  • Gnoll
  • Gnoll
  • Gnoll
  • Gnoll
  • Gnoll
  • Gnoll
  • Gnoll
  • Gnolls are a humanoid race renowned for their tremendous laziness, social codependency, and fierce savagery. Structuring themselves into packs, gnolls survive through raiding and pillaging, acquiring slaves who might facilitate their slothful lifestyles.
  • A gnoll was a species of Troll. They are believed to be made of dirt instead of stone, and gather things to compost or carry in a heap on their backs.
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Race: goblinoid Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 17 Hit points: 11 Attack bonus: +3 Damage: d8 +2 (battleaxe) Hit dice (level): 2 Challenge rating: 1 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) listen (3), spot (3) Feats: armor proficiency (medium), power attack, shield proficiency, weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple)
  • Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids that gather in loose bands. The hunt at night, preferring intelligent prey because they scream more.
  • Gnoll is a player character race in 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons.[MM:277][Dr367:47]
  • Gnolls have Hyenalike heads, and their long limbs possess lean strength. Gnolls are covered in course yellow or reddish-brown fur, and their feet and legs are structured more like a hyena's hind legs then a humanoids. Despite the somewhat awkward appearance of their legs and feet, gnolls walk as bipeds and are as agile and speedy as a normal human. The wild gnolls who prey upon civilized races use patchwork armor and rusted weapons that they've stolen from past kills. Tribes that have found some level of personal honor favor hide or leather armor similar to the Barbarian tribes of humans.
  • Gnoll to najlepsza bestia w grze typu 'tank', używany głównie przez Rycerzy choć także przez postaci dystansowe. W zjednoczeniu podnosi ona Szanse bloku, Obronę bloku oraz atak fizyczny: * Poziom 5: +5%/+120/+98 * Poziom 10: +10%/+240/+161 * Poziom 15: +15%/+360/+224
  • Gnolls are large creatures that closely resemble humanoid hyenas. They are found throughout the Sword Coast and Amn, most notably in the south-western regions of the sword coast, as that is the location of the Gnoll Stronghold. They attack with Halberds and usually drop minor gems or some Gold Pieces.
  • Gnoll is a type of monster in ADOM. Half man half hyena, gnolls are quite common Ancardian monsters that are one of the tougher opponents in the early game (though that's still not saying much). They are able to throw a battle axe as a ranged attack, though gnolls only have one axe each. Gnolls can be found in lesser vaults and tension rooms of quite low danger level.
  • Gnolls are a humanoid race that most closely resemble hyenas that dwell in Droaam and the Shadow Marches as well as inhabiting parts of the Demon Wastes and are known for their savage culture and warlike ways. The largest community of gnolls is the Znir Pact of Droaam.
  • Gnolls zijn een van de jongere rassen van Lordaeron. Inheemse om zowel de Alterac Mountains en de Redridge gebied ver naar het zuiden, deze hyena-achtige mensachtigen zijn zeer agressief en zijn vaak gevonden ruzie onderling. Hoewel relatief intelligente vergelijking met de meestebeesten, ze zijn niet erg helder door menselijke normen. Zij zijn bekend met elkaar te manipuleren in de ruzies over belachelijke dingen als "wiens schaduw groter is". Het is al vaak gesteld dat de gnolls zou nogal een angstaanjagende ras worden, als ze ooit gestopt met scheuren elkaarom stukken lang genoeg om zich te organiseren in een leger. Categorie:Gnolls Categorie:Rassen Categorie:Monster Guide Categorie:Manual of Monsters Categorie:Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game
  • Gnolls hail from the white sands of Najari Desert. What they lack in wit, and civil behavior, they make up for in strength and agility. Gnolls were generally feared and hated by the other races on the planet, until gradually they were accepted into modern society about 245 years ago. They developed their first written language nearly 2,000 years ago. When you encounter a Gnoll in battle you better be very strong, or smart; just remember, don’t try to run.
  • Gnolls are humanoid hyenas. Like their animal counterparts, they are not prone to risk their lives in direct attacks. Rather, they prey upon the remains of cities layed to waste by more powerful forces. They are known to follow travellers for days without attacking them, only to seize upon the right moment to set an ambush or trap. * Gnoll * Gnoll Thief * Gnoll Rogue * Gnoll Trapper * Gnoll Assassin
  • Gnolls are around 190 cm tall. Gnolls are hyena-like and survives by a combination of hunting and raiding. Even though the Gnolls are very primitive, they have mastered the use of simple tools and weapons. They often use clubs with jagged spikes on the head of the club. But if they get their hands on more effective weapons from the victims, they will use that instead. They always hunt in packs and are usually led by a leader.
  • Gnolls originally came from the Dungeons & Dragons game, which resemble a humanoid Hyena
  • Gnolls are a race of scavenging jackal like people. they are nocturnal by nature. Gnolls have clawed fingers and fur all over their bodies. Often, they join armies or mercenary companies due to their warlike nature. gnolls are reputed to be a race created from goblins by the graygem. packs are ten to twenty in number and usully led by the alpha male. the pack usully has two males for every female. Gnolls fought on the side of the dark queen during the war of the lance.
  • Les gnolls sont des humanoïdes malfaisants à tête de hyène qui vivent en tribus plus ou moins organisées. La fourrure des gnolls est tachetée et va du roux terne au jaune sale. Carnivores chassant de nuit, ils préfèrent traquer les créatures intelligentes, car ces dernières crient davantage quand elles sentent leur fin proche. Un gnoll fait 2,25 mètres de haut et pèse environ 150 kg.
