  • Communism
  • Communism (from the Latin communis, meaning common, universal) names a range of ideologies that advocate or at least propound the idea of establishing a society of equals freed from institutions that prevent the full actualization of human potential.
  • Communism leads to: lies, weakness, false promises and corruption. Can cause protests like the one ending the Soviet Union. It is every free man's duty to fight against it. Like Nazism, communism lures unexpecting victims into its corrupted power.
  • Communism, a political ideology and social/civil philosophy which, is grounded as the basis and the identifiable part of each spinoff body, largely advocates for the abolitionment of the government, overseeing authority and its agency in the pursuit of a single class, usually the majority or proletariat. Above others such as World Revolution, Workplace democracy, Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Means of Production this
  • Officially founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.__TOC__
  • Communism is water polo. (ENT: "Harbinger") Image:Sisko-facepalm.jpg Image:Shatner screams.jpg Your article sucks.Congratulations. You are visitor to read this piece of shit.You may or may not have won something! Click here to claim your prize.
  • Communism is owned by the spawn of Satan, who calls himself Bernie Sanders. He wants to take away freedom, and wants to kill anyone who makes over 50,000 dollars a year. In addition, he wants to give the homeless everything for free.
  • Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production. It is usually considered a branch of the broader socialist movement that draws on the various political and intellectual movements that trace their origins back to the work of Karl Marx.
  • Communism is the 116th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1. It was created by Trevor Hedges.
  • Communism is a technology in Civilization games, allowing the Government of the same name.
  • Communism is a political ideology that advocates the communist society. That is, a money-less, stateless, socioeconomic order where everything is publicly owned, and the means of production is owned by the people (socialism).
  • This web page is stupid. Communism is the act of throwing pineapples at villains in a museum. It was discovered in 1215 by Shakespeare, who yelled "I have done it!" just before his wikipedia page was vandalized. Communism is also sometimes called communism.
  • Communism is an economic and/or political ideology. There are many different definitions of communism, formulated both by adherents and by detractors, but on the whole, most communists favour state control of a country's economy (often through state ownership), the abolition of social class, and the granting of political power to workers.
  • Communism is a political ideology in which the soulless believer molests children, hates fetuses, and denies Jesus. The most noteable communist organization is the Democratic Party. Communists suffer godless angst due to the fact that they can't see the colors on the American Flag therefore making them Communist/on the Democratic Party.
  • Communism is a revolutionary socialist movement originating from Karl Marx.
  • Towards the end of the 19th century, the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin developed his own form of Communism, known as Leninism, which eventually became the dominant ideology of the Soviet Union.
  • The Op-Yop was a toy marketed in the 1960's by a company based in Royal Oak, Michigan called Kramer Designs. The company's original location was an office on Adams in the neighboring community of Birmingham. The history we could find was based on a Time Magazine article in 1968 where it was stated that a million of the Op-Yops had been sold and another million were expected to sell by Christmas. In my travels, I have found some additional information including an internal memo relating to some six months worth of advertising that was done on the Soupy Sales Show with Soupy doing the commercials shot in Detroit. There were also memo's to retailers advising them to stock up on the toy to be in sync with the Soupy Sales ads. I tracked down the original molder who made the parts and talked to
  • As a social system, communism would be a type of egalitarian society with no state, no private property and no social classes. In communism, all property is owned by the community as a whole, and all people enjoy equal social and economic status. Perhaps the best known principle of a communist society is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
  • The idea of communism tis that every one must be equal, free, and have a good living. It also requires that everyone must contribute to society (capitalists do so as well, for everyone does, but in a selfish, twisted sense. As to why, capitalists "contribute" to society as well, but in the end it benefits them only.) by using his or her ability to produce goods or wealth for the betterment of society. This attitude is as old as mankind but it was given a name by Karl Marx.In theory, a stateless, classless society in which the means of production is collectively owned and goods and services are freely distributed according to need as oppose to wealth or social status. It has also been incorrectly used to describe countries that are ruled by Marxist-Leninist parties. The People's republic of
  • Das Kapital was a major communist work written by Marx. (AUDIO: Brotherhood of the Daleks) The Soviet Union was a communist state. (PROSE: History 101) Its symbol was the hammer and sickle. (COMIC: Target Practice) In 1919, the Bolsheviks seized power in Uzbekistan. The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot visited the country shortly afterwards, in August of that year. (AUDIO: The Memory Cheats) In 1958, Colonel Stark claimed that the Tenth Doctor was a communist to justify killing him. (TV: Dreamland) Charley Pollard accused Murgat of being "bolshie". (AUDIO: Brotherhood of the Daleks)
  • Communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general. Karl Marx posited that communism would be the final stage in human society, which would be achieved through a proletarian revolution. "Pure communism" in the Marxian sense refers to a classless, stateless and oppression-free society where decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made democratically, allowing every member of society to participate in the decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life.
  • Communism is an ideology which polarises people. Communism is an ideal quest for social equality, where everyone is equal. Karl Marx and Fredrick Ingles were 2 German philosophers who came up with the ideology which is split into three parts:
  • Communism was a political ideal that means the well-being for all. "This rich endowment, painfully won, builded, fashioned, or invented by our ancestors, must become common property, so that the collective interests of men may gain from it the greatest good for all. There must be Expropriation. The well-being of all--the end; expropriation--the means." Quote: Anarcho-communist Prince Peter Kropotkin, London, 1892
  • Communism was discribed as a scientific theory by sociologist Karl Marx using a line of thought known as Marxism. Karl Marx theorized that the competing interests of those who owned the means of production (Bourgeoisie), and those who had to work to survive (Proletariat) would lead to political power being held by the Proletariat. Once this was achieved public ownership, and managment of the means of production would come into effect (a stage refered to as Socialism). As proverty, and the scarcity of goods deminished, and all goods became freely accessable; the distinction between bourgeoisie, and proletariate would sece to exist; and money, would no longer be used. As social organizations take over areas once handled by government agencies, the government would also, sece to exist. The re
  • Communism (Russian: коммунизм) is a social-economic system based on a society that is without classes and without sovereignty. It is a branch of socialism that dates from the Industrial and French Revolutions. It is based also on common ownership of the means of production. Communism is the opposite of Capitalism, which guarantees a lower class and upper class. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels are the two people who are accredited with inventing modern communism. Marx argued that capitalism caused the existence of two opposing classes of people and their interests where opposing. Communism
  • Communism is the perfect form of government, although many capitalist organizations such as Corporate America portray it as an evil and exploitative regime. Communism has never existed, anywhere in the world. It is a mistake to call the USSR, its gulags, China, North Korea, Vietnam, hippie communes, kibbutzim, or Cuba communist, but that's what a lot of uninformed idiots do. You idiots!
  • In 1953, Douglas Pabst insinuated that Herbert Rossoff was a proponent of communism. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars") The Kohms of Omega IV were named from a corruption of the word communist, an example of Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development at work. (TOS: "The Omega Glory" ) In 2364, Q adopted the guise of a United States Marine Corps captain and cynically suggested that the USS Enterprise-D "go back to your world and put an end to the commies". (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" )
  • Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a classless society structured upon communal ownership of the means of production and the end of wage labour and private property.[1] The exact definition of communism varies and it is commonly used interchangeably with socialism, however, communist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the way to communism. A variety of different forms of communism have developed, each based upon the ideas of different political theorists, usually as additions or interpretations of various forms of Marxism, the collective philosophies of Karl Marx.[2] Marxism-Leninism is the synthesis of Vladimir Lenin's contributions to Marxism, such as how a revolutionary party should be organised; Trotskyism is Leon Trotsky's conception of Ma
  • Communism (Russian: коммунизм) is a social-economic system based theoretically on a society that is without classes and without sovereignty. In reality the party is sovereign in Communist countries and Communist officials are the ruling class. It is a branch of socialism that dates from the Industrial and French Revolutions.[1] It is based also on common ownership of the means of production.[2] Communism is the opposite of Capitalism, which guarantees a lower class and upper class. In reality in communist Countries the party can be close to an extreme Monopoly capitalist. In a society without greed, a Communist state would not go through authoritarian regimes, Capitalism would fail because there is no demand or private ownership. Is such a society possible? Note: NEVER listen to right-wing
  • 116
chips available
  • 4
  • no
  • no
difficulty lynx
  • 2
bold lynx
  • 533
  • OAHN
bold difficulty ms
  • 3
bold ms
  • 520
bold complexity ms
  • 4
difficulty ms
  • 2
bold difficulty lynx
  • 3
bold complexity lynx
  • 4
  • Each tank button can only be pressed once.
  • no
chips required
  • 4
  • Politics
  • Czar times
  • 5
  • Dissolved/Very Small/Dying
  • Communism
wiki logo
Wiki title
  • Kommunisme
request name
  • kommunisme
request category
  • Politics
wiki url
Request ID
  • 14501
request created
  • 2009-03-27
  • Communist
  • nb
  • 280
  • Communism
  • no
  • Kommunist
  • Anti-surplus Pro-starvation
  • 600
  • Join the party comrade
  • 1844
Request description
  • Denne Wikia er et nettsted for artikler rundt kommunisme generelt og marxist-leninistisk teori spesielt.
  • Repressed
  • Somewhat Repressed
  • Repressed
  • Moderate
  • The Op-Yop was a toy marketed in the 1960's by a company based in Royal Oak, Michigan called Kramer Designs. The company's original location was an office on Adams in the neighboring community of Birmingham. The history we could find was based on a Time Magazine article in 1968 where it was stated that a million of the Op-Yops had been sold and another million were expected to sell by Christmas. In my travels, I have found some additional information including an internal memo relating to some six months worth of advertising that was done on the Soupy Sales Show with Soupy doing the commercials shot in Detroit. There were also memo's to retailers advising them to stock up on the toy to be in sync with the Soupy Sales ads. I tracked down the original molder who made the parts and talked to some home workers who assembled them at their homes from 1967 through 1968. The toy was labeled as a psychedelic sensation and was skin packaged on 4-1/4 inch by 14 inch printed chipboard. More can be found out about the recent reincarnation of the op-yop at
  • Communism is the perfect form of government, although many capitalist organizations such as Corporate America portray it as an evil and exploitative regime. Communism has never existed, anywhere in the world. It is a mistake to call the USSR, its gulags, China, North Korea, Vietnam, hippie communes, kibbutzim, or Cuba communist, but that's what a lot of uninformed idiots do. You idiots! Sadly, all currently existing communist organizations (which are not really communist organizations really, er...) must be feeling pretty pissed off that they are not protected from being destroyed by imperialist groups, many of which, like the United States, are totally stupid. Communist philosophy can be traced back to the ancient writings of Proletariat (not to be confused with The proletariat, which also has connections with The Red Menace). Communism can also be traced to Georg Hegel who, while not being political, planted ideas of opposites fighting into Karl Marx's head. As a matter of fact, Hegel, who was Marx's teacher, implanted a twin-personality schizophrenic disorder into Marx's mind before exploding, while laughing at his latest feat, in a fatal blow of TNT stuck in his anus by his frustrated student Friedrich Nietzsche. This resulted into the end of Hegel's long line of philosophical insanity, and in poor Marx's mind to be split in a bloody and never-ending conflict between his "crappy bourgeois elitist" ego and his "romantic proletarian worker" other self, hence came his central theory of a "class struggle" governing the forces of History. Because Communism rejects property ownership and all property is held in common, it is the mortal enemy of Jews. Also of note is the remarkable ability of communists to not only survive, but thrive, entirely on vodka and radiation.
  • Communism (Russian: коммунизм) is a social-economic system based on a society that is without classes and without sovereignty. It is a branch of socialism that dates from the Industrial and French Revolutions. It is based also on common ownership of the means of production. Communism is the opposite of Capitalism, which guarantees a lower class and upper class. Communism can be divided into two broad categories: Marxist communism and non-Marxist communism. Although the dominant forms of communism are variants of Marxism, communism and Marxism are not same. Marxism is a branch within communism, not all communists are Marxists. There are non-Marxists version of communism like anarchist communism and Christian communism. Marxism-Leninism is a variation of communism theorized by Lenin. It is the most common form of Communism used by Communist parties around the world. The Former Soviet Union was unable to create egalitarian society, instead it was actually a party dictatorship and state capitalist country. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels are the two people who are accredited with inventing modern communism. Marx argued that capitalism caused the existence of two opposing classes of people and their interests where opposing. Communists disagree with Social Democrats in their philosophy, Communists maintain that the current system can never be changed to improve the favor of workers. They also disagree with Anarchists because Communist philosophy maintains that dismantlement must come gradually. Marx hypothesized the "dictatorship of the proletariat" will eventually result in a classless society. Anarchist theorist Bakunin and Marx had disagreement over this. Bakunin predicted "dictatorship of the proletariat" is impossible because the proletariat cannot rule over others, and to benefit the proletariat, the state should be abolished, but Marx did not pay attention to his suggestion. Soviet Union was never classless, it had a bureaucracy who enjoyed greater freedom than the general population called "Nomenclatura". Political Ideologies Communism
  • Communism (from the Latin communis, meaning common, universal) names a range of ideologies that advocate or at least propound the idea of establishing a society of equals freed from institutions that prevent the full actualization of human potential.
  • Communism leads to: lies, weakness, false promises and corruption. Can cause protests like the one ending the Soviet Union. It is every free man's duty to fight against it. Like Nazism, communism lures unexpecting victims into its corrupted power.
  • Communism (Russian: коммунизм) is a social-economic system based theoretically on a society that is without classes and without sovereignty. In reality the party is sovereign in Communist countries and Communist officials are the ruling class. It is a branch of socialism that dates from the Industrial and French Revolutions.[1] It is based also on common ownership of the means of production.[2] Communism is the opposite of Capitalism, which guarantees a lower class and upper class. In reality in communist Countries the party can be close to an extreme Monopoly capitalist. In a society without greed, a Communist state would not go through authoritarian regimes, Capitalism would fail because there is no demand or private ownership. Is such a society possible? Note: NEVER listen to right-wingers who call Liberals communists as an insult.
  • Communism was discribed as a scientific theory by sociologist Karl Marx using a line of thought known as Marxism. Karl Marx theorized that the competing interests of those who owned the means of production (Bourgeoisie), and those who had to work to survive (Proletariat) would lead to political power being held by the Proletariat. Once this was achieved public ownership, and managment of the means of production would come into effect (a stage refered to as Socialism). As proverty, and the scarcity of goods deminished, and all goods became freely accessable; the distinction between bourgeoisie, and proletariate would sece to exist; and money, would no longer be used. As social organizations take over areas once handled by government agencies, the government would also, sece to exist. The result, Marx called Communism: a stateless, moneyless, classess society. His theory would inspire those after him to attempt to bring about such a society, or system, Vladimir Lenin would lead the October Revolution in Czarist Russia, where in political power was gained by the Marxist Party. This strategy of Vanguard party tactics is refered to as Leninism, where in a communist party uses revolution to secure political power in the interest of the working class. Joseph Stalin, following the death of Vladimir Lenin would take the idea of a Vanguard party, and fuse it with the socialist stage of communist development to create the Marxism-Leninism ideology in which a communist party takes power via revolution in a single state, which it then organizes as a single party state to further the development of a Communist society by hindering the voice of opposition. The party would then take full control of the economy (something called a Planned Economy) in order to have the socialist stage fully realized. Once all nations of the world had this revolution, Communism as discribed by Karl Marx would come into existence. Critics of the approach claim the system merely creates State Capitalism, or control of capital by the state, essentially turning the state into one big company. Never the less, Marxism-Leninism has been adopted as the officially ideology of the Comintern.
  • Communism, a political ideology and social/civil philosophy which, is grounded as the basis and the identifiable part of each spinoff body, largely advocates for the abolitionment of the government, overseeing authority and its agency in the pursuit of a single class, usually the majority or proletariat. Above others such as World Revolution, Workplace democracy, Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Means of Production this
  • Communism was a political ideal that means the well-being for all. "This rich endowment, painfully won, builded, fashioned, or invented by our ancestors, must become common property, so that the collective interests of men may gain from it the greatest good for all. There must be Expropriation. The well-being of all--the end; expropriation--the means." Quote: Anarcho-communist Prince Peter Kropotkin, London, 1892 This ideal was embraced by a number of nation states on Earth during the 20th and 21st centuries, these nations states weren't really communist at all, they were Marxists, they were authoritarian socialists. The most notable of those were the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China. Communism have to be divided into the authoritarian socialsm aka marxism and the anti-authoritarian socialism aka anarchism. Marxism was a political ideology founded by Karl Marx, which purported to create an economic system of enforced equality for all people, via extensive governmental oversight of national economies. The ideas of Marxism were eventually used to herald an authoritarian ideology in the states where it was implemented. During the latter half of the 20th century, the competition between free-market capitalism and communism constituted the Cold War. In the United States of America and a number of other nations, pejorative slang terms came into popular use for people who were proponents of communism, which included "pinko", "red" and "commie." When Captain Benjamin Sisko was experiencing visions sent by the Prophets, the character of Douglas Pabst had insinuated that Herbert Rossoff was a proponent of communism. (DS9 episode & novelization: Far Beyond the Stars) Similarly, Professor Eugene Eckhart accused Gary Seven of being a communist, along with all opponents of the Vietnam War. (TOS - Star Trek: Assignment: Earth comic: "My Name Is Legion") By the late 20th century, the shortcomings of Soviet style communism became apparent - the country was suffering economic hardship brought on by extensive military spending and inefficiencies of central economic planning. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev began a program of perestroika, or "restructuring," to liberalize the Soviet Union - which was to include the elimination of corruption, simplification of bureaucracy, and production improvements. Hardliners in the Soviet government attempted to roll back the reforms by staging an attempted coup in late 1991, which failed within a few days when the leaders of the coup were unable to consolidate power. After the coup was defeated, many of the Soviet Union's constituent members began to assert their independence, and the Soviet Union was dissolved on 25 December 1991. (TOS novel: Probe) At the least, some of the ideals of communism survived in Russia into the 23rd century. When the senior staff of the late starship USS Enterprise traveled back in time to 1986, Pavel Chekov explained to Admiral Kirk that they would not have needed money if they landed in Russia. Several bystanders overheard Chekov apparently praising communism, leading one bystander to mutter that Chekov was a "...pinko commie exchange student." At this point, Kirk cautioned Chekov to not antagonize the Americans of the time by praising communism in their presence. (TOS novelization: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • Officially founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.__TOC__
  • In 1953, Douglas Pabst insinuated that Herbert Rossoff was a proponent of communism. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars") The Kohms of Omega IV were named from a corruption of the word communist, an example of Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development at work. (TOS: "The Omega Glory" ) In 2364, Q adopted the guise of a United States Marine Corps captain and cynically suggested that the USS Enterprise-D "go back to your world and put an end to the commies". (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" ) In a deleted scene from "The Big Goodbye" , Beverly Crusher mistakes puppet Charlie McCarthy for Senator Joseph McCarthy, whom she describes as "the man who hunted communist witches". [1]
  • Communism is water polo. (ENT: "Harbinger") Image:Sisko-facepalm.jpg Image:Shatner screams.jpg Your article sucks.Congratulations. You are visitor to read this piece of shit.You may or may not have won something! Click here to claim your prize.
  • Communism is owned by the spawn of Satan, who calls himself Bernie Sanders. He wants to take away freedom, and wants to kill anyone who makes over 50,000 dollars a year. In addition, he wants to give the homeless everything for free.
  • Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production. It is usually considered a branch of the broader socialist movement that draws on the various political and intellectual movements that trace their origins back to the work of Karl Marx.
  • Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a classless society structured upon communal ownership of the means of production and the end of wage labour and private property.[1] The exact definition of communism varies and it is commonly used interchangeably with socialism, however, communist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the way to communism. A variety of different forms of communism have developed, each based upon the ideas of different political theorists, usually as additions or interpretations of various forms of Marxism, the collective philosophies of Karl Marx.[2] Marxism-Leninism is the synthesis of Vladimir Lenin's contributions to Marxism, such as how a revolutionary party should be organised; Trotskyism is Leon Trotsky's conception of Marxism and Maoism is Mao Tse Tung's interpretation of Marxism to suit the conditions of China at that time. Communist theory generally states that the only way to solve the problems existing within capitalism is for the working class, referred to as the proletariat, who is the main producer of wealth in society and is exploited by the capitalist class, as explained in theories such as surplus value, to replace the bourgeoisie as the ruling class to establish a society without class divisions, called socialism, as a prelude to attempting to achieve the final stage of communism.[1] Pure communism, or the stage in history after socialism, refers to a classless, stateless society, one where decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made in the best interests of the collective society with the interests of every member of society given equal weight in the practical decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life. Karl Marx, as well as some other communist philosophers, purposely never provided a detailed description as to how communism would function as a social system. In the communist manifesto, Marx lays out a 10-point plan advising the redistribution of land and production to achieve his social ideals. However, Marx fervently denies that this plan is to be carried out by any specific group or "class". According to Marx, communal ownership of the means of production and the end of wage labour inevitably arises due to contradictions and class conflicts existing in capitalism, and the communists are merely professors who help frame struggles in terms of class struggle.[3] In this way, communism avoids the contradiction of creating a new class to replace the old one. The origins of communism are debatable, and there are various historical groups, as well as theorists, whose beliefs have been subsequently described as communist. Some theorists have considered hunter-gatherer societies to adhere to a form of primitive communism, whilst historical figures like Plato and Thomas More have been described as espousing early forms of the ideology. The communist movement as it is known today largely took shape in the nineteenth century, when it was developed.[2] In the twentieth century, revolutions led to openly communist governments taking power in many countries, leading to the creation of states like the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Cuba. In modern usage, communism is often used to refer to the policies of these governments, which were one party systems operating under centrally planned economies and a state ownership of the means of production. Most of these governments based their ideology on Marxism-Leninism. These systems, sometimes referred to as state socialism are argued by many, including those on the left, that states never made an attempt to transition to a communist society, while others even argue that they never achieved socialism. In the 20th and 21st centuries democratic elections led to communist, and communist inspired, governments being elected in other parts of the world such as in Chile and Venezuela. Today, although communism is a less influential political force compared to what it was in much of the twentieth century,[4] there are still powerful communist and aligned socialist movements in many parts of the world, especially southern Asia and South America, and since the Economic crisis of 2008 there has been a resurgence of interest in communist theory, especially the theories of Karl Marx.
  • Communism is the 116th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1. It was created by Trevor Hedges.
  • As a social system, communism would be a type of egalitarian society with no state, no private property and no social classes. In communism, all property is owned by the community as a whole, and all people enjoy equal social and economic status. Perhaps the best known principle of a communist society is "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." As an ideology, the word communism is a synonym for Marxism and its various derivatives (most notably Marxism-Leninism). Among other things, Marxism proposes the materialist conception of history; there are four stages of economic development: slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and communism. These stages are advanced through a dialectical process, refining society as history progresses. This refinement is driven by class struggle. Communism is the final refinement as it will result in one class. As a political movement, communism is a branch of the broader socialist movement. The communist movement differentiates itself from other branches of the socialist movement through various things - such as, for example, the communists' desire to establish a communist system after the socialist one, and their commitment to revolutionary strategies for overthrowing capitalism.
  • Communism is a technology in Civilization games, allowing the Government of the same name.
  • Communism is a political ideology that advocates the communist society. That is, a money-less, stateless, socioeconomic order where everything is publicly owned, and the means of production is owned by the people (socialism).
  • The idea of communism tis that every one must be equal, free, and have a good living. It also requires that everyone must contribute to society (capitalists do so as well, for everyone does, but in a selfish, twisted sense. As to why, capitalists "contribute" to society as well, but in the end it benefits them only.) by using his or her ability to produce goods or wealth for the betterment of society. This attitude is as old as mankind but it was given a name by Karl Marx.In theory, a stateless, classless society in which the means of production is collectively owned and goods and services are freely distributed according to need as oppose to wealth or social status. It has also been incorrectly used to describe countries that are ruled by Marxist-Leninist parties. The People's republic of China is an example of the communist ideology leading to progress. The USSR would have survived, but sadly, Mikhail Gorbachev came into power and raped the soviet union of all communist existence. If he had continued Stalins work, the USSR would most likely be around, and if had Vladmir Putin helped become Stalin's successor, things today might have been alot better then they are today. A Communist is one who adheres the theories of Karl Marx and other communist's, such as Lenin, often supplemented by the ideas of other thinkers. Other kinds of communists are Maoist's, Stalinist's, Leninist's, Chevezist's, Fidelist's, Marxist's. Kim iL Sungist's, and others. Nepal has recently become a communist country and wants to remain that way. America is very unhappy about this, and has been raising decent, but it has changed nothing. There are also many Communist Parties in many countries like The Communist Party USA, The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, The Japanese Communist Party, and The Communist Party of Canada.
  • This web page is stupid. Communism is the act of throwing pineapples at villains in a museum. It was discovered in 1215 by Shakespeare, who yelled "I have done it!" just before his wikipedia page was vandalized. Communism is also sometimes called communism.
  • Communism is an economic and/or political ideology. There are many different definitions of communism, formulated both by adherents and by detractors, but on the whole, most communists favour state control of a country's economy (often through state ownership), the abolition of social class, and the granting of political power to workers.
  • Communism is a political ideology in which the soulless believer molests children, hates fetuses, and denies Jesus. The most noteable communist organization is the Democratic Party. Communists suffer godless angst due to the fact that they can't see the colors on the American Flag therefore making them Communist/on the Democratic Party.
  • Communism is a revolutionary socialist movement originating from Karl Marx.
  • Das Kapital was a major communist work written by Marx. (AUDIO: Brotherhood of the Daleks) The Soviet Union was a communist state. (PROSE: History 101) Its symbol was the hammer and sickle. (COMIC: Target Practice) In 1919, the Bolsheviks seized power in Uzbekistan. The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot visited the country shortly afterwards, in August of that year. (AUDIO: The Memory Cheats) In 1958, Colonel Stark claimed that the Tenth Doctor was a communist to justify killing him. (TV: Dreamland) In 1989, the Communist regimes in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia were overthrown. In Czechoslovakia, it was known as the Velvet Revolution and took place on 28 November of that year. The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams were present for that event, and stopped an alien invasion by the Mavora, with the help of the Golem of Prague. (COMIC: The Broken Man) Charley Pollard accused Murgat of being "bolshie". (AUDIO: Brotherhood of the Daleks)
  • Communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general. Karl Marx posited that communism would be the final stage in human society, which would be achieved through a proletarian revolution. "Pure communism" in the Marxian sense refers to a classless, stateless and oppression-free society where decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made democratically, allowing every member of society to participate in the decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life. As a political ideology, communism is usually considered to be a branch of socialism; a broad group of economic and political philosophies that draw on the various political and intellectual movements with origins in the work of theorists of the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution. Communism attempts to offer an alternative to the problems with the capitalist market economy and the legacy of imperialism and nationalism. Marx states that the only way to solve these problems is for the working class (proletariat), who according to Marx are the main producers of wealth in society and are exploited by the Capitalist-class (bourgeoisie), to replace the bourgeoisie as the ruling class in order to establish a free society, without class or racial divisions. The dominant forms of communism, such as Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism and Trotskyism are based on Marxism, but non-Marxist versions of communism (such as Christian communism and anarcho-communism) also exist. Karl Marx never provided a detailed description as to how communism would function as an economic system, but it is understood that a communist economy would consist of common ownership of the means of production, culminating in the negation of the concept of private ownership of capital, which referred to the means of production in Marxian terminology. In modern usage, communism is often used to refer to Bolshevism or Marxism-Leninism.
  • Communism is an ideology which polarises people. Communism is an ideal quest for social equality, where everyone is equal. Karl Marx and Fredrick Ingles were 2 German philosophers who came up with the ideology which is split into three parts: * Ideal - full social equality - i.e. all individuals become part of a society and there was no private property and there was no ownership, everything people owned would be divided equally. Idea that the working class would rebel against the capitalist in a revolution would spread around the world, eventually causing the capitalist class to fall. * Program * Regime
  • Towards the end of the 19th century, the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin developed his own form of Communism, known as Leninism, which eventually became the dominant ideology of the Soviet Union.
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