  • Prophecy
  • Prophecy
  • Prophecy
  • Prophecy
  • Prophecy
  • Prophecy
  • This article was copied over from the Sarna BattleTechWiki as part of the Fanon Purge there. Content was not altered, but some formatting changes may have been implemented. If the original article had a Talk page, it was copied over as well. Some links or templates may be broken.
  • "Prophecy" is the twenty first episode of the sixth season of Stargate SG-1.
  • "Prophecy" is the twenty first episode of the sixth season of Stargate SG-1.
  • Prophecy (Advantage, 3 points, Nezumi only) Nezumi characters with the Prophecy advantage are an ikak, a prophet. Sometimes, when they sleep, the Transcendent speak to them, and their dreams may offer muddled warnings or visions of the future.
  • Those working in the Prophecy division are, more or less, very high clearance librarians. It is often where Unspeakables transfer into when they are no longer eligible to work in the other divisions but do not wish to move to another department or retire. Because the Hall of Prophecies is fairly easy work those in Prophecy also serve as the keepers of the archives which house all the records of previous experiments and their results.
  • A prophecy was a prediction of future events, usually offered by beings with precognitive abilities. Many prophecies were made by those with psychic abilities.
  • Helis: Every morning I wake up to the same nightmare. The same... reality. Holy Meridian in the hands of profligates, debased. The Spire, towering above the horizon in a glittering spike though the center of my mind. Every daybreak in exile is a mark of failure. But the count of days runs thin. I will see Meridian re-taken, the profligates slaughtered, a True King restored to the mesa throne. In this, I have become an instrument of prophecy.
  • Prophecies were messages that foretold future events, usually recorded in written word and employing obscure language. Unlike premonitory dreams and visions, which functioned more as warnings of potential events, the very nature of prophecies ensured their fullfilment.
  • Prophecy is a talent driven ability that appears in seemingly unrelated individuals. Prophecy seems to run in varying degrees of efficiency. Those who have the gift of prophecy are able to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. This foresight seems to be very accurate as Dorian was able to foresee the creation of two Ferali. As shown with Dorian, Vir can damage the use of prophecy, thus making it uncontrollable. Furthermore someone with the gift of prophecy, are able to intentional damage their gift and make it unusable until the gift eventually heals itself.
  • Prophecy (Live) is a song by Judas Priest {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
  • This is an ecological fable about the evils of industrial pollution. A novelization of the film, written by Seltzer as well, was also published, with the tagline "A Novel of Unrelenting Terror".
  • In the cinematic Enter Hell showing the Prime Evils opening a portal to Hell, Mephisto speaks as if he is reciting a Prophecy. This same Prophecy but with extended details is also heard by an unidentified male (Same Voice actor who plays Baal) in a Diablo II trailer here (also found on the main page).
  • Prophecy ist eine Manga-Serie von Tetsuya Tsutsui.
  • Prophecy (予兆-プロフェシー- Yochō -Purofeshī-?) is the 25th episode of Ultraman Nexus.
  • A prophecy is a prediction made by a Seer. They may be stored in spun-glass objects usually referred to as Prophecy Records.
  • Prophecy é o cuarto álbum da banda de metal Soulfly, editado o 30 de marzo do 2004 através da Roadrunner Records.
  • Prophecies are often made by a seer, prophet, oracle or through a magical device with the ability to show the future. To confuse things further, prophecy itself is also known as an oracle. Prophecies are often described in vague terms or are wrapped in riddles, and are often tied to an individual's fate or destiny. Getting a prophecy is often the easy part; knowing just what it means is another matter altogether.
  • Amar; bat'leth; Borg; Delta Flyer; disruptors; D7 klasse; gagh; Hirogen; Kahless de Onvergetelijke; Khitomer akkoorden; Klingon keizer; Kohlar's gevechtskruiser; Kolax; Krelik; K'Rene; kuvah'magh; L'Naan; Mur'Eq; nay'Poq; nehret; par'machkai; Qo'noS; racht; Sto-Vo-Kor; Talij; targ; verhulapparaat; Zwaard van Kahless.
  • Prophecy is the opening theme song of the anime series Shakugan no Shana S. The song is composed and arranged by Tomoyuki Nakazawa and Takeshi Ozaki and was written and performed by Mami Kawada. It peaked at #34 in the Oricon charts and sold a total of 4,713 copies. "Prophecy" was initially released as single on November 18, 2009 and was later released in Kawada's album Linkage.
  • La Voyager se encuentra con una nave de guerra Klingon poblada por los descendientes de los exploradores que dejaron el Cuadrante Beta hace décadas y creen que la Federación y el Imperio Klingon son todavía enemigos acérrimos.
  • "Prophecy" är det tjugoförsta episoden av sjätte säsongen av Stargate SG-1.
  • The Prophecy is a verse from the scriptures of the Holy See Religious Order, which describes Griffith's role once he ascended to God Hand status.
  • Clark takes Lois to the Fortress to get Jor-El's blessing for their marriage. Jor-El bestows a unique wedding gift on the couple – he gives Lois Clark's super powers so she can see what it's like to be him for a day. Unfortunately, the Toyman has returned to Metropolis, so Lois must go up against the notorious villain instead of Clark. Meanwhile, Oliver searches for the Bow of Orion, which he believes will remove the Omega symbol from his skull, and runs into Kara, who is also on a mission to stop Darkseid.
  • The Prophecy is a holodisk in Fallout Tactics. File:Transcript.png
  • Duncan MacLeod encounters an Immortal seer, Cassandra, whom he met as a child in Scotland. Cassandra related a prophecy to the future Immortal, that he would fight and vanquish a great evil. Now, centuries later, the Immortal Roland Kantos is after Cassandra. He has the power to mesmerize people with his voice, and captures MacLeod, intending to kill him once Cassandra is dead. Macleod eventually defeats Kantos, resistant to his foe's hypnotic voice thanks to candle wax he had used to plug up his ears.
  • A prophecy is a prediction of the future, made often under divine inspiration, which is transmitted either orally or in writing. Prophecies can often be misleading or ambiguous so they can be interpreted in many ways. They tend to become true no matter what people do to stop them; sometimes the very act of trying to prevent a prophecy from coming true will in fact enable the very conditions needed to fulfill the prophecy in question, which makes the prophecy a self-fulfilling one. The outcome of a prophecy may change, though, so some seemingly hopeless situations can in fact turn hopeful or vice versa based on what the true intent behind the prophecy's words is. A prophecy can also come true not only once but several times if the conditions are met.
  • This article contains all of the prophesies and premonitions that have taken place in the Inheritance series thus far. Warning: Paolini has commented that not all prophecies may come true.
  • Prophecy features a diverse range of characters, belonging to either the Covenant or the UNSC. It is interesting to note that the dramatic perspective of both sides is touched upon within the series itself.
  • Name: Prophecy Website: Recruiting status: Recuriting players of level 30+ and age 18+ Activity Time: 4pm and on (Large portion of guild is on EST)
  • Prophecy (バッカニアーズ Bakkaniāze) is one of two Crew Special Moves, along with Blue Rogues.
  • The Hero is part of a prophecy, of some kind or another, in most of the games in the Quest for Glory series.
