  • Operation Phoenix
  • Operation Phoenix
  • Operation Phoenix is a CrossFit program that raises funds to equip the entire United States Marine Corps with functional fitness equipment. This is accomplished through non-profit sales, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations. Every penny raised goes directly to "America's Fighting Force," the USMC.
  • Operation Phoenix featured 8 top voted custom maps from previous operations selected by community popularity. After its release, players were able to purchase an Operation Phoenix pass for 2.99 USD. When purchased, buyers automatically received an Operation Phoenix bronze coin. Like Bravo, the operation introduced a new case called the Operation Phoenix Case. Unlike the previous operation, the chance for the case to drop was originally exclusive to pass owners. However, as of the June 11, 2014 update, the weapon case is available to drop for all players.
  • thumb|280pxDie Operation Phoenix, nach anderer Schreibweise Operation Pho3nix, ist das dritte zeitbegrenzte Event-Update von Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Das Event sollte ursprünglich vom 20. Februar bis zum 04. Juni 2014 gehen, wurde danach aber um kurze Zeit verlängert. Die Operation fügte acht der am besten bewerteten Karten des Steam Workshops, die bereits bei den vorherigen Operationen verwendet worden waren, zeitweise dem offiziellen Karten-Kanon hinzu. Sie endete am 11. Juni 2014.
  • The span of a human life is but a fraction of a second in the grand scale of time, it is insignificant to the universe. Since I was a young man, I wanted to be remembered; I wanted my legacy to live hundreds of years after my frail body has rotted into dust. In the past, man has searched in vain for eternal life—the infamous Fountain of youth, the Philosopher's stone and all the other elixirs of life—it is the same reason that religion is still so prominent today, no man wishes to accept his own mortality.
  • *Shadow Brokers *Various Wildlife
  • *RSF *Sienar Fleet Systems *Jedi Order *Lost Tribe of the Sith
  • *Lucian Odysseus *Daer'Gunn *Zane Mire' *Mira Sorn *Callista Sunstar *Judrin Sunstar *Linx Danle' *Araya *Ciarra Santhe' *Axion
  • *The Blue Lady *Shadow Brokers *Rakatan Guardian Droid *Terentiack *Rancors
  • 18
  • 2014-02-20
  • 2014-06-11
  • Phoenix
  • Operation Phionex
  • , , , , , , ,
  • Rescue of 20+Jedi held in Carbonite
  • *Lehon *Temple of the Ancients
  • Operation Phoenix Page
  • Rescue Mission of *Tabetha Sunstar *Allora Nerberrie Avalon *Jeson Cole *Adrian Sunlight
  • Operation Phoenix is a CrossFit program that raises funds to equip the entire United States Marine Corps with functional fitness equipment. This is accomplished through non-profit sales, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations. Every penny raised goes directly to "America's Fighting Force," the USMC.
  • Operation Phoenix featured 8 top voted custom maps from previous operations selected by community popularity. After its release, players were able to purchase an Operation Phoenix pass for 2.99 USD. When purchased, buyers automatically received an Operation Phoenix bronze coin. Like Bravo, the operation introduced a new case called the Operation Phoenix Case. Unlike the previous operation, the chance for the case to drop was originally exclusive to pass owners. However, as of the June 11, 2014 update, the weapon case is available to drop for all players.
  • The span of a human life is but a fraction of a second in the grand scale of time, it is insignificant to the universe. Since I was a young man, I wanted to be remembered; I wanted my legacy to live hundreds of years after my frail body has rotted into dust. In the past, man has searched in vain for eternal life—the infamous Fountain of youth, the Philosopher's stone and all the other elixirs of life—it is the same reason that religion is still so prominent today, no man wishes to accept his own mortality. This was partly why I joined Operation Phoenix, when an old colleague of mine at the University introduced me to some classified documents and suggested that I could put my talents towards assisting them. At first I scoffed at the idea, but eventually I was drawn in. A pity, if I had listened to the nagging voice in my head that told me to stay away, I wouldn't be sitting here now. And by God if I could I would, maybe then I'd stop seeing their faces at night, maybe then I'd be able to sleep. I'd like to be able to say that this vile affair took place in heart of the Soviet Union, or perhaps the depraved laboratories of the Third Reich, I really would—but in truth these experiments were all performed in the rolling fields of Albion, not far from the small village where I grew up. There is a small military base that has long since fallen into disrepair a few miles north of York that doesn't officially exist on any maps—civilian or military. But any who are brave or foolish enough to scale the wire fence and gain access to the dark hallways will find spent cartridges in the corners of the labyrinthine corridors and scraps of classified papers in heaps of ash in the long-abandoned laboratories. Not much has survived the fire, but a savvy and observant interloper might piece together the story of what happened there. The whole place was torched after the incident to remove any traces of the evidence—blamed on troublesome youths from nearby towns for an arson attack that claimed the lives of almost a hundred MoD scientists. If you believe that ignorance is bliss, and that some things are best left buried—then I urge you to put down this note and forget about it. But if you value truth as much as I once did, then read on. Operation Phoenix was a military-funded operation (looking back, their intentions were all too clear, but I was naive and blind to the Project's real goals) which at first made me uneasy, but Richards assured me it wouldn't be a problem. Shortly after my induction, Commander Huntingley sat me down and explained the project's aims. It seemed the project wasn't quite as far-fetched as I originally thought, yes they did seek to find the secrets of Immortality, but through surprisingly conventional methods. Rebirth—the phoenix is a legendary creature that would die, and be reborn from the ashes—hence "Operation Phoenix." I know, it's a terrible name but our focus was to unlock the secrets of genetic renewal, not waste time thinking of a catchy codename. To put it simply, we were creating a serum to affect the host's genetics, when a cell dies it is replaced—but as you get old the cells stop getting replaced. The idea being, if we could unlock the secrets of genetic renewal, the host could live for much longer than his intended lifespan. Think what Einstein or Marx could have accomplished given but another ten years of life? This project was offering at least triple that. You can see the results of the project in my journal that I enclosed, but let me warn you, it isn't for the faint-hearted.
  • thumb|280pxDie Operation Phoenix, nach anderer Schreibweise Operation Pho3nix, ist das dritte zeitbegrenzte Event-Update von Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Das Event sollte ursprünglich vom 20. Februar bis zum 04. Juni 2014 gehen, wurde danach aber um kurze Zeit verlängert. Die Operation fügte acht der am besten bewerteten Karten des Steam Workshops, die bereits bei den vorherigen Operationen verwendet worden waren, zeitweise dem offiziellen Karten-Kanon hinzu. Sie endete am 11. Juni 2014.
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