  • Fire Elemental
  • Fire Elemental
  • Fire elemental
  • Fire Elemental
  • Fire elemental
  • Fire Elemental
  • Fire elemental
  • Fire elemental
  • |}
  • The Fire Elemental is an enemy encounter in Suikoden Tactics. It is found in Ruins of Obel. This elemental doesn't fight but it spread an earth elemental affinity.
  • School: Image:Fire.png Pip Cost: 3 Accuracy: 100% Type: Image:Manipulation.png Description: Summons the Fire Elemental Minion. Received From: Burning Books Requirements: Required Character Level: 28 Spells: * None Prerequisite for: Spells: * None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No
  • Fire elementals are the denizens of the Elemental Plane of Fire. A fire elemental cannot enter water or any other nonflammable liquid. A body of water is an impassible barrier unless the fire elemental can step or jump over it. They are fierce opponents that attacks their enemies directly and savagely. They take joy in burning the creatures and objects of the Material Plane to ashes.
  • The essence of Fire is hunger. As long as there is something nearby to burn, it can move about freely. It can consume the very bricks which make up floors and buildings. Until it is contained, it cannot be controlled. The weakness of Fire is Water, but the Elemental of Fire will avoid water by moving away from its source. Once it is captured and contained, it behaves as a magical flame.
  • Fire elementals were elementals formed from the element of fire.
  • The Fire Elemental is an enemy encountered at the end of Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna.
  • The Fire elemental is a living inferno. It appears during the Elemental Workshop I and Elemental Workshop II quests. The fire elemental can be found in the Elemental Workshop, along with water elementals, earth elementals and air elementals.
  • Fire Elementals are supernatural creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Fire. They are usually only found on the Material Plane or other worlds after being summoned by mages, priests or other spellcasters.
  • Fire Elemental is an enemy in MARDEK.
  • While their watery brethren fall under the domain of the Humans, these creatures serve no other. They only seek to destroy anything or anyone that they come in contact with. No one knows if these are summoned beings, or the result of some rogue magiks. The only sure thing is that they are deadly, and seem to take some dark pleasure in the pain they inflict. (W1ManO 60)
  • Fire elemental is a type of monster in ADOM. Like most creatures of fire they are immune to heat, but highly vulnerable to cold spells. They can also breathe fire. Hordes of fire elementals appear in the fire temple, atop the Tower of Eternal Flames. Like other elementals, they rarely appear in other dungeons.
  • Tuli elementaalit ovat tehty tulesta. Ne ovat pahantahtoisia ja nauttivat, jos joku toinen tuntee kipua. Tuli elementaaleja johtaa Ragnaros ja ne asuvat Firelandsissa. thumb
  • Fire Elementals were a kind of supernatural being, presumably a species of demon, who possessed pyrokinetic powers: the ability to generate and manipulate fire. Beck was a human girl who bonded with a Fire Elemental during childhood, granting her dangerous pyrokinetic abilities which she couldn't control. She killed her family with these powers, leaving her severely traumatised into adulthood. In the prison-like environment of the Mosaic Wellness Center, pure Fire Elementals would socialise with Strang Demons because they shared a red skin tone.
  • Fire Elementals embody the destructive and creative force of burning. They are fast-moving creatures that delight in setting things ablaze with their fiery touch. As one would theorize, a fire elemental cannot enter water or a vacuum, as their flaming bodies require oxygen to continue existing.
  • There is a hit detection issue during combat with this type of golem, sometimes allowing it to cause damage even when it appears to miss.
  • Race: elemental Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 16 Hit points: 26 Attack bonus: +6 Damage: 1d6+1 bludgeoning damage + 1d6 fire damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 4 Challenge rating: 3 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) listen (7), spot (7) Feats: darkvision, weapon finesse, weapon proficiency (creature)
  • Fire Elemental is fought in Mount Gulg and Chaos Shrine. It is found guarding several squares and chests. It is weak to Ice.
  • What we do know about the non-human fire elementals is mostly from Tom's now defunct formspring Q&A: * When a fire elemental is born, the mother will still wither, meaning that the number of fire elementals can never increase. * Though there are no longer any fire elementals in Gillitie Wood there are some in other places of the world.
  • Unlike most beasts in WKC they and other elementals will not attack players on sight.
  • The Fire Elemental is an enemy from the video game, Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich.
  • Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice..
  • The Fire elemental is a standard enemy that can be found in and. __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__
  • een fire elemental is een lvl 44 monster die voorkomt in de chaos tunnels
  • The Fire elemental is a living inferno. It appears during the Elemental Workshop I and Elemental Workshop II quests. The fire elemental can be found in the Elemental Workshop, along with water elementals, earth elementals and air elementals. The level 35 versions can also be found in the Smoke Dungeon and Chaos Tunnels.
  • Episode two of Life Concealed. Sometimes you don’t understand what you did wrong. Usually you’re just born with a problem that will last forever. Some cats are blind, some are deaf. They didn’t do anything to deserve this, they are just cursed with a mistake that will never end. In this case, I was born an Elemental. Now, I don’t know why I am so hated within the Clans, I just am. This is my problem. “Welcome the Elemental!” The brown tom was cackling, his laugh echoing painfully in my ears. I didn’t want to die. “Is he not good with blood?” It made me queasy to talk about my death so calmly.
