  • Listen
  • Listen
  • Listen
  • Listen is an episode of Doctor Who. It has been released in various forms of media.
  • Album: Capital Radio EP, Super Black Market Clash, The Singles Boxset Length: 2:44 Vocals: Instrumental * A short 20 second clip of this song originally featured on the 1977 Capital Radio EP, but it was not until 1994's Super Black Market Clash that the full length song was released. * No live recordings of this song exist. However in the documentary Westway To The World, Joe Strummer tells an anecdote involving Paul Simonon humorously botching the bass line at an early live show, so the song must have been played at least once.
  • Listen or "Captain Turtleneck" is a Fomor servitor and is a messenger of Lord Omogh of the Fomor. The Fomor often charge him with important and sensitive missions. He first appears in Ghost Story.
  • Listen (2004) is a movie created by Kimby Caplan.
  • Natalie hears between the lines.
  • Your Listen check is either made against a DC that reflects how quiet the noise is that you might hear, or it is opposed by your target’s Move Silently check. In the case of people trying to be quiet, the DCs given on the table could be replaced by Move Silently checks, in which case the indicated DC would be their average check result.
  • Listen is a command to listen (or stop listening) to one of many communication channels.
  • Listen alerts a character to hidden creatures that may be nearby. Check: Listen detects hidden creatures by opposing their Move Silently check. A successful check renders the hidden creature visible, and makes it a valid target for the listener. Special: Standing still provides a +5 bonus to a Listen check. A character with the Alertness feat gains a +2 bonus on Listen checks. In Passive Detect mode, checks are made automatically every round. Active Detect reduces the normal movement rate and makes the character perform an Active Listen, as well as Spot and Search checks.
  • "Listen" is a Sesame Street song sung by Bob, in which he talks about all the things that you can do with your ears, from listening to the wind, to hearing your friend laugh.
  • "Listen" is an Oscar-nominated song from the 2006 film Dreamgirls, music by Henry Krieger and Scott Cutler, lyrics by Anne Preven and performed by Beyoncé Knowles.
  • Listen is an original Barney song that first appeared in "Hoo's in the Forest?".
  • Es gibt sehr viele Gegner in Minigo. Wir haben jeden einzelnen mit Lep, Schaden, Treffer, Block und Spezialfähigkeiten auf Listen geschrieben, um immer nachschlagen zu können.
  • Listen is used when you either don't have any cards you can play at the current time due to the timers being down, or when you do not want to play a card for strategic purposes, i.e. you have the Parley Indicator on your side of play and you do not want to give your opponent any extra expression.
  • Listen sind nummerierte Aufzählungen von verschiedenen Sachen, die unter einer Überschrift versammelt sind. Sind manchmal lustig.
  • Listen is the fourth episode of the eighth series of Doctor Who written by Morefart. It gave viewers their first view of the Doctor as a child and revealed Pancakes is his mother. Stars Parachute Capaldeath, Jenna Coalman and Samuel Andersplink.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Listen]] listnen, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Listen]] hlysnan, from Proto-Germanic *khlusinon (cf. [[w:|]] lauschen), from Proto-Indo-European *kleu- (“‘to hear’”). Akin to [[w:|]] rochluiniur 'I hear', [[w:|]] clueō (“‘I am famous’”), [[w:|]] κλαίω (klaiō), “‘I make known, famous’”), κλέος (kleos), “‘report, rumor, repute’”), [[w:|]] [[լամ#|լամ]] (lam), “‘I cry, weep’”), [[w:|]] qaj, qanj (“‘to cry, weep’”), [[w:|]] (sluti), “‘to speak clearly’”), (slušati), “‘to hear’”), [[w:|]] klausau 'to hear', Middle Persian (srod), “‘hearing, sound’”), [[w:|]] (śru), “‘to hear’”). More at loud.
  • The following chart gives the percentage chance of a character hearing different types of noise. A character does not need to be actively listening for a noise, but when characters are moving, talking, or are distracted in some way, they would be unlikely to hear any but the loudest sounds. As a general rule, a group of characters who are themselves making a noise will only hear sounds which are actually louder. So a party moving cautiously will hear normal or loud noises, but not other soft noises. A sleeping character will be woken by a noise if a Listen test modified by -20% is passed.
  • One of 2021’s major commitments is to provide a strong voice for the people of Christchurch in decision making. Consultation costs money and in order to get value for our rates dollar it is important Council gets it right. The most obvious problems this term – where the Council headed off in the opposite direction to community views - have been: * the demolition of Edgeware Pool, * roads through City Mall, and * the $100m+ Council palace.
