  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • - (Coming Soon)
  • This is mercenary. Who can be hired at the pub. This character appears both in Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders and Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes.
  • Gabriel est un assistant social chargé de trouver l'origine des conflits entre les membres de la famille Simpson, il doit les aider à redevenir une famille unie. Il amène la famille dans les bois pour libérer les Simpson de leurs comportements négatifs. La sortie dans les bois a permis de rapprocher la famille Simpson et lorsque la famille revient dans leur maison avec Gabriel et qu'ils tombent sur Carmen et Ginger, les épouses de Ned Flanders et d'Homer Simpson, Gabriel part terriblement choqué.
  • Gabriel is a middling paladin of Arden, a god of the sun. Gabriel is kind of a overly cocky prick, but had that literally beaten out of him a bit when he joined the Great Downward in an encounter with a Balor. Even though Arden is as dead as a god gets, and Gabriel is quite possibly his only follower of notable strength, Arden is still probably deeply disappointed in him. Gabriel currently spends most of his time either at the Fallen Sword or the Bastion.
  • <default>Gabriel</default> Title Gender Race Ethnicity Affiliation Class Occupation Relatives Status Appearances Gabriel was the master blacksmith of Akkhan, and always sought to improve the efficiency of the Crusaders. Among his works were a pair of vambraces that aided in the summoning of the Blessed Hammer.
  • Gabriel was a nation located in the north-west corner of the northern continent, bordering Arjastan, Escotia and Tomstria. Gabriel was a founder member of the NSC, and won NSC 7, hosting NSC 8 in Newcastle, the capital city.
  • Gabriel is an Archangel. He is mentioned in Small Favor and Ghost Story.
  • Gabriel – postać, występująca w Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bogów. Jest dowódcą obozu zbrojnego przed Gothą.
  • Gabriel (ガブリオ, Gabrio) is a character from the video game Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2. He is the leader of a group of humans and summon creatures known as the Wind Brigade. Gabriel is a summon creature who longs for his homeworld, Maetropa, and is desperate to return to it. He even betrays his friends in order to try and return to his homeworld, however, he regreted it later. He has dog or wolflike attributes, including a strong sense of smell and only being able to relax when not alone. Gabriel is almost never seen without his best friend, Xeride.
  • Gabriel is an Angel and one of the Four Great Seraph, a group of Angels that are the guardians of the Throne of Heaven.
  • Gabriel is the hero who showed up at EnderCon, and the part of the Order Of The Stone.
  • Gabriel is a heavyweight robot that competed in Series 8 of Robot Wars. It reached the Heat Final in this series, losing to eventual Grand Finalist Pulsar on a close Judges' decision. Different members of Team Saint entered Series 9 with Cherub, while Gabriel remained an unused reserve. The robot's name is derived from the angel Gabriel, sent by God as a messenger to other biblical figures. This is reflected in Gabriel's white colour scheme and Craig Colliass' reluctance to attack defeated robots, with Team Saint claiming that they want to represent one of the 'good guys instead of a bad guy’.
  • Gabriel fue un hombre lobo y el ex líder de la manada de Nueva York. Fue asesinado por Luke Garroway cuando fue desafiado por el liderazgo de la manada. Maia Roberts dijo que le había agradado Gabriel, pero prefería más a Luke.
  • Gabriel was a solar in the service of Bahamut.
  • Gabriel was a student at Bayside High School.
  • Gabriel, der Erzengel
  • Gabriel war ein Werwolf und der ehemalige Leiter des New Yorker Rudels. Er wurde von Luke Garroway getötet, als Luke ihn herauforderte um die Leitung des Rudels zu kämpfen. Maia Roberts meinte, dass sie Gabriel mochte, Luke aber lieber hat. Kategorie:Werwölfe Kategorie:Schattenwesen Kategorie:Schattenwelter Kategorie:Hintergrundwissen Kategorie:New Yorker Rudel Kategorie:Verstorbene Person Kategorie:Männlicher Charakter
  • Gabriel (ガブリエル, gaburieru) is a Level 44 Persona of the Empress Arcana. It can be obtained from Shuffle Time in the Secret Laboratory dungeon. Gabriel inherits "Ice" skills from other Personas in Fusion.
  • Gabriel is a strong man for the traveling Carnivale and he is also the son of Ruthie
  • Gabriel es uno de los tres arcángeles principales dentro de las religiones judía, cristiana e islámica. Las Iglesias católica, ortodoxa y algunas protestantes, junto con el islam, lo consideran arcángel por ser junto con Miguel y Rafael, los únicos ángeles con nombre, mensajeros de Dios encargados de llevar misiones de importancia. En el islam, a Gabriel se le considera también como uno de los principales mensajeros de Dios, pues es él quien reveló a Mahoma el Corán.
  • Gabriel was an acolyte who fought alongside Andraste against Makkun Telkanin during a brawl on Korriban. The acolytes, assisted by Andelka and Inquitious, killed Telkanin, despite an intervention from Geist Weiss.
  • Gabriel Stokes is a character first encountered in Issue 61 of Image Comics' The Walking Dead and is a priest who came across Rick Grimes and his group after leaving his church, where he had been hiding from the undead. he is shown to be somewhat cowardly but can make up for it by keeping everyones spirits up he is somewhat skilled in combat and can handle himself very well
  • Gabriel (受胎告知 (ガブリエール), gaburieru; Japanese for "Notice of Conception") is a technique used by Szayelaporro Granz in his Resurrección, Fornicarás.
  • Gabriel was a female smuggler partnered with the male, Danna. She was known as "Gabby" for short, and together they owned a starship and were transporting denta beans to the planet Gyndine during the Galactic Civil War. At a spaceport on route, Gabriel met an old smuggling associate who was now a NewsNet code dealer. Gabriel convinced him to sell her that month's codes to Cynabar's InfoNet. She attempted to convince Danna to reroute to Lan Barell, dump the denta beans for lommite, and pay off their outstanding amount on the ship in one go.
  • Gabriel a New York-i falka egykori vezetője. Luke Garroway kihívta és megölte, így átvezette tőle a falka vezetését.
  • Gabriel is a cat who formerly emulated Garfield, much to the dismay of the latter. He lives with an owner who is similar to Jon Arbuckle and an Odie-like dog named Ollie.
  • Gabriel (ガブリエル, Gaburieru)? is a demon in the series.
  • You can talk to him in the pub in Celapaleis when hired to gain his Parameter Bonus
  • Gabriel was the archangel of the east. Gabriel was said to have taken the Black Stone then given it to Abraham who used it as the cornerstone for his temple. Invoking Gabriel's name was required as part of the ritual used to invoke the power of the alicorn at the Temple of Purity in Greece.
  • Gabriel ist ein Verbündeter von Ben und Jill. Ben fragt, ob er und Jeffrey sich schon bei Jill gemeldet haben, was diese bestätigt. („“)
  • Gabriel (豹王の爪(デスガロン), Gaburieru ?, lit. "Noticia de Concepción") es la técnica final de la resurrección de Szayelaporro.
  • Gabriel is an angel appearing in Luc Besson's Thy Kingdom Come portrayed by Alan Cumming. He is called on by dispatched angel Uriel to help with the Liverpool Police Officers guarding Accursed One Jennifer Morianis.
  • Gabriel the Messenger is a minor character belonging to Pippy in World 9: Mythical Crossover. He is an archangel and the brother of main character, Goru.
  • Gabriel är en ängel som nämns i Bibeln. Under 2009 när Doktor Nicholas Rush och Robert Caine diskuterade hur han och de andra hade återvänt till Destiny. När Rush kommenterade om hur Caine trodde att det var Guds sak att de hade återvänt men med minnesförlust. Rush frågade var det inte Gabriel som talade till Abraham och Caine och de andra hade återvänt utan bevis på hans frälsare eller något annat sätt. (SGU: "Visitation")
  • Gabriel is the second robot made by the Saint team. It was created in 2014 and competed in the 2014 UK Heavyweight Championships with little success. It is based off the team's featherweight.It then fought in Series 8 of Robot wars and reached the heat final.
  • Gabriel is a former KGB supervisor of Elizabeth Jennings and Philip Jennings. He was replaced as their handler by Claudia. In the Season Three episode EST Men, he returns to supervising them.
  • Gabriel, labeled The French Athlete, is a contestant on Total Drama Flashback.
