  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • __TOC__
  • Elizabeth is one of Heinz Doofenshmirtz's ex-girlfriends.
  • Elizabeth, commonly known as Liz, is a central character in the Submachine series.
  • Elizabeth es un personaje secundario de El Chavo del Ocho interpretado por Marta Zabaleta, como parte del elenco que acompañaban a los niños en la escuela. Solo apareció en el episodio "El primer día de clases" de 1974, es la alumna más aplicada de la clase, ella contesta las preguntas con bastante firmeza y de forma correcta. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN
  • Elizabeth Rhodes (August 4, 1864 - October 20, 2009), was a Zimbabwean vampire seeking revenge in Haneru's death. She and her coven organized an attempt on both Haneru and her boyfriend's Stephen's life, in revenge for her fallen mate John. However, their first attempt failed and Elizabeth was killed by shape-shifter Yumna Johansen and Malia Dolcesconi. She is portrayed by American actress Scarlett Johansson.
  • Elizabeth is a fourteen year old girl from Palette Town in East Kantojo she first appeared in Pokemon Dark and Light as the main female character or the friendly rival if the boy was picked. Her father Henry is fighting in West Kantojo along with James' father Stuart. She lives with her stepmother Jane because her mother Anne is a General in the Verdinan training pit and she left Elizabeth and her family.
  • Elizabeth is a character in Ernest Scared Stupid. She was portrayed by Shay Astar. After Mayor Murdock's two sons destroy Kenny Binder's cardboard haunted house, she relocates with Ernest, Kenny, and Joey underneath the tree where Trantor the troll is dormant. The troll later roams Briarville, Missouri once again to transform children into wooden dolls. Elizabeth's mother tells her to have fun on Halloween and trolls do not exist at all. After her mother leaves the room, Elizabeth becomes Trantor's third victim of transforming into a wooden doll, as her punishment for bad acting. She returns as a human after Ernest defeats Trantor once and for all.
  • Elizabeth puede referirse a: * Elizabeth "Libby" Smith, superviviente del vuelo 815 de Oceanic * El Elizabeth, velero nombrado según Libby * Elizabeth Sarnoff, guionista de Lost * Elizabeth Mitchell, actriz que interpreta a Juliet
  • Elizabeth is the main female protagonist in Bioshock: Infinate and a playable DLC character in Super Smash Brothers 5. She'll be in her blue dress as her default skin and will be in the Third Party pack along side Freddy Fazbear (Five Nights at Freddy) and Dingle Kringle (Elf Bowling)
  • Elizabeth, labeled The Bossy Brit, is a contestant on Total Drama: South Pacific.
  • Elizabeth is a Pokémon Trainer from Sinnoh and protagonist of PokéTrio.
  • She sells homes but she mostly sells homes for Premium Members. They are very expensive than you think.
  • Also known as Elizabeth Township
  • The party later uses Elizabeth as a bridge to cross over to the Ghost Ship.
  • Elizabeth es un personaje en el juego Fallout.
  • Elizabeth is a Selling Point in Treasure Gulf.
  • Elizabeth is a boss monster of Bran Castle.
  • Elizabeth is a trilogy song by Kamelot.
  • Elizabeth is a vintage Sentinel steam lorry.
  • Poem copied from the Wikisource.
  • Elizabeth is a master Ninja, and one willing to train anyone in the ways of Ninjutsu. She is also a friend of Robina Hood. She lead the ninjas in the Pirates Vs. Ninja War. She was also involved in the 14th Epic Quest "Queen of Hearts" and invaded the Vampire Castle. You may get her as your guest if you go to the Pirates Vs. Ninja War and join her.
  • Elizabeth bezieht sich auf: * Libby, deren richtiger Name Elizabeth ist * Die „Elizabeth“, das Segelboot, das nach Libby benannt ist * Elizabeth Sarnoff, eine Autorin von Lost * Elizabeth Mitchell, die Schauspielerin, die den Charakter Juliet Burke spielt
  • Elizabeth is a water lizard and Myskina Olga's pet. She appeared in the Heart of Gold special.
  • Elizabeth is one of the CrossFit benchmark "Girl" WODs (because of the name, not because they are designed for women). The workout first appeared on the site 12 September 2003.
  • Elizabeth is rather a snobby girl than a nice one. She seems to own several islands. You can enter her fashion review once every week. She is also a minigame hostess.
  • Este dúo formado por dos chicas (Zeni-Kim y S-Cat) debutó el día 12 de Agosto de 2011 con su canción "Ppappa Pierrot" de su single "Queen Of The Queen". Previamente, de ellas no se sabe mucho.
  • Elizabeth (エリザベス, Erizabesu) est une jeune fille qui visite Magnoria en compagnie de Meliodas, d'Hawk et d'autres compagnons. Elle est exclusive au crossover de Fairy Tail : Fairy Tail x Seven Deadly Sins
  • Elizabeth was a terran who lived in the Gutter. She worked for the crime lord Fagin in his territory in the suburb of Greene. However, along with others, she had issues with the drug barker Andy, constantly complaining about him.
  • Elizabeth is a witch. She was in the witch coven that brought Donna back to life. The circle was looking for a sixth member of their coven so they wanted Donna. Donna's life was saved by them so she would be forever in their debt. To bring back Donna to life they needed a sacrifice. So they killed the spirit of a girl, who would not return. The girl was completely destroyed and didn't had a chance to get an afterlife. Elizabeth seems to be the leader of the coven. She tells the other witches what they have to do.
  • Elizabeth war das Dienstmädchen von Zepheniah Mann. Nach seinem Tod thumb|200px|Elizabeth bei der Testamentsverlesung von Zepheniah Mann erbte sie einen Großteil seines Vermögens. In den Streitereien von Redmond und Blutarch Mann nahm sie ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle ein. Sie avancierte zu einer Art ersten Administratorin, die ihren Krieg verwaltete. Zudem ist sie eine Vorfahrin von Helen, der aktuellen Administatorin. Kategorie:NSCs (Team Fortress 2)
  • Elizabeth may refer to: * Elizabeth Kirsch (Beth) from Rainbow * Elizabeth Kirsch (Elle) from Batman * Elizabeth Kirsch (James) from Sunshine * Elizabeth Kirsch (Libby) from Eos * Elizabeth Kirsch (Lizbeth) from Avalon * Elizabeth Kirsch (Lizzie) from Aurum * Elizabeth Kirsch (Pin) from Narnia * Elizabeth Kirsch (Slipstick) from Helios and now in Origin
  • Elizabeth is a young, wealthy Wraith girl; the daughter of Count Raum and Countess Empusa in the realm of Aetha.
  • Elizabeth, is a fictional character played by Jackie Debatin in the television series The Office.
  • Elizabeth je vulkánsko-lidský hybrid, dcera T'Pol a Charlese Tuckera. Za pomoci vzorků DNA obou rodičů odcizených na Enterprise byla Elizabeth stvořena uměle v laboratoři na Měsíci. Za tím stál John Frederick Paxton, vůdce organizace Terra Prime. Ten byl proti jakékoliv alianci s mimozemšťany, a proto chtěl Elizabeth lidstvu představit jako zrůdu. Jako něco, co bude vznikat, když se lidé budou paktovat s mimozemšťany a něco, co v budoucnosti způsobí, že lidé budou na svém vlastním světě menšinou. Elizabeth je sice brzy vysvobozena ze spárů Terra Prime, ale umírá. K jejímu stvoření použili lékaři špatné genetické metody, a proto vulkánská a lidská DNA nebyly kompatibilní. T'Pol pojmenovala svou dceru po Charlese Tuckerově sestře Elizabeth.
  • Elizabeth is Emily von Injoface's best friend and Parlorine's best friend. She is in their group, the Fashion Police.
  • It is said that she has a foul-smelling scent, and also intakes the memories of others, which was the reason why the monsters attacked Grand Chase for they have no memory. The Kanavan Kingdom requested that they search for the outbreaks of the Marsh, and Elizabeth was the answer.
  • Elizabeth is the poodle dog owned by Professor Dweeb, who is the nemesis of Slimer in the Slimer! cartoon series.
  • Elizabeth - kuter podarowany Desmondowi przez Libby.
  • Elizabeth is a character from the Persona series. She is the sister of Margaret and Theodore.
  • Elizabeth is a scout for the Followers of the Apocalypse in 2161.
  • Elizabeth refers to Queen Elizabeth I, an English leader who has appeared in all of the Civilization games in the main series.
  • According to the Gossip, it is hinted she suffers from Kleptomania and stole her Father's Silver needle.
  • Elizabeth (エリザベス Erizabesu) is a young woman who visited Magnolia with Meliodas and Hawk.
