanwhile, Lois learns Clark trusted Tess with a secret, but didn't tell her (Lois).
  • Dominion is a cupid-class archer, exclusive to Elona+. It spawns indifferent to the player, unless specific situations dictate otherwise (eg. as a boss). Its sprite is different depending on gender. It is both a ranged attacker and a melee attacker, as it'll close in while shooting his bow and using his special actions. It can cast Attribution which is a stronger version of Elemental Shield and gives resistances to all elements instead of just the three. It can also use the Draw Shadow and Touch Sleep special actions.
  • See: The Dominion War This article is a stub because the previous author was too damn lazy to finish it.
  • |-|KMS 1.2.273= File:Skill Dominion.png 도미니언 * Class: Night Walker * Type: Active * Element Attribute: * Level Requirement: 170 * Maximum Level: 1
  • The Dominion(ドミニオン) is the name of a shady organization operating from the Demon Planet, seen in Samus and Joey volume 3. They are particularly fascinated with the fighting prowess and Chozo technology of Samus Aran, and seek to kill her for that technology, which they intend to sell. The Dominion appears to be led by five men, all of whom wear visors covering their eyes. The merchants of death, as Samus calls them, were responsible for the creation of U-ton, the Hunter-Killers, the Samus Tank and Integra, among other mechanisms. The latter three were based on Samus, who found herself unimpressed by them. Samus fights them throughout volume 3 of the manga. In Metroid EX, they provide technology for the Greed Corps, seeking to benefit from the chaos their operations will bring about.
  • Dominion — карта в сетевой игре Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
  • This mod by Pavel and team, that adds FO1 locations into FO2, with a new story integrated into the existing FO2 world. It can be considered an expansion. More details will follow, as they become available.
  • Dominion är en nation i Gammakvadranten. Med sina ledare Grundarna som har genom gen manupltion skapat sina krigare Jem'Hadar och sin admenrtiva och diplomatiska ras Vorta.
  • Das Dominion ist eine interstellare Großmacht aus dem Gamma-Quadranten der Milchstraße, die zwischen 8000 v. Chr. und dem Jahr 400 von den Wechselbälgern erschaffen wird. Das Dominion besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Spezies und Welten. (DS9: )
  • Dominion was a flag on the Viridian Ocean that was founded in the year 2006 on October 13th.
  • Dominion is the thirteenth and final episode of Series 2 of Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet and final episode of the show overall. However, ITV's Ministry of Mayhem broadcasts erroneously aired this as the 12th episode, with "Grey Skulls" airing a week later. This episode sets New Captain Scarlet apart from the original series as it acts as a true series finale, apparently resolving the conflict between Earth and the Mysterons.
  • In the Christian hierarchy of angels, Dominions are part of the second sphere and are said to watch over nations and regulate the duties of lesser angels. In Moses Maimonides' hierarchy of angels according to Jewish lore, they are Hashmallim, the fourth rank of angels, and are mentioned briefly in the Hebrew version of the Book of Ezekiel.
  • The Dominion (守護騎士, dominion) are special knights among the Gralsritter of the Septian Church. Dominion have been active since circa c. S.200.
  • The Dominion is an evil organization of warlocks and witches that serve as the primary antagonists in Return to Halloweentown. The Dominion included the Chancellor of Witch University and Mr. Sinister.
  • Dominion on GundamOfficial Dominion on Gundam Wikia (Archangel Class) Dominion on MAHQ
  • Das Dominion ist die führende Staatsmacht im Gamma-Quadranten. Sie wird formell regiert von der großen Verbindung der Gründer.
  • Flag Territory The Dominion was an interstellar empire, located in the Gamma Quadrant. It was founded and led by a group of Changelings called the Founders, who over some 2000 years conquered countless worlds across the Gamma Quadrant, maintaining order with their genetically modified minions and armies; the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar.
  • An Domnion was an 1st ranked Mritish colony in the Mritish Empire. An dominon was an self-governing, self-adminstrating, and self-legislating state, but was still fully controlled by Mritain, was still part of the Empire, and wasn't indpendent one bit from Mritain's Empire. Dominions inculded: The Dominion of Menia, The Commonwealth of Jeddiah, The Union of South Africa, The Dominion of New Realand.
  • The Dominion was an interstellar empire whose base is in the Gamma Quadrant and whose seat of power is located on a rogue planet on the Omarion Nebula. It was founded and led by a group of Changelings called the Founders, who over some 2000 years conquered countless worlds across the Gamma Quadrant, maintaining order through their genetically modified servitor races, the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar.
  • Sin embargo, aún quedaron otros miembros de la organización, de alto rango, operando en otros planetas, siendo uno de ellos el dragón Greed, quien se separa poco después para formar su propio ejército, pero aún continuaba trabajando en conjunto con los Dominion, obteniendo armas de ellos y suministro de energía para así obtener beneficios.
  • right De Dominion was een politieke grootmacht wiens invloed zich uitstrekte tot meer dan duizend planeten in het Gamma kwadrant. De Dominion werd opricht door vormveranderaars, beter bekend als de Stichters, tussen de 2.000 en 10.000 jaar geleden.
  • The Terran Dominion, sometimes simply known as the Dominion, is an empire headed by former Sons of Korhal leader Arcturus Mengsk. The Dominion's faction color is blood red.
  • The Dominion keyword allows testing of File:Willpower.png to force a hero in line of sight to move 2 spaces, then that hero tests File:Willpower.png or is Immobilized. Ability text: Dominion: Baron Zachareth tests File:Willpower.png. If he passes, he may move a hero within his line of sight 2 spaces in any direction. After the movement, the hero tests File:Willpower.png. If he fails, the hero is Immobilized.
  • Dominion was a town of about 2000 people in Nova Scotia, Canada. It was located on Cape Breton Island. The town had a team that participated in the 1934-35 Maritimes Senior Playoffs. It is now part of the city of Cape Breton.