  • Prophecy is the fourth studio album by the metal band Soulfly and it was released in 2004. This album is noteworthy for three features — the completely different line-up for the album apart from leader Max Cavalera, the world music influence from a stint that Cavalera spent in Serbia and explicit Spirituality themes on the album. The album has gone on to sell over 275,000 copies.
  • Only the Fates know if this prophecy will come true.
  • The Prophecy is the underlying force that drives the story throughout The Belgariad and The Mallorean. The natural progress of the universe was disrupted by the EVENT, splitting the future into two distinct possibilities, and creating two sentient beings — referred to in the story as the Voice or the Spirit of the Light or Dark Prophecy. Each Voice/Spirit works through its representative, the (current) Child of Light or the (current) Child of Dark to attempt to have their future achieved, and repair the damage caused during the EVENT.
  • Prophecy is a method by which related sets of information can be gathered, analyzed, and compared in such a way that it becomes possible to see trends of the past and thus predict with great accuracy the market trends of the future. Call 911 immediately.
  • There will be a time when the Book is taken and the Queen's man is allied with the Crow. Then the Elder will step out of the Shadows, and the immortal must train the mortal. The two that are one must become the one that is all. The Two that are One, and the One that is all, One to save the world, One to destroy it." Interpretation 1 ***The Book is thought to be the Codex*** ***the Queen's man is thought to be Dr John Dee*** ***The Crow is thought to be The Morrigan*** ***The Elder out of the Shadows is thought to be Bastet*** ***The immortal is thought to be Nicholas Flamel*** Interpretation 2
  • "Prophecy", known as "Magical" (魔(ま)導(どう) Madō) in the OCG, is an archetype of mostly Spellcaster-Type monsters with effects based around "Spellbook" Spell Cards. It is supported exclusively by "Stoic of Prophecy". It is used by Kev Ravenwood in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime.
  • This is difficult to define, so I will try to explain what it is not. It is not the telling of the future. HOWEVER a prophecy can give fore-sight into the future. But just becuase it can happen does not make it a requirement. These are ofcourse the more 'famous' types of Prophecy, and thus many people make the mistake of linking the two inextricably. Prophecy is meant to be the divine word of God being spoken out, hence in the Nicean creed "We believe.... .... in the Holy Spirit. the Lord, the Giver of Life.... He has spoken through the Prophets. "
  • A Prophecy refers to two related concepts. It describes a prediction seen by a Prophet, as well as the process of disseminating that prediction, whether by utterance or by translating the prediction into written form. It is related to precognition, although a prophecy and the act of prophesizing denotes a relationship to a prophet, whereas precognition could occur to any psychic or seer without divine influence. Prophecies also appeared to be more far-reaching and complex than simple precognition, even predicting events several years into the future.
  • In 2152, while keeping an all-night vigil for his ill dog Porthos, Jonathan Archer dreamed that Porthos had died. After waking and telling Doctor Phlox this, the doctor replied that he hoped Archer's dream wasn't prophetic. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay") In 2153, after watching the horror film Frankenstein, T'Pol commented that she found the villagers' reaction to Frankenstein's monster to be prophetic, comparing it to the way Humans reacted after Vulcans first landed on the Earth. (ENT: "Horizon")
  • Sneak peek into the chapters of: Prophecy Leader: Bramblestar – brown tabby tom with amber eyes Deputy: Thornclaw – golden brown tabby tom Medicine cat: Leafpool – light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes Apprentice: Jayfeather Warriors Squirrelflight – dark ginger she-cat with green eyes Brackenfur – golden brown tabby tom Cloudtail –long-haired white tom with blue eyes Brightheart – white she-cat with ginger patches Apprentice: Snowpaw Sorreltail – tortoiseshell she-cat Birchfall – light brown tabby tom Apprentice: Mousepaw Whitewing – white she-cat with green eyes Poppyfrost – tortoiseshell she-cat
  • A prophecy is the message that has been communicated to a prophet which the prophet then communicates to others. In general, this message can involve divine inspiration, revelation, or interpretation. More specifically, it may be a professed psychic prediction. Confusion often exists between the word "prophecy" (noun) and "to prophesy" (verb). A memory phrase to help distinguish between "prophecy" (pronounced with the long e sound as in "see") and "prophesy" (pronounced with the long i sound as in "sigh"): "When a prophet prophesies he or she utters prophecies."
  • A prophecy was a prediction of future events, often achieved through perceived divine inspiration or psionic powers. Prophecies were a significant cultural phenomenon in several cultures. Some Klingons were known to make prophecies, many of which were stored in the library on Boreth. One such prophecy, written by Ghargh, foretold the birth of the kuvah'magh, who would bring the gods back from the dead. This prophecy was considered heretical by the 24th century. However, in the mid-23rd century, a ship of Klingons left in search of the kuvah'magh. The ship eventually found its way to the Delta Quadrant where, in 2377, it came across the USS Voyager. The Klingons decided the then-unborn child of B'Elanna Torres was the kuvah'magh. After the birth of the child, Miral Paris, and Voyager's retu
  • Ultimate
  • Champion
  • Mega
  • Five
  • 3600.0
  • 358.0
  • Revival! The Demon Lord VenomVamdemon
  • 5
  • 10
  • 1606
  • Geotec 300
fr name
  • Prophétie
diff2 drums
  • no
diff2 guitar
  • no
  • The Void
  • 200
  • yes
  • yes
iOS guitar
  • no
  • * Spellbook of Eternity * Spellbook of Fate * Spellbook of Life * Spellbook of Power * Spellbook of Knowledge * Spellbook of Secrets * Spellbook of the Master * Spellbook of Wisdom * The Grand Spellbook Tower * Spellbook Star Hall * Foolish Burial * Spellbook Organization
  • * Spellbook of Eternity * Spellbook of Fate * Spellbook of Life * Spellbook of Power * Spellbook of Knowledge * Spellbook of Secrets * Spellbook of the Master * Spellbook of Wisdom * The Grand Spellbook Tower
  • * Spellbook of Eternity * Secret Sanctuary of the Spellcasters * The Grand Spellbook Tower * Spellbook of Life * Spellbook of Power * Spellbook of Knowledge * Spellbook of Secrets * Spellbook of Wisdom * Wonder Wand * Spellbook of Fate * Magical Dimension
