  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • His warm and sensual voice, devastating smile, perfectly coiffured hair and suits to die for are the keys to Oscar's success and explain why he always takes centre stage at the Borgia Palace parties and clan weddings.
  • Altough Oscar has won many awards, he is a normal dog who doesn't expect anything special like the star treatment. Clifford, Mac, and Cleo did special thing to their apperances to try to impress Oscar while T-Bone just stays himself. Oscar likes playing at the beach.
  • Oscar is Georgia's across the road neighbor. He appears in five of the ten books. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Oscar: A white pig owned by the Renkins who won the "prettiest pig" contest in (Old McGeorgie had a Farm).
  • Oscar is Albert Dontzig's pet Pomeranian dog. His barking constantly annoys Jackson and Robbie. Despite his size, bigger dogs are terrified of him.
  • Emma Carstairs und Julian Blackthorn, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt beide sieben Jahre alt waren, färbten sein weißes Fell blau. Julian nahm später die Verantwortung auf sich, obwohl es Emmas Idee war. Kategorie:Hintergrundwissen Kategorie:Tiere Kategorie:Los Angeles Institut Kategorie:Männlicher Charakter Kategorie:Verstorbene Person
  • On his way home from getting pizza, Raphael and Oscar accidentally get exposed to rays from a Personality Transmogrifier. When the device goes off, Raphael's mind gets switched with Oscar's. While April is on her way to interview the Premier, she spots "Raphael" driving the cab that Mr. Big and Little Huey are in. April tries to talk to him, but Oscar thinks she's nuts when she call him Raphael. After their minds are switched back, April ends up getting her interview with the Premier, Oscar gets a medal for saving the Premier and the Turtles return home with the real Raphael.
  • Oscar is a thug working in Hell's Kitchen, threatening those who interfere with Wilson Fisk's plans.
  • In Don't Mess with the Best, Oscar helped defeat Victoria Best by stealing her recorder. File:Stub.pngThis article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Oscar est un chien anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Oscar is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Oscar was one of the various contestants for the livestock competition. He later on won the competition with his winning cow.
  • Oscar is the son of Dana Barrett in Ghostbusters II.
  • Oscar was a small Scottish Terrier (sometimes called a Scotch Terrier or "Scottie") dog with dark hair.
  • Oscar is a young boy who appeared in The Searchers (episode).
  • Boss Enemy in Shadow Hearts Covenant
  • Oscar is one of those stationed on Exile Station. As of nearly three months, he found the isolation maddening. Despite the astronomical phenomenon making communication difficult he continued to send messages to his mother however, sending his regards...and a request for clean underwear.
  • Oscar was the cat owned by the Blackthorn family in 2002. Both seven at the time, best friends Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn dyed the previously white Oscar a bright blue; mischief for which Julian took responsibility, though it had been Emma's idea. Oscar had already died some time before 2008, and it was his time with the young Blackthorn children that convinced them to keep Church the cat.
  • Oscar (That one bald guy no-one is really interested in) (Sebastian the demon Butler) is the receptionist of the Phantomhive manor.
  • Oscar ist der älteste der drei Brüder und Mitglied von Greils Söldnern. Bevor er als Söldner zu arbeiten anfing, diente er als königlicher Ritter von Crimea.
  • Oscar is a black tom with emerald-green eyes.
  • Oscar is a dog any player can obtain in wii fit.
  • Oscar was The Great Muldoon's assistant.
  • Oscar is a friendly BP fixed platform Oil Rig which is located close to Bigg City Port.Built in 1939 for the Superior Oil Company(Now part of ExxonMobil),he was located on the coast of Alabama.He was bought by BP that same year after Finacial Troubles and was re-located to Bigg City Port to collect oil for the US Navy during WWII.During the 1940 portion of the war he was moved closer to the port as there was more oil there.He met Hercules while he was travelling to Puerto Grande to bring some freight that Izzy Gomez missed.From there he introduced him to the rest of the Star Fleet.He also knows the Moon Fleet,as they usually pass him when travelling to Bigg City Port.He is good friends with everyone,even Frenemies with the Z-Stacks and T-Piles.
  • Album Released Format Recorded Length Label Writers Producer Previous Next "Oscar" is a pop song recorded by Girls' Generation. It is the seventh track from their album The Boys and the repackaged edition of their album Mr. Taxi.
  • Oscar was a Gear soldier stationed on the CNV Sovereign after the collapse of the Coalition of Ordered Governments.
  • Oscar is a Counter-Terrorist bot featured in the Tour of Duty mode of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.
  • Details: Oscar is a retriever whose owner is Chris Eschenberg. One evening in July of 1995, Chris returned home to find an armed intruder on the side of his house. As they went inside, Oscar came out of nowhere and attacked the intruder and the man soon ran away. Chris believes that Oscar saved his life because of a psychic ability. Extra Notes: The case was featured as a part of the January 3, 1997, about animal heroes along with Boo the dog and Ringo the cat. Results: Unsolved Links: None
  • test4
  • Oscar is a player at Delta Server. He hasn't played at Delta so long, but he has been level 70 at Alpha Server He is the second weakest player in WMD, but he is growing fast.
  • Oscar ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und die Schatulle der Pandora. Er ist ein Milchbauer in Dropstone.
  • Oscar aus der Mülltonne ist eine Figur aus der Sesamstraße, die in J.D.s Fantasie auftaucht.
  • Oscar is a student of Ruvial Gatthies, which sets him against Dhiar and Hawkye. He initially shoots Dhiar with darts filled with gorgon water, but Hawkye stops him the first time. Later, Hawkye reasons with him, and Oscar relents. When he discovers that he has been serving a lich, who attempts to summon the Lord of Abominations, he rushes forward to give his life if necessary to stop that from happening. He is still alive, but along with Rosa and Cruz was propelled into other dimensions when the Lord of Abominations was repulsed.
  • Oscar was a gamer who teamed up with Alex on online games. He is one of the members of the New Pride. He was accidentally sacrificed while trying to resurrect Alex Wilder, but instead they resurrected his father Geoff Wilder.
  • Oscar is a character in Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana. Oscar is an infamous chef who once worked as the head chef for the royal palace. He left the royal palace because he became tired with his colleagues who lost their passion for culinary arts and spoiled themselves with fame.
  • Oscar, labeled The Skateboarder, qualified for Total Drama Woods and is on the Killer Sharks.
  • Oscar is the name of the Australian Shepherd dog that belongs to Senator Robert Kinsey and Mrs. Kinsey. It has been seen in pictures and the dog is known to have really liked Colonel Jack O'Neill. Robert was very fond of his dog so Oscar was the password of Robert's computer, giving information on his illegal activities. (SG1: "Chain Reaction")
  • Oscar is one of Lloyd Bannings's childhood friends in Crossbell City, and support shop character in the Zero/Ao duology.
  • Oscar (オスカル) is a Noble Grunty raised by Komiyan III. Komiyan rides him almost everywhere he goes, and is rarely seen without him. Though he serves as Komiyan's faithful steed, Oscar has a mind of his own and occasionally acts without orders from Komiyan, whose cowardly traits he shares. Oscar has occasionally appeared without Komiyan, and has been summoned a few times by Zefie to help her out.
  • Oscar is the blacksmith of the Bandit Camp. After you bring him all of the pieces of the Gold Sword and have him forge it, he will train you in Smithing. In case you don't want to return the Gold Sword to Oscar after he gives it to you to look at it, he will pay Domingo to fight you/teach you a lesson. After taking/buying the golden sword from oscar, you can go and see Esteban.
  • Oscar is Popeye's balding, buck-toothed friend who holds a number of odd jobs throughout his appearances, and sometimes accompanies the sailor protagonist on his adventures. He appeared in the original strip Thimble Theatre by E. C. Segar, and by Tom Sims and Bela Zaboly. Oscar had minor supporting roles in certain Fleischer Studios cartoons such as The Spinach Overture and Let's Celebrake, among others. He also has a minor role in The Popeye Valentine Special: Sweethearts at Sea, and actor Stan Wilson portrays him in the 1980 live-action film.
  • The Oscar shows a knight, holding a crusader's sword and standing on a reel of film. Originally, the Academy had five branches - actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers. These are represented by five sections, or spokes, of the film reel on which the knight stands. The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, has won seventeen Oscars and was nominated for thirteen other Academy Awards.