  • In Rihan the Dominion was referred to as the "D'Nneikha" (literally "great empire"). (Bait and Switch: "Flaihhsam s'Spahkh")
  • Release date: December 1, 2009[43] The main focus of Dominion, the 12th expansion, is an overhaul in the alliance warfare sovereignty mechanics. It also includes the introduction of pirate epic arcs, an artistic redesign of planets and a social networking platform called COSMOS[43] (previously called New Eden). Dominion updates the In Game Browser (IGB) with Awesomium (a browser toolkit based on Chromium), allowing the IGB to behave more like a true browser and properly render HTML, javascript and stylesheets.[44]
  • Dominion je politické uskupení a zároveň jedna z hlavních galaktických mocností zahrnující tisíce planet v kvadrantu Gama. Přibližně před 10 až 2 tisíci lety byl založen Měňavci, druhem polymorfních organismů, kteří sami sebe nazývají Zakladatelé.
  • Der Modus hatte einen eigenen Warteschlangentyp und wurde auf der Karte Kristallnarbe gespielt. Dominion war sowohl für das Kooperative als auch für das Normale Spiel verfügbar, bei dem man außerdem die Wahl zwischen dem Spieltyp 'Normal mit freier Wahl' und 'Normal mit abwechselnder Wahl' hatte. Eine durchschnittliche Spielrunde Dominion dauerte 15-25 Minuten. Riot hatte nach über vier Jahren entschieden, Dominion zum 22. Februar 2016 komplett aus dem Spiel zu entfernen. Zugleich wurde auch die Kristallnarbe aus dem freien Spiel entfernt.
  • Dominion is a server in Need For Madness Multiplayer.
  • Le Dominion pratique une politique agressive d'expansion et de conquêtes, cherchant la soumission des peuples rencontrés. Cette politique a pour origine le ressentiment qu'éprouvent les Fondateurs pour les espèces "solides", qui les ont persécutés par le passé. Le fonctionnement du Dominion ressemble à celui d'un empire, où les Fondateurs concentrent tous les pouvoirs, les Vortas jouant le rôle d'administrateurs et les Jem'Hadar sont la force militaire. Lors de la rencontre du Dominion avec la Fédération, celui-ci est la puissance majeure du Quadrant Gamma.
  • The Dominion was a major galactic political power, whose influence was exerted over thousands of planets in the Gamma Quadrant. The Dominion was founded somewhere between ten to two thousand years ago by the Changelings, a species of shapeshifters who henceforth called themselves the Founders. Source Memory Alpha Dominion'
  • Dominion was a would be world conqueror in the '80s. He was lower B list, but made a name for himself. He got his powers from a set of six Power gems. Imp did a job for him in 1986. He died in his sleep and the Power Gems were eventually found by two lovers Jack Rabbit and Paradigm.
  • The Dominion is a major galactic power in the Milky Way galaxy that controls a large portion of the Gamma Quadrant. It was founded between 10,000 BC and 2,000 BC by the Changelings and is now populated by them and their genetically-engineered slave races. Excaping persecution, the Changelings decided that if they were to live peacefully with the other beings of the galaxy, whom they called "solids", they decided they would have to dominated them. Finding a new homeworld in the Omarion Nebula, the Changelings renamed themselves the Founders and created the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar.(Star Trek)
  • The Dominion was a Star Dreadnought active by 12 ABY. Originally part of the forces of Imperial warlord Blitzer Harrsk, the Dominion was recovered by Imperial officer Gilad Pellaeon and used to strengthen the navy of the Imperial Remnant. Under the command of Admiral Teren Rogriss, the Super Star Destroyer participated in the Battle of Orinda against the New Republic. Five years later, the Dominion engaged New Republic forces in the Battle of Anx Minor, a major Imperial defeat.
  • A 2008 Board Game designed by Donald X. Vaccarino. It is part of the Euro Game genre (focusing on competition for resources), and is extremely popular. The game has a (loose) premise; You are a freshly-crowned monarch, leader of a tiny kingdom with a handful of resources. Your parents never made much fuss about expansion, but we wouldn't have a proper game if you felt the same way, or if you were the only upstart monarch. Every player starts with 7 Copper cards (1 coin each) and 3 Estate cards (1 victory point each). A turn has three steps: 1. Play an Action card
  • Once one of twin worlds, the Dominion now orbits its home sun alone. Its sister planet was destroyed by the warriors of the Dominion in a recent conflict. The Dominion, ruled by beings known as Dominators, is divided into a series of city-states spread across the inhabitable regions of the planet. Oceans teeming with a wide variety of hitherto unknown aquatic life forms cover much of the world. The society of the Dominators follows a strict caste system; a citizen's rank and position are indicated by the size of the disk on an individual's forehead.
  • La colonie de Pluton ou Dominion a été l’une des premières colonies du système solaire. Son rôle était de s’assurer qu’aucune invasion ne puisse venir de leur côté. Pour cela la colonie a crée des satellites artificiels autour de Pluton. Ces satellites étaient de gigantesques chantiers spatiaux aux défenses impressionnantes. La flotte du Dominion était réputée dans tout le système solaire et elle était aussi la plus évoluée. Les défenses planétaires étaient aussi les plus puissantes du système. Cependant, l’éloignement de la Terre et l’ancienneté de la colonie n’ont pas permis a l’infanterie et a l’économie d’évoluer aussi bien. Le manque de ressources naturelles sur Pluton a aussi amené le Dominion a devenir dépendant d’autres colonies, des colonies minières telles que celles de Saturne o
  • The Dominion are a warlike group from Star Trek. They are based in the Gamma Quadrant. The Dominion was founded thousands of years ago by shapeshifters who had been persecuted and killed by other races. In time, the shapeshifters built a vast empire by exerting their will on other species. Their military, the Jem'Hadar, were undefeated before they fought the Federation. In human history too persecution sometimes makes a person or a group warlike.
  • Catégorie:Ébauche Dominion (ou League of Legends : Dominion) était un mode de jeu dans League of Legends. Dans ce mode de jeu, les champions combattent dans des équipes de 5 contre 5 sur une carte nommée la Brèche de Cristal. Le 10 février 2016, il est annoncé sur le site officiel que le mode Dominion ainsi que la Brèche de Cristal seront désactivés à partir du lundi 22 février 2016, après 4 ans d'existence.