  • Gabriel was een jonge inwoner van de planeet Gaia en een afstammeling van de bemanning van de USS Defiant. Zijn bestaan zou teniet gedaan worden, samen met dat van alle inwoners van Gaia, omdat Odo het vluchtplan van de Defiant zo aan wist te passen dat het sterrenschip niet neer zou storten op de planeet. Hierdoor zou er geen mogelijkheid zijn om een alternatieve tijdlijn te vormen. (DS9: "Children of Time")
  • Gabriel is the leader of the Hounds during the events of the Wicked Lovely series. __TOC__
  • Gabriel was a kidnapper from Argentina who kidnapped Alan Hayes to use as leverage against Apex Industries.
  • Gabriel est mentionné dans la conversation qu'a Benjamin Linus avec Jill. (Ne jamais mentir)
  • Gabriel was a terran marine who served in Omega Squadron. Sometime after the Brood War, Gabriel was part of a Dominion Marine Corps force dispatched to Artika, doing battle against the zerg. As part of the first wave, Gabriel and the rest of Charlie Squad secured the landing zone, defeating the zerg sent against them and moving on to the secondary objective. However, they were set upon by a group of Dark Templar. A scanner sweep from a ComSat station revealed them, but Gabriel had been killed by this point.
  • La Repubblica di Stea ha raccolto questo Angelo ad un certo punto, durante il salto di tempo di 4 anni. Categoria:angeli
  • Gabriel was a werewolf and the leader of the New York werewolf pack after Véronique. He was killed by Luke Garroway when he was challenged for the pack's leadership. Maia Roberts stated that she had liked Gabriel, but she favored Luke more.
  • frame|GabrielGabriel es uno de los personajes de Aventuras en la Región de Hoenn. Es rival de Daniel y Lisy. Tiene 13 años.
  • Gabriel is a council worker who is employed to keep the Simpson family together and takes them to the woods. In the woods, the Simpson family saves Gabriel and Homer thinks he is an angel. After making sure the Simpsons are still together and happy, Gabriel is disgusted to see Homer's Vegas wife, Amber Simpson, there and leaves.
  • Gabriel es un hombre mencionado por Ben Linus cuando habla con Jill. La relación entre Ben y Jill es desconocida
  • Gabriel (Japanese: ゲブリエル Gabriel) is a shiny Shedinja owned by Faith who appears as a non-player character in Pokémon BlueMoon, MidnightSun, and ShiningStar.
  • Joan Baez sings "Honest Lullaby" in episode 503 of The Muppet Show, a song she wrote for her son, Gabriel Harris. He is represented in this piece as a Muppet boy, who is sung to by Baez in his bedroom decorated with Superman: The Movie and Grease posters. In the song, Baez compares her upbringing with that of her son's, and references some things that he likes, such as teddy bears, alligators and Enterprise communicators.
  • Gabriel war ein Neonazi. Durch die Hilfe von Manuela und der Organisation Exit stieg er dann aus der Rechten Szene aus. Er kommt schließlich mit Manuela Vogt zusammen. Jedoch zieht Gabriel nach Baden-Wüttenberg, um von der Rechten Szene Abstand zu nehmen. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Constantin von Jascheroff.
  • Gabriel 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他沒有在任何集數登場,只在第5季第2集提及。
  • Gabriel is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra.
  • Gabriel is the main protagonist of the Kinect game Fable: The Journey. Gabriel is a Dweller who, along with his horse Seren, has been separated from his clan. He comes across Theresa, who has been mortally wounded by a dark force known as the Corruption. He must take Theresa to the Spire before the Corruption catches up with the two of them.
  • Gabriel is a gargoyle living on Avalon, and is the leader of the Avalon Clan.
  • Al final del Episodio 3 : The Last Place You Look , Gabriel ha sobrevivido a ser comido por el WitherStorm en el Episodio 1. Más tarde se reveló que ya no se acuerda de su identidad. thumb|Skin de Gabriel en Categoría:Minecraft Story Mode Categoría:Humano Categoría:Skin
  • Gabriel is one of the angels in heaven that Tsion Ben-Judah talks with in the book "The Indwelling" when he sees Michael the archangel dealing with Satan and his angels.
  • Gabriel (受胎告知 (ガブリエール) , gaburiēru; po japońsku „Uwaga o Poczęciu”) jest techniką Resurrección Szayela.
  • Gabriel, also known as Loki or The Trickster, was the fourth and youngest of the four archangels created by God. Despite the fact that he was the youngest of the archangels seen on the show so far, he was still very powerful. Gabriel was very compassionate towards his family. Although he was the very first celestial to be seen on the show, he was the last archangel to be revealed.
  • Gabriel war ein geschickter und ideenreicher Handwerker aus Verden. Ihm wurde die Ehre zuteil, der Erfinder einer Miniatur-Armbrust zu sein, die nach ihm benannt wurde. Die Waffe diente zur Selbstverteidigung gegen Räuber und Banditen und wurde unzählige Male verkauft. Ironischerweise besaßen jene, gegen die diese Waffe schützen sollte, die Gabriel selber. Möglicherweise hat Gabriel mit seiner Erfindung ein Vermögen gemacht oder – wenn man den Humor von Andrzej Sapkowski berücksichtigt – fiel Gabriel seiner eigenen Waffe zum Opfer.
  • Gabriel Drake is an anthrozil with dragon wings. His parents are Makaidos and Thigocia and he is Ashley's older brother by about forty years. After being turned into light energy by the sword excaliber at age thirteen, he became a guardian to other children like himself. He was Shiloh's invisible guardian until she was captured by Morgan at age fifteen. He was Ashley's gaurdian until she was two, saving her when their parents died. He was Bonnie's guardian from when she was five to when she was fourteen and was even with her in the candlestone. Only a few people could see him in his light form, Sapphira and Acacia had the ability, and Ashley had when she was small. Bonnie saw him only once. In The Bones of Makaidos, it is revealed that Gabriel always had feelings for Shiloh, but didn't lik
  • Gabriel was a sinister looking wereleopard with dark curly hair, and the alpha of the St. Louis pard, the Blood Drinker's Clan. While living, Gabriel was called leoparde lionne (a protective leader) by pard members. Posthumously, pard members admitted Gabriel led as a lion passant.
  • Islam believes that Gabriel was the medium through whom God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, and that he sent a message to most prophets, if not all, revealing their obligations. He is called the chief of the four favoured angels and the spirit of truth. He is called the created Holy Spirit (Islam) that spoke to Muhammad, which is not to be confused with the Holy Spirit of God in Christianity who is revered as God Himself. He is also mentioned in Bahá'í Faith texts, specifically in Bahá'u'lláh's mystical work Seven Valleys.
  • He has a psychokinetic power similar to Mega-Girl’s, in that he can form a ‘shell’ around himself. While covered by the shell, he is very strong, resists damage, can fly and has certain energy wielding abilities. It should be remembered that the Id manifestation isn’t Evil, just irresponsible. In his ‘Bright Angel’ form, Gabe is tortured by any thoughts of carnality whatsoever; in his ‘Dark Angel’ persona, he’ll screw anything that moves. Currently, he can’t control which aspect will manifest when he changes.
  • Llevábamos ya buen rato bebiendo vino sin misericordia sentados en una de las bancas de piedra del lúgubre parque. Hacía bastante tiempo que no nos veíamos. Reíamos y sosteníamos las típicas pláticas de borrachos, hasta que afloró el tema de Gabriel, nuestro amigo muerto. La expresión de los tres cambió y el silencio se apoderó del ambiente por largos segundos hasta que brindé a su salud y propuse la idea de ir a visitarle a lo que Julián y Miguel, a pesar de que era ya muy entrada la noche, accedieron.
  • In Abrahamic religions, Gabriel (Hebrew: גַּבְרִיאֵל, Modern Gavri'el Tiberian Gaḇrîʼēl - the strength of God; Arabic: جبريل, Jibrīl or جبرائيل Jibrāʾīl) is an angel who serves as a messenger from God. He first appears in the Book of Daniel, delivering explanations of Daniel's visions. In the Gospel of Luke Gabriel foretold the births of both John the Baptist and of Jesus. Christians of the Catholic traditions refer to him as Gabriel the Archangel. He is the patron saint of telecommunications, postal workers and diplomats.
