  • Factions
  • Factions
  • Factions
  • Factions
  • Factions
  • Factions
  • Factions
  • Factions
  • A list of groups and organizations within the BattleTech universe.
  • There are several different factions on Fate of Republic. These are the factions which has existed in the current timeline.
  • Throughout the Mercenaries series, there have been a diverse number of factions featured in each iteration, all fighting against and sometimes for each other towards a specific goal. Gameplay-wise, these factions provide the player with more ammunition, vehicles and weapons with which to engage everyone else in war, should they choose to become friends with these factions, but on the flip-side, being hostile towards these groups will obviously get you into a lot of battles with them as well.
  • Neither faction has any inherent weaponary or ability advantage over the other, though some argue some maps slightly favour one team, with the initial two bases the players capture generally depending on their faction. These slight issues arise due to a lack of symmetry on Battlefield Heroes maps.
  • There are many factions inside the Sirius Sector which have their own particular roles, territories and allegiances. Many are localized to one House or another, while others work throughout the Sirius Sector. * Liberty Factions * Bretonia Factions * Rheinland Factions * Kusari Factions * Independent Factions * Other Factions
  • In Crackdown and Crackdown 2, various factions vie for control of Pacific City. In Crackdown, the Agency is at war with three criminal gangs that each hold sway over one of the city's three districts. In Crackdown 2, the rebellious Cell and Freak infestation have ravaged the city and pushed the Agency back into its Tower.
  • I Star Wars universet, har der været mange forskellige factioner, både grupper at kriminelle, oprører, imperier, samt forskellige alliancer. Denne liste er ikke helt complet, og vil blive udvidet.
  • In Bionicle, there were several different factions with the most power or in greatest population. Each employed, recruited, or forced agents in order to fulfill their goals. They are listed here, with basic descriptions.
  • Related topics: Cultures, , Faction Quests, Player Factions __TOC__ Some NPCs can be readily identified by the tabard they wear.
  • Main_Page > Vampire: The Requiem > Factions Additional factions for existing covenants. * Septembriseurs. By Atlastawake. A violent group of Catharians who were inspired by their namesake from the French Revolution.
  • You can either join or create a faction. Icons vary, and the Creator can set a name reccomended hours, as well as Minimum levels, & Reputation to join. Membership can be open, invitation or private. A faction chat feature is also available. Each Faction consists of up to 30 Members. By being in a faction, you have an opportunity to add a Leader from another Member as a 6th character, in areas such as the Roadmap & World Stages Each member may be allocated certain rights, as per the below table.
  • Factions :
  • Factions in The Installation War
  • In the Saga of Seven Suns people are working together in various factions, each with its own interests at stake. This page attempts to list and categorize the various factions. Humans (race) EDF - the Earth Defense Force. Roamers - Merchants, outcasts, gypsies. Free-roaming spirits. Green Priests - Servants of the world forest of Theron. Ildirans (race) Hydrogues (race) Klikiss (race) Robots (race)
  • There are 7 different factions in Tibia, you can choose only three. They are: * The Djinn Factions, which are split into the Green Djinns and the Blue Djinns. * The Nightmare Knights and the Brotherhood of Bones factions. * The Secret Service Factions, which include CGB, AVIN and TBI.
  • Factions are groups within the Nexus Force which players can join in LEGO Universe, each with its own unique focus and abilities. Only one Faction may be joined after completing four initiation challenges. Each Faction has three of their own Specialties. It is required to join a Faction on Nimbus Station and join the Nexus Force in order to visit any world past Avant Gardens and Nimbus Station.
  • The homosexuals
  • The Faction System is a hybrid RP-stat system developed to help players organize their characters into in-multiverse like-minded groups. The faction system grants characters access to: their own Faction Headquarters, which is a subforum where they may RP and keep vehicles, followers and equipment; participation in the World Takeover System, which allows them to dominate worlds for glory and statistic bonuses; and a support base of other members and their characters from which to launch adventures and storylines.
  • There are four total factions in the galaxy of Sins of a Solar Empire. Three of these factions are controllable by the player: the industrious Trader Emergency Coalition (TEC), the psychic Advent and the technologically advanced Vasari. The fourth faction, the Pirates, are an NPC faction that exists only to collect bounties by destroying ships of the other three. In the Rebellion stand-alone expansion, the three factions have fractured into Loyalist and Rebel camps, that have different philosophies and take very different stances on their enemies.
  • The Galactrix universe features various mega-corporations who have taken over the universe and formed "factions" that essentially operate as independent nations. In addition to the mega-corporations, there are alien races such as the Vortraag and independent factions such as Pirates and the Soulless.
  • Three main Factions currently oppose each other in The World: Arvakv of the humans, Ogmios of the beasts, and Teutates comprised of both humans and beasts. These three forces sometimes fight and sometimes cooperate with one another in a three-way war.
  • Factions are the available side of power though military strength from Space Units and Ground Units with the amount of planets taken. The available factions in Empire at war is the Galactic empire, Rebel alliance, Zann Consortium and the Pirates (not playable). Each faction have lots of unique units both space and land, this allows for different tactics and strategies.
  • Factions are split up into a few main categories, based on location, and type of faction.
  • This page is the easy path to the two main factions of the Warcraft universe and the other minor factions.
  • Once the largest and most influential Noble House, controlling seven provinces and more than 20 legions, House Daratan was almost destroyed during the War. Today less than 100 people still loyal to the Daratan name control a small town named Teron, that has definitely seen better days. As House Daratan draws its last gasp, some within are preparing for one last fight, to shift the balance of power and restore the noble House at any cost.
  • Known for being widespread across 2b2t, factions are an association or a group of players with a shared goal among the group. Factions vary from being buildmates/basemates to a group of griefers. Some factions are also known for being incredibly autistic. Groups on 2b also have the unique oddity where members of one group can be apart of another, meaning that groups can have overlapping members.
  • There are various Factions on the continent of Cera Bella.
  • Factions are one of the largest type of mod for Glest, but also the most expansive and elaborative. Factions are the "team" of units and upgrades that a player controls. For example, Magic is a faction, part of the Magitech Techtree. All factions must belong to a techtree, which defines the resources and attack/armour types that factions can use (and are shared among factions in that techtree).
  • Guild Wars: Factions jest drugą kampanią gry Guild Wars. W U.S.A. została ona wydana 28.04.2006r. Rozgrywa się ona w świecie Cantha (Kintaj) stworzonym na wzór Dalekiego Wschodu.
  • The following is a list of all factions on the /pol/andcraft server. Users are free to add their own factions under the 'Active Factions' section, or move dead factions accordingly to the 'Inactive/Defunct Factions' section. Note that this list may be outdated as factions form and disband frequently, and it is up to factions themselves to maintain their Wiki pages. For a handy, 100% accurate reference, join the server and type "/f list" for a list of all existing factions.
  • The only playable faction are the . Other factions such as the , the , the, the and the are presented as adversaries, while the and the are mostly neutral, but can act as allies or enemies to the Tenno.
  • Factions are an important part of the current Matrix system. Each faction is controlled by either an important group or powerful individual for different purposes. There are four main factions.
  • There are three main faction on Rubi-Ka: * Omni-Tek * The Clan * the Neutrals There are two main factions in the Shadowlands: * The Redeemed * The Unredeemed There is an additional faction that is neutral in the conflict opposing the Redeemed and the Unredeemed. It is represented by the robotic entity Ergo and its followers, the Yuttos (or yuttocratas). Ergo's faction is known as the Guardian of Shadows or GOS faction.
  • Factions are groups formed by sentient beings factions include the Avernites and Slitherzakai horde the empire is also a faction but isn't seen much. All factions have separate laws and are often divided into minor groups which have there own small territories the faction that the players party start in is the Avernites
  • Factions are groups in the game that players can ally with. The more "favors" you do for each faction the higher reputation you get with them. Once your reputation count gets to a certain number you will jump to the next status of the faction and will be allowed more features.
  • Most of the available factions have an established faction head. There are also common goals and guidelines for RP within a particular faction. To find out more, see the following applicable file(s):
  • Within the Isle game there is 3 Major factions players can choose from which includes: * Dinosaurs * Carnivores * Herbivores * Humans * Survivors * Mercenaries * Primitives * Tribals * Cannibals
  • The current factions available to play are as follows:
  • Factions is a reference section of the Star Trek Online website. The reference details the various interstellar factions that appear in the game. This information is dispatched by two characters, one from Starfleet Intelligence, the other from Klingon Intelligence; both of these are unique to the site and do not appear in the game.
  • Of the many companies, factions, and organizations running Valenth, four of the most prominent recently opened their doors to outsiders. The Firestarters, the Somnambulist Project, the Court, and the Silent Rose Organization are all currently accepting applications from the willing.
  • Factions are the teams, or Armies, in the that include beings of the same race along with others who in Middle-earth lore are their allies. Members of the same faction will not fight each other, as long as they are on the same team, and will cooperate with other factions as long as they are on the same team. The player chooses a faction when playing a Skirmish or in War of the Ring mode.
  • There are five factions one may join in Star Wars MUSH: New Worlds. * Galactic Empire * Sith Empire * New Republic * Corporate Sector Authority * Or independent To see a list of available faction representatives, refer to +staff/faction.
  • This page is intended as a working tool to help us flesh out all the factions. See Also: *
  • These are all the factions that can be played in the Edain Mod, some of them are still unreleased though.
  • At one time, Mankind ruled the stars and united most of known space under the flag of the Confederation. Two eras of strife and Civil War have divided known space into three major factions, each with their own agendas to stake out their own claims on territory. In addition, two factions centered from beyond known space; the Tariez Empire and the Saurian Hegemony loom as mysterious but powerful forces just beyond reach that can re-shape the Alpha Quadrant. Among these are numbers of smaller independant factions and unalligned worlds, all staking their claims in the frontier of space.
  • There are many Factions in the Star Wars universe and here is a list of the ones currently active in the Strands of Fate galaxies.
  • Factions are Stalker clans/organizations operating within the Zone. Each faction has their own ideals and goals, as detailed in the links below. The factions can have both allies who may share their ideals and enemies who oppose them. Factions play a large role in a Stalker's life, as the Zone is an unforgiving wasteland, where the death of an ordinary Stalker is amounts to little more than a discarded shell casing, and "morality" is relative to a factions goals. Joining other people with the same view of the Zone is often an individual's best avenue for survival in the Zone. The list of major factions in the Zone are:
  • There are many factions in Everquest that you can raise or lower through killings mobs or completing quests.
  • Pro-Magic empire that promotes civilization and order in Aeonia and Beyond the fogs. Home to the Order of the Silver Phoenix, the first line of defense against the Scourge and the other Dark forces.
  • A faction is an organization of two or more hovercraft crews. They are aligned with one of the major organizations in the Matrix. Factions are like-minded groups of players, who come together for mutual support, roleplay, community, or just to beat up on things. __TOC__ Please feel free to add a page about your own faction (the kind of information that a perspective member might want to know). You can add a link to the prospective page and then click on it to open the page for edit (see Talk:Factions).
  • Factions are the supporting companies that work to support certain heroes and villains by providing equipment and weapons. Heroes and Villains can gain trust from the Faction companies through completing certain missions or collecting Bounties and in return they can obtain rare and powerful items and equipment from the Faction's Vendors.
  • The following is a list of factions in the Jagged Alliance series. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • Factions is one of the gamemodes of Minecraft Central. It was added 6th July 2014. The idea of Factions is to have a faction that is powerful and loyal at the same time. There have been 4 resets to Factions, first one in 21st December 2014, second one in 30th May 2015, the third in 25th January 2016 and the fourth in 2nd September 2016. There are two Factions servers, 1 of which was added 3rd March 2015.
  • The United Federation of Planets is an alliance of many different species from numerous worlds, working together toward a goal of justice, equality and liberty. The Federation believes in pursuing knowledge and exploration. It includes the following races: * Human * Andorian * Bajoran * Benzite * Betazoid * Bolian * Saurian * Trill * Vulcan * Alien
  • The two prominent factions are the Arbiters and the Crusaders. The Crusaders are hiding in The Core at the moment.
  • There are 7 different factions in Tibia, you can choose only three. They are: * The Djinn Factions, which are split into the Green Djinns and the Blue Djinns. * The Nightmare Knights and the Brotherhood of Bones factions. Click Here to Show/Hide Spoiler Information Spoiler warning: Quest and/or game spoiling details follow. (Settings: hidden content) You can join the Brotherhood of Bones or Nightmare Knights by completing the Dreamer's Challenge Quest. Spoiler ends here. * The Secret Service Factions, which include CGB, AVIN and TBI.
  • The many factions of Neo Hyrule are divided into three main types: Good, Evil, and Neutral. They are as follows: The Repliforce are officially known as the Army of Hyrule, though they have been known to extend their aid across many different countries and lands. While this army is largely Reploid, there are a growing number of Humans and other races joining the fight. The newly added Special Tactics and Rescue Squad, or "S.T.A.R.S.", are the most elite of these human combatants.
  • The factions menu can be accessed by entering the Middle-earth menu (default press "L") and scrolling over to the Factions section. This displays your alignment with all factions, and some other statistics. There are three main categories: "The West", "Rhun", and "Harad". Every faction has an alignment meter - this is the defining characteristic of what constitutes a 'faction'. Besides this, factions have at least some of the following exclusive features, and many have all of them:
  • ==Der Anbeginn==Alles beginnt, kurz nachdem die Spieler als vielversprechende Schüler im Kloster von Shing Jea unter der Aufsicht ihres Großmeisters ihre Ausbildung genossen, sich zwei Klassen angeeignet und ihren Abschluß gemacht haben. Meister Togos Untersuchung der Bibliothek fördert Erschreckendes zutage: Shiro Tagachi, der Verräter, ist zurückgekehrt, um Cantha erneut in Angst und Schrecken zu versetzen. Dies zwingt Togo, sich in die Stadt Kaineng zu begeben, um mit seinem Bruder, Kaiser Kisu, zu beraten. Er schickt auch nach seinem ehemaligen tyrianischen Schüler, Bruder Mhenlo.
  • As of April, 2017, there are eight known factions holding at least one robot and one faction with no robots. On the Facebook page of Walking War Robots, this picture was released, showing each robot currently available in game at the time. There are a total of eight possible factions:
  • There are multiple factions fighting over resources and power in Blade and Soul. It was once peaceful with humans, animals and various creatures until corruption of a demonic nature began to sweep across the land and brought this world into chaos. There is a door to the demonic realm where The Demon Emperor and his demonic servants escaped into our world. Light fell to darkness, oceans became wild, trees withered, and the land shattered. Creatures became violent, animals went wild, and humans fell to corruption.
  • The term Faction or Affiliation is used among Forever Knight fans to refer to an unofficial group of fans who favour a , a , or a cause related to the series. The term "faction" refers only to subdivisions within the show's fandom and does not relate to televised information in the show per se. Except when taking part in a war, fans may declare membership in as many factions as they like. Many fans on FORKNI-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU like to list their affiliations in their "sig" (i.e., after their name, at the very end of the e-mails they send to the list).
  • In Infinity Wars, each faction represents one of the main larger groups involved in the Lore. Inside the game, factions are the primary factor which determines what are the deck's powers and abilities, as each faction provides different strengths and weaknesses to a deck. That way, each faction allows different playstyles to interact within the same match. Every card in the game is attached to a faction (with the exception of Factionless cards), and some cards have more than one faction. See Purity for more information.
  • The rowdy but friendly tattooed people of the Shard of Ringfell are known as the Speyrfolk. They used to be known as excellent traders, exporting Ringfell's resources to the other Shards. But all the trading came to an immediate halt a good 70 years ago when the Speyrfolk's luck suddenly evaporated. All Speyrfolk outside of Ringfell suddenly died, while those on the board of shardship in the vicinity of the Shard turned fatally ill. Those left on Ringfell were spared, but anyone trying to leave, met the same fate; the Speyrfolk were chained to Ringfell, whether they liked it or not. The four families feared the worst and their paranoia turned inward, accusing each other of foul play. Thus Clan Belevitos and Clan Streidh forged an alliance in Cairnkegg, while Clan Solaryen and Clan Mortalis
  • The estates of power in the known worlds are divided into a triumverate between the Noble Houses, the Universal Church and the Merchant League. The first estate of power is that of the nobility and contains both the Imperium and the Noble Houses. Of the many noble houses throughout the Known Worlds, five have achieved prominence and effectively ruled most of Human Space - under their new Emperor, of course. The Emperor Wars took a toll on many of these houses: the losers now struggle to regain lost lands or power, while the victorious fight to ensure that their rivals stay down.
  • This has created a culture of cynics and opportunists – mercenaries, smugglers, and privateers searching for new ways to make a profit. While it is no place for the altruist, the Commonwealth is filled with opportunities for those with the courage and skill to seize them. And beneath the cold veneer, there are a few hidden heroes – idealists such as the underground Commonwealth Restoration Organization, who oppose the corporate cancer and struggle to restore Solrain virtue.
  • There are two main factions - the Union and the Confederacy. The Union is a conglomeration of various worlds and countries, more or less dedicated to trying to keep themselves safe. Membership into the Union requires free passage between the various states, countries and worlds for law-abiding citizens as well as a contribution in terms of resources (according to the ability to give) to the common defense and welfare. In general the rights of sentients are considered of paramount importance by the Union, and though some areas are ruled by monarchies and dictatorships, democracy is in general the rule of the day, and those areas under dictatorships had best treat their citizens nicely and allow them to leave if they see fit, lest they be booted out. The Union is headed by a legislature and
  • The Faction System is a broad game system designed to promote organized player conflict within the society of Britannia. The fundamental goal of the conflict is to provide a foundation for player conflict based upon meaningful and contextual combat and conflict-related interactions. The system is designed to encourage the inclusion of a wide array of player types through the use of game mechanics that appeal to a broad set of play-styles.
  • A faction is a group of units that are not necessarily of the same race. These are sets of units available to a particular leader and often reflect alliances between various races or divisions within a race. For example, Northerners cover orcs, trolls, and other races who often ally with the orcs in war. On the other hand, Loyalists only cover humans who are part of the army of the kingdom of Wesnoth or those who use a similar military system like the city-state of Elensefar. Other humans are parts of non-default factions such as outlaws.
  • There are currently 24 factions in the game; each one based on a historical mediaeval civilisation. Players of the CtW however may also meet sub-factions and barbarians, which may be based on one or more civilisations, and even field their own special units and styles of play.