  • rightŻywiołaki ognia są utworzone z żywiołu ognia. Są to istoty uformowane z szalejących płomieni skupionych razem, by utworzyć sylwetkę muskularnego humanoidalnego torsu. Bransolety z czarnego metalu okalają ramiona tych stworzeń, a od torsu odcina się ognisty ogon. Żywiołaki ognia to istoty nienawiści i okrucieństwa. Kochają one wywoływać ból. Podpalają one wszystko, czego się dotkną, jak również pochłaniają powietrze wokół siebie. Preferują one walkę w zwarciu, gdzie mogą oślepić wrogów i wywoływać obrażenia od własnego płomienia. Dzięki pochłanianiu powietrza, rozpoczynają walkę od przyduszenia przeciwnika, a dopiero potem idą w zwarcie. Żywiołaki ognia są przebiegłe, potrafią zwabić wrogów w niebezpieczne okolice, takie jak lasy, które mogą podpalić. Są one na tyle inteligentne, że at
  • There are ancient Phoenician legends about a great firery beast that that they would unleash upon their enemies killing thousands. In 1943, the SS found a Fire Elemental in a tomb below Tunis, and brought it to a secret facility in France to be used as a weapon against an Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe. The Nazis were able to control the elemental and keep it calm using a weather machine that drew its power from the elemental itself. The Five were able to keep the creature from attacking the Allied fleet by forcing it underground with James Watson's weather machine.
  • This elemental's ROARING with rage, as it thirsts to become one with the Fire Blast Staff! As you use this fiery enchantment, not only will you gain Fire Blast charges over time, you will also get a Damage and Walkspeed boost every time you kill a monster or player, leading up to a 100% MAX Damage/Speed boost! Also if the power bar is full enough, Hold Z to charge up a Burst that will damage and burn all nearby enemies! (Please note you have to have Damage/Speed boosts from killing enemies to use the Burst)
  • A Fire Elemental is a level 6 creature, similar to the Air, Water, and Poison Elementals. They have average magic resistance, a decent amount of Hit Points, and moderate resistance to poison. They have low Armor Rating and can die easily when cornered. However, Fire Elementals are extremely fast, being the fastest creature in Oberin aside from the Pixie. They are excellent pets for those with Taming level 6. Known Loot: around 20 Gold Pieces, 1-2 Elemental Dusts, a few Volcanic Ash Spotted: Forests, commonly inside the Volcano and the area surrounding it
  • 1
  • 35
  • 44
  • 80
  • N/A
  • 9.260000
  • Strong
  • 24
  • N/A
  • Walks up to you and throws his arms up for one melee damage
  • Throws a fireball at you for one melee damage
  • 3566
  • 1368
  • 282
  • 1239
  • 896
  • 4934
  • 962
  • 2150084
  • 2732
  • 1331
  • 410
  • 79228
  • no
  • * They are levitating enemies, so they can move over chasms & traps, without triggering them. * When receiving a Burning buff, they don’t receive any damage , but rather gain 1 HP instead.
  • * If you see a fire elemental approaching, stand on water, and fight from there, so you don’t take additional damage from burning. * Don’t use Wand of Firebolt, or Potion of Liquid Flame, on fire elementals, as they will not inflict any damage, but will slightly heal them instead! ** Frost damages them.
  • triangular range: 1 — depth * If you did not buy the Scroll holder to protect your scrolls from fire, then, when you’re in the Dwarven Metropolis, it is advised to leave your scrolls somewhere safe, so they don’t burn up when you fight fire elementals.
  • 100.0
  • 3
  • 0
  • 0
  • No
  • 4
  • Elementals don't leave corpses.
  • 0
acc magic
  • 486
  • 4
  • Very Nimble
  • Energy, Poison
aff magic
  • 55
  • Nothing.
  • yes
  • Summons the Fire Elemental Minion.
  • Pre-6.0
  • 3
  • If you’re standing in water, the fire will go out right away, but the scrolls may still burn in the first turn.
  • Because fire elementals float above the floor, they don't set flammable floor tiles on fire by moving over them, and they're not harmed by water tiles.
  • Fire elementals will attack on sight.
  • Fire elementals can deal deadly combinations so kill them fast.
  • They usually roam alone.
  • They will try and eventually set the Hero/ine on fire, burning any exposed scrolls in the Backpack.
  • Fire elementals can kill mages fast, so kill it before it kills you!
  • 100.0
  • 1600
  • 69
  • 0
  • 0
  • Pyro-Elementals
  • Elementals
  • Elementals
  • Elementals
  • no
  • A fire elemental.
  • 4
  • Elemental
  • yes
  • y
  • no
  • yes
  • None
  • 17
max hit
  • 4
  • 0.0
  • 690
  • --
  • Medium
  • No
max magic
  • 192
Damage Type
  • 0
  • 0.0
  • 100.0
  • 125.0
max spec
  • 0
  • None
  • 48
attack speed
  • 6
acc melee
  • 368
aff weakness
  • 90
  • 100.0
  • -1351211216
  • Fire elementals can deal deadly combinations so kill them fast.
