  • China
  • China
  • China
  • China
  • China
  • China
  • China
  • China
  • History of location is unknown.
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  • In developing the World University and School, online, MIT OCW High School (Creative Commons' licensed)-centric, free 'International Baccalaureate Diploma and Programme' (highest quality - e.g. P.A. Exeter?) - - WUaS will probably focus on these United Nations' languages only - Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Russian, Spanish ... as a feed-in to The College at WUaS - - (potentially in many of the 3000-8000 languages, but starting with English in 2014) ...
  • Nom: Shanghai Circuit Direcció: JiaDing District China Longitud: 5300 m Curves: 14 Millor Volta: S. Gibernau - 1:59,710 (2005)
  • China currently has 31 urban rapid transit systems.
  • China (中国, Chūgoku) is a main character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. He is part of the Allied Forces. In 2007 and early 2008, Himaruya gave human names to some of the characters and he received the name Wang Yao (王耀, Wanyao or Ouyou, 王耀, Wáng Yào)
  • China is part of the China Region and can be reached by exiting the Fishing Village. __TOC__
  • China (i/ˈtʃaɪnə/; Chinese: 中国; pinyin: Zhōngguó; see also Names of China), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a country in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.3 billion. See also Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan The Wikipedia page is [1] An official website, in English, is [2]
  • Although officially a repressive Communist state, China tends to experiment with free markets and other Capitalist concepts and appreciates others who "mix and match" both economic ideas. With its massive population, China is always seeking new sources of basic food and places for its people to live. The nation is Tropico's sole source of Luxury Goods.
  • China had one of the world's oldest peoples and continuous civilizations, consisting of states and cultures dating back many millennia. Colonist from China founded the colony on the planet Kuan Yin, later known as Potsdam, the capital world of the Anderman Empire, where Chinese culture and language remained influential. (HH6)
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China, is a communist state in East Asia. It is a major combatant in World War III and is an ally of the Soviet Union. It is not a separate faction in the original installment.
  • The People's Republic of China is a large country located in East Asia and it first appeared in the Season Two episode, "Conjoined Fetus Lady".
  • During the events of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, the Panda King, at the time a member of the Fiendish Five, constructed a massive stronghold in the Kunlun Mountains that served as a factory for his explosive fireworks, which he used in his extortion business. Sly Cooper traveled to China to confront the Panda King and put an end to his dastardly schemes, as well as get back the fourth section of the Thievius Raccoonus. Sly was victorious, the Panda King was arrested, and his stronghold was abandoned. The innocent villagers enjoyed some time of peace, while the gang spent some time in Hong Kong, before heading home.
  • China is the setting for Missee Lee; the Three Islands where Miss Lee, Chang and Wu live. Swatow is the treaty port they plan to visit (WD1).
  • > File:Allart_L._Tibet_photo_5.jpg|A parabolic solar cooker in Tibet shown with the proud owner. File:Allart_L._Tibet_photo_4.jpg|Tea water is heated with a butterfly style solar cooker in front of a local shop. File:Allart_L._Tibet_photo_7.jpg|A butterfly style solar cooker at work in an open marketplace in Tibet. File:Allart_L._Nepal_cooker_3.jpg|Allart and his wife use their own solar trekkers backpack cooker for tea preparation while in Tibet. See older news...
  • Die Volksrepublik China (Chinesisch Traditionell:中華人民共和國中國/Chinesisch Vereinfacht: 中华人民共和国中国) ist ein Land in Ostasien. Es ist mit 1,3 Milliarden Einwohner das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Erde. Und das viert größte Land der Welt hinter den Ländern Russland, Kanada, und den USA.Die Hauptstadt ist Peking. Die Chinesen gaben den Japanern das Papier die daraus die Papier Falten Kunst Origami erfunden haben. Aber in Wirklichkeit sind die Länder China und Japan sehr verschieden.
  • In standard scenarios, China appears in Pact of Steel,Big World,Capture the Flag, Six Army Free for All and Pacific scenarios. There is full artwork.
  • China a land in Orient. It is the home of the Chinese, and one of its major exports is Chinese take-out and fortune cookies, and ceramics known as "China".
  • Chinas Economy ranks 2nd in the world. Its production of resources is very high and it has the 2nd biggest economy in the world. Chinas growth doesnt show itself very big but when on the game, China usually at some time if the game runs normal, becomes a bigger economy than the United States.
  • The Internet in the People's Republic of China mainland is censored, but not in the recently returned Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau. Taiwan being a completely different entity is also not blocked.
  • China is a country in Asia, stretching from the central Asian steppes and Himalayas to the Pacific Ocean.
  • While investigating the effects of the Shamonite, Robin mentions that only the nighttime hemisphere of the Earth was effected by the Shamonite, and their were no reports of it in Japan or China. While practicing his table tennis technique with a paddle ball, Marvin tells Wendy he thinks he could beat the "champion of China.
  • Government type: Single-party Socialist State China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directl-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). China also claims Taiwan; which is controlled by the Republic of Taiwan, as its 23rd province, a claim controversial due to the complex political status of Taiwan and the unresolved Chinese Civil War. China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a signatory of the Gate Alliance Treaty.
  • China is an ancient civilization that is located in eastern Asia. Many dinosaur fossils such as Velociraptor was found in this region.
  • China is a country in East Asia. It is the world's most populated country. Beijing is the capital, and Shanghai is the largest city.
  • China was a leading member of the Eastern Coalition during the Third World War and was one of several areas devastated by the so-called "post-atomic horror."
  • China ist ein Land welches sich über den Großteil von Ostasien erstreckt, und eines der größten Länder der Welt. Als kultureller Raum besteht China schon seit über 3500 Jahren.
  • |-| nom propre = étymologie * (étymologie manquante)Catégorie:étymologie manquante * occitanCatégorie:occitan : China * catalanCatégorie:catalan : Xina China invariable [ˈt͡ʃina] 1. * Chine
  • China is a country in Asia.
  • China is a nation in Asia.
  • China is an awesome country!
  • China is an sovereign state located in East Asia.
  • China is country located in East Asia.
  • China, das Reich der Mitte, das Chinesische Reich
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China, is a sovereign state located in East Asia.
  • The country of China has been the site of several adventures for the gang.
  • La civilización china aparece en las siguientes entregas: * China (I) * China (III) * China (IV) * China (V)
  • China is a damn communist country. Many have tried to end China for this crime, but China is to strong and powerful to stop. China also hosts the largest population at 1.3 billion people. 你好,你在读这篇文章吗?
  • There are a few references to the country in the GTA Series. Many gangs or characters from China appear in the games.
  • L'albero di china è un vegetale che si trova a Jaya e in altri luoghi.
  • Aspirin Ship China was a wooden ship constructed mainly with the wood of the Aspirin tree. Aspirin wood was chosen not only for the bitter but crisp smell it exuded when exposed to brine, but also because "Aspirin" is commonly used along the Jersey shoreline as analogous to "Commie Pinko", and in other contexts can also mean "Batman's sick-ass ride". This is just the social dexterity the inhabitants of the Aspirin Ship China needed for their government-sanctioned exploration of the Jersey Shoreline. China's flag was designed by none other than famous 1940's textiles designer, Barack Obama.
  • The Chinese have the power of Culture.
  • China's military was mostly under trained and under equipped but did have a motivated army. Adding to the disorder, the country was in a civil war during the time of the Japanese invasion letting the Japanese quickly mop up most of the army. Many Chinese forces could not reach the target of attack and many struggled to defend their country.
  • China is a country in Asia. The capital is Beijing is home to the Beijing Sanctuary.
  • China is a country in Asia. The capital is Peking and its shares its borders with other Asian countries including Vietnam, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea and Pakistan. The national emblem is the panda and the country's landmarks include the Himalayas, the Yangtze River, the Longsheng Rice Terrace and the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts.
  • Über China, über die Kultur, über die Sprache und Geschichte, Wirtschaft und noch vieles mehr zum Thema „China“.
  • China is one of the locations visited in Tomb Raider II by Lara and plays a big role in the main story of the game. It also houses the location of a mythical artifact called the Dagger of Xian that is hidden inside the Great Wall.
  • A China é uma antiga unidade histórica, cultural e geográfica na parte continental do leste da Ásia, incluindo algumas ilhas que desde 1949 foram divididas entre a República Popular da China (que inclui a China Continental, Hong-Kong e Macau) e a República da China (que inclui Taiwan e algumas ilhas da Província Fujian). A seguinte categoria mostra os personagens de Tekken que são Chineses. * Personagens Chineses
  • The People's Republic of China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). Its capital city is Beijing. Currently, it has one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre Chercher "china" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • China is the origin of a number of systems and items of magical significance, such as Feng shui and the grimoire Baopuzi. There are many tools from China which have no official origin. China is one of the increasing number of countries which have a space program.
  • China was a country located on the Pacific Ocean and South China Sea.
  • The People's Republic of China, is a country in East Asia. With over one-fifth of the world's population, the PRC has the world's largest population. Due to its large and stable population, its rapidly growing economy and military spending and capabilities, the PRC is often considered an emerging superpower.
  • The flag of China is a red flag, with one large star in gold and four smaller stars in the top left-hand corner.
  • China, officially the Republic of China (Mandarin: 中華民國, Zhōnghuá Mínguó), is a Far Eastern country located between Manchuria and Mongolia in the north, Uighuristan in the west, Sechuan and Tibet in the southwest and Canton in the south. Its capital is Nanjing.
  • China es un estao ampostao n'er este d'Asia, er más puel·lao der mundo, con más e 1.300 millones d'habitantes, y'er quarto más grande en quanto a ancharie, tras Rusia, Canadá y'Estaos Uníos. Las zudiás más importantes e China son Pequín, Shanghái y Hong Cong. Categoría:China Categoría:Miembros e l'ONU Categoría:Paises d'Asia
  • China is a country on Earth, occupying land to the west of Japan.
  • China, currently the People's Republic of China, is a nation state in East Asia, and the most populous country in the world. It has also been a popular location for Sesame Street productions, as well as a leading manufacturer and exporter of plush Muppet merchandise. The following is an attempt to trace the people and places of China as depicted within the realm of Sesame Street productions, including the special Big Bird in China, the Chinese co-productions Zhima Jie (1998-2001) and Zhima Jie: Da Niao Kan Shijie (2010-present), a Global Grover segment devoted to the nation, and other inserts and productions.
  • China was a country in Asia before and during the Global War. Lynn Lina, Lynn Max, Lynn Kyle, Lynn Minmei, Minmei's father, and mother were from China and lived there before moving to Yokohama. Minmei's parents set up a restaurant there, called the "Golden Dragon," while the rest of the family eventually moved to Macross City and Macross Island by 2006.
  • The Turtles travel through the People's Republic of China in the TMNT Adventures comics.
  • China is a sovereign state located in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing.
  • While Bruce Lee hasn't been around long enough to enter, let alone compete in a ring, his real life friend Chuck Norris appeared at WWE during survivor series 1994 in the middle of a casket match (Yokozuna vs Undertaker). While there, he was being antagonized by other wrestlers such as King Kong Bundy, Bam Bam Bigelow, & when Jeff Jarrett came walking toward him while the officials weren't looking, Chuck Norris superkicks him, sending double-J running away (quite possibly meaning he learned his lesson.)
  • China is a major country of Superpower: Classic generally reserved for experienced and active players.
  • In or after 1988, the capital city of China was called Peking.
  • China hat 1,3 Milliarden Einwohner.China ist in Ostasien.China ist das Viertegrößte Land der Welt.Der Name China stammt aus dem lateinischen Sina.Peking ist die Haupstadt von China.Ihre bekannteste Attraktion ist die Chinesiche Mauer. In China bezaht man mit Jiao. Die Fläche von china ist 9,571.30qkm. Der erste Kaiser von China heißt Qin Shi Huangdi er lebte von (295 bis 210 Um China zu tippen muss man .cn z.b
  • China is a land on Earth. It is part of the Orient, the far East.
  • Enkele vrouwen uit China werden het slachtoffer van het Redjac wezen in 1932. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold") Biddle Coleridge dacht dat zelfs de Chinezen de Bell Rellen in 2024 op de voet volgden. (DS9: "Past Tense, Deel II") Spock beweerde eens dat de Vulcans een spreekwoord hadden dat als volgt luidde: "Alleen Nixon kon naar China gaan". Dit is een verwijzing naar de voormalige president van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika Richard M. Nixon. Nixon ging in 1972 naar China om de relaties tussen beide landen aan te halen. ("Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country")
  • China is a country in the far east of Asia, located to the south of Russia and Mongolia, to the north of North Korea and to the north-west of Japan. According to a naval officer, Chinese submarines, along with Russian and American ones, "sneak around playing hide and seek" in the North Sea. This influenced his decision to close an anomaly there with a nuclear blast, fearing that if a Chinese or other submarine went missing off the coast of Britain, it would start World War III. (Episode 5.2)
  • China (Officially the "People's Republic of China") was a Pre-War economic and military superpower located in east Asia. A single party, communist dictatorship, China slowly rose to prominence during the 21st century, eventually usurping the Soviet Union's position on the world stage. In 2066, the Chinese invaded the U.S. state of Alaska in an effort to take over the American oil pipeline in Anchorage. This led to full out war with the United States, culminating in the nuclear exchange on October 23, 2077. As the ashes settled, the once powerful nation was reduced to feuding warlords.
