  • Yubel
  • Yubel
  • Yubel
  • Yubel
  • Yubel
  • Yubel (or Yuvel) is a minor non-playable character in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. He is the younger brother of Dalsin, and one of the four children, including Merc, that were imprisoned by the Manster soldiers to give to the Lopto Sect because of the Child Hunts. If you rescue Yubel and took him to the house before completing Chapter 3, then you can recruit Dalsin in Chapter 4 when he sees that his younger brother is safe. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
  • She first acts through Professor Viper and then Marcel Bonaparte, and is believed to have been defeated by Jaden and Jesse Anderson after revealing herself in episode 130. However, behind the scenes she orchestrates the events that led to Jaden's descent into darkness and later returns as the final antagonist of the season, using the power of the "Super Polymerization" card to unite all twelve Duel Spirit dimensions together and reign over them with Jaden at her side. She is later redeemed after Jaden fuses with Yubel, reuniting them forever.
  • thumb|250px Ad:Yubel Tip: Fiend Numara: 78371393 Effect Monster Açıklama: Bu kart savaşta yok edilemez. Bu karttan savaş hasarı almazsınız. Ne zaman düşmanın bir canavarı ona saldırsa tüm zararı düşmana iletin. Her turun sonunda sahanızdan bir canavar kartını feda edin, eğer yapamazsanız bu kartı yok edin. Eğer bu kart kendi efekti dışında yok edilirse, mezarlığınızdan, destenizden veya elinizden bir "Yubel - Terror Incarnate"yi özel olarak oynayın.
  • 10
  • Cannot be destroyed by battle
  • Esta carta no es destruida en batalla. No recibes Daño de Batalla de batallas que involucran a esta carta. Cuando esta carta boca arriba en Posicion de Ataque es atacado por un monstruo del adversario, antes del cálculo de daño inflige daño a su adversario igual al ATK de ese monstruo. Durante tu End Phase, sacrifique 1 monstruo o destruya esta carta. Cuando esta carta es destruida, excepto por su propio efecto, puedes Invocar de Modo Especial 1 "Yubel - Terror Encarnado" desde su mano, Deck o Cementerio.
nl name
  • Yubel
  • ยูเบล
  • يوبل
et name
  • Yubel
fr name
  • Yubel
es lore
  • Esta carta no puede ser destruida en batalla. No recibes daño de batalla de batallas en las que esté involucrada esta carta. Antes del cálculo de daño, cuando esta carta en Posición de Ataque boca arriba es atacada por un monstruo de tu adversario: inflige daño a tu adversario igual al ATK de ese monstruo. Durante tu End Phase: Sacrifica 1 monstruo o destruye esta carta. Cuando esta carta es destruida, excepto por su propio efecto: su dueño puede Invocar de Modo Especial, desde su mano, Deck o Cementerio, 1 "Yubel - Terror Encarnado".
  • Yubels
ygo sets
  • Pack 47
el name
  • Γιουμπέλ
  • Disese Karte kann nicht durch Kampf zerstört werden. Du nimmst aus Kämpfen mit dieser Karte keinen Kampfschaden. Wenn diese Karte in offener Angriffsposition von einem gegnerischen Monster angegriffen wird, füge deinem Gegner vor der Schadensberechnung Schaden in höhe der ATK des angreiffenden Monsters zu. Während deiner End Phase , bietete 1 Monster als Tribut an oder zerstöre diese Karte. Wenn diese Karte zerstört wird, außer durch ihren eigenen Effekt, kannst du 1 "Yubel - Terrorinkanation" als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand, deinem Deck oder deinem Friedhofbeschwören.
jp packs
  • *Phantom Darkness *Duelist Pack Collection
  • 78371393
zu finden in:
  • Phantom Darkness
  • Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years
  • Ra Yellow Mega-Pack
  • Yubel
  • Finsternis
  • Esta carta não pode ser destruída em batalha. Você não recebe Dano de Batalha de uma batalha envolvendo esta carta. Quando esta carta, virada para cima na Posição de Ataque, é atacada por um monstro do seu oponente, antes do cálculo de dano, inflija dano aos LPs do seu oponente igual o ATK do monstro atacante. Durante a sua End Phase, Tribute 1 monstro ou destrua esta carta. Quando esta carta é destruída, exceto por seu próprio efeito, você pode Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" da sua mão, Deck ou Cemitério.