  • I don't even know why I'm writing this. I really don't. It might not even be anything to worry about, just a simple prank, but it still scared the shit out of me. I've been sitting here on the computer for a few hours now. I tend to do that after school. Anyway, after hitting the Random Page button, here on Creepypasta a few times, my playlist blaring "mood" music, (Children of Bodom, Emilie Autumn, etc.), I decided I was pretty much done being online for the night. As I was getting ready to hit the little red X in the top corner of my browser, my phone vibrated. It was a message from my friend, Macie.
  • This skill is used to listen for approaching enemies and to detect someone sneaking up on you. Modifying ability: Wisdom Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Monk, Ranger, Rogue; Arcane archer, Arcane trickster, Assassin, Duelist, Dwarven defender, Harper agent, Neverwinter Nine, Pale master, Red dragon disciple, Shadow Thief of Amn, Shadowdancer Requires training: No Check: Your listen check is opposed by your stealthed target’s move silently check. Use: Automatic (although characters will make a listen check more often if they are in detect mode)
  • 8
  • yes
  • 2015-01-09
  • ar
  • Your listen check is opposed by your stealthed target’s move silently check.
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • plural
  • Standing still provides a +5 bonus to listen; A ranger gains a +1/5 levels bonus on Listen checks when using this skill against a favored enemy; an elf, gnome or halfling has a +2 racial bonus on listen checks; half-elves and gray dwarves have a +1 racial bonus on Listen checks; the master of a bat familiar receives +3 to listen checks.
  • imperative
  • subjunctive
  • Best Original Song
  • Listen
Featured in
  • Glee and Dreamgirls
  • Conscript, Healer, Scholar
  • Diana
Gezeigt in
  • 4147200.0
  • Glee Cast
  • Wisdom
  • 220
  • No
  • Listen
  • Automatic
  • Passive - Automatic, Active - Manual
  • *Clear gray *Deep purple
  • 79
  • Scout
  • This skill is used to listen for approaching enemies and to detect someone sneaking up on you.
  • Captain Turtleneck
  • Fomors
  • Dark
  • 2009
  • present
  • TBA
  • Male
  • Cast of Dreamgirls
  • Backfin Music
  • Doug Mackinnon
  • 2006
  • Listen is an episode of Doctor Who. It has been released in various forms of media.
  • Album: Capital Radio EP, Super Black Market Clash, The Singles Boxset Length: 2:44 Vocals: Instrumental * A short 20 second clip of this song originally featured on the 1977 Capital Radio EP, but it was not until 1994's Super Black Market Clash that the full length song was released. * No live recordings of this song exist. However in the documentary Westway To The World, Joe Strummer tells an anecdote involving Paul Simonon humorously botching the bass line at an early live show, so the song must have been played at least once.
  • I don't even know why I'm writing this. I really don't. It might not even be anything to worry about, just a simple prank, but it still scared the shit out of me. I've been sitting here on the computer for a few hours now. I tend to do that after school. Anyway, after hitting the Random Page button, here on Creepypasta a few times, my playlist blaring "mood" music, (Children of Bodom, Emilie Autumn, etc.), I decided I was pretty much done being online for the night. As I was getting ready to hit the little red X in the top corner of my browser, my phone vibrated. It was a message from my friend, Macie. "Can you hear me?" it read. " 'Can you hear me?' What's that supposed to mean?" I thought, not knowing how to react. I was puzzled; I couldn't hear anything, but my music was blasting. That chilled me. Maybe, I should be hearing something, but I couldn't because of the music. I shook that thought right away. She was probably just being weird again. As I went to put my phone away, it vibrated again. Another message from another friend, but with the same words. "Can you hear me?" "Is this some kind of joke?" I text them back. "Can you hear me?" replied another. "Can you hear me?" another. "Can you hear me?" "Can you hear me?" "Can you hear me?" "Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Can you hear me?" My phone was nearly vibrating off the desk. Something about this chilled me to the bone. What's going on? "I HEAR YOU!!!" is what I sent them all. I wanted it to stop, and oddly enough, the messages did. As for what I should be hearing, I'm still not sure. I'm still sitting at my desk with my music blaring. If I turn it off, I might hear them...
  • One of 2021’s major commitments is to provide a strong voice for the people of Christchurch in decision making. Consultation costs money and in order to get value for our rates dollar it is important Council gets it right. The most obvious problems this term – where the Council headed off in the opposite direction to community views - have been: * the demolition of Edgeware Pool, * roads through City Mall, and * the $100m+ Council palace. But these examples are symbolic of a wider and more fundamental problem. A 2021 Council will fundamentally change the way Council engages with the people of Christchurch. Our consultation will be pro-active, genuine, open, and transparent.
  • Listen or "Captain Turtleneck" is a Fomor servitor and is a messenger of Lord Omogh of the Fomor. The Fomor often charge him with important and sensitive missions. He first appears in Ghost Story.
  • Listen (2004) is a movie created by Kimby Caplan.
  • Natalie hears between the lines.
