  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard war die Tochter von Armand Isard, dem Leiter des Imperialen Geheimdienstes, in jene Position nachfolgte. Sie war dem Imperator treu ergeben und versuchte in den Jahren infolge seines Todes die Neue Ordnung ihres alten Meisters mit aller Härte durchzusetzen. Neben Operationen gegen die Hand des Imperators Mara Jade, richteten sich ihre Aktionen bis zum Ende ihrer Karriere als Leiterin des Geheimdienstes gegen die aus der Rebellen-Allianz hervorgegangene Neue Republik.
  • Tragically, she suffered from a unique genetic mutation that caused a fatal reaction in anyone who maintained physical contact with her for too long. She also had Ocular Exovar Syndrome. She killed many people, caused the deaths of three Imperial Governors, and Sate Pestage, along with thousands of Coruscanti during the launch of her Super Star Destroyer, Lusankya from the base of Coruscant. Many, many people died. By the way, many Imperial men had intense crushes on her.
  • At the start of the Combat phase, if you have no shields and at least 1 Damage card assigned to your ship, you may perform a free evade action.
  • Ysanne Isard oli Keisarillisen tiedustelutoimiston päällikkö vuosina 0 BBY - 7.5 BBY. Hän oli niin lähellä Palpatinea, että sai käyttöönsä toisen Executor-luokan tähtituhoojan, Lusankyan. Hän oli myös epävirallinen keisari vuosina 5 ABY - 8 ABY Paltr Carvinin kuoleman jälkeen. Hän kuoli vuonna 9 ABY.
  • Ysanne Isard fue la Directora de Inteligencia Imperial durante varios años durante la Guerra Civil Galáctica, y gobernó el Imperio Galáctico tras la muerte del Emperador en 4 DBY. Desde joven, Isard siguió los pasos de su padre, Armand Isard en la Inteligencia Imperial, alcanzando su plenitud como agente de campo modélico. Su ambición le hizo destacar ante los ojos de su padre como una amenaza e ideó un plan para destituirla. Después de que la Alianza para Restaurar la República robase las coordenadas del lugar de construcción de la Estrella de la Muerte, envió a Ysanne a una misión suicida al planeta Darkknell. Sin embargo, sobrevivió, y regresó con cargos por traición para su padre. Armand Isard fue ejecutado inmediatamente, y su hija ocupó su puesto de Director de Inteligencia Imperial.
  • Ysanne Isard was an agent and later Director of Imperial Intelligence; a ruthless and cunning woman who earned herself the nickname "Iceheart", a pun on her last name. Though some considered her beautiful, she exhibited heterochromia iridium, possessing one red and one blue eye. Ysanne became a great field agent and did not take advantage of her father's position. She was ambitious and formed alliances within Imperial Intelligence and began plotting behind her father's back.
  • Ysanne Isard byla lidská žena, která byla několik let během Galaktické občanské války ředitelkou Imperiální zpravodajské služby, a po smrti císaře v roce 4 PBY se rozhodla sama nastoupit na jeho místo.
  • Ysanne Isard var en agent og senere Leder af Imperiets Efterretningstjeneste; en nådesløs og snu kvinde der gjorde sig fortjent til navnet "Iceheart", et ordspil på hendes efternavn. Hun havde et rødt og et blåt øje. Mærkeligt nok havde hun rangmærket fra en Moff.
