  • Lich
  • Lich
  • Lich
  • Lich
  • Lich
  • Lich
  • Lich
  • Lich
  • In mythology, a lich is an undead creature which can be a skeleton or zombie. It is depicted as an immortal, undead, skeletal magician which is intelligent of using magic. This creature is also popular in video games and movies. Its name also means "corpse" as an Old English word.
  • Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Frost Armor, Frost Nova, Dark Ritual and Death And Decay. Attacks land and air units.
  • Liches are created from units using the Lichdom spell. There are a few advantages to casting Lichdom on an Archmage, the most noticable of which is that it frees up another Archmage slot (since civilizations are limited to 3). Liches also gain the Combat I and Extension I promotions for free. They will become undead, making them more vulnerable to certain spells such as Destroy Undead, but immune to effects like Charm Person and Disease. This also means that they will gain the Strong promotion from the Tower of Necromancy, but only if it has already been built when they cast their spell. So if you don't need your liches in a hurry, consider building the tower first.
  • Lich (リッチ) is a high-level wizard-type monster found in The World. A monstrous undead Wavemaster wielding a wooden staff, a Lich uses magic and often attacks in groups.
  • ' Liches are undead monsters found in Fate.
  • The Lich also known as (get ready for uber geekness) The T-56 Ground Support/Ultra Heavy Deployment Platform is a really fucked up looking ship. It apparently was used to only rape marines as a last effort to get rid of them due to Jul mdama getting bored of just taking LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ASS battles with humans so BOOM BOOM POW!
  • O lich é um tipo de morto-vivo normalmente tido como maligno. Conta-se que um possível ritual necessário para se transformar em um lich precisa transformar todos os habitantes de uma cidade em mortos-vivos.
  • In modern fantasy, Liches are typically wizards who have used their powers to gain life after death, which may be the reason for the skeletal heads. Whether these Liches have any powers or not has yet to be seen, as they were quickly dispatched as soon as they were discovered.
  • Level: 12 HP: 1500 MP: 30 *
  • Lich is a therapist at St. Thomas Hospital.
  • The Lich is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found in the Zil Padon Ruins. Lichs may appear alongside Bird Skulls and Warp Men and have the ability to cast Paralyze Gas and Oxy Gas.
  • An undead creature, the Fablehaven lich resides in the Great Marsh. More intelligent than a zombie,a lich appears desiccated or completely skeletal. The Fablehaven lich has the ability to control lesser undead creatures and use them as servants soldiers soldiers. For this reason, zombies should NEVER be admitted to Fablehaven.
  • Lichs are powerful undead magic-users that can be very dangerous to an underleveled or unprepared party.
  • Der Totenbeschwörer erschafft Untote, aber der Lich umarmt den Tod, wird selbst zum Toten, wenn auch nur für kurze Zeit. Durch die Verschmelzung mit dem Knochen der Toten erhält der Lich beeindruckende physische Stärke und Widerstandskraft. In dieser Form stürmt er in den Kampf und erschlägt seine Feinde, behält aber trotzdem sein Arsenal an Zaubern. * Nahkampfmagier * 2-Hand Hiebwaffen * 2-Hand Klingenwaffen * Waffen beschwören * Untotenform
  • A lich is an undead spellcaster, usually a wizard or sorcerer but sometimes a cleric or other spellcaster, who has used its magical powers to unnaturally extend its life. Its form is that of a gaunt and skeletal humanoid with withered flesh stretched tight across horribly visible bones. Its eyes have long ago been lost to decay, but bright pinpoints of crimson light burn on in the empty sockets.
  • The fiend from the original Final Fantasy appears in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years along with the rest of the original Four Fiends. Upon defeat, he relinquishes the Assassin's Dagger.
  • Volk Volk Art Untote Zugehörigkeit Geißel Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Die Lichs zählen zu den mächtigsten Zauberern und Alliierten der Geißel. Sie befehligen des Öfteren größere Armeen als Generäle und Stellvertreter des Lichkönigs höchstpersönlich. Sie sind eng verbunden mit der kalten Macht des Grabs.
  • The Lich is a legendary minion from the basic set. It has no attacks in its base form, but it can summon a Skeleton which is capable of attacking or blocking attacks from more powerful units. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
  • demi lich is a very powerful boss she has very high strenght and very powerful magic and peaca is very hard so you should have about 50 people to help do the dungeon or else you will die so much you will have to quit
  • |} + Lich Appearances
  • The battleaxe-wielding Lich is the guardian of the Forsaken Province, and holds the first of the eight Shards in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy.
  • The liches are a very mysterious race. They have lived for more than thousands of years and they are also considered to be the only undead race that is not human. They are not immortal, but they are not mortal either. They live for more than a bout five hundred years, but they sometimes die at a later age. They were reknowned for bringing back the dead. They currently are believed to live in the wilderness. It is rumored they live in the Fortress of Necromancy.
  • A lich is a powerful spellcaster who has chosen undeath as a path to semi-immortality. The lich originally appeared in Dungeons & Dragons and has since spread to other media. The term lich is an archaic term for a dead body or cadaver.
  • The Liches are the high command of the undead legions. The spirits that produced Liches were natural-born leaders, both strong in will and high in power. Most Liches reside at the undead headquarters, a high tower in the far north. Liches move slowly, and have two attacks: * Lightning * Missile Storm While relatively strong, they make quite easy targets, and can be dispatched quite easily.
  • A Lich is a type of undead creature, usually depicted as a sorcerer or mage who strove to achieve eternal life through necromacy. The appear as fleshed or skeletal corpses and can control lesser undead beings.
  • Various works of fantasy fiction, such as Clark Ashton Smith's "Empire of the Necromancers", had used lich as a general term for any corpse, animated or inanimate, before the term's specific use in fantasy role-playing games. The more recent use of the term lich for a specific type of undead creature most likely originates in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.
  • In Dungeons and dragons, a Lich is described as "an undead arcane spellcaster who seeks to cheat death using magical means". In life, Liches were powerful spellcasters, whether arcane or a cleric (druids/paladins are not applicable) that had died were later reanimated through pure arcane force. Currently, there is only one Lich in the entire comic - Xykon, the main antagonist.
  • Lich are skeletal mages, rarely seen though when they notice they've been spotted they attack with magic. rekill on sight. heheh, if you ever see one (note: im not a lich, just mocking the reader.)
  • These extremely dangerous undead retain the intelligence and the magical powers they learned during their time as a living wizard and eventually used to transform themselves into their hideous state. In fact, they have surely just learned more evil spellwork since their undemise. Everything that applies to opposing high level arcane spellcasters and to taking on high level undead apply to facing a lich. Be prepared!
  • Necromancer Undead form, based on physical spell damage.
  • A lich is a undead magician who is bound to an earthly plane instead of passing into the afterlife. This is usually done by the wizard undergoing some kind of ritual involving storing one's soul into a "phylectary", which is storage for it's soul. This act keeps one's soul on earth, thereby giving the lich eternal life unless their phylectary is destroyed. Liches appear in many fantasy franchises including The elder scrolls and Warcraft.
  • The last Assassin-type enemy, and the third strongest one, as its stats are right below those of the Stalker. However, this monster is every bit as dangerous as the Shinobi due to possessing its same Stored Attack: Forced Purging, which reduces your Burst percentage to 0 and also can make your Reyvateil's Song Magic explode, dealing little damage and leaving her incapacitated to sing for a brief amount of time. Therefore, interrupting that attack should be your utmost priority in every battle where these monsters appear, so you can charge a Song Magic or Flipsphere faster and finish up the battle as fast as possible.
  • A Lich is an undead sorcerer who has chosen to bind his life-force to his body even beyond death. Lichs are somewhat alike zombies, however they retain the intellect and personality of the original individual. By their very nature, even basic lichs are superior to most other undead and of higher ability and standing than the majority of the living. They are undead mages and have retained and even expanded their mental faculties and magical abilities beyond death. Additionally, they benefit from all the immunities and resistances their undead state confers.
  • According to Arme, a Lich is a powerful, undead wizard that is revitalized by certain magic.
  • A lich is the ultimate expression of a necromancer's power, representing his or her ability to transcend death and achieve immortality. At the culmination of the process of becoming a lich, a necromancer transfers his or her soul into a specially created phylactery. As long as the phylactery remains intact, the lich cannot die.
