  • Knight
  • Knight
  • Knight
  • Knight
  • Knight
  • Knight
  • Knight
  • Knight
  • Knight
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • |-|Bestiary= |-|Misc= Ancient of Wonders • Battle Arena • Bazaar Goods • Difficulty • Experience • Known Bugs • Mystery Note • Chocobo Breeding • Treasure Location |-|Categories= • |}
  • Place in: Wall in Budehuc Castle Found in: Price:
  • Knights are Hero units encountered in Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2.
  • The Knight is a vanilla Champion unit from the game of chess. It is the only vanilla piece with the ability to skip over pieces. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
  • Android Mike Vincent and Kevin Keene both encountered a giant Knight in the castle entryway while racing through Castlevania. The android used his Power Pad to jump over it and ran down the hall to escape, but Kevin used the spears the Knight threw to take a shortcut. He dodged the first two, then used his Power Pad to jump on top of a spear that got stuck in the wall. The Knight threw more spears at Kevin, which he climbed like stairs to reach a doorway.
  • Cyril Sheldrake or Knight was the Batman of England along with his sidekick Squire.
  • Knights are masters of weapons, shielding and hand-to-hand combat. They have greater brute strength than other vocations and are able to carry more equipment and items at any given level. As a result of their focus on physical skills, knights are severely lacking in magical abilities.
  • Knight is the minor character of Rugrats that he is voiced by Jesse Corti.
  • Knight is an enemy in Spyro: Shadow Legacy; a tall humanoid shaped creature with a sword and shield. Even more armoured than Shelly, this creature requires his armour to be destroyed first with a tail attack before you can do real damage. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
  • There are three knights:White Knights,Black Knights and Void Knights.All three of these have 25hp,are warriors,are human,are male and come from gods avalible to free players.Only the first two are actually avalible to free players,however.They are all level 2 and cost 250 mana,though the Void Knight is better than both other knights in that it is faster and has the forestwalk ability of all Guthix units
  • Les chevaliers sont de valeureux guerriers qui manient l'épée pour défendre leurs idéaux. Ils peuvent porter un bouclier et utiliser la plupart des armes à une main (épées, dagues, haches, maces). Les chevaliers peuvent remplacer leur bouclier par une dague, ils peuvent ainsi combattre avec deux armes et gagner en vitesse et puissance d'attaque.
  • Knight was a title of Earth's medieval history, often portrayed in Human literature as the "hero" character. José Tyler likened James T. Kirk to a knight, rushing off to save the day. (TOS novel: The Rift) Hydrans knighted all officers from the moment they became cadets. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command (game))
  • Knights are greatest defenders of kingdoms all over the world of Daventry.
  • Knight can refer to: * the fast charging mounted knight (Stronghold Crusader), * the sturdy sword-wielding knight (Stronghold 2), * the durable Crusader knight (Stronghold Crusader 2).
  • Sword Heroes can only attack one enemy at a time, but have a shield to defend themselves from their foes' attacks, unlike other Heroes. They are the only main class that can use a shield, which gives them excellent defense. Wielding sword and shield, you are gifted with high defense and vitality. Your Flame Sword magic deals scorching damage to a single foe. A melee character cannot attack enemies in the air. There is also a Knight mercenary.
  • A vocação knight é conhecida como a vocação da força e destreza. É a vocação mais usada no início por ser mais fácil, mas não é assim, ele tem uma cura menor que a de um mago mesmo sua poções curando-o muito ele pode morrer facilmente levando um combo e seu nivel de magia aumenta muito lentamente o fazendo algumas de suas magias terem pouco ataque/cura
  • The keima or knight is one of the stranger pieces. It jumps one square up and one square northwest or northeast every move. A knight promotes to a Gold General. It must promote if it reaches a point where it can no longer move.
  • A Knight is a level 2 Humans unit. It is promoted from Horsemen and can be promoted to a Paladin or Grand Knight. It has the Charge skill, which allows it to double its damage when attacking, but this also doubles the damage of the enemy's counterattack.
  • knightnw.jpg knight.jpg knightkoryo.jpg Resources to build 1 Knight. Very good against: Scout, Musketeer (Archer) Good against: Genoese Crossbowman (Marksman), Rodelero (Swordsman) Bad against: Landsknecht (Swordbrother), German Heavy Knight (Teutonic Knight), Halberdier (Royal Guard) Very bad against: Pikeman, Battering Ram (Ram), Mortar (Catapult), Heavy Halberdier (Heavy Royal Guard)
  • The Knight is one of the player roles in NetHack. Knights are always lawful humans. According to the guidebook: Knights are distinguished from the common skirmisher by their devotion to the ideals of chivalry and by the surpassing excellence of their armor.
  • Al nivel 60, un Mercenary puede pasar a la siguiente clase, y puede elegir entre ser un Knight (기사 Caballero) o un Blade. Al llegar al nivel 130 puede cambiar a la tercera y última clase, el Templar. Los Knights son fuertes guerreros, protectores de Madrigal, los cuales normalmente poseeen mucha defensa, y muchos puntos de vida (Stamina - Sta). Su ataque es fuerte, pero lento en cuanto a ataques de cuerpo a cuerpo.
  • Die Knights (Ritter) sind eine Minion-Art, welche an mercenary camps gefunden werden kann. Kategorie:Diener
  • A knight is a follower who has been placed on a city.
  • Cameron Mitchell fought a holographic image of a knight in the caverns of Avalon, and won after having a tough battle. (SG1: "Avalon, Part 1")
  • Knights are more geared towards sword and spear techniques and are trained to endure larger amounts of damage. They mainly serve the king of Rune-Midgarts and are the first line of defense for the kingdom.
  • A unused unit from the Middle Earth mod
  • Knights are the Tier 4 fighter class of choice for those who wish to strike a balance between damage and defense. Knights have access to multiple area of effect skills, as well as many buffs that increase their ability to deal damage more efficiently. Along with these damage buffs, Knights also have access to defensive skills. This mix of offense and defense allows knights to solo quite effectively. Knights tend to prefer using one-handed weapons in conjunction with shields.
  • Covenant Unit Regular Assault Knight
  • File:Quake1.gif In Quake, a Knight is an armored Monster that wields a sword. It only has melee attacks, but it is quick and can easily catch you if you're not careful. The Knight is only found in levels which are predominantly Medieval themed.
  • Elesis is feared by her enemies for her powerful attack skills that instantly wipe out entire groups of monsters. She leads her team at the front line of battle, advancing against enemies while defending her allies against enemy Archers and Mages. When she charges her enemies, they go down without having a chance to retaliate. Elesis has 80% more defense points against Archer’s arrows, and suffers the least amount of delay among the Grand Chase members when inflicted with powerful damage from enemies.
  • As one of the jobs Holy Warriors can become, Knights are focused entirely on expanding defensive combat. This means that they expand on the tanking aspects of Holy Warriors. __TOC__
  • Knight is the second Class from the Soldier Base Class. Players can attain this class upon completing the Soldier Growth Ring.
