  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • |- ! style="min-width:15px; max-width:15px; border-right: none;" class="unsortable" | ! style="border-left: none;"|Tavara ! Määrä ! Harvinaisuus ! GE Hinta |- |align=center|File:Bones.png |align=left|bones | |style=background:#AFEEEE; color:#000000;"| |title=" coins each"|– |- |}
  • Basilisks are the result of a mixture of FEV and radioactive waste mutating reptiles that inhabited sewers and zoos. This mutation caused these animals to grow at an alarming rate, and allowed their eyes to mutate to the point of a hypnotic gaze. A bioluminescent glow flashs from the pupils, called by docters as "Photo-hypnotic flashs" which stimulates areas of the brain that cause the feelings of confusion. This parrallels the mythic creature it was named after.
  • Basilisk is a large Awakened reptile that measures 2.5 meters long from snout to tail, and weighs about 100 kilograms, similar in size and appearance to Komodo dragons. It has black and yellow scales and up to 40 saw-edged teeth. It is a carnivore that feeds primarily on small mammals, but will eat just about anything that it can catch. The Basilisk is dual-natured and has a unique spell-like ability to petrify creatures that it gazes upon. This makes it dangerous to study, although some corporations use Basilisks for security purposes.
  • The Basilisk is the starship that IG-13 and his party own and use for their missions. The ship has been heavily modified by the droids. Several laser cannons and ion cannons have been added to the ship. Two fighter docks on either side of the ship were added to hold two droid operated uglies. These could slightly defend the ship against fighter attack, and could provide a small escort.
  • The Basilisk is said to be at least 60 feet long, and as with most snakes, it will shed its skin eventually. It is also the "dreaded monster" of the Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts. Harry Potter killed it, preventing further attacks on the students of Hogwarts. He then used one of its fangs to destroy Tom Riddle's diary. This made Tom Riddle evaporate, saving Ginny Weasley. However, that same fang had been stuck in Harry's arm, almost killing him as well, if it had not been for Fawkes. In the Deathly Hallows, Ron and Hermione go into the tomb of the dead basilisk and gather its fangs to destroy the Horcruxes.
  • Basilisk(103BC-) is the main antaginist of the series.
  • Basilisk o Bes'uliikthumb|Basilsik sprigiona la sua potenza di fuoco Categoria:Veicoli e Velivoli
  • Basilisk are often heard of in the Harry Potter universe, but not in the Spiderwick Chronicles.
  • thumb|Ein Basilisk in den Gängen von Level 2 Der Basilisk 1. * WEITERLEITUNG ist eine Wächterbestie innerhalb des zweiten Levels im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Impel Down. Buggy und Luffy begegnen einem dieser Basilisken in den Gängen von Level 2. Buggy bezeichnete ihn als Mutanten, eine Schlange, die von einem Huhn zur Welt gebracht wurde. Während Boa Hancock in Magellans Büro auf Level 4 vorgestellt wird, schlägt Luffy den Basilisken mit seinem Gear 3 und der Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol K.O. und zerstört dabei den Aufseherraum im Level 2.
  • The Basilisk was a scheme cooked up by Leo Sunburst, the mayor, and the butcher of a small town to get their town in the news.
  • Large land based lizards that are nearly as long as crocodiles Basilisks are sometimes referred to as the "King of Serpents". They are most renowned for their petrifying gaze.
  • Basilisk is an enemy found in Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight, and serves as the main boss of the first floor of Ginnungagap. This massive, multi armed serpent resembling a naga mainly attacks with its long claws, but its most dangerous ability is petrifying its victims, leaving them helpless.
  • Basilisks are creatures left over from the Mage Wars. They are "stupid, incredibly dangerous, and ravenous carnivores who would eat anything that couldn't run away from them." (Winds of Fate) No one wants to kill a basilisk if they don't have to. In addition to being very difficult to kill, they also fulfill a specific niche in the ecosystem. Basilisks are primarily scavengers, and are the only creatures that will eat a dead wyrsa or colddrake.
  • The year 1614 AD. Two warring ninja clans, each supporting a son of Hidetada Tokugawa as the next shogun, send ten representatives each to fight to the death for the possession of a scroll. The prize: the annihilation of the other and the support of the Tokugawa government for the next thousand years. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Basilisks are giant, snakelike monsters with dragon-like scales, basilisks inhabit Wyrmroost and the dragon sanctuaries and are extremely dangerous. Mere eye contact with a basilisk means death. If one manages not to make eye contact, basilisks still produce the same irrational magical fear as dragons. Basilisks do not have any magic like dragons. Their breath is also fatal, and their skin exudes a deadly poison that is transferred through any weapon that pierces it.
  • <default>Basilisk</default> Wiki.png Titel Wissenschaftlicher Name Ernährung Verbreitung Zugehörigkeit Färbung Maße Werk Der Basilisk (griechisch: basiliskos, lat. regulus = „kleiner König“; auch Sibilus) ist ein gefährliches Tier. Er gilt als „König der Schlangen“.
  • El Basilisk es un demonio artificial creado por Agnus devido a mágia cruzando un arma y un perro. Esto es capaz de encender su cráneo ardiente de su cuerpo como una bala, y luego regenerar nuevo uno. [1] Agnus es capaz de convocar seis Basiliscos a la vez y usarlos como la artillería mientras en su Angelo Agnus se formathumb|Basilliskn.
  • Race: magical beast Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 16 Hit points: 45 Attack bonus: +8/+3 Damage: d8+2 slashing damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 6 Challenge rating: 5 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) hide (3), listen (9), spot (9) Feats: alertness, great fortitude, weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (simple) Blueprint:(‡) x0_basilisk Craft drop: leather hide
  • The Basilisk is one of two monsters added in SLASH'EM that share the cockatrice's petrification attacks. A basilisk is capable of killing you in the same way a cockatrice is; touching a living or deceased basilisk with an exposed part of your body is instadeath, and the basilisk causes delayed petrification in the same manner as a cockatrice. See the article on the cockatrice for specifics of petrification. A basilisk is more dangerous than a cockatrice, as it has a higher level and thus more hitdice.
  • thumb|350px|Batería de Basilisks imperiales. El Basilisk es un modelo de tanque de artillería móvil muy utilizado por la Guardia Imperial y, en los orígenes del Imperio, por las Legiones Astartes y los Auxiliares Solares.
  • Helen Magnus and Will Zimmerman came across a Baslisk shortly after entering Hollow Earth. They were saved by Birot and Linor, who distracted it with a hologram. There is also a Basilisk feeding ground below the Indonesian caldera. Natives of Hollow Earth refer to it as a Firebreather.
  • Basilisks are snake-like monsters. Their name means "little crown."
  • right Einfache Leute nennen Basilisken die Könige der serrkanischen Wüsten und verwechseln sie häufig mit Gorgonen. Sie sagen, die Bestie sei so sehr von Hass auf alles Lebendige erfüllt, das selbst ihr Atem giftig ist und ihr Blick den Unachtsamen in Stein verwandelt. In Märchen gibt es nur eine sichere Methode, den Basiliken zu töten: man hält ihm einen Spiegel vor die Augen und lenkt so seinen tödlichen Blick ab. Einfache Bauern halten diese Methode immmer noch für die effektivste gegen einen Basilisken. Hexer dagegen sagen, es sei viel besser, den Spiegel auf dem Kopf der Kreatur zu zertrümmern. Basilisken zählen zu den Ornithosauriern.
  • A basilisk is a legendary creature, a snake hatched from a chicken egg by a toad. It is capable for living for hundreds of years and is the monster dwelling in the Chamber of Secrets.
  • A lizard-like creature with a paralyzing gaze.
  • Basilisk is a enemy found in Breath of Fire II.
  • Basilisk is an evil Rahkshi who is indestructible.
  • Basilisken sind große, schlangenartige Bestien. Sie verfügen über hochpotentes Gift, ihre größte Waffe aber ist ihr Blick, denn bei Augenkontakt casten sie den Zauber Tod. Basilisken sind Riesenschlangen. Ihre LP bewegen sich um die 500. Die Basilisken in Minigo sind an den Basilisken in Harry Potter angelehnt.
  • Like the Asp it also knows Petrify and will appear alone or in 2's. They also can take fair enough HP away so be careful and take them out quickly.
  • Manufacturers of body armor and ship-plating
  • The Basilisk was introduced in 2015.
  • Basilisks are large, lizard-like creatures with eight legs that are considered very dangerous due to their natural abilities. In the world of Critical Role, the duergar in Emberhold would raise these creatures as guardians and weapons to use should their patrol encounter something too powerful which they cannot handle themselves.
  • | Image:Fan spirit Rose.png |This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. |} Basilisk is an earth-element based monster of which appears within The Tower of Flanvel.
  • Basilisks appear to be a tribal race that lives alongside the Doram in the northern part of Pasta.
  • Catégorie:Organisations Basilisk est un fabricant de gilets pare-balles et des blindages de vaisseau. Bien qu’il semble que la plupart de leurs bénéfices annuels colossaux proviennent de contrats militaires, mais les armures qu’ils produisent pour l’armée sont fragiles et bon marché. Ils réservent le bon équipement pour les ventes aux secteurs privés les plus aisés. Les pilotes de la Navy plaisantent souvent à propos des blindages Basilisk, dont il convient de vérifier qu’ils ont été commandée sur leur site public, avant de les installer.
  • The basilisk is a creature which actually holds two distinct descriptions. The traditional depiction of a basilisk is akin to a cockatrice, being part cockerel, part dragon, and possesses a killer stare. A more modern depiction is that of a giant serpent with the ability to petrify any who meets its gaze. Both incarnations are referred to as the King of Serpents, and both are also mortal enemies of the weasel, who is, for some reason, immune to the powers of the great, chimerical beast.
  • Basilisks are lizards with a gaze that can freeze a person or even turn them to stone if stories are to be believed.
  • Basilisk on hiiglaslik madu, kes elas Sigatüükas Saladuste Kambris. Harry Potter tappis ta Gryffindori mõõgaga.
  • Der Basilisk ist ein BerserkerMonster. Ab einer Berserker Stufe von 40 kann man gegen ihn kämpfen. Zwar sind weder seine Angriffstrefferrate noch der Max-Hit des Basilisken sehr hoch, doch besitzt er eine hervorragende Verteidigung gegen Magie und bestimmte Nahkampf Angriffstypen. Dagegen kann er sich weniger gegen Fernkampf durchsetzen. Ab und zu lässt er auch einen Runit-Dolch fallen. Wichtig: Ein Spiegelschild gegen die Angriffe ist Pflicht, da er ohne Schild eure Fertigkeiten senkt! Außerdem muss man eine Berserker-Stufe von 40 besitzen.
  • Basilisk is a fledging terrorist cell. They have been responsible for some of the events in Suicide Squad and The Flash series.
  • Basilisken er en kæmpe slange som ofte kun adlyder en person. En Basilisk kan dræbe ved blikke og med sine spidse og giftige tænder. Salazar Slytherin havde en Basilisk nede i Hemmelighedernes Kammer. I 1992 - 1993 var der en basilisk der adlød Lord Voldemort. Basilisken forstener fire af elevene og katten til Argus Filch (Mrs. Norris) ved Hogwarts. Harry dræbte, mod enden af skoleåret, basilisken med Godric Gryffindors gamle sthumbværd.
  • The Basilisk tribe is one of the three largest dragon tribes of Archanea. Its members include Morzas and numerous other Mage Dragons.
  • The Basilisk is a Minion unit from the Forest Box. It has the Ability (Ranged) Petrify. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
  • the Basilisk uses the Chimera chassis.
  • Basilisk is a minor character introduced in Zone of the Enders: Dolores,i.
  • A basilisk is a monstrous reptile that can petrify with its gaze.
  • Basilisken zijn slangachtige wezens die Serpia gecreëerd heeft teneinde Adhelston tegen de MainYu te beschermen. categorie:Amaroth Categorie:Fauna Categorie:Nathair
  • The Basilisk is a huge, eight-legged reptile which prefers to live in warm or underground places. It is a creature of Chaos, originating from the very first Incursions of Chaos, and is now well-established in the Old World, if not common. Basilisks are extremely dangerous beasts, whose gaze can petrify living creatures. The petrifying effect has a range of 10 yards and can affect a single creature per round. The victim must make a Magic test or be turned to stone instantly. The effect is permanent. In addition to their gaze attack, Basilisks attack with two claws and one bite.
  • Basilisk is an enemy of Mighty Max, from the Battle Warrior Mighty Max Shatters Gargoyle.
  • [[Datei:Basilisk.png|thumb|300px|Ein Basilisk in einem Käfig auf dem Östlichen Markt in Vaes Dothrak]] Ein Basilisk (im Original: Basilisk) ist eine reptilienartige, fleischfressende Kreatur, welche im Osten von Essos und in Sothoryos vorkommt. Es ist das Wappentier des Hauses Gargalen. Außerdem waren sie vermutlich Namensgeber für die Basiliskeninseln.
  • Basilisk (バジリスク, Bajirisuku) is one of the katanas wielded by the revered assassin Hibiki Tōitsu, and happens to be a weapon passed down within his family since before the first members founded the clan. Not much is known about this katana to anyone but Hibiki himself, making it a very dangerous tool to use against others.
  • In European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. It often has avian characteristics; this attribute, as well as its purported method of killing (turning prey to stone), often conflates it with the cockatrice.
  • A supervillain with a petrifying gaze and powers of reptile control.
  • Basilisk is obsessed with the concept of worth. It is this obsession which compels him into assigning a value to everything and everyone. That which Basilisk considers to be valuable is referred to as being beautiful by the cyclops. While that which Basilisk considers to be lacking in value is referred to as being hideous. Contrary to popular belief, Basilisk's self-esteem is a non-existent entity. Thus the cyclops is of the opinion that he is a repulsive sight, a sentiment which has yet to be shared by anyone other than an irate Lyn.
  • The Basilisk is a monster found mostly through the Slayer skill. It requires the player to have a Slayer level of at least 40 and to equip a Mirror shield in order to attack a Basilisk. The Mirror shield can be bought at Vannaka.
  • The Basilisk is a Nod Support Tier 3 heavy air unit. It is unlocked when a Nod Commander reaches Level 12.
  • The Basilisk shoots streams of fire out at various angles, and sometimes it pulls its head back and shoots a stream of fire that damages everyone that is not on the only platform of the stage. It also stomps the ground, which will knock players into the air, and bites players that get too close. Once the Basilisk takes enough damage, it will fall down, allowing players to be able to hit it more quickly.