  • The Gnoll is an enemy from Final Fantasy IX. It can be found on the Conde Petie Mountain Path. It often uses Vanish.
  • Gnolls are a humanoid race that most closely resemble hyenas that dwell in the eastern parts of Faerûn and are known for their savage culture and warlike ways.
  • Gnolls will feature some of the most fearsome and toughest enemies you will encounter in the Forgotten Realms. Gnolls are nomadic, demon-worshipping, feral, and hyena-like humanoids who rarely stay in one place for long. When gnolls attack and pillage a settlement, they raid in rapacious packs capturing slaves and leaving nothing behind except razed buildings and gnawed corpses. Similar to other races of humanoids, gnolls fight among themselves for dominance. Some packs are even willing to become mercenaries or bodyguards for anyone – for the right price.
  • Gnolls will attack with the advantage of numbers. They are intelligent enough to use tactics as a horde, using their physical strength to knock down their opponents. They show little discipline as a rabid bunch unless they are led by a capable (and strong) leader. Like hyenas, they are cowardly in that they will attack using ambushes and flanking manouevers; fighting gnolls in the darkness, or on their terrain, is incredibly dangerous.
  • Gnolls are one of the younger races of Lordaeron. Indigenous to both the Alterac Mountains and the Redridge Range far to the south, these hyena-like humanoids are extremely aggressive and are often found quarreling amongst themselves. Though relatively intelligent compared to most beasts, they are not very bright by human standards. Gnolls are known for their habits as raiding marauders or hired soldiers. Though they have average intelligence, they are easily duped by promises of food or treasure.
  • Gnoll es una de las jóvenes razas de Lordaeron, indígenas en las Montañas de Alterac y Montañas Crestagrana lejos al sur. Estos humanoides -parecidos a hienas- son extremadamente agresivos y a menudo pelean entre ellos mismos. Aunque son relativamente inteligentes comparados a otras bestias, no son brillantes frente a los humanos. Se sabe que se han peleado por ridículas cosas como "de quién es la sombra más grande". Se ha afirmado a menudo, que los gnolls podrían haber sido una terrible raza.
  • A Gnollok Lordaeron egyik fiatal faja. Az Alterak-Hegységben (Aterac Mountains) és a VörösGerinc Hágóban (Redridge Range) nagyon gyakoriak a Gnollok. Hiénaszerű humanoid lények, és valószínűleg egy Hiéna Őstől is származhatnak. Emellett rendkívülien aggresszívak, még saját fajtáik között is. Igazság szerint a többi bestiális lényhez képest rendkívülien intelligensek, agyuk nem igazán éri el az emberi szintet. Olyan értelmetlen harcokba motiválják egymást, mint a "Kinek nagyobb az árnyéka". Habár, sok faj úgy gondolja, ha a Gnollok intelligensebbek lennének, és egy hatalmas egyveleggé állnának, akár egész kontinenseket meghódíthatnának, veszedelmesek lennének, csupán annyi kellene, hogy nem munkálkodnának egymás széttépésén.
  • A Gnoll is a type of monster introduced in SLASH'EM. They have relatively damaging attacks and are generated with weapons. Gnolls are always generated hidden, so if you are able to detect them through telepathy it may be wise to avoid them completely. Higher level gnolls can be generated with dragon scale mail, but all gnolls are too large to wear body armor. None are considered a valid polymorphable form.
  • Often viewed as the "black sheep" of the normal rare pets, the Gnoll is a speciality pet best designed for characters that use a shield. This makes the Gnoll most effective on a Knight. Occasionally a Battle Summoner with a Dirk and Shield can also properly utilize the Gnoll. Kahunas and/or Soul Breeders that opt for a 1 handed weapon and a shield can also benefit from the Gnoll, but most people who make a Kahuna and/or Soul Breeder use 2 handed weapons. The Battle Summoner's ability to revert to a 2 handed staff for Magical Attack often leaves the Knight as the only class that can properly utilize it. Even still, some Knights prefer to just use some other pet and take the Gnoll potion instead of the actual pet.
  • Les Gnolls sont des créatures extrêmement violentes. Ils sont connus pour engager des combats pour des arguments tels que savoir celui qui a l'ombre la plus longue. Beaucoup se demandent comment font ces créatures pour vivre assez longtemps pour pouvoir se multiplier. Ils se réunissent en grands groupes seulement quand vient l'opportunité d'une grande bataille ou d'un pillage. Ils sont très vicieux, et se proposent souvent comme mercenaires, car ils peuvent aller dans tous les endroits où peut se dérouler un bon combat. Certains pensent que si les Gnolls mettaient de côté leurs différences assez longtemps pour s'organiser dans un grand groupe, ils pourraient faire une formidable armée. Même si la plupart utilisent des armes de mêlée ou de distance, certains utilisent de la magie chamanique
  • Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 15 (+1 natural, +2 leather armor, +2 heavy steel shield), touch 10, flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3 Attack: Battleaxe +3 melee (1d8+2/x3) or shortbow +1 ranged (1d6/x3) Full Attack: Battleaxe +3 melee (1d8+2/x3) or shortbow +1 ranged (1d6/x3) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: - Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. Saves: Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Skills: Listen +2, Spot +3 Feats: Power Attack Environment: Warm plains Challenge Rating: Treasure: Standard
  • Gnolle to duże, hienowate humanoidy, których luźno zorganizowane bandy są postrachem wielu światów a Materialu. Ciała gnolli są z grubsza humanoidalne - poruszają się w postawie wyprostowanej a ich dłonie posiadają palce z przeciwstawnym kciukiem i są równie zręczne jak ludzkie. Mają szarozieloną, pokrytą futrem skórę, ciemniejszą przy hienim pysku i żółtawą lub rdzawą grzywę włosów. Najczęściej przesiąknięte są smrodem surowego mięsa i padliny. W walce gnolle usiłują wykorzystać przewagę liczebną, atakując bezładnie całym stadem. Jeśli grupą dowodzi flind albo bystrzejszy i potężniejszy gnoll-przywódca, jej działania stają się bardziej zdyscyplinowane i zorganizowane. Potrafią wtedy wciągać przeciwnika w pułapkę, atakować z flanki a nawet przeprowadzić zorganizowany odwrót. Walczą zazwycz
  • Gnolls are a humanoid race that most closely resemble hyenas. Standing up to 7 1/2 feet in height, with the females being significantly shorter, gnolls cut an impressive visage. Their skin is a greenish-gray, and their furry hide is marked with brown spots and a dirty yellow to reddish-gray mane. Nocturnal by nature, gnolls are not picky about what they eat—or whether it's been cooked or not. They are strong and tough, however they are lacking in force of personality and intelligence.