  • A Knight was a Warrior of a privileged class.Especially a Noble who has the right to fight from Horseback and may be a local Lord or Landowner. In Middle-Earth Knight may refer to: * a Roquen Inor of Arthedain * a Dragon-Knight (Loke Innas Rim) * the Elnaith or Elven-Knights * a Morgûl-Knight * a northron Driug * a Rider of the Mark or "Ridder" * a Númenórean Roquen * a Sihad of the Haruze
  • Knight is a member of Rainbow Team Bravo.
  • Knight is a monster.
  • Knight is an elf.
  • Knight o Knight el Poderoso (The Powered Knight en inglés) es un general del Cuerpo de Greed. Aparece en el manga Metroid EX: Samus y Joey.
  • Though Knight is portrayed as heroic and kind hearted, most of his character is left up to interpretation, much like other silent protagonists such as Link from The Legend of Zelda series. It is clear that he cares about others, particularly his companions. Shortly after Knight leaves Baby in the Cave of Fear at the behest of the Mayor , He 'talks' to Nehani, and states that he wishes to go back for Baby, regretting what he did. He does this despite the specific orders of the mayor, showing that Knight is also not afraid of defying authority.
  • Knights, or Royal Soldiers, are the protectors of Knighton.
  • THIS PLACE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The Knight is a boss found in Breath of Fire
  • The Knight is a car available in Midnight Club II.
  • The Knight is a feature of Fighting Fantasy canon.
  • Vinster och förnyelser
  • But what about the knights that choose not to stay at court and stay with their ruler? They can become a knight for hire, mercenaries with a noble title, or as is happening more often, they may join some knightly order like the Order of the Flaming Rose.
  • The basic rank in a Knight Order. [More coming soon]
  • A prefix title awarded to crusaders who complete their wisdom AA line.
  • Knight is the English term for an Uncyclopedian social position. In the High and Late Middle Ages, the first duty of a knight was to lead a heavy cavalry of n00blets against the ever-present onslaught of crud. More recently, knighthood has been a title of honour, given to a more diverse class of users, from those who'd never stoop to soil their fingernails by even touching something that another person wrote, to those whose ability to write is the subject of much debate, but who really enjoy deleting everything they see (though their ability to read is the subject of much debate).
  • In Elona+, can be evolved into a Checkmate using an , gaining 20 strength, 20 magic, 10 speed, and a new sprite.
  • Knight was an inmate in Fox River State Penitentiary, he was mentioned by Bellick during a roll call.
  • Knights are available to all civilizations except for the Aztecs, Incas, Indians, and Mayans.
  • Knight labeled The Manipulative Jerk was a character on Total Drama: Around the World.
  • High strength, high movement rate, and a decent withdrawal rate combine to form a strong utility unit. There is no best use for a Knight, it's the fact that they can do many things so well that make them so valuable.
  • selengkapnya baca disini kawan:)
  • A Knight is a mailable Rank 8 Item used to set up Bastions and to attack Keeps. It is regarded as a House of Gauntlets Item.
  • Knights are holy or unholy champions, masters of combat and weapons of their deity.
  • Knights were trained as warriors. They hail from noble stock, and adhere to the code of chivalry. The most important skills to them are: Long Blade, Etiquette, Blunt Weapon, Axe, Archery, and Short Blade.
  • Knights (ナイト, Naito) are members of the Chivalric Order, they are charged with killing Devils, Fallen Angels, Demonic Creatures, along with other monstrous creatures that can potentially harm Humans. They vary from normal human beings or the descendants of Heroes (mainly Knights).
  • Knight is an earned title in Melanie Rawn's fantasy novels of the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star Trilogies.
  • The Knight class is the most-powerful fighting class recommended for new users to start with. Knights focus on hand to hand combat and are able to use the strongest equipment.
  • The Knight (正騎士) is a promoted class among the Gralsritter of the Septian Church. In addition to retrieving artifacts, they are also tasked with supporting the Dominion they have been assigned to.
  • Los Knights son los maestros de armas, shielding y combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Ellos tienen más fuerza bruta que otras vocaciones y son capaces de llevar mas equipo y elementos a cualquier nivel. Como resultado de su enfoque en las habilidades físicas, los Knight son muy deficientes en habilidades mágicas.
  • Knights sind 2nd-Job-Charaktere des Mercenary. Im Nahkampfbereich sind sie besonders berüchtigt für ihre starke Defensive, sowie für ihre große Anzahl an HP. Unterstützt wird dies durch ihre Rüstung, die die Verteidigung von Knights oft noch zusätzlich verstärkt.Der Knight ist eher als Aoe-Klasse vorgesehen dank der hohen Verteidigung. Auf dem Bild sehen Sie einen weiblichen (links) und einen männlichen (rechts) Knight.Beide in der 75iger Rüstung.
  • Knights are a charismatic melee class. Knights are significantly lacking in power compared to other classes and are difficult to roleplay or even fight with them, due to their strict morality code. Thus new players are advised not to try this class. Although they are below average as a whole, they can be challenging with some optimization touches.
  • Knight is a Rainbow operative that helps Bishop and Bravo Team in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 co-op mode. Knight is never a mentioned in the campaign itself and is simply there for cooperative uses.
  • The British legend of King Arthur, popularised throughout Europe in the Middle Ages by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Historia Regum Britanniae ("History of the Kings of Britain") written in the 1130s, and Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur (The Death of Arthur) written in 1485, were important in defining the ideal of chivalry which is essential to the European ideal of the knight as an elite warrior sworn to uphold the values of faith, loyalty, courage and honour such as Knights Templar.
  • ( Hier ben ik mee bezig hij is dus nog niet 100% compleet tot nu toe naar schatting: 35%)
  • The knight is a defensive fighter also gifted with magical powers.
  • The Knight is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. It uses lances, which has the same range as the Whipper but has lower average damage. Knights can have high LP. They also wield a shield.
  • A Malkioni Caste established by Hrestol * Originally meant "Men of All". * Most modern knights are soldiers or landowners. * They are mystical warriors
  • Knight is a possible crossbreed son of Melantha and Naldo on Ptero. His twin brother is Mourning. He and Mourning were last seen heading in the direction of Dawn and Eve in the Castle Roogna on Ptero.
  • Knights are brave and noble warriors who have taken an oath to defend the innocent from the Maelstrom. Their determination and armor make knights virtual walls. The Sentinel Knight posseses the strongest defense of all the Factions, though its adequate offensive abilities still classify it as an offtank.
  • In the Kingdom of Scotland the Lyon Court of Arms both creates knightly orders and admits deserving citizens into their ranks. A female Knight is a Dame.
  • Knight es un vigilante británico y miembro del grupo internacional de lucha contra el crimen, "Batman Incorporated". Él se se considera como el Batman de Inglaterra. Cyril Sheldrake era originalmente el Squire de su padre Percy Sheldrake, la primera persona usar el nombre de Knight. Después de la muerte de su padre, adoptó el manto de Knight y tomó a Beryl Hutchinson como su Squire.
  • Knights also have an unusual notation because the K was taken by the king so the N was used for the knight.