  • "China" is the third single from Little Earthquakes and the seventh song on the album itself.
  • A clean, white plate crafted by a Chinese master. It's a nice present for the ladies.
  • It was sometime during the Chimeran invasion of Europe, China was overrun by the Chimera when they apparently first invaded the northeast province city of Harbin. The Chinese had first tried suppressing the invasion by firebombing several important cities and attempted to contact American military support, but were unsuccessful. Eventually the outside world soon lost communication with China afterward. Prior to the events of Operation Overstrike, newspapers in England reported that the city of Nanjing was expected to fall after holding up against the Chimera.
  • "China" is the tenth episode of the seventh season of The Office and the 136th episode overall. The episode was directed by Charles McDougall and was written by Halsted Sullivan & Warren Lieberstein. It first aired on December 2, 2010. It was viewed by 7.31 million people.
  • China es un país ubicado en Asia. Es uno de los pocos países que quedan que sigue adoptando el comunismo después de la final de la Guerra Fría, aunque se entremezclan también con algunos de los procedimientos capitalistas.
  • What do you think? Rauterkus 13:29, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
  • China is an open map, with lots of free spaces between the pine and bamboo forests. The great rivers of China, the Yellow River and the Yangtze, divide the lands, but are passable over the shallows of which there are plenty. The map is very flat as the Plateau of Tibet is not included. The sea is rich with fish, but there is little tactical advantage to building a navy, other than to disrupt enemy fishing operations.
  • The dishware is called "China" because that is where Europeans initially found some of the best quality porcelain dishes. Other terms are crockery or porcelain. Some people collect china in sets or as individual due to their displayal of beauty on shelves and cabinets. Some people collect just certain pieces of china such as commemorative plates or tea sets. Image:Wiki.png This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it!
  • WenShu Temple: Famous for its tea house and vegetarian restaurant Arhat Vegetarian Restaurant: On the eastern side of the "historical" tourism block next to the WenShu temple. 1st floor, entrance through courtyard. (028) 869 21829 Bold text This is a new addition to the popular Shanghai-based Jujube Tree vegetarian restaurant chain which opened in October, 2006. Its address is: * 成都市青羊区青龙街27号2号楼4楼(铂金城内) 4-A Platinum Age City ⅡNo.27 Qinglong Street, Chengdu Tel: (028)86282848
  • The country of China is a recurring stage in the Guilty Gear series. It is Jam Kuradoberi's stage and her birthplace as well along with Dr. Baldhead. It is unknown whether China is merely a location or an existing state as for the 22nd century. Like the Japanese colony, its background shows the continuing practice of Chinese culture. In the GGX stage, it is stated that the restaurant in the background continually serve the meat of the dormant dragon behind it while the beast keeps on regenerating.
  • China is one of the many famous countries in the world, and was one of the locations referenced in the Marvel Cinematics Universe. China also plays a vital role as a playable location in Iron Man 3 - The Official Game, wherein the level is based on the Chinese-like culture of the infamous Mandarin.
  • China is the third largest country in the world and is located in eastern Asia. Its capital is Beijing. Tibet is also located in China.
  • China is a location found in Eastern Asia. It is where Hong Kong is located, where Agent 47 undertakes the ambitious hit on Lee Hong, his first assignment with the International Contract Agency.
  • China, the oldest and most populous nation on Earth by the 20th century (TV: Four to Doomsday), was located on the continent of Asia. Its capital city was Peking, also known as Beijing.
  • China ist flächenmäßig der drittgrößte Land der Welt und liegt in Ost-, Zentral- und teilweise Südostasien. Unbekannt bleibt ob die magische Gemeinde (wenn sie existiert) auch zu China zählt oder nicht. Das Gleiche gilt für das umkämpfte Gebiet der Inselrepublik China, dass in der Muggelwelt selbstständig ist.
  • China is a country in Asia. The Assyrian Church of the East was the first Christian denomination to establish churches in China in 635 AD.
  • China ist eine seltsame Stadt in der Nähe von Heilbronn und der inoffizielle Amtssitz von Uli Hoeneß als Bäckerverbandsvorsitzender. China ist für die komische Bevölkerung und die vielen Feuerwerke mit dem Finger in der Steck- und Konservendose. Der Fluss fließt durch ganz Süd-Australien.
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state located in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country. It is also the country that Chien Na Wei, Mei, the late Zhishan, the late Yao Fei Gulong and the late Shado are from. Since 1997 it has included the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, the island which was, for the preceding 155 years, a British colony. Oliver Queen spent much of his time with A.R.G.U.S. here.
  • China was mentioned by Jack Bristow as being a country with a rapidly growing demand for fuel, along with India (The Index). Later, Arvin Sloane commented that the Chinese have a saying, "One joy scatters a thousand griefs." (The Index).
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is the most populous state in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometers (3.7 million square miles) It is the world's second-largest country by land area, and the third- or fourth-largest in total area, depending on the definition of total area. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (SARs), Hong Kong and Macau.
  • List of settlements (cities, towns, & villages) in China
  • The People's Republic of China (better known as China) (Chinese: 中国 / Zhōngguó) is the 29th Character in Head Soccer. He was added on April 3, 2013 along with Ireland and Greece in Update 1.6. He is a 5-star opponent in Arcade mode. If you have any questions about the character China, please ask them here. __TOC__
  • China (Chinese: 中国 Zhōngguó), officially known as the People's Republic of China (PRC) (Chinese: 中华人民共和国 Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó), is a large country occupying most of East Asia and its Pacific Coast. The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing.
  • China is that one place that all the good cooks come from. It is also big, but only because there is so many people (mainly good cooks). The Chinese like tea, and it takes a large role in everything related to China.
  • The People's Republic of China, or just China, Is a Country located in Asia. With a population of 1.35 Billion, China has been the world most populous Country for centuries, and in 1910, consisted of 1 quarter of the total world population. Since it's founding in 2080 BC with the Xia Dynasty (Or, 1600 BC, with the Shang Dynasty according to skeptics of the Xia) China has many Dynasties, wars, conquests and rebellions under it's belt. Since 1949, China has been a Communist state, after a civil war that raged in the wake of World War 2 and brought the end to the preceding Republic of China (Now Taiwan), which had been weakened by The Empire of Japan's conquest of the Eastern Coast of China during the war.
  • China is a vast nation and the primary setting of the Kung Fu Panda series. Like its real world counterpart, it is located in southeast Asia.
  • China is the first part of the final episode from Season 10 of Barney & Friends.
  • 中国は地球の東アジアでは非常に大きな国である。首都は北京である。 中国は世界最古の文明の一つであった。四大文明の一つとされており、紙、コンパスなどの開発を行ってきた。 2004年にDana Awbreyが逃走を企てた時、AIが欲望のために殺すことを表明した。
  • This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about China(中国大陆), with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-
  • Prehistoric China (65,000 BCE- 2000 BCE) File:Engineering an Empire China Xia Dynasty (2000 BCE- 1600 BCE) Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE- 1050 BCE) Zhou Dynasty (1050 BCE- 220 BCE) Qin Dynasty (220 BCE- 200 BCE) Han Dynasty (200 BCE- CE 220) Chinese Dark Ages (220-581) Sui Dynasty (581- 618) Tang Dynasty (618- 907) Song Dynasty (960- 1275) Yuan Dynasty (1275- 1368) Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) Qing Dynasty (1644- 1912) Republican Era (1912- 1950) Communist Era (1950- present)
  • Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the logo became synonymous with almost all bicycles in the country. The Flying Pigeon became the single most popular mechanized vehicle on the planet, becoming so ubiquitous that Deng Xiaoping — the post-Mao leader who launched China's economic reforms in the 1970s — defined prosperity as "a Flying Pigeon in every household".
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the wiki covering this topic or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link below will redirect you to the China Wikipedia article. Take me to the Wikipedia [ China] article. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages can be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a China link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article.
  • China 中国/中华 is officially the People's Republic of China or the PRC. Until 2050, China will be the most populous country on Earth, with over 1.339 billion people. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres or 3.7 million square miles).
  • China, (in der Landessprache: 中国, Zhōng Guó, Reich der Mitte) wird oft fälschlicherweise von ungebildeten Idioten das Land der aufgehenden Sonne genannt, was ziemlicher Schwachsinn ist wenn man bedenkt, dass in weiten Teilen des Landes die Bevölkerung aufgrund des starken Smogs noch nie die Sonne gesehen hat. China ist inzwischen die Werkbank der Welt. Noch. Bald ist es einfach nur die Bank der Welt. Denn auch mit räudig kopiertem Billigimitatscheiß lassen sich ganze Ärsche voll Geld verdienen.
  • For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. After World War II, the Communists under MAO Zedong established an autocratic socialist system that, while ensuring China's sovereignty, imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. After 1978, MAO's successor DENG Xiaoping and other leaders focused on market-oriented economic development and by 2000 output had quadrupled. For much of the population, living standards have improved dramatically and the room for personal choice has expanded, yet political controls remain tight. China since the early
  • China () is a cultural region, ancient civilization, and nation in East Asia. It is one of the world's oldest civilizations, consisting of states and cultures dating back more than six millennia. The stalemate of the last Chinese Civil War has resulted in two political entities using the name China: the People's Republic of China (PRC), administering mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau; and the Republic of China (ROC), administering Taiwan and its surrounding islands. See Political status of Taiwan.
  • China Tours 2014 China is a country of great diversity with stunning scenery and diverse ethnic cultures, one of the world's longest histories, and ultra-modern cities. Access China Travel a trustworthy local China travel service & tour operator, specialize in operating guided China tour packages and tailor-made tours for individuals, families and small groups cross China. Tours of China Classic China tour itineraries & packages are available for visitors' various needs such as family, honeymoon, study, culture, history, golf, hiking and more travel interests.
  • China, often referred to the country of Japanese people, is a friggin big ass country located east of the pacific ocean and west of the atlantic ocean (if you consider that the world is round you can never be wrong). It has a population of about seventy billion people, all Japanese, Vietnamese, or Korean. Chinese people were wiped off the face of the earth in 2009 via diseases such as Swine flu and duck flu. Or whatever.... The oldest man who ever lived was Shikralealblkaj Johnson who lived to be 37 years old. Now that's really old for Chinese standards.
  • Die Volksrepublik China (chin. 中華人民共和國/ 中华人民共和国, Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó), meist China, im 20. Jahrhundert in ideologischer Abgrenzung zur Republik China auch „Rotchina“ genannt, ist mit 1,3 Milliarden Einwohnern das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Erde, der flächengrößte Staat in Ostasien und nach der Landfläche gerechnet nach Russland, Kanada und den USA der viertgrößte der Erde.
  • China (simplified Chinese: 中国; traditional Chinese: 中國; pinyin: Zhōngguó), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state located in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Chinese Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). The PRC also claims the territories governed by the Republic of China (ROC), a separate political entity commonly known as Taiwan, as a part of its territory, which includes the islan
  • The People's Republic of China (PRC) first competed at the Olympic Games in 1952, at the Summer Games in Helsinki, although they only arrived in time to participate in one event. That year, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) allowed both the PRC and the Republic of China (which recently relocated to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War) to compete, although the latter withdrew in protest. Due to the dispute over the political status of China, the PRC did not participate in the Olympics again until the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. Their first appearance at the Summer Olympic Games after 1952 was the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
  • During World War II, the Imperial Japanese Army were attempting to train zombies on combat in Unit 731 in Harbin, their biological warfare division. Code-named as "Operation: Cherry Blossom", the ultimate motive was to assure the empire's decisive victory in the Pacific War. These zombies were to be deployed to several areas in China and American island bases in the Pacific. Not fully understanding the concept of the zombie, the experiment failed, with the zombies "turning" on their masters. The other zombies were destroyed in AA fire while the surviving zombies were killed by snipers from communist guerrillas.
  • It seems that China is still incorporated as a country in the 2219 of Dreamfall. The China of 2219 is evidently of major importance internationally, as the world's currency seems to have changed from the pre-Collapse dollar to the Chinese Yuan. China has a famous model, Vivian Zhu.
  • China is a nation in eastern Asia. It has a population of over 1,300,000,000. The roots of Chinese ice hockey date back to 1915 when a few games took place in Sen Jan (Mugden). The country's first tournament took place as a part of the First Winter Spartakiade Games in 1935. [2][3]The Ice Hockey Association of China was founded in 1951. Two years later, the first national championship was held. The national championship is still competed for, and 3 Chinese teams take part in the Asia League. [4][5]
  • During the 13th century, the Chinese created specialized arrows that explode when hitting the target, marking the earliest use of rocket missile technology. By the 20th century, China, then known as the Republic of China, was the one of three countries, alongside the United States and Soviet Union, to be part of an influential group called the Philosophers. Together the three countries established a massive cache of funds, enough to fuel many World Wars called the Philosophers' Legacy.
  • In season 4, Pyrion Flax played as China, and was the first player to have the lead over Lewis as of 8. Pyrion started out in the game as a slow player, but quickly rose to the top of the scoreboard after declaring war on Lewis' feeble civilization of Morocco. Before this, he had declared a laughably one-sided war on Sjin, eventually earning himself the Shoshone city of Wobbafet via a trading mistake by Sjin, as he couldn't manage to take it by force.
