  • Grimm
  • Grimm
  • Grimm
  • Grimm
  • Grimm
  • Grimm
  • Grimm
  • Grimm ist eine US-amerikanische Krimiserie mit Mystery und Fantasy Elementen. Diese Serie basiert auf den Märchen von den Gebrüder Grimm.
  • Grimm (jap. グリーム Gurīmu) – planeta wspominana w musicalu Mugen Gakuen - Mistress Labyrinth. Planeta została zniszczona przez Bractwo Śmierci. Z katastrofy ocaleli Gallica, Centi, Damask, Moss i Alba, ponieważ odlecieli na Ziemię.
  • Grimm est une guilde noire spécialisée dans la maîtrise de magies démoniaques. Tous les membres de cette guilde sont assez forts dans le contrôle des magies ténébreuses .Le symbole de la guilde est un crâne
  • GRIMM Found on the Omnitrix Expansion Pack, this alien was discovered by Ben 10,000 and sent back to his younger self to use in the Mighty Invasion. Powers Grimm's powers range from possesion ,flight ,psyconic energy blasts,and fields,a malvolent intent leaking visage, clawed hands, and control over the darkness around him. Planet As a Necronuerite his home world is actually stationed in the middle of a black hole.
  • If you read his mind, you will find he is part of the numerous Easter Eggs of this game, relating him to the Brothers Grimm.
  • Grimm is a veteran Varrock guard who took over command from Captain Merrick when he died, protecting King Botolph's Tower from the incoming undead.
  • Grimm Pelleteur est une taupe. C’est un ami très proche de Rose, il l’accompagna pour chercher Côme, puis pour retourner à Midival…
  • Grimm rewards skill and exploration. It offers interesting tactical options and reacts to the way that players navigate the world. Smart thinking, tactical skills, exploration and combat skills are just some areas where Grimm rewards players with power ups, bonuses or just a simple compliment for a job well done when it's needed.
  • Appiccagnolo probabilmente trasversale mancante con parte del bordo e del corpo.
  • Grimm, or the Creatures of Grimm, are the universal antagonists of RWBY, inhabiting various parts of Remnant. They are described as "creatures of destruction" and lack a soul; hence, they are unable to use Aura. They are also drawn to feelings of negativity- such as envy, sadness, loneliness, and hatred- often congregating towards the source of these emotions. At one point, ancient cultures believed that Grimm were animals possessed by evil spirits or were the spirits of once tortured animals.
  • thumb|198px Ein Grimm ist das schlimmste Todesomen, das es gibt. Es tritt in der Gestalt eines großen, schwarzen Hundes auf. Nach und vor Professor Trelawneys Vorhersage sah Harry Potter angeblich in seinem 3. Jahr häufig den Grimm, der in Wirklichkeit der Animagus von Sirius Black war. thumb|left|250px
  • Grimm (Japanese: コウゾウ, Kouzou), nicknamed "Lightning Grimm", is a Yellow Comet CO with a dynamic personality. He couldn't care less about the details, especially insignificant little things like defence. Consequently, his daredevil nature raises his attack power, but his carelessness about the details or planning attitude lowers his defense.
  • Grimm is published by Dynamite Entertainment. Price per issue is $3.99.
  • Um weitere Seiten für dieses Miniwiki anzulegen, gib einfach den gewünschten Seitentitel in die folgende Box ein. Wichtig ist dabei, dass Du vor dem Speichern 1. * die Vorschaufunktion benutzt, um zu sehen, ob die Seite Deinen Vorstellungen entspricht, und 2. * [[Kategorie:Grimm]] unten auf der neuen Seite einträgst (nur dadurch wird sie als Teil dieses Miniwikis gespeichert).
  • Grimm is an American police procedural fantasy television drama series. It debuted in the U.S. on NBC on October 28, 2011. The show has been described as "a cop drama—with a twist... a dark and fantastical project about a world in which characters inspired by Grimms' Fairy Tales exist", although the stories and characters inspiring the show are also drawn from other sources.
