  • Templars
  • The old guard. Suave and sophisticated, but fiercely brutal and uncompromising in their crusade against darkness.
  • Templars was a highly regarded crew that sailed the Midnight Ocean flying the flag of Elysian Fields. Its captains included Vulvius and Honeybeard and the crew is mentioned many times in the biographies of pirates. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Templars dedicate themselves to the protection of humankind through the extermination of the supernatural. They see vampires and werewolves as evil, and soulless as anathema.
  • The Templars are a group of humans who tried to restore order after the Fall. They were founded by Admiral Constanza Stark.
  • Karen Parker possessed documents related to the Templars. However, its content is unknown.
  • Templars were an organized movement of terroists. They were experienced fighters, and assassins. They often took control of small worlds and usually succeeded. They were neutral and hired bounty hunters to join them. They usually destroyed starships blockading a planet. They had no cruisers or starships but they used suloon pods to dig inside the bridge of the ship and blow up at the press of a button. Their main target was the Republic, since it destroyed them in the Battle of Chilan.
  • The Templars are an elite order of warrior-priests based in Gallantaria, fashioned after their Ruddlestone partners who inhabit the Demonkeep Outpost and keep constant watch over troublesome Brice. The Gallantarian Templars were established shortly after the War of the Wizards and are devoted to conquering Chaos within the kingdom. They operate out of the Sacred Citadel of the Templars in Royal Lendle.
  • Officially referred to as the Order of the Worthy Paladins of the Celestial Temple and erroneously referred to as the Templar Order by smartass Assassins, is one of the ONLY two factions to be knowledgeable of so much as the very EXISTENCE of Libertas.
  • Templars is always recruiting people who are active and contribute to our guild. As a guild we assist and help each other out by giving discounts to our guild members for the stuff we sell. Bread, resources, etc. Sometimes you don`t even have to buy :D We do dungeons, guild hunts, and playful events occasionally. If you would like further more details about the guild please go online and speak to the following members of the guild: Valinia, Elberson, Jupine, Sundari or Jalene. The requirements for this guild to join is 30+ and must at least share 5% with the guild, until 2000 is given to guild.
  • The Templar Order, also known as the Order of the Knights Templar, is a monastic military order-turned-corporate giant, which was formed during the prehistoric era. The Templars seek to create a perfect world, although their interpretation thereof—emphasizing purpose, order, and control—directly contrasts with the ideals of their sworn enemies, the Assassin Brotherhood.
  • Valinia
  • *General of the Cross *Inner Sanctum *Grand Masters
  • 31
  • The insignia of the Templar Order
  • 5021745
  • 2007
  • Unknown
  • 6
  • Midnight
  • Templars
  • 5
  • 25
  • 2009
  • 23
  • Disbanded or Dormant
  • rosal
  • Templars
  • Order of the Worthy Paladins of the Celestial Temple
  • no
  • *King Arthur *Hugues de Payens *Bernard de Clairvaux *Robert de Sablé *Jacques de Molay *Rodrigo Borgia *Cesare Borgia *Prince Ahmet *Laureano de Torres y Ayala *Haytham Kenway *Shay Cormac *François-Thomas Germain *Crawford Starrick *Brinley Ellsworth *Henry Ford *Ransom Eli Olds *Daniel Cross *Warren Vidic *Juhani Otso Berg *Alan Rikkin *Álvaro Gramática *Simon Hathaway
  • N/A
  • Affiliation
  • Demonym
  • Headquarters
  • The Twelve Peers
  • Knight Eminence / Dame Eminence
  • no
  • FF0000
  • Order of the Worthy Paladins of the Celestial Temple
  • 1129
  • 1312
  • 1937
  • Unknown
  • * *Crusaders *Borgia family *Papacy *Byzantine Empire *Extremists *Jacobins *Blighters *Abstergo Industries
  • Non-religious
  • y
  • FFFFF0
  • yes
  • Prehistory
  • The old guard. Suave and sophisticated, but fiercely brutal and uncompromising in their crusade against darkness.
  • Templars was a highly regarded crew that sailed the Midnight Ocean flying the flag of Elysian Fields. Its captains included Vulvius and Honeybeard and the crew is mentioned many times in the biographies of pirates. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Officially referred to as the Order of the Worthy Paladins of the Celestial Temple and erroneously referred to as the Templar Order by smartass Assassins, is one of the ONLY two factions to be knowledgeable of so much as the very EXISTENCE of Libertas. As far as a supermajority of the non-belligerents within the Assassin–Templar War are concerned, it is naught but a religious order that is devoted to the worship of the Celestial Dragons of all people. Though in all actuality, it's a cabal within the World Government. One that seeks to procure Libertas for itself and then abuse Libertas' abilities as a means of establishing a New World Order.
  • Templars dedicate themselves to the protection of humankind through the extermination of the supernatural. They see vampires and werewolves as evil, and soulless as anathema.
  • The Templars are a group of humans who tried to restore order after the Fall. They were founded by Admiral Constanza Stark.
  • Templars is always recruiting people who are active and contribute to our guild. As a guild we assist and help each other out by giving discounts to our guild members for the stuff we sell. Bread, resources, etc. Sometimes you don`t even have to buy :D We do dungeons, guild hunts, and playful events occasionally. If you would like further more details about the guild please go online and speak to the following members of the guild: Valinia, Elberson, Jupine, Sundari or Jalene. The requirements for this guild to join is 30+ and must at least share 5% with the guild, until 2000 is given to guild. We are growing community and very friendly. We seek the guild to be bigger and bigger every day.
  • Karen Parker possessed documents related to the Templars. However, its content is unknown.
  • Templars were an organized movement of terroists. They were experienced fighters, and assassins. They often took control of small worlds and usually succeeded. They were neutral and hired bounty hunters to join them. They usually destroyed starships blockading a planet. They had no cruisers or starships but they used suloon pods to dig inside the bridge of the ship and blow up at the press of a button. Their main target was the Republic, since it destroyed them in the Battle of Chilan.
  • The Templar Order, also known as the Order of the Knights Templar, is a monastic military order-turned-corporate giant, which was formed during the prehistoric era. The Templars seek to create a perfect world, although their interpretation thereof—emphasizing purpose, order, and control—directly contrasts with the ideals of their sworn enemies, the Assassin Brotherhood. Whereas the Assassins assert that utopia can someday be achieved through a gradual process of learning tolerance and mutual understanding, Templars classically insist that human nature is too prone to corruption for this to be a possibility. Key to their dream is the imposition of a New World Order, and they envision that true peace can only come when all of humanity is shepherded by an enlightened society of people—in their eyes, them. Because of this conflict in ideology, the Templars became involved in a covert war against the Assassins, spanning millennia and continuing into the modern era.
  • The Templars are an elite order of warrior-priests based in Gallantaria, fashioned after their Ruddlestone partners who inhabit the Demonkeep Outpost and keep constant watch over troublesome Brice. The Gallantarian Templars were established shortly after the War of the Wizards and are devoted to conquering Chaos within the kingdom. They operate out of the Sacred Citadel of the Templars in Royal Lendle.
is side of
is Factions of
is Ally of
is Affiliation of
is Founder of
is Related of
is Rulers of
is Conflict of
is Affiliates of