  • Oscar a Blackthorn gyerekek hófehér macskája volt, akit 2002-ben Emma és Julian befestett kékre. Ez a csínytevés Emma ötlete volt, de Julian vitte el érte a balhét. Oscar valamikor 2008 előtt elpusztult és ez ösztönözte arra a Blackthorn gyerekeket, hogy megtartsák Church-öt, amikor Jem Carstairs az Intézet lépcsőin hagyta őt egy ajándékként Emma-nak.
  • The Oscar shows a knight, holding a crusader's sword and standing on a reel of film. Originally, the Academy had five branches - actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers. These are represented by five sections, or spokes, of the film reel on which the knight stands. Known actors/actresses who received this award for Best Actor/Actresses: * Heath Ledger for The Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) * Kathy Bates for Annie Wilkes in Misery (1990) * Matthew McConaughey for Ron Woodroof in Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
  • Oscar is the hidden secondary antagonist of the Disney's 2003 direct-to-video film, Fishing Season 2.
  • The Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) is a species of fish from the cichlid family known under a variety of common names, including oscar, tiger oscar, velvet cichlid, or marble cichlid. In South America, where the species naturally resides, A. ocellatus specimens are often found for sale as a food fish in the local markets. The fish can also be found in other areas, including China, Australia, and the United States. It is considered a popular aquarium fish in the U.S.
  • Oscar was a haughty saber-toothed tiger that was part of a pack of other saber-toothed cats. He is one of the secondary antagonists in Ice Age.
  • Oscar is a 1991 American comedy film directed by John Landis. Based on the Claude Magnier stage play, it is a remake of the 1967 French film of the same name, but the settings has been moved to the Depression era New York City and centers around a mob boss trying to go straight. The film stars Sylvester Stallone, Marisa Tomei, Ornella Muti, Tim Curry, and Chazz Palminteri and was a rare attempt by Stallone at doing a comedy role.
  • Oscar works in an electronics store on Canal Street and, as "Always Buy Retail" heats up, he gets a visit from Beckett and Castle, who are hot on the trail of Charles Oni. Mr. Oni, however, is not what they find, because an unidentified "heavy" man already bought the camera from the shop window, thus depriving our duo of the evidence they're looking for.
  • Oscar, the Reet Oscar has beat his cracker addiction, but that involved escaping his enviroment and friends and relocating to a remote area. He retains his hostile behaviour though. Found in Greater Omni Forrest, just east/north-east of the mountainous region of the Omni Barracks area. Zone: Greater Omni Forest Area: Coords: Drop:
  • __INDEX__ Oscar ist die gute Seele bei Mad Style. Er arbeitet am Empfang und ist so fast immer auf dem Laufenden was gerade in der Firma passiert. Er mag True und versucht ihr mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen, wenn Amanda mal wieder etwas gegen sie ausheckt. Kategorie:Charaktere (True Jackson)
  • Oscar d. Arsen - uczestnik konkursów internetowych.
  • Oscar (オスカー Osukā) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is a former member of the Crimean Royal Knights 12th Regiment with Kieran, and is the older brother of Boyd and Rolf. In a support conversation he shares with Janaff in Path of Radiance, Oscar is revealed to be about 24 years old or so.
  • Oscar pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento * Oscar Wolf, personagem de livro da série; * Oscar Talbot, personagem de Find 815.
  • Oscar was a mortal who was cursed by an evil witch and transformed into an English Bulldog for unknown reasons.
  • Oscar is a character appearing in World Championship video games. He dresses as the Dark Magician.
  • Oscar ist ein kleiner Vogel. Zone: Greater Omni Forest Area: Koordinaten: Drop: Kategorie:Monster
  • Oscar is the main protagonist of Shark Tale. He is Angie's boyfriend and co-worker, Lenny's best friend, Lola's ex-boyfriend and the former tongue-scrubber and current co-manager of the Whale Wash. He is a blue-streaked cleaner wrasse.
  • Oscar was a member of the End of Dayers who worked with Moreau and served as his right hand man. It is unknown if he knew Moreau worked for Walternate in the alternate timeline. ("The Day We Died")
  • Oscar, Oscha en anglais mais toujours prononcé Oscar est un antagoniste de la série animée Final Fantasy: Unlimited. Il est l'un des quatre seigneurs de Gaudium et agit en tant que conseiller et surveillant principal de accroissement du Chaos. L'écriture inhabituelle de son nom en anglais est un anagramme du mot Chaos, accentuant son lien avec cette chose.
  • Oscar är namnet på Australisk Shepherd hund som tillhör Senator Robert Kinsey och fru Kinsey. Det har sett på bilder och hunden är känd för att ha gillade Överste Jack O'Neill. Robert var väldigt förtjust i sin hund så Oscar var lösenordet för Robert dator, med information om sin illegala verksamhet. (SG1: "Chain Reaction")
  • Oscar is a recurring character on 90210, the fourth series in the Beverly Hills, 90210 continuity, appearing in season 3. He is a handsome, charismatic, and charming British teen, who is an old family friend of Ivy Sullivan. He moves in with Ivy and her mom in the Season 3 premiere, citing having graduated the year before with mediocre marks and being unable to get into a college of his choice. He thinks a year of post-grad work might help his chances and decides to stay with Ivy and Laurel for his time in Beverly Hills.
  • right 100px|left Rencontre: Camp des rebelles Faction: Les rebelles Métier: Forgeron Marchand: * Il vend des armes: épée à deux mains, épée bâtarde, brise-crâne, machette, masse cloutée, épée, lance, bec de corbeau, hache de barbu, hache d'armes légère, masse, arbalète légère et 200xcarreaux. * Il vend également un bouclier en bois, 20xcrochetages, un marteau de forgeron, un marteau d'orfèvre et des pinces d'orfèvre. * Il vend enfin des matériaux: soie d'acier d'épée et ambre. * Il vous donne une soie d'acier d'épée contre 8xveines de fer, une soie d'acier d'épée bâtarde contre 10xveines de fer et une soie d'acier d'épée à deux mains contre 12xveines de fer.
  • Oscar (オスカー, Osukā) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and former member of the Crimean Royal Knights 12th Regiment withKieran. He is the older brother of Boyd and Rolf, revealed to be 24 years old in a support conversation with Janaff. He seems to be very good at cooking. Oscar starts out as a Lance Knight, but can be promoted to a Paladin in Path of Radiance, he starts as a Lance Paladin and promotes to the third-tier Silver Knight. In his supports with Janaff, he makes the mistake of thinking Janaff is young and is surprised to find out he is over 100, but Janaff is equally surprised to find out Oscar is only 24 and says he is surprised he can even talk, much less fight. He promises to help protect him since he is so young. In Path of
  • A ce stade du récit, le suspense est déjà insoutenable. Conscient de ce phénomène, la régie de Canal++ décide soudainement d'envoyer une coupure de publicité de 4mn30s sans tabac ni alcool comme le préconise la Loi Evin. Puis vient la multirediffusion du célèbre programme "Y a plus d'saisons ma pauv' dame !" avec Jean Delacourt et Alexandra Lepote, ce qui permet ingénieusement à la régie d'envoyer dès après un autre tunnel publicitaire de 4mn30s, toujours sans alcool ni tabac. Catégorie:Cinéma Catégorie:Télévision Catégorie:Distinction
  • Oscar was a colleague of Lara's who was killed on a trip to Pariso in Peru. Oscar was among several students in a group led by Jason and consisting of Sarah, Lara Croft, Amanda Evert, Anaya Imanu, Kent, Eva and an unnamed male. Unfortunately, the teams expedition into the tomb of the last Queen of Tiwanaku disturbed an unknown entity placed there to protect the tomb. It appeared in a tunnel and killed Eva by throwing her against a wall, causing a tunnel collapse. It then pursued the rest of the group and killed Sarah as she attempted to hide in a room. At this time Oscar was in another room with Kent. A gate came down and separated them just as the unknown entity appeared. Oscar was unable to escape and was killed in front of a horrified Kent, who would met his death minutes later. Oscar h
  • Oscar is a Character in DEXTER. He is a Cuban child that witnessed Dexter Morgan abduct both Valerie and Jorge Castillo from inside of a broken down car. He is first seen inside the car peering through a hole at what Dexter is doing. Later, when police arrive at the junkyard, they find Oscar and Maria LaGuerta helps him out of the car! They eventually bond and Maria even considers adopting him, while he works on the sketch of who he saw saving him. Later, his uncle Roberto arrives to pick him up and take care of him.
