  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • As long as there have been mountains there have been Trolls. Known as Giants, Titans, and a myriad of other names, no culture is without mention of us. (Kithbook: Trolls pg. 13) Trolls are old; very old. Even the earliest of cultures makes mention of Trolls (sometimes under a different name). Trolls often play two roles in these stories: the first is the powerfully strong monster, the second is the extremely honour-bound protector. They have a long tradition of joining a sidhe's troupe and protecting them till the end, yet they will also be the protector of the weak and the underdogs.
  • A troll is someone who does not have an opinion residing with the moral majority. If someone posts something that you do not agree with, that person is a troll.
  • Trolls were created by Morgoth during the beginning of the First Age. Many of them were perished during the War of Wrath while the rest survived and joined the forces of Sauron, the greatest surviving servant of Morgoth. In the Second Age and Third Age, Trolls were among Sauron's most dangerous warriors. However, the Olog-hai, which were created by Eru Ilúvatar during the Years of the Trees, were more powerful than earlier breeds of Trolls. While most Trolls cannot bear exposure to sunlight, unlike the Stone trolls that turn to stone by the beam of the sun, the Olog-hai apparently could.
  • The Troll lives under a bridge. He just wants to be friends with people but keeps coming on too strongly and scaring them off. He looks similar to Moe Szyslak and has a similar personality and voice as him.
  • Large stupid creatures commonly seen in fantasy films, books and role-playing games. Also a term used to describe people who stumble around online communities not caring about the desruction they weave.
  • Les trolls sont une race intelligente présente sur Azeroth. Ils sont divisés en plusieurs races, elles mêmes divisées en plusieurs tribus. Ils sont présents sur chaque partie du monde.
  • Troll - jeden z mieszkańców Krainy Bajek. Występuje w grze Reksio i Czarodzieje. Tak jak prawie wszyscy mieszkańcy Krainy na czas akcji gry zamieniony w żabę.
  • A troll is a hideous creature (sometimes with hair) that stalks it's victims by using a computer that is connected to the internet. Nobody knows how it came to existance. All we known is that it already existed since the beginning of time before dinosaurs did.
  • This is what's written in Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You about Trolls.
  • I Troll sono creauture antropomorfe, che solitamente stanno a guardia di ponti di cui chiedono il pedaggio ai viaggiatori che li attraversano. Alcuni troll costruiscono questi ponti; altri vi si stabiliscono e si occupano di mantenerli integri e sicuri. I witcher solevano ucciderli in passato, dato che alcuni si cibano di carne umana. Oggi gli umani si sono abituati alla presenza dei troll, specialmente a pagare loro la gabella, quando questa è più conveniente della manutenzione del ponte in cui il troll dimora. Yennefer nella sua collezione aveva un pene di troll di montagna gigante. Si dice che i troll vengano pietrificati dalla luce del sole, ma si tratta solo di una credenza popolare.
  • Race: giant Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 18 Hit points: 63 Attack bonus: +9 Damage: d6 +6 (claw/claw/bite creature weapons) Hit dice (level): 6 Challenge rating: 5 Size: large Regeneration: +5 Trained skills:(‡) listen (6), spot (6) Feats: alertness, darkvision, iron will, weapon proficiency (creature)
  • A Ween is a fearsome member of a mythical race from Norse mythology, and later English folklore. Originally more or less the Nordic equivalents of giants, although often smaller in size, the different depictions have come to range from the fiendish giants – similar to the ogres of England (also called Trolls at times, see Troller's Gill) – to a devious, more human-like folk of the wilderness, living underground in hills, caves or mounds. In the Faroe islands, Orkney and Shetland tales, trolls are called trows, adopted from the Norse language when these islands were settled by Vikings.
  • The Trolls are a group of large, hulking two-legged creatures that primarily live in rocky or dry areas. Similar to other families, such as the Harpies, not every member of the Troll family can be considered a true troll. While Trolls look intimidating, and have slightly higher health, they have no attacks, and move very slowly. Also, their first appearance is in the same area as the Swordsmith, meaning the player can invest in a comfortable distance from these beasts.
  • Les Trolls sont des créatures humanoïde géantes. Ils habitent souvent sous des ponts (qu'il construisenst également souvent eux-mêmes) et demande un péage à ceux qui veulent les traverser. Bien qu'autrefois, les sorceleurs les tuaient (parce certain des trolls mangeaient la chaire humaine), ces jours-ci la majorité de gens se sont habitués aux trolls, surtout depuis qu'il ont constaté que le péage est bien mielleur marché que l'entretient d'un pont. Yennefer had a giant mountain troll penis in her collection. There is a common belief that trolls are petrified by sunlight, but it's not true.
  • (Translated from the mexican card) Species: Humanoid Born: Refuses to reveal his age Size: 90 cm Habitat: Caves in Europe These creatures are hunchbacked gnomes that wear red hats and use axes for defense. They are nocturnal beasts that will turn into stone or explode if exposed to sunlight. They also hate noise and loud music.
  • Troll - stworzenie istniejące w świecie fantasy, wysokie i zazwyczaj głupie. W zależności od uniwersum opisuje się je na różne sposoby.
  • Troll - rasa barbarzyńskich, wielkich, pokrytych futrem, podobnych do goryla humanoidów, charakteryzujących się posiadaniem trzech oczu. Ich dłonie i stopy są trójpalczaste, z zaznaczeniem iż przeciwstawny kciuk na dłoniach pozwala im chwytać przedmioty. Pazury na tych olbrzymich dłoniach pozwalają na zadawanie olbrzymich obrażeń. Nie jest to jednak regułą, trolle czasem posiadają tylko parę oczu i czteropalczastą dłoń, takie odmiany są wyjątkowo jak na rasę odziane w futra, oraz uzbrojone w maczugi. Trolle są niezwykle agresywne, i atakują każdego, zwykle błądzących podróżnych czy eksploratorów jaskiń.
  • In ancient times, the Trolls mostly resided in a land called Pancardina, though their culture was felt worldwide, bringing about a new age of prosperity and order with their cystalline magic. They mined crystals that increased their magical powers, with one of said mines-the Hidden Palace Zone on Westside Island-still known to exist even in the modern day. The Trolls era was ended by a catastrophic event that blasted Pancardina into a series of islands, with the Trolls being all but wiped out overnight. (SU: #88)
  • A troll is
  • This is not a normal Blue Sewer Troll, since it doesn't drop Blue Bandanas, but instead always drops the Blue Key it guards. However, you can use this key to enter the Blue Gate to face the Blue Sewer Trolls. There is only one Blue Key Sewer Troll. Players must take turn killing him to gain enough keys for a group to enter the gate, if they don't already have them.
  • Troll is a race in World of Warcraft. Trolls belong to the Horde. They speak trollish, and share capital with orcs (Orgrimmar). Here is a characters on WoWRP.
  • Elizabeth is defined as a "Memory-Eating Troll".
  • They are large, muscular creatures, about two meters tall, with huge clawed hands and spikes growing out of their back. The skin is greyish, with some fur growing around the neck. A troll defended the UK Sanctuary against an attack by four of the Cabal's super soldiers. Although it proved to be a formidable warrior, it was quickly overwhelmed and killed by Ashley Magnus, who snapped its neck with her vampiric claws. At least one troll was among the abnormals from Hollow Earth who started coming to the surface in late 2010; it was identified as a bryoscar, to whom water is toxic.
  • Trolls are nasty creatures. Their diet consists of human and animal flesh and are known for stealing children, and sometimes swapping it with their own, and raping women, which may result in the pregnancy and birth of a half-troll.
  • The troll, T, is also the least powerful monster of this class. Other types of troll include ice trolls, rock trolls, water trolls, and Olog-hai.
  • Troll is a fictional character from the Wild Cards series of books. At nine feet tall, and heavily muscled, he is an imposing head of security for the Jokertown clinic.
  • O troll é um monstro de tamanho grande.
  • Trolls are large, strong beings composed of the surrounding ground type, and as such, appear in different forms; rock, earth/soil, ice, swamp and forest.
  • Troll is a 1986
  • Trolle sind unterirdische Wesen.
  • Trolls are enemies in Shining in the Darkness.
  • Trolls begin game with this weapon: Troll Club.
  • I close with a song and dance number. Ohhhhhh... In the Dark Ages I live as a peasant There should not be any computers, no I have one anyway to troll the web I point out misconceptions in your posts Nooo! I'm melting! ... Press the key to create a new account and continue con-trolling ... You can't stop me! I have sockpuppets! Ha ha! Signed, The nicest guy in the world, except for the lapses in judgment I experience on the net.
  • Trolls are tall but also quite skinny, even though they have surprising high amount of strength. The Trolls are very fast runners and can run for days without getting tired. A fighting Troll never stops until its target lies still. Trolls are ripping, biting and tearing their prety until its dead. Trolls rarely run away and know no fear. <-- What retard wrote this? A valuable source for bone, sulfur, and other low quality goods, Trolls are often farmed by newbie and veteran alike.
  • Categoria:Razze I Troll sono una razza di grandi creature malvagie create da Morgoth durante gli Anni degli Alberi come brutta copia degli Ent. Sono bestie grandi e forti ma sono particolarmente stupide, tanto che in battaglia vengono usati come truppe di sfondamento o bestie da soma, ma non gli vengono affidati ruoli di comando. Durante la Terza Era l'Oscuro Signore Sauron creò un nuovo tipo di troll noti come Olog-hai, più intelligenti e resistenti al sole ma che cessarono di esistere con la sua sconfitta. Mentre ne Lo Hobbit i troll rappresentano un elemento comico, ne Il Signore degli Anelli figurano più come personaggi malvagi nelle file di Sauron.
  • Trolls are large snow-dwelling beasts that appear as enemies on Winterhorn Ridge.
  • (Keress Rá): Sötétlándzsa Törzs (Darkspear tribe)
  • The Troll, or Terrorist Rampaging On-Line Looser, is basically an attention whore and someone who does things to call attention to themselves. It is a bad thing if the troll is stupid or just trying to bring attention to himself/herself or just out to annoy people.
  • thumb|Ehrendenkmal für alle Trolle im Usenet Ein Troll ist ein ungeliebtes Wesen, dass lärmend und polternd durch Internet zieht, auf der Suche nach Beachtung. Ein Troll ernährt sich vom Ärger derer, die er nervt. Deshalb lautet die oberste Direktive: "Don't feed the Trolls!".
  • There are two basic types of troll: (1) real persons who go around the Internet causing trouble for fun, and (2) fictional creatures that may be encountered within Word Worlds by PPC agents. The first kind are, for the most part, pointless and annoying, and the PPC has (thankfully) not run into too many of them, considering its anti-Suvian stance. The second kind may be either malicious entities that spawn when someone writes a trollfic, or species found naturally in various continua.
  • Le troll (トロール Tōroru) est un monstre de la famille des Démons.
  • The Troll is a troll lurking the Internet. Clarence can defeat 9 of them if he received a task to defeat them. The Troll walks forward and can damage Clarence on contact. Like any other enemy, Clarence can defeat it by jumping on it. Although they don't do any damage to Clarence other than damage by contact, the task said that the Troll can do real damage to the Internet.
  • 250px|thumb|Troll 250px|thumb|Troll 250px|thumb|Troll górski 250px|thumb|Troll jaskiniowy [[Grafika:Troll2.jpg|250px|thumb|Trolle (od lewej) lodowy, wrzosowiskowy i mur-zhagul]] 250px|thumb|Troll krystaliczny 250px|thumb|Troll leśny 250px|thumb|Troll ognisty 250px|thumb|Ognista gigantka nakazuje swoim trollom ostrzofurii walkę przeciwko krasnoludom 250px|thumb|Troll pustkowi 250px|thumb|Troll wojenny Trolle to źli giganci o zdolności niezwykłej regeneracji, istnieje wiele odmian zależnych od środowiska.
  • The huge, monstrous trolls have been around for ages, natives to all of the continents of Eberron. The trolls of Khorvaire have been forced from most areas by the civilized races. Most of them have fled to Droaam, where they serve as elite guards for the Daughters of Sora Kell.
  • Trollet er en skapning som kommer fra nordisk folkedikting med røtter til norrøn mytologi. De finnes derfor massevis av i Skandinavia, men utbreder seg til hele Europa. Et troll er ganske stort og bruker ofte treklubbe til våpen. De har lav intelligense, men er stor og kraftig og dreper ofte skapninger uten at de vet det. I 1991 var det et troll i jentedoen i Galtvort borgen. Trollet var sendt inn av professor Krengle som kunne kommunisere med troll. Det endte med at Harry Potter, Ronny Wiltersen og Hermine Grang nesten ble drept. Magiske Vesener etter klassifisering
  • Kategoria:Bez kodu Kategoria:Bez kodu Troll – ogromne i wytrzymałe stworzenia humanoidalne, występujące we wszystkich częściach sagi Gothic. W świecie Gothic występują trzy rodzaje tego gatunku: troll zwykły, czarny i jaskiniowy. Jest to jedna z niewielu bestii która ma młode, pojawiające się podczas gry.
  • Trolls are one of the most dangerous kind of The People. Due to their uncontrolled aggression, they are not afraid to eat, kill, or destroy almost anything they see. l. A notable troll is Gruff. The oldest known troll who has survived beacause of magical residue Gruff has been mistaken for Bigfoot and the yeti and possibly more creatures
  • A Troll is a large, ugly mammalian biped native to Scandinavia. A full-grown mountain troll is twelve feet tall, with dull gray skin. Its body is grey and lumpy, with a proportionally tiny head with long ears and small eyes, short thick legs and flat, horny feet. It gives off a terrible reek. They are rather dimwitted.
  • Trolls are hairy, mischievious creatures who like to play pranks which they refer to as trolling. They may seem dumb at first glance but are quite resourceful if given an opportunity to show off. They dwell in underground tunnels and mountains in Libaterra with their home being known as Troldhaugen. They are a wandering folk, many of them choosing to travel in small packs to different areas for reasons that are known only to them although they always attempt to return to their home of origin in time for the next Trollmoot.
  • Someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. Often using multiple user names also know as Sock Puppets.
  • -Trolls start with a healing skill of 44 and potential of 370%.When a class trained in healing is chosen, the starting values can become as high as 50 and 450%. Funnily enough, the usual maximum potential for any skill is 400%.
  • Troll is a monster found in the fifth Hero and Monster Collection set, Visions of Dawn. It was first found in the Second Edition Conversion Kit.
  • They are something of an oddity when compared with other races such as humans or gnomes. Trolls are split into several different types, which all differ from each other greatly. It is not currently known if these are different species of troll or different breeds. These differences reflect the troll race's hardiness, and ability to adapt to a number of extreme environments, although all trolls share some similarities such as their rocky appearances, their thick skins, and their relatively low levels of intelligence.
  • Trolle haben ein humanes Aussehen. Sie besitzen zwei Arme und Beine sowie einen erkennbaren Oberkörper und Kopf. Sie besitzen jedoch eine grüne Hautfarbe und sind gigantisch groß. Des Weiteren haben sie muskulöse Arme und Beine, einen großen Bauch und große Füße. Ihr Gesicht wird deformiert und in ihrem Mund haben sie zwei große Stoßzähne sowie eine violette Zunge. Als Kleidung tragen sie einen roten Fetzen um den Unterkörper sowie um die Handgelenke und als eine Art Kopftuch.
  • Also known as "Trold" or "Trolld", it is a demon in Scandinavian mythology. trolls are large, strong, hairy creatures that only appear at night when hunting for humans to eat. In many stories and games, they are portrayed as cruel, loathsome creatures that seem to have no joy other than making humans suffer.
  • Es gibt drei Unterarten von Trollen: Berg-, Wald- und Flusstrolle. Der Bergtroll ist der größte und heimtückischste. Er ist glatzköpfig und hat eine fahlgraue Haut. Der Waldtroll hat eine blassgrüne Haut und manche Exemplare haben grünes oder braunes, dünnes und schütteres Haar. Der Flusstroll hat kurze Hörner und kann behaart sein. Er hat eine purpurrote Haut und oft sieht man ihn unter Brücken lauern. Trolle fressen rohes Fleisch und sind nicht wählerisch bei ihrer Beute, die von Wildtieren bis hin zu Menschen reichen kann.
  • Trolls are a small, sentient species living on Third Earth who are similar in appearance to Bolkins and Wolos. Lion-O first encounters them after hearing tales about the Trolls from the Berbils and takes Snarf out to investigate. The Trolls use giant grasshoppers to move around and live next door to the Giants. Trolls do not have good memories. However, the Troll who said this, Grygory Grygion, was actually Mumm-Ra in disguise so it can't be known for sure.
  • Troll is one of Molly's toys. She is a Troll doll with abnormally large, pink hair wearing a blue bikini with oxeye daisies. She is good friends with Bo Peep and Rocky Gibraltar.
  • Trolls in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, unlike the monstrous trolls of folklore and J.R.R. Tolkien, have been subverted into a moderately civilised race. Trolls on the Discworld are, essentially, living, mobile rocks. Trolls have grown to overcome those vicious stereotypes of yore and have lived very prosperous lives in heavily populated cities with (relatively) little killing, and have held jobs as diverse as police officer and concert promoter. They have also held jobs as "bridgekeepers," taxing those that cross their bridges. It is relatively harmless, although farmers in the company of billy goats have to pay a hefty tax.
  • Redd, PokeDork, SnakePit, N_GAYMER, D1KK1, Stunky, Shkal, and SockPuppet. For a full list for to FCs Brothers page
  • Trolls are big enemies armed with clubs seen in Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. They specifically appear in Imperial Dungeons ownards. One of The Six was transformed into a a bigger and stronger form of troll when he, like the other advisors attempted to gain immortality. He appears to lead the trolls and is located near the end of Dungeon Depths. The Imperial Guards and Trolls appear to be fighting each other. There is also another type of enemy troll which carries a device on its back and explodes upon proximity to a hero, much like the Bomber.
  • Le troll est une créature célèbre pour sa force prodigieuse et sa stupidité. Il est souvent violent et imprévisible.
  • Regenerates hit points equal to the damage it does to enemy units.
  • Trolls can also have their belches used for ingredients to create potions such as "Shapeshifting potions" and "Portal Potions". Trolls are interested in Leperchuan gold. Jake once stopped two trolls attacking a Leperchuan, unaware they they wanted their gold back. Jake hired them to stop the Huntsclan to get one of the Aztec Skulls and he repays them a bag full of alot of Leperchaun gold and two golden motorcycles.
  • Troll often appear in Shadowgate games, guarding a bridge.
  • Trolle to dumne istoty o ognistorudych włosach, bladej skórze, ostro ciosanych rysach twarzy oraz krępej budowie ciała. W Wanadii zamieszkiwały pierwotnie jej północną i środkową-wschodnią część. Tam też są ich największe skupiska. Dużą liczbę trolli można znaleźć także w Alfheimie. Znaleźli się oni tam w wyniku wypraw rabunkowych.
  • Trolls are a type of faerie of the Winter Court. They first appear in in "Restoration of Faith".
  • A troll can be anyone. If you get trolled, you are in fact an idiot. gg.
  • In the first of the Slayers novels, Lina Inverse describes trolls as humanoid creatures about twice the height of a man. Their skin colors vary from dark yellow to dark green, sometimes blue, and combined shades of the three. Trolls have extremely powerful physiques and seldom wear more than a loincloth.
  • A troll is a type of Human or humanoid creature often storied in Earth mythology. Trolls originated in the historic myths of Nordic Europe, in which they are considered to be the enemies of gnomes.
  • There are two types of trolls: Mountain trolls and Lowland trolls.
  • The Troll was the disguise of the Penguin. He was attempting to mislead the gang from his and Joker's cave.
  • Troll A Troll is a gigantic, slow-moving, creature in Therica that serves as a live means of transportation over large crevices, bodies of water, or things that are difficult to cross. They are basically a living bridge and possess a high amount of sheer, untamed, strength.
