  • Pokédex
  • Pokédex
  • Pokédex
  • Pokédex
  • Pokédex
  • Pokédex
  • Pokédex
  • Pokédex
  • Le Pokédex est un outil de recherche qui sert à enregistrer les Pokémons et différentes données les concernant : leur taille, leur poids, leur type, leur cri...
  • Pokédex (ポケモン図鑑 Pokémon Zukan en japonés, o Pokémon Dexter, también llamado Indexador Pokémon), en el mundo Pokémon es una enciclopedia virtual portátil de alta tecnología que los entrenadores Pokémon llevan consigo para registrar las fichas de todas las diversas especies Pokémon con las que se encuentran durante su viaje como entrenadores. En general, cuando se cumplen ciertos requisitos, la capacidad de la Pokédex se puede aumentar permitiendo almacenar datos de otros Pokémon, que no son comunes, como los legendarios y Pokémon que no son originarios de esa región. A dicha Pokédex "ampliada" se la conoce como Pokédex Nacional. Según el episodio EP068 de la primera temporada en el anime, fue creada por el profesor Westwood V; sin embargo, en los videojuegos, el creador es el profesor Oak.
  • [[Bild:Pokemon_Zukan.png|frame|right|Artwork des FR/BG Pokédex]]
  • The Pokédex is a machine that records the data of Pokémon that you have caught evolved or traded created by Professor Oak. In the anime though Ash or May didn't have to catch the Pokémon to get their data they simply have to point the Pokédex at the Pokémon and it shows them data. It exists in all Pokémon games. A Pokédex can display a Pokémon's stats, level, and moves.
  • frame|Entrada de la Pokédex en Pokémon Soul Silver La Pokédex es un instrumento electronico presente en todos los Juegos de Pokémon con este artefacto se puede ver los datos de un Pokémon sin embargo existen algunas restricciones solo puedes ver la imagen y la localización del Pokémon en ella, pero despues de que el Pokémon es Capturado todo los datos disponibles sobre el apareceran en la Pokédex como lo es: El Peso, El Grito, La Diferencia de Genero, Entre otros datos que varian segun la edición del juego que se encuentre.
  • They are generally handed out by Pokémon professors. The pokédex was invented by Professor Oak and adopted by professors in other regions.The first person to obtain a pokédex was Blue, Professor Oak's grandson.
  • The Pokédex (ポケモン図鑑 Pokemon Zukan) is an electronic device designed to catalogue and provide information regarding the various species of Pokémon featured in the Pokémon video game, anime and manga series. The name Pokédex is a neologism including "Pokémon" (which itself is a portmanteau of "pocket" and "monster") and "index". The Japanese name is simply "Pokémon Encyclopedia", and it can feature every Pokémon on it, depending on the Pokédex.
  • thumb|300px|Pokédex en la Primera Generación El Pokédex es una lista de todos los Pokémon (y un dispositivo en el anime y los juegos, como se muestra a la derecha) que da una breve descripción de estos. Se vuelve mucho más completo con cada nuevo Pokémon encontrado por los entrenadores. Actualmente, en Pokémon Go únicamente se encuentra disponible los Pokémon de la primera generación, es decir, de la región de Kanto. |-|Regular Pokédex = |-|Sombra Pokédex=
  • Currently most of Generation I (Kanto region) Pokémon and of Generation II (Johto region) Pokémon are capable of being caught. New Pokémon may be added to the Pokédex in future updates. |-|Shadow Pokédex - Gen I= |-|Regular Pokédex - Gen II = |-| Shadow Pokédex - Gen II =
  • link=|center Pokédex to jeden z głównych elementów gry Pokémon Go, znajdują się w nim informacje dotyczące wszystkich aktualnie złapanych gatunków Pokémonów przez trenera.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Pokédex/preload editintro=Pokédex/editintro width=25
  • Pokédex er et elektronisk apparat oppfunnet av Samuel Oak. Den fungerer som en informasjonsdatabase, skapt for å lagre informasjon om hver enkel Pokémon.