  • Basilisk adalah penjaga di Impel Down Level 2 : Binatang Penjaga, di bawah Sphinx.
  • El Basilisk (バシリスク Bashirisuku?) es la segunda bestia mas poderosa y temible del nivel 2 de Impel Down, por debajo de Sphinx.
  • Ein Basilisk ist ein Fabelwesen, das in den Urwäldern von Yi Ti sein Unwesen treibt. Es ist das Wappentier von Haus Gargalen. Große und kleine Basiliskenarten leben in großer Zahl auf der Basiliskenzunge von Sothoryos und auf den Basiliskeninseln. Hier waren sie vermutlich in grauer Vorzeit auch jeweils der Namensgeber.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Yamato Takeru File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Eva-13 | Kai | Aquarius Kamus | Gordi & Bardi | Nurarihyon File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Verona File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Bastet File:Scroll.png Tower: 25F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Wood (Carnage)
  • The Basilisk is a ship designed by the planet Machen Alpha, a planet near Mobius. The Basilisk is Slipstream capable and uses Magog technology, mainly the 3 Point Singularity Projector weapons as its main armament. In the first deployment, it was used to destroy a planet full of Artificial Intelligence. On the second mission, it was sent to destroy Mobius, but the Andromeda Ascendant intercepted it, eventually destroying the ship.
  • Basilisk was a harsh Terra-class planet that was destroyed by the Terran Empire during the Basilisk Rebellion. The planet was the homeworld of Andrew Dorian and Drago Reese.
  • A Basilisk is a reptilian monster from Greco-Roman mythology. A single glance into its eyes or inhalation of its breath will cause instant calcification and death, not unlike a Gorgon's Glance. A Basilisk is a small serpent-creature with the head having qualities of serpent and fowl, the body of dragon, feet of a fowl, and a crest on the head shaped like a crown. Because of its crown the Greeks called it a 'basilikos' or 'little king'. It is reputed to be the unquestioned king of serpents. A Basilisk is closely related to, but not synonymous with a Cockatrice. The difference being, a Basilisk is born of an reptilian egg hatched by a cockerel.
  • The Basilisk is the second-in-command of Impel Down's Level 2: Beast Hell, under the Sphinx.
  • Basilisk is an draconid, which sometimes terrorizes communities.
  • A basilisk is a very large snake. It is found in Harry Potter, where it's poison is deadly within the first few minutes of touching it.
  • Being the easiest to get alien unit besides the dretch, the basilisk is considered relatively weak, but it's got some nice tricks up it's sleeve. The Basilisk is the only evolved alien combat unit that can wallwalk, but unfortunately has the least health and weakest attack of any of those units. However, when touching a human, they become "grabbed", which means they cannot turn around. If the Basilisk catches an enemy alone and manages to get behind him while "grabbing" it, the Basilisk can easily kill the human.
  • "Legt ein Hahn ein Ei und brütet's aus schlüpft ein Basilisk heraus" (Die Überlieferung scheint also recht uneindeutig zu sein. Dieses Mischwesen als Abkömmling eines von einer Kröte ausgebrüteten Eis, das ein Hahn gelegt hat, ist im deutschsprachigen Raum sehr verbreitet. Auch die Theorie der Verwechslung mit dem Cockatrice ist nicht wirklich überzeugend, zumal der Begriff ja wohl ganz klar nicht deutschen Ursprungs ist.)[[Datei:Basilisk-1-.jpg|thumb|Der Basilisk wurde oft mit dem Cockatrice verwechselt, weshalb solche Bilder als Basilisk beschrieben werden. Echte Basilisken sind Schlangen]] Kategorie:Raubtier Kategorie:Drache
  • The Basilisk's(Draco basilikos.) status as a Dragon is arguable, as some think it a psuedo-dragon while others believe it to be mythical.
  • Basilisk 「バジリスク甲賀忍法帖, Basilisk Kōga Ninpō Chō」 es un manga creado por Masaki Segawa, publicada por Kōdansha. Una adaptación al anime salió el 12 de abril de 2005 por los estudios Gonzo.
  • Basilisk war ein Anführer der Templer, der versuchte, den sagenumwobenen Kelch zu finden. Er besaß ein riesiges Schwert, das selbst Altaïr großen Schaden zufügte. Altaïr kreuzte seinen Weg mehrfach, ließ ihn aber im Handel gegen Informationen am Leben. Schließlich tötete Altaïr ihn auf dem Schiff, weil er Adha verschleppt hatte.
  • Basilisk is the name of the Demon Lizard who fought by the side of Death during the First Battle. He is thought to have been created by the Evil Gods from the Original Clay using the designs of Suthis Cha. The Basilisk was one of the most powerful beasts of Evil during the First Battle and he is remembered in the constellation bearing his name in the Southern Skies of Titan. His descendants still roam the world of Titan today. Although not immortal beware of their power.
  • Basilisk – Chronik der Koga-Ninja (jap. Basilisk – Kōga Nimpōchō) ist ein fünfbändiger Manga von Masaki Segawa, der auf dem Roman Kōga Nimpōchō (dt. „Chronik der Kōga-Ninja“) von Futaro Yamada aus dem Jahr 1958 basiert. Der Manga wurde mit einigen kleinen Detailveränderungen als Anime verfilmt.
  • Basilisk (även känd som ormarnas kung) är ett fruktansvärt vidunder som är känt för att vara väldigt farligt. Trolldomsministeriet har klassat den som omöjlig att tämja men den kan tämjas av skickliga ormviskare.
  • Basilisk (även känd som ormarnas kung) är ett fruktansvärt vidunder som är känt för att vara väldigt farligt. Trolldomsministeriet har klassat den som omöjlig att tämja men den kan tämjas av skickliga ormviskare.
  • There are a few types of creatures known as basilisks in the Warcraft universe.
  • Der Basilisk ist ein für alle Lebewesen hochgradig gefährliches Reptil.
  • Volk Volk Echse Art Wildtier Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Ein Basilisk ähnelt einem Krokolisk und ist ein amphibisches Wildtier. Sie sind mit einem Panzer aus nur schwer durchdringbaren Schuppen bedeckt und außerdem noch magisch begabt, was sie besonders gefährlich macht. Basiliske verstecken sich im Unterholz und greifen dann an, wenn man es am wenigsten erwartet.
  • Basilisks are reptilian monsters that are featured in Fate.
  • Der Basilisk ist eine leuchtend grüne Schlange, die bis zu siebzehn Metern lang werden kann. Der männliche Basilisk hat einen scharlachroten Federbusch auf dem Kopf. Er hat äußerst giftige Zähne, doch sein gefährlichstes Angriffsmittel ist der Blitz seiner großen gelben Augen. Wer direkt in diese Augen sieht, fällt auf der Stelle tot um, wer allerdings indirekt (das heißt durch einen Spiegel, eine Kamera oder einen Geist) in diese Augen sieht wird (nur) versteinert. Die Anwesenheit eines Basilisken genügt, um Spinnen - selbst Acromantulas - in Panik zu versetzen und in die Flucht zu treiben.
  • In European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk (English pronunciation: /ˈbæzɪlɪsk/, from the Greek βασιλίσκος basilískos, "little king;" Latin Regulus) is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. According to the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder, the basilisk of Cyrene is a small snake, "being not more than twelve fingers in length," that is so venomous that it leaves a wide trail of deadly venom in its wake, and its gaze is likewise lethal; its weakness is in the odor of the weasel, which, according to Pliny, was thrown into the basilisk's hole, recognizable because all the surrounding shrubs and grass had been scorched by its presence. It is possible that the legend of the basilisk and its association with the
  • thumb|De Basiliskthumb|De Basilisk in de Geheime Kamer Classificatie Ministerie van Toverkunst: XXXXX / Bekende Tovenaardoder/Onmogelijk af te richten of te temmen De eerste Basilisk (Engels: Basilisk) die in de geschiedenis vermeld wordt, werd gecreëerd door Herpo de Verdorvene, een Griekse Duistere tovenaar en Sisseltong die na vele experimenten ontdekte dat, als een kippenei werd uitgebroed door een pad, daar een gigantische slang met levensgevaarlijke eigenschappen uit voortkwam.
  • thumb|De Basiliskthumb|De Basilisk in de Geheime Kamer Classificatie Ministerie van Toverkunst: XXXXX / Bekende Tovenaardoder/Onmogelijk af te richten of te temmen De eerste Basilisk (Engels: Basilisk) die in de geschiedenis vermeld wordt, werd gecreëerd door Herpo de Verdorvene, een Griekse Duistere tovenaar en Sisseltong die na vele experimenten ontdekte dat, als een kippenei werd uitgebroed door een pad, daar een gigantische slang met levensgevaarlijke eigenschappen uit voortkwam.
  • Graufarbenes echsenähnliches Lebewesen von etwa 15 Fuß Länge und 6 Fuß Höhe. Durch die graue Hautfarbe ist es vor felsigem oder steinigem Untergrund nahezu unsichtbar. Die Bewegungen laufen langsam und ruckartig ab. Durch normale Waffen sind sie nicht verwundbar, nur durch magische Waffen. Ihr Blick wirkt versteinernd. Diese Erfahrung haben schon Waldläufer des +Averlan von Kelani im Dschungel von Pottuvil gemacht, ebenso die Sondereinheiten des Sleig von +Darhgond in ihrem Kampf gegen die +Burundi. Die Basilisken als kleine Schlangenwesen der Finsternis scheinen in den Diensten der Meister der +Diabelos zu stehen wie einst die großen Schlangen der Finsternis in den Diensten der Sethoiden, der dem Schlangengott Seth-Genral dienenden +Dämonen.
  • This Is A Please Help Us By Expanding It. Type: Hybrid Pet School: Balance Pedigree: varies based on what abilities they inherit from their parents. Cards: Gives one Hydra Item Card at Baby Egg Name: Symmetrical Egg Hatch Time: 00:21:00 (Days:Hours:Minutes) Description: Bluish Hydra with yellow details and highly defined texture Hydra (Pet) Orthrus (Pet) Strawberry Cupcake Buttered Bread Cheese Broccoli Shiny Tomato Sweet Pineapple Large Watermelon Green Banana Glowing Star Fruit Lime Peel Rickey Looks Like:
  • Basilisken er en gigantisk slange skapt av mørke trollmenn. Den første som fant ut hvordan man lagde en basilisk, var Herpo den grimme. Dette gjorde han ved å klekke et kyllingegg under en padde. Dersom trollmennene skjønte at denne skapningen var farlig, ble det forbudt med basiliskavling rundt middelalderen. Basilisken hadde ikke bare farlige tenner; den hadde også dødelige øyne. Så man i de gule øynene dens, ble det det siste de så.
  • A basilisk is a giant serpent, also known as the King of Serpents. In Potterverse, basilisks are bred by dark wizards by causing a chicken's egg to hatch under a toad. Basilisks may grow up to 50 feet in length, and are colored dark green with large yellow eyes. These eyes have the power to kill anyone who looks directly into them. One who sees only the reflection of a basilisk's eyes, as in a mirror or a puddle of water, will be petrified. Ghosts, when looking straight into a basilisk's eyes, will also be petrified. Phoenixes are immune to the basilisk's gaze, and spiders are terrified of the snake.
  • Without the mirror shield, the player's stats will be greatly reduced. Protect from Melee prayer can be used, but the stats will still be lowered. Basilisks are a good source of runes. Due to their high drop rate of nature runes, it would be useful to bring a Staff of fire or kill some pyrefiends to the east, to use High Level Alchemy on their frequent metal armour and weapon drops.
  • The Basilisk was first used by the Imperium during the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium, where it was fielded in great numbers by the Imperial Army and Mechanicum, and in smaller numbers by the Space Marine Legions. The Basilisk artillery pieces used by the Space Marine Legions were usually crewed by the Legion's mortal personnel, but they were also crewed at times by the Space Marines themselves. The Basilisk, along with the Medusa, saw only limited usage by most of the Space Marine Legions, as the Astartes preferred to use the more versatile Whirlwind artillery tanks, which were based upon the Rhino chassis and thus were easier for the Legions to repair. There were some Legions that made heavier use of the Basilisk, such as the Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists Legions, who spec
  • After the cataclysm, the Basilisk appeared to terrorize the Barren Region. Trade ground to a halt and nobody in the area possessed the skill to slay it as only a Champion stood a chance against the monster.
  • Without the shield or mask, the player's stats will be greatly reduced, and the player will take damage frequently, even if a safe spot is used. Protect from Melee/Deflect melee can reduce damage from the attack, as it is still a melee attack, but the stats will still be lowered.
  • Basilisks were large, eight-legged reptiles with the terrifying ability to poison or petrify their prey. Though not malicious, basilisks were indisputably dangerous. They could be found all over Faerûn. Basilisks could be found nearly everywhere, including subterranean biomes. Typically, basilisks sheltered within burrows, caves, or other similar areas. These dens were sometimes distinguished by what appeared to be statues, although these were, in fact, creatures that had been petrified by the gaze of the creature.
  • Basilisk is a manga and anime by Masaki Segawa, based on the classic novel Kouga Ninpouchô. The Iga clan and the Kouga clan have been sworn enemies for more than four hundred years. Only the Hanzo Hattori truce has kept the two families from all-out war. Now, under the order of Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa, the truce has finally been dissolved. Ten ninja from each clan must fight to the death in order to determine who will be the next Tokugawa Shogun. The surviving clan will rule for the next thousand years.
  • A basilisk (Latin: regulus) is a sometimes small, but always powerful reptile that has been dubbed "king of serpants." It is either potrayed as a huge lizard or snake, or as a three-foot high rooster with a serpant's tail and teeth. No matter which form it takes, it is always highly toxic. Its breath kills whatever it touches, as does its sweat and saliva. Any river it drinks from is permanantly poisioned. Even its gaze is lethal to all but weasels.
  • Les Basilisks sont des ennemis qui apparaissent dans The Adventure of Link. Fichier:Basilisk_AOL_(2).pngCe sont des lézards qui ne se trouvent qu'en Hyrule Oriental. Leur attaque consiste à lancer des boules de feu sur Link qu'il peut bloquer avec son bouclier. Ils vivent sur terre, et peuvent marcher à quatre pattes tels des quadrupèdes, mais aussi à deux tels des bipèdes. Ils sont rencontrés dans des grottes de l'overworld, mais aussi dans des zones désertiques, en compagnie de Leevers. Ils lancent des boules de feu, qui ne peuvent être contrées qu'avec le sortilège Reflect.