  • Trolls are large, stupid monsters that live underground, in caves, or under bridges. One of the few specimens of a troll found in the wild was one that had taken residence in the Eastlands after the fall of the Empire. The Evil One also used a troll to guard the entrance to Witchville. Leonardo Flathead made a major treatise proved that the world actually rests on the head of an enormous troll, rather than the back of a giant turtle.
  • right Rencontre:Ferdok, Place de Praïos, Le Pichet d'argent * Voir Trucs & Astuces Ferdok
  • A Összeesküvés-elméletek hívői (mind a Felébredtek, mind az Önképzett Szakértők) egyöntetűen a Troll kifejezést használják mindenkire, akik nem értenek velük egyet és/vagy erőszakosan a saját véleményüket sulykolják másba. Ez azért ironikus, mert ez a meghatározás - személyes hitbeli meggyőződését ellentmondást nem tűrő, pökhendi erőszakossággal sulykolja (Wikipédia ) rájuk is illik. Tehát minden zelóta élharcosa az összeesküvés-elméleteknek Trollnak számít. Püff nekik.
  • Level: 20 Element: Earth Location: Subterranean Maze Coordinates: X: 1162 Y: 335 Drop: Common Stone, Coprinus, Sardine Attributes: * 18 Strength * 25 Constitution * 6 Intelligence * 5 Wisdom * 6 Agility
  • A troll is a monstrous giant with a rough, green hide, clawed hands, and a bestial face with a hideous, tusked underbite. These fearsome monsters regenerate all damage not inflicted through fire or acid, and a full-sized troll can regrow from even a tiny scrap of flesh. Scrags are a variety of aquatic troll that typically dwell in cold northern rivers and lakes.
  • School: Image:Myth.png Pip Cost: 2 Accuracy: 80% Type: Image:Damage.png Description: Deals 170 - 210 Image:Myth.png Image:Damage.png to target. Received From: Cyrus Drake Requirements: Required Character Level: 5 Spells: * Blood Bat Prerequisite for: Spells: * Myth Trap * Cyclops (Spell) * Ether Shield * Humongofrog * Time of Legend * Minotaur (Spell) * Earthquake (Spell) Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes
  • Trolls are a mythical creature that appears in both Hellboy comics and Hellboy II.
  • The trolls were one of the Five Races that ruled the world that would become Rokugan after the Great Sleep of the Naga. They possessed a kinship with the Fire Element.
  • Trolls are the Goblin teams big guy like a Ogre or Minotaur.
  • Il Troll è una creatura magica con una forza prodigiosa e un'immensa stupidità.
  • Trolls are hairy, apelike humanoids with black fur and faces that comprise elements of pigs and rodents. Their eyes are wide and bulging and their snouts thick and fleshy with several protrusions somewhat similar to feelers or sensors. Despite their animalistic appearances, Trolls have a degree of intelligence, as shown by their ability and propensity to use man-made weapons.
  • I troll sono degli animali che appaiono nella saga di Gothic, molto difficili da sconfiggere e in alcuni casi invulnerabili agli attacchi.
  • Bilan a Pes 2008 Saison 2 : 1 victoires, 1 nul, 58 défaites 21 buts marqués contre 368 encaissés (0.35 marqués par match contre 6.13 encaissés) Moyenne de 0.07 points par matches Meilleur Buteur : C.Ronaldo 0 Manette Explosé et 0 Lancer de Manette 0 Victoire pour 8 Défaite en Coupe (0 Finales, 0 Coupes remportés) Palmarès : Championnat Joué : 9 Titre : Néant
  • Trolls are dangerous, inimicable creatures of European folklore. They are often characterized as giants or elf-like creatures. Their name is a variation on trow, the same root word for drow.
  • Troll is a minor character from Shrek Forever After.
  • Trolls are large, brutish humanoids, with what appears to be very little intelligence. Trolls are mostly seen living in the "wild", but have also been seen under the control of creatures such as Halflings and Queen Fay.
  • Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 13 – 23 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): acc2_Atlas_Troll The Troll is a Legendary Repeater Pistol manufactured by Atlas. Examples are on the talk page.
  • Trolls are large humanoid shaped creatures that are found in the Maguuma Jungle and the Southern Shiverpeaks. Trolls are known for their regenerative abilities (from which the skill Troll Unguent is derived) and great physical strength. Unlike Mythical Trolls, the Trolls in Guild Wars do not shun the sun and are not turned to stone by the sunlight. For a list of all Trolls in Guild Wars, including bosses, see .
  • Trolls,called truknt in Flan. Trolls are without fear and often bandtogether with the eiger, as ogres are known. Trolls can also be found as guardians in gnoll dens. Old Common term: Drel
  • Troll is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
  • Trolls are a group of bipedal primates, and the only other primate species who walk as humans do. They are known scavengers, use tools and buried their dead with flowers and personal articles. Although they have a low birth rate, once a troll band reaches a certain number, they can split into an offshoot group that moves to a new territory. Some early theories had said trolls were the missing link between man and ape.
  • Despite great pregudice, Trolls are a moderately civilised race. They are, essentially, living, mobile rocks. Trolls have grown to overcome those vicious stereotypes of yore and have lived very prosperous lives in heavily populated cities with (relatively) little killing, and have held jobs as diverse as police officer and concert promoter. They have also held jobs as "bridgekeepers," taxing those that cross their bridges. It is relatively harmless, although farmers in the company of billy goats have to pay a hefty tax. Their scientific or species name (in Latin) is Stultus Saxum (i.e. "Dumb Rock").
  • The Troll is a Creature type in Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2.
  • the South Seasの群島に住む苛烈なJungle Trollたちは、残酷さと闇の魔術とで知られている。残忍で迷信深く狡猾なTrollは他の種族に憎まれている。 だが、OrcのWarchiefであるThrallと彼の配下である強力な軍隊HordeとはTrollのある部族と出会い、その偏見を改めなくてはな らなくなった。Darkspear一族のTrollたちは、水棲のMurlocの一群によってStranglethorn Valeの先祖以来の土地から追放され滅びかけていたが、ThrallとHordeとはそれを救うことができた。それを恩に感じ、Darkspearの TrollたちはHordeに対する永遠の忠誠を誓った。 怜悧なShadow Hunter、Vol'jinによって率いられているDarkspear Trollたちは、Orcの同盟者たちと共にDurotarに住んでいる。東の海岸沿いにある彼らの村は、滅んだ部族の長老であったSen'jinの名に ちなんで命名された。Darkspear一族は、Echo Isles近くのジャングルの中にも住んでいる。
  • Los Trolls son personajes que aparecieron en la Fiesta de Frozen, los socios pueden comprar su ropa y vestirse de ellos.
  • Trolls are massive, predatory species of giant-kin, they are considered "stupid bastards" by other species of giants except for ogres, who are treated the same way. The most distinctive feature of trolls is their ability to regenerate. If any part of a troll's body is cut off, it will grow back after a while and the felled limb has a chance to evolve into an entirely new troll. The only things that can stop this are fire and acid, both of which trolls fear greatly.
  • The Troll is one of the first monsters to be encountered when starting out in Initium. Minimally equipped and possessing inferior stats, the Troll can be easily dispatched by even the weakest of players. However, some caution should be exercised by beginners; should a player not equip any armor or weaponry, Trolls can land enough hits to knock out a player with low hitpoints.
  • Many trolls have no loyalty except amongst their own tribes, with the exception of the Darkspear tribe, Shatterspear tribe, and Revantusk tribe, the former two being part of the Horde, while the latter being allies of them. Darkspear are the playable trolls in World of Warcraft. Although the Darkspear are the weakest and smallest of all the troll races, they are the most cunning and intelligent and can still grow to rather immense sizes. For example, Darkspear Berserkers in Warcraft III were larger even than grunts.
  • The Troll was one of the many subspecies that collectively made up The Swarm.
  • Troll är kända för sin dumhet och sin styrka; detta i kombination med att de är oberäkneliga och våldsamma gör att de klassas som mycket farliga. Troll kommunicerar med grymtningar; dock har en del troll lärt sig några människo-ord och lyckats yttra några meningar. Dessa intelligentare troll används som vakter.
  • Troll är kända för sin dumhet och sin styrka; detta i kombination med att de är oberäkneliga och våldsamma gör att de klassas som mycket farliga. Troll kommunicerar med grymtningar; dock har en del troll lärt sig några människo-ord och lyckats yttra några meningar. Dessa intelligentare troll används som vakter.
  • The Troll was a humanoid being sighted by two Finns skiing. The Troll wore a green shirt and pants with a hooked nose and wearing a long, cone-shaped helmet atop his head. Image:Alien.gif — This article is a stub. You can help Alien Research by [ expanding it].
  • Os trolls são criaturas antropomórficas do folclore escandinavo. Poderiam ser tanto como gigantes horrendos – como ogros – ou como pequenas criaturas semelhantes a goblins. Viviam em cavernas ou grutas subterrâneas. Na literatura nórdica, apareceram com várias formas, e uma das mais famosas teria orelhas e nariz enormes. Nesses contos também lhes foram atribuídas várias características, como a transformação dessas criaturas em pedra, quando expostas à luz solar.
  • Trolle to zróżnicowany gatunek podzielony na kilka ras, przystosowanych do życia w różnych warunkach. Zwykle osiągają wysokość nieco ponad dwóch metrów i ważą około dziewięćdziesięciu kilogramów. Wyjątkiem są trolle Zandalari i Drakkari, które mają tendencje do bycia większymi od swoich kuzynów.
  • thumb|Troll de la montaña en hogwarts El troll es una criatura temible de aproximadamente tres metros y medio de altura y pesa más de una tonelada. De él se destacan tanto su fuerza como su estupidez: ambas son prodigiosas; a menudo, es violento e impredecible, un poco como los gigantes. Los trolls surgieron de Escandinavia, pero en la actualidad los podemos encontrar en el Reino Unido, Irlanda y otras zonas del norte de Europa. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger y Ronald Weasley se enfrentan contra uno en Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal, en el halloween de 1991
  • The troll was guarding a bridge, blocking travellers from the east side of the island where Captain Smirk's house and Stan's Used Ship Emporium could be found. The troll required travellers to pay a toll before he allowed them to pass. He said that he was looking for something that would attract attention but of no real purpose importance to anyone. He warned that he would allow three tries and then eat anyone who failed to pay. However his threat was hollow and people were able to offer him items as many times as they needed. The troll accepted a red herring.
  • To avoid her, Loungelot told Flicker to marry her, but before they could be married, the troll noticed Loungelot and continued chasing him. The dragons decided to release her into the darkest woods. Flicker tied her in a sack and he, Blaze, and Burnevere sent her into the Darkest of the Dark Woods. Unfortunately, Loungelot was sent flying with the sack the troll was in due to his hand being caught in the rope.
  • A malcontent that posts messages specifically designed to enrage, confuse, and/or infuriate as many people as possible. Truly "talented" trolls may even enter the realm of Stealth Parody. The very nature of the internet (from newsgroups to wiki sites) is such that if you try to preach to opponents outright or otherwise offend them, you'll probably be ignored and/or banned. A combination of parody and provocation is more likely to inveigle others and thus become a more effective method of quarreling. They are not known for their logic. Examples of Troll include:
  • In 2000, a group of Trolls had kidnapped the fairy princess Thistle to force her royal parents to surrender their Kingdom. Thistle was saved by a young girl named Kate, who kept her safely locked in a box. The Trolls later kidnapped Thistle and Kate, whom they had turned into a fairy with magical fairy dust. However, these Trolls were vanquished by the Charmed Ones not long after.
  • A troll is a common Internet term for a participant in a discussion who is saying things for the sake of getting an angry reaction from other participants or to damage the atmosphere of a community. They may do so simply by strongly and repeatedly stating an unpopular opinion in communities where they know that that subject will derail the existing topic, but they may also resort to any or all of cruelty, lies, targeting of unpopular individuals or continual obscenity in public or private messages to individuals in order to get a reaction. They may also ally with each other or create sockpuppets in order to fuel the sense that a community is being wrenched apart by dissent.
  • Trolls typically have their names tattooed on their nether regions. This is a result of Marital Rituals that date back to the early 19th Century. The details of these rituals are unclear, but many human beings do not wish to know the details, thus resulting in cases of Indifference and Disgust.
  • Troll — budzące grozę stworzenie, o wzroście dochodzącym do dwunastu stóp i wadze powyżej tony. Trolle znane były z ogromnej siły i równie ogromnej głupoty. Były brutalne i nieobliczalne. Można je było znaleźć w Wielkiej Brytanii, Irlandii oraz innych częściach w północnej Europie. Porozumiewały się między sobą chrząkaniem, pomrukami oraz wskazywaniem palcem, czyli językiem trollańskim.
  • The troll is a minor character in Enchanted. The troll makes his debut in the beginning of the movie where Prince Edward has captured him. Once the Prince hears Giselle's singing, Nathaniel has the idea of using the troll to get rid of her. He then runs past Edward and eventually reaches her house. During a conversation between Giselle and Pip the troll peeks through the window with his eye, and after saying "I eat you now!" tries to grab her. Unfortunately for him, Giselle jumps into a tree while he is thrown somewhere in the distant forest. Until the end of the movie he hasn't been seen, where Pip has written a popular book and the troll is waiting in the back of the line, obviously outside the house.
  • Trolls are cousins to ogres, slightly shorter and more slender, but uglier, dirtier, nastier, and more primitive. They never live in houses, for instance; they seek out the darkest parts of caves or the darkest parts of a forest. Many trolls are greenish in color, have large talons on hands and feet, and large pointed teeth. People are their favorite food. Trolls have bad hearing, and have hearts of stone. Trolls are known to have no sympathy. Trolls have dirt-covered paws.
  • The only things Trolls care about are eating and fighting. Their erratic behavior and formidable strength make them fearsome and deadly opponents. Despite their limitations, trolls are not to be underestimated. A particularly crude clan filled with hate, Trolls have daunting strength and stamina, which make them good fighters of any type.
  • Trolls are huge, strong creatures that typically carry wooden clubs. They can also be encountered as Baby Trolls in Divinity II: Ego Draconis on occasion. Trolls can first be seen attacking the warriors from Band of Brutes, if they are punished by Louis. They are also encountered: * Being invoked by Bellegar during a Bellegar's Shrines event * During the Stuck in a Hole quest * Attacking High Hall * Serving Mundus in the High Hall Mines
  • Trolls are a true test of bravery within Cormyr. Making their homes within caves, swamps, and dank forests, the Cormyrean troll feeds on its victims at an astounding rate. During times of economic crisis and military instability, the western city of Eveningstar periodically hosts troll hunts. Within the swamps, trolls are battered by adventures equipped with both sword and torch. Most trolls born in the swamps, however, are resilient and can take several beatings by a half-dozen adventurers at once. See: Deadlock
  • The only known group of trolls, known by their light-brown banners with a dark brown silhouette of a bony hand, resided in No Man's Land as one of the many smaller societies of the North, and were lead by Lord Stoll who found a support from the Bloodrage Chief due to their similar liking to empirical expansions. At some point Stoll chose Styx to be his second-in-command. Under their command, the trolls marched south and set up camp a few days from Mechastone. There, they begun besieging the gnome lands, claiming the Pit of Despair and other locations in Chief Engineer Toyk's domain, enslaving and killing innocent gnomes for their ore resources.
  • MASCULINE - FEMININE - COLLECTIVE amyes - amyas [ Note 1 ] I, me agyes - agyas- agyos You [ sing. or pl.] asyes He, asyas She asyos It vivyes - vivyas - vivyos We astes - astas- astos They vanyes - vanyas - vanyos Who ? Which ? [ Person(s)] vantos Which ? What ? [ Thing(s) ] quenyes - quentas - quentos Someone, Anyone liquentos No-one NOTE 1 The Collective gender is used for inanimate subjects, or when the gender of the subject is unknown or mixed ] vantos is declined as an example : Sing. Pl. Nominative vantos vantoszi What ? Genitive vantosam vantosamizi Of What ? My, mine amya [sing.] amyazi [pl.]
  • Playable Classes Beastlord, Berserker, Shadow Knight, Shaman, Warrior Armor Size Large Race Abilities Enhanced Regeneration, Infravision, Slam History In keeping with their friends the Ogres, Trolls are also somewhat lacking in intelligence and wisdom; there is one department which Ogres do better than the Trolls in and that is looks, Trolls are perhaps the ugliest, smelliest race on Norrath. This isn't to say Trolls have no redeeming factors as they are also strong and tough and quite capable of wielding weapons and casting effective spells.
  • Et vanlig troll er ca. 2,10 meter høyt og veier omlag 100 kilo, med untak av Drakkari- og Zandalaristammene, som er litt støre. Det er mange raser av troll, se underarter av troll. Troll er store, slanke, og muskuløse. De har både alviske og orkiske trekk med sine store tenner og lange ører. Deres lange armer, sterke bein og raske reflekser er perfekt laget for jakt. Akkurat som Tauren, har troll to fingrer og en tommel, og de har bare to tær på hver fot. Som Tauren bruker de heller ikke noen form for sko, bortsett fra at Tauren ikke kan det på grunn av at de har hover, mens det ser ut som om troll bare er mer komfortabel når de er barfot.
  • A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore. In origin, one of the meanings of the term troll was a negative synonym for a jötunn (plural jötnar), a being in Norse mythology, although the word was also used about witches, berserkers and various other evil magical figures. In Old Norse sources, beings described as trolls dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings.
  • They are something of an oddity when compared with other races such as humans or gnomes. Trolls are split into several different types which all differ from each other greatly. It is not currently known if these are different species of troll or different breeds. These differences reflect the troll race's hardiness, and ability to adapt to a number of extreme environments, although all trolls share some similarities such as their rocky appearances, their thick skins and their relatively low levels of intelligence.
  • Trolls are extremely huge and strong creatures with large muscles, pointy teeth, big horns and a lot of hair all over their body. They are nearly always in a bad mood. Most races shun them because of this. Trolls are by far the strongest and the dumbest race available in this game. They make excellent fighters and lousy magicians. Trolls are somewhat disadvantaged by their great size (good targets!) and the great amounts of food they need to sustain their bulk. They also learn very slowly and need a lot of experience points to advance in their profession. On the positive side, they are by far the toughest and strongest race in the game and heal real fast.
  • Der Troll ist die mächtigste Kreatur und zugleich das Monster, das die Orks hervorbringen können. Mit den meisten Lebenspunkten, der besten Parade gegen Infanterie und Kavalerie sowie einem akzeptablen Rüstungswert, gehört er wohl zu den besten Monstern, die es zur Zeit in Wailan gibt. Denn nicht nur diese Eigenschaften machen in Stark. Mit der höchsten Anzahl an Attacken unter allen Monstern, wird die geringe Kraft locker wett gemacht, zumal er beim Angriff noch in der ersten Runde vorstürmt und dem Gegner die volle Wucht seiner Attacken zu spüren kommen lässt. Durch diesen Sturm erhält er sicher viele Treffer, doch hebt diese sich zum Teil durch seine Spezialfähigkeit Regeneration wieder auf, denn nach dem ersten Angriff zieht er sich zurück und käpft mit seiner den anderen Truppen seine
  • Budowa: Wzrost trolli wynosi 2,8 metra, a waga 225 kilogramów. Kolor skóry zróżnicowany, od różowobiałego do mahoniowego brązu, zwykle nie zmienia się w trakcie przeistaczania w formę trolla. Proporcje budowy ciała ingentis różnią się od sapiens, u którego stosunek długości ramion do nóg jest nieco wyższy niż u ingentis. Trolle są bardzo silnie zbudowane, czasami też występuje u nich zwarstwianie skóry i kości dające efekt zrogowaceń, ogólnej chropowatości skóry lub wręcz pancerza skórnego. Owłosienie ciała jest zwykle mocno rozwinięte, choć zdarza się też, że nie ma go w ogóle. Owłosienie głowy bywa zazwyczaj obfitsze niż u grupy etnicznej sapiens, z której wywodzi się dany ingentis. Nos raczej szeroki, uszy szpiczaste, czasami wydłużone. Zaokrąglona czaszka o 34 zębach, ze znacznie powię
  • Large Giant 63 Hit Points, AC 16 Ability Scores: Str 23, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6 CR Rating: 5 Special Abilities: Regeneration. Mothers of Faerun have long fables of the horrid trolls, and the terrible things they do to children that misbehave. The truth is even more dreadful than the tales. Trolls are savage, rubbery grey-green skinned giants with a voracious appetite for flesh. Their hunger, combined with thier ability to regenerate and recover from nearly any injury, make trolls fearless in battle. Many seasoned adventurers have made the mistake of turning from a fallen troll, only to meet their ends impaled on the troll's sharp claws. The only way to ensure a troll is dead is to burn it's remains with fire or acid. This article is a stub. You can help NWN2Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • In der Vergangenheit hatten Hexer viele Aufträge zu erledigen, Trolle zu töten, da sie Menschenfleisch aßen. Heutzutage haben sich die Bewohner an die Gegenwart von Trollen gewöhnt. Sie sind bereit, den Wegzoll für eine Brückenüberquerung zu zahlen. Letztendlich kommt es sie billiger, als die Brücke selbst instand zu halten. Ein verbreiteter Aberglaube besagt, dass Trolle bei Sonnenlicht versteinern, jedoch ist das nicht wahr.