  • A Lich is typically an undead mage that has prolonged its life through forbidden magics. Liches generally decay despite this, which is often viewed as a symbolic decay as well. In Family, Dhiar and the others encounter an inhabiting lich, a lich without a physical body of its own, that possesses the bodies of others.
  • Lich je veľmi silná skupina nemŕtvych, ktorá stojí na vrchole riadiacej pyramídy Scourge. Prvým Lichom sa stal Ner'Zhul za pomoci Kil'Jaedena. Ďalší Lichovia sú už Ľudskí mágovia alebo nekromankeri. Lichovia väčšinou ovládajú buď frost, unholy alebo Shadow. Niektorí ovládajú dve z nich a vzácne sa vyskytnú aj tí, čo ovládajú všetky tri. Príkladom je Kel'Thuzad, ktorý navyše dokáže využívať aj démonickú mágiu. Každý z nich ovláda minimálne Frost mágiu. Jediný priateľský lich v hre, Amal'thazad ju trénuje Death Knightov v Acherus: The Ebon Hold. Väčšina lichov v hre má 60+ level.
  • Liches were an almost universally evil form of undead spellcaster of great power, usually wizards, but they could also be sorcerers or clerics. They were feared by mortal beings for their malign magic, their intelligence and their willingness to embrace undeath for a chance to live forever (or rather, exist forever).
  • Liches can make acceptable pets, but have their disadvantages. They are essentially useless against cold resistant monsters and are dangerous to abandon. The stronger versions will also always stay next to the player, which is useful if you don't have a magic whistle but also can be a nuisance by them getting in the way, and makes it difficult to stop them from killing shopkeepers. Master liches and arch-liches cannot be tamed due to their covetous nature. It is, however, possible to tame a lich or demilich and have it grow up.
  • The Lich as we know it was re-invented by Dungeons and Dragons in the mid '70s, however, the concept existed in folklore under different names and earlier in the 20th century. According to D&D, a Lich is an undead wizard who used black magic or necromancy when living to convert themselves in an undead state so that they may live forever. They are considered powerful magicians since they can develop their skill or craft beyond the normal span of a lifetime.
  • It appears in Crypt level 1 and 2 and attacks the characters encountered by casting a spell unavailable to the human player, but resembling the spell Firebolt. As they usually appear in groups, it is strongly advised to come along with high Fire resistance as well as ranged weaponry like spells or arrows. Melee fighters will soon find the Liches getting on their nerves as they are difficult to hunt down, evading in different directions and opening fire again. The best tactic is to reduce them to ashes using Fireball, although they can be destroyed by Holy Bolt too. If it can be cornered it is easily killed due to its very low hitpoints. Ranged fighters may try to hide behind a corner, waiting for a Lich to get out in the open and expose themselves, while being shielded from other Liches' b
  • The Lich is a powerful undead creature located in the fourth floor of the Slayerdungeon of Prifddinas (along with two other liches). As is it classed as undead, the Lich is weak to both light spells and a Darklight/Silverlight, along with these the lich is also weak to bolts. The three weaknesses make it very flexible for players hunting down Liches as they can use any of the three attack styles(provided they use the correct weapon/spell). Killing at least one Lich each time a player enters the fourth floor of the dungeon is required in order to attack Rho'mox the Toxic.
  • thumbEn la fantasía moderna, un liche es una criatura no muerta, resultado de la transformación que un mago poderoso obra sobre sí mismo mediante hechizos o rituales para alcanzar la inmortalidad. Los liches son comúnmente representados como seres -parcial o totalmente- cadavéricos o esqueléticos, ya que el proceso de conversión en un liche suele pasar por atar su intelecto a su cadáver inanimado, el cual generalmente sigue decayendo a pesar de conservar su poder.
  • Lich is a monster in ADOM. They are relatively weak mid and late game monsters (especially compared to higher liches). They can appear in medium and high-DL levels, will be generated in greater vaults of undead and can appear from normal graves. Several of them (normally around 5) are guaranteed to appear in CoC Graveyard. Liches are vulnerable to fire-based attacks, as well as undead slaying melee weapons and missile weapons. Blessed items deal 1.5x damage to liches (standard for all undead).
  • Race: undead Alignment: neutral evil (chaotic evil for the level 16 version) Armor class: 17, 10, or 17 Hit points: 112, 136, or 184 Attack bonus: +6/+1, +8/+3, or +10/+5 Damage: 1d8 piercing-slashing damage (criticals: 20/x2) Hit dice (level): 12, 16, or 20 Spellcasting: wizard 12, 16, or 20 Challenge rating: 17, 21, or 28 Size: medium Turn resistance: +4
  • A Lich is a level 3 unit belonging to the race and faction of Undead. It is one of the two advancements of the Dark Sorcerer and one of the two final advancements of the Dark Adept, the other being the Necromancer. The way liches are formed and how they work is explored in "Descent into Darkness", where the player guides Malin Keshar on his path to becoming an all-powerful necromancer. When he becomes deathly injured, the player must perform a ritual to turn Malin into a lich.
  • Lisz - to potężny nieumarły czarownik o niewiarygodnej mocy magicznej. Za śmiertelnego życia jako wódz wojenny orczej Hordy w Draenorze Ner'zhul dowodził licznymi czarnoksiężnikami, szamanami, a nawet niektórymi rycerzami śmierci Gul'dana. Kiedy ci straszni czarownicy zostali schwytani przez Kil'jaedena i Płonący Legion po zniszczeniu Draenoru, zostali przemienieni w przerażające karykatury dawnych siebie. Ner'zhul wtedy stał się Królem Liszem. Nowe, nieumarłe ciała, chociaż nieśmiertelne, były całkowicie posłuszne woli Ner'zhula. Skoro lisze okazywali niezachwianą lojalność swemu panu, Ner'zhul ofiarował im władzę nad szalonymi żywiołami zimnej północy. Dzięki temu lisze dysponują magią mrozu na równi ze sztukami nekromanckimi. Późniejsi lisze byli niegdyś ludźmi i ważnymi członkami Kultu
  • Liches appear as gaunt, skeletal humanoids with withered flesh stretched tightly across their visible bones. Their eyes have long been lost to decay, but the sockets glow with bright pinpoints of crimson light. Liches are often draped in once-grand clothing or long-decayed armour. Decay and corruption are the lich's constant companion.
  • Il Lich è un incantatore (arcano o divino) di alto livello che attraverso un terribile ed oscuro rituale diventa Immortale, trasformandosi in un Non-Morto. Il rituale per trasformarsi in Lich prevede la creazione di un Filatterio, un oggetto all'interno del quale, l'incantatore che desidera diventare Immortale, rinchiude la propria anima. Ciò dà al Lich un evidente vantaggio: infatti, anche se il suo corpo venisse distrutto, egli non verrebbe sconfitto fintanto che il suo Filatterio permane.
  • Di tutti i mage il Lich è forse il più temuto dai normali viaggiatori. Mentre il necromancer rianima i morti, il Lich si unisce ad essa, diventando un tutt'uno con il disgustoso e decadente non-morto. Il Lich può incanalare un grande potere sacrificando parti del suo corpo mortale e della sua anima. Il Lich è un mago che ha deciso di passare dalla semplice evocazione della morte al percorrere il più oscuro dei cammini, abbracciandola direttamente, permettendo a chi ha lasciato il regno dei mortali di fondere il proprio sangue e le proprie carni con essi.
  • Ethreain, der Lich, ist ein Intelligenz-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Der Lich ist eine Fernkampf-Einheit und gehört zu den Dire. Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Supports, Lane-Supports und Nukers übernehmen. Lich kann eine gegnerische Einheit und umstehende Gegner mit Frost schädigen, sowie ihr Angriffs- und Bewegungstempo verlangsamen. Ice Armor lässt ein Schutzschild aus Eis um Lich oder eine verbündete Einheit entstehen, welche deren Rüstung erhöht und Angreifer verlangsamt. Inzwischen kann diese auch auf verbündete Gebäude angewandt werden, um diese zu schützen. Stellt man diese auf eine automatische Anwendung um, wirkt der Lich diese von selbst auf verbündete Helden oder sich, wenn dieser oder er angegriffen werden. Mit Sacrifice tötet Lich einen verbündeten Creep, durch dessen Lebenspu
  • Powerful human sorceresses who changed into undead. There are also those who chose to become liches of their own accord in pursuit of eternal life and limitless knowledge. They possess much greater magic than they did while amongst the living. They are terrifying high rank undead that can freely use various spells such as “necromancy” which reanimates corpses into undead servants, and “eromancy” which manipulates lust and heightens pleasure. Most of them have a strong fixation with and thirst for knowledge of sorcery, and the pleasure of sex, which they awakened to after becoming monsters. Even in death, they continue their lewd magical research and experiments to master sorcery and reach the depths of pleasure.