  • A basilisk was an immortal shaped like a tall, elegantly-featured lizard with slit-pupiled eyes in the front of its head, varied gray and white skin, and silver talons. It walked upright on its hind legs and often used one hand to carry its tail off the ground. Basilisks learned new languages very quickly, and were thus great travelers, as well as lovers of gossip.
  • The Basilisk is a legendary serpent of astonishing powers. Said to hatch from a chicken's egg incubated underneath a toad, this gigantic snake ( In other versions, the basilisk is portrayed as a massive rooster with draconic wings and sharp teeth on its beak, Called a Cockatrice) which is over 100 feet long in some cases, can kill you by merely looking you in the eye. If that fails, its venom is extremely deadly and even one drop can kill you in a matter of minutes if it enters the bloodstream. It is said a well of water that has been touched by just a drop of venom from a basilisk will be contaminated by the venom for over 100 years. This monster is not invincible, however; the sound of a rooster crowing is fatal to it (Disorientates and confuses it. Sending it into violent fits causing g
  • Hit Dice: 6d10+12 (45 hp) Initiative: –1 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Armor Class: 16 (–1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8 Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+3) Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+3) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Petrifying gaze Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Saves: Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +3 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11 Skills: Hide +0*, Listen +7, Spot +7 Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude Environment: Warm deserts Organization: Solitary or colony (3–6) Challenge Rating: Treasure: None
  • Antes de começar sobre o assunto quero informar que todas as afirmações foram tirada dos livros e interpretados de uma forma totalmente diferente das versões onde a gente pode encontrar na internet sobre o basilisco, ou seja, tudo que estar escrito aqui foi retirado dos livros e observado os locais em que logo abaixo pode ser visto em imagens tirada dentro do jogo. Levando em conta que não sei de onde surgiu o boato de que a Thunder Hammer tem alguma relação com basilisco ou Durin com essa historia toda. A Tired Miner Melc Um mineiro cansado Melc Entrada do Mineiro 22:36 Mercenary Soldier [41]: job
  • The spindly, snake-like Basilisks house hundreds of armor-piercing spines within their upper carapace plates. These spines have been specifically evolved from the defensive urticating hairs of the Slothien and adapted to a new purpose. Basilisks use powerful muscle contractions to launch the spines in volleys at enemies approaching from either the air or the ground.
  • Two other varieties of Basilisk, colored in grey and green, are seen mounted in the foyer of Jade Harley's house. In human mythology, basilisks are said to have venomous breath, and sometimes a petrifying gaze. Sburb basilisks do not have either of these powers, though the portrusions on their head are similar to both the "crown" of the mythological basilisk and the "casque" of the real-life basilisk lizard (family Corytophanidae).
  • In God of War: Chains of Olympus it is a giant fire-breathing lizard with a sail upon its back, a membrane between its front and back legs, and a spiked tail. Brought by the Persians invading Attica, it terrorized the city alongside the invading Persian army, and the Persian King said it will purify the area. The Gods ordered Kratos to "eliminate this evil".
  • -
  • Lord Coil
  • 7
  • 8
  • 17
  • 20
  • 25
  • 28
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 35
  • 36
  • 39
  • 43
  • 48
  • 51
  • 58
  • 61
  • 69
  • 70
  • 77
  • 121
  • 9
  • 25
  • 42
  • 48
  • 49
  • 50
  • -
  • Unknown
  • 13
  • 25
  • 250
  • 1
  • 50
  • 780.0
  • 18.7
  • 15
  • 20
  • 150
  • Large
  • Small
  • 50
  • 55
  • N/A
  • "Basilisk Strike" [Special: chance to Stun character for 2 turns]
  • "Wave Blast"
  • capture
  • Curebulb
  • Thick Beast Hide
  • Thick Beast Hide
  • Polished Scale
  • Curebulb
  • File:1207.png
  • capture
  • Polished Scale
  • 98
  • -
  • --
  • -
  • No
  • 0
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Fires two 16-way sprays of large elemental bullets.
  • 383
  • Basilisks are a type of small flightless dragon enemy in Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. They appear in two main types; the Green Basilisk and the Baby Red Dragon.
  • Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles
  • 20
  • 1
  • Wüste Lybiens, ähnliche Arten wurden überall auf der Welt gesichtet
Erscheint in
  • bis 17 Meter
unnamed tool
  • No
  • Scorpion Whip
  • The eyes of evil.
Battle Start
  • I'll turn you to stone...
debut shippuden
  • No
  • Alles, was er erbeuten kann
  • 150
  • 0
acc magic
  • 0
  • -
  • y
  • 890
  • -
  • 3
  • 215
  • 7
  • 22
  • 240
aff magic
  • 65
  • 55
  • Impel Down
  • gelb, mit einem weißen Fleck in Form einer Krone auf dem Kopf
  • 22
  • 25
  • バシリスク
  • バシリスク
  • Mind
  • Volt
  • -
  • Bluish Hydra with yellow details and highly defined texture
  • 2550
  • 2677
  • 2805
  • N/A
New Header
  • dbkwik:resource/sT2FJejrWdTSJ_V2xpvxkg==
  • Wayne Gifford (Earth-616)
  • Basil Elks; Basil Elks from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 2 0001.jpg
  • Basilisk(Robot); Basilisk from Power Pack Vol 1 8 0001.jpg
  • Scott Summers; Scott Summers from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 246 0001.jpg
  • Basilisk(Hellbent); Basilisk from Marc Spector Moon Knight Vol 1 44 0001.jpg
  • Mike Columbus(Xavier's student); Mike Columbus from New X-Men Vol 1 136 0001.jpg
  • 6.100000
Première Apparition
  • 40
tool classification
  • Offensive
  • 9
literal english
  • Basilisk
  • Null
  • Resist
  • y
  • 2750
  • 4000
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • 2
  • 20
  • 100
  • 24
  • 75
  • 197
  • 289
  • 20
skill lv
  • All enemies can't move for 2 turn / 10% chance
  • All enemies can't move for 2 turn / 15% chance
  • 800
  • y
  • 20
  • no
  • no
  • nee
skill 2 lv
  • 5
  • 7
Row 1 info
  • Futaroh Yamada
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
related tools
  • Sword,
shield gen
  • Rated 114 SBD
  • 2220
  • Scharlachroter Federbusch auf dem Kopf
  • Yes
  • Die Augen des Bösen
  • The eyes of evil.
  • The eyes of evil.
  • 4
  • 1
  • バシリスク
  • 16
  • 23
  • 44
  • 80
  • 89
  • 95
  • No
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • ImpelDownColores
  • ImpelDownColors
  • 174
  • 190
pc value
  • 2945.0
  • -
  • 8
  • 31
  • 33
  • -
max hit
  • 5
  • 17
  • 59
  • 220
  • Seinen
  • 1990
  • No
  • Nee
  • Nein
max magic
  • 0
  • Force
  • 30
Damage Type
  • 0
  • Taungs
  • Yes
  • 2005
  • None
tool media
  • Anime, Manga, Movie
max spec
  • 0
  • N/A
  • 14
  • 15
  • N/A
  • 1110
attack speed
  • 6
acc melee
  • 850
  • 983
  • basilisk shotgun
  • 0
aff weakness
  • 90
  • Basilisk
  • y
  • A basilisk's most dangerous weapon is its venom — one of the strongest known toxins
  • Single Foe/1/Physical/Stone
  • Equipped
  • 127.128000
  • 2015-04-13
  • 1930
  • 26
  • 6
  • 8
  • 12
  • 14
  • 17
  • 43
  • 44
  • 83
  • 97
  • Bounce
  • 2100
  • Skrreeee!
  • Weapon, Accessory
  • 2770
  • Side-mounted Heavy Lasers
  • Grün
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks with a massive, non-elemental blast around the user.
  • Spews a spray of poison towards the nearest enemy.
aff melee
  • 55
  • Class 1
  • -
  • 78
Row 2 info
  • Kodansha and Del Ray
  • Uncommon
  • Kyllä
  • Yes
pc hp
  • ~6,000
  • Echse
  • Devil
  • unbekannt
  • 13
  • 53
  • 62
  • 540
  • -
Row 1 title
  • Manga Author
  • 0
  • 1
max ranged
  • 0
  • -
  • y
Drop rate
  • 1
  • --03-09
Always Drops
  • Anti-Force +Stone*
  • Heavy Aircraft Plating
  • 11
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 20
  • 24
  • 27
  • 31
  • 36
  • 45
  • 50
  • Acción, Drama, Histórico, Romance.
  • 7
  • 35
  • 36
  • 582
  • *First Age *Second Age *Third Age
  • no
  • 61
Row 2 title
  • Publisher
aff ranged
  • 45
Attack style
Greek/Roman form
  • None
  • 15
acc ranged
  • 0
  • 10
  • 40
  • Lvl 40
  • Always neutral
  • 14
  • 15
  • 62
  • 76
  • 111
  • 117
  • 136
  • 160
  • 2800
  • 2940
  • 3080
  • 17475
  • 22928
  • 25020
friendship max
  • .I'll make your lower half all hard.
  • Th...that's a joke though
  • poison, petrification
  • Immobility: 50, Wind: -30, Stone: 80
Strike shot
  • Bashes the first contacted enemy and attacks with a laser.
  • Fearwing Dance - 13 Turns
  • Merciless Axe - 15 Turns
  • Poison Gas - 15 Turns
max accel
  • 3000.0
art 2 br
  • 31
  • 58
  • 71
  • 10
  • 6
  • 7
  • 9
  • 13
  • 37
Arme efficace
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk II
  • 112
  • Bashirisuku
Monster Type
  • Reptilian
  • 7
  • 16
  • 58
art 3 br
  • 0
  • 33
  • 66
  • 840
  • 8
  • 10
  • 11
  • 16
  • Aard sign
  • Draconid oils
  • Golden oriole potions
  • Grapeshot bombs
  • Sensitive to silver and Ornithosaur Oil
  • Gelb
  • Symmetrical Egg
  • 6
  • 11
  • 13
  • 14
  • 50
  • 149.370000
  • 153.230000
  • 181.330000
friendship event
  •'s cause my eyes always...
  • I... I turned you to stone again
  • follow... you...
  • s...sorry, I'll fix it right away
battle end
  • Turn to stone...
max melee
  • 200
  • 220
  • 0
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 12
  • 13
  • 18
  • 19
  • 29
  • 33
  • Rare
  • Uncommon Spell
  • Common
  • Rare
  • R
  • Uncommon
  • Always
  • Very rare
  • todella harvinainen
  • harvinainen
  • poikkeuksellisen harvinainen
  • yleinen
  • aina
assigned by
  • Chaeldar, Sumona, Vannaka
  • -
  • 0
  • 1190
  • -
  • Immune to most poisons; resistant to stun attempts
  • No
  • Nee
  • Nein
  • 0
  • N/A
  • x0_basilisk
  • 80000
  • 12
  • 0
  • 654
  • N/A
  • H...hello... Of course, you still won't look me in the eyes....
art 1 br
  • 17
  • 31
  • 45
  • 124.201000
  • 770
immune to poison
  • No
  • Nee
  • Nein
  • Hoofdsoort: Reptielen
t1 change
  • Adds teleport from starting position, above both of the move or attack fields
t3 change
  • Adds move only diagonally forward at range 2
t2 change
  • Adds move only backward
  • 23
  • 0
  • 7
  • 51.0
  • JAP 17
  • Hibiki Tōitsu,
  • Persia
  • Monster Pit Level 3
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 1
  • 80
  • Europe
  • 9
Team Name
  • Basilisk
  • 52
  • To get the town in the news
  • 4730
  • The Son of Neptune
  • *Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
  • N/A
  • Unknown Occupation
  • Unknown Occupation
  • Unknown Occupation
  • +8/+3
  • 7
  • 25
  • Stone
  • Dark
  • Earth
  • -
  • Shadow, iron, lightning
  • Historical, Tragedy
  • 5
  • 59
  •  Male
  • 969
  • 192
  • Bashirisuku
  • Bashirisuku
  • Black
  • Yellow
  • N/A
  • enemy
  • Non-specific
  • L-9
  • Cobra Ground Forces
  • Spot
  • Hide
  • Listen
  • Enchanted Armour
  • Doom Breath, Dark Moon, Impairing Claws, Pound
  • Stone Gaze
  • 250
  • 4
  • 9
  • 29
  • 14
  • 1
  • 3
  • 30
  • Basilisk
  • 95
  • -
  • --
  • -
  • Habitat: Adhelston
  • Borderlands 2
  • 50
  • 55
  • None
  • Scarlet plume on the head
  • 97
  • 10
  • 1
  • 12
  • 28
  • 13
  • Coins
  • Bones
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisken
  • Basilisk
  • Lobster
  • Blood rune
  • Grimy avantoe
  • Grimy dwarf weed
  • Grimy guam
  • Grimy harralander
  • Grimy irit
  • Grimy kwuarm
  • Grimy marrentill
  • Grimy ranarr
  • Adamantite ore
  • Chaos rune
  • Clue scroll
  • Earth talisman
  • Grimy cadantine
  • Grimy lantadyme
  • Grimy tarromin
  • Nature rune
  • Rare drop table
  • Spirit emerald
  • Spirit ruby
  • Spirit sapphire
  • Starved ancient effigy
  • Steel battleaxe
  • Adamantite ore
  • Clue scroll
  • Coins
  • Death rune
  • Grimy avantoe
  • Grimy cadantine
  • Grimy dwarf weed
  • Grimy guam
  • Grimy harralander
  • Grimy irit
  • Grimy kwuarm
  • Grimy lantadyme
  • Grimy marrentill
  • Grimy ranarr
  • Grimy tarromin
  • Mithril spear
  • Rune dagger
  • Rune dagger
  • Spirit emerald
  • Spirit ruby
  • Spirit sapphire
  • Starved ancient effigy
  • Mystic boots
  • Adamant full helm
  • Basilisk Eye
  • Grimy guam leaf
  • Grimy irit leaf
  • Grimy ranarr weed
  • Law rune
  • Mithril axe
  • Mithril kiteshield
  • Mithril ore
  • Water rune
  • Soul rune
  • Anagogic ort
  • Bones
  • Mithril hatchet
  • Mystic hat
  • Mystic boots
  • Mystic hat
  • Water rune
  • Chaos rune
  • Water orb
  • Chaos talisman
  • Staff of water
  • Light mystic hat
  • basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Earth talisman
  • Law rune
  • Nature rune
  • Basilisk head
  • Off-hand rune dagger
  • Light mystic boots
  • Mithril spear
  • Anagogic ort
  • Mithril kiteshield
  • ''The Basilisk
  • Adamant full helm
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk bone
  • Basilisk bone
  • Basilisk boots
  • Basilisk head
  • Basilisk – Chronik der Koga-Ninja
  • Chaos talisman
  • Lobster
  • Mithril hatchet
  • Steel battleaxe
  • 0
  • 44
  • 53
  • 58
  • 73
  • 88
  • 90
  • 125
  • 126
  • 151
  • 154
  • 178
  • -
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Writer’s Guide: Part Four
  • Action
  • Drama
  • Action, Fantasy
  • Minion
  • Beast
  • Dragon
  • Guard
  • Power
  • Minion
  • Animals
  • Magical beast
  • Marksmanship
  • petopia
  • バシリスク
  • Basilisks dwell within dark and damp locations—cellars, caves, and city sewers tend to be their preferred places.