  • * Spellbook of Eternity * Spellbook of Fate * Magical Dimension * Secret Village of the Spellcasters * The Grand Spellbook Tower * Spellbook of Life * Spellbook of Power * Spellbook of Knowledge * Spellbook of Secrets * Spellbook of Wisdom * Wonder Wand
  • 2001-02-07
diff bass
  • 2
iOS guitar pro
  • no
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
diff2 vocals
  • no
iOS keys pro
  • no
diff2 harmonies
  • no
iOS vocals
  • no
  • yes
  • 3
diff bass pro
  • no
Previous Story
iOS drums
  • no
pt name
  • Profecia
diff harmonies
  • 1
  • 7
Row 1 info
  • All
  • * Gagaga Shield * Dark Renewal
  • * Hidden Spellbook * Dark Renewal
  • * Reckless Greed * Gagaga Shield * Dark Renewal
  • * Dark Renewal * Eradicator Epidemic Virus * Deck Devastation Virus * Trap Stun
effect monsters
  • * Fool of Prophecy * Gagaga Magician * High Priestess of Prophecy * Justice of Prophecy * Prophecy Destroyer * Reaper of Prophecy * Endymion, the Master Magician * Sorciere de Fleur * Spellbook Magician of Prophecy * Stoic of Prophecy * Strength of Prophecy * Fortune of Prophecy * Magical Exemplar
  • * Spellbook Magician of Prophecy * High Priestess of Prophecy * Temperance of Prophecy * Justice of Prophecy * Stoic of Prophecy * Strength of Prophecy * Breaker the Magical Warrior * Jowgen the Spiritualist * Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress * Chaos Sorcerer * Effect Veiler * Gagaga Magician * Night's End Sorcerer
  • * Fool of Prophecy * Gagaga Magician * High Priestess of Prophecy * Justice of Prophecy * Prophecy Destroyer * Reaper of Prophecy * Spellbook Magician of Prophecy * Stoic of Prophecy * Strength of Prophecy * Temperance of Prophecy
  • * Spellbook Magician of Prophecy * High Priestess of Prophecy * Temperance of Prophecy * Stoic of Prophecy * Strength of Prophecy * Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer * Magical Exemplar * Effect Veiler * Amores of Prophecy * Oracle of the Sun or Emperor of Prophecy Recommended Side Deck * Justice of Prophecy * Saambell the Summoner * Breaker the Magical Warrior * Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress * Chaos Sorcerer * Effect Veiler * Gagaga Magician * Night's End Sorcerer
it name
  • Profezia
diff2 keys
  • no
diff2 bass pro
  • no
  • r
  • rr2
  • rr
diff guitar pro
  • no
iOS bass pro
  • no
synchro monsters
  • * Arcanite Magician * Tempest Magician
  • * Stardust Dragon * Black Rose Dragon * T.G. Hyper Librarian * Arcanite Magician * Explosive Magician
  • Repentance
iOS band
  • no
  • outono do 2003
  • VOY
  • 621
  • 2377
  • 714
iOS bass
  • no
diff2 keys pro
  • no
  • The Saltmine Studio Oasis en Mesa, Arizona
ko name
  • 마도
iOS keys
  • no
Row 2 info
  • Offensive
  • Prophezeiung
diff keys
  • no
diff2 guitar pro
  • no
Row 1 title
  • SP Cost:
es name
  • Profecía
diff vocals
  • 1
xyz monsters
  • * Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon * Empress of Prophecy * Hierophant of Prophecy * Maestroke the Symphony Djinn * Magi Magi ☆ Magician Gal * Number 11: Big Eye * Number 39: Utopia * Tiras, Keeper of Genesis * Wind-Up Zenmaines
  • * Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon * Empress of Prophecy * Hierophant of Prophecy * Leviair the Sea Dragon * Maestroke the Symphony Djinn * Magi Magi ☆ Magician Gal * Number 11: Big Eye * Number 39: Utopia * Tiras, Keeper of Genesis * Wind-Up Zenmaines
  • * Empress of Prophecy * Hierophant of Prophecy * Magi Magi ☆ Magician Gal * Number 11: Big Eye * Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
  • * Tiras, Keeper of Genesis * Soul of Silvermountain * Empress of Prophecy * Hierophant of Prophecy * Magi Magi ☆ Magician Gal * Number 11: Big Eye * Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
ko romanized
  • Mado
  • 6.0
broadcast date
  • 2011-05-06
Row 2 title
  • Move Type:
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! * Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light * Yu-Gi-Oh! GX * Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's * Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time * Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL * Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Following Story
diff guitar
  • 5
diff2 band
  • no
force RBB
  • yes
diff drums
  • 3
iOS drums pro
  • no
  • 545182
harmonies nr
  • 3
Row 3 info
  • Combines the power of all 4 party members to call upon an ancient power.
  • Larry Nemecek, J. Kelley Burke, Raf Green en Kenneth Biller
Row 3 title
  • Description:
  • 1400000
diff2 drums pro
  • no
force RB
  • yes
  • *The hour of the beast being 666 is a reference to the book of Revalation in the Bible, where the number of the name of the Antichrist, who is said to be indwelt by Satan halfway through the Tribulation, is 666.
diff band
  • 4
  • Angemon
  • Agumon
  • Gabumon
  • Garurumon
  • Greymon
  • Gomamon
  • Motimon
  • Tentomon
  • WarGreymon
  • Gatomon
  • Biyomon
  • Palmon
  • Patamon
  • WereGarurumon
  • MetalGarurumon
  • MetalGreymon
  • Yokomon
  • Angewomon
  • Bukamon
  • Myotismon
  • Tanemon
  • VenomMyotismon
iOS harmonies
  • no
diff drums pro
  • 3
diff keys pro
  • no
diff2 bass
  • no
  • 3340.0
  • 30
  • 50
Box Title
  • Prophecy
  • FOT
  • 150
  • A Touch of Evil - Live
Page Count
  • Page count
  • 38
  • Prophecy
  • 64.8
  • Forging ZM15 Ferro-Fibrous
  • Ken Gord
  • Dan Shea as MSgt. Sylvester Siler
  • Dan Shea as MSgt. Sylvester Siler
  • Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser
  • Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser
  • Gary Jones as MSgt. Walter Harriman
  • Gary Jones as MSgt. Walter Harriman
  • Johannah Newmarch as Sina
  • Johannah Newmarch as Sina
  • Brendan McClarty as Sendear
  • Brendan McClarty as Sendear
  • Karen van Blankenstein as Nurse
  • Karen van Blankenstein as Nurse
  • Karin Konoval as Dr. Sandy Van Densen
  • Karin Konoval as Dr. Sandy Van Densen
  • Rob Lee as Major Ben Pierce
  • Rob Lee as Major Ben Pierce
  • Sarah Edmondson as Natania
  • Sarah Edmondson as Natania
  • Thomas Kopache as Ellori
  • Thomas Kopache as Ellori
  • Tom Scholte as Chazen
  • Tom Scholte as Chazen
  • Victor Talmadge as Mot
  • Victor Talmadge as Mot
  • Angemon
  • Prophecy
  • Angewomon
  • Prophecy
  • VenomMyotismon
  • Seacouver, Washington
  • Metal
  • Angel
  • Undead
  • holodisk
  • Voice Log
Book number
  • One
  • Fukkatsu! Maō VenomVamdemon
  • Madō
  • From left to right: "High Priestess", "Temperance", "Hierophant" and "Spellbook Magician".
  • The Prophecy is built on an ancient Amarrian warship design dating back to the earliest days of starship combat. Originally intended as a full-fledged battleship, it was determined after mixed fleet engagements with early prototypes that the Prophecy would be more effective as a slightly smaller, more mobile form of artillery support.