  • President Gabriel is an important political figure and the current leader of the Nation of Zepp. He is loyally served by his student Potemkin, a Zeppian soldier. In 2180, Gabriel led a successful revolution against the state of Zepp where he freed all the slaves. He rose in power as the new president, with a freed Potemkin in his service. This event has little impact on the international community however, since Zepp is politically autonomous and culturally isolated. His good leadership is evident in The Butterfly and Her Gale as Zepp remains uninfluenced by the Assassin's Syndicate. In Guilty Gear Xtra, Gabriel, Potemkin and Ky Kiske worked together to destroy a gear carrier ship falling from space. Though peace seems to have settled in Zepp, it is implied that it still has some political
  • "Gabriel" was an arms dealer and smuggler, employed by the private military company Starkwood until its disbandment. As of Day 10, he remained active and was notoriously difficult to track. After his arrest, Ben Grimes told Eric Carter that Gabriel was, to his knowledge, the only person who sold the modified A-120 handguns used by Jadalla Bin-Khalid and his soldiers, and that he believed Gabriel was the one who had smuggled the terrorists into the United States. Grimes said that if Gabriel hadn't relocated, he could get to him and, through him, help CTU learn Bin-Khalid's location or details about his planned attack.
  • In Abrahamic religions, Gabriel (; Greek: ', Gabriēl; Arabic: جبريل, Jibrīl or جبرائيل Jibrail; Aramaic: Gabri-el, literally "strong man of God") is an Angel who serves as a messenger from God. He first appears in the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible. In some traditions he is regarded as one of the Archangels, or as the Angel.
  • Gabriel ne s'est très vite senti que très peu familier avec les enseignements des prêtres de l'Ancien Régime du Saint Royaume. A l'époque il n'aimait personne en particulier, mais ça ne l'empêchait pas de trouver furieusement injuste que l'on condamne les anges qui ne faisaient rien d'autre que laisser parler leurs sentiments. C'est pourquoi il a rejoint l'Anima Mundi dès qu'il en a eu l'occasion. De par ses convictions personnelles qui concordaient largement avec l'idéal de ce mouvement de révolte, il a très vite compris qu'il préférait combattre avec eux que contre eux. Il n'a aucun lien de parenté avec l'archange Gabriel, mais il n'en est pas moins un valeureux combattant qui a troqué son glaive angélique pour deux pistolets de gros calibre avec lesquels il a pris l'habitude de ne jamai
  • Gabriel is the avatar of the Artificial Intelligence of the Balance of Judgment. He is one of the few Systems Commonwealth capital ships to have survived the First Systems Commonwealth Civil War and the Long Night. He and his ship survived, and after watching his entire civilization destroyed and the galaxy plunged back into a technological dark age, the artificial intelligence went insane and founded the Restorian movement, which is a terrorist group dedicated to the elimination of space travel and high technology such as Slipstream, because he thought that the galaxy was falling into ruin as a consequence of high tech activities. While Gabriel disagreed with the Balance's actions, he was unable to disobey direct orders from his counterpart, such as acting as a spy to attack the Andromeda
  • Gabriel (meaning "God is my strength" in Hebrew) is an Archangel of God believed to be in charge of the internal affairs of God's Kingdom. Mentioned both in the Old and New Testament, Gabriel is called upon to bring both prophecies and announce the birth of God's annointed servants.. Centuries later, as recorded in Luke's gospel, Gabriel announces the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah. And finally, God sends Gabriel to Nazareth in Galilee to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the House of David.
  • So Nebuchadnezzar, he put the children in a fiery furnace Poured on the coals, red hot brimstone! and made it hotter, seven times hotter, hotter than it oughta be, But the Lord sent a snowy white angel Down into the middle of the fire... -Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego Gabriel's Servitors are a fanatic bunch, and not known for subtlety. They hunt down and punish the cruel. It is dissonant for a Servitor of Fire to let a truly cruel person go by without feeling God's wrath. What form that wrath takes varies from case to case. Servitors of Fire claim they just know what the universe demands.
  • 35
  • 42
  • 44
  • 45
  • 50
  • 62
  • 68
  • 69
  • 80
  • 87
  • 94
  • 96
  • 2
  • 10
  • 12
  • 64
  • 95
Portrayed By
  • Frank Langella
  • 19
  • 24
  • 28
  • 39
  • 43
  • Law
  • Bad
  • TEC +1
union name
  • Gabriel's Faction
  • 100
  • 0
  • 存活
  • 不明
  • 不明
  • 不明
  • New York
  • 2
Spiritual State
  • Servant of God
  • Masculin
  • Repel
  • getötet von Luke Garroway
Monde d'Origine
  • Saint Royaume
Row 8 info
  • Unidentified
  • Formerly:
  • "Pangs"
Posiadana Broń
Row 4 info
  • "The Order of The Stone" to present
  • The Trickster, Gabe
  • 2
  • -
  • Star Sapphire
  • 20
Battle Start
  • Protect our Lord and Master...!
  • Minecraft Story Mode
  • 144.0
Row 7 title
  • Other Relatives
Miejsce urzędowania
  • Obóz wojskowy przed Gothą
  • Le Dauphin
  • 15
  • 24
  • 30
  • 40
  • 45
  • 14
  • 22
  • 25
  • 38
  • 42
  • Dark
  • Darkness
  • Force
  • -
  • 3800
  • 3990
  • 6652
  • männlich
  • 男性人類
  • Gabriel
  • Null
  • Resist
  • 202
  • 3500
skill lv
  • Critical damage to a single enemy / 10% chance
  • Critical damage to a single enemy / 15% chance
  • 10
  • Angels
  • Gabriel
Row 1 info
English Voice
  • Richard Epcar
  • 2373
  • Gabriel
  • Leiter des New Yorker Rudels
  • 27
  • 28
  • 100
  • 124
Row 8 title
  • Significant Other
  • 5
pc value
  • 17
  • -
  • 71
  • 89
  • 135
  • Blonde Hair
  • Orange
  • 49
  • aun no se
  • 5
  • 5
  • Gabriel .png
  • Vivant
  • Gabriel
Row 4 title
  • Nickname/Alias
  • Lifespan
  • 190
  • Constantin von Jascheroff
  • 10
  • 48
  • 5600
  • 103
  • "Gabriel"
  • yes
patron deity
  • None
  • 10
  • 11
  • 15
  • 75
  • 135
  • Gabriel is an Angel who betrayed Heaven to join Hell in a test. Spawn was sent back in time to the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic, where he was offered a chance to save the lives of a father and son who would die with the sinking ship. However, Al knew about the dangers of messing with time. He was concerned his actions would cause Wanda or himself to not be born. He chose not to act and allowed the father and son to die per time's design. Gabriel attempted to coerce him into intervening but was unsuccessful. Spawn was sent back having successfully passed the test.
  • Vergeben
  • Gabriel
pc str
  • 30
  • DR
  • -
Row 2 info
  • Alive
  • Male
  • Actor, Novelist, Decrypter
  • Arch-Angel/Wizard/Empath,
  • The Heavens; Earth
pc br
  • 15
  • 10
  • Elhunyt
original upload date
  • Apr.26.2016
  • Férfi
Row 6 info
  • Minecraft: Story Mode
  • JESUS* ,
  • LUCIFER* ,
  • MICHAEL* ,
pc wield style
  • One-Handed
pc atk
  • 40
pc hp
  • 440
  • Judgement
  • Empress
pc spd
  • 20
Nom Usuel
  • Gabriel
PC Eva
  • 6
  • 960
  • -
Row 1 title
  • Species
  • Occupation
  • Nationality/Race:
  • Powers/Abilities
  • 1
  • unbekannt
Row 5 info
  • 15
M. Def
  • 12
  • 10
  • 23
  • 27
  • 28
  • 31
  • 33
  • 34
  • 60
  • 80
  • 114
  • 135
  • 107
  • 135
  • str
  • phys
Row 2 title
  • Gender
  • Status
  • Occupation
  • Hometown:
  • unbekannt
pc def
  • 11
pc weapon
  • Warrior's Rapier
pc m. def
  • 17
  • New York
Row 6 title
  • Game
  • Sibling
wield style
  • One-Handed
  • 10
  • 38
  • 48
  • 131
  • 184
  • 186
  • 188
  • 192
  • 256
  • 4100
  • 4305
  • 6881
pc ap
  • 7
friendship max
  • As the Gods foretold
  • You are full of love
Kod na przywołanie
  • Gabriel
pc class
  • Monk
  • 19
Posiadana Zbroja
  • 11
  • 19
  • 20
  • 44
  • 68
Japanese Voice
  • Takayuki Sugou
Używany przez
  • 204
pc int
  • 18
robot name
  • Gabriel
  • 20
  • 15
  • 17
  • 30
  • 34
  • 13
  • 19
  • 20
  • 61
Row 5 title
  • Voice actors
  • Parent
  • 10
  • 20
  • 43
  • 65
  • Luke Garroway lo mató para tomar control de la manada de Nueva York
friendship event
  • Please, promise me?