  • thumb Grimm es una serie de televisión estadounidense de fantasía, misterio, crimen y drama que se estrenó por la NBC el 28 de octubre de 2011. La vida del detective de homicidios de Portland (Oregón), Nick Burkhardt, toma un giro inesperado y peligroso cuando su tía materna, la mujer que lo crió, le revela que es una persona dotada con la capacidad de reconocer a toda clase de criaturas sobrenaturales, que antaño poblaban los bosques centroeuropeos, pero que hoy se encuentran en la sociedad, ocultos a plena vista. Su deber, en tanto tenga vida, es combatirlos y proteger a las personas "normales" que ignoran su existencia y maldad: a esta persona se le llama grimm: A partir de ese momento, Nick comprende que la ciudad donde vive está poblada por las criaturas del bosque de mitos, leyendas
  • Grimm — ролевая игра Роберта Швальба в жанре «тёмного фэнтези», выпущенная Fantasy Flight Games. Название происходит от фамилии братьев Гримм. Игра «Grimm» была выпущена в двух редакциях: 2004 года под систему d20 и 2007 года под оригинальную систему Linear D6, для которой были, в частности, конвертированы монстры, в первой редакции взятые из базового монстрятника d20 SRD. Новая система использует дайспул для отражения командной работы персонажей. Игра удостоена ряда премий ENnie (в том числе 2004 года за лучшую обложку) и Outie.
  • Good
nombre solicitado
  • es.grimm
  • Advance Wars: Dual Strike
  • Covered with rock-like skin.
  • Single
  • Donuts
kanji / kana
  • グリーム
  • Grimm
  • D-original
  • Thing/Ben Grimm , Alicia Grimm , Jetstream/Nina Grimm
  • Brown
  • 22
  • Aktiv
  • inconnu
First Appearance
  • None
  • File:Grimm 01.jpg
  • Fantastic Five #1
CO power
  • Knuckleduster
S CO power
  • Haymaker
Power Meter
  • File:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Med.pngFile:AdWar-Med.pngFile:AdWar-Med.png
  • Thing 2
  • Guilde noire
  • Wiki Grimm es un proyecto de Fandom que trata de reunir información sobre la serie televisiva, sus personajes e historias.
  • 16
  • Public
  • American
  • Firepower
  • Superhumanly durable and strong.
  • Tristan89
  • Grimm
  • Earth-52295
  • Activa
  • Ottagonale
  • Planning
  • Male
  • Charles Grimm
  • Wiki Grimm
wikipage disambiguates
  • Trasversale
  • Bronzo
  • Grimm
  • de.grimm
  • XVII secolo
  • Grimm ist eine US-amerikanische Krimiserie mit Mystery und Fantasy Elementen. Diese Serie basiert auf den Märchen von den Gebrüder Grimm.
  • Grimm (jap. グリーム Gurīmu) – planeta wspominana w musicalu Mugen Gakuen - Mistress Labyrinth. Planeta została zniszczona przez Bractwo Śmierci. Z katastrofy ocaleli Gallica, Centi, Damask, Moss i Alba, ponieważ odlecieli na Ziemię.
  • Grimm est une guilde noire spécialisée dans la maîtrise de magies démoniaques. Tous les membres de cette guilde sont assez forts dans le contrôle des magies ténébreuses .Le symbole de la guilde est un crâne
  • GRIMM Found on the Omnitrix Expansion Pack, this alien was discovered by Ben 10,000 and sent back to his younger self to use in the Mighty Invasion. Powers Grimm's powers range from possesion ,flight ,psyconic energy blasts,and fields,a malvolent intent leaking visage, clawed hands, and control over the darkness around him. Planet As a Necronuerite his home world is actually stationed in the middle of a black hole.
  • If you read his mind, you will find he is part of the numerous Easter Eggs of this game, relating him to the Brothers Grimm.
  • Grimm is a veteran Varrock guard who took over command from Captain Merrick when he died, protecting King Botolph's Tower from the incoming undead.