  • When fighting these groups solo, a player's best bet is to take out the sorceror first, while doing AOE damage to the rest, then take down the rest of the camp. Their camps respawn at a rate of 150 seconds.
  • Knight is a subclass of fighter introduced in Heroes of the Fallen Lands. Knights are pure defenders.[HotFL:123] For players who value offense and defense. The other fighter subclasses are weaponmaster and slayer.
  • "Knight" (ナイト Naito) is an archetype of cards with the anime-only "Revival Knight" as the only support card. "Knights" don't have a specific focus nor do they have any relations, but they have their own sub-types like "HERO".
  • The Knight (アーマーナイト Āmā naito), also known as the Armor Knight or simply Armor (アーマー Āmā), is a heavily-armored physical combat class that recurrently appear across the Fire Emblem Series. Often wielding Lances as their sole weapon of choice, Knights are generally hampered by low Movement and compensate for this with their good physical stats across the board. They are one of few classes that count as armored units, which leaves them vulnerable to bonus damage from weapons such as Armorslayers and Hammers.
  • Knights are the initial class for Humans, who either become a Guardian or a Defender at level 50.
  • Knights are one of two melee classes in the game(the other being the berserker). You must be a Human to play a Knight. Knights specialize in defense and those wishing to be a tank are suggested to be this class. See also Classes
  • A knight is a member of the warrior class of the Middle Ages in Europe who followed a code of law called "chivalry". They are brave and loyal soldiers who fight for the honor of their kingdoms. The Smurfs have met various knights along their journeys, with the most notable one being Sir Johan, though technically he is more commonly referred to as a squire than a knight.
  • O General, o líder das tropas, o desmoralizador e aquele que quebra formações inimigas. Os Knights concentram suas técnicas na exploração de fraquezas... E criá-las, se nenhuma puder ser encontrada. Originalmente são encontrados exclusivamente à serviço dos governantes. Suas técnicas e aqueles que as ensinam se espalham com o tempo para cada canto do mundo, em um campo de batalha. Image:Ingus the Knight.jpg
  • Knights are Studious essences that appear in MySims. It can be obtained by shaking it off of a tree deep in the Forest, since the area where Knight trees grow can be accessed with a Blowtorch. You can also get access to the knight tree by crossing all three bridges deep in the forest.
  • Knights are masters of melee combat. They possess greater physical strength than other vocations and are able to carry more items at any given level. As a result of their focus on physical skills, knights are severely lacking in terms of magical abilities.
  • Knights using two handed weapons are even more powerful than Heavy Infantry.
  • The Knight is the basic cavalry troop of the Knights. A knight is the lowliest of the mounted knights. As yet unschooled in battle, these men prefer heraldry to survival, and ride into battle with barding covering their mounts instead of barding. None-the-less, they themselves are armoured well enough to be resistant to all physical attacks. However, as they have not yet learned how to dress sensibly, they are vulnerable to all forms of elemental damage. As mounted knights, they gain all the bonuses that apply to this class of units. They cost a fair amount of gold, and a moderate amount of metal.
  • Knight (formerly known as Hero) is a member of the ZNG. His spirit animal is a bunny rabbit.
  • Knights are a class who combine attack power with bulky defense. Knights can wield two-handed weapons, for increased attack, or a one-handed weapon and shield, to improve their defensive prowess. Knights can also wield bows. Knights can learn to wear light armor at level 6, medium armor at level 20, and heavy armor at level 30. They are currently the only class that can wear heavy armor.
  • Knight (z ang. Rycerz) - jest to średnio wymagający przeciwnik. Nie ma specjalnych ataków, lecz potrafi nieprzerwanie wymachiwać mieczem. Do jego zalet należy między innymi słaba przepustowość ataków wręcz, jak i z dystansu. W trybie bitwy, występuje w dwóch kolorach (w zależności od drużyny).
  • "A knight class is of a rather advanced area of southern Boletaria. This is a character that is equipped with hard metal armor and shield, and thus, excels in defense, but because they have low luck, it will be difficult to obtain items."
  • Knight is the first playable character, being unlocked at the start of the game.
  • Knight is one of the many role-playing subclasses in Elder Tale.
  • Chess piece carved from elephant ivory. It moves 1 across and 2 vertically in 1 of 8 directions. Able to jump other pieces, it is tactically very useful.
  • Knights are monsters located in East Ardougne. Knights can be pickpocketed at level 55 Thieving, giving the player 84.5 Thieving experience as well as 50 coins per successful pickpocket.
  • Knights are Tune Troopers that have high physical and magical defense, fights with piercing lance, and specializes in healing magic.
  • The knight is a loyal soldier to the king and is bonded to him, being one of his most trusted guards. He keeps the king from harm while keeping the kingdom a safe place. He starts off with no tools. He is known as a Knight in Bovinia, and known as a Noble if he comes from Cowmalot.
  • The Knight's style revolves around facilitating movement and taking and resisting damage. Its starting equipment are the Iron Longsword, the Wooden Shield, and the skill Oath of Honor.
  • Knight, aka Kraang Subprime, is an Utrom traitor, chief spy, and subprime leader of the Kraang Hive Mind, who stole Rook's robotic body, and disguised himself as a schoolgirl named Irma to spy on April O'Neil. This character was created specifically for the 2012 animated series.
  • The Knight discipline is one of the many weapon sets available for custom characters and NPCs in Chronicles of the Sword mode in Soulcalibur III. The Lance is commonly used by Knights, as well as the Great Sword. Most NPC Knights in Soulcalibur III sport heavy armor, and many important characters within the story are Knights (see below). Some Knights in Chronicles of the Sword mode ride on horseback, wielding lances and moving significantly faster than units on foot. Horseback movement is only available to those NPC Knights. Soul of Siegfried and Soul of Raphael are available only to Knights. Overall, the Knight discipline favors using Rapiers and Zweihanders.
  • Knights are traditionally horse-mounted warriors of the Alliance and the kingdoms of humanity. They are usually humans, although other factions have knights as well such as the elves. Aside from champions, the knight is the warrior elite of humanity, especially of the Alliance, the best of the normal troops thus among the most feared. Many famous human warriors were knights such as Sir Anduin Lothar, regent of Stormwind and commander of the Alliance forces during the second war. For centuries they have been the bane of many enemies, the legendary Orgrim Doomhammer the warchief who fell Lothar was killed by a human knight, the orc Nekros Skullcrusher lost his leg to a knight. They typically form ranks and charge, which cause devastating effect on the battlefield. This proud young man carrie
  • The Knight is a class in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness and its remakes. Knights focus on both dealing physical damage and using elemental magic, and thus can wield swords and staves equally skillfully. When a Knight uses the Attack command, she has a chance to follow up the attack with a random learned offensive spell. Having two overlying proficiencies, her overall stat Aptitudes and growth are slightly lower than most classes, making her best used as a support or follow-up attacker. A level 100 Knight is one of the requirements to unlock the Celestial Host.