  • Oscar was a gunman working for Busby Giles. In 1936, Oscar was working in the Hopi cave when Indiana Jones was discovered and captured for a second time. While Busby Giles revealed his strategy to the professor, Oscar covered the cavern from a higher level. As Jones revealed that he had radioed the state patrol and sirens sounded in the distance, Giles and his daughter Lucy Giles made their escape, while Jones began fighting his thugs. One of the toughs called for Oscar to open fire with his machine gun. Oscar obliged, firing at Jones as he rolled near some crates and drums. Jones kicked over a fuel drum, which caught on fire from one of Oscar's ricochets. With a fire between him and the gunmen, Jones managed to escape.
  • Oscar is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, and its sequel Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is one of the first characters that will join your team, and helps train Ike to become leader of the Greil Mercenaries. He starts out as a Lance Knight. He is a former member of the Crimean Royal Knights, and a current member of Greil's Mercenaries along with his younger brothers Boyd and Rolf. Later in the game if the player chooses to let Oscar and Boyd wield Bows in their class upgrades, they can perform a powerful Triangle Attack by having two of the brothers moving one unit away from the enemy and have the last brother attack with his bow.
  • Sie nannten es Seniorenheim, wo Rentner sich ausruhen könnten und zudem bestmöglich versorgt werden. Eine angenehme Zeit könnte man hier verbringen. Dass man hier ein Patient wäre, konnte man ahnen, und die ganzen Pfleger bezeichnen einen liebevoll als „Bewohner“, obwohl dies offenkundig ein Euphemismus war. Dass dies die verdammte Pforte zur Hölle wäre, wo man den Rest seiner Lebenszeit verbringt, wurde natürlich verschwiegen, und der Teufel schleicht durch die Einrichtung. Ein Kater, mit toten, leeren Augen, buschiges, weißes Fell über dem Körper und schwarzgrau auf Kopf und Schweif. Wie es einen anstarrte, vor der Tür verweilte und einen beobachtete. Ich glaubte nie an diesen Gott, oder wen auch immer. Aber der Teufel, der ist real. Man konnte seine Seele in den Augen dieses Katers erke
  • 3
  • 5
  • 12
  • 31
  • *Locust War *Lambent Pandemic
Portrayed By
  • Ghostbusters II
  • Real Ghostbusters Starring in Ghostbusters II: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  • Good
  • Good, later Bad
  • 203.0
  • To become rich for the other sharks, get revenge on Derek
  • To become rich and famous to become a somebody , then to win Angie's heart
  • Masculin
  • Meine Sesamstraße
  • * Oscar is a reference to the Sesame Street Muppet Oscar the Grouch, who lives in a garbage can.
  • Oscar is a unique Suicidal Lunatic found in Triton Flats, in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. He is found emerging from a garbage pile behind Napykins Lunestalker's garage.
  • *
  • * Cold Wave x2 * Giant Trunade * Heavy Storm * Lightning Vortex * Monster Reborn * Mystical Space Typhoon * Reinforcement of the Army x2 * Swords of Revealing Light
  • * Book of Moon * Enemy Controller x2 * Fissure * Gladiator Proving Ground * Graceful Dice x2 * Mystical Space Typhoon * Reinforcement of the Army * Reload * Rush Recklessly
  • * Book of Moon x3 * Enemy Controller x2 * Gladiator Proving Ground x3 * Mystical Space Typhoon x2 * Shrink x3
  • wikipedia:de:Caroll SpinneyCaroll Spinney
Last Episode
TV Series
  • Daredevil
  • *Rabbit in a Snowstorm
  • Kittypet
  • männlich
video game debut
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
Row 1 info
  • 1934-10-16
  • None
  • * Bottomless Trap Hole x2 * Dark Bribe x2 * Gladiator Beast War Chariot x3 * Mirror Force * Solemn Judgment x2 * Waboku x2
  • * Bottomless Trap Hole x2 * Dimensional Prison x2 * Gladiator Beast War Chariot x3
  • * Black Horn of Heaven * Dark Bribe * Disappear x2 * Gladiator Beast War Chariot * Horn of Heaven * Waboku
effect monsters
  • * Elemental HERO Prisma x2 * Gladiator Beast Bestiari * Gladiator Beast Darius x3 * Gladiator Beast Equeste x3 * Gladiator Beast Hoplomus x3 * Gladiator Beast Laquari x3 * Gladiator Beast Murmillo x2 * Gladiator Beast Secutor * Test Tiger x2
  • * Elemental HERO Prisma x2 * Gladiator Beast Bestiari x2 * Gladiator Beast Darius * Gladiator Beast Equeste * Gladiator Beast Laquari x2 * Gladiator Beast Murmillo * Gladiator Beast Samnite x2 * Gladiator Beast Secutor * Gorz the Emissary of Darkness * Rescue Cat x2 * Test Tiger x3
  • * Gladiator Beast Bestiari * Gladiator Beast Darius x2 * Gladiator Beast Dimacari x2 * Gladiator Beast Equeste x2 * Gladiator Beast Hoplomus x2 * Gladiator Beast Laquari x2 * Gladiator Beast Murmillo x2 * Gladiator Beast Octavius x2 * Gladiator Beast Samnite x2 * Gladiator Beast Secutor x2 * Gladiator Beast Torax x2 * Test Tiger x3
  • Being banished
  • Lola , losing money, being treated like a nobody, being bullied by Ernie and Bernie, Don Lino treating his son badly, lying to everyone about being a Shark Slayer
  • No voiced dialogue
  • None
  • Kittypet:
  • 3
fusion monsters
  • * Gladiator Beast Gyzarus x3 * Gladiator Beast Heraklinos x3
  • * Gladiator Beast Gyzarus * Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
Row 2 info
  • Elpusztult
  • Kandúr
  • oscar.jpg
speaker a
  • Oscar
  • Sparrowpaw
  • 1
  • 7
  • +2
  • +4
speaker b
  • Echo
  • Oscar
Row 1 title
  • First Appearance:
  • 6
  • 22
  • +2
  • 6
  • 20
  • +2
  • Février 1963
Row 2 title
  • Created By:
  • Lenny, Sykes
  • +0
  • +1
  • Los Angeles Institut
  • weiß
  • Australisk Shepherd hund
  • None Known
  • 5
  • 18
quote a
  • And don't call me Boris. I'm Sparrowpaw now.
  • Hang on. You're not really going, are you? Just because of a few dreams?
  • Oscar
  • 20
quote b
  • Sparrowpaw! What sort of name is that?
  • This is not for you to understand.
jap name
  • Oscar
  • オスカル
  • 7
  • 21
  • +2
  • Man
Row 3 info
  • The Complete Dick Tracy Vol. 2
  • The Celebrated Cases of Dick Tracy
  • The Complete Dick Tracy Vol. 6
  • The Complete Dick Tracy Vol. 4
  • The Complete Dick Tracy Vol. 3
  • Uncommon
Row 3 title
  • Can Be Found:
  • Kater
  • Oscar
  • 1
  • Firestar's Quest, SkyClan's Destiny
  • Oseuteo
  • Macska
  • Unknown
Box Title
  • Oscar
En Name
  • Oscar
  • Oscar
  • Receptionist
  • Space station crewman
Birth Day
  • 1992
  • Shark Tale
  • Killer Sharks
  • Hazel
  • Brown
Full Name
  • Oscar
  • Club Oscar
  • SM Entertainment
  • 20
  • Stan Wilson
  • 12
  • Unknown
  • Dale Beldin
  • Money, revenge , Mr. Krusty, being rich, Derek , Little Alan , working for Mr. Krusty and the other sharks
  • Money, Angie, the top of the reef, working at the Whale Wash, being a somebody, Lola
  • 90210
  • Fire Emblem series
Voiced by
  • 20
  • Alive
  • Unknown
  • verstorben
  • Pilot
  • Slender, orange seahorse, topper and a red necktie
  • Very slender fish
  • Leslie Belzberg
  • *Coalition of Ordered Governments **Coalition of Ordered Governments Army
  • "Morges" Bakery
First Appearance
  • Love American Style
  • Delta
  • Minor Character
  • Brown
  • Dark Blue
  • Oscar
  • United States
  • Oscar
  • OScar
  • Character
  • Later: Friendly, clever, fun-loving, caring, well-meaning, kind, funny, fearful, proud, cool, street-talking
  • Previously: Impulsive, foolish, heroic, brave, arrogant, cocky, insecure, greedy, somewhat antagonistic, so bizarre, weird, a bit eccentric, self-centered and naive
  • Antagonistic, evil, deceitful, jealous, manipulative, greedy, funny, destructive, aggressive, vengeful, strong, sassy, vain, sadistic, forward, fierce, superficial, intelligent, ungrateful, mean, rough, tough, bullying, insane, rich
  • Caucasian
Secondary weapon
  • 50
  • Oscar
  • Theatrical release poster
  • (Oscar from Path of Radiance)
  • Oscar in the Season 12 episode, "The Searchers".
