  • Alaska
  • Alaska
  • Alaska
  • Alaska
  • Alaska
  • Alaska
  • Alaska
  • Alaska
  • Alaska
  • History of location is unknown.
  • The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics.
  • NFPA 99 Adopted as Law? - Yes Certificate of Need Required? - Yes
  • The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the Alaska state:
  • Cette état américain province canadienne se trouve pas plus au nord que le Québec et l'Ontario (croyez-le ou non). Par conséquent, il peut bien FAIRE FROID EN CRISSE voir même jusqu'à des températures extrêmes allant jusqu'à -100 C sans le facteur vent!
  • Alaska is an American territory in the Arctic region of North America. It is the location of Fort Anchorage, the largest American military base built in the 1930's, where America's first nuclear weapon was constructed and first detonated in June 1944. There was another such military installation in Alaska, a extension of Project Abraham, where its location has yet to be declassified. Alaska has become under Grey Territory as of a little after the events of Project Abraham.
  • Alaska is a land in USA. It is #1 in rank of amount of land.
  • Alaska is an American state that lies in the northwest extremity of the North American continent. Nevada has 17 boroughs and a total population around 684,000 and is 663,268 square miles making Alaska the nation's 47th most populous and the largest state in the US. The state name derives from the Aleut "alaxsxaq" meaning "the mainland."
  • Name: Alaska Run Time: 4:38 Written By: Eddie Jobson Year: 1978 * Night After Night * Concert Classics, Vol. 4 * UK Collection * Live In Boston
  • Alaska es un stato en la Statos Unida de America. La stato ia junta la Statos Unida de America a 3 janero 1959. La site capital es Juneau.
  • Alaska é un estado dos Estados Unidos situado no extremo noroeste do continente americano, e con capital en Juneau.
  • Alaska is one of the many locations visited in the Tomb Raider series. It has a few levels in it.
  • The flag of Alaska has a blue background with eight gold five-pointed stars in an arrangement which is similar to the arrangement of stars in the Big Dipper and Polaris, the North Star. The star representing Polaris is larger than the stars representing the Big Dipper stars.
  • thumb|200px|но это недавно заплатил …/jeszcze tym niedawno płaciliśmy… thumb|200px|Mы хотим вернуться, и он сразу же!/my chcemy tu wrócić, i to natychmiast! thumb|200px|Herb Alaski Alaska – jeden ze stanów ZSRR, jednak większość uważa jeden ze stanów USA. Straszne zadupie, położone wysoko na mapie. Kraj niedźwiedzi (uwaga, gryzą!), łosi (uwaga, gryzą!) i Indian (uwaga, gryzą!). Zimno i w ogóle nieprzyjaźnie. Jedyny plus to potężne złoża ropy, wódki i gazu ziemnego, za które można dostać dolary, które pomogą wydostać się z tej dziury.
  • Alaska is a region of the North American continent on the planet Earth, with boundaries that were created as the area was settled as a geopolitical subdivision of the United States of America nation.
  • Main Page | About Mike Gravel | Top Issues | Other Issues | Grassroots Campaign | Online Campaign | Media Campaign | Contacts | Videos | Forums | Chat | Calendar | Donate | Gravel Stuff | WikiProjects | This is the page which Gravel supporters from Alaska can use to organize their efforts to elect Mike Gravel as President in 2008.
  • Alaska es un estado de los Estados Unidos.
  • Alaska is a state in the United States.
  • Alaska is an American state.
  • Alaska is one of the United States of America.
  • Alaska är en stat utanför kontinentala USA på Jorden. Staden av Fairbanks, där Major Samantha Carter hävdade ett UFO kraschade nära 1978, är belägen i denna stat. I alternativ tidslinje skapat av Ba'al, SG-1 togs till en Flygvapen Bas i Alaska av Alexandria att vara informerades och möta Generalmajor Henry Landry. Alaska en gång tillhörde Ryssland. (SG1: "48 Hours", "Prometheus", "Stargate: Continuum")
  • Stan graniczy od wschodu z Kanadą, a od zachodu przez Cieśninę Beringa z Związkiem Radzieckim. Dominują góry i wyżyny; szczyt Mount McKinley (6194 m n.p.m.) jest najwyższym punktem Ameryki Północnej; liczne stożki wulkaniczne. Do terytorium należą też Aleuty. Ma największą powierzchnię i najmniejszą gęstość zaludnienia wśród stanów USA. Alaska została zajęta przez chińczyków, w trakcie wojny chińsko-amerykańskiej. Biegł przez nią Rurociąg Alaskański. W styczniu 2077, wojska USA przeprowadziły na Alasce Operację Anchorage w odpowiedzi na chiński atak.
  • Alaska is a state of the United States, located at the north-west tip of the North American continent and separated from the contiguous states by Canada. As an aircraft name, Alaska may be: * Stratocruiser Alaska - Boeing 377 c/n 15955 operated by Northwest Orient Air Lines
  • Alaska is a state in the United States. * When Buster heard that Arthur traded away his thresher model when his uncle wanted to see it, he considered running away to Alaska.
  • Según lo revelado por un diario descubierto por Alice, Alaska se cree que es el último refugio seguro para el resto de la humanidad a raíz del brote global del T-Virus. Varios mensajes son decifrados en el diario diciendo que reciben las transmisiones de radio y describe al estado como "seguro" en un supuesto pueblo llamado Arcadia. Es un medio ambiente helado y con temperaturas frescas convertido en un entorno ideal para los sobrevivientes que buscan escapar de la creciente cantidad de zombis. Aunque dudosa en el comienzo de la existencia de Arcadia, Claire Redfield finalmente llevó a los supervivientes de su convoy a Alaska en busca del supuesto refugio.
  • Kennicott Glacier Lodge - Kennicott, Alaska 99588 | Phone 1-907-258-2350 Email:
  • Alaska is the last race course of SSX Tricky world circuit, and perhaps one of the most difficult tracks in the game, albeit slightly under comparison with Untracked. It is also one of the only tracks in the game to only appear in SSX tricky that is not from the first SSX (The second being Garibaldi, which is automatically unlocked at the beginning of the game).
  • Alaska is the 49th of the 50 states in the United States of America. It is also the northernmost state of the United States and the largest by area.
  • Main Page | About the Freedom Democrats Wiki | Find your State | Platform | Internet Links | Media Links | Literature | Contacts | Video | Forums | Endorsements | This page is for those in Alaska who are interested in The Democratic Freedom Caucus.
  • Alaska is a state of the USA. After escaping Springfield during Trappuccino, the Simpson family moves to Alaska, driving there on a truck they won in a motorcycle game. Homer already set up a plan to moving the entire family to Alaska in case anything forces the entire family to leave Springfield, and so carried a large poster of Alaska in his wallet. A checkpoint guard gives Homer $1000 as an excuse for oil companies to ravage the Alaskan countryside. The Medicine Woman resides in the state, though she has been seen in Canada, and most likely lives there. Kwazy Klown Airlines lets the Simpsons travel to anywhere free, except Alaska and Hawaii.
  • "Alaska" was the 31st episode of Under the Dome and the fifth episode of the third season, airing on CBS on 16 July 2015. The episode was written by Bronwyn Garrity and directed by David M. Barrett.
  • Alaska is a state in Fredonia in northern Vespuciland. The desert known as Baked Alaska is named after the state. Punny Bones also makes reference to the state in one of his puns.
  • Alaska, officially the Republic of Alaska is a country in northern North America that borders Canada in the east. Its also connected to Chukotka via the Diomedes Friendship Bridge. Its capital is Anchorage.
  • Alaska was the largest areal state in the United States, bordering the Province of Yukon, Canada to the East and the Russian Federation to the West by a maritime border in the Bering Strait. It was once believed to be the location of the human safe haven, Arcadia.
  • Alaska ( API : /a.las.kaː/ ) 1. * Alaska (État des États-Unis).
  • Jake K Falmuth and Buck Dollar were based in Alaska.
  • Alaska was a state within North America, one of the largest and least populated. It was notorious for being very cold. Alaska Base was constructed in the north section of the state secretly. It included the Grand Cannon. (Macross Saga: Homecoming, et al.)
  • This My English Wiki Wikia is in need of contributors. If you would like to work on the My English Wiki wiki, please feel free to do so. All My English Wiki-related content is welcome. If you need help with contributing to this wiki or you need admin access, please contact us. The Alaska wiki is a place for Alaskans to talk about their communities, fishing trips, businesses, dog teams, schools...anything Alaskan. Image:Kenaifjords.jpg Visitors are encouraged to sign the Guestbook View by Cities
  • Alaska is a state of the United States known for its productive fossil sites. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The native population probably crossed over from Asia sometime between 16,000 BC and 10,000 BC. The first European contact came from the Russian Empire in the early 1700s. After over a century of settlement, Russia sold the territory to the United States in 1867 for US $7.2 million. Subsequently, Alaska was discovered to be quite rich in minerals, including gold and oil. Alaska became the 49th state on January 3, 1959.
  • Alaska is a state in the USA, and the location for MotorStorm: Arctic Edge and a portion of the MotorStorm RC Festival.
  • Alaska is a province in Canada that was once owned by Murica and Mother Russia.
  • Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area. It is also known as the "land beyond the gods" and the "home of Alcyoneus (the bane of Hades/Pluto)".
  • Alaska is the northernmost state of the United States.
  • Ranking 11th out of 50 state for permissive gun laws, Alaska sports 17.6 per 100,000 gun deaths.
  • Alaska is a non-contiguous American state located in the northwestern region of North America.
  • Alaska is a brave female explorer seen as a main character in the Stage play "Quest for the Golden Puffle". She has a red wig, the peach penguin color, Alaska's Explorer Hat, Sienna Explorer Outfit, and the Lasso. She is by far braver than her brother, Yukon, but is slightly more arrogant and does not think about the dangers that might lie in the places she explores.