  • Knight is the ultimate fighting force of the Human Soldiers in Mutation Knight Mode. Any soldier who lives as the soldier levels reach maximum limit, transform into Knights armed with Ghost Blades for slaying mutants. Knights start with 1400 HP, and like the Commandos in Hero Mode X, they cannot be infected, only killed. Unlike Commandos, which can only number up to 3 individuals, all soldiers who live can turn into Knights, making this very dangerous for mutants. Soldiers automatically turn into Knights, without needing to press E.
  • A knight is a member of the warrior class of the Middle Ages in Europe who followed a code of law called "chivalry". In other Indo-European languages, cognates of cavalier or rider are more prevalent (e.g., French chevalier and German Ritter), suggesting a connection to the knight's mode of transport. Since antiquity a position of honour and prestige has been held by mounted warriors such as the Greek hippeus and the Roman eques, and knighthood in the Middle Ages was inextricably linked with horsemanship.
  • When Samus arrives on the graveyard planet, he slices in half a "zombie" (actually a robot) that had formed out of the un-Deadly Six Stars, believing that these "toys" would not defeat Samus successfully. Knight was then attacked by Joey, but rather than fight back Knight encouraged Joey to leave the area. Knight demonstrates that he has a strong moral complex. Knight then challenged Samus to a battle, where he is incredibly fast despite his massive build. Knight displays to Samus a "secret technique" of his, Guillotine Blast, which manages to get the best of her. Knight is last seen challenging Samus to continue fighting him.
  • Red Knight: He resembles a huscarl. He wears a red Helmet with face mask that covers to his nose, horns, and carries a sheild made of metal with red in front of it. When he reaches level 99, his face mask becomes gold along with his armor and shield. Blue Knight: He resemble a English knight with leather slacks. He wears a blue helmet and he carries a shield that shows three lions in front of it. When he reaches level 70, he wears a face mask, and when he reaches level 99 his face mask becomes gold, along with metal parts of his armor and shield.
  • The Knight had several unique moves: Quietly approaching his target, the Knight unsheathes his greatsword, before he knocks their legs from underneath them with the side of his weapon. As they make contact with the ground, he hacks his sword into his victim's back, severing their spine and leaving them to bleed, following which he pulls his weapon out and stores it away.
  • There are many ways for a Knight to level up. They can practice on training dummies, spar with other guards, go hunting in the forest, and plenty of other things. Perhaps, the most efficient way to level up early is to Practice Military Strategy on the table in the upper part of the barracks. It gives about 12 experience points every so often, plus, a positive buff is given after practicing which raises focus significantly.
  • Resume: Soldiers can advance to Knights imbued with holy power. Knights always lead the forces at the front line with their excellent defense, and can withstand attacks from stronger enemies. Characteristics: Knights can equip heavy armor, such as plate armor, and large shields that can offer protection to most of the body. They can also wear head gear like full helms which cover most of the face. Weapons: Knights favor the use of a One Handed Weapon and a Shield at the same time. Although their attack strength may not be great, their strikes are fast and accurate.
  • The first known knights are the Knights of Sosaria. Not much is known about them, except that they strived to be virtuous and chivalrous. They existed before the First Age of Darkness. However, Mondain was able to corrupt most of them, and they became evil knights or dark knights, preying on the unsuspecting travelers. The Stranger had to face several of these corrupted knights in the quest to stop Mondain during Ultima I.
  • The archetypical unit of mediaeval Christendom, the Knight is both a sight to behold and to beware. With a fully caparisoned horse, a full-face helmet and a small but hardy and agile shield, the knight brings glory to your armies and strikes fear in those ill-prepared to face a charge. Knights thus present a powerful shock element that if deployed properly, can deliver a powerful blow against an opposing force, like a sledgehammer against an egg. All this power, however, costs a great deal regardless of how greatly it corrupts its wielders and so players who intend to train these monstrously powerful units must pay attention to their ability to churn out enough ore and coin to equip their men as knights.
  • A knight was a nobility title bestowed by several species, most notably Hydrans and Lyrans. (RIS Bouteina) Hydran individuals could be dubbed (i.e. granted knighthood) if they achieve a rank high enough in the Hydran Royal Navy or the Hydran Civil Service. Individuals that served in the Royal Navy would be granted knighthoods when they achieved the rank of ensign or higher.
  • Sir Gabelthorp (also known as the Guy Who Thinks He's A Knight) is a character who appeared in "Muscle Woman". He apparently built "castles" out of moldy and dirty mattresses in the creek bed in The Park. It was Mordecai and Rigby's job to get rid of him (originally Muscle Man's job). Later, when Starla was destroying The Park, Gabelthorp stepped out and opened up a teleportation hole. He headed back to a place that seemed to have a real castle, so it seems he actually was a real knight from the past, but somehow is in the present.
  • Version A. All STR, meaning right from level 1 to level 15 all strengh.This means you will have the highest attack possible until level 15. Pros:- Highest attack, quicker killing. Cons:- Very Slow Attack- Very low life (meaning you need some pots) Cons:
  • As a Knight you can take on the role of being the tank for the party. You will be at the front taking damage from monsters and dealing damage. You will have good defense, enabling you to shield other members from attacks. You will also have the strength to provide consistent damage against monsters. As a Knight you will wear heavy armor for protection. To fight, you will use Two-Handed Swords and Axes.
  • Knight is a starting class in the series. Knights are centaurs, and possess movement of 7, usually high Hit Points, or Defense. Their Attack statistic varies. Knights are melee based fighters, able to use Lances and Halberds, or Spears for a ranged attack. A small number of Knights can also use limited magic. Knights usually promote into Paladins, although Knights in Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing can be promoted to Pegasus Knights. In Shining Force III, Paladins can be further promoted to the class of Holy Knight.
  • A knight jousting on horseback was briefly visible as the time stream reset itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II ") While visiting the Shore Leave Planet in 2267, Leonard McCoy was temporarily slain by a knight on horseback who had been conjured up in his daydreams. (TOS: "Shore Leave" ) McCoy recalled this two years later when Spock brought it up. (TAS: "Once Upon a Planet") A knight was one of the passengers on the Orient Express holoprogram in 2370. (TNG: "Emergence" ) Patrick Stewart and Judith Anderson both have received honorary knighthoods (Sir and Dame respectively).
  • In the United Kingdom, a knighthood was invested in a ceremony in which the monarch tapped both shoulders of the recipient with a sword. (TV: Tooth and Claw) Both the Fifth and Tenth Doctors were knighted by King John (in reality the android Kamelion) and Queen Victoria respectively. The latter also bestowed the title of "Dame" upon Rose Tyler. (TV: The King's Demons, Tooth and Claw) Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. (TV: The Poison Sky, PROSE: The Dying Days)
  • Knights generally take specific roles depending on the weapon they wield. If they use Cleavers, then a Knight will charge forward if within a reasonable distance from enemies for some melee attacks, but will seek cover if the enemy is too far away. Thus, if facing Cleaver-wielders, it's best to go for a long-range approach to try to defeat them before they can find cover.
  • Knights are one of Regnum Online's defensive subclasses, focusing on melee combat. Warriors that choose to follow the knight subclass gain access to heavier armor, as well as 2 unique disciplines, Vanguard and Shields. Their armor grants them the highest base protection of all classes, which together with their powers can make them tougher to take down. Knights also specialize in using shields, and as a result they also have a chance to block attacks.