  • To buy a brand new faction, go to: City > Create A Faction which i located at the bottom left part of the city, under Factions. A new faction starts in 'peaceful' status, during which it can't be attacked. This status changes if you declare war on any faction. Structure: Shed Holds: 5 Members Costs: $1,000 x current number of factions in the game Respect: 250 Factions lose a respect point every 24 hours. If your respect hits zero points, you will lose your faction. Page Under Maintenence
  • Factions have long since divided mankind, and it is this division of man that allowed the demons to triumph within the first days of the invasion. Men who once stood against each other are now bound in eternal struggle against the infernals, brothers in arms. The Templar are a Holy Order of warriors whose beliefs and rituals guide their actions, and whose struggle is one that is both physical and spiritual in nature. The Cabalists are seekers of knowledge, and their goals and beliefs reflect their eternal quest in erudition. They see man's darkest hour as a new opportunity to unlock and discover the arcane knowledge possessed by the demons. Hunters were highly-trained ex-military operatives and members of secret government agencies most comfortable clinging to the shadows and dealing with
  • You can join a faction by talking to the Chance NPC who's in Moonhaven 175 200 (@warp moonhaven 175 200). He will tell you about the upcoming war, the factions, and the characteristics of each faction. Each character can choose only one faction, and it cannot be changed. Upon choosing a faction, you will receive a charm that gives additional bonuses based on that faction. All charms bless you actively while remaining in the Misc tab of your inventory, like Odin's Blessings, and are character-bound, faction-bound, and weigh 1 unit.
  • A complex system of factions exists in WoTMUD, some of which are easily understandable and identifiable to a newcomer unfamiliar with the Wheel of Time book series and some of which seem to cut across other factional lines and are a bit more opaque to the uninitiated. All factions in the game are definite reflections of Robert Jordan's story world, though the issues of contention and current interests of some factions are a shifting thing which is player driven.
  • Post-Starter
  • None
  • DALE
  • 2
  • #4 points
  • #Return to Arach Jalaal in the Tower Hangar.
  • #Return to Executor Hideo in Tower North.
  • #Return to Lakshmi-2 in the Tower Hangar.
  • #Visit the representative of Future War Cult, Lakshmi-2, in the Tower Hangar.
  • #Visit the representative of Dead Orbit, Arach Jalaal, in the Tower Hangar.
  • #Go back to Lord Shaxx in the Hall of Guardians to receive your reward.
  • #Visit the representative of New Monarchy, Executor Hideo, at Tower North.
  • 3690749376
obtainable from
  • 2
  • #Crucible Reputation #Experience
  • #Experience
  • Factions
  • Faction System
  • Miscellaneous
  • Faction Headquarters section banner on CRRP
  • Symbol of the 'x' Faction
  • Character-Run Organization
  • Huorn
  • Ranger of the North
  • Ent
  • Dwarf
  • High Elf
  • Rohirrim
  • Hobbit
  • Tauredain
  • Dunlendings
  • Moredain
  • Blue Mountains Dwarf
  • Dalishman
  • Dol Guldur Orc , Mirk-troll, Mirkwood Spider
  • Dorwinrim , Dorwinion Elf
  • Galadhrim Elf
  • Gondor Soldier , Ranger of Ithilien , Swan Knight
  • Gundabad Orc , Gundabad Warg, Gundabad Uruk
  • Half-Troll
  • Near Haradrim
  • Uruk-hai Isengard Warg
  • Wood-elf Woodland Elk
  • Balrog, Tormented Elf, Utumno Ice Spider, Utumno Orc , Utumno Troll, Utumno Warg
  • Black Uruk , Mordor Orc , Mordor Spider, Mordor Warg, Olog-hai, Orc Slaver
  • Angmar Orc , Angmar Warg , Troll, Hill-troll, Hillmen
  • None
  • •Angmar
  • •Blue Mountains
  • •Dale
  • •Dol Guldur
  • •Dorwinion
  • •Dunland
  • •Durin's Folk
  • •Fangorn
  • •Gondor
  • •Gundabad
  • •Half-trolls
  • •High Elves
  • •Hobbits
  • •Isengard
  • •Lothlórien
  • •Mordor
  • •Moredain
  • •Near Harad
  • •Rangers of the North
  • •Rohan
  • •Tauredain
  • •Woodland Realm
  • Faction Bound
  • Durin's Folk
  • Gondor
  • Mordor
  • Dale
  • Gundabad
  • Fangorn
  • High Elves
  • Angmar
  • Dol Guldur
  • Dúnedain of the North
  • Lothlórien
  • Dunland
  • Dorwinion
  • Woodland Realm
  • Hobbits
  • Half-trolls
  • Isengard
  • Tauredain
  • Moredain
  • Rohan
  • Utumno
  • Blue Mountains
  • Near Harad
  • Clash for the Future
  • Dead Orbit Rifter
  • Faction Symbol
  • Future Rumble Cult
  • Meet with Dead Orbit
  • Meet with New Monarchy
  • New Monarchy Relic Seeker
  • New Monarchy Skimisher
  • Return to Arach Jalaal
  • Return to Executor Hideo
  • Return to Lakshmi-2
  • Return to Shaxx
  • The Future War Cult
  • This is Dead Orbit Territory
  • 2014-07-06
  • Moredain
  • All factions
  • •Angmar
  • •Blue Mountains
  • •Dale
  • •Dol Guldur
  • •Dorwinion
  • •Dunland
  • •Durin's Folk
  • •Fangorn
  • •Gondor
  • •Gundabad
  • •Half-trolls
  • •High Elves
  • •Hobbits
  • •Isengard
  • •Lothlórien
  • •Mordor
  • •Mordor •Gundabad
  • •Moredain
  • •Near Harad
  • •Rangers of the North
  • •Rohan
  • •Tauredain
  • •Woodland Realm
  • Charm
  • Go back to Lord Shaxx in the Hall of Guardians to receive your reward.
  • Earn 4 points in the Rumble playlist. Top 3 finishes are worth 3, match completions are worth 1.
  • Earn 4 points in the Skirmish playlist. Wins are worth 3, match completions are worth 1.
  • Return to Arach Jalaal in the Tower Hangar.
  • Return to Executor Hideo in Tower North.
  • Return to Lakshmi-2 in the Tower Hangar.
  • Visit the representative of Dead Orbit, Arach Jalaal, in the Tower Hangar.
  • Visit the representative of Future War Cult, Lakshmi-2, in the Tower Hangar.
  • Visit the representative of New Monarchy, Executor Hideo, at Tower North.
  • Earn 4 points in the Control playlist. Wins are worth 3, match completions are worth 1.
  • Earn 4 points in the Rift playlist. Wins are worth 3, match completions are worth 1.
  • Earn 4 points in the Clash playlist. Wins are worth 3, match completions are worth 1.
  • Earn 4 points in the Salvage playlist. Wins are worth 3, match completions are worth 1.
  • None
  • Woodland Realm
  • •Angmar
  • •Blue Mountains
  • •Dale
  • •Dol Guldur
  • •Dorwinion
  • •Dunland
  • •Durin's Folk
  • •Fangorn
  • •Gondor
  • •Gundabad
  • •Half-trolls
  • •High Elves
  • •Hobbits
  • •Isengard
  • •Lothlórien
  • •Mordor
  • •Moredain
  • •Near Harad
  • •Near Haradrim
  • •Rangers of the North
  • •Rohan
  • •Tauredain
  • •Woodland Realm
  • Advanced and Elite RPers
  • Faction Symbol.png
  • 25891
  • 200
  • Warfare
  • 13
wikipage disambiguates
added in
  • 1
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crafting table
  • --12-21
  • A list of groups and organizations within the BattleTech universe.
  • The Faction System is a broad game system designed to promote organized player conflict within the society of Britannia. The fundamental goal of the conflict is to provide a foundation for player conflict based upon meaningful and contextual combat and conflict-related interactions. The system is designed to encourage the inclusion of a wide array of player types through the use of game mechanics that appeal to a broad set of play-styles. Factions is a group PvP system that exists only within the Felucca facet. The system consists of 4 Factions, 2 good and 2 evil, struggling for control of Britannia. Control is determined by eight Felucca cities (Britain, Magincia, Minoc, Moonglow, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper and Yew). Cities are captured by stealing the town Sigil, taking it back to your base, holding it for 10 hours to corrupt, and then placing it back in the respective town. The town is secured for 3 days until the sigil can be stolen once again. All factions are aggressive towards each other, meaning each faction member can be attacked freely by members of another faction. This type of warfare only takes place in Felucca, enemy faction players appear neutral in all other facets. To join a Faction, visit the stronghold of the one you wish to join and use the signup stone located near the entrance. You will be given a robe to show you allegiance and be able to join in the fight immediately.
  • This has created a culture of cynics and opportunists – mercenaries, smugglers, and privateers searching for new ways to make a profit. While it is no place for the altruist, the Commonwealth is filled with opportunities for those with the courage and skill to seize them. And beneath the cold veneer, there are a few hidden heroes – idealists such as the underground Commonwealth Restoration Organization, who oppose the corporate cancer and struggle to restore Solrain virtue. As internecine conflicts take place in the councils and boardrooms, Solrain's frontiers are threatened by enemies both new and old. The other major nations remain an ever-present source of expansionist pressures and competition for resources, but in the century since the Shift, more vicious groups have arisen with much less to lose. Border disruptions and pirate raids may be an occasional nuisance in frontier systems such as Bleakstone, but when even the busy manufacturing centers of the Zelcane Triangle are threatened, the Commonwealth's citizens must wonder if the bright trading hub at Solrain Core is still truly safe.
  • There are several different factions on Fate of Republic. These are the factions which has existed in the current timeline.