  • Yes
  • Fire
  • Fire
  • 60.0
  • 100.0
  • No
Monster Memory
  • These creatures originate on a different plane of existence where fire and heat dominate. The heat of their nature is dangerous to those not of their plane, so any contact with their form is dangerous to the integrity of one's Ancardian nature. They spread their element through contact or breath.
aff melee
  • 45
  • 100.0
  • 690
  • 80.0
  • fire elemental
  • Yes
  • Fire Elemental
  • 0.0
  • 5
  • 100.0
  • 100.0
  • 81
  • 100.0
max ranged
  • 0
  • 100.0
  • 12
  • 2.100000
  • No
  • 1
Always Drops
  • 1
  • 12
  • 35
  • 31
  • 100
  • 280
  • 300
aff ranged
  • 65
Attack style
  • Slash
acc ranged
  • 0
  • No
  • 11
  • 6
  • No
  • 100.0
  • Usually neutral
  • 1
  • 26
  • Medium
  • Water: -100, Ice: -100, Fire: 200
  • 100.0
  • 28
xp value
  • 0
  • 0
Monster Type
  • Elemental
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • 11
  • Aard sign
  • None
  • Dimeritium bombs
  • Elementa oils
  • Northern wind bombs
  • 52
  • Fire Elementals are entities consisting only of fire. They have been spotted in the wake of demons, and nobody knows whether they are summoned by them or whether they are independent creatures rising out of fire. They are very dangerous fighters and create fire fields or shoot fireballs at their opponents.
max melee
  • 144
  • 0
  • fireelemental
  • 0
  • 100.0
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • No
  • 0
  • nw_fire
  • 11
  • 0
  • ^
  • Elementals
  • Pyro-Elementals
  • Pyro-Elementals
  • Pyro-Elementals
immune to poison
  • No
  • 1
  • 20
  • Fire
  • *Immune to fire *Vulnerable to cold *Sometimes shrugs off bolts and other resistible magic *Breathes fire *Construct abilities **Cannot be sacrificed **Immune to death rays, stunning, blindness, paralysis, and poison **Immune to telepathic mindcraft
  • +6
  • Varies
  • -100.0
  • a
  • Varies
  • Normal
  • Fire
  • Extraordinarily Powerful
  • 4
  • 95
  • Normal
  • 124
  • none
  • Elemental
  • 200.0
  • none
  • 7.210000
  • 32
  • Fiery Heart of Mt. Shining Star, Walk through Fire, Elemental Farm, Elemental Waves, Sneak Attack, A Plea for Help , Nature's Keeper, Playing With Fire, Petty Squabbles, Master of Puppets, Disarray, Lava Tube
  • 32
  • 100.0
  • Coins
  • Fire Elementals
  • Fire Elemental
  • Ashes
  • Blood rune
  • Grimy avantoe
  • Grimy dwarf weed
  • Grimy guam
  • Grimy harralander
  • Grimy irit
  • Grimy kwuarm
  • Grimy marrentill
  • Grimy ranarr
  • Chaos rune
  • Grimy cadantine
  • Grimy lantadyme
  • Grimy tarromin
  • Nature rune
  • Rare drop table
  • Spirit emerald
  • Spirit ruby
  • Spirit sapphire
  • Starved ancient effigy
  • Death rune
  • Fire rune
  • Staff of fire
  • Grimy guam leaf
  • Grimy irit leaf
  • Grimy ranarr weed
  • Law rune
  • Fire elemental
  • Fire Elemental
  • Fire Elemental
  • 30
  • 999
  • Lvl1: 1
  • Lvl2: 0
  • Lvl3: 0
  • Lvl4: 0
  • red, yellow or orange
  • N/A
  • 100
  • Found in magical ruins
  • Northeast rune room in Loc Muinne
  • Outside Philippa Eilhart's quarters in Vergen
  • Arrows
  • Water spells
Money Dropped
  • 0
  • 25
  • No
Items Dropped
  • no
immune to stun
  • No
Locations Found
immune to deflect
  • No
immune to drain
  • No
  • none
  • 100.0
  • 100.0
  • 100.0
  • 100.0
  • No
  • -50.0
  • 0.0
  • -50.0
  • no
  • No
  • 50.0
  • 220
  • 250
  • 14
  • Yes
  • 1
  • 80.0
  • 3
  • 1
  • 2
  • 10
  • 12
  • 15
  • 20
  • 42
  • Elemental Workshop Quest
  • Any
  • 4
  • Varies
  • Fire Elemental
  • 35
  • 4
  • 20
  • 9
  • Skill Legend: Name/Rank
  • 486
  • none
  • 16
  • N/A
  • Fire elemental is a type of monster in ADOM. Like most creatures of fire they are immune to heat, but highly vulnerable to cold spells. They can also breathe fire. Hordes of fire elementals appear in the fire temple, atop the Tower of Eternal Flames. Like other elementals, they rarely appear in other dungeons.
  • Badge
  • Fiery touch
  • 50.0
  • E
  • 0
  • 786
  • fire elementals
  • y
  • DV: 44, PV: 17, Hits: 160, Attacks: 2, Speed: 100.
  • STR: 0, INT: 5, DEX: 10, END: 5, CHA: 5, LUK: 5, WIS: 0
  • 50.0
  • These creatures can be killed as a task in the Killing in the Name of... Quest
  • Creatures made of fire. Because of their strong attacks, they are often used by Player Killers. With two Fire Elemental's Summoned and a mage's Sudden Death attack they can surprise even an experienced adventurer, so be prepared if you notice a player with these summoned, especially with a skull. If you are a knight with high hitpoints, you could try to not kill summons first, but instead go for the summoner making the Fire Elementals also hit their owner.
  • Creatures made of fire. Because of their strong attacks, they are often used by Player Killers. With two Fire Elemental's Summoned and a mage's Sudden Death attack they can surprise even an experienced adventurer, so be prepared if you notice a player with these summoned, especially with a skull. If you are a knight with high hitpoints, you could try to not kill summons first, but instead go for the summoner making the Fire Elementals also hit their owner.
  • Creatures totally made of fire. Note that, because of their strong attacks, they are often used by Player Killers. Two Fire Elemental's Explosions and mage's Sudden Death rune can surprise even a high experienced adventurer, so if you notice a player with two of them summoned keep your UH hotkey ready . If you are a knight with high hitpoints rate you can try not to kill summons first, but stand in front of their owner to make them hurt him.