  • Swordsmen who have proven their mettle and courage in the heat of battle are carefully observed by the Pronteran Royal Armory. Those showing great potential and skill with their weapon and have shown calm and temperance under pressure are recruited into the ranks of the Knights. Whenever there is trouble and adversity in the kingdom, the Knights, mounted on their loyal Pecopecos, are quick to respond and quell the problem. They engage any enemies with great valor, their tough bodies and armor taking the blows for their comrades while they fire safely from a distance. As sure as their braveness is their invaluableness, and the kingdom is sure to fall if it were not for these Knights in shining armor.
  • The Knight is a human unit that you will be able to create after defeating a single Knight unit. He is a physically-orientated warrior similar to the Fighter, but with greater focus on DEF at the cost of SPD. They are exceptionally proficient at Physical skills with Vital and Healing skills as a notable fallback. Knights can hold their own in head-on combat and are best with physical-type weapons like swords. Daggers can also help to compensate for their low SPD at the cost of attack power.
  • A Knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch for military service to the monarch or country. A respectable occupation in the world of Lore, Knights are capable fighters and defenders of their kingdom, having sworn loyalty to the crown and exhibiting a distinctive chivalry code. Gameplay-wise, a Knight is a Tier 2 Class that requires Fighter Level 10 and encompasses five different armors: one for basic training (as a Squire), and four others for each of the known kingdoms of Lore (Rennd, Granemor, Deren and Stormfallen). A Knight in-training is known as a Squire.
  • The knight is a class from the Player's Handbook II by Wizards of the Coast. Knights are dedicated melee combatants based around protecting other characters, distracting enemies, and high resilience. Their main ability is the "Knight's Challenge," which can boost the morale of allies, goad strong enemies into fighting him or her, and scare weak enemies. Knights must be of lawful alignment and maintain a specific code of conduct.
  • Knights are Warrior NPCs with 480 Health and 80 Armor (+20 vs physical attacks) with a self-heal in the form of Healing Signet. In every GvG battle, two Knights stand near the Guild Lord deep inside the both teams' Guild Halls. Contrary to other NPCs in GvG, Knights are very easy to aggro and lured out of position for relatively easy kills. However, they dish out a fair amount of pressure through degeneration and conditions, and can take down an unsuspecting target. In terms of their skill set, they are but the improved version of a Footman.
  • Knight is a title held by soldiers of the various kingdoms of Albion. Soldiers are normally knights, but may also be mercenaries. This title is denoted by the prefix "Sir" in front of the recipient's given name. The title is usually bestowed by the ruling king but may also be granted by another royal. Knights are bound to a code of honour, known as the 'Knights' Code'.
  • Knights gain their advantage through their skillfull training and well rounded defensive abilities. A Knight's use and understanding of their training allows them to take more damage than anyone else on the battlefield whilst dishing out a range of punishing attacks on their foes. Upon reaching level 40 and after defeating Lavalon, a Knight is promoted to a Paladin.
  • 18
  • 20
  • Hazel
  • Lawful Good
  • Lawful Evil
  • 10
  • Sword swipe
  • *Per Swing *Sword *Charge
  • 2
  • Normal
  • 22
  • 22
  • Tiffi adds two coconut wheels to make the horse move.
  • 100
Shield Animal
  • Lion
fr name
  • Chevalier
Row 9 info
Row 8 info
  • Recruit
  • Soldier
  • 140
  • Reality:
  • Combo effect: When used after Smash, [[#Hard Smash
Row 4 info
  • 8
  • 10
  • High
  • John Jones, Manhunter
  • Phil Morris, Mr. Jones,
  • Level 1 - Hand to Hand
  • Level 10 - Word of Power
  • Level 7 - Heal
  • Level 4 - Rebound
Battle Start
  • Stand strong! To the front!
Row 10 title
  • Icon
  • Factions available
  • Significant Other
  • Spouse/
Row 7 title
  • Alignment
  • Unit move and creation speed
  • Grandchild
  • Cyril Sheldrake
  • no
  • 2800
  • 2940
  • 3080
New Header
  • dbkwik:resource/dDmcBhEzt34lrAUZv49tVQ==
  • dbkwik:resource/o2puUA_IasUt3yfwsK4o0g==
  • Fletcher Heggs (Chessmen); Fletcher Heggs .jpg
  • Hellfire Knights; Hellfire_Knights___001.png
  • Knight Errant; Knight_errant.jpg
  • Knight(Malcolm Knight); Malcolm_Knight_.jpg
  • Knights; Knights_of_the_Round_Table_.jpg
  • Misty Knight; Misty Knight 003.jpg
  • Moon Knight; Moon Knight Vol 6 1 Textless.jpg
  • Raleigh Halward (Chessmen); Raleigh Halward .png
  • Squire; Squire 1.jpg
  • Templar; Ian Fitzwilliam Dare 1.jpg
  • Black Knights; Dane Whitman from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 4 15 0001.jpg
  • *Arabian unique unit Camel Archer replaces. *Spanish unique unit Conquistador replaces.
  • *Chinese unique unit Rider replaces. *Japanese unique unit Samurai replaces. *Indian unique unit War Elephant replaces. Civilization III: Play the World *Mongol unique unit Keshik replaces. *Arabian unique unit Ansar Warrior replaces.
  • 15
Items Needed
  • 5
  • Knight
  • 13.28125
  • 52
skill lv
  • All allies' DEF 50% up / battle start 20% chance
  • All allies' DEF 50% up / battle start 30% chance
pt name
  • Cavaleiro
Row 1 info
  • General
  • Baron
  • Iron Knight
  • Great Knight
  • A knight of Ardougne
  • Agilidad
  • Inteligencia
  • Resistencia
  • Experto en combate armado y desarmado.
  • Gran espadachín
  • Gran ratreador
  • Gagdgets
  • Escapista
Row 8 title
  • Sibling
  • Unit HP
  • Advances from:
  • 80
it name
  • Cavaliere
  • 6
  • 25
  • +6
max hit
  • 6
  • 90
  • 104
  • 126
  • Yes
Nombre del personaje
  • Knight
  • No
  • Knight.PNG
  • 0
Row 4 title
  • Armour
  • Movement
  • Jump
  • Nickname/Alias
Hit points
  • 110
Row 9 title
  • Upgrades
  • Other Relatives:
  • Advances to:
  • Technological requirements/
Podpis pod obrazkiem
  • Knight
  • 15
  • 2
  • +2
  • ??
