  • Taiwan
  • Taiwan
  • Taiwan
  • Taiwan
  • History of location is unknown.
  • It's in Asia. It's an island. There are mountains and lakes and stuff. What else do you want to know?
  • This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Taiwan, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/- Taiwan translators work here!
  • The country is protected by the superhero known as Thunderlord.
  • Taiwan, also known as Formosa, is a province in eastern China, and defacto colony of the west. The west refers to the colony as the Republic of China. The province is guided by pro imperialism, and capitalist policies dictated by its colonial masters. Due to the weakness of Deng's policies, China has given up on the province and the west is free to do as it wishes. Taiwan's politics, economy, education, and media is controlled by the west, and Japan. The importance and significance of Taiwan is that it can be and is used by the west to destabilize China for the past 60 years. 25% of the world's commercial shipping goes through the Taiwan strait. The west must therefore control this with its usual iron fist.
  • Taiwan, officially called the Republic of China, is a partially-recognized country in East Asia.
  • The flag of Taiwan, also known as the Republic of China or Chinese Taipei, is red with a blue canton with a white stylized Sun with twelve rays in the center of the canton.
  • Nations that recognise the Republic of China. Please Note: The United States recognises the PRC not Taiwan!
  • Taiwan — an island country in southeast Asia off the coast of China — was among the nations listed in the CTU Operations Manual. One of its intelligence agencies, the National Security Council, was also listed.
  • Redirect :wikipedia:Taiwan
  • Taiwan was a country in Asia before the Great War.
  • The independence of Taiwan is disputed by China.
  • right|300px Taiwan ist ein Inselstaat im Pazifik.
  • Taiwan (officially the Republic of China) is a democratic and free country located next to the People's Republic of China.
  • The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics. * Taiphoon events * Kaohsiung Car Free Days and a Green Transport Program: Low-carbon, high-amenity transport, one city at a time, November 03
  • Taiwan (official name: Republic of China) is an island nation of East Asia.
  • Taiwan, officially the Republic of Taiwan (Minnanese: 臺灣民國, Tâi-oân Bîn-kok) is an island nation in East Asia off the coast of Canton. Its capital is Tâi-pak.
  • A sweet and polite Taiwan who seems to be from the KMT times.
  • List of settlements (cities, towns, & villages) in Taiwan
  • Taiwan, officially the Republic of China, is a state in East Asia. Taiwan has a higher Human Development Index and much lower Gini coefficient index than its next door neighbor. The government of Taiwan is currently dominated by the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party).
  • Taiwan is an iland-ethel between Midrike and Dawnland. There are bergs in the east of the ile and mildy sloping flatlands in the west. Hsinchu is called the windy town forof its loftlay. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
  • Taiwan (台湾, Taiwan) is a minor character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. She is also referred to as The Republic Of China.
  • Taiwan is a country in the Orient of Gloriana to the east. Cheap mass-produced merchandise is made there. The Tinder Box was made in Taiwan, but An Forda claims that it is a small town outside of Rome, in order to trick buyers into paying more (since he believed it added historical value). It has associations with nearby mainland (China).
  • Taiwan, officially the Republic of China, is a sovereing state in Asia, in the Pacific Ocean, near Mainland China.
  • Taiwan är en ö i Stilla havet, Doktor Daniel Jackson beställde en tröja till Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill när han var i Mexiko men beställde en tröja åt honom från Taiwan när han var på flygplatsen. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: City of the Gods")kategori:Jordens länder
  • In 1949, Chiang Kai-Shek and his Nationalist Party were ousted from the Chinese mainland by the Communists. The Nationalists fled to the island Taiwan, promising they would return to reclaim the mainland. Sometime before 2018, the government of Taiwan renounced the title of the Republic of China and formally declared independence from the mainland. Despite Beijing's promise that any independence would result in war, none resulted. In 2018, when the Canton Confederation seceded, they extended an invitation to Taiwan to join them, but the island nation declined. The Nationalists had faded from power and the ruling government had no intention of reunification with the mainland. Despite this, the two countries enjoyed close trade ties.
  • In 1895, military defeat forced China to cede Taiwan to Japan. Taiwan reverted to Chinese control after World War II. Following the Communist victory on the mainland in 1949, 2 million Nationalists fled to Taiwan and established a government using the 1947 constitution drawn up for all of China. Over the next five decades, the ruling authorities gradually democratized and incorporated the local population within the governing structure. In 2000, Taiwan underwent its first peaceful transfer of power from the Nationalist to the Democratic Progressive Party. Throughout this period, the island prospered and became one of East Asia's economic "Tigers." The dominant political issues continue to be the relationship between Taiwan and China - specifically the question of Taiwan's eventual status -
  • A "country" somewhere in the east or better yet China's Mexico. In essence, Taiwan is the anti-China. A long time ago the evil communist Chinese took most of China and the good not-communist Chinese had to go to Taiwan. And ever since then Taiwan has been plotting against China.
  • Taiwan (i/ˈtaɪˈwɑːn/ TY-WAHN Chinese: 臺灣 or 台灣; pinyin: Táiwān; see below), officially the Republic of China (ROC; Chinese: 中華民國; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínguó), is a state in East Asia. Originally based in mainland China, the Republic of China now governs the island of Taiwan (formerly known as "Formosa"), which makes up over 99% of its territory, as well as Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and other minor islands. Neighboring states include the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east and northeast, and the Philippines to the south. Taipei is the political capital as well as economic and cultural centre in Taiwan. New Taipei is the most populous city.
  • Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), is a sovereign state off the east coast of Asia. The Republic of China, originally based in mainland China, now governs the island of Taiwan, formerly known to Westerners as Formosa (Portuguese word for beautiful), which makes up over 99% of its territory, as well as Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and other minor islands.
  • Ma Ying-jeou-San-Tsu-Lee
  • President Lee Teng-hui
Row 9 info
  • 37
  • President Lee Teng-hui
pop ork
  • Unknown
Row 8 info
  • 27
Row 4 info
  • 22974347
Row 10 title
pop other
  • Unknown
Row 7 title
  • Unemployment
ed hs
  • Unknown
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • *The Inside Man
  • *Wake Up
  • 台湾
  • FO4, FOX
pop elf
  • Unknown
Row 1 info
  • Taipei
ed college
  • Unknown
pop human
  • Unknown
Row 8 title
Row 4 title
  • Population
Row 9 title
pop troll
  • Unknown
Row 2 info
pop dwarf
  • Unknown
Row 6 info
  • 2.4602304959999995E9
Row 1 title
  • Capital
Row 5 info
  • 0.227
Row 2 title
  • Borders
Row 6 title
  • Life expectancy
Row 10 info
  • 46
Row 5 title
  • Population growth
Row 3 info
  • multiparty democracy
Row 3 title
  • Government type
Row 7 info
  • 5.9
  • 2
ed grad
  • Unknown
Box Title
  • Country summary
  • 中華民國
  • none
conventional long name
  • No, NOT Thailand, TAIWAN!
  • republic of china
  • Brown
  • President Lee Teng-hui
  • Legislative Yuan
  • 36193.0
  • Unknown
  • Under Chinese occupation.
  • FlagTaiwan.png
  • RCL.png
  • * Thunderlord
  • Republic of China
  • Brown
  • Taiwan
  • Republic of China
leader titles
  • Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic
  • Milky Way
  • :Mandarin :English
  • Unknown
  • National Day of the Republic of China
national heros
  • Bill "Micro" Gates, Michael "Kid" Jackson, Sun Yat-sen
  • N/A
  • Episode 111
  • Volume 2
  • Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • Nuyen
  • New Taiwan dollar
  • pretty red and blue pieces of paper
  • Republic of China Armed Forces
  • Taiwan
  • 200
  • 300
  • Constitution of the Republic of China
official languages
  • Hakka
  • Earth
  • Unknown
  • 23340136
  • 23650000
  • Taiwanese
  • 150.0
  • Information
  • right
  • Taipei
  • 1928-10-28
image map
  • 350
  • Taiwanmap.jpg
  • --10-25
government type
  • Don't even ask!
  • All the same looneys as everywhere else but in different percentages
national language
  • Mandarin
  • Real World; New Earth
native name
  • Republic of TIE w-a-a-n
image coat
  • 125
summer temp
  • 27
  • 31
winter temp
  • 14
  • 17
record high
  • 40.200000
  • Taiwan has a climate similar to Florida
leader names
  • Marky Mark Ma Ying-Jeou
  • Hou-tung Lu and Sun Yat-sen
Largest City
  • Taipei
Image desc
  • Taiwanese pre-War flag
  • Female
  • :Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, shamanism, and Christianity
  • National Anthem of the Republic of China
image flag
  • 125
  • ChinaROC.jpg
  • :Leader: Unknown
  • 40
  • No Flag Image Available
Founded By
  • Executive Yuan
  • Unknown
  • Location of Taiwan
  • Taiwanese flag
Common name
  • Taiwan
  • December 1949
  • :Han :Other
medical service
  • No medical response information available.
  • Premier Lee Huan
ed under
  • Unknown
  • Sol
govt type
  • Democracy
  • Unknown
nation name
  • Taiwan
  • Axis Powers Hetalia 3 World Map
  • Judicial Yuan
OTL status
  • Active with limited recognition
  • History of location is unknown.
  • It's in Asia. It's an island. There are mountains and lakes and stuff. What else do you want to know?
  • This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Taiwan, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/- Taiwan translators work here!
  • The country is protected by the superhero known as Thunderlord.
  • Taiwan, also known as Formosa, is a province in eastern China, and defacto colony of the west. The west refers to the colony as the Republic of China. The province is guided by pro imperialism, and capitalist policies dictated by its colonial masters. Due to the weakness of Deng's policies, China has given up on the province and the west is free to do as it wishes. Taiwan's politics, economy, education, and media is controlled by the west, and Japan. The importance and significance of Taiwan is that it can be and is used by the west to destabilize China for the past 60 years. 25% of the world's commercial shipping goes through the Taiwan strait. The west must therefore control this with its usual iron fist.
  • Taiwan, officially called the Republic of China, is a partially-recognized country in East Asia.
  • The flag of Taiwan, also known as the Republic of China or Chinese Taipei, is red with a blue canton with a white stylized Sun with twelve rays in the center of the canton.
  • Nations that recognise the Republic of China. Please Note: The United States recognises the PRC not Taiwan!
  • Taiwan — an island country in southeast Asia off the coast of China — was among the nations listed in the CTU Operations Manual. One of its intelligence agencies, the National Security Council, was also listed.
  • Redirect :wikipedia:Taiwan
  • Taiwan was a country in Asia before the Great War.
  • The independence of Taiwan is disputed by China.
  • Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), is a sovereign state off the east coast of Asia. The Republic of China, originally based in mainland China, now governs the island of Taiwan, formerly known to Westerners as Formosa (Portuguese word for beautiful), which makes up over 99% of its territory, as well as Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and other minor islands. Formosa's first human inhabitants arrived some 8000 years prior to a Han migration from mainland China in the 17th Century. Concurrently, Formosa was also colonized by the Dutch and Portuguese. A pro-Ming government was established in 1662, which expelled the Europeans, but that fell in 1683 to the Qing Dynasty, which annexed Formosa outright to China. Formosa, now most commonly called "Taiwan", was ceded to Japan in 1895, and remained under Japanese rule until the end of World War II in 1945. At the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party took control of mainland China, and ousted the government of the Republic of China (ROC), which had been established in 1912. The ROC fled to Taiwan, and for a time enjoyed official recognition as the "true" government of China. However, this recognition has eroded with the passing decades, and most governments now recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) on the mainland as the "true" China. From its foundation to the 1980s, Taiwan was a one-party state under the rule of the Kuomintang. However, the tight reins of the government began to ease in the 1980s, and Taiwan is now a generally functional democracy. As the Chinese Civil War never officially ended, Taiwan has substantial military fortifications. For several decades, it also maintained a mutual defense with the United States. The ROC does not seek to reinstall itself on the mainland, and its status as an independent nation is not truly legal for a number of complicated reasons. For its part, the PRC considers itself the successor state to the Republic of China (ROC) and therefore entitled to all its holdings, including Taiwan, and has frequently made it clear that any move by the ROC to declare itself a truly independent nation-state will be met with force.
  • right|300px Taiwan ist ein Inselstaat im Pazifik.
  • Taiwan (officially the Republic of China) is a democratic and free country located next to the People's Republic of China.
  • A "country" somewhere in the east or better yet China's Mexico. In essence, Taiwan is the anti-China. A long time ago the evil communist Chinese took most of China and the good not-communist Chinese had to go to Taiwan. And ever since then Taiwan has been plotting against China. Taiwan is not, in fact, a true country. It is, however, a secret prison island where the US government has sent millions of illegal immigrants workers to work for less than minimum wage in an attempt to outproduce China. When something you buy says "Made in Taiwan", it means you are really supporting America. China is angry at the government for doing this, and is trying its damndest to retake Taiwan at any cost. Recent tactics have included overrunning its pastures with Chinese Cashmere Goats to both destroy its ecosystem and pollute the American heartland, as was said on the Colbert Report.
  • The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics. * Taiphoon events * Kaohsiung Car Free Days and a Green Transport Program: Low-carbon, high-amenity transport, one city at a time, November 03
  • Taiwan (official name: Republic of China) is an island nation of East Asia.
  • Taiwan, officially the Republic of Taiwan (Minnanese: 臺灣民國, Tâi-oân Bîn-kok) is an island nation in East Asia off the coast of Canton. Its capital is Tâi-pak.
  • A sweet and polite Taiwan who seems to be from the KMT times.
  • List of settlements (cities, towns, & villages) in Taiwan
  • Taiwan, officially the Republic of China, is a state in East Asia. Taiwan has a higher Human Development Index and much lower Gini coefficient index than its next door neighbor. The government of Taiwan is currently dominated by the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party).
  • Taiwan is an iland-ethel between Midrike and Dawnland. There are bergs in the east of the ile and mildy sloping flatlands in the west. Hsinchu is called the windy town forof its loftlay. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
  • Taiwan (台湾, Taiwan) is a minor character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. She is also referred to as The Republic Of China.
  • Taiwan is a country in the Orient of Gloriana to the east. Cheap mass-produced merchandise is made there. The Tinder Box was made in Taiwan, but An Forda claims that it is a small town outside of Rome, in order to trick buyers into paying more (since he believed it added historical value). It has associations with nearby mainland (China).
  • Taiwan, officially the Republic of China, is a sovereing state in Asia, in the Pacific Ocean, near Mainland China.
  • Taiwan är en ö i Stilla havet, Doktor Daniel Jackson beställde en tröja till Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill när han var i Mexiko men beställde en tröja åt honom från Taiwan när han var på flygplatsen. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: City of the Gods")kategori:Jordens länder
  • In 1895, military defeat forced China to cede Taiwan to Japan. Taiwan reverted to Chinese control after World War II. Following the Communist victory on the mainland in 1949, 2 million Nationalists fled to Taiwan and established a government using the 1947 constitution drawn up for all of China. Over the next five decades, the ruling authorities gradually democratized and incorporated the local population within the governing structure. In 2000, Taiwan underwent its first peaceful transfer of power from the Nationalist to the Democratic Progressive Party. Throughout this period, the island prospered and became one of East Asia's economic "Tigers." The dominant political issues continue to be the relationship between Taiwan and China - specifically the question of Taiwan's eventual status - as well as domestic political and economic reform.
  • Taiwan (i/ˈtaɪˈwɑːn/ TY-WAHN Chinese: 臺灣 or 台灣; pinyin: Táiwān; see below), officially the Republic of China (ROC; Chinese: 中華民國; pinyin: Zhōnghuá Mínguó), is a state in East Asia. Originally based in mainland China, the Republic of China now governs the island of Taiwan (formerly known as "Formosa"), which makes up over 99% of its territory, as well as Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and other minor islands. Neighboring states include the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east and northeast, and the Philippines to the south. Taipei is the political capital as well as economic and cultural centre in Taiwan. New Taipei is the most populous city. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
  • In 1949, Chiang Kai-Shek and his Nationalist Party were ousted from the Chinese mainland by the Communists. The Nationalists fled to the island Taiwan, promising they would return to reclaim the mainland. Sometime before 2018, the government of Taiwan renounced the title of the Republic of China and formally declared independence from the mainland. Despite Beijing's promise that any independence would result in war, none resulted. In 2018, when the Canton Confederation seceded, they extended an invitation to Taiwan to join them, but the island nation declined. The Nationalists had faded from power and the ruling government had no intention of reunification with the mainland. Despite this, the two countries enjoyed close trade ties.
is BaseOfOperations of
is location country of
is assembly of
is Affiliation of
is Continent of
is Line of
is Party of
is Base of
is Related of
is Founded By of