  • Dominion (or League of Legends: Dominion) was a game mode in League of Legends in a 5v5 format on the Crystal Scar centering around objective control. It was released on September 26, 2011 and retired on February 22, 2016. Matchmaking options included Blind Pick and Draft Pick. A Ranked matchmaking system for the game mode was planned, but was later scrapped. __TOC__
  • The Dominion was an ExoCarrier in the ExoFleet during the first few years of the Second Neosapien War. The Dominion was captained by Captain Furlong who believed that Admiral Winfield had lost his will to fight and supported Captain Matthew Marcus's plan to a full attack on the Neo Sapien fleet guarding Earth. Shortly after Captain Matthew Marcus's mutiny and disastrous attack on Earth, the ship briefly served as Admiral Winfield's flagship.
  • Dominion (ou League of Legends : Dominion) était un mode de jeu dans League of Legends. Dans ce mode de jeu, les champions combattent dans des équipes de 5 contre 5 sur une carte nommée la Brèche de Cristal. Le 10 février 2016, il est annoncé sur le site officiel que le mode Dominion ainsi que la Brèche de Cristal seront désactivés à partir du lundi 22 février 2016, après 4 ans d'existence.
  • You have only one chance to activate the quest 'Dominion', and it is right before completing 'Demon Slayer' (when you kill Delrith). At that moment you must have already finished Rune Mysteries or else the quest fill never activate for you. You will see a strange warp appear, causing the surrounding objects to shift about in appearance. This is what activates 'Dominion'. Upon your creation of all four charged talismans, you will have unlocked Chapter 2.
  • W pudełku można znaleźć 500 kart reprezentujących zasoby pieniężne, punkty zwycięstwa i przede wszystkim akcje możliwe do wykonania podczas gry. Zestaw ten, (jak w przypadku każdej niekolekcjonerskiej gry karcianej) jest wystarczający do pełnej rozgrywki. A nawet więcej. Dla gry charakterystycznym jest, że spośród 25 typów kart akcji do pojedynczej rozgrywki wybieranych jest tylko 10. Dzięki temu gracze mają okazję zasiąść do 3268760 różnych otwarć. Powoduje to konieczność opracowywania nowej strategii praktycznie za każdym razem. Mała ilość tekstu na kartach i reguły dające się opisać w kilka minut sprawiają, że gra jest atrakcyjna również dla mniej doświadczonych graczy.
  • A mighty planetary alliance or trading consortium in the Gamma Quadrant, at first unknown to most beyond the wormhole. Composed of "hundreds" of dominated races, the major political, economic and military power in the Gamma Quadrant is led by the Changeling (shapeshifting) Founders, administered by the cloned Vorta, and defended by the Jem'Hadar storm troops. Its age is unknown, but a female shapeshifter says her people began "many years ago" to impose order on their chaotic surroundings.
  • -
  • Prime Jeddak of the Dominion
  • Rub
  • 34
  • 35
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 42
  • 50
  • 51
  • 52
  • 62
  • 100
  • *New Republic era *Legacy era
  • 11
  • 48
  • The Great Link
  • Light-Law
  • Neutral-Law
  • Long
  • Sleeveless
  • Strong
  • -
  • -
  • Dominion
  • -
  • -
  • Dark
  • Gun
  • Death, Curse
  • Gun, Skill
  • Wind, Dark
  • Dominion
  • Dominion
  • Dominion okładka.jpg
  • 119
  • Weak
  • Średniowiecze
Luck Skill
  • -
  • Dominion
  • 28
  • 105
  • 125
  • 127
  • 171
  • 297
  • 250
  • Evolution
Max Luck
  • 72
  • 90
  • 21
  • 94
  • 95
  • 97
  • 99
  • 150
  • 6
  • -
  • 29
  • 42
  • 47
  • 55
  • 57
  • 89
  • 194
  • Karciane; Strategiczne
  • Viridian
  • Emblem of the Dominion
  • Mind
  • 27
  • 36
  • 5
  • 72
  • Single Foe/1/Physical/None
  • Oficiální emblém Dominionu
  • 11
  • 16
  • 47
  • 61
  • Bounce
  • Once one of twin worlds, the Dominion now orbits its home sun alone. Its sister planet was destroyed by the warriors of the Dominion in a recent conflict. The Dominion, ruled by beings known as Dominators, is divided into a series of city-states spread across the inhabitable regions of the planet. Oceans teeming with a wide variety of hitherto unknown aquatic life forms cover much of the world. The society of the Dominators follows a strict caste system; a citizen's rank and position are indicated by the size of the disk on an individual's forehead. The warriors of the Dominion are members of an inherently hostile race. While their ambassadors have signed treaties with the United Planets, the planet has not yet been declared open to tourism and is considered unfriendly. Unknown to most Earthlings, the Dominators were able to secretly take over Earth's government shortly after the Great Collapse.
  • Equips All
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks with a large, non-elemental blast around the user.
  • Attacks with a very large, non-elemental blast around the user.
  • -
  • Justice
  • Judgement
  • 48
  • 83
  • 164
  • 420
  • -
JP Name
  • ドミニオン
  • 主天使ドミニオン
Data wydania
  • 2008
  • Clean Salt
  • 16
  • 20
  • 22
  • 23
  • 26
  • 36
  • 41
  • 43
  • 49
  • 57
  • 99
  • 122
  • 7
  • 66
  • 72
broadcast date
  • 2011-04-29
  • 164
  • 22
  • 35
  • 98
  • 116
  • 136
  • 148
  • 175
  • 243
  • 5248
  • 10332
Strike shot
  • Great White Shift - 18 Turns
  • Harnesses sacred power to greatly increase Speed.
  • White Shift - 12 Turns
  • Harnesses sacred power to massively increase Speed.