  • Your Listen check is either made against a DC that reflects how quiet the noise is that you might hear, or it is opposed by your target’s Move Silently check. In the case of people trying to be quiet, the DCs given on the table could be replaced by Move Silently checks, in which case the indicated DC would be their average check result.
  • Listen is a command to listen (or stop listening) to one of many communication channels.
  • This skill is used to listen for approaching enemies and to detect someone sneaking up on you. Modifying ability: Wisdom Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Monk, Ranger, Rogue; Arcane archer, Arcane trickster, Assassin, Duelist, Dwarven defender, Harper agent, Neverwinter Nine, Pale master, Red dragon disciple, Shadow Thief of Amn, Shadowdancer Requires training: No Check: Your listen check is opposed by your stealthed target’s move silently check. Special: Standing still provides a +5 bonus to listen; A ranger gains a +1/5 levels bonus on Listen checks when using this skill against a favored enemy; an elf, gnome or halfling has a +2 racial bonus on listen checks; half-elves and gray dwarves have a +1 racial bonus on Listen checks; the master of a bat familiar receives +3 to listen checks. Use: Automatic (although characters will make a listen check more often if they are in detect mode)
  • Listen alerts a character to hidden creatures that may be nearby. Check: Listen detects hidden creatures by opposing their Move Silently check. A successful check renders the hidden creature visible, and makes it a valid target for the listener. Special: Standing still provides a +5 bonus to a Listen check. A character with the Alertness feat gains a +2 bonus on Listen checks. In Passive Detect mode, checks are made automatically every round. Active Detect reduces the normal movement rate and makes the character perform an Active Listen, as well as Spot and Search checks.
  • "Listen" is a Sesame Street song sung by Bob, in which he talks about all the things that you can do with your ears, from listening to the wind, to hearing your friend laugh.
  • The following chart gives the percentage chance of a character hearing different types of noise. A character does not need to be actively listening for a noise, but when characters are moving, talking, or are distracted in some way, they would be unlikely to hear any but the loudest sounds. As a general rule, a group of characters who are themselves making a noise will only hear sounds which are actually louder. So a party moving cautiously will hear normal or loud noises, but not other soft noises. Characters need to be actively listening to hear sounds through a door or wall (i.e. must actively press an ear against the door/wall in question). Noises do not otherwise penetrate doors or walls, except possibly as very indistinct moans or howlings. Normally, each character get only one effective 'listen' through a door or wall. No matter how long characters spend with their ears pressed against a door, they will hear no more subsequently than they did on their initial roll. The gamesmaster can bend this rule, but players should be discouraged from spending all their time listening through doors and walls. A charater deliberately listening at the door of a room may roll as normal to hear sounds within. Only one character may listen at a normal-sized door at a time. Characters listening through a thin, wooden, or plaster wall may hear sounds within, subject to a -10% modifier. Thick brick, stone, and earthen walls block all noise. A sleeping character will be woken by a noise if a Listen test modified by -20% is passed.
  • "Listen" is an Oscar-nominated song from the 2006 film Dreamgirls, music by Henry Krieger and Scott Cutler, lyrics by Anne Preven and performed by Beyoncé Knowles.
  • Listen is an original Barney song that first appeared in "Hoo's in the Forest?".
  • Es gibt sehr viele Gegner in Minigo. Wir haben jeden einzelnen mit Lep, Schaden, Treffer, Block und Spezialfähigkeiten auf Listen geschrieben, um immer nachschlagen zu können.
  • Listen is used when you either don't have any cards you can play at the current time due to the timers being down, or when you do not want to play a card for strategic purposes, i.e. you have the Parley Indicator on your side of play and you do not want to give your opponent any extra expression.
  • Listen sind nummerierte Aufzählungen von verschiedenen Sachen, die unter einer Überschrift versammelt sind. Sind manchmal lustig.
  • Listen is the fourth episode of the eighth series of Doctor Who written by Morefart. It gave viewers their first view of the Doctor as a child and revealed Pancakes is his mother. Stars Parachute Capaldeath, Jenna Coalman and Samuel Andersplink.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Listen]] listnen, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Listen]] hlysnan, from Proto-Germanic *khlusinon (cf. [[w:|]] lauschen), from Proto-Indo-European *kleu- (“‘to hear’”). Akin to [[w:|]] rochluiniur 'I hear', [[w:|]] clueō (“‘I am famous’”), [[w:|]] κλαίω (klaiō), “‘I make known, famous’”), κλέος (kleos), “‘report, rumor, repute’”), [[w:|]] [[լամ#|լամ]] (lam), “‘I cry, weep’”), [[w:|]] qaj, qanj (“‘to cry, weep’”), [[w:|]] (sluti), “‘to speak clearly’”), (slušati), “‘to hear’”), [[w:|]] klausau 'to hear', Middle Persian (srod), “‘hearing, sound’”), [[w:|]] (śru), “‘to hear’”). More at loud.
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