  • Killing these is arguably the fastest way to complete a task for the Killing in the Name of... Quest, as players at Level 80-90 can one hit them easily, and at places such as Goroma there are an abundance of these, inside the volcano there are approximately 35, for example.
  • N/A
  • 100.0
  • 4
  • 100
  • Fire
  • 124
  • 1019
  • Jarsath Wastes
  • magic
  • 26
  • 30
  • 200
  • 269
  • 280
  • 392
  • Fire_Elemental.png
  • elemental, extraplanar, fire
  • Rise of Kunark
  • 2004-06-02
  • Sulfuron Keep, in the Firelands
  • 2
  • 86400.0
  • N/A
  • 57
  • 15
  • 72.600000
  • Ifrit
  • 0
  • Burning Books
  • none
  • 20
  • 0
  • 41
  • ToEF
  • dbkwik:resource/qre4yJ5p9i1Qqlv2R1mgZA==
  • Random
  • In the Skyfire Mountains of Jarsath Wastes.
  • Cyclopolis, Hero Cave in Edron, Ankrahmun tombs, Serpentine Tower, Goroma inside the volcano.
  • Cyclopolis, Hero Cave in Edron, Ankrahmun tombs, Serpentine Tower, Factory Quarter in Yalahar, Goroma inside the volcano and beneath Fenrock.
  • Cyclopolis, Hero Cave in Edron, Ankrahmun tombs, Serpentine Tower, Factory Quarter in Yalahar, Deeper Banuta, Goroma inside the volcano and beneath Fenrock.
  • medium
  • Kill them quickly before they can deliver too much damage. It is recommended to run towards them, since they do their distance attacks less often.
  • Kill them quickly before they can deliver too much damage. It is recommended to run towards them, since they do their distance attacks less often.
  • Kill them quickly before it delivers some major damage. It is even recommended to run towards them, since they do way less damage with their melee hits than with their explosion attacks on distance. Pointless to hunt as they give no loot and give little experience for their trouble.
wikipage disambiguates
  • Crit: 5, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%
  • Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
  • 10
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • 0
  • 20
  • 0
  • 5
  • Large
type of item
  • Enhancement
  • 100.0
  • no
  • 250
  • 1
  • 400
  • Flame Servant
  • 3
  • |}
  • The Fire Elemental is an enemy encounter in Suikoden Tactics. It is found in Ruins of Obel. This elemental doesn't fight but it spread an earth elemental affinity.
  • School: Image:Fire.png Pip Cost: 3 Accuracy: 100% Type: Image:Manipulation.png Description: Summons the Fire Elemental Minion. Received From: Burning Books Requirements: Required Character Level: 28 Spells: * None Prerequisite for: Spells: * None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No
  • Fire elementals are the denizens of the Elemental Plane of Fire. A fire elemental cannot enter water or any other nonflammable liquid. A body of water is an impassible barrier unless the fire elemental can step or jump over it. They are fierce opponents that attacks their enemies directly and savagely. They take joy in burning the creatures and objects of the Material Plane to ashes.
  • The essence of Fire is hunger. As long as there is something nearby to burn, it can move about freely. It can consume the very bricks which make up floors and buildings. Until it is contained, it cannot be controlled. The weakness of Fire is Water, but the Elemental of Fire will avoid water by moving away from its source. Once it is captured and contained, it behaves as a magical flame.
  • Fire elementals were elementals formed from the element of fire.
  • The Fire Elemental is an enemy encountered at the end of Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna.
  • The Fire elemental is a living inferno. It appears during the Elemental Workshop I and Elemental Workshop II quests. The fire elemental can be found in the Elemental Workshop, along with water elementals, earth elementals and air elementals.
  • Fire Elementals are supernatural creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Fire. They are usually only found on the Material Plane or other worlds after being summoned by mages, priests or other spellcasters.
  • Fire Elemental is an enemy in MARDEK.
  • While their watery brethren fall under the domain of the Humans, these creatures serve no other. They only seek to destroy anything or anyone that they come in contact with. No one knows if these are summoned beings, or the result of some rogue magiks. The only sure thing is that they are deadly, and seem to take some dark pleasure in the pain they inflict. (W1ManO 60)
  • There are ancient Phoenician legends about a great firery beast that that they would unleash upon their enemies killing thousands. In 1943, the SS found a Fire Elemental in a tomb below Tunis, and brought it to a secret facility in France to be used as a weapon against an Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe. The Nazis were able to control the elemental and keep it calm using a weather machine that drew its power from the elemental itself. The Five were able to keep the creature from attacking the Allied fleet by forcing it underground with James Watson's weather machine. One such creature inhabited a capsule protected by the Sanctuary Network; it played a part in the defence of the UK Sanctuary against the Cabal's augmented abnormal soldiers. During the battle, the Sanctuary group attempted to disable Ashley Magnus and the other super soldiers with a weapon that Henry and Tesla had designed. When the weapon failed to produce the desired effects, Dr. Magnus ordered with regret for the local elemental to be released into the room Ashley and the other soldiers were locked in. The creature's fire burned them beyond recognition. This was effective in defending the Sanctuary facility, as the elemental's powers were to much to bear for the super abnormals, forcing them to retreat. The only tradeoff was the substantial damage this caused to the building. Some time in late 2009, Dr. Magnus' friend Jimmy transported a Tunisian fire elemental in a small metal and glass container in his abdominal pouch. The creature was considered a nearly unlimited source of energy, and ways to harvest this energy were being worked out at the time.