  • Basilisks choose dark and damp places like caves and abandoned canal branches as their dwellings
  • 84
  • 12
  • 2592.0
  • 0
  • Earth
  • Dark-Chaos
  • Very rare
  • Bajirisuku
  • Basirisuko
  • Naam: Basilisk
  • 250
  • Often used a symbol for evil, the basilisk was feared in the medieval world
  • A captured Basilisk can be sold at a high price and is best eaten with fried eggs.
  • Woodblock print of a basilisk from Ulisse Aldrovandi, Monstrorum historia, 1642.
  • Crush, Ranged
  • Air
  • Air, Bane
  • Air,bane
  • Luft Zauber / Air Spells
  • Large Watermelon
  • Glowing Star Fruit
  • Sweet Pineapple
  • Green Banana
  • Lime Peel Rickey
  • Lai Dai have always favored a balanced approach to their mix of on-board systems, leading to a line-up of versatile ships but providing very little in terms of tactical specialization. With the Basilisk, their aim was to continue pushing forward the development of cutting-edge defense optimization systems while providing powerful support capability.
  • Following in the time-honored Caldari spaceship design tradition, the Basilisk sports top-of-the-line on-board computer systems specially designed to facilitate shield transporting arrays, while sacrificing some of the structural strength commonly found in vessels of its class.
  • 510
  • 5
  • 19
  • Schlangen
  • 21
  • Medium
Character Type
  • Enemy
immune to stun
  • No
  • 74
  • 174
  • 47.600000
  • 75
  • 79
  • 79.600000
  • 80
immune to deflect
  • No
immune to drain
  • No
  • 5
  • 203
  • Basilisks
  • Hydra
  • Creeper
  • Leviathan
  • Helion
Lieu de rencontre
  • 9
  • 18
Mag Drop
  • 640
  • Slayer Skill
  • Kyllä
  • yes
Deutscher Publisher
  • *OVA Films *Nipponart
Japanischer Publisher
  • Mie TV
Japanischer Verlag
  • -50
  • 50
  • Ei
  • 10
  • 1250000
  • Ei
  • 0.510000
  • Air, Bane
  • 301250
  • 2109
  • 0
  • Baby
Wissenschaftlicher Name
  • basiliskos
  • 3
  • Paral Eyes* Fire Dance* Power Hit*
  • Ei
  • 1375
  • 0
  • 50
  • 62.500000
  • 0
  • 0
  • 25
  • 258
  • +Paralyze* Anti-Phys* Grimoire*
  • 6
  • 1125
  • 0
  • 70
  • 70
  • Yes
  • Kyllä
  • yes
  • 80
  • 2
  • Ei
  • 5
  • 86.250000
  • 1287
  • Yes
  • Kyllä
  • yes
  • -
  • 2210
  • 7.8
  • 0
  • 69
  • 82
  • 92
  • 240
  • 300
  • 4700
  • -
  • 15
  • -
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • *Stasis projector ** Renders targeted units invulnerable, but unable to move or attack.
  • Yes
  • Ja
  • ja
  • I just have this wicked eye. N...not some sort of social problem.
  • 11
  • 25
  • 4
  • 10
  • 13
  • 210
  • 1450
  • Heavy
  • ~300 lbs.
Max Speed
  • 2500.0
  • 300
Appears In
  • God of War: Chains of Olympus
  • 19
  • 21
  • 97
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • Osprey
  • Hydra
  • Gotland, Doguya
  • 94
  • None
  • Stiff Skin
  • König der Schlangen
  • Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport
  • N/A
  • 13130000
  • Deserts
  • Barren
  • 203
  • +2
  • 12
  • 30
  • 5
  • -
  • -
  • 1
  • 3
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 15
  • 20
  • 37
  • 50
  • 75
  • 175
  • 31537
  • 1144132200440
  • 1144132200811
  • Basilisk
  • Basilisk
  • バジリスク
  • TBA
  • C
  • Slayer Skill
  • any
  • Medium
  • 5.8
  • Long as a man's arm
  • 107000
  • Monster
  • Monster
  • Beasts
  • Basiliskans
  • basiliskos
  • Basilisk
  • King of Serpents
  • Little Crown
  • Telgorn Corporation
  • 30
  • 50
  • 1211
  • -
  • Draco
  • Manga, Anime
  • Anime, Manga, Novel, Film, Live Action
  • 0
  • 6
  • 3
  • 67
  • Leo Sunburst, the mayor, and butcher
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 26
  • 54
  • 55
  • 59
  • 75
  • 128
  • 527
  • 1006
  • 3100
  • 3255
  • 3410
  • Blue
  • Glowing pale green
  • 10
  • 262
  • 164928
  • Unknown
  • Stone
  • Logistics
  • Petrify
  • Archwitch 5x dmg
  • Breath of Venom
  • Petra Eyes
  • Mustard Breath
  • Caldari Cruiser
  • Magna Poison Scratch Paralyse Riberama Magnus Agilao
  • Poison Scratch Paralyzing Bite Petra Eyes Poison Breath
  • Glacial Blast\Innate Petra\59 Freeze Slash\60 Ice Resist\Max Loyalty
  • Energy Drain Scratch
  • Energy Drain 1 Scratch 4
  • Petra Glacial Blast Venomstrike
  • Petra Eyes*
  • Poison Gas Breath Petra Bite Paralysis Scratch
  • Stone Curse Stun Claw
  • Stone Turning Eyes
  • Stun Claw Petra Eyes Venom Breath
  • Venom Breath Paralyzing Needle Petradi Petra Glare
  • Bind Voice\Innate Poison Breath\Innate Megaton Press\31 Null Ice\33
  • Null A-Bind\Innate Guillotine\Innate Poison Circle\40 Restoring Touch\41 Endure\42 Pure Memento\43 Null Poison\44
  • Poison Scratch Poison Gas Breath Paralysis Bite Petra Eyes
  • Petra Venom Claw Paralyze Attract Petraburst Pyroburst
  • Bind Voice\Innate Poison Breath\Innate Me Patra\29 Resist Ice\30
  • 16
  • Василиск
  • 850
  • 983
  • 5
  • 16
  • 659
  • 33
  • Poison Circle
  • Heavy shotgun made from gorgon scales.Add a 2% chance of auto casting on the enemy when attacking.Increase resistance to status by 20%.Inflicts Splashed damage.
  • An asmodian that holds wicked eyes that can turn those who see it to stone. She herself is very quiet.
  • AN/A
  • A snake-like monster guarding Ginnungagap with its awesome power of petrification.
  • Ailment\+6 Heal\+1 Support\-2 Force\-3
  • 1205
  • 1206
  • 1207
  • yellow
  • -
  • None
  • Weak to Fire and Ice
  • Stun, Leg Bind
  • 14
  • Bass
  • Elemental Shadow, iron, and lightning powers.
  • 10
  • 28
  • 34
  • 37
  • 18
  • 100
  • Iron Husk
  • Vile Lizard Pouch
  • Vile Lizard Tail
  • Soft Basilisk Hide
  • Can freeze people with its gaze.
  • Petrifying gaze
  • Assault Vehicle
  • Rahkshi
  • I... I'll turn you all rock hard, you know...
  • Basilisk
  • 2002
  • Various
  • Polybotes' hair
  • 2009-09-11
  • 11
  • 14
  • 14
  • 11
  • 20
  • STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
  • Ranged Attack +8
  • '''Set: Increases Evasion and
  • Reduces Enmity'''
  • HP recovered while healing
  • 95
  • 40
  • thumb
  • There are many rumours about this NPC. You can read more about it in the Kazordoon Library. It is said that it is impossible to reach the Basilisk directly as there is no way into his room, however some players claim to have successfully entered his cave. Rumours say that this NPC will create a different magic effect on itself when you say a single letter . Its radius from spawn position is 2.
  • *Killing a basilisk contributes to the Fus Roh Die challenge in the challenge list. *In True Vault Hunter Mode Green Basilisks are renamed Slimy Green Basilisk, and in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode they are renamed Scaly Green Basilisk. *In True Vault Hunter Mode Baby Red Dragons are renamed Nursing Red Dragon, and in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode they are renamed Puerile Red Dragon.
  • There are many rumours about this NPC. You can read more about it in the Kazordoon Library. It is said that it is impossible to reach the Basilisk directly as there is no way into his room, however some players claim to have successfully entered his cave. Rumors say that this NPC will create a different magic effect on self when you say a single letter.Its radius from spawn pos is 2 See also other Unreachable Locations.
  • Er zijn vele geruchten rond deze NPC. Je vindt verschillende verhalen in de Kazordoon Library.
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • Basilisk.jpg
  • 1205
  • 1206
  • 1207
  • 345600.0
Manga Kapitel
  • 5
Anime Folgen
  • 24
  • Worldwide
  • Balance
  • Level 2 Guardian
  • 109
  • 1616
  • 1617
  • Fire, Ice
  • Fire, Ice, Death, Mind
  • 0
  • Melee
  • -
  • Chapter 528; Episode 425
  • 45
  • 85
  • 91
  • 122
  • 140
  • 148
  • 159
  • 167
  • 170
  • 171
  • 174
  • 204
  • 205
  • 220
  • 245
  • 247
  • 262
  • 280
  • 440
  • 680
  • 698
  • 750
  • 779
  • 1084
  • 3070
  • 4320
  • 7744
  • 13738
  • 17140
  • 19011
  • 100000
  • 715.0
  • JAP 820
  • Basilisk.png
  • comm-link/spectrum-dispatch/12972-Writers-Guide-Part-Four
  • Warm
  • 2005-01-26
  • Frost
  • Kazordoon
  • Kazordoon
  • 11
  • 12
  • regulus , König der Schlangen
  • Claws
  • Green
  • Eurpose
Wiki name
  • Basilisk Wiki
  • Wiki Basilisk
upkeep cost
  • per turn
  • 12
  • 39
  • d8+2 slashing damage
  • Basilisk
  • Male
  • O
  • Unknown
  • Fast
  • 485
  • leather hide
  • 53
  • 150
  • 166.800000
  • 197
  • 211.500000
  • Wildtier
  • Cavalry Call
  • Somersault
  • Mindcrush
  • Animeu und Manga
  • 1
  • Ascension: 6.0
  • Evolution: 6.0
  • 370
  • 2750
  • 4000
  • basilisk
  • basilisk
  • 1190
  • Tyre,
  • 4
  • Flaumello TowerRuins of Robelia Castle
  • 3
  • -
  • *14 total laser cannons *7 total ion cannon *3 projectile launchers **6 proton torpedoes each, standard load
  • Weak
  • Resist
  • None
  • Black Out
  • Boule de Feu
  • 250
  • 300
  • Basilisk.jpg
  • Basilisk_bd_cover_2d.png
  • topsellbasilisk.jpg
  • Tower of Flanvel
  • Mazurka
  • Mazurka Corridor
  • Area around Tunlan
  • Base-ih-lisk
  • Kazordoon mines, onder de stad.
  • Kazordoon mines, under the city
  • Kazordoon mines, under the city, here
  • Sub-Jefe del Nivel 2 de Impel Down
  • 250
  • Large
  • medium
  • 10
wikipage disambiguates
  • -
  • 1
  • 9
  • 17
  • 43
  • 79
  • 86
  • Crit: 2, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%
skill 2 end
  • 2013-10-01
  • Stone Breath Toxic Cloud Petradi
  • 11
  • 20
  • 825
  • Null: Bind
  • Null:Poison/Bind
  • 10
  • -
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Melee: 0, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 1
  • 2
  • 104
  • -
  • Cool Down
  • 21
  • 5
  • 19
  • 23
  • y
  • 90
  • Weak
  • -
  • 222
  • basilisk
  • cockatrice
  • toxic beast
  • temp weak
  • Phys x1, 1 enemy
  • Physical, one hit, one enemy
  • -
  • Sweet Talk
  • 10
  • Yes
  • Reflect
Move Type
  • Flight
  • Flat
  • Hmm, a mere human's gonna fuse me? That's okay... I guess.
  • Hm? With whom are thou fusing me? If my height shall grow, I shall welcome it.
  • -
  • --
  • 72
  • 27
  • 6
  • 14
  • 1
  • 9
  • 10
  • 13
  • All Ailments & Binds
  • Death, Petrify, Fear, Sleep, Confuse, Paralyze, Head Bind
  • 200
  • -
  • 7
  • 8
  • 10
  • Electricity
  • Elec
  • 4
  • I am the Dragon, Basilisk! Leave difficult foes to me, my glare will make stone of them!
  • I'm the Dragon Basilisk. Oh, careful, don't look me in the eye! You'll turn to stone...
  • 19
  • Dragon Blow\Rox / Arch Rox / Dred Rox
  • Evil Wave
  • 7
  • 9
  • 10
  • Cheese Broccoli
  • Strawberry Cupcake
  • Shiny Tomato
  • Buttered Bread
  • 45
  • 68
  • 165
  • 248
  • -
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 10
  • Insightful
  • 14
  • Basilisk Logistics
  • 22
  • 400
split 3 note
  • 10.0
  • No
Japanische Erstpublikation
  • Februar 2003 – Juli 2004
  • Yes
  • Vile Lizard Mane
  • Coiled Vile Lizard Scale
  • 2005
split 1 note
  • 30.0
resistances conveyed
  • poison
Anzahl Folgen
  • *24 *1 Film
  • No
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung
  • 506
  • Half-Tank
  • 400
Deutsche Erstpublikation
  • 2005
split 4 note
  • 10.0
Anzahl Manga-Bände
  • 5
  • 0
  • 1
split 2 note
  • 10.0
  • 0
Japanische Erstausstrahlung
  • 13
  • 0
  • ca. 30 cm
  • 3
  • Medium
  • Large
  • 492
  • 287
  • 250
creator deity
Point d'Expérience
  • 50
  • Seinen
  • Dependent upon guise
  • None
other drops
  • Lees het artikel.