  • dominion.png
  • 8
  • 9
  • 14
  • 20
  • 22
  • 30
  • 41
  • 57
  • 61
  • 43
  • 125
  • 139
  • 170
  • 534
  • 142
  • 144
  • 12
  • 13
  • 18
  • 119
  • 10
  • 14
  • 25
  • 41
  • 56
  • 57
  • 23
  • 32
  • 165.800000
  • 193.700000
  • ;gegründet:zwischen 8000 v. Chr. und 400 ;Lage:Gamma-Quadrant, Alpha-Quadrant ;Hauptplanet:Heimatwelt der Gründer ;dominierende Spezies:Wechselbalg, Vorta, Jem'Hadar
  • 12
  • 14
  • 15
  • 21
  • 26
  • 30
  • 71
  • 85
  • 4
  • 5
  • 2007
  • Titan's Wrath
  • -
To Evo
  • 30
  • 10000900
  • 8
  • 52
  • 72
  • 99
  • 11
  • 15
  • 22
  • Kurill Prime , Citadel , Hansia
  • circa 8000BCE
  • 1
  • 10
  • Disbanded
  • 8
  • 25
  • Light
  • LightProof
  • 270
  • Active
  • *Zero Command *Imperial Remnant
  • Cliff Simon as Ba'al
  • Derek Versteeg as Surviving Jaffa
  • Donovan Cerminara as Nolan (Dominion)
  • Eric Breker as Colonel Albert Reynolds
  • Fulvio Cecere as Colonel Ian Davidson
  • Jonathan Walker as Ta'seem
  • Morena Baccarin as Adria
  • Paul Lazenby as Ba'al's Jaffa Commander (Dominion)
  • Peter Flemming as Agent Malcolm Barrett
  • Steven Cree Molison as Player
  • shika
  • Strong
  • -
  • -
  • 211
  • Standard Attack
  • Ranged Attack
  • Touch of Sleep
  • Dominion
  • Grandmaster
  • 18
  • 24
  • 25
  • Dominion
  • The ExoCarrier Dominion
  • the dominion
  • -
  • 76
  • 130
  • 135
  • 138
  • 165
  • 167
  • 187
  • 199
  • 204
  • 211
  • 233
  • 260
  • 278
  • 299
  • Fire
  • Light
  • Holy
  • Blast
  • dom
  • 36
  • 2007-03-06
  • Light
  • Neutral-Law
  • None
  • Arrogant, Temper, Wise
  • Wise, Forceful, Haughty
  • The Dominion departing Io
  • 9
  • 11
  • 20
  • 24
  • 25
  • Attribution Shield
  • Draw Shadow
  • -
  • 134
  • n/a
  • Dirak
  • 69
  • Flight / Shield Breaker
  • 1
  • Yes
  • None
  • -
  • Bronze Box
  • Enkeller
  • Zuftaff Spear
  • 50
  • 11
  • 12
  • 16
  • 18
  • 23
  • 24
  • -'Star Exploders'-, Declaring war against Chocolate
  • 240
  • Blood Diamond, Glory Of Armageddon, Jatsaki Killers, Moral Particle, NORTHERN LIGHTS, Shadow Knights, -'Star Explorers'-,
  • Master angel meaning control. Tasked with spreading God's word.
Episode Number
  • 215
  • Magoku
Preceded By
  • "Family Ties"
  • ???
  • 1019
  • 11
  • 14
  • 15
  • 19
  • 22
  • 28
  • -
  • Resist
  • -
seat of government
  • 105
  • -
  • 21
  • 22
  • 29
  • 58
  • 60
  • 128
  • 130
  • 178
  • 243
  • 69
  • Flare Light Hamaon Lightning Thrust Diarama Sukukaja Mazio
  • Mazan\Innate Dia Aura\35 Null Force\36 Stamina Chakra\Max Loyalty
  • Diarahan\Innate Violet Flash\Innate Tetrakarn\51 Persuade\52 Makakaja\53 Makajam\54 Mahamaon\55
  • Agilao Mudola Angel Kiss
  • Blight Mudola Makarakarn Loyal Force
  • Hamaon\Innate Zionga\Innate Hama Boost\40 Resist Exhaust\41 Mazionga\42 Survive Dark\43 Null Dark\44
  • Dream Eater
  • Mazan Diarahan
  • Mazionga\Innate Megido\Innate Recarmdra\53
  • Megido Diarahan Heat Wave
  • Megido Mahama Mudoon Makakaja Divine Retribution
  • Megido Mahama Recarmdra
  • Megidoloan Mudoon Mahama Divine Retribution
  • Hamaon\Innate Infuriate\Innate Endure Dark\45 Hama Boost\46 Mazionga\47 Resist Dark\49
  • Light Wall\Innate Holy Touch\Innate Mediarama\36 Hamaon\37 Judgement Sword\38 Healing Hand\39
  • Zanma Hama Coup de grace
  • Zionga Mazio Estoma Mediarahan Sukukaja Recarm
  • Zionga Tarunda Marin Karin
  • Maziodyne\Innate Megido\Innate Samarecarm\52 Dekunda\53
  • Holy Flare Glowdeus Shock Stab Healmor Lucidity Shockdeus
  • Mediarahan Tetrakarn Megidola Crystal Wall Heat Wave
  • Mediarahan\i Tetrakarn\i Megidola Crystal Wall Heat Wave
  • *Battle of Orinda *Battle of Anx Minor *Battle of Roche
  • Yes
  • Supreme Marshal of the Fleet
  • ???
  • Holy Touch
  • A discovery in magic grants you the chance of a lifetime...
  • Elec\+3 Light\+3 Heal\+1 Force\-3 Dark\-5
  • -
  • Magic
  • Electricity
  • -
  • Repels Expel, resists Attack.