  • Fire elemental is a type of monster in ADOM. Like most creatures of fire they are immune to heat, but highly vulnerable to cold spells. They can also breathe fire. Hordes of fire elementals appear in the fire temple, atop the Tower of Eternal Flames. Like other elementals, they rarely appear in other dungeons.
  • Tuli elementaalit ovat tehty tulesta. Ne ovat pahantahtoisia ja nauttivat, jos joku toinen tuntee kipua. Tuli elementaaleja johtaa Ragnaros ja ne asuvat Firelandsissa. thumb
  • Fire Elementals were a kind of supernatural being, presumably a species of demon, who possessed pyrokinetic powers: the ability to generate and manipulate fire. Beck was a human girl who bonded with a Fire Elemental during childhood, granting her dangerous pyrokinetic abilities which she couldn't control. She killed her family with these powers, leaving her severely traumatised into adulthood. In the prison-like environment of the Mosaic Wellness Center, pure Fire Elementals would socialise with Strang Demons because they shared a red skin tone.
  • Fire Elementals embody the destructive and creative force of burning. They are fast-moving creatures that delight in setting things ablaze with their fiery touch. As one would theorize, a fire elemental cannot enter water or a vacuum, as their flaming bodies require oxygen to continue existing.
  • There is a hit detection issue during combat with this type of golem, sometimes allowing it to cause damage even when it appears to miss.
  • This elemental's ROARING with rage, as it thirsts to become one with the Fire Blast Staff! As you use this fiery enchantment, not only will you gain Fire Blast charges over time, you will also get a Damage and Walkspeed boost every time you kill a monster or player, leading up to a 100% MAX Damage/Speed boost! Also if the power bar is full enough, Hold Z to charge up a Burst that will damage and burn all nearby enemies! (Please note you have to have Damage/Speed boosts from killing enemies to use the Burst) To get the Fire Elemental, you must either use 1000 charges of the Fire Blast and get the "Master of Fire" badge, or purchase it from the store for 200 R$.
  • Race: elemental Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 16 Hit points: 26 Attack bonus: +6 Damage: 1d6+1 bludgeoning damage + 1d6 fire damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 4 Challenge rating: 3 Size: medium Trained skills:(‡) listen (7), spot (7) Feats: darkvision, weapon finesse, weapon proficiency (creature)
  • Fire Elemental is fought in Mount Gulg and Chaos Shrine. It is found guarding several squares and chests. It is weak to Ice.
  • What we do know about the non-human fire elementals is mostly from Tom's now defunct formspring Q&A: * When a fire elemental is born, the mother will still wither, meaning that the number of fire elementals can never increase. * Though there are no longer any fire elementals in Gillitie Wood there are some in other places of the world.
  • Unlike most beasts in WKC they and other elementals will not attack players on sight.
  • The Fire Elemental is an enemy from the video game, Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich.
  • A Fire Elemental is a level 6 creature, similar to the Air, Water, and Poison Elementals. They have average magic resistance, a decent amount of Hit Points, and moderate resistance to poison. They have low Armor Rating and can die easily when cornered. However, Fire Elementals are extremely fast, being the fastest creature in Oberin aside from the Pixie. They are excellent pets for those with Taming level 6. When used in battle, a Fire Elemental has the same effect on creatures as a Flaming Sword does. A Fire Elemental attack on an ice creature would do more damage to it than if it were a regular creature. However, Fire Elementals are weak to ice creatures and Frost Axes. Known Loot: around 20 Gold Pieces, 1-2 Elemental Dusts, a few Volcanic Ash Spotted: Forests, commonly inside the Volcano and the area surrounding it
  • Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice..
  • rightŻywiołaki ognia są utworzone z żywiołu ognia. Są to istoty uformowane z szalejących płomieni skupionych razem, by utworzyć sylwetkę muskularnego humanoidalnego torsu. Bransolety z czarnego metalu okalają ramiona tych stworzeń, a od torsu odcina się ognisty ogon. Żywiołaki ognia to istoty nienawiści i okrucieństwa. Kochają one wywoływać ból. Podpalają one wszystko, czego się dotkną, jak również pochłaniają powietrze wokół siebie. Preferują one walkę w zwarciu, gdzie mogą oślepić wrogów i wywoływać obrażenia od własnego płomienia. Dzięki pochłanianiu powietrza, rozpoczynają walkę od przyduszenia przeciwnika, a dopiero potem idą w zwarcie. Żywiołaki ognia są przebiegłe, potrafią zwabić wrogów w niebezpieczne okolice, takie jak lasy, które mogą podpalić. Są one na tyle inteligentne, że atakują tylko tych, którzy wydają się być łatwymi celami i uciekają, gdy bitwa toczy się na ich niekorzyść. Pochodzą one z Ziem Ognia na Planie Żywiołów. Posługują się językami Kalimag oraz ignańskim. Większość żywiołaków ognia jest kontrolowana przez Panów Żywiołów, jednak niektórzy są sługami duchów żywiołów z Outland. * Żywiołaki ognia przeważnie zadają obrażenia od ognia. Posiadają one również wywołującą obrażenia ognistą aurę. * Ich domem i domeną na Planie Żywiołów jest kraina zwana Ziemiami Ognia. * Przywódcą żywiołaków ognia jest Ragnaros. * Obecnie najpotężniejszym żywiołakiem ognia w World of Warcraft jest Ragnaros. * Inni przywódcy to pomniejsi Panowie Ognia oraz Książęta Ognia. * Szamani są w stanie stworzyć totem, który przywołuje większego żywiołaka ognia.