  • Alaska is also where Alopex was captured as an arctic fox pup, and she returns there following her break from Kitsune's mind control in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issue 60 (IDW).
  • This is the page for charting a course of action for winning the nomination in Alaska. Please use the index below to find your borough or census area.
  • thumb|293px|Zwei Schlachtschiffe der Liberty Marine im Alaska SystemIn Alaska gibt es keine Planeten aber 1 Sonne.Alaska ist ein geheimes System der LSF und der Liberty Marine dessen Zugang sich im Zentrum von Zone 21 befindet. * Gefängnisstation Mitchell (Sektor 5G) * Juneau-Werft (Sektor 6G) * New York (Sektor 6G)thumb|400px
  • This page will contain a list of Autism resources available in the state of Alaska.
  • En la comisaria Juana es interrogada en camara gesell, los chicos escuchan del otro lado del vidrio atentos su declaracion, Juana llena sus ojos de lagrimas y comienza su relato, revela que la chica del video no es ella, pero que a la que querian matar era a ella, su verdad es que a los 13 años entro a estudiar a la residencia refugio con su hermana gemela Carla, pero como eran muy distintas en personalidad y muy iguales en persona su hermana no se dio cuenta lo que ocurria en ese lugar, pero ella si comenzo a notar cosas raras, gente que empezaba a quedar palida, a perder peso muy de golpe y de pronto desaparecia, sucedio con varios de sus compañeros de promocion, desaparecieron como siete hasta que un dia ella por casualidad descubrio que realmente les sucedia, al estar enfermos por perd
  • Alaska is a state of the United States of America. The largest state of the US, Alaska borders Canada to the east, and a maritime border with Russia to the west (having no physical border connection with the 48 contiguous states). Alaska was a former colony of the Russian Empire, which sold the territory to the United States in 1867.
  • 20e eeuwse kaarten tonen het noordelijke halfrond op de bibliotheek computer van de USS Enterprise in 2254. Op de kaart was de oostkust van Azië te zien met daarop de Sovjet unie en Alaska op de westkust van Noord Amerika. Deze kaarten hoorden bij de kaarten die de Talosians bekeken op de Enterprise computer. (TOS: "The Cage") In 2286 was er in Juneau een Starfleet basis gevestigd. Het was één van de steden op Aarde die de donkere wolken rapporteerden toen de walvis sonde de Aarde aanviel. ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home") Categorie:Aardse deelgebieden
  • Alaska was a region of the North American continent on Earth that was one of the states making up the United States of America. In the aftermath of the Eugenics Wars, several hundred genetically engineered children were brought to Alaska and other remote parts of the world to spare them from reprisals. Most grew to adulthood and intermarried with the local population and their descendants would inherit some amount of augmented DNA. (TNG novel: Infiltrator)
  • Alaska was purchased from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million ($113 million in today's dollars) at about two cents per acre ($4.74/km²). The land went through several administrative changes before becoming an organized (or incorporated) territory on May 11, 1912, and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959.
  • Alaska is an enclave inside Canada and is the northern most state in the United States of America. While technically a part of the USA, it is basically Canada's ear, Nova Scotia is the other ear. Alaska is within the Arctic circle and is very cold for most of the year but can be warm for a few weeks in summer when the sun never sets. During the September 11, 2001 attacks An air flight called Korean Air Flight 85 was thought to have been hijacked to hit a target in Alaska but that was a false alarm. We are glad that 9/11 did not spread to this state.
  • Alaska: land of green forests, black gold, and Red and White Russians. The Russian Civil War continues in Alaska—as it does sporadically across Mother Russia—fought by refugees battling over Alaskan resources. (Highly prized are the large deposits of crude oil discovered by the Russians in the early 1930s.) The American Alaskans, once tolerant enough to accept Russian settlers, have lately started fighting both sides, advertising for mercenaries, to be paid in gold, land, or shares.
  • Nel 1893, un giovane Jack London disse a Samuel Clemens del suo sogno in cui era andato in Alaska venendo incoraggiato da Clemens, che menzionò il Klondike e l'aurora boreale. (TNG: "Un mistero dal passato - Seconda parte") Una mappa del XX secolo mostrava la parte settentrionale della regione dell'Oceano Pacifico scaricata dagli archivi della USS Enterprise nel 2254. La mappa mostrava la coasta est dell'USSR in Asia e la costa ovest dell'Alaska ad ovest del Nord America. Tutto il materiale di repertorio venne rubato dai Talosiani. (TOS: "Lo zoo di Talos")
  • Alaska was a state of the United States of America, located in northwestern North America. Separate from the mainland U.S., Alaska was bordered by Canada to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the south, and Russia and the Asian continent across a narrow strait to the west. The state was far enough north that it was subject to the midnight sun effect during the winter months, which caused the sun to remain in the sky at all hours of the day. (Midnight Sun) CTU Alaska was a branch of the Counter Terrorist Unit responsible for overseeing anti-terrorist operations throughout the state. (Cold Warriors)
  • thumb|Alaska im 24 Jahrhundert. Alaska ist eine Region auf dem nordamerikanischen Kontinent der Erde. Es ist der 49. Staat der USA, denen er am 3. Januar 1959 beitritt. Der Name Alaska stammt wahrscheinlich von den Ureinwohner Alaskas. Es bedeutet so viel wie „großes Land“ oder „Festland“. Im Jahr 1893 träumt Jack London davon zu reisen und darüber zu schreiben. London träumt auch davon nach Alaska zu reisen und Samuel Langhorne Clemens erklärt ihm, dass er sch seine Träume erfüllen soll. (TNG: ) Commander William T. Riker wird in Alaska geboren. (TNG: )
  • In 1893, a young Jack London told Samuel Clemens of his dream to go to Alaska and was encouraged by Clemens, who mentioned the Klondike and aurora borealis as some of Alaska's features. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" ) In 1986, George and Gracie were flown to Alaska in a special 747 and released into the Bering Sea. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) In the alternate reality of 2258, as the Narada approached Earth, Alaska could be seen on the ship's viewscreen. (Star Trek) The first part of Riker and Deanna Troi's wedding was held in Alaska in 2379. (Star Trek Nemesis)
  • The state is bordered by the Yukon Territory and British Columbia in Canada, to the east, the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Ocean to the south, the Bering Sea, Bering Strait, and Chukchi Sea to the west and the Arctic Ocean to the north. Alaska's territorial waters touch Russia's territorial waters in the Bering Strait, as the Russian and Alaskan islands are only apart. As it extends into the eastern hemisphere, it is technically both the westernmost and easternmost state in the United States, as well as also being the northernmost.
  • Alaska is the United States of Canada's northernmost province. It was obtained from the Vikings in 1867 after the American government agreed to let the Vikings relocate to the comparatively tropical land of Minnesota. Alaska is named after the popular dessert, Baked Alaska. The name "Baked Alaska" is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning "puffy cake", or more literally "the object towards which the flame does not melting the ice cream".
  • Alaska (IPA: ) is a state in the United States of America, located in the extreme northwest portion of the North American continent. It is the largest U.S. state in terms of area (by a substantial margin), along with being one of the wealthiest and most racially diverse.
  • NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. Sarah Palin is stupid! (An image of her is shown quickly) There, I got my Sarah Palin joke out of the way, let’s talk about “Alaska.” (The title screen for “Alaska” is shown, followed by a montage of clips from the movie) NC: So let’s see what the polar icecaps have farted at us this time, this is “Alaska.” (The movie begins) Charlie: (radios back to Jake Barnes, the pilot of the plane) Okey-doke, partner. This is Quincy Air Service, clear. (A polar bear makes its first appearance by sliding down a snowy hill) Audience: AWWW!
  • En algún momento durante el 1970, una inuit de Alaska que más tarde iría por el nombre de Vulcan Raven nació en Alaska. El ex FOXHOUND miembros Solid Snake y Master Miller tanto se mudó a Alaska tras la jubilación, con la última vez en cuando para ayudar a capacitar a los Scouts de Alaska.
  • Alaska, is the largest state of the United States of America by area; it is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait. As of 2007, the population was 683,478 with approximately 50% residing along the Anchorage metropolitan areas.
  • Alaska ist mit 1.717.854 km², wovon 1,481,346 km² auf Land entfallen, der flächenmäßig größte (etwa 20 % der Gesamtfläche), der nördlichste und der westlichste Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sowie die größte Exklave der Erde. Teile Alaskas sind gleichzeitig auch die geographisch östlichsten Gebiete der USA, da die zu den Aleuten gehörenden Rat und Near Islands zwischen dem 170° und 180° östlicher Länge liegen. Alaska hat die viertniedrigste Bevölkerungszahl aller Bundesstaaten (nur 0,22 % der Gesamtbevölkerung der USA). Die USA erwarben das Gebiet 1867 vom Russischen Reich; am 3. Januar 1959 wurde es der 49. Bundesstaat der USA. Alaska hat den Beinamen „Last Frontier“ (Letzte Grenze). Eine finanzpolitische Besonderheit stellt der Alaska Permanent Fund dar. Kategorie:Orte K
  • Alaska was purchased from Russia on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million ($120 million adjusted for inflation) at approximately two cents per acre ($4.74/km²). The land went through several administrative changes before becoming an organized (or incorporated) territory on May 11, 1912, and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Alaska is a state outside the continental United States of America on Earth. The city of Fairbanks, where Major Samantha Carter claimed a UFO crashed near in 1978, is located in this state. In the alternate timeline created by Ba'al, SG-1 were taken to an Air Force Base in Alaska by the Alexandria to be debriefed and meet Major General Henry Landry. Alaska once belonged to Russia. (SG1: "48 Hours", "Prometheus", "Continuum")
  • 626932
  • "Judge" Kevin Collins
  • 2380
  • 54627.0
  • 1481347
Row 4 info
  • Juneau
  • Llegada de Alice a Alaska
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • *The Man Behind the Shield
  • *T.R.A.C.K.S.
  • "Kill the Alligator and Run"
  • No
Row 1 info
  • 2011-08-23
Row 4 title
  • Next review
  • FO4
Row 2 info
  • 19
  • yes
Row 1 title
  • Released
Row 5 info
  • 1953
Row 2 title
  • Running time
Nom Original
  • Alaska
  • yes
Row 5 title
  • Link
Row 3 info
  • Estados Unidos
Row 3 title
  • Previous review
  • 125
  • Alaska
Box Title
  • "Alaska"
  • 49
  • Alaska
  • 236507
conventional long name
  • The state that makes Wyoming look like Times Square
  • -
  • 2650586
  • 2007-12-18
  • 50
  • 663267
  • Desolate but free of infection
  • 1800.0
leader name
  • The Last Frontier
  • 0.420000
  • State
  • 230
  • x190px
  • -
  • English 85.7%, Native North American 5.2%, Spanish 2.9%
  • 1959-01-03
  • Alaskas
  • SD&SD : Alaskan King Coward
  • 1900
cent value
  • Cent
locations within
wildcard title
  • Climate
  • State Bird
  • State Fish
  • State Flower
wildcard name
  • 1300
  • Alaska
  • No national government
  • English
  • English, multiple Inuit languages
  • Dollar
  • 625
  • Balthazar Picsou avec ses chiens de traîneaux en Alaska.
  • 40
  • AlaskaStateSealTransparent.png
  • yes
official languages
national motto
  • 20
  • 735132
  • Unknown
  • N/A
  • 91316
  • 808
  • 2077-10-23
  • -
  • 1927-05-02
  • 1959-01-03
  • 1959-08-03
Image size
  • 320
  • 1479
  • 0
  • 1.090000
  • Unknown
  • N/A
  • 571936
image map
  • 300
  • Alaska
  • 0
  • 20320
  • 1
  • 1.0
government type
  • 6193.700000
  • 1800.0
  • AK
  • Alaska
  • --01-03
  • 663268
native name
  • Alaska: The Final Frontier
  • 47
  • 51
  • -
  • X-Men
  • also yes
Leader title
  • Prime Minister
  • Supreme Leader
  • Alaska
  • US-AK
  • Alaska
  • State of Alaska
  • 580
  • "North to the Future"
Image File
  • Nc_alaska_by_marobot-d47lhfz.jpg
  • Female
  • 130
  • Explorer
  • 6
image flag
  • 150
  • 571951
  • yes
  • 13.770000
  • Alaska
  • Unknown
Common name
  • Baja Yukon
  • 1717855
parte de
  • Alaska
  • 663661
  • 1000000000
  • billion
State Song
U.S. Representative
  • Don Young
  • true
  • History of location is unknown.
  • The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics.
  • NFPA 99 Adopted as Law? - Yes Certificate of Need Required? - Yes
  • The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the Alaska state:
  • Cette état américain province canadienne se trouve pas plus au nord que le Québec et l'Ontario (croyez-le ou non). Par conséquent, il peut bien FAIRE FROID EN CRISSE voir même jusqu'à des températures extrêmes allant jusqu'à -100 C sans le facteur vent!
  • Alaska is an American territory in the Arctic region of North America. It is the location of Fort Anchorage, the largest American military base built in the 1930's, where America's first nuclear weapon was constructed and first detonated in June 1944. There was another such military installation in Alaska, a extension of Project Abraham, where its location has yet to be declassified. Alaska has become under Grey Territory as of a little after the events of Project Abraham.
  • Alaska is a land in USA. It is #1 in rank of amount of land.
  • Alaska is an American state that lies in the northwest extremity of the North American continent. Nevada has 17 boroughs and a total population around 684,000 and is 663,268 square miles making Alaska the nation's 47th most populous and the largest state in the US. The state name derives from the Aleut "alaxsxaq" meaning "the mainland."
  • Name: Alaska Run Time: 4:38 Written By: Eddie Jobson Year: 1978 * Night After Night * Concert Classics, Vol. 4 * UK Collection * Live In Boston
  • Alaska ist mit 1.717.854 km², wovon 1,481,346 km² auf Land entfallen, der flächenmäßig größte (etwa 20 % der Gesamtfläche), der nördlichste und der westlichste Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sowie die größte Exklave der Erde. Teile Alaskas sind gleichzeitig auch die geographisch östlichsten Gebiete der USA, da die zu den Aleuten gehörenden Rat und Near Islands zwischen dem 170° und 180° östlicher Länge liegen. Alaska hat die viertniedrigste Bevölkerungszahl aller Bundesstaaten (nur 0,22 % der Gesamtbevölkerung der USA). Die USA erwarben das Gebiet 1867 vom Russischen Reich; am 3. Januar 1959 wurde es der 49. Bundesstaat der USA. Alaska hat den Beinamen „Last Frontier“ (Letzte Grenze). Eine finanzpolitische Besonderheit stellt der Alaska Permanent Fund dar. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:Bundesstaaten
  • Alaska es un stato en la Statos Unida de America. La stato ia junta la Statos Unida de America a 3 janero 1959. La site capital es Juneau.
  • NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. Sarah Palin is stupid! (An image of her is shown quickly) There, I got my Sarah Palin joke out of the way, let’s talk about “Alaska.” (The title screen for “Alaska” is shown, followed by a montage of clips from the movie) NC (voiceover): Now, I’ve been to Alaska before. It has great views, great culture and great people. But if you were to judge it by watching this movie, you’d say it had great views, phoned-in culture, and HORRIBLE people! This film would be a great promotional tool for the state if they just eradicated everything breathing from it. The story’s beyond unrealistic, the characters are cartoons of…cartoons, (An image of Elmer Fudd is shown next to the movie’s character Colin Perry for comparison) it’s just an all-around mess. NC: So let’s see what the polar icecaps have farted at us this time, this is “Alaska.” (The movie begins) NC (voiceover): So as the credits roll, we see a pilot flying his plane across Alaska, and you can probably tell by the music that they’re pretty desperate to make any scene sound epic and whimsical, even when nothing’s happening yet. Charlie: (radios back to Jake Barnes, the pilot of the plane) Okey-doke, partner. This is Quincy Air Service, clear. NC (voiceover): (sings with the musical score) Clear! You’re clear! Clear, clear, you’re clear! Clear! Cleeeeaaaaaaarrrr! (NC’s caption “Clear” appears in bold onscreen; he then speaks) Clear. (A polar bear makes its first appearance by sliding down a snowy hill) NC (voiceover): And, of course, we get our first look at our (speaks cutely in a sarcastic manner) cuddly little co-star. Audience: AWWW! NC: Aww, polar bears are so cute, aren’t they? Gah, the way the music makes them sound, they just seem so innocent and cuddly— (Cut to raw footage from “National Geographic Wild” of a polar bear attacking a seal) NC (voiceover): OH, GOD, JESUS, THEY’RE SAVAGES! OH, JESUS CHRIST, THEY’RE HORRIBLE BEINGS! WHAT DEMONIC CREATURES COULD POSSIBLY—! (Cut back to the movie on a shot of the polar bear) NC (voiceover): (sounds cutesy) Aww, isn’t that adorable? They just want to play in the ice. That’s the most lovey-dovey— (Cut back to the “National Geographic Wild” raw footage of a wild polar bear now attacking a walrus) NC (voiceover): OH, LORD OF ALL, THEY’RE KILLERS! THEY'RE PSYCHOTIC KILLERS! THEY’LL STOP AT NOTHING UNTIL THEY EAT YOUR—! (Cut back to the movie’s polar bear) NC (voiceover): (sounds cutesy) OOH, look at the poochy woochy widdle goochy— (Cut now to raw footage from “National Geographic Wild” of a polar bear at a zoo attacking a woman through the bars) NC (voiceover): OHH, MARY!! (Back to the movie) NC (voiceover): But it turns out the nasty EVIL poacher wants to hunt (speaks cutely) the adorable cuddly little— (Cut back to the same raw footage of a zoo polar bear attacking a woman through the bars) AHH! (Back to the movie) He’s played by Charlton “Nope I’m Not Making a ‘Planet of the Apes’ Joke In This Review” Heston. Colin Perry (Heston): (while aiming a rifle at a polar bear) Magnificent creature, the polar bear. Nature’s perfect carnivore, adapted to the most hostile climate on Earth. NC (voiceover): Oh, boy, (sighs) looks like we have another killer slash poet on our hands. These are the a-holes that can never just pull the trigger. They always have to make a great big speech before they do anything. Yeah, he probably talks this way while looking through the adult section at a video store. NC: (as Colin Perry, he looks at a cover for a fake porno DVD, which is shown briefly) Magnificent film, “Booby Slut Whores 28,” adapted to even the most hostile perverted wrinkle bags like myself. I’ll pay you with credit. (He puts down the DVD box to hold up a credit card before he looks at it to admire it) Magnificent card, the VISA platinum card! Koontz (Perry’s partner): It feels like 10 or 20 grand to me, just for the skin. I love this kind of hunt. Perry: Your problem, Mr. Koontz, is that you don’t appreciate the finer things in life. NC (voiceover): That’s true. He doesn’t appreciate the finer things in life, like killing a good chunk of those finer things in life! (Perry fires his rifle before the screen flashes white and the film dissolves to another scene) NC (voiceover): So the mother is shot and the baby is kidnapped while we cut to one of our main characters of the film named Jessie, played by Thora Birch. (Jessie and her friend Chip are walking on a fisherman’s wharf together) Jessie: (looks at her watch) Oh, my God, I’m late! (She starts running) Chip: Late for what? Jessie: (quickly greets two people as she runs past them) Hi, Mrs. Ben! Hey, Ben! (While running, she accidentally knocks down a wheelbarrow full of fish a fisherman is hauling and continues running) Fisherman: Hey! Watch it, Jessie! Jessie: Sorry! Ben: That girl’s always in a hurry. (He laughs to himself) NC: (as Ben, chuckles) I’ve heard of dumber things to find whimsical. NC (voiceover): She communicates often with her father, the pilot, but sadly, her brother Sean is not quite as into the Alaskan spirit. Jake Barnes: Is your brother helping like I asked him to? Jessie: That’s a big negative there, Tango. Jake: Well, where is he? Jessie: You know, just being that…Alaskan mountain man we know and love. (Cut to Sean playing the video game “Street Fighter: The Movie” at a post office) NC (voiceover): WOW. Who went down on who to get this game in this movie? I mean, this game wasn’t even popular when… NC: (looks away to think for a moment) …ever! NC (voiceover): So he (Sean) hangs out in a store with the owner and his pet eagle, where he often asks if there’s any messages from his old home in Chicago. Sean: Uh, can you just sort out any mail from Chicago? Ben: He was there, you know. (gestures to his pet eagle) Great fires of 1935, up the Yukon River. NC: (as Sean) Just asking for the mail. I… Ben: I was a very young man, hunting alone. The forest fire jumped a ridge. NC: (as Sean) I see a…letter from Des Plaines there… Ben: Then I looked up, and through the smoke, I saw an eagle. NC: (as Sean) Does he deliver mail faster than you? Ben: Something said to me, “Trust the eagle.” It flew through the smoke and I followed. NC: (as Sean) You know what the eagle is also the symbol of? The post office. GIVE ME MY MAIL, YOU FUCKING OLD MAN! Ben: I just kept looking at the eagle…’til the sky cleared and the fire was behind me. (to his pet eagle) And all this time, I thought you were my tornak. Sean: Tornak? Ben: My spirit guide. NC: (as Sean) Yeah, well, my tornak is my fist. (He holds up a fist) And it’s telling me to collide very harshly with your face. GIVE ME MY MAIL! Sean: Look, do you have any mail for me or not? Ben: Sorry, son. Not today. (NC flips off at the camera while his fist is still held up. Sean leaves the store) NC (voiceover): (as Ben) But would you like to hear how my hamster is my spiritual financial advisor? (Sean is seen walking in the street, while kicking some bins to the ground) NC (voiceover): (normal) So Sean is bummed out because not only does he miss Chicago, but he misses the fact that his mother died due to… NC: …I don’t know. Pick one. (A listing of possible causes of death appears on-screen in the following order: “Illness-Hanging-Shot-Poisoned-Broken Heart-Stabbed-Fell Off Cliff-Car Crash-Electrocuted-Drowning-Beheaded-Beaten to Death Over a Stamp-Executed by Columbian Drug Lords-Impaled-Iron Maiden-Sawed in Half-Eaten By Polar Bear”) (Cut to Jake, Jessie and Sean having dinner together) Jake: I got you guys something up in Nome. (He hands to each of his children a small gift) Jessie: (admires her small wooden bird) Thanks, Dad. Sean: (isn’t very enthusiastic) Gee, thanks, Dad. A compass. What am I supposed to do with a compass? Jessie: Chip and I went sea kayaking nearly eight miles up the coast today. Sean: Excuse me while I call CNN. NC (voiceover): Oh, and by the way, he’s a dick in this movie! Sean: Maybe I’ll buy myself a one-way ticket back to Chicago. Jake: I don’t have time for this now, Sean. Sean: Mom would’ve had time! None of this would be happening if she was still here, none of this! Jake: But, Sean…she’s not here. Sean: Yeah? Well, I wish you had died and not her. (He enters his room and slams the door) NC (voiceover): Okay, this shit really pisses me off. Losing a parent is a serious thing before Disney turned it into a common fad. (A Photoshopped image of a hole in the ground with a sign saying “DUMP dead Disney parents HERE” pointing down into it is shown) But even then, they at least tried to play to how hard it can be in a semi-plausible manner. Here, it’s just a means to an end; a plot device, and it’s way too rushed and way too over-the-top. We just find out in this scene that their mom is dead, and that’s the line that follows our discovery of it. There’s no lead-up, no segue, no trying to understand what he’s going through, just the line: Sean: Well, I wish you had died and not her. NC (voiceover): Aaaaand I hope you choke on your testicles, you little prickhorse. Yeah, I hate him, and there’s no way you can make me like him! I don’t care if he cures cancer, I’m still not gonna enjoy this character! That was so mean-spirited and so out of nowhere that I hope he just spontaneously combusts when he goes into that room! Sean: Well, I wish you had died and not her. (When he slams his door, NC adds in the sound of an explosion) NC: (makes a sign of the cross on himself) And nobody will miss him! Next! NC (voiceover): But, oh, wait, just when you think this movie—this FAMILY movie, mind you—couldn’t possibly get any more mean-spirited, take a look at what the poachers are doing with the mother and son. (The poachers have landed their helicopter somewhere in the wilderness; while the cub is caged up, Koontz brings out the skin of the mother (with the head intact)) NC (voiceover): Oh, JESUS! Koontz: (shows the mother’s face to the cub to intentionally taunt the cub) There you go. (The cub tries to rub noses with the mother’s nose) Yeah. (NC looks very shocked at this) Alright, alright. What a cutie, huh? (to Perry; smiling evilly) It’s a shame to separate a mother and child, isn’t it? NC: (stutters in disbelief a little as he speaks) Oh, God, I’m sorry, I-ge-THAT IS BEYOND SICK! I MEAN, THAT IS FUCKING DEMENTED! NC (voiceover): That is sick! That is just so fucking sick! It’s like doing a funny little puppet show at your great aunt’s funeral! (A Photoshopped image of a guy using a dead aunt as a puppet at a funeral is shown briefly) WITH YOUR GREAT AUNT! I mean, for God’s sake, that’s the mother’s corpse. Not even a corpse; the SKIN of the corpse with the head still attached! NC: You know, there’s being mean in a movie, and then there’s being the devil. This is being…the Devil’s devil. (A Photoshopped image of a devil alongside an even bigger Devil is shown) The devil the Devil goes to when the Devil’s not being devilish enough! What’s this rated? (NC is about to do a close-up on the movie’s rating on the movie poster) Doesn’t matter. SHOULDN’T BE VIEWED BY ANYBODY! NC (voiceover): (sighs) So the son gets half of his wish to come true as the father disappears in a plane crash, but then he discovers maybe wishing death to those who gave him life wasn’t such a nice thing to do. So he bugs the police endlessly until they track him down. Charlie: (flies a search helicopter and radios back) Nothing but rocks and stone on Devil’s Thumb. Sean: He has to be out there! They’re just not looking hard enough! Police Chief: (radios back to his men) Why don’t you guys take another pass just to be sure? Charlie: We’re getting low on fuel, but we’ll give it another look. Police Chief: (to Sean) Search and Rescue's made three trips up there. And you saw that storm. (The search helicopter flies past Devil’s Thumb, to which the camera reveals the crash site of Jake’s plane) NC (voiceover): OH, COME ON! Are you seriously telling me they can’t see that?! You’re honestly saying that the rescue crew—the people who specialize in doing this—can’t see a banana-colored plane on the edge of a mountain ON THEIR THIRD TIME AROUND?! Look at this, they’re practically in the same frame. THE SAME FRAME! Just turn your head to the fucking right, AND YOU’LL SEE THE GODDAMN THING!! Well, hell, the guy has flares; that should be able to get their attention, right? (Jake fires his flare into the air, yet the helicopter doesn’t see it) NC (voiceover): Oh, fuck you, movie! Fuck you! I’ve seen better eyesight on Mr. Magoo’s vision test! (A Photoshopped image of Mr. Magoo reading an eye chart in an optometrist’s office is shown) What the hell’s wrong with these people? This is the worst rescue ever! Imagine if these idiots actually went on foot! Can you see how well THAT would go? (Cut to a scenario of NC as Frank, a member of a search party, walking in front of a screenshot of Jake’s plane clearly seen resting on the edge of a mountain) Henry: (calls off-screen) Can you see anything, Frank? Frank: Nope. Nothing but sky and mountains as far as the eye can see. Henry: (calls off-screen) What if you turn your head around? Frank: (scoffs) I’m not gonna do something STUPID like that, Henry! Henry: (speaks off-screen) Okay, we best head back. (In the movie, Jake is seen trying to free one of his trapped legs, but he ends up breaking it and screams in pain; Back to the scenario, Frank leaves camera left) Henry: Hey, you hear something? Frank: What, you mean that blood-curdling scream? Henry: Yeah. Frank: No. (Back to the movie) NC (voiceover): So after the rescue team says, (speaks in a dumb voice) “DUH, WE NO SEE YOUR DADDY!” (speaks normally) Sean decides he’s gonna go up into the mountains himself and find out where he is. But Jessie brings up a very good point that he doesn’t know anything about mountain climbing at all, because he is a complete dumbass. Jessie: Well, this is stuff which might actually be useful in trying to find Dad, like a map. What are you gonna do? Swim to Devil’s Thumb? Sean: You got a better idea? Jessie: Of course I do. NC (voiceover): Oh, you mean, like, go to an adult? Get a climbing team to assist you? Go by your fucking stupid little selves like it’s a goddamn camping trip? (The latter is what Jessie and Sean do) Oh, yeah, this was obviously the logical choice. (Sean and Jessie travel by kayaking on a river) It wasn’t even a big thing! It took them, like, a minute to come to this life-threatening conclusion that could doom them forever. But, hey, on the bright side, maybe we can finally see some interaction between these two. After all, they are brother and sister, and they barely said a word to each other since the movie started— (Jessie and Sean are seen trying to kayak through raging rapids) Jessie: Here comes a big wave! NC (voiceover): OR they just battle big waves. Yeah, don’t develop any character-building relationships or anything! “Alaska” wants to encourage people to go kayaking! (Cut to Jessie and Sean having survived the rapids and have reached shore) Sean: We’re gonna freeze to death. Jessie: So what’s the big deal? We’ll make a fire. Sean: Good, I hope you brought the matches. Jessie: I can’t believe you’re dumb enough to forget the matches! NC: It’s almost as if this was a brain-numbingly stupid idea! NC (voiceover): But what a coincidence, they just happen to come across the camping ground of the poachers, as well as the trapped baby polar bear. Jessie: We can’t just leave her here. That’s her mother hanging back there. NC (voiceover): So they let her go and keep heading on their way, which makes BIG BAD HESTON MAD! Perry: (to Koontz) I don’t think you understand me. Let me be clear. I’m accustomed to getting what I want. (growls in his voice) I want that bear! NC: Yes, just like Officer Javert in “Les Misérables,” Lieutenant Gerard from “The Fugitive,” or Captain Ahab from “Moby Dick...” (Images of said characters are shown briefly) NC (voiceover): ...Charlton Heston is obsessed with capturing a cute cuddly little polar bear. And his character is so deep and so complex that I can talk for HOURS about why he obsesses over his capture. NC: (starts to point to the camera) Because…he can say the word “bear” really cool. Perry: (growls in his speech) Bear! NC: (mocks Perry) Bear! (An image of a polar bear cub appears below him as a dramatic music chord plays and lightning strikes) NC (voiceover): But the (speaks like Perry) BEAR (normal) seems to be following the kids, and disappointingly, it’s not out to eat them. But then Heston comes along, and the bear—for being a little baby—really seems to know how to stand still and be quiet when the villains are around. Koontz: (picks up a frying pan that has animal teeth marks on it) My, my, Grandma. What big teeth you got. Perry: (to the kids) Your dog? Sean: A bear bit it. Perry: A bear? NC: (mocks Perry) Bear! (An image of a polar bear cub appears below him as a dramatic music chord plays and lightning strikes) Sean: Right before my dad shot him. Koontz: Your dad shot a bear for biting his pan? Sean: For interrupting his dinner. NC (voiceover): So while they don’t necessarily believe the kid’s story, they also don’t believe that they’re stealing a (speaks like Perry) BEAR (normal) for themselves, either, so they decide to leave them alone. (A faraway rotating shot of Jessie and Sean hiking up a mountain with a choir humming in the background is shown) NC (voiceover): But then, when they (the poachers) discover that the bear is following them (the kids), they decide it might not be good to let on that they know where they’re heading to the authorities. Rescue Crew Member: (to the poachers) I’m looking for a couple of kids, a boy and girl, who may have headed out this way. (He hands them a photo of Jessie and Sean) Have you seen them? Perry: (examines the photo) They were brought up on MTV and video games. They know nothing of the real world. They can’t conceive of the true brutality of nature. NC (voiceover): So is that a “No” or what? You didn’t even answer his question. Does he have to describe everything he sees with a poetic edge? He’d be great for selling products on TV, wouldn’t he? NC: (dresses like Perry and imitates him as a commercial spokesperson while holding a box of Golden Crisp in front of a mountain scene) With the color the same of a golden sunrise, Golden Crisp gives you that satisfying taste that only God’s good pure Earth can give you! Plus, it’s represented by…a BEAR! (An image of a polar bear cub appears to his right as a dramatic music chord plays and lightning strikes) NC (voiceover): Meanwhile, the two kids continue to travel up the mountain. Oh, please, tell me this results in another spinning shot with a choir thrown in for no reason. (Such a scene is shown) NC: (acts giddy) SQUEEEEE!!! NC (voiceover): But then Sean falls down the mountain and bumps his head on a rock, resulting in a half-ass dream sequence. (In the dream sequence, a tribal hunter (who looks like Ben) is out to hunt a polar bear with a spear (NC puts in the logo for Calvin Klein on the bottom right corner briefly)) Hunter: (points to the polar bear) Tornak. NC (voiceover): So it turns out the (speaks like Perry) BEAR (normal) is his Tornak, which makes no sense, seeing how JESSIE is more trained in the ways of staying alive in the wilderness, so clearly, SHE should be given the cool pet spiritual guide, but whatever. Jessie: (referring to when the polar bear cub was sniffing at Sean’s head earlier) I thought she was…gonna… Sean: What? Take a bite out of me? It’s not a she, anyhow. It’s a he. Trust me. I got a very good look. NC: (looks quite surprised, then imitates Perry) The only thing more dangerous than hunting BEARS is hunting…BEAR BALLS. (A Photoshopped image of a bear juggling two balls appears to his right as a dramatic music chord plays and lightning strikes) NC (voiceover): Yeah, I don’t know exactly where the “good look at bear balls” scene was, but, uh…I’m glad I missed it. So while the dad I’m sure is becoming a permanent part of the Alaskan tour… (Cut to a fake scenario of a motor coach passing by the plane crash) NC (voiceover): (as a tour guide) And to your right is a rotting corpse. (Back to the movie) NC (voiceover): …the kids go rowing through the rapids again—because, you know, we haven’t seen that yet—and Sean ends up almost drowning. (Sean struggles to swim, but then a hand is lent out for him to grab, and we see that it’s Ben) NC (voiceover): But, amazing coincidence #2, they come across the store owner and his son. And it turns out the owner is actually cool with them risking their lives like morons. Sean: We can’t go back. Ben’s Son: You kids have no appreciation for this country. Ben: That’s why they need to go. In my father’s time, a young man had to hunt a bear with only a spear in his hand, and so take on a bear’s power, or die trying. NC: Yeah, it’s the DIE TRYING part that causes concern! Ben: These two are on a spirit journey. They’ve gone too far. It’d be wrong for us to stop them now. NC (voiceover): Wow, that…”spirit journey” stuff really seems to let a lot fly with this guy, doesn’t it? (Cut to a scenario with NC (as a father) looking at a few papers) Son: (voice only) Dad, I’m off to put feces in the brownie sundae of the teacher I don’t like! NC Dad: Well, I don’t know if I approve of that… Son: Spirit journey! NC Dad: Oh, okay. (Back to the movie) Ben’s Son: Are you finished, Dad? Their spirit journey has come to an end. This is the ‘90s, old man. We head home first thing in the morning. NC (voiceover): Again, don’t you just love the realistic father/son talks in this movie? God, you can just feel the connection like they’ve known each other for years. “This is the ‘90s, old man.” I remember the last time I said that to my dad. NC: (is a bit despondent) …It really was the last time. NC (voiceover): But the store owner’s grandson (Chip) decides to help them out, anyway, because they seem too passionate about their journey. Yeah, if they’re so passionate about it, how come they didn’t sneak out in the middle of the night while nobody was looking? Ben: There’s a white bear over there staring at you. I’d say, he’s…looking out for you. Some things, Sean, you can only see by opening your heart. NC (voiceover): By the way, I find it hard to believe that the father isn’t woken up by all this. NC: (as Chip’s father, wakes up by the sound of the polar bear) Huh? Wha? Jessie: (audio) Cubby! You made it! NC: (as Chip’s father, yawns and pretends to try and look for the snooze button on his alarm) Snooze, snooze. (He goes back to sleep) Sean: (audio) I’d say he’s looking out for more food. (Sean and Jessie start to leave in continuing their journey) Ben: Sean! (Sean and Jessie turn around to look at him) Trust the bear. NC (voiceover): So despite the fact that everything points to going one direction, Sean decides he wants to go another. Why? Sean: We have to trust the bear. NC (voiceover): That’s right. We need to trust the bear. Trust him to lead RIGHT to the bad guys, get shot by a dart, and get carried away so you can’t follow him anymore. Your spirit journey’s taking a bit of a rocky detour, isn’t it? Perry: Have a nice hike! Darkheart (from Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation): (audio) Time for a game of disappearing bears. (In the poacher’s helicopter, the polar bear cub awakens to bite at Perry) Perry: (to Koontz) Set it down! NC (voiceover): But the bear starts to wake up and begins fighting them off, which leads to a pretty humorous way in how these guys get beaten. Just when the bear’s about to be shot, he bites the knee (on Perry), which forces him to shoot the guy (Koontz), which forces him to shoot the helicopter, which forces the controls to explode, (Photos of a cat, a mouse, a suspending house, and the Joker (from Tim Burton’s “Batman”) are shown in order as NC speaks) that worried the cat, who ate the rat, that lived in the house that Jack built! NC: Now give kudos, that’s a funny way to go. (The polar bear runs off into the wilderness) Perry: Damn it! NC (voiceover): (as Perry) D’oh, I shot myself in the foot like a Michael Moore interview. (Cut to Sean calling out for Jake) Sean: DAD! (Jake fires another flare from the plane) Sean: (to Jessie) He’s alive! Jessie: Dad! NC (voiceover): So the kids finally find the father and attempt to pull him up. Unfortunately, though, him and Sean are too heavy for Jessie to hold onto. What are they possibly gonna do? Jessie: I can’t hold! (Cut to the polar bear helping Jessie out by using his teeth to pull on the end of the rope) NC (voiceover): OH, BULLSHIT! OH, COME ON, YOU—NO! No! Doesn’t happen! That—I—No! Jessie: Sean! Climb up! NC (voiceover): He’s not even pulling the rope! He’s just playing with it! What a fucking load! (After pulling Jake to safety, the rescue helicopter flies by, and all three try to get its attention) Charlie: You guys ain’t gonna believe this. (Cut to the police station with the chief and other workers listening in) Charlie: (on the radio) It’s them! Jake and the kids! Sean and Jessie found him! They rescued him! NC (voiceover): Yeah, okay, I think we all know what the news story’s gonna read the next day: “Professional rescue team searches THREE times in helicopter, and doesn’t find giant yellow-colored plane. Two little kids on foot go…once...and find him without ANY aviation help whatsoever!” NC: I don’t think Alaskan authority looks very good in this movie. (Clips from the movie play again as NC speaks) NC (voiceover): So that’s “Alaska,” and boy, is it a real piece of work. The plot is outlandish, the kids would have been bear chow in seconds, the gun-toting maniac plays the gun-toting maniac, but worst of all, it’s the lack of any interesting interaction that really sinks it. Maybe if it was just about a family in Alaska dealing with the loss of their mother while traveling in the mountains, that would have been fine. That actually would have been interesting if it was done right. But they make no attempts to have these people talk to each other like they’re family at all. The brother and sister almost never speak, the mean-spirited boy is just way too rotten, the father is forgettably bland, and they never take the time to show how what they’re going through is affecting them. It’s just set up for standard boring action scenes. Yeah, Alaska looks nice, but it’s not worth sitting through this rotten story to see it. NC: All I gotta say is (speaks like Perry) I want that bear… (An image of a polar bear cub appears below him as a dramatic music chord plays and lightning strikes; he resumes speaking normally) …to do this to this movie! (Cut to raw footage from “National Geographic Wild” of a wild polar bear attacking a walrus) NC (voiceover): OH, MARY!!! NC: I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. (He gets up to leave) THE END
  • Alaska: land of green forests, black gold, and Red and White Russians. The Russian Civil War continues in Alaska—as it does sporadically across Mother Russia—fought by refugees battling over Alaskan resources. (Highly prized are the large deposits of crude oil discovered by the Russians in the early 1930s.) The American Alaskans, once tolerant enough to accept Russian settlers, have lately started fighting both sides, advertising for mercenaries, to be paid in gold, land, or shares. The Native Inuit, Eskimo, and Aleutian tribes just stand back and try to survive the crossfire. Of course, with an oil war raging, the Imperial Japanese are a growing presence in the southern areas of the region, offering technical assistance and dangling offers of military aid to the White Russians and Americans. The Whites are happy to have the aid, but the Americans are less needy and more wary. Alaska is sparsely settled and considerably more primitive than the bulk of the United States' remnants. Running water, electricity, radio and telephone communication is rare and—where present—functions poorly. The harsh terrain and relatively low population has made Alaska a useful staging area for pirate groups preying on Canadian and Russian territory and shipping. Because of the small number of people living in the territory, Alaska has no central governing body; the various small settlements scattered throughout the territory have their own laws (much like frontier towns of America's Old West). In general, decisions are made by concerned citizens in grassroots town meetings. Perhaps the largest, most civilized settlement is Anchorage. Anchorage's denizens are mostly subsistence Inuit fishermen, American prospectors and Canadian fur trappers. Anchorage's government, a loose representative democracy, is led by "Judge" Kevin Collins. Collins — a former Texan — forged order in Anchorage through force of will...and force of arms. As a result, most of the pirates, smugglers, and thieves that populate the Alaskan wilderness treat Anchorage as neutral territory.
  • Alaska é un estado dos Estados Unidos situado no extremo noroeste do continente americano, e con capital en Juneau.
  • Alaska is one of the many locations visited in the Tomb Raider series. It has a few levels in it.
  • The flag of Alaska has a blue background with eight gold five-pointed stars in an arrangement which is similar to the arrangement of stars in the Big Dipper and Polaris, the North Star. The star representing Polaris is larger than the stars representing the Big Dipper stars.
  • thumb|200px|но это недавно заплатил …/jeszcze tym niedawno płaciliśmy… thumb|200px|Mы хотим вернуться, и он сразу же!/my chcemy tu wrócić, i to natychmiast! thumb|200px|Herb Alaski Alaska – jeden ze stanów ZSRR, jednak większość uważa jeden ze stanów USA. Straszne zadupie, położone wysoko na mapie. Kraj niedźwiedzi (uwaga, gryzą!), łosi (uwaga, gryzą!) i Indian (uwaga, gryzą!). Zimno i w ogóle nieprzyjaźnie. Jedyny plus to potężne złoża ropy, wódki i gazu ziemnego, za które można dostać dolary, które pomogą wydostać się z tej dziury.
  • Alaska is a region of the North American continent on the planet Earth, with boundaries that were created as the area was settled as a geopolitical subdivision of the United States of America nation.
  • Alaska is the United States of Canada's northernmost province. It was obtained from the Vikings in 1867 after the American government agreed to let the Vikings relocate to the comparatively tropical land of Minnesota. Alaska is named after the popular dessert, Baked Alaska. The name "Baked Alaska" is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning "puffy cake", or more literally "the object towards which the flame does not melting the ice cream". Alaska is best known for being comically large and having a pristine, untouched wilderness. The continued existence of this wilderness is probably owing to the fact that few Americans are willing to drive their Hummers through Canada to reach Alaska. As a result, only the really awful states have a smaller population. Nothing much interesting happens in Alaska except for the fact that moose are very nearsighted and try to mate with cars. Now that's something to see!
  • Alaska, is the largest state of the United States of America by area; it is situated in the northwest extremity of the North American continent, with Canada to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, with Russia further west across the Bering Strait. As of 2007, the population was 683,478 with approximately 50% residing along the Anchorage metropolitan areas. The area that became Alaska was purchased from the Russian Empire after Western Union discontinued construction of its first electric telegraph line which ran from California, up the coast of North America, across the Bering Strait, continuing to Moscow and into the European telegraph network. Despite $3 million in U.S. investment for the Russian-American telegraph expedition, work ceased upon the completion of the competing Transatlantic telegraph cable. The U.S. realized the potential of continuing the line to Moscow and sent Secretary of State William H. Seward to negotiate with the Russian Ambassador to fund the remaining phases of the telegraph line. Russia did not see the potential in funding, so Alaska was offered in exchange for the value of the Russian-American telegraph. The Russians feared that if they did not sell Russian North America, it would be taken from them by the westward expansion of the United States and Canada. They tried to play one potential purchaser off against the other to start a bidding war, but this was largely unsuccessful. The U.S. Senate approved the purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million at 2 cents per acre, about 5 cents per hectare. When adjusted for inflation, the total sum paid equates to approximately $111 million in today's dollars. The land went through several administrative changes before becoming an organized territory on May 11, 1912 and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. The name "Alaska" was already introduced in the Russian colonial time, when it was only used for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning "the mainland", or more literally, "the object towards which the action of the sea is directed." It is also known as Alyeska, the "great land", an Aleut word derived from the same root.
  • Main Page | About Mike Gravel | Top Issues | Other Issues | Grassroots Campaign | Online Campaign | Media Campaign | Contacts | Videos | Forums | Chat | Calendar | Donate | Gravel Stuff | WikiProjects | This is the page which Gravel supporters from Alaska can use to organize their efforts to elect Mike Gravel as President in 2008.
  • Alaska es un estado de los Estados Unidos.
  • Alaska is a state in the United States.
  • Alaska is an American state.
  • Alaska is one of the United States of America.
  • Alaska is a state outside the continental United States of America on Earth. The city of Fairbanks, where Major Samantha Carter claimed a UFO crashed near in 1978, is located in this state. In the alternate timeline created by Ba'al, SG-1 were taken to an Air Force Base in Alaska by the Alexandria to be debriefed and meet Major General Henry Landry. Alaska once belonged to Russia. (SG1: "48 Hours", "Prometheus", "Continuum") The United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million ($121 million adjusted for inflation) at approximately two cents per acre ($4.74/km²).
  • Alaska är en stat utanför kontinentala USA på Jorden. Staden av Fairbanks, där Major Samantha Carter hävdade ett UFO kraschade nära 1978, är belägen i denna stat. I alternativ tidslinje skapat av Ba'al, SG-1 togs till en Flygvapen Bas i Alaska av Alexandria att vara informerades och möta Generalmajor Henry Landry. Alaska en gång tillhörde Ryssland. (SG1: "48 Hours", "Prometheus", "Stargate: Continuum")
  • Stan graniczy od wschodu z Kanadą, a od zachodu przez Cieśninę Beringa z Związkiem Radzieckim. Dominują góry i wyżyny; szczyt Mount McKinley (6194 m n.p.m.) jest najwyższym punktem Ameryki Północnej; liczne stożki wulkaniczne. Do terytorium należą też Aleuty. Ma największą powierzchnię i najmniejszą gęstość zaludnienia wśród stanów USA. Alaska została zajęta przez chińczyków, w trakcie wojny chińsko-amerykańskiej. Biegł przez nią Rurociąg Alaskański. W styczniu 2077, wojska USA przeprowadziły na Alasce Operację Anchorage w odpowiedzi na chiński atak.
  • Alaska was purchased from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million ($113 million in today's dollars) at about two cents per acre ($4.74/km²). The land went through several administrative changes before becoming an organized (or incorporated) territory on May 11, 1912, and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. The name "Alaska" (Аляска) was already introduced in the Russian colonial period, when it was used only for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning "the mainland" or more literally, "the object towards which the action of the sea is directed". It is also known as Alyeska, the "great land", an Aleut word derived from the same root.
  • Alaska is a state of the United States, located at the north-west tip of the North American continent and separated from the contiguous states by Canada. As an aircraft name, Alaska may be: * Stratocruiser Alaska - Boeing 377 c/n 15955 operated by Northwest Orient Air Lines
  • 20e eeuwse kaarten tonen het noordelijke halfrond op de bibliotheek computer van de USS Enterprise in 2254. Op de kaart was de oostkust van Azië te zien met daarop de Sovjet unie en Alaska op de westkust van Noord Amerika. Deze kaarten hoorden bij de kaarten die de Talosians bekeken op de Enterprise computer. (TOS: "The Cage") In 2286 was er in Juneau een Starfleet basis gevestigd. Het was één van de steden op Aarde die de donkere wolken rapporteerden toen de walvis sonde de Aarde aanviel. ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home") Starfleet kapitein William T. Riker is geboren in de stad Valdez. Hij en Deanna Troi trouwden eveneens in Alaska. ("Star Trek: Nemesis") Categorie:Aardse deelgebieden
  • Alaska is a state in the United States. * When Buster heard that Arthur traded away his thresher model when his uncle wanted to see it, he considered running away to Alaska.
  • Alaska is a state of the United States of America. The largest state of the US, Alaska borders Canada to the east, and a maritime border with Russia to the west (having no physical border connection with the 48 contiguous states). Alaska was a former colony of the Russian Empire, which sold the territory to the United States in 1867. The discovery of gold by the late 1890s helped put the region on the map and expanding its population. During World War II, a small portion of Alaska's Aleutian Islands were occupied by Japan, leading to the militarization of the region. Alaska gained statehood as the 49th state on January 3, 1959. Alaska has come up several times in the multiverse. Alaska is also referred to as Alyeska, Alyaska (from the Russian name "Аляска"), and Yavukia. The territory is seen being occupied by other powers, and other having it as an independent nation. Some timelines even show a massive state expanding as far as California. Examples include: American influenced * 1983: Doomsday * Alaska Forever! * Dai-tō-a British/Canadian influenced * 13 Fallen Stars * American Union * Chaos * Confederate Provinces of Canada Japanese influenced * Japanese Alaska Russian influenced * British Louisiana * Cromwell the Great * Failed CC * French Trafalgar, British Waterloo * Napoleon's World * Russian America * Russian America Expansion * The British Ain't Coming * The Many Nations of North America * Two Americas * Washington Shot at Murdering Town! This is a disambiguation page, a list of pages that otherwise might share the same title. If an article link referred you to this title, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
  • Según lo revelado por un diario descubierto por Alice, Alaska se cree que es el último refugio seguro para el resto de la humanidad a raíz del brote global del T-Virus. Varios mensajes son decifrados en el diario diciendo que reciben las transmisiones de radio y describe al estado como "seguro" en un supuesto pueblo llamado Arcadia. Es un medio ambiente helado y con temperaturas frescas convertido en un entorno ideal para los sobrevivientes que buscan escapar de la creciente cantidad de zombis. Aunque dudosa en el comienzo de la existencia de Arcadia, Claire Redfield finalmente llevó a los supervivientes de su convoy a Alaska en busca del supuesto refugio.
  • Kennicott Glacier Lodge - Kennicott, Alaska 99588 | Phone 1-907-258-2350 Email:
  • Alaska was a state of the United States of America, located in northwestern North America. Separate from the mainland U.S., Alaska was bordered by Canada to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the south, and Russia and the Asian continent across a narrow strait to the west. The state was far enough north that it was subject to the midnight sun effect during the winter months, which caused the sun to remain in the sky at all hours of the day. (Midnight Sun) CTU Alaska was a branch of the Counter Terrorist Unit responsible for overseeing anti-terrorist operations throughout the state. (Cold Warriors) Rich in natural resources, Alaska was the home of numerous oil rigs, such as The Albatross. ("Day 5: 7:00am-8:00am")
  • Alaska is the last race course of SSX Tricky world circuit, and perhaps one of the most difficult tracks in the game, albeit slightly under comparison with Untracked. It is also one of the only tracks in the game to only appear in SSX tricky that is not from the first SSX (The second being Garibaldi, which is automatically unlocked at the beginning of the game).
  • Alaska was a region of the North American continent on Earth that was one of the states making up the United States of America. In the aftermath of the Eugenics Wars, several hundred genetically engineered children were brought to Alaska and other remote parts of the world to spare them from reprisals. Most grew to adulthood and intermarried with the local population and their descendants would inherit some amount of augmented DNA. (TNG novel: Infiltrator) William T. Riker was born in Valdez, Alaska in 2335. In 2379, the first part of Riker's wedding to Deanna Troi was held in Alaska. (Star Trek Nemesis)
  • Alaska is the 49th of the 50 states in the United States of America. It is also the northernmost state of the United States and the largest by area.
  • Main Page | About the Freedom Democrats Wiki | Find your State | Platform | Internet Links | Media Links | Literature | Contacts | Video | Forums | Endorsements | This page is for those in Alaska who are interested in The Democratic Freedom Caucus.
  • Alaska is a state of the USA. After escaping Springfield during Trappuccino, the Simpson family moves to Alaska, driving there on a truck they won in a motorcycle game. Homer already set up a plan to moving the entire family to Alaska in case anything forces the entire family to leave Springfield, and so carried a large poster of Alaska in his wallet. A checkpoint guard gives Homer $1000 as an excuse for oil companies to ravage the Alaskan countryside. The Medicine Woman resides in the state, though she has been seen in Canada, and most likely lives there. Kwazy Klown Airlines lets the Simpsons travel to anywhere free, except Alaska and Hawaii.
  • Alaska was purchased from Russia on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million ($120 million adjusted for inflation) at approximately two cents per acre ($4.74/km²). The land went through several administrative changes before becoming an organized (or incorporated) territory on May 11, 1912, and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. The name "Alaska" (Аляска) was already introduced in the Russian colonial period, when it was used only for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning "the mainland" or, more literally, "the object towards which the action of the sea is directed". It is also known as Alyeska, the "great land", an Aleut word derived from the same root. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • thumb|Alaska im 24 Jahrhundert. Alaska ist eine Region auf dem nordamerikanischen Kontinent der Erde. Es ist der 49. Staat der USA, denen er am 3. Januar 1959 beitritt. Der Name Alaska stammt wahrscheinlich von den Ureinwohner Alaskas. Es bedeutet so viel wie „großes Land“ oder „Festland“. Im Jahr 1893 träumt Jack London davon zu reisen und darüber zu schreiben. London träumt auch davon nach Alaska zu reisen und Samuel Langhorne Clemens erklärt ihm, dass er sch seine Träume erfüllen soll. (TNG: ) 1986 werden die beiden Buckelwale George und Gracie von San Francisco aus mit einer speziellen 747 nach Alaska geflogen und dort in der Beringstraße freigelassen. (Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart) Eine Karte aus dem 20. Jahrhundert von Alaska ist 2254 auf dem Bildschirm des Bibliothekscomputers der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) zu sehen. Die Karte zeigt die östliche Küste der UdSSR und Alaska mit der westlichen Küste der USA, sowie die dazwischenliegende Beringstraße. Dies geschieht, als die Talosianer den Computer der Enterprise scannen. (TOS: ) Im Jahr 2286 ist eine Sternenflottenbasis in Juneau, Alaska. Diese berichtet von einer zunehmenden Wolkendecke, als die Walsonde die Erde erreicht. (Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart) Commander William T. Riker wird in Alaska geboren. (TNG: ) 2379 verbringen Riker und Deanna Troi einen Teil ihrer Hochzeit in Alaska. (Star Trek: Nemesis)
  • "Alaska" was the 31st episode of Under the Dome and the fifth episode of the third season, airing on CBS on 16 July 2015. The episode was written by Bronwyn Garrity and directed by David M. Barrett.
  • Alaska is a state in Fredonia in northern Vespuciland. The desert known as Baked Alaska is named after the state. Punny Bones also makes reference to the state in one of his puns.
  • Nel 1893, un giovane Jack London disse a Samuel Clemens del suo sogno in cui era andato in Alaska venendo incoraggiato da Clemens, che menzionò il Klondike e l'aurora boreale. (TNG: "Un mistero dal passato - Seconda parte") Una mappa del XX secolo mostrava la parte settentrionale della regione dell'Oceano Pacifico scaricata dagli archivi della USS Enterprise nel 2254. La mappa mostrava la coasta est dell'USSR in Asia e la costa ovest dell'Alaska ad ovest del Nord America. Tutto il materiale di repertorio venne rubato dai Talosiani. (TOS: "Lo zoo di Talos") Nel 2286, una base della Flotta Stellare si trovava a Juneau, in Alaska. Era una delle città attaccate dalla Sonda delle balene. (Star Trek IV: Rotta verso la Terra) Il Comandante della Flotta Stellare William T. Riker era nato in Alaska nel 2335. La prima parte del matrimonio di Riker e Deanna Troi si svolgeva in Alaska nel 2379. (TNG: "Fattore Icaro", "Amnesia"; Star Trek La nemesi) Informazioni di retroscenaSecondo un okudagram preparato per l'episodio "Amnesia", ma mai visto, Riker era nato nella città Valdez, in Alaska. (Star Trek Encyclopedia)
  • Alaska, officially the Republic of Alaska is a country in northern North America that borders Canada in the east. Its also connected to Chukotka via the Diomedes Friendship Bridge. Its capital is Anchorage.
  • Alaska was the largest areal state in the United States, bordering the Province of Yukon, Canada to the East and the Russian Federation to the West by a maritime border in the Bering Strait. It was once believed to be the location of the human safe haven, Arcadia.
  • Alaska ( API : /a.las.kaː/ ) 1. * Alaska (État des États-Unis).
  • Jake K Falmuth and Buck Dollar were based in Alaska.
  • Alaska (IPA: ) is a state in the United States of America, located in the extreme northwest portion of the North American continent. It is the largest U.S. state in terms of area (by a substantial margin), along with being one of the wealthiest and most racially diverse. The area that became Alaska was purchased from Russian interests on October 18 1867. The land went through several administrative changes before becoming an organized territory in 1912 and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. The name "Alaska" is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning "the mainland", or more literally "the object towards which the action of the sea is directed".
  • En algún momento durante el 1970, una inuit de Alaska que más tarde iría por el nombre de Vulcan Raven nació en Alaska. El ex FOXHOUND miembros Solid Snake y Master Miller tanto se mudó a Alaska tras la jubilación, con la última vez en cuando para ayudar a capacitar a los Scouts de Alaska. En 2005, Solid Snake fue enviado a infiltrarse en un terrorista instalación ocupada por el isla de Shadow Moses, en el archipiélago de Alaska Fox. Durante el incidente, los grupos de EE.UU. De la Fuerza Aérea envió dos F-16 de la galena para servir como una distracción para la misión de Snake. Antes de aceptar la cesión, la Serpiente era originalmente para haber tomado su trineo tirado por perros equipo a Anchorage para el Iditarod al día siguiente. Raiden, después de salir de Romero, debido a la severa declaración de su traumáticos recuerdos de la infancia de su condición de ex niño soldado en la guerra civil de Liberia, una breve visita a Alaska, donde un chamán esquimal le enseñó el arte de seguimiento y de exploración durante su intento de localizar a Sunny. Además, la serpiente regresó brevemente a la isla de Shadow Moses en el archipiélago de Fox, en Alaska, después de Liquid Ocelot iba allí para recuperar la pistola REX ferroviaria.
  • En la comisaria Juana es interrogada en camara gesell, los chicos escuchan del otro lado del vidrio atentos su declaracion, Juana llena sus ojos de lagrimas y comienza su relato, revela que la chica del video no es ella, pero que a la que querian matar era a ella, su verdad es que a los 13 años entro a estudiar a la residencia refugio con su hermana gemela Carla, pero como eran muy distintas en personalidad y muy iguales en persona su hermana no se dio cuenta lo que ocurria en ese lugar, pero ella si comenzo a notar cosas raras, gente que empezaba a quedar palida, a perder peso muy de golpe y de pronto desaparecia, sucedio con varios de sus compañeros de promocion, desaparecieron como siete hasta que un dia ella por casualidad descubrio que realmente les sucedia, al estar enfermos por perdida de peso y bomitaban sangre eran llevados al hospital de donde nunca mas volvian, un dia su amigo Gabriel se enfermo y llego el momento de llevarlo al hospital, ella se escondio en el baul del auto y descubrio que no exitia ningun hospital que los llevaban a una especie de laboratorio donde los congelaban y con electroshock intentaban que no se muera para crear una formula para la vida eterna o algo asi, un anciano ciego era el que manejaba todo dice Juana pero junto a sus hombres obligaban a un medico a crear la formula y trabajar con los cuerpos, Juana revela que exploro ese lugar sin que nadie la vea y encontro el cadaver de todos sus amigos, los que habian desaparecido hace como tres años, pero cuando iba a huir los guardias la encontraron ella corrio y logro escapar pero la persona que llevaba a los chicos hacia ese laboratorio vivia en la residencia no tenia escapatoria entonces tome un avion y me fui a Francia donde tengo primos para salvar mi vida pero no sin antes advertirle a Carla mi hermana del peligro que corriamos en ese colegio, ella tenia que venir conmigo la espere en el aeropuerto pero nunca llego, esa misma noche fue la que la asesinaron despues me entere por los medios y sin otra opcion me resigne relata Juana totalmente quebrada, el Oficial Acosta no puede salir de su asombro al escuchar todo el relato y le pide que el nombre del monstruo que hace todo eso. Categoría:Capitulos Categoría:Sexta Temporada
  • Alaska is an enclave inside Canada and is the northern most state in the United States of America. While technically a part of the USA, it is basically Canada's ear, Nova Scotia is the other ear. Alaska is within the Arctic circle and is very cold for most of the year but can be warm for a few weeks in summer when the sun never sets. Fanatical Joe the teabag Miller was defeated by moderate Republican, Senator Lisa Murkowski. Their former governor Sarah Palin was nominated for GOP vice president. Alaska provided us with some hope in 2008 when they finally voted Ted Stevens out as Senator, replacing him with a Democrat. During the September 11, 2001 attacks An air flight called Korean Air Flight 85 was thought to have been hijacked to hit a target in Alaska but that was a false alarm. We are glad that 9/11 did not spread to this state. States, districts and insular areas of the United States of America Image:Earth large 2 tone.png This -related article is a stub. You can help Liberapedia by expanding it.
  • Alaska was a state within North America, one of the largest and least populated. It was notorious for being very cold. Alaska Base was constructed in the north section of the state secretly. It included the Grand Cannon. (Macross Saga: Homecoming, et al.)
  • The state is bordered by the Yukon Territory and British Columbia in Canada, to the east, the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Ocean to the south, the Bering Sea, Bering Strait, and Chukchi Sea to the west and the Arctic Ocean to the north. Alaska's territorial waters touch Russia's territorial waters in the Bering Strait, as the Russian and Alaskan islands are only apart. As it extends into the eastern hemisphere, it is technically both the westernmost and easternmost state in the United States, as well as also being the northernmost. Alaska is the largest state in the United States in land area at 586,412 square miles (1,518,800 km2), much larger than Texas, the next largest state. Geologists have identified Alaska as part of Wrangellia, a large region consisting of multiple states and Canadian provinces in the Pacific Northwest which is actively undergoing continent building. Alaska is larger than all but 18 sovereign countries. Counting territorial waters, Alaska is larger than the combined area of the next three largest states: Texas, California, and Montana. It is also larger than the combined area of the 22 smallest U.S. states.
  • This My English Wiki Wikia is in need of contributors. If you would like to work on the My English Wiki wiki, please feel free to do so. All My English Wiki-related content is welcome. If you need help with contributing to this wiki or you need admin access, please contact us. The Alaska wiki is a place for Alaskans to talk about their communities, fishing trips, businesses, dog teams, schools...anything Alaskan. Image:Kenaifjords.jpg Visitors are encouraged to sign the Guestbook View by Cities
  • Alaska is a state of the United States known for its productive fossil sites. Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The native population probably crossed over from Asia sometime between 16,000 BC and 10,000 BC. The first European contact came from the Russian Empire in the early 1700s. After over a century of settlement, Russia sold the territory to the United States in 1867 for US $7.2 million. Subsequently, Alaska was discovered to be quite rich in minerals, including gold and oil. Alaska became the 49th state on January 3, 1959.
  • In 1893, a young Jack London told Samuel Clemens of his dream to go to Alaska and was encouraged by Clemens, who mentioned the Klondike and aurora borealis as some of Alaska's features. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" ) In 1986, George and Gracie were flown to Alaska in a special 747 and released into the Bering Sea. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) A 21st century-era political map of Earth was stored in the USS Enterprise's library computer in 2254. The North American continent was seen on this map. This map was among the materials viewed by the Talosians when they scanned the Enterprise computer. (TOS-R: "The Cage" ) In the alternate reality of 2258, as the Narada approached Earth, Alaska could be seen on the ship's viewscreen. (Star Trek) In 2286, during the Whale Probe crisis, Juneau reported that cloud cover had increase to ninety-five percent. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) Starfleet Commander William T. Riker was born in Alaska in 2335. He spent his childhood in this state. When the night was cold, his father cooked for his son split pea soup. Riker remembered, years later, how the soup kept him warm. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection" , "The Icarus Factor" , "Conundrum" , "The Outcast" , "Lower Decks" ) In 2343, after Riker hooked an Alaskan fish, his father took the pole from his son and reeled the fish in. Riker was photographed holding the fish. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor" ) The first part of Riker and Deanna Troi's wedding was held in Alaska in 2379. (Star Trek Nemesis)
  • Alaska is a state in the USA, and the location for MotorStorm: Arctic Edge and a portion of the MotorStorm RC Festival.
  • Alaska is a province in Canada that was once owned by Murica and Mother Russia.
  • Alaska is the largest state in the United States by area. It is also known as the "land beyond the gods" and the "home of Alcyoneus (the bane of Hades/Pluto)".
  • Alaska is the northernmost state of the United States.
  • Ranking 11th out of 50 state for permissive gun laws, Alaska sports 17.6 per 100,000 gun deaths.
  • Alaska is a non-contiguous American state located in the northwestern region of North America.
  • Alaska is a brave female explorer seen as a main character in the Stage play "Quest for the Golden Puffle". She has a red wig, the peach penguin color, Alaska's Explorer Hat, Sienna Explorer Outfit, and the Lasso. She is by far braver than her brother, Yukon, but is slightly more arrogant and does not think about the dangers that might lie in the places she explores.
  • Alaska is also where Alopex was captured as an arctic fox pup, and she returns there following her break from Kitsune's mind control in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issue 60 (IDW).
  • This is the page for charting a course of action for winning the nomination in Alaska. Please use the index below to find your borough or census area.
  • thumb|293px|Zwei Schlachtschiffe der Liberty Marine im Alaska SystemIn Alaska gibt es keine Planeten aber 1 Sonne.Alaska ist ein geheimes System der LSF und der Liberty Marine dessen Zugang sich im Zentrum von Zone 21 befindet. * Gefängnisstation Mitchell (Sektor 5G) * Juneau-Werft (Sektor 6G) * New York (Sektor 6G)thumb|400px
  • This page will contain a list of Autism resources available in the state of Alaska.
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