  • Núrn
  • Núrn, the "Sad Land," constituted all of southern and eastern Mordor. A semi-arid plateau, it served as the breadbasket of Sauron's wicked kingdom. Its numerous Hildo inhabitants, most of whom were enslaved, included the Mordorin- and Nûradja-speaking tribesmen indigenous to the Núrn Basin.
  • Núrn was a semi-arid place due to its close proximity to Gorgoroth and consisted mostly of short grass landed plains, fertile enough for farming to support the armies of Sauron, as opposed to the arid plateau of Gorgoroth, which is north-west of Núrn.
  • Núrn is a biome in the southern half of Sauron's realm Mordor, where his slaves grow crops. A large portion of Núrn is taken up by the Sea of Núrnen. There is grass here, and trees as well. This is the only place where Slaves of Núrn can be found, and they can be purchased here from Orc slavers. The roads in Núrn are made of Mordor Dirt, like the rest of Mordor. Upon entering this region, the player earns the achievement "Slaves and Slavers".
  • Never
  • One does not simply invade Mordor....
  • Mordor, Mordor River
  • None
  • None
  • Scrubby grass, stunted trees, charred trees, sugarcane near water sources, and wheat in farms
  • Sea of Nurnen
  • Núrn as of .
  • In the heart of Mordor
added in
  • 14
  • Núrn is a biome in the southern half of Sauron's realm Mordor, where his slaves grow crops. A large portion of Núrn is taken up by the Sea of Núrnen. There is grass here, and trees as well. This is the only place where Slaves of Núrn can be found, and they can be purchased here from Orc slavers. The sky in Mordor is darkened by the ash and dust clouds coming from Mount Doom. This protects Orcs from debuffs during the day and trolls from turning into stone (though no normal trolls spawn here). In addition, evil mobs can spawn anytime, not only at night. Like the rest of Mordor, Núrn is not a good place for good-aligned players to be. The roads in Núrn are made of Mordor Dirt, like the rest of Mordor. Upon entering this region, the player earns the achievement "Slaves and Slavers".
  • Núrn, the "Sad Land," constituted all of southern and eastern Mordor. A semi-arid plateau, it served as the breadbasket of Sauron's wicked kingdom. Its numerous Hildo inhabitants, most of whom were enslaved, included the Mordorin- and Nûradja-speaking tribesmen indigenous to the Núrn Basin.
  • Núrn was a semi-arid place due to its close proximity to Gorgoroth and consisted mostly of short grass landed plains, fertile enough for farming to support the armies of Sauron, as opposed to the arid plateau of Gorgoroth, which is north-west of Núrn.
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