  • Weak to Sword, nulls Expel and Curse
  • Supreme Council of the Dominion, Citizens' Parliament
  • 15
  • 18
  • 19
  • 30
  • 32
  • 33
  • 14
  • 30
  • 520
  • Earth-One; New Earth
  • *Blitzer Harrsk *Gilad Pellaeon
  • 9
  • 12
  • 14
  • 69
  • 244
  • 245
  • 10.190000
  • 80
  • y
Episode Name
  • Dominion
  • 41
  • Light
  • Electricity
  • -
  • 69
  • -
  • 100
  • 260
  • 285
  • 287
  • 312
  • 319
  • 376
  • 378
  • 390
  • 397
  • 416
  • 417
  • 449
  • 492
  • 520
  • 576
  • 588
  • 630
  • 655
  • 4300
  • 7200
  • 12600
  • Bless
  • y
  • Wind
  • Divine
state name
  • Dominion
  • 22
  • 30
  • Capital ship
  • Dominion
  • 152
  • Dominion logo.png
  • Male
  • Divine
  • Cupid
  • 2
  • -
Followed By
  • "Unending"
  • -
  • Strong
  • Weak
  • no
  • 65
  • 8
  • Between 10,000 BC and the 2nd Millenium BC
  • Logo Dominion.svg
  • * [[runescape:Demon Slayer
  • 19
wikipage disambiguates
  • The Great Link
  • Force
Hlava státu
  • -
  • 1
  • 2
  • ЮНСА против СДФ
  • 16
  • 90
  • 92
  • 93
  • 97
  • 2
  • 93
Liczba graczy
  • 2
  • 69
  • Hamaon Void Fire Void Expel
  • 69
  • 69
Great Link legislature
  • None
MAG Summon
  • 810
  • -
  • 69
Czas rozgrywki
  • 1800.0
Polski wydawca
  • n/a
special conversation
  • from Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Michael
  • 1
emblem image
  • 200
  • 39
  • 56
  • 124
  • 138
  • Kamikaze, Scout
  • 206
  • 69
  • 69
  • 119
  • 69
  • 41
Hlavní město
  • 69
  • Null
The gods of the dominion language
  • Dominionese
intelligence service
  • angel1
  • antiexpel
  • megami angel
  • tech user
  • Phys x1, 1 enemy
  • Physical, one hit, one enemy
  • Brainwash
  • -
  • 17
  • 46
Okładka oryginalna
  • Dominion cover.jpg
Move Type
  • Flight
  • So 'tis time to part... Forget thou not my faithful heart. I bow and take my leave.
  • 112
  • 69
  • -
  • 65
  • 57
Data wydania w Polsce
  • 2009
  • 39
  • 42
  • 57
  • 69
  • 65
  • 112
  • Fire
  • Light
  • před 10 000 až 2 000 lety
major species
  • Changelings, Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Karemma, Cardassians , Breen
  • -
  • 14
  • Fire, Death
  • I am Divine Dominion... Together, we shall purge those who would oppose the Lord.
  • 30
  • 53
převážný druh
  • Holy Shield\Marduk
  • Blood Wine *
  • 69
  • 15
  • 16
  • 116
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 69
  • Cure Critical
  • Light
  • Expel
  • -
  • 18
  • 372
  • Wild
  • Impatient
  • Dobieranie kart; Budowanie talii/puli; Zarządzanie ręką
  • 108
  • 7
  • 69
  • 69
  • 69
  • You have only one chance to activate the quest 'Dominion', and it is right before completing 'Demon Slayer' (when you kill Delrith). At that moment you must have already finished Rune Mysteries or else the quest fill never activate for you. You will see a strange warp appear, causing the surrounding objects to shift about in appearance. This is what activates 'Dominion'. * Go to the Gypsy to report your success. Talk to her about the strange sight you witnessed. She will have no clue what's going on. This also concludes 'Demon Slayer'. * Go to Aubury (the Varrock one) and ask if he knows about the strange sight. He will have no idea either. * Go to Sedridor and ask if he knows about the strange sight. He doesn't really know either, but suggests that you go find all of the mysterious ruins. You decide that it's best to get the elemental runes first. * Somehow get one each of the four talismans (air, water, earth, fire). * Now, do the following whilst holding all four talismans and only those four. * Use the air talisman to find and reach the air temple, without bringing any rune essence. Touch the air temple's central stone once. Your air talisman will become a charged air talisman. * Use the water talisman to find and reach the water temple, without bringing any rune essence. Touch the water temple's central stone once. Your water talisman will become a charged water talisman. * Use the earth talisman to find and reach the earth temple, without bringing any rune essence. Touch the earth temple's central stone once. Your earth talisman will become a charged earth talisman. * Use the fire talisman to find and reach the fire temple, without bringing any rune essence. Touch the fire temple's central stone once. Your fire talisman will become a charged fire talisman. Upon your creation of all four charged talismans, you will have unlocked Chapter 2.
  • "Dominion" is the nineteenth episode of the tenth season of Stargate SG-1.
  • Tess learns that General Slade was found unconscious on a street corner, proof that someone has gained access to the Phantom Zone's escape portal and sent him back. Clark decides to return to the exiled land to make sure other phantoms are not fleeing and is furious when Oliver tricks him into taking him (Oliver) along. With Clark's powers gone, the two are immediately captured by the Zoners who take them to their new leader Zod, who is thirsting for revenge on Clark for banishing him to this Kryptonian jail. Meanwhile, Lois learns Clark trusted Tess with a secret, but didn't tell her (Lois).
  • Dominion is a cupid-class archer, exclusive to Elona+. It spawns indifferent to the player, unless specific situations dictate otherwise (eg. as a boss). Its sprite is different depending on gender. It is both a ranged attacker and a melee attacker, as it'll close in while shooting his bow and using his special actions. It can cast Attribution which is a stronger version of Elemental Shield and gives resistances to all elements instead of just the three. It can also use the Draw Shadow and Touch Sleep special actions.
  • See: The Dominion War This article is a stub because the previous author was too damn lazy to finish it.
  • |-|KMS 1.2.273= File:Skill Dominion.png 도미니언 * Class: Night Walker * Type: Active * Element Attribute: * Level Requirement: 170 * Maximum Level: 1
  • The Dominion(ドミニオン) is the name of a shady organization operating from the Demon Planet, seen in Samus and Joey volume 3. They are particularly fascinated with the fighting prowess and Chozo technology of Samus Aran, and seek to kill her for that technology, which they intend to sell. The Dominion appears to be led by five men, all of whom wear visors covering their eyes. The merchants of death, as Samus calls them, were responsible for the creation of U-ton, the Hunter-Killers, the Samus Tank and Integra, among other mechanisms. The latter three were based on Samus, who found herself unimpressed by them. Samus fights them throughout volume 3 of the manga. In Metroid EX, they provide technology for the Greed Corps, seeking to benefit from the chaos their operations will bring about.
  • Dominion — карта в сетевой игре Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
  • This mod by Pavel and team, that adds FO1 locations into FO2, with a new story integrated into the existing FO2 world. It can be considered an expansion. More details will follow, as they become available.
  • Dominion är en nation i Gammakvadranten. Med sina ledare Grundarna som har genom gen manupltion skapat sina krigare Jem'Hadar och sin admenrtiva och diplomatiska ras Vorta.
  • The Dominion was an ExoCarrier in the ExoFleet during the first few years of the Second Neosapien War. The Dominion was captained by Captain Furlong who believed that Admiral Winfield had lost his will to fight and supported Captain Matthew Marcus's plan to a full attack on the Neo Sapien fleet guarding Earth. Shortly after Captain Matthew Marcus's mutiny and disastrous attack on Earth, the ship briefly served as Admiral Winfield's flagship. The Dominion was equipped with a multitude of E-frame hangars, laser batteries, and fusion torpedo launchers. Typical of exocarries the ship had multiple decks and carried several hundred crewmembers including officers, e-frame pilots, jumptroopers, engineers, security personal and cooks. She fought in the campaign against the Pirate Clans and the first two major battles with the Neosapiens.
  • La colonie de Pluton ou Dominion a été l’une des premières colonies du système solaire. Son rôle était de s’assurer qu’aucune invasion ne puisse venir de leur côté. Pour cela la colonie a crée des satellites artificiels autour de Pluton. Ces satellites étaient de gigantesques chantiers spatiaux aux défenses impressionnantes. La flotte du Dominion était réputée dans tout le système solaire et elle était aussi la plus évoluée. Les défenses planétaires étaient aussi les plus puissantes du système. Cependant, l’éloignement de la Terre et l’ancienneté de la colonie n’ont pas permis a l’infanterie et a l’économie d’évoluer aussi bien. Le manque de ressources naturelles sur Pluton a aussi amené le Dominion a devenir dépendant d’autres colonies, des colonies minières telles que celles de Saturne ou de Jupiter ou Mars. Aujourd’hui, ces dépendances ont amené le Dominion à devoir se battre avec des alliés ou a devoir combler ces lacunes.
  • Das Dominion ist eine interstellare Großmacht aus dem Gamma-Quadranten der Milchstraße, die zwischen 8000 v. Chr. und dem Jahr 400 von den Wechselbälgern erschaffen wird. Das Dominion besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Spezies und Welten. (DS9: )
  • A 2008 Board Game designed by Donald X. Vaccarino. It is part of the Euro Game genre (focusing on competition for resources), and is extremely popular. The game has a (loose) premise; You are a freshly-crowned monarch, leader of a tiny kingdom with a handful of resources. Your parents never made much fuss about expansion, but we wouldn't have a proper game if you felt the same way, or if you were the only upstart monarch. The game is entirely card-based. Compared often to a CCG, each player has a private deck of cards that represent their dominion- the resources, income, and employees that they have access to. Players expand this dominion by purchasing cards from stacks at the center of the table. But each of these cards is in limited supply, and players with more buying power will obviously get them first. Every player starts with 7 Copper cards (1 coin each) and 3 Estate cards (1 victory point each). A turn has three steps: 1. Play an Action card 2. Buy a card from a stack by playing coin cards 3. Clean-up- discard all the cards you've played and draw 5 cards for your next turn. When you can't draw any more cards, you shuffle your discard pile to make a new deck. When 3 of the stacks of cards run dry, the game ends, and players count up all the victory point cards they've bought. The game can also end if all of the province cards (the highest-ranking victory cards) have been taken. The meat of the game, however, is in the cards available to you. Every game contains the basic treasure cards (1, 2, and 3 coins) and victory cards (1, 3, and 6 points), but the 10 purchasable cards (kingdom cards) can be chosen randomly or by player vote. They can range from giving extra buys or draws, to attacking opponents, to manipulating your deck and more. The base game comes with 25 cards, and the game already has 6 expansions. The game is so popular because despite the simple turn flow, there are numerous things to consider and many card effects to take into account. The most basic considerations are straightforward; victory points are useful at the end of the game, but during play they clog up your hand and deck, reducing your options. Action cards are helpful, but buying power must be purchased too, in the form of coins, and victory points are expensive, so where do you focus your money in each phase of the game? Another element of this game praised often is the heavy playtesting that has gone into it- every card cost and effect is well thought out and tested, so the game is very finely balanced. And there are ~200 cards. Not to be confused with the Video Game Dominions.
  • Dominion was a flag on the Viridian Ocean that was founded in the year 2006 on October 13th.
  • Dominion is the thirteenth and final episode of Series 2 of Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet and final episode of the show overall. However, ITV's Ministry of Mayhem broadcasts erroneously aired this as the 12th episode, with "Grey Skulls" airing a week later. This episode sets New Captain Scarlet apart from the original series as it acts as a true series finale, apparently resolving the conflict between Earth and the Mysterons.
  • In the Christian hierarchy of angels, Dominions are part of the second sphere and are said to watch over nations and regulate the duties of lesser angels. In Moses Maimonides' hierarchy of angels according to Jewish lore, they are Hashmallim, the fourth rank of angels, and are mentioned briefly in the Hebrew version of the Book of Ezekiel.
  • The Dominion (守護騎士, dominion) are special knights among the Gralsritter of the Septian Church. Dominion have been active since circa c. S.200.
  • The Dominion is an evil organization of warlocks and witches that serve as the primary antagonists in Return to Halloweentown. The Dominion included the Chancellor of Witch University and Mr. Sinister.
  • Dominion on GundamOfficial Dominion on Gundam Wikia (Archangel Class) Dominion on MAHQ
  • Das Dominion ist die führende Staatsmacht im Gamma-Quadranten. Sie wird formell regiert von der großen Verbindung der Gründer.
  • Flag Territory The Dominion was an interstellar empire, located in the Gamma Quadrant. It was founded and led by a group of Changelings called the Founders, who over some 2000 years conquered countless worlds across the Gamma Quadrant, maintaining order with their genetically modified minions and armies; the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar.