  • Trolls were creatures from Earth myths and legends. Trolls existed in the Land of Fiction. Some of them were converted into Cybermen. (AUDIO: Legend of the Cybermen) The Fomoir of Tír na n-Óg resembled trolls by design. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Witch Mark) The name was also used as an insult; Susan Foreman called a troll. (PROSE: Legacy of the Daleks) When the Tenth Doctor engaged contact with General Staal during the Sontaran invasion of Earth, UNIT Colonel Alan Mace likened the appearance of the Sontaran to that of a troll. (TV: The Poison Sky)
  • Troll names a person who sows discord on the Internet with statements that insult others or provoke arguments. A cancer on rational dialogue, many cannot help themselves. Many appear to be shut-ins or social failures whose bitterness causes them to derive pleasure from disparaging others.
  • A Troll is a generic member of the . Trolls originate in norse mythology and folklore. The word "troll" is a descendent of the word "Jotun", hinting that these creatures were a folkloristic re-interpretation of the jötnar so important to norse mythology and religion, after they had lost their significance due to the rise of Christianity (similar things can be observed with the dwarves and elves). In continental Europe, they became the more generic giants, which have parallels in many cultures, and in Scandinavia, they became the trolls. Trolls are depicted in various ways and have various characteristics, but the most common seems to be a hideous humanoid of low technological standard, but intellect and magical ability, often living underground. The size varies, or can be varied by the tro
  • Catrina, with the help of her servant Jonas, created a potion which allowed her to take on the appearance of the Lady Catrina. She later bluffed her way into the palace using the seal of the House of Tregor. She placed a love charm on Uther and he quickly began bending to her every word. When Merlin began to suspect her, she ordered Jonas to trap him before her marriage to Uther , which went off without a hitch.
  • Troll[Experiência]:90 [Hitpoints]:84 [Dano Estimado[(Por Turno):64 Ataques : Onda De Gelo:Dano 47 a 96. Energia Paralisante:Dano 41 a 62 (paralisa o alvo durante 30 segundos) Invocar:invoca até 5 de seus clones porem com vida na metade(32) Berserker:Dano 65 a 124(é muito raro ele usar esse ataque) Haste: Ele fica extremamente rapido(+999 speed) Invisible:Ele fica invisivel durante 20 a 90 segundos.
  • Trolls are ugly and loathsome creatures of vaguely humanoid appearance. They are related to Ogres, but have been more deeply affected by Chaos and still continue to produce Chaotic mutations. They live like wild animals in small groups, raiding settlements for food as the need or whim takes them. They live for eating and their digestive system is able to cope with almost anything (including, it is rumoured, solid rock). Indeed, it is said that a Troll is the only thing that an Ogre will not challenge to an eating match - because they know they will stand no chance against the Troll's volcanic digestion. Their digestive juices are among the most powerful acids known in the Old World and disembowelling a Troll can often result in death for both combatants, as the acid gushes out. Occasionall
  • Troll is the name used broadly for a few types of creatures that are biologically, characteristicly, or simply linguisticly related. Narrowly it is used to describe the species of thurse detailed below. Trolls and their relatives can be referred to as trollkind, on account of their type species. The only phenotypical features that unite them all are the perception of grotesqueness, monsterousness, and dangerousness by humish races. There are a number of different groupings of trolls used by different scholars and loremasters, but the main division between trolls is typically sapient and typically non-sapient. Those of the type lacking language and intellegence of the personal sort are called old trolls, land trolls, or ettins. The term troll is used frequently for thurses in general, usual
  • The Trolls are the children and worshippers of the Troll Gods. Typically, a Troll is between seven and nine feet tall, and are usually toward the upper end of that spectrum. (Ghwerig was the only shown exception to this, being both dwarfed and hunchbacked, which left him at slightly under seven feet tall). They are largely simian in their physique, having a similar overall bone structure to most humans and apes (a result of their common ancestors, the Dawn Men); however, a description in The Hidden City notes that they lack the "protruding muzzle" of most apes, having a rather flat face. Their limbs are also a great deal longer than human limbs, allowing them to move both more gracefully and far quicker than humans. Their greatest asset is (or was) their inability to die of old age, effect
  • In Norse mythology, troll, like thurs is a term applied to jötnar. In Old Norse sources, trolls are said to dwell in isolated mountains, rocks, and caves, sometimes live together (usually as father-and-daughter or mother-and-son), and are rarely described as helpful or friendly.
  • Trolls are large humanoid monsters, as witlessly stupid as they are bone-crushingly powerful. They commonly join rampaging armies of Greenskins for the promise of food. Trolls are found in their greatest numbers in the lands of Troll Country, which borders the lands of Norsca to the north and other Chaos tainted regions in close proximity to the Chaos Wastes. Trolls are by nature creatures of Chaos, the corrupting taint of Chaos playing a primary role in their origins and continued existence.
  • A troll was a mythical being with supernatural powers found in the mythology of various cultures, including Earth. Some would apply the term to others who were being particularly offensive with their words or actions. In 2366, Lwaxana Troi called DaiMon Tog "a toad-faced troll" during that year's Trade Agreements Conference after his repeated advances towards her and an offer to purchase her. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi" ) In 2369, Q called Quark a "disgusting little troll" after making him disappear when he attempted to meet Vash in her quarters. (DS9: "Q-Less")
  • Valószínűleg a troll Ghalla legerősebb intelligens faja, bár az "intelligens" jelzőt sokan meg szokták kérdőjelezni. Ezek a csupa izom, csipa bicepsz óriások félelmetes ellenfelek a harcban: mindenféle trükk nélkül, pusztán testi erejükre hagyatkozva is képesek lennének szinte bárkit szétzúzni, de mindent felülmúló fegyver-szakértelmük az, ami igazán legyőzhetetlenné teszi őket. Egy különös (talán szörny őseiktől) örökölt képességük, hogy táborozás alatt jóval gyorsabban regenerálódnak sebeik, mint más lényeknek. Ismertebb trollok: Trollok
  • thumb|Dire Troll Peikot eli Peikkokunta ovat monipuolinen älyllinen rotu jotka voi löytää kaikkialta Azerothista. He ovat yksi harvoista esi-Titaani kansoista. Keskiarvoltaan he ovat parin metrin pituisia ja 90-kiloisia. Poikkeuksena ovat Drakkari ja Zandalari heimot jotka ovat joksenkin isompia kuin muut peikot. Kuten muutkin kansat, osa peikoista voivat kasvaa hirviömäisen kokoisiksi. Useilla peikoilla ei ole mitään uskollisuutta muuta vastaan kuin omaa heimoaan, josta taas Pimeäkeihäs-heimo, Pirstokeihäs-heimo ja Reivahammas-heimo ovat poikkeuksia, ensimmäiset kaksi kuuluvat Laumaan ja kolmas olleesaan liitossa sen kanssa. Pelattava Peikkohahmo kuuluu Pimeäkeihäs-heimoon vaikka ovatkin pienin ja heikoin peikko-heimo, he ovat peikoista ovelimmat ja älykkäimmät ja voivat kasvaa isommiksi
  • Demihumans that live in villages they make underground or in caves. They've got a large frame, and a durable body with high vitality. They have a high affinity with earth elementals, and the power of the earth is imbued in their body. Perhaps because of that, various plants grow from their heads, and have a symbiotic relationship with the trolls. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • Los Trolls son criaturas gigantescas de más de dos metros de alto y 100 kg de peso aproximadamente. Provienen de dos tribus principales: los Drakkari y los Zandalari. Sin embargo, como sucede en otras razas, también hay una variedad más asustadiza cuyas medidas no son ni de lejos la media de su especie. Los Trolls son seguramente la raza más diversa de Azeroth y pueden ser encontrados prácticamente en todas las partes del mundo.
  • Trolls (aka Trollkind) average seven feet in height and two hundred pounds in weight, save for two tribes, the Drakkari and the Zandalari, who tend to be somewhat larger than their kindred. As with other races, there are also scattered trolls who far exceed the normal size range. There are several races of troll. Trolls are easily the most diverse sapient race in Azeroth, and can be found in every part of the world.
  • Trolls were pre-alpha creatures found in Nimbus Park, Youreeka, and Spikes Peak. In Nimbus Park, a troll carrying around LEGO bricks could be seen in a construction scene at the beginning of the world. Another Troll wielding a large club played a could be found in Youreeka, located in a hedge maze. The Troll here would have offered a mission to collect him some water. Due to Nimbus Park and Youreeka being merged into Nimbus Station, the Trolls were removed, and were not officially released in the live game.
  • Trolls are giant, humanoid creatures. Trolls possess a certain level of intelligence, and are able to use simple sentences to communicate with humans and amongst themselves. They usually reside in the wild, but often are found living under bridges (which they often build themselves) and demand toll from travelers. While witchers used to kill trolls in the past (as some trolls eat or ate human flesh), nowadays often people are used to having a troll around, especially that paying the toll is cheaper than maintenance of the bridge.
  • Trolls are a humanoid race of aliens in the web comic Homestuck from the planet Alternia, which exists in a separate universe. They were introduced at first as a group of twelve internet trolls, who often bothered the kids on Pesterchum before being revealed as literal trolls. These particular trolls are approximately the same age as the kids and are the protagonists of Hivebent, which is the first half of Act 5. In Hiveswap, Whatpumpkin has made over 250 signs to be used for the trolls. Some of these signs are yet to be seen, but it has been hinted that there will be a sign alphabet released.
  • The trolls are a race of larger-than-human humanoids who are the result of interbreeding between some members of an alien race that fought in the Chaos Wars and human women. They are tall and powerful, and their skin has a rather grayish tone to it. A Troll's base statistics are: * Strength 15 * Dexterity 10 * Intelligence 8 * Constitution 15 Trolls:
  • Trolls are monstrous unintelligent creatures bred by Morgoth in the First Age to imitate the Ents. They are generally about four meters high and feared for their brutal force, and highly valued by evil commanders. However, they turn to stone when sunlight hits them. There are various types of trolls which can be found in the many places of Middle-earth. This page focuses on the 'normal' trolls that live in the north of Eriador (from the Trollshaws to Angmar) also known as 'Stone-trolls'.
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  • 7
  • 13
  • 17
  • 20
  • 21
  • 28
  • 30
  • 35
  • 36
  • 38
  • 39
  • 42
  • 46
  • 47
  • 48
  • 69
  • 303642
  • y
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 17
  • 26
  • 33
  • 40
  • -
Portrayed By
  • 2
  • 5
  • 14
  • 18
  • 30
  • 120.0
  • resistance to magic and melee
  • 1
  • 158
altri nomi
  • Torog,Hruo, Kalimbo, Olog
  • 12
Train Time
  • 15
  • -
Train At
  • Ruby
  • -
  • Trolle sind für gewöhnlich friedlich. Jedoch sollte sich niemand einen Troll zum Feind machen. Aufgrund ihrer Größe und Stärke sind sie in der Lage, große Felsbrocken zu werfen und stellen dabei eine ungewöhnlich hohe Treffsicherheit unter Beweis. Ein einziger Fausthieb mit den mächtigen Pranken kann bereits tödlich sein.
  • 80
  • Absorb
  • Drain
  • no
  • 2
  • Fiesta de Frozen
  • Enhanced strength and durability
  • 12
  • Toy Story
  • Toy Story 2
  • Toy Story 3
  • 80
  • Trolls
  • nördliches Europa
Row 4 info
  • bis zu 4 Meter
  • None
  • Level 1 - Hand to Hand
  • Level 10 - Grenade
  • Level 4 - Speed
  • Level 7 - Fireball
  • None.
  • 3
  • 1
  • 4
  • 8
  • 13
  • 60
  • Fire, Energy, Poison
  • 50
  • 125
  • 150
  • Energy/20, Holy
  • Energy Damage and Holy Damage.
  • 5
  • 9
  • 獣鬼(トロール)
  • Magic
  • Mind
  • Fire, Charm, Nerve
  • to target.
  • Deals 170 - 210
New Header
  • Troll Associates (Earth-616)
  • Pip the Troll; Pip Gofern 003.jpg
  • Troll (Deathwatch); Troll .jpg
  • Troll(Brian Pickett); Brian Pickett 0001.jpg
  • Troll(Gunna Sijurvald); Gunna 001.jpg
  • Trolls; Rock Trolls from Marvel Graphic Novel Vol 1 15 0001.jpg
  • Pre-6.0
  • 11
  • Single
  • They run when they have 16 hit points or less left.
  • They run when they have 15 hit points or less left.
  • Een trol rent weg van een aanvaller zodra hij minder dan 15 hit points heeft.
  • Earth Damage and Death Damage.
  • Earth, Death
  • Troll
  • 86
  • 120
  • 354
  • 528
  • 850
  • Si
Enemy name
  • Troll
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoiden
Row 1 info
  • Troll
  • desconhecida
  • rote Fetzen
  • 4
  • Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort,
  • 11
  • 16
  • 17
  • 69
  • Humanoid
  • In vielen Dungeons in ganz Tibia wie die Troll Höhle in Thais, südlich von Carlin, Edron Troll Cave, und in Ab'Dendriel. Ausserdsem gibt es sie auch auf Rookgaard.
  • Trolle leben oft unter Brücken, die sie selbst erbaut haben und verlangen Wegzoll von Reisenden für die Überquerung der Brücke.
  • no
  • no
  • 40
  • 80
  • -
  • ??
  • 10
  • 14
  • 15
  • slight
  • XXXX
  • 100.0
  • 290
  • Płaskowyż .png
  • Troll .png
  • Troll .png
  • Troll ArcaniaG4.jpg
  • Troll
Row 4 title
  • Primeira Aparição
  • Ranga/tytuł:
  • Cabeza de Troll, Capa de Troll, Trajede Troll, Pies de Troll
  • 101
  • 110.0
  • 7
  • 14
  • by Apr 30th 2014 1:00PM
  • 100.0
  • Humanoïde
  • Nothing.
  • 2100.0
  • Dai 3 ai 5 metri
  • 33
Podpis pod obrazkiem
  • Gromada trolli w Gothic 3: Początek
  • Troll w ArcaniA
  • Troll w Gothic 3
  • Troll w Gothic I
  • Troll w Gothic II
  • Troll w Gothic II: Noc Kruka
Punkty Życia
  • 500
  • 2000
  • throwing rocks
  • lanciano sassi e rocce; attaccano i nemici con colpi possenti
  • 6
  • 8
  • 9
  • 11
  • 17
  • 22
  • Famille des Démons
  • Arm, Armor, Accessory
  • Yes
damage low
  • 138
  • Różne
  • Grün
  • Variiert
  • 50
  • 100
  • 160
  • 500
  • Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers,
  • 50
Related Quests
  • Various
  • 124
  • 290
  • troll
Row 2 info
  • desconhecido
  • Kraina Bajek
  • 30
Punkty Doświadczenia
  • 500
  • 800
  • 2000
  • 100.0
  • Nord Europa
  • Kristoff
  • 90.0
  • 99.0
  • 75.0
  • 80.0
  • 15
  • 18
  • 38
  • 39
  • 76
  • -
  • slight
  • 100.0
Row 1 title
  • Rasa:
  • Categoria
  • 4
  • 2
Always Drops
  • Nothing
Row 5 info
  • G, GII, GII:NK, G3, G3:P, A:G4
  • yes
  • 9
  • 11
  • 14
  • 16
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • 22
  • 23
  • 25
  • 90
  • Good
  • 0
  • 5
  • 15
  • 24
  • *First Age *Second Age *Third Age
damage high
  • 370
Row 2 title
  • Miejsce zamieszkania:
  • Habitat
  • 90
Nom Original
  • x
Attack style
  • Melee
  • 0
  • 6
  • Slight
  • 101
  • 110.0
  • Usually chaotic evil
  • 14
  • 32
  • 92
  • 122
  • Yes
  • yes
  • Trivial
  • None
  • 5
Kod na przywołanie
  • Troll
  • 4
  • 9
  • 27
Manga Debut
  • y
  • No
  • no
  • Die Trolle in Titanic Plain
  • 20
  • Ssaki
  • 132
  • 16
  • 18
  • 19
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • nee
  • no
  • 6
  • 7
  • 12
Row 5 title
  • Última Aparição
  • Variiert
  • Krieger
  • Druide
  • 8
  • 10
  • 11
  • 17
  • 25
  • Trolls are a human-like race that lives in small tribes in the holes and dungeons of Tibia. There they hunt animals and seek treasures over which they keep a jealous watch. They are weak and silly fighters, but as a squad they can become quite dangerous.
  • Regular
  • 5
Row 3 info
  • desconhecida
  • RiC
  • troll
  • 10
  • 12
  • 26
  • 35
  • Legendary
Row 3 title
  • Tendência
  • Wystąpił w częściach:
Anime Debut
  • Episode 16
  • ''Forest of Demonic Beasts
  • 100.0
  • yes
  • yes
  • Trol
  • No
  • Troll
  • nw_troll
  • Damage
  • Myth
  • 5
  • 9
  • Trolls
  • Trolls
  • Trolle
  • Trolls
  • Trolls
  • 110000
  • 1970
  • 15
Deutscher Name
  • Troll
  • Nichts.
  • "Hmmm, bugs"; "Hmmm, dogs"; "Grrr"; "Groar"; "Gruntz!".
  • 100
  • 0
  • Various shades of grey
  • 27
  • 52
  • Rob Liefeld
  • 14
  • 15
  • 50
  • 1
  • 70
  • DS
  • 30
Box Title
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • N/A
  • To keep people from finding his lair
  • Overlord: Minions
  • Overlord
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Overlord II
  • Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
  • +9
  • Hmmm, bugs; Hmmm, dogs; Grrr; Groar; Gruntz!.
  • 8
  • 5
  • Castle
  • Tribale
  • 100
  • a
  • Creatures
  • Independent, Horde Horde-alliged Hostile, Zandali, Mogu Empire
  • Nezávislí, Horda , Nepřátelští
  • Tribu Zandalar, Horde, Indépendants
  • niezależni, Horda , Mogu Empire
  • Jūki
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Varies
  • Black and beady
  • Brown, green, blue, grey, black, red
Full Name
  • N/A
  • Chair crue
  • *Chair crue *Proies qui vont des animaux sauvages aux hommes
  • 140
  • Troll
  • Hauteur jusqu'à trois mètres cinquante
  • Poids jusqu'à une tonne
  • Gentle
  • 1
  • *Hyper Speed *Teleportation *Invisibility
  • *Giant-like appearance *Low intelligence
  • 3
  • 3.600000
  • 12
  • 60
  • 63
  • Wild Cards
  • Manufacturing
  • 268
Voiced by
  • 6
  • 9
  • Large
  • Club
  • ???