  • Varies, Gnawbone , Ro'Bark , Snagglespear , Yowler , Hogger , Gnarlhide , Lieutenant Fangore
  • 2
  • 18
  • 24
  • 30
  • 9
  • 12
  • Ninguna
  • Ninguna
  • Head Bonk
Attack Type
  • Physical
  • 92
  • No
  • 17
Magic Defense
  • 10
  • Gnolls apparently taste rotten, but do not cause any ill effects and are quite satiating.
  • 21
  • 95
  • 8424
  • 0
  • 0
  • 620
  • 4
  • 106
Attack power
  • 28
  • Longsword
  • 272
  • 222
  • 68
  • 0
no of attacks
  • 1
  • 16.7
  • 691
  • Red/Green
  • 10
  • 10
  • 16.7
  • None
  • Gnolls are able to use their hard heads as weapons. Inflicts 555% damage.
Hit points
  • 15
  • 40.5
  • 360
  • Yes
patron deity
  • 200
  • 0.0
  • 310
Monster Memory
  • Before you looms a grotesque hybrid of man and hyena called a gnoll. This one stands nearly seven feet tall. Well known for both bestial strength and uncanny cunning, the gnoll is feared and loathed by civilized races.
  • Immune
  • 16.7
  • 25
  • Immune
  • Varios
  • 143
  • 4.0
  • 9
  • No
  • 7.7
  • 15
  • 76
  • No
  • 8
  • Usually chaotic evil
  • Longsword
  • None
  • Immune
  • 3
  • File:13.pngFile:13_f.png
  • 16.7
xp value
  • 35
  • 9
  • 0.0
  • 2.0
  • 444
  • Rare
  • 19
  • 0.0
  • nw_gnoll001
  • 11
  • 10248
  • 11.8
  • 9
  • Melee
  • 10
  • *Throws a battle axe
  • Warcraft III
  • +3
  • Gnolls
  • 1
  • Independent
  • ,
  • Darkmoon Faire,
  • Defias Brotherhood ,
  • Morganth ,
  • Twilight's Hammer , Southsea Pirates
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • Brown, black, yellow, and very rarely blue
  • 7
  • 12
  • 15
  • 18
  • 30
  • 155
  • 4
  • Független, Falka, Axis and Awful,
  • 9
  • DPS
  • Brown, black
  • 20
  • 22
  • 26
  • 33
  • 12
  • 1
  • Gnolls
  • Gnoll
  • Frenzy
  • Fire Brand
  • Savage Swing
  • True Shot
  • gnoll
  • gnoll chieftain
  • gnoll shaman
  • gnoll warrior
  • 586
  • Black, pink
  • Greenish-gray
  • 1
  • Abyssal and Common
  • -10
  • -8
  • -6
  • -5
  • Blood Fury
  • Ferocious Charge
  • Pack Attack
  • Very rare, appears only in Gehennom
  • Nōru
  • This illustration of gnolls by Steve Prescott accompanied the race's description in the Monster Manual.
  • A group of gnoll raiders.
  • Gnolls, from Dragon Magazine issue #367
  • Deal [3+Magic] damage to a random enemy. Deal triple damage if they use Brown Mana.
  • Medium
  • 1
3e type
4e type
  • Natural humanoid
3e advancement
  • By character class
3e size
  • Medium
4e size
  • Medium
4e source
  • Dragon Magazine issue #367, pg. 53
  • Monster Manual (4th edition), pg. 277
3e class
3e source
  • Monster Manual v. 3.5, pg. 130-131
  • 1368
  • 13
  • 18
  • 127
  • 280
  • 1800
  •|desc=Neutral -> Creeps -> Gnolls
  • Mimic
  • 15
  • 9
  • Halberd, random treasure
  • Plains
  • A cross between gnomes and trolls
  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • any
  • 5
  • 213
  • 6.0
  • 426.0
  • 10
  • 20
  • 40
  • 60
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • classicbnet
  • 9.46728E8
  • 4.575852E9
  • Warrior
  • -5
  • 0
  • 5
  • 17
  • Spell_Gnoll.png
  • Gnoll is a type of monster in ADOM. Half man half hyena, gnolls are quite common Ancardian monsters that are one of the tougher opponents in the early game . They are able to throw a battle axe as a ranged attack, though gnolls only have one axe each. Gnolls can be found in lesser vaults and tension rooms of quite low danger level.