  • Hydra
  • Orthrus
Deutscher Verlag
  • |- ! style="min-width:15px; max-width:15px; border-right: none;" class="unsortable" | ! style="border-left: none;"|Tavara ! Määrä ! Harvinaisuus ! GE Hinta |- |align=center|File:Bones.png |align=left|bones | |style=background:#AFEEEE; color:#000000;"| |title=" coins each"|– |- |}
  • Basilisks are the result of a mixture of FEV and radioactive waste mutating reptiles that inhabited sewers and zoos. This mutation caused these animals to grow at an alarming rate, and allowed their eyes to mutate to the point of a hypnotic gaze. A bioluminescent glow flashs from the pupils, called by docters as "Photo-hypnotic flashs" which stimulates areas of the brain that cause the feelings of confusion. This parrallels the mythic creature it was named after.
  • Basilisk is a large Awakened reptile that measures 2.5 meters long from snout to tail, and weighs about 100 kilograms, similar in size and appearance to Komodo dragons. It has black and yellow scales and up to 40 saw-edged teeth. It is a carnivore that feeds primarily on small mammals, but will eat just about anything that it can catch. The Basilisk is dual-natured and has a unique spell-like ability to petrify creatures that it gazes upon. This makes it dangerous to study, although some corporations use Basilisks for security purposes.
  • The Basilisk is the starship that IG-13 and his party own and use for their missions. The ship has been heavily modified by the droids. Several laser cannons and ion cannons have been added to the ship. Two fighter docks on either side of the ship were added to hold two droid operated uglies. These could slightly defend the ship against fighter attack, and could provide a small escort.
  • The Basilisk is said to be at least 60 feet long, and as with most snakes, it will shed its skin eventually. It is also the "dreaded monster" of the Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts. Harry Potter killed it, preventing further attacks on the students of Hogwarts. He then used one of its fangs to destroy Tom Riddle's diary. This made Tom Riddle evaporate, saving Ginny Weasley. However, that same fang had been stuck in Harry's arm, almost killing him as well, if it had not been for Fawkes. In the Deathly Hallows, Ron and Hermione go into the tomb of the dead basilisk and gather its fangs to destroy the Horcruxes.
  • thumb|De Basiliskthumb|De Basilisk in de Geheime Kamer Classificatie Ministerie van Toverkunst: XXXXX / Bekende Tovenaardoder/Onmogelijk af te richten of te temmen De eerste Basilisk (Engels: Basilisk) die in de geschiedenis vermeld wordt, werd gecreëerd door Herpo de Verdorvene, een Griekse Duistere tovenaar en Sisseltong die na vele experimenten ontdekte dat, als een kippenei werd uitgebroed door een pad, daar een gigantische slang met levensgevaarlijke eigenschappen uit voortkwam. De Basilisk is felgroen en kan meer dan vijftien meter lang worden. Het mannetje heeft een vuurrode pluim op zijn kop. De Basilisk beschikt over buitengewoon gevaarlijke giftanden, maar zijn dodelijkste wapens zijn zijn grote gele ogen. Iedereen die daar recht inkijkt, sterft ter plekke.thumb|Felix de Feniks verblindt de Basilisk in de Geheime Kamer. Als er voldoende voedsel beschikbaar is (hij eet alle zoogdieren en vogels en de meeste reptielen), kan de Basilisk uitzonderlijk oud worden. Men gelooft dat de Basilisk van Herpo de Verdorvene bijna negenhonderd jaar heeft geleefd. Het uitbroeden van Basilisken is al sinds de Middeleeuwen illegaal, ook al kunnen overtredingen gemakkelijk verborgen worden door het kippenei vlug onder de pad uit te halen als het Departement van Toezicht op Magische Wezens een inval doet. Aangezien Basilisken echter ontembaar zijn, behalve door Sisseltongen ( Harry Potter), zijn ze ook voor de meeste Duistere tovenaars gevaarlijk en er is al minstens vierhonderd jaar geen Basilisk meer in dit land gesignaleerd (behalve natuurlijk door Harry en Ron...) Dit oude, mythische wezen gebruikt Marten Villijn in Harry's tweede jaar. De Basilisk is een slangachtige die door de pijpen en riolen kruipt op Zweinstein. Hij roept dingen als Verscheuren... openrijten... doden... tijd om te doden. Omdat Harry één van de weinigen is die Sisselspraak kan verstaan, is hij de enige op school die de Basilisk hoort.[[Bestand:200px-Herpo the Foul.jpg|thumb|Herpo de Verdorvene: de maker van de eerste basilisk]] Het kraaien van een haan, is fataal voor de Basilisk. Dit oeroude schepsel wordt gevreesd door spinnen. Een basilisk vervelt, net als andere slangen. Hij is gifgroen en zo dik als een eik en zijn neus heeft schubben. De Basilisk heeft een gevorkte tong. Wanneer je een Basilisk rechtstreeks in zijn reusachtige gele ogen kijkt, ben je op slag dood. Kijk je hem indirect aan, dus bijvoorbeeld via een spiegel, dan raak je Versteend. thumb|Basilisk dueleerd met Harry Potter in de Geheime Kamer De Basilisk op Zweinstein is in de macht van Marten Vilijn. Wanneer Harry naar de Geheime Kamer komt om Ginny te redden, beveelt Vilijn de Basilisk om Harry te doden. Dit lukt hem echter niet, en nadat Felix (een fenix) de ogen van de Basilisk heeft uitgepikt, doodt Harry de Basilisk met het Zwaard van Griffoendor, waarna hij de uiterst giftige tand van de Basilisk gebruikt om het Dagboek van Marten Vilijn te doorboren. thumb
  • thumb|De Basiliskthumb|De Basilisk in de Geheime Kamer Classificatie Ministerie van Toverkunst: XXXXX / Bekende Tovenaardoder/Onmogelijk af te richten of te temmen De eerste Basilisk (Engels: Basilisk) die in de geschiedenis vermeld wordt, werd gecreëerd door Herpo de Verdorvene, een Griekse Duistere tovenaar en Sisseltong die na vele experimenten ontdekte dat, als een kippenei werd uitgebroed door een pad, daar een gigantische slang met levensgevaarlijke eigenschappen uit voortkwam. De Basilisk is felgroen en kan meer dan vijftien meter lang worden. Het mannetje heeft een vuurrode pluim op zijn kop. De Basilisk beschikt over buitengewoon gevaarlijke giftanden, maar zijn dodelijkste wapens zijn zijn grote gele ogen. Iedereen die daar recht inkijkt, sterft ter plekke.thumb|Felix de Feniks verblindt de Basilisk in de Geheime Kamer. Als er voldoende voedsel beschikbaar is (hij eet alle zoogdieren en vogels en de meeste reptielen), kan de Basilisk uitzonderlijk oud worden. Men gelooft dat de Basilisk van Herpo de Verdorvene bijna negenhonderd jaar heeft geleefd. Het uitbroeden van Basilisken is al sinds de Middeleeuwen illegaal, ook al kunnen overtredingen gemakkelijk verborgen worden door het kippenei vlug onder de pad uit te halen als het Departement van Toezicht op Magische Wezens een inval doet. Aangezien Basilisken echter ontembaar zijn, behalve door Sisseltongen ( Harry Potter), zijn ze ook voor de meeste Duistere tovenaars gevaarlijk en er is al minstens vierhonderd jaar geen Basilisk meer in dit land gesignaleerd (behalve natuurlijk door Harry en Ron...) Dit oude, mythische wezen gebruikt Marten Villijn in Harry's tweede jaar. De Basilisk is een slangachtige die door de pijpen en riolen kruipt op Zweinstein. Hij roept dingen als Verscheuren... openrijten... doden... tijd om te doden. Omdat Harry één van de weinigen is die Sisselspraak kan verstaan, is hij de enige op school die de Basilisk hoort.[[Bestand:200px-Herpo the Foul.jpg|thumb|Herpo de Verdorvene: de maker van de eerste basilisk]] Het kraaien van een haan, is fataal voor de Basilisk. Dit oeroude schepsel wordt gevreesd door spinnen. Een basilisk vervelt, net als andere slangen. Hij is gifgroen en zo dik als een eik en zijn neus heeft schubben. De Basilisk heeft een gevorkte tong. Wanneer je een Basilisk rechtstreeks in zijn reusachtige gele ogen kijkt, ben je op slag dood. Kijk je hem indirect aan, dus bijvoorbeeld via een spiegel, dan raak je Versteend. thumb|Basilisk dueleerd met Harry Potter in de Geheime Kamer De Basilisk op Zweinstein is in de macht van Marten Vilijn. Wanneer Harry naar de Geheime Kamer komt om Ginny te redden, beveelt Vilijn de Basilisk om Harry te doden. Dit lukt hem echter niet, en nadat Felix (een fenix) de ogen van de Basilisk heeft uitgepikt, doodt Harry de Basilisk met het Zwaard van Griffoendor, waarna hij de uiterst giftige tand van de Basilisk gebruikt om het Dagboek van Marten Vilijn te doorboren. thumb
  • The Basilisk was first used by the Imperium during the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium, where it was fielded in great numbers by the Imperial Army and Mechanicum, and in smaller numbers by the Space Marine Legions. The Basilisk artillery pieces used by the Space Marine Legions were usually crewed by the Legion's mortal personnel, but they were also crewed at times by the Space Marines themselves. The Basilisk, along with the Medusa, saw only limited usage by most of the Space Marine Legions, as the Astartes preferred to use the more versatile Whirlwind artillery tanks, which were based upon the Rhino chassis and thus were easier for the Legions to repair. There were some Legions that made heavier use of the Basilisk, such as the Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists Legions, who specialised in conducting or defending against siege warfare. During these ancient times the Basilisk could be outfitted in much the same way it is in the late 41st Millennium, but the artillery piece could also take on additional upgrades and attachments which have long since been lost to the Imperium.
  • Basilisk(103BC-) is the main antaginist of the series.
  • Basilisk o Bes'uliikthumb|Basilsik sprigiona la sua potenza di fuoco Categoria:Veicoli e Velivoli
  • Basilisk are often heard of in the Harry Potter universe, but not in the Spiderwick Chronicles.
  • thumb|Ein Basilisk in den Gängen von Level 2 Der Basilisk 1. * WEITERLEITUNG ist eine Wächterbestie innerhalb des zweiten Levels im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Impel Down. Buggy und Luffy begegnen einem dieser Basilisken in den Gängen von Level 2. Buggy bezeichnete ihn als Mutanten, eine Schlange, die von einem Huhn zur Welt gebracht wurde. Während Boa Hancock in Magellans Büro auf Level 4 vorgestellt wird, schlägt Luffy den Basilisken mit seinem Gear 3 und der Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol K.O. und zerstört dabei den Aufseherraum im Level 2.
  • The Basilisk was a scheme cooked up by Leo Sunburst, the mayor, and the butcher of a small town to get their town in the news.
  • Large land based lizards that are nearly as long as crocodiles Basilisks are sometimes referred to as the "King of Serpents". They are most renowned for their petrifying gaze.
  • Basilisk is an enemy found in Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight, and serves as the main boss of the first floor of Ginnungagap. This massive, multi armed serpent resembling a naga mainly attacks with its long claws, but its most dangerous ability is petrifying its victims, leaving them helpless.
  • Basilisken er en gigantisk slange skapt av mørke trollmenn. Den første som fant ut hvordan man lagde en basilisk, var Herpo den grimme. Dette gjorde han ved å klekke et kyllingegg under en padde. Dersom trollmennene skjønte at denne skapningen var farlig, ble det forbudt med basiliskavling rundt middelalderen. Basilisken hadde ikke bare farlige tenner; den hadde også dødelige øyne. Så man i de gule øynene dens, ble det det siste de så. Slangen er klassifisert som XXXXX, klassen for store livsfarlige skapninger. Bare en trollmann med ormtunge kan kontrollere en basilisk. Eneste tilfelle med en basilisk i bøkene, er Salazar Smygards basilisk. Den ble brukt til å prøve å utrydde gompefødte.
  • Basilisks are creatures left over from the Mage Wars. They are "stupid, incredibly dangerous, and ravenous carnivores who would eat anything that couldn't run away from them." (Winds of Fate) No one wants to kill a basilisk if they don't have to. In addition to being very difficult to kill, they also fulfill a specific niche in the ecosystem. Basilisks are primarily scavengers, and are the only creatures that will eat a dead wyrsa or colddrake.
  • The year 1614 AD. Two warring ninja clans, each supporting a son of Hidetada Tokugawa as the next shogun, send ten representatives each to fight to the death for the possession of a scroll. The prize: the annihilation of the other and the support of the Tokugawa government for the next thousand years. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Basilisks are giant, snakelike monsters with dragon-like scales, basilisks inhabit Wyrmroost and the dragon sanctuaries and are extremely dangerous. Mere eye contact with a basilisk means death. If one manages not to make eye contact, basilisks still produce the same irrational magical fear as dragons. Basilisks do not have any magic like dragons. Their breath is also fatal, and their skin exudes a deadly poison that is transferred through any weapon that pierces it.
  • Hit Dice: 6d10+12 (45 hp) Initiative: –1 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) Armor Class: 16 (–1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8 Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+3) Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d8+3) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Petrifying gaze Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision Saves: Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +3 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11 Skills: Hide +0*, Listen +7, Spot +7 Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Great Fortitude Environment: Warm deserts Organization: Solitary or colony (3–6) Challenge Rating: Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 7–10 HD (Medium); 11–18 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: —
  • <default>Basilisk</default> Wiki.png Titel Wissenschaftlicher Name Ernährung Verbreitung Zugehörigkeit Färbung Maße Werk Der Basilisk (griechisch: basiliskos, lat. regulus = „kleiner König“; auch Sibilus) ist ein gefährliches Tier. Er gilt als „König der Schlangen“.
  • Der Basilisk ist eine leuchtend grüne Schlange, die bis zu siebzehn Metern lang werden kann. Der männliche Basilisk hat einen scharlachroten Federbusch auf dem Kopf. Er hat äußerst giftige Zähne, doch sein gefährlichstes Angriffsmittel ist der Blitz seiner großen gelben Augen. Wer direkt in diese Augen sieht, fällt auf der Stelle tot um, wer allerdings indirekt (das heißt durch einen Spiegel, eine Kamera oder einen Geist) in diese Augen sieht wird (nur) versteinert. Wenn die Nahrungsquellen ausreichen (der Basilisk frisst alle Säugetiere und Vögel und die meisten Reptilien), kann diese Schlange ein sehr hohes Alter erreichen. Der Basilisk Herpos des Üblen soll fast neunhundert Jahre alt geworden sein. Die Züchtung von Basilisken ist seit dem Mittelalter gesetzlich verboten, doch können derlei Praktiken umstandslos verheimlicht werden, indem man das Hühnerei einfach wieder unter der Kröte hervorholt, wenn die Abteilung zur Führung und Aufsicht magischer Geschöpfe einen Inspektor vorbeischickt. Allerdings sind nur Parselmünder in der Lage, Basilisken zu beherrschen, deshalb sind sie für die meisten schwarzen Magier genauso gefährlich wie für alle anderen. Die Anwesenheit eines Basilisken genügt, um Spinnen - selbst Acromantulas - in Panik zu versetzen und in die Flucht zu treiben. Dass der Blick des Basilisken nur diejenigen tötet, die er direkt trifft, stellt sich im Jahr 1992/1993 heraus: Mehrere Personen werden in Hogwarts versteinert, weil sie den Blick eines Basilisken nicht direkt gesehen, sondern nur dessen Reflexion in einem Spiegel oder im Sucher einer Kamera oder durch einen Geist oder in einer Wasserpfütze erblickt haben. Diese Versteinerung kann durch einen kompliziert herzustellenden Alraune-Wiederbelebungstrank geheilt werden. 1992/1993 und auch 50 Jahre vorher öffnete Tom Riddle als Erbe von Salazar Slytherin die Kammer. Das Krähen eines Hahns ist für Basilisken tödlich. Dagegen ist er machtlos. Während der Schlacht von Hogwarts gehen Ronald Weasley und Hermine Granger in die Kammer des Schreckens, um dem toten Basilisken Zähne aus dem Maul zu ziehen, um weitere Horkruxe zerstören zu können.
  • El Basilisk es un demonio artificial creado por Agnus devido a mágia cruzando un arma y un perro. Esto es capaz de encender su cráneo ardiente de su cuerpo como una bala, y luego regenerar nuevo uno. [1] Agnus es capaz de convocar seis Basiliscos a la vez y usarlos como la artillería mientras en su Angelo Agnus se formathumb|Basilliskn.
  • Race: magical beast Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 16 Hit points: 45 Attack bonus: +8/+3 Damage: d8+2 slashing damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 6 Challenge rating: 5 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) hide (3), listen (9), spot (9) Feats: alertness, great fortitude, weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (simple) Blueprint:(‡) x0_basilisk Craft drop: leather hide
  • The Basilisk is one of two monsters added in SLASH'EM that share the cockatrice's petrification attacks. A basilisk is capable of killing you in the same way a cockatrice is; touching a living or deceased basilisk with an exposed part of your body is instadeath, and the basilisk causes delayed petrification in the same manner as a cockatrice. See the article on the cockatrice for specifics of petrification. A basilisk is more dangerous than a cockatrice, as it has a higher level and thus more hitdice.
  • thumb|350px|Batería de Basilisks imperiales. El Basilisk es un modelo de tanque de artillería móvil muy utilizado por la Guardia Imperial y, en los orígenes del Imperio, por las Legiones Astartes y los Auxiliares Solares.
  • Helen Magnus and Will Zimmerman came across a Baslisk shortly after entering Hollow Earth. They were saved by Birot and Linor, who distracted it with a hologram. There is also a Basilisk feeding ground below the Indonesian caldera. Natives of Hollow Earth refer to it as a Firebreather.
  • A basilisk was an immortal shaped like a tall, elegantly-featured lizard with slit-pupiled eyes in the front of its head, varied gray and white skin, and silver talons. It walked upright on its hind legs and often used one hand to carry its tail off the ground. Basilisks learned new languages very quickly, and were thus great travelers, as well as lovers of gossip. Basilisks possessed a unique array of magical skills, including a sort of screech that could turn to stone any being within range. Basilisks were themselves stone-eaters, though they had expressed a preference for rare or aged stone, rather than that created by their own magic.
  • Basilisks are snake-like monsters. Their name means "little crown."
  • Without the shield or mask, the player's stats will be greatly reduced, and the player will take damage frequently, even if a safe spot is used. Protect from Melee/Deflect melee can reduce damage from the attack, as it is still a melee attack, but the stats will still be lowered. Basilisks are weak to air spells, so it is advisable to bring some air runes, a good wand, and decent magic armour. Players with level 70 Defence or above will not get hit very often, so less food is recommended to make room for drops. However, you may get hit a somewhat large amount, particularly if you are not using magic. A suggestion is that if you bring Guthan the Infested's equipment, you can go to the next door chamber to fight and heal. The spell Bones to peaches is highly recommended for lower levels. The Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon has many safe spots created by rocks in the floor. It is also possible to safe spot them from the south in the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon the eastern wall near the south entrance. (NOTE: You still need a mirror shield or mask of reflection even if you kill Basilisks from a safe spot.)
  • right Einfache Leute nennen Basilisken die Könige der serrkanischen Wüsten und verwechseln sie häufig mit Gorgonen. Sie sagen, die Bestie sei so sehr von Hass auf alles Lebendige erfüllt, das selbst ihr Atem giftig ist und ihr Blick den Unachtsamen in Stein verwandelt. In Märchen gibt es nur eine sichere Methode, den Basiliken zu töten: man hält ihm einen Spiegel vor die Augen und lenkt so seinen tödlichen Blick ab. Einfache Bauern halten diese Methode immmer noch für die effektivste gegen einen Basilisken. Hexer dagegen sagen, es sei viel besser, den Spiegel auf dem Kopf der Kreatur zu zertrümmern. Basilisken zählen zu den Ornithosauriern.
  • A basilisk is a legendary creature, a snake hatched from a chicken egg by a toad. It is capable for living for hundreds of years and is the monster dwelling in the Chamber of Secrets.
  • A lizard-like creature with a paralyzing gaze.
  • Basilisk is a enemy found in Breath of Fire II.
  • Basilisk is an evil Rahkshi who is indestructible.
  • In God of War: Chains of Olympus it is a giant fire-breathing lizard with a sail upon its back, a membrane between its front and back legs, and a spiked tail. Brought by the Persians invading Attica, it terrorized the city alongside the invading Persian army, and the Persian King said it will purify the area. The Gods ordered Kratos to "eliminate this evil". The first encounter in the game is when it interrupts a fight between Kratos and a Cyclops in the outskirts of the city, bursting through the doorway and devouring the Cyclops. The following fight ends when Kratos takes out its left eye with a pillar, and it flees into the city with Kratos in pursuit. The creature ends up battling the Ghost of Sparta on the bridge leaving Attica. Kratos kills it by jumping on its head and pulling its jaw together, causing its mouth to explode.
  • This Is A Please Help Us By Expanding It. Type: Hybrid Pet School: Balance Pedigree: varies based on what abilities they inherit from their parents. Cards: Gives one Hydra Item Card at Baby Egg Name: Symmetrical Egg Hatch Time: 00:21:00 (Days:Hours:Minutes) Description: Bluish Hydra with yellow details and highly defined texture Hydra (Pet) Orthrus (Pet) Strawberry Cupcake Buttered Bread Cheese Broccoli Shiny Tomato Sweet Pineapple Large Watermelon Green Banana Glowing Star Fruit Lime Peel Rickey Looks Like: Hydra (Pet) Creeper (Pet) Helion Leviathan Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at .
  • Basilisken sind große, schlangenartige Bestien. Sie verfügen über hochpotentes Gift, ihre größte Waffe aber ist ihr Blick, denn bei Augenkontakt casten sie den Zauber Tod. Basilisken sind Riesenschlangen. Ihre LP bewegen sich um die 500. Die Basilisken in Minigo sind an den Basilisken in Harry Potter angelehnt.
  • Antes de começar sobre o assunto quero informar que todas as afirmações foram tirada dos livros e interpretados de uma forma totalmente diferente das versões onde a gente pode encontrar na internet sobre o basilisco, ou seja, tudo que estar escrito aqui foi retirado dos livros e observado os locais em que logo abaixo pode ser visto em imagens tirada dentro do jogo. Levando em conta que não sei de onde surgiu o boato de que a Thunder Hammer tem alguma relação com basilisco ou Durin com essa historia toda. Ate hoje não faz sentido ou nunca fez sentido também a relação da Medusa Shield com a parte da historia da serpente. Pra começar daremos inicio a quantidade de livros exatos sobre basilisco. Todos os livros podem ser encontrados na biblioteca de Kazordoon. No total ate o momento que existe os livros nessa versão do Tibia 8.2 só existem 4 livros onde não foi tirado ou acrescentado com esse update em torno de Kazordoon. Surgiram novos livros com outras historias ,mais sobre o basilisco só tem apenas esses. Abaixo postarei os 4 livros exatos e suas respectivas traduções: "INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT KAZORDOON issue 1 Author: John Barrel Once upon a time there came a horrible snakelike beeing to the deeper mines. It killed many miners, because that 'snake' was a basilisk horrible beeing with a gaze that could turn living beeings into stone. Many heroes tried to kill it but none suceeded, some fled, most died. One day a wise man which name is forgotten. (I did many studies but it looks like for some reason none wrote down his name) He had some knowledge about theese horrible creatures. He advised the miners to cover the minewalls with torches and lamps. Scared by the dispised bright light the basilisk retreated deeper and deeper into the mines until the miners managed to create a cave in behind him. If the miners I talked to did not make fun of me we have to assume that the basilisk is still there..." "Fatos interessantes sobre KAZORDOON questão 1 Autor: John barril Uma vez existiu uma horrível cobra que veio do lugar mais profundo das minas. Ela matou muitos mineradores, uma vez que essa "serpente" era um basilisco que possuía um horrível olhar que poderia transformar os seres vivos em pedra. Muitos heróis tentaram matar, mas nenhuma teve sucesso, alguns fugiram, a maior parte morreu. Um dia um sábio de nome é esquecido. (Eu fiz muitos estudos, mas parece que por algum motivo ele não escreveu o seu nome abaixo) Ele tinha algum conhecimento sobre estas horríveis criaturas. Ele aconselhou os mineradores para colocar nas paredes das minas tochas e luzes(lampiões). Assustado com a luz brilhante o basilisco recuou o mais profundo e o mais fundo das minas até que os mineiros conseguiram criar uma caverna atrás dele. Os mineradores ficaram alegre, mais falei que ainda o basilisco se encontra ali no local. (most pages of that book are unreadable, stained with blood and parts are burned) Horrible screams ..blinding light....pain...happening???....No one ....The light visibility....Farewell... (a maior parte das páginas do livro estão ilegíveis, manchadas com o sangue e as partes estão queimados) Horríveis gritos .. cegueira luz .... dor ... acontecendo ???.... uma luz .... O mais perto ... ..... ... não há mais uma brilhante visibilidade .... Adeus ... We've dug that deep, that even we dwarves can hardly see. Fruzek told us stories of a monster making odd sounds from below the earth.These frightening tales of the basilisk have halted our mining schedule, forcing us to double the guards protecting the miners. A Tired Miner Melc Nós cavamos profundamente, que até mesmo nós anões dificilmente podemos ver. Fruzek disse histórias de um monstro estranho fazendo sons de baixo da terra. Essas histórias assustadoras do basilisco tenha parado o nosso calendário mineiro, forçando-nos a proteger o dobro dos guardas mineiros. Um mineiro cansado Melc What it was I cannot say! But its horrible! Horrible! We heard rumors of such things before but we just ignored them ...Im the only survivor ..that...THING...they couldn't move...they were helpless...oh why ...what....what is that..something is feet....stone... Entrada do Mineiro O que era eu não posso dizer! Mas é horrível! Horrível! Ouvimos rumores de tais coisas, mas estamos apenas ignorando-as ... Eu sou o único sobrevivente... desta... coisa ... ... .. que ele não poderia passar ... eles estavam desarmados ... oh porquê ... .... o que é aquilo que alguma coisa está chegando ... .. meus pés .... pedra ... 22:35 Mercenary Soldier [41]: hail emperor 22:35 Emperor Kruzak: Hiho, may Fire and Earth bless you, my child. Are you looking for a promotion, perhaps? 22:36 Mercenary Soldier [41]: job 22:36 Emperor Kruzak: Well, I am the emperor of the dwarves. It's my duty to protect my folk and give them justice. 22:37 Mercenary Soldier [41]: name 22:37 Emperor Kruzak: Well, I am Emperor Kruzak Dustbeard, son of Fire and Earth, second only to the gods, jawoll. 22:38 Mercenary Soldier [41]: how are you ? 22:38 Emperor Kruzak: Well, I'm fine, the last centuries have been good to me, jawoll. 22:39 Mercenary Soldier [41]: city 22:39 Emperor Kruzak: Well, go and see the wonders of our cities yourself. 22:40 Mercenary Soldier [41]: mines 22:40 Emperor Kruzak: Well, our mines have been invaded by a basilisk. We trapped him with a cave in. The hero that could bring me the body of the beast will get a great reward. 22:41 Mercenary Soldier [41]: hero 22:41 Emperor Kruzak: Well, we dwarves produced some of the greatest heroes of all times. 22:42 Mercenary Soldier [41]: reward. 22:42 Emperor Kruzak: Well, isn't it reward enough to talk to the emperor of all dwarves? 22:46 Mercenary Soldier [41]: Durin 22:46 Emperor Kruzak: Well, Durin is one of the celestial paladins, messenger of the gods. He is the protector of the dwarfish race. 2:46 Mercenary Soldier [41]: the celestial paladin 22:46 Emperor Kruzak: Well, we have some crossbowmen in our army but rely more on our knights. 22:47 Mercenary Soldier [41]: knights 22:47 Emperor Kruzak: Well, dwarfish knights are feared by our enemies in the whole world. 22:47 Mercenary Soldier [41]: gods 22:47 Emperor Kruzak: Well, we honor Father Earth and Mother Fire. Some of us even follow the teachings of additional gods. 22:47 Mercenary Soldier [41]: Father Earth 22:47 Emperor Kruzak: Well, more than 150 years ago my father lost his beard overnight. There upon he resigned from his leadership after hundreds of years of supreme ruling. 22:51 Mercenary Soldier [41]: tibia 22:51 Emperor Kruzak: Well, the gods handed the lands over to the younger races, but my people will leave this word in dignity. 