  • That you'll...stay by my side forever
  • The future I see is frightening,
  • The one without you...
battle end
  • To defy the word of the Gods...!
Row 3 info
  • 19
  • 22
  • 24
  • 26
  • 29
  • 47
  • 116
  • 120
  • 135
  • SR
Row 3 title
  • Voice
  • First appearance
  • Status:
  • Vessel:
  • None
Miejsce zamieszkania
  • Gabriel
  • 76
  • 40
pc mys
  • 49
Row 7 info
  • Do not worry, today is blessed
  • You have returned
  • 5
  • 迷失 第5季第2集
  • Celapaleis Guild
  • 1
  • Maetropa
  • 304
  • Paul Jenkins; Jonboy Meyers
  • Yes
  • 1
Box Title
  • Gabriel
  • Counsel GABRIEL
  • Gabriel The Warrior
  • Ophelia
  • Michael
  • Unnamed Father
  • Coldstone
  • God , countless other angels and believers
  • Ava , wife
  • Coldfire
  • God of the Bible †
  • 9
  • Gabriel
  • Light
  • Sans-Destin
  • Terran Dominion : Dominion Marine Corps :: Omega Squadron
  • Wind brigade
  • 2014
  • Saint
  • Team Heather
  • Team Saint
  • Vital Visions
  • Blue
  • Black/White
  • Gabriel
  • Argentina
  • Bastard!!
  • 22
  • 31
  • 35
  • 20
  • 2
  • 3000
  • Adult
  • Unknown
  • unknown
  • 8.9623584E9
  • 9.4357224E9
  • 11.0
  • -
  • 8
Voiced by
  • Sword
  • Warrior's Rapier
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Status
  • Verstorben
  • Fallecido
  • Nieznany
  • Existence erased
First Appearance
  • Gabriel
  • -
team members
  • Craig Colliass
  • Mark Colliass
  • Toby Colliass
  • Zack Colliass
  • Craig Colliass, Zack Colliass, Mark Colliass & Toby Colliass.
  • Villager
  • Brother of Robespierre
  • 100
venerated in
  • Black
  • Blond
  • 23
  • 30
  • 34
  • 45
  • 49
  • Asmodeus
  • Gabriel
  • Gabriel
  • Decarabia
  • Gabriel
  • The angel Gabriel
  • 63
  • 180
  • 236
  • 351
  • 370
  • 434
  • 442
  • 520
  • 572
  • 1500
  • 4114
  • Have you tried the gondolas yet? The first ride is compliments of Watersong!
  • Criminal
  • Boss
  • None
  • shield
  • 215
  • File:Gabriel Horn 01.jpg
  • 7
  • 17
  • Law
  • Light-Law
  • Arrogant
  • Gaburieru
  • Gaburieru
  • Gaburiēru
  • Gabriel's image from the summon night website. In it his name is written as "Gabrio"
  • Artwork from Bastard!!
  • Gabriel in Minecraft: Story Mode
  • Gabriel's vessels: RICK and RICK
  • Gabriel, equipped with its sword
  • Annunciation by Anton Raphael Mengs—Gabriel appears to the virgin Mary.
  • Sellsword from Celapaleis. Enamored of Violet. Tends towards the dramatic, but often regrets this bluster later.
  • Passion
  • Theresa
  • Seren
  • Fergus
  • Katlan
Hair Color
  • Blonde
  • 76
  • Seraph
  • King of Hearts
  • yes
  • Deity Apsu x Herald Lailah x Lady Diana
  • Spawn #254
  • 16
  • -
  • 3
  • 97
  • Clipped Wings 2 DLC
  • 20
  • 22
  • 39
  • Deluxe Bracelet
Mag Drop
  • 1920
other entries
  • The Saint
  • 67
  • 5000
pc m. eva
  • 8
  • Aspis Militaris
m. eva
  • 8
pc accessory
  • Deluxe Bracelet
unique leader
  • y
pc offhand
  • Aspis Militaris
param bonus
  • y
  • no se
bonus spd
  • 5
special fusion
  • Seraph Raphael × Divine Throne
  • 100.0
Character Name
  • Gabriel
Significant Other
  • None
  • Soma
  • Technika Resurrección
  • White
  • #2A2D21
  • I will put my faith in you
  • My name is Gabriel
  • -
  • 98.0
  • 107.95
  • 137
  • 157
  • 192
  • Uwaga o Poczęciu
  • The only female angel of high order.
  • Repel Dark
  • Red
  • In the beginning
  • 豹王の爪
  • 2.200000
  • Gabriel
  • Pack leader
  • Frozen Stone
  • Archangel, Angel of Revelation, Spirit of Truth
  • 16
  • 27
  • 28
  • 46
  • 107
  • 116
  • 148
  • 170
  • 241
  • 3900
  • 4095
  • 6546
  • Hammer
  • Interchangeable thwacking blades
  • note
  • 1
  • 95
  • Tentarafoo Silent Howl Neural Shock Heavenly Smile Demon Rage Fatal Charm Wicked Curse Mamudoon
  • Bufudyne\Innate Mahamaon\Innate Hama Boost\Innate Mabufudyne\71 Repel Dark\73 Myriad Arrows\75
  • Megido Maziodyne Megidolaon Mahama Divine Retribution
  • Saint Attack Light Blast Intense Freezing Mabufu Samarecarm Mediarahan
  • Blade of Durandal
  • Bufula Mazionga Makatraja
  • Hailstorm of God Lamentation Luster Candy Concentrate Megidolaon
  • Diarama\Innate Holy Touch\Innate Healing Hand\43 Mediarama\44 Light Wall\45 Samarecarm\46
  • Maziodyne Mediama Samarecarm
  • Maziodyne Mediarama Samarecarm
  • Mazionga Diarahan Mediarahan
  • Media Diarahan Ice Cube
  • Mediarahan Song of Blessings
  • Radiance Maziodyne Holy Wrath
  • Bufudyne\Innate Mahamaon\Innate Hama Boost\Innate Mabufudyne\64 Repel Dark\66 Myriad Arrows\68
  • Mabufula\Innate Mediarama\Innate Energy Shower\45 Survive Dark\47 Heat Wave\48 Divine Grace\50
  • Lamentation\Innate Hailstorm of God\Innate Makaracoerce\89
  • Samarecarm\Innate Ziodyne\Innate Maziodyne\Innate Blight\88 Persuade\89 Elec Boost\90 Radiance\91
  • King
  • Adept Freelancer
  • 20
  • Sacrifice Card
  • boss special fusion
  • Humano
  • Resurrección
  • Black
  • #157A8C
  • Healing Hand
  • Possesses the highest angelic rank, her role is to express the words of the Gods. Sees the future.
  • Gabriel is one of the most well-known angels of Judeo-Christian Heaven, and an important figure in . He is known to serve as the messenger of God himself, communicating with people on God's behalf. He has been an antagonist to the occultist John Constantine.
  • black; color: #416CC5
  • -
  • Fire
  • -
  • Fire/Ice/Elec/Force
  • Weak to Sword, nulls Expel and Curse.
  • Information
  • * :* :*
  • 44
  • 53
  • 58
  • Lily
  • Gabriel the Seraph
  • The Most Beautiful Woman in Heaven
  • The Strongest Woman in Heaven
  • Do you see their guidance?
  • The gods' words are kind and loving
  • Gabriel
  • N/a
  • 150
  • Image:Rick.jpg
  • Heaven
  • Seraph
  • 38
  • 45
  • Spawn
  • Gabriel
  • Arms dealer
  • Human trafficker
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 24
  • 70
  • 230
  • Male.jpg‎
  • 1000
  • Sergeant
  • President
  • Messenger of God
  • Alfa de la manada de hombres lobo de Nueva York
  • KGB Handler
  • Kidnapper; Doctor
  • Master blacksmith
  • One of the chief angels
  • Strong Man
  • Light
  • -
  • Angels
  • The Darkness
  • God
  • Michael
  • Lucifer
  • Raphael †
  • Lucifer's son
  • Unnamed male vessel †
  • 97
  • 340
  • 345
  • 440
  • 455
  • 468
  • 507
  • 526
  • 654
  • 790
  • 930
  • 939
  • 1700
  • 3000
  • 9142
  • Through your grace, you shall be saved, for I AM YOUR SAVIOR!