  • 350
ko trans
  • Magical
zh pinyin
  • Módǎo
zh jyutping
  • Mo1 dou6
zh trans
  • Magical
  • 99
  • 60
  • 20
  • 750000
  • 3419
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2812.500000
  • 0
  • 60
  • 25
  • 0
  • 0
  • 25
  • 4883
  • 0
  • 40
  • 20
  • 7
  • 35
  • 4395
ko hanja
  • 魔道
  • 16
Chapter Count
  • Chapter count
Previous novel
  • None
Next novel
  • Redemption
  • yes
  • English
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist
  • black
  • 25
  • Izzy
Written By
  • Ardwight Chamberlain, John Ludin
Episode Number
  • 216
  • Prophecy
  • Absolution
  • Damnation
  • Heaven's Knuckle
  • Holy Arrow
  • Venom Infuse
  • Magical
Preceded By
  • "Memento"
  • "Memento"
  • ???
  • 80
  • 13500000
  • 621
Air Date
  • 1996-09-30
  • 234000
  • Prophecy
  • "Prophecy"
  • ???
  • Klingons Prophecy.jpg
Production code
  • 96501
  • Virus
  • Vaccine
zh name
  • 魔導
  • 6
  • Battlecruiser
Image size
  • 275
  • Assault
  • gray
  • ERROR: Ident tags missing. Unverified format. Data integrity unknown.
  • Prophecy
Story timeline
  • Timeline
  • 復活!魔王ヴェノムヴァンデモン
  • Datapoint Audio.png
  • * Return of the Duelist * Abyss Rising * Cosmo Blazer * Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy * Extra Pack: Sword of Knights * Judgment of the Light * Secrets of Eternity * Code of the Duelist * Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge
  • 6.210000
  • 621
  • Unknown
Episode Name
  • Prophecy
  • Wizardmon's Gift
  • SFX-80 Endo Steel
  • Mike Sussman en Phyllis Strong
  • 2009
  • Type 10 320 Standard
  • Prophecy
Image File
  • Crewsp1.jpg
  • Male
  • 350
  • Judas Priest
Episode No.
  • 1
  • DLC
  • The Battle for Earth
  • Hmmm, I thought he was fully evolved, but he found some way of digivolving into an even higher level.
  • They digivolved, Mom. Angemon is the fully evolved form of Patamon...
  • ...and Angewomon is the same for Gatomon. You see? Well, trust me on this.
  • Prophecy
  • SR
  • Unknown
Followed By
  • "Full Circle"
  • "Full Circle"
  • *2xER PPCs *3xER Medium Lasers *1xLight Active Probe *1xTargeting Computer
  • * * *
  • * * * *
  • *Taichi "Tai" Kamiya *Yamato "Matt" Ishida *Mimi Tachikawa *Joe Kido *Takeru "T.K." Takaishi *Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi *Kari Kamiya *Sora Takenouchi *Hiroaki Ishida *Masami Izumi *Kae Izumi *Jim Kido *Toshiko Takenouchi
  • * * * * * * * *Gizamon *
  • * * *Tuskmon *Snimon * * *
  • 1300
  • *The "please always recycle" line is added at the end of the prophecy in the English version. *Removing actual physical violence that shows direct contact of VenomMyotismon knocking MetalGreymon out of the sky. Instead it is made to look like the wind gust created by that punch is what knocked MetalGreymon out of the sky. *Izzy claims that Angemon is Patamon's "fully-evolved form", despite Gennai previously explaining that the Crests would allow each of the DigiDestined's Digimon to digivolve further. *In the original version, before Tai and Matt are hit by Angemon and Angewomon's arrows, Tai's image song, I'll Turn My Courage Into Wings, is played in the background. *In the original version, Tai and Matt admit that they are scared, albeit after a brief attempt at denial. *A shot at the very end of the episode showing WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon standing in front of VenomMyotismon is removed from the English dub.
  • 1
  • *Joseph Mallozzi *Paul Mullie
  • 4
  • 210
  • 265
  • *When the group look at Gennai's e-mail, the scleras of T.K.'s eyes, and the pupils of Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon and Gatomon's eyes are missing. *When the group arrive at the apartment building, the black band on Tai's left arm is missing. *When Matt's father steps forward to explain the situation to Izzy's parents, the yellow stripes on Tai's shirt are missing. *In a front shot of Mimi rejoining the others, the beads on the string of her hat are colored red for a brief moment. *When Joe and Bukamon are searching the apartment, Joe's left wristband is colored completely green. *When Joe rejoins the group, part of Agumon and Gabumon's bodies are missing. *When the Digimon charge down the escalator, Biyomon's feet are colored pink instead of yellow. *When the Digimon defeat the Bakemon, Palmon's fingers are completely purple. *When Tai and the others are heading down the escalator in the convention center, Matt is seen with the group, even though he's actually on the river with T.K. and his father, trying to get through Myotismon's fog bank. *When Matt's group gets out of the van, the final frame shows T.K. visible through Gabumon's left arm. *When VenomMyotismon unleashes his initial wind attack, Greymon is shown as if to have fur covering his body. *When DemiDevimon is being consumed by VenomMyotismon, part of his lower body, normally colored black, is instead the same color as his upper body. *In a back shot of Tai, Matt and Matt's father looking at VenomMyotismon, the black band on Tai's left arm is missing. *When MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon charge towards VenomMyotismon, the red section on MetalGreymon's robotic arm is colored gray and its claws are white, as if non-metallic. *After Gatomon says they have to defeat VenomMyotismon, the black markings between Tentomon's eyes are missing and Joe's left wristband is colored green instead of yellow. *When Gatomon says the other Digimon have to stay behind, the black markings between Tentomon's eyes are missing again. *In a shot of T.K. and Kari running, the buttons on Kari's shirt are missing. *In a close-up shot of Izzy before Patamon and Gatomon digivolve, his Digivice is missing. *In several shots of Angemon and Angewomon flying, Angewomon only has 5 wings. *In a shot of Angemon and Angewomon telling VenomMyotismon they will destroy him again, the section of blue cloth going between Angemon's left arm and right leg is missing. *When the van gets to Agumon and Gabumon, the nails on Gabumon's fur coat are colored white instead of violet. *In a shot of Tai and Matt with their Digimon after Izzy analyses VenomMyotismon, the blue sections at the back of Tai's shoes are missing. *When Tentomon puts himself up as an example for the fourth part of the prophecy, his upper arms are colored red instead of green. *When Izzy's father deduces the meaning of the loved ones, the lower areas of Tai, Matt and their Digimon's bodies are misdrawn. *After a brief shot of Cupid, the black sections between Tentomon's eyes are missing again. *When Tentomon says Angemon and Angewomon must fire arrows at Tai and Matt, his left upper arm is the same green color as his eyes. *In a close-up shot of T.K. and Kari with their crests, the buttons on Kari's shirt are missing. *When Agumon and Gabumon tell their partners to stop, the stripes on Gabumon's fur coat are a darker tone of blue. *When Angemon and Angewomon throw the arrow, Angewomon has no mouth. *Right near the end of the episode, the armor plate on WarGreymon's left hip is the same color as his skin, and the red section on MetalGarurumon's hind leg is the same color as his armor .
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  • Dan Shea som MSgt. Sylvester Siler
  • Teryl Rothery som Dr Janet Fraiser
  • Gary Jones som MSgt. Walter Harriman
  • Brendan McClarty som Sendear
  • Johannah Newmarch som Sina
  • Karen van Blankenstein som Sjuksköterska
  • Karin Konoval som Dr Sandy Van Densen
  • Rob Lee som Major Ben Pierce
  • Sarah Edmondson som Natania
  • Thomas Kopache som Ellori
  • Tom Scholte som Chazen
  • Victor Talmadge som Mot
  • *VenomMyotismon announces the episode title in the Japanese episode.