  • Oscar recollecting his visitor
  • Oscar, in Over the Nexus
  • TDW: The Empty Bathroom Stall
Character Type
  • Enemy
Group Affiliations
  • High
appears in nds
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator * Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia * Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus
wc09 deck
  • Fighter's Show
  • Quest
  • 10
  • 11
  • +0
  • +1
  • English
  • English, Swedish, German
  • None Known
  • Finally tells the truth, starts dating Angie, and becomes partners with Sykes at the Whale Wash
  • He is thrown out of the ocean by Derek into the ship and is traveled to Antartica.
Character Name
  • Oscar
  • Support: +1 Power
  • 8
  • 9
  • black
  • Oscar avec Donald Duck.
  • Oscar mocking Firestar and the newly built SkyClan
  • Oscar to the new SkyClan
See Also
  • *Suicidal Lunatic
Primary Weapon
  • 50
  • Sharkslayer
  • None Known
  • Mac Ahlberg
  • Oct. 08
  • Private
  • Oscar
  • Part of the quest Hero Candidate Trial. He is the ending NPC for this quest.
  • show
Marital Status
  • Single
  • 8
  • 17
  • +2
  • Black
  • Tail
  • Swimming
  • *Snub Pistol
  • Fists, whale wash machinery
  • Montana
  • 20
  • Elmer Bernstein
  • 20
  • -
  • Ok
  • Manny
  • Roshan
  • Sid
  • Diego
  • Runar
  • Derek, Little Alan, Nellie Pinky, Bob and Sir Crab, Leonard, Seagull Guy
  • Don Lino , Frankie, Lola, Luca , Don Feinberg , the Great White Sharks
Image size
  • 225
  • #C0C0C0
  • Motel Duck
First episode
Real Name
  • Oscar
  • Echo leaving with Firestar
  • Oscar to Sparrowpaw
  • Oscar
  • Physical strength
  • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  • 2.3562716E7
  • 2
  • 3
  • Oscar
  • Unknown
  • Oscar
  • * Mootilda * Various Unnamed Cows * Clabber
  • Chapter 1: The Battle Begins
  • Part 2, End Cutscene: Elincia's Gambit
  • Oscar
Last Appearance
  • Return to Sender
  • No voiced dialogue
  • *Criminal
  • Right hand man to Moreau
Page Number
  • 322
  • 412
  • 415
  • オスカー
  • Oscar.png
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Student
  • Baker
  • Innkeeper
  • Varies
  • Sharkslayer
  • Whale Wash co-manager
  • Whale Wash tongue-scrubber
  • Dairy Farmer
  • Dana's Baby
  • Derek's ex-sidekick
  • Mr. Krusty's henchmen
  • Taxicab driver
Home Planet
  • 26
  • 38
  • +3
  • +4
  • 1991-04-26
  • *COG Armor
  • 0
  • 13
  • +3
  • +4
  • 2008-08-29
  • 2011-10-19
  • 2011-10-29
  • 2011-11-05
Ja Name
  • オスカー
  • Skateboarding
  • TDW: 11th
  • 6540.0
Eye Color
  • Green
  • Male
  • 2011
  • Mad Style
  • Unknown
  • オスカー
  • You know, little fish, there's only one thing I like better than money: REVENGE!"
  • "Hi, I'm Oscar. You might think you know, but you have no idea."
  • I just wanted to find out what stupid ideas you'd come up with. And they are stupid. You're all mouse-brained.
  • "You don't think I came here to join, do you? Why would I leave a couple of perfectly good housefolk who give me everything I want? I didn't spend moons training them for nothing."
  • 3.5E7
  • 오스터
  • 16
  • Claude Magnier
  • Jim Mulholland
  • Michael Barrie
  • John Landis
  • 35
  • 36
  • Oscar.jpg
  • Oscar.png
  • Before Emergence Day
  • Firestar's Quest, pages 321-322
  • Sweden
  • South America
  • Lycelia Castle Audience Hall
  • Oscar does not behave or look any differently than ordinary Suicidal Lunatics, though he tends to drop better loot, including Moonstones.
wikipage disambiguates
  • Low
Video Games
  • Michael Lott
  • * 오스터 * Auster
Fur Color
  • Orange
  • C
  • / / E*
wc10 deck
  • Gladiator's Award
  • Unknown
wc11 deck
  • Gladiators Award
  • Oscar
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • Oscar (オスカー, Osukā) is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and former member of the Crimean Royal Knights 12th Regiment withKieran. He is the older brother of Boyd and Rolf, revealed to be 24 years old in a support conversation with Janaff. He seems to be very good at cooking. Oscar starts out as a Lance Knight, but can be promoted to a Paladin in Path of Radiance, he starts as a Lance Paladin and promotes to the third-tier Silver Knight. In his supports with Janaff, he makes the mistake of thinking Janaff is young and is surprised to find out he is over 100, but Janaff is equally surprised to find out Oscar is only 24 and says he is surprised he can even talk, much less fight. He promises to help protect him since he is so young. In Path of Radiance, if he and Boyd both choose to wield bows after promoting, and if they both do before Chapter 18, the three brothers can learn a Triangle Attack.
  • His warm and sensual voice, devastating smile, perfectly coiffured hair and suits to die for are the keys to Oscar's success and explain why he always takes centre stage at the Borgia Palace parties and clan weddings.
  • A ce stade du récit, le suspense est déjà insoutenable. Conscient de ce phénomène, la régie de Canal++ décide soudainement d'envoyer une coupure de publicité de 4mn30s sans tabac ni alcool comme le préconise la Loi Evin. Puis vient la multirediffusion du célèbre programme "Y a plus d'saisons ma pauv' dame !" avec Jean Delacourt et Alexandra Lepote, ce qui permet ingénieusement à la régie d'envoyer dès après un autre tunnel publicitaire de 4mn30s, toujours sans alcool ni tabac. Mais comme un fait exprès, il est presque 21h, pacific time. Le moment que tout le monde attend est donc enfin là. Mais trève de bavardages, en route pour le strass, les paillettes et les petits-fours aux olives, direction HOLLYWOOOOOOOOOOOD... La 88ème Cérémonie de Remise des Oscar Image:Oscar2.jpg — Bonjour à tous. Je suis Salomon-Adolf Goldbersteinberg et à mes côtés se trouve la toujours ravissante Angelina-Evangeline Wu. Nous sommes actuellement en direct du Kodak Theater de Los Angeles où dans quelques minutes nous allons assister à la 88ème cérémonie de remise des Oscar. — Oui tout à fait Salomon-Adolf, je suis bien Angelina-Evangeline Wu et je suis bien toujours ravissante et nous sommes effectivement au Kodak Theater de Los Angeles, pour vous commenter la 88ème cérémonie de remise des Oscar. — Merci pour cette précision Angelina-Evangeline, je pense que la production est d'ores et déjà récompensée de vous avoir payé un billet Paris-Los Angeles en classe Affaire. — Mais je vous en prie Salomon-Adolf. Une cérémonie qui a lieu cette année sous le signe de la nouveauté. — Et oui ! Les nombreuses grèves qui ont touchées à peu près toutes les corporations liées de près ou de loin au cinéma ont obligé les organisateurs à effectuer quelques menus changements de programme. — Mais rien n'arrête la machine à rèves, et c'est tant mieux comme ça. The show must go on comme disait Pink Floyd — Ah non, c'est Queen qui disait ça ma chère Angelina-Evangeline par la voix du regretté Freddie Mercury — Révise tes classiques pauvre con. Dans The Wall il y a une chanson qui s'appelle The show must go on et elle est bien antérieure à celle de Queen. Mais sans transition, nous allons rejoindre nos places pour vous commenter de la façon la plus professionnelle possible la 88ème cérémonie de remise des Oscar — En direct du Kodak Theater de Los Angeles, faut-il le rappeler. — Et voici que s'approche le maître de cérémonie en personne, Steven Spielberg — Lui-même gagnant d'une multitude d'Oscar ou Academy Awards comme on dit familièrement et qui étonnament n'est pas nominé cet année. — Quelle répartie ma chère, prenez-en de la graine. — Mais trève de balivernes Salomon-Adolf, voici déjà l'heure de la première remise de la fameuse statuette. — Et ça commence assez fort puisqu'il s'agit tout simplement du prix récompensant le meilleur figurant présenté