  • thumbEin Lich ist ein mächtiger untoter Zauberer, der enorme magische Kräfte besitzt. Während seinem sterblichem Leben als Kriegshäuptling der Horde von Draenor kommandierte Ner'zhul einige Hexenmeister, Schamanen und sogar manche von Gul'dans Todesrittern. Als diese boshaften Zauberer nach der Zerstörung von Draenor von Kil'jaeden und der Brennenden Legion ergriffen wurden, wurden sie in verzerrte Abklatsche ihrer früheren Gestalten verwandelt. Zu dieser Zeit wurde aus Ner'zhul der Lichkönig. Die neuen untoten und unsterblichen Körper der Zauberer waren an den eisernen Willen des Ner'zhul gebunden. Seit die Lichs ihrem Meister unerschütterliche Loyalität bewiesen haben, verlieh dieser ihnen Kontrolle über die wilden Elemente des kalten Nordens. Heute benutzen sie sowohl Frostmagie als auc
  • The Lich is a powerful undead mage that shows up as blue on the tracking radar for rangers.First appearance was in TM in the year 431, day 2, Fighting Moon at level 10 (Jan-2009). Now they are level 13, and cannot be tamed. Liches were originally spawned only by GMs, but after the 2010 update they can be found in the Skull Island Dungeon, in the center of the spiral corridor south of the great room. They are also located deep within Crausaar's Descent. They appear as a skeleton in a rotting brown robe and a silver crown. Liches are very fast, somewhere between a Dragon and a Fire Elemental in speed.
  • A lich is a powerful undead sorcerer who possesses tremendous magical power. During his mortal life as the warchief of the orcish Horde of Draenor, Ner'zhul commanded a number of orcish warlocks, shamans, and even some of Gul'dan's death knights. When these wicked sorcerers were captured by Kil'jaeden and the Burning Legion after the destruction of Draenor, they were transformed into twisted aberrations of their former selves. Ner'zhul became the Lich King at this time. The sorcerers' new, undead bodies, though immortal, were bound to the iron will of Ner'zhul. Since the liches showed unswerving loyalty to their master, Ner'zhul granted them control over the furious elements of the cold north. Now, the liches wield frost magic along with their own considerable necromantic spells. Other li
  • File:Ekko token.png Ekko - Ekko is one of the most powerful heroes versus the Lich. His Spirit Immune gives him immunities to most of the Lich's attacks and The Lich's Lighting Vulnerability makes Ekko able to deal massive damage to him. File:Masuta token 0.png Masuta Kira - The fast rouge has PWN Undead, and is able to easily deal quick and dangerous damage to the Lich. File:Sifu token.png Sifu Jianzhi - His Shocking Touch on ascension makes him a powerful ally, his Feet of Fury dealing a lot of damage. And a bit of extra healing never hurts either.
  • A Lich is a type of undead creature, which is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his phylactery and thereby achieve a form of immortality. Liches are depicted as being clearly cadaverous, bodies desiccated or completely skeletal. Liches are often depicted as holding power over hordes of lesser undead creatures, using them as soldiers and servants.
  • Un Lich o Exánime es un poderoso hechicero no-muerto que posee un tremendo y mágico poder. Durante su vida mortal como Jefe de Guerra de la Horda de Draenor, Ner'zhul comandó un grupo numeroso de brujos, chamanes orcos y los caballeros de la muerte de Gul'dan. Cuando todos estos hechiceros fueron capturados por Kil'jaeden y la Legión Ardiente tras la destrucción de Draenor, fueron todos transformados en aberraciones diferentes a su forma anterior. Al mismo tiempo, Ner'zhul se convirtió en el Rey Lich (conocido también como Rey Exánime). Los nuevos cuerpos no-muertos de los hechiceros, aunque eran inmortales, estaban vinculados a la voluntad de Ner'zhul. Desde que los liches mostraron inquebrantable lealtad a su maestro, Ner'zhul les concedió el control de los furiosos elementos del norte f
  • Evil
  • The Lich King, Kel'Thuzad and senior lieutenants
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 20
  • 29
  • 36
  • 54
  • 61
  • 75
  • 180
  • 32
  • -
Portrayed By
  • 15
  • 50
  • Chaos
  • Chaotic
  • neutral evil
  • +10 MP, +5 damage with staffs
  • 75
  • To stop the hero from taking his shard
  • Onix
  • Various
  • 5
  • Se elevan mágicamente
  • 7
  • 8
  • 2
  • 4
  • Azote, algunos sirven a la Legión Ardiente
  • 5
  • 3
  • 10
  • 90
Row 9 info
  • N/A
  • Varios
Row 8 info
  • -50
  • +150 Schaden
Row 4 info
  • 4
  • No
Battle Start
  • Bring on the dead!
Row 10 title
  • Icon
  • Liches don't leave corpses.
Row 7 title
  • Alignment
  • +35 Gebäuderüstung durch Ice Armor
  • 1113
Loot Tier
  • 2
  • 14
  • Fire
  • Light
  • 3900
  • 4290
  • 7.400000
  • 56
  • The Lich will chase the enemy while summoning Bonebeasts and casting various draining spells.
  • The Lich will chase the enemy while summoning Bonebeasts and casting various draining spells.
  • 90
Attack power
  • high
  • 42
  • 70
skill lv
  • Deal 350% DMG to all enemies / battle start 30% chance
  • Deal 250% DMG to all enemies / battle start 20% chance
  • 250
  • The Undead
  • The Undead
  • The Undead
Row 1 info
  • Undead
  • desconhecida
  • A powerful magician from the undead.
  • 65
  • 11
  • 94
  • Undead
  • yes
  • no
  • yes
Row 8 title
  • Advances from:
  • 140
  • 155
  • 21
  • 25
  • 75
  • 1411
  • normal
  • 100.0
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • Medium
  • no
  • Skeletal hands pulling him down, The Book of Protection, Light
Row 4 title
  • Movement
  • Primeira Aparição
  • 0.0
Row 9 title
  • Advances to:
  • 30
  • 100.0
  • 115
  • 13
  • 27
  • 0
attack speed
  • 7
  • Ordination
  • The Lich will chase the enemy while summoning Bonebeasts and casting various draining spells.
  • Typically
  • +175 Lebenspunkte
  • Energy, Poison
  • 6
  • 8
  • Arm, Armor, Accessory
Monster Memory
  • This powerful undead creature refused to surrender to death even when life had fled the body, and now exists through dark magics that maintain its skeletal form. Its touch is dangerous as any life can feed the lich's need to force life upon itself in spite of the passage of time.
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • 95
  • -4.0
  • lich
Row 2 info
  • 50
  • desconhecido
  • 35
Row 6 info
  • 3
  • Angriffe verlangsamen BT und AT um 30 %
  • 0.0
  • Devil
  • Unknown
  • El Rey Lich, Kel'Thuzad y otros
  • 110.0
  • 20.0
  • 43
  • 740
  • best
  • 100.0
Row 1 title
  • Race
  • Categoria
  • 1
  • +25 Bewegungstempo
  • 100
  • 9
  • 130
  • 20
  • Yes
Always Drops
  • [[runescape:Infernal ashes
Row 5 info
  • Pulinpa Card
  • 7
  • 9
  • 10
  • 12
  • 18
  • 23
  • 45
  • little
  • 7
  • 50
  • 500
  • 705
Row 2 title
  • Cost
  • Habitat
  • Zombies, Ghosts, Maggots, Reapers, Moss Golems, Serpent-Dragons
Attack style
  • Magic, Melee
  • Yes
  • 14
  • 45
  • little
  • no
  • Instant
Row 6 title
  • Level
  • 0.0
  • 7
  • 15
  • 24
  • 57
  • 75
  • 79
  • 98
  • 4100
  • 4510
  • Feindlich
friendship max
  • Let's just play together my master.