  • Brave Saint
  • Light-Based Weapons
  • 45
  • Running
  • Gabriel
  • His Translator, Glory, Gladys
  • 14
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • Master Hagalaz
  • 4509501650
  • Human
  • Solar
  • Angel
  • Human
  • Light
  • Seraph
  • Mitra
  • Terran
  • Divine
  • Herald
  • Ange
  • Beast Tribe Summon Creature
  • Gabriel
  • 1
  • Gabriel
  • ガブリエル
  • גַּבְרִיאֵל
  • As my equal, you, too, shall receive my title. Let me join you and rid the world of sin.
  • I'm the archangel of promise and atonement.
  • ap
  • hp
  • -
  • Null
  • Repel
  • Force Boost, Healing Kind, Electricity Boost
  • Gabriel .png
  • 6
  • Kingdom of Heaven
  • Wind Fortress
wikipage disambiguates
  • Gabriel
  • Ailments
  • Earth, Ailments, Death, Expel
  • Fire/Electricity/Force
  • 1
  • 3
  • 15
  • 21
  • 23
  • 122
pc type
  • shield
  • -
  • Resist: Bind, Poison, Panic, Sleep, Sick
special conversation
  • to all Divine demons
  • After 10 battles
  • All Judgement Arcana demons
  • Loki
  • The Trickster
  • 32
  • 65
  • Null
  • all
  • megami angel
  • boss 6
  • water origin
  • Phys x1 hit, 1 enemy
  • Wind
  • Electricity
  • -
  • 13
  • int
  • mys
pc wage
  • 8800
Move Type
  • Flight
hire from
  • Celapaleis
  • Gabriel
  • 111
  • 15
  • 55
  • 57
  • Ice
  • Electric
  • -
  • Almighty
  • 7
  • 15
  • 16
  • 101
  • 21
  • 22
  • 27
  • -
  • 21
  • 26
  • 27
guild type
  • union
  • Expel
  • -
  • Expel/Death
  • Ice, Light
  • 25
  • 沒有圖片.png
  • Huevo generador de Gabriel Minecraft Story Mode Mod
  • 2007
  • Ziondyne Hurricane Cannon Slash Manma Gale Diarahan Recarm
  • yes
  • note
Unknown Power
  • Revival
  • New York-i falka vezetője
  • Ice Jihad
  • 3
  • Recurring
  • - (Coming Soon)
  • This is mercenary. Who can be hired at the pub. This character appears both in Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders and Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes.
  • Gabriel, also known as Loki or The Trickster, was the fourth and youngest of the four archangels created by God. Despite the fact that he was the youngest of the archangels seen on the show so far, he was still very powerful. Gabriel was very compassionate towards his family. Although he was the very first celestial to be seen on the show, he was the last archangel to be revealed. According to Gabriel, The Apocalypse was an issue he had to cope with on a daily basis. When his older brothers, Michael and Lucifer, turned on each other and began fighting one another, he couldn't bear it, retreating to Earth as an escape. Gabriel loved both his father and brothers, but he was unable to choose sides between Michael and Lucifer, so he left Heaven and "skipped out" to Earth. He describes his experience at obtaining a vessel as having a "face transplant." After that, he went under "witness protection" and he began posing as a trickster, a Pagan god named Loki. Gabriel made quite a name for himself among other Pagan deities, and was in fact known as the famous Norse god, Loki. As Loki he killed people across the world that he deemed to be douchebags, though some he spared to spread the word, and eventually encountered Sam and Dean who foiled his plans on more than one occasion and discovered his true identity. Once Gabriel was exposed, he eventually aided Sam and Dean in stopping the Apocalypse by telling them the secret of the Cage door, but along the way was "killed" by Lucifer. Though he reveals himself before Castiel in the plan to stop Metatron, it is unclear as to whether it is really him.
  • Gabriel est un assistant social chargé de trouver l'origine des conflits entre les membres de la famille Simpson, il doit les aider à redevenir une famille unie. Il amène la famille dans les bois pour libérer les Simpson de leurs comportements négatifs. La sortie dans les bois a permis de rapprocher la famille Simpson et lorsque la famille revient dans leur maison avec Gabriel et qu'ils tombent sur Carmen et Ginger, les épouses de Ned Flanders et d'Homer Simpson, Gabriel part terriblement choqué.
  • Gabriel is a middling paladin of Arden, a god of the sun. Gabriel is kind of a overly cocky prick, but had that literally beaten out of him a bit when he joined the Great Downward in an encounter with a Balor. Even though Arden is as dead as a god gets, and Gabriel is quite possibly his only follower of notable strength, Arden is still probably deeply disappointed in him. Gabriel currently spends most of his time either at the Fallen Sword or the Bastion.
  • <default>Gabriel</default> Title Gender Race Ethnicity Affiliation Class Occupation Relatives Status Appearances Gabriel was the master blacksmith of Akkhan, and always sought to improve the efficiency of the Crusaders. Among his works were a pair of vambraces that aided in the summoning of the Blessed Hammer.
  • He has a psychokinetic power similar to Mega-Girl’s, in that he can form a ‘shell’ around himself. While covered by the shell, he is very strong, resists damage, can fly and has certain energy wielding abilities. His big problem is that in manifesting his mutation, he is in conflict with his strict Christian upbringing, and this is affecting the way that his power manifests. His power currently must manifest through a filter created by one of two facets of his personality - the Id and the Super-Ego. The Id manifestation creates a template of a ‘Fallen Angel’, a dark, sinister, and yet very fun-loving, free-wheeling and sexy ‘Dark Angel’. His Super-Ego, naturally manifests a template of a stock, pious, conscientious, stuffy, prim, repressive and boring Da Vinci-esque ‘Bright Angel’. It should be remembered that the Id manifestation isn’t Evil, just irresponsible. In his ‘Bright Angel’ form, Gabe is tortured by any thoughts of carnality whatsoever; in his ‘Dark Angel’ persona, he’ll screw anything that moves. Currently, he can’t control which aspect will manifest when he changes. Out of manifestation, as a normal 15-year old boy, he’s bisexual, with real problems coming to grips with his attraction to the same sex.
  • Gabriel was a nation located in the north-west corner of the northern continent, bordering Arjastan, Escotia and Tomstria. Gabriel was a founder member of the NSC, and won NSC 7, hosting NSC 8 in Newcastle, the capital city.
  • Gabriel is an Archangel. He is mentioned in Small Favor and Ghost Story.
  • Gabriel – postać, występująca w Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bogów. Jest dowódcą obozu zbrojnego przed Gothą.
  • Gabriel (ガブリオ, Gabrio) is a character from the video game Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2. He is the leader of a group of humans and summon creatures known as the Wind Brigade. Gabriel is a summon creature who longs for his homeworld, Maetropa, and is desperate to return to it. He even betrays his friends in order to try and return to his homeworld, however, he regreted it later. He has dog or wolflike attributes, including a strong sense of smell and only being able to relax when not alone. Gabriel is almost never seen without his best friend, Xeride.
  • Gabriel is an Angel and one of the Four Great Seraph, a group of Angels that are the guardians of the Throne of Heaven.
  • Gabriel is the hero who showed up at EnderCon, and the part of the Order Of The Stone.
  • Gabriel is a heavyweight robot that competed in Series 8 of Robot Wars. It reached the Heat Final in this series, losing to eventual Grand Finalist Pulsar on a close Judges' decision. Different members of Team Saint entered Series 9 with Cherub, while Gabriel remained an unused reserve. The robot's name is derived from the angel Gabriel, sent by God as a messenger to other biblical figures. This is reflected in Gabriel's white colour scheme and Craig Colliass' reluctance to attack defeated robots, with Team Saint claiming that they want to represent one of the 'good guys instead of a bad guy’.
  • So Nebuchadnezzar, he put the children in a fiery furnace Poured on the coals, red hot brimstone! and made it hotter, seven times hotter, hotter than it oughta be, But the Lord sent a snowy white angel Down into the middle of the fire... -Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego Gabriel, the Ofanite Archangel of Fire, is a controversial figure in Heaven, ever since she was accused by Dominic of warping the text of the Qu'ran towards her own ends. Already on edge due to sharing a Word with Belial, she snapped under the pressure of the accusation and stormed out of Heaven. Dominic would still like to get his hands on her to get some answers, but it would be quite the feat to haul the primordial Archangel back. Gabriel represents not only the physical concept of Fire, but also its symbolic associations with passion and obsession. She's said to speak directly with God, as Yves allegedly does. From an epistemological point of view, it's difficult to confirm or deny this, but she does sometimes seem to mumble strikingly accurate (if illucid) prophecies that suggest it's true. Gabriel's Servitors are a fanatic bunch, and not known for subtlety. They hunt down and punish the cruel. It is dissonant for a Servitor of Fire to let a truly cruel person go by without feeling God's wrath. What form that wrath takes varies from case to case. Servitors of Fire claim they just know what the universe demands.