  • Dominion (or League of Legends: Dominion) was a game mode in League of Legends in a 5v5 format on the Crystal Scar centering around objective control. It was released on September 26, 2011 and retired on February 22, 2016. Players were able to play Dominion in a nearly complete state at GamesCom (August 17–21, 2011) in Europe and at PAX Prime (August 26–28, 2011) in North America. A limited time open beta began on September 21, 2011 and lasted approximately two hours. Another limited beta testing started on September 23, 2011. Dominion was released to the public at 6:00AM PDT on September 26, 2011, during patch V1.0.0.125. It was removed from the available games list on February 22, 2016 and removed all together with Patch 6.4. Matchmaking options included Blind Pick and Draft Pick. A Ranked matchmaking system for the game mode was planned, but was later scrapped. __TOC__
  • An Domnion was an 1st ranked Mritish colony in the Mritish Empire. An dominon was an self-governing, self-adminstrating, and self-legislating state, but was still fully controlled by Mritain, was still part of the Empire, and wasn't indpendent one bit from Mritain's Empire. Dominions inculded: The Dominion of Menia, The Commonwealth of Jeddiah, The Union of South Africa, The Dominion of New Realand.
  • Once one of twin worlds, the Dominion now orbits its home sun alone. Its sister planet was destroyed by the warriors of the Dominion in a recent conflict. The Dominion, ruled by beings known as Dominators, is divided into a series of city-states spread across the inhabitable regions of the planet. Oceans teeming with a wide variety of hitherto unknown aquatic life forms cover much of the world. The society of the Dominators follows a strict caste system; a citizen's rank and position are indicated by the size of the disk on an individual's forehead. The warriors of the Dominion are members of an inherently hostile race. While their ambassadors have signed treaties with the United Planets, the planet has not yet been declared open to tourism and is considered unfriendly. Unknown to most Earthlings, the Dominators were able to secretly take over Earth's government shortly after the Great Collapse.
  • The Dominion was an interstellar empire whose base is in the Gamma Quadrant and whose seat of power is located on a rogue planet on the Omarion Nebula. It was founded and led by a group of Changelings called the Founders, who over some 2000 years conquered countless worlds across the Gamma Quadrant, maintaining order through their genetically modified servitor races, the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar.
  • Sin embargo, aún quedaron otros miembros de la organización, de alto rango, operando en otros planetas, siendo uno de ellos el dragón Greed, quien se separa poco después para formar su propio ejército, pero aún continuaba trabajando en conjunto con los Dominion, obteniendo armas de ellos y suministro de energía para así obtener beneficios.
  • right De Dominion was een politieke grootmacht wiens invloed zich uitstrekte tot meer dan duizend planeten in het Gamma kwadrant. De Dominion werd opricht door vormveranderaars, beter bekend als de Stichters, tussen de 2.000 en 10.000 jaar geleden.
  • The Terran Dominion, sometimes simply known as the Dominion, is an empire headed by former Sons of Korhal leader Arcturus Mengsk. The Dominion's faction color is blood red.
  • W pudełku można znaleźć 500 kart reprezentujących zasoby pieniężne, punkty zwycięstwa i przede wszystkim akcje możliwe do wykonania podczas gry. Zestaw ten, (jak w przypadku każdej niekolekcjonerskiej gry karcianej) jest wystarczający do pełnej rozgrywki. A nawet więcej. Dla gry charakterystycznym jest, że spośród 25 typów kart akcji do pojedynczej rozgrywki wybieranych jest tylko 10. Dzięki temu gracze mają okazję zasiąść do 3268760 różnych otwarć. Powoduje to konieczność opracowywania nowej strategii praktycznie za każdym razem. Mała ilość tekstu na kartach i reguły dające się opisać w kilka minut sprawiają, że gra jest atrakcyjna również dla mniej doświadczonych graczy. Powszechny entuzjazm związany z Dominionem nie uszedł uwadze wydawców. Pod koniec marca 2009 roku ukazało się polskie wydanie gry, przygotowane przez
  • The Dominion keyword allows testing of File:Willpower.png to force a hero in line of sight to move 2 spaces, then that hero tests File:Willpower.png or is Immobilized. Ability text: Dominion: Baron Zachareth tests File:Willpower.png. If he passes, he may move a hero within his line of sight 2 spaces in any direction. After the movement, the hero tests File:Willpower.png. If he fails, the hero is Immobilized.
  • Dominion was a town of about 2000 people in Nova Scotia, Canada. It was located on Cape Breton Island. The town had a team that participated in the 1934-35 Maritimes Senior Playoffs. It is now part of the city of Cape Breton.
  • In Rihan the Dominion was referred to as the "D'Nneikha" (literally "great empire"). (Bait and Switch: "Flaihhsam s'Spahkh")
  • Release date: December 1, 2009[43] The main focus of Dominion, the 12th expansion, is an overhaul in the alliance warfare sovereignty mechanics. It also includes the introduction of pirate epic arcs, an artistic redesign of planets and a social networking platform called COSMOS[43] (previously called New Eden). Dominion updates the In Game Browser (IGB) with Awesomium (a browser toolkit based on Chromium), allowing the IGB to behave more like a true browser and properly render HTML, javascript and stylesheets.[44]
  • Dominion je politické uskupení a zároveň jedna z hlavních galaktických mocností zahrnující tisíce planet v kvadrantu Gama. Přibližně před 10 až 2 tisíci lety byl založen Měňavci, druhem polymorfních organismů, kteří sami sebe nazývají Zakladatelé.
  • Dominion (ou League of Legends : Dominion) était un mode de jeu dans League of Legends. Dans ce mode de jeu, les champions combattent dans des équipes de 5 contre 5 sur une carte nommée la Brèche de Cristal. Le mode de jeu Dominion a été disponible pour la première fois, en version beta, à l'événement GamesCom en Europe (du 17 au 21 Août 2011), puis à PAX Prime en Amérique du Nord (du 26 au 28 Août). Un "open beta" a été ouvert pendant une près de deux heures le 21 Septembre 2011. Un deuxième open beta a été ouvert le 23 Septembre. Dominion a fait son entrée officielle lors de sa sortie le 26 Septembre 2011 à 6h du matin, lors du patch V1.0.0.125. Le 10 février 2016, il est annoncé sur le site officiel que le mode Dominion ainsi que la Brèche de Cristal seront désactivés à partir du lundi 22 février 2016, après 4 ans d'existence.