  • Episode two of Life Concealed. Sometimes you don’t understand what you did wrong. Usually you’re just born with a problem that will last forever. Some cats are blind, some are deaf. They didn’t do anything to deserve this, they are just cursed with a mistake that will never end. In this case, I was born an Elemental. Now, I don’t know why I am so hated within the Clans, I just am. This is my problem. Difficulties within life can be hard to overcome. Sometimes a deaf cat might make noise while hunting prey and not hear it. A blind cat can end up bumping into things accidentally. But with me, I’m trying to fight down a huge complication. I’ve been found out as an Elemental. “Welcome the Elemental!” The brown tom was cackling, his laugh echoing painfully in my ears. I was gullible and naïve. I knew Swiftcloud was bad news from the start, and that he would ultimately have me in trouble. Well, I guess this is the payback for trusting such a shifty tom. My eyes darted back over to Swiftcloud, but he was avoiding my icy stare. Something told me he was regretting this very moment, but not as much as I was regretting it. “What are you going to do to her?” A white she-cat sneered from the brown tabby’s side. “Are you just going to tear out that pretty little throat of hers, or make her suffer?” What is the problem with these cats? My stomach was doing summersaults as my thoughts pierced the back of my mind. They don’t look blood thirsty. Is this hatred just targeted towards me? I was shaking violently, and I knew the others could see my fear as clear as day. The brown tabby rolled his eyes, lifting a paw and giving it a smooth, slow lick. “Yes Icebreath, suffering is a punishment worthy of an Elemental.” His gaze shifted over to the white she-cat. I guessed she was second in command in this ShadowClan place. Icebreath was a weird name just like Swiftcloud. I speculated that every cat in this Clan must have such confusing names. Like, Icebreath? Was her breathing cold or something? It just didn’t add up. “The choice is yours petty Elemental,” the brown tabby crept closer, his hiss spitting out like a snake. It hurt to be called Elemental, as if the name were a terrible word that would burn the fur from your pelt. “Do you want a quick death right here or a suffering demise later on?” Both would result in my certain death. However, it frightened me. I was a young she-cat, and I was orphaned at such a young age. I didn’t understand the complexities of death, or how it would truly affect me. Where would I go? Would I just be a helpless soul wandering in the darkness of above? Did it hurt to die? I didn’t know the answers to any of the questions that flooded all the other thoughts from my mind. However, I did know one thing for sure. I didn’t want to die. There had to be a way out of this, just a small loop-hole in this chain of events. That’s all I needed. I had to escape and live out my life. I knew I couldn’t stay wandering about these forests if I did manage to get out. I would leave and find a new life, a new identity to shield my past as an Elemental. My plans were interrupted by the brown tabby’s angered growl. “Well?” His sharp green eyes narrowed. “Are you going to answer me scum?” His patience was growing thin, I could tell by his feisty tone. “S-suffer,” I replied without a second thought. What was I thinking? Was I complete idiot? They bite off my paws or tear off my ears! Suffering sounded worse than a quick, clean kill! “Oh, that’s such an unwise choice for an innocent she-cat.” The brown tabby closed his eyes slowly, his tongue swiping over his jaws with an intense hunger. “I’m glad though. It’s been so long since I’ve had an Elemental right in front of me.” The very nature of this tom sent chills down my spine. I didn’t know if he was naturally this nasty and blood lusting, or if it was just due to my presence. The brown tom whipped his head over to Swiftcloud and Icebreath. “Take the Elemental to the tree near the medicine den. She shall be on constant watch by at least one warrior. Do not underestimate her abilities. She may look weak and untrained, but we know nothing of this she-cat.” His voice grew cold and stern. Swiftcloud gave the tom a flick of the tail in obedience, Icebreath just blinked in acknowledgement. You could easily tell which cat was higher in this “Clan” hierarchy. Icebreath was growing closer to me; I was frightened she was going to drag me off to the tree near… What was it called? A medicine den? There was a den specifically for medicines? Clans were so bizarre. However, the white she-cat just gave me a mere shove to get me on my paws. I trailed over to where the tree was. The tree wasn’t very tall, and I guessed that the plant was stunted. The branches that stretched out from the trunk were covered in hard, green bristles that jutted out all over. It released a thick, minty sort of smell. It was probably pine; just like the trees I saw earlier when Swiftcloud lead me to my trap. Swiftcloud. My eyes darted over to the grey tabby that was slinking towards me ominously. I didn’t know what he was trying to do; he was anything but frightening at that moment. The only cats I was truly frightened over in this Clan were Icebreath and the creepy brown tabby. Speaking of Icebreath, she was just making her way back to the crowd of cats that were beginning to disperse. Great. I sighed softly. I’m going to be stuck with this traitorous idiot… Swiftcloud settled himself in front of my, turning his head slightly so he still had me in his sights. Something told me that this tom wasn’t the brightest of the bunch. He seemed like a young tom just trying to make his way in life, trying to prove his worth so he wouldn’t be made fun of. Well, he probably just proved himself for the rest of his life by catching me. “Don’t try anything funny,” the grey tom growled, trying to act superior. “I know you’ll try to escape with your little powers. But even a bit of water won’t faze me!” He meowed with confidence. “Do you even see a hint of water around here?” I frowned. Even though I wish it wasn’t true, there wasn’t a single puddle to help me out in this situation. Not that I even could even use my powers to my advantage, I was still so undertrained and nearly clueless about being an Elemental. He let out a breath of impatience and stopped replying. I wish he would still talk to me, even if it was in threats and insults. I felt so alone and so scared at this moment, despite trying to act strong in front of these Clan cats. “Can I at least get some answers?” I straightened myself, narrowing my grey eyes. Swiftcloud jumped slightly at my words, staring at my paws as if I could just summon water out of midair to attack him. He shrugged. “I guess so. You’re going to die anyways, so why does it matter?” His words choked on last few words. Was death a touchy subject with Swiftcloud? I pondered for a few moments, wondering what questions I could possibly want answers. Finally, I decided. “What is that brown tabby’s name?” “Oh, our leader?” Swiftcloud flicked his ears, turning his head to fully face me as he grew more comfortable with my presence. “Hawkstar. Trust me he’s… He’s nicer than he seems. And ShadowClan isn’t the worst Clan, if you ended up in some place like WindClan, you would’ve been mauled!” He smirked after seeing the fear in my eyes. I cleared my throat, avoiding his eyes so he would stop finding amusement in my distress. “W-what are the other Clans?” My voice trembled at the thought of being mauled. “There’s WindClan, RiverClan, and ThunderClan. They all live a ways away and aren’t our biggest fans. We’re currently in a peace, but I’m sure that won’t last long. WindClan and ShadowClan’s tensions with each other are high.” Swiftcloud continued. I tried to drink all this in. There were four Clans, and WindClan was probably the most vicious of them all. Well, at least to an Elemental like me. Windclan… Mother came from there, that’s how I remembered the name. If they despised Elementals so much it’s no wonder why she had to escape. The grey tabby sighed slightly, shaking me from my thoughts. “Hawkstar isn’t really going to make you suffer. By suffering, he means he just wants you to worry yourself sick until he kills you. Honestly, he’s probably going to get another cat to kill you, probably Icebreath.” He started on a new topic. “Is he not good with blood?” It made me queasy to talk about my death so calmly. “He’s quite the pacifist, really.” Swiftcloud noted, ears flattening. I stared to my white paws, not understanding why such a peaceful tom would be so cruel to a cat like me. “Answer one more question for me… Why are Elementals hated?” My head rose back up to gaze him directly in the eyes. Swiftcloud fidgeted uncomfortably at my stare. “Well, it’s a long story. So I’ll just shorten it,” his tail curled up around his paws. “Cats got jealous, okay? If StarClan gave powers to one cat, why not give them to everyone? So everyone ended up deciding that Elementals didn’t get their strange powers from StarClan, since StarClan would’ve given everyone the talent. Instead, they thought the Dark Forest gave the Elementals these powers.” I remembered StarClan from the creative and beautiful stories my mother told me as a young kit. They brought back bittersweet memories from long ago. However, I did not recall ever hearing of the name “Dark Forest” before. I opened my mouth to spit out more questions, but Swiftcloud rose up his tail, shaking his head in denial. “Hey, you said one more question. I’m finished talking chatty whiskers.” He snorted, turning his back on me. There it was. The end to the conversation. It felt so good to slip back into my old ways of socialness and chatting. It had been moons since I’d had a proper conversation, other than the talk Swiftcloud and I had before he brought me to ShadowClan. My hunger for social interaction gnawed at my belly, and this small chat didn’t feed it. But I knew it was over, and I wasn’t sure I’d ever get another chance to do it again. ~_~_~_~_~_~ My dreams are usually just memories with my family. Sometimes I dream of things like me and my siblings growing up, exploring the world and using our powers freely. Usually, mother is right there with us, enjoying the free use of her own Elemental abilities. However, tonight was a different story. I’ve never had nightmares before. I’ve never woken up yowling. What was my bad dream about you may ask? My death. I imagined trying to escape, trying to use my water powers. The scene around me was a blur of water freezing and shooting out at my victims. The cat bolted away screeching, their claws flinging out to deflect the icicles zooming towards them. The leader, Hawkstar, was stalking towards me at a slow pace. Whatever I did, the ice would not penetrate his thick, brown tabby pelt. I tried so hard, but nothing I did would slow him down. My breath was escaping my body in short gasps. I could see that my powers were growing weaker, for my unknown water source was vanishing. Soon there were very small and very few icicles in the air. Many of them melted before they even hit the Clan cats. My eyes widened with an insane fear. Hawkstar was snarling words out to me, his saliva flinging from his sharp, bloodstained jaws. His claws were extremely long, and he pounced. I used all the power I had left to send out a few more weak icicles, but it did nothing to the attacker. Hawkstar landed hard on me, slamming me to the ground. The air from my lungs was knocked right out; I was struggling to catch my breath as I felt Hawkstar’s claws against my throat. His eyes were full of rage and pure hatred. Oh, why did he despise me with such intensity? Why did anybody hate me? What did I do to deserve this? Tears spilled out from my eyes as I realized the answer. I didn’t deserve this. I was born with a blessing that was treated a curse. It wasn’t fair! Nothing was fair for me! His claws were sinking into my throat at a slow, agonizing pace. I let out a gurgled scream, the blood pouring from my neck and escaping from my mouth. My body was convulsing, and I shuddered violently against his tight grip. My eyes zipped around wildly, catching sight of Swiftcloud nearby. “Die Elemental beast!” I heard him chant out with a chorus of meows echoing in harmony from the Clan cats nearby. Hawkstar pulled his sharp claws from my throat, whispering softly in my ears. “Go back to the Dark Forest where you belong,” he brought his jaws down to my neck, quickly sinking them into my flesh and tearing my throat right out. My vision went black, and that’s when I started screeching. I found myself on my paws, glaring around wildly. Cats were running out of their dens, staring at me with fear. The cat on guard was