  • thumb|right|Der Pokedex aus Diamant und Perl Der Pokédex ist eine Art elektronisches Lexikon, welches automatisch Daten über Pokémon speichert, welche gesehen bzw. gefangen werden. Er tritt sowohl in der TV-Serie, als auch in den Pokémon-Spielen auf. Die Daten, die er über die Pokémon speichert, sind: Der Name des Pokémon, die Größe und das Gewicht des Pokémon, den Ruf des Pokémon, den Fundort un allgemeine Informationen vom Pokémon. Der Pokédex wurde von Professor Westwood programmiert. Um eine List der Pokémon zu sehen, hier klicken.
  • Artwork des Pokédex's in Diamant und Perl|thumb Der Pokédex ist ein elektronisches Gerät, was von Professor Eich erfunden wurde. Er hält für jedes Pokémon Informationen bereit. Allerdings nur in der TV-Serie, denn in den Pokémon-Editionen gibt er erst zu dem gewünschten Pokémon Informationen bereit, wenn man es gefangen hat. Wenn man das gewünschte Pokémon gesehen hat, kann man schon einmal ein Bild von ihm sehen und das Fanggebiet nachlesen.
  • Der Pokédex ist eine Art elektronisches Lexikon, welches automatisch Daten über Pokémon speichert, welche gesehen bzw. gefangen werden. Er tritt sowohl in der TV-Serie, als auch in den Pokémon-Spielen auf. Die Daten, die er über die Pokémon speichert, sind: Der Name des Pokémon, die Größe und das Gewicht des Pokémon, den Ruf des Pokémon, den Fundort und allgemeine Informationen vom Pokémon. Der Pokédex wurde von Professor Westwood programmiert.
  • Pokédex (o Indexador Pokémon, també dit Pokémon Dexter, es pot anteposar l'article masculí o femení la/el), al món Pokémon és una enciclopèdia portàtil d'alta tecnologia que els entrenadors Pokémon duen amb si per a registrar les fitxes de totes les diverses espècies Pokémon amb les quals es troben durant el seu viatge com entrenadors. Quan es compleixen certs requisits, la capacitat de la Pokédex es pot augmentar permetent emmagatzemar dades d'altres Pokémon, que no són comuns, com els llegendaris i Pokémon que no són originaris d'aquella regió, a aquesta se la coneix com Pokédex Nacional.
  • The Pokédex is an electronic encyclopaedia that the player may be given during their journey. It displays various information about Pokémon species, including elemental types, typical sizes and locations they can be found in the wild. To give the player the Pokédex, use the following script: $Trainer.pokedex=true Once gained, an option called "Pokédex" will appear in the Pause menu (but only if there is at least 1 seen species in the Dex list). There are two arrays associated with the Pokédex: * $Trainer.seen * $Trainer.owned
  • Appena un allenatore decide di partire per il suo lungo viaggio che lo porterà a millemila miglia da casa, alla ricerca delle inutili creature chiamate pokémon e in attesa che i suoi sogni di gloria vengano infranti dal primo pigliamosche incontrato lungo il cammino, un ricercatore di pokémon è incaricato di consegnargli un pokédex che gli permetterà di registrare i dati dei mostriciattoli da lui catturati e di riconoscere quelli già presenti in memoria. Avete presente cosa significhi per un bambino di 10 anni doversi confrontare con un Gyarados incazzato per il bene della scienza?
  • Der Pokédex ist eine Liste aller Pokémon und enthält eine kurze Beschreibung der einzelnen Pokémon. Jedes mal wenn Trainer einem neue Pokémon begegnen wird ein Eintrag für dieses Pokémon angelegt. Seit dem 7. Oktober 2016 werden Pokémon, die Sie in einer Arena treffen, als schatte im Pokédex mit begrenzten Informationen angezeigt, auch wenn sie noch nie in der Wildnis angetroffen haben.
  • Infrecuente
  • 87
  • 98
  • Item
  • Base Set
  • Negro y Blanco : Negro y Blanco
  • entrenador
  • 林原めぐみ Megumi Hayashibara
  • 石塚運昇 Unshō Ishizuka
  • かない みか Mika Kanai
  • 三木眞一郎 Shin'ichirō Miki
  • 伊瀬茉莉也 Mariya Ise
  • 川上とも子 Tomoko Kawakami
  • 石塚 運昇 Unshō Ishizuka
  • 雪野五月 Satsuki Yukino
  • Michele Knotz
  • Rachael Lillis
  • Eric Stuart
  • Marc Thompson
  • Suzy Myers
  • Le Pokédex est un outil de recherche qui sert à enregistrer les Pokémons et différentes données les concernant : leur taille, leur poids, leur type, leur cri...
  • Pokédex (ポケモン図鑑 Pokémon Zukan en japonés, o Pokémon Dexter, también llamado Indexador Pokémon), en el mundo Pokémon es una enciclopedia virtual portátil de alta tecnología que los entrenadores Pokémon llevan consigo para registrar las fichas de todas las diversas especies Pokémon con las que se encuentran durante su viaje como entrenadores. En general, cuando se cumplen ciertos requisitos, la capacidad de la Pokédex se puede aumentar permitiendo almacenar datos de otros Pokémon, que no son comunes, como los legendarios y Pokémon que no son originarios de esa región. A dicha Pokédex "ampliada" se la conoce como Pokédex Nacional. Según el episodio EP068 de la primera temporada en el anime, fue creada por el profesor Westwood V; sin embargo, en los videojuegos, el creador es el profesor Oak.
  • [[Bild:Pokemon_Zukan.png|frame|right|Artwork des FR/BG Pokédex]]
  • The Pokédex is a machine that records the data of Pokémon that you have caught evolved or traded created by Professor Oak. In the anime though Ash or May didn't have to catch the Pokémon to get their data they simply have to point the Pokédex at the Pokémon and it shows them data. It exists in all Pokémon games. A Pokédex can display a Pokémon's stats, level, and moves.
  • Der Pokédex ist eine Liste aller Pokémon und enthält eine kurze Beschreibung der einzelnen Pokémon. Jedes mal wenn Trainer einem neue Pokémon begegnen wird ein Eintrag für dieses Pokémon angelegt. Seit dem 7. Oktober 2016 werden Pokémon, die Sie in einer Arena treffen, als schatte im Pokédex mit begrenzten Informationen angezeigt, auch wenn sie noch nie in der Wildnis angetroffen haben. Derzeit sind nur Pokémon aus der ersten Spiel-Generation (Kanto Region) vorhanden. Es besteht aber die Möglichkeit, dass durch zukünftige Updates mehr Pokémon dazukommen, wie z.B. die Pokémon aus der Johto Region.
  • frame|Entrada de la Pokédex en Pokémon Soul Silver La Pokédex es un instrumento electronico presente en todos los Juegos de Pokémon con este artefacto se puede ver los datos de un Pokémon sin embargo existen algunas restricciones solo puedes ver la imagen y la localización del Pokémon en ella, pero despues de que el Pokémon es Capturado todo los datos disponibles sobre el apareceran en la Pokédex como lo es: El Peso, El Grito, La Diferencia de Genero, Entre otros datos que varian segun la edición del juego que se encuentre.
  • They are generally handed out by Pokémon professors. The pokédex was invented by Professor Oak and adopted by professors in other regions.The first person to obtain a pokédex was Blue, Professor Oak's grandson.
  • The Pokédex (ポケモン図鑑 Pokemon Zukan) is an electronic device designed to catalogue and provide information regarding the various species of Pokémon featured in the Pokémon video game, anime and manga series. The name Pokédex is a neologism including "Pokémon" (which itself is a portmanteau of "pocket" and "monster") and "index". The Japanese name is simply "Pokémon Encyclopedia", and it can feature every Pokémon on it, depending on the Pokédex.
  • Appena un allenatore decide di partire per il suo lungo viaggio che lo porterà a millemila miglia da casa, alla ricerca delle inutili creature chiamate pokémon e in attesa che i suoi sogni di gloria vengano infranti dal primo pigliamosche incontrato lungo il cammino, un ricercatore di pokémon è incaricato di consegnargli un pokédex che gli permetterà di registrare i dati dei mostriciattoli da lui catturati e di riconoscere quelli già presenti in memoria. Ovviamente tutto ciò è inutile dato che i pokémon su cui si necessitano informazioni sono quelli più pericolosi e con cui i principianti non dovrebbero avere nulla a che fare. Avete presente cosa significhi per un bambino di 10 anni doversi confrontare con un Gyarados incazzato per il bene della scienza?
  • thumb|300px|Pokédex en la Primera Generación El Pokédex es una lista de todos los Pokémon (y un dispositivo en el anime y los juegos, como se muestra a la derecha) que da una breve descripción de estos. Se vuelve mucho más completo con cada nuevo Pokémon encontrado por los entrenadores. Actualmente, en Pokémon Go únicamente se encuentra disponible los Pokémon de la primera generación, es decir, de la región de Kanto. |-|Regular Pokédex = |-|Sombra Pokédex=
  • Currently most of Generation I (Kanto region) Pokémon and of Generation II (Johto region) Pokémon are capable of being caught. New Pokémon may be added to the Pokédex in future updates. |-|Shadow Pokédex - Gen I= |-|Regular Pokédex - Gen II = |-| Shadow Pokédex - Gen II =
  • The Pokédex is an electronic encyclopaedia that the player may be given during their journey. It displays various information about Pokémon species, including elemental types, typical sizes and locations they can be found in the wild. To give the player the Pokédex, use the following script: $Trainer.pokedex=true Once gained, an option called "Pokédex" will appear in the Pause menu (but only if there is at least 1 seen species in the Dex list). There are two arrays associated with the Pokédex: * $Trainer.seen * $Trainer.owned Both arrays have a length equal to the number of species defined in the PBS file "pokemon.txt", and each entry is either TRUE if the species with that National Dex number has been seen/owned, and FALSE if it hasn't. For example, $Trainer.seen[25] will be TRUE if the player has seen a Pikachu, and FALSE if they haven't. The table below contains other functions that relate to the Pokédex:
  • link=|center Pokédex to jeden z głównych elementów gry Pokémon Go, znajdują się w nim informacje dotyczące wszystkich aktualnie złapanych gatunków Pokémonów przez trenera.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Pokédex/preload editintro=Pokédex/editintro width=25
  • Pokédex er et elektronisk apparat oppfunnet av Samuel Oak. Den fungerer som en informasjonsdatabase, skapt for å lagre informasjon om hver enkel Pokémon.
  • Pokédex (o Indexador Pokémon, també dit Pokémon Dexter, es pot anteposar l'article masculí o femení la/el), al món Pokémon és una enciclopèdia portàtil d'alta tecnologia que els entrenadors Pokémon duen amb si per a registrar les fitxes de totes les diverses espècies Pokémon amb les quals es troben durant el seu viatge com entrenadors. Quan es compleixen certs requisits, la capacitat de la Pokédex es pot augmentar permetent emmagatzemar dades d'altres Pokémon, que no són comuns, com els llegendaris i Pokémon que no són originaris d'aquella regió, a aquesta se la coneix com Pokédex Nacional. El/La Pokédex funciona de manera simple, organitzat en entrades. Quan s'obté per primera vegada, estàs estan buides i ni tan sols mostren el nom del Pokémon al que pertanyen. Solament el seu nombre. Quan s'albira un Pokémon per primera vegada, en un combat per exemple, la Pokédex ho registra per damunt, associant el nom del Pokémon i la seva imatge al seu nom. Quan el Pokémon és capturat, la Pokédex ja és capaç d'escanejar el Pokémon i de registrar tots les seues dades. L'aparell diferencia entre uns casos i altres, i mostra el nombre de Pokémon de cadascú, albirats i capturats. El/La Pokédex no està complet fins que no s'han registrat completament tots els Pokémon. Image:165.gif || No.165 || Ledyba |- |Image:166.gif || No.166 || Ledian |Image:167.gif || No.167 || Spinarak |Image:168.gif || No.168 || Ariados |Image:169.gif || No.169 || Crobat |Image:170.gif || No.170 || Chinchou |- |Image:171.gif || No.171 || Lanturn |Image:172.gif || No.172 || Pichu |Image:173.gif || No.173 || Cleffa |Image:174.gif || No.174 || Igglybuff |Image:175.gif || No.175 || Togepi |- |Image:176.gif || No.176 || Togetic |Image:177.gif || No.177 || Natu |Image:178.gif || No.178 || Xatu |Image:179.gif || No.179 || Mareep |Image:180.gif || No.180 || Flaaffy |- |Image:181.gif || No.181 || Ampharos |Image:182.gif || No.182 || Bellossom |Image:183.gif || No.183 || Marill |Image:184.gif || No.184 || Azumarill |Image:185.gif || No.185 || Sudowoodo |- |Image:186.gif || No.186 || Politoed |Image:187.gif || No.187 || Hoppip |Image:188.gif || No.188 || Skiploom |Image:189.gif || No.189 || Jumpluff |Image:190.gif || No.190 || Aipom |- |Image:191.gif || No.191 || Sunkern |Image:192.gif || No.192 || Sunflora |Image:193.gif || No.193 || Yanma |Image:194.gif || No.194 || Wooper |Image:195.gif || No.195 || Quagsire |- |Image:196.gif || No.196 || Espeon |Image:197.gif || No.197 || Umbreon |Image:198.gif || No.198 || Murkrow |Image:199.gif || No.199 || Slowking |Image:200.gif || No.200 || Misdreavus |- |Image:201.gif || No.201 || Unown |Image:202.gif || No.202 || Wobbuffet |Image:203.gif || No.203 || Girafarig |Image:204.gif || No.204 || Pineco |Image:205.gif || No.205 || Forestress |- |Image:206.gif || No.206 || Dunsparce |Image:207.gif || No.207 || Gligar |Image:208.gif || No.208 || Steelix |Image:209.gif || No.209 || Snubbull |Image:210.gif || No.210 || Granbull |- |Image:211.gif || No.211 || Qwilfish |Image:212.gif || No.212 || Scizor |Image:213.gif || No.213 || Shuckle |Image:214.gif || No.214 || Heracross |Image:215.gif || No.215 || Sneasel |- |Image:216.gif || No.216 || Teddiursa |Image:217.gif || No.217 || Ursaring |Image:218.gif || No.218 || Slugma |Image:219.gif || No.219 || Magcargo |Image:220.gif || No.220 || Swinub |- |Image:221.gif || No.221 || Piloswine |Image:222.gif || No.222 || Corsola |Image:223.gif || No.223 || Remoraid |Image:224.gif || No.224 || Octillery |Image:225.gif || No.225 || Delibird |- |Image:226.gif || No.226 || Mantine |Image:227.gif || No.227 || Skarmory |Image:228.gif || No.228 || Houndour |Image:229.gif || No.229 || Houndoom |Image:230.gif || No.230 || Kingdra |- |Image:231.gif || No.231 || Phanpy |Image:232.gif || No.232 || Donphan |Image:233.gif || No.233 || Porygon2 |Image:234.gif || No.234 || Stantler |Image:235.gif || No.235 || Smeargle |- |Image:236.gif || No.236 || Tyrogue |Image:237.gif || No.237 || Hitmontop |Image:238.gif || No.238 || Smoochum |Image:239.gif || No.239 || Elekid |Image:240.gif || No.240 || Magby |- |Image:241.gif || No.241 || Miltank |Image:242.gif || No.242 || Blissey |Image:243.gif || No.243 || Raikou |Image:244.gif || No.244 || Entei |Image:245.gif || No.245 || Suicune |- |Image:246.gif || No.246 || Larvitar |Image:247.gif || No.247 || Larvitar |Image:248.gif || No.248 || Tyranitar |Image:249.gif || No.249 || Lugia |Image:250.gif || No.250 || Ho-oh |- |Image:251.gif || No.251 || Celebi |Image:252.gif || No.252 || Treecko |Image:253.gif || No.253 || Grovyle |Image:254.gif || No.254 || Sceptile |Image:255.gif || No.255 || Torchic |- |Image:256.gif || No.256 || Combusken |Image:257.gif || No.257 || Blaziken |Image:258.gif || No.258 || Mudkip |Image:259.gif || No.259 || Marshtomp |Image:260.gif || No.260 || Swampert |- |Image:261.gif || No.261 || Poochyena |Image:262.gif || No.262 || Mightyena |Image:263.gif || No.263 || Zigzagoon |Image:264.gif || No.264 || Linoone |Image:265.gif || No.265 || Wurmple |- |Image:266.gif || No.266 || Silcoon |Image:267.gif || No.267 || Beautifly |Image:268.gif || No.268 || Cascoon |Image:269.gif || No.269 || Dustox |Image:270.gif || No.270 || Lotad |- |Image:271.gif || No.271 || Lombre |Image:272.gif || No.272 || Ludicolo |Image:273.gif || No.273 || Seedot |Image:274.gif || No.274 || Nuzleaf |Image:275.gif || No.275 || Shiftry |- |Image:276.gif || No.276 || Taillow |Image:277.gif || No.277 || Swellow |Image:278.gif || No.278 || Wingull |Image:279.gif || No.279 || Pelipper |Image:280.gif || No.280 || Ralts |- |Image:281.gif || No.281 || Kirlia |Image:282.gif || No.282 || Gardevoir |Image:283.gif || No.283 || Surskit |Image:284.gif || No.284 || Masquerain |Image:285.gif || No.285 || Shroomish |- |Image:286.gif || No.286 || Breloom |Image:287.gif || No.287 || Slakoth |Image:288.gif || No.288 || Vigoroth |Image:289.gif || No.289 || Slaking |Image:290.gif || No.290 || Nincada |- |Image:291.gif || No.291 || Ninjask |Image:292.gif || No.292 || Shedinja |Image:293.gif || No.293 || Whismur |Image:294.gif || No.294 || Loudred |Image:295.gif || No.295 || Exploud |- |Image:296.gif || No.296 || Makuhita |Image:297.gif || No.297 || Hariyama |Image:298.gif || No.298 || Azurill |Image:299.gif || No.299 || Nosepass |Image:300.gif || No.300 || Skitty |- |Image:301.gif || No.301 || Delcatty |Image:302.gif || No.302 || Sableye |Image:303.gif || No.303 || Mawile |Image:304.gif || No.304 || Aaron |Image:305.gif || No.305 || Lairon |- |Image:306.gif || No.306 || Aggron |Image:307.gif || No.307 || Meditite |Image:308.gif || No.308 || Medicham |Image:309.gif || No.309 || Electrike |Image:310.gif || No.310 || Manectric |- |Image:311.gif || No.311 || Plusle |Image:312.gif || No.312 || Minun |Image:313.gif || No.313 || Volbeat |Image:314.gif || No.314 || Illumise |Image:315.gif || No.315 || Roselia |- |Image:316.gif || No.316 || Gulpin |Image:317.gif || No.317 || Swalot |Image:318.gif || No.318 || Carvanha |Image:319.gif || No.319 || Sharpedo |Image:320.gif || No.320 || Wailmer |- |Image:321.gif || No.321 || Wailord |Image:322.gif || No.322 || Numel |Image:323.gif || No.323 || Camerupt |Image:324.gif || No.324 || Torkoal |Image:325.gif || No.325 || Spoink |- |Image:326.gif || No.326 || Grumpig |Image:327.gif || No.327 || Spinda |Image:328.gif || No.328 || Trapinch |Image:329.gif || No.329 || Vibrava |Image:330.gif || No.330 || Flygon |- |Image:331.gif || No.331 || Cacnea |Image:332.gif || No.332 || Cacturne |Image:333.gif || No.333 || Swablu |Image:334.gif || No.334 || Altaria |Image:335.gif || No.335 || Zangoose |- |Image:336.gif || No.336 || Seviper |Image:337.gif || No.337 || Lunatone |Image:338.gif || No.338 || Solrock |Image:339.gif || No.339 || Barboach |Image:340.gif || No.340 || Whiscash |- |Image:341.gif || No.341 || Corphish |Image:342.gif || No.342 || Crawdaunt |Image:343.gif || No.343 || Baltoy |Image:344.gif || No.344 || Claydol |Image:345.gif || No.345 || Lileep |- |Image:346.gif || No.346 || Cradily |Image:347.gif || No.347 || Anorith |Image:348.gif || No.348 || Armaldo |Image:349.gif || No.349 || Feebas |Image:350.gif || No.350 || Milotic |- |Image:351.gif || No.351 || Castform |Image:352.gif || No.352 || Kecleon |Image:353.gif || No.353 || Shuppet |Image:354.gif || No.354 || Banette |Image:355.gif || No.355 || Duskull |- |Image:356.gif || No.356 || Dusclops |Image:357.gif || No.357 || Tropius |Image:358.gif || No.358 || Chimecho |Image:359.gif || No.359 || Absol |Image:360.gif || No.360 || Wynaut |- |Image:361.gif || No.361 || Snorunt |Image:362.gif || No.362 || Glalie |Image:363.gif || No.363 || Spheal |Image:364.gif || No.364 || Sealeo |Image:365.gif || No.365 || Walrein |- |Image:366.gif || No.366 || Clamperl |Image:367.gif || No.367 || Huntail |Image:368.gif || No.368 || Gorebyss |Image:369.gif || No.369 || Relicanth |Image:370.gif || No.370 || Luvdisc |- |Image:371.gif || No.371 || Bagon |Image:372.gif || No.372 || Shelgon |Image:373.gif || No.373 || Salamence |Image:374.gif || No.374 || Beldum |Image:375.gif || No.375 || Metang |- |Image:376.gif || No.376 || Metagross |Image:377.gif || No.377 || Regirock |Image:378.gif || No.378 || Regice |Image:379.gif || No.379 || Registeel |Image:380.gif || No.380 || Latias |- |Image:381.gif || No.381 || Latios |Image:382.gif || No.382 || Kyogre |Image:383.gif || No.383 || Groudon |Image:384.gif || No.384 || Rayquaza |Image:385.gif || No.385 || Jirachi |- |Image:386.gif || No.386 || Deoxys |Image:387.gif || No.387 || Turtwig |Image:388.gif || No.388 || Grotle |Image:389.gif || No.389 || Torterra |Image:390.gif || No.390 || Chimchar |- |Image:391.gif || No.391 || Monferno |Image:392.gif || No.392 || Infernape |Image:393.gif || No.393 || Piplup |Image:394.gif || No.394 || Prinplup |Image:395.gif || No.395 || Empoleon |- |Image:396.gif || No.396 || Starly |Image:397.gif || No.397 || Staravia |Image:398.gif || No.398 || Staraptor |Image:399.gif || No.399 || Bidoof |Image:400.gif || No.400 || Bibarel |- |Image:401.gif || No.401 || Kricketot |Image:402.gif || No.402 || Kricketune |Image:403.gif || No.403 || Shinx |Image:404.gif || No.404 || Luxio |Image:405.gif || No.405 || Luxray |- |Image:406.gif || No.406 || Budew |Image:407.gif || No.407 || Roserade |Image:408.gif || No.408 || Cranidos |Image:409.gif || No.409 || Rampardos |Image:410.gif || No.410 || Shieldon |- |Image:411.gif || No.411 || Bastiodon |Image:412.gif || No.412 || Burmy |Image:413.gif || No.413 || Wormadam |Image:414.gif || No.414 || Mothim |Image:415.gif || No.415 || Combee |- |Image:416.gif || No.416 || Vespiquen |Image:417.gif || No.417 || Pachirisu |Image:418.gif || No.418 || Buizel |Image:419.gif || No.419 || Floatzel |Image:420.gif || No.420 || Cherubi |- |Image:421.gif || No.421 || Cherrim |Image:422.gif || No.422 || Shellos |Image:423.gif || No.423 || Gastrodon |Image:424.gif || No.424 || Ambipom |Image:425.gif || No.425 || Drifloon |- |Image:426.gif || No.426 || Drifblim |Image:427.gif || No.427 || Buneary |Image:428.gif || No.428 || Lopunny |Image:429.gif || No.429 || Mismagius |Image:430.gif || No.430 || Honchkrow |- |Image:431.gif || No.431 || Glameow |Image:432.gif || No.432 || Purugly |Image:433.gif || No.433 || Chingling |Image:434.gif || No.434 || Stunky |Image:435.gif || No.435 || Skuntank |- |Image:436.gif || No.436 || Bronzor |Image:437.gif || No.437 || Bronzong |Image:438.gif || No.438 || Bonsly |Image:439.gif || No.439 || Mime Jr. |Image:440.gif || No.440 || Happiny |- |Image:441.gif || No.441 || Chatot |Image:442.gif || No.442 || Spiritomb |Image:443.gif || No.443 || Gible |Image:444.gif || No.444 || Gabite |Image:445.gif || No.445 || Garchomp |- |Image:446.gif || No.446 || Munchlax |Image:447.gif || No.447 || Riolu |Image:448.gif || No.448 || Lucario |Image:449.gif || No.449 || Hippopotas |Image:450.gif || No.450 || Hippowdon |- |Image:451.gif || No.451 || Skorupi |Image:452.gif || No.452 || Drapion |Image:453.gif || No.453 || Croagunk |Image:454.gif || No.454 || Toxicroak |Image:455.gif || No.455 || Carnivine |- |Image:456.gif || No.456 || Finneon |Image:457.gif || No.457 || Lumineon |Image:458.gif || No.458 || Mantyke |Image:459.gif || No.459 || Snover |Image:460.gif || No.460 || Abomasnow |- |Image:461.gif || No.461 || Weavile |Image:462.gif || No.462 || Magnezone |Image:463.gif || No.463 || Lickilicky |Image:464.gif || No.464 || Rhyperior |Image:465.gif || No.465 || Tangrowth |- |Image:466.gif || No.466 || Electivire |Image:467.gif || No.467 || Magmortar |Image:468.gif || No.468 || Togekiss |Image:469.gif || No.469 || Yanmega |Image:470.gif || No.470 || Leafeon |- |Image:471.gif || No.471 || Glaceon |Image:472.gif || No.472 || Gliscor |Image:473.gif || No.473 || Mamoswine |Image:474.gif || No.474 || Porygon-Z |Image:475.gif || No.475 || Gallade |- |Image:476.gif || No.476 || Probopass |Image:477.gif || No.477 || Dusknoir |Image:478.gif || No.478 || Froslass |Image:479.gif || No.479 || Rotom |Image:480.gif || No.480 || Uxie |- |Image:481.gif || No.481 || Mesprit |Image:482.gif || No.482 || Azelf |Image:483.gif || No.483 || Dialga |Image:484.gif || No.484 || Palkia |Image:485.gif || No.485 || Heatran |- |Image:486.gif || No.486 || Regigigas |Image:487.gif || No.487 || Giratina |Image:488.gif || No.488 || Cresselia |Image:489.gif || No.489 || Phione |Image:490.gif || No.490 || Manaphy |- |Image:491.gif || No.491 || Darkrai |Image:492.gif || No.492 || Shaymin |Image:493.gif || No.493 || Arceus
  • thumb|right|Der Pokedex aus Diamant und Perl Der Pokédex ist eine Art elektronisches Lexikon, welches automatisch Daten über Pokémon speichert, welche gesehen bzw. gefangen werden. Er tritt sowohl in der TV-Serie, als auch in den Pokémon-Spielen auf. Die Daten, die er über die Pokémon speichert, sind: Der Name des Pokémon, die Größe und das Gewicht des Pokémon, den Ruf des Pokémon, den Fundort un allgemeine Informationen vom Pokémon. Der Pokédex wurde von Professor Westwood programmiert. Um eine List der Pokémon zu sehen, hier klicken.
  • Artwork des Pokédex's in Diamant und Perl|thumb Der Pokédex ist ein elektronisches Gerät, was von Professor Eich erfunden wurde. Er hält für jedes Pokémon Informationen bereit. Allerdings nur in der TV-Serie, denn in den Pokémon-Editionen gibt er erst zu dem gewünschten Pokémon Informationen bereit, wenn man es gefangen hat. Wenn man das gewünschte Pokémon gesehen hat, kann man schon einmal ein Bild von ihm sehen und das Fanggebiet nachlesen.
  • Der Pokédex ist eine Art elektronisches Lexikon, welches automatisch Daten über Pokémon speichert, welche gesehen bzw. gefangen werden. Er tritt sowohl in der TV-Serie, als auch in den Pokémon-Spielen auf. Die Daten, die er über die Pokémon speichert, sind: Der Name des Pokémon, die Größe und das Gewicht des Pokémon, den Ruf des Pokémon, den Fundort und allgemeine Informationen vom Pokémon. Der Pokédex wurde von Professor Westwood programmiert.
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