  • Der Modus hatte einen eigenen Warteschlangentyp und wurde auf der Karte Kristallnarbe gespielt. Dominion war sowohl für das Kooperative als auch für das Normale Spiel verfügbar, bei dem man außerdem die Wahl zwischen dem Spieltyp 'Normal mit freier Wahl' und 'Normal mit abwechselnder Wahl' hatte. Eine durchschnittliche Spielrunde Dominion dauerte 15-25 Minuten. Riot hatte nach über vier Jahren entschieden, Dominion zum 22. Februar 2016 komplett aus dem Spiel zu entfernen. Zugleich wurde auch die Kristallnarbe aus dem freien Spiel entfernt.
  • Dominion is a server in Need For Madness Multiplayer.
  • Catégorie:Ébauche Dominion (ou League of Legends : Dominion) était un mode de jeu dans League of Legends. Dans ce mode de jeu, les champions combattent dans des équipes de 5 contre 5 sur une carte nommée la Brèche de Cristal. Le mode de jeu Dominion a été disponible pour la première fois, en version beta, à l'événement GamesCom en Europe (du 17 au 21 Août 2011), puis à PAX Prime en Amérique du Nord (du 26 au 28 Août). Un "open beta" a été ouvert pendant une près de deux heures le 21 Septembre 2011. Un deuxième open beta a été ouvert le 23 Septembre. Dominion a fait son entrée officielle lors de sa sortie le 26 Septembre 2011 à 6h du matin, lors du patch V1.0.0.125. Le 10 février 2016, il est annoncé sur le site officiel que le mode Dominion ainsi que la Brèche de Cristal seront désactivés à partir du lundi 22 février 2016, après 4 ans d'existence.
  • A mighty planetary alliance or trading consortium in the Gamma Quadrant, at first unknown to most beyond the wormhole. Composed of "hundreds" of dominated races, the major political, economic and military power in the Gamma Quadrant is led by the Changeling (shapeshifting) Founders, administered by the cloned Vorta, and defended by the Jem'Hadar storm troops. Its age is unknown, but a female shapeshifter says her people began "many years ago" to impose order on their chaotic surroundings. The Founders created the Dominion and command the genetically-bred Jem'Hadar armies —those who resist membership face elimination. A toehold was gained in the Alpha Quadrant with Cardassia's joining, prompting a full-scale invasion in 2373-74 as the greatest threat to the Alpha Quadrant since the appearance of the Borg. The threat has since been met and subdued by the Federation.
  • Le Dominion pratique une politique agressive d'expansion et de conquêtes, cherchant la soumission des peuples rencontrés. Cette politique a pour origine le ressentiment qu'éprouvent les Fondateurs pour les espèces "solides", qui les ont persécutés par le passé. Le fonctionnement du Dominion ressemble à celui d'un empire, où les Fondateurs concentrent tous les pouvoirs, les Vortas jouant le rôle d'administrateurs et les Jem'Hadar sont la force militaire. Lors de la rencontre du Dominion avec la Fédération, celui-ci est la puissance majeure du Quadrant Gamma.
  • The Dominion was a Star Dreadnought active by 12 ABY. Originally part of the forces of Imperial warlord Blitzer Harrsk, the Dominion was recovered by Imperial officer Gilad Pellaeon and used to strengthen the navy of the Imperial Remnant. Under the command of Admiral Teren Rogriss, the Super Star Destroyer participated in the Battle of Orinda against the New Republic. Five years later, the Dominion engaged New Republic forces in the Battle of Anx Minor, a major Imperial defeat. By 41 ABY, the Dominion was still operational. It served as the flagship of the Remnant's invasion force during the attack on the Roche asteroid field during the Second Galactic Civil War. When the Imperial fleet arrived at the asteroid field, Mandalorian leader Boba Fett—on hand to assist in the defense of the asteroid Nickel One—convinced Nickel One's Verpine High Coordinator to launch the asteroid's starfighter force, in coordination with Mandalorian starships, at the Dominion. The fighters succeeded in their suicide run, and the warship was destroyed.
  • The Dominion are a warlike group from Star Trek. They are based in the Gamma Quadrant. The Dominion was founded thousands of years ago by shapeshifters who had been persecuted and killed by other races. In time, the shapeshifters built a vast empire by exerting their will on other species. Their military, the Jem'Hadar, were undefeated before they fought the Federation. In human history too persecution sometimes makes a person or a group warlike. The Dominion is led by the Founders, shapeshifters who have become warlike from being persecuted. The second-most powerful race are the Vorta, who were "elevated" to sentient status after protecting a Founder. The Jem'Hadar are the warrior caste. They kill everything in their way and are addicted to a drug that only the Founders can provide to ensure loyalty. Policy against the Dominion by Alpha Quadrant members demonstrated possible outcomes against a massive foe. The Federation tried to negotiate with them. This failed because the Founders refused peace. The Romulans and Cardassians launched a first strike. Their fleets were wiped out. The lesson here is that peace is usually the way to go, but sometimes it does not work so you need to prepare; a first strike against a foe you know little about is always a very, very, very BAD idea.
  • The Dominion was a major galactic political power, whose influence was exerted over thousands of planets in the Gamma Quadrant. The Dominion was founded somewhere between ten to two thousand years ago by the Changelings, a species of shapeshifters who henceforth called themselves the Founders. Source Memory Alpha Dominion'
  • Dominion was a would be world conqueror in the '80s. He was lower B list, but made a name for himself. He got his powers from a set of six Power gems. Imp did a job for him in 1986. He died in his sleep and the Power Gems were eventually found by two lovers Jack Rabbit and Paradigm.
  • The Dominion is a major galactic power in the Milky Way galaxy that controls a large portion of the Gamma Quadrant. It was founded between 10,000 BC and 2,000 BC by the Changelings and is now populated by them and their genetically-engineered slave races. Excaping persecution, the Changelings decided that if they were to live peacefully with the other beings of the galaxy, whom they called "solids", they decided they would have to dominated them. Finding a new homeworld in the Omarion Nebula, the Changelings renamed themselves the Founders and created the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar.(Star Trek)
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