  • Medium
  • File:114.pngFile:114_f.png
  • 6
  • 17
  • 22
  • 48
  • 71
low hp
  • 2300
  • 30
  • 12
  • 14
Row 10 info
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • 8
  • 19
  • 21
Row 5 title
  • XP
  • Última Aparição
  • 6
  • 10
  • 11
  • 18
  • To become a Lich is the ultimate goal of all those who follow the dark path of necromancy, and there is no one among these lost souls who would not give his life gladly in exchange for the immortality and the frightful powers of these undead wizards. The Lich are true masters of their kind who have learnt to harness the vilest powers of death and corruption, and they know how to channel these unholy energies onto their unfortunate victims with deadly precision. Worse, they typically control legions of lesser undead, so a single Lich may be enough to bring whole cities to ruin. Thankfully, they are very rare and they often prefer to hide in old libraries and laboratories where they ceaselessly continue their wicked research.
friendship event
  • Life and death is in the palm of your hand.
  • I shall make a pledge. From here on you are my master.
battle end
  • Death is meaningless to the dead
Row 3 info
  • 60
  • desconhecida
  • lich
  • 14
  • 22
  • 26
  • Legendary
  • Rare
  • Legendary
  • SR
  • always
  • common
  • rare
  • uncommon
Row 3 title
  • HP
  • Tendência
  • +125 Zauberreichweite
Patch Introduced
  • 100
  • no
  • 23
  • 25
  • nw_lich003, nw_lichboss, or nw_lich001
  • 0
Row 7 info
  • 16
  • Welcome, my lord. On behalf of the dead... Mwah ha ha
  • +120 Gold/Min.
  • Undead Humanoids
  • Undead Humanoids
  • Undead Humanoids
  • yes
immune to poison
  • yes
  • 1
  • Unknown, appear all throughout the world
  • 780
  • 1
  • 7
  • 35
  • *Immune to cold *Vulnerable to fire *Sometimes shrugs off bolts and other resistible magic *Paralyzing melee attack *Casts Confusion, Glowing balls, and Healing *Undead abilities **Cannot be sacrificed **Immune to death rays, stunning, blindness, confusion, paralysis, and poison **Immune to telepathic mindcraft
Box Title
  • Lich
  • Lich
  • +6/+1, +8/+3, or +10/+5
  • 6
  • Liches, los Señores de los Undead
  • Dark
  • Darkness
  • 3.0
  • +2
  • 100
  • a
  • Basic
  • Basic
  • Scourge, some serve the Burning Legion, Knights of the Ebon Blade some are Independent
  • 50
  • 70
  • 80
  • 90
  • Brown, green, blue, etc
  • 60
  • 110
  • Calm
  • Mood-Cast
  • 70
  • 105
  • Crypts
  • Varios
  • n/a
  • 188
  • 50
  • -
  • Red eyes, Executioner's hat, Multiple wounds, Rotting flesh
  • 40
  • 110
  • Graveyards, ruins
  • good
  • 75
  • 10
  • 15
  • Coins
  • Lich
  • Walrus
  • Lich
  • Chaos rune
  • Magic logs
  • Death rune
  • Dragon longsword
  • Onyx bolt tips
  • Rune chainbody
  • Rune dagger
  • Rune helm
  • Uncut dragonstone
  • Mystic steam staff
  • Undead King
  • Infernal ashes
  • Soul rune
  • Crystal triskelion fragment 1
  • Crystal triskelion fragment 2
  • Crystal triskelion fragment 3
  • Mystic mud staff
  • Hydrix bolt tips
  • Oceanstone bolt tips
  • リッチ
  • Lich
  • Arch Lich
  • Demilich
  • Lich
  • Liches, Lords of Undeath
  • Lycurgi
  • -
  • 0
  • 48
  • 72
  • 120
  • 128
  • 150
  • 200
  • pale, almost none
  • Disgusting, Horrid
  • Not applicable
  • 150
  • Wheel_Red_Crook.png
  • 60
  • Darkness
  • Bluff, Gloomy, Wise
  • Forceful, Gloomy, Wise
  • shinigami
  • A lich
  • Arch Lich as seen in the Library
  • Lich
  • Lich as seen in the Library
  • Lycurgi casting a Lightning attack
  • Undead King as seen in the Library
  • Light spells, Darklight, Bolts
  • Forced Purge
  • Paralysis, Melee , Life Drain Beam , Summons 0-4 Bonebeasts, Poison Beam, Life Drain , Life Drain Berserk , Self-Healing
  • Paralysis, Melee , Life Drain Beam , Summons 0-4 Bonebeasts, Poison Beam, Life Drain , Life Drain Berserk , Self-Healing
  • Paralysis, Melee , Life Drain Beam , Summons 0-4 Bonebeasts, Poison Beam, Life Drain , Life Drain Berserk , Self-Healing
  • Changes the necromancer into a lich, allowing the slow conversion of health into power over time. All of the lich's diseased based hostile spells siphon additional health from the target and add the health to the lich.
  • A Lich is a necromancer whose power has grown so great that he now exists between the world of the living and the dead.
  • 5
  • -
immune to stun
  • yes
Actor type
  • Enemy
  • 700
  • 10
  • wizard 12, 16, or 20
  • 100.0
  • 100.0
  • 33
  • 6.0
  • 297
  • 300
  • 900
  • Attack, Mind Blow, Purge, Extermination, Central Dogma, Bane, Curse, Trial, Tribulation, Danse Macabre, Memento Mori
  • 13
  • not bad
  • Various
  • -
  • Gets pulled down to hell, by a giant skeletal hand
  • unknown
  • yes
  • 4
  • Ruby
  • Kuchinawa Sword
  • Gather before me, minions.
  • I am lord of the undead.
  • 1
  • 0
  • 14
  • 280
  • A high sorcerer that has joined the ranks of the undead.
  • Strong magician that became undead.
  • Create using Lich bones.
  • 80
  • peru
  • 10
  • Poisma
  • +4
  • 1721
  • 1
  • 2
  • 7
  • 8
  • 10
  • 12
  • 15
  • 25
  • 16000
  • Any
  • Varies according to species, decay, and rigor mortis
  • Therapist
  • 90
  • Until Cancelled
  • 1216
  • 3
  • 4
  • 9
  • 21
  • 24
  • 43
  • 49
  • 62
  • 79
  • 3700
  • 4070
  • Battleaxe
  • 850
  • 3500
  • Icon_Lich.jpg
  • 500
  • 8
  • Undead Legion
  • Agilao Zionga Magnus Malaqua Mazan Mabufu
  • Deathbound Pulinpa Frenzy
  • Diarama Curse
  • Mabufula Mazionga Mazanma
  • Mazioma Mudo Curse
  • Mazionga Mudoon Evil Smile
  • Mudo Evil Eyes
  • Pulinpa Absolute Zero Violent Rage
  • Pyroburst Shockburst Petraburst Aquadeus Cyclodeus Polardeus
  • 1710
  • Spell-powered flight
  • 10
  • white
  • As a demilich, you gain all the protection and powers had by all corporeal undead. You become more adept at the manipulation of flesh and bone, increasing damage you do with physical spells by 25%. You also gain a 30% increase to hit points, 160 armor class, eternal breath and the ability to see through invisibility.
  • Lord of the undead who unified the immortals.
  • Lich is a monster in ADOM. They are relatively weak mid and late game monsters . They can appear in medium and high-DL levels, will be generated in greater vaults of undead and can appear from normal graves. Several of them are guaranteed to appear in CoC Graveyard. Their ranged attacks include confusion and glowing balls while their melee attacks are rather weak, but can paralyze the PC. Unlike higher liches, they cannot drain stats, curse equipment and summon other monsters. They possess a healing spell that will fully restore their HP when cast. Liches are vulnerable to fire-based attacks, as well as undead slaying melee weapons and missile weapons. Blessed items deal 1.5x damage to liches .
  • Fire
  • black
  • Resists magic, reflects Curse
  • Dericost
  • Spin ax, Jump on the ground, Summon skeletal hand, Choke, Spit maggot nest, Crack the ground, Throw skull, Taunt
  • 39
  • 47
  • Looks undead
  • 130
  • L
  • After all, life is just a fleeting dream.