  • Prophecy Battlecruiser
  • yes
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solo guitar
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BV (1.0)
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  • seit Dezember 2014
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Laufzeit jp
  • 2001
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Titel de
  • Prophecy
Bände jp
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Titel int
  • Prophecy
  • This article was copied over from the Sarna BattleTechWiki as part of the Fanon Purge there. Content was not altered, but some formatting changes may have been implemented. If the original article had a Talk page, it was copied over as well. Some links or templates may be broken.
  • This is difficult to define, so I will try to explain what it is not. It is not the telling of the future. HOWEVER a prophecy can give fore-sight into the future. But just becuase it can happen does not make it a requirement. These are ofcourse the more 'famous' types of Prophecy, and thus many people make the mistake of linking the two inextricably. Prophecy is meant to be the divine word of God being spoken out, hence in the Nicean creed "We believe.... .... in the Holy Spirit. the Lord, the Giver of Life.... He has spoken through the Prophets. " To try and explain the differences between 'future telling' and other types, I will attempt to give example cases.. for example a prophet may claim to have a word for someone along the lines of "..there is no need to worry, in X months time you will be offered a job..". This is clearly prophecy in the standard sence, as the Prophet is just telling them what the future will hold. However if a prophet says to person A "you are doing X and Y with B, and not telling C, if you continue to do this then Z will happen" then this is also a valid form of prophecy. Note in the second example, the prophet is using divine revelation from God to explain to the person what they have been doing with B. This is not for A's benifit, but to prove that they have knowledge from God (for only God could know about X say), and to explain to witnesses why Z is going to happen. This type of prophecy does not give a certainty, as the person A can repent and be saved. For example Jonah was sent to a city to tell them they will be destroyed if they do not turn to the Lord, however they then decided to turn to the Lord and were not destroyed. Prophecy of either kind can be encouraging or accusing. Prophecy can also be just imparting divinly inspired knowledge to people, although this is normally considered a 'lesser' form of prophecy. In the OT the Jews demanded signs from prophets to show that they were from God, as such in the story of Elijah burning an offering to God with fire from heaven whilst the prophets of Baal could not get there altar to ignite with praise alone, can be considered an example of prophecy by Elijah. In short then I can define: any action done by a Prophet, that can be attributed to God is prophecy. Unfortunatley this is not the end of the tale... NIV: Acts 2:17 In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. This is often interpreted to describe the current state of the church, with the Holy spirit moving through us. However to then define all young men as prophets seems overkill for the sake of preserving definition. Afterall if we are all meant to be prophets then why would paul list it as a seperate spiritual gift (in 1Cor12:29), rather than just saying we all have it? As such I shall define prophecy to be: any action (that can be attributed to God) perfomed by a believer, which is providing knowledge overwise unkown. Admitily by this definition Elijah was not prophecying when he decided to call fire down from heaven, but in order to include it I would be allowing prophesy to become some kind of catch-all definition for spiritual things that are otherwise not named. As with all spiritual gifts, it comes down to the problem of no one person having just one specific (can be put in a box) gift. Prophets have been known to heal, and perform miracles, yet paul lists these as different gifts.
  • A Prophecy refers to two related concepts. It describes a prediction seen by a Prophet, as well as the process of disseminating that prediction, whether by utterance or by translating the prediction into written form. It is related to precognition, although a prophecy and the act of prophesizing denotes a relationship to a prophet, whereas precognition could occur to any psychic or seer without divine influence. Prophecies also appeared to be more far-reaching and complex than simple precognition, even predicting events several years into the future. Prophecies were initially believed to be completely accurate in foretelling events that would and should come to pass, although it has been shown that prophecies can be altered by Free Will.
  • "Prophecy" is the twenty first episode of the sixth season of Stargate SG-1.
  • "Prophecy" is the twenty first episode of the sixth season of Stargate SG-1.
  • Prophecy (Advantage, 3 points, Nezumi only) Nezumi characters with the Prophecy advantage are an ikak, a prophet. Sometimes, when they sleep, the Transcendent speak to them, and their dreams may offer muddled warnings or visions of the future.
  • Those working in the Prophecy division are, more or less, very high clearance librarians. It is often where Unspeakables transfer into when they are no longer eligible to work in the other divisions but do not wish to move to another department or retire. Because the Hall of Prophecies is fairly easy work those in Prophecy also serve as the keepers of the archives which house all the records of previous experiments and their results.
  • "Prophecy", known as "Magical" (魔(ま)導(どう) Madō) in the OCG, is an archetype of mostly Spellcaster-Type monsters with effects based around "Spellbook" Spell Cards. It is supported exclusively by "Stoic of Prophecy". It is used by Kev Ravenwood in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime. Due to their Japanese names containing 魔(ま)導(どう), a number of older cards, such as "Armor Exe" ("Magical Armor Exe") and "Dark Paladin" ("Super-Magical Swordsman - Black Paladin"), also fall into this archetype. Even some cards released after "Stoic of Prophecy", such as "Ebon Illusion Magician", that fall into this archetype do not include "Prophecy" in their English names. However, because TCG and OCG support for this archetype only works on Level 3 Monster Cards in the Main Deck, none receive support and lack synergy with the Deck.
  • A prophecy was a prediction of future events, usually offered by beings with precognitive abilities. Many prophecies were made by those with psychic abilities.
  • There will be a time when the Book is taken and the Queen's man is allied with the Crow. Then the Elder will step out of the Shadows, and the immortal must train the mortal. The two that are one must become the one that is all. The Two that are One, and the One that is all, One to save the world, One to destroy it." Interpretation 1 ***The Book is thought to be the Codex*** ***the Queen's man is thought to be Dr John Dee*** ***The Crow is thought to be The Morrigan*** ***The Elder out of the Shadows is thought to be Bastet*** ***The immortal is thought to be Nicholas Flamel*** ***Josh and Sophie as twins (two from one birth)*** Interpretation 2 ***The Book is thought to be the Codex*** ***the Queen's man is thought to be Anubis*** ***Then the Elder will step out of the Shadows is thought to be Aten *** ***Virginia Dare will train the humani after the fall of Danu Talis*** ***Marethyu can be thought of as the two that are one*** Interpretation 3 ***Then the Elder will step out of the Shadows can be thought of as not one Elder but their race*** ***again not a specific person(as Nicholas thinks) but the race of Elder training the humani*** ***immortal must train the mortal can be thought of Marethyu training Josh*** Interpretation 4 ***The Book is thought to be the Codex*** ***the Queen's man is thought to be Dr John Dee*** ***The Crow is thought to be The Morrigan*** ***The Elder out of the Shadows is thought to be Hekate*** ***The immortal is thought to be Nicholas Flamel*** ***Excalibur and Clarent is the two that are one (when combined into one sword)*** Interpretation 5 ***The Elder is not one, but two, Isis and Osiris, and interpreted thought of the two being Elders instead of Earthlords*** ***The immortal is thought to be Virginia Dare*** ***The two that are one must become the one that is all is Sophie and Josh *** ***The one to save the world is referring to Sophie and Josh being the one and Danu Talis is the world being saved. ***The one to destroy it is referring again to Sophie and Josh being the one and the Modern Day World being the world that is destroyed.