  • 2
  • Yes
  • D1
ko name
  • 나이트
Row 2 info
  • 4
  • 40
  • Stable
  • Observer/Agent of the CIA/NSA,
  • Active Elder, Actor, Detective
  • Innate Martian/Kryptonian/Psychic
  • Leader/Trainer of Primatech,
  • Ritter
Row 6 info
  • Batman #62
  • 38
Row 1 title
  • Race
  • Types
  • Unit type
  • Powers/Abilities
es name
  • Caballero
  • 1
  • H
Row 5 info
  • 10
  • 120
  • Navy
  • Faora
  • Zod
  • In-Law:
  • Unidentified father,
  • *Pop cost: 1 *Resource cost: 60 link=Resources#Metal|Metal; 50link=Resources#Wealth|Wealth *Ramp cost: 1 link=Resources#Metal|Metal; 1link=Resources#Wealth|Wealth
  • Unidentified father-in-law,
ko romanized
  • Naiteu
  • 8
  • 59
  • +8
  • ??
  • 56
Row 2 title
  • Occupation
  • Built/trained at
  • Cost
  • Remove
  • 18
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! * Yu-Gi-Oh! GX * Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's * Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL * Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V * Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light * Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time
Row 6 title
  • Child
  • Guard
  • Range
  • Level
How to Obtain
  • The Blueprint can be traded at Siege Sunder's page for 3 House of Gauntlets Victory Banners
  • 114
  • 2950
  • 3097
  • 3245
  • His rocking horse can't move.
friendship max
  • I'll stake my pride as a knight on
  • protecting you!
  • True
  • Bill Finger, Bob Kane.
  • C247-Knight.png
  • Full
  • Crunchy-Courtyard.png
  • KnightIcon.png
  • 4
  • Coins
  • Bones
  • 6
  • 8
  • 9
  • 25
  • 60
  • Unknown
  • -
Row 10 info
  • 28
Row 5 title
  • Parent
  • XP
  • Steal
  • Production cost
friendship event
  • I'd like to stay closer to you.
  • If you do not mind...
  • Now I accept you as my Master!
battle end
  • ......Relentless Retreat!
Row 3 info
Attack range
  • Melee
  • Common
  • Common
  • Rare
  • R
  • Epic
  • Ultra Rare
  • Mythic
  • Always
  • Ultra-Rare
Row 3 title
  • Move
  • HP
  • Damage and weapon type
  • Vessel of:
  • no
Critical Chance
  • 5
  • 1
Row 7 info
  • 60
  • ??
  • 1
  • Great, you have returned
  • I shall accompany you!
  • -40
job type
  • 2
job level
  • 50
  • Pecopecoriding.gif
  • Spearmastery.gif
  • Kn_brandishspear.gif
  • Kn_chargeatk.gif
  • Kn_onehand.gif
  • Cavaliermastery.gif
  • Kn_autocounter.gif
  • Kn_bowlingbash.gif
  • Kn_pierce.gif
  • Kn_spearboomerang.gif
  • Kn_spearstab.gif
  • Kn_twohandquicken.gif
t1 change
  • Adds one move only range in horizontal and vertical direction
t3 change
  • The move or attack can now also swap places
t2 change
  • The move only is now move or attack
  • 75
  • Gothador
  • Melee
Box Title
  • Unknown
  • Possibly multiple
  • Dark
  • Light
  • Warrior
  • 60
  • Front
  • 250
  • Lambda Lambda Lambda
  • 105
  • 2000
  • 1
  • 6
  • 7
  • 9
  • 10
  • 30
  • 50
  • Hazel
  • 2800
  • Humanoid Monster
  • 180
  • 22
  • Low fort/ref High will
  • 1.350000
  • 95
  • Guarding,Training
  • 16
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • 34
  • 40
  • 45
  • 50
  • 52
  • 60
  • 75
  • 80
  • Sword General
  • Axe General
  • General
  • *
  • Learnt at Level 10 and above.
  • Learnt at Level 10.
  • File:Defense +2.pngDefense +2
  • File:FE8 Great Knight Map Sprite.gifGreat Knight
  • File:FE14 Generic Great Knight Map Sprite.gifGreat Knight
  • File:FE13 Generic Great Knight Map Sprite.gifGreat Knight
  • *60px
  • File:IndoorBattle.pngIndoor Fighter*Learnt at Level 1.
  • File:Confined Defence.pngNatural Cover*Learnt at Level 1 and above.
  • */%*/%*/%*/%*/%*/%*35%*/%*-*-*-*-
  • */*/*0*/*/*0*/*4*5*/*/* D
  • *20*4*0*0*0*0*8*-*5*9*-* E
  • *21*10*0*7*4*0*11*4*5*12*20* D
  • *22*9*0*6*5*0*11*4*5*12*20* D
  • *40*20*10*20*20*30*20*10*5*/*/* A
  • *40*20*10*20*20*30*20*10*5*12*20* A
  • *40*9*0*5*3*0*10*0*5*-*-* B
  • *80*20*20*20*20*20*20*-*12*20*-* A
  • *80*24*15*20*18*30*25*15*5*-*-* B
  • *85%*55%*15%*50%*55%*30%*40%*20%*-*-*-*-
  • *90%*45%*20%*45%*65%*25%*40%*20%*-*-*-*-
  • /*/*-*/*/*-*/*/*4*/*-* D
  • File:FE13 Generic Knight Map Sprite.gifKnight*Use a File:Master Seal FE13 Icon.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Knight.*File:FE13 General.gifGeneral
  • Axe Armor*Use a File:FE10masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Axe Armor or train a Axe Armor to Level 21.*50px
  • File:FEDS Knight Map Sprite.gifKnight*Use a File:FE11masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Knight.*File:FEDS General Map Sprite.gifGeneral
  • *File:FE8 Knight Map Sprite.gifKnight*Use a File:Knightcrest.gifKnight Crest on a Level 10+ Knight.*File:FE8 General Map Sprite.gifGeneral
  • File:FE14 Generic Knight Map Sprite.gifKnight*Use a File:Master Seal FE13 Icon.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Knight.*File:FE14 Generic General Map Sprite.gifGeneral
  • File:FE8 Knight Map Sprite.gifKnight*Use a File:Knightcrest.gifKnight Crest on a Level 10+ Knight.*File:FE8 General Map Sprite.gifGeneral
  • File:FE8 Recruit Map Sprite.gifRecruit*Automatically at the start of next map after reaching Level 10.*File:FE8 Knight Map Sprite.gifKnight
  • File:FE5 Armoured Axe.gifAxe Armor*Use a File:Knight Proof (FE5).pngKnight Proof on a Level 10+ Knight.*File:FE5 General.gifGeneral
  • File:FE11 Knight Map Sprite.gifKnight*Use a File:FE11masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Knight.*File:FE11 General Map Sprite.gifGeneral
  • Knight*Use a File:FE9masterseal.gifMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Knight.*30px
  • File:FE4 Sword Armor Sprite.gifSword Armor*Choose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.*File:FE4 General Sprite.gifGeneral
  • *File:FE2 Knight Map Icon.gifArmor*Visit a shrine when the appropriate level has been reached.*File:FE2 Baron Map Icon.gifBaron
  • *File:FE2 Soldier Map Icon.gifSoldier*Visit a shrine when the appropriate level has been reached.*File:FE2 Knight Map Icon.gifArmor
  • Lance Armor*Use a File:FE10masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Lance Armor or train a Sword Armor to Level 21.*40px
  • File:FE3 Knight Map Sprite.gifArmor Knight*Use a File:Knight Crest (FE3).pngKnight Crest on a Level 10+ Armor Knight*File:FE3 General Map Sprite.gifGeneral
  • Sword Armor*Use a File:FE10masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Sword Armor or train a Sword Armor to Level 21.*50px
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5
  • Varies
  • 552
  • MP5
  • Sword and Shield
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • JLA #26
  • * Tank
  • 18
  • Blonde
  • -
  • dbkwik:resource/l8o7DeO_WOJQtzHrqcBL6A==
  • Dark Master
  • Knight
  • Knights
  • War
  • Paladin
  • Luther
  • Wolf Knight
  • Templar
  • Phalanx
  • Dual Wield
  • Valor
  • Alastair
  • Grave Knight
  • Scarlett
  • Lance Knight
  • Brian The Lucky
  • Herald of Chaos
  • Winter Knight
  • Rakshanin
  • Brave Clash
  • Devoted Strike
  • Hard Smash
  • Heaven's Breath
  • Armor Up Lv.2
  • Settite Warrior
  • Griffon Knight
  • Knight Coronet
  • Helm Up Lv.2
  • Anti-Archer Lv.2
  • DEF Boost Lv.2
  • Knight's Devotion Boost
  • Sir Gabelthorp
  • 630
  • 880
  • 1275
  • 1.830000
  • しょうぐん
  • 250
  • 80
  • Shougun
  • Kishi
  • Naito
  • A Knight from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
  • Knight concept art for RO.