  • 1
  • 1023
  • liches
  • 16
  • DV: 30 PV: 12 Hits: 100 Attacks: 1 Speed: 100
  • 630
  • The summons will vanish when killed and thus cannot be skinned with an Obsidian Knife.
  • The summoned Bonebeasts can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife when dead.
  • The summoned Bonebeasts can be skinned with an Obsidian Knife when dead.
  • 100
  • 7
  • 19
  • 32
  • 125
  • 2124
  • Lich.jpg
  • 死神
  • Various, primarily Azeroth and Draenor
  • 80
  • Bludgeon
  • Guardian
  • "Doomed be the living!"; "Death awaits all!"; "Thy living flesh offends me!"; "Death and Decay!"; "You will endure agony beyond thy death!", "Pain sweet pain!", "Come to me my children!".
  • "Doomed be the living!"; "Death awaits all!"; "Thy living flesh offends me!"; "Death and Decay!"; "You will endure agony beyond thy death!"; "Pain sweet pain!"; "Come to me my children!".
  • 12
  • 135
  • 166
  • 177
  • 178
  • 240
  • 288
  • 293
  • 380
  • 720
  • 880
  • 112136
  • table
  • 10
  • 90
  • 2
  • 23
  • Self
  • good
  • 125
  • 86400.0
  • Men's spirit energy
  • life
Image File
  • 250
  • Female
  • 90
  • High
  • Very High
  • medium
  • Medium-High
  • / /
  • 6.0
  • 1
  • 30
  • Come Here
  • white
  • Random Kingdom III
  • 25000
  • Tower Block A
  • Prime Material Plane
  • GraveyarD
  • Random
  • Ankrahmun Library Tomb, Ancient Ruins Tomb, Oasis Tomb, Mountain Tomb, Kharos, Pits of Inferno, Lich Hell in Ramoa, underground of Fenrock , can also be seen during a Darashia undead raid.
  • Ankrahmun Library Tomb, Ancient Ruins Tomb, Oasis Tomb, Mountain Tomb, Drefia, Kharos, Pits of Inferno, Lich Hell in Ramoa, Cemetery Quarter in Yalahar, underground of Fenrock . Can also be seen during an undead raid in Darashia or Carlin.
  • Ankrahmun Library Tomb, Ancient Ruins Tomb, Oasis Tomb, Mountain Tomb, Kharos, Pits of Inferno, Lich Hell in Ramoa, underground of Fenrock , can also be seen during an undead raid in Darashia or Carlin, Cemetery Quarter in Yalahar.
  • medium
  • 25
  • You should always try to stand at a diagonal from them, since their beam attack is very strong. You can also shoot Fire Bomb on yourself to keep the summoned Bonebeasts away from reaching you. Also be careful if it has 3 or more Bonebeasts, as he can trap you easily and can do 200-300 damage per turn easily, even if diagonal.
  • You should always try to stand at a diagonal from them, since their beam attack is very strong. You can also shoot Fire Bomb on yourself to keep the summoned Bonebeasts away from reaching you. Also be careful if it has 3 or more Bonebeasts, as he can trap you easily and can do 200-300 damage per turn easily, even if diagonal.
  • You should always try to stand at a diagonal from them, since their beam attack is very strong. You can also shoot Fire Bomb on yourself to keep the summoned Bonebeasts away from reaching you. Have in mind that only in PvP worlds you can use that tactic.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • 11
  • 12
  • great
  • 95
  • 53
  • death
  • lightweak
  • 18
  • Variada
Move Type
  • Walk
MAG Per Step
  • 116
high hp
  • 2600
  • 66
  • 12
  • 16
  • 18
  • 3
  • 6
  • 9
  • 65
  • Shadow Break\Necrodon Flash Wave\Blazron / Ogre Cat
  • 35
  • 77
  • 116
  • 26
  • 20
Lv N
  • 73
  • 21
  • 25000
  • 23000
Lv H
  • 75
  • Medium
defense E
  • 304
  • 20000
defense H
  • 593
attack H
  • 662
attack N
  • 460
defense N
  • 413
Lv E
  • 70
attack E
  • 293
  • 250
  • 250
  • 6
  • 250
  • 75.0
  • 95.0
  • 900
  • 7
  • In mythology, a lich is an undead creature which can be a skeleton or zombie. It is depicted as an immortal, undead, skeletal magician which is intelligent of using magic. This creature is also popular in video games and movies. Its name also means "corpse" as an Old English word.
  • Di tutti i mage il Lich è forse il più temuto dai normali viaggiatori. Mentre il necromancer rianima i morti, il Lich si unisce ad essa, diventando un tutt'uno con il disgustoso e decadente non-morto. Il Lich può incanalare un grande potere sacrificando parti del suo corpo mortale e della sua anima. Il Lich è un mago che ha deciso di passare dalla semplice evocazione della morte al percorrere il più oscuro dei cammini, abbracciandola direttamente, permettendo a chi ha lasciato il regno dei mortali di fondere il proprio sangue e le proprie carni con essi. Fondendosi con le ossa dei morti , il lich guadagna una notevole resistenza e forza fisica. In questa forma il Lich preferisce gettarsi nella battaglia e colpire i nemici a morte, oltre ad avere a disposizione una folta schiera d'incantesimi. Specialità: Armi Contundenti, Armi evocate, Forma non-morto, 2HB, 2HE.
  • Mystical Hero, particularly adept at cold magic. Can learn Frost Armor, Frost Nova, Dark Ritual and Death And Decay. Attacks land and air units.
  • Race: undead Alignment: neutral evil (chaotic evil for the level 16 version) Armor class: 17, 10, or 17 Hit points: 112, 136, or 184 Attack bonus: +6/+1, +8/+3, or +10/+5 Damage: 1d8 piercing-slashing damage (criticals: 20/x2) Hit dice (level): 12, 16, or 20 Spellcasting: wizard 12, 16, or 20 Challenge rating: 17, 21, or 28 Size: medium Turn resistance: +4 Trained skills:(‡) concentration (16, 20 or 24), hide (10, 8 or 10), listen (20, 22 or 24), lore (21, 26 or 30), move silently (10, 8 or 10), search (22, 25 or 27), spellcraft (21, 26 or 30), spot (15, 18 or 22) Feats: alertness, combat casting, dodge, great fortitude (level 20 version), mobility (level 20 version), quick to master, spell focus (enchantment) (level 20 version), spell focus (evocation), spell penetration (level 16 and 20 versions), toughness, weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (wizard)
  • Liches are created from units using the Lichdom spell. There are a few advantages to casting Lichdom on an Archmage, the most noticable of which is that it frees up another Archmage slot (since civilizations are limited to 3). Liches also gain the Combat I and Extension I promotions for free. They will become undead, making them more vulnerable to certain spells such as Destroy Undead, but immune to effects like Charm Person and Disease. This also means that they will gain the Strong promotion from the Tower of Necromancy, but only if it has already been built when they cast their spell. So if you don't need your liches in a hurry, consider building the tower first.
  • Powerful human sorceresses who changed into undead. There are also those who chose to become liches of their own accord in pursuit of eternal life and limitless knowledge. They possess much greater magic than they did while amongst the living. They are terrifying high rank undead that can freely use various spells such as “necromancy” which reanimates corpses into undead servants, and “eromancy” which manipulates lust and heightens pleasure. Most of them have a strong fixation with and thirst for knowledge of sorcery, and the pleasure of sex, which they awakened to after becoming monsters. Even in death, they continue their lewd magical research and experiments to master sorcery and reach the depths of pleasure. They usually immerse themselves in their research at dwellings away from human settlements, and they rarely reveal themselves in front of people. However, a human man is absolutely necessary to them as they replenish their magic power by taking in spirit energy, a man’s body serves as a test subject, and there are spells and sexual experiments which require both a man and a woman to perform, so if they spot a man, they’ll aggressively attack in an attempt to subdue him. To them, even their own body is a material for experimentation, and it is imbued with various lewd spells so that they can maximize the pleasure for themselves and their partner during sex. When they attack a man, they also imbue the man’s body with various spells. By having sex when each other’s bodies are imbued with these spells, they enthrall a man with their sorcery and body. Most of them don’t take much interest in others, with the exception of the man they choose as their husband, a monster’s one and only partner who shares the greatest pleasures with her. They have an even stronger attachment to him than to sorcery. The man who became their husband will spend his days thinking and pursuing experiments of sex and magic in order to reach the depths of pleasure and sorcery as their eternal partner. Their body is imbued with various spells by their own hand to become more lascivious, sensitive, and insatiably lustful so that they can obtain more spirit energy and pleasure. Once they have sex with a man with their body in such a state, they will be attacked by so much pleasure that it would normally cause them to lose their mind and become a beast. However, while they do immensely enjoy the deep pleasure, they maintain enough composure to analyze sex, pleasure, and the effects of the spells they used. This is because they put their soul into a vessel called a “phylactery,” and they distance their soul from the pleasure and spirit energy their body receives. Due to this, they can enjoy pleasure and maintain the capability for calm, objective thought even right in the middle of sex with their husband whereas other monsters’ minds would be consumed by pleasure. But if the phylactery is damaged, the soul returns to their body. If they have sex in that state, not only their body, but even their soul will be swallowed by pleasure and spirit energy, and then they’ll become unable to think about anything but their beloved husband in front of them.