  • Ysanne Isard, known to her enemies as Iceheart, was the Director of Imperial Intelligence for several years during the Galactic Civil War, and ruled the Galactic Empire herself for a time after the Emperor's death in 4 ABY. Isard followed her father, Armand Isard, into Imperial Intelligence at a young age, blossoming into a model field agent. After the Alliance to Restore the Republic stole coordinates of the location of the Death Star's construction site, Iceheart was sent on a mission to the planet Darkknell. While the mission was a failure, she survived but the prospect of losing considerable face back on Imperial Center infuriated Isard. She instead found a way to pin the blame on her father. Backed up by members of the Emperor's Royal Guards, she accused her father of treason; the Emp
  • Ysanne Isard was an agent and later Director of Imperial Intelligence; a ruthless and cunning woman who earned herself the nickname "Iceheart", a pun on her last name. Though some considered her beautiful, she exhibited heterochromia iridium, possessing one red and one blue eye. Ysanne became a great field agent and did not take advantage of her father's position. She was ambitious and formed alliances within Imperial Intelligence and began plotting behind her father's back. Ysanne Isard is a Non-Player Character, for storyline use only. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
  • *Rise of the Empire era *Rebellion era *New Republic era
  • *Era del Alzamiento del Imperio *Era de la Rebelión *Era de la Nueva República
  • *Rise of the Empire era *Rebellion era *New Republic era
  • *Putsch *Massenmord
  • žena
  • Coruscant
  • Humana
  • 1
  • 250
  • černá, bílá
  • *Galaktinen Imperiumi *Keisarillinen tiedustelutoimisto
  • weiblich
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Blanco y negro
  • 9
  • weiße Haarsträhnen
  • *Imperio Galáctico *Inteligencia Imperial
  • rudá , modrá
  • schwarz
  • 5
  • c. 0 ABY–7.5 DBY
  • 180
  • Mitth'raw'nuruodo
  • Desconocido, finalmente Nyna Calixte
domovský svět
  • Isard.jpg
  • 9
  • Ysanne Isard
  • *Galaktické impérium
  • noin 30 BBY
  • 250
  • mustat ja valkoiset
type of villain
  • Corrupt Official, Warlord, Complete Monster
  • *Geheimdienstchefin *Regentin
  • Izquierdo: rojo, derecho: azul
  • člověk
  • Mujer
  • *Imperiumin nousun aikakausi *Kapinallisten aikakausi *Uuden tasavallan aikakausi
  • *Familie Isard
  • 30
  • *Vzestup Impéria *Rebelie *Nová republika
  • links: rot, rechts: blau
  • 1,8 m
  • 9
  • *Galaktisches Imperium
  • *Vasen: punainen *Oikea: sininen
  • To be with Emperor Palpatine .
  • To become Director of Imperial Intelligence .
  • To control the bacta production .
  • To crush the New Republic .
  • To recover Lusankya from Wedge Antilles .
  • To get Tycho Celchu convicted of Corran Horn's murder .
  • To turn the New Republic aliens against the humans .
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Left: red, right: blue
  • Red and blue belive it or not
  • Venstre: rød, højre: blå
  • X-wing: Rogue Squadron
  • High intelligence
  • Political maneuvering
  • Investigative abilities
  • Galactic Empire
  • *Galactic Empire **Imperial Intelligence
  • *Det Galaktiske Imperium *Imperiets Efterretningstjeneste
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Black and white
  • Sort
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne "Iceheart" Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Coruscant: Center of the Empire
  • The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs
  • Coruscant: Center of the Empire
  • Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties
  • GCW Invasion Planets - Talus
  • Super Star, An Expanded Universe Starship
  • Super Star, An Expanded Universe Starship
  • Galactic Empire
  • Ysanna Isard
  • Ysanna Isard
  • Ysanna Isard
  • Ysanna Isard
  • Iceheart
  • Being on the Lusankya.
  • Discrediting the New Republic.
  • Serving the Empire.
  • 18
  • 1.8
  • Исанн Айсард
  • Исанн Айсард
  • Исанн Айсард
  • Исанн Айсард
  • Imperial
  • 1,8 m
  • 5
  • c. 0 BBY–7.5 ABY
  • ca. 0 BBY — 7.5 ABY
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Coruscant: Center of the Empire
  • The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs
  • Coruscant: Center of the Empire
  • Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties
  • Super Star, An Expanded Universe Starship
  • Super Star, An Expanded Universe Starship
  • Director of Imperial Intelligence
  • Imperial Head Empress
  • Supreme Leader and Empress of Thyferra
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030403coruscant
  • fans/hyperspace/source/nagai11202009/index.html
  • starwars/article.asp?x=sw20020808dstar&c=rpg
  • starwars/article.asp?x=sw20020808dstar&c=rpg
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030403coruscant
  • hyperspace/member/insideronline/88/indexp2.html
  • players/news_archive.vm?id=68702&month=current
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Light
  • 9
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard
  • Ysanne Isard.jpg
  • Imperialer
  • 30
  • circa 30 BBY, Coruscant
  • 300
  • 31
  • 1