  • Brown Gnolls run about the forest entrance and occasionally attack the village. Some say that there are Gnolls that speak the human language.
  • Green
  • Red
  • 9
  • Canine-humanoid structure, long snout, large fangs, very fast and strong
  • Hyena-like appearance, combative personality, rapid growth, demonic bloodlines
  • g
  • ノール
  • Level: 1, DV: 13, PV: 3, Hits: 10, Attacks: 1, Damage: 3-10. Speed: 100.
  • Kém, Zsivány, Barbár, Gyógyító, Vadász, Harcos, Sámán
  • Barbarian, Rogue, Scout, Healer ; Scout, Hunter, Warrior, Shamans
  • 8
  • Gnoll.JPG
  • Light or dark brown fur marked with spots and stripes, dirty yellow to reddish gray mane
  • Zemzelett
  • 5.3
  • 11
  • 1375
  • Warm
  • FFIX
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • B
  • Ninguna
  • d8 +2
  • Carnivorous
  • Male
  • 493
  • 513
  • 791
  • 1168
  • Darkvision, low-light vision
  • low-light
  • Ochu
  • "He was definitely NOT involved in any assassinations. None at all."
  • Gn-Gnoll! Gnoll-Gnoll!
  • 14
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
wikipage disambiguates
  • 5
recovery Time
  • 60
breaking point
  • 5
magic evade
  • 4
  • Yes
  • Immune
  • Immune
  • Immune
  • 16
resistances conveyed
  • None
  • 100
  • 17
  • Medium
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Drop only
  • 370.0
4e modifiers
  • +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity
3e modifiers
  • -2
  • +4 Strength, +2 Constitution,
  • 250
  • 245.0
4e skillmod
  • +2 Intimidate, +2 Perception
  • 295.0
blue magic
  • Vanish
  • 7
drop icons
3e language
4e language
  • Gnolls are a humanoid race renowned for their tremendous laziness, social codependency, and fierce savagery. Structuring themselves into packs, gnolls survive through raiding and pillaging, acquiring slaves who might facilitate their slothful lifestyles.
  • Gnolls are one of the younger races of Lordaeron. Indigenous to both the Alterac Mountains and the Redridge Range far to the south, these hyena-like humanoids are extremely aggressive and are often found quarreling amongst themselves. Though relatively intelligent compared to most beasts, they are not very bright by human standards. They have been known to manipulate each other into fights over ridiculous things like "whose shadow is larger". It has often been stated that the gnolls would be quite a fearsome race, if they ever stopped tearing each other to pieces long enough to organize themselves into an army. Gnolls are known for their beastly cunning, their ferocious tempers, and their penchant for infighting. Though more intelligent than beasts, they tend to lack the finer reasoning of other sentient races. They enjoy fighting — almost too much. Gnolls make their home in Lordaeron in the Alterac Mountains and the Redridge Mountains, but they have spread throughout Azeroth, even to Kalimdor, where they compete with other aggressive humanoids for hunting grounds. Their tendency to challenge each other over petty matters (such as who is the tallest) prevents them from achieving any real unity and thus lessens their overall threat. This is fortunate, for their numbers are such that they could easily overrun other races of equivalent strengths. Occasionally, gnolls hire out as mercenaries, either as individuals or in small packs of two to five warriors. Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids standing about 5 feet tall. Gnolls of the same tribe tend to share a similar appearance, with either a reddish-brown, black, greenish-gray, or yellow mane. Eyes range in color from pale blue to bloodshot red and are typically small and close-set in the head. In wet conditions, they give off a distinctive musky odor. As carnivores, gnolls consider all creatures as food, including members of their own race. Hunger, not gold or magic, is what motivates them. They have no love for other races, preferring to eat rather than work with them. Any alliances made will last only as long as the gnolls are well fed or are cowed with displays of force. Gnolls, being lazy and feral, have little natural industry. They are capable of limited crafting, but no metal work. They do not mine or farm, relying instead on a nomadic existence and hunting. Gnolls like to attack when they have the advantage of numbers, using group tactics and their physical strength to overwhelm and knock down their opponents. They show little discipline in battle unless they have a strong leader; at such times, they can maintain ranks and fight as a unit. While they do not usually prepare traps, gnolls do use ambushes and try to attack from a flanking position. They always take special care to seek the most favorable conditions possible (such as darkness, cover, or some other form of advantageous condition or terrain) when laying ambushes. Gnolls are known for their habits as raiding marauders or hired soldiers. Though they have average intelligence, they are easily duped by promises of food or treasure.