  • China (中国, Zhōngguó) is considered one of the oldest human civilizations to have been created. It is the home to at least five different divisions of Koei's subsidiary companies. Koei has created several company IPs based on the following time periods of Chinese history. * Chu–Han Contention - 206 BC-203 BC * Later Han Dynasty - Three Kingdoms - particularly the years 184-280 * Song Dynasty - Yuan Dynasty - particularly the years 1155-1271 * World War II They have also made video game and novel adaptations of the following Chinese literary works:
  • China is one of the largest countries located on the continent of Asia. It is one of the oldest continuing civilizations on the planet. The first imperial dynastic movements began in roughly 2100 BC with the Xia Dynasty. The period of Empire ended in 1911 with the establishment of the Republic of China. However, civil war as well as war against the invading Japanese led to the fall of the Republic and the rise of the communist People's Republic of China in 1949.
  • The People's Republic of China is recovering from a brutal war, in which the cities of Beijing, Harbin and Shanghai were totally destroyed, and has attained the status of a world power. At some point in the late 2020s Mainland China and Taiwan peacefully merged, and the unified Chinese state is now a multi-party democracy with a higher degree of political and personal freedom than before.
  • Men's Events (37 Total Medals - 18 Golds, 12 Silvers, 6 Bronze) Team (6 Total Medals - 3 Golds, 3 Silvers, 0 Bronze) * 1984 - Silver * 1992 - Silver * 1996 - Silver * 2000 - Gold * 2008 - Gold * 2012 - Gold Individual All-Around (4 Total Medals - 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze) * 1984 Li Ning - Bronze * 1996 Li Xiaoshuang - Gold * 2000 Yang Wei - Silver * [[2008 Olympic Games}1984]] Yang Wei - Gold Floor Exercise (7 Total Medals - 3 Golds, 2 Silvers, 1 Bronze) Pommel Horse (3 Total Medals - 3 Golds, 0 Silvers, 0 Bronze) * 1984 Bronze * 2008 Gold
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's China article. Take me to the China article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a China link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article.
  • The People's Republic of China is a Country with a rich History, that, in recent years, has been taken over by a Totalitarian dictatorship that forces the people to work in sweatshops as slaves. The Chinese dictators are officially Communists but their dictatorship has a lot in common with Fascism. American Neocons are also spreading the evil propaganda that China will overtake the USA and the dictatorship that is in power in China will take over the world in a event known as the New World Order. In fact China's economy is growing extremely fast. This growth will probably continue as it is easier to get people to work hard to escape poverty than it is to get, Rich people and Middle class people in Developed countries to work harder to get yet more things they don't need.
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), was a country in Asia before the Great War. China was the primary rival of the United States during the twenty-first century, with the U.S. having developed relatively warm diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union during the twentieth century in the Fallout universe. It was a military and economic superpower, able to fully compete with the U.S., and was consistently portrayed as an equal to America. For instance, China attempted to be the first to drill out the last sources of petroleum in the world. It is implied that Americans sabotaged this attempt and, that without such sabotage, the Chinese would have been successful. In addition, China developed the unique 'Hei Gui' stealth armor that the United States military reverse-enginee
  • China is a country located in the eastern hemisphere and is part of the continent of Asia. It is well known for its largest population and one of the earliest civilizations in the world. It is also known as "The land of the dragons" in Grandpa Smurf's word. The Smurfs also appears in Shanghai, China in the 2010 world expo which they are the Belgium's Official Ambassador in the event.
  • thumb|China vom Weltraum aus gesehen. China ist ein Nationalstaat auf der Erde. China wird traditionell von einem Kaiser regiert. (TOS: ) Im 13. Jahrhundert herrscht in China die Sung-Dynastie. (TNG: ) In Europa ist China zu dieser Zeit nur als Mythos bekannt, bis Marco Polo es bereist und von seinen Reisen nach China in Europa berichtet. (TNG: ) 1932 fallen in China sieben Frauen dem Serienmörder Redjac zum Opfer. (TOS: )
  • China is the name of a country in East Asia which two states currently claim to be. * The People's Republic of China, which most countries recognize * The Republic of China, which previously controlled most of mainland China and now only controls Taiwan. Alternate versions of China exist in:
  • The 'People's Republic of China (Simplified Chinese: 中华人民共和国, Traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國) (PRC), it is the world's most-populous country, with a population of over 1.3 billion. Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, the East Asian state is the world's second-largest country by land area, and the third- or fourth-largest in total area, depending on the definition of total area.The People's Republic of China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau).
  • China is a large country in Asia, with the highest population on the planet. It is one of the oldest continuous civilizations on the planet, having in its history given a number of important inventions and technological advancements to humanity, as well as influential cultural practices and institutions.
  • The People's Republic of China is the second-largest country in the world by land area after Russia and is either the fourth-largest by total area, after Russia, Canada and the United States. China's total area is generally stated as being approximately 9,600,000 km2 (3,700,000 sq mi).
  • China is seen variously as an ancient civilization extending over a large area in East Asia, a nation and/or a multinational entity. In 1949, when major combat ended in the Chinese Civil War, two political entities emerged having the term "China" in their names:
  • China was a nation-state that existed on Earth before the formation of the United Earth government in the mid-22nd century. In the 4th century BC, Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War. (TNG episode: "The Last Outpost"; ENT episode: "Divergence") In 1839, China and Great Britain declared war on each other in what became known as the Opium War. (ST novel: Federation) In 1930, James T. Kirk fails miserably at convincing a New York City police officer and passersby that Mr. Spock is from this country. (TOS episode: "The City on the Edge of Forever")
  • With more than four millennia of history behind her, modern China began to emerge with the Revolution of 1949. By the end of the 20th Century, China was poised to take its place as one of the greatest powers the world had ever known. The transition to a Cyber-based military began in the mid 21st Century. In addition to having the world’s largest standing army in terms of human combatants, the availability and continued improvement of Cyber forces kept China’s military among the most-modern in the world. As a result, China was well prepared to deal with any threat that came its way.
  • The People's Republic of China is a communist regime in Asia, it is the third largest country in the world, behind Russia and Canada. China does however have the largest population in the world. This was the reason the Chinese government issued a One Child Policy, which restricted Chinese couples to have only child to reduce overpopulation, though recently the government has made exceptions to certain couples. Most produce in America has "Made in China" inscribed on it.
  • China has dark hair tied back into a ponytail and is often shown wearing a green Chinese military uniform with a red armband with a white star on it. The shade of green varies; however it's generally deep green, though it was once colored tan. In other instances, he wears a green mandarin jacket with yellow pants, or a red one with white pants (as shown in the Hetalia trading card game). Seeing him "will make you say he's an old man or a hermit or something" though he looks young.
  • China (Chinese: 中国/中华; pinyin: Zhōngguó/Zhōnghuá), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is the most populous state in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres (3.7 million square miles). It is the world's second-largest country by land area, and the third- or fourth-largest in total area, depending on the definition of total area.
  • WE JUST LOVE THIS CHINA. Talks with a stereotypical Chinese accent with fail English that makes him ten times more hilarious. Spanks his concubines and younger siblings. Had a hot thread with Japan with spanking, so he is one of the reasons the meme has a spanking fetish. Also has many, many concubines that adore him even if they like to act out in order to fish for spankings sometimes... but amazingly, is a virgin. Likes "tea" (read: opium). Determined to marry his younger sisters AND his female version, which elicits rather... special reactions from them.
  • China may be opening up to the world economically, however, there is still widespread persecution of religious groups that the government does not trust. The communist governmemt of Mainland China allows a limited degree of religious freedom for members of the five state-sanctioned religious organizations, the Chinese Patriotic Buddhist Association, the Chinese Patriotic Taoist Association, the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, the Chinese Patriotic Protestant Association and the Chinese Patriotic Muslim Association. However, freedom of religion is not extended members of "underground" religious groups, such as those who worship in Catholic house churches.
  • China was originally made when some guys wanted a bunch of land. They went to East Asia, and grabbed a big chunk of land next to the ocean. They forced people to come to this land, and it got bigger. They accidentally forced too many people to come, so it has too many people. A bunch of guys in China got mad. They got so mad, they built a really really really gigantic wall to be really big. It protected them from attacks, and then they invented guns, so they got really powerful. They were in China.
area sq mi
  • 3705407
  • 4
  • 7
  • 10
  • 14
established event
  • Rising in the East
Row 9 info
  • 79
  • President Yang Shangkun
Row 8 info
  • 140
  • Hitman: Codename 47 Hitman: Contracts
Row 4 info
  • 1338612968
  • 298.0
Anomaly Count
  • None
  • President
Row 10 title
Row 7 title
  • Producer
  • Unemployment
TV Series
  • Daredevil
  • Iron Fist
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Jessica Jones
  • 中国
  • FO1, FO2, FO3, FO4, FNV, FOT, VB, FOX
  • Diccionario de cerámica Inglés/Español: Índice adicional
Row 1 info
  • コナツリー
Row 8 title
  • 150
Row 4 title
  • Population
  • Length
  • 500
Row 9 title
  • Pianta
  • Jaya; vari
Row 2 info
  • 1992
  • Afghanistan 76 km, Bhutan 470 km, Burma 2,185 km, India 3,380 km, Kazakhstan 1,533 km, North Korea 1,416 km, Kyrgyzstan 858 km, Laos 423 km, Mongolia 4,677 km, Nepal 1,236 km, Pakistan 523 km, Russia 3,605 km, Russia 40 km, Tajikistan 414 km, Vietnam 1,281 km
Row 6 info
  • Tori Amos
  • 2.318536872E9
Row 1 title
  • Album
  • Capital
Row 5 info
  • Kona Tsurī
Row 2 title
  • Borders
  • Released
Row 6 title
  • Writer
  • Life expectancy
  • yes
  • Win using 5 counter-attacks in a single match against 30 characters in arcade mode or pay 2,800,000 points.
Row 10 info
  • 3
  • China
Row 5 title
  • Label
  • Population growth
Row 3 info
  • Alternative rock
  • Communist state
Row 3 title
  • Genre
  • Government type
  • 1000
  • Sipanz
Row 7 info
  • 4.3
  • Ian Stanley
  • 2
  • China
  • 127.0
  • 29
  • 9.0
  • 20.0
  • Beijing
  • China
  • 39
Box Title
  • Country summary
  • "China"
population census
  • 1339724852
  • 中华人民共和国
  • Episode 5.2
  • FO3OA
  • 2010-12-02
conventional long name
  • People's Republic of China
symbol type
  • National Emblem
  • East Asia
  • Brown
Full Name
  • People's Republic of China
  • 221
  • 1912-01-01
  • 1949-10-01
  • 1982-12-04
  • 1992-11-03
  • c. 2070 bc
  • 2008-10-06
  • 1949
  • Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission Deng Xiaoping
  • National People's Congress
map caption
  • Area controlled by the People's Republic of China shown in green and disputed in light green.
  • 4000
  • China
population census rank
  • 1.0
  • Inaktiv
  • Active
  • FlagChina.png
  • PRCL.png
  • 5
leader name
  • Xina
First Appearance
  • "Arthur's Mystery Envelope"
  • 55
  • 23
  • Suntzu49
  • Mei Lin Barnes
  • A Chinese woman
  • Tigers, Crows, Spiders, T-Rexes, Giant Spiders, Eagles, Yellow Catfish
  • *Dzou Yen *Quong Po *Phoenixes *Chinese Fireball Dragons *Chinese Chomping Cabbage
  • Iron Man 3 - The Official Game
  • X-Men: The Official Game
  • Harbin
  • China
  • Black , Dark Brown
  • China
  • People's Republic of China
  • Miscellaneous
  • Country
  • Single Party Communist State
  • Single-party socialist state
HDI change
  • increase
  • Milky Way
  • Standard Chinese , Yue , Wu , Minbei , Minnan , Xiang, Gan, Hakka dialects, minority languages
  • 2006-10-13
  • 2010-10-14
  • 2013
  • China
  • The item's info window.
  • Single by Tori Amos from the album Little Earthquakes
  • Flag of China, the four small stars represent Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. While the large star represents the Communist Party .
image symbol
  • National Emblem of the People's Republic of China.png
  • Atomic Robo #2
  • Rising in the East
  • File:Character29.png
  • National Day
established date
  • 221
  • 1912-01-01
  • 1949-10-01
  • c. 2070 BCE
  • : Scooby's Chinese Fortune Kooky Caper
  • E
  • Standard Chinese Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Zhuang, Ching Chong, Ping Pong, various others
National teams
  • Junior
  • Men's
  • Women's
Special Power Shot
  • Monkey Shot and Buddha Shot
  • Right
Character Number
  • 29
IIHF since
  • 1963-07-25
  • Communism
  • Wang You, Wang Yue
Unlock Requirements
  • Win against 30 Characters in Arcade with 5 Counter Attacks or pay 2,800,000 points
special power
  • Monkey Shot
  • Yào Wáng
Top league
Registered players
  • 613
IIHF ranking
  • 39
  • Volume 1
National federation
  • 53
locations within
  • The Great Wall, Temple of Xian
  • Porcelana
  • Socialist single-party state
  • Socialist Single Party State
  • Chinese
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • People's Liberation Army
Ethnic Groups
  • Han Chinese 91.9%, Zhuang, Uygur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu, Mongol, Buyi, Korean, and other nationalities 8.1%
  • Iron Man 3 Prelude
  • Doctor Strange Prelude
national anthem
  • 200
GDP PPP per capita rank
  • 87
  • 30
  • 250
  • 280
  • 300
  • 40
  • 95
GDP nominal per capita rank
  • 75
population estimate
  • 1350695000
  • 1376049000
official languages
  • Chinese
  • Standard Chinese
national motto
  • March On!