  • Categoría:Personajes{| class="quote" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:1px solid #EE9966; background:#FFFFB0; border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; -khtml-border-radius: 6px; -o-border-radius: 6px; -icab-border-radius: 6px;; padding:0; margin:.5em 1em .5em 1em; width:auto" |style="text-align:justify;padding:0 10px;"| "¡Es la mejor decisión que he tomado!" -Luego de que se reencontrara con Heinz |} Elizabeth es una de las ex-novias de Heinz Doofenshmirtz. Parece ser fanática de las ballenas, e irónicamente, vive en la actualidad dentro de una.
  • A sequel, Elizabeth: The Golden Age will be released by Focus Features in theaters on October 12, 2007.
  • Elizabeth or just Lizzie, is portrayed by Nicole Joy Tan and is a character from As the Bell Rings (Singapore). She is a student that is pretty, vain, and fashionable. She also likes to be in the spotlight. She is often referred to as, The Princess. She is also best friends with Maisy and Ying Ying.
  • According to the Gossip, it is hinted she suffers from kleptomania and stole her father's Silver needle.
  • Elizabeth is a 1998 biographical film written by Michael Hirst, directed by Shekhar Kapur, and starring Cate Blanchett in the title role of Queen Elizabeth I of England, alongside Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Fiennes, John Gielgud, Daniel Craig, Fanny Ardant, Emily Mortimer and Richard Attenborough. This 1998 film is loosely based on the early years of Elizabeth's reign. In 2007, Blanchett and Rush reprised their roles in the sequel, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, covering the later part of her reign.
  • This Luvdisc, nicknamed Elizabeth, is a water-type Pokémon owned by Wallace.
  • Elisabeth is the Sister of Mary, Son of John the Baptist and Wife of Zechariah
  • Elizabeth appears in MySims Fusion and MySims Galaxy.
  • Elizabeth is a student at P.S. 38 who was once elected class secretary.
  • One of her character designs had her wearing a white and red wig, a torn white dress and silver pieces of armor covering her arms and legs. In the other design, she had brown hair, a white empire dress with gold chains around her hips, gold pieces of armor covering her arms and shoulders, and red high heels.
  • Elizabeth is the Ancient Evil of the 168th dimension, released by Lady Mandy of the 168th dimension. She has shown many powers and is likely to take over all the dimensions unless someone stops her.
  • Elizabeth is one of a group of two political scouts who comes to visit Leslie Knope and offers to help her run a City Council election campaign.
  • Elizabeth (エリザベス) is Katsura's unusual pet Amanto and a member of the Jouishishi. It is always by Katsura's side and has become inseparable as Katsura's sidekick. Fiercely loyal to Katsura, it has saved him on numerous occassions. Apparently, the members of the Jouishishi consider Elizabeth like a high rank member of the joui, in fact, he is like Katsura's right hand. It was later revealed that there are two Elizabeth in the series that accompanies Katsura. In episode 173, Katsura was accompanied with Russian Elizabeth instead.
  • Elizabeth was born in the Void Knight Outpost. She was taught to respect Guthix and save Gielinor from the evil forces. She trained hard and mastered the Void Knight arts and weaponry. She then travelled to many parts of Gielinor to create a perfect balance of forces. She is also referred to as the "Master Void Knight". History also says that Guthix himself gave her his honour.
  • Elizabeth was the one that made Gabriel a lycanthrope, though the other leopards believe they miss the way things were when Gabriel was Leader. In truth Elizabeth is the only one who truly misses him. She hates Anita because she herself isn't strong enough to lead the pard. In Narcissus in Chains she invites Micah to St. Louis to audition for the position of Nimir-Raj without Anita's consent. Because she left Nathaniel alone, when she was supposed to chaperone him, and continued to defy Anita, she was shot by Anita with normal bullets as punishment. She is also a nurse.
  • The Null Chamber, Nelson Quiz Involved in Quests: * Elizabeth was formerly found in Barton Town (B3).
  • Elizabeth was Claymore No. 5 of Cassandra's generation. She was known for her "beautiful" sword technique, which was later copied by Roxanne.
  • L'esistenza di Elizabeth fu scoperta nel gennaio del 2155, quando un ex-membro di Terra Prime, Susan Khouri, morì per portare una ciocca di capelli di Elizabeth a T'Pol. Al momento della scoperta, Elizabeth non aveva più di sei mesi, il che significa che fu stata creata durante la fine del 2154. (ENT: "Demoni")
  • She is a kleptomaniac, often stealing small items. Her kleptomania caused Louisa to suspect her of the murder. At some point, she bought some poison from the Poison Salesman to kill some mosquitoes. If there are still mosquitoes by the fountain, she is the murderer.
  • Elizabeth was a cheerful little girl from Sesame Street. She first appeared in Episode 3656, in which she came to Sesame Street to visit her best friend, Jerome. By Season 31, Elizabeth was most often seen with her pet cat Little Murray Sparkles. In an interview with, Stephanie D'Abruzzo described the character:
  • Height= 5'4" (162cm) Elizabeth is a plant technician hired to repair the plant at Inepril City. She is a beautiful woman who uses her looks to try to lure Vash The Stampede to his death in a sabotaged plant. As a former resident of July, she blames him for the death of her parents. She had intended on letting the plant to be sabotaged to get revenge on him, including hiring an assassin to distract him. When the assassin fails, she leaves him and Vash to die. However Vash is able to fix the plant and save the city of Inepril. She watched in shock as many people praised him and when Vash came to apologize for the events July, she attempted again to kill him by shooting him.
  • Elizabeth is, together with Batlin and her twin brother Abraham, one of the founders of the Fellowship. Very little is known about her, apart from that she met Batlin ten years before founding the Fellowship. Also, Danag in Buccaneer's Den dislikes her and, in the presence of the small Cube, says she is "a royal she-bitch and will murder thee at a moment's notice." Elizabeth is officially wandering between the branches and promoting their philosophy, when not leading with her brother the branch in Buccaneer's Den, but in reality, she kills their enemies.
  • The film brought Australian actress Blanchett to international attention. She won several awards for her portrayal of Elizabeth, notably a BAFTA and a Golden Globe in 1998, while the film was also named the 1998 BAFTA Best British Film. Elizabeth was nominated in 7 categories in the 71st Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actress, receiving the prize for Best Makeup.
  • Kim jestem? Nazywam się Elizabeth Marsh, i właśnie poznasz moją historię. Odkąd pamiętam, moim jedynym domem był sierociniec. O moich rodzicach, wiem tylko tyle, że istnieli. I że oddali mnie zaraz po moim urodzeniu. Nawet ich imiona są mi nieznane. W sumie, to nigdy nie chciałam ich poznać, więc takie informacje do życia potrzebne mi nie były. Brakowało mi jednak rodzicielskiej troski. Hmm... Czy może mi brakować czegoś, czego nie zaznałam? Może. Wiele razy widziałam rodziców z dziećmi, przechadzających się wesoło w tą, czy wew tą stronę, bez żadnego celu. Ja rzadko wychodziłam z mojego pokoiku. Dzieliłam go z pewną dziewczynką, która szczerze mnie nienawidziła, i za każdym razem starała się mi to pokazywać. To nie ważne, że nic jej nie robiłam. Ona musiała mnie zawsze w pewien sposób ter
  • Elizabeth Anagram was born on Genoskaya to a pair of counter-cultural Serrangios named Riotho and Zuley. She was forcibly taken by Genoskayan government to be raised to be one of their future figureheads. She was found by her biological sister Iala, who took her away to live in an abandoned factory where she would visit her daily. Elizabeth, though very confused, learned to love and trust her sister. She found work as a singer at a dinner theater, where she performed well enough to provide for much of her own monetary needs, though Iala insisted upon taking care of her. She had never met her parents out of fear that they would all be in trouble for her disappearance, but kept in contact through Iala's messaging.
  • In the historical flashback in the episode I Will Repay, Elizabeth was an apparently well-born woman who fell on very hard times. Suffering from a disfiguring skin disease (most likely leprosy), she was an outcast from society. A gang of locals attacked her as she was walking along the coast, intent on rape until they saw her face. Frightened, they beat her and left her for dead.
  • Elizabeth's existence was first discovered in January of 2155, when former Terra Prime member Susan Khouri gave her life to deliver a vial of Elizabeth's hair to T'Pol. Running a genetic analysis, Doctor Phlox discovered that the hair belonged to an infant female who was the offspring of Tucker and T'Pol. John Frederick Paxton, Terra Prime's leader, used Elizabeth as an example of the genetic pollution that could occur if Humans and aliens continued to coexist. He then threatened to destroy Starfleet Command with the verteron array on Mars unless every alien left the solar system. Ultimately, Paxton's plot was foiled by the crew of Enterprise NX-01, and Elizabeth was rescued. Sadly, Elizabeth died soon afterward, due to a fever and an elevated white blood cell count. Elizabeth's importance
  • Prior to becoming Controller of the North Western Railway, Sir Topham Hatt owned Elizabeth - she notes that he was not the best driver. For unknown reasons, Elizabeth was sheeted in a shed and remained there until Thomas' crew found her several decades later when they needed urgent transportation to the Works for new side-rods. Jem Cole restored Elizabeth and she is to this day in perfect working order. When the Skarloey Railway was facing hardships, Elizabeth agreed to help the narrow gauge engines clear the line of fallen branches and restore the line, which they succeeded at.