  • Gnolls will feature some of the most fearsome and toughest enemies you will encounter in the Forgotten Realms. Gnolls are nomadic, demon-worshipping, feral, and hyena-like humanoids who rarely stay in one place for long. When gnolls attack and pillage a settlement, they raid in rapacious packs capturing slaves and leaving nothing behind except razed buildings and gnawed corpses. Similar to other races of humanoids, gnolls fight among themselves for dominance. Some packs are even willing to become mercenaries or bodyguards for anyone – for the right price. Gnolls detest physical labor and often use slaves to perform menial chores. Prisoners and slaves are often brutally treated at the hands of ruthless gnoll overseers. Only two things are certain for the life of a slave in a gnoll camp: misery and punishment. Gnoll are also very fanatical creatures. An important part of a gnoll's daily ritual includes worshipping the demon-gnoll Yeenoghu. In the name of their master, the Beast of Butchery and Ruler of Ruin, they participate in rituals that involve acts of depravity and self-mutilation, brutally sacrificing themselves and feasting on the unfortunates that fall under their claw. Gnolls are also fearless and ruthless in combat. They decorate their armors and encampments with bones from fallen enemies, casting fear into the hearts of anyone daring to cross their path or those unfortunate enough to be in their path. Weapons were never a concern for gnolls since they were always unskilled blacksmiths and artisans. Only wearing patchwork armor and using primitive or stolen weapons, gnolls only need to rely on their claws in combat. Also, they are pack fighters, tracking their target with their incredible sense of smell. With an insatiable taste for blood, they become frenetic beasts when enemies are near. With surprising agility, they can leap and close in on targets from incredible distances. Countless soldiers have fallen this way without ever getting a chance to retaliate. Due to their malice and cunning, gnolls have taken up with bandits and pirates around the Sword Coast in Neverwinter. Most notable are the bandits operating out of Blackdagger Ruins along the High Road, and those acting as slavers in drow raiding parties. Blackdagger Ruins are infested with them where they can be seen fighting alongside pirates against Neverwinter's heroes. There are even reports of monstrous gnolls spotted inside the ruins – be wary at all times!
  • A gnoll was a species of Troll. They are believed to be made of dirt instead of stone, and gather things to compost or carry in a heap on their backs.
  • Gnolls will attack with the advantage of numbers. They are intelligent enough to use tactics as a horde, using their physical strength to knock down their opponents. They show little discipline as a rabid bunch unless they are led by a capable (and strong) leader. Like hyenas, they are cowardly in that they will attack using ambushes and flanking manouevers; fighting gnolls in the darkness, or on their terrain, is incredibly dangerous. A tribe of gnolls is ruled by the strongest of the tribe, using fear, intimidation and strength to remain in power. Should he die, other tribes will have their strongest warrior fight to succeed the fallen chieftain. They do not follow religion, but do revere the phases of the moon. Gnolls will take prisoners for slavery. These usually end up doing the hard work of building lairs until the time comes when the gnolls get hungry...
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Race: goblinoid Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 17 Hit points: 11 Attack bonus: +3 Damage: d8 +2 (battleaxe) Hit dice (level): 2 Challenge rating: 1 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) listen (3), spot (3) Feats: armor proficiency (medium), power attack, shield proficiency, weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (simple)
  • Gnolls are hyena-like humanoids that gather in loose bands. The hunt at night, preferring intelligent prey because they scream more.
  • Gnoll is a player character race in 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons.[MM:277][Dr367:47]
  • Gnolls have Hyenalike heads, and their long limbs possess lean strength. Gnolls are covered in course yellow or reddish-brown fur, and their feet and legs are structured more like a hyena's hind legs then a humanoids. Despite the somewhat awkward appearance of their legs and feet, gnolls walk as bipeds and are as agile and speedy as a normal human. The wild gnolls who prey upon civilized races use patchwork armor and rusted weapons that they've stolen from past kills. Tribes that have found some level of personal honor favor hide or leather armor similar to the Barbarian tribes of humans.
  • Gnoll to najlepsza bestia w grze typu 'tank', używany głównie przez Rycerzy choć także przez postaci dystansowe. W zjednoczeniu podnosi ona Szanse bloku, Obronę bloku oraz atak fizyczny: * Poziom 5: +5%/+120/+98 * Poziom 10: +10%/+240/+161 * Poziom 15: +15%/+360/+224
  • Gnolls are large creatures that closely resemble humanoid hyenas. They are found throughout the Sword Coast and Amn, most notably in the south-western regions of the sword coast, as that is the location of the Gnoll Stronghold. They attack with Halberds and usually drop minor gems or some Gold Pieces.
  • Gnoll is a type of monster in ADOM. Half man half hyena, gnolls are quite common Ancardian monsters that are one of the tougher opponents in the early game (though that's still not saying much). They are able to throw a battle axe as a ranged attack, though gnolls only have one axe each. Gnolls can be found in lesser vaults and tension rooms of quite low danger level.
  • Gnolls are a humanoid race that most closely resemble hyenas that dwell in Droaam and the Shadow Marches as well as inhabiting parts of the Demon Wastes and are known for their savage culture and warlike ways. The largest community of gnolls is the Znir Pact of Droaam.
  • Gnolls are a humanoid race that most closely resemble hyenas. Standing up to 7 1/2 feet in height, with the females being significantly shorter, gnolls cut an impressive visage. Their skin is a greenish-gray, and their furry hide is marked with brown spots and a dirty yellow to reddish-gray mane. Nocturnal by nature, gnolls are not picky about what they eat—or whether it's been cooked or not. They are strong and tough, however they are lacking in force of personality and intelligence. The typical gnoll is cruel and hateful. Firmly believers in the policy of "Might makes Right", they often kill and steal to get what they want. They're also rather cowardly, groveling at the presence of anyone stronger then themselves. They're lazy and disorderly, really only motivated by greed. Even with promise of an easy victory, a gnoll is rather quick to abandon his task if not under the control of a strong leader. Usually they bind together as a tribe or clan under a the banner of a strong leader who, while occasionally being priest or shaman, is usually a large and powerful warrior.