  • Lich (リッチ) is a high-level wizard-type monster found in The World. A monstrous undead Wavemaster wielding a wooden staff, a Lich uses magic and often attacks in groups.
  • ' Liches are undead monsters found in Fate.
  • The Lich also known as (get ready for uber geekness) The T-56 Ground Support/Ultra Heavy Deployment Platform is a really fucked up looking ship. It apparently was used to only rape marines as a last effort to get rid of them due to Jul mdama getting bored of just taking LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ASS battles with humans so BOOM BOOM POW!
  • Lich is a monster in ADOM. They are relatively weak mid and late game monsters (especially compared to higher liches). They can appear in medium and high-DL levels, will be generated in greater vaults of undead and can appear from normal graves. Several of them (normally around 5) are guaranteed to appear in CoC Graveyard. Their ranged attacks include confusion and glowing balls while their melee attacks are rather weak, but can paralyze the PC. Unlike higher liches, they cannot drain stats, curse equipment and summon other monsters. They possess a healing spell that will fully restore their HP when cast. Liches are vulnerable to fire-based attacks, as well as undead slaying melee weapons and missile weapons. Blessed items deal 1.5x damage to liches (standard for all undead).
  • O lich é um tipo de morto-vivo normalmente tido como maligno. Conta-se que um possível ritual necessário para se transformar em um lich precisa transformar todos os habitantes de uma cidade em mortos-vivos.
  • In modern fantasy, Liches are typically wizards who have used their powers to gain life after death, which may be the reason for the skeletal heads. Whether these Liches have any powers or not has yet to be seen, as they were quickly dispatched as soon as they were discovered.
  • Level: 12 HP: 1500 MP: 30 *
  • Lich is a therapist at St. Thomas Hospital.
  • The Lich is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found in the Zil Padon Ruins. Lichs may appear alongside Bird Skulls and Warp Men and have the ability to cast Paralyze Gas and Oxy Gas.
  • File:Ekko token.png Ekko - Ekko is one of the most powerful heroes versus the Lich. His Spirit Immune gives him immunities to most of the Lich's attacks and The Lich's Lighting Vulnerability makes Ekko able to deal massive damage to him. File:Masuta token 0.png Masuta Kira - The fast rouge has PWN Undead, and is able to easily deal quick and dangerous damage to the Lich. File:Alexandros.png Alexandros - Being Magical is a helpful bonus against the Lich, and on ascended levels his Shocking Touch can be very powerful against the undead wizard. Also a good option for taunting if fully ascended. (quite unlikely.) File:Sifu token.png Sifu Jianzhi - His Shocking Touch on ascension makes him a powerful ally, his Feet of Fury dealing a lot of damage. And a bit of extra healing never hurts either. File:Yasmin token 0.png Yasmin Bloom - To counter the Lich's consistent healing, a lot of damage must be dealt every turn. Yasmin can serve as the team healer and also pack a punch thanks to PWN Undead. File:Augustus the paladin token 0.png Augustus - Again, bonus healing and bonus damage is always great. In addition, he becomes a great counter to Carnage, the boss earlier in the level. File:Emily token 0.png Archangel Emily - As well as being tough, the battle with the Lich can be long, and reviving an ally can mean the difference between success and failure.
  • An undead creature, the Fablehaven lich resides in the Great Marsh. More intelligent than a zombie,a lich appears desiccated or completely skeletal. The Fablehaven lich has the ability to control lesser undead creatures and use them as servants soldiers soldiers. For this reason, zombies should NEVER be admitted to Fablehaven.
  • Lichs are powerful undead magic-users that can be very dangerous to an underleveled or unprepared party.
  • Un Lich o Exánime es un poderoso hechicero no-muerto que posee un tremendo y mágico poder. Durante su vida mortal como Jefe de Guerra de la Horda de Draenor, Ner'zhul comandó un grupo numeroso de brujos, chamanes orcos y los caballeros de la muerte de Gul'dan. Cuando todos estos hechiceros fueron capturados por Kil'jaeden y la Legión Ardiente tras la destrucción de Draenor, fueron todos transformados en aberraciones diferentes a su forma anterior. Al mismo tiempo, Ner'zhul se convirtió en el Rey Lich (conocido también como Rey Exánime). Los nuevos cuerpos no-muertos de los hechiceros, aunque eran inmortales, estaban vinculados a la voluntad de Ner'zhul. Desde que los liches mostraron inquebrantable lealtad a su maestro, Ner'zhul les concedió el control de los furiosos elementos del norte frío. Ahora, los liches usan poder helado con sus hechizos nigrománticos. Otros liches tenían forma humana y eran miembros importantes del Culto de los Malditos (Kel'Thuzad es un claro ejemplo).
  • Der Totenbeschwörer erschafft Untote, aber der Lich umarmt den Tod, wird selbst zum Toten, wenn auch nur für kurze Zeit. Durch die Verschmelzung mit dem Knochen der Toten erhält der Lich beeindruckende physische Stärke und Widerstandskraft. In dieser Form stürmt er in den Kampf und erschlägt seine Feinde, behält aber trotzdem sein Arsenal an Zaubern. * Nahkampfmagier * 2-Hand Hiebwaffen * 2-Hand Klingenwaffen * Waffen beschwören * Untotenform
  • A lich is an undead spellcaster, usually a wizard or sorcerer but sometimes a cleric or other spellcaster, who has used its magical powers to unnaturally extend its life. Its form is that of a gaunt and skeletal humanoid with withered flesh stretched tight across horribly visible bones. Its eyes have long ago been lost to decay, but bright pinpoints of crimson light burn on in the empty sockets.
  • The fiend from the original Final Fantasy appears in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years along with the rest of the original Four Fiends. Upon defeat, he relinquishes the Assassin's Dagger.
  • Volk Volk Art Untote Zugehörigkeit Geißel Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Die Lichs zählen zu den mächtigsten Zauberern und Alliierten der Geißel. Sie befehligen des Öfteren größere Armeen als Generäle und Stellvertreter des Lichkönigs höchstpersönlich. Sie sind eng verbunden mit der kalten Macht des Grabs.
  • The Lich is a legendary minion from the basic set. It has no attacks in its base form, but it can summon a Skeleton which is capable of attacking or blocking attacks from more powerful units. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
  • demi lich is a very powerful boss she has very high strenght and very powerful magic and peaca is very hard so you should have about 50 people to help do the dungeon or else you will die so much you will have to quit
  • |} + Lich Appearances
  • The battleaxe-wielding Lich is the guardian of the Forsaken Province, and holds the first of the eight Shards in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy.
  • The liches are a very mysterious race. They have lived for more than thousands of years and they are also considered to be the only undead race that is not human. They are not immortal, but they are not mortal either. They live for more than a bout five hundred years, but they sometimes die at a later age. They were reknowned for bringing back the dead. They currently are believed to live in the wilderness. It is rumored they live in the Fortress of Necromancy.