  • Ysanne Isard fue la Directora de Inteligencia Imperial durante varios años durante la Guerra Civil Galáctica, y gobernó el Imperio Galáctico tras la muerte del Emperador en 4 DBY. Desde joven, Isard siguió los pasos de su padre, Armand Isard en la Inteligencia Imperial, alcanzando su plenitud como agente de campo modélico. Su ambición le hizo destacar ante los ojos de su padre como una amenaza e ideó un plan para destituirla. Después de que la Alianza para Restaurar la República robase las coordenadas del lugar de construcción de la Estrella de la Muerte, envió a Ysanne a una misión suicida al planeta Darkknell. Sin embargo, sobrevivió, y regresó con cargos por traición para su padre. Armand Isard fue ejecutado inmediatamente, y su hija ocupó su puesto de Director de Inteligencia Imperial. Isard estuvo unida a Palpatine de una modo excepcional, siendo así, que le concedió el segundo Acorazado Estelar clase Ejecutor construido, el Lusankya. Enterrado bajo la superficie de su mundo natal Coruscant, el Lusankya se convirtió en una instalación carcelaria de lavado de cerebros, en donde Isard torturaba a los muchos enemigos del Imperio para sacarles información y para convertir a prisioneros escogidos en agentes durmientes. Tras la Batalla de Endor, Isard llegó a consejera del Gran Visir Sate Pestage, todo mientras maquinaba su caída. En ese mismo día, Isard acabó con Pestage y el Consejo Imperial Regente, convirtiéndose en Emperatriz en todo menos en el título. Isard tuvo a su mando un considerable ejército en el cénit de su poder, aunque el hecho de tener el control de Coruscant le convirtió en un objetivo de la Nueva República. Consciente de que Coruscant caería inevitablemente a manos de la Nueva República, desarrolló el virus Krytos, así se quedarían con un mundo enfermo y posiblemente fragmentado. Después de despegar de Coruscant en el Lusankya, Ysanne Isard dio apoyo a un golpe político de Thyferra, y se convirtió en Señor de la Guerra. No obstante, el Escuadrón Pícaro la siguió hasta Thyferra y logró vencer a sus ejército y tomar el planeta. A Isard se le dio por muerta. Pero en realidad sobrevivió, y permaneció oculta durante la campaña de Thrawn, esperando el momento oportuno y reflexionando sobre los errores del pasado. En algún momento de su periodo de ocultamiento, el Palpatine renacido contactó con Isard, y ella le prometió recobrar el Lusankya para entregárselo. Cuando su clon se alió con el señor de la guerra Delak Krennel y resurgió en la Hegemonía Ciutric, para obtener discretamente ayuda en la eliminación de su clon, Isard informó al Escuadrón Pícaro de la situación de los prisioneros del Lusankya, entre los que se encontraba el General Jan Dodonna de la Alianza Rebelde. Sin embargo, traicionó a la Nueva República, e intentó robar el Lusankya del control de la Nueva República en los astilleros de Bilbringi. No sabía que le esperaba la agente de Inteligencia de la Nueva República, Iella Wessiri quien le disparó mortalmente.
  • Ysanne Isard was an agent and later Director of Imperial Intelligence; a ruthless and cunning woman who earned herself the nickname "Iceheart", a pun on her last name. Though some considered her beautiful, she exhibited heterochromia iridium, possessing one red and one blue eye. Isard was the daughter of the Director of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, Armand Isard. As a youth, she grew up in the Emperor's court. When her father's department became the Imperial Intelligence Agency, Ysanne began her career as a field agent. After the formation of the New Order, the Emperor made many enemies whom he needed killed or imprisoned. Due to this, the Isards gained more power than ever before. Ysanne became a great field agent and did not take advantage of her father's position. She was ambitious and formed alliances within Imperial Intelligence and began plotting behind her father's back. Just before the Battle of Yavin, Rebel spies captured a datapack containing the coordinates and secrets of the new Death Star. Armand sent his daughter to recapture the datapack. She encountered Hal Horn and forced him to help her, but even with the help, she was not able to recapture the valuable information. She then realized why her father had sent her there, it was a suicide mission; he had wanted her dead. In retaliation, Ysanne pinned the failure of the Darkknell Mission on her father, as well as convincingly framing him for the terror attacks on Garm Bel Iblis which had caused his deflection to the Rebellion. Two Imperial Royal Guards then entered the Imperial Intelligence Director's office, flanking Armand, as he was whisked away to his grisly execution. A persistent rumor still circulates that Isard herself pulled the trigger on the blaster that killed her own father. Ysanne Isard was then promoted to the position of Director of Imperial Intelligence. With her newfound authority, Isard pledged her allegiance to Palpatine and there were even rumors that the two were lovers. After Palpatine's death and the subsequent riots on Imperial Center, Isard deployed the Coruscant Guard and Stormtroopers to quell the riots and had thousands executed on the spot. With the Empire facing defeat, the Imperial Ruling Council took control of matters, with Sate Pestage spearheading the campaign to restore Imperial state control. Pestage effectively became the interim de facto Emperor, and this obviously angered Isard, who sought her own control over the Empire. Isard, utilizing her control over Intelligence, began a smear campaign against Pestage and sought to win the favor of the Council. When the situation led to conflict between the two, it was Isard who lost, failing to gain the favor of the Imperial Military whom had pledge their allegiance to the Council. Isard was exposed and executed by Pestage, and she was replaced by Dekan. Ysanne Isard is a Non-Player Character, for storyline use only. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.