22:53 Mercenary Soldier [41]: enemies 22:53 Emperor Kruzak: Well, only a dead enemy is a good enemy. 22:59 Mercenary Soldier [41]: mission 22:59 Emperor Kruzak: Well, if you wander the world with open eyes, you will see the quests without asking. 22:59 Mercenary Soldier [41]: quests 22:59 Emperor Kruzak: Well, if you wander the world with open eyes, you will see the quests without asking. 23:01 Mercenary Soldier [41]: druid 23:01 Emperor Kruzak: Well, we have almost no druids in our town. If need arises we can call for them from Carlin. 23:12 Mercenary Soldier [41]: times 23:12 Emperor Kruzak: Well, after some centuries I stopped to worry about time anymore. 23:15 Mercenary Soldier [41]: help 23:15 Emperor Kruzak: Well, I am too busy to help you, but feel free to ask around. 23:24 Mercenary Soldier [41]: monster 23:24 Emperor Kruzak: Well, it's up to the younger ones to slay the beasts that roam the lands and the tunnels. Na conversa com o rei de Kazordoon tem a seguinte frase : “22:59 Emperor Kruzak: Well, if you wander the world with open eyes, you will see the quests without asking.” , ou seja , se vc olhar o mundo com os olhos abertos você encontrará desafios sem precisar perguntar. Como falaram , não tem nada a ver com poções de encantamento ou qualquer outra teoria maluca sobre o basilisco como muitas teorias falam , apenas ele alerta ao jogador sobre os desafios que logo logo vai encontrar e não vai precisar perguntar atrás de quest. Pergunte para mais npcs dentro de Kazordoon , você vai notar que alguns vão falar quase semelhante ao o que o rei de Kazordoon fala nessa frase. Outra frase interessante que também tira qualquer duvida de que Durin nunca esteve ou fez parte da historia do basilisco : Novamente , ou seja , nossos mineradores fizeram uma armadinha dentro da caverna e prenderam ele lá dentro. Mais outro fator que desmistifica que Durin ou a Thunder Hammer nunca entraram dentro dessa historia. Com base nos 4 livros e na conversa com o rei chegamos a seguinte conclusão: O basilisco tinha saído do seu local habitual , já que os anões estavam cavando túneis, pode ser visto na imagem Entrada , ele deve ter saído por ali. Assuntados os mineradores e alguns incidentes de mineradores virarem estatuas , esse homem , ou anão que tem um conhecimento sobre o basilisco aconselhou aos mineradores a usarem tochas ou lampiões para afugentar a cobra colocando na parede das cavernas. Novamente o basilisco entrou no mesmo buraco em que veio , veja na imagem Entrada , o que explica que tem uma small hole ali. Abaixo do túnel onde eles cavavam havia outro túnel pela qual ela foi indo assustado com o clarão das tochas e lampiões e nesse momento já tinha um outro buraco atrás dela , o que explica é onde o basilisco ficou parada ate os dias atuais. Como o rei falou os mineradores fizeram uma armadilha para ela. Os mineradores por hora conseguiram derrotar o basilisco e estavam alegres ,porem com uma preocupação de que a cobra poderia voltar novamente eles colocaram guardas para a segurança dos mineradores. Mais tarde houve vários heróis que em busca de recompensas que o rei prometera para os aventureiros muitos morreram petrificados , veja as estatuas no covil dela. Esse foi o preço que esses herois pagaram por tentar matar a cobra e levar o corpo para o rei. Outro fato importante que não pode ser esquecido é que tinha mineradores escutando sons do basilisco , ou seja , na segunda imagem Basilisco prova sobre o que o livro acima conta. Os restos dos livros só relatam sobre mineradores que já estavam quase no ponto de morte. Depois dessa mudança em Kazordoon é possível que a quest deva existir.Mais como vocês podem ver no vídeo o túnel pela qual o basilisco passou é a chave para a entrada do covil do basilisco . Porem não se sabe o do porque a entrada estar selado com estatuas de guerreiros e pedras. É possível que a quest ainda não esteja implementada , veja no vídeo que o caminho ate o basilisco estar escuro e não dar um índice nem de bordas de caverna ou qualquer pista ali no meio. Ao redor já foi explorado tudo quanto é parte , sabendo que tem cavernas separadas e não conectados umas com as outras. Outro fato interessante é que não tem nenhum NPC que fale sobre o tal basilisco , pelo menos não encontrei nenhum ate agora nem um sobrevivente , apenas o rei dando a recompensa. A recompensa em que o rei dar é um mistério , muitos falaram que a Thunder Hammer pode ser dado pelo rei ou entrar na sala do tesouro , coisa que duvido muito. As provas já foram explicadas. A quest não é difícil porem falta alguns detalhes como por exemplo se os mineradores anões foram petrificados cadê as estatuas deles???? O que fizeram com essas estatuas desses mineradores??? Fica ai uma bela caçada ao tesouro escondido nas terras dos anões.
  • After the cataclysm, the Basilisk appeared to terrorize the Barren Region. Trade ground to a halt and nobody in the area possessed the skill to slay it as only a Champion stood a chance against the monster. When Connor arrives in the Barren Region, the Weirdling Tradesman informs him of the Basilisk and the problem it poses. Connor offers to slay the monster and the tradesman agrees to craft a Black Diamond Pike for Connor if he can get a black diamond and a strong metal shaft for him. The tradesman explains that only a black diamond can pierce the Basilisk's hide but only in its one vulnerable spot. After Connor gathers the necessary materials, the tradesman crafts the black diamond pike in exchange for Connor's old weapon and ten gold coins and reveals to Connor that the Basilisk's only vulnerable spot is right behind its head. After leaving the Weirdling Village, Connor quickly locates the Basilisk and sneaks around behind it to climb the cliff it is standing up against. Wielding his black diamond pike, Connor drops upon the Basilisk from above, causing it to roar in rage. Before it can dislodge or otherwise attack him, Connor rams his black diamond pike through the Basilisk's vulnerable spot, twisting it as the Basilisk falls. Connor's attack kills the Basilisk and he cuts off its tongue for later use in a spell. Connor calls the dead Basilisk "a foul beast" and abandons his black diamond pike where it is jammed beyond removal in the Basilisk's corpse.
  • Like the Asp it also knows Petrify and will appear alone or in 2's. They also can take fair enough HP away so be careful and take them out quickly.
  • Manufacturers of body armor and ship-plating
  • The Basilisk was introduced in 2015.
  • Basilisks are large, lizard-like creatures with eight legs that are considered very dangerous due to their natural abilities. In the world of Critical Role, the duergar in Emberhold would raise these creatures as guardians and weapons to use should their patrol encounter something too powerful which they cannot handle themselves.
  • | Image:Fan spirit Rose.png |This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. |} Basilisk is an earth-element based monster of which appears within The Tower of Flanvel.
  • Basilisks appear to be a tribal race that lives alongside the Doram in the northern part of Pasta.
  • Basilisk is a manga and anime by Masaki Segawa, based on the classic novel Kouga Ninpouchô. The Iga clan and the Kouga clan have been sworn enemies for more than four hundred years. Only the Hanzo Hattori truce has kept the two families from all-out war. Now, under the order of Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa, the truce has finally been dissolved. Ten ninja from each clan must fight to the death in order to determine who will be the next Tokugawa Shogun. The surviving clan will rule for the next thousand years. But not all the clan members are in agreement. Oboro of the Iga clan and Gennosuke of the Kouga clan have fallen deeply in love. Now these star-crossed lovers have been pitted against each other. Can their romance conquer a centuries-old rivalry? Or is their love destined to end in death?
  • Les Basilisks sont des ennemis qui apparaissent dans The Adventure of Link. Fichier:Basilisk_AOL_(2).pngCe sont des lézards qui ne se trouvent qu'en Hyrule Oriental. Leur attaque consiste à lancer des boules de feu sur Link qu'il peut bloquer avec son bouclier. Ils vivent sur terre, et peuvent marcher à quatre pattes tels des quadrupèdes, mais aussi à deux tels des bipèdes. Ils sont rencontrés dans des grottes de l'overworld, mais aussi dans des zones désertiques, en compagnie de Leevers. Ils lancent des boules de feu, qui ne peuvent être contrées qu'avec le sortilège Reflect. leftLes Basilisks sont immunisés contre les coups d'épée et la seule attaque qui peut les éliminer est le sort Fire, mais uniquement quand ils sont debout, car ce sort ne peut pas les toucher quand ils sont sur leurs quatre pattes. En raison de leurs armures et de leurs attaques lourdes, il est préférable d'éviter les Basilisks ou de les combattre avec prudence. Ils rapportent 50 points d'expérience.
  • Catégorie:Organisations Basilisk est un fabricant de gilets pare-balles et des blindages de vaisseau. Bien qu’il semble que la plupart de leurs bénéfices annuels colossaux proviennent de contrats militaires, mais les armures qu’ils produisent pour l’armée sont fragiles et bon marché. Ils réservent le bon équipement pour les ventes aux secteurs privés les plus aisés. Les pilotes de la Navy plaisantent souvent à propos des blindages Basilisk, dont il convient de vérifier qu’ils ont été commandée sur leur site public, avant de les installer.
  • The basilisk is a creature which actually holds two distinct descriptions. The traditional depiction of a basilisk is akin to a cockatrice, being part cockerel, part dragon, and possesses a killer stare. A more modern depiction is that of a giant serpent with the ability to petrify any who meets its gaze. Both incarnations are referred to as the King of Serpents, and both are also mortal enemies of the weasel, who is, for some reason, immune to the powers of the great, chimerical beast.
  • Basilisks are lizards with a gaze that can freeze a person or even turn them to stone if stories are to be believed.
  • Basilisk on hiiglaslik madu, kes elas Sigatüükas Saladuste Kambris. Harry Potter tappis ta Gryffindori mõõgaga.
  • Der Basilisk ist ein BerserkerMonster. Ab einer Berserker Stufe von 40 kann man gegen ihn kämpfen. Zwar sind weder seine Angriffstrefferrate noch der Max-Hit des Basilisken sehr hoch, doch besitzt er eine hervorragende Verteidigung gegen Magie und bestimmte Nahkampf Angriffstypen. Dagegen kann er sich weniger gegen Fernkampf durchsetzen. Ab und zu lässt er auch einen Runit-Dolch fallen. Wichtig: Ein Spiegelschild gegen die Angriffe ist Pflicht, da er ohne Schild eure Fertigkeiten senkt! Außerdem muss man eine Berserker-Stufe von 40 besitzen.
  • Basilisk is a fledging terrorist cell. They have been responsible for some of the events in Suicide Squad and The Flash series.
  • Basilisken er en kæmpe slange som ofte kun adlyder en person. En Basilisk kan dræbe ved blikke og med sine spidse og giftige tænder. Salazar Slytherin havde en Basilisk nede i Hemmelighedernes Kammer. I 1992 - 1993 var der en basilisk der adlød Lord Voldemort. Basilisken forstener fire af elevene og katten til Argus Filch (Mrs. Norris) ved Hogwarts. Harry dræbte, mod enden af skoleåret, basilisken med Godric Gryffindors gamle sthumbværd.
  • The Basilisk tribe is one of the three largest dragon tribes of Archanea. Its members include Morzas and numerous other Mage Dragons.
  • The Basilisk is a Minion unit from the Forest Box. It has the Ability (Ranged) Petrify. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
  • the Basilisk uses the Chimera chassis.
  • Basilisk is a minor character introduced in Zone of the Enders: Dolores,i.
  • A basilisk is a monstrous reptile that can petrify with its gaze.
  • Basilisken zijn slangachtige wezens die Serpia gecreëerd heeft teneinde Adhelston tegen de MainYu te beschermen. categorie:Amaroth Categorie:Fauna Categorie:Nathair
  • The Basilisk is a huge, eight-legged reptile which prefers to live in warm or underground places. It is a creature of Chaos, originating from the very first Incursions of Chaos, and is now well-established in the Old World, if not common. Basilisks are extremely dangerous beasts, whose gaze can petrify living creatures. The petrifying effect has a range of 10 yards and can affect a single creature per round. The victim must make a Magic test or be turned to stone instantly. The effect is permanent. In addition to their gaze attack, Basilisks attack with two claws and one bite.
  • In European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk (English pronunciation: /ˈbæzɪlɪsk/, from the Greek βασιλίσκος basilískos, "little king;" Latin Regulus) is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. According to the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder, the basilisk of Cyrene is a small snake, "being not more than twelve fingers in length," that is so venomous that it leaves a wide trail of deadly venom in its wake, and its gaze is likewise lethal; its weakness is in the odor of the weasel, which, according to Pliny, was thrown into the basilisk's hole, recognizable because all the surrounding shrubs and grass had been scorched by its presence. It is possible that the legend of the basilisk and its association with the weasel in Europe was inspired by accounts of certain species of Asiatic snakes (such as the King Cobra) and their natural predator, the mongoose (see "Rationalized accounts" below).
  • The Basilisk is a legendary serpent of astonishing powers. Said to hatch from a chicken's egg incubated underneath a toad, this gigantic snake ( In other versions, the basilisk is portrayed as a massive rooster with draconic wings and sharp teeth on its beak, Called a Cockatrice) which is over 100 feet long in some cases, can kill you by merely looking you in the eye. If that fails, its venom is extremely deadly and even one drop can kill you in a matter of minutes if it enters the bloodstream. It is said a well of water that has been touched by just a drop of venom from a basilisk will be contaminated by the venom for over 100 years. This monster is not invincible, however; the sound of a rooster crowing is fatal to it (Disorientates and confuses it. Sending it into violent fits causing great injury to itself, like a seizure) and if it looks at anything reflective it will die at it's own reflection. It can also be killed by it's arch-enemy, the weasel, which is is vaguely similar to the relationship between mongooses and cobra's.
  • Basilisk is an enemy of Mighty Max, from the Battle Warrior Mighty Max Shatters Gargoyle.
  • [[Datei:Basilisk.png|thumb|300px|Ein Basilisk in einem Käfig auf dem Östlichen Markt in Vaes Dothrak]] Ein Basilisk (im Original: Basilisk) ist eine reptilienartige, fleischfressende Kreatur, welche im Osten von Essos und in Sothoryos vorkommt. Es ist das Wappentier des Hauses Gargalen. Außerdem waren sie vermutlich Namensgeber für die Basiliskeninseln.
  • Basilisk (バジリスク, Bajirisuku) is one of the katanas wielded by the revered assassin Hibiki Tōitsu, and happens to be a weapon passed down within his family since before the first members founded the clan. Not much is known about this katana to anyone but Hibiki himself, making it a very dangerous tool to use against others.