  • Two Knights
  • "Dark the Hidden Knight" in the artwork of "Revival Knight".
  • Skilled martial artist and Swordsman
  • All troops gain +2 Attack and +4 Armor for having 4 unique Knight troops
  • All troops gain +1 Attack and +2 Armor for having 3 unique Knight troops
  • TBA
  • 4
  • 8
  • 10
  • 25
  • 60
Nintendo Switch friend code (optional)
  • SW-5657-2478-4002
  • No Resist
  • No Resist
  • No Resist
  • No Resist
  • No Resist
  • No Resist
  • No Resist
3DS, Wii U, or both?
  • Currently: link=|25px|NESlink=|30px|SNESlink=|25px|N64link=|30px|GCNlink=|8px|Wiilink=|23px|Switch link=|14px|GBlink=|30px|GBAlink=|20px|DSlink=|17px|3DS Previously: link=|30px|Wii U
  • No Resist
  • No Resist
When did they join?
  • April 2017
  • --
  • Combat Pit
  • Training Room - 36 tiles FX
  • No Resist
  • No Resist
Special Abilities
  • None
Alternate accounts names
  • None
Population points
Base cost
  • 50
Building time
  • 16.300000
Built at
Upgrades from
Ramping cost
  • Special
  • Zło
  • Platform by Spooky Cave
  • 2
  • Prontera
  • * Maces, One-Handed * Maces, Two Handed * Shields * Spears * Swords, One Handed * Swords, Two Handed
  • Knight
  • Physical
  • Holy Warrior
job base
job tier
  • 2
3DS friend code (optional)
  • 5000
  • -
  • See description
  • 52
  • -
Character Name
  • Knight
  • Yes
  • yes
  • I fight proudly!
  • I'm a knight.
  • 60
  • 80
  • 96
  • 100
  • 250
  • 4
  • 14
  • *Chevalier
Other Names
  • ; Greek : Υπότης
  • 24
  • 36
  • 1
  • 2
  • 騎士
  • 28
  • 60
  • File:IronKnight.gifIron Knight
  • File:ArmourKnight.gifArmor Knight*Use a File:Ts-knight-proof.gifKnight Proof on a Level 10+ Armour Knight.*File:General.gifGeneral
  • Free
  • Latest RuneScape News
  • Studious
  • Knight
  • 8
  • yes
  • Found only during an event.
  • Unknown
  • d12
  • To set up Bastions and attack Keeps
  • 4
  • 60
  • 2200
  • 3150
  • 3307
  • 3465
  • File:FE10 Axe.gifAxe
  • File:FE10 Lance.gifLance
  • File:FE10 Sword.gifSword
  • File:FE5 Bow Icon.pngBow
  • All simple and martial weapons
  • no
  • 150
  • 15
  • Sword
  • 30.0
  • Pierce
  • Defend
  • Spear Boomerang
  • Pecopeco Riding
  • Spear Mastery
  • Brandish Spear
  • Charge Attack
  • One-Hand Quicken
  • Cavalier Mastery
  • Spear Stab
  • Auto Counter
  • Bowling Bash
  • Two-Hand Quicken
  • Rank 8
  • TBA
  • All light, medium, and heavy armour, all shields
  • 6
  • Team_Bonus_Type_1.png
  • Team_Bonus_Type_2.png
Real Name
  • Cyril Sheldrake
  • Offensive unit for the House of Gauntlets used in Keeps and against Bastions
  • A chivalrous and proud hearted knight. Wise and courageous, she fights for her lord.
  • 11
  • 12
  • 15
  • 30
  • 36
  • 40
  • -
  • I'll see if you deserve to be my lord!
  • 50
  • Dual Wield.png
  • Knight.png
  • 22
  • 8.700000
  • 30371
  • 30373
  • 70310
  • 70311
  • 70318
  • 0
  • ??
  • none
  • 15
  • 270
  • Crunchy Courtyard
  • 120
  • Guard
  • None
  • dfb20
  • rsb20
  • figi
  • fime
  • fino
  • icgi
  • icme
  • icno
  • wigi
  • wime
  • wino
  • fiom
  • icom
  • wiom
  • atb20
  • inb20
  • 394
  • 22
  • --
  • 100.0
  • 125.0
  • 150.0
  • 175.0
  • 9
  • 75
  • 100
  • 450
  • 1180
  • 1657
  • 2400
  • At least one episode
  • 2002-04-30
Ja Name
  • ナイト
  • 21
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • Military Commander
  • Ability Power 25. Damages all enemies with physical damage. Added effect: 10% chance to blind target for 30 seconds. Target monsters will target you more often.
  • Increases your maximum HP by 60% for 90 seconds.
  • Increases the DEF of all allies by 10% for 60 seconds.
  • Ability Power 130. Damages 1 enemy with physical damage. Added effect: Target monster will target you more often.
  • Ability Power 120. Damages 1 enemy with physical damage. Added effect: Reduces target's ATK by 10% for 40 seconds.
  • Increases DEF of Armor Gear by 4%.
  • Increases DEF by 3%.
  • Increases DEF of Helm Gear by 4%
  • Increases Ability Power for physical/magic attack Abilities used against Archers by 8.
  • Increases effect of "Knight's Devotion" and "Knight's Loyalty" by 10% when a Sword or Axe is equipped in your main weapon slot.
Image File
  • Male
  • 6
  • 950
  • Deva
  • Piece
Unit Type
  • N/A
  • 27
  • 2016
  • 22
wikipage disambiguates
Liczba umiejętności
  • Brak
  • 26
Row 11 info
  • African American
  • 28
  • 26
Row 13 info
  • 37
  • 29
  • 15
Row 12 title
  • Status:
Attack strength
  • 16
  • 15
Upgrades To
  • 15
Row 12 info
  • Alive
Line of Sight
  • 7
  • 26
  • 15
  • 540
  • 750
  • 10
  • +10
  • ??