  • Elizabeth is the niece of Raven and Wolfram's childhood playmate. She is a character original to the anime. Wolfram accidentally slapped Elizabeth, on her left cheek. Elizabeth never forgot this incident, insisting that they swore everlasting love that day, while Wolfram insists he forgot why he slapped her in the first place. Elizabeth becomes Stuffel's tool to separate Yuuri from the three brothers, pronouncing an engagement proposal to Yuuri. Elizabeth's real goal is to marry Wolfram, but Wolfram says that his only fiance is Yuuri. During the duel which ensues, (as Yuuri accidentally picked up a knife and a fork pointing it at Elizabeth; symbolizing a fight to settle a triangle love affair), Yuuri turns into the Maou, protecting Wolfram from being hurt by fire maryoku that Elizabeth sum
  • Elizabeth is a young woman who appears at the Shadow Court in Wraithmarsh during the quest Returning the Dark Seal in Fable II. The Hero of Bowerstone returns to Wraithmarsh the second time to give back the Dark Seal from Reaver in Bloodstone. Reaver intends to keep his youth and beauty by sacrificing one with the seal. The sound of Elizabeth sobbing can be heard from the time The Hero enters the Shadow Court until you reach her in the Judges' chamber.
  • Elizabeth is a nineteen to twenty-year-old woman who has been imprisoned in Columbia since she was an infant, the deuteragonist of BioShock Infinite, Burial at Sea - Episode 1, and the protagonist of Burial at Sea - Episode 2. Booker DeWitt is sent to retrieve her from the city, and bring her to New York. She is guarded by Songbird, a monstrous, winged creature who was both her guard and only friend during childhood; she began to hate him as she grew up, seeing him as a warden prohibiting her freedom. Elizabeth has the power to manipulate Tears that exist in the fabric of time. __TOC__
  • Esto es demasiado peligroso, ella es una demente. Escribo esto para que nadie sufra lo mismo que yo. Hace mucho conocí a una hermosa chica, mientras más la conocía más me enamoraba... ella era todo lo que había deseado y más... o eso creía. Cuando abrió la puerta me quede maravillado, se veía mas hermosa que nunca, recuerdo muy bien que llevaba un vestido negro hasta las rodillas que hacia que su pálida piel resaltara, su cabello marrón perfectamente rizado y atado en una coleta alta. Se hizo a un lado y me dijo; -Pasa, amor. Te tengo una sorpresa muy especial.
  • Elizabeth, of priestly lineage, was a relative of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was the wife of Zechariah, a priest in Jerusalem, in the Roman province of Judea. In preparing the way for the Messiah, God performed a miracle to grant her long dream of having a baby (for she had been barren and was past her childbearing years). The couple would become the parents of John, called the Baptist. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months, and perhaps up to the birth of the child Zachariah insisted on calling John. There is no further mention of Elizabeth or Zechariah in the New Testament.
  • Das weibliche Asiatische Elefantenkalb Elizabeth wurde am 10.06.2016 im englischen Whipsnade Zoo geboren, der in der Grafschaft Bedfordshire nahe London liegt und von der Zoologischen Gesellschaft London (ZSL) geleitet wird. Ihre Mutter ist die dort lebende Elefantenkuh Karishma, eine Tochter von Minbu aus dem Zoo Twycross und dem Bullen Chang, der früher im Zoo Chester lebte. Ihr Urgroßvater ist der Bulle Chieng Mai in Kopenhagen, die Kuh Ida ihre Urgroßmutter. Ihr Vater Emmet stammt von dem Elefantenpaar Indy und Romani ab, das in Amerika lebt, und kam 1997 nach Whipsnade.
  • 28
  • 42
  • 56
  • 90
  • 99
  • Very High
  • Unknown
  • 99
  • 120
  • 153
  • 189
  • 261
  • 270
  • -
  • 110.0
St Bind
  • 25.0
  • Resist
Ag Bind
  • 25.0
  • Resist
  • Beautiful Sword Technique
  • -
strong points
  • Right Hand
  • 64.900000
  • Féminin
temp companion
  • no
  • Absorb
  • Null
  • -
  • 110.0
  • Resist
  • 25.0
  • Resist
talking head
  • no
  • Graves
  • 0
perm companion
  • no
Row 4 info
  • Null
  • -
  • Resist
  • 1,70m
  • Grau
  • no
items modified
  • -
  • -
  • Idiots
  • No
  • 99
heal cripple
  • no
  • no
  • Galerie
  • Elizabeth Graves
  • 99
  • エリザベス
  • 25.0
  • Resist
  • Elizabeth
  • Libby, Desmond, obecnie Inni
  • Null
  • -
  • Resist
Row 1 info
  • 1891-09-03
  • Elizabeth
  • She's wearing a green top and blue trousers.
deceased state
  • Alive
  • 2155
  • Student
  • Elizabeth
  • SpecialsAndMoviesCharactersColors
  • JouishishiColors
  • -
  • Ex-Novia de Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
  • no
involved in quests
  • Null
  • -
  • Resist
  • Elizabeth on in 2155
Row 4 title
  • Homeland
  • 24
Novel Debut
  • N/A
  • Null
  • 25.0
  • Resist
  • -
  • ???
  • Eli
  • Eli"zugi"sabeth
  • General Eren
  • Zabethsuke
Row 2 info
  • Female
  • Member of an unknown organization
Row 6 info
  • N/A
Image Gallery
  • yes
  • Death
  • Tower
  • Lovers
  • Magician
  • Chariot
  • Hermit
  • Aeon
  • The World , Death, The Fool
  • Resist
  • 7
Row 1 title
  • Species
  • Nickname
  • Adulta
  • 25.0
  • Resist
cure radiation
  • no
Row 5 info
  • N/A
  • no
Row 2 title
  • Gender
  • Profession
Apparition Manga
  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth/Galerie
  • 175
Row 6 title
  • Most Recent
quests started
  • -
  • Schwarz
  • Rechtschaffen Gut
  • Elizabeth
Manga Debut
  • -
Row 5 title
  • First Story Appearance
  • Elizabeth Graves
unnamed character
  • No
Row 3 info
  • Ludicrine , Iala , Foszi , Hank Anagram
  • Time travel research, layer research
Row 3 title
  • Family
  • Specialty
Anime Debut
  • Episode 45
  • no
  • MySims
  • -
  • 200
quests involved
  • -
  • 111
  • 177
  • 180
  • 246
  • 267
Box Title
  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth Anagram
  • Null
  • Rock
  • Stripper
  • Elizabeth
  • 3
  • Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Joseph Fiennes
  • Ballena
  • FO1
  • Popular Pandas
  • Erizabesu
  • Herself
  • Antonia Raftu
  • Blue
  • Crimson red
  • Bonbori
  • Pawnee, Indiana
  • 99
  • 25
  • Fable II
  • "This Is Your Backstory"
  • "The Comeback Kid"
  • 15
  • 31
  • Unknown
  • Fánatica de las Ballenas
  • -
  • Tome and Tarot Cards
  • Alive
  • Dead
  • Deceased
  • Active
  • *Mary
  • John the Baptist
  • Best Actress
  • Best Cinematography
  • Best Original Score
  • Best Picture
  • Best Costume Design
  • Best Art Direction
  • Best Makeup
First Appearance
  • Absorb
  • Null
  • -
  • 110.0
  • Resist
  • Scout
  • Eliza, 'Liza or E.
  • Whale Heinz Doofenshmirtz
  • BioShock Infinite
  • Burial at Sea - Episode 1
  • Burial at Sea - Episode 2
  • Clash in the Clouds
  • Unknown
  • Blond
  • Brown
  • Brunette
  • 99
  • 37
  • 59
  • 60
  • 82
  • 89
  • Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth Rhodes
  • Unknown
  • water
  • 1
  • Image:Elizabeth.gif
  • Jewish
  • Erizabesu
  • Erizabesu
  • Elizabeth about to leave Heinz Doofenshmirtz
  • Elizabeth as a vampire
  • Elizabeth with her obsession
  • Before Nick brought her over, Elizabeth suffered from a severe skin disease.