  • Grimm Pelleteur est une taupe. C’est un ami très proche de Rose, il l’accompagna pour chercher Côme, puis pour retourner à Midival…
  • Grimm — ролевая игра Роберта Швальба в жанре «тёмного фэнтези», выпущенная Fantasy Flight Games. Название происходит от фамилии братьев Гримм. Игра «Grimm» была выпущена в двух редакциях: 2004 года под систему d20 и 2007 года под оригинальную систему Linear D6, для которой были, в частности, конвертированы монстры, в первой редакции взятые из базового монстрятника d20 SRD. Новая система использует дайспул для отражения командной работы персонажей. Сеттинг игры представляет собой более мрачную версию сказок братьев Гримм, где персонажи играют роли детей, потерявшихся в незнакомых, пугающих местах. Можно сказать, что «Grimm» и сказки соотносятся примерно так же, как World of Darkness с реальным миром. Игра удостоена ряда премий ENnie (в том числе 2004 года за лучшую обложку) и Outie.
  • thumb Grimm es una serie de televisión estadounidense de fantasía, misterio, crimen y drama que se estrenó por la NBC el 28 de octubre de 2011. La vida del detective de homicidios de Portland (Oregón), Nick Burkhardt, toma un giro inesperado y peligroso cuando su tía materna, la mujer que lo crió, le revela que es una persona dotada con la capacidad de reconocer a toda clase de criaturas sobrenaturales, que antaño poblaban los bosques centroeuropeos, pero que hoy se encuentran en la sociedad, ocultos a plena vista. Su deber, en tanto tenga vida, es combatirlos y proteger a las personas "normales" que ignoran su existencia y maldad: a esta persona se le llama grimm: A partir de ese momento, Nick comprende que la ciudad donde vive está poblada por las criaturas del bosque de mitos, leyendas y cuentos de hadas, que en alguna ocasión le parecieron tan solo inofensivos cuentos infantiles. Sin poder ignorar la llamada de su destino ni abandonar la normalidad (su trabajo como detective y su relación con Juliette, su novia), Nick toma la decisión de llevar una peligrosa doble vida como policía/grimm para cumplir con estos nuevos ideales.
  • Grimm rewards skill and exploration. It offers interesting tactical options and reacts to the way that players navigate the world. Smart thinking, tactical skills, exploration and combat skills are just some areas where Grimm rewards players with power ups, bonuses or just a simple compliment for a job well done when it's needed.
  • Appiccagnolo probabilmente trasversale mancante con parte del bordo e del corpo.
  • Grimm, or the Creatures of Grimm, are the universal antagonists of RWBY, inhabiting various parts of Remnant. They are described as "creatures of destruction" and lack a soul; hence, they are unable to use Aura. They are also drawn to feelings of negativity- such as envy, sadness, loneliness, and hatred- often congregating towards the source of these emotions. At one point, ancient cultures believed that Grimm were animals possessed by evil spirits or were the spirits of once tortured animals.
  • thumb|198px Ein Grimm ist das schlimmste Todesomen, das es gibt. Es tritt in der Gestalt eines großen, schwarzen Hundes auf. Nach und vor Professor Trelawneys Vorhersage sah Harry Potter angeblich in seinem 3. Jahr häufig den Grimm, der in Wirklichkeit der Animagus von Sirius Black war. thumb|left|250px
  • Grimm (Japanese: コウゾウ, Kouzou), nicknamed "Lightning Grimm", is a Yellow Comet CO with a dynamic personality. He couldn't care less about the details, especially insignificant little things like defence. Consequently, his daredevil nature raises his attack power, but his carelessness about the details or planning attitude lowers his defense.
  • Grimm is published by Dynamite Entertainment. Price per issue is $3.99.
  • Um weitere Seiten für dieses Miniwiki anzulegen, gib einfach den gewünschten Seitentitel in die folgende Box ein. Wichtig ist dabei, dass Du vor dem Speichern 1. * die Vorschaufunktion benutzt, um zu sehen, ob die Seite Deinen Vorstellungen entspricht, und 2. * [[Kategorie:Grimm]] unten auf der neuen Seite einträgst (nur dadurch wird sie als Teil dieses Miniwikis gespeichert).
  • Grimm is an American police procedural fantasy television drama series. It debuted in the U.S. on NBC on October 28, 2011. The show has been described as "a cop drama—with a twist... a dark and fantastical project about a world in which characters inspired by Grimms' Fairy Tales exist", although the stories and characters inspiring the show are also drawn from other sources.
is Alignment of
is Przynależność of
is Précédente Affiliation of
is Commander of
is CurrentMembers of
is Affiliation of
is cos of
is Animagus of
is Species of