  • 29
  • 4
  • +4
Movement Speed
  • 31
  • 15
  • 26
  • 29
Row 11 title
  • Nationality/Race:
  • 23
  • 15
  • 28
  • 18
  • 2
  • 3
  • Yes
  • A Black Knight and Turncoat Spell
  • 17
  • 12
Proficiency required
  • 60
  • 100
  • 125
  • 250
  • 400
  • 600
  • Wall in Budehuc Castle
New Header1
  • dbkwik:resource/cpp5RfqEfNQUB9hmcmVsPg==
  • Basil Thorpe (Chessmen); Basil_Thorpe__001.png
  • Black Knights; Black Knight III 001.gif
  • Fletcher Heggs (Chessmen); Fletcher Heggs .jpg
  • Hellfire Knights; Hellfire_Knights___001.png
  • Knight(Malcolm Knight); Malcolm_Knight_.jpg
  • Misty Knight; Misty Knight 003.jpg
  • Raleigh Halward (Chessmen); Raleigh Halward .png
  • Squire; No Image Male.jpg
  • Templar; No Image Male.jpg
  • Knight Errant(Dane Whitman clone); Knight_errant.jpg
  • Knight Errant(William Matson); Knight_Errant_001.jpg
New Header1
  • dbkwik:resource/1eJ_YKQW9S9teHL6tngwnw==
  • Basil Thorpe (Chessmen); Basil_Thorpe__001.png
  • Black Knights; Black Knight III 001.gif
  • Fletcher Heggs (Chessmen); Fletcher Heggs .jpg
  • Hellfire Knights; Hellfire_Knights___001.png
  • Knight(Malcolm Knight); Malcolm_Knight_.jpg
  • Misty Knight; Misty Knight 003.jpg
  • Raleigh Halward (Chessmen); Raleigh Halward .png
  • Squire; No Image Male.jpg
  • Templar; No Image Male.jpg
  • Knight Errant(Dane Whitman clone); Knight_errant.jpg
  • Knight Errant(William Matson); Knight_Errant_001.jpg
  • ~
  • ~
  • N/A
  • 2
  • d10
  • [[wikia:c:Freeciv:Knights
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • |-|Bestiary= |-|Misc= Ancient of Wonders • Battle Arena • Bazaar Goods • Difficulty • Experience • Known Bugs • Mystery Note • Chocobo Breeding • Treasure Location |-|Categories= • |}
  • Place in: Wall in Budehuc Castle Found in: Price:
  • Swordsmen who have proven their mettle and courage in the heat of battle are carefully observed by the Pronteran Royal Armory. Those showing great potential and skill with their weapon and have shown calm and temperance under pressure are recruited into the ranks of the Knights. Whenever there is trouble and adversity in the kingdom, the Knights, mounted on their loyal Pecopecos, are quick to respond and quell the problem. They engage any enemies with great valor, their tough bodies and armor taking the blows for their comrades while they fire safely from a distance. As sure as their braveness is their invaluableness, and the kingdom is sure to fall if it were not for these Knights in shining armor. The Knight class is one of the jobs a Swordsman can choose from upon reaching at least Job Level 50. The Swordsman's sturdiness is increased as he or she becomes a Knight, gaining access to the highest base HP of the non-transcended characters. They are able to rent Pecopecos as mounts, increasing their movement speed and their carrying capacity. They also gain a lot of offensive skills for spears and two-handed swords, making available to them the strongest physical mob control skills.
  • Knights are Hero units encountered in Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2.
  • The Knight is a vanilla Champion unit from the game of chess. It is the only vanilla piece with the ability to skip over pieces. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
  • Android Mike Vincent and Kevin Keene both encountered a giant Knight in the castle entryway while racing through Castlevania. The android used his Power Pad to jump over it and ran down the hall to escape, but Kevin used the spears the Knight threw to take a shortcut. He dodged the first two, then used his Power Pad to jump on top of a spear that got stuck in the wall. The Knight threw more spears at Kevin, which he climbed like stairs to reach a doorway.
  • Cyril Sheldrake or Knight was the Batman of England along with his sidekick Squire.
  • Sir Gabelthorp (also known as the Guy Who Thinks He's A Knight) is a character who appeared in "Muscle Woman". He apparently built "castles" out of moldy and dirty mattresses in the creek bed in The Park. It was Mordecai and Rigby's job to get rid of him (originally Muscle Man's job). Later, when Starla was destroying The Park, Gabelthorp stepped out and opened up a teleportation hole. He headed back to a place that seemed to have a real castle, so it seems he actually was a real knight from the past, but somehow is in the present. He appeared again in "Ace Balthazar Lives", where he was believed to be Ace Balthazar by Mordecai and Rigby. They then tried to remodel his appearance and personality to be more like Ace. The duo eventually succeeded and even got him to perform a concert. However, the ghost of the real Ace Balthazar appeared and showed his disapproval of the faker. After Sir Gabelthorp proved his crashing prowess, Ace finally approved him and let him perform. However, he could only play lute music and was booed off the stage, so the ghost performed instead. Sir Gabelthorp then enjoyed Ace's music so much that he used his magic ring to open a portal to his home, Kingdonia, and summoned his fellow knights and the Eggscellent Knight to party with him at the concert. He is later seen in "The Thanksgiving Special" performing in his Ace Bathazar style with other celebrites, and is later seen celebrating thanksgiving with the park employees and their families, although he isn't wearing his Ace Balthazar clothing.
  • Knights are masters of weapons, shielding and hand-to-hand combat. They have greater brute strength than other vocations and are able to carry more equipment and items at any given level. As a result of their focus on physical skills, knights are severely lacking in magical abilities.
  • Knights are traditionally horse-mounted warriors of the Alliance and the kingdoms of humanity. They are usually humans, although other factions have knights as well such as the elves. Aside from champions, the knight is the warrior elite of humanity, especially of the Alliance, the best of the normal troops thus among the most feared. Many famous human warriors were knights such as Sir Anduin Lothar, regent of Stormwind and commander of the Alliance forces during the second war. For centuries they have been the bane of many enemies, the legendary Orgrim Doomhammer the warchief who fell Lothar was killed by a human knight, the orc Nekros Skullcrusher lost his leg to a knight. They typically form ranks and charge, which cause devastating effect on the battlefield. This proud young man carries himself as if he were the lord of the battlefield. Resplendent in his (probably hereditary) armor, he spends much of his time testing the balance of his lance and speaking with his horse. A knight's most favored weapons are the sword and mace and even axes (as equipped by Grand Marshall Garithos). Knights appeared as units on the human or Alliance side in Warcraft I, Warcraft II, and Warcraft III. When one becomes a knight, he is given the title "Sir" in front of his name. An armored knight on his charger with his cape flowing is an icon of the might of the human armies. They also symbolise respect and honour among the humans, this is demonstrated by Sir Rