  • Cuba
  • Cuba
  • Cuba
  • Cuba
  • Cuba
  • Cuba
  • Cuba
  • Cuba
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Seattle Cuba Friendship Committee, a Task Force of the Church Council of Greater Seattle
  • Alternate versions of Cuba: * Cooba (Cabotia and Brasil) * Cuba (13 Fallen Stars) * Cuba (1797) * Cuba (1983: Doomsday) * Cuba (2004) (Divergence Factor -0.229) * Cuba (6-2-5 Upheaval) * Cuba (A Southron World) * Cuba (Alternity) * Cuba (Austria and others) * Cuba (Axis Victory) * Cuba (British Louisiana) * Cuba (Chaos) * Cuba (Cromwell the Great) * Cuba (Napoleon's World) * Cuba (Soviet World Rule) * Coabana (The Kalmar Union) * See also: * Confederation of the Caribbean (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) This is a disambiguation page, a list of pages that otherwise might share the same title. If an article link referred you to this title, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
  • Cuba is a minor trading partner in Tropico 5. The Republic of Cuba is an insular country in the Caribbean, settled in the Caribbean Sea. Its capital city and most populous one is La Habana.
  • Cuba is a communist, socialist, leftist, liberal, "progressive", fascist island nation full of dirty Mexicans whose ancestors came from Europe. They always be trying to come here and set up their communist/nazi Obama camps but good, clean, white Americans stop 'em. They also have good cigars, bananas, and pan. The capital is Hapana. They apparently have a vaccine for lung-cancer, which proves that they are far superior to the United States and that Communism was right all along. On the 25th of November, 2016, Fidel Castro peacefully passed away, unlike his countless victims.
  • In "GoldenEye" and "Die Another Day", Bond visits Cuba.
  • Cuba made its' first DC Comics appearance in All-Star Comics # 9 (March 1942).
  • Cuba is an island country located in the Caribbean, about ninety miles south of the U.S. state of Florida . In geographic tems, Cuba is considered to be part of North America. The country's capitial is Havana . Its government is entirely of Communism, a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. It has a bitter rivalry with the United States of America, due to aligning with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, around the early 1960s.
  • Cuba è un arcipelago posto tra il Mar dei Caraibi, il Golfo del Messico e l'oceano Atlantico.
  • Het land werd in de 20e eeuw geregeerd door de communistische leider Fidel Castro. (ENT:"Storm Front, Deel II") Categorie:Aardse landen de:Kuba en:Cuba fr:Cuba it:Cuba
  • Cuba est status componitur primo de tobacco cigarettes et polluerunt piscis oleo. Sinum Mexicanum sit inter locorum, pellentesque et inter Oceanum Atlanticum mare. Tamen in annis revelatum est quia Cuba est tantum parte septentrionali Novaya Zemlya, ita exigere location esset amissa insula in Baltic Arctic.
  • The flag of Cuba is made of five equal horizontal stripes in the background, alternating blue and white, with a red equilateral triangle with its base at the hoist, with a white five-pointed star, facing upward, in the center of the triangle.
  • Cuba is in the Carib Sea. It is made up of one wide iland and more than 1,500 small ones. Sugar is the biggest outsell. Cuba is the only folkwielding ethel in America.
  • The Republic of Cuba is an Island in the eastern Caribbean that lies at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. To the north are found the United States and the Bahamas, to the west Mexico, to the southwest the Cayman Islands and Jamaica, and to the southeast Haiti.
  • Cuba is a country in North America.
  • Cuba is an insular nation in the Caribbean.
  • Cuba was an island country in the Caribbean Sea. The America Department was one of Cuba's main intelligence services (CTU Operations Manual) Robert Ellis took part in classified special operations in Cuba. (Findings at CTU) Cuba was hit by Hurricane Everette. (Storm Force)
  • Cuba is a country in North America and a member of the United Nations.
  • Cuba is a large island in the Caribbean. * Wikipedia page: Cuba
  • Show Schedule: 11am and 3pm. Open: daily from 9.30am-5pm. Located in mid-Varadero close to the southern highway, this attraction is a great way for families and kids to get close to everyone's favorite sea animal. Two dolphins' shows daily and the opportunity to swim with the "stars".
  • Cuba est une île des Caraïbes. La capitale de ce charmant pays est La Havane.
  • Cuba ist ein Inselstaat im Südwesten von Coatlicue.
  • Cuba is a small communist country of the coast of America.
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is an island country in the Caribbean.
  • Cuba es un pais en la Mar Caribean. La area es sirca 110,860 cilometres cuadrada. La cuantia de popla, en la anio 2007, es sirca 11,394,043 persones. La site capital es Havana. La lingua major es espaniol.
  • Cuba is a country with an Authoritarian regime ruled by a party with a Communist Political ideology.
  • Created the first RP thread on the meme in which sparkly text was strongly abused. Finds Kumajiro frightening. Currently inactive.
  • The islands of Cuba are featured as the setting of a Ghost Recon mission in 2010. After the death of Fidel Castro in 2006, the Ghosts are sent in to ensure that Cuba has a trouble-free election. The Ghosts battle a corrupt political group fronting their candidate Ariel Priego using violent methods, such as kidnapping and killing opponents and blackmailing them. Eventually, the Ghosts manages to restore peace and elections proceed without major conflict.
  • Cuba is a country that calls it self communist but is moving closer to the free market since Che died and Castro took power.
  • Cuba is a country in North America. Havana is the capital and largest city. There used to be a team called the Havana Tropicals who played in the Tropical Hockey League in 1938-39.There was an ice rink in Cuba, but there are no rinks now.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Cuba/preload editintro=Cuba/editintro width=25
  • Cuba was an island located south of Florida, in the control of Spain. In the 1740s, the island was a home of bandits, prostitutes, and smugglers. The planters and merchants were happy to deal with pirates and smugglers for a good deal, despite the Spanish laws. By the time of the adventures of Jack Sparrow, the resentment against Spain and particularly its mercantilism was strong. The island also had dark and mysterious swamps inhabited by alligators and monstrously large Venus Flytraps. The swamps were the home of many practitioners of Voodoo, most notably the mystic Tia Dalma, who resided in the Pantano River.
  • Havana is the largest city in Cuba and the country's capital. Santiago de Cuba is the second largest city. Cuba is home to over 11 million people and is the most populous insular nation in the Caribbean. Its people, culture, and customs draw from diverse sources, including the aboriginal Taíno and Ciboney peoples; the period of Spanish colonialism; the introduction of African slaves; and its proximity to the United States of America.
  • Cuba is a communist dictatorship country in the Caribbean sea. It first appeared in the Season Four episode, "The Wacky Molestation Adventure". It is located in proximity to the United States.
  • Cuba è un'isola dei Caraibi. Essendo un'isola dalle dimensioni di un'asola, confina a nord, est, sud e ovest con il mare. In particolare a nord con Atlantide, a est con il regno della Sirenetta, a sud con un disco orario e a ovest con una tazza del cesso.
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is an island country in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba comprises the main island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud, and several archipelagos.
  • Cuba is a communist, Latin American island nation, located South of the United States mainland. It was part of the World Socialist Alliance during the Great World War III, and was allied with the USSR.
  • Cuba (キューバ, Kyūba) is a minor character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers.
  • |-| nom propre = étymologie * d'origine discutée, peut-être indigène Cuba invariable [ˈkuβa] 1. * Cuba * gentilé : cubano
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba (Spanish: República de Cuba) is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea in southern North America. Its capital is La Habana.
  • Cuba was a communist dictatorship created on the former Pingas Empire. During its existance, the country has already instated harsh laws - such as the infamous Anti-Pingas act.
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba (i/ˈkjuːbə/; Spanish: República de Cuba, pronounced: [reˈpuβlika ðe ˈkuβa], is an island country in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba consists of the main island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud, and several archipelagos. Havana is the capital of Cuba and its largest city, followed by Santiago de Cuba. To the north of Cuba lies the United States (150 km or 93 mi away) and the Bahamas, Mexico is to the west, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south, and Haiti and the Dominican Republic are to the southeast. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
  • It is one of the most interesting nations on Earth. President Obama made his trip to Cuba on March 21 2016.
  • <default>Cuba</default> nativename slides Type Founding document Constitution Leader(s) Head of State Head of Government Commander-in-chief De facto leader Executive branch Legislative branch Judicial branch Affiliation Military Capital Language(s) Currency National anthem National holiday Date formed Date established Date fragmented Date reorganized Date dissolved Date restored Conflicts status notes Cuba is a socialist nation in the Caribbean just located south of the U.S. State of Florida. It supported the USSR during World War III.
  • The Wfffffffffoo!fffffffffffff of Cuba (IPA: /ˈjmjjkjWOOOO/,or Repúblfffffffffffffica de Cuba - Spanish pronunciation: [reˈpuβlika ðe ˈkufffffffffffβa]), consists of the island of Cuba (the largest and second-most populous island of the Greater Antilles)ffffffffff, Isffffffffffffffffffffffla de la Juvfffffffffffffffffentud and several adjafffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcent small ifffffffslands.
  • Cuba is the largest, most populous, and strongest country in the Caribbean.
  • This is a good place to "hide" from northers and incliment weather during a crossing to or from the Keys and the US. Please remember this is information only and the present state of restriction to Cuba from and to the US is still in place. Just remember that any port in a storm applies here!
  • La República de Cuba es un país asentado en un archipiélago del mar de las Antillas, también conocido como mar Caribe. Su isla principal, conocida como Isla de Cuba, es la más grande de las Antillas Mayores. También forman parte del archipiélago la Isla de la Juventud (antiguamente llamada Isla de Pinos) y una multitud de cayos o pequeñas islas que rodean a las antes mencionadas. La segunda parte de Driver 2 se desarrolla en este pais, precisamente en la capital del pais La Habana.
  • Cuba is an island country located in the Caribbean, only 90 miles from Florida.
  • Cuba is the biggest island in the Caribbean and the second most populated after Hispaniola. Cuba is a communist republic since 1959. It is the country where the military base is located where Erich Soders eliminated KGB spy Jasper Knight during his active years. This assassination later became a part of 47's training program at the ICA training facility.
  • The Republic of Cuba consists of the island of Cuba (the largest and second-most populous island of the Greater Antilles), Isla de la Juventud and several adjacent small islands. Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Cuba is south of the eastern United States and The Bahamas, west of the Turks and Caicos Islands and Haiti and east of Mexico. The Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south.
  • A Spanish colony just south of Atlantis treated its slaves even worse than the United States of Atlantis did.
  • Cuba is one of the first of the USSR's allies in the 20th Century before the 'Soviet Golden age'.
  • Cuba is a small island nation located in the Caribbean. Cuba is located approximately 90 miles from the coast of America. The nation has a communist form of government first led by Fidel Castro. In 1958, Michael Corleone visited Havana in Cuba when seeking to expand his empire out there with the help of Miami mobster Hyman Roth, who did dealings with President Fulgencio Batista. Batista's regime was under attack at that time however, by guerillas of Fidel Castro. When Michael discovered Roth's treachery and ordered his death, events were turned upside-down when Batista resigned on New Year's Eve, leaving the revolutionaries to run riot.
  • Cuba, consists of the island of Cuba (the largest and second-most populous island of the Greater Antilles), Isla de la Juventud and several adjacent small islands. Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Cuba is south of the eastern United States and The Bahamas, west of the Turks and Caicos Islands and Haiti and east of Mexico. The Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south. The national flower is Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig, most often known as "flor de mariposa" (Butterfly Flower) and the national bird is "Tocororo" or Cuban Trogon from the family of Trogonidae.
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is an island country in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba consists of the main island of Cuba, as well as the Isla de la Juventud and several archipelagos. Havana is the largest city in Cuba and the country's capital. Santiago de Cuba is the second largest city. To the north of Cuba lies the United States (140 km or 90 mi away) and the Bahamas, Mexico is to the west, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south, and Haiti and the Dominican Republic are to the southeast.
  • República de Cuba (Spanish for Capitalist State of Cube-heads) was a formerly vivid and well-off capitalist republic turned into a slaved and ransacked communist crap-hole since the 1960s. Till this day the best Cuba has to offer are the vestiges left from its former republican era half a century ago. That includes 1957 Cadillacs, old stories, and whatever nice architecture hasn't already collapsed due to government expropriation and half a century long abandonment. Cuba is also extremely well known for their sweet rolls, which have lately made appearance in Skyrim. While Cuba continues to crumble as an Orwellian dystopia, the control freaks and full of shit communists continue to be solely dedicated on prohibiting all that is not dictated, beating the shit out of anyone who dares say anyt
  • The native Amerindian population of Cuba began to decline after the European discovery of the island by Christopher COLUMBUS in 1492 and following its development as a Spanish colony during the next several centuries. Large numbers of African slaves were imported to work the coffee and sugar plantations, and Havana became the launching point for the annual treasure fleets bound for Spain from Mexico and Peru. Spanish rule eventually provoked an independence movement and occasional rebellions that were harshly suppressed. US intervention during the Spanish-American War in 1898 assisted the Cubans in overthrowing Spanish rule. The Treaty of Paris established Cuban independence from the US in 1902 after which the island experienced a string of governments mostly dominated by the military and
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre * cuba sur le dictionnaire d'occitan médiéval étymologie * du latin cūpa(m)Catégorie:Issu du latin 'tonneau' * forme médiévale : cuba * : cuboCatégorie:graphie mistralienne * dérivés : cub * onomastique : Lacube Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae, nom de fam. gascon Chercher "cuba" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • CUBA, I REMEMBER YOU/CUBA, TE RECUERDO - A Review A first hand look at pre/post-revolution Cuba: Recently Cuban dictator Fidel Castro handed power over to his brother, Raul, while he underwent surgery from intestinal problems. As the news media reports on the legacy of Fidel Castro, now would be a good time to look a that from the point-of-view of one who lived in Cuba pre- and post-revolution. Oscar Ramírez-Orbea grew up pre-revolution and saw all that his family work hard for be taken by the Communists under Castro. CUBA, I REMEMBER YOU/CUBA, TE RECUERDO By OSCAR M. RAMÍREZ-ORBEA, PH.D.
  • Prior to Spanish colonisation in the late 15th century, Cuba was inhabited by Amerindian tribes. It remained a colony of Spain until the Spanish–American War of 1898, which led to nominal independence as a de facto United States protectorate in 1902. As a fragile republic, Cuba attempted to strengthen its democratic system, but mounting political radicalisation and social strife culminated in the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1952. Further unrest and instability led to Batista's ousting in January 1959 by the July 26 Movement, which afterwards established a government under the leadership of Fidel Castro. Since 1965, the state has been governed by the Communist Party of Cuba. A point of contention during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, was a nuclear war
  • The Republic of Cuba is the largest of the Caribbean islands and is the only communist country in the Western Hemisphere, a former colony of Spain. In 1959, the military regime was overthrown by Fidel Castro. A communist dictatorship was established its place. The tyranny of communism, lead by Fidel and his brother Raul Castro, (essentially an organized crime family from a political point of view) causes many Cubans to flee the island to the United States, mostly landing in Miami, Florida.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Cuba article. Take me to the [ Cuba] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Cuba link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article.
  • Cuba was part of the Spanish Empire and remained under Spanish territory until 1898, which saw the island violently seek to gain its independence. The United States became involved in Cuba's affairs when American newspapers in turn published reports of Spanish atrocities against Cuban revolutionaries. This built a restive relationship between America and Spain, in which the former favored for military intervention after the situation exacerbated when the USS Maine was sunk in Havana Harbor. President William McKinley, reluctant to get into war with Spain, sent an ultimatum to Spain to grant Cuba's independence or face US military action in all Spanish territories. Spain chose the former, allowing Cuba to gain its independence and for Spain to keep whatever left of its imperial possession.
  • In 2153, Cuba was one of the regions of Earth attacked by the prototype Xindi superweapon. (ENT episodes: "The Expanse", "The Xindi") In the 22nd century Antonio "Tony" Ruiz was a native of Cuba, Ruiz originally traveled to Sauria as a mining engineer and stayed on as a medic after plague struck the area of the planet he was working in. He would later stay on Sauria to fight Maltuvis when he began moving to take over the planet. Ruiz was originally from west of Havana where his family lived. In 2153 when the Xindi attacked Earth his family was not affected, however his girlfriend in Santa Clara perished in the attack. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel)
  • When planning was underway for the Second World Conference on Solar Cooking, to be held in Costa Rica, in July of 1994, an abstract for a presentation to be made was received from a Cuban staff member of the Solar Energy Research Center in that nation. The letter told of their work, particularly with solar drying of food and even construction materials, as well as the use of solar energy for purifying and distilling water. What happened is unclear, as the paper does not appear in the program. However, it is evident that some action regarding the use of solar energy for household was taking place at that time.
  • During World War Z, nearly every nation on Earth was pushed to the brink of extermination by the Zombie Hordes. However, some people, countries, and animals actually benefitted from the War by using large masses and terrain as profitable, vital materials. Countries such as Ireland, Denmark, Multiple islands in the Pacific, Tibet, Greenland, and especially Cuba actually thrived and became stronger than before the War, gathering large economic strength along with political reform. However, out of all of these, Cuba, which at one point was the second poorest nation in the Caribbean, actually became the richest country in the postwar world.
  • Cuba was an island nation located in the Caribbean. Miss Foster was actually a Cuban spy. (AUDIO: Zagreus) Cuba was the focus of the Cuban Missile Crisis confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States of America in the early 1960s. (AUDIO: 1963) On 3 February, 1980, Isley was sent to assassinate a target in Cuba. While on the mission, her android nature was discovered, and she "eliminated" fifty witnesses. This caused a diplomatic incident between the US and Cuba and caused the US to suspend its android-making program. (PROSE: Nuclear Time)
  • Cuba is the largest island of the Caribbean Sea, and also the name of the country that covers the entire island. Located just south of Florida and west of Haiti, the island was a favored vacation destination for many wealthy Americans, until the Communist takeover in 1959. In the summer of 1943, Indiana Jones and George McHale hired Raul to fly them from Cuba to Haiti. After a few fuel stops, their overloaded airplane crashed in the Windward Passage. In 1957, Indiana Jones and Mutt Williams made a quick stop in Cuba's capital, Havana, on their way from New York City to Peru.
  • Cuba first participated at the Olympic Games in 1900, and has sent athletes to compete in 18 of 26 Summer Olympic Games overall. Cuban athletes have never participated in the Winter Olympic Games. Cuba is the most successful Olympic team among those nations who never won medals at Winter Olympics. The National Olympic Committee for Cuba is the Comité Olímpico Cubano, and was created in 1926 and recognized in 1954.
  • In 1893, hand-rolled Havana cigars, named for Cuba's capital city, were the preferred cigar of Samuel Clemens, whose pen-name was Mark Twain. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" ) In the mid-20th century, Cuba was depicted on the mission insignia for Apollo 1, Apollo 7, and Apollo 11. (ENT: "First Flight"). The island was crossed from north to south by the destructive beam of the 2153 Xindi weapon test probe, with great loss of life. (ENT: "The Expanse")
  • Cuba is a large island with a population of bandits and smugglers - and many pirates. Even Cuba’s merchants and planters are happy to trade with pirates, smugglers and anyone else offering a good deal, despite what laws and regulations may demand. Many of the plantation owners and merchants feel a growing resentment towards Spain and particularly its mercantilism; it is likely that this resentment will erupt into open revolt before too long. Cuba is also rumored to house some practitioners of voodoo, like Tia Dalma.
  • Nel 1893, i sigari Havana chiamati come il nome della capitale di Cuba, erano i preferiti da Samuel Clemens, meglio conosciuto sotto lo pseudonimo di Mark Twain. (TNG: "Un mistero dal passato, parte II") Nel 2153 l'isola è stata attraversata da nord a sud dal raggio distruttore irradiato dalla sonda Xindi che stava testando la sua superarma con cui avrebbero voluto distruggere la Terra. La linea di distruzione causò un'enorme perdita di vite umane. (ENT: "Attacco alla Terra")
  • 14
  • 150
Row 9 info
  • 61
  • Fidel Castro
Row 8 info
  • 177
  • ''HITMAN™
Row 4 info
  • 11451652
  • La Havane
Row 7 title
  • Unemployment
  • 200
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • キューバ
Row 1 info
  • Havana
  • Trading Partner
Row 8 title
Row 4 title
  • Population
Row 9 title
Row 2 info
  • World Wars Era onward
  • US Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay 29 km
Row 6 info
  • 2.44413612E9
Row 1 title
  • Role
  • Capital
  • République
Row 5 info
  • 0.233
  • Septembre 1953
Row 2 title
  • Borders
  • Relevancy
Nom Original
  • Cuba
Row 6 title
  • Life expectancy
Row 5 title
  • Population growth
Row 3 info
  • Communist state
Row 3 title
  • Government type
Row 7 info
  • 1.7
  • 1
  • 1868-10-10
  • 1902-05-20
  • 1959-01-01
  • In 821 A.D. from America? Britain? Spain? or France?
  • World War III
  • Vietnam War
  • War of Independence
  • Angolan Civil War
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Invasion of Grenada
  • Cuban Revolution
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion
Box Title
  • Country summary
  • República de Cuba
  • Cuba
  • República de Cuba
conventional long name
  • Republic of Cuba
  • The Once Free But Then Converted To Catholicism Then Sold To Britain Then Made To Be USA's Worst Shithole And Slutcave Then Somehow Communist But Still Always Poor Cheap-Whored Junk-Carred Republic Of Cubic Squareheads.
  • Brown
  • *Havana
  • Tuesday
  • yes
  • Unknown
  • cuba
  • Exists
  • Unknown: last seen attacking The Bahamas and occupying Turks and Caicos Islands
  • Knocked out after Fallout in GWWIII
  • Under Allied occupation after The Great Bear Trap in WWIII
  • "The Wacky Molestation Adventure"
  • "The Trouble with Trillions"
leader name
  • * Fidel Castro
  • Republic of Cuba
  • Brown
  • Cuba
  • Republic of Cuba
  • Country
  • Milky Way
  • Spanish
  • All-Star Comics #9
  • Sprit
  • Spanish
  • Espagnol
national heros
  • Tony Montana, Oscar Wilde, and USSR
Major Exports
  • Cigars, palms, Cuban Pandas, coconuts, Nukes, Cubans, and prisoners
  • Communism
  • N/A
Major Imports
  • terrorist suspects, and American fugitives
  • Pendiente
  • 100
  • None
  • Volume 2
  • Philippines
  • PRC
  • Philippines
  • Argentina Costa Rica
  • Socialist Republic
  • Marxist-Leninist single-party state
  • Unitary communist state
  • Spanish
  • Spanish and English
  • Cuban Spanish
  • Peso
  • US Dollar
  • Cuban peso
  • Cuban Peso
  • Cigars.
  • Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces
  • Cuba
  • 114.21
Ethnic Groups
  • Mulatto 51%, white 37%, black 11%, Chinese 1%
national anthem
  • Arnach McChicane et un complice prenant du bon temps à Cuba.
  • 280
  • Cuba
population estimate
  • 11167325
official languages
  • Spanish
  • Cubist, Cubano con Barreras, Chusma, French , Korean , Porfavorian , Mexican , Haitian Creole, Spanglish, and Yelling.
national motto
  • "Where just near everything is legal"
  • Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!
  • Earth
  • 11000000
  • 11167325
  • 11210064
  • 11394043
  • 11658271
  • Cubans
  • Unknown
  • Information
  • República de Cuba
  • Country
  • 1
  • 1902-05-20
  • 1959-01-01
  • --01-01
Image size
  • 300
  • Arnach McChicane
image map
  • --05-20
government type
  • 2015
  • CubaMap.png
  • 110861.0
  • New Earth
native name
  • República de Cuba
  • La Republica Torista y Comunista pero siempre Poverista de Cuba y La reconquista de la Miami, Florida, America. VIVA CUBA LIBRE!
  • Cuban
  • GMT
image coat
  • 100
nonnative name
  • Republika Kuba ha ha.
national enemy
  • George W. Bush, the 10th president unable to oust Fidel Castro.
major eniemies
  • George w bush republicans all glen beck christians canadians
national sign
  • The 'Exit' Sign.
heros gangsters
  • fidel castro joseph stalin adolf hitler moe zedong
  • X-Men: First Class
  • Arrow
  • Military Dictatorship
  • None
  • , nom de fam. gascon
Leader title
  • God
  • President
  • King
  • General Secretary
  • First Vice President
  • Miquel Teurbe Talón
Largest City
  • 280
  • Mexican: "¡Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!" American: "We hate freedom."
Image File
  • Cuba.png
  • Male
  • 40
image flag
  • 100
  • Flag of Cuba.png
  • 40
  • 250
  • Cuban
  • Cuban government
  • cubo
  • 1
  • 1000000
  • Fidel Castro
  • *Havana *Northern Cuba
  • cuba
Common name
  • Ah, That Li'l Protesting Slapwhore Under American Ass.
  • 1895
  • 150
  • Fidel Castro
  • Sol
  • Fly, Mr. Canada, Fly!
  • Cubaflag.png
National flag
  • Flag of Cuba.png
  • OAS
favourite object name
  • Chusmas, Aseres, Chamacos, Chongas, Putas and Negroes .
favourite object title
  • History of location is unknown.
  • Cuba is the largest island of the Caribbean Sea, and also the name of the country that covers the entire island. Located just south of Florida and west of Haiti, the island was a favored vacation destination for many wealthy Americans, until the Communist takeover in 1959. In the summer of 1943, Indiana Jones and George McHale hired Raul to fly them from Cuba to Haiti. After a few fuel stops, their overloaded airplane crashed in the Windward Passage. In 1957, Indiana Jones and Mutt Williams made a quick stop in Cuba's capital, Havana, on their way from New York City to Peru. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
  • Seattle Cuba Friendship Committee, a Task Force of the Church Council of Greater Seattle
  • Cuba is a large island with a population of bandits and smugglers - and many pirates. Even Cuba’s merchants and planters are happy to trade with pirates, smugglers and anyone else offering a good deal, despite what laws and regulations may demand. Many of the plantation owners and merchants feel a growing resentment towards Spain and particularly its mercantilism; it is likely that this resentment will erupt into open revolt before too long. Cuba is also rumored to house some practitioners of voodoo, like Tia Dalma. Beyond doing voodoo quests and stopping off to unload plunder or ship repair, there are not many reasons to come to this island due to only a few merchants being present.
  • Alternate versions of Cuba: * Cooba (Cabotia and Brasil) * Cuba (13 Fallen Stars) * Cuba (1797) * Cuba (1983: Doomsday) * Cuba (2004) (Divergence Factor -0.229) * Cuba (6-2-5 Upheaval) * Cuba (A Southron World) * Cuba (Alternity) * Cuba (Austria and others) * Cuba (Axis Victory) * Cuba (British Louisiana) * Cuba (Chaos) * Cuba (Cromwell the Great) * Cuba (Napoleon's World) * Cuba (Soviet World Rule) * Coabana (The Kalmar Union) * See also: * Confederation of the Caribbean (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo) This is a disambiguation page, a list of pages that otherwise might share the same title. If an article link referred you to this title, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
  • Cuba is a minor trading partner in Tropico 5. The Republic of Cuba is an insular country in the Caribbean, settled in the Caribbean Sea. Its capital city and most populous one is La Habana.
  • Cuba is a communist, socialist, leftist, liberal, "progressive", fascist island nation full of dirty Mexicans whose ancestors came from Europe. They always be trying to come here and set up their communist/nazi Obama camps but good, clean, white Americans stop 'em. They also have good cigars, bananas, and pan. The capital is Hapana. They apparently have a vaccine for lung-cancer, which proves that they are far superior to the United States and that Communism was right all along. On the 25th of November, 2016, Fidel Castro peacefully passed away, unlike his countless victims.
  • In "GoldenEye" and "Die Another Day", Bond visits Cuba.
  • Cuba made its' first DC Comics appearance in All-Star Comics # 9 (March 1942).
  • Cuba is an island country located in the Caribbean, about ninety miles south of the U.S. state of Florida . In geographic tems, Cuba is considered to be part of North America. The country's capitial is Havana . Its government is entirely of Communism, a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. It has a bitter rivalry with the United States of America, due to aligning with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, around the early 1960s.
  • Cuba è un arcipelago posto tra il Mar dei Caraibi, il Golfo del Messico e l'oceano Atlantico.
  • Het land werd in de 20e eeuw geregeerd door de communistische leider Fidel Castro. (ENT:"Storm Front, Deel II") Categorie:Aardse landen de:Kuba en:Cuba fr:Cuba it:Cuba
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre * cuba sur le dictionnaire d'occitan médiéval étymologie * du latin cūpa(m)Catégorie:Issu du latin 'tonneau' * forme médiévale : cuba * : cuboCatégorie:graphie mistralienne * dérivés : cub * onomastique : Lacube Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae, nom de fam. gascon * singulier : cuba [ˈkyβo̞] * pluriel: cubas [ˈkyβo̞s] prononciations et variantes * l. : [ˈkyβo̞] * g. : [ˈkyβə], [ˈkyβo̞] * m., rh. (indicatif) : [ˈkybo̞] * lim., d. : cuva 1. * Catégorie:Récipient 2. * REDIRECTION 3. * REDIRECTION cuve → bolidor, cub, tina 4. * Catégorie:Viticulture 5. * REDIRECTION récipient dont on se sert pour le transport de la vendange → cornut 6. * grande auge de pierre → pisa * vin de rai de cuba vin de mère goute * Quand trona en febrèi,Plega ta cuba e met-la sau granèi. — proverbe bordelais * Quand plau en abri(e)uPlenhem cubas e barriu. — proverbe gascon références * R1 : Mistral 1879 * R2 : Ubaud 2011Catégorie:Languedocien, Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, Catégorie:Gascon, Laus 2001Catégorie:Languedocien, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien Chercher "cuba" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • CUBA, I REMEMBER YOU/CUBA, TE RECUERDO - A Review A first hand look at pre/post-revolution Cuba: Recently Cuban dictator Fidel Castro handed power over to his brother, Raul, while he underwent surgery from intestinal problems. As the news media reports on the legacy of Fidel Castro, now would be a good time to look a that from the point-of-view of one who lived in Cuba pre- and post-revolution. Oscar Ramírez-Orbea grew up pre-revolution and saw all that his family work hard for be taken by the Communists under Castro. As the title suggests, this book is bi-lingual, written by a professor who actually was born and raised in Cuba and fled Cuba as a boy with his family. The Ramírez-Orbea family lost all they had worked for when Castro seized private property "for the common good." CUBA, I REMEMBER YOU/CUBA, TE RECUERDO By OSCAR M. RAMÍREZ-ORBEA, PH.D. About family, love, relationships, and survival in difficult circumstances in Cuba's pre and post revolution of the 1950's and 60's. A collection of 14 short stories, all in Spanish and English, based on the author’s experiences of childhood before and after the Communist revolution. Lots of nostalgia for those who knew Cuba in the 50’s and 60’s and plenty of humor for readers in general. Includes also many period family photographs that illustrate the stories and bring them vividly to life! and lots of detail of a life gone that all readers will find to be a wonderful reading experience See more about the book at: About the Author Dr. Oscar M. Ramírez-Orbea, was born in Camagüey, Cuba, in 1955. He emigrated with his family to the US in 1966, after completing elementary school in his home country. He longs one day to return to his native city of Camagüey and to all the fond memories it holds for him. CUBA, I REMEMBER YOU/CUBA, TE RECUERDO is Dr. Ramírez’s first narrative work. Available now from Airleaf Publishing ( or call today to order your copy at 1-800-342–6068. § Product Details § Paperback: 392 pages § Publisher: Airleaf Publishing; 1st edition (January 10, 2006) § Language: English, Spanish § ISBN: 1594539553 New work by the same author, published and in bookstores by winter of 2007: Cuba, Between History and Legend A collection of short stories based on Cuban legends and unusual histories, all told in thoroughly original and creative ways. All stories are narrated in English and Spanish on facing pages. Includes also substantial background information on the actual events on which the stories are based, as well as references for follow-up reading, and historical illustrations for all the stories. For brief descriptions of the stories, go to On the market by year’s end. Cuba … like you’ve never read it before! Por el mismo autor: Cuba, Entre la Historia y la Leyenda Una colección de cuentos cortos basados en leyendas cubanas y en eventos insólitos de la historia de Cuba, todos narrados en un estilo originalísimo y de gran fantasía. Se narran todos los cuentos en inglés y en español, en páginas opuestas. Incluye considerable información adicional sobre el fondo histórico de cada cuento, al igual que sugerencias para otras lecturas sobre la misma temática, y se incluyen ilustraciones históricas de cada uno de los cuentos. Para leer breves descripciones de cada cuento, favor de dirgirse a En venta hacia finales del año. Cuba ¡como nunca te la imaginaste!
  • In 2153, Cuba was one of the regions of Earth attacked by the prototype Xindi superweapon. (ENT episodes: "The Expanse", "The Xindi") In the 22nd century Antonio "Tony" Ruiz was a native of Cuba, Ruiz originally traveled to Sauria as a mining engineer and stayed on as a medic after plague struck the area of the planet he was working in. He would later stay on Sauria to fight Maltuvis when he began moving to take over the planet. Ruiz was originally from west of Havana where his family lived. In 2153 when the Xindi attacked Earth his family was not affected, however his girlfriend in Santa Clara perished in the attack. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel) The family of USS da Vinci transporter operator Diego Feliciano lived in Havana, Cuba in the 24th century. (SCE eBook: Wildfire, Book 1)
  • Cuba est status componitur primo de tobacco cigarettes et polluerunt piscis oleo. Sinum Mexicanum sit inter locorum, pellentesque et inter Oceanum Atlanticum mare. Tamen in annis revelatum est quia Cuba est tantum parte septentrionali Novaya Zemlya, ita exigere location esset amissa insula in Baltic Arctic.
  • The flag of Cuba is made of five equal horizontal stripes in the background, alternating blue and white, with a red equilateral triangle with its base at the hoist, with a white five-pointed star, facing upward, in the center of the triangle.
  • Prior to Spanish colonisation in the late 15th century, Cuba was inhabited by Amerindian tribes. It remained a colony of Spain until the Spanish–American War of 1898, which led to nominal independence as a de facto United States protectorate in 1902. As a fragile republic, Cuba attempted to strengthen its democratic system, but mounting political radicalisation and social strife culminated in the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1952. Further unrest and instability led to Batista's ousting in January 1959 by the July 26 Movement, which afterwards established a government under the leadership of Fidel Castro. Since 1965, the state has been governed by the Communist Party of Cuba. A point of contention during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, was a nuclear war that nearly broke out during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Culturally, Cuba is considered a part of Latin America. It is a multi-ethnic country whose people, culture and customs derive from diverse origins, including the aboriginal Taíno and Ciboney people, the long period of Spanish colonialism, the introduction of African slaves, and a close relationship with the Soviet Union in the Cold War. Cuba is a Marxist–Leninist one-party republic, where the role of the vanguard Communist Party is enshrined in the Constitution. Independent observers have accused the Cuban government of numerous human rights abuses, including arbitrary imprisonment. It is one of the world's last planned economies and its economy is dominated by the exports of sugar, tobacco, coffee and skilled labour. According to the Human Development Index, Cuba is described as a country with high human development and is ranked the eighth highest in North America. It also ranks highly in some metrics of national performance, including health care and education.
  • Cuba is in the Carib Sea. It is made up of one wide iland and more than 1,500 small ones. Sugar is the biggest outsell. Cuba is the only folkwielding ethel in America.
  • The Republic of Cuba is an Island in the eastern Caribbean that lies at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. To the north are found the United States and the Bahamas, to the west Mexico, to the southwest the Cayman Islands and Jamaica, and to the southeast Haiti.
  • Cuba is a country in North America.
  • Cuba is an insular nation in the Caribbean.
  • Cuba was an island country in the Caribbean Sea. The America Department was one of Cuba's main intelligence services (CTU Operations Manual) Robert Ellis took part in classified special operations in Cuba. (Findings at CTU) Cuba was hit by Hurricane Everette. (Storm Force)
  • Cuba is a country in North America and a member of the United Nations.
  • Cuba is a large island in the Caribbean. * Wikipedia page: Cuba
  • Show Schedule: 11am and 3pm. Open: daily from 9.30am-5pm. Located in mid-Varadero close to the southern highway, this attraction is a great way for families and kids to get close to everyone's favorite sea animal. Two dolphins' shows daily and the opportunity to swim with the "stars".
  • Cuba est une île des Caraïbes. La capitale de ce charmant pays est La Havane.
  • Nel 1893, i sigari Havana chiamati come il nome della capitale di Cuba, erano i preferiti da Samuel Clemens, meglio conosciuto sotto lo pseudonimo di Mark Twain. (TNG: "Un mistero dal passato, parte II") Nel 2153 l'isola è stata attraversata da nord a sud dal raggio distruttore irradiato dalla sonda Xindi che stava testando la sua superarma con cui avrebbero voluto distruggere la Terra. La linea di distruzione causò un'enorme perdita di vite umane. (ENT: "Attacco alla Terra") In una Timeline alternativa la Terra è stata assimilata dai Borg e Cuba è stata collegata con la Florida attraverso il mar dei Caraibi per mezzo di strutture simili a dei ponti. (Star Trek: Primo contatto) Documentazione apocrifa specifica che il luogo di nascita del capitano Richard Robau è la città di Sagua La Grande, situata a Cuba.
  • Cuba ist ein Inselstaat im Südwesten von Coatlicue.
  • Cuba is a small communist country of the coast of America.
  • Cuba was part of the Spanish Empire and remained under Spanish territory until 1898, which saw the island violently seek to gain its independence. The United States became involved in Cuba's affairs when American newspapers in turn published reports of Spanish atrocities against Cuban revolutionaries. This built a restive relationship between America and Spain, in which the former favored for military intervention after the situation exacerbated when the USS Maine was sunk in Havana Harbor. President William McKinley, reluctant to get into war with Spain, sent an ultimatum to Spain to grant Cuba's independence or face US military action in all Spanish territories. Spain chose the former, allowing Cuba to gain its independence and for Spain to keep whatever left of its imperial possession. During the Chimeran War, Cuba was one of several countries that granted refuge to refugees that were afflicted from the war.
  • The Republic of Cuba is the largest of the Caribbean islands and is the only communist country in the Western Hemisphere, a former colony of Spain. In 1959, the military regime was overthrown by Fidel Castro. A communist dictatorship was established its place. The tyranny of communism, lead by Fidel and his brother Raul Castro, (essentially an organized crime family from a political point of view) causes many Cubans to flee the island to the United States, mostly landing in Miami, Florida. Cuba is known for connections to illegal immigrant crime groups. Chinese illegal immigrant smugglers send their illegal immigrants to Cuba before sending them to the U.S. on boats. (SVU: "Debt")
  • When planning was underway for the Second World Conference on Solar Cooking, to be held in Costa Rica, in July of 1994, an abstract for a presentation to be made was received from a Cuban staff member of the Solar Energy Research Center in that nation. The letter told of their work, particularly with solar drying of food and even construction materials, as well as the use of solar energy for purifying and distilling water. What happened is unclear, as the paper does not appear in the program. However, it is evident that some action regarding the use of solar energy for household was taking place at that time. Two years later, in 1996, an SCI volunteer and trainer of many, the late Don Coan of Sacramento, California, attended a conference on sustainable energy use in Cuba. He recounted some of the uses of solar energy he was shown during his visit. Sun Oven box cookers, gifts from a visitor, were in use at an Eco-restaurant at the National Botanical Garden. One secondary school had a large parabolic solar reflector that directed sunrays to pots inside the building - it was however not in use at the time of Coan's visit. Considerable use of photo-voltaics was evident, and small streams were used to generate hydroelectric power. Waste from the production of sugar is burned as a major source of energy, producing a good bit of pollution, and use of renewable energy would obviously be useful. However, the embargo on goods has made any and all importation difficult and costly. The Renewable Energy Group at Eastern University, Santiago de Cuba, indicated in 1998 that they had been working on solar cookers for over ten years and had at that time disseminated 200 cookers to families and 50 to schools of the area. It is evident that substantial interest and experimentation has been present in Cuba. Cuba has excellent sunshine and few other fuel resources; hence it could almost certainly utilize solar cooking. Cuba may well be doing more than is known without communicating that information to the international community.
  • The native Amerindian population of Cuba began to decline after the European discovery of the island by Christopher COLUMBUS in 1492 and following its development as a Spanish colony during the next several centuries. Large numbers of African slaves were imported to work the coffee and sugar plantations, and Havana became the launching point for the annual treasure fleets bound for Spain from Mexico and Peru. Spanish rule eventually provoked an independence movement and occasional rebellions that were harshly suppressed. US intervention during the Spanish-American War in 1898 assisted the Cubans in overthrowing Spanish rule. The Treaty of Paris established Cuban independence from the US in 1902 after which the island experienced a string of governments mostly dominated by the military and corrupt politicians. Fidel CASTRO led a rebel army to victory in 1959; his iron rule held the subsequent regime together for nearly five decades. He stepped down as president in February 2008 in favor of his younger brother Raul CASTRO. Cuba's Communist revolution, with Soviet support, was exported throughout Latin America and Africa during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The country faced a severe economic downturn in 1990 following the withdrawal of former Soviet subsidies worth $4 billion to $6 billion annually. Cuba portrays its difficulties as the result of the US embargo in place since 1961. Illicit migration to the US - using homemade rafts, alien smugglers, air flights, or via the southwest border - is a continuing problem. The US Coast Guard intercepted 2,656 individuals attempting to cross the Straits of Florida in fiscal year 2007.
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is an island country in the Caribbean.
  • Cuba es un pais en la Mar Caribean. La area es sirca 110,860 cilometres cuadrada. La cuantia de popla, en la anio 2007, es sirca 11,394,043 persones. La site capital es Havana. La lingua major es espaniol.
  • Cuba is a country with an Authoritarian regime ruled by a party with a Communist Political ideology.
  • Created the first RP thread on the meme in which sparkly text was strongly abused. Finds Kumajiro frightening. Currently inactive.
  • In 1893, hand-rolled Havana cigars, named for Cuba's capital city, were the preferred cigar of Samuel Clemens, whose pen-name was Mark Twain. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" ) In the mid-20th century, Cuba was depicted on the mission insignia for Apollo 1, Apollo 7, and Apollo 11. (ENT: "First Flight"). The island was crossed from north to south by the destructive beam of the 2153 Xindi weapon test probe, with great loss of life. (ENT: "The Expanse") In an alternate Earth assimilated by the Borg, Cuba was connected to Florida and other Caribbean islands with bridge-like structures. (Star Trek: First Contact) Based on its name, the Havana Institute might also have been located in Cuba. Furthermore, the Havana might be named for the city.
  • The islands of Cuba are featured as the setting of a Ghost Recon mission in 2010. After the death of Fidel Castro in 2006, the Ghosts are sent in to ensure that Cuba has a trouble-free election. The Ghosts battle a corrupt political group fronting their candidate Ariel Priego using violent methods, such as kidnapping and killing opponents and blackmailing them. Eventually, the Ghosts manages to restore peace and elections proceed without major conflict.
  • Cuba is a country that calls it self communist but is moving closer to the free market since Che died and Castro took power.
  • Cuba is a country in North America. Havana is the capital and largest city. There used to be a team called the Havana Tropicals who played in the Tropical Hockey League in 1938-39.There was an ice rink in Cuba, but there are no rinks now.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Cuba/preload editintro=Cuba/editintro width=25
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Cuba article. Take me to the [ Cuba] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Cuba link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Cuba was an island located south of Florida, in the control of Spain. In the 1740s, the island was a home of bandits, prostitutes, and smugglers. The planters and merchants were happy to deal with pirates and smugglers for a good deal, despite the Spanish laws. By the time of the adventures of Jack Sparrow, the resentment against Spain and particularly its mercantilism was strong. The island also had dark and mysterious swamps inhabited by alligators and monstrously large Venus Flytraps. The swamps were the home of many practitioners of Voodoo, most notably the mystic Tia Dalma, who resided in the Pantano River.
  • Havana is the largest city in Cuba and the country's capital. Santiago de Cuba is the second largest city. Cuba is home to over 11 million people and is the most populous insular nation in the Caribbean. Its people, culture, and customs draw from diverse sources, including the aboriginal Taíno and Ciboney peoples; the period of Spanish colonialism; the introduction of African slaves; and its proximity to the United States of America.
  • Cuba is a communist dictatorship country in the Caribbean sea. It first appeared in the Season Four episode, "The Wacky Molestation Adventure". It is located in proximity to the United States.
  • Cuba è un'isola dei Caraibi. Essendo un'isola dalle dimensioni di un'asola, confina a nord, est, sud e ovest con il mare. In particolare a nord con Atlantide, a est con il regno della Sirenetta, a sud con un disco orario e a ovest con una tazza del cesso.
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is an island country in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba comprises the main island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud, and several archipelagos.
  • Cuba is a communist, Latin American island nation, located South of the United States mainland. It was part of the World Socialist Alliance during the Great World War III, and was allied with the USSR.
  • Cuba (キューバ, Kyūba) is a minor character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers.
  • República de Cuba (Spanish for Capitalist State of Cube-heads) was a formerly vivid and well-off capitalist republic turned into a slaved and ransacked communist crap-hole since the 1960s. Till this day the best Cuba has to offer are the vestiges left from its former republican era half a century ago. That includes 1957 Cadillacs, old stories, and whatever nice architecture hasn't already collapsed due to government expropriation and half a century long abandonment. Cuba is also extremely well known for their sweet rolls, which have lately made appearance in Skyrim. While Cuba continues to crumble as an Orwellian dystopia, the control freaks and full of shit communists continue to be solely dedicated on prohibiting all that is not dictated, beating the shit out of anyone who dares say anything about it, and on selling Canadian maple-suckers Che t-shirts so that they can endorse the inflated psychopath, but from Canada (aka state 51). The regime is also very dedicated on painting itself a light shade of grey while blaming capitalism for all the evils of the world. Nonetheless, this very regime charges Cubans, who can only work for the state, in foreign capitalist currency despite paying them in Cuban pesos (aka play money, souvenir, and toilet paper).
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is an island country in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba consists of the main island of Cuba, as well as the Isla de la Juventud and several archipelagos. Havana is the largest city in Cuba and the country's capital. Santiago de Cuba is the second largest city. To the north of Cuba lies the United States (140 km or 90 mi away) and the Bahamas, Mexico is to the west, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south, and Haiti and the Dominican Republic are to the southeast. In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on and claimed the island now occupied by Cuba, for the Kingdom of Spain. Cuba remained a territory of Spain until the Spanish–American War ended in 1898, and gained formal independence from the U.S. in 1902. A fragile democracy, increasingly dominated by radical politics eventually evolved, solidified by the Cuban Constitution of 1940, but was quashed in 1952 by former president Fulgencio Batista, who intensified and catalyzed already rampant corruption, political repression and crippling economic regulations. Batista was ousted in January 1959 by the July 26 movement, and a new administration under Fidel Castro established, which had by 1965 evolved into a single-party state under the revived Communist Party of Cuba, which holds power to date. Cuba is home to over 11 million people and is the most populous island nation in the Caribbean, as well as the largest by area. However, the population density is lower than in most Caribbean countries. Its people, culture, and customs draw from diverse sources, such as the aboriginal Taíno and Ciboney peoples, the period of Spanish colonialism, the introduction of African slaves and its proximity to the United States. Cuba has a 99.8% literacy rate, an infant death rate lower than some developed countries, and an average life expectancy of 77.64. In 2006, Cuba was the only nation in the world which met the WWF's definition of sustainable development; having an ecological footprint of less than 1.8 hectares per capita and a Human Development Index of over 0.8 for 2007.
  • During World War Z, nearly every nation on Earth was pushed to the brink of extermination by the Zombie Hordes. However, some people, countries, and animals actually benefitted from the War by using large masses and terrain as profitable, vital materials. Countries such as Ireland, Denmark, Multiple islands in the Pacific, Tibet, Greenland, and especially Cuba actually thrived and became stronger than before the War, gathering large economic strength along with political reform. However, out of all of these, Cuba, which at one point was the second poorest nation in the Caribbean, actually became the richest country in the postwar world. Cuba provided an ideal refuge for many reasons. Aside from the surrounding Caribbean waters buying them time to prepare, their lack of diplomatic ties to the United States, their militaristic dictatorship, and their generally well educated populace (in addition to the millions of Cuban Americans returning to their country of their ethnicity), helped to resist the initial waves of zombies. Early outbreaks through transforming refugees were handled early and in brutal fashion. Their shorelines were quickly fortified. While Cuba was by no means spared the heavy fighting all survivor nations saw, their early success bred more success. The stability made it a beacon in a world of death. Cuba's warm climate allowed it to quickly switch from cash crops to sustenance farming - in contrast to survivors in other parts of the world who fled above the snow line, in places like Canada, Siberia, and Iceland, where starvation and cannibalism soon set in. Soon, it attracted more specialized workers and talent, while harshly screening out undesirables. Before long, Cuba was one of the world's most powerful nations.
  • |-| nom propre = étymologie * d'origine discutée, peut-être indigène Cuba invariable [ˈkuβa] 1. * Cuba * gentilé : cubano
  • Cuba was an island nation located in the Caribbean. Miss Foster was actually a Cuban spy. (AUDIO: Zagreus) Cuba was the focus of the Cuban Missile Crisis confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States of America in the early 1960s. (AUDIO: 1963) On 3 February, 1980, Isley was sent to assassinate a target in Cuba. While on the mission, her android nature was discovered, and she "eliminated" fifty witnesses. This caused a diplomatic incident between the US and Cuba and caused the US to suspend its android-making program. (PROSE: Nuclear Time) In 2009, Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams went to Cuba for a ten-day honeymoon after their wedding. (PROSE: SkyPoint) In 2015, relations between the United States and Cuba remained tense. (AUDIO: The Eight Truths) The Cuban capital, Havana, hosted the Olympic Games in 2044. (TV: The Waters of Mars) At some point in the 21st century, the Doctor attended Fidel Castro's funeral in Havana, Cuba. (PROSE: Revolution Man)
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba (Spanish: República de Cuba) is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea in southern North America. Its capital is La Habana.
  • Cuba was a communist dictatorship created on the former Pingas Empire. During its existance, the country has already instated harsh laws - such as the infamous Anti-Pingas act.
  • Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba (i/ˈkjuːbə/; Spanish: República de Cuba, pronounced: [reˈpuβlika ðe ˈkuβa], is an island country in the Caribbean. The nation of Cuba consists of the main island of Cuba, the Isla de la Juventud, and several archipelagos. Havana is the capital of Cuba and its largest city, followed by Santiago de Cuba. To the north of Cuba lies the United States (150 km or 93 mi away) and the Bahamas, Mexico is to the west, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south, and Haiti and the Dominican Republic are to the southeast. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
  • It is one of the most interesting nations on Earth. President Obama made his trip to Cuba on March 21 2016.
  • <default>Cuba</default> nativename slides Type Founding document Constitution Leader(s) Head of State Head of Government Commander-in-chief De facto leader Executive branch Legislative branch Judicial branch Affiliation Military Capital Language(s) Currency National anthem National holiday Date formed Date established Date fragmented Date reorganized Date dissolved Date restored Conflicts status notes Cuba is a socialist nation in the Caribbean just located south of the U.S. State of Florida. It supported the USSR during World War III.
  • Cuba, consists of the island of Cuba (the largest and second-most populous island of the Greater Antilles), Isla de la Juventud and several adjacent small islands. Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Cuba is south of the eastern United States and The Bahamas, west of the Turks and Caicos Islands and Haiti and east of Mexico. The Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south. The national flower is Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig, most often known as "flor de mariposa" (Butterfly Flower) and the national bird is "Tocororo" or Cuban Trogon from the family of Trogonidae. Cuba is the most populous insular nation in the Caribbean. Its people, culture and customs draw from several sources including the aboriginal Taíno and Ciboney peoples, the period of Spanish colonialism, the introduction of African slaves, and its proximity to the United States. The name "Cuba" comes from the Taíno language the exact meaning of which is unclear. The island has a tropical climate that is moderated by the surrounding waters; however, the warm temperatures of the Caribbean Sea and the fact that the island of Cuba sits across the access to the Gulf of Mexico combine to make Cuba prone to frequent hurricanes. Cuba's main island, at 766 miles (1,233 km) long, is the world's 17th largest.
  • The Wfffffffffoo!fffffffffffff of Cuba (IPA: /ˈjmjjkjWOOOO/,or Repúblfffffffffffffica de Cuba - Spanish pronunciation: [reˈpuβlika ðe ˈkufffffffffffβa]), consists of the island of Cuba (the largest and second-most populous island of the Greater Antilles)ffffffffff, Isffffffffffffffffffffffla de la Juvfffffffffffffffffentud and several adjafffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcent small ifffffffslands.
  • Cuba is the largest, most populous, and strongest country in the Caribbean.
  • This is a good place to "hide" from northers and incliment weather during a crossing to or from the Keys and the US. Please remember this is information only and the present state of restriction to Cuba from and to the US is still in place. Just remember that any port in a storm applies here!
  • La República de Cuba es un país asentado en un archipiélago del mar de las Antillas, también conocido como mar Caribe. Su isla principal, conocida como Isla de Cuba, es la más grande de las Antillas Mayores. También forman parte del archipiélago la Isla de la Juventud (antiguamente llamada Isla de Pinos) y una multitud de cayos o pequeñas islas que rodean a las antes mencionadas. La segunda parte de Driver 2 se desarrolla en este pais, precisamente en la capital del pais La Habana.
  • Cuba is an island country located in the Caribbean, only 90 miles from Florida.
  • Cuba is the biggest island in the Caribbean and the second most populated after Hispaniola. Cuba is a communist republic since 1959. It is the country where the military base is located where Erich Soders eliminated KGB spy Jasper Knight during his active years. This assassination later became a part of 47's training program at the ICA training facility.
  • Cuba first participated at the Olympic Games in 1900, and has sent athletes to compete in 18 of 26 Summer Olympic Games overall. Cuban athletes have never participated in the Winter Olympic Games. Cuba is the most successful Olympic team among those nations who never won medals at Winter Olympics. Cuban athletes have won a total of 194 medals at the Summer Olympics. Cuba has won the most medals overall of any country which has never won a medal at the Winter Olympics. Cuba has also won the fourth highest total number of medals (after Hungary, Romania and Poland) of nations that have never hosted the Games The National Olympic Committee for Cuba is the Comité Olímpico Cubano, and was created in 1926 and recognized in 1954.
  • The Republic of Cuba consists of the island of Cuba (the largest and second-most populous island of the Greater Antilles), Isla de la Juventud and several adjacent small islands. Cuba is located in the northern Caribbean at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Cuba is south of the eastern United States and The Bahamas, west of the Turks and Caicos Islands and Haiti and east of Mexico. The Cayman Islands and Jamaica are to the south.
  • A Spanish colony just south of Atlantis treated its slaves even worse than the United States of Atlantis did.
  • Cuba is one of the first of the USSR's allies in the 20th Century before the 'Soviet Golden age'.
  • Cuba is a small island nation located in the Caribbean. Cuba is located approximately 90 miles from the coast of America. The nation has a communist form of government first led by Fidel Castro. In 1958, Michael Corleone visited Havana in Cuba when seeking to expand his empire out there with the help of Miami mobster Hyman Roth, who did dealings with President Fulgencio Batista. Batista's regime was under attack at that time however, by guerillas of Fidel Castro. When Michael discovered Roth's treachery and ordered his death, events were turned upside-down when Batista resigned on New Year's Eve, leaving the revolutionaries to run riot.
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