  • Gnoll es una de las jóvenes razas de Lordaeron, indígenas en las Montañas de Alterac y Montañas Crestagrana lejos al sur. Estos humanoides -parecidos a hienas- son extremadamente agresivos y a menudo pelean entre ellos mismos. Aunque son relativamente inteligentes comparados a otras bestias, no son brillantes frente a los humanos. Se sabe que se han peleado por ridículas cosas como "de quién es la sombra más grande". Se ha afirmado a menudo, que los gnolls podrían haber sido una terrible raza. Los gnolls son conocidos por su bestial astucia, su feroz temperamento y por sus peleas internas. Aunque son más inteligentes que las bestias, tienden a carecer del fino razonamiento de otras razas sensibles. Disfrutan luchando -casi demasiado. Los gnoll tienen su hogar en Lordaeron en las Montañas de Alterac y Montañas Crestagrana, pero se han extendido por todo Azeroth, incluso a Kalimdor, donde compiten con otros humanoides agresivos por terrenos de caza. Tienen tendencia a desafiarse unos a otros con pequeños asuntos (como quién es más alto), lo que les impide ser una unidad y por tanto, ser una amenaza global. Esto es afortunado, pues su números pueden ser sobrepasados fácilmente por otras razas de fuerza equivalente. Ocasionalmente, los gnolls se alquilan como mercenarios, ya sea como individuales, o en grupos pequños de dos a cinco guerreros. Los gnolls son humanoides parecidos a las hienas con cerca de 7 pies de altura. Gnolls de la misma tribu tienden a mostrar una apariencia similar con un color marrón-rojizo, negro, gris-verdoso, o con melena amarilla. Los ojos van de color azul a rojo sangre y son generalmente pequeños. En condiciones húmedas, emiten un olor distintivo almizclado. Como carnívoros, los gnolls consideran a todas las criaturas como comida, incluyendo miembros de su propia raza. El hambre, no oro y no magia, es lo que les motiva. No tienen amor por otras razas, prefiriendo comer que a trabajar juntos. Cualquier alianza durará sólo mientras los gnolls estén bien alimentados. Siendo perezosos y callejeros, tienen una pequeña industria natural. Normalmente, basan su vida en la caza y la existencia nómada. Les gusta atacar cuando tienen la ventaja de ser más numerosos, usando tácticas grupales y su fuerza física para aplastar y derribar a sus oponentes. Muestran poca disciplina en batalla a menos que tengan un líder fuerte; en esos momentos, pueden mantener los rangos y luchar como una unidad. Aunque no suelen preparar trampas, hacen uso de emboscadas. Siempre buscan las condiciones favorables para atacar (como la oscuridad, cubierta, o condición del terreno, entre otras).thumb|Gnoll Común Los gnolls son conocidos como merodeadores, o soldados alquilados. Aunque tienen inteligencia media, son fácilmente engañados con promesas de un alimento o un tesoro.
  • Les Gnolls sont des créatures extrêmement violentes. Ils sont connus pour engager des combats pour des arguments tels que savoir celui qui a l'ombre la plus longue. Beaucoup se demandent comment font ces créatures pour vivre assez longtemps pour pouvoir se multiplier. Ils se réunissent en grands groupes seulement quand vient l'opportunité d'une grande bataille ou d'un pillage. Ils sont très vicieux, et se proposent souvent comme mercenaires, car ils peuvent aller dans tous les endroits où peut se dérouler un bon combat. Certains pensent que si les Gnolls mettaient de côté leurs différences assez longtemps pour s'organiser dans un grand groupe, ils pourraient faire une formidable armée. Même si la plupart utilisent des armes de mêlée ou de distance, certains utilisent de la magie chamanique ou même démoniste. Des groupes de Gnolls en provenance des Carmines, ont infesté de manière assez importante les royaumes des Humains et des nains. Cependant, les Gnolls de la Tribu Rivepatte menés par Lardeur sont récemment devenus beaucoup plus gênants en pillant de nombreuses fermes et villages dans la Forêt d'Elwynn. thumb|Gnoll dans World of WarcraftNombreux sont ceux qui spéculent d'ailleurs sur le fait que les Gnolls ont probablement dû s'allier avec un autre ennemi qui leur fourni des armes ainsi qu'un appui tactique et magique. Bien que le rôle des Gnolls soit finalement difficile à cerner, les Maréchaux de Hurlevent ont réalisé que ces créatures sont devenues une menace réelle pour le royaume et qu'elles doivent être éradiquées au plus tôt. Comme beaucoup d'autres créatures du nord de Lordaeron, les Gnolls ne purent échapper à la peste du Roi Liche, et un grand nombre d'entre eux sert désormais le Fléau, notamment de la Tribu Poil-putride dans la Clairière de Tirisfal dirigé par Oeil-de-ver.
  • Gnolls zijn een van de jongere rassen van Lordaeron. Inheemse om zowel de Alterac Mountains en de Redridge gebied ver naar het zuiden, deze hyena-achtige mensachtigen zijn zeer agressief en zijn vaak gevonden ruzie onderling. Hoewel relatief intelligente vergelijking met de meestebeesten, ze zijn niet erg helder door menselijke normen. Zij zijn bekend met elkaar te manipuleren in de ruzies over belachelijke dingen als "wiens schaduw groter is". Het is al vaak gesteld dat de gnolls zou nogal een angstaanjagende ras worden, als ze ooit gestopt met scheuren elkaarom stukken lang genoeg om zich te organiseren in een leger. Categorie:Gnolls Categorie:Rassen Categorie:Monster Guide Categorie:Manual of Monsters Categorie:Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game
  • Often viewed as the "black sheep" of the normal rare pets, the Gnoll is a speciality pet best designed for characters that use a shield. This makes the Gnoll most effective on a Knight. Occasionally a Battle Summoner with a Dirk and Shield can also properly utilize the Gnoll. Kahunas and/or Soul Breeders that opt for a 1 handed weapon and a shield can also benefit from the Gnoll, but most people who make a Kahuna and/or Soul Breeder use 2 handed weapons. The Battle Summoner's ability to revert to a 2 handed staff for Magical Attack often leaves the Knight as the only class that can properly utilize it. Even still, some Knights prefer to just use some other pet and take the Gnoll potion instead of the actual pet. True, many classes (mostly mages) benefit little from a Gnoll's unity, however it must not be overlooked for the main reason of its inception...tanking. Gnolls tank how Knights tank, which is by generating threat and reducing/blocking incoming damage, requiring fewer heals to keep them alive. Their downfall (similar to that of a Knight) is other classes/pets occasionally generating too much threat and stealing aggro away from them.