par Nick Cassavettes. Dennis Wilkinson for Star Wars II — Le favori pour cette catégorie a gagné Angelina-Evangeline — Et oui. Il faut dire que Dennis était déjà présent dans le premier épisode de la trilogie originale, c'est à dire le quatrième épidose de l'hexalogie commerciale. — Et voilà que s'approche maintenant du pupitre l'immense Woody Allen qui va remettre l'Oscar du meilleur acteur dans un dessin animé. Horton in Horton hears a Who ! — Enorme surprise ! Pour son premier grand rôle depuis sa participation à Dumbo, Horton gagne la récompense suprême ! Shrek échoue pour la 3ème fois et à voir sa tête, il n'est pas très content. — Mais ce sont surtout ses voisins immédiats qui devraient présentement s'inquiéter. Hahaha. — Mais je vois que l'audience est en baisse donc nous allons sans plus tarder passer à la cérémonie de remise de la plus belle coiffure. — Et quoi de mieux pour ça que de laisser la parole à Bruce Willis. — Incroyable! Il a déchiré l'enveloppe! C'est la première fois que je vois ça. Mais où êtes-vous passée Angelina-Evangeline ? Bon passons à la suite avec la remise par Madonna de l'Oscar du meilleur accessoire dans un film de fiction The glass with the straw in Bienvenue chez les ch'tis — Incroyable! On l'espérait sans trop y croire mais le film de Danny Boon reçoit sa première récompense internationale! Je suis sans voix. Tiens vous voilà de retour chère Angelina-Evangeline — Hmm. Un moment historique effectivement mais surtout n'oublions pas que Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis est nominé dans deux autres catégories. En route pour le grand chelem ? Bien malin qui pourra le dire. — Et justement puisque vous en parlez il est temps de passer à la deuxième catégorie concernant cette grande comédie française, l'Oscar du Meilleur acteur de second plan. — Et oui tous ces personnages oubliés sans qui un bon film ne serait qu'un film. Et qui de mieux pour remettre cet Oscar que Michael Moore en personne. Jean-Marie Megret for the Ch'tis ! — Et de deux ! Quelle soirée mes amis, quelle soirée ! — Ah oui Salomon-Adolf, vous pouvez le dire — Je viens de le dire — Vous voyez j'avais raison. — Bref. Jean-Marie qui saute dans les bras de Danny, lui le smicard intermittent du spectacle qui reçoit la plus juste des récompenses pour son travail. Quelle émotion. — Mais on n'a même pas le temps de s'apesantir, voici déjà l'avant dernière remise, celle du prestigieux Oscar du Meilleur buffet sur un tournage d'un film de fiction où nous avons rien de moins que deux films français nominés — Et pour cet Oscar prestigieux s'il en est, c'est George Clooney lui-même qui a tenu à faire le déplacement. Boucherie-Charcuterie de la Gare à Bergues for The Ch'tis! — C'est le triomphe absolu ! je ne trouve plus mes mots ! — Quel succès pour le cinéma français ! Toute l'équipe du film est en larme au moment au M. René Lebotchevski de la Boucherie-Charcuterie de la Gare à Bergues s'apprête à recevoir sa statuette tant convoitée. — Et bien quand on a vu ça, Angelina-Evangeline, on peut mourir tranquille. — Bonne idée. — Mais voici déjà l'heure de la dernière remise de récompense, celle consacrant la Plus étonnante transformation physique. Malheureusement je ne reconnais pas la personnalité désignée pour remettre ce prix mais il me semble vaguement familier. — Allons Salomon-Adolf, c'est évidemment Michael Jackson, vainqueur de cet Oscar ces 6 dernières années qui s'est proposé, et c'est tout à son honneur. Val Kilmer ! — C'est tout à fait mérité. Comment ne peut-on pas saluer le professionnalisme de Val Kilmer qui s'est tellement investi dans son interprétation de Jim Morrisson dans The Doors (1991) qu'il a décidé de prendre comme son modèle près de 60 kg. — Ainsi se termine cette soirée empreinte d'émotions, de larmes et de joies, mais aussi parfois de tristesse et de déception, comme toujours quoi. — Jamais le cinéma français n'avait été autant honoré à l'étranger depuis la retransmission du Tour de France par Antenne 2. C'est un grand jour et nous vous rendons l'antenne non sans remercier une dernière fois la toujours charmante Angeline-Evangeline Wu. — Merci Salomon-Adolf. Ici le Kodak Theater de Los Angeles, c'était la 88ème cérémonie des Oscar, à vous les studios, à vous Paris. — Putain tu as pas pu t'empêcher de dire ça encore une fois, poufiasse, tu vas voir quand je mettrais la main sur ton film de cul Catégorie:Cinéma Catégorie:Télévision Catégorie:Distinction
  • Oscar is a Character in DEXTER. He is a Cuban child that witnessed Dexter Morgan abduct both Valerie and Jorge Castillo from inside of a broken down car. He is first seen inside the car peering through a hole at what Dexter is doing. Later, when police arrive at the junkyard, they find Oscar and Maria LaGuerta helps him out of the car! They eventually bond and Maria even considers adopting him, while he works on the sketch of who he saw saving him. Later, his uncle Roberto arrives to pick him up and take care of him. Oscar's sketch is later shown to be Jesus Christ to the astonishment of the department and even Dexter himself.
  • Altough Oscar has won many awards, he is a normal dog who doesn't expect anything special like the star treatment. Clifford, Mac, and Cleo did special thing to their apperances to try to impress Oscar while T-Bone just stays himself. Oscar likes playing at the beach.
  • Oscar is Georgia's across the road neighbor. He appears in five of the ten books. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Oscar: A white pig owned by the Renkins who won the "prettiest pig" contest in (Old McGeorgie had a Farm).
  • Oscar is Albert Dontzig's pet Pomeranian dog. His barking constantly annoys Jackson and Robbie. Despite his size, bigger dogs are terrified of him.
  • Emma Carstairs und Julian Blackthorn, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt beide sieben Jahre alt waren, färbten sein weißes Fell blau. Julian nahm später die Verantwortung auf sich, obwohl es Emmas Idee war. Kategorie:Hintergrundwissen Kategorie:Tiere Kategorie:Los Angeles Institut Kategorie:Männlicher Charakter Kategorie:Verstorbene Person
  • On his way home from getting pizza, Raphael and Oscar accidentally get exposed to rays from a Personality Transmogrifier. When the device goes off, Raphael's mind gets switched with Oscar's. While April is on her way to interview the Premier, she spots "Raphael" driving the cab that Mr. Big and Little Huey are in. April tries to talk to him, but Oscar thinks she's nuts when she call him Raphael. After their minds are switched back, April ends up getting her interview with the Premier, Oscar gets a medal for saving the Premier and the Turtles return home with the real Raphael.
  • Oscar was a gunman working for Busby Giles. In 1936, Oscar was working in the Hopi cave when Indiana Jones was discovered and captured for a second time. While Busby Giles revealed his strategy to the professor, Oscar covered the cavern from a higher level. As Jones revealed that he had radioed the state patrol and sirens sounded in the distance, Giles and his daughter Lucy Giles made their escape, while Jones began fighting his thugs. One of the toughs called for Oscar to open fire with his machine gun. Oscar obliged, firing at Jones as he rolled near some crates and drums. Jones kicked over a fuel drum, which caught on fire from one of Oscar's ricochets. With a fire between him and the gunmen, Jones managed to escape. It is likely that Oscar was eventually apprehended and rounded up by the state troopers when they came to arrest the criminal gang.
  • Oscar is a thug working in Hell's Kitchen, threatening those who interfere with Wilson Fisk's plans.