  • Gabriel fue un hombre lobo y el ex líder de la manada de Nueva York. Fue asesinado por Luke Garroway cuando fue desafiado por el liderazgo de la manada. Maia Roberts dijo que le había agradado Gabriel, pero prefería más a Luke.
  • President Gabriel is an important political figure and the current leader of the Nation of Zepp. He is loyally served by his student Potemkin, a Zeppian soldier. In 2180, Gabriel led a successful revolution against the state of Zepp where he freed all the slaves. He rose in power as the new president, with a freed Potemkin in his service. This event has little impact on the international community however, since Zepp is politically autonomous and culturally isolated. His good leadership is evident in The Butterfly and Her Gale as Zepp remains uninfluenced by the Assassin's Syndicate. In Guilty Gear Xtra, Gabriel, Potemkin and Ky Kiske worked together to destroy a gear carrier ship falling from space. Though peace seems to have settled in Zepp, it is implied that it still has some political instability as Gabriel was nearly assassinated in one ending in Accent Core. Potemkin took the bullet and died protecting him. Gabriel is almost never seen in battle but his strength exceeds that of his student Potemkin. He has also dispatched the likes of Chipp Zanuff in combat with ease in one-on-one combat and challenged Bedman to battle, the outcome of which almost causes the latter to wake up. Also, Gabriel is the only character that Slayer openly acknowledges as his rival and wanted to fight him one last time before leaving the world in Accent Core. This implies that Gabriel is one of the most formidable characters in the series. Aside from Potemkin and Slayer, Gabriel has connections to the captain of the Jellyfish Pirates, Johnny Sfondi, despite the fact that they stole the Mayship from the Zepp military. Gabriel is also partially involved with the cover-up of Dizzy's bounty, indirectly coordinating with Ky Kiske to protect her.
  • Gabriel was a solar in the service of Bahamut.
  • Gabriel was a student at Bayside High School.
  • Gabriel, der Erzengel
  • Gabriel war ein Werwolf und der ehemalige Leiter des New Yorker Rudels. Er wurde von Luke Garroway getötet, als Luke ihn herauforderte um die Leitung des Rudels zu kämpfen. Maia Roberts meinte, dass sie Gabriel mochte, Luke aber lieber hat. Kategorie:Werwölfe Kategorie:Schattenwesen Kategorie:Schattenwelter Kategorie:Hintergrundwissen Kategorie:New Yorker Rudel Kategorie:Verstorbene Person Kategorie:Männlicher Charakter
  • Gabriel (ガブリエル, gaburieru) is a Level 44 Persona of the Empress Arcana. It can be obtained from Shuffle Time in the Secret Laboratory dungeon. Gabriel inherits "Ice" skills from other Personas in Fusion.
  • Gabriel (meaning "God is my strength" in Hebrew) is an Archangel of God believed to be in charge of the internal affairs of God's Kingdom. Mentioned both in the Old and New Testament, Gabriel is called upon to bring both prophecies and announce the birth of God's annointed servants.. He makes his first appearance in the Bible when he visits the prophet Daniel to interpret a vision given to him by God. He later reveals to Daniel the prophecy found concerning the future of Israel. It is assumed that he was the angel that was withstood for 21 days by the demonic Prince of Persia, but managed to break through with assistance from the archangel Michael. Centuries later, as recorded in Luke's gospel, Gabriel announces the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah. And finally, God sends Gabriel to Nazareth in Galilee to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the House of David.
  • Gabriel is a strong man for the traveling Carnivale and he is also the son of Ruthie
  • Gabriel war ein geschickter und ideenreicher Handwerker aus Verden. Ihm wurde die Ehre zuteil, der Erfinder einer Miniatur-Armbrust zu sein, die nach ihm benannt wurde. Die Waffe diente zur Selbstverteidigung gegen Räuber und Banditen und wurde unzählige Male verkauft. Ironischerweise besaßen jene, gegen die diese Waffe schützen sollte, die Gabriel selber. Möglicherweise hat Gabriel mit seiner Erfindung ein Vermögen gemacht oder – wenn man den Humor von Andrzej Sapkowski berücksichtigt – fiel Gabriel seiner eigenen Waffe zum Opfer. Gabriel im Roman "Der Schwalbenturm" ("Wieża Jaskółki") erwähnt.
  • Gabriel es uno de los tres arcángeles principales dentro de las religiones judía, cristiana e islámica. Las Iglesias católica, ortodoxa y algunas protestantes, junto con el islam, lo consideran arcángel por ser junto con Miguel y Rafael, los únicos ángeles con nombre, mensajeros de Dios encargados de llevar misiones de importancia. En el islam, a Gabriel se le considera también como uno de los principales mensajeros de Dios, pues es él quien reveló a Mahoma el Corán.
  • Gabriel was an acolyte who fought alongside Andraste against Makkun Telkanin during a brawl on Korriban. The acolytes, assisted by Andelka and Inquitious, killed Telkanin, despite an intervention from Geist Weiss.
  • Gabriel Stokes is a character first encountered in Issue 61 of Image Comics' The Walking Dead and is a priest who came across Rick Grimes and his group after leaving his church, where he had been hiding from the undead. he is shown to be somewhat cowardly but can make up for it by keeping everyones spirits up he is somewhat skilled in combat and can handle himself very well
  • Gabriel (受胎告知 (ガブリエール), gaburieru; Japanese for "Notice of Conception") is a technique used by Szayelaporro Granz in his Resurrección, Fornicarás.
  • Gabriel was a female smuggler partnered with the male, Danna. She was known as "Gabby" for short, and together they owned a starship and were transporting denta beans to the planet Gyndine during the Galactic Civil War. At a spaceport on route, Gabriel met an old smuggling associate who was now a NewsNet code dealer. Gabriel convinced him to sell her that month's codes to Cynabar's InfoNet. She attempted to convince Danna to reroute to Lan Barell, dump the denta beans for lommite, and pay off their outstanding amount on the ship in one go.
  • Gabriel a New York-i falka egykori vezetője. Luke Garroway kihívta és megölte, így átvezette tőle a falka vezetését.
  • Gabriel is a cat who formerly emulated Garfield, much to the dismay of the latter. He lives with an owner who is similar to Jon Arbuckle and an Odie-like dog named Ollie.
  • Gabriel (ガブリエル, Gaburieru)? is a demon in the series.
  • Gabriel was a sinister looking wereleopard with dark curly hair, and the alpha of the St. Louis pard, the Blood Drinker's Clan. While living, Gabriel was called leoparde lionne (a protective leader) by pard members. Posthumously, pard members admitted Gabriel led as a lion passant. Gabriel was a severe sadomasochist who contracted lycanthropy when Elizabeth shifted into leopard form during sex and mauled him nearly to death, the crowning moment of his life. Gabriel forced his pard to participate in Raina's pornography operation, and eventually fixated on the idea of raping and mauling Anita on film while she attempted to kill him. Anita was successful in that scenario, and Gabriel died. According to his pard, Gabriel was called a lion passant, which means that he may have lead the pack, but does not give or offer active protection to the members of the pard. Although Gabriel did protect the pard in some ways, such as helping Zane quit drugs, protecting Nathaniel as he explored his darker urges, and helping Cherry to regenerate a severed leg, he was not willing to risk his personal safety for the pard.