  • Yubel
Romaji Name
  • Yuberu
hr name
  • Yubel
ja lore
  • このカードは戦闘では破壊されず、このカードの戦闘によって発生する自分への戦闘ダメージは0になる。フィールド上に表側攻撃表示で存在するこのカードが相手モンスターに攻撃された場合、そのダメージ計算前に攻撃モンスターの攻撃力分のダメージを相手ライフに与える。また、自分のエンドフェイズ時、このカード以外の自分フィールド上のモンスター1体をリリースするか、このカードを破壊する。この効果以外でこのカードが破壊された時、自分の手札・デッキ・墓地から「ユベル-」1体を特殊召喚できる。
an packs
  • Phantom Darkness
  • 유벨
it lore
  • Questa carta non può essere distrutta in battaglia. Non subisci danni da combattimento da battaglie che coinvolgono questa carta. Prima del calcolo dei danni, quando questa carta scoperta in Posizione di Attacco viene attaccata da un mostro del tuo avversario: infliggi al tuo avversario danni pari all'ATK di quel mostro. Durante la tua End Phase: offri come Tributo 1 altro mostro, oppure distruggi questa carta. Quando questa carta viene distrutta, eccetto che per il proprio effetto: il suo proprietario può Evocare Specialmente 1 "Yubel - Terrore Incarnato" dalla sua mano, Deck o Cimitero.
pt name
  • Yubel
fr packs
  • Ténèbres Fantômes
  • This card cannot be destroyed by battle. You take no Battle Damage from battles involving this card. Before damage calculation, when this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by an opponent's monster: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's ATK. During your End Phase: Tribute 1 other monster or destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, except by its own effect: Its owner can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" from their hand, Deck, or Graveyard.
pt lore
  • Esta carta não pode ser destruída em batalha. Você não recebe Dano de Batalha de uma batalha envolvendo esta carta. Quando esta carta, virada para cima na Posição de Ataque, é atacada por um monstro do seu oponente, antes do cálculo de dano, inflija dano aos LPs do seu oponente igual o ATK do monstro atacante. Durante a sua End Phase, Tribute 1 monstro ou destrua esta carta. Quando esta carta é destruída, exceto por seu próprio efeito, você pode Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" da sua mão, Deck ou Cemitério.
it name
  • Yubel
vi name
  • Yubel
ga name
  • Yubel
  • Yubel
  • Destroys itself
  • 78371393
ko lore
  • 이 카드는 전투에 의해서는 파괴되지 않는다. 앞면 표시로 존재하는 이 카드가 상대 몬스터에게 공격받았을 경우, 공격 몬스터의 공격력만큼 데미지를 상대 라이프에 준다. 이 카드가 전투를 실행하는 일에 의해서 받는 컨트롤러의 전투 데미지는 0 이 된다. 이 카드는 자신의 엔드 페이즈시에 자신의 필드 위의 몬스터 1장을 제물로 바치지 않으면 파괴된다. 이 카드 이외의 효과에 의해서 파괴되었을 때, 자신의 패/덱/ 묘지로부터 "유벨다스압쇼이리히리터" 1장을 특수 소환할 수 있다.
de lore
  • Diese Karte kann nicht durch Kampf zerstört werden. Du erhältst keinen Kampfschaden aus Kämpfen mit dieser Karte. Vor der Schadensberechnung, wenn diese Karte in offener Angriffsposition von einem Monster deines Gegners angegriffen wird: Füge deinem Gegner Schaden in Höhe der ATK des Monsters zu. Während deiner End Phase: Biete 1 anderes Monster als Tribut an oder zerstöre diese Karte. Wenn diese Karte zerstört wird, außer durch ihren eigenen Effekt: Ihr Besitzer kann 1 „Yubel - Terrorinkarnation“ als Spezialbeschwörung von seiner Hand, seinem Deck oder seinem Friedhof beschwören.
ko name
  • 유벨
related to archseries
  • * Elemental HERO * HERO * Neos
  • Yubel
  • Yubel
  • Effekt Monster
  • Yubel
  • This card cannot be destroyed by battle. You take no Battle Damage from battles involving this card. When this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by your opponent's monster, before damage calculation inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's ATK. During your End Phase, Tribute 1 monster or destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, except by its own effect, you can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.
es name
  • Yubel
JP Name
  • ユベル
fr lore
  • Cette carte ne peut pas être détruite au combat. Vous ne recevez aucun dommage de combat de combats impliquant cette carte. Avant le calcul des dommages, lorsque cette carte en Position d'Attaque face recto est attaquée par un monstre de votre adversaire : infligez des dommages à votre adversaire égaux à l'ATK du monstre. Durant votre End Phase : Sacrifiez 1 autre monstre ou détruisez cette carte. Lorsque cette carte est détruite, sauf par son propre effet : son propriétaire peut Invoquer Spécialement 1 "Yubel - Terreur Incarnée" depuis sa main, son Deck ou son Cimetière.
