  • Harondor
  • Harondor
  • Harondor
  • Harondor, also known as Southern Gondor, was a region located in the southern part of Gondor near Harad and Umbar.
  • L'Harondor, conosciuta anche col nome di Gondor Meridionale, era una regione della Terra di Mezzo facente parte del Regno di Gondor. Terra molto fertile e ricca, fu al centro di sanguinose contese tra i Dúnedain e gli Haradrim, venendo conquistata e persa più volte. Fu definitivamente riconquistata a Gondor, assieme a Umbar, da Re Elessar all'inizio della Quarta Era.
  • Harondor (sin. południowy Gondor) – kraina położona na południe od delty Anduiny, wzdłuż wschodniego wybrzeża Zatoki Belfalas. Był to teren sporny i opustoszały, znajdujący się między Gondorem i Haradem, będący wyludniony w skutek wielowiekowych wojen. Przecinał go niewielki strumień Poros, który prowadził do kurhanu Haudh in Gwanûr i przeprawy na krańcu Południowego Ithilien, niedaleko niewysokich wzgórz. Tędy też biegła droga z Pelargiru do Haradu. Region od wschodu i południa ograniczała rzeka Harnen.
  • Harondor, commonly also known as South Gondor, is a heavily contested semi-desert area located in the south of Ithilien, and north of Near Harad. It is bordered by the rivers Poros and Harnen in north and south respectively, and by the impressive Ephel Dúath mountain range of Mordor to the east. Upon entering Harondor one gains the achievement: "Southward Bound."
  • Common
altri nomi
  • Gondor Meridionale
  • Black Uruk [Rare]
  • Mordor [Uncommon]
  • Dol Amroth [Rare]
  • Gondor [Uncommon]
  • Ithilien Rangers [Common]
  • Near Haradrim [Common]
  • Re di Gondor
  • Terra di confine a lungo contesa tra Gondor e le genti dell'Harad
tipo luogo
  • Provincia di Gondor
  • Ocean [W], Tolfalas [NW], Mouths of Anduin [NW], Lebennin [N], Ithilien [N], Mordor [NE], Near Harad [SE,S]
  • None
  • Territori compresi tra il fiume Poros e il fiume Harnen
  • Dúnedain Uomini di Gondor Haradrim
  • Harondor
  • Camel
  • Temperate and Global common animals
  • Global common vegetation
  • Desert Oak, Cedar, Lemon, Orange, Lime, Olive, Almond, Plum, , ,
  • Harondor.jpg
  • Southern Harondor
  • A contested land where Gondor gradually lost control.
  • Prima Battaglia del Fiume Poros Seconda Battaglia del Fiume Poros
added in
  • 12
lingue parlate
  • Sindarin di Gondor, Ovestron
  • Harondor, commonly also known as South Gondor, is a heavily contested semi-desert area located in the south of Ithilien, and north of Near Harad. It is bordered by the rivers Poros and Harnen in north and south respectively, and by the impressive Ephel Dúath mountain range of Mordor to the east. Although Rangers of Ithilien dominate the more fertile north, Near Haradrim warriors dare to patrol the area. In the south, Gondor clearly lost control and conflict is ever present. As conflict poses a continuous threat to any traveller, no Travelling Traders frequent this land, not even Oddment Collectors drop by for a bargain. The environment of Harondor is similar to the vanilla plains biome with scatterings of stone and sand, and the occasional tree. Players should be wary of entering this biome, as both good and evil aligned players will see battle here. Because of its border with the sea, it is possible to bypass this area by use of a boat or barrel. Upon entering Harondor one gains the achievement: "Southward Bound."
  • Harondor, also known as Southern Gondor, was a region located in the southern part of Gondor near Harad and Umbar.
  • L'Harondor, conosciuta anche col nome di Gondor Meridionale, era una regione della Terra di Mezzo facente parte del Regno di Gondor. Terra molto fertile e ricca, fu al centro di sanguinose contese tra i Dúnedain e gli Haradrim, venendo conquistata e persa più volte. Fu definitivamente riconquistata a Gondor, assieme a Umbar, da Re Elessar all'inizio della Quarta Era.
  • Harondor (sin. południowy Gondor) – kraina położona na południe od delty Anduiny, wzdłuż wschodniego wybrzeża Zatoki Belfalas. Był to teren sporny i opustoszały, znajdujący się między Gondorem i Haradem, będący wyludniony w skutek wielowiekowych wojen. Przecinał go niewielki strumień Poros, który prowadził do kurhanu Haudh in Gwanûr i przeprawy na krańcu Południowego Ithilien, niedaleko niewysokich wzgórz. Tędy też biegła droga z Pelargiru do Haradu. Region od wschodu i południa ograniczała rzeka Harnen.
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