  • Earth
  • 1.300000
  • 485508838
  • 1339724852
  • 1347350000
  • 1350695000
  • Chinese
  • Alot
  • 169.0
  • China
  • Information
  • Articles Related to China
  • Capital:
  • Head of State
  • Religion:
  • Head of Government
  • Political party:
  • China.png
  • Country
  • right
  • N/A
  • 1949-10-01
  • 1949-10-01
  • --10-01
Image size
  • 120
  • ja
population estimate rank
  • 1.0
GDP nominal year
  • 2015
currency code
  • CNY
image map
  • location-grand china.png
  • China_blank.png
  • Chinamap.jpg
  • Map of china 2.png
  • 5
  • --10-01
  • Mandarin
  • N
  • 7010
government type
sovereignty type
population census year
  • 2010
national language
  • Mandarin
  • Dagger of Xian
  • collapsed
  • 3704427
  • 3705407
native name
  • 中华人民共和国
  • Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
  • Chinese
  • Chink
formation date
  • 1949-10-01
Calling Code
GDP nominal
  • 1.1212E13
drives on
  • right
GDP PPP year
  • 2015
  • 10
  • Halsted Sullivan & Warren Lieberstein
  • 3000000000
  • 0.719000
image coat
  • National Emblem of the People's Republic of China.svg
  • 116
  • Doctor Strange
  • Iron Man 3
  • Iron Man 2
  • X-Men: Days of Future Past
  • Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
  • Arrow
map width
  • 220
GDP nominal rank
  • 2
  • 1.8976E13
Area rank
  • 3
Leader title
  • Zeng Liansong
Largest City
population density km
  • 145
percent water
  • 2.8
Population Density rank
  • 83.0
  • 280
GDP PPP rank
  • 1.0
Time Zone
Image desc
  • People's Republic of China
  • "America, We comin' for YOOOUUU, nigga."
  • Unitary socialist one-party state
  • Male
GDP nominal per capita
  • 8154.0
population density sq mi
  • 373
  • None
  • Gift Merchants, Peco Peco Egg
image flag
  • Flag of China.png
  • Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
  • Peoples_Republic_of_China.png
  • PRCflag.png
  • all
Area km
  • 9596961
  • 40
  • 100
  • 250
  • Oui
  • Chinese government
Founded By
  • Mao Zedong
HDI year
  • 2013
HDI rank
  • 91.0
  • 1000000000
  • billion
GDP PPP per capita
  • 13801.0
population estimate year
  • 2015
  • State Council
UTC offset
  • +8
Common name
  • China
  • the People's Republic of China
wikipage disambiguates
  • Premier Li Peng
  • ChinaWiki
  • de.china
nation name
  • China
  • People's Republic of China
  • Chapter 2: Allied Forces
  • Supreme People's Court
  • Beijing
OTL status
  • Active
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • __TOC__
  • Escribe la primera sección de tu artículo aquí.
  • In developing the World University and School, online, MIT OCW High School (Creative Commons' licensed)-centric, free 'International Baccalaureate Diploma and Programme' (highest quality - e.g. P.A. Exeter?) - - WUaS will probably focus on these United Nations' languages only - Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Russian, Spanish ... as a feed-in to The College at WUaS - - (potentially in many of the 3000-8000 languages, but starting with English in 2014) ...
  • Nom: Shanghai Circuit Direcció: JiaDing District China Longitud: 5300 m Curves: 14 Millor Volta: S. Gibernau - 1:59,710 (2005)
  • China currently has 31 urban rapid transit systems.
  • China (中国, Chūgoku) is a main character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. He is part of the Allied Forces. In 2007 and early 2008, Himaruya gave human names to some of the characters and he received the name Wang Yao (王耀, Wanyao or Ouyou, 王耀, Wáng Yào)
  • China (Chinese: 中国/中华; pinyin: Zhōngguó/Zhōnghuá), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is the most populous state in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres (3.7 million square miles). It is the world's second-largest country by land area, and the third- or fourth-largest in total area, depending on the definition of total area. The People's Republic of China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China (CPC). The PRC exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (SARs), Hong Kong and Macau. Its capital city is Beijing. The PRC also claims the island of Taiwan, controlled by the government of the Republic of China (ROC), as its 23rd province, a claim controversial due to the complex political status of Taiwan and the unresolved Chinese Civil War. China’s landscape is vast and diverse, with forest steppes and the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts occupying the arid north and northwest near Mongolia and Central Asia, and subtropical forests being prevalent in the wetter south near Southeast Asia. The terrain of western China is rugged and elevated, with the towering Himalaya, Karakorum, Pamir and Tian Shan mountain separating China from South and Central Asia. The world’s apex, Mt. Everest (8,848 m), and second-highest point, K2 (8,611 m), lie on China's borders, respectively, with Nepal and Pakistan. The country’s lowest and the world’s third-lowest point, Lake Ayding (-154 m), is located in the Turpan Depression. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the third- and sixth-longest in the world, have their sources in the Tibetan Plateau and continue to the densely populated eastern seaboard. China’s coastline along the Pacific Ocean is 14,500 kilometres (9,000 mi) long (the 11th-longest in the world), and is bounded by the Bohai, Yellow, East and South China Seas. The ancient Chinese civilization—one of the world's earliest—flourished in the fertile basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain. China's political system was based on hereditary monarchies, known as dynasties, beginning with the semi-mythological Xia of the Yellow River basin (approx. 2000 BC) and ending with the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1912. Since 221 BC, when the Qin Dynasty first conquered several states to form a Chinese empire, the country has fractured and been reformed numerous times. The Republic of China (ROC), founded in 1912 after the overthrow of the Qing, ruled the Chinese mainland until 1949. In the 1946–1949 phase of the Chinese Civil War, the Chinese Communists defeated the Chinese Nationalists (Kuomintang) on the mainland and established the People's Republic of China in Beijing on 1 October 1949. The Kuomintang relocated the ROC government to Taiwan with its capital in Taipei. The ROC's jurisdiction is now limited to Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu and several outlying islands. Since then, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (subsequently became known as "Taiwan") have remained in dispute over the sovereignty of China and the political status of Taiwan, mutually claiming each other's territory and competing for international diplomatic recognition. In 1971, the PRC gained admission to United Nations and took the Chinese seat as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council. The PRC is also a member of numerous formal and informal multilateral organizations, including the WTO, APEC, BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the G-20. As of September 2011, all but 23 countries have recognized the PRC as the sole legitimate government of China. Since the introduction of market-based economic reforms in 1978, China has become the world's fastest-growing major economy, and the world's largest exporter and second-largest importer of goods. It is the world's second-largest economy, after the United States, by both nominal GDP and purchasing power parity (PPP). On per capita terms, however, China ranked only 90th by nominal GDP and 91st by GDP (PPP) in 2011, according to the IMF. China is a recognized nuclear weapons state and has the world's largest standing army, with the second-largest defense budget. In 2003, China became the third nation in the world, after the Soviet Union and the United States, to independently launch a successful manned space mission. China has been characterized as a potential superpower by a number of academics, military analysts, and public policy and economics analysts.
  • China is part of the China Region and can be reached by exiting the Fishing Village. __TOC__
  • The People's Republic of China is a communist regime in Asia, it is the third largest country in the world, behind Russia and Canada. China does however have the largest population in the world. This was the reason the Chinese government issued a One Child Policy, which restricted Chinese couples to have only child to reduce overpopulation, though recently the government has made exceptions to certain couples. Most produce in America has "Made in China" inscribed on it. During the 1930s and 40s, the Republic of China suffered a brutal and long invasion by the Empire of Japan. The Imperial Japanese Army not only invaded and occupied parts of China but bombed and slaughtered and raped many Chinese cities, most notably Nanking. The Chinese military was ill-equipped to repel the technologically advanced Japanese military. The at the time neutral United States allowed some Americans to join the Chinese Air Force as volunteers. Flying P-40 Warhawk fighters, the American Volunteer Group became known to the Chinese as the "Flying Tigers", due to the shark-mouth paint on the noses of the fighters. The AVG gained a fearsome reputation as deadly tough fighters against the lightly armored Japanese fighters. After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the United States entered the war. With America's open and direct support of China and other anti-Japanese countries, the Japanese were repelled from the Chinese mainland. After World War II, communists overthrew the republic and installed a communist dictatorship. Since then, the country has become the one of the world's largest non-Western superpowers. The military force of China is the People's Liberation Army. In 2002, a former officer of the PLA became a suspect in the shooting of Chinese immigrant Susan Littleton. (CI: "Chinoiserie") The downside of China's emergence into the modern world has been a long string of accusations of human rights abuses, particularly in Tibet, which the Chinese Communist Party took over in 1950. Because the Tibetan resistance was led by the country's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, the CCP took to torturing Buddhist monks and nuns. In 2003, the Special Victims Unit in Manhattan investigated the murder of one of the survivors of the torture, who'd fled to the United States of America. (SVU: "Tortured")
  • China (i/ˈtʃaɪnə/; Chinese: 中国; pinyin: Zhōngguó; see also Names of China), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a country in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.3 billion. See also Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan The Wikipedia page is [1] An official website, in English, is [2]
  • China, often referred to the country of Japanese people, is a friggin big ass country located east of the pacific ocean and west of the atlantic ocean (if you consider that the world is round you can never be wrong). It has a population of about seventy billion people, all Japanese, Vietnamese, or Korean. Chinese people were wiped off the face of the earth in 2009 via diseases such as Swine flu and duck flu. Or whatever.... Also, the people there die very young due to all the diseases so you stop being a minor when you're about ten and you have to have sex and be married by the time you're twelve or thirteen or you will be killed with a knife. The oldest man who ever lived was Shikralealblkaj Johnson who lived to be 37 years old. Now that's really old for Chinese standards.
  • The People's Republic of China (PRC) first competed at the Olympic Games in 1952, at the Summer Games in Helsinki, although they only arrived in time to participate in one event. That year, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) allowed both the PRC and the Republic of China (which recently relocated to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War) to compete, although the latter withdrew in protest. Due to the dispute over the political status of China, the PRC did not participate in the Olympics again until the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. Their first appearance at the Summer Olympic Games after 1952 was the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. The People's Republic of China hosted the Games on one occasion: the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. The Chinese Olympic Committee in its current form was recognized in 1979. Before the Chinese Civil War, athletes competed as the Republic of China (ROC) at the Olympics. The ROC continued to compete from 1952 to 1976 (Winter), but only representing athletes from the island of Taiwan (although the football team members of ROC in the 1960 Olympic Games were overwhelmingly Hong Kongers). The dispute over use of the name China resulted in the PRC boycotting the Games completely during these years. In 1979, the International Olympic Committee passed a resolution for the ROC team to be designated Chinese Taipei, and this opened the door for the PRC to finally join the Olympic movement. Hong Kong has had a distinct National Olympic Committee since 1950 and has competed at the Games since 1952. After the territory was returned to the PRC and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was created in 1997, this arrangement has continued, with Hong Kong competing independently from the rest of the nation under the name Hong Kong, China.
  • China may be opening up to the world economically, however, there is still widespread persecution of religious groups that the government does not trust. The communist governmemt of Mainland China allows a limited degree of religious freedom for members of the five state-sanctioned religious organizations, the Chinese Patriotic Buddhist Association, the Chinese Patriotic Taoist Association, the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, the Chinese Patriotic Protestant Association and the Chinese Patriotic Muslim Association. However, freedom of religion is not extended members of "underground" religious groups, such as those who worship in Catholic house churches. The Chinese governmemt does not gather statistics on religious adherence. However, unofficial surveys indicate that Chinese folk religion, Buddhism and Taoism are the most popular faiths. According to unofficial surveys, there are approximately 600 million Buddhists in China and approximately 400 million Taoists. However, the terms "Buddhist" and "Taoist" are not mutually exclusive in China. Many Chinese people follow a mixture of Chinese folk religion, Buddhism and Taoism. Furthermore, there are some adherents of Buddhism and Taoism in China who consider them to be philosophies, rather than religions. Christianity was introduced to China by Nestorian Christians in the 7th century CE. Jesuit missonaries from Europe arrived in China in the 13th century. Protestant missionaries made significant inroads into China in the 19th century. Islam arrived in China in 661 CE, eighteen years after the death of Muhammad. Unofficial surveys on religious adherence indicate that there are currently between 20 and 30 million Muslims in China, accounting for 1.5% to 2% of the population.
  • Although officially a repressive Communist state, China tends to experiment with free markets and other Capitalist concepts and appreciates others who "mix and match" both economic ideas. With its massive population, China is always seeking new sources of basic food and places for its people to live. The nation is Tropico's sole source of Luxury Goods.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the wiki covering this topic or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link below will redirect you to the China Wikipedia article. Take me to the Wikipedia [ China] article. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages can be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a China link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • China had one of the world's oldest peoples and continuous civilizations, consisting of states and cultures dating back many millennia. Colonist from China founded the colony on the planet Kuan Yin, later known as Potsdam, the capital world of the Anderman Empire, where Chinese culture and language remained influential. (HH6)
  • China (中国, Zhōngguó) is considered one of the oldest human civilizations to have been created. It is the home to at least five different divisions of Koei's subsidiary companies. Koei has created several company IPs based on the following time periods of Chinese history. * Chu–Han Contention - 206 BC-203 BC * Later Han Dynasty - Three Kingdoms - particularly the years 184-280 * Song Dynasty - Yuan Dynasty - particularly the years 1155-1271 * World War II They have also made video game and novel adaptations of the following Chinese literary works: * Romance of the Three Kingdoms * Water Margin * Journey to the West * Fengshen Yanyi
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China, is a communist state in East Asia. It is a major combatant in World War III and is an ally of the Soviet Union. It is not a separate faction in the original installment.