  • Oscar is a recurring character on 90210, the fourth series in the Beverly Hills, 90210 continuity, appearing in season 3. He is a handsome, charismatic, and charming British teen, who is an old family friend of Ivy Sullivan. He moves in with Ivy and her mom in the Season 3 premiere, citing having graduated the year before with mediocre marks and being unable to get into a college of his choice. He thinks a year of post-grad work might help his chances and decides to stay with Ivy and Laurel for his time in Beverly Hills. Ivy's mother ruined his parents' marriage, and so Oscar seeks revenge by having an affair with Ivy's mother and then sleeping with Ivy, which causes a rift in their relationship. He then shows interest in Naomi, and helps to expose Miles Cannon's lies. He is portrayed by Blair Redford.
  • In Don't Mess with the Best, Oscar helped defeat Victoria Best by stealing her recorder. File:Stub.pngThis article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Oscar est un chien anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Oscar is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Oscar was one of the various contestants for the livestock competition. He later on won the competition with his winning cow.
  • Oscar is the son of Dana Barrett in Ghostbusters II.
  • Oscar was a small Scottish Terrier (sometimes called a Scotch Terrier or "Scottie") dog with dark hair.
  • Oscar is a young boy who appeared in The Searchers (episode).
  • Boss Enemy in Shadow Hearts Covenant
  • Oscar is one of those stationed on Exile Station. As of nearly three months, he found the isolation maddening. Despite the astronomical phenomenon making communication difficult he continued to send messages to his mother however, sending his regards...and a request for clean underwear.
  • Oscar was the cat owned by the Blackthorn family in 2002. Both seven at the time, best friends Emma Carstairs and Julian Blackthorn dyed the previously white Oscar a bright blue; mischief for which Julian took responsibility, though it had been Emma's idea. Oscar had already died some time before 2008, and it was his time with the young Blackthorn children that convinced them to keep Church the cat.
  • Oscar (That one bald guy no-one is really interested in) (Sebastian the demon Butler) is the receptionist of the Phantomhive manor.
  • Oscar ist der älteste der drei Brüder und Mitglied von Greils Söldnern. Bevor er als Söldner zu arbeiten anfing, diente er als königlicher Ritter von Crimea.
  • Oscar is a black tom with emerald-green eyes.
  • Oscar is a dog any player can obtain in wii fit.
  • Oscar was The Great Muldoon's assistant.
  • Oscar is a friendly BP fixed platform Oil Rig which is located close to Bigg City Port.Built in 1939 for the Superior Oil Company(Now part of ExxonMobil),he was located on the coast of Alabama.He was bought by BP that same year after Finacial Troubles and was re-located to Bigg City Port to collect oil for the US Navy during WWII.During the 1940 portion of the war he was moved closer to the port as there was more oil there.He met Hercules while he was travelling to Puerto Grande to bring some freight that Izzy Gomez missed.From there he introduced him to the rest of the Star Fleet.He also knows the Moon Fleet,as they usually pass him when travelling to Bigg City Port.He is good friends with everyone,even Frenemies with the Z-Stacks and T-Piles.
  • Album Released Format Recorded Length Label Writers Producer Previous Next "Oscar" is a pop song recorded by Girls' Generation. It is the seventh track from their album The Boys and the repackaged edition of their album Mr. Taxi.
  • Oscar was a Gear soldier stationed on the CNV Sovereign after the collapse of the Coalition of Ordered Governments.
  • Oscar is a Counter-Terrorist bot featured in the Tour of Duty mode of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.
  • Details: Oscar is a retriever whose owner is Chris Eschenberg. One evening in July of 1995, Chris returned home to find an armed intruder on the side of his house. As they went inside, Oscar came out of nowhere and attacked the intruder and the man soon ran away. Chris believes that Oscar saved his life because of a psychic ability. Extra Notes: The case was featured as a part of the January 3, 1997, about animal heroes along with Boo the dog and Ringo the cat. Results: Unsolved Links: None
  • test4
  • Oscar is a player at Delta Server. He hasn't played at Delta so long, but he has been level 70 at Alpha Server He is the second weakest player in WMD, but he is growing fast.
  • Oscar ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und die Schatulle der Pandora. Er ist ein Milchbauer in Dropstone.
  • Oscar aus der Mülltonne ist eine Figur aus der Sesamstraße, die in J.D.s Fantasie auftaucht.
  • Oscar is a student of Ruvial Gatthies, which sets him against Dhiar and Hawkye. He initially shoots Dhiar with darts filled with gorgon water, but Hawkye stops him the first time. Later, Hawkye reasons with him, and Oscar relents. When he discovers that he has been serving a lich, who attempts to summon the Lord of Abominations, he rushes forward to give his life if necessary to stop that from happening. He is still alive, but along with Rosa and Cruz was propelled into other dimensions when the Lord of Abominations was repulsed.
  • Oscar was a gamer who teamed up with Alex on online games. He is one of the members of the New Pride. He was accidentally sacrificed while trying to resurrect Alex Wilder, but instead they resurrected his father Geoff Wilder.
  • Oscar is a character in Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana. Oscar is an infamous chef who once worked as the head chef for the royal palace. He left the royal palace because he became tired with his colleagues who lost their passion for culinary arts and spoiled themselves with fame.
  • right 100px|left Rencontre: Camp des rebelles Faction: Les rebelles Métier: Forgeron Marchand: * Il vend des armes: épée à deux mains, épée bâtarde, brise-crâne, machette, masse cloutée, épée, lance, bec de corbeau, hache de barbu, hache d'armes légère, masse, arbalète légère et 200xcarreaux. * Il vend également un bouclier en bois, 20xcrochetages, un marteau de forgeron, un marteau d'orfèvre et des pinces d'orfèvre. * Il vend enfin des matériaux: soie d'acier d'épée et ambre. * Il vous donne une soie d'acier d'épée contre 8xveines de fer, une soie d'acier d'épée bâtarde contre 10xveines de fer et une soie d'acier d'épée à deux mains contre 12xveines de fer. Maître (après la quête Des fragments dorés pour Oscar): * Force * Crochetage * Artisanat Quête: Des fragments dorés pour Oscar (ouverture) Récompenses de combat et/ou de vol à la tire: * 1xépée rouillée * 1xmenthe et 1xmarteau d'orfèvre * Après la quête Des fragments dorés pour Oscar, si vous la lui avez rendue: 1xépée en or
  • Oscar, labeled The Skateboarder, qualified for Total Drama Woods and is on the Killer Sharks.
  • Oscar is the name of the Australian Shepherd dog that belongs to Senator Robert Kinsey and Mrs. Kinsey. It has been seen in pictures and the dog is known to have really liked Colonel Jack O'Neill. Robert was very fond of his dog so Oscar was the password of Robert's computer, giving information on his illegal activities. (SG1: "Chain Reaction")
  • Oscar is one of Lloyd Bannings's childhood friends in Crossbell City, and support shop character in the Zero/Ao duology.
  • Oscar (オスカル) is a Noble Grunty raised by Komiyan III. Komiyan rides him almost everywhere he goes, and is rarely seen without him. Though he serves as Komiyan's faithful steed, Oscar has a mind of his own and occasionally acts without orders from Komiyan, whose cowardly traits he shares. Oscar has occasionally appeared without Komiyan, and has been summoned a few times by Zefie to help her out.
  • Oscar is the blacksmith of the Bandit Camp. After you bring him all of the pieces of the Gold Sword and have him forge it, he will train you in Smithing. In case you don't want to return the Gold Sword to Oscar after he gives it to you to look at it, he will pay Domingo to fight you/teach you a lesson. After taking/buying the golden sword from oscar, you can go and see Esteban.
  • Sie nannten es Seniorenheim, wo Rentner sich ausruhen könnten und zudem bestmöglich versorgt werden. Eine angenehme Zeit könnte man hier verbringen. Dass man hier ein Patient wäre, konnte man ahnen, und die ganzen Pfleger bezeichnen einen liebevoll als „Bewohner“, obwohl dies offenkundig ein Euphemismus war. Dass dies die verdammte Pforte zur Hölle wäre, wo man den Rest seiner Lebenszeit verbringt, wurde natürlich verschwiegen, und der Teufel schleicht durch die Einrichtung. Ein Kater, mit toten, leeren Augen, buschiges, weißes Fell über dem Körper und schwarzgrau auf Kopf und Schweif. Wie es einen anstarrte, vor der Tür verweilte und einen beobachtete. Ich glaubte nie an diesen Gott, oder wen auch immer. Aber der Teufel, der ist real. Man konnte seine Seele in den Augen dieses Katers erkennen. Sie nannten ihn Oscar. Diese eine Pflegerin, sie hatte auch einen Namen. Wie war ihr Name... Diese eine Pflegerin mit den dunkelblonden Haaren, immerzu zu einem Zopf gebunden, hatte gesehen, wie Oscar in das offene Zimmer gegenüber spazierte. Der Mann darin, er schlief, ganz friedlich, er war eine nette Person, und der Kater legte sich in dessen Bett. Sofort griff dieses eine Mädchen dort zum Telefon, ich konnte ihr lauschen: „... Ja, Sie können vorbeikommen, Oscar hat sich zu ihm gelegt. Mein Beileid.“ Ich schlich mich in das Zimmer, und konnte direkt auf das Haupt des Teufels blicken. Wie lautete der Name von dem netten Mann gegenüber? Ich hatte es bereits vergessen. Noch schlief er. Der Kater blickte mich einfach nur an, so ausdruckslos, so verbergend. Plötzlich zitterte der Mann am gesamten Körper, riss seine Augen auf und fasste sich an die Brust, und Oscar blieb ganz still liegen. Als würde der Teufel das Leben aus ihm saugen, ich war mir sicher, er tat dies. Diese Blondine rannte in das Zimmer, von zwei weiteren Pflegern gefolgt, und zerrten mich raus: „Gehen Sie doch ein wenig hinaus, spazieren. Was halten Sie davon, es ist doch schönes Wetter?“ Wie blind sie waren, die ganze Belegschaft. Keinen ihrer „Einwohner“ ernst nehmend. „Tötet ihn!“, schrie ich durch die Flure, „Tötet diesen Kater, er bringt uns alle um!“ - Und diese naive Blondine, sie meinte wirklich mich beruhigen zu müssen. Ich dürfe ja nicht so laut werden. Keine paar Minuten später drückte sie mir dieses Becherchen mit diesen Pillen in die Hand. Narren, alle sind sie nur Narren. Und dieser Mann, der ist kurz darauf gestorben. Nicht nur einmal kam dies vor. Die Pfleger, ich war mir sicher, sie wollten uns loswerden und haben dieses Höllentier in die Einrichtung geholt, damit es die schmutzige Arbeit erledigt. Oh ja, so war es geplant. Irgendwann danach, ich weiß nicht mehr wann – Ich habe den Kater angesehen. Gerade wachte ich auf, und sah aus der offenen Tür, und da saß Oscar und starrte mich an. „Nein!“, brüllte ich los und schleppte mich aus dem Bett, mein Rücken knackte, doch schlug ich nach dem Tier. Es rannte davon, ich war mir sicher, wenige Minuten länger und es hätte mich umgebracht. Gerade kroch ich aus dem Zimmer und musste mir ansehen, wie diese Blonde schon wieder das Tier auf ihrem Arm trug, es streichelte und beruhigte. Mich ließ sie liegen und starrte nur enttäuscht auf mich drein. Da lag keine Angst in den Augen des Katers, die Augen waren nur tot. Dieses Vieh wollte mich umbringen! Ein Pfleger zog mich nach oben und drückte mir dann erneut diesen weißen Becher in die Hand, ich wehrte mich, doch hielten mich noch andere von den Gefängnistreibern fest. Sie zwangen mich, es zu trinken. Sie legten mich wieder ins Bett, und ich durfte nicht schlafen, sonst käme der Kater wieder. Mörder. Ich wusste nicht, wie ich so lange überleben konnte. Immer zur Nacht schlich ich raus, in den dunklen Gang. Dieser Flur, dessen Weiß am Tag zu einem trüben Grau wurde. Dieser Kater hockte immer am Ende des Flurs, und betrachtete die offenen Räume. Die Türen ließen sich nicht mehr schließen, die Pfleger verweigerten, uns Schlüssel herauszugeben. In dieser einen Nacht, da spazierte Oscar gemächlich in ein Nebenzimmer. Einer der anderen Sklaventreiber griff kurz darauf wieder zu diesem Telefon, und der Teufel hatte sich erneut eine Seele zu Eigen gemacht. Eine halbe Stunde später war die alte Frau tot, die darin lag. Er musste aufgehalten werden, ja, mich würde das Höllentier niemals kriegen! Ich zog die Tür zu, und bevor sie sich wieder öffnen konnte, schob ich diesen Stuhl unter die Klinke. Ja, jetzt könnte der Kater nicht mehr reinkommen! Und in dieser Nacht begann das Kratzen an der Tür. Der Teufel versuchte, seine Klauen durch den Türspalt zu bohren. Er wollte mich! Ich war als Nächster dran! Danach fing es mit diesem Gurren an. Das streifende Kratzen an der Tür. Diese Laute, das Miauen, es wollte zu mir dringen. Und diese Bestie schaffte es, es kroch durch meine Ohren in meinen Schädel, das Surren begann, dieser elendig hohe Ton! Ich presste mit den Händen meinen Kopf zusammen, doch die Töne hörten nicht auf! Lauter! Das Kratzen! Das Gurren! „Verschwinde!“, schrie ich, doch es wollte nicht hören. Sie ließen den Kater am Leben, wie konnten sie nur? Der Tod wanderte durch den Gang! Unter dieser Teufelspein fiel ich in den Schlaf. Oder waren es doch die Pillen? Unruhig, so sagte man mir am nächsten Morgen, wäre ich in der Nacht gewesen. Die Gründe waren ihnen schleierhaft, so töricht, sie alle. Ich wachte auf und schon wieder starrten mich die toten Augen des Katers an, die Tür war geöffnet, der Stuhl lag mitten im Zimmer. Er brach hier ein! Er war es! Ich lag nicht im Sterben! „Holt mich hier raus“, rief ich zu jedem, der in der Lage war, mich zu hören, und jede Nacht von dort an wachte ich unter Schreien auf, während ich gezwungen war, direkt in die Augen des Teufels zu blicken. Er wartete an der Türschwelle auf den Moment, mich zu holen. Er verspottete mich. Hasste mich. Und ich verabscheute ihn. An einem anderen Tag kam dieses eine andere Mädchen, ein Stück jünger, zu mir. Meinte, sie wolle mich besuchen. Ihr Gesicht kam mir irgendwie bekannt vor, doch ihr Name war mir entfallen. Der einzige Name in meinem Kopf zog ein Echo nach sich: Oscar, Oscar, Oscar. Ich musterte sie, ja, ich kannte sie auf jeden Fall von irgendwoher. „Du bist nicht Oscar“, flüsterte ich, dies war der wichtigste Fakt, auf mehr kam es mir nicht an. Ihr schossen Tränen in die Augen, sie meinte, sie wäre meine Tochter gewesen. „Ich will hier raus“, bat ich sie flehend, „ich werde hier sterben! Rette mich! Rette mich!“ - Oder war es sie, die mich erst hierher gebracht hat? Vielleicht wollte sie mich sterben sehen, kannte den Kater schon vorher, die Pfleger schienen sie ja ebenfalls erkannt zu haben! Sie haben miteinander geredet! Sie wollten mich hier gefangen halten! „Verräterin!“, schrie ich sie an und versuchte, sie zu schlagen, wo ich erneut sofort zurückgehalten wurde. Bei ihr, ja, bei ihr schoss Angst in die Augen, eine Angst und Trauer, die der Teufel nicht kannte. Das Höllentier war furchtlos, und dieser weibliche Mensch vor mir war schwach. „Aus welchem Grund hast du mich hierher geschickt? Du hast mich verdammt! Verdammt hast du mich!“ Sie floh aus meinem Blickfeld, und ich wurde wieder in mein Zimmer gebracht. Oscar hat es sich angesehen, ich war bei klarem Verstand, zweifelsohne, doch er lachte und schmunzelte über mich hinweg. Bevor sie mich wieder alleine ließen, packte ich diese Blonde am Arm, wodurch umgehend Panik in ihr Gesicht rannte. „Ich werde diese Nacht sterben, wenn Sie mir nicht helfen!“ Noch in derselben Stunde wurde ich aus dem Heim gezogen. Weg von diesen Sklaventreibern, weg von diesem Kater. Dieses Mädchen, das sich meine Tochter nannte, muss mich dort herausgeholt haben, gut so, denn es wurde auch allmählich Zeit, dass sie dies tat. Einige Tage lang fand ich mich dort wohl gut ein, die Pfleger waren hingegen genauso eingestellt wie in dem anderen Laden. Genau dieselben, elenden Leute, die uns als Gefangene und Patienten betrachten. Mir war es hingegen recht, denn endlich war ich von dem Teufel erlöst. Die offene Tür sah nicht mehr länger gefährlich aus. Die Aura des Todes wurde durch Krankheit und Elend ausgetauscht, und es war fantastisch. Fantastisch, bis zur letzten Nacht, an die ich mich erinnern konnte. Ich träumte, und sah immer noch den Kater vor mir, der Blick, der mein inneres Auge verätzte, ich zitterte und tränkte das Bett mit Schweiß. In der Nacht wachte ich auf, und richtete meinen Blick panisch auf das trübe Licht hinter der Tür. Nichts. Oscar war nicht da, er war endlich aus meinem Leben verschwunden. Als ich mich wieder schlafen legen wollte, spürte ich etwas an der Decke. Rasch griff ich danach, und als ich die Hand zurückzog, bemerkte ich die weißen Fellbüschel. Ich hörte wieder das Gurren und Miauen. Der Teufel, dessen Pfoten sich in meine Beine drückten. © M.K. Corvus, 2016-17 Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Geisteskrankheit Kategorie:Tod Kategorie:Kreaturen
  • Oscar is Popeye's balding, buck-toothed friend who holds a number of odd jobs throughout his appearances, and sometimes accompanies the sailor protagonist on his adventures. He appeared in the original strip Thimble Theatre by E. C. Segar, and by Tom Sims and Bela Zaboly. Oscar had minor supporting roles in certain Fleischer Studios cartoons such as The Spinach Overture and Let's Celebrake, among others. He also has a minor role in The Popeye Valentine Special: Sweethearts at Sea, and actor Stan Wilson portrays him in the 1980 live-action film.
