  • Goth
  • Goth
  • Goth
  • Goth may refer to: * Arturus Goth, current Imperial Regent to the Throne. * Angelus Goth, a former Admiral and Commander of the Imperial Navy.
  • Goth was a neutral planet which Blake visited in search of Lurgen and the secret of Star One. The atmosphere was toxic: Jenna observed that prolonged exposure would "rot your lungs eventually". The population lived largely underground, although trees were plentiful on the surface. Rats were seen underground. Docholli described the people of Goth as "a crude lot", and the technology there was unsophisticated. Weapons included swords and spears, although the crossbows used by many warriors fired bolts that exploded on impact. Their culture was equally primitve and rather warlike. Goth was ruled by a king or Charl, probably inherited through the male line (though at one point a woman appeared to assume rule once both her brothers were dead).
  • Gothaparduskerialldrapolatkh, genannt Goth, ist ein Time Lord und Kanzler des Hohen Rates von Gallifrey.
  • Goth was a ruthless Barbarian. He and his brother, Bledar, commanded a group of Barbarians who terrorized the island of Naxos for at least two years. He was wanted for his crimes in Athens. Hercules and Iolaus apprehended him after he killed Argeas. They took him to an abandoned fortress and there, withstood a brief siege led by Bledar. At the fortress, Goth encountered Elora, a woman he had a brief relationship with when he first arrived on Naxos. He tried to get Elora to help him escape but she realized the abusive nature of the relationship she had with Goth and instead helped Hercules and Iolaus defend the fortress and escape with Goth so the Barbarian could be taken to Athens to stand trial.
  • On behalf of the Celestial Intervention Agency, Goth masqueraded as the fictional character Lemuel Gulliver in the Land of Fiction to monitor the Second Doctor. (TV: The Mind Robber, PROSE: Future Imperfect) Shortly after, on Gallifrey, Goth, alongside two other Time Lords, presided over the trial of the Doctor. This decided his exile on Earth. (TV: The War Games, PROSE: Future Imperfect) Later, Goth became Chancellor and persuaded the CIA to send the Third Doctor to Peladon. (PROSE: Legacy)
  • Su nombre viene de la letra o.
  • Goth is a movie based on the Otsuichi novel "GOTH Risuto Katto Jiken". It was directed by Gen Takahashi.
  • Goth (orc."Master") was the orcish name of Morgoth (and probably an orcish corruption of that name).The Word Goth also sometimes appeared in orcish terms for high chieftains.For example the Goth-Korlazgrim was the chief commander of a confined region among the Blogrum-Hai Tribe in Mirkwood.
  • Goth is a vampyrum spectrum bat who is the primary antagonist of the Silverwing novel series. He has a black band similar to Throbb's. He made his debut in the 1997 novel Silverwing, and reappeared in its sequels: Sunwing (2000), and Firewing (2002). He has also appeared in the series' two spinoffs: the animated television series Silverwing (2003) and a play, Silverwing (2005).
  • File:Goth zan .gif Write the text of your article here!
  • thumb|Goth (2373) Goth ist ein Etanianer. 2373 ist er Kommandant des etanianischen Raumschiffs, welches den Planeten der Nezu einnehmen soll. Er kontaktiert die USS Voyager und fordert deren Rückzug. Er hält Kathryn Janeways Unterstützung für dieses Volk für dumm. (VOY: ) Goth wurde von Gary Bullock gespielt und von Karl-Heinz Grewe synchronisiert.
  • The planet Goth is a desolate wasteland, the surface covered in rocky crags and plains that are vulnerable to terrible winds. Civilization on Goth has retreated underground, and the medieval society of this world now lives in gigantic tent-cities in the caves and caverns of this world.
  • Goth is a cannibalistic Vampyrum Spectrum from South America. He believes in Cama Zotz and is his greatest servant. Once the humans caught him and brang him in a Canadian lab.
  • Goth is a prison guard at the High Court in Ultima VII and a really nasty character. After Sir Jeff spoke of his doubts about Goth, the Avatar talked the man himself, only to at once realise that Goth was a really rude man without any kind of manners left. Talking further with him, it became clear that Goth was a very corrupt man, who wanted money for every single piece of information he gave. He also had no scruples selling the keys to the prison cells for a measly 20 gold pieces.