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), was a country in Asia before the Great War. China was the primary rival of the United States during the twenty-first century, with the U.S. having developed relatively warm diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union during the twentieth century in the Fallout universe. It was a military and economic superpower, able to fully compete with the U.S., and was consistently portrayed as an equal to America. For instance, China attempted to be the first to drill out the last sources of petroleum in the world. It is implied that Americans sabotaged this attempt and, that without such sabotage, the Chinese would have been successful. In addition, China developed the unique 'Hei Gui' stealth armor that the United States military reverse-engineered with the deployment of its unstable, wrist-mounted Stealth Boys.
  • The People's Republic of China is a large country located in East Asia and it first appeared in the Season Two episode, "Conjoined Fetus Lady".
  • During the events of Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, the Panda King, at the time a member of the Fiendish Five, constructed a massive stronghold in the Kunlun Mountains that served as a factory for his explosive fireworks, which he used in his extortion business. Sly Cooper traveled to China to confront the Panda King and put an end to his dastardly schemes, as well as get back the fourth section of the Thievius Raccoonus. Sly was victorious, the Panda King was arrested, and his stronghold was abandoned. The innocent villagers enjoyed some time of peace, while the gang spent some time in Hong Kong, before heading home.
  • China is the setting for Missee Lee; the Three Islands where Miss Lee, Chang and Wu live. Swatow is the treaty port they plan to visit (WD1).
  • China is a large country in Asia, with the highest population on the planet. It is one of the oldest continuous civilizations on the planet, having in its history given a number of important inventions and technological advancements to humanity, as well as influential cultural practices and institutions. Since 1949, the government in control of the Chinese mainland has been the People's Republic of China (PRC). The head of state of the PRC is the President and the head of government is the Premier of the State Council. Both officials serve five-year terms. Officially, the President is chosen by the National People's Congress (the world's largest legislative chamber, with nearly three thousand seats), and the Premier is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Congress. In practice, both offices are invariably awarded to candidates chosen informally by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. The PRC is essentially a one-party state, though a minority of seats in Congress are set aside for approved smaller parties provided those parties go into coalition with the Communists and both accept and support Communist leadership. High-ranking government officials are usually high-ranking Party members as well. This has created a unique intermingling between party and government: Party members serving in government are obliged to carry out party policies, but as party leaders they have considerable influence on the shaping of those policies. This system is different from that seen in other Communist countries such as the Soviet Union, where the party's dominance of the government was one-sided. The PRC's sovereignty is disputed by the Republic of China (RC). The RC was founded on 1 January 1912 after the 1911 Xinhai Revolution overthrew the ruling Qing Dynasty and ended well over two millennia of imperial rule in China. At the time, China was in a semi-colonized state, with half a dozen foreign powers claiming spheres of influence centered around the country's most economically vital regions. The RC never did effectively control all the territory over which it claimed sovereignty: foreign imperialists, Chinese warlords, a Japanese invasion, and the Communist Party all controlled significant portions of Chinese territory at some point during the period when the RC was in power. The Chinese Civil War began in the 1930s when the ROC's ruling Kuomintang Party expelled the Communists from their governing coalition and violently purged Communist officers of the armed forces. The civil war was interrupted during the Second Sino-Japanese War, with both sides (more or less) cooperating, along with the Allied Forces, to expel the Japanese invasion. Following the end of World War II, the civil war quickly resumed, and in 1949, ended with a near-complete Communist victory. The RC managed to hold the island of Taiwan and several smaller islands in its vicinity, and reestablished its government in Taipei. The RC continued to claim to be the rightful government of China, and the PRC claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and the other RC holdings. This situation has persisted to the time of this writing (2015), though a military conflict has yet to arise over the dispute. During the first half of the Cold War, most anti-Communist countries supported the ROC's claim. However, as the PRC consolidated power on the mainland, this was seen as increasingly unrealistic. In 1971, the United Nations expelled the RC and seated the PRC in its place, granting the PRC China's permanent seat on the Security Council. The following year, the United States began a policy of detente with PRC which gradually led to full diplomatic recognition in 1979. Since these two events, momentum has steadily built internationally to acceptance of the PRC as China's rightful government. However, at the time of this writing, 22 states continue to recognize the RC, and numerous others openly maintain unofficial back-channels.
  • > File:Allart_L._Tibet_photo_5.jpg|A parabolic solar cooker in Tibet shown with the proud owner. File:Allart_L._Tibet_photo_4.jpg|Tea water is heated with a butterfly style solar cooker in front of a local shop. File:Allart_L._Tibet_photo_7.jpg|A butterfly style solar cooker at work in an open marketplace in Tibet. File:Allart_L._Nepal_cooker_3.jpg|Allart and his wife use their own solar trekkers backpack cooker for tea preparation while in Tibet. See older news...
  • Die Volksrepublik China (Chinesisch Traditionell:中華人民共和國中國/Chinesisch Vereinfacht: 中华人民共和国中国) ist ein Land in Ostasien. Es ist mit 1,3 Milliarden Einwohner das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Erde. Und das viert größte Land der Welt hinter den Ländern Russland, Kanada, und den USA.Die Hauptstadt ist Peking. Die Chinesen gaben den Japanern das Papier die daraus die Papier Falten Kunst Origami erfunden haben. Aber in Wirklichkeit sind die Länder China und Japan sehr verschieden.
  • In standard scenarios, China appears in Pact of Steel,Big World,Capture the Flag, Six Army Free for All and Pacific scenarios. There is full artwork.
  • During World War II, the Imperial Japanese Army were attempting to train zombies on combat in Unit 731 in Harbin, their biological warfare division. Code-named as "Operation: Cherry Blossom", the ultimate motive was to assure the empire's decisive victory in the Pacific War. These zombies were to be deployed to several areas in China and American island bases in the Pacific. Not fully understanding the concept of the zombie, the experiment failed, with the zombies "turning" on their masters. The other zombies were destroyed in AA fire while the surviving zombies were killed by snipers from communist guerrillas. When the Soviet Union invaded Manchuria in 1945, they were able to retrieve documents about Operation: Cherry Blossom and created their own biological weapons for a future war with the Western Bloc.
  • China a land in Orient. It is the home of the Chinese, and one of its major exports is Chinese take-out and fortune cookies, and ceramics known as "China".
  • Chinas Economy ranks 2nd in the world. Its production of resources is very high and it has the 2nd biggest economy in the world. Chinas growth doesnt show itself very big but when on the game, China usually at some time if the game runs normal, becomes a bigger economy than the United States.
  • The Internet in the People's Republic of China mainland is censored, but not in the recently returned Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau. Taiwan being a completely different entity is also not blocked.
  • China is a country in Asia, stretching from the central Asian steppes and Himalayas to the Pacific Ocean.
  • While investigating the effects of the Shamonite, Robin mentions that only the nighttime hemisphere of the Earth was effected by the Shamonite, and their were no reports of it in Japan or China. While practicing his table tennis technique with a paddle ball, Marvin tells Wendy he thinks he could beat the "champion of China.
  • Government type: Single-party Socialist State China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directl-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). China also claims Taiwan; which is controlled by the Republic of Taiwan, as its 23rd province, a claim controversial due to the complex political status of Taiwan and the unresolved Chinese Civil War. China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a signatory of the Gate Alliance Treaty.
  • Die Volksrepublik China (chin. 中華人民共和國/ 中华人民共和国, Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó), meist China, im 20. Jahrhundert in ideologischer Abgrenzung zur Republik China auch „Rotchina“ genannt, ist mit 1,3 Milliarden Einwohnern das bevölkerungsreichste Land der Erde, der flächengrößte Staat in Ostasien und nach der Landfläche gerechnet nach Russland, Kanada und den USA der viertgrößte der Erde. Die Volksrepublik China grenzt an 14 Staaten und hat damit gemeinsam mit Russland die meisten Nachbarländer der Welt. Im Uhrzeigersinn sind dies: Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, Indien, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tadschikistan, Kirgisistan, Kasachstan, Russland, Mongolei und Nordkorea. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:Länder
  • China is a nation in eastern Asia. It has a population of over 1,300,000,000. The roots of Chinese ice hockey date back to 1915 when a few games took place in Sen Jan (Mugden). The country's first tournament took place as a part of the First Winter Spartakiade Games in 1935. [2][3]The Ice Hockey Association of China was founded in 1951. Two years later, the first national championship was held. The national championship is still competed for, and 3 Chinese teams take part in the Asia League. [4][5] China joined the IIHF in 1963 but they didnt start playing in the World Championships until 1972. The Chinese Womens, U20, and U18 teams have also participated at the world championships.
  • China is an ancient civilization that is located in eastern Asia. Many dinosaur fossils such as Velociraptor was found in this region.
  • China is a country in East Asia. It is the world's most populated country. Beijing is the capital, and Shanghai is the largest city.
  • WE JUST LOVE THIS CHINA. Talks with a stereotypical Chinese accent with fail English that makes him ten times more hilarious. Spanks his concubines and younger siblings. Had a hot thread with Japan with spanking, so he is one of the reasons the meme has a spanking fetish. Also has many, many concubines that adore him even if they like to act out in order to fish for spankings sometimes... but amazingly, is a virgin. Likes "tea" (read: opium). Determined to marry his younger sisters AND his female version, which elicits rather... special reactions from them. According to various sources, he is, at heart, a dirty old man who "likes his dumplings tender". Went seeking for dumplings.
  • China is the name of a country in East Asia which two states currently claim to be. * The People's Republic of China, which most countries recognize * The Republic of China, which previously controlled most of mainland China and now only controls Taiwan. Alternate versions of China exist in: * Catay (Cabotia and Brasil) * China (1861: Historical Failing) * China (1879: Agreement) * China (1941: Success) * China (1983: Doomsday) * China (Alternity) * China (Austria and others) * China (Aztec Empire) * China (Black Cross, Stars and Stripes) * China (British Louisiana) * China (Broken Ice) * China (Burgundy Survives) * China (Byzantine Glory) * China (Central World) * China (Chaos) * Hong China (Chaos) * Jin China (Chaos) * Song China (Chaos) * China (Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum) * China (Chinese Meiji) * China (Chinese World) * China (Close Encounters of the Third Reich) * China (Communist World) * China (Dae Han Jeguk: an Alternate History of Korea) * China (Fatherlands) * China (Fidem Pacis) * China (Franz's World) * China (French Brazil) * China (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) * China (Genghis Khan Who?) * China (Here we go again) * China (Japanese Alaska) * China (Medieval World) * China (Much ado about Nonsuch) * China (Napoleon's World) * China (Nationalist China) * China (New Union) * China (No Napoleon) * China (Pauvre Monde) * China (Russian America) * China (Samsu) * China (Satomi Maiden ~ Third Power) * China (Scotland says "Yes") * China (The Eagle Lives) * China (Think Before You Act) * China (Timur the Zoroastrian) * China (Toyotomi) * China (Vegetarian World) * China (Vive l'Emperor) * China (Washington Shot at Murdering Town!) * China (Wasteland Europe) * China (With All My Heart) * Chinese Communist Empire (Invasion Iran) * Chinese Confederacy (Japanese China) * Chinese Empire (Banzai for Japan!) * Chinese Federation (Apocalypse 1985) * Chinese Republic (Forested Bosworth) * Chinese Social Federation (Nazi Victory) * Chinese State Union (Twilight of a New Era) * Colony of China (French Brazil) * Confederation of Chinese Nations (Advancement) * Confederation of Chinese States (The Kaiser's New Clothes) * Dà Ming Guó Sinica (Ætas ab Brian) * Empire of China (Great Empires) * Greater Chinese Empire (Age of Empires) * Greater Ming Empire (Age of Empires) * Imperial China (Venetian-Italian Supremacy) * Imperial Sinica (Ætas ab Brian * Nanchao Sinica (Ætas ab Brian) * National Chinese Republic (Age of Kings) * New Sui Empire of Serica (XI: Serica & Romanum) * People's Republic of China (A Confederate Victory) * People's Republic of China (An Independent in 2000) * People's Republic of China (Atlantic Iron Curtain) * People's Republic of China (Canadian Independence) * People's Republic of China (Nuclear Apocalypse) * People's Republic of China (PS-1) * People's Republic of China (The True Korea) * People's Republic of Greater China (Pax Americana) * Republican China (Venice-Italian Supremacy) * Republic of China (A Southron World) * Republic of China (Age of Kings) * Republic of China (Atlantic Iron Curtain) * Republic of China (Beijing) (Twilight of a New Era) * Republic of China (Burma Ascension) * Republic of China (Nanjing) (Twilight of a New Era) * Republic of China (Ready for the Mother Country) * Republic of China (Rossiskaya Imperiya KD) * Republic of China (Soviet Defeat) * Republic of China (Split) * Republic of China (The Dragon Splits) * Republic of China (Through a Glass, Darkly) * Southern China (Samsu) * State of China (Great Global War) * Tang China (A Different History) * The Empire of Great Qing (Long live the Qing) * The Han Dynasty (L'Uniona Homanus) * The Second Han Dynasty (L'Uniona Homanus) * The Sinitic Empire (Via Latina) * United Socialist Republics of China and Vietnam (President Welles) * Zhonghua Guo (Heute Europa) This is a disambiguation page, a list of pages that otherwise might share the same title. If an article link referred you to this title, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
  • China was a leading member of the Eastern Coalition during the Third World War and was one of several areas devastated by the so-called "post-atomic horror."