  • Throughout the Mercenaries series, there have been a diverse number of factions featured in each iteration, all fighting against and sometimes for each other towards a specific goal. Gameplay-wise, these factions provide the player with more ammunition, vehicles and weapons with which to engage everyone else in war, should they choose to become friends with these factions, but on the flip-side, being hostile towards these groups will obviously get you into a lot of battles with them as well.
  • Factions have long since divided mankind, and it is this division of man that allowed the demons to triumph within the first days of the invasion. Men who once stood against each other are now bound in eternal struggle against the infernals, brothers in arms. The Templar are a Holy Order of warriors whose beliefs and rituals guide their actions, and whose struggle is one that is both physical and spiritual in nature. The Cabalists are seekers of knowledge, and their goals and beliefs reflect their eternal quest in erudition. They see man's darkest hour as a new opportunity to unlock and discover the arcane knowledge possessed by the demons. Hunters were highly-trained ex-military operatives and members of secret government agencies most comfortable clinging to the shadows and dealing with threats in their own deadly ways. Whichever path they tread, it is one that defines them heroes.
  • The estates of power in the known worlds are divided into a triumverate between the Noble Houses, the Universal Church and the Merchant League. The first estate of power is that of the nobility and contains both the Imperium and the Noble Houses. Of the many noble houses throughout the Known Worlds, five have achieved prominence and effectively ruled most of Human Space - under their new Emperor, of course. The Emperor Wars took a toll on many of these houses: the losers now struggle to regain lost lands or power, while the victorious fight to ensure that their rivals stay down. The Universal Church of the Celestial Sun The Church's decrees affects the lives of countless billions of citizens of the Empire. The Church is not wholly united as it often is split into sects and orders. There are five major sects of the church as well as many mendicant or Heyschast orders as well as certain other sects and orders. The Merchant League is the remnant of the Second Republic, a union of Mercantile Guilds who ensure that the economy of the Empire is maintained. Five major Guilds have risen to power and are surrounded by numerous Minor Guilds. Ruling the disparate masses of the Known Worlds many other factions also vie for power: * Alien Races * Intelligence Organizations * Knightly Orders * Religions * Heresies * Psychic Covens * Pagan Faiths * Secret Societies * Revolutionaries * Cults * Terrorists * Barbarians
  • Neither faction has any inherent weaponary or ability advantage over the other, though some argue some maps slightly favour one team, with the initial two bases the players capture generally depending on their faction. These slight issues arise due to a lack of symmetry on Battlefield Heroes maps.
  • The many factions of Neo Hyrule are divided into three main types: Good, Evil, and Neutral. They are as follows: The Repliforce are officially known as the Army of Hyrule, though they have been known to extend their aid across many different countries and lands. While this army is largely Reploid, there are a growing number of Humans and other races joining the fight. The newly added Special Tactics and Rescue Squad, or "S.T.A.R.S.", are the most elite of these human combatants. The vigilante "army" of Termina, the Maverick Hunters are more of world warriors than anything else. They strike fast and hard at Mavericks and any other evil that decides to rear its ugly head. The Hunters are a smaller, more elite group than the Repliforce, and as such, entry is much more difficult. The Hunters follow a much more fluid rank structure in which the Reploids best suited for a particular situation take charge during that situation, no matter how many other people may outrank him or her traditionally. An ancient order of stealth-attackers sworn to defend the Hyrulean Royal Family. As of late, they have been more and more inclined to lend their aid to other anti-evil organizations when their aid is not required by the royal family. There are very few members, and they are extremely elite. Absolute loyalty to the Royal Family and very finely honed skills are a must for applicants into the Sheikah. To the outside world, SeeD is a mercenary force for hire, conducting missions around the world as battle support and undercover operatives. Their services are requested by governments and civilians, their tasks range from providing military support to protecting civilians. Its true purpose however is to monitor and contain the activity of dark forces, should they ever pose a threat to the world. A mysterious organization that arose shortly after the Mages cast the shroud upon Terra. They work very closely with the other groups to eliminate the threat of evil where it may arise, but no one knows exactly who they are or what their goals are. Each member carries a Ryuusei Star Carrier, which seems to have vastly improved capabilities than the normal Star Carriers.. A fledgeling vigilante organization, headed by Red and the ex-Maverick Epsilon. They seem to be on the good guys' side, but as with all new organizations, they are watched closely. Unlike the games; Mavericks here are Maverick by choice, not by virus. They believe humans to be worthless, disgusting life forms; and take every opportunity they can to wipe them out. Most of the Mavericks are completely insane; with the few more intelligent ones running the pack. Sigma was wiped out many years ago; bringing Lumine into power. Lumine has proved superior to his predecessor in every way; and the world now faces a worse threat than before. To the public, Umbrella is a simple pharmaceutical company, creating new medicines to save lives. But the reality of Umbrella corp is terrifying, at best. At its many secret research facilities, viruses and biological weapons are developed and tested. It would only take a small leak of one of these viruses to cause a catastrophe the likes of which the world has never known... A group of leftover machines from the destroyed Elysium have made their home in various ruins; planning for the day they will reemerge and wipe the planet clean of life, then start anew. Their numbers seem to grow daily, though they refuse to accept any outside additions.. An alliance between dozens of the most ruthless sea, space, and sky pirates the world has ever known. When pirates start to join forces, it can only spell trouble for the rest of the world... A guild of Diggers, Raiders, and Treasure Hunters who gather to share stories, trade tips, and compare loot. Though they are generally a kind-hearted bunch, there are plenty of unsavoury characters in this Guild, and they not every Digger you meet will necessarily be a kind one. A clan of monster hunters and mercenaries that post bills for monsters and heros alike. Joining the clan grants you access to exclusive hunts that civilians cannot access. The common folk. This is where every character starts out at first. Choose an organization or two to join, and get started on your journey!
  • As of April, 2017, there are eight known factions holding at least one robot and one faction with no robots. On the Facebook page of Walking War Robots, this picture was released, showing each robot currently available in game at the time. There are a total of eight possible factions: * TMC (Transatlantic Military Corporation): This group consists of one light robot, one medium robot, and two heavy robots. * RUS (Russian Empire): This faction is made up of a light robot, two (three?) medium robots, and one heavy robot. * GER (Neue Ordnung): The Neue Ordnung is made up of two light robots, one medium robot, and one heavy robot. * FFA (Freedom Fighter's Alliance): As of update 1.5.1, this group only officially features a medium robot (and an unaffiliated light robot.) * PRC (People's Republic of China): This group has no robots, experimental or available to purchase as of update 1.5.1. * BAF (British Armed Forces): A faction with one light robot, one medium robot, and one heavy robot. All have physical shields built into the design and resemble the knights of old. * JSDF (Japanese Self-Defence Force) The name is theorised, but this faction produces one quadrupedal medium robot and one quadrupedal heavy robot. * USA (United States of America) This faction produces light, medium and heavy "gunslinger" robots, who are named after famous Wild Western cowboys.
  • A faction is a group of units that are not necessarily of the same race. These are sets of units available to a particular leader and often reflect alliances between various races or divisions within a race. For example, Northerners cover orcs, trolls, and other races who often ally with the orcs in war. On the other hand, Loyalists only cover humans who are part of the army of the kingdom of Wesnoth or those who use a similar military system like the city-state of Elensefar. Other humans are parts of non-default factions such as outlaws. Factions in multiplayer are determined by an era. Eras are groups of factions that cover a particular theme - for instance, the Default Era covers the common races that appear frequently during the history of Wesnoth, such as Undead. In eras, the units a particular faction can recruit are internally consistent with the version of the era. On the other hand, "factions" as they appear in single player campaigns can change according to the plot of the campaign. In the campaign Northern Rebirth, the player can only recruit peasants and woodsmen in the first scenario but gets more diverse recruit lists later on. The factions in single player usually do not match up completely with the factions in multiplayer. The Battle for Wesnoth has a diverse amount of multiplayer factions. There are six factions that are currently in the Default Era, which comes with the game. Other factions are made by users and available as add-ons, usually packaged in eras with other factions. What follows is a list of the major factions, as sorted by era.