  • Gnolls hail from the white sands of Najari Desert. What they lack in wit, and civil behavior, they make up for in strength and agility. Gnolls were generally feared and hated by the other races on the planet, until gradually they were accepted into modern society about 245 years ago. They developed their first written language nearly 2,000 years ago. When you encounter a Gnoll in battle you better be very strong, or smart; just remember, don’t try to run.
  • Gnolls are humanoid hyenas. Like their animal counterparts, they are not prone to risk their lives in direct attacks. Rather, they prey upon the remains of cities layed to waste by more powerful forces. They are known to follow travellers for days without attacking them, only to seize upon the right moment to set an ambush or trap. * Gnoll * Gnoll Thief * Gnoll Rogue * Gnoll Trapper * Gnoll Assassin
  • Gnolls are around 190 cm tall. Gnolls are hyena-like and survives by a combination of hunting and raiding. Even though the Gnolls are very primitive, they have mastered the use of simple tools and weapons. They often use clubs with jagged spikes on the head of the club. But if they get their hands on more effective weapons from the victims, they will use that instead. They always hunt in packs and are usually led by a leader.
  • A Gnoll is a type of monster introduced in SLASH'EM. They have relatively damaging attacks and are generated with weapons. Gnolls are always generated hidden, so if you are able to detect them through telepathy it may be wise to avoid them completely. Higher level gnolls can be generated with dragon scale mail, but all gnolls are too large to wear body armor. None are considered a valid polymorphable form. As Yeenoghu is considered the demon prince of gnolls, many are found in his lair in Gehennom. Ironically, a gnoll chieftain has a higher difficulty level, base level, and more damaging attacks than him.
  • Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 15 (+1 natural, +2 leather armor, +2 heavy steel shield), touch 10, flat-footed 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3 Attack: Battleaxe +3 melee (1d8+2/x3) or shortbow +1 ranged (1d6/x3) Full Attack: Battleaxe +3 melee (1d8+2/x3) or shortbow +1 ranged (1d6/x3) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: - Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. Saves: Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8 Skills: Listen +2, Spot +3 Feats: Power Attack Environment: Warm plains Organization: Solitary, pair, hunting party (2-5 and 1-2 hyenas), band (10-100 plus 50% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults and 1 leader of 4th-6th level and 5-8 hyenas), or tribe (20-200 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level, 1 leader of 6th-8th level, and 7-12 hyenas; underground lairs also have 1-3 trolls) Challenge Rating: Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually chaotic evil Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment:
  • Gnolls originally came from the Dungeons & Dragons game, which resemble a humanoid Hyena
  • A Gnollok Lordaeron egyik fiatal faja. Az Alterak-Hegységben (Aterac Mountains) és a VörösGerinc Hágóban (Redridge Range) nagyon gyakoriak a Gnollok. Hiénaszerű humanoid lények, és valószínűleg egy Hiéna Őstől is származhatnak. Emellett rendkívülien aggresszívak, még saját fajtáik között is. Igazság szerint a többi bestiális lényhez képest rendkívülien intelligensek, agyuk nem igazán éri el az emberi szintet. Olyan értelmetlen harcokba motiválják egymást, mint a "Kinek nagyobb az árnyéka". Habár, sok faj úgy gondolja, ha a Gnollok intelligensebbek lennének, és egy hatalmas egyveleggé állnának, akár egész kontinenseket meghódíthatnának, veszedelmesek lennének, csupán annyi kellene, hogy nem munkálkodnának egymás széttépésén. Gnollok rendkívül ismertek a bestiális barbárságukról, ellenségeskedéseikről, valamint folytonos belharcaikról. Habár valamelyest intelligensebbek a bestiáknál, általában nem éppen barátságosan közelítenek meg más értelmes fajokat. Élvezik a harcokat, sajnos kissé túlságosan. Ugyan Azeroth alteraki hegységei voltak a szülőhazája a fajnak, a Gnollok elterjedtek egész Azerothon és Kalimdoron, ahol csak vadászterületet lelhettek. Legkedvesebb tevékenységük az, hogy megküzdjenek egymással pitiáner különbségek, és versenyek miatt (mint a ki a magasabb), ami az egyik oka annak, hogy bármiféle egység létrehozása lehetetlen nekik. Még úgy is, hogy annyira nagy számban fordulnak elő, hogy egyesülve akár legyőzhetetlenné is válhatnának. Habár, a Gnollok kisebb csoportokat képesek alkotni, amikor felbérelik őket bérgyilkosoknak, ami általában a természetes foglalkozásuk a vadászaton és egymással való harcon kívül. A Gnollok természetesen egy magukban is képesek bérgyilkosi feladatokra. A Gnollok hiénaszerű humanoid lények, körülbelül öt láb magasak. Különbség általábban nincs köztük, a bundájuk színét kivéve, ami törzstől függetlenül, mindegyik törzsben változatos, zöldesszürke, vörösesbarna, fekete. Kicsi szemük színe kéktől vérvöröses zöldig terjed. Mint ragadozók, minden teremtményt élelemnek tekintenek, akár a saját fajtársaikat is. Nem mágia, vagy arany, az étel motiválja őket. Minden szövetség a Gnollokkal addig tart, amíg a másik fél jóllakottan nem tartja őket. Ugyan a Gnollok eléggé lusták, van valamiféle természetes fejlettségük. Ugyan képesek tárgyak elkészítésére, nagyobb fémmunkálásra nem képesek. Nem gyakori, hogy bányásznak, vagy még inkább, hogy növényeket termesszenek, inkább a vadász és nomád életmód illik rájuk.