  • Helis: Every morning I wake up to the same nightmare. The same... reality. Holy Meridian in the hands of profligates, debased. The Spire, towering above the horizon in a glittering spike though the center of my mind. Every daybreak in exile is a mark of failure. But the count of days runs thin. I will see Meridian re-taken, the profligates slaughtered, a True King restored to the mesa throne. In this, I have become an instrument of prophecy.
  • Prophecy is a method by which related sets of information can be gathered, analyzed, and compared in such a way that it becomes possible to see trends of the past and thus predict with great accuracy the market trends of the future. This scientific method should not be confused with statistics, which is the result of fraudulent con-artist pretending to have some form of preternatural vision. Statistical analysts claim to reveal to the unlearned masses the nature of future events. Such poppycock is only successful in today's world because of of superstitious mental weaklings who believe in magic, occult powers, leprechauns, and Captain Marvel. Yeah, right... and the fucking boogedyman is living in your closet. No, really. A boogedyman is fucking in your closet right now. Call 911 immediately.
  • Prophecies were messages that foretold future events, usually recorded in written word and employing obscure language. Unlike premonitory dreams and visions, which functioned more as warnings of potential events, the very nature of prophecies ensured their fullfilment.
  • Prophecy is a talent driven ability that appears in seemingly unrelated individuals. Prophecy seems to run in varying degrees of efficiency. Those who have the gift of prophecy are able to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. This foresight seems to be very accurate as Dorian was able to foresee the creation of two Ferali. As shown with Dorian, Vir can damage the use of prophecy, thus making it uncontrollable. Furthermore someone with the gift of prophecy, are able to intentional damage their gift and make it unusable until the gift eventually heals itself.
  • Prophecy (Live) is a song by Judas Priest {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
  • This is an ecological fable about the evils of industrial pollution. A novelization of the film, written by Seltzer as well, was also published, with the tagline "A Novel of Unrelenting Terror".
  • In the cinematic Enter Hell showing the Prime Evils opening a portal to Hell, Mephisto speaks as if he is reciting a Prophecy. This same Prophecy but with extended details is also heard by an unidentified male (Same Voice actor who plays Baal) in a Diablo II trailer here (also found on the main page).
  • Prophecy ist eine Manga-Serie von Tetsuya Tsutsui.
  • Prophecy (予兆-プロフェシー- Yochō -Purofeshī-?) is the 25th episode of Ultraman Nexus.
  • A prophecy is a prediction made by a Seer. They may be stored in spun-glass objects usually referred to as Prophecy Records.
  • Prophecy é o cuarto álbum da banda de metal Soulfly, editado o 30 de marzo do 2004 através da Roadrunner Records.
  • The Prophecy is the underlying force that drives the story throughout The Belgariad and The Mallorean. The natural progress of the universe was disrupted by the EVENT, splitting the future into two distinct possibilities, and creating two sentient beings — referred to in the story as the Voice or the Spirit of the Light or Dark Prophecy. Each Voice/Spirit works through its representative, the (current) Child of Light or the (current) Child of Dark to attempt to have their future achieved, and repair the damage caused during the EVENT. They also created prophetical documents, such as the Mrin Codex and the Darine Codex, legendary documents describing the people who will aid or hinder the Child, and what tasks must be completed. There appear to be fundamental and philosophical differences between the two prophecies. The Light Prophecy tended to work through a variety of agents, even having multiple concurrently-alive people who were the Child of Light e.g., Belgarath, Poledra, Belgarion, Eriond. The Light Prophecy also tended to seek progress and strove for worldwide peace. The Dark Prophecy tended to have singular individuals as the Child of Dark and namely Torak and then Zandramas, who then passed it to Prince Geran before the Final Event. The Dark Prophecy also strove for domination / dominion including dominion over (like "smothering of") the Light. I don't care about what we're supposed to do. I want my son back. I'm tired of creeping around trying to satisfy all the clever little twists and turns of the Prophecy. What's wrong with just ignoring it and going right straight to the point?” — Ce'Nedra
  • Prophecies are often made by a seer, prophet, oracle or through a magical device with the ability to show the future. To confuse things further, prophecy itself is also known as an oracle. Prophecies are often described in vague terms or are wrapped in riddles, and are often tied to an individual's fate or destiny. Getting a prophecy is often the easy part; knowing just what it means is another matter altogether.
  • Amar; bat'leth; Borg; Delta Flyer; disruptors; D7 klasse; gagh; Hirogen; Kahless de Onvergetelijke; Khitomer akkoorden; Klingon keizer; Kohlar's gevechtskruiser; Kolax; Krelik; K'Rene; kuvah'magh; L'Naan; Mur'Eq; nay'Poq; nehret; par'machkai; Qo'noS; racht; Sto-Vo-Kor; Talij; targ; verhulapparaat; Zwaard van Kahless.
  • Prophecy is the opening theme song of the anime series Shakugan no Shana S. The song is composed and arranged by Tomoyuki Nakazawa and Takeshi Ozaki and was written and performed by Mami Kawada. It peaked at #34 in the Oricon charts and sold a total of 4,713 copies. "Prophecy" was initially released as single on November 18, 2009 and was later released in Kawada's album Linkage.
  • La Voyager se encuentra con una nave de guerra Klingon poblada por los descendientes de los exploradores que dejaron el Cuadrante Beta hace décadas y creen que la Federación y el Imperio Klingon son todavía enemigos acérrimos.
  • A prophecy is the message that has been communicated to a prophet which the prophet then communicates to others. In general, this message can involve divine inspiration, revelation, or interpretation. More specifically, it may be a professed psychic prediction. Confusion often exists between the word "prophecy" (noun) and "to prophesy" (verb). A memory phrase to help distinguish between "prophecy" (pronounced with the long e sound as in "see") and "prophesy" (pronounced with the long i sound as in "sigh"): "When a prophet prophesies he or she utters prophecies." The concept is found throughout the religions of the world. The term has found popular acceptance in two of the world's largest religious groups, Christianity and Islam, along with many others.
  • A prophecy was a prediction of future events, often achieved through perceived divine inspiration or psionic powers. Prophecies were a significant cultural phenomenon in several cultures. Some Klingons were known to make prophecies, many of which were stored in the library on Boreth. One such prophecy, written by Ghargh, foretold the birth of the kuvah'magh, who would bring the gods back from the dead. This prophecy was considered heretical by the 24th century. However, in the mid-23rd century, a ship of Klingons left in search of the kuvah'magh. The ship eventually found its way to the Delta Quadrant where, in 2377, it came across the USS Voyager. The Klingons decided the then-unborn child of B'Elanna Torres was the kuvah'magh. After the birth of the child, Miral Paris, and Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, Torres travelled to Boreth where she researched the prophecy, eventually finding the Scrolls of Ghargh and finding it increasingly likely her daughter was indeed the kuvah'magh. (VOY episode: "Prophecy"; VOY novel: Enemy of My Enemy) The Bajoran culture and religion featured numerous prophecies. By the 2370s the Vedek Assembly and the Chamber of Ministers accepted over a thousand prophetic works, though rejected several thousand others, including the incredibly accurate Ohalu Prophecies, which were considered heretical. (DS9 - Avatar novels: Book One, Book Two) Grokarian seers had the power of prophecy due to a psionic for calculating probabilities within the space-time continuum. (TNG novel: Survivors)
  • "Prophecy" är det tjugoförsta episoden av sjätte säsongen av Stargate SG-1.