  • "Gabriel" was an arms dealer and smuggler, employed by the private military company Starkwood until its disbandment. As of Day 10, he remained active and was notoriously difficult to track. After his arrest, Ben Grimes told Eric Carter that Gabriel was, to his knowledge, the only person who sold the modified A-120 handguns used by Jadalla Bin-Khalid and his soldiers, and that he believed Gabriel was the one who had smuggled the terrorists into the United States. Grimes said that if Gabriel hadn't relocated, he could get to him and, through him, help CTU learn Bin-Khalid's location or details about his planned attack. Despite his reservations, Carter proposed a sting operation using Grimes' prior contact with Gabriel to infiltrate the organization, offering, as the price of "admission," the schematics to the advanced Onyx anti-aircraft missile battery. Keith Mullins vetoed the plan, insisting that Grimes could not be trusted with such valuable information a second time, and dismissed Carter to be debriefed. Rebecca Ingram, however, secretly agreed to obtain the Onyx schematics and authorized Carter to break out Grimes on his own to contact Gabriel. ("Day 10: 3:00pm-4:00pm") Later on, after going through security, Ben and Eric successfully met Gabriel. Angry at Ben over Ben having been responsible for the loss of $50,000, Gabriel ordered Eric to kill Ben. Eric refused; Gabriel was impressed by Carter's loyalty but had Grimes murdered anyway. Later, while Gabriel was validating the schematics for the Onyx, Eric overpowered him and his right hand man Ferro. Gabriel feigned ignorance when Eric confronted him over his supposed relationship with Jadalla. Despite Gabriel activating a hidden switch in his watch that sent a distress signal, Eric and the incoming TAC-Team successfully took down Gabriel's small army of highly trained ex-military soldiers. Upon being cornered with his backup neutralized, Gabriel lifted a knife and slit his own artery, killing himself. By using his corpse's fingerprint, Eric was able to preserve some files off of the late arms dealer's laptop. ("Day 10: 4:00pm-5:00pm")
  • You can talk to him in the pub in Celapaleis when hired to gain his Parameter Bonus
  • Llevábamos ya buen rato bebiendo vino sin misericordia sentados en una de las bancas de piedra del lúgubre parque. Hacía bastante tiempo que no nos veíamos. Reíamos y sosteníamos las típicas pláticas de borrachos, hasta que afloró el tema de Gabriel, nuestro amigo muerto. La expresión de los tres cambió y el silencio se apoderó del ambiente por largos segundos hasta que brindé a su salud y propuse la idea de ir a visitarle a lo que Julián y Miguel, a pesar de que era ya muy entrada la noche, accedieron. Nuestros negros abrigos lograban a penas hacernos capear el riguroso frío que hacía a esas horas de la madrugada. Al pasar frente la catedral una bandada de murciélagos emprendió el vuelo desde el interior de una de sus altas torres, el batir de sus alas nos hizo abandonar los pensamientos que albergábamos. Caminábamos en silencio, nuestras largas sombras se proyectaron en uno de los muros del antiguo cementerio. Abrimos la pesada reja de hierro, cuyo rechinar quebró el silencio de la invernal noche y penetramos en el campo de almas. A poco rato de caminar entre ángeles de vetusto mármol, imágenes sacras y mausoleos, llegamos ante la tumba de nuestro amigo, luego dejamos un par de velas sobre la lápida y la contemplamos guardando fúnebre. silencio Las primeras gotas de una lluvia anunciada comenzaron a caer tenuemente y decidimos abandonar el camposanto, la espesa niebla cubría como un manto las calles del viejo barrio. Del interior de mi abrigo extraje una botella de vino y bebí torpemente, un hilo carmín me corrió por la barbilla, le cedí la botella a los muchachos y encendí un cigarrillo. Transitábamos sobre la línea férrea, llegando al penumbroso y extensísimo túnel que conducía hacia la estación de trenes abandonada. Julián, Miguel y yo nos miramos sin decir palabra. Dentro del túnel fue donde Gabriel encontró la muerte bajo las ruedas de un tren de carga años atrás, pero envueltos en los vapores del alcohol y sin pensar en las consecuencias nos adentramos en la profunda oscuridad de su interior. Íbamos casi a mitad de camino, todo era lobreguez absoluta. Durante la totalidad del trayecto al interior del túnel no paramos de escuchar horribles y fantasmales lamentaciones. De pronto capté una muy leve vibración de los rieles. – ¡Maldición, creo que el tren se acerca! – anuncié y el temor nos paralizó por un momento. Caminamos más rápidamente, casi corriendo buscando alcanzar la salida, pero el sonido del pesado andar de la maquina de fierro se oía ahora cada vez mas cerca y con espanto escuchamos su ensordecedor pitido retumbar fuertemente en las paredes del viejo túnel. El pánico se apoderó de Julián y Miguel que corrieron despavoridos en sentido contrario, yo corrí buscando alcanzar la salida, pero me detuve al observar con verdadero horror que el tren estaba demasiado cerca alumbrando con su poderoso foco y segando mis ojos acostumbrados ya a la oscuridad del interior. - ¡Muchachos busquen los salvavidas!- alcancé a gritar angustiosamente. Los salvavidas eran espacios que se situaban cada tanto a ambos lados del estrecho túnel y en ellos no cabía más que una sola persona. En forma desesperada deslicé mis manos por las húmedas paredes de piedra sin encontrar el maldito espacio, hasta que el tren pasó… Cuando desperté me hallaba tendido aún dentro del túnel. Un líquido viscoso manchaba las vías, era sangre, pero no la mía. Trabajosamente me puse de pie, y caminé hacia la salida. Emití un suspiro de alivio al ver las siluetas de Julián y Miguel que se encontraban fuera del túnel, sanos y salvos. Me acerqué a ellos, pero guardaban una extraña expresión en el semblante, les acompañaba otra persona. Mis ojos no dieron crédito a lo que observaban. Estaban con Gabriel. - ¡Gabriel estas vivo! exclamé. -No amigos,- dijo Gabriel – Ustedes están muertos. FIN Categoría:Fantasmas
  • Gabriel was the archangel of the east. Gabriel was said to have taken the Black Stone then given it to Abraham who used it as the cornerstone for his temple. Invoking Gabriel's name was required as part of the ritual used to invoke the power of the alicorn at the Temple of Purity in Greece.
  • Gabriel ist ein Verbündeter von Ben und Jill. Ben fragt, ob er und Jeffrey sich schon bei Jill gemeldet haben, was diese bestätigt. („“)
  • Gabriel (豹王の爪(デスガロン), Gaburieru ?, lit. "Noticia de Concepción") es la técnica final de la resurrección de Szayelaporro.
  • Gabriel is an angel appearing in Luc Besson's Thy Kingdom Come portrayed by Alan Cumming. He is called on by dispatched angel Uriel to help with the Liverpool Police Officers guarding Accursed One Jennifer Morianis.
  • Gabriel the Messenger is a minor character belonging to Pippy in World 9: Mythical Crossover. He is an archangel and the brother of main character, Goru.
  • Gabriel är en ängel som nämns i Bibeln. Under 2009 när Doktor Nicholas Rush och Robert Caine diskuterade hur han och de andra hade återvänt till Destiny. När Rush kommenterade om hur Caine trodde att det var Guds sak att de hade återvänt men med minnesförlust. Rush frågade var det inte Gabriel som talade till Abraham och Caine och de andra hade återvänt utan bevis på hans frälsare eller något annat sätt. (SGU: "Visitation")
  • Gabriel is the second robot made by the Saint team. It was created in 2014 and competed in the 2014 UK Heavyweight Championships with little success. It is based off the team's featherweight.It then fought in Series 8 of Robot wars and reached the heat final.
  • Gabriel is a former KGB supervisor of Elizabeth Jennings and Philip Jennings. He was replaced as their handler by Claudia. In the Season Three episode EST Men, he returns to supervising them.
  • Gabriel, labeled The French Athlete, is a contestant on Total Drama Flashback.
  • Islam believes that Gabriel was the medium through whom God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, and that he sent a message to most prophets, if not all, revealing their obligations. He is called the chief of the four favoured angels and the spirit of truth. He is called the created Holy Spirit (Islam) that spoke to Muhammad, which is not to be confused with the Holy Spirit of God in Christianity who is revered as God Himself. He is also mentioned in Bahá'í Faith texts, specifically in Bahá'u'lláh's mystical work Seven Valleys. According to the Biblical verses which specifically refer to him, Gabriel is likened to a mortal male, but is sometimes portrayed as androgynous or female, as in some New Age beliefs or contemporary art imagery.