glaring with me with wide eyes, staring at my paws. Once she realized I was not wielding any sort of weapon of Elemental power, she relaxed. “False alarm!” The she-cat on guard calmed the others flooding out from their dens. “Go back to sleep. The idiot just had a nightmare,” she shot me an icy glare with a growl. I shied back, glancing towards the cats slowly trailing back into their dens. I probably just made the hate me even more… My face grew hot with embarrassment. But my dream was still fresh in my mind, still making me quake with an unimaginable fear. My guard quietly crept over to my side; I jumped away from her, catching her eyes. She nodded slowly, I didn’t understand why. “What’s your name?” She questioned softly. What? My name? Why was a guard so concerned over my name? Every other cat just called me Elemental, or beast, or scum, why wasn’t she doing the same? “Chime.” I replied quickly, not wanting her to lash out at me in anger like a few other guards did. “Chime,” the guard repeated. “Sounds very… Dreamy. I don’t understand it though, what does it mean?” The ginger tabby asked quietly. I was astounded by her calm tone and friendly aura. No other cat from ShadowClan was like this to me before. I thought thoroughly about my next words. It had been so long since I remembered the true meaning of my name. It felt so good to recall the story of my name that mother told me moons ago. “My mother named me it after a Two-leg contraption called wind chimes. They were metal tubes strung together; when the wind blew they made beautiful sounds…” My voice trailed off, memories of mother and my siblings flowing back into my mind. The ginger she-cat looked surprised. “Two-legs?” She was taken back. “It’s been so long since I’ve heard a cat use that word before. They’ve been gone for seasons, longer than Hawkstar’s been alive.” I nodded. “My mother’s father was a descent of kittypets.” I meowed. “Kittypets…” She looked to the ground, eyes narrowing as if trying to remember something. “Those were the cats taken care of by Two-legs, correct?” She looked back up to me with big, amber eyes. “Yeah.” I confirmed her suspicions. “I don’t know much else about them, though…” I frowned slightly, feeling sort of ashamed that I couldn’t tell the ginger cat more. “But now it’s my turn to ask a question. What’s your name?” I smiled slightly, feeling more comfortable with her. “I’m Suntail,” she introduced herself formerly, giving me a small wink. I suppressed a small giggle. It felt amazing to finally laugh again. “Why… Why are you talking to me like this? Aren’t I like… A monster to you guys?” I felt obliged to ask her this. It was normal for me to be confused at such a welcoming cat after all the others treated me like a beast. Suntail smirked, bringing her muzzle close to my ear. “Well Chime, let’s just say not everyone in the Clans hate Elementals.” She paused, her breath hot on my fur. “Some even are Elementals themselves.” I pulled back with a gasp. My black and white fur puffed out as I stared to my paws with disbelief. “You’re an Elemental?” The words spilled from my mouth. The ginger she-cat shot me a fierce glare. “Quiet down! Of course I’m not an Elemental!” Her words brought disappointment to my hopes. “But that doesn’t mean you’re the only Elemental in ShadowClan right now.” She smiled deviously. “What do you mean?” I quieted my voice to a hushed whisper, my tail twitching back and force with anticipation. “There’s another warrior here with the power to wield an element. You’ve met him before…” Suntail inspected my face to see any sign of recognition of whom she was referring to. “S-Swiftcloud?” My grey eyes widened with surprise. But it made sense. He was always trying to prove himself within SHadowClan. I bet hiding an extreme talent would be exhausting to him. “How… How do you know?” Suntail’s ears flicked as her whiskers twitched slightly. “I saw him wielding it before. You can’t hold it in all the time, Chime. If you do, you’ll be a hazard to yourself. But it was beautiful truly. I’d never seen flames be controlled in such a calm, peaceful manner...” A smile slowly spread across her ginger muzzle. “A fire Elemental?” I was astonished; any cat could see the surprise shining clear on my face. I’d never met a fire Elemental in my life. It was even more astounding that another Elemental was sitting under my nose the whole time! “Why do you think he so desperately wanted to capture you? Other Clans were saying they sighted another Elemental amongst the forests, but they didn’t mean you. They meant SwiftCloud,” the ginger she-cat explained with excitement. “That’s why he set off to capture you; he didn’t want to get caught himself!” I stared blankly at her for a few moments. Elementals shouldn’t be turning each other in, they should be working together to escaped these terrible Clans. I was angered, no… I was furious that Swiftcloud would do this! He could’ve helped me find a new place, and help me control these abilities I was born with. How could one tom be so selfish? Suntail’s ears flattened, I could tell she wanted to say more. “But I’m not going to let his egotistic ways endanger to life of another cat. I am not against Elementals, why would I hate a cat who was blessed with powers they have no control in having?” She paused, licking her paw thoughtfully, then continued. “Swiftcloud made a grave mistake, and it’s high time I take a stand. I’m not letting you get killed in the morning.” “What?” I managed to choke out. This cat was endangering her life for me? A hated Elemental? “I’m going to help you escape. But first we have to make a plan.” The ginger she-cat held her head up, eyes narrowing with determination. “Are you with me, Chime?” There were no second thoughts to what I was going to say next. “Yes, let’s get me out of this place.”
  • The Fire elemental is a standard enemy that can be found in and. __TOC__ __NOEDITSECTION__
  • een fire elemental is een lvl 44 monster die voorkomt in de chaos tunnels
  • The Fire elemental is a living inferno. It appears during the Elemental Workshop I and Elemental Workshop II quests. The fire elemental can be found in the Elemental Workshop, along with water elementals, earth elementals and air elementals. The level 35 versions can also be found in the Smoke Dungeon and Chaos Tunnels.
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