  • Fable II
  • "Li'l Sebastian"
  • "Perry Lays an Egg"
  • Heart of Gold
  • Female
  • 36
  • 50
  • 66
  • 85
  • 89
  • :Can make one trip by snapping finger
  • TBA
  • Unknown
  • c. 40 BC — AD 20
Social Class
  • Priestly
  • Aramaic
  • -
  • Resist
  • 180
  • 90
behavioral alignment
  • Good/Sexual
Última Aparicion
  • Perry Puso Un Huevo
Ciudad Natal
  • Danville
  • Sweet Kiss
  • 0
  • 23500
  • 55000
  • 104500
  • 275000
  • Feb. 14
  • Caretaker
  • Nurse
Significant Other
  • Yes
  • -
  • Anna DeWitt
  • Cohen's Songbird
  • Elizabeth Comstock
  • Lamb of Columbia
  • Seed of the Prophet
  • The girl
  • Black
  • TBA
  • 30
  • 42
  • 49
  • 60
  • 69
  • 123.0
  • 250
  • 40
  • 51
  • 63
  • 87
  • 90
  • Elizabeth
  • エリザベス
  • エリザベス
  • Erizabesu
  • New Murder Mystery Quest!
  • 180.0
  • 214.0
  • 9.0
  • 306.0
  • No
  • Elizabeth
  • Love interests
  • Elizabeth Rhodes
  • Oh no!
  • All
  • no
  • 71
  • Magarudyne
  • Mabufudyne
  • Maragidyne
  • Mahamaon
  • Rampage Ziodyne Maziodyne Diarahan Tarukaja Power Charge Charge Shot Silent Song Muscle Down Megidolaon Mind Charge Elec Corrosion Keraunos
  • Eerie Sound Sexy Dance Poison Mist Tentarafoo Evil Smile
  • Mamudoon
  • Maziodyne
  • Megidolaon
  • Megidolaon Diarahan
  • Poison Breath Guillotine Agilao Matarunda Maragion Stona
  • Gigantic Fist Silent Song Mabufudyne Power Charge Blade of Fury Bufudyne
  • Agidyne Bufudyne Ziodyne Garudyne Megidolaon Lullaby Song Binding Cry Silent Song Muscle Down Spiderweb Marakunda Matarukaja Mind Charge Samarecarm
  • Tempest Slash Mighty Swing Assault Shot Binding Cry Tarukaja Hamaon
  • 5
  • TBA
Image size
  • 225
  • 300
  • Adult
  • Adult
  • Unknown
  • The Lethal Elevator Attendant , Eliza-Death
  • 7
  • Unknown
  • Null
  • --10-20
  • January, 2155
  • *Yahwism *Judaism
  • Non-Religious
  • Unknown
  • Elizabeth
  • Unknown
  • 30
  • 49
  • 60
  • 88
  • 98
  • 220
  • Elizabeth dumps Heinz.jpg
  • 350
  • Akatsuki
  • 20000
  • Null
  • The Village Greens
  • *Elizabeth was formerly found in Barton Town .
  • Elizabeth
Last Appearance
  • anime
  • None
  • Prostitute
  • Ankle biting Dog
  • Political Scout
  • Steed; Pet
  • 7
  • 4000
  • 6200
  • 11000
  • 11200
  • 14000
  • 20000
  • Elizabeth.png
  • 2003-06-09
  • Absorb
  • Null
  • -
  • 110.0
  • Resist
  • Myspace
  • Official Website
  • Civilian
  • Taking charge
  • Pale
  • TBA
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • Americana
  • Absorb
  • Null
  • -
  • Resist
Image File
  • Elizabeth.png
  • Dentro de una Ballena
  • Female
  • Male
  • Zechariah
  • Good
  • Ein etwas größeres, hyperthrophes Narbengeflecht im linken Bauchbereich.
Blood Type
  • O
  • 0
  • エリザベス
  • -
  • January 1959
  • Wallace Wallace
  • Michael Hirst
  • Shekhar Kapur
  • Femenino
  • One of the six Sinclair children
  • 1998
  • Elizabeth.jpg
  • 1893
  • American
  • Shin Makoku
wikipage disambiguates
first anime
  • N/A
  • left
  • 45.0
starts quests
  • Stealth
first manga
  • Scene 117
  • -
  • I learned many things from the man with whom I fought with back-to-back. That's why I have no regrets. There is something that I must protect. Even if it means destroying Earth. Even if it means fighting against him. A true friend will always protect a friend's back. That is what I learned from my friend on Earth.
Primera Aparicion
  • Perry Puso Un Huevo
  • 1958-10-08
  • 1825
  • -
  • 25.0
  • Resist
Ma Bind
  • 25.0
  • Resist
  • Rejs Desmonda
  • Jewish
  • Null
  • 250
  • 1893-10-08
Intereses de Amor
  • Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz y una Ballena
  • Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
  • 1825
  • None
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • __TOC__
  • Elizabeth is one of Heinz Doofenshmirtz's ex-girlfriends.
  • Elizabeth Anagram was born on Genoskaya to a pair of counter-cultural Serrangios named Riotho and Zuley. She was forcibly taken by Genoskayan government to be raised to be one of their future figureheads. She was found by her biological sister Iala, who took her away to live in an abandoned factory where she would visit her daily. Elizabeth, though very confused, learned to love and trust her sister. She found work as a singer at a dinner theater, where she performed well enough to provide for much of her own monetary needs, though Iala insisted upon taking care of her. She had never met her parents out of fear that they would all be in trouble for her disappearance, but kept in contact through Iala's messaging. Later on in life she was introduced to her cousin Ludicrine, who visited her even more frequently than her own sister, and the three became truly inseparable friends. After Iala left to seek work in prostitution, Elizabeth followed her into her profession in wanting to spend more time with her, though a fellow waiter from the theater that she had worked at named Foszi convinced her to return to her old work. The two began to spend more time with each other and eventually became engaged, to the irritation of Iala. When Ludicrine and Iala had both left the homeworld to seek a new life, Elizabeth was alone and lived with Foszi in the factory up until the Third Catastrophe. During the events of Cuts Internal: The Return to Genoskaya, she sends a message to her sister to return home immediately as a result of the Doomer takeover. After her place of work was destroyed, she and a large number of survivors living on the street all agreed to move into the factory together, with many of them deciding on fighting back against the doomers. In the later events of Slashes Eternal: The Rise of Zorc, she and Foszi return to aid the gang in the fight against Zorc. Later on, she and Foszi have a child together, named Hank after Ludicrine's idol and friend, Hankvi.
  • Elizabeth, commonly known as Liz, is a central character in the Submachine series.
  • Elizabeth es un personaje secundario de El Chavo del Ocho interpretado por Marta Zabaleta, como parte del elenco que acompañaban a los niños en la escuela. Solo apareció en el episodio "El primer día de clases" de 1974, es la alumna más aplicada de la clase, ella contesta las preguntas con bastante firmeza y de forma correcta. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN
  • Elizabeth Rhodes (August 4, 1864 - October 20, 2009), was a Zimbabwean vampire seeking revenge in Haneru's death. She and her coven organized an attempt on both Haneru and her boyfriend's Stephen's life, in revenge for her fallen mate John. However, their first attempt failed and Elizabeth was killed by shape-shifter Yumna Johansen and Malia Dolcesconi. She is portrayed by American actress Scarlett Johansson.
  • Elizabeth is a fourteen year old girl from Palette Town in East Kantojo she first appeared in Pokemon Dark and Light as the main female character or the friendly rival if the boy was picked. Her father Henry is fighting in West Kantojo along with James' father Stuart. She lives with her stepmother Jane because her mother Anne is a General in the Verdinan training pit and she left Elizabeth and her family.
  • Elizabeth is a character in Ernest Scared Stupid. She was portrayed by Shay Astar. After Mayor Murdock's two sons destroy Kenny Binder's cardboard haunted house, she relocates with Ernest, Kenny, and Joey underneath the tree where Trantor the troll is dormant. The troll later roams Briarville, Missouri once again to transform children into wooden dolls. Elizabeth's mother tells her to have fun on Halloween and trolls do not exist at all. After her mother leaves the room, Elizabeth becomes Trantor's third victim of transforming into a wooden doll, as her punishment for bad acting. She returns as a human after Ernest defeats Trantor once and for all.
  • Elizabeth puede referirse a: * Elizabeth "Libby" Smith, superviviente del vuelo 815 de Oceanic * El Elizabeth, velero nombrado según Libby * Elizabeth Sarnoff, guionista de Lost * Elizabeth Mitchell, actriz que interpreta a Juliet
  • Esto es demasiado peligroso, ella es una demente. Escribo esto para que nadie sufra lo mismo que yo. Hace mucho conocí a una hermosa chica, mientras más la conocía más me enamoraba... ella era todo lo que había deseado y más... o eso creía. Desde que vi sus hermosos y profundos ojos verdes no volví a ser el mismo, vivía solo por ella, no podía comer, beber o respirar sin pensar en ella... poco a poco caí en la trampa de la cual no puedo escapar, por lo menos no con vida. Un día le pedí ser mi novia, ella aceptó inmediatamente; ese fue el inicio de la pesadilla. Para celebrarlo me invitó a su casa, yo emocionado acepte, grave error. Desde lejos se podía oler un asqueroso olor a sangre y carne putrefacta que salía desde su casa, pero eso no importaba ya que la iba a ver. Cuando abrió la puerta me quede maravillado, se veía mas hermosa que nunca, recuerdo muy bien que llevaba un vestido negro hasta las rodillas que hacia que su pálida piel resaltara, su cabello marrón perfectamente rizado y atado en una coleta alta. Se hizo a un lado y me dijo; -Pasa, amor. Te tengo una sorpresa muy especial. Yo la obedecí, iba a preguntar sobre la sorpresa, pero no pude decir nada coherente al ver decenas de cadáveres mutilados en el suelo. Me gire para que me diera una respuesta, la cual fue muy clara... quizás demasiado, saco un cuchillo e intento asesinarme. Yo tuve suerte y pude escapar. Pero no termino allí, debo mudarme con frecuencia para huir. Ella aun me sigue a todos lados, no puedo vivir tranquilo, se que estoy enloqueciendo. Pero mi sufrimiento acabara pronto, después de todo ella ya esta rompiendo la puerta de mi departamento, pero antes quiero que sepan quien es ella; su nombre es Elizabeth, es una asesina que viaja por el mundo, tiene una maldición que evita que muera o envejezca, por lo que siempre tendrá esa imagen de chica de 18 totalmente seductora y "perfecta" a los ojos de cualquier hombre, si la ves y te enamoras ten cuidado pues no parara hasta asesinarte. Oigo como ella termina de romper la puerta delantera, yo moriré hoy, eso es seguro, pero no en sus manos, no le daré ese gusto, me he cortado las venas hace rato, en estos momentos apenas puedo escribir. Por favor... escuchen... mis adver... ten... cias.Categoría:Mentes trastornadasCategoría:Demonios
  • Kim jestem? Nazywam się Elizabeth Marsh, i właśnie poznasz moją historię. Odkąd pamiętam, moim jedynym domem był sierociniec. O moich rodzicach, wiem tylko tyle, że istnieli. I że oddali mnie zaraz po moim urodzeniu. Nawet ich imiona są mi nieznane. W sumie, to nigdy nie chciałam ich poznać, więc takie informacje do życia potrzebne mi nie były. Brakowało mi jednak rodzicielskiej troski. Hmm... Czy może mi brakować czegoś, czego nie zaznałam? Może. Wiele razy widziałam rodziców z dziećmi, przechadzających się wesoło w tą, czy wew tą stronę, bez żadnego celu. Ja rzadko wychodziłam z mojego pokoiku. Dzieliłam go z pewną dziewczynką, która szczerze mnie nienawidziła, i za każdym razem starała się mi to pokazywać. To nie ważne, że nic jej nie robiłam. Ona musiała mnie zawsze w pewien sposób terroryzować. W końcu odbiło się to na mojej psychice. Przez jej obraźliwe uwagi kierowane w moją stronę, stałam się zamknięta w sobie, i strasznie nieśmiała. Dlatego właśnie rzadko wychodziłam z mojego pokoju. Ona, bywała w tam tylko dwa razy dziennie - rano, i wieczorem. Resztę dnia spędzała ze swoimi przyjaciółeczkami, które niewiele się od niej różniły. Całą czwórką napadały na mnie psychicznie. Dlaczego? Uważały mnie za wariatkę. Nie tylko one, zresztą. Nawet nasze opiekunki na boku o mnie rozmawiały, jakby mówiły o jakiejś psychicznie chorej wariatce, która uciekła z więzienia. Czemu akurat z więzienia? Dlatego, że parę razy zdarzyło mi się zaatakować dzieci, ale WYŁĄCZNIE w samoobronie. Nigdy nie wierzono mi, że to ja padłam ofiarą. A czemu uważali mnie za wariatkę? Otóż dlatego, że słyszałam głosy i widziałam ludzi, których nie było. Tak, dobrze przeczytaliście. Każdego dnia, czułam się bardziej prześladowana, niż w rzeczywistości byłam. Szłam korytarzem, i słyszałam głosy, które zza mnie nawoływały moje imię, a gdy się odwracałam, nikogo tam nie było. Jednak często widywałam tych ludzi, którzy do mnie mówili, a nie istnieli. Pierwszy przypadek, z tego co pamiętam, zdarzył się w gabinecie dyrektorki naszej szkoły. Byłam tam z powodu pobicia koleżanki, chociaż tak jak zawsze, to ona zaatakowała mnie pierwsza. Mniejsza z tym, widziałam człowieka który stał za dyrektorką. Mówił "nie słuchaj jej", czy "zaatakuj ją". Nigdy nie słuchałam tych ludzi. Jednak najbardziej bałam się, gdy słyszałam w nocy jak ktoś wchodzi do mojego pokoju, chociaż nikogo tam nie było. Czasami myślałam, że ten sierociniec jest nawiedzony, jednak skoro tak, to czemu tylko ja miałabym padać ofiarą tych "duchów"? Zmieniłam się, mając siedemnaście lat. Nikt mnie nigdy nie adaptował, i całe życie spędziłam w sierocińcu. To miał być mój ostatni rok w tym miejscu. Był to dla mnie pamiętny dzień, którego to zaczęłam myśleć logiczniej. Czemu miałabym nie słuchać tych urojonych ludzi? Przecież skoro ich widzę, po coś jednak są. Moje myśli potoczyły się tym tokiem pierwszy raz, gdy leżałam w moim łóżku, nie mogąc zasnąć. Przykryłam się kołdrą, chcąc zasnąć. "Nie idź spać" - usłyszałam. Te słowa były wypowiedziane szeptem, przez który przeszedł mnie dreszcz. Był to męski głos. Odkryłam się powoli, z walącym jak pięściarz serce. Nikt tam nie stał, a Veronica, czyli moja dręczycielka, spała leniwie rozciągnięta na całym łóżku. "Zadźgaj ją" usłyszałam. Miałam niby kogoś zabić?! Ale... czemu nie? Ona dręczyła mnie, i nabijała się. Uważała się za lepszą... Terroryzowała mnie! "Pokażę Ci. Nie jesteś lepsza" - pomyślałam. Powoli wstałam, i cicho podeszłam do niej. Lecz.. nie miałam broni. Cicho podkradłam się do kuchni, i wzięłam nóż. Wróciłam niezauważona przez zupełnie nikogo do naszego pokoju. Stanęłam nad nią... Bez wahania wbiłam jej nóż prosto w serce. Jeżeli je miała. Otworzyła oczy i krztusząc się przez chwilę, próbowała coś powiedzieć, w czasie gdy wbijałam jej z szczerym szczęściem z zemsty nóż w brzuch, zasłaniając jej usta. Po chwili umarła. Czemu sprawiało mi to aż taką radość? Poszatkowałam jej jeszcze przez chwilę ciało, i z zadowoleniem wpatrywałam się w moje dzieło. Poplamiona jej krwią wyszłam z pokoju, ubierając po drodze na biały podkoszulek, czarną, rozpinaną bluzę, i czarne leginsy. Była jeszcze noc... Do rana mogłam się zatrzymać gdzieś indziej. Przecież nie mogłam tam zostać. "Rozpoznają mnie..." - pomyślałam. Do godziny siódmej, czas spędziłam z tyłu jakiegoś budynku ukrywając się. Potem zafarbowałam włosy u jakiejś kobiety, prowadzącej mało znany zakład fryzjerski. Była to jakaś starsza kobieta, której obiecałam że zapłacę później. Ufarbowałam się na czerwono! Te nastoletnie fanaberie, i strach przed tym że złapie mnie policja... Uciekłam do lasu. "A inni?" - Usłyszałam jakiś szept, wywodzący się dosłownie zza mnie, ale nie wystraszyłam się. Nawet się nie odwróciłam, by sprawdzić kto to. "Innym też się należy. Nikt Cię nie chciał" - dodał. Wyciągnęłam nóż z kieszeni i wpatrywałam się w krew która na nim była. Przecież to racja. Należy im się. Moją chęć zabijania musiałam zachować do jutra. Napadłam na jakąś czternastolatkę palącą pod sklepem, nie daleko lasu. Rzadko kto tam bywał, więc mogłam pozwolić sobie na zaspokojenie potrzeby zabijania. - Palisz? - Zapytałam podchodząc do niej, ukryta w kapturze. Ukrywałam śmiech. - A ty co? Moja stara? Odejdź kur** - warknęła. Krew się we mnie podburzyła. Przystawiłam jej nóż od tylu do gardła, i zasłoniłam jej oczy. Papieros upadł na chodnik, a ja go przydeptałam. Próbowała krzyczeć, ale przywaliłam nią parę razy o ścianę budynku, więc zemdlała. Zaciągnęłam ją do lasu, gdzie poszatkowałam ją do reszty. "To koniec?" - zapytał mnie głos. - Nie - odpowiedziałam, z psychopatycznym uśmieszkiem. Kategoria:Opowiadania
  • Elizabeth is the main female protagonist in Bioshock: Infinate and a playable DLC character in Super Smash Brothers 5. She'll be in her blue dress as her default skin and will be in the Third Party pack along side Freddy Fazbear (Five Nights at Freddy) and Dingle Kringle (Elf Bowling)
  • Elizabeth, labeled The Bossy Brit, is a contestant on Total Drama: South Pacific.
  • Elizabeth is a Pokémon Trainer from Sinnoh and protagonist of PokéTrio.
  • She sells homes but she mostly sells homes for Premium Members. They are very expensive than you think.
  • Also known as Elizabeth Township
  • In the historical flashback in the episode I Will Repay, Elizabeth was an apparently well-born woman who fell on very hard times. Suffering from a disfiguring skin disease (most likely leprosy), she was an outcast from society. A gang of locals attacked her as she was walking along the coast, intent on rape until they saw her face. Frightened, they beat her and left her for dead. She was found by Nick Knight, who treated her injuries and offered to bring her across. This cured her illness and restored her beauty. However she promptly decided to take revenge on those who had attacked her. Nick was appalled: this was not why he'd saved her. Realizing that she had no understanding of his scruples, he thrust her into a fire, and she burned to death.
  • The party later uses Elizabeth as a bridge to cross over to the Ghost Ship.
  • Elizabeth es un personaje en el juego Fallout.
  • Elizabeth is a Selling Point in Treasure Gulf.
  • Elizabeth is a boss monster of Bran Castle.
  • Elizabeth is a trilogy song by Kamelot.
  • Elizabeth is a vintage Sentinel steam lorry.
  • Elizabeth is the niece of Raven and Wolfram's childhood playmate. She is a character original to the anime. Wolfram accidentally slapped Elizabeth, on her left cheek. Elizabeth never forgot this incident, insisting that they swore everlasting love that day, while Wolfram insists he forgot why he slapped her in the first place. Elizabeth becomes Stuffel's tool to separate Yuuri from the three brothers, pronouncing an engagement proposal to Yuuri. Elizabeth's real goal is to marry Wolfram, but Wolfram says that his only fiance is Yuuri. During the duel which ensues, (as Yuuri accidentally picked up a knife and a fork pointing it at Elizabeth; symbolizing a fight to settle a triangle love affair), Yuuri turns into the Maou, protecting Wolfram from being hurt by fire maryoku that Elizabeth summoned. He proclaims the two go on the date and remember their childhood memories. It is eventually learned that Wolfram slapped Elizabeth because he wanted to touch a butterfly that flew past, and Conrad was watching the entire event. He claimed he had forgotten about it because he did not want to embarrass Elizabeth.
  • Poem copied from the Wikisource.
  • Elizabeth is a master Ninja, and one willing to train anyone in the ways of Ninjutsu. She is also a friend of Robina Hood. She lead the ninjas in the Pirates Vs. Ninja War. She was also involved in the 14th Epic Quest "Queen of Hearts" and invaded the Vampire Castle. You may get her as your guest if you go to the Pirates Vs. Ninja War and join her.
  • Elizabeth bezieht sich auf: * Libby, deren richtiger Name Elizabeth ist * Die „Elizabeth“, das Segelboot, das nach Libby benannt ist * Elizabeth Sarnoff, eine Autorin von Lost * Elizabeth Mitchell, die Schauspielerin, die den Charakter Juliet Burke spielt
  • The film brought Australian actress Blanchett to international attention. She won several awards for her portrayal of Elizabeth, notably a BAFTA and a Golden Globe in 1998, while the film was also named the 1998 BAFTA Best British Film. Elizabeth was nominated in 7 categories in the 71st Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actress, receiving the prize for Best Makeup. The film sees a young Elizabeth elevated to the throne on the death of her half-sister Mary I, who had imprisoned her. Her reign over the divided and bankrupt realm is perceived as weak and under threat of invasion by Early Modern France or Habsburg Spain. For the future stability and security of the crown she is urged by advisor William Cecil (Attenborough) to marry, and has suitors in the Catholic Philip II of Spain and the French Henri, Duc d'Anjou. She instead embarks on an affair with the wholly unsuitable Robert Dudley (Fiennes). Elizabeth must counter threats from within such as the powerful 4th Duke of Norfolk (Eccleston), and from the armies of Mary of Guise (Ardant) garrisoned in Scotland. She also faces plots from Rome directed by Pope Pius V (Gielgud). Assisted by her 'spymaster' Francis Walsingham (Rush), she puts down the threats both internal and external, ruthlessly executing the plotters. Elizabeth eventually ends her affair and resolves to marry nobody except England. The film ends with Elizabeth assuming the persona of the 'Virgin Queen', and saying: "I am married to England," initiating England's Golden Age.
  • Elizabeth is a water lizard and Myskina Olga's pet. She appeared in the Heart of Gold special.
  • Elizabeth is one of the CrossFit benchmark "Girl" WODs (because of the name, not because they are designed for women). The workout first appeared on the site 12 September 2003.
  • Elizabeth is rather a snobby girl than a nice one. She seems to own several islands. You can enter her fashion review once every week. She is also a minigame hostess.
  • Este dúo formado por dos chicas (Zeni-Kim y S-Cat) debutó el día 12 de Agosto de 2011 con su canción "Ppappa Pierrot" de su single "Queen Of The Queen". Previamente, de ellas no se sabe mucho.
  • Elizabeth (エリザベス, Erizabesu) est une jeune fille qui visite Magnoria en compagnie de Meliodas, d'Hawk et d'autres compagnons. Elle est exclusive au crossover de Fairy Tail : Fairy Tail x Seven Deadly Sins
  • Elizabeth was a terran who lived in the Gutter. She worked for the crime lord Fagin in his territory in the suburb of Greene. However, along with others, she had issues with the drug barker Andy, constantly complaining about him.
  • Elizabeth is a witch. She was in the witch coven that brought Donna back to life. The circle was looking for a sixth member of their coven so they wanted Donna. Donna's life was saved by them so she would be forever in their debt. To bring back Donna to life they needed a sacrifice. So they killed the spirit of a girl, who would not return. The girl was completely destroyed and didn't had a chance to get an afterlife. Elizabeth seems to be the leader of the coven. She tells the other witches what they have to do.
  • Elizabeth war das Dienstmädchen von Zepheniah Mann. Nach seinem Tod thumb|200px|Elizabeth bei der Testamentsverlesung von Zepheniah Mann erbte sie einen Großteil seines Vermögens. In den Streitereien von Redmond und Blutarch Mann nahm sie ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle ein. Sie avancierte zu einer Art ersten Administratorin, die ihren Krieg verwaltete. Zudem ist sie eine Vorfahrin von Helen, der aktuellen Administatorin. Kategorie:NSCs (Team Fortress 2)
  • Elizabeth may refer to: * Elizabeth Kirsch (Beth) from Rainbow * Elizabeth Kirsch (Elle) from Batman * Elizabeth Kirsch (James) from Sunshine * Elizabeth Kirsch (Libby) from Eos * Elizabeth Kirsch (Lizbeth) from Avalon * Elizabeth Kirsch (Lizzie) from Aurum * Elizabeth Kirsch (Pin) from Narnia * Elizabeth Kirsch (Slipstick) from Helios and now in Origin
  • Elizabeth is a young, wealthy Wraith girl; the daughter of Count Raum and Countess Empusa in the realm of Aetha.
  • Elizabeth's existence was first discovered in January of 2155, when former Terra Prime member Susan Khouri gave her life to deliver a vial of Elizabeth's hair to T'Pol. Running a genetic analysis, Doctor Phlox discovered that the hair belonged to an infant female who was the offspring of Tucker and T'Pol. John Frederick Paxton, Terra Prime's leader, used Elizabeth as an example of the genetic pollution that could occur if Humans and aliens continued to coexist. He then threatened to destroy Starfleet Command with the verteron array on Mars unless every alien left the solar system. Ultimately, Paxton's plot was foiled by the crew of Enterprise NX-01, and Elizabeth was rescued. Sadly, Elizabeth died soon afterward, due to a fever and an elevated white blood cell count. Elizabeth's importance as the first known alien-Human hybrid was such that, following her death, the delegates from the conference for the Coalition of Planets asked to attend the child's funeral services. Although it was initially believed that the infant died due to the fundamental incompatibility of Human and Vulcan genes, Phlox later discovered that Elizabeth had died due to a flaw in the cloning procedure used to create her, and that there was no reason why a Human and a Vulcan could not have a child. (ENT: "Demons", "Terra Prime") This character was invented to live or die based on whether a fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise was given the go-ahead or not. While the episode "Terra Prime" was in development, Manny Coto had the idea that, if another season was indeed approved, the baby would live, but if the series was canceled, the child would die. The writers hoped the baby would live, as they expected it would make for "a great storyline." However, the death of Baby Elizabeth echoes the fact that Enterprise was canceled at the end of its fourth season. ("Before Her Time: Decommissioning Enterprise, Part Three: Final Approach", ENT Season 4 Blu-ray special features) Baby Elizabeth was "played" by two infants (twins) named Grace and Riley Norris. In the novel The Good That Men Do, Elizabeth's full name is given as "Elizabeth T'Les Tucker". The book also depicts Tucker and T'Pol burying her on Vulcan.
  • Elizabeth, is a fictional character played by Jackie Debatin in the television series The Office.
  • Elizabeth je vulkánsko-lidský hybrid, dcera T'Pol a Charlese Tuckera. Za pomoci vzorků DNA obou rodičů odcizených na Enterprise byla Elizabeth stvořena uměle v laboratoři na Měsíci. Za tím stál John Frederick Paxton, vůdce organizace Terra Prime. Ten byl proti jakékoliv alianci s mimozemšťany, a proto chtěl Elizabeth lidstvu představit jako zrůdu. Jako něco, co bude vznikat, když se lidé budou paktovat s mimozemšťany a něco, co v budoucnosti způsobí, že lidé budou na svém vlastním světě menšinou. Elizabeth je sice brzy vysvobozena ze spárů Terra Prime, ale umírá. K jejímu stvoření použili lékaři špatné genetické metody, a proto vulkánská a lidská DNA nebyly kompatibilní. T'Pol pojmenovala svou dceru po Charlese Tuckerově sestře Elizabeth.
  • Elizabeth is Emily von Injoface's best friend and Parlorine's best friend. She is in their group, the Fashion Police.
  • It is said that she has a foul-smelling scent, and also intakes the memories of others, which was the reason why the monsters attacked Grand Chase for they have no memory. The Kanavan Kingdom requested that they search for the outbreaks of the Marsh, and Elizabeth was the answer.
  • She is a kleptomaniac, often stealing small items. Her kleptomania caused Louisa to suspect her of the murder. At some point, she bought some poison from the Poison Salesman to kill some mosquitoes. If there are still mosquitoes by the fountain, she is the murderer. She later conspired with her siblings to get Camelot back from King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. They allied themselves with Morgan Le Faye, hired some Kinshra knights from Lord Daquarius, and stormed the castle, taking the knights and the wizard Merlin prisoner. They also threatened the staff, telling them that they would die if they left or spoke to anybody not of the family. They then framed Anna for their father's murder, trusting that the investigator would get her free, and moved out of the mansion and into the castle. After the knights managed to free themselves, Merlin scared them off and threatened to turn them into rabbits if they tried anything again.
  • Prior to becoming Controller of the North Western Railway, Sir Topham Hatt owned Elizabeth - she notes that he was not the best driver. For unknown reasons, Elizabeth was sheeted in a shed and remained there until Thomas' crew found her several decades later when they needed urgent transportation to the Works for new side-rods. Jem Cole restored Elizabeth and she is to this day in perfect working order. When the Skarloey Railway was facing hardships, Elizabeth agreed to help the narrow gauge engines clear the line of fallen branches and restore the line, which they succeeded at. One winter, when Thomas refused to wear his snowplough, Elizabeth scolded him, stating that he could not be reliable without it. She was given the task of taking puddings to Brendam Docks for a delivery to The Mainland, but during the trip, she slid on the icy roads and got herself stuck in a snowdrift. Thomas and Terence rescued her, and they managed to deliver the puddings in time before the ship left.
  • Elizabeth, of priestly lineage, was a relative of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was the wife of Zechariah, a priest in Jerusalem, in the Roman province of Judea. In preparing the way for the Messiah, God performed a miracle to grant her long dream of having a baby (for she had been barren and was past her childbearing years). The couple would become the parents of John, called the Baptist. While Zechariah was serving in the Temple, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and announced that a son who would "be great before the Lord" would be born to Elizabeth. When the old man doubted the angel, he found that he could not speak. He was told that he was to name the child "John." In the process of time, after he returned to Elizabeth, the couple were expecting a child. In Elizabeth's sixth month of pregnancy, her relative Mary of Nazareth visited her, having heard of her pregnancy from the same angel that had spoken to Zechariah. When Mary entered the house and greeted Elizabeth, the baby leaped in Elizabeth's womb. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and it was revealed to her that Mary was carrying the Messiah. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months, and perhaps up to the birth of the child Zachariah insisted on calling John. There is no further mention of Elizabeth or Zechariah in the New Testament.
  • Elizabeth is the poodle dog owned by Professor Dweeb, who is the nemesis of Slimer in the Slimer! cartoon series.
  • Elizabeth - kuter podarowany Desmondowi przez Libby.
  • Elizabeth is a character from the Persona series. She is the sister of Margaret and Theodore.
  • Elizabeth is a scout for the Followers of the Apocalypse in 2161.
  • Elizabeth refers to Queen Elizabeth I, an English leader who has appeared in all of the Civilization games in the main series.
  • According to the Gossip, it is hinted she suffers from Kleptomania and stole her Father's Silver needle.
  • Elizabeth (エリザベス Erizabesu) is a young woman who visited Magnolia with Meliodas and Hawk.
  • Categoría:Personajes{| class="quote" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:1px solid #EE9966; background:#FFFFB0; border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; -khtml-border-radius: 6px; -o-border-radius: 6px; -icab-border-radius: 6px;; padding:0; margin:.5em 1em .5em 1em; width:auto" |style="text-align:justify;padding:0 10px;"| "¡Es la mejor decisión que he tomado!" -Luego de que se reencontrara con Heinz |} Elizabeth es una de las ex-novias de Heinz Doofenshmirtz. Parece ser fanática de las ballenas, e irónicamente, vive en la actualidad dentro de una.
  • A sequel, Elizabeth: The Golden Age will be released by Focus Features in theaters on October 12, 2007.
  • Height= 5'4" (162cm) Elizabeth is a plant technician hired to repair the plant at Inepril City. She is a beautiful woman who uses her looks to try to lure Vash The Stampede to his death in a sabotaged plant. As a former resident of July, she blames him for the death of her parents. She had intended on letting the plant to be sabotaged to get revenge on him, including hiring an assassin to distract him. When the assassin fails, she leaves him and Vash to die. However Vash is able to fix the plant and save the city of Inepril. She watched in shock as many people praised him and when Vash came to apologize for the events July, she attempted again to kill him by shooting him. Its at that time that Vash tells her, that he honestly can't remember what happened and that all he remembered was waking to a city in ruins. Elizabeth was shocked but still wanted vengance. Before she can go on begging for revenge, she sees Vash crying. Upon that point, she realizes that Vash was the mysterious man that held her and comforted her as a child, when her parents had died. She could no longer find herself able to kill him and breaks down crying from the truth. Elizabeth only appears in the anime in the episode of Lost July. She is seen making a brief cameo appearance in Fifth Moon, showing a somewhat sadden face upon hearing Vash's possible death and the destruction he did to Augusta City and the hole he made in the Fifth Moon.
  • Elizabeth or just Lizzie, is portrayed by Nicole Joy Tan and is a character from As the Bell Rings (Singapore). She is a student that is pretty, vain, and fashionable. She also likes to be in the spotlight. She is often referred to as, The Princess. She is also best friends with Maisy and Ying Ying.
  • According to the Gossip, it is hinted she suffers from kleptomania and stole her father's Silver needle.
  • Elizabeth is a 1998 biographical film written by Michael Hirst, directed by Shekhar Kapur, and starring Cate Blanchett in the title role of Queen Elizabeth I of England, alongside Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Fiennes, John Gielgud, Daniel Craig, Fanny Ardant, Emily Mortimer and Richard Attenborough. This 1998 film is loosely based on the early years of Elizabeth's reign. In 2007, Blanchett and Rush reprised their roles in the sequel, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, covering the later part of her reign.
  • This Luvdisc, nicknamed Elizabeth, is a water-type Pokémon owned by Wallace.
  • Elisabeth is the Sister of Mary, Son of John the Baptist and Wife of Zechariah
  • Elizabeth appears in MySims Fusion and MySims Galaxy.