  • The Lich as we know it was re-invented by Dungeons and Dragons in the mid '70s, however, the concept existed in folklore under different names and earlier in the 20th century. According to D&D, a Lich is an undead wizard who used black magic or necromancy when living to convert themselves in an undead state so that they may live forever. They are considered powerful magicians since they can develop their skill or craft beyond the normal span of a lifetime. The term Lich derives from the Old English lych and the German "leiche", which both mean "corpse". In Medieval Roman Catholicism, the lych or lych gate was a covered area at the entrance of a cemetery where a casket would sit waiting for the clergy to arrive to escort it into the cemetery for proper burial. In 1926, there were references to a Lich, primarily as a name for a mummy of a royal figure, only with glowing red eyes and a mouth with two snake fangs (The Abominations of Yondo by Clark Ashton Smith). The concept of a sorcerer who achieves immortality by storing his soul outside of his body exists in other cultures, such as the Koschei of Slavic folklore. It is also thought the Ringwraiths (Nazgul) from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings were an inspiration for the Lich of D&D.
  • A lich is a powerful spellcaster who has chosen undeath as a path to semi-immortality. The lich originally appeared in Dungeons & Dragons and has since spread to other media. The term lich is an archaic term for a dead body or cadaver.
  • The Liches are the high command of the undead legions. The spirits that produced Liches were natural-born leaders, both strong in will and high in power. Most Liches reside at the undead headquarters, a high tower in the far north. Liches move slowly, and have two attacks: * Lightning * Missile Storm While relatively strong, they make quite easy targets, and can be dispatched quite easily.
  • A Lich is a type of undead creature, usually depicted as a sorcerer or mage who strove to achieve eternal life through necromacy. The appear as fleshed or skeletal corpses and can control lesser undead beings.
  • The Lich is a powerful undead mage that shows up as blue on the tracking radar for rangers.First appearance was in TM in the year 431, day 2, Fighting Moon at level 10 (Jan-2009). Now they are level 13, and cannot be tamed. Liches were originally spawned only by GMs, but after the 2010 update they can be found in the Skull Island Dungeon, in the center of the spiral corridor south of the great room. They are also located deep within Crausaar's Descent. They appear as a skeleton in a rotting brown robe and a silver crown. Liches are very fast, somewhere between a Dragon and a Fire Elemental in speed. Attacks include: * Fireball, an attack that does heavy damage. * Lightning Bolt, a lesser version of fireball. * Can summon 8 skeletons at a time. Turn Undead is recommended. * Chaos Field - can teleport several players at once. * A powerful physical attack * An attack that can make a pet defy without reason. Liches are also capable of healing themselves. Unlike Gapers, Bracken, and Bone Mages (whose healing is equivalent to a Lesser Heal), Liches can heal themselves with a spell similar to Greater Heal. The Lich drops reagents(?), gold, and a shattered crystal skull, which is used for enchanting.
  • Various works of fantasy fiction, such as Clark Ashton Smith's "Empire of the Necromancers", had used lich as a general term for any corpse, animated or inanimate, before the term's specific use in fantasy role-playing games. The more recent use of the term lich for a specific type of undead creature most likely originates in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.
  • A Lich is a type of undead creature, which is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his phylactery and thereby achieve a form of immortality. Liches are depicted as being clearly cadaverous, bodies desiccated or completely skeletal. Liches are often depicted as holding power over hordes of lesser undead creatures, using them as soldiers and servants. Unlike zombies, which are often depicted as mindless, part of a hivemind or under the control of another, a lich retains revenant-like independent thought and is usually at least as intelligent as it was prior to its transformation.
  • In Dungeons and dragons, a Lich is described as "an undead arcane spellcaster who seeks to cheat death using magical means". In life, Liches were powerful spellcasters, whether arcane or a cleric (druids/paladins are not applicable) that had died were later reanimated through pure arcane force. Currently, there is only one Lich in the entire comic - Xykon, the main antagonist.
  • Lich are skeletal mages, rarely seen though when they notice they've been spotted they attack with magic. rekill on sight. heheh, if you ever see one (note: im not a lich, just mocking the reader.)
  • Lisz - to potężny nieumarły czarownik o niewiarygodnej mocy magicznej. Za śmiertelnego życia jako wódz wojenny orczej Hordy w Draenorze Ner'zhul dowodził licznymi czarnoksiężnikami, szamanami, a nawet niektórymi rycerzami śmierci Gul'dana. Kiedy ci straszni czarownicy zostali schwytani przez Kil'jaedena i Płonący Legion po zniszczeniu Draenoru, zostali przemienieni w przerażające karykatury dawnych siebie. Ner'zhul wtedy stał się Królem Liszem. Nowe, nieumarłe ciała, chociaż nieśmiertelne, były całkowicie posłuszne woli Ner'zhula. Skoro lisze okazywali niezachwianą lojalność swemu panu, Ner'zhul ofiarował im władzę nad szalonymi żywiołami zimnej północy. Dzięki temu lisze dysponują magią mrozu na równi ze sztukami nekromanckimi. Późniejsi lisze byli niegdyś ludźmi i ważnymi członkami Kultu Przeklętych (na przykład Kel'Thuzad).
  • These extremely dangerous undead retain the intelligence and the magical powers they learned during their time as a living wizard and eventually used to transform themselves into their hideous state. In fact, they have surely just learned more evil spellwork since their undemise. Everything that applies to opposing high level arcane spellcasters and to taking on high level undead apply to facing a lich. Be prepared!
  • Necromancer Undead form, based on physical spell damage.
  • It appears in Crypt level 1 and 2 and attacks the characters encountered by casting a spell unavailable to the human player, but resembling the spell Firebolt. As they usually appear in groups, it is strongly advised to come along with high Fire resistance as well as ranged weaponry like spells or arrows. Melee fighters will soon find the Liches getting on their nerves as they are difficult to hunt down, evading in different directions and opening fire again. The best tactic is to reduce them to ashes using Fireball, although they can be destroyed by Holy Bolt too. If it can be cornered it is easily killed due to its very low hitpoints. Ranged fighters may try to hide behind a corner, waiting for a Lich to get out in the open and expose themselves, while being shielded from other Liches' barrage, therefore killing them one at a time.
  • A Lich is a level 3 unit belonging to the race and faction of Undead. It is one of the two advancements of the Dark Sorcerer and one of the two final advancements of the Dark Adept, the other being the Necromancer. The way liches are formed and how they work is explored in "Descent into Darkness", where the player guides Malin Keshar on his path to becoming an all-powerful necromancer. When he becomes deathly injured, the player must perform a ritual to turn Malin into a lich. Liches can unleash very powerful magical attacks at range, and, as undead, they can drain the life from their foes in melee.
  • thumbEn la fantasía moderna, un liche es una criatura no muerta, resultado de la transformación que un mago poderoso obra sobre sí mismo mediante hechizos o rituales para alcanzar la inmortalidad. Los liches son comúnmente representados como seres -parcial o totalmente- cadavéricos o esqueléticos, ya que el proceso de conversión en un liche suele pasar por atar su intelecto a su cadáver inanimado, el cual generalmente sigue decayendo a pesar de conservar su poder. En la mayoría de las ficciones, los liches tienen más poder que cuando estaban vivos, y poseen un gran manejo de la necromancia y artes similares, controlando hordas de no muertos menores como soldados o sirvientes. A diferencia de los zombis, que son casi universalmente representados como carentes de voluntad propia, un liche retiene toda su mente (que puede ser o no sinónimo de su alma, dependiendo del contexto) y su capacidad de pensamiento consciente. En algunas ficciones, el alma de un liche no se halla contenida en su cuerpo, sino en un objeto externo denominado filacteria, el cual les concede la imposibilidad de morir hasta que el objeto mismo sea destruido.
  • The Lich is a powerful undead creature located in the fourth floor of the Slayerdungeon of Prifddinas (along with two other liches). As is it classed as undead, the Lich is weak to both light spells and a Darklight/Silverlight, along with these the lich is also weak to bolts. The three weaknesses make it very flexible for players hunting down Liches as they can use any of the three attack styles(provided they use the correct weapon/spell). Killing at least one Lich each time a player enters the fourth floor of the dungeon is required in order to attack Rho'mox the Toxic. The Lich has a special attack with which it binds the player for 4 seconds, and every attack form the creature hits through armor while the player in stunned. While stunned the player is unable to eat and any activated prayers are deactivated. The special can easily kill a player who let their health drop too low before the attack. After using the special, the Lich is unable to cast the special again for 4 auto attacks. The special can be avoided if the player efficiently uses the Anticipatation and Freedom abilities in order to avoid being stunned.