  • China ist ein Land welches sich über den Großteil von Ostasien erstreckt, und eines der größten Länder der Welt. Als kultureller Raum besteht China schon seit über 3500 Jahren.
  • |-| nom propre = étymologie * (étymologie manquante)Catégorie:étymologie manquante * occitanCatégorie:occitan : China * catalanCatégorie:catalan : Xina China invariable [ˈt͡ʃina] 1. * Chine
  • China is seen variously as an ancient civilization extending over a large area in East Asia, a nation and/or a multinational entity. In 1949, when major combat ended in the Chinese Civil War, two political entities emerged having the term "China" in their names: * The People's Republic of China (PRC), established in 1949, commonly known as China, has control over mainland China and the largely self-governing territories of Hong Kong (since 1997) and Macau (since 1999). * The Republic of China (ROC) established in 1912 on mainland China, now commonly known as Taiwan, has control over the islands of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. China is one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations. and for most of the last two millennia was one of the largest and most advanced civilizations in the world, until the 1850s when it missed the industrial revolution. Subsequently, imperialism, wars and civil wars damaged the country and its economy up to the end of the civil war in 1949. In the 1950s, change to economic policies in the Republic of China (Taiwan) transformed the island into a technology-oriented industrialized developed economy. It became known as one of the Four Asian Tigers along with Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore. In mainland China, in the 1970s, reforms known as the Four Modernizations modernized the agriculture, industry, technology and defense, eventually making the PRC one of the major powers. China is viewed as the source of many major inventions. It has also one of the world's oldest written language systems. Historically, China's cultural sphere has extended across East Asia as a whole, with Chinese religion, customs, and writing systems being adopted to varying degrees by neighbors such as Japan, Korea and Vietnam. The first evidence of human presence in the region was found at the Zhoukoudian cave. It is one of the first known specimens of Homo erectus, now commonly known as the Peking Man, estimated to have lived from 300,000 to 780,000 years ago.
  • China is a country in Asia.
  • China is a nation in Asia.
  • China is an awesome country!
  • China is an sovereign state located in East Asia.
  • China is country located in East Asia.
  • China, das Reich der Mitte, das Chinesische Reich
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China, is a sovereign state located in East Asia.
  • The country of China has been the site of several adventures for the gang.
  • China was originally made when some guys wanted a bunch of land. They went to East Asia, and grabbed a big chunk of land next to the ocean. They forced people to come to this land, and it got bigger. They accidentally forced too many people to come, so it has too many people. A bunch of guys in China got mad. They got so mad, they built a really really really gigantic wall to be really big. It protected them from attacks, and then they invented guns, so they got really powerful. They were in China. Then, people stopped being ancient, and became modern, so China became bigger and had even more people in it. China became a powerful country, and it was really big too. Hungry Kim Jong-un wanted to be ruler of North Korea, but his papa wouldn't let him, so he broke a piece off China and made it into the floating city Big Super Happy Fun Fun Evil China Land.
  • La civilización china aparece en las siguientes entregas: * China (I) * China (III) * China (IV) * China (V)
  • China is a damn communist country. Many have tried to end China for this crime, but China is to strong and powerful to stop. China also hosts the largest population at 1.3 billion people. 你好,你在读这篇文章吗?
  • There are a few references to the country in the GTA Series. Many gangs or characters from China appear in the games.
  • In season 4, Pyrion Flax played as China, and was the first player to have the lead over Lewis as of 8. Pyrion started out in the game as a slow player, but quickly rose to the top of the scoreboard after declaring war on Lewis' feeble civilization of Morocco. Before this, he had declared a laughably one-sided war on Sjin, eventually earning himself the Shoshone city of Wobbafet via a trading mistake by Sjin, as he couldn't manage to take it by force. After seeing that a new player was at the top, and thus a threat, Venice, the Shoshone and Morocco began a makeshift alliance of research agreements, open border pacts, and declarations of friendship in order to unite against the potential Chinese superpower. Pyrion had the most cities out of all of them, and had officially become the first civ to discover Europe, founding the city of London in the map equivalent of the United Kingdom. China was mostly landlocked whose main port was Bournemouth, and remained pretty much in its own domain. Pyrion guard with crossbowmen on the borders of both the Shoshone and Morocco to the east. Lewis described this as an equivalent of the 38th parallel in the real world. China's war soon took a turn for the worst when Pyrion attempted to take over Vatican City, which he succeeded in doing, but quickly lost it to Lewis. After losing Vatican City, Lewis began moving towards the rest of Pyrion's cities. At the same time The Netherlands, led by Duncan, began attacking the western part of Pyrion's empire. Duncan succeeded in capturing London, and Lewis soon captured Work the Shaft. Sjin continued trying to retake Wobbafet. Pyrion lost his capital for a brief time to Lewis, but managed to reclaim it soon after. Pyrion, knowing it was a matter of time before he lost, decided to give all of his remaining cities to Sips in an attempt to make sure that Lewis wouldn't get an easy win. After finishing the deal, Lewis took Pyrion's final city of Twickenham (his original capital), causing Pyrion to become the first person in the entire series to be completely wiped out of a game. China however returned after Venice decided to liberated Bournemouth giving it back to China. Bournemouth survived to the end of the game when Duncan and Rythian were declared the winners.
  • L'albero di china è un vegetale che si trova a Jaya e in altri luoghi.
  • With more than four millennia of history behind her, modern China began to emerge with the Revolution of 1949. By the end of the 20th Century, China was poised to take its place as one of the greatest powers the world had ever known. The strength of China lay in her people. As the most populous country on earth, it was only a matter directing and focusing that resource to achieve spectacular results. In 1949, China was largely and agrarian society, but modernization came relatively quickly for a country of China’s size. China tested its first nuclear weapon in 1964. Beginning in the 1990s – especially with the return of Hong Kong to China by Great Britain in 1997 – high-tech industries began to spring up at a rapid pace. By the 2020s, China’s overall level of technology had met or exceeded those of most Western nations. With the exception of some rural regions in western China, the country was as modern as any in the world. The transition to a Cyber-based military began in the mid 21st Century. In addition to having the world’s largest standing army in terms of human combatants, the availability and continued improvement of Cyber forces kept China’s military among the most-modern in the world. As a result, China was well prepared to deal with any threat that came its way.
  • Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the logo became synonymous with almost all bicycles in the country. The Flying Pigeon became the single most popular mechanized vehicle on the planet, becoming so ubiquitous that Deng Xiaoping — the post-Mao leader who launched China's economic reforms in the 1970s — defined prosperity as "a Flying Pigeon in every household". In the early 1980s, Flying Pigeon was the country's biggest bike manufacturer, selling 3 million cycles in 1986. Its 20-kilo black single-speed models were popular with workers, and there was a waiting list of several years to get one, and even then buyers needed good guanxi (connections) in addition to the purchase cost, which was about four months' wages for most workers.
  • Aspirin Ship China was a wooden ship constructed mainly with the wood of the Aspirin tree. Aspirin wood was chosen not only for the bitter but crisp smell it exuded when exposed to brine, but also because "Aspirin" is commonly used along the Jersey shoreline as analogous to "Commie Pinko", and in other contexts can also mean "Batman's sick-ass ride". This is just the social dexterity the inhabitants of the Aspirin Ship China needed for their government-sanctioned exploration of the Jersey Shoreline. China's flag was designed by none other than famous 1940's textiles designer, Barack Obama.
  • The Chinese have the power of Culture.
  • China's military was mostly under trained and under equipped but did have a motivated army. Adding to the disorder, the country was in a civil war during the time of the Japanese invasion letting the Japanese quickly mop up most of the army. Many Chinese forces could not reach the target of attack and many struggled to defend their country.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's China article. Take me to the China article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a China link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • China is a country in Asia. The capital is Beijing is home to the Beijing Sanctuary.
  • China is a country in Asia. The capital is Peking and its shares its borders with other Asian countries including Vietnam, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea and Pakistan. The national emblem is the panda and the country's landmarks include the Himalayas, the Yangtze River, the Longsheng Rice Terrace and the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts.
  • Über China, über die Kultur, über die Sprache und Geschichte, Wirtschaft und noch vieles mehr zum Thema „China“.
  • China is one of the locations visited in Tomb Raider II by Lara and plays a big role in the main story of the game. It also houses the location of a mythical artifact called the Dagger of Xian that is hidden inside the Great Wall.
  • A China é uma antiga unidade histórica, cultural e geográfica na parte continental do leste da Ásia, incluindo algumas ilhas que desde 1949 foram divididas entre a República Popular da China (que inclui a China Continental, Hong-Kong e Macau) e a República da China (que inclui Taiwan e algumas ilhas da Província Fujian). A seguinte categoria mostra os personagens de Tekken que são Chineses. * Personagens Chineses
  • The People's Republic of China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). Its capital city is Beijing. Currently, it has one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre Chercher "china" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • The People's Republic of China is a Country with a rich History, that, in recent years, has been taken over by a Totalitarian dictatorship that forces the people to work in sweatshops as slaves. The Chinese dictators are officially Communists but their dictatorship has a lot in common with Fascism. American Neocons are also spreading the evil propaganda that China will overtake the USA and the dictatorship that is in power in China will take over the world in a event known as the New World Order. In fact China's economy is growing extremely fast. This growth will probably continue as it is easier to get people to work hard to escape poverty than it is to get, Rich people and Middle class people in Developed countries to work harder to get yet more things they don't need. A book was written about China possibly being involved in funding Al-Qaeda to carry out 9/11.
  • China is the origin of a number of systems and items of magical significance, such as Feng shui and the grimoire Baopuzi. There are many tools from China which have no official origin. China is one of the increasing number of countries which have a space program.
  • China was a country located on the Pacific Ocean and South China Sea.
  • The People's Republic of China, is a country in East Asia. With over one-fifth of the world's population, the PRC has the world's largest population. Due to its large and stable population, its rapidly growing economy and military spending and capabilities, the PRC is often considered an emerging superpower.
  • For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. After World War II, the Communists under MAO Zedong established an autocratic socialist system that, while ensuring China's sovereignty, imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. After 1978, MAO's successor DENG Xiaoping and other leaders focused on market-oriented economic development and by 2000 output had quadrupled. For much of the population, living standards have improved dramatically and the room for personal choice has expanded, yet political controls remain tight. China since the early 1990s has increased its global outreach and participation in international organizations.
  • The flag of China is a red flag, with one large star in gold and four smaller stars in the top left-hand corner.
  • China, officially the Republic of China (Mandarin: 中華民國, Zhōnghuá Mínguó), is a Far Eastern country located between Manchuria and Mongolia in the north, Uighuristan in the west, Sechuan and Tibet in the southwest and Canton in the south. Its capital is Nanjing.
  • China es un estao ampostao n'er este d'Asia, er más puel·lao der mundo, con más e 1.300 millones d'habitantes, y'er quarto más grande en quanto a ancharie, tras Rusia, Canadá y'Estaos Uníos. Las zudiás más importantes e China son Pequín, Shanghái y Hong Cong. Categoría:China Categoría:Miembros e l'ONU Categoría:Paises d'Asia
  • China is a country on Earth, occupying land to the west of Japan.
  • China 中国/中华 is officially the People's Republic of China or the PRC. Until 2050, China will be the most populous country on Earth, with over 1.339 billion people. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres or 3.7 million square miles). The People's Republic of China is a largest Leninist party-state. The country is organized into 22 provinces, five autonomous zones, four self governign municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing, and two largely self-governing former European colonies - Hong Kong (British) and Macau (Portuguese) - as Special Administrative Regions. Major cities include Beijing (the capital), Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Harbin, Chengdu, and Dalian.
  • thumb|China vom Weltraum aus gesehen. China ist ein Nationalstaat auf der Erde. China wird traditionell von einem Kaiser regiert. (TOS: ) Im 13. Jahrhundert herrscht in China die Sung-Dynastie. (TNG: ) In Europa ist China zu dieser Zeit nur als Mythos bekannt, bis Marco Polo es bereist und von seinen Reisen nach China in Europa berichtet. (TNG: ) 1932 fallen in China sieben Frauen dem Serienmörder Redjac zum Opfer. (TOS: ) Spock sagt einmal, dass die Vulkanier ein Sprichwort hätten, welches lautet: Nur Nixon konnte nach China gehen. Das ist ein Verweis auf den Besuch des US-Präsidenten Richard M. Nixon in China im Jahr 1972. Grund des Besuches ist es, die angespannten Beziehungen zwischen den USA und China zu entlasten. (Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land)
  • It seems that China is still incorporated as a country in the 2219 of Dreamfall. The China of 2219 is evidently of major importance internationally, as the world's currency seems to have changed from the pre-Collapse dollar to the Chinese Yuan. The Chinaman of Venice tries to sell Zoë mobile phones from the country, which he describes as "cheap" and of "top quality". While this may be simple salesman's exaggeration, it is possible that writers Ragnar Tornquist and Dag Scheve have inverted the current situation in which products of Chinese manufacture are considered of poor quality. They seem to be a major producer of mobile phones, which would put them into competition with other bases such as the African country of Ethiopia. China has a famous model, Vivian Zhu.
  • China was a nation-state that existed on Earth before the formation of the United Earth government in the mid-22nd century. In the 4th century BC, Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War. (TNG episode: "The Last Outpost"; ENT episode: "Divergence") In 1839, China and Great Britain declared war on each other in what became known as the Opium War. (ST novel: Federation) In 1930, James T. Kirk fails miserably at convincing a New York City police officer and passersby that Mr. Spock is from this country. (TOS episode: "The City on the Edge of Forever") In 1932, seven women living in the Chinese city of Shanghai became victims of the Redjac entity. (TOS episode: "Wolf in the Fold") In 1965, physicist Changming Weng defected from the People's Republic of China to the United States of America. (TOS - Star Trek: Assignment: Earth comic: "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns") In 1972, Mao Zedong, chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, received US President Richard Nixon in the capital of Beijing. (TOS novelization: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; TOS - Star Trek: Assignment: Earth comic: "Too Many Presidents") At some point in the 20th century, Gary Seven, Isis and Roberta Lincoln averted the assassination of Chairman Mao while he visited the Great Wall of China. (TOS novel: Assignment: Eternity)
  • China, currently the People's Republic of China, is a nation state in East Asia, and the most populous country in the world. It has also been a popular location for Sesame Street productions, as well as a leading manufacturer and exporter of plush Muppet merchandise. The following is an attempt to trace the people and places of China as depicted within the realm of Sesame Street productions, including the special Big Bird in China, the Chinese co-productions Zhima Jie (1998-2001) and Zhima Jie: Da Niao Kan Shijie (2010-present), a Global Grover segment devoted to the nation, and other inserts and productions.
  • China was a country in Asia before and during the Global War. Lynn Lina, Lynn Max, Lynn Kyle, Lynn Minmei, Minmei's father, and mother were from China and lived there before moving to Yokohama. Minmei's parents set up a restaurant there, called the "Golden Dragon," while the rest of the family eventually moved to Macross City and Macross Island by 2006.
  • The Turtles travel through the People's Republic of China in the TMNT Adventures comics.
  • During the 13th century, the Chinese created specialized arrows that explode when hitting the target, marking the earliest use of rocket missile technology. By the 20th century, China, then known as the Republic of China, was the one of three countries, alongside the United States and Soviet Union, to be part of an influential group called the Philosophers. Together the three countries established a massive cache of funds, enough to fuel many World Wars called the Philosophers' Legacy. The Chinese developed bandit shooting via Type 17 Mausers, which they frequently used against invading Japanese forces, which led to the weapon being feared among the Japanese. After World War II, China, the Soviet Union and the United States, became involved in a decades-long political conflict known as the Cold War. This resulted from both a power struggle over the control of the Philosophers' Legacy, as well as the Soviets relinquishing funds towards China's nuclear weapons projects, more specifically "Liangdan yixing," their hydrogen bomb and space rocket project, resulting in them lagging behind.
  • China is a sovereign state located in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing.
  • While Bruce Lee hasn't been around long enough to enter, let alone compete in a ring, his real life friend Chuck Norris appeared at WWE during survivor series 1994 in the middle of a casket match (Yokozuna vs Undertaker). While there, he was being antagonized by other wrestlers such as King Kong Bundy, Bam Bam Bigelow, & when Jeff Jarrett came walking toward him while the officials weren't looking, Chuck Norris superkicks him, sending double-J running away (quite possibly meaning he learned his lesson.)
  • China, (in der Landessprache: 中国, Zhōng Guó, Reich der Mitte) wird oft fälschlicherweise von ungebildeten Idioten das Land der aufgehenden Sonne genannt, was ziemlicher Schwachsinn ist wenn man bedenkt, dass in weiten Teilen des Landes die Bevölkerung aufgrund des starken Smogs noch nie die Sonne gesehen hat. China ist inzwischen die Werkbank der Welt. Noch. Bald ist es einfach nur die Bank der Welt. Denn auch mit räudig kopiertem Billigimitatscheiß lassen sich ganze Ärsche voll Geld verdienen. Außerdem ist China bekannt für seine Textilindustie. In einem Teil dieser Textilien in Kissenform wird Reis abgefüllt. Aufgrund der ungünstigen Schwerpunktlage fällt ein solcher Reissack bedauerlicherweise öfters um. Tragischerweise interessiert sich niemand dafür. Desweiteren zeichnet sich China durch seine, infolge des überzogenen Umweltschutzes erhaltene, reine Luft aus und gilt daher als größter Luftkurort südlich des Nordpols. Der Antrag auf Erteilung des Status Bad-China wird bei der chinesischen Tourismusbehörde derzeit bearbeitet. Chinas Hauptexportartikel sind traumatisierte Tibeter. Durch Chinas supererfolgreiche Tibeterschliessung, die von feindlich gesinnten, westlichen Mächten auch als Tibetkrieg bezeichnet wird, sind die Tibeter seit mehr als 50 Jahren so im Freudentaumel, dass sie vorzugsweise nach Indien auswandern, um dort lieber ärmlich und hungernd zu leben. Chinesen sehen alle gleich aus. Einige fanden, dass deshalb auch Gleichheit die politische Maxime Chinas sein sollte. Sie schlossen sich zur Kommunistischen Partei Chinas zusammen und unterdrückten fortan alle, die nicht gleich, sondern anders dachten. Außerdem beschlossen sie, für China den Kommunismus einzuführen. Irgendwann fand die Kommunistische Partei Chinas es aber langweilig, dass alle gleich sein sollen. Deswegen beschloss die Partei, stattdessen lieber das Gegenmodell, den Kapitalismus, einzuführen. Damit aber niemand merkt, dass sie jahrelang genau das Gegenteil propagiert haben, fing die Kommunistische Partei an, immer mehr Sonderwirtschaftszonen einzuführen und zudem alles Kapitalistische kommunistisch zu nennen. Für die Zukunft ist geplant, für ganz China überall Sonderwirtschaftszonen einzurichten, so dass es ausschließlich Sonderwirtschaftszonen gibt und keine normale Wirtschaft.
  • China is a major country of Superpower: Classic generally reserved for experienced and active players.
  • In or after 1988, the capital city of China was called Peking.
  • China has dark hair tied back into a ponytail and is often shown wearing a green Chinese military uniform with a red armband with a white star on it. The shade of green varies; however it's generally deep green, though it was once colored tan. In other instances, he wears a green mandarin jacket with yellow pants, or a red one with white pants (as shown in the Hetalia trading card game). Seeing him "will make you say he's an old man or a hermit or something" though he looks young. He has a scar on his back, having been attacked by Japan when they were younger, and a panda-shaped birthmark above his buttocks. Over time, Himaruya said that China's design changed the least, though his bangs may have changed in volume a little. Himaruya's said that he's easier to draw than other characters, with a different easiness than England. He's also added that his expressions are easy to change.
  • China hat 1,3 Milliarden Einwohner.China ist in Ostasien.China ist das Viertegrößte Land der Welt.Der Name China stammt aus dem lateinischen Sina.Peking ist die Haupstadt von China.Ihre bekannteste Attraktion ist die Chinesiche Mauer. In China bezaht man mit Jiao. Die Fläche von china ist 9,571.30qkm. Der erste Kaiser von China heißt Qin Shi Huangdi er lebte von (295 bis 210 Um China zu tippen muss man .cn z.b
  • China is a land on Earth. It is part of the Orient, the far East.
  • Enkele vrouwen uit China werden het slachtoffer van het Redjac wezen in 1932. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold") Biddle Coleridge dacht dat zelfs de Chinezen de Bell Rellen in 2024 op de voet volgden. (DS9: "Past Tense, Deel II") Spock beweerde eens dat de Vulcans een spreekwoord hadden dat als volgt luidde: "Alleen Nixon kon naar China gaan". Dit is een verwijzing naar de voormalige president van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika Richard M. Nixon. Nixon ging in 1972 naar China om de relaties tussen beide landen aan te halen. ("Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country")
  • China is a country in the far east of Asia, located to the south of Russia and Mongolia, to the north of North Korea and to the north-west of Japan. According to a naval officer, Chinese submarines, along with Russian and American ones, "sneak around playing hide and seek" in the North Sea. This influenced his decision to close an anomaly there with a nuclear blast, fearing that if a Chinese or other submarine went missing off the coast of Britain, it would start World War III. (Episode 5.2)
  • China (Officially the "People's Republic of China") was a Pre-War economic and military superpower located in east Asia. A single party, communist dictatorship, China slowly rose to prominence during the 21st century, eventually usurping the Soviet Union's position on the world stage. In 2066, the Chinese invaded the U.S. state of Alaska in an effort to take over the American oil pipeline in Anchorage. This led to full out war with the United States, culminating in the nuclear exchange on October 23, 2077. As the ashes settled, the once powerful nation was reduced to feuding warlords.
  • China is one of the largest countries located on the continent of Asia. It is one of the oldest continuing civilizations on the planet. The first imperial dynastic movements began in roughly 2100 BC with the Xia Dynasty. The period of Empire ended in 1911 with the establishment of the Republic of China. However, civil war as well as war against the invading Japanese led to the fall of the Republic and the rise of the communist People's Republic of China in 1949. At present, China has the world's largest population at well over 1 billion people. It continues as a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China.
  • "China" is the third single from Little Earthquakes and the seventh song on the album itself.
  • A clean, white plate crafted by a Chinese master. It's a nice present for the ladies.
  • It was sometime during the Chimeran invasion of Europe, China was overrun by the Chimera when they apparently first invaded the northeast province city of Harbin. The Chinese had first tried suppressing the invasion by firebombing several important cities and attempted to contact American military support, but were unsuccessful. Eventually the outside world soon lost communication with China afterward. Prior to the events of Operation Overstrike, newspapers in England reported that the city of Nanjing was expected to fall after holding up against the Chimera.
  • "China" is the tenth episode of the seventh season of The Office and the 136th episode overall. The episode was directed by Charles McDougall and was written by Halsted Sullivan & Warren Lieberstein. It first aired on December 2, 2010. It was viewed by 7.31 million people.
  • The People's Republic of China is the second-largest country in the world by land area after Russia and is either the fourth-largest by total area, after Russia, Canada and the United States. China's total area is generally stated as being approximately 9,600,000 km2 (3,700,000 sq mi). Additionally, China shares maritime boundaries with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines. The PRC and the GKR (Korea) make mutual claims over Taiwan. The PRC and GKR assert identical claims over the entirety of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, and the southern-most extent of these claims reach Zengmu Ansha (James Shoal), which would form a maritime frontier with Malaysia.
  • China es un país ubicado en Asia. Es uno de los pocos países que quedan que sigue adoptando el comunismo después de la final de la Guerra Fría, aunque se entremezclan también con algunos de los procedimientos capitalistas.
  • What do you think? Rauterkus 13:29, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
  • China is an open map, with lots of free spaces between the pine and bamboo forests. The great rivers of China, the Yellow River and the Yangtze, divide the lands, but are passable over the shallows of which there are plenty. The map is very flat as the Plateau of Tibet is not included. The sea is rich with fish, but there is little tactical advantage to building a navy, other than to disrupt enemy fishing operations.
  • The dishware is called "China" because that is where Europeans initially found some of the best quality porcelain dishes. Other terms are crockery or porcelain. Some people collect china in sets or as individual due to their displayal of beauty on shelves and cabinets. Some people collect just certain pieces of china such as commemorative plates or tea sets. Image:Wiki.png This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it!
  • China is a country located in the eastern hemisphere and is part of the continent of Asia. It is well known for its largest population and one of the earliest civilizations in the world. It is also known as "The land of the dragons" in Grandpa Smurf's word. In the Smurfs mainstream media, China is the home country of the unnamed traveler which appears in the episode of the same name. In the episode 'Fortune Cookie', the Smurfs go to China by the time crystals, and find out what fortune cookie is, however, Jokey changes the "fortune messages" into his jokes when the Smurfs are baking the cookies. This leads to a big mess after the other Smurfs follows the messages in the cookie written by Jokey. In the following episode, "Imperial Panda-Monium", the Smurfs save a Chinese emperor who has been captured by one of his cousin. The Smurfs also appears in Shanghai, China in the 2010 world expo which they are the Belgium's Official Ambassador in the event.
  • WenShu Temple: Famous for its tea house and vegetarian restaurant Arhat Vegetarian Restaurant: On the eastern side of the "historical" tourism block next to the WenShu temple. 1st floor, entrance through courtyard. (028) 869 21829 Bold text This is a new addition to the popular Shanghai-based Jujube Tree vegetarian restaurant chain which opened in October, 2006. Its address is: * 成都市青羊区青龙街27号2号楼4楼(铂金城内) 4-A Platinum Age City ⅡNo.27 Qinglong Street, Chengdu Tel: (028)86282848
  • The country of China is a recurring stage in the Guilty Gear series. It is Jam Kuradoberi's stage and her birthplace as well along with Dr. Baldhead. It is unknown whether China is merely a location or an existing state as for the 22nd century. Like the Japanese colony, its background shows the continuing practice of Chinese culture. In the GGX stage, it is stated that the restaurant in the background continually serve the meat of the dormant dragon behind it while the beast keeps on regenerating.