Life points
  • * Prevents battle damage * Damages your opponent
  • 0
tr name
  • Yubel
  • Yubel
effect types
  • Continuous, Continuous, Trigger, Maintenance cost, Trigger
database id
  • 7409
  • 10
  • このカードは戦闘によっては破壊されない。表側攻撃表示で存在するこのカードが相手モンスターに攻撃された場合、攻撃モンスターの攻撃力分のダメージを相手ライフに与える。このカードが戦闘を行う事によって受けるコントローラーへの戦闘ダメージは0になる。このカードは自分のエンドフェイズ時に自分フィールド上のモンスター1体を生け贄に捧げなければ破壊される。このカードの効果以外の方法で破壊された時、自分の手札・デッキ・墓地から「ユベル- Das Abscheulich Ritterダス・アブシェリッヒ・リッター」1体を特殊召喚する。
  • Yubel
  • * Special Summons from your hand * Special Summons from your Deck * Special Summons from your Graveyard
  • Yuberu
  • Female
En Name
  • Yubel
  • Yubel - Terror Incarnate
  • Démon
  • Fiend
  • Effect
  • Effet
th name
  • ยูเบล
  • Yubel - Terreur Incarnée
  • Yubel
  • Unterweltler
  • Yubel
  • ユベル
  • Yubel
zh name
  • 尤貝爾
  • 0
  • 78371393
  • Cette carte ne peut pas être détruite au combat. Vous ne recevez aucun dommage de combat d'un combat impliquant cette carte. Lorsque cette carte en Position d'Attaque face recto est attaquée par un monstre de votre adversaire, avant le calcul des dommages infligez à votre adversaire des dommages égaux à l'ATK de ce monstre. Durant votre End Phase, Sacrifiez 1 monstre ou détruisez cette carte. Lorsque cette carte est détruite, excepté par son propre effet, vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 "Yubel - Terreur Incarnée" depuis votre main, Deck ou Cimetière.
  • DARK
  • Diese Karte kann nicht durch Kampf zerstört werden. Du erhältst keinen Kampfschaden aus Kämpfen mit dieser Karte. Vor der Schadensberechnung, wenn diese Karte in offener Angriffsposition von einem Monster deines Gegners angegriffen wird: Füge deinem Gegner Schaden in Höhe der ATK des Monsters zu. Während deiner End Phase: Biete 1 Monster als Tribut an oder zerstöre diese Karte. Wenn diese Karte zerstört wird, außer durch ihren eigenen Effekt: Ihr Besitzer kann 1 "Yubel - Terrorinkarnation" als Spezialbeschwörung von seiner Hand, seinem Deck oder seinem Friedhof beschwören.
  • Chapter 3: The Gate of Kelves
ar name
  • يوبل
Ja Name
  • ユベル
  • Tributes as an effect
  • die Karte
  • den Charakter aus Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
  • die Reihe
  • 10
  • Yubel-LCGX-DE-ScR-1E.jpg
  • Γιουμπέλ
  • 尤貝爾
anime gx
  • 130
  • Invocation Spéciale
he name
  • יובאל
id name
  • Yubel
  • Cette carte ne peut pas être détruite au combat. Votre adversaire reçoit tous les dommage de combat d'un combat impliquant cette carte en Position d'Attaque face recto. Durant votre End Phase, Sacrifiez 1 monstre ou détruisez cette carte. Lorsque cette carte est détruite, excepté par son propre effet, vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 "Yubel - Terreur Incarnée" depuis votre main, Deck ou Cimetière.
  • Yubel
  • ja
  • Yubel (or Yuvel) is a minor non-playable character in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. He is the younger brother of Dalsin, and one of the four children, including Merc, that were imprisoned by the Manster soldiers to give to the Lopto Sect because of the Child Hunts. If you rescue Yubel and took him to the house before completing Chapter 3, then you can recruit Dalsin in Chapter 4 when he sees that his younger brother is safe. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
  • She first acts through Professor Viper and then Marcel Bonaparte, and is believed to have been defeated by Jaden and Jesse Anderson after revealing herself in episode 130. However, behind the scenes she orchestrates the events that led to Jaden's descent into darkness and later returns as the final antagonist of the season, using the power of the "Super Polymerization" card to unite all twelve Duel Spirit dimensions together and reign over them with Jaden at her side. She is later redeemed after Jaden fuses with Yubel, reuniting them forever.
  • thumb|250px Ad:Yubel Tip: Fiend Numara: 78371393 Effect Monster Açıklama: Bu kart savaşta yok edilemez. Bu karttan savaş hasarı almazsınız. Ne zaman düşmanın bir canavarı ona saldırsa tüm zararı düşmana iletin. Her turun sonunda sahanızdan bir canavar kartını feda edin, eğer yapamazsanız bu kartı yok edin. Eğer bu kart kendi efekti dışında yok edilirse, mezarlığınızdan, destenizden veya elinizden bir "Yubel - Terror Incarnate"yi özel olarak oynayın.
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