  • "Treehouse of Horror XI"
First Appearance
  • 120
  • 3
  • Caves, wastelands
  • Slight
  • Dragon Quest IX
  • Dragon Quest IIIIII
  • No Hair
  • White
  • Bald
  • Orange
  • Blue/Gray
  • 9
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 23
  • 14
  • 5
  • Ogre
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Trolls
  • Trolle
  • Troll
  • Ettin
  • Minotaur
  • Troll
  • トロール
  • Ice Troll
  • River Troll
  • Basic Sewer Troll
  • Blue Key Sewer Troll
  • Blue Sewer Troll
  • Lava Troll
  • Red Sewer Troll
  • Troll
  • Trolls, the Masters of Voodoo
  • Trolové, Mistři Voodoo
  • War Troll
  • 26
  • 45
  • 50
  • 100
  • 112
  • 115
  • 143
  • 150
  • 158
  • 255
  • 309
  • -
  • Brown
  • Green, brown
  • Moss green, putrid gray, or mottled gray and green
  • Humanoid
  • Troll
  • Damage
  • Ogre
  • Troll
  • Humanoid
  • bnetwowus
  • wowinsider
  • bnetwoweu
  • Repeater Pistol
  • *Mobian race
  • Large, green humanoid
  • near bridges and ravines
  • nei pressi di ponti e attraversamenti
  • 5
  • [[LOTR:Westron
  • -3
  • Neutral-Neutral
  • Rare
  • Tororu
  • from the 4th edition Monster Manual
  • An Ettin inspecting some rock for valuable minerals
  • Minotaur as seen in the Library
  • Ogre as seen in the Library
  • Troll
  • Troll as seen in the Library
  • Various depictions of trolls.
  • Various trolls, including a war troll ,
  • Ya gots ta pay da troll toll
  • None
  • A brute whose stupidity is matched only by his strength.
  • :
  • *Demon Realm *Libaterra
  • Azeroth|Azeroth , Dun Morogh, Lordaeron
  • Azeroth|Azeroth , Dun Morogh, Lordaeron
  • Sterblich
Money Dropped
  • 0
  • *Unterarten **Waldtroll **Bergtroll **Flusstroll
  • Large
Items Dropped
Items Equipped
  • 369.0
  • 421.0
  • 123.60000000000001
  • 129.60000000000002
  • 96
  • 144
  • 150
  • 202
Locations Found
Même forme que
  • 1987
  • -9
  • *Stupideau *Violent *Imprévisible
  • 5
  • Workshop - 1 tile
  • Workshop 3x3
  • 19
  • 21
  • 5
  • Half-sentient
  • 126.0
  • 144.0
  • Da sie Speere "droppen" hunten viele low-level Paladine auf ihnen.
  • Langage rudimentaire
3e type
  • 210
3e advancement
  • By character class
Classification du ministère
  • XXXX
3e size
  • Large
Pays d'origine
3e class
  • Halb-empfindungsfähig
3e source
  • Monster Manual III, pg. 181
  • Monster Manual v. 3.5, pg. 247-248
  • Unapproachable East, pg. 78-79
  • lancement des rochers
  • Randonnées avec les trolls
durata vita
  • Sconosciuta
  • Molto forti ma estremamente stupidi. Se esposti alla luce solare si tramutano in pietra.
  • 20
  • 20
  • 35
  • 78
  • 174
  • 23
  • 25
  • Not bad
  • No
  • Cave trolls, Hill trolls, Mountain trolls, Snow trolls, and Stone trolls
  • *Walter Naugus *Wendy Naugus
  • Key
  • Deathblade
  • varies
  • Aquamarine
  • nothing special
  • rarely a Blue Bandana
  • rarely a Red Bandana
  • rarely fire axe
  • Troll
  • Children of Dionysus
  • 4
  • Before the Christmas Update 2007, trolls looked like this: File:Troll (before 8.1).gif
  • 1
  • 8
  • Un troll des forêts
  • 400
  • 700
  • 800
  • Varies
  • >
  • ~500 lbs.
  • 250
  • dbkwik:resource/O_FhgNR3RxmhxDDNoAbV3Q==
  • dbkwik:resource/gTdFJI1PcUKhwABmCeoNcQ==
  •|desc=Troll Compendium archived page from the old official site
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The Trolls Ascendant
  •|desc=Troll Compendium archived page from the old official site
  • Langage rudimentaire
  • Gotland
  • Troll
  • Mountains
  • *Tanks *Roaches *Slicers
  • 66023C
  • 14
  • 18
  • 5
  • 3
  • Troll
  • cold mountains
  • Tall
  • 60.0
  • 540.0
  • 8'
  • 9'
  • Twelve feet
  • Varied sizes
  • Troll
  • Troll
  • Atlas
  • 43
  • 250
  • Troll_lotr.jpg
  • 0
  • 6
  • acc2_Atlas_Troll
  • 11
  • 14
  • 15
  • 25
  • 28
  • 57
  • 108
  • Varies
  • Grasshopper
  • 48
  • 9.46728E9
  • 6.31152E9
  • 4.418064E9
  • 1
  • 4
  • Piercing Hit
  • Paraladi
  • Begging\Innate Mutudi\Innate Mabufula\39 Berserk\40 Life Gain\41 Lightoma\42 Diarahan\43
  • Bufula Bufulaon
  • Bufula Mabufu Diarahan
  • Bufula Mabufula Bufudyne Diarama
  • Bufulaon Zanma
  • Bufuraon Zanma
  • Mabufula Berserk
  • Mad Rush Bufula Frost Breath
  • Missile Punch Fold Rakukaja
  • Bufula Body Blow Rock Crusher Mahabufula Jikokaifuku
  • Magnus Gaia Break Tarukaja Rakunda Mahamagnus Diarahan
  • 2
  • American
  • Citizen of the United States
  • None
  • 4
  • 18
  • Yes
  • Trolls are extremely huge and strong creatures with large muscles, pointy teeth, big horns and a lot of hair all over their body. They are nearly always in a bad mood. Most races shun them because of this. Trolls are by far the strongest and the dumbest race available in this game. They make excellent fighters and lousy magicians. Trolls are somewhat disadvantaged by their great size and the great amounts of food they need to sustain their bulk. They also learn very slowly and need a lot of experience points to advance in their profession. On the positive side, they are by far the toughest and strongest race in the game and heal real fast.
  • These enormous enemies' attacks are enough to level mountains. Beware of the bothersome Bagsy Last.
  • They've been licking their clubs like loonies ever since some sorcerer said a drop of dribble might improve their accuracy.
  • Orange
  • Gris
  • verd
  • -
  • Weak to Fire, absorbs Ice
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • Superhuman Strength
  • 100
  • More involved in reproduction than combat, although still deadly
  • Strong, large, non or half-sentience
  • horrific smell
  • Hairy, mischievous, skilled in the use of machinery
  • 140
  • 0
  • 400
  • Sie rennen weg wenn sie 16 hp oder weniger haben.
  • 290
  • 290
  • Trolle sind sehr leicht zutöten, aber hunte sie nicht wenn du unter Level 7 bist.
  • Troll
  • Trolls
  • Troll
  • トロル
  • trolls
  • 0
  • 1
  • 6
  • 1243770
  • 370
  • Da sich die Zwerge nur schlecht verteidigen können, haben sie sich tief in den Wald von Litani verzogen und dort eine Stadt, Harran, gegründet. Sie können im Kampf sehr lange überleben und ihren Gegner auch sehr stark verwunden. Jedoch haben sie kaum Kenntnisse über die Magie, weshalb die Elfen für sie ein guter Bündnispartner sind.
  • 9
  • 7
  • Sighted by two Fiins skiing
  • Many players prefer not to train on trolls since they run when they have low hp. However, since they drop spears some paladins may hunt them with spears in an attempt to raise their distance fighting skill.
  • Many players prefer not to train on trolls since they run when they have low hp. However, since they drop spears some paladins may hunt them with spears in an attempt to raise their distance fighting skill.
  • Veel spelers kiezen ervoor om niet op trollen te trainen omdat ze wegrennen als hun hp laag wordt. Echter, voor paladins is dit een handig monster om distance skills op te trainen, omdat ze ook speren droppen.
  • Many players prefer not to train on trolls since they run away when they have low hp. However, since they drop spears some paladins may hunt them with spears in an attempt to raise their distance fighting skill.
Last Appearance
  • 100
  • 0
  • 6
  • 7
  • 9
  • 10
  • 12
  • 16
  • 90
  • 172800.0
  • Slam, Increased HP Regeneration, Infravision, Takes more fire damage
starting areas
  • Brown
  • Iron gray, or greenish-black
  • 80
  • Earth
  • Myth
  • Unknown
  • Government Agent
  • Security chief
  • "Hmmm, bugs"; "Hmmm, dogs"; "Grrr"; "Groar"; "Gruntz!".
  • "Hmmm, bugs"; "Hmmm, dogs"; "Grrr"; "Groar"; "Gruntz!".
  • "Hmmm, bugs"; "Hmmm, dogs"; "Grrr"; "Groar"; "Gruntz!".
  • 18
  • 17
  • 50
  • 63
  • 71
  • 84
  • 106
  • 179
  • 200
  • 234
  • 240
  • 283
  • 284
  • 285
  • 355
  • 401
  • 403
  • 413
  • 550
  • 568
  • giant
  • Cold
  • 140
  • 26
  • Animal magique XXXX
  • Slight
  • Blue
  • Flesh
  • 6
  • d6 +6
  • Carnivorous
  • Omnivorous, eats anything
  • Male
  • None
  • 3
  • 8
  • 10
  • 13
  • 450
  • Medium
  • Low
  • Medium-High
  • Medium-Low
  • Giant
  • Troll
  • Fairy
  • Nether
  • Jaki
  • Internet Troll
  • 100
  • 1500
  • Bartholomew J. Troll
  • Howard Mueller
Unit Type
  • A hulking troll in the Spree's Slave Camp
  • 20
  • FF0000
  • Cyrus Drake
  • Scandinavie
  • Creati da Morgoth durante gli Anni degli Alberi
  • 0
  • 1
  • -
  • Thin, hooked nose and pointed ears
  • George R.R. Martin
  • Lava Mountain
  • Castle Sewer
  • Nimbus Park
  • Youreeka
  • Spikes Peak
  • Forests
  • Infini Palace
  • Bien
  • Valhalla Corridor
  • East Oakland Sewer
  • North Oakland Sewer, inside the Blue Gate
  • Rivers, Sewers, and Lava Mountain
  • Subterranean Maze
  • in the Zelie valley, by the river
  • inside the Red Gate of the Castle Sewer
  • In many dungeons around Tibia like the troll cave in Thais, south of Carlin , Edron Troll Cave, and in Ab'Dendriel. Also found in Rookgaard.
  • Zijn te vinden in een heleboel grotten, zoals: De grotten in Thais, ten zuiden van Carlin en in Ab'Dendriel. Zijn natuurlijk ook te vinden in Rookgaard.
  • In many dungeons around Tibia like the troll cave in Thais, south of Carlin , Island of Destiny, Edron Troll Cave, and in Ab'Dendriel. Also found in Rookgaard.
  • In many dungeons around Tibia like the troll cave in Thais, south of Carlin , Island of Destiny, Edron Troll Cave, and in Ab'Dendriel. Also found in Rookgaard.
  • Large
  • large
  • 9
  • They are fairly weak; just attack them. Take precautions if you're lower than about level 7 on Rookgaard when approaching them. You could find yourself getting killed with several hitting you at once.
  • They are fairly weak; just attack them. Take precautions if you're lower than about level 7 on Rookgaard when approaching them. You could find yourself getting killed with several hitting you at once.
  • Trollen zijn niet echt sterk, je kan ze het beste gewoon aanvallen. Zorg ervoor dat je voorbereid bent als je een lager level bent dan 7, ze worden dan gevaarlijk als ze je met meerdere tegelijk aanvallen.
  • They are fairly weak; just attack them. Take precautions if you're lower than about level 7 on Rookgaard when approaching them and try to block the creature using parcels or chests. You could find yourself getting killed with several hitting you at once.
wikipage disambiguates
  • -
  • 1
  • 14
  • 65
  • 72
  • X: 1162 Y: 335
  • 73
Naturalne występowanie
  • * Skandynawia * Północna Europa
  • 45
  • 15
  • Cyclops
  • Earthquake
  • Minotaur
  • Humongofrog
  • Myth Trap
  • Ether Shield
  • Time of Legend
  • 15
MAG Summon
  • 747
  • 8
  • 140
  • Surowe mięso
  • Slight
  • 18
  • Variabile dal bianco al nero
  • [[LOTR:Arda
  • Trolls
  • 17
Cechy szczególne
  • * Wygląd podobny do Olbrzyma * Niska inteligencja
  • fairy
  • ice
  • normal
  • Ice
  • -
  • Phys
armour points
  • 8
  • -
  • -
  • Jusqu'à trois mètres cinquante
  • 50
  • 500
  • 8
  • 12
  • 14
  • 16
  • XXXX
  • 7
  • 9
  • 11
  • 14
  • Blood Bat
  • 24
  • Charm
  • Fairy Dust
  • 9
  • 18
  • 39
  • 64
  • 115
  • 208
  • 307
  • 350
  • -
  • 11
  • 14
  • -
  • Dumb
Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii
  • XXXX
alignment needed
  • 400
added in
  • 6
  • 8
  • Yes
Combat level
  • 69
  • 50
resistances conveyed
  • None
  • 350
Examine text
  • A hideously deformed creature.
  • 80
  • 1
  • 2
  • 7
  • 50
  • 5
  • Large
Voiced Actor
  • 250
creator deity
  • Trolle haben eine sehr dicke Haut, die von Pfeilen nicht durchbohrt werden kann. Fernkampf ist daher sinnlos gegen einen Troll. Sie können rasch Gesundheit regenerieren und sind somit in der Lage, mit mehreren Wunden noch zu kämpfen.
  • gif
  • Cos a cos
  • Mort , Terra
  • 8.0
3e modifiers
  • -2
  • +4 Wisdom
  • +10 Constitution, -2 Intelligence,
  • +12 Constitution, -4 Intelligence,
  • +12 Strength, +4 Dexterity,
  • +16 Constitution, -2 Intelligence,
  • +20 Strength, +6 Dexterity,
  • 250
Monster HP
  • 91
  • 382.0
  • 427.0
  • 1.0
  • *Riesenartige Erscheinung *Niedrige Intelligenz
  • High
  • None
  • Converted Giants
  • Disarm Trap
  • Grenade ,
rateoffire low
  • 3.300000
accuracy low
  • 78.400000
accuracy high
  • 92.800000
magazine high
  • 23
magazine low
  • 13
rateoffire high
  • 5.500000
  • 192
Slayer monster?
  • Yes
  • 40
  • 40
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  • Griffons
cités majeures
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  • 50
  • 10
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  • As long as there have been mountains there have been Trolls. Known as Giants, Titans, and a myriad of other names, no culture is without mention of us. (Kithbook: Trolls pg. 13) Trolls are old; very old. Even the earliest of cultures makes mention of Trolls (sometimes under a different name). Trolls often play two roles in these stories: the first is the powerfully strong monster, the second is the extremely honour-bound protector. They have a long tradition of joining a sidhe's troupe and protecting them till the end, yet they will also be the protector of the weak and the underdogs.
  • Trolle to zróżnicowany gatunek podzielony na kilka ras, przystosowanych do życia w różnych warunkach. Zwykle osiągają wysokość nieco ponad dwóch metrów i ważą około dziewięćdziesięciu kilogramów. Wyjątkiem są trolle Zandalari i Drakkari, które mają tendencje do bycia większymi od swoich kuzynów. Wielu przedstawicieli tej rasy jest lojalnych tylko względem własnego plemienia, za wyjątkiem plemion Mroczna Włócznia, Roztrzaskana Włócznia i Revantusk, które należą do Hordy. Trolle z plemienia Darkspear to obecnie jedyni przedstawiciele tej rasy, w których gracz może się wcielić w World of Warcraft. To najsłabsza i najmniejsza z ras trolli, jednak cechuje ich inteligencja i spryt.
  • A troll is someone who does not have an opinion residing with the moral majority. If someone posts something that you do not agree with, that person is a troll.
  • The trolls are a race of larger-than-human humanoids who are the result of interbreeding between some members of an alien race that fought in the Chaos Wars and human women. They are tall and powerful, and their skin has a rather grayish tone to it. A Troll's base statistics are: * Strength 15 * Dexterity 10 * Intelligence 8 * Constitution 15 Trolls: * Have a racial language, Troll. * Have level 1 resistance to cutting damage. * Have level 2 resistance to cold. * Have a level 1 resistance to electricity. * Have level 2 health regeneration. * Have level 3 susceptibility to fire. * Have level 1 slower balance. * Have level 1 slower equilibrium. * Have a level 2 stun advantage.
  • The troll was guarding a bridge, blocking travellers from the east side of the island where Captain Smirk's house and Stan's Used Ship Emporium could be found. The troll required travellers to pay a toll before he allowed them to pass. He said that he was looking for something that would attract attention but of no real purpose importance to anyone. He warned that he would allow three tries and then eat anyone who failed to pay. However his threat was hollow and people were able to offer him items as many times as they needed. The troll accepted a red herring. When Guybrush Threepwood passed after paying, the troll secretly removed his mask and revealed himself as George Lucas before eating the fish. The character was not seen again afterwards.
  • Trolls were created by Morgoth during the beginning of the First Age. Many of them were perished during the War of Wrath while the rest survived and joined the forces of Sauron, the greatest surviving servant of Morgoth. In the Second Age and Third Age, Trolls were among Sauron's most dangerous warriors. However, the Olog-hai, which were created by Eru Ilúvatar during the Years of the Trees, were more powerful than earlier breeds of Trolls. While most Trolls cannot bear exposure to sunlight, unlike the Stone trolls that turn to stone by the beam of the sun, the Olog-hai apparently could.
  • The Troll lives under a bridge. He just wants to be friends with people but keeps coming on too strongly and scaring them off. He looks similar to Moe Szyslak and has a similar personality and voice as him.
  • Large stupid creatures commonly seen in fantasy films, books and role-playing games. Also a term used to describe people who stumble around online communities not caring about the desruction they weave.
  • Les trolls sont une race intelligente présente sur Azeroth. Ils sont divisés en plusieurs races, elles mêmes divisées en plusieurs tribus. Ils sont présents sur chaque partie du monde.
  • Troll is the name used broadly for a few types of creatures that are biologically, characteristicly, or simply linguisticly related. Narrowly it is used to describe the species of thurse detailed below. Trolls and their relatives can be referred to as trollkind, on account of their type species. The only phenotypical features that unite them all are the perception of grotesqueness, monsterousness, and dangerousness by humish races. There are a number of different groupings of trolls used by different scholars and loremasters, but the main division between trolls is typically sapient and typically non-sapient. Those of the type lacking language and intellegence of the personal sort are called old trolls, land trolls, or ettins. The term troll is used frequently for thurses in general, usually referring to a group of mixed species. Phylogenetically ents are considered to be kin to the trolls, but they are never called such. Nevertheless, troll amounts to meaning 'monster with an association or connection to nature'.
  • Trolls were creatures from Earth myths and legends. Trolls existed in the Land of Fiction. Some of them were converted into Cybermen. (AUDIO: Legend of the Cybermen) The Fomoir of Tír na n-Óg resembled trolls by design. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Witch Mark) The name was also used as an insult; Susan Foreman called a troll. (PROSE: Legacy of the Daleks) When the Tenth Doctor engaged contact with General Staal during the Sontaran invasion of Earth, UNIT Colonel Alan Mace likened the appearance of the Sontaran to that of a troll. (TV: The Poison Sky) Trolls also formed the basis for a popular brand of toys on Earth. When she was a child, Jo Grant had "an army of gonks and trolls" but even then found dolls creepy. (AUDIO: The Doll of Death)
  • Troll - jeden z mieszkańców Krainy Bajek. Występuje w grze Reksio i Czarodzieje. Tak jak prawie wszyscy mieszkańcy Krainy na czas akcji gry zamieniony w żabę.