  • The 'People's Republic of China (Simplified Chinese: 中华人民共和国, Traditional Chinese: 中華人民共和國) (PRC), it is the world's most-populous country, with a population of over 1.3 billion. Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, the East Asian state is the world's second-largest country by land area, and the third- or fourth-largest in total area, depending on the definition of total area.The People's Republic of China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party of China. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). Its capital city is Beijing.
  • China is one of the many famous countries in the world, and was one of the locations referenced in the Marvel Cinematics Universe. China also plays a vital role as a playable location in Iron Man 3 - The Official Game, wherein the level is based on the Chinese-like culture of the infamous Mandarin.
  • China is the third largest country in the world and is located in eastern Asia. Its capital is Beijing. Tibet is also located in China.
  • China is a location found in Eastern Asia. It is where Hong Kong is located, where Agent 47 undertakes the ambitious hit on Lee Hong, his first assignment with the International Contract Agency.
  • China, the oldest and most populous nation on Earth by the 20th century (TV: Four to Doomsday), was located on the continent of Asia. Its capital city was Peking, also known as Beijing.
  • The People's Republic of China is recovering from a brutal war, in which the cities of Beijing, Harbin and Shanghai were totally destroyed, and has attained the status of a world power. At some point in the late 2020s Mainland China and Taiwan peacefully merged, and the unified Chinese state is now a multi-party democracy with a higher degree of political and personal freedom than before. Sino-Japanese relations remain strong throughout the series, as the nations have moved on from the differences of World War II. This pan-Asian rapprochement is a serious concern to the American Empire, which is engaged in a Second Cold War with China. The world's largest economy, China is part of a trading bloc which includes most of Southeast Asia and India (the second-largest economy). Its considerable economic growth has not been of equal benefit to its citizens, and poverty is much in evidence; however, at least part of this can be attributed to the collateral damage of war.
  • China ist flächenmäßig der drittgrößte Land der Welt und liegt in Ost-, Zentral- und teilweise Südostasien. Unbekannt bleibt ob die magische Gemeinde (wenn sie existiert) auch zu China zählt oder nicht. Das Gleiche gilt für das umkämpfte Gebiet der Inselrepublik China, dass in der Muggelwelt selbstständig ist.
  • China is a country in Asia. The Assyrian Church of the East was the first Christian denomination to establish churches in China in 635 AD.
  • China ist eine seltsame Stadt in der Nähe von Heilbronn und der inoffizielle Amtssitz von Uli Hoeneß als Bäckerverbandsvorsitzender. China ist für die komische Bevölkerung und die vielen Feuerwerke mit dem Finger in der Steck- und Konservendose. Der Fluss fließt durch ganz Süd-Australien.
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state located in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country. It is also the country that Chien Na Wei, Mei, the late Zhishan, the late Yao Fei Gulong and the late Shado are from. Since 1997 it has included the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, the island which was, for the preceding 155 years, a British colony. Oliver Queen spent much of his time with A.R.G.U.S. here.
  • China was mentioned by Jack Bristow as being a country with a rapidly growing demand for fuel, along with India (The Index). Later, Arvin Sloane commented that the Chinese have a saying, "One joy scatters a thousand griefs." (The Index).
  • China, officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is the most populous state in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometers (3.7 million square miles) It is the world's second-largest country by land area, and the third- or fourth-largest in total area, depending on the definition of total area. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (SARs), Hong Kong and Macau.
  • List of settlements (cities, towns, & villages) in China
  • Men's Events (37 Total Medals - 18 Golds, 12 Silvers, 6 Bronze) Team (6 Total Medals - 3 Golds, 3 Silvers, 0 Bronze) * 1984 - Silver * 1992 - Silver * 1996 - Silver * 2000 - Gold * 2008 - Gold * 2012 - Gold Individual All-Around (4 Total Medals - 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze) * 1984 Li Ning - Bronze * 1996 Li Xiaoshuang - Gold * 2000 Yang Wei - Silver * [[2008 Olympic Games}1984]] Yang Wei - Gold Floor Exercise (7 Total Medals - 3 Golds, 2 Silvers, 1 Bronze) * 1984 Li Ning - Gold * 1984 Lou Yun - Silver * 1988 Lou Yun - Bronze * 1992 Li Xiaoshuang - Gold * 1996 Li Xiaoshuang - Silver * 2008 Zou Kai - Gold * 2012 Zou Kai - Gold Pommel Horse (3 Total Medals - 3 Golds, 0 Silvers, 0 Bronze) * 1984 Li Ning - Gold * 2004 Teng Haibin - Gold * 2008 Xiao Qin - Gold Still Rings (5 Total Medals - 2 Golds, 3 Silvers, 0 Bronze) * 1984 Li Ning - Gold * 1992 Li Jing - Silver * 2008 Chen Yibing - Gold * 2008 Yang Wei - Silver * 2012 Chen Yibing - Silver Vault (3 Total Medals - 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze) * 1984 Lou Yun - Gold * [[1984 Olympic Games}1984]] Li Ning - Silver * 1988 Lou Yun - Gold Parallel Bars (5 Total Medals - 2 Golds, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze) * 1992 Li Jing - Silver * 1992 Guo Linyao - Bronze * 1992 Li Xiaopeng - Gold * 2004 Li Xiaopeng - Bronze * 2008 Li Xiaopeng - Gold High Bar (4 Total Medals - 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze) * 1984 Tong Fei - Silver * 1996 Fan Bin - Bronze * 2008 Zou Kai - Gold * 2012 Zou Kai - Bronze Women's Events (19 Total Medals - 7 Golds, 4 Silvers, 8 Bronze) Team (2 Total Medals - 1 Gold, 0 Silvers, 1 Bronze) * 1984 Bronze * 2008 Gold All-Around (3 Total Medals - 0 Golds, 0 Silvers, 3 Bronze) * 2000 Liu Xuan - Bronze * 2004 Zhang Nan - Bronze * 2008 Yang Yilin - Bronze Vault (2 Total Medals - 1 Gold, 0 Silvers, 1 Bronze) * 1996 Mo Huilan - Gold * 2008 Cheng Fei - Bronze Uneven Bars (8 Total Medals - 3 Golds, 3 Silvers, 2 Bronze) * 1984 Ma Yanhong - Gold * 1992 Lu Li - Gold * 1996 Bi Wenjing - Silver * 2000 Ling Jie - Silver * 2000 Yang Yun - Bronze * 2008 He Kexin - Gold * 2008 Yang Yilin - Bronze * 2012 He Kexin - Silver Balance Beam (4 Total Medals - 2 Golds, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze) * 2000 Liu Xuan - Gold * 2008 Cheng Fei - Bronze * 2012 Deng Linlin - Gold * 2012 Sui Lu - Silver Floor Exercise (0 Total Medals) * Men's and Women's Combined - 56 Total Olympic Medals - 25 Golds, 16 Silvers, 14 Bronze.
  • The People's Republic of China (better known as China) (Chinese: 中国 / Zhōngguó) is the 29th Character in Head Soccer. He was added on April 3, 2013 along with Ireland and Greece in Update 1.6. He is a 5-star opponent in Arcade mode. If you have any questions about the character China, please ask them here. __TOC__
  • China (Chinese: 中国 Zhōngguó), officially known as the People's Republic of China (PRC) (Chinese: 中华人民共和国 Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó), is a large country occupying most of East Asia and its Pacific Coast. The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing.
  • China is that one place that all the good cooks come from. It is also big, but only because there is so many people (mainly good cooks). The Chinese like tea, and it takes a large role in everything related to China.
  • The People's Republic of China, or just China, Is a Country located in Asia. With a population of 1.35 Billion, China has been the world most populous Country for centuries, and in 1910, consisted of 1 quarter of the total world population. Since it's founding in 2080 BC with the Xia Dynasty (Or, 1600 BC, with the Shang Dynasty according to skeptics of the Xia) China has many Dynasties, wars, conquests and rebellions under it's belt. Since 1949, China has been a Communist state, after a civil war that raged in the wake of World War 2 and brought the end to the preceding Republic of China (Now Taiwan), which had been weakened by The Empire of Japan's conquest of the Eastern Coast of China during the war.
  • China is a vast nation and the primary setting of the Kung Fu Panda series. Like its real world counterpart, it is located in southeast Asia.
  • China is the first part of the final episode from Season 10 of Barney & Friends.
  • 中国は地球の東アジアでは非常に大きな国である。首都は北京である。 中国は世界最古の文明の一つであった。四大文明の一つとされており、紙、コンパスなどの開発を行ってきた。 2004年にDana Awbreyが逃走を企てた時、AIが欲望のために殺すことを表明した。
  • China () is a cultural region, ancient civilization, and nation in East Asia. It is one of the world's oldest civilizations, consisting of states and cultures dating back more than six millennia. The stalemate of the last Chinese Civil War has resulted in two political entities using the name China: the People's Republic of China (PRC), administering mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau; and the Republic of China (ROC), administering Taiwan and its surrounding islands. See Political status of Taiwan. China is one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations. It has the world's longest continuously used written language system, and is said to be the source of some of the world's great inventions, including the Four Great Inventions of ancient China: paper, the compass, gunpowder, and printing.
  • This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about China(中国大陆), with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-
  • China Tours 2014 China is a country of great diversity with stunning scenery and diverse ethnic cultures, one of the world's longest histories, and ultra-modern cities. Access China Travel a trustworthy local China travel service & tour operator, specialize in operating guided China tour packages and tailor-made tours for individuals, families and small groups cross China. Tours of China Classic China tour itineraries & packages are available for visitors' various needs such as family, honeymoon, study, culture, history, golf, hiking and more travel interests. Top China Tourist Attractions Detailed information about top China attractions and famous places cover Beijing Forbidden City, Great Wall, Xian Terracotta Army Warriors, Guilin Li River, The Bund Shanghai, Lhasa Potala Palace, Dunhuang Mogan Caves, Yangtze River In Harbin, China they have their Snow and Ice Festivals! People come from all around the world to make sculptures with the snow and ice. There are so many beautiful different pieces of art there, when I went some people created one and it had Pirates of the Caribbean. Also if you want to go you will deffinitaly want to dress for the weather, I had to wear up to 4 layers of clothing! If you wanted to spend the money you could pay to ride their giant snow hills it would be a huge thrill. Another cool thing you could do is pay to be able to hold and take a picture with a snow fox, they are so fluffy! I totally recommend you should go to the neat snow and ice festivles!
  • Prehistoric China (65,000 BCE- 2000 BCE) File:Engineering an Empire China Xia Dynasty (2000 BCE- 1600 BCE) Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE- 1050 BCE) Zhou Dynasty (1050 BCE- 220 BCE) Qin Dynasty (220 BCE- 200 BCE) Han Dynasty (200 BCE- CE 220) Chinese Dark Ages (220-581) Sui Dynasty (581- 618) Tang Dynasty (618- 907) Song Dynasty (960- 1275) Yuan Dynasty (1275- 1368) Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) Qing Dynasty (1644- 1912) Republican Era (1912- 1950) Communist Era (1950- present)
  • China (simplified Chinese: 中国; traditional Chinese: 中國; pinyin: Zhōngguó), officially the People's Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state located in East Asia. It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Chinese Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau). The PRC also claims the territories governed by the Republic of China (ROC), a separate political entity commonly known as Taiwan, as a part of its territory, which includes the island of Taiwan as Taiwan Province, Kinmen and Matsu as a part of Fujian Province and islands the ROC controls in the South China Sea as a part of Hainan Province. These claims are controversial due to the complex political status of Taiwan. Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China is the world's second-largest country by land area, and either the third or fourth-largest by total area, depending on the method of measurement. China's landscape is vast and diverse, ranging from forest steppes and the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts in the arid north to subtropical forests in the wetter south. The Himalaya, Karakoram, Pamir and Tian Shan mountain ranges separate China from South and Central Asia. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the third- and sixth-longest in the world, run from the Tibetan Plateau to the densely populated eastern seaboard. China's coastline along the Pacific Ocean is 14,500 kilometres (9,000 mi) long, and is bounded by the Bohai, Yellow, East and South China Seas. The history of China goes back to its ancient civilization – one of the world's earliest – that flourished in the fertile basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain. For millennia, China's political system was based on hereditary monarchies, known as dynasties, beginning with the semi-mythological Xia of the Yellow River basin (c. 2000 BCE). Since 221 BCE, when the Qin Dynasty first conquered several states to form a Chinese empire, the country has expanded, fractured and been reformed numerous times. The Republic of China (ROC) overthrew the last dynasty in 1911, and ruled the Chinese mainland until 1949. After the surrender of the Empire of Japan in World War II, the Communist Party defeated the nationalist Kuomintang in mainland China and established the People's Republic of China in Beijing on 1 October 1949, while the Kuomintang relocated the ROC government to its present capital of Taipei. China had the largest and most complex economy in the world for most of the past two thousand years, during which it has seen cycles of prosperity and decline. Since the introduction of economic reforms in 1978, China has become one of the world's fastest-growing major economies. As of 2013, it is the world's second-largest economy by both nominal total GDP and purchasing power parity (PPP), and is also the world's largest exporter and importer of goods. China is a recognized nuclear weapons state and has the world's largest standing army, with the second-largest defence budget. The PRC has been a United Nations member since 1971, when it replaced the ROC as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council. China is also a member of numerous formal and informal multilateral organizations, including the WTO, APEC, BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BCIM and the G-20. China is a great power and a major regional power within Asia, and has been characterized as a potential superpower by a number of commentators.
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