  • Gnolle to duże, hienowate humanoidy, których luźno zorganizowane bandy są postrachem wielu światów a Materialu. Ciała gnolli są z grubsza humanoidalne - poruszają się w postawie wyprostowanej a ich dłonie posiadają palce z przeciwstawnym kciukiem i są równie zręczne jak ludzkie. Mają szarozieloną, pokrytą futrem skórę, ciemniejszą przy hienim pysku i żółtawą lub rdzawą grzywę włosów. Najczęściej przesiąknięte są smrodem surowego mięsa i padliny. W walce gnolle usiłują wykorzystać przewagę liczebną, atakując bezładnie całym stadem. Jeśli grupą dowodzi flind albo bystrzejszy i potężniejszy gnoll-przywódca, jej działania stają się bardziej zdyscyplinowane i zorganizowane. Potrafią wtedy wciągać przeciwnika w pułapkę, atakować z flanki a nawet przeprowadzić zorganizowany odwrót. Walczą zazwyczaj przy pomocy mieczy, włóczni i toporów, choć spotyka się też gnolle uzbrojone w łuki i morgenszterny. Gnolle są najczęściej spotykane w podziemnych jaskiniach bądź ruinach. Na powierzchni działają głównie nocą, z uwagi na awersję do światła. Dowodzone są zawsze przez najsilniejszego osobnika, rządzącego za pomocą strachu i szantażu. W razie śmierci przywódcy w stadzie wybuchają walki mające na celu wyłonienie nowego, co czasem prowadzi do rozpadu grupy. W swoich jaskiniach często trzymają trolle jako strażników, natomiast hieny i hienodony służą im za zwierzęta bojowe. Typowe legowisko gnolli liczy sobie od dwudziestu do dwustu samców i około połowy mniej samic. Elitą każdego większego oddziału gnolli jest herszt, otoczony grupą elitarnych wojowników. Samice gnolli są równie sprawne fizycznie jak samce, jednak rzadko przewodzą stadu i otrzymują zwykle gorsze uzbrojenie i wyposażenie. Oprócz dorosłych w legowisku przebywa duża liczba młodych (dwukrotnie więcej niż dorosłych) i pewna ilość niewolników, których te istoty chętnie trzymają. W społeczności gnolli nie występuje funkcja kapłana, choć posiadają prymitywną namiastkę religii, związaną z fazami księżyca. Kiedyś popularnym bóstwem tych istot był Gorellik, jednak jego religia słabnie coraz bardziej, będąc wypieraną przez kult Władcy Demonów Yeenoghu, któremu gnolle bardziej służą niż oddają cześć. Gnolle chętnie współpracują z orkami, hobgoblinami, niedźwieżukami, ogrami i trollami, jednak w relacjach z innymi rasami kierują się przede wszystkim perspektywą zaspokojenia swojej niepohamowanej żarłoczności. W związku z tym, jeśli potencjalny wspólnicy nie są dość liczni, współpraca kończy się z reguły ich pożarciem kiedy przestają być potrzebni. Zdarza im się również przeszacować własne siły i w rezultacie sami kończą na stołach silniejszych kompanów. Gnolle nie przepadają za cywilizowanymi rasami humanoidów, a także za koboldami, goblinami i gigantami. Wielką odrazę żywią do wszelkiej pracy fizycznej. Żywią się wszelkimi dostępnymi ciepłokrwistymi istotami, preferują jednak inteligentne jadło, z uwagi na zabawniejsze dźwięki, jakie wydaje podczas konsumowania go. Zazwyczaj całkowicie ogołacają z pożywienia dany teren a następnie przenoszą się w inne miejsce. Rzadko zdarza im się umrzeć ze starości, ale mogą dożywać wieku 35 lat.
  • Gnolls are a race of scavenging jackal like people. they are nocturnal by nature. Gnolls have clawed fingers and fur all over their bodies. Often, they join armies or mercenary companies due to their warlike nature. gnolls are reputed to be a race created from goblins by the graygem. packs are ten to twenty in number and usully led by the alpha male. the pack usully has two males for every female. Gnolls fought on the side of the dark queen during the war of the lance.
  • Les gnolls sont des humanoïdes malfaisants à tête de hyène qui vivent en tribus plus ou moins organisées. La fourrure des gnolls est tachetée et va du roux terne au jaune sale. Carnivores chassant de nuit, ils préfèrent traquer les créatures intelligentes, car ces dernières crient davantage quand elles sentent leur fin proche. Un gnoll fait 2,25 mètres de haut et pèse environ 150 kg.
  • The Gnoll is an enemy from Final Fantasy IX. It can be found on the Conde Petie Mountain Path. It often uses Vanish.
  • Gnolls are a humanoid race that most closely resemble hyenas that dwell in the eastern parts of Faerûn and are known for their savage culture and warlike ways.
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