  • The Prophecy is a verse from the scriptures of the Holy See Religious Order, which describes Griffith's role once he ascended to God Hand status.
  • In 2152, while keeping an all-night vigil for his ill dog Porthos, Jonathan Archer dreamed that Porthos had died. After waking and telling Doctor Phlox this, the doctor replied that he hoped Archer's dream wasn't prophetic. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay") In 2153, after watching the horror film Frankenstein, T'Pol commented that she found the villagers' reaction to Frankenstein's monster to be prophetic, comparing it to the way Humans reacted after Vulcans first landed on the Earth. (ENT: "Horizon") It is assumed she is speaking of the first known landing of Vulcans, as opposed to times when they were incognito, such as her ancestor's landing in Carbon Creek. In 2267, Marplon was pleased to see the members of USS Enterprise's landing party, or the Archons, as he called them. When Spock corrected his assumption that they belonged to such a group, Marplon insisted that nevertheless, they were the fulfillment of prophecy. Later, James T. Kirk asked for morei nformation on Landru. Marplon attempted to explain the details of the prophecy, but Kirk interrupted him, uninterested in what the prophecy said. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons" ) In 2371, Chakotay expressed his concerns to Captain Kathryn Janeway about needing to establish a policy on fraternization on USS Voyager, given the starship's being far from home in the Delta Quadrant. Later, woried about Kes as her window for elogium was rapidly closing, Janeway called the first officer's concerns prophetic. (VOY: "Elogium")
  • Clark takes Lois to the Fortress to get Jor-El's blessing for their marriage. Jor-El bestows a unique wedding gift on the couple – he gives Lois Clark's super powers so she can see what it's like to be him for a day. Unfortunately, the Toyman has returned to Metropolis, so Lois must go up against the notorious villain instead of Clark. Meanwhile, Oliver searches for the Bow of Orion, which he believes will remove the Omega symbol from his skull, and runs into Kara, who is also on a mission to stop Darkseid.
  • The Prophecy is a holodisk in Fallout Tactics. File:Transcript.png
  • Duncan MacLeod encounters an Immortal seer, Cassandra, whom he met as a child in Scotland. Cassandra related a prophecy to the future Immortal, that he would fight and vanquish a great evil. Now, centuries later, the Immortal Roland Kantos is after Cassandra. He has the power to mesmerize people with his voice, and captures MacLeod, intending to kill him once Cassandra is dead. Macleod eventually defeats Kantos, resistant to his foe's hypnotic voice thanks to candle wax he had used to plug up his ears.
  • A prophecy is a prediction of the future, made often under divine inspiration, which is transmitted either orally or in writing. Prophecies can often be misleading or ambiguous so they can be interpreted in many ways. They tend to become true no matter what people do to stop them; sometimes the very act of trying to prevent a prophecy from coming true will in fact enable the very conditions needed to fulfill the prophecy in question, which makes the prophecy a self-fulfilling one. The outcome of a prophecy may change, though, so some seemingly hopeless situations can in fact turn hopeful or vice versa based on what the true intent behind the prophecy's words is. A prophecy can also come true not only once but several times if the conditions are met.
  • This article contains all of the prophesies and premonitions that have taken place in the Inheritance series thus far. Warning: Paolini has commented that not all prophecies may come true.
  • Prophecy features a diverse range of characters, belonging to either the Covenant or the UNSC. It is interesting to note that the dramatic perspective of both sides is touched upon within the series itself.
  • Name: Prophecy Website: Recruiting status: Recuriting players of level 30+ and age 18+ Activity Time: 4pm and on (Large portion of guild is on EST)
  • Sneak peek into the chapters of: Prophecy Leader: Bramblestar – brown tabby tom with amber eyes Deputy: Thornclaw – golden brown tabby tom Medicine cat: Leafpool – light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes Apprentice: Jayfeather Warriors Squirrelflight – dark ginger she-cat with green eyes Brackenfur – golden brown tabby tom Cloudtail –long-haired white tom with blue eyes Brightheart – white she-cat with ginger patches Apprentice: Snowpaw Sorreltail – tortoiseshell she-cat Birchfall – light brown tabby tom Apprentice: Mousepaw Whitewing – white she-cat with green eyes Poppyfrost – tortoiseshell she-cat Hazeltail – small grey and white she-cat Apprentice: Thistlepaw Berrynose – cream-coloured tom Cinderheart – grey tabby she-cat Lionblaze – golden tabby tom with amber eyes Apprentice: Bearpaw Hollyleaf – black she-cat with green eyes Apprentice: Larchpaw Foxclaw – reddish tabby tom Rosepetal – dark cream-coloured she-cat Briarpelt – dark brown she-cat Blossomcloud – pale brown she-cat with dark stripe along spine Apprentices: Snowpaw – white she-cat with green eyes Larchpaw – brown and white tabby tom Bearpaw – reddish brown tom with amber eyes Sandpaw– black she-cat with green eyes Oceanpaw – grey and white she-cat with blue eyes Elders: Firestar – ginger tom with a flame coloured pelt Sandstorm – pale ginger she-cat with green eyes Greystripe – long-haired grey tom Ferncloud – pale grey (with darker flecks) she-cat and green eyes Queens: Iceheart – white she-cat, mother of Lionblaze’s kits: Moonkit (very pale golden she-cat), Heatherkit (dark ginger she-cat) Honeyfern – light brown tabby she-cat, mother of Berrynose’s kits: Seakit (very pale she-cat), Maplekit (golden brown she-cat), Bluekit (grey tom), Tortoisekit (tortoiseshell tom) (This is just some of the chapters, type in stardoll on google then search smudgy1 you can get the rest from me there) Chapter one Oceanpaw sat beside her mentor, Jayfeather. It was a dull day and there were many clouds in the sky. A cold wind whispered around the medicine cat den, making her shiver. There had been an outbreak of greencough a few weeks ago. Larchpaw and Bluekit were still recovering. The rest were fine now, except for poor Tortoisekit. He had died the other day. Jayfeather padded over to the herb store. “We’re low on catmint,” he meowed. “Will you and some other warrior collect some from the abandon twoleg nest?” “I’ll go and get Blossomcloud,” Oceanpaw replied, although she didn’t feel like going outside at all. It was too cold and windy and all she wanted to do was sit in her nice warm nest and chat to her brother, Bearpaw and sister, Sandpaw. Reluctantly, she padded across the stone hollow to the warrior’s den were she found Blossomcloud. Greystripe’s youngest daughter greeted her cheerfully. She had only been a warrior for a few days. “Hi Oceanpaw!” she mewed. Oceanpaw smiled at the friendly she-cat. “Will you help me collect catmint for Jayfeather?” she asked. Blossomcloud raced over to the camp entrance. “Let’s go!” Chapter two Bearpaw pounced and killed the mouse with one swift bite. “Good job Bearpaw!” called Bearpaw’s mentor Lionblaze. Bearpaw smiled to himself. That was the first piece of prey he had caught by himself. He picked the