  • Ysanne Isard war die Tochter von Armand Isard, dem Leiter des Imperialen Geheimdienstes, in jene Position nachfolgte. Sie war dem Imperator treu ergeben und versuchte in den Jahren infolge seines Todes die Neue Ordnung ihres alten Meisters mit aller Härte durchzusetzen. Neben Operationen gegen die Hand des Imperators Mara Jade, richteten sich ihre Aktionen bis zum Ende ihrer Karriere als Leiterin des Geheimdienstes gegen die aus der Rebellen-Allianz hervorgegangene Neue Republik.
  • Ysanne Isard var en agent og senere Leder af Imperiets Efterretningstjeneste; en nådesløs og snu kvinde der gjorde sig fortjent til navnet "Iceheart", et ordspil på hendes efternavn. Hun havde et rødt og et blåt øje. Mærkeligt nok havde hun rangmærket fra en Moff. Senere blev hun "Leder af det Galaktiske Imperium" og modsatte sig Trioculus og Kadann. Hun fjernede sig rang mærke, og bar en rød version af en Stor Admirals uniform. Det var under hendes ledelse at Imperiet begyndte sit lange, langsomme fald. Hun er flere gange blevet beskrevet som "Kejser i alt andet en titel" og er også blevet kaldt Kejserinde Isard. Det var Isard der frigav den dødbringende Krytos virus på Coruscant og ødelagde en stor del af byen med sit personige flagskib/fængsel Lusankya. Hun overlede Bacta Krigen og fortsatte sin kamp mod Den Nye Republik efter Thrawn's felttog, men blev besejret og dræbt.
  • Tragically, she suffered from a unique genetic mutation that caused a fatal reaction in anyone who maintained physical contact with her for too long. She also had Ocular Exovar Syndrome. She killed many people, caused the deaths of three Imperial Governors, and Sate Pestage, along with thousands of Coruscanti during the launch of her Super Star Destroyer, Lusankya from the base of Coruscant. Many, many people died. By the way, many Imperial men had intense crushes on her.
  • At the start of the Combat phase, if you have no shields and at least 1 Damage card assigned to your ship, you may perform a free evade action.
  • Ysanne Isard oli Keisarillisen tiedustelutoimiston päällikkö vuosina 0 BBY - 7.5 BBY. Hän oli niin lähellä Palpatinea, että sai käyttöönsä toisen Executor-luokan tähtituhoojan, Lusankyan. Hän oli myös epävirallinen keisari vuosina 5 ABY - 8 ABY Paltr Carvinin kuoleman jälkeen. Hän kuoli vuonna 9 ABY.
  • Ysanne Isard was an agent and later Director of Imperial Intelligence; a ruthless and cunning woman who earned herself the nickname "Iceheart", a pun on her last name. Though some considered her beautiful, she exhibited heterochromia iridium, possessing one red and one blue eye. Isard was the daughter of the Director of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, Armand Isard. As a youth, she grew up in the Emperor's court. When her father's department became the Imperial Intelligence Agency, Ysanne began her career as a field agent. After the formation of the New Order, the Emperor made many enemies whom he needed killed or imprisoned. Due to this, the Isards gained more power than ever before. Ysanne became a great field agent and did not take advantage of her father's position. She was ambitious and formed alliances within Imperial Intelligence and began plotting behind her father's back. Just before the Battle of Yavin, Rebel spies captured a datapack containing the coordinates and secrets of the new Death Star. Armand sent his daughter to recapture the datapack. She encountered Hal Horn and forced him to help her, but even with the help, she was not able to recapture the valuable information. She then realized why her father had sent her there, it was a suicide mission; he had wanted her dead. In retaliation, Ysanne pinned the failure of the Darkknell Mission on her father, as well as convincingly framing him for the terror attacks on Garm Bel Iblis which had caused his deflection to the Rebellion. Two Imperial Royal Guards then entered the Imperial Intelligence Director's office, flanking Armand, as he was whisked away to his grisly execution. A persistent rumor still circulates that Isard herself pulled the trigger on the blaster that killed her own father. Ysanne Isard was then promoted to the position of Director of Imperial Intelligence. With her newfound authority, Isard pledged her allegiance to Palpatine and there were even rumors that the two were lovers. After Palpatine's death and the subsequent riots on Imperial Center, Isard deployed the Coruscant Guard and Stormtroopers to quell the riots and had thousands executed on the spot. With the Empire facing defeat, the Imperial Ruling Council took control of matters, with Sate Pestage spearheading the campaign to restore Imperial state control. Pestage effectively became the interim de facto Emperor, and this obviously angered Isard, who sought her own control over the Empire. Isard, utilizing her control over Intelligence, began a smear campaign against Pestage and sought to win the favor of the Council. When the situation led to conflict between the two, it was Isard who lost, failing to gain the favor of the Imperial Military whom had pledge their allegiance to the Council. Isard was exposed by Pestage, and she was replaced by Dekan.