  • Trolls are a humanoid race of aliens in the web comic Homestuck from the planet Alternia, which exists in a separate universe. They were introduced at first as a group of twelve internet trolls, who often bothered the kids on Pesterchum before being revealed as literal trolls. These particular trolls are approximately the same age as the kids and are the protagonists of Hivebent, which is the first half of Act 5. Trolls have gray skin and dark yellow eyes. Before maturity, they have dark gray irises, but these fill in with their respective blood colors as they age. This has been shown with the Condesce, but Sollux, the Ψiioniic, and possibly Mituna are an exception in both regards. Trolls' tears are also the color of their blood, but in a more diluted fashion. Trolls also have pointed teeth, yellow nails, black lips, and black hair. Their most noticeable features are the horns sprouting from their heads, which resemble candy corn (i.e. red-orange bottoms, progressing gradually to yellow at the tips). Young trolls have first and last names with six letters each, while older trolls tend to acquire adult names or titles, typically with 8 letters, although there are exceptions, such as Troll Will Smith (5/4/5), Marquise Spinneret Mindfang (8/9/8), the Grand Highblood (5/9) and Expatriate Darkleer (10/8 when spelled without Mindfang's quirk). The 8 letter rule has been thought to not apply to Highbloods. Each troll has a sign, usually depicted on their shirt, which is assigned from an alphabet for each caste. Should mutation place a troll outside the caste system (such as Kankri and Karkat Vantas) they will usually lack a sign. Certain crimes could warrant stripping a troll of their sign as part of the punishment. In Homestuck the signs of the main trolls became the signs of the zodiac. Each troll's horns reflect their sign; for example, Tavros's (♉ - Taurus) horns are massive like a bull's, and Sollux (♊ - Gemini) has two pairs. Other qualities associated with the signs have also emerged, such as Nepeta's (♌- Leo) cat-like tendencies, Karkat's (♋ - Cancer) crabbiness and Kanaya's (♍ - Virgo) helpful, motherly nature. In Hiveswap, Whatpumpkin has made over 250 signs to be used for the trolls. Some of these signs are yet to be seen, but it has been hinted that there will be a sign alphabet released. Prior to the main events of Homestuck and Sburb, the Sgrub trolls pester Jade Harley for years and force John to change his Pesterchum handle. Some of the trolls are very bad at trolling; Tavros becomes so freaked out with Dave's sick fantasies ill beats that he blocks Dave, rather than the other way around. Eventually, the trolls inadvertently form a friendship with the kids. The trolls have online handles tied to the Greek zodiac and DNA nucleobases. Adding their abbreviated trolltags to GG, GT, TG, and TT makes the 16 possible two-letter names from the letters A, C, G, and T, the four nucleobases of DNA.
  • Large Giant 63 Hit Points, AC 16 Ability Scores: Str 23, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6 CR Rating: 5 Special Abilities: Regeneration. Mothers of Faerun have long fables of the horrid trolls, and the terrible things they do to children that misbehave. The truth is even more dreadful than the tales. Trolls are savage, rubbery grey-green skinned giants with a voracious appetite for flesh. Their hunger, combined with thier ability to regenerate and recover from nearly any injury, make trolls fearless in battle. Many seasoned adventurers have made the mistake of turning from a fallen troll, only to meet their ends impaled on the troll's sharp claws. The only way to ensure a troll is dead is to burn it's remains with fire or acid. This article is a stub. You can help NWN2Wiki by [ expanding it]. Note: when polymorphed into a Troll, you do get regeneration 5.
  • A troll is a hideous creature (sometimes with hair) that stalks it's victims by using a computer that is connected to the internet. Nobody knows how it came to existance. All we known is that it already existed since the beginning of time before dinosaurs did.
  • This is what's written in Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You about Trolls.
  • I Troll sono creauture antropomorfe, che solitamente stanno a guardia di ponti di cui chiedono il pedaggio ai viaggiatori che li attraversano. Alcuni troll costruiscono questi ponti; altri vi si stabiliscono e si occupano di mantenerli integri e sicuri. I witcher solevano ucciderli in passato, dato che alcuni si cibano di carne umana. Oggi gli umani si sono abituati alla presenza dei troll, specialmente a pagare loro la gabella, quando questa è più conveniente della manutenzione del ponte in cui il troll dimora. Yennefer nella sua collezione aveva un pene di troll di montagna gigante. Si dice che i troll vengano pietrificati dalla luce del sole, ma si tratta solo di una credenza popolare.
  • Los Trolls son criaturas gigantescas de más de dos metros de alto y 100 kg de peso aproximadamente. Provienen de dos tribus principales: los Drakkari y los Zandalari. Sin embargo, como sucede en otras razas, también hay una variedad más asustadiza cuyas medidas no son ni de lejos la media de su especie. La mayoría de los Trolls no guardan una especial lealtad a nadie que no sea su propia tribu, con la excepción de los Darkspear (o Lanza Negra), los Shatterspear y los Revantusk. La raza Darkspear puede ser elegible para jugar en World of Warcraft y estadísticamente es la que menos jugadores escogen aunque el hecho de ser los más pequeños de todas las razas troll no les hace por ellos menos astutos e inteligentes. Los Trolls son seguramente la raza más diversa de Azeroth y pueden ser encontrados prácticamente en todas las partes del mundo.
  • Troll names a person who sows discord on the Internet with statements that insult others or provoke arguments. A cancer on rational dialogue, many cannot help themselves. Many appear to be shut-ins or social failures whose bitterness causes them to derive pleasure from disparaging others. Penn State University Professor of International Affairs and Comparative Literature Sophia A. McClennen argues that contemporary trolling may reflect a more general assault on "nuance, sophisticated thinking and complex logic." Accessing her excellent op-ed in Salon, "I Defended Sam Bee to Fox," may prove difficult however because that news source is caked with advertisements, cookie traps and click bait. That assault on thinking is sometimes remunerated by election campaign organizations or government propaganda organizations. For example the Hillary Clinton campaign's paid trollsters undermined support for Bernie Sanders by deriding his supporters as "Bernie Bros" and undermined support for Jill Stein by repeating the baseless accusation that she is an anti-vaxxer. In reprisal for the Wikileaks disclosures of Clinton's emails, Julian Assange was accused of being on an online paedophile in a orchestrated campaign by persons unknown, though we can guess.
  • Race: giant Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 18 Hit points: 63 Attack bonus: +9 Damage: d6 +6 (claw/claw/bite creature weapons) Hit dice (level): 6 Challenge rating: 5 Size: large Regeneration: +5 Trained skills:(‡) listen (6), spot (6) Feats: alertness, darkvision, iron will, weapon proficiency (creature)
  • A troll is a common Internet term for a participant in a discussion who is saying things for the sake of getting an angry reaction from other participants or to damage the atmosphere of a community. They may do so simply by strongly and repeatedly stating an unpopular opinion in communities where they know that that subject will derail the existing topic, but they may also resort to any or all of cruelty, lies, targeting of unpopular individuals or continual obscenity in public or private messages to individuals in order to get a reaction. They may also ally with each other or create sockpuppets in order to fuel the sense that a community is being wrenched apart by dissent. Trolls frequently, although not always, use anonymity or pseudonymity in order to not associate their nastiness with their real name, thus causing some venues to ban anonymity or pseudonymity despite their usefulness to genuine participants in forums.
  • A Ween is a fearsome member of a mythical race from Norse mythology, and later English folklore. Originally more or less the Nordic equivalents of giants, although often smaller in size, the different depictions have come to range from the fiendish giants – similar to the ogres of England (also called Trolls at times, see Troller's Gill) – to a devious, more human-like folk of the wilderness, living underground in hills, caves or mounds. In the Faroe islands, Orkney and Shetland tales, trolls are called trows, adopted from the Norse language when these islands were settled by Vikings.
  • The Trolls are a group of large, hulking two-legged creatures that primarily live in rocky or dry areas. Similar to other families, such as the Harpies, not every member of the Troll family can be considered a true troll. While Trolls look intimidating, and have slightly higher health, they have no attacks, and move very slowly. Also, their first appearance is in the same area as the Swordsmith, meaning the player can invest in a comfortable distance from these beasts.
  • A troll was a mythical being with supernatural powers found in the mythology of various cultures, including Earth. Some would apply the term to others who were being particularly offensive with their words or actions. In 2366, Lwaxana Troi called DaiMon Tog "a toad-faced troll" during that year's Trade Agreements Conference after his repeated advances towards her and an offer to purchase her. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi" ) In 2369, Q called Quark a "disgusting little troll" after making him disappear when he attempted to meet Vash in her quarters. (DS9: "Q-Less") Later that year Lwaxana, believing Quark had stolen her latinum hair brooch, called him a "little troll". (DS9: "The Forsaken"} The following year, Kira Nerys referred to the Ferengi as trolls during a discussion with Jadzia Dax. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition") That same year, Kira referred to Quark as "the little troll who runs the dabo tables" when speaking to Vedek Bareil Antos. (DS9: "Shadowplay") In 2375, Intendant Kira Nerys called Quark and Rom "two little trolls". (DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak")
  • Les Trolls sont des créatures humanoïde géantes. Ils habitent souvent sous des ponts (qu'il construisenst également souvent eux-mêmes) et demande un péage à ceux qui veulent les traverser. Bien qu'autrefois, les sorceleurs les tuaient (parce certain des trolls mangeaient la chaire humaine), ces jours-ci la majorité de gens se sont habitués aux trolls, surtout depuis qu'il ont constaté que le péage est bien mielleur marché que l'entretient d'un pont. Yennefer had a giant mountain troll penis in her collection. There is a common belief that trolls are petrified by sunlight, but it's not true.
  • Trolls are monstrous unintelligent creatures bred by Morgoth in the First Age to imitate the Ents. They are generally about four meters high and feared for their brutal force, and highly valued by evil commanders. However, they turn to stone when sunlight hits them. There are various types of trolls which can be found in the many places of Middle-earth. This page focuses on the 'normal' trolls that live in the north of Eriador (from the Trollshaws to Angmar) also known as 'Stone-trolls'. If you are looking for other types of trolls, you may want to visit the following pages: Hill-troll, Hill-troll Chieftain, Mirk-troll, Half-troll, Utumno Troll or Olog-hai. You can also visit the category page for trolls .
  • (Translated from the mexican card) Species: Humanoid Born: Refuses to reveal his age Size: 90 cm Habitat: Caves in Europe These creatures are hunchbacked gnomes that wear red hats and use axes for defense. They are nocturnal beasts that will turn into stone or explode if exposed to sunlight. They also hate noise and loud music.
  • A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore. In origin, one of the meanings of the term troll was a negative synonym for a jötunn (plural jötnar), a being in Norse mythology, although the word was also used about witches, berserkers and various other evil magical figures. In Old Norse sources, beings described as trolls dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings. Later, in Scandinavian folklore, trolls became beings in their own right, where they live far from human habitation, are not Christianized, and are considered dangerous to human beings. Depending on the region from which accounts of trolls stem, their appearance varies greatly; trolls may be ugly and slow-witted or look and behave exactly like human beings, with no particularly grotesque characteristic about them. Trolls are sometimes associated with particular landmarks, which at times may be explained as formed from a troll exposed to sunlight. One of the most famous elements of Scandinavian folklore, trolls are depicted in a variety of media in modern popular culture.
  • Troll - stworzenie istniejące w świecie fantasy, wysokie i zazwyczaj głupie. W zależności od uniwersum opisuje się je na różne sposoby.
  • A Troll is a generic member of the . Trolls originate in norse mythology and folklore. The word "troll" is a descendent of the word "Jotun", hinting that these creatures were a folkloristic re-interpretation of the jötnar so important to norse mythology and religion, after they had lost their significance due to the rise of Christianity (similar things can be observed with the dwarves and elves). In continental Europe, they became the more generic giants, which have parallels in many cultures, and in Scandinavia, they became the trolls. Trolls are depicted in various ways and have various characteristics, but the most common seems to be a hideous humanoid of low technological standard, but intellect and magical ability, often living underground. The size varies, or can be varied by the troll at will. In contrast to the warty, big-nosed males, females are often ethereally beautiful. A staple introduced by Dungeons & Dragons is the troll's ability to regenerate health extremely quickly. Other features, such as green skin, were taken over as well, but the general predatory, primitive mindset, making the troll nothing but a naked, scrawny predator, were not.
  • Troll - rasa barbarzyńskich, wielkich, pokrytych futrem, podobnych do goryla humanoidów, charakteryzujących się posiadaniem trzech oczu. Ich dłonie i stopy są trójpalczaste, z zaznaczeniem iż przeciwstawny kciuk na dłoniach pozwala im chwytać przedmioty. Pazury na tych olbrzymich dłoniach pozwalają na zadawanie olbrzymich obrażeń. Nie jest to jednak regułą, trolle czasem posiadają tylko parę oczu i czteropalczastą dłoń, takie odmiany są wyjątkowo jak na rasę odziane w futra, oraz uzbrojone w maczugi. Trolle są niezwykle agresywne, i atakują każdego, zwykle błądzących podróżnych czy eksploratorów jaskiń.
  • thumb|Troll de la montaña en hogwarts El troll es una criatura temible de aproximadamente tres metros y medio de altura y pesa más de una tonelada. De él se destacan tanto su fuerza como su estupidez: ambas son prodigiosas; a menudo, es violento e impredecible, un poco como los gigantes. Los trolls surgieron de Escandinavia, pero en la actualidad los podemos encontrar en el Reino Unido, Irlanda y otras zonas del norte de Europa. Por lo común, los trolls conversan mediante unos gruñidos que parecen constituir un lenguaje primitivo, aunque algunos entienden e incluso hablan pocas y simples palabras de lenguas humanas. Los más inteligentes fueron entrenados como guardianes. Hay tres clases de trolls: de montaña, de bosque y de río. El troll de la montaña es el más grande y maligno. carece de pelo y su piel es de un gris pálido. El troll de bosque tiene la piel de un verde o castaño, fino y desgreñado. El troll de río tiene cuernos cortos y puede ser peludo. Tiene una piel purpúrea y suele acechar debajo de puentes. Los trolls comen carne cruda y prácticamente les da igual de donde salga; no le hacen ascos a nada, cazan desde animales salvajes hasta personas. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger y Ronald Weasley se enfrentan contra uno en Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal, en el halloween de 1991
  • In ancient times, the Trolls mostly resided in a land called Pancardina, though their culture was felt worldwide, bringing about a new age of prosperity and order with their cystalline magic. They mined crystals that increased their magical powers, with one of said mines-the Hidden Palace Zone on Westside Island-still known to exist even in the modern day. The Trolls era was ended by a catastrophic event that blasted Pancardina into a series of islands, with the Trolls being all but wiped out overnight. (SU: #88)
  • A troll is
  • This is not a normal Blue Sewer Troll, since it doesn't drop Blue Bandanas, but instead always drops the Blue Key it guards. However, you can use this key to enter the Blue Gate to face the Blue Sewer Trolls. There is only one Blue Key Sewer Troll. Players must take turn killing him to gain enough keys for a group to enter the gate, if they don't already have them.
  • Troll is a race in World of Warcraft. Trolls belong to the Horde. They speak trollish, and share capital with orcs (Orgrimmar). Here is a characters on WoWRP.
  • Elizabeth is defined as a "Memory-Eating Troll".
  • In der Vergangenheit hatten Hexer viele Aufträge zu erledigen, Trolle zu töten, da sie Menschenfleisch aßen. Heutzutage haben sich die Bewohner an die Gegenwart von Trollen gewöhnt. Sie sind bereit, den Wegzoll für eine Brückenüberquerung zu zahlen. Letztendlich kommt es sie billiger, als die Brücke selbst instand zu halten. Trolle sind vernunftbegabte Wesen, jedoch sollte man ihre Intelligenz nicht überschätzen. Sie haben Familiensinn, jedoch ist nicht bekannt, ob sie den Bund mit einem Partner durch Heirat besiegeln. Wenn ein Troll seine Familie bedroht sieht, kann er äußerst gefährlich werden. Ein verbreiteter Aberglaube besagt, dass Trolle bei Sonnenlicht versteinern, jedoch ist das nicht wahr.
  • They are large, muscular creatures, about two meters tall, with huge clawed hands and spikes growing out of their back. The skin is greyish, with some fur growing around the neck. A troll defended the UK Sanctuary against an attack by four of the Cabal's super soldiers. Although it proved to be a formidable warrior, it was quickly overwhelmed and killed by Ashley Magnus, who snapped its neck with her vampiric claws. At least one troll was among the abnormals from Hollow Earth who started coming to the surface in late 2010; it was identified as a bryoscar, to whom water is toxic.
  • Trolls are nasty creatures. Their diet consists of human and animal flesh and are known for stealing children, and sometimes swapping it with their own, and raping women, which may result in the pregnancy and birth of a half-troll.
  • The troll, T, is also the least powerful monster of this class. Other types of troll include ice trolls, rock trolls, water trolls, and Olog-hai.
  • Troll is a fictional character from the Wild Cards series of books. At nine feet tall, and heavily muscled, he is an imposing head of security for the Jokertown clinic.
  • O troll é um monstro de tamanho grande.
  • Trolls are large, strong beings composed of the surrounding ground type, and as such, appear in different forms; rock, earth/soil, ice, swamp and forest.
  • Troll is a 1986
  • Trolle sind unterirdische Wesen.
  • Trolls are enemies in Shining in the Darkness.
  • Trolls begin game with this weapon: Troll Club.
  • I close with a song and dance number. Ohhhhhh... In the Dark Ages I live as a peasant There should not be any computers, no I have one anyway to troll the web I point out misconceptions in your posts Nooo! I'm melting! ... Press the key to create a new account and continue con-trolling ... You can't stop me! I have sockpuppets! Ha ha! Signed, The nicest guy in the world, except for the lapses in judgment I experience on the net.
  • Troll — budzące grozę stworzenie, o wzroście dochodzącym do dwunastu stóp i wadze powyżej tony. Trolle znane były z ogromnej siły i równie ogromnej głupoty. Były brutalne i nieobliczalne. Można je było znaleźć w Wielkiej Brytanii, Irlandii oraz innych częściach w północnej Europie. Porozumiewały się między sobą chrząkaniem, pomrukami oraz wskazywaniem palcem, czyli językiem trollańskim. Istniały trzy rasy trolli: górskie, leśne i rzeczne. Górskie to najwięksi i najniebezpieczniejsi przedstawiciele gatunku, były łyse i miały blado-szarą skórę. Trolle leśne miały blado-zieloną skórę, a niektóre z nich były porośnięte cienkimi włosami zielonej lub brązowej barwy. Trolle rzeczne miały krótkie rogi, mogły też być kudłate. Trolle żywiły się surowym mięsem i nie wybrzydzały; jedły zarówno zwierzęta, jak i ludzi. Czasami można było spotkać górskie trolle jeżdżące na garborogu. Częściej jednak można je było zobaczyć poranionych przez te zwierzęta. Najmądrzejsze z trolli stawały się ochroniarzami czarodziejów.
  • Catrina, with the help of her servant Jonas, created a potion which allowed her to take on the appearance of the Lady Catrina. She later bluffed her way into the palace using the seal of the House of Tregor. She placed a love charm on Uther and he quickly began bending to her every word. When Merlin began to suspect her, she ordered Jonas to trap him before her marriage to Uther , which went off without a hitch. Upon realising that Merlin had escaped, Catrina claimed he'd stolen her seal, prompting Uther to order his death. She also made Uther enforce a new tax on the people to satisfy her greed, much to Arthur's dismay. When Arthur released a man who didn't pay the tax, she used this to have Uther believe his son was too weak to rule and have him make her the heir to the throne. However, during her ceremony her troll form began to emerge due to Merlin switching her real potion for a fake. As she tried to escape, she transformed completely, much to the shock of everyone except Uther, who didn't notice any change. However, her plan ultimately failed when Gaius and Merlin staged Arthur's death, bringing Uther to tears of true remorse. These tears broke the enchantment as he saw Catrina for what she truly was. Despite all attempts to prevent Arthur from drinking the antidote, he recovered from his state of living death and stabbed her resulting in one gassy death (Beauty and the Beast).
  • Trolls are tall but also quite skinny, even though they have surprising high amount of strength. The Trolls are very fast runners and can run for days without getting tired. A fighting Troll never stops until its target lies still. Trolls are ripping, biting and tearing their prety until its dead. Trolls rarely run away and know no fear. <-- What retard wrote this? A valuable source for bone, sulfur, and other low quality goods, Trolls are often farmed by newbie and veteran alike.
  • Categoria:Razze I Troll sono una razza di grandi creature malvagie create da Morgoth durante gli Anni degli Alberi come brutta copia degli Ent. Sono bestie grandi e forti ma sono particolarmente stupide, tanto che in battaglia vengono usati come truppe di sfondamento o bestie da soma, ma non gli vengono affidati ruoli di comando. Durante la Terza Era l'Oscuro Signore Sauron creò un nuovo tipo di troll noti come Olog-hai, più intelligenti e resistenti al sole ma che cessarono di esistere con la sua sconfitta. Mentre ne Lo Hobbit i troll rappresentano un elemento comico, ne Il Signore degli Anelli figurano più come personaggi malvagi nelle file di Sauron.
  • Trolls are large snow-dwelling beasts that appear as enemies on Winterhorn Ridge.
  • (Keress Rá): Sötétlándzsa Törzs (Darkspear tribe)
  • Troll[Experiência]:90 [Hitpoints]:84 [Dano Estimado[(Por Turno):64 Ataques : Onda De Gelo:Dano 47 a 96. Energia Paralisante:Dano 41 a 62 (paralisa o alvo durante 30 segundos) Invocar:invoca até 5 de seus clones porem com vida na metade(32) Berserker:Dano 65 a 124(é muito raro ele usar esse ataque) Haste: Ele fica extremamente rapido(+999 speed) Invisible:Ele fica invisivel durante 20 a 90 segundos. __________________________________________________________________________________ Loot:165 a 264 gold coins. stuffed toad. stuffed dragon.(semi raro) necromancer shield.(raro) backpack of holding. nightmare shield(sempre dropa) moon backpack(semi raro) magic plate armor(semi raro) atlas. blessed shield (extremamente raro) __________________________________________________________________________________ OBS: O troll é muito dificil de ser encontrado, ele pode ser encontrado em invasão, perto de carlin.(AO SUL)
  • The Troll, or Terrorist Rampaging On-Line Looser, is basically an attention whore and someone who does things to call attention to themselves. It is a bad thing if the troll is stupid or just trying to bring attention to himself/herself or just out to annoy people.
  • thumb|Ehrendenkmal für alle Trolle im Usenet Ein Troll ist ein ungeliebtes Wesen, dass lärmend und polternd durch Internet zieht, auf der Suche nach Beachtung. Ein Troll ernährt sich vom Ärger derer, die er nervt. Deshalb lautet die oberste Direktive: "Don't feed the Trolls!".
  • Et vanlig troll er ca. 2,10 meter høyt og veier omlag 100 kilo, med untak av Drakkari- og Zandalaristammene, som er litt støre. Det er mange raser av troll, se underarter av troll. Troll er store, slanke, og muskuløse. De har både alviske og orkiske trekk med sine store tenner og lange ører. Deres lange armer, sterke bein og raske reflekser er perfekt laget for jakt. Akkurat som Tauren, har troll to fingrer og en tommel, og de har bare to tær på hver fot. Som Tauren bruker de heller ikke noen form for sko, bortsett fra at Tauren ikke kan det på grunn av at de har hover, mens det ser ut som om troll bare er mer komfortabel når de er barfot. Troll som er med i Horden, er medlemmer av Svartspyd stammen, som bla jaget vekk fra den frodige jungelen (kjent som Stranglethorn vales) av de andre troll stammene. De ble funnet på en liten øy mellom kontinentene av Thrall og orkene når de var på vei mot Kalimdor, hvor de sloss mot Murlocs som var kontrollert av en sjøheks og hadde fagnet lederen deres. selv om orkene hjalp trollene I kampen mot murlocene, døde lederen. Han ble etterfulgt av sønnen. I dag er trollandsbyen, Sen'jin village i Durotar oppkalt etter troll lederen Sen'jin.
  • Trolls (aka Trollkind) average seven feet in height and two hundred pounds in weight, save for two tribes, the Drakkari and the Zandalari, who tend to be somewhat larger than their kindred. As with other races, there are also scattered trolls who far exceed the normal size range. There are several races of troll. Many trolls have no loyalty except amongst their own tribes, with the exception of the Darkspear tribe, the Shatterspear tribe, and the Revantusk tribe, the former two being part of the Horde, while the latter being allies of them. Darkspear are the playable trolls in World of Warcraft; statistically, they are the least played race in the game. Although the Darkspears are the weakest and smallest of all the troll races, even amongst jungle trolls, they are the most cunning and intelligent. Trolls are easily the most diverse sapient race in Azeroth, and can be found in every part of the world.
  • There are two basic types of troll: (1) real persons who go around the Internet causing trouble for fun, and (2) fictional creatures that may be encountered within Word Worlds by PPC agents. The first kind are, for the most part, pointless and annoying, and the PPC has (thankfully) not run into too many of them, considering its anti-Suvian stance. The second kind may be either malicious entities that spawn when someone writes a trollfic, or species found naturally in various continua.
  • Le troll (トロール Tōroru) est un monstre de la famille des Démons.
  • The Troll is a troll lurking the Internet. Clarence can defeat 9 of them if he received a task to defeat them. The Troll walks forward and can damage Clarence on contact. Like any other enemy, Clarence can defeat it by jumping on it. Although they don't do any damage to Clarence other than damage by contact, the task said that the Troll can do real damage to the Internet.
  • 250px|thumb|Troll 250px|thumb|Troll 250px|thumb|Troll górski 250px|thumb|Troll jaskiniowy [[Grafika:Troll2.jpg|250px|thumb|Trolle (od lewej) lodowy, wrzosowiskowy i mur-zhagul]] 250px|thumb|Troll krystaliczny 250px|thumb|Troll leśny 250px|thumb|Troll ognisty 250px|thumb|Ognista gigantka nakazuje swoim trollom ostrzofurii walkę przeciwko krasnoludom 250px|thumb|Troll pustkowi 250px|thumb|Troll wojenny Trolle to źli giganci o zdolności niezwykłej regeneracji, istnieje wiele odmian zależnych od środowiska.
  • The huge, monstrous trolls have been around for ages, natives to all of the continents of Eberron. The trolls of Khorvaire have been forced from most areas by the civilized races. Most of them have fled to Droaam, where they serve as elite guards for the Daughters of Sora Kell.
  • Trolls are ugly and loathsome creatures of vaguely humanoid appearance. They are related to Ogres, but have been more deeply affected by Chaos and still continue to produce Chaotic mutations. They live like wild animals in small groups, raiding settlements for food as the need or whim takes them. They live for eating and their digestive system is able to cope with almost anything (including, it is rumoured, solid rock). Indeed, it is said that a Troll is the only thing that an Ogre will not challenge to an eating match - because they know they will stand no chance against the Troll's volcanic digestion. Their digestive juices are among the most powerful acids known in the Old World and disembowelling a Troll can often result in death for both combatants, as the acid gushes out. Occasionally, the few indigestible remains of past meals, such as gold and gems, can be found in a Troll's gizzard, although it seldom repays the risks of obtaining it. Trolls' sensitive ears and noses can detect the sounds and smells of a battlefield over a distance of several miles and, in Norsca and the more northerly part of the Old World, it is not unknown for a group of Trolls to appear at the edge of a battle and begin eating whatever is closest to them. While they are capable of eating practically anything, they much prefer meat or carrion and, when a Troll kills an opponent, it will often lose interest in the rest of the battle and sit down to eat. Trolls have little command or understanding of language, but some speak a debased version of Norse (very slowly). They are unhygenic, dirty, and disgustingly smelly creatures and it is common for a variety of fungi to grown on some parts of their bodies. Because of their unpredictable eating habits, Trolls are often covered in the remains of their last meal. They do not wear armour and only occasionally use weapons; these are always of the crudest kind, consisting mainly of tree-trunks wielded as clubs, although they have been known to use axes captured from Giants and Ogres, sometimes even holding them by the right end. Trolls have the ability to regenerate damaged body tissues - so that even a slain Troll can sometimes come back to life. In combat, they attack with two claws (or twice with a weapon, if carried) and one bite.
  • Trollet er en skapning som kommer fra nordisk folkedikting med røtter til norrøn mytologi. De finnes derfor massevis av i Skandinavia, men utbreder seg til hele Europa. Et troll er ganske stort og bruker ofte treklubbe til våpen. De har lav intelligense, men er stor og kraftig og dreper ofte skapninger uten at de vet det. I 1991 var det et troll i jentedoen i Galtvort borgen. Trollet var sendt inn av professor Krengle som kunne kommunisere med troll. Det endte med at Harry Potter, Ronny Wiltersen og Hermine Grang nesten ble drept. Magiske Vesener etter klassifisering
  • Kategoria:Bez kodu Kategoria:Bez kodu Troll – ogromne i wytrzymałe stworzenia humanoidalne, występujące we wszystkich częściach sagi Gothic. W świecie Gothic występują trzy rodzaje tego gatunku: troll zwykły, czarny i jaskiniowy. Jest to jedna z niewielu bestii która ma młode, pojawiające się podczas gry.
  • Trolls are a true test of bravery within Cormyr. Making their homes within caves, swamps, and dank forests, the Cormyrean troll feeds on its victims at an astounding rate. During times of economic crisis and military instability, the western city of Eveningstar periodically hosts troll hunts. Within the swamps, trolls are battered by adventures equipped with both sword and torch. Most trolls born in the swamps, however, are resilient and can take several beatings by a half-dozen adventurers at once. Even once they have fallen, trolls must be set ablaze to truly be slain; otherwise, their regenerative capabilities quickly overcome any inflicted wounds. See: Deadlock
  • Trolls are one of the most dangerous kind of The People. Due to their uncontrolled aggression, they are not afraid to eat, kill, or destroy almost anything they see. l. A notable troll is Gruff. The oldest known troll who has survived beacause of magical residue Gruff has been mistaken for Bigfoot and the yeti and possibly more creatures
  • A Troll is a large, ugly mammalian biped native to Scandinavia. A full-grown mountain troll is twelve feet tall, with dull gray skin. Its body is grey and lumpy, with a proportionally tiny head with long ears and small eyes, short thick legs and flat, horny feet. It gives off a terrible reek. They are rather dimwitted.
  • Playable Classes Beastlord, Berserker, Shadow Knight, Shaman, Warrior Armor Size Large Race Abilities Enhanced Regeneration, Infravision, Slam History In keeping with their friends the Ogres, Trolls are also somewhat lacking in intelligence and wisdom; there is one department which Ogres do better than the Trolls in and that is looks, Trolls are perhaps the ugliest, smelliest race on Norrath. This isn't to say Trolls have no redeeming factors as they are also strong and tough and quite capable of wielding weapons and casting effective spells. Trolls are usually considered an evil race and an uncivilised one at that. Not all Trolls can get to grips with why they are so detested but most accept that they shouldn't approach anyone, including their own kind without good reason or a ready blade. They have little affection for any kind and each other, though Ogres seem to find a willing hunting partner in a hungry Troll. Hunger is usually a Troll's main motivator and will be pursued vigorously until they are satisfied. Trolls are willing to eat pretty much anything that moves, as long as it is tasty and doesn't run too fast. The Trolls originally lived in Grobb, a primitive settlement located on the edge of the swamp of Innothule. They were besieged by Frogloks and their defences eventually fell. The Dark Elves took the Trolls in and allowed them to have their own area in their city of Neriak, but their make shift home had very little other than the essentials, such as a boiling pot and a cleaver. The smarter and stronger Trolls were the only ones who managed to survive the battle with their amphibian invaders but were able to bring with them the knowledge to continue training Trolls in the basics of the professions they have available to them. Some time later the Trolls re-took their home and the frogloks were forced out into the Rathe Mountains. Trolls often become Warriors, a job they take too very well aided by their strength and size. They only take up training that involves 'barshing' in some form and even their Shamans usually carry powerful, enchanted weapons. Trolls prefer the Mystical to the Arcane and only their Shadow Knights have any knowledge of Arcane spells. In addition to the mentioned professions Trolls are known to become Beastlords and Berserkers but it is a much rarer sight then the more traditional, tribal choices. Trolls are widely famed for their regenerative ability, it is very hard to actually kill a troll; rumours from Kaladim have it that it is actually impossible without physically removing their heads! Because of their natural hardiness and stamina they are often accepted on open expeditions, despite their rough and uncouth manner. It is not unheard of for Trolls to even join the 'good' races on quests and trips of exploration but only those who are smart enough to understand the civilized expectations placed on them. Unlike Ogres, Trolls are more of a naturally stupid than a cursed race and are quite capable of developing their intellect past the usual me eat, me fight, me sleep attitude. Their companions need to be especially weary of this possibility, as Trolls sometimes play dumb even though they understand perfectly what is happening and said around them.
  • Trolls are hairy, mischievious creatures who like to play pranks which they refer to as trolling. They may seem dumb at first glance but are quite resourceful if given an opportunity to show off. They dwell in underground tunnels and mountains in Libaterra with their home being known as Troldhaugen. They are a wandering folk, many of them choosing to travel in small packs to different areas for reasons that are known only to them although they always attempt to return to their home of origin in time for the next Trollmoot.
  • Someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. Often using multiple user names also know as Sock Puppets.
  • -Trolls start with a healing skill of 44 and potential of 370%.When a class trained in healing is chosen, the starting values can become as high as 50 and 450%. Funnily enough, the usual maximum potential for any skill is 400%.
  • Troll is a monster found in the fifth Hero and Monster Collection set, Visions of Dawn. It was first found in the Second Edition Conversion Kit.
  • They are something of an oddity when compared with other races such as humans or gnomes. Trolls are split into several different types, which all differ from each other greatly. It is not currently known if these are different species of troll or different breeds. These differences reflect the troll race's hardiness, and ability to adapt to a number of extreme environments, although all trolls share some similarities such as their rocky appearances, their thick skins, and their relatively low levels of intelligence.
  • Budowa: Wzrost trolli wynosi 2,8 metra, a waga 225 kilogramów. Kolor skóry zróżnicowany, od różowobiałego do mahoniowego brązu, zwykle nie zmienia się w trakcie przeistaczania w formę trolla. Proporcje budowy ciała ingentis różnią się od sapiens, u którego stosunek długości ramion do nóg jest nieco wyższy niż u ingentis. Trolle są bardzo silnie zbudowane, czasami też występuje u nich zwarstwianie skóry i kości dające efekt zrogowaceń, ogólnej chropowatości skóry lub wręcz pancerza skórnego. Owłosienie ciała jest zwykle mocno rozwinięte, choć zdarza się też, że nie ma go w ogóle. Owłosienie głowy bywa zazwyczaj obfitsze niż u grupy etnicznej sapiens, z której wywodzi się dany ingentis. Nos raczej szeroki, uszy szpiczaste, czasami wydłużone. Zaokrąglona czaszka o 34 zębach, ze znacznie powiększonymi dolnymi kłami. Według hipotez niektórych naukowców powykrzywiane zęby trzonowe ingentis podlegają ciągłej regeneracji. Kobiety ingentis mają 2 piersi. Gatunki podobne: Niektórzy badacze wyrażają przekonanie, iż pojedyncze osobniki lub małe społeczności tego podgatunku są w rzeczywistości przedstawicielami całkowicie odrębnego gatunku. Dalsze badania, w tym studia nad rozmnażaniem, nie potwierdzają takiej hipotezy, jako że trolle wykazują duże zróżnicowanie co do wyglądu. Występowanie: Trolle zamieszkujące obszary nie zurbanizowane wybierają naturalne jaskinie lub miejsca pod mostami na swoje legowiska. Na terenach miejskich zasiedlają obszary, od których stronią "normalni", takie jak kanały czy opuszczone domy. Zwyczaje: Trolle preferują nocny tryb życia. Są wszystkożerne. Populację formują zwykle małe grupy, często zamieszkujące wspólnie z podgatunkiem robustus. Analizy metabolizmu i bezpośrednie obserwacje wskazują na czas życia około 50 lat. Okres rozrodczy nie podlega ograniczeniom. Okres ciąży 259 dni. Młode: Zwykle jedno. Waga noworodka wynosi 2,5 procenta wagi matki. Czas karmienia powyżej 15 miesięcy. Komentarz: Wykazywana przez oczy trolli wrażliwość na podczerwoną część spektrum pozwala im na swobodną nocną aktywność. Przeistoczenie z sapiens w ingentis niekorzystnie wpływa na kondycję umysłową osobnika, często wywołując psychozy i zakłócenia wzorców zachowawczych. Osobniki urodzone jako ingentis nie podlegają temu urazowi i zwykle funkcjonują w społeczeństwie normalnie. Trolls (lat.: Homo sapiens ingentis) appeared for the first time in 2021. On 30 April 2021 about one tenth of mankind goblinized into Orks or Trolls. In years to follow, many humans in the course of their puberty also goblinized into Orks or Trolls.
  • Trolle haben ein humanes Aussehen. Sie besitzen zwei Arme und Beine sowie einen erkennbaren Oberkörper und Kopf. Sie besitzen jedoch eine grüne Hautfarbe und sind gigantisch groß. Des Weiteren haben sie muskulöse Arme und Beine, einen großen Bauch und große Füße. Ihr Gesicht wird deformiert und in ihrem Mund haben sie zwei große Stoßzähne sowie eine violette Zunge. Als Kleidung tragen sie einen roten Fetzen um den Unterkörper sowie um die Handgelenke und als eine Art Kopftuch.
  • Also known as "Trold" or "Trolld", it is a demon in Scandinavian mythology. trolls are large, strong, hairy creatures that only appear at night when hunting for humans to eat. In many stories and games, they are portrayed as cruel, loathsome creatures that seem to have no joy other than making humans suffer.
  • Es gibt drei Unterarten von Trollen: Berg-, Wald- und Flusstrolle. Der Bergtroll ist der größte und heimtückischste. Er ist glatzköpfig und hat eine fahlgraue Haut. Der Waldtroll hat eine blassgrüne Haut und manche Exemplare haben grünes oder braunes, dünnes und schütteres Haar. Der Flusstroll hat kurze Hörner und kann behaart sein. Er hat eine purpurrote Haut und oft sieht man ihn unter Brücken lauern. Trolle fressen rohes Fleisch und sind nicht wählerisch bei ihrer Beute, die von Wildtieren bis hin zu Menschen reichen kann.
  • Trolls are a small, sentient species living on Third Earth who are similar in appearance to Bolkins and Wolos. Lion-O first encounters them after hearing tales about the Trolls from the Berbils and takes Snarf out to investigate. The Trolls use giant grasshoppers to move around and live next door to the Giants. Trolls do not have good memories. However, the Troll who said this, Grygory Grygion, was actually Mumm-Ra in disguise so it can't be known for sure.
  • Troll is one of Molly's toys. She is a Troll doll with abnormally large, pink hair wearing a blue bikini with oxeye daisies. She is good friends with Bo Peep and Rocky Gibraltar.
  • Trolls in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, unlike the monstrous trolls of folklore and J.R.R. Tolkien, have been subverted into a moderately civilised race. Trolls on the Discworld are, essentially, living, mobile rocks. Trolls have grown to overcome those vicious stereotypes of yore and have lived very prosperous lives in heavily populated cities with (relatively) little killing, and have held jobs as diverse as police officer and concert promoter. They have also held jobs as "bridgekeepers," taxing those that cross their bridges. It is relatively harmless, although farmers in the company of billy goats have to pay a hefty tax.
  • Redd, PokeDork, SnakePit, N_GAYMER, D1KK1, Stunky, Shkal, and SockPuppet. For a full list for to FCs Brothers page
  • Trolls are big enemies armed with clubs seen in Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. They specifically appear in Imperial Dungeons ownards. One of The Six was transformed into a a bigger and stronger form of troll when he, like the other advisors attempted to gain immortality. He appears to lead the trolls and is located near the end of Dungeon Depths. The Imperial Guards and Trolls appear to be fighting each other. There is also another type of enemy troll which carries a device on its back and explodes upon proximity to a hero, much like the Bomber.
  • Le troll est une créature célèbre pour sa force prodigieuse et sa stupidité. Il est souvent violent et imprévisible.
  • Regenerates hit points equal to the damage it does to enemy units.
  • A malcontent that posts messages specifically designed to enrage, confuse, and/or infuriate as many people as possible. Truly "talented" trolls may even enter the realm of Stealth Parody. The very nature of the internet (from newsgroups to wiki sites) is such that if you try to preach to opponents outright or otherwise offend them, you'll probably be ignored and/or banned. A combination of parody and provocation is more likely to inveigle others and thus become a more effective method of quarreling. A case-in-point of the GIFT, the troll delights in sowing chaos; he is enamored by the thought that he can set off total strangers and derail entire forum topics by posting one simple message. At the same time, anonymity shields him from the uncomfortable realization that total strangers are currently fantasizing about his brutal and painful death. The easiest way for a troll to set off an argument is to find a forum devoted to a specific point-of-view -- fandom, hobbyists, politics, what have you -- and post something inflammatory and profane holding an opposite viewpoint. An experienced troll makes sure to hit as many buttons as possible in a single post, making sure that others on the forum spend an equal amount of time responding to and refuting each point. I.E., on a fan forum for "X", a beginning troll may simply post "X Sucks", while an experienced troll may post a long essay on why "X Sucks" (usually full of lies and mischaracterizations, but using the truth makes it all the more frustrating for the regulars,) and a very experienced troll will even use Sock Puppets to anger both sides of an argument at once. Troll messages are often characterized by poor grammar, poor punctuation, excessive use of net slang and CAPS. Whether this is real illiteracy or an additional attempt to garner a response depends on the individual. In the world of fan fiction, an author who intentionally posts a story that is stupid, badly spelled, or otherwise insincere is also referred to as a 'troll', as are the stories in question themselves. The goal of such trolls seems to be to either laugh at the people who like their fic, because they're obviously stupid, or to laugh at the possibly self-righteous criticism they receive from more "serious" fic writers. See Troll Fic. The recommended path for a responsible netizen when confronted with a troll is to ignore him. Replying to a troll is referred to as "feeding" him, and may earn the admonishment of one's peers. Most forums have rules for dealing with trolls, but there is little that can be done to shut one out without setting up significant barriers to new members, so they still trickle in. Also note that a genuine troll doesn't need to be announced as such. One fallacious use of the term "troll" is to mean "somebody I disagree with". When you see somebody declare their opposition a troll during a debate (especially if it's later in the debate or it's against an established member of the community), it's an Ad Hominem attack as a desperate ploy to win. As such, this in turn became one of trolling tactics. In most civilized communities, it is similar to Godwin's Law in its ability to automatically derail the argument and destroy the respectability of the invoker. This is a close cousin to the Wiki Vandal, and sometimes another facet of the Single-Issue Wonk. May be the same people, for all we know. Contrast with the Internet (not so) Tough Guy: the troll does not go beyond insults, the Internet Tough Guy will add threats, and sometimes (albeit rarely) acts. Compare with The Gadfly, who is not necessarily a troll but often partakes of some aspects of one. One may think that the term "Trolling" comes from the way that people verb every noun they can get their metaphorical hands on, but it's actually the other way around: The (by now, mostly forgotten) origin of the term "Trolling" comes from the phrase "trolling for suckers," a reference to trawling as a technique in fishing, where a baited hook is slowly drawn through the water rather than simply being cast and allowed to stay in one place -- the idea being that the troll drags his bait through the group without staying around himself. The use of the term "troll" as a noun, and the attachment of mythical beastly trolls to the concept are all more recent additions. Interestingly, other forums may take a different tack to dealing with Trolls. Certain forums cannot simply remove the trolls, as they consist of a large portion of their userbase. Instead, they defuse trolling with critical analysis of the trolls in question. Certain trolls may even earn renown for consistently posting high-grade trolls. Note that if what somebody says is truly their honest opinion, no matter how dumb or incomprehensible, they are not a troll. They may still be idiots. Trolls are a form of griefer. Griefer as a specific term often refers to a person who trolls people in online video games by interfering with play and doing everything they possibly can to ruin the fun of other people trying to play the game normally (or stupidly.) They are not known for their logic. At one time, the most irritating version of trolling was the "invasion". Entire net communities would become swamped by trolls, derailing them completely. Raiding has become less popular over the years, however, and trolling mostly exists as an individual effort in the modern era. Examples of Troll include:
  • Trolls can also have their belches used for ingredients to create potions such as "Shapeshifting potions" and "Portal Potions". Trolls are interested in Leperchuan gold. Jake once stopped two trolls attacking a Leperchuan, unaware they they wanted their gold back. Jake hired them to stop the Huntsclan to get one of the Aztec Skulls and he repays them a bag full of alot of Leperchaun gold and two golden motorcycles.
  • Troll often appear in Shadowgate games, guarding a bridge.
  • Trolle to dumne istoty o ognistorudych włosach, bladej skórze, ostro ciosanych rysach twarzy oraz krępej budowie ciała. W Wanadii zamieszkiwały pierwotnie jej północną i środkową-wschodnią część. Tam też są ich największe skupiska. Dużą liczbę trolli można znaleźć także w Alfheimie. Znaleźli się oni tam w wyniku wypraw rabunkowych.
  • Trolls are huge, strong creatures that typically carry wooden clubs. They can also be encountered as Baby Trolls in Divinity II: Ego Draconis on occasion. Trolls can first be seen attacking the warriors from Band of Brutes, if they are punished by Louis. They are also encountered: * Being invoked by Bellegar during a Bellegar's Shrines event * During the Stuck in a Hole quest * Attacking High Hall * Serving Mundus in the High Hall Mines The hero may find a book about trolls titled Survive the Trolls Survival Guide during their adventures. The book Adventuring for Dummies, Part Two also warns of the dangers of digging for treasure in troll pits. While generally viewed as savages, trolls are not without intelligence or societal structure. King Bragi was among the most respected and feared trolls in Rivellon, who once ruled alongside Queen Ormhildr over a large portion of the Aleroth and Broken Valley regions. Their prized possessions were cursed, later inflicting those who sought to steal them from their shrines.
  • Trolls are a type of faerie of the Winter Court. They first appear in in "Restoration of Faith".
  • A troll can be anyone. If you get trolled, you are in fact an idiot. gg.
  • In the first of the Slayers novels, Lina Inverse describes trolls as humanoid creatures about twice the height of a man. Their skin colors vary from dark yellow to dark green, sometimes blue, and combined shades of the three. Trolls have extremely powerful physiques and seldom wear more than a loincloth.
  • To avoid her, Loungelot told Flicker to marry her, but before they could be married, the troll noticed Loungelot and continued chasing him. The dragons decided to release her into the darkest woods. Flicker tied her in a sack and he, Blaze, and Burnevere sent her into the Darkest of the Dark Woods. Unfortunately, Loungelot was sent flying with the sack the troll was in due to his hand being caught in the rope. Then Count Geoffrey took the troll away from Loungelot, believing the sack to contain money. When Geoffrey opened the sack at Castle Threadbare, the troll chased him around. Her fate after the episode is unknown.
  • A troll is a type of Human or humanoid creature often storied in Earth mythology. Trolls originated in the historic myths of Nordic Europe, in which they are considered to be the enemies of gnomes.
  • There are two types of trolls: Mountain trolls and Lowland trolls.
  • Trolls are giant, humanoid creatures. Trolls possess a certain level of intelligence, and are able to use simple sentences to communicate with humans and amongst themselves. They usually reside in the wild, but often are found living under bridges (which they often build themselves) and demand toll from travelers. While witchers used to kill trolls in the past (as some trolls eat or ate human flesh), nowadays often people are used to having a troll around, especially that paying the toll is cheaper than maintenance of the bridge. Yennefer had a giant mountain troll penis in her collection. There is a common belief that trolls are petrified by sunlight, but it's not true.
  • The only things Trolls care about are eating and fighting. Their erratic behavior and formidable strength make them fearsome and deadly opponents. Despite their limitations, trolls are not to be underestimated. A particularly crude clan filled with hate, Trolls have daunting strength and stamina, which make them good fighters of any type. Trolls are physically ugly and carry a rancid odor. They seem to be very close in relation to the Ogres, with only a small height deifference of two feet separating them. Trolls are often considered a hideous and deplorable race that carries a sickening smell. The view sults the Troll as they are generally unpleasant to everyone. Trolls are very untrustworthy, and tend to not even trust each other because of their greediness. rolls are an evil race. Out of fear, they have allied themselves with the dark elves, and many of them worship the god of the dark elves, because they are entranced with their elegance. With the ogres, they are allied because of the saying; My enemy's enemy is my friend.
  • The Troll was the disguise of the Penguin. He was attempting to mislead the gang from his and Joker's cave.
  • MASCULINE - FEMININE - COLLECTIVE amyes - amyas [ Note 1 ] I, me agyes - agyas- agyos You [ sing. or pl.] asyes He, asyas She asyos It vivyes - vivyas - vivyos We astes - astas- astos They vanyes - vanyas - vanyos Who ? Which ? [ Person(s)] vantos Which ? What ? [ Thing(s) ] quenyes - quentas - quentos Someone, Anyone liquentos No-one NOTE 1 The Collective gender is used for inanimate subjects, or when the gender of the subject is unknown or mixed ] vantos is declined as an example : Sing. Pl. Nominative vantos vantoszi What ? Genitive vantosam vantosamizi Of What ? Prepositional vantoko vantokozi [ By, To, etc ] what ? My, mine amya [sing.] amyazi [pl.] Your, yours agya agyazi His/ Her/ Its asya asyazi [ or asyesya/ asyasya / asyosya *] Our, ours vivya vivyazi -self's* vasya vasyazi Someone's, Anyone's quanta quantazi Everyone's [ All ] elta eltazi No-one's liquanta liquantazi *The reflexive pronoun vasyos [ vasya, vasyazi ] is used to refer to the subject of the phrase or sentence. e.g mingasem vasya shikal = I saw [my own] destiny ( mingasem= I saw, vasya = own, shikal = destiny ). In most contexts the general third person possessive asya [ = His / Her / Its ] refers to the subject of the sentence. When it is necessary to differentiate between more than one of these possibilities, the possessive adjectives asyesya (= asyes vasya ) / asyasya (= asyas vasya ) / asyosya ( = asyos vasya ) [ = His own, Her own, Its own ] or astesya / astasya / astosya (= astes vasya / astas vasya / astos vasya ) [ Their own ] are used. These always refer to the subject of the verb. For example : Sa sengi migasessho margoz nang sa beshinakozi; asyosya sikra zhes nagya = The lion had seen a goat among the oak trees ; its [ the lion's ] hair was black. Compare with Sa sengi migasessho margoz nang sa beshinakozi; asya sikra zhes nagya = The lion had seen a goat among the oak trees ; its [ the goat's ] hair was black. [ Note that the lion's and goat's genders are undetermined, hence the collective form of the adjectives is used ] The emphatic pronouns amyasya [ = My own ], agyasya [ = Your own (s. or pl. ) ], vivyasya [ = Our own ] are sometimes used, and vanyasya [ = Whose own ? ], quantyasya [ = One's / Someone's / Anyone's own ], eltyasya [ Everyone's own ] are used more rarely. 1. * 2. 1. * DEMONSTRATIVE AND RELATIVE PRONOUNS 1. * These are as follows : Independent - Singular - Plural [Nouns - M / F / C ] [Adjectives] 1. * This jintes / jintas / jintos jinta jintazi [ This other ] That [ by you ] thantes/ thantas thantos thanta thantazi [ That other ] That [ remote ] yantes/ yantas/ yantos yanta yantazi [ At that time ] Then yanos yana yanazi [ Anything ] Some[thing] quantos quanta quantazi No [thing] liquantos liquanta liquantazi Sometime quanos quana quanazi 1. * 9.3 OTHER RELATIVE PARTICLES AND PHRASES MANNER [ Response to question ingviva ? How ? [ By which means ? ] ( = ingvi vanoko ?) ] ingvi jintoko / jintokozi = Thus(ly), in this way, so / in these ways ingvi yantoko / yantokozi = In that way / in those ways ingvi quantoko / quantokozi = Somehow, anyhow, in some way / in some ways ingvi eltoko / eltokozi = In every way / in all ways ingvi liquantoko = In no way, [“nohow”] PLACE [ Response to question mikiva ? Where ? [ In which place ? ] ( = miki vantoko ? ) ] miki jintoko = Here, in this place vu jintoko = Hither, to this place miki jintokozi = In these places vu jintokozi = Hither, to these places miki yantoko = There, in that place vu yantoko = Thither, to that place miki yantokozi = In those places vu yantokozi = Thither, to those places miki quantoko = Somewhere, anywhere, in some place miki eltoko = Everywhere, in every place miki eltokozi = in all places miki liquantoko = Nowhere, in no place miki quantokozi = in some places REASON [ Response to question farava ? Why ? [ For which reason ? ] ( = fara vantoko ? ) ] fara jintoko = Because, for this reason fara jintokozi = For these reasons fara yantoko = Therefore, for that reason fara yantokozi = For those reasons fara quantoko = For some reason fara quantokozi = For some reasons fara liquantoko= For no reason TIME [ Response to question zavako ? When ? [ At which time ? ] ( = za vanta skamako ? ) ] za yamako (= yanta skamako ) = Then, when, at that time [ Relative ] za yamakozi (= yantazi skamakozi ) = At those times za quamako ( = quanta skamako ) = At some time za quamakozi (= quantazi skamakozi )= At some times za elmako ( = elta skamako ) = Always, at every time za elmakozi ( = eltazi skamakozi ) = At all times za liquamako ( = liquanta skamako ) = Never, at no time po yamako ( = yanta skamako ) = From then on vu yamako ( = yanta skamako ) = Up until then The following words are used to ask questions. ingviva ? How ? [ By which means ? ] ( = ingvi vanoko ?) vanyos ? Who ? vantos ? What ? mikiva ? Where ? [ In which place ? ] ( = miki vantoko ? ) pozava ? From when ? ( = po za vanta skamako ? ) vuzava ? Up until when ? ( = vu za vanta skamako ? ) Cardinal numerals ( nouns ) are given, Ordinal numerals ( adjectives ) are formed by the addition of the suffix -va / -iva 1,000,000 yinminja 2,000,000 binminja, etc.
  • Troll A Troll is a gigantic, slow-moving, creature in Therica that serves as a live means of transportation over large crevices, bodies of water, or things that are difficult to cross. They are basically a living bridge and possess a high amount of sheer, untamed, strength.
  • Trolls are large, stupid monsters that live underground, in caves, or under bridges. One of the few specimens of a troll found in the wild was one that had taken residence in the Eastlands after the fall of the Empire. The Evil One also used a troll to guard the entrance to Witchville. Leonardo Flathead made a major treatise proved that the world actually rests on the head of an enormous troll, rather than the back of a giant turtle.
  • right Rencontre:Ferdok, Place de Praïos, Le Pichet d'argent * Voir Trucs & Astuces Ferdok
  • In 2000, a group of Trolls had kidnapped the fairy princess Thistle to force her royal parents to surrender their Kingdom. Thistle was saved by a young girl named Kate, who kept her safely locked in a box. The Trolls later kidnapped Thistle and Kate, whom they had turned into a fairy with magical fairy dust. However, these Trolls were vanquished by the Charmed Ones not long after. Years later, another Troll assisted the Charmed along with various other magical beings to distract the demon Zankou when he tried to gain control of the Nexus. A Troll used his speed to make Zankou trip down the stairs, much to the demon's frustration.
  • A Összeesküvés-elméletek hívői (mind a Felébredtek, mind az Önképzett Szakértők) egyöntetűen a Troll kifejezést használják mindenkire, akik nem értenek velük egyet és/vagy erőszakosan a saját véleményüket sulykolják másba. Ez azért ironikus, mert ez a meghatározás - személyes hitbeli meggyőződését ellentmondást nem tűrő, pökhendi erőszakossággal sulykolja (Wikipédia ) rájuk is illik. Tehát minden zelóta élharcosa az összeesküvés-elméleteknek Trollnak számít. Püff nekik.
  • Level: 20 Element: Earth Location: Subterranean Maze Coordinates: X: 1162 Y: 335 Drop: Common Stone, Coprinus, Sardine Attributes: * 18 Strength * 25 Constitution * 6 Intelligence * 5 Wisdom * 6 Agility
  • A troll is a monstrous giant with a rough, green hide, clawed hands, and a bestial face with a hideous, tusked underbite. These fearsome monsters regenerate all damage not inflicted through fire or acid, and a full-sized troll can regrow from even a tiny scrap of flesh. Scrags are a variety of aquatic troll that typically dwell in cold northern rivers and lakes.
  • School: Image:Myth.png Pip Cost: 2 Accuracy: 80% Type: Image:Damage.png Description: Deals 170 - 210 Image:Myth.png Image:Damage.png to target. Received From: Cyrus Drake Requirements: Required Character Level: 5 Spells: * Blood Bat Prerequisite for: Spells: * Myth Trap * Cyclops (Spell) * Ether Shield * Humongofrog * Time of Legend * Minotaur (Spell) * Earthquake (Spell) Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes
  • Trolls are a mythical creature that appears in both Hellboy comics and Hellboy II.
  • Trolls are large humanoid monsters, as witlessly stupid as they are bone-crushingly powerful. They commonly join rampaging armies of Greenskins for the promise of food. Trolls are found in their greatest numbers in the lands of Troll Country, which borders the lands of Norsca to the north and other Chaos tainted regions in close proximity to the Chaos Wastes. Trolls are by nature creatures of Chaos, the corrupting taint of Chaos playing a primary role in their origins and continued existence. Trolls are voracious creatures, mostly motivated by food and eating than anything else, and appropriately, their digestive systems can cope with almost anything, including, as rumored, rock and metal. Trolls are infamous for several abilities. Their digestive juices are among the most corrosive acids known in the Old World, and disembowelling a Troll can often result in the death of the attacker himself as the acid sprays out. Secondly, Trolls possess an uncanny ability of quickly regenerating even the most grievous wounds. In due time almost all wounds will be healed, their only known weakness, fire. Trolls sometimes make use of weapons, such as primitive stone clubs and bones, although they are more than capable of ripping someone apart with their bare hands and claws.
  • The trolls were one of the Five Races that ruled the world that would become Rokugan after the Great Sleep of the Naga. They possessed a kinship with the Fire Element.
  • The only known group of trolls, known by their light-brown banners with a dark brown silhouette of a bony hand, resided in No Man's Land as one of the many smaller societies of the North, and were lead by Lord Stoll who found a support from the Bloodrage Chief due to their similar liking to empirical expansions. At some point Stoll chose Styx to be his second-in-command. Under their command, the trolls marched south and set up camp a few days from Mechastone. There, they begun besieging the gnome lands, claiming the Pit of Despair and other locations in Chief Engineer Toyk's domain, enslaving and killing innocent gnomes for their ore resources. At some point a small group lead by the Mechastone Defense Force soldier Fitch, including Cale'anon the elf, Krunch of the Bloodrage Clan, Richard the Warlock and priestess Benn'joon, accidently wandered straight into Styx' marching troll army, and were taken in custody - Richard and Benn being thrown in the Pit of Despair, while Krunch and Cale were lead to the supreme troll leader, whom they tricked and killed when they had the chance. The Mechastone Defense Force attacked at simuntaneously, and the gnomes were able to win the war. Styx lead the remaining army away, and took complete control of the troll forces. Their military featured primarily grunts wearing a minimal armor, but often brown horned helmets and golden belts, and a vast selection of weaponry, including war-hammers, maces, clubs, battle-axes, spears, halberds, swords and big round or ordinarily-shaped wooden shields for protection. They used siege machines like catapults and siege towers pulled by huge brown beasts. In their ranks were also a lot of elder shaman, wielding bony staves, and were able to remove power from enemy magicians by placing wards nearby.
  • Trolls are the Goblin teams big guy like a Ogre or Minotaur.