  • "You surely remember that in the beginning I[who?] said the Goths went forth from the bosom of the island of Gothisatani with Berik, their king, sailing in only three ships toward the hither shore of Ocean, namely to Raidgothikland. One of these three ships proved to be slower than the others, as is usually the case, causing the crew of that ship to burst into hysterical whining, and thus is said to have given the Emo tribe, the whimpy offshoot of the Gothic tribe, their name, from in their language "Imawuss" which means 'Miserables Degenerates'".
  • The Goth Subculture is an alternative lifestyle/musical subculture that formed in the early 1980's due to the rise in popularity of Gothic Rock, a gloomy form of Rock music which began in the late 1970's. A member of the Goth Subculture is referred to as a Goth. A Goth seeks to explore the darker aspects of life. These darker aspects include but are not limited to death, depression, suicide, kinky sex, BDSM, the occult and the supernatural. Being dark is a nebulous concept in the Goth Subculture. Due to the fact that the Goth Subculture does not specifically define what it means to be Goth, it is up to each Goth to to create their own dark style. Therefore, there are different types of Goths. They can be generalized into specific types as shown on the website below.
  • männlich
Erster Auftritt
  • The War Games
  • Legacy of the Daleks
  • The Deadly Assassin
  • Future Imperfect
  • War Crimes
  • 2373
  • Goth, an Etanian male
  • 270
Bekannt als
  • Active
  • verstorben
  • Goth
  • Planet
  • File:Goth.gif
  • 1092006
  • Tornado Film
  • Commander of an Etanian starship
  • 2008
  • Male
  • 88
  • Yew
  • Rosetta Spiral
wikipage disambiguates
  • "You surely remember that in the beginning I[who?] said the Goths went forth from the bosom of the island of Gothisatani with Berik, their king, sailing in only three ships toward the hither shore of Ocean, namely to Raidgothikland. One of these three ships proved to be slower than the others, as is usually the case, causing the crew of that ship to burst into hysterical whining, and thus is said to have given the Emo tribe, the whimpy offshoot of the Gothic tribe, their name, from in their language "Imawuss" which means 'Miserables Degenerates'". Once in their new homes, the Goths soon lost what little unity they had and became bitter rivals trying to prove that their group were 'True Goths' and the others were really Crap-Saddo Couturists . By the 1990s the Goths were divided into separate sub-tribes; the Romantigoths are found most commonly within Victorian England or between the pages of a particularly rambling poetry book, the Deathrockigoths lived in their local club (only ever found to be venturing out of their natural habitat in the instance of a large fire or natural disaster), The Tradi-Goths living in The Great Batcave (Infamous for their big hair and pointy boots), Pagan-Goths living in Lalaland, and the Minigothic kingdom was made in China. Two other Goth groups - the Ruritanigoths or Ostrogoths - who later ended up in Ruritania ( Ostrogothreich in Ruritanische) - and the Visagoths who eventually moved to Spain to work in bars serving 'Sangria Azul' - Blue Blood Wine. A bit rare these days - most restaurants only provide the familiar Sangria Rosa - so remember to ask next time you are there. These Visagoths are sometimes hard to spot as they usually wear summery clothes to 'fit in' but if they have black eyeliner or studs through their lips you'll know them - they are the most secretive Goths but remember to check if they have valid Visas. The South American Fascist state of Chile is under a false impression that they are of Gothic ancestry, but don't tell that to the Swedes or they will kick their Neo-Nazi brown mestizo butts in the most severe fashion.
  • Goth may refer to: * Arturus Goth, current Imperial Regent to the Throne. * Angelus Goth, a former Admiral and Commander of the Imperial Navy.
  • Goth was a neutral planet which Blake visited in search of Lurgen and the secret of Star One. The atmosphere was toxic: Jenna observed that prolonged exposure would "rot your lungs eventually". The population lived largely underground, although trees were plentiful on the surface. Rats were seen underground. Docholli described the people of Goth as "a crude lot", and the technology there was unsophisticated. Weapons included swords and spears, although the crossbows used by many warriors fired bolts that exploded on impact. Their culture was equally primitve and rather warlike. Goth was ruled by a king or Charl, probably inherited through the male line (though at one point a woman appeared to assume rule once both her brothers were dead).
  • Gothaparduskerialldrapolatkh, genannt Goth, ist ein Time Lord und Kanzler des Hohen Rates von Gallifrey.
  • Goth was a ruthless Barbarian. He and his brother, Bledar, commanded a group of Barbarians who terrorized the island of Naxos for at least two years. He was wanted for his crimes in Athens. Hercules and Iolaus apprehended him after he killed Argeas. They took him to an abandoned fortress and there, withstood a brief siege led by Bledar. At the fortress, Goth encountered Elora, a woman he had a brief relationship with when he first arrived on Naxos. He tried to get Elora to help him escape but she realized the abusive nature of the relationship she had with Goth and instead helped Hercules and Iolaus defend the fortress and escape with Goth so the Barbarian could be taken to Athens to stand trial.
  • On behalf of the Celestial Intervention Agency, Goth masqueraded as the fictional character Lemuel Gulliver in the Land of Fiction to monitor the Second Doctor. (TV: The Mind Robber, PROSE: Future Imperfect) Shortly after, on Gallifrey, Goth, alongside two other Time Lords, presided over the trial of the Doctor. This decided his exile on Earth. (TV: The War Games, PROSE: Future Imperfect) Later, Goth became Chancellor and persuaded the CIA to send the Third Doctor to Peladon. (PROSE: Legacy)
  • Su nombre viene de la letra o.
  • Goth is a movie based on the Otsuichi novel "GOTH Risuto Katto Jiken". It was directed by Gen Takahashi.
  • Goth (orc."Master") was the orcish name of Morgoth (and probably an orcish corruption of that name).The Word Goth also sometimes appeared in orcish terms for high chieftains.For example the Goth-Korlazgrim was the chief commander of a confined region among the Blogrum-Hai Tribe in Mirkwood.
  • Goth is a vampyrum spectrum bat who is the primary antagonist of the Silverwing novel series. He has a black band similar to Throbb's. He made his debut in the 1997 novel Silverwing, and reappeared in its sequels: Sunwing (2000), and Firewing (2002). He has also appeared in the series' two spinoffs: the animated television series Silverwing (2003) and a play, Silverwing (2005).
  • File:Goth zan .gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Goth is a prison guard at the High Court in Ultima VII and a really nasty character. After Sir Jeff spoke of his doubts about Goth, the Avatar talked the man himself, only to at once realise that Goth was a really rude man without any kind of manners left. Talking further with him, it became clear that Goth was a very corrupt man, who wanted money for every single piece of information he gave. He also had no scruples selling the keys to the prison cells for a measly 20 gold pieces. To add to his disgusting character, he also boasted to be obsessed with the female monk Aimi. This last piece of information was too much, and the Avatar left, disgusted with this scum of humanity.
  • thumb|Goth (2373) Goth ist ein Etanianer. 2373 ist er Kommandant des etanianischen Raumschiffs, welches den Planeten der Nezu einnehmen soll. Er kontaktiert die USS Voyager und fordert deren Rückzug. Er hält Kathryn Janeways Unterstützung für dieses Volk für dumm. (VOY: ) Goth wurde von Gary Bullock gespielt und von Karl-Heinz Grewe synchronisiert.
  • The planet Goth is a desolate wasteland, the surface covered in rocky crags and plains that are vulnerable to terrible winds. Civilization on Goth has retreated underground, and the medieval society of this world now lives in gigantic tent-cities in the caves and caverns of this world.
  • The Goth Subculture is an alternative lifestyle/musical subculture that formed in the early 1980's due to the rise in popularity of Gothic Rock, a gloomy form of Rock music which began in the late 1970's. A member of the Goth Subculture is referred to as a Goth. A Goth seeks to explore the darker aspects of life. These darker aspects include but are not limited to death, depression, suicide, kinky sex, BDSM, the occult and the supernatural. Being dark is a nebulous concept in the Goth Subculture. Due to the fact that the Goth Subculture does not specifically define what it means to be Goth, it is up to each Goth to to create their own dark style. Therefore, there are different types of Goths. They can be generalized into specific types as shown on the website below. References: Goth Stereo Types:
  • Goth is a cannibalistic Vampyrum Spectrum from South America. He believes in Cama Zotz and is his greatest servant. Once the humans caught him and brang him in a Canadian lab.
is Gegenspieler of
is Featuring of
is Person of
is Location of
is wikipage disambiguates of