  • The Oscar shows a knight, holding a crusader's sword and standing on a reel of film. Originally, the Academy had five branches - actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers. These are represented by five sections, or spokes, of the film reel on which the knight stands. The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, has won seventeen Oscars and was nominated for thirteen other Academy Awards.
  • Oscar a Blackthorn gyerekek hófehér macskája volt, akit 2002-ben Emma és Julian befestett kékre. Ez a csínytevés Emma ötlete volt, de Julian vitte el érte a balhét. Oscar valamikor 2008 előtt elpusztult és ez ösztönözte arra a Blackthorn gyerekeket, hogy megtartsák Church-öt, amikor Jem Carstairs az Intézet lépcsőin hagyta őt egy ajándékként Emma-nak.
  • The Oscar shows a knight, holding a crusader's sword and standing on a reel of film. Originally, the Academy had five branches - actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers. These are represented by five sections, or spokes, of the film reel on which the knight stands. Known actors/actresses who received this award for Best Actor/Actresses: * Heath Ledger for The Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) * Kathy Bates for Annie Wilkes in Misery (1990) * Matthew McConaughey for Ron Woodroof in Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
  • Oscar is the hidden secondary antagonist of the Disney's 2003 direct-to-video film, Fishing Season 2.
  • The Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) is a species of fish from the cichlid family known under a variety of common names, including oscar, tiger oscar, velvet cichlid, or marble cichlid. In South America, where the species naturally resides, A. ocellatus specimens are often found for sale as a food fish in the local markets. The fish can also be found in other areas, including China, Australia, and the United States. It is considered a popular aquarium fish in the U.S.
  • Oscar was a haughty saber-toothed tiger that was part of a pack of other saber-toothed cats. He is one of the secondary antagonists in Ice Age.
  • Oscar is a 1991 American comedy film directed by John Landis. Based on the Claude Magnier stage play, it is a remake of the 1967 French film of the same name, but the settings has been moved to the Depression era New York City and centers around a mob boss trying to go straight. The film stars Sylvester Stallone, Marisa Tomei, Ornella Muti, Tim Curry, and Chazz Palminteri and was a rare attempt by Stallone at doing a comedy role.
  • Oscar works in an electronics store on Canal Street and, as "Always Buy Retail" heats up, he gets a visit from Beckett and Castle, who are hot on the trail of Charles Oni. Mr. Oni, however, is not what they find, because an unidentified "heavy" man already bought the camera from the shop window, thus depriving our duo of the evidence they're looking for.
  • Oscar is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, and its sequel Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is one of the first characters that will join your team, and helps train Ike to become leader of the Greil Mercenaries. He starts out as a Lance Knight. He is a former member of the Crimean Royal Knights, and a current member of Greil's Mercenaries along with his younger brothers Boyd and Rolf. Later in the game if the player chooses to let Oscar and Boyd wield Bows in their class upgrades, they can perform a powerful Triangle Attack by having two of the brothers moving one unit away from the enemy and have the last brother attack with his bow. In Radiant Dawn, he returns as a Lance Paladin and first appears when rescuing Lucia from the rebel army at Fort Alpea. He then joins Ike and the other Greil Mercenaries into Begnion to fight with the Laguz Alliance against the Begnion Empire. During their travels, he indulges in his passion for cooking, and takes the role of chef for the Laguz army. After the conflict ends, Oscar leaves the Greil Mercenaries and rejoins the Crimean Royal Knights. Despite his role as a knight, he continues to work with the mercenaries on his spare time.
  • Oscar, the Reet Oscar has beat his cracker addiction, but that involved escaping his enviroment and friends and relocating to a remote area. He retains his hostile behaviour though. Found in Greater Omni Forrest, just east/north-east of the mountainous region of the Omni Barracks area. Zone: Greater Omni Forest Area: Coords: Drop:
  • __INDEX__ Oscar ist die gute Seele bei Mad Style. Er arbeitet am Empfang und ist so fast immer auf dem Laufenden was gerade in der Firma passiert. Er mag True und versucht ihr mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen, wenn Amanda mal wieder etwas gegen sie ausheckt. Kategorie:Charaktere (True Jackson)
  • Oscar d. Arsen - uczestnik konkursów internetowych.
  • Oscar (オスカー Osukā) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is a former member of the Crimean Royal Knights 12th Regiment with Kieran, and is the older brother of Boyd and Rolf. In a support conversation he shares with Janaff in Path of Radiance, Oscar is revealed to be about 24 years old or so.
  • Oscar pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento * Oscar Wolf, personagem de livro da série; * Oscar Talbot, personagem de Find 815.
  • Oscar was a mortal who was cursed by an evil witch and transformed into an English Bulldog for unknown reasons.
  • Oscar was a colleague of Lara's who was killed on a trip to Pariso in Peru. Oscar was among several students in a group led by Jason and consisting of Sarah, Lara Croft, Amanda Evert, Anaya Imanu, Kent, Eva and an unnamed male. Unfortunately, the teams expedition into the tomb of the last Queen of Tiwanaku disturbed an unknown entity placed there to protect the tomb. It appeared in a tunnel and killed Eva by throwing her against a wall, causing a tunnel collapse. It then pursued the rest of the group and killed Sarah as she attempted to hide in a room. At this time Oscar was in another room with Kent. A gate came down and separated them just as the unknown entity appeared. Oscar was unable to escape and was killed in front of a horrified Kent, who would met his death minutes later. Oscar has no lines and only appears as a dead body on the floor of the second room in the flashback. He bears a strong resemblance to Kent.
  • Oscar is a character appearing in World Championship video games. He dresses as the Dark Magician.
  • Oscar ist ein kleiner Vogel. Zone: Greater Omni Forest Area: Koordinaten: Drop: Kategorie:Monster
  • Oscar is the main protagonist of Shark Tale. He is Angie's boyfriend and co-worker, Lenny's best friend, Lola's ex-boyfriend and the former tongue-scrubber and current co-manager of the Whale Wash. He is a blue-streaked cleaner wrasse.
  • Oscar was a member of the End of Dayers who worked with Moreau and served as his right hand man. It is unknown if he knew Moreau worked for Walternate in the alternate timeline. ("The Day We Died")
  • Oscar, Oscha en anglais mais toujours prononcé Oscar est un antagoniste de la série animée Final Fantasy: Unlimited. Il est l'un des quatre seigneurs de Gaudium et agit en tant que conseiller et surveillant principal de accroissement du Chaos. L'écriture inhabituelle de son nom en anglais est un anagramme du mot Chaos, accentuant son lien avec cette chose.
  • Oscar är namnet på Australisk Shepherd hund som tillhör Senator Robert Kinsey och fru Kinsey. Det har sett på bilder och hunden är känd för att ha gillade Överste Jack O'Neill. Robert var väldigt förtjust i sin hund så Oscar var lösenordet för Robert dator, med information om sin illegala verksamhet. (SG1: "Chain Reaction")
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