  • Elizabeth is a nineteen to twenty-year-old woman who has been imprisoned in Columbia since she was an infant, the deuteragonist of BioShock Infinite, Burial at Sea - Episode 1, and the protagonist of Burial at Sea - Episode 2. Booker DeWitt is sent to retrieve her from the city, and bring her to New York. She is guarded by Songbird, a monstrous, winged creature who was both her guard and only friend during childhood; she began to hate him as she grew up, seeing him as a warden prohibiting her freedom. Elizabeth has the power to manipulate Tears that exist in the fabric of time. When Booker frees her from her tower on Monument Island, the Founders, Zachary Hale Comstock, and Songbird are all determined to recapture her at any cost. File:Infinite Spoilers.png __TOC__
  • Elizabeth is a student at P.S. 38 who was once elected class secretary.
  • L'esistenza di Elizabeth fu scoperta nel gennaio del 2155, quando un ex-membro di Terra Prime, Susan Khouri, morì per portare una ciocca di capelli di Elizabeth a T'Pol. Al momento della scoperta, Elizabeth non aveva più di sei mesi, il che significa che fu stata creata durante la fine del 2154. (ENT: "Demoni") Essendo un ibrido umano-vulcaniano, Elizabeth venne utilizzata dal leader di Terra Prime John Frederick Paxton come esempio per ciò che lui credeva che sarebbe potuto accadere se Umani e non Umani si unissero in un'alleanza interstellare. Paxton credeva che una tale cooperazione renderebbe il genoma umano così diluito che la razza umana, praticamente, era destinata all'estinzione. Con Elizabeth come "prova", Paxton chiese che tutti i non Umani lascino il sistema solare entro 24 ore, altrimenti avrebbe distrutto il Comando di Flotta che lui reputa responsabile della futura Coalizione dei Pianeti. Alla fine, il piano di Paxton fu sventato dal capitano Jonathan Archer e dall'equipaggio dell'Enterprise ed Elizabeth venne affidata ai suoi genitori. Tristemente, Elizabeth morì poco dopo, il 22 gennaio, a causa di febbre e un numero troppo elevato di globuli bianchi nel sangue. L'importanza di Elizabeth come primo ibrido conosciuto di un Umano e di un'aliena è tale che, in seguito alla sua morte, i delegati della conferenza per la Coalizione dei Pianeti desiderarono partecipare al funerale della bambina. Nonostante all'inizio si credette che la neonata fosse morta per incompatibilità tra i geni umani e vulcaniani, il dottor Phlox scoprì in seguito che Elizabeth è morta a causa di un errore nella procedura di clonazione usata per crearla. Quindi, Phlox determinò che non esiste ragione medica per cui il DNA di Umani e Vulcaniani non possa essere combinato per creare bambini in futuro. (ENT: "Lotta per la Terra") Informazioni di retroscenaLa piccola Elizabeth è stata "interpretata" da due neonati (gemelli) di nome Grace e Riley. Si pensa che la morte di Elizabeth sia una delle ragioni per cui T'Pol e Tucker hanno posto fine alla loro relazione, come si dice in ENT: "Federazione prossima frontiera".
  • Elizabeth was a cheerful little girl from Sesame Street. She first appeared in Episode 3656, in which she came to Sesame Street to visit her best friend, Jerome. By Season 31, Elizabeth was most often seen with her pet cat Little Murray Sparkles. In an interview with, Stephanie D'Abruzzo described the character: “I think that my favorite Sesame Street character that I played was a semi-recurring Muppet named Elizabeth, who appeared around Seasons 29 to 32. She was a redheaded, pigtailed little girl with a loud, nasal Queens/Brooklyn accented voice who I loved because she was so unlike your typical little girl characters.”
  • One of her character designs had her wearing a white and red wig, a torn white dress and silver pieces of armor covering her arms and legs. In the other design, she had brown hair, a white empire dress with gold chains around her hips, gold pieces of armor covering her arms and shoulders, and red high heels.
  • Elizabeth is, together with Batlin and her twin brother Abraham, one of the founders of the Fellowship. Very little is known about her, apart from that she met Batlin ten years before founding the Fellowship. Also, Danag in Buccaneer's Den dislikes her and, in the presence of the small Cube, says she is "a royal she-bitch and will murder thee at a moment's notice." Elizabeth is officially wandering between the branches and promoting their philosophy, when not leading with her brother the branch in Buccaneer's Den, but in reality, she kills their enemies. She always eluded the Avatar until the very end of Ultima VII, where she died in the battle at the Black Gate. During her career she is known to have killed at least one person: Alagner.
  • Elizabeth is the Ancient Evil of the 168th dimension, released by Lady Mandy of the 168th dimension. She has shown many powers and is likely to take over all the dimensions unless someone stops her.
  • Elizabeth is one of a group of two political scouts who comes to visit Leslie Knope and offers to help her run a City Council election campaign.
  • Das weibliche Asiatische Elefantenkalb Elizabeth wurde am 10.06.2016 im englischen Whipsnade Zoo geboren, der in der Grafschaft Bedfordshire nahe London liegt und von der Zoologischen Gesellschaft London (ZSL) geleitet wird. Ihre Mutter ist die dort lebende Elefantenkuh Karishma, eine Tochter von Minbu aus dem Zoo Twycross und dem Bullen Chang, der früher im Zoo Chester lebte. Ihr Urgroßvater ist der Bulle Chieng Mai in Kopenhagen, die Kuh Ida ihre Urgroßmutter. Ihr Vater Emmet stammt von dem Elefantenpaar Indy und Romani ab, das in Amerika lebt, und kam 1997 nach Whipsnade. Da die Geburt von Elizabeth noch nicht erwartet worden war und ihre Mutter auch keine Anzeichen von Wehen zeigte, waren die Pfleger bei Arbeitsantritt am Morgen des 10.06.2016 erstaunt, als sie ein neues Herdenmitglied vorfanden. Das Kalb machte einen gesunden und starken Eindruck und wog bei der Geburt 130 kg. Es ist bereits gut in die Herde integriert. Für Elizabeth' Mutter ist sie das 3.Kalb nach George und Max +, der aber leider bereits 2015 dem Herpesvirus erlag. Für ihren Vater Emmet ist sie bereits der 15.Nachwuchs. Am Tag der offiziellen Mitteilung des Zoos über die Geburt wurde bereits der Name bekannt gegeben. Da es zu Beginn der Feierlichkeiten anlässlich des 90.Geburtstages von Königin Elisabeth II. von England geboren wurde, erhielt das kleine Elefantenmädchen den passenden Namen.
  • Elizabeth (エリザベス) is Katsura's unusual pet Amanto and a member of the Jouishishi. It is always by Katsura's side and has become inseparable as Katsura's sidekick. Fiercely loyal to Katsura, it has saved him on numerous occassions. Apparently, the members of the Jouishishi consider Elizabeth like a high rank member of the joui, in fact, he is like Katsura's right hand. It was later revealed that there are two Elizabeth in the series that accompanies Katsura. In episode 173, Katsura was accompanied with Russian Elizabeth instead.
  • Elizabeth was born in the Void Knight Outpost. She was taught to respect Guthix and save Gielinor from the evil forces. She trained hard and mastered the Void Knight arts and weaponry. She then travelled to many parts of Gielinor to create a perfect balance of forces. She is also referred to as the "Master Void Knight". History also says that Guthix himself gave her his honour.
  • Elizabeth was the one that made Gabriel a lycanthrope, though the other leopards believe they miss the way things were when Gabriel was Leader. In truth Elizabeth is the only one who truly misses him. She hates Anita because she herself isn't strong enough to lead the pard. In Narcissus in Chains she invites Micah to St. Louis to audition for the position of Nimir-Raj without Anita's consent. Because she left Nathaniel alone, when she was supposed to chaperone him, and continued to defy Anita, she was shot by Anita with normal bullets as punishment. She is also a nurse.
  • Elizabeth is a young woman who appears at the Shadow Court in Wraithmarsh during the quest Returning the Dark Seal in Fable II. The Hero of Bowerstone returns to Wraithmarsh the second time to give back the Dark Seal from Reaver in Bloodstone. Reaver intends to keep his youth and beauty by sacrificing one with the seal. The sound of Elizabeth sobbing can be heard from the time The Hero enters the Shadow Court until you reach her in the Judges' chamber. When you approach her she will say, "Please help me, me and some friends, we were reading from this really old book we found. It had all these strange words. Then there was this bright light and, I woke up here. Where are we? I'm so scared; I just want to go home!" The Shadow Judges will then appear to welcome The Hero and Elizabeth to the Shadow Court. The Hero will have the choice of giving the dark seal to Elizabeth, getting 50 evil points or keeping it and getting 50 good points. If you pass the seal to her, she will become old and will be left with the red shadow eyes. Keeping the seal causes The Hero to become aged instead. Either way Elizabeth will run away crying.
  • The Null Chamber, Nelson Quiz Involved in Quests: * Elizabeth was formerly found in Barton Town (B3).
  • Elizabeth was Claymore No. 5 of Cassandra's generation. She was known for her "beautiful" sword technique, which was later copied by Roxanne.
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