  • Il Troll è una creatura magica con una forza prodigiosa e un'immensa stupidità.
  • Trolls are hairy, apelike humanoids with black fur and faces that comprise elements of pigs and rodents. Their eyes are wide and bulging and their snouts thick and fleshy with several protrusions somewhat similar to feelers or sensors. Despite their animalistic appearances, Trolls have a degree of intelligence, as shown by their ability and propensity to use man-made weapons.
  • The Trolls are the children and worshippers of the Troll Gods. Typically, a Troll is between seven and nine feet tall, and are usually toward the upper end of that spectrum. (Ghwerig was the only shown exception to this, being both dwarfed and hunchbacked, which left him at slightly under seven feet tall). They are largely simian in their physique, having a similar overall bone structure to most humans and apes (a result of their common ancestors, the Dawn Men); however, a description in The Hidden City notes that they lack the "protruding muzzle" of most apes, having a rather flat face. Their limbs are also a great deal longer than human limbs, allowing them to move both more gracefully and far quicker than humans. Their greatest asset is (or was) their inability to die of old age, effectively meaning they had to be killed in battle. The Trolls are fairly primitive compared to the other races, being closer to animals in both appearance and behavior than any other race. They do show some faint hints of sophistication, however, such as having a priesthood and a rudimentary theology. They are also highly moral, being highly disgusted by kidnapping, unwarranted killing, and other human social problems. Humans and Trolls have fought and killed each other for millenia, and Aphrael had previously predicted that the Trolls would one day be exterminated due to their inability to change, but would take half of the human race with them. Due to her intervention during The Shining Ones, however, the Trolls were forbidden to ever kill another human and lost their immortality, effectively ensuring that the eons-old war between the two races came to an end and the Trolls would eventually undergo a relatively quiet extinction. As of the conclusion of The Tamuli, however, the Trolls were still alive and returned to Thalesia.
  • In Norse mythology, troll, like thurs is a term applied to jötnar. In Old Norse sources, trolls are said to dwell in isolated mountains, rocks, and caves, sometimes live together (usually as father-and-daughter or mother-and-son), and are rarely described as helpful or friendly. There is much confusion and overlap in the use of Old Norse terms jötunn, troll, þurs and risi. Lotte Motz theorized that these were originally four distinct classes of beings; lords of nature (jötunn), mythical magicians (troll), hostile monsters (þurs) and heroic and courtly beings (risi) - the last class being the youngest addition. Ármann Jakobsson calls this theory "unsupported by any convincing evidence" and argues that since the sources disagree, it may be most fruitful to investigate each text separately. Later, in Scandinavian folklore, trolls become defined as a particular type of being, generally held to be larger than humans and notably ugly. Numerous tales about trolls are recorded, in which they are frequently described as being extremely old, very strong, but slow and dim-witted. They are sometimes described as man-eaters and as turning to stone upon contact with sunlight. Into the 20th century, the origins of particular Scandinavian landmarks, such as particular stones, are ascribed to trolls. A Scandinavian folk belief that lightning frightens away trolls and jötnar appears in numerous Scandinavian folktales, and may be a late reflection of the god Thor's role in fighting such beings. In connection, the lack of trolls and jötnar in modern Scandinavia is explained as a result of the "accuracy and efficiency of the lightning strokes".
  • I troll sono degli animali che appaiono nella saga di Gothic, molto difficili da sconfiggere e in alcuni casi invulnerabili agli attacchi.
  • Bilan a Pes 2008 Saison 2 : 1 victoires, 1 nul, 58 défaites 21 buts marqués contre 368 encaissés (0.35 marqués par match contre 6.13 encaissés) Moyenne de 0.07 points par matches Meilleur Buteur : C.Ronaldo 0 Manette Explosé et 0 Lancer de Manette 0 Victoire pour 8 Défaite en Coupe (0 Finales, 0 Coupes remportés) Palmarès : Championnat Joué : 9 Titre : Néant
  • Trolls are dangerous, inimicable creatures of European folklore. They are often characterized as giants or elf-like creatures. Their name is a variation on trow, the same root word for drow.
  • Troll is a minor character from Shrek Forever After.
  • Trolls are large, brutish humanoids, with what appears to be very little intelligence. Trolls are mostly seen living in the "wild", but have also been seen under the control of creatures such as Halflings and Queen Fay.
  • Valószínűleg a troll Ghalla legerősebb intelligens faja, bár az "intelligens" jelzőt sokan meg szokták kérdőjelezni. Ezek a csupa izom, csipa bicepsz óriások félelmetes ellenfelek a harcban: mindenféle trükk nélkül, pusztán testi erejükre hagyatkozva is képesek lennének szinte bárkit szétzúzni, de mindent felülmúló fegyver-szakértelmük az, ami igazán legyőzhetetlenné teszi őket. Egy különös (talán szörny őseiktől) örökölt képességük, hogy táborozás alatt jóval gyorsabban regenerálódnak sebeik, mint más lényeknek. Induló fegyver : 1 bunkó Induló tárgy : 1 vizestömlő Induló szakértelem: nyomkövetés 1 Ismertebb trollok: Trollok
  • Der Troll ist die mächtigste Kreatur und zugleich das Monster, das die Orks hervorbringen können. Mit den meisten Lebenspunkten, der besten Parade gegen Infanterie und Kavalerie sowie einem akzeptablen Rüstungswert, gehört er wohl zu den besten Monstern, die es zur Zeit in Wailan gibt. Denn nicht nur diese Eigenschaften machen in Stark. Mit der höchsten Anzahl an Attacken unter allen Monstern, wird die geringe Kraft locker wett gemacht, zumal er beim Angriff noch in der ersten Runde vorstürmt und dem Gegner die volle Wucht seiner Attacken zu spüren kommen lässt. Durch diesen Sturm erhält er sicher viele Treffer, doch hebt diese sich zum Teil durch seine Spezialfähigkeit Regeneration wieder auf, denn nach dem ersten Angriff zieht er sich zurück und käpft mit seiner den anderen Truppen seiner Armee überagenden Kraft und Attackenzahl normal mit und baut seine Gesundheit erneut auf.
  • Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 13 – 23 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): acc2_Atlas_Troll The Troll is a Legendary Repeater Pistol manufactured by Atlas. Examples are on the talk page.
  • Trolls are extremely huge and strong creatures with large muscles, pointy teeth, big horns and a lot of hair all over their body. They are nearly always in a bad mood. Most races shun them because of this. Trolls are by far the strongest and the dumbest race available in this game. They make excellent fighters and lousy magicians. Trolls are somewhat disadvantaged by their great size (good targets!) and the great amounts of food they need to sustain their bulk. They also learn very slowly and need a lot of experience points to advance in their profession. On the positive side, they are by far the toughest and strongest race in the game and heal real fast. Trolls train in the following skills: Athletics, Bridge Building, Food Preservation, Gemology, and Mining.
  • Trolls were pre-alpha creatures found in Nimbus Park, Youreeka, and Spikes Peak. In Nimbus Park, a troll carrying around LEGO bricks could be seen in a construction scene at the beginning of the world. Another Troll wielding a large club played a could be found in Youreeka, located in a hedge maze. The Troll here would have offered a mission to collect him some water. Due to Nimbus Park and Youreeka being merged into Nimbus Station, the Trolls were removed, and were not officially released in the live game. Trolls were also set to appear in Spikes Peak, a mining themed world with trolls and dwarfs. Several trolls appear in concept art of various siege wagons for the Kingdoms World, suggesting that they were intended to make an appearance in the unreleased world as operators of these battle vehicles.
  • thumb|Dire Troll Peikot eli Peikkokunta ovat monipuolinen älyllinen rotu jotka voi löytää kaikkialta Azerothista. He ovat yksi harvoista esi-Titaani kansoista. Keskiarvoltaan he ovat parin metrin pituisia ja 90-kiloisia. Poikkeuksena ovat Drakkari ja Zandalari heimot jotka ovat joksenkin isompia kuin muut peikot. Kuten muutkin kansat, osa peikoista voivat kasvaa hirviömäisen kokoisiksi. Useilla peikoilla ei ole mitään uskollisuutta muuta vastaan kuin omaa heimoaan, josta taas Pimeäkeihäs-heimo, Pirstokeihäs-heimo ja Reivahammas-heimo ovat poikkeuksia, ensimmäiset kaksi kuuluvat Laumaan ja kolmas olleesaan liitossa sen kanssa. Pelattava Peikkohahmo kuuluu Pimeäkeihäs-heimoon vaikka ovatkin pienin ja heikoin peikko-heimo, he ovat peikoista ovelimmat ja älykkäimmät ja voivat kasvaa isommiksi kuten esim. Pimeäkeihäs Berserkit Warcraft III:sessa olivat isompia kuin örkki-sotilaat. Luokka:Hahmoluokat
  • Trolls are large humanoid shaped creatures that are found in the Maguuma Jungle and the Southern Shiverpeaks. Trolls are known for their regenerative abilities (from which the skill Troll Unguent is derived) and great physical strength. Unlike Mythical Trolls, the Trolls in Guild Wars do not shun the sun and are not turned to stone by the sunlight. For a list of all Trolls in Guild Wars, including bosses, see .
  • The troll is a minor character in Enchanted. The troll makes his debut in the beginning of the movie where Prince Edward has captured him. Once the Prince hears Giselle's singing, Nathaniel has the idea of using the troll to get rid of her. He then runs past Edward and eventually reaches her house. During a conversation between Giselle and Pip the troll peeks through the window with his eye, and after saying "I eat you now!" tries to grab her. Unfortunately for him, Giselle jumps into a tree while he is thrown somewhere in the distant forest. Until the end of the movie he hasn't been seen, where Pip has written a popular book and the troll is waiting in the back of the line, obviously outside the house. * He is the most minor character in Enchanted * He is not completely evil He's A Troll who can Talk
  • Trolls,called truknt in Flan. Trolls are without fear and often bandtogether with the eiger, as ogres are known. Trolls can also be found as guardians in gnoll dens. Old Common term: Drel
  • Trolls typically have their names tattooed on their nether regions. This is a result of Marital Rituals that date back to the early 19th Century. The details of these rituals are unclear, but many human beings do not wish to know the details, thus resulting in cases of Indifference and Disgust. Trolls are hard workers, but are only known to work for Dark Lords, or "People Who Have Bigger Clubs." Many humans have asked Trolls of a certain favor or another. These humans are usually regarded as a tasty snack for the common Troll, and are eaten on the spot. One notable gang of trolls, the Finnish band Finntroll, are noted for their blood lust, jungle music, and hatred of all Christians, Vegetables, and Bright Lights. The Troll-organized band made it to #2 on the underground music charts for their song "Rock and Roll and Stab," defeated only by Magus' single, "That Magik Feeling." Modern Trollish Music (M.T.M.) involves many heavy beats, and Trollish Wailing, either done by a soprano Troll, or a Banshee for hire. Trollish Dancing is also very common, sometimes required.
  • Troll is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
  • Trolls are a group of bipedal primates, and the only other primate species who walk as humans do. They are known scavengers, use tools and buried their dead with flowers and personal articles. Although they have a low birth rate, once a troll band reaches a certain number, they can split into an offshoot group that moves to a new territory. Some early theories had said trolls were the missing link between man and ape.
  • Demihumans that live in villages they make underground or in caves. They've got a large frame, and a durable body with high vitality. They have a high affinity with earth elementals, and the power of the earth is imbued in their body. Perhaps because of that, various plants grow from their heads, and have a symbiotic relationship with the trolls. Due to the existence of the trolls as a soil, it's possible for the plants to grow even in bad environments such as caves, and wastelands, etc. On the other hand, due to various medicinal benefits brought about by the plants, trolls are blessed with the ability to rapidly regenerate even if wounded a bit, and they can even use them as emergency food and medicine. Gentle and highly intelligent by nature, this race has had various intermingling and trade with humans, and sometimes there's even social cooperation, but that's the tale of indoors and nighttime activity. For when hit by sunlight, the power of the earth that dwells within them increases. Due to this, the "soil" of their body becomes an existence even closer to "the earth", activating the plants on their head, and the medicinal effects caused by the plants increase. The plants of the demon realm with bewitching and aphrodisiac effects are included among those growing out of their head. Those compounds affect their mind, and go around their body, driving them wild with lust, causing their eyes and thoughts to melt with lewdness. In spite of the fact that they seemed to be spaced out, as if sleepy after taking a sunbath, on the contrary, their physical abilities are increased. Driven by desire, they'll assault human men in an attempt to have sex with them. Because they have this sort of ecology, they are often reported to be a dim-witted, ferocious race by those who have encountered them under sunlight. Their bodies are not just excellent soil for plants, they're also extremely well suited for men to sow their seed. Their voluptuous forms are pleasantly soft and huggable, and they can tightly squeeze and pleasure a man's penis when they take it in, causing the ejaculation of a large volume of seed. When semen is poured inside their womb, they don't waste a single drop, they let it permeate their body and greedily try to become pregnant with a man's offspring. They have a custom of decorating their bodies with beautiful flowers. It's because of an inferiority complex they harbor. Their hands and feet are large and crude compared to those of humans, and they want to hide them to look at least a little bit better to men. Also, they have extremely strong body odor, so another one of the reasons is to cancel it out with the fragrance of flowers. However, the body odor is definitely not something unpleasant, if men nearby smell it, the powerful 'female' odor makes them dizzy. That alone is enough to cause an erection. Furthermore, in the dawn of the future when monsters become able to give birth to incubi, it is expected that "having a high affinity with the earth elementals, they will give birth to the greatest earth elementalists," so the faction of elementalists that are friendly towards monsters have approached them, and have been actively deepening friendly ties as of the present. Among them, many men are falling for them, and getting married to them. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • They are something of an oddity when compared with other races such as humans or gnomes. Trolls are split into several different types which all differ from each other greatly. It is not currently known if these are different species of troll or different breeds. These differences reflect the troll race's hardiness, and ability to adapt to a number of extreme environments, although all trolls share some similarities such as their rocky appearances, their thick skins and their relatively low levels of intelligence. Trolls have always been thought to not follow a particular god, or know what a god is for that matter, but they are in fact followers of Bandos, the god of war. However, they do not seem to actively worship him at all and it's possible this alliance was only short-lived and active during the God Wars.
  • Despite great pregudice, Trolls are a moderately civilised race. They are, essentially, living, mobile rocks. Trolls have grown to overcome those vicious stereotypes of yore and have lived very prosperous lives in heavily populated cities with (relatively) little killing, and have held jobs as diverse as police officer and concert promoter. They have also held jobs as "bridgekeepers," taxing those that cross their bridges. It is relatively harmless, although farmers in the company of billy goats have to pay a hefty tax. Their scientific or species name (in Latin) is Stultus Saxum (i.e. "Dumb Rock").
  • The Troll is a Creature type in Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2.
  • the South Seasの群島に住む苛烈なJungle Trollたちは、残酷さと闇の魔術とで知られている。残忍で迷信深く狡猾なTrollは他の種族に憎まれている。 だが、OrcのWarchiefであるThrallと彼の配下である強力な軍隊HordeとはTrollのある部族と出会い、その偏見を改めなくてはな らなくなった。Darkspear一族のTrollたちは、水棲のMurlocの一群によってStranglethorn Valeの先祖以来の土地から追放され滅びかけていたが、ThrallとHordeとはそれを救うことができた。それを恩に感じ、Darkspearの TrollたちはHordeに対する永遠の忠誠を誓った。 怜悧なShadow Hunter、Vol'jinによって率いられているDarkspear Trollたちは、Orcの同盟者たちと共にDurotarに住んでいる。東の海岸沿いにある彼らの村は、滅んだ部族の長老であったSen'jinの名に ちなんで命名された。Darkspear一族は、Echo Isles近くのジャングルの中にも住んでいる。
  • Los Trolls son personajes que aparecieron en la Fiesta de Frozen, los socios pueden comprar su ropa y vestirse de ellos.
  • Trolls are cousins to ogres, slightly shorter and more slender, but uglier, dirtier, nastier, and more primitive. They never live in houses, for instance; they seek out the darkest parts of caves or the darkest parts of a forest. Many trolls are greenish in color, have large talons on hands and feet, and large pointed teeth. People are their favorite food. Rosella had to journey through a troll's cave on her way to the island of the magic fruit in Tamir. A large pile of bones decorated the inside of the cave, but it was only much later that the girl realized it was a human bone that she took from there. No wonder the ogre's dog liked it so much! The troll Graham encountered guarding the bridges in Daventry was a forest troll. The brightest of these creatures are sometimes known live beneath bridges, hopping up to demand treasure from all who try to cross over their self-appointed domain. In these creatures, the appetite for treasure overpowers their appetite for human flesh; the places where they keep guard are known as troll bridges. Now while some trolls like to eat the flesh of humans, but all of them delight in devouring goats. It is a well known fact that goats hate trolls intensely, and trolls are the archenemy of all goats. One such troll lived under a bridge, but was killed by the eldest of three billy goats. The trolls that guard bridges are known as bridge trolls but bridge trolls may include members of other troll sub-races such as forest trolls or troll-folk. Though most of the terrible trolls had been forced out of Daventry when he was made king, some returned to Daventry with the coming of the Floating Castle. They were mostly avoiding human settlements, seemingly preferring the deserted byways and lonely margins of the woods. In, time they were likely to grow bolder. The horrid trolls and ogres began laying waste to the countryside. Still while Graham may have kept trolls at bay from causing trouble in the open, ogres and trolls still filled the secret spaces in Daventry known only to themselves. Trolls have bad hearing, and have hearts of stone. Trolls are known to have no sympathy. Trolls have dirt-covered paws.
  • Trolls are massive, predatory species of giant-kin, they are considered "stupid bastards" by other species of giants except for ogres, who are treated the same way. The most distinctive feature of trolls is their ability to regenerate. If any part of a troll's body is cut off, it will grow back after a while and the felled limb has a chance to evolve into an entirely new troll. The only things that can stop this are fire and acid, both of which trolls fear greatly.
  • The Troll is one of the first monsters to be encountered when starting out in Initium. Minimally equipped and possessing inferior stats, the Troll can be easily dispatched by even the weakest of players. However, some caution should be exercised by beginners; should a player not equip any armor or weaponry, Trolls can land enough hits to knock out a player with low hitpoints.
  • Many trolls have no loyalty except amongst their own tribes, with the exception of the Darkspear tribe, Shatterspear tribe, and Revantusk tribe, the former two being part of the Horde, while the latter being allies of them. Darkspear are the playable trolls in World of Warcraft. Although the Darkspear are the weakest and smallest of all the troll races, they are the most cunning and intelligent and can still grow to rather immense sizes. For example, Darkspear Berserkers in Warcraft III were larger even than grunts.
  • The Troll was one of the many subspecies that collectively made up The Swarm.
  • Troll är kända för sin dumhet och sin styrka; detta i kombination med att de är oberäkneliga och våldsamma gör att de klassas som mycket farliga. Troll kommunicerar med grymtningar; dock har en del troll lärt sig några människo-ord och lyckats yttra några meningar. Dessa intelligentare troll används som vakter.
  • Troll är kända för sin dumhet och sin styrka; detta i kombination med att de är oberäkneliga och våldsamma gör att de klassas som mycket farliga. Troll kommunicerar med grymtningar; dock har en del troll lärt sig några människo-ord och lyckats yttra några meningar. Dessa intelligentare troll används som vakter.
  • The Troll was a humanoid being sighted by two Finns skiing. The Troll wore a green shirt and pants with a hooked nose and wearing a long, cone-shaped helmet atop his head. Image:Alien.gif — This article is a stub. You can help Alien Research by [ expanding it].
  • Os trolls são criaturas antropomórficas do folclore escandinavo. Poderiam ser tanto como gigantes horrendos – como ogros – ou como pequenas criaturas semelhantes a goblins. Viviam em cavernas ou grutas subterrâneas. Na literatura nórdica, apareceram com várias formas, e uma das mais famosas teria orelhas e nariz enormes. Nesses contos também lhes foram atribuídas várias características, como a transformação dessas criaturas em pedra, quando expostas à luz solar.
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