  • In European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. It often has avian characteristics; this attribute, as well as its purported method of killing (turning prey to stone), often conflates it with the cockatrice.
  • Without the shield or mask, the player's stats will be greatly reduced, and the player will take damage frequently, even if a safe spot is used. Protect from Melee/Deflect melee can reduce damage from the attack, as it is still a melee attack, but the stats will still be lowered. Basilisks are weak to air spells, so it is advisable to bring some air runes, a good wand, and decent magic armour. Players with level 70 Defence or above will not get hit very often, so one can bring less food and have more inventory space available for drops. However, you may get hit a somewhat large amount, particularly if you are not using magic. A suggestion is that if you bring Guthan the Infested's equipment, you can go to the next door chamber to fight and heal. The spell Bones to peaches is highly recommended for lower levels. The Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon has many safe spots created by rocks in the floor. It is also possible to safe spot them from the south in the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon the eastern wall near the south entrance. (NOTE: You still need a mirror shield or mask of reflection even if you kill Basilisks from a safe spot.)
  • A supervillain with a petrifying gaze and powers of reptile control.
  • Basilisks were large, eight-legged reptiles with the terrifying ability to poison or petrify their prey. Though not malicious, basilisks were indisputably dangerous. They could be found all over Faerûn. Basilisks could be found nearly everywhere, including subterranean biomes. Typically, basilisks sheltered within burrows, caves, or other similar areas. These dens were sometimes distinguished by what appeared to be statues, although these were, in fact, creatures that had been petrified by the gaze of the creature. The Bedine called basilisks hagar motab or "bringers of stone-death", and it is from a Bedine explorer where most of the facts about basilisks came from.
  • Basilisk is obsessed with the concept of worth. It is this obsession which compels him into assigning a value to everything and everyone. That which Basilisk considers to be valuable is referred to as being beautiful by the cyclops. While that which Basilisk considers to be lacking in value is referred to as being hideous. Contrary to popular belief, Basilisk's self-esteem is a non-existent entity. Thus the cyclops is of the opinion that he is a repulsive sight, a sentiment which has yet to be shared by anyone other than an irate Lyn.
  • The Basilisk is a monster found mostly through the Slayer skill. It requires the player to have a Slayer level of at least 40 and to equip a Mirror shield in order to attack a Basilisk. The Mirror shield can be bought at Vannaka.
  • The Basilisk is a Nod Support Tier 3 heavy air unit. It is unlocked when a Nod Commander reaches Level 12.
  • The Basilisk shoots streams of fire out at various angles, and sometimes it pulls its head back and shoots a stream of fire that damages everyone that is not on the only platform of the stage. It also stomps the ground, which will knock players into the air, and bites players that get too close. Once the Basilisk takes enough damage, it will fall down, allowing players to be able to hit it more quickly.
  • Basilisk adalah penjaga di Impel Down Level 2 : Binatang Penjaga, di bawah Sphinx.
  • El Basilisk (バシリスク Bashirisuku?) es la segunda bestia mas poderosa y temible del nivel 2 de Impel Down, por debajo de Sphinx.
  • Without the mirror shield, the player's stats will be greatly reduced. Protect from Melee prayer can be used, but the stats will still be lowered. Basilisks are a good source of runes. Due to their high drop rate of nature runes, it would be useful to bring a Staff of fire or kill some pyrefiends to the east, to use High Level Alchemy on their frequent metal armour and weapon drops. These can be safespotted from the southern entrance to their area in the slayer cave, by using the south-east wall to stop their movement or by using the rocks on either side of the room. Note that players cannot set up a dwarf multicannon within the dungeon.
  • Ein Basilisk ist ein Fabelwesen, das in den Urwäldern von Yi Ti sein Unwesen treibt. Es ist das Wappentier von Haus Gargalen. Große und kleine Basiliskenarten leben in großer Zahl auf der Basiliskenzunge von Sothoryos und auf den Basiliskeninseln. Hier waren sie vermutlich in grauer Vorzeit auch jeweils der Namensgeber.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Yamato Takeru File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Eva-13 | Kai | Aquarius Kamus | Gordi & Bardi | Nurarihyon File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Verona File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Bastet File:Scroll.png Tower: 25F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Wood (Carnage)
  • The Basilisk is a ship designed by the planet Machen Alpha, a planet near Mobius. The Basilisk is Slipstream capable and uses Magog technology, mainly the 3 Point Singularity Projector weapons as its main armament. In the first deployment, it was used to destroy a planet full of Artificial Intelligence. On the second mission, it was sent to destroy Mobius, but the Andromeda Ascendant intercepted it, eventually destroying the ship.
  • Basilisk was a harsh Terra-class planet that was destroyed by the Terran Empire during the Basilisk Rebellion. The planet was the homeworld of Andrew Dorian and Drago Reese.
  • A Basilisk is a reptilian monster from Greco-Roman mythology. A single glance into its eyes or inhalation of its breath will cause instant calcification and death, not unlike a Gorgon's Glance. A Basilisk is a small serpent-creature with the head having qualities of serpent and fowl, the body of dragon, feet of a fowl, and a crest on the head shaped like a crown. Because of its crown the Greeks called it a 'basilikos' or 'little king'. It is reputed to be the unquestioned king of serpents. A Basilisk is closely related to, but not synonymous with a Cockatrice. The difference being, a Basilisk is born of an reptilian egg hatched by a cockerel.
  • The Basilisk is the second-in-command of Impel Down's Level 2: Beast Hell, under the Sphinx.
  • Basilisk is an draconid, which sometimes terrorizes communities.
  • A basilisk is a very large snake. It is found in Harry Potter, where it's poison is deadly within the first few minutes of touching it.
  • Being the easiest to get alien unit besides the dretch, the basilisk is considered relatively weak, but it's got some nice tricks up it's sleeve. The Basilisk is the only evolved alien combat unit that can wallwalk, but unfortunately has the least health and weakest attack of any of those units. However, when touching a human, they become "grabbed", which means they cannot turn around. If the Basilisk catches an enemy alone and manages to get behind him while "grabbing" it, the Basilisk can easily kill the human.
  • "Legt ein Hahn ein Ei und brütet's aus schlüpft ein Basilisk heraus" (Die Überlieferung scheint also recht uneindeutig zu sein. Dieses Mischwesen als Abkömmling eines von einer Kröte ausgebrüteten Eis, das ein Hahn gelegt hat, ist im deutschsprachigen Raum sehr verbreitet. Auch die Theorie der Verwechslung mit dem Cockatrice ist nicht wirklich überzeugend, zumal der Begriff ja wohl ganz klar nicht deutschen Ursprungs ist.)[[Datei:Basilisk-1-.jpg|thumb|Der Basilisk wurde oft mit dem Cockatrice verwechselt, weshalb solche Bilder als Basilisk beschrieben werden. Echte Basilisken sind Schlangen]] Kategorie:Raubtier Kategorie:Drache
  • The Basilisk's(Draco basilikos.) status as a Dragon is arguable, as some think it a psuedo-dragon while others believe it to be mythical.
  • Basilisk 「バジリスク甲賀忍法帖, Basilisk Kōga Ninpō Chō」 es un manga creado por Masaki Segawa, publicada por Kōdansha. Una adaptación al anime salió el 12 de abril de 2005 por los estudios Gonzo.
  • Basilisk war ein Anführer der Templer, der versuchte, den sagenumwobenen Kelch zu finden. Er besaß ein riesiges Schwert, das selbst Altaïr großen Schaden zufügte. Altaïr kreuzte seinen Weg mehrfach, ließ ihn aber im Handel gegen Informationen am Leben. Schließlich tötete Altaïr ihn auf dem Schiff, weil er Adha verschleppt hatte.
  • Two other varieties of Basilisk, colored in grey and green, are seen mounted in the foyer of Jade Harley's house. In human mythology, basilisks are said to have venomous breath, and sometimes a petrifying gaze. Sburb basilisks do not have either of these powers, though the portrusions on their head are similar to both the "crown" of the mythological basilisk and the "casque" of the real-life basilisk lizard (family Corytophanidae). Interestingly, the original Basilisks that John fought were about twice as big as the ones found on LOHAC and LOTAM and had six legs instead of four. Other underlings, such as the Giclops have displayed variation in size as well.
  • Basilisk is the name of the Demon Lizard who fought by the side of Death during the First Battle. He is thought to have been created by the Evil Gods from the Original Clay using the designs of Suthis Cha. The Basilisk was one of the most powerful beasts of Evil during the First Battle and he is remembered in the constellation bearing his name in the Southern Skies of Titan. His descendants still roam the world of Titan today. Although not immortal beware of their power.
  • A basilisk is a giant serpent, also known as the King of Serpents. In Potterverse, basilisks are bred by dark wizards by causing a chicken's egg to hatch under a toad. Basilisks may grow up to 50 feet in length, and are colored dark green with large yellow eyes. These eyes have the power to kill anyone who looks directly into them. One who sees only the reflection of a basilisk's eyes, as in a mirror or a puddle of water, will be petrified. Ghosts, when looking straight into a basilisk's eyes, will also be petrified. Phoenixes are immune to the basilisk's gaze, and spiders are terrified of the snake. The basilisk's fangs are full of venom powerful enough to kill a human in minutes. The venom is potent even after death. It is also one of the substances destructive enough to destroy a Horcrux. Basilisk skin is armored (rather like that of a dragon) and deflects spells cast upon it. Like normal snakes, the basilisk sheds its skin when it grows. Basilisks can live naturally up to 900 years. Their mortal weaknesses include the crowing of a rooster and the smell of a weasel. Basilisks feed off of vertebrate animals, and the male can be distinguished from the female by a scarlet plume on its head.
  • Graufarbenes echsenähnliches Lebewesen von etwa 15 Fuß Länge und 6 Fuß Höhe. Durch die graue Hautfarbe ist es vor felsigem oder steinigem Untergrund nahezu unsichtbar. Die Bewegungen laufen langsam und ruckartig ab. Durch normale Waffen sind sie nicht verwundbar, nur durch magische Waffen. Ihr Blick wirkt versteinernd. Diese Erfahrung haben schon Waldläufer des +Averlan von Kelani im Dschungel von Pottuvil gemacht, ebenso die Sondereinheiten des Sleig von +Darhgond in ihrem Kampf gegen die +Burundi. Die Basilisken als kleine Schlangenwesen der Finsternis scheinen in den Diensten der Meister der +Diabelos zu stehen wie einst die großen Schlangen der Finsternis in den Diensten der Sethoiden, der dem Schlangengott Seth-Genral dienenden +Dämonen. Auch diesmal ist es der Dienst für Genral, der diese finsteren Schlangenwesen einem zu Diensten macht, denn im Reich des +Agon von Kartan wurden Basilisken ebenso gesehen wie im Monsterheer des Hochlords der Finsternis, Zardos, das zwischen dem Midligur des +Clanlords +Bogo und dem Großen Wall von +Bakanasan für soviel Aufsehen sorgte. Auch in der Wüste des Schnellen Todes, beim Tempel Lhaskar unter der Herrschaft des sethdienenden Theokraten +Dileeb-An, sollen Basilisken gesehen worden sein. Letzteres aber sind vielleicht auch nur übertriebene Berichte über den Fabelzoo von Keorapukur, den Kalutaron I. eingerichtet hatte, verbreitet von übereifrigen Lamonten und fabulierenden +Barden. . * Segment: Karcanon - Reich: Subarashi .
  • A basilisk (Latin: regulus) is a sometimes small, but always powerful reptile that has been dubbed "king of serpants." It is either potrayed as a huge lizard or snake, or as a three-foot high rooster with a serpant's tail and teeth. No matter which form it takes, it is always highly toxic. Its breath kills whatever it touches, as does its sweat and saliva. Any river it drinks from is permanantly poisioned. Even its gaze is lethal to all but weasels. Weasels, roosters, and the plant rue are the only creatures safe from the basilisk's rampage. Weasels, immune to only the basilisk's gaze, can use the rue to heal themselves from the poison. Basilisks are also deeply afraid of roosters, and will run upon hearing a rooster's crow.
  • The spindly, snake-like Basilisks house hundreds of armor-piercing spines within their upper carapace plates. These spines have been specifically evolved from the defensive urticating hairs of the Slothien and adapted to a new purpose. Basilisks use powerful muscle contractions to launch the spines in volleys at enemies approaching from either the air or the ground. Due to the Basilisk's evolution of supra-dense chitinous armor, it cannot fire volleys as rapidly as its core strain, however, each spine is covered with a deadly poison, allowing it to kill infantry in seconds. This purpose-specific evolution does have its drawbacks, as it is utterly ineffective to tanks, artillery, and other heavily armored foes. To counter this negativity, the Basilisk must have support from other Zerg strains, such as the ultralisk. Thanks to the remarkable musculature of a Basilisk (4,000 muscles compared to a terran's 629), the penetrative force delivered by a Basilisk spine is quite astounding. A single spine can easily penetrate 2 cm of solid neosteel even at maximum range. Under any circumstances, massed groups of Basilisks should be approached with extreme caution and preferably siege tank support.
  • Basilisk – Chronik der Koga-Ninja (jap. Basilisk – Kōga Nimpōchō) ist ein fünfbändiger Manga von Masaki Segawa, der auf dem Roman Kōga Nimpōchō (dt. „Chronik der Kōga-Ninja“) von Futaro Yamada aus dem Jahr 1958 basiert. Der Manga wurde mit einigen kleinen Detailveränderungen als Anime verfilmt.
  • Basilisk (även känd som ormarnas kung) är ett fruktansvärt vidunder som är känt för att vara väldigt farligt. Trolldomsministeriet har klassat den som omöjlig att tämja men den kan tämjas av skickliga ormviskare.
  • Basilisk (även känd som ormarnas kung) är ett fruktansvärt vidunder som är känt för att vara väldigt farligt. Trolldomsministeriet har klassat den som omöjlig att tämja men den kan tämjas av skickliga ormviskare.
  • There are a few types of creatures known as basilisks in the Warcraft universe.
  • Der Basilisk ist ein für alle Lebewesen hochgradig gefährliches Reptil.
  • Volk Volk Echse Art Wildtier Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Ein Basilisk ähnelt einem Krokolisk und ist ein amphibisches Wildtier. Sie sind mit einem Panzer aus nur schwer durchdringbaren Schuppen bedeckt und außerdem noch magisch begabt, was sie besonders gefährlich macht. Basiliske verstecken sich im Unterholz und greifen dann an, wenn man es am wenigsten erwartet.
  • Basilisks are reptilian monsters that are featured in Fate.
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