  • Sontaran
  • Sontaran
  • The Sontarans were a race of belligerent and militaristic clones from the planet Sontar, created by the Kaveetch. They waged an eternal war throughout Mutter's Spiral against the Rutan Host, though they made no effort to change this nor did they want peace.
  • The Sontaran race reproduce at a rate of a million new cadets, every four minutes in great "Muster parades". This allows them to sustain casualties and overwhelm opponents.
  • Sontarans were a militaristic, brown-skinned race of clones shorter than but stronger than humans. They were native to tha planet Sontar. They were used as mercenaries by the Galactic Republic, the Sith, and the Galactic Empire. By 1000 BBY, they also controlled a considerable interstellar empire within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy of Galactic Prime. Common spacecraft used by the Sontarans included the Sontaran space capsules and the Sontaran motherships.
  • The Sontarans were a race of belligerent and militaristic clones from the planet Sontar, created by the Kaveetch. They waged eternal war throughout Mutter's Spiral against the Rutan Host.
  • De Sontarans zijn een groep mens-achtige wezens met aardappelvormige hoofden. Ze waren erg ontwikkeld op militair gebied en hielden van het voeren van oorlog. Het was hen echter niet toegestaan deel te nemen aan de Laatste Grote Tijdoorlog. De Sontaran heeft één zwakke plek die net boven de rug op de nek zit. De Doctor beschouwt de Sontarans de, op de Daleks na, sterkste bron van het kwaad in het universum. Voor een Sontaran was een leven van twaalf jaar lang. de:Die Sontaraner fr:Sontaran en:Sontaran Categorie:Rassen
  • The Sontarans are a fictional extraterrestrial race from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, and also seen in spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures. They were created by writer Robert Holmes.
  • Sapient
  • Hostile
  • Bipedal
  • Sontaran
  • The Time Warrior
  • The Doctor and the poison gas - Doctor Who - BBC
  • The Sontarans were a race of belligerent and militaristic clones from the planet Sontar, created by the Kaveetch. They waged an eternal war throughout Mutter's Spiral against the Rutan Host, though they made no effort to change this nor did they want peace.
  • The Sontaran race reproduce at a rate of a million new cadets, every four minutes in great "Muster parades". This allows them to sustain casualties and overwhelm opponents.
  • Sontarans were a militaristic, brown-skinned race of clones shorter than but stronger than humans. They were native to tha planet Sontar. They were used as mercenaries by the Galactic Republic, the Sith, and the Galactic Empire. By 1000 BBY, they also controlled a considerable interstellar empire within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy of Galactic Prime. Common spacecraft used by the Sontarans included the Sontaran space capsules and the Sontaran motherships.
  • The Sontarans were a race of belligerent and militaristic clones from the planet Sontar, created by the Kaveetch. They waged eternal war throughout Mutter's Spiral against the Rutan Host.
  • De Sontarans zijn een groep mens-achtige wezens met aardappelvormige hoofden. Ze waren erg ontwikkeld op militair gebied en hielden van het voeren van oorlog. Het was hen echter niet toegestaan deel te nemen aan de Laatste Grote Tijdoorlog. De Sontaran heeft één zwakke plek die net boven de rug op de nek zit. De Doctor beschouwt de Sontarans de, op de Daleks na, sterkste bron van het kwaad in het universum. Voor een Sontaran was een leven van twaalf jaar lang. de:Die Sontaraner fr:Sontaran en:Sontaran Categorie:Rassen
  • The Sontarans are a fictional extraterrestrial race from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, and also seen in spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures. They were created by writer Robert Holmes.
is Enemy of
is Origin of