  • A lich is a undead magician who is bound to an earthly plane instead of passing into the afterlife. This is usually done by the wizard undergoing some kind of ritual involving storing one's soul into a "phylectary", which is storage for it's soul. This act keeps one's soul on earth, thereby giving the lich eternal life unless their phylectary is destroyed. Liches appear in many fantasy franchises including The elder scrolls and Warcraft.
  • The last Assassin-type enemy, and the third strongest one, as its stats are right below those of the Stalker. However, this monster is every bit as dangerous as the Shinobi due to possessing its same Stored Attack: Forced Purging, which reduces your Burst percentage to 0 and also can make your Reyvateil's Song Magic explode, dealing little damage and leaving her incapacitated to sing for a brief amount of time. Therefore, interrupting that attack should be your utmost priority in every battle where these monsters appear, so you can charge a Song Magic or Flipsphere faster and finish up the battle as fast as possible.
  • Il Lich è un incantatore (arcano o divino) di alto livello che attraverso un terribile ed oscuro rituale diventa Immortale, trasformandosi in un Non-Morto. Il rituale per trasformarsi in Lich prevede la creazione di un Filatterio, un oggetto all'interno del quale, l'incantatore che desidera diventare Immortale, rinchiude la propria anima. Ciò dà al Lich un evidente vantaggio: infatti, anche se il suo corpo venisse distrutto, egli non verrebbe sconfitto fintanto che il suo Filatterio permane. Il Lich che perde il corpo rinasce dopo alcuni giorni nell'area dove si trova il Filatterio; un avventuriero che desiderasse sconfiggere definitivametne una creatura pericolosa come questa, dovrebbe prima sconfiggere il suo corpo (cosa già di per sé difficile, essendo un incantatore di livello alto) e poi distruggere anche il suo Filatterio.
  • thumbEin Lich ist ein mächtiger untoter Zauberer, der enorme magische Kräfte besitzt. Während seinem sterblichem Leben als Kriegshäuptling der Horde von Draenor kommandierte Ner'zhul einige Hexenmeister, Schamanen und sogar manche von Gul'dans Todesrittern. Als diese boshaften Zauberer nach der Zerstörung von Draenor von Kil'jaeden und der Brennenden Legion ergriffen wurden, wurden sie in verzerrte Abklatsche ihrer früheren Gestalten verwandelt. Zu dieser Zeit wurde aus Ner'zhul der Lichkönig. Die neuen untoten und unsterblichen Körper der Zauberer waren an den eisernen Willen des Ner'zhul gebunden. Seit die Lichs ihrem Meister unerschütterliche Loyalität bewiesen haben, verlieh dieser ihnen Kontrolle über die wilden Elemente des kalten Nordens. Heute benutzen sie sowohl Frostmagie als auch ihre eigenen nekromantischen Zaubersprüche. Andere Lichs sind bekannt als bedeutende Mitglieder des Kultes der Verdammten (wie zum Beispiel der Gründer dieses Kultes, Kel'Thuzad)
  • A Lich is an undead sorcerer who has chosen to bind his life-force to his body even beyond death. Lichs are somewhat alike zombies, however they retain the intellect and personality of the original individual. By their very nature, even basic lichs are superior to most other undead and of higher ability and standing than the majority of the living. They are undead mages and have retained and even expanded their mental faculties and magical abilities beyond death. Additionally, they benefit from all the immunities and resistances their undead state confers.
  • According to Arme, a Lich is a powerful, undead wizard that is revitalized by certain magic.
  • A lich is the ultimate expression of a necromancer's power, representing his or her ability to transcend death and achieve immortality. At the culmination of the process of becoming a lich, a necromancer transfers his or her soul into a specially created phylactery. As long as the phylactery remains intact, the lich cannot die.
  • A Lich is typically an undead mage that has prolonged its life through forbidden magics. Liches generally decay despite this, which is often viewed as a symbolic decay as well. In Family, Dhiar and the others encounter an inhabiting lich, a lich without a physical body of its own, that possesses the bodies of others.
  • A lich is a powerful undead sorcerer who possesses tremendous magical power. During his mortal life as the warchief of the orcish Horde of Draenor, Ner'zhul commanded a number of orcish warlocks, shamans, and even some of Gul'dan's death knights. When these wicked sorcerers were captured by Kil'jaeden and the Burning Legion after the destruction of Draenor, they were transformed into twisted aberrations of their former selves. Ner'zhul became the Lich King at this time. The sorcerers' new, undead bodies, though immortal, were bound to the iron will of Ner'zhul. Since the liches showed unswerving loyalty to their master, Ner'zhul granted them control over the furious elements of the cold north. Now, the liches wield frost magic along with their own considerable necromantic spells. Other liches are former humans and important members of the Cult of the Damned (Kel'Thuzad is one such example).
  • Liches appear as gaunt, skeletal humanoids with withered flesh stretched tightly across their visible bones. Their eyes have long been lost to decay, but the sockets glow with bright pinpoints of crimson light. Liches are often draped in once-grand clothing or long-decayed armour. Decay and corruption are the lich's constant companion. These creatures speak Common as well as any other languages that they may have known in life. An integral part of lichdom is the creation of a magic phylactery, in which they store their life force. The only way to truely destroy a lich is to destroy their phylactery: failure to do so will cause the lich to reanimate within a tenday. The most common form of phylactery is a sealed metal box containing magical phrases transcribed onto parchment, although other forms such as rings or amulets exist.
  • Ethreain, der Lich, ist ein Intelligenz-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Der Lich ist eine Fernkampf-Einheit und gehört zu den Dire. Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Supports, Lane-Supports und Nukers übernehmen. Lich kann eine gegnerische Einheit und umstehende Gegner mit Frost schädigen, sowie ihr Angriffs- und Bewegungstempo verlangsamen. Ice Armor lässt ein Schutzschild aus Eis um Lich oder eine verbündete Einheit entstehen, welche deren Rüstung erhöht und Angreifer verlangsamt. Inzwischen kann diese auch auf verbündete Gebäude angewandt werden, um diese zu schützen. Stellt man diese auf eine automatische Anwendung um, wirkt der Lich diese von selbst auf verbündete Helden oder sich, wenn dieser oder er angegriffen werden. Mit Sacrifice tötet Lich einen verbündeten Creep, durch dessen Lebenspunkte er eine bestimmte Menge an Mana regeneriert. Dabei erhalten alle Helden in der Nähe die Erfahrungspunkte aus dem Creep. Sein Ultimate Chain Frost feuert eine Eiskugel auf gegnerische Einheiten ab, die mehrmals zwischen diesen springt und großen Schaden verursacht, sofern diese nah genug aneinander stehen und damit jeden Teamfight schnell wieder zerstreuen lässt. Mit Aghanim's Scepter werden Schaden und Reichweite des Ultimates erhöht und die Anzahl der Sprünge ist nicht mehr durch die Treffer begrenzt.
  • Lich je veľmi silná skupina nemŕtvych, ktorá stojí na vrchole riadiacej pyramídy Scourge. Prvým Lichom sa stal Ner'Zhul za pomoci Kil'Jaedena. Ďalší Lichovia sú už Ľudskí mágovia alebo nekromankeri. Lichovia väčšinou ovládajú buď frost, unholy alebo Shadow. Niektorí ovládajú dve z nich a vzácne sa vyskytnú aj tí, čo ovládajú všetky tri. Príkladom je Kel'Thuzad, ktorý navyše dokáže využívať aj démonickú mágiu. Každý z nich ovláda minimálne Frost mágiu. Jediný priateľský lich v hre, Amal'thazad ju trénuje Death Knightov v Acherus: The Ebon Hold. Väčšina lichov v hre má 60+ level.
  • Liches were an almost universally evil form of undead spellcaster of great power, usually wizards, but they could also be sorcerers or clerics. They were feared by mortal beings for their malign magic, their intelligence and their willingness to embrace undeath for a chance to live forever (or rather, exist forever).
  • Liches can make acceptable pets, but have their disadvantages. They are essentially useless against cold resistant monsters and are dangerous to abandon. The stronger versions will also always stay next to the player, which is useful if you don't have a magic whistle but also can be a nuisance by them getting in the way, and makes it difficult to stop them from killing shopkeepers. Master liches and arch-liches cannot be tamed due to their covetous nature. It is, however, possible to tame a lich or demilich and have it grow up.
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