  • Ysanne Isard byla lidská žena, která byla několik let během Galaktické občanské války ředitelkou Imperiální zpravodajské služby, a po smrti císaře v roce 4 PBY se rozhodla sama nastoupit na jeho místo. Isard následovala příkladu svého otce, Armanda Isarda, a v mladém věku se stala agentkou imperiální rozvědky. Když Aliance za obnovu republiky ukradla plány Hvězdy smrti, Isard byla vyslána na misi na planetu Darkknell. Přestože mise byla neúspěšná, přežila, ale nemohla se vrátit, protože by ji císař nechal potrestat. Povedlo se jí však svalit vinu na jejího otce, který byl v blízké době popraven. Ysanne zaujmula jeho místo jako ředitelka rozvědky. Byla velice blízká samotnému císaři, který jí přenechal hvězdný destruktor třídy Exekutor Lusankya, který byl zastavěn pod budovami na Coruscantu a stal se Isardinou soukromou dílnou na přetváření a vymývání mozků.
  • Ysanne Isard, known to her enemies as Iceheart, was the Director of Imperial Intelligence for several years during the Galactic Civil War, and ruled the Galactic Empire herself for a time after the Emperor's death in 4 ABY. Isard followed her father, Armand Isard, into Imperial Intelligence at a young age, blossoming into a model field agent. After the Alliance to Restore the Republic stole coordinates of the location of the Death Star's construction site, Iceheart was sent on a mission to the planet Darkknell. While the mission was a failure, she survived but the prospect of losing considerable face back on Imperial Center infuriated Isard. She instead found a way to pin the blame on her father. Backed up by members of the Emperor's Royal Guards, she accused her father of treason; the Emperor had him executed within the hour, and she took her father's position as Director of Imperial Intelligence. Isard was exceptionally close to Palpatine, so much so that she was given the second Executor-class Star Dreadnought constructed, the Lusankya. Buried underneath the surface of her homeworld of Coruscant, the Lusankya became a prison and brainwashing facility, and Isard used it to torture the secrets out of many enemies of the Empire, as well as convert selected prisoners into sleeper agents. After the Battle of Endor, Isard became an advisor to Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, all the while engineering his downfall. In the same day, Isard had Pestage and the Imperial Ruling Council assassinated, leaving her Empress in all but name. Isard commanded a sizable force at the height of her power, though the fact she held Coruscant made her a target for the New Republic. Knowing Coruscant would inevitably fall to the New Republic, she had the Krytos virus developed, so that they would inherit a sick world and hopefully fragment. After blasting off Coruscant in the Lusankya, Ysanne Isard supported a political coup of Thyferra, and became a warlord. Rogue Squadron followed her to Thyferra, though, and managed to defeat her forces and capture the planet. Isard was presumed dead, shot out of the sky by Corran Horn and Tycho Celchu, both former prisoners of Lusankya. She had, in fact, survived, and remained in hiding during the Thrawn campaign, biding her time and contemplating past mistakes. Sometime during her time in hiding, she was contacted by the reborn Palpatine, and pledged to steal back her Lusankya and present it to him. When her clone allied herself with warlord Delak Krennel and reemerged in the Ciutric Hegemony, Isard provided Rogue Squadron with the location of the Lusankya prisoners, among them Rebel Alliance General Jan Dodonna, to discreetly obtain their aid in eliminating her clone. She betrayed the New Republic, though, and attempted to steal the Lusankya from New Republic control at the Bilbringi shipyards. However, a New Republic Intelligence agent, Iella Wessiri, was waiting for her and shot her dead.
is Imperator of
is propietarios of
is Comandante of
is Después of
is Bando of
is Characters of
is Affiliation of
is Author of
is Founder of
is Commanders of
is After of
is Owners of
is wikipage disambiguates of