  • There are many factions inside the Sirius Sector which have their own particular roles, territories and allegiances. Many are localized to one House or another, while others work throughout the Sirius Sector. * Liberty Factions * Bretonia Factions * Rheinland Factions * Kusari Factions * Independent Factions * Other Factions
  • ==Der Anbeginn==Alles beginnt, kurz nachdem die Spieler als vielversprechende Schüler im Kloster von Shing Jea unter der Aufsicht ihres Großmeisters ihre Ausbildung genossen, sich zwei Klassen angeeignet und ihren Abschluß gemacht haben. Meister Togo ist von den Leistungen der Spieler beeindruckt und beschließt, sie dieses Jahr persönlich Minister Cho vorzustellen. Als die Gruppe jedoch auf Minister Chos Anwesen eintrifft, treffen sie das reinste Chaos an. Eine Krankheit hat beinahe alle befallen, die sich auf dem Anwesen aufhalten. Die Spieler folgen Meister Togo durch das Anwesen, während sie sich beeilen, den Minister zu retten - doch leider müssen sie entdecken, dass die Krankheit auch den Minister befallen hat, und zwar schlimmer als alle anderen: Er verwandelt sich in ein entsetzliches Untier, und die Spieler sind gezwungen, ihn zu töten. Langsam befällt die Krankheit auch andere Gebiete der Insel, und Meister Togo und seine Schüler forschen fieberhaft nach der Ursache der Seuche. Verschiedene Hinweise lassen Meister Togo glauben, sie habe ihren Ursprung auf der Ostseite der Insel. Bei ihrer Erkundung des heiligen Tales von Zen Daijun entdecken die Spieler, dass die Krankheit dort bislang am furchtbarsten gewütet hat. Nach Horden befallener Kreaturen und einem bösartigen Miasma, das die Spieler auszulöschen droht, erreichen sie endlich die geheiligte Bibliothek von Daijun und besiegen den befallenen Kana, der die verseuchte Streitmacht anführt. Meister Togos Untersuchung der Bibliothek fördert Erschreckendes zutage: Shiro Tagachi, der Verräter, ist zurückgekehrt, um Cantha erneut in Angst und Schrecken zu versetzen. Dies zwingt Togo, sich in die Stadt Kaineng zu begeben, um mit seinem Bruder, Kaiser Kisu, zu beraten. Er schickt auch nach seinem ehemaligen tyrianischen Schüler, Bruder Mhenlo. In der Stadt stellt Togo ernüchtert fest, dass die Seuche bereits bis dorthin vorgedrungen ist. Gemeinsam mit seinen Schülern, die ihn nach Kaineng begleitet haben, versucht er die Krankheit zu bekämpfen. Meister Togos canthanische Schüler und Bruder Mhenlos tyrianische Begleiter treffen sich am Vizunahplatz und stellen sich einer Horde von Befallenen. Der Einsatz ist erfolgreich, doch in der letzten Gegnerwelle erkennen sie einen gebundenen Geist im Dienste Shiro Tagachis. Als dieses Geschöpf stirbt, erscheint Shiro in seiner Gestalt als Gesandter, tötet sämtliche Spieler und zieht sich befriedigt zurück. Mehrere andere Gesandte erscheinen. Sie mißbilligen Shiros Tat, der seine Verantwortung mißbraucht, Seelen in die Nebel zu überführen, und sie stattdessen als seine willenlose Armee einsetzt. Um Shiros Methoden entgegenzuwirken, beschließen sie, eine Zeitlang sein Spiel mitzuspielen. Sie erwecken die Spieler wieder zum Leben, bitten aber, dass diese Shiro Einhalt gebieten. Hierfür müssen die Spieler zu Weh no Su werden, also "näher an die Sterne" gelangen, was sie befähigen wird, geistige Wesen wie Shiro im Reich der Sterblichen zu bekämpfen. Die Spieler suchen Suun, das Orakel der Nebel und Wächter des Sternentempels, auf, um Weh no Su zu werden. ==Näher an den Sternen==Für Weh no Su müssen sich die Spieler einer Prüfung im Nahpuiviertel unterziehen, indem sie die Himmlischen, welche die vier großen Sünden repräsentieren, besiegen. Danach können die Spieler Weisung bei den Geistern der canthanischen Helden im Tahnnakai-Tempel suchen. Am Tempel angekommen, teilt Mhenlo den Spielern mit, dass Meister Togo und Nika, eine Assassine der Obsidianflamme, einen Angriff Befallener abwehren wollen und nun in ernster Gefahr sind. Gerade noch rechtzeitig treffen die Spieler ein und retten Togo und Nika. Meister Togo gewährt ihnen nun Zugang zum Tempel. Im Tempel selbst herrschen schlimme Zustände. Shiro Tagachi hat die Geister der alten Helden in seinen Geistfesslern gefangengenommen. Während andere seiner Macht anheimgefallen sind, widersteht Vizu, die Assassine, die ihn damals beim Erntedankfest besiegte, noch immer seinem Willen. Die Spieler müssen sich beeilen, um sie vom Geistfessler zu befreien, bevor ihre Seele überwältigt wird. Die Spieler befreien Vizu, und sie nennt ihnen eine Möglichkeit, Shiro zu bezwingen: mit der Hilfe zweier Artefakte des Kurzick-Helden Viktor und des Luxon-Helden Archemorus. ==Urne und Speer==Die erste Aufgabe besteht darin, die Urne von St. Viktor von den Kurzick zu besorgen. Glücklicherweise stattet Danika, Tochter des Graf zu Heltzer, der Stadt Kaineng einen Besuch ab. Der Kaiser hofft, Danika könne der Schlüssel sein, die Gunst des Grafen zu erringen. Er bittet die Spieler, Danika aufzusuchen und sich ihrer Hilfe zu versichern. Danika stimmt zu und führt sie zu ihrem Vater. Der Graf weigert sich nicht, die Urne herauszugeben, um damit gegen Shiro vorzugehen - doch die Urne entzieht sich im Augenblick auch dem Zugriff der Kurzick selbst: sie steht in der Kathedrale zu Heltzer, einst ein heiliger Ort, heute eine Ruine. Der magische Schutz der Kathedrale versagte vor langer Zeit, und der Ort ist heute übersät mit Baumwächtern und noch viel schlimmeren Geschöpfen. In der Mission Arborstein begleiten die Spieler Danika und Mhenlo in die Kathedrale, um die Urne zu holen. In dem Augenblick, als die Urne von ihrem Sockel genommen wird, bricht jedoch die Hölle los, und Teile der Kathedrale stürzen in sich zusammen. Der Ausgang ist versperrt. Nur Mhenlo schafft es rechtzeitig hinaus. Die Spieler sind gezwungen, ihren Weg durch die einstürzende Kathedrale zu suchen, und flüchten aus der Hintertür in die Altrumm-Ruinen. Meister Togo geleitet die Spieler zum Boreas-Meeresgrund, um dort von den Luxon den Speer des Archemorus zu besorgen. Sie treffen am Tage der Versammlung ein, wo die drei Luxon-Clans sich im Kampfe messen, um die Ehre zu erhalten, den Speer gegen den Kraken Zhu Hanuku zu verwenden und ihn bis zur nächsten Versammlung überantwortet zu bekommen. Die Spieler nehmen am Wettbewerb um den Speer teil und besiegen die Helden der drei Clans. Die Ehre, gegen Zhu Hanuku vorzugehen, fällt den Spielern zu, und sie schlagen eine fabelhafte Schlacht gegen den Riesenkraken. Gerade als sie den Sieg feiern wollen, erscheint Mhenlo mit einer neuen schlechten Nachricht: Die Befallenen marschieren auf die Stadt zu, und der Kaiser befürchtet einen Angriff. ==Shiros vorläufiges Ende==Die Kaiserliche Garde entdeckt, dass Shiro eine Armee von Befallenen in der Unterstadt versammelt. Der Kaiser läßt die Spieler eine Schwadron Palastgardisten in den Sunjiang-Bezirk führen, wo die Quelle dieser Störung liegt. Dort decken die Spieler Shiros Pläne auf. Er hat Geisterrisse in die Menschenwelt geöffnet und bringt gebundene Geister herbei, die für ihn kämpfen. Diese Geister sind weit mächtiger als die watschelnden Streitkräfte der Befallenen. Die Spieler beschließen, die Risse zu schließen und Shiro zu konfrontieren, bevor seine Armee unbesiegbar groß wird. Als sie schließlich Shiro erreichen, bewohnt sein Geist vier verschiedene Konstrukte, mit deren Fertigkeiten er die Spieler bekämpft, aber da er die Spieler unterschätzt, werden die Konstrukte besiegt. Dennoch ist jedem bewußt, dass dies nicht Shiros Ende ist. Nun erscheinen die Gesandten und tragen den Spielern auf, die Hilfe der Kurzick und Luxon zu suchen, um sich Shiro vereint entgegenzustellen. Die beiden Artefakte sind nicht genug; nur ihre vereinten Kräfte haben eine Chance, Shiro ein- für allemal zu besiegen. ==Jeder muss sich für eine Seite entscheiden==Um beide Nationen zu überzeugen, dass eine Einigung gegen Shiro wichtig ist, teilen sich Meister Togo und Mhenlo auf und ermutigen die Spieler, es ihnen gleichzutun. Mhenlo begibt sich zu den Kurzick, um sie für die Einigung zu überreden, und Meister Togo sucht die Luxon auf. Die Spieler müssen entweder Freunde der Luxon oder der Kurzick werden, indem sie 10.000 Belohnungspunkte der entsprechenden Fraktion sammeln. Diejenigen, welche sich die Kurzick zu Freunden machen, bekommen eine Pflicht von höchster Wichtigkeit überantwortet: Sie müssen drei Freiwillige zum ewigen Hain begleiten, wo diese zu Elite-Molochen werden, den unsterblichen Verteidigern des Echowalds. Als sie den Hain erreichen, fallen die Luxon ein und wollen die ewigen Bäume zerstören, die Quelle der Molochs, und somit die Kriegsmaschinerie der Kurzick stören. Die Spieler wehren die Luxon ab und sind überrascht, als sich die Luxon plötzlich ergeben. Der Grund hierfür wird bald ersichtlich: Eine Streitmacht von Befallenen hat die Luxon verfolgt und ist darauf aus, alle Menschen, denen sie begegnet, zu töten. Die Luxon und Kurzick verbünden sich gegen ihren gemeinsamen Feind und können den Hain beschützen. Die Kurzick verbrennen die Leichen der Befallenen, um jede Möglichkeit der Ansteckung zu unterbinden, und die Luxon berichten den Spielern von Meister Togo: Er und die Luxon haben sich zum Erntetempel in den verschlafenen Gewässern aufgemacht. Diejenigen, die sich die Luxon zu Freunden machen, müssen veruntreute Schildkröteneier sicherstellen und zur Gyala-Brutstätte zurückbringen. Dort schlüpfen junge Schildkröten aus den Eiern, welche die Spieler zu den Leviathangruben geleiten müssen. Hierbei verteidigen die Spieler eine Karawane junger Schildkröten auf dem Weg zu den Gruben gegen einfallende Kurzick, welche die Kriegsbestien der Luxon an ihrem verwundbarsten Punkt töten wollen. Nachdem so manche Welle von Kurzick ihr Leben läßt, greifen plötzlich Befallene an! Erschrocken kämpfen Kurzick und Luxon Seite an Seite, um den Befallenen Einhalt zu gebieten und nicht selbst zu Befallenen zu werden. Bevor beide Seiten ihre alte Feindschaft wiederauffrischen können, trifft Meister Togo ein und sagt ihnen, die Rückkehr der Befallenen signalisiere die Rückkehr von Shiro Tagachi. Er fordert sie dazu auf, ihren närrischen Krieg einzustellen und sich gegen Shiro zusammenzutun. Die Luxon und die Kurzick sehen die Vorzüge in Meister Togos Ratschlag, und folgen seinen Anweisungen. ==In den Fußstapfen des Verräters==Die Kurzick- und die Luxon-Spieler treffen in den verschlafenen Gewässern aufeinander und erbitten Audienz bei der Drachendame Kuunavang, die nun im Erntetempel wohnt. Kuunavang selbst ist von Shiro beeinflußt und bringt den Spielern erheblichen Widerstand entgegen. Die Spieler besiegen mehrere Wellen von Befallenen und überstehen Kuunavangs überwältigende Angriffe, bevor sie es letztlich bis in den Erntetempel hinein schaffen und sie besiegen. Ihre Sklaverei bezüglich Shiro ist gebrochen, und Kuunavang bietet den Spielern ihre Hilfe an. Sie berät mit den Spielern und den Gesandten, und sie alle versuchen Shiros Pläne zu erkennen: Shiro bereitet einen Zauber vor, mit dem er ins Reich der Sterblichen zurückkehren kann, und ihm fehlt nur noch eine einzige Zutat, um den Fluch, der auf ihm liegt, aufzuheben: Er muß erneut das Blut der Kaiserfamilie vergießen. ==Die letzte Begegnung==Mit großer Eile zum Kaiser Die Spieler eilen zum Raisu-Palast zurück, kommen jedoch zu spät, um Shiro aufzuhalten. Seine Shiro'ken-Armee hat die Verteidigung des Palastes überwältigt. Während die Palastgarde sich zu sammeln und zu organisieren versucht, fällt Shiro ins kaiserliche Refugium ein, des Kaisers Thronsaal, wo er alle Palastwachen tötet und den Kaiser in einem Zauber gefangennimmt. Als die Spieler eintreffen, ist der Palast abgeriegelt. Mit Hilfe einiger Verbündeter und Kuunavang mit ihrem Geschenk einer himmlischen Fertigkeit erkämpfen sich die Spieler ihren Weg durch den Palast, vernichten die Shiro'ken-Armee und dringen bis zum Thronsaal vor. Als sie den Thronsaal betreten, eilt Togo seinem Bruder zu Hilfe. Shiro erscheint in einem Blitz, nimmt Meister Togo gefangen und entführt ihn tief in die kaiserlichen Gärten. Er hat sein kaiserliches Blut gespürt und die Konzentration der Spieler auf den Kaiser ausgenutzt, um eine andere Seele zu erhaschen, die seinen Plan genauso erfüllen kann wie der Kaiser. Meister Togo wird kaltblütig ermordet, und Shiro kehrt endgültig ins Reich der Sterblichen zurück. Es fehlt die Zeit, um Togo zu betrauern. Shiro muß aufgehalten werden, und Mhenlo führt die Spieler in die letzte Schlacht. Mit Kuunavangs Hilfe konfrontieren die Spieler Shiro ein letztes Mal. Er schlägt sich fabelhaft, doch seine neuerliche Sterblichkeit beschert ihm seine größte Verwundbarkeit: den Tod. Es ist ein schwieriger Kampf, doch die Spieler triumphieren. Als Shiro stirbt, erscheinen die Akolythen des Sonnentempels unter Suuns Leitung und versiegeln Shiros sterbliche Gestalt in Jade. Shiros Geist fällt in die Hände der Gesandten, da er eines sterblichen Todes gestorben ist. Er kann nicht länger etwas von den Gesandten verlangen. Als sie auf ihre Pläne bezüglich Shiro angesprochen werden, sagen die Gesandten einfach, sie hätten einen besonderen Ort in der Unterwelt für ihn reserviert. Dort könne er für seine Sünden Buße tun. ==Epilog==Der göttliche Pfad Die Spieler haben Cantha gerettet. Sie haben Shiro besiegt, die Seuche aufgehalten, die kriegführenden Parteien vereint und den Kaiser gerettet, der die Spieler ehrenvoll empfängt und ihnen zu Ehren ein Festival veranstaltet. Aus ganz Cantha strömen Freunde herbei, um Canthas neuen Helden ihren Tribut zu zollen.
  • In Crackdown and Crackdown 2, various factions vie for control of Pacific City. In Crackdown, the Agency is at war with three criminal gangs that each hold sway over one of the city's three districts. In Crackdown 2, the rebellious Cell and Freak infestation have ravaged the city and pushed the Agency back into its Tower.
  • I Star Wars universet, har der været mange forskellige factioner, både grupper at kriminelle, oprører, imperier, samt forskellige alliancer. Denne liste er ikke helt complet, og vil blive udvidet.
  • You can join a faction by talking to the Chance NPC who's in Moonhaven 175 200 (@warp moonhaven 175 200). He will tell you about the upcoming war, the factions, and the characteristics of each faction. Each character can choose only one faction, and it cannot be changed. Upon choosing a faction, you will receive a charm that gives additional bonuses based on that faction. All charms bless you actively while remaining in the Misc tab of your inventory, like Odin's Blessings, and are character-bound, faction-bound, and weigh 1 unit. As for the rest of the factions' equipment, you can check their description and purchase them for 100 WoE Tokens each from King Solomon (@warp moonhaven 200 240).
  • In Bionicle, there were several different factions with the most power or in greatest population. Each employed, recruited, or forced agents in order to fulfill their goals. They are listed here, with basic descriptions.
  • Related topics: Cultures, , Faction Quests, Player Factions __TOC__ Some NPCs can be readily identified by the tabard they wear.
  • There are two main factions - the Union and the Confederacy. The Union is a conglomeration of various worlds and countries, more or less dedicated to trying to keep themselves safe. Membership into the Union requires free passage between the various states, countries and worlds for law-abiding citizens as well as a contribution in terms of resources (according to the ability to give) to the common defense and welfare. In general the rights of sentients are considered of paramount importance by the Union, and though some areas are ruled by monarchies and dictatorships, democracy is in general the rule of the day, and those areas under dictatorships had best treat their citizens nicely and allow them to leave if they see fit, lest they be booted out. The Union is headed by a legislature and an executive council which executes policy. Further, the Union has a powerful military wing, which fights to protect its citizens. The Union's military wing also has a number of affiliated members who, though not directly under military control, nevertheless assist in help when needed. Most 'wandering heros' fall into this category. Although the Union does much to defend the rights of sentients, even those not in this quasi-mega-nation, they are well aware of the necessities of warfare, and are willing to take aggressive steps when necessary, including attacking enemy "civilians", executing enemy prisoners, and beating information out of prisoners should the conditions warrant. Though this is not usually standard practice, it does happen and is an accepted fact. The Confederacy on the other hand are the 'bad guys'. In general the Confederacy is a lose organization of countries, individuals, empires and other such organizations that are bent on destroying the Union. The Confederacy's military and civilian lines as a whole are somewhat indistinct - it is difficult to tell just where one begins and one ends. Almost all in the Confederacy are in this for their own goals - desire to take over the world is not unique and it's almost certain that should the Union ever fall the Confederacy would immediately be plunged into self-destructive civil war for control. Military discipline is harsh, civilian casualties are usually acceptable, and the rights of sentients are marginal at best, usually being that the strong survive. Surprisingly, though, like the Union, the Confederacy is also comprised of a Council, albeit the Council is often embroiled in its own backstabbing politics, leaving the military to its own devices. Nevertheless the Council controls resources sufficiently such that the military will continue to bend to its will (although in truth the military has by nature a fairly broad amount of discression at its own disposal so long as it keeps the Confederacy solvent and the Council happy). Most characters should fit into either the Union or the Confederacy. Many worlds will have part of their territory taken by one or the other. The Union's capital city is New Washington, located on the East Coast of one of the Americas in the Strait of the Americas. The Confederacy's capital city is New Pyongyang, located on the Korean Peninsula on a copy of Earth about 250,000 miles southwest of the Union's capital city - not too far considering the methods of transportation employed. There are other factions present - the Unified world is staggering in size - but these are the main two for the part of the MUSH that is used. Other small factions may be added as time goes by, but large ones will likely be TP only in nature. There is a third "faction" of note within the Multiverse. The Cirrus-Marine Pact When the Union and Confederacy were forming from the splintered "proto-factions" that each was born from, a smaller, third faction formed under the Cirrus-Marine Pact. It consisted almost entirely of a group of nations from worlds that were either neutral from the start, or grew tired of being involved in the war effort and split off from the proto-factions. Swearing non-aggression to the superfactions, and promising not to favor one over the other in trade matters so long as the Union and Confederacy did not do them harm, the members of the Cirrus-Marine pact were left to their own devices. Their "twin" capitols are Cirrus and Marine Cities, located in the western part of the Great Ocean. Although they are not as strong as either the Union or Confederacy, the collective resources and forces of Cirrus-Marine are considerable and no single world has the manpower required to do them permanent harm -- nonetheless, unlike New Pyonyang and New Washington, their capitols are much more readily assailable, even if a prolonged attack would be paid with by blood. Cirrus-Marine's citizens enjoy freedom comparable to that of the Union, but there is some measure of censorship within the media in order to avoid seriously provoking one of the larger powers -- more noteably the Confederacy, which has on rare occasion given the neutral territories trouble. Cirrus-Marine's government is a democracy, and they maintain a significant defensive force. Were Cirrus-Marine to join with one of the larger factions, they would provide a significant advantage in the war effort, and their territories frequently use this to their advantage, primarily for leverage against the Confederacy. Note: While apping into Cirrus-Marine as a civilian, or as a part of it's defensive force is possible, it is inadvisable to do so. They're going to see a lot less action because most nations in the Cirrus-Marine Pact want to stay neutral, and going directly against that goal can get you dishonorably discharged, and booted from their territories entirely if you piss off the wrong people.
  • Main_Page > Vampire: The Requiem > Factions Additional factions for existing covenants. * Septembriseurs. By Atlastawake. A violent group of Catharians who were inspired by their namesake from the French Revolution.
  • You can either join or create a faction. Icons vary, and the Creator can set a name reccomended hours, as well as Minimum levels, & Reputation to join. Membership can be open, invitation or private. A faction chat feature is also available. Each Faction consists of up to 30 Members. By being in a faction, you have an opportunity to add a Leader from another Member as a 6th character, in areas such as the Roadmap & World Stages Each member may be allocated certain rights, as per the below table.
  • Factions :
  • Factions in The Installation War
  • In the Saga of Seven Suns people are working together in various factions, each with its own interests at stake. This page attempts to list and categorize the various factions. Humans (race) EDF - the Earth Defense Force. Roamers - Merchants, outcasts, gypsies. Free-roaming spirits. Green Priests - Servants of the world forest of Theron. Ildirans (race) Hydrogues (race) Klikiss (race) Robots (race)
  • There are 7 different factions in Tibia, you can choose only three. They are: * The Djinn Factions, which are split into the Green Djinns and the Blue Djinns. * The Nightmare Knights and the Brotherhood of Bones factions. * The Secret Service Factions, which include CGB, AVIN and TBI.
  • Factions are groups within the Nexus Force which players can join in LEGO Universe, each with its own unique focus and abilities. Only one Faction may be joined after completing four initiation challenges. Each Faction has three of their own Specialties. It is required to join a Faction on Nimbus Station and join the Nexus Force in order to visit any world past Avant Gardens and Nimbus Station.
  • The homosexuals
  • The Faction System is a hybrid RP-stat system developed to help players organize their characters into in-multiverse like-minded groups. The faction system grants characters access to: their own Faction Headquarters, which is a subforum where they may RP and keep vehicles, followers and equipment; participation in the World Takeover System, which allows them to dominate worlds for glory and statistic bonuses; and a support base of other members and their characters from which to launch adventures and storylines.
  • There are four total factions in the galaxy of Sins of a Solar Empire. Three of these factions are controllable by the player: the industrious Trader Emergency Coalition (TEC), the psychic Advent and the technologically advanced Vasari. The fourth faction, the Pirates, are an NPC faction that exists only to collect bounties by destroying ships of the other three. In the Rebellion stand-alone expansion, the three factions have fractured into Loyalist and Rebel camps, that have different philosophies and take very different stances on their enemies.
  • The Galactrix universe features various mega-corporations who have taken over the universe and formed "factions" that essentially operate as independent nations. In addition to the mega-corporations, there are alien races such as the Vortraag and independent factions such as Pirates and the Soulless.
  • Three main Factions currently oppose each other in The World: Arvakv of the humans, Ogmios of the beasts, and Teutates comprised of both humans and beasts. These three forces sometimes fight and sometimes cooperate with one another in a three-way war.
  • Factions are the available side of power though military strength from Space Units and Ground Units with the amount of planets taken. The available factions in Empire at war is the Galactic empire, Rebel alliance, Zann Consortium and the Pirates (not playable). Each faction have lots of unique units both space and land, this allows for different tactics and strategies.
  • Factions are split up into a few main categories, based on location, and type of faction.
  • This page is the easy path to the two main factions of the Warcraft universe and the other minor factions.
  • Once the largest and most influential Noble House, controlling seven provinces and more than 20 legions, House Daratan was almost destroyed during the War. Today less than 100 people still loyal to the Daratan name control a small town named Teron, that has definitely seen better days. As House Daratan draws its last gasp, some within are preparing for one last fight, to shift the balance of power and restore the noble House at any cost.
  • Known for being widespread across 2b2t, factions are an association or a group of players with a shared goal among the group. Factions vary from being buildmates/basemates to a group of griefers. Some factions are also known for being incredibly autistic. Groups on 2b also have the unique oddity where members of one group can be apart of another, meaning that groups can have overlapping members.
  • There are various Factions on the continent of Cera Bella.
  • A complex system of factions exists in WoTMUD, some of which are easily understandable and identifiable to a newcomer unfamiliar with the Wheel of Time book series and some of which seem to cut across other factional lines and are a bit more opaque to the uninitiated. All factions in the game are definite reflections of Robert Jordan's story world, though the issues of contention and current interests of some factions are a shifting thing which is player driven. In-game factions include racial conflict, national conflict, clan warfare, tribal warfare and sectarian and intra-sectarian warfare, all in addition to the overwhelming (yet sometimes subtle) influence of the Dark One's war against all which pits Light versus Dark in a much grander way.
  • Factions are one of the largest type of mod for Glest, but also the most expansive and elaborative. Factions are the "team" of units and upgrades that a player controls. For example, Magic is a faction, part of the Magitech Techtree. All factions must belong to a techtree, which defines the resources and attack/armour types that factions can use (and are shared among factions in that techtree).
  • Guild Wars: Factions jest drugą kampanią gry Guild Wars. W U.S.A. została ona wydana 28.04.2006r. Rozgrywa się ona w świecie Cantha (Kintaj) stworzonym na wzór Dalekiego Wschodu.
  • The factions menu can be accessed by entering the Middle-earth menu (default press "L") and scrolling over to the Factions section. This displays your alignment with all factions, and some other statistics. There are three main categories: "The West", "Rhun", and "Harad". Every faction has an alignment meter - this is the defining characteristic of what constitutes a 'faction'. Besides this, factions have at least some of the following exclusive features, and many have all of them: * - used to craft the faction's exclusive items * - bricks, pillars, and others, craftable on the faction table * and - craftable and generally worn by the faction's NPCs * Banner - craftable and held by the faction's Banner Bearers * Shield - a cosmetic item to display your allegiance (worn by some NPCs and by the player if their alignment is high enough) * Titles - earned by getting alignment with the faction * Mini-quests - sometimes given when speaking to NPCs * Traders - often sell the faction's items * Unit traders - from whom you can hire the faction NPCs to serve you * Invasions - an in-game event where groups of the faction's mobs spawn in a biome that they are at war with * Horn of Conquest - a horn you can buy from the faction's unit trader to summon an invasion of the corresponding faction * - houses, fortresses, and so on, that spawn in the faction's biomes and include NPCs * Biomes - the region(s) of Middle-earth, the faction's people live in Some factions also have sub-factions, which are distinct groups within the main faction that also have some of these features. Sub-factions are not true factions because they do not have their own alignment meters. These include the Men of Dol Amroth (a sub-faction of Gondor) and the Rhudaur hillmen (a sub-faction of Angmar), among others. Note that the Utumno faction will always be enemies with the player; its alignment cannot be changed, and will always remain -66,666.
  • The following is a list of all factions on the /pol/andcraft server. Users are free to add their own factions under the 'Active Factions' section, or move dead factions accordingly to the 'Inactive/Defunct Factions' section. Note that this list may be outdated as factions form and disband frequently, and it is up to factions themselves to maintain their Wiki pages. For a handy, 100% accurate reference, join the server and type "/f list" for a list of all existing factions.
  • The only playable faction are the . Other factions such as the , the , the, the and the are presented as adversaries, while the and the are mostly neutral, but can act as allies or enemies to the Tenno.
  • Factions are an important part of the current Matrix system. Each faction is controlled by either an important group or powerful individual for different purposes. There are four main factions.
  • There are three main faction on Rubi-Ka: * Omni-Tek * The Clan * the Neutrals There are two main factions in the Shadowlands: * The Redeemed * The Unredeemed There is an additional faction that is neutral in the conflict opposing the Redeemed and the Unredeemed. It is represented by the robotic entity Ergo and its followers, the Yuttos (or yuttocratas). Ergo's faction is known as the Guardian of Shadows or GOS faction.
  • Factions are groups formed by sentient beings factions include the Avernites and Slitherzakai horde the empire is also a faction but isn't seen much. All factions have separate laws and are often divided into minor groups which have there own small territories the faction that the players party start in is the Avernites
  • Factions are groups in the game that players can ally with. The more "favors" you do for each faction the higher reputation you get with them. Once your reputation count gets to a certain number you will jump to the next status of the faction and will be allowed more features.
  • The rowdy but friendly tattooed people of the Shard of Ringfell are known as the Speyrfolk. They used to be known as excellent traders, exporting Ringfell's resources to the other Shards. But all the trading came to an immediate halt a good 70 years ago when the Speyrfolk's luck suddenly evaporated. All Speyrfolk outside of Ringfell suddenly died, while those on the board of shardship in the vicinity of the Shard turned fatally ill. Those left on Ringfell were spared, but anyone trying to leave, met the same fate; the Speyrfolk were chained to Ringfell, whether they liked it or not. The four families feared the worst and their paranoia turned inward, accusing each other of foul play. Thus Clan Belevitos and Clan Streidh forged an alliance in Cairnkegg, while Clan Solaryen and Clan Mortalis did so in Scourpool. For decades the two sides would fight each other in Cairnbog and Scourmarsh. The fighting took a backseat when another problem arose: the Berserker Disease. A nasty affliction turning Speyrfolk into mindless enraged "animals", killing anything that comes close. So currently the Speyrfolk are a rather helpless group of tattooed Ringfell natives, locked in a stalemate. Neither side wants to fight, yet they are convinced the other forces their hand. Meanwhile, the Disease is slowly but surely eroding their people.
  • Most of the available factions have an established faction head. There are also common goals and guidelines for RP within a particular faction. To find out more, see the following applicable file(s):
  • Within the Isle game there is 3 Major factions players can choose from which includes: * Dinosaurs * Carnivores * Herbivores * Humans * Survivors * Mercenaries * Primitives * Tribals * Cannibals
  • The current factions available to play are as follows:
  • Factions is a reference section of the Star Trek Online website. The reference details the various interstellar factions that appear in the game. This information is dispatched by two characters, one from Starfleet Intelligence, the other from Klingon Intelligence; both of these are unique to the site and do not appear in the game.
  • Of the many companies, factions, and organizations running Valenth, four of the most prominent recently opened their doors to outsiders. The Firestarters, the Somnambulist Project, the Court, and the Silent Rose Organization are all currently accepting applications from the willing.
  • The term Faction or Affiliation is used among Forever Knight fans to refer to an unofficial group of fans who favour a , a , or a cause related to the series. The term "faction" refers only to subdivisions within the show's fandom and does not relate to televised information in the show per se. During one point in the history of FORKNI-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU, the listowner felt that the factions were so combative as to be disruptive, leading to a two-week ban of faction listings from members' signatures. As a general rule, though, the function of FK Wars is—at least in part—to defuse this sort of tension before it can fracture the fandom by channelling it into mutual cooperation and creative rivalry. Except when taking part in a war, fans may declare membership in as many factions as they like. Many fans on FORKNI-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU like to list their affiliations in their "sig" (i.e., after their name, at the very end of the e-mails they send to the list).
  • Factions are the teams, or Armies, in the that include beings of the same race along with others who in Middle-earth lore are their allies. Members of the same faction will not fight each other, as long as they are on the same team, and will cooperate with other factions as long as they are on the same team. The player chooses a faction when playing a Skirmish or in War of the Ring mode.
  • There are five factions one may join in Star Wars MUSH: New Worlds. * Galactic Empire * Sith Empire * New Republic * Corporate Sector Authority * Or independent To see a list of available faction representatives, refer to +staff/faction.
  • This page is intended as a working tool to help us flesh out all the factions. See Also: *
  • These are all the factions that can be played in the Edain Mod, some of them are still unreleased though.
  • At one time, Mankind ruled the stars and united most of known space under the flag of the Confederation. Two eras of strife and Civil War have divided known space into three major factions, each with their own agendas to stake out their own claims on territory. In addition, two factions centered from beyond known space; the Tariez Empire and the Saurian Hegemony loom as mysterious but powerful forces just beyond reach that can re-shape the Alpha Quadrant. Among these are numbers of smaller independant factions and unalligned worlds, all staking their claims in the frontier of space.
  • There are many Factions in the Star Wars universe and here is a list of the ones currently active in the Strands of Fate galaxies.
  • There are currently 24 factions in the game; each one based on a historical mediaeval civilisation. Players of the CtW however may also meet sub-factions and barbarians, which may be based on one or more civilisations, and even field their own special units and styles of play. Each faction has a constellation of unique units, national powers, and religious- and culture-related bonuses which give it a variety of strengths and weaknesses. It is up to the player to decide what units to build and what technologies to research in order to create an army to best his or her opponent. Factions/Playable factions|Playable factions List_of_Rise_of_Kings_campaign_scenarios_and_colonies/Subfactions|Sub-factions Factions/Tribe_mask|Tribe mask
  • Factions are Stalker clans/organizations operating within the Zone. Each faction has their own ideals and goals, as detailed in the links below. The factions can have both allies who may share their ideals and enemies who oppose them. Factions play a large role in a Stalker's life, as the Zone is an unforgiving wasteland, where the death of an ordinary Stalker is amounts to little more than a discarded shell casing, and "morality" is relative to a factions goals. Joining other people with the same view of the Zone is often an individual's best avenue for survival in the Zone. The list of major factions in the Zone are:
  • In Infinity Wars, each faction represents one of the main larger groups involved in the Lore. Inside the game, factions are the primary factor which determines what are the deck's powers and abilities, as each faction provides different strengths and weaknesses to a deck. That way, each faction allows different playstyles to interact within the same match. Every card in the game is attached to a faction (with the exception of Factionless cards), and some cards have more than one faction. See Purity for more information. Currently, there are eight playable factions in Infinity Wars, along with the Factionless. Each is identified by a insignia, located in the upper left corner of the card.
  • There are many factions in Everquest that you can raise or lower through killings mobs or completing quests.
  • Pro-Magic empire that promotes civilization and order in Aeonia and Beyond the fogs. Home to the Order of the Silver Phoenix, the first line of defense against the Scourge and the other Dark forces.
  • A faction is an organization of two or more hovercraft crews. They are aligned with one of the major organizations in the Matrix. Factions are like-minded groups of players, who come together for mutual support, roleplay, community, or just to beat up on things. __TOC__ Please feel free to add a page about your own faction (the kind of information that a perspective member might want to know). You can add a link to the prospective page and then click on it to open the page for edit (see Talk:Factions).
  • Factions are the supporting companies that work to support certain heroes and villains by providing equipment and weapons. Heroes and Villains can gain trust from the Faction companies through completing certain missions or collecting Bounties and in return they can obtain rare and powerful items and equipment from the Faction's Vendors.
  • The following is a list of factions in the Jagged Alliance series. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • There are multiple factions fighting over resources and power in Blade and Soul. It was once peaceful with humans, animals and various creatures until corruption of a demonic nature began to sweep across the land and brought this world into chaos. There is a door to the demonic realm where The Demon Emperor and his demonic servants escaped into our world. Light fell to darkness, oceans became wild, trees withered, and the land shattered. Creatures became violent, animals went wild, and humans fell to corruption. Similar to Aion, Blade & Soul is basically the fight between the path of light and dark. Based on the Korean closed beta test, there are two opposing factions: Wulin Alliance (Blue Faction) and the Huantian Cult (Red Faction) Wulin Alliance are the good guys. It’s a union formed by many martial arts schools. Heavenly holy beings delivered a prophecy to the martial artists of the world to take part in the battle against evil. Their purpose is to wipe out evildoers and bring back peace to the world again. On the other side, we have Huantian Cult. They are Martial artists of demonic nature who use corrupt energy to make themselves incredibly powerful. Since players in the game are made up of different Schools of Martial Arts, they can choose to join either faction freely. However players have to complete special quests to join the faction of choice. They will then be given a specific costume that represents their faction.( Completing Special Quest to join faction is now optional You can now select your faction at level 4)
  • Factions is one of the gamemodes of Minecraft Central. It was added 6th July 2014. The idea of Factions is to have a faction that is powerful and loyal at the same time. There have been 4 resets to Factions, first one in 21st December 2014, second one in 30th May 2015, the third in 25th January 2016 and the fourth in 2nd September 2016. There are two Factions servers, 1 of which was added 3rd March 2015.
  • The United Federation of Planets is an alliance of many different species from numerous worlds, working together toward a goal of justice, equality and liberty. The Federation believes in pursuing knowledge and exploration. It includes the following races: * Human * Andorian * Bajoran * Benzite * Betazoid * Bolian * Saurian * Trill * Vulcan * Alien
  • To buy a brand new faction, go to: City > Create A Faction which i located at the bottom left part of the city, under Factions. A new faction starts in 'peaceful' status, during which it can't be attacked. This status changes if you declare war on any faction. Structure: Shed Holds: 5 Members Costs: $1,000 x current number of factions in the game Respect: 250 Factions lose a respect point every 24 hours. If your respect hits zero points, you will lose your faction. You can gain respect points by doing "Organized Crime" with your faction, but they require at least 2 members (certain crimes require more). Page Under Maintenence
  • The two prominent factions are the Arbiters and the Crusaders. The Crusaders are hiding in The Core at the moment.
  • There are 7 different factions in Tibia, you can choose only three. They are: * The Djinn Factions, which are split into the Green Djinns and the Blue Djinns. * The Nightmare Knights and the Brotherhood of Bones factions. Click Here to Show/Hide Spoiler Information Spoiler warning: Quest and/or game spoiling details follow. (Settings: hidden content) You can join the Brotherhood of Bones or Nightmare Knights by completing the Dreamer's Challenge Quest. Spoiler ends here. * The Secret Service Factions, which include CGB, AVIN and TBI.
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