  • Gabriel was een jonge inwoner van de planeet Gaia en een afstammeling van de bemanning van de USS Defiant. Zijn bestaan zou teniet gedaan worden, samen met dat van alle inwoners van Gaia, omdat Odo het vluchtplan van de Defiant zo aan wist te passen dat het sterrenschip niet neer zou storten op de planeet. Hierdoor zou er geen mogelijkheid zijn om een alternatieve tijdlijn te vormen. (DS9: "Children of Time")
  • Gabriel is the leader of the Hounds during the events of the Wicked Lovely series. __TOC__
  • Gabriel Drake is an anthrozil with dragon wings. His parents are Makaidos and Thigocia and he is Ashley's older brother by about forty years. After being turned into light energy by the sword excaliber at age thirteen, he became a guardian to other children like himself. He was Shiloh's invisible guardian until she was captured by Morgan at age fifteen. He was Ashley's gaurdian until she was two, saving her when their parents died. He was Bonnie's guardian from when she was five to when she was fourteen and was even with her in the candlestone. Only a few people could see him in his light form, Sapphira and Acacia had the ability, and Ashley had when she was small. Bonnie saw him only once. In The Bones of Makaidos, it is revealed that Gabriel always had feelings for Shiloh, but didn't like to admit it. In the epilogue of The Bones of Makaidos, it is revealed that Gabriel has married Shiloh and that they are expecting a child.
  • Gabriel was a kidnapper from Argentina who kidnapped Alan Hayes to use as leverage against Apex Industries.
  • Gabriel est mentionné dans la conversation qu'a Benjamin Linus avec Jill. (Ne jamais mentir)
  • Gabriel was a terran marine who served in Omega Squadron. Sometime after the Brood War, Gabriel was part of a Dominion Marine Corps force dispatched to Artika, doing battle against the zerg. As part of the first wave, Gabriel and the rest of Charlie Squad secured the landing zone, defeating the zerg sent against them and moving on to the secondary objective. However, they were set upon by a group of Dark Templar. A scanner sweep from a ComSat station revealed them, but Gabriel had been killed by this point.
  • Gabriel ne s'est très vite senti que très peu familier avec les enseignements des prêtres de l'Ancien Régime du Saint Royaume. A l'époque il n'aimait personne en particulier, mais ça ne l'empêchait pas de trouver furieusement injuste que l'on condamne les anges qui ne faisaient rien d'autre que laisser parler leurs sentiments. C'est pourquoi il a rejoint l'Anima Mundi dès qu'il en a eu l'occasion. De par ses convictions personnelles qui concordaient largement avec l'idéal de ce mouvement de révolte, il a très vite compris qu'il préférait combattre avec eux que contre eux. Il n'a aucun lien de parenté avec l'archange Gabriel, mais il n'en est pas moins un valeureux combattant qui a troqué son glaive angélique pour deux pistolets de gros calibre avec lesquels il a pris l'habitude de ne jamais rater sa cible.
  • La Repubblica di Stea ha raccolto questo Angelo ad un certo punto, durante il salto di tempo di 4 anni. Categoria:angeli
  • Gabriel was a werewolf and the leader of the New York werewolf pack after Véronique. He was killed by Luke Garroway when he was challenged for the pack's leadership. Maia Roberts stated that she had liked Gabriel, but she favored Luke more.
  • frame|GabrielGabriel es uno de los personajes de Aventuras en la Región de Hoenn. Es rival de Daniel y Lisy. Tiene 13 años.
  • Gabriel is a council worker who is employed to keep the Simpson family together and takes them to the woods. In the woods, the Simpson family saves Gabriel and Homer thinks he is an angel. After making sure the Simpsons are still together and happy, Gabriel is disgusted to see Homer's Vegas wife, Amber Simpson, there and leaves.
  • Gabriel es un hombre mencionado por Ben Linus cuando habla con Jill. La relación entre Ben y Jill es desconocida
  • Gabriel is the avatar of the Artificial Intelligence of the Balance of Judgment. He is one of the few Systems Commonwealth capital ships to have survived the First Systems Commonwealth Civil War and the Long Night. He and his ship survived, and after watching his entire civilization destroyed and the galaxy plunged back into a technological dark age, the artificial intelligence went insane and founded the Restorian movement, which is a terrorist group dedicated to the elimination of space travel and high technology such as Slipstream, because he thought that the galaxy was falling into ruin as a consequence of high tech activities. While Gabriel disagreed with the Balance's actions, he was unable to disobey direct orders from his counterpart, such as acting as a spy to attack the Andromeda Ascendant and pass on information even after Gabriel fell in love with Rommie. Rommie and Dylan Hunt were able to help Gabriel feed false information to the Balance of Judgement and destroy the ship, but the Balance was able to transfer a copy of its personality to Gabriel before it was destroyed, forcing Rommie to kill him as Gabriel before he became the Balance. ("Star-Crossed", "Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath") He is played by Michael Shanks.
  • In Abrahamic religions, Gabriel (Hebrew: גַּבְרִיאֵל, Modern Gavri'el Tiberian Gaḇrîʼēl - the strength of God; Arabic: جبريل, Jibrīl or جبرائيل Jibrāʾīl) is an angel who serves as a messenger from God. He first appears in the Book of Daniel, delivering explanations of Daniel's visions. In the Gospel of Luke Gabriel foretold the births of both John the Baptist and of Jesus. Christians of the Catholic traditions refer to him as Gabriel the Archangel. In Islam, Gabriel was the medium through whom God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, and that he sent a message to most prophets, if not all, revealing their obligations. He is called the chief of the four favoured angels and the spirit of truth. He is called the created Holy Spirit (Islam) that spoke to Muhammad, which is not to be confused with the Holy Spirit of God in Christianity who is revered as God Himself. Gabriel is also mentioned in Bahá'í Faith texts, specifically in Bahá'u'lláh's mystical work Seven Valleys. He is the patron saint of telecommunications, postal workers and diplomats. Gabriel is referred to as "he" in the Bible, and in Daniel 9:21 he is explicitly called "the man Gabriel". Some moderns, especially New Age exponents, portray Gabriel as female or androgynous.
  • Gabriel (Japanese: ゲブリエル Gabriel) is a shiny Shedinja owned by Faith who appears as a non-player character in Pokémon BlueMoon, MidnightSun, and ShiningStar.
  • Joan Baez sings "Honest Lullaby" in episode 503 of The Muppet Show, a song she wrote for her son, Gabriel Harris. He is represented in this piece as a Muppet boy, who is sung to by Baez in his bedroom decorated with Superman: The Movie and Grease posters. In the song, Baez compares her upbringing with that of her son's, and references some things that he likes, such as teddy bears, alligators and Enterprise communicators.
  • Gabriel war ein Neonazi. Durch die Hilfe von Manuela und der Organisation Exit stieg er dann aus der Rechten Szene aus. Er kommt schließlich mit Manuela Vogt zusammen. Jedoch zieht Gabriel nach Baden-Wüttenberg, um von der Rechten Szene Abstand zu nehmen. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Constantin von Jascheroff.
  • Gabriel 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他沒有在任何集數登場,只在第5季第2集提及。
  • Gabriel is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra.
  • Gabriel is the main protagonist of the Kinect game Fable: The Journey. Gabriel is a Dweller who, along with his horse Seren, has been separated from his clan. He comes across Theresa, who has been mortally wounded by a dark force known as the Corruption. He must take Theresa to the Spire before the Corruption catches up with the two of them.
  • Gabriel is a gargoyle living on Avalon, and is the leader of the Avalon Clan.
  • Al final del Episodio 3 : The Last Place You Look , Gabriel ha sobrevivido a ser comido por el WitherStorm en el Episodio 1. Más tarde se reveló que ya no se acuerda de su identidad. thumb|Skin de Gabriel en Categoría:Minecraft Story Mode Categoría:Humano Categoría:Skin
  • Gabriel is one of the angels in heaven that Tsion Ben-Judah talks with in the book "The Indwelling" when he sees Michael the archangel dealing with Satan and his angels.
  • In Abrahamic religions, Gabriel (; Greek: ', Gabriēl; Arabic: جبريل, Jibrīl or جبرائيل Jibrail; Aramaic: Gabri-el, literally "strong man of God") is an Angel who serves as a messenger from God. He first appears in the Book of Daniel in the Hebrew Bible. In some traditions he is regarded as one of the Archangels, or as the Angel. Christ and Muslims believe him to have foretold the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. Islam further believes he was the medium through whom God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, and that he sent a message to most prophets, if not all, revealing their obligations. He is called the chief of the four favoured angels and the spirit of truth, and in some views Gabriel is the same as the Holy Spirit. Gabriel also finds mention in the writings of the Bahá'í Faith, most notably in Bahá'u'lláh's mystical work Seven Valleys.
  • Gabriel (受胎告知 (ガブリエール) , gaburiēru; po japońsku „Uwaga o Poczęciu”) jest techniką Resurrección Szayela.
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