mouse up and flung it into the bushes. Lionblaze bounded over to his apprentice. “We’ve caught quite a lot now,” he meowed. “I think it’s time we should be heading back to camp.” Bearpaw’s mood changed instantly. You mean you’ve caught a lot, he thought. And we’ve only been out for a few minutes. But he collected his mouse from the bushes and followed the golden tom back to the stone hollow. Bearpaw gulped down the rest of his vole. Snowpaw came to sit beside him. Her pelt was streaked with mud and blood oozed out from between one of her claws. “What happened to you?” he asked the snow-white apprentice. “I fell out of a tree,” she answered, bending over to lick the mud from her fur. “And I tore my claw.” Chapter three Sandpaw’s claws scraped down the stone as she sharpened them on HighLedge. She could see every cat from here. Her brother, Bearpaw and Snowpaw were sharing tongues by the fresh-kill pile and her mother, Hollyleaf and father, Mousewhisker were sharing tongues outside the warrior’s den. Larchpaw sat outside the medicine cat den with his mother and father, Birchfall and Whitewing. “They were by the WindClan border.” Sandpaw pricked her ears. Who was by the WindClan border? “Are you sure it wasn’t Sol and his friends?” she heard Bramblestar ask. “No, I think they said there names were, Aidan and Freya,” came Thornclaw’s reply. “They said they were looking for the cat of the sea, the grizzly cat and the sand cat.” Sandpaw gasped. The cat of the sea, the grizzly cat and the sand cat! They meant Oceanpaw, Bearpaw and Sandpaw! Chapter four Oceanpaw and Blossomcloud returned with there jaws stuffed full of catmint. Jayfeather would be pleased! Oceanpaw carried her bundle to the medicine cat den. She spat it out on the floor. Jayfeather padded over to them and sniffed the catmint. “Nice and fresh,” he mewed. “Good job.” Oceanpaw was impressed by her mentor’s sense of smell. He gaze slid from the catmint and over to her, making it almost impossible to believe that he was blind. “You should get some sleep,” he meowed. “You must be exhausted.” He shouldered past her to collect the catmint she and Blossomcloud had dropped on the floor. The cheery warrior had already gone. Oceanpaw padded over to her nest and drifted into deep sleep. She found herself in a cave. The was sand and covering the ground and a pool of water with a strange full-moon shape hole in the roof above it. A fire coloured tom and a golden she-cat appeared from around the corner. “The cat of the sea, the grizzly cat and he sand cat. They will save you,” they chanted before fading away into nothing… “Jayfeather! Jayfeather!” Oceanpaw sat in her nest, eyes still wide from her dream. “A prophecy has been told…” Chapter five Bearpaw lapped at Snowpaw’s still-mud-stained pelt. A purr rose in her throat and she turned around to start licking his ruffled fur. Bearpaw felt a warm glow inside him and he stretched out on the ground, feeling the sun on his dark brown pelt. The sky cracked with lightning and on of the bramble thickets went up in flames. “Fire!” Bearpaw and Snowpaw made a dash for the nursery. First thing first, they had to get the kits and elders out. Foxclaw and Sandpaw were already there. Bearpaw grabbed Moonkit and made a dash for the camp entrance, handing Lionblaze his kit. Bramblestar was helping Sandstorm to the entrance. Berrynose, Honeyfern, Hollyleaf and Mousewhisker were helping Greystripe and Ferncloud. Bearpaw followed the other cats to the stream across the WindClan border, Snowpaw at his side. Chapter six Sandpaw glanced wildly around the cats. Sorreltail, Brackenfur, Ferncloud… Where were Firestar, Oceanpaw and Jayfeather? Sandpaw pulled her way through the cats but she couldn’t see her sister anywhere. She wanted to wail like a kit to its mother. She had been with Oceanpaw through everything and now she was stuck in the camp. Mousewhisker suddenly scooped her up and carried her across the stream. She turned to face her father. “Oceanpaw, Firestar and Jayfeather are still back at camp,” she meowed. 7 moons later… Chapter seven “Larchtail! Snowstorm!” Bearclaw yowled. Beside him, Sandsky and Oceanbreeze joined in with the rest of the clan. They had only been made warriors a few days ago and also knew how exciting it was to be made a warrior. “We also have three kits that have reached six moons,” announced Bramblestar. “Bluekit, Maplekit and Seakit would you like to come up here please.” Honeyfern’s three kits raced eachother up to Bramblestar. “Sandsky, Birchfall has taught you well and I think it is time you had an apprentice of your own. You will mentor Maplepaw,” Bramblestar meowed. Bearclaw watched her sister go up and touch noses with her new apprentice. He suddenly felt a jab of jealousness. Then he reminded himself that he would have an apprentice soon as well. “And Cloudtail, you taught Cinderheart and now she is a great and loyal warrior to our clan. You will mentor Seapaw. And finally Thornclaw, you will mentor Bluepaw.” Chapter eight Oceanbreeze watched the clan from HighLedge. Three moons ago she had been trapped in the camp with Firestar and Jayfeather when it had gone o fire. She shuddered remembering the flames everywhere. Unfortunately Firestar had died. Oceanbreeze shook her head to clear these horrible thoughts. It was over now… But something else was troubling her. She kept having the same dream. The words, the cat of the sea, the grizzly cat and the sand cat always rang through her ears. She would always go over to the WindClan border and a golden she-cat and flame coloured tom would wait for her. Maybe she should tell Jayfeather. All she’d told him was of the prophecy. Chapter nine Sandsky padded over to the WindClan border her ears pricked for any noises. The clan had sheltered here while the fire was destroying the camp. But she wasn’t sheltering here; she had come to find the two cats. “Welcome,” the deep voice made her jump. She turned to see a ginger tom with a flame coloured pelt. He looked hauntingly like Firestar although he had ice blue eyes. “Where is the cat of the sea and the grizzly cat?” the tom asked. Sandsky stared up at him. “I’ll go and get hem,” she mewed. She turned around and raced back to camp yowling, “Bearclaw! Oceanbreeze!” She burst into camp. chapter ten Bearclaw lapped gently at Snowstom's fur. They lay, bathed in sunlight, at the camp entrance. The bushes parted and Sandsky and two other cats padded in.One was a flame-coloured tom and the other a golden she-cat. "The three have been found," the strange cats announced. "The cat of the sea, the grizzly cat and the sand cat." Continued in the second book, The Fallen Stars (being made)
  • Prophecy (バッカニアーズ Bakkaniāze) is one of two Crew Special Moves, along with Blue Rogues.
  • The Hero is part of a prophecy, of some kind or another, in most of the games in the Quest for Glory series.
  • Prophecy is the fourth studio album by the metal band Soulfly and it was released in 2004. This album is noteworthy for three features — the completely different line-up for the album apart from leader Max Cavalera, the world music influence from a stint that Cavalera spent in Serbia and explicit Spirituality themes on the album. The album has gone on to sell over 275,000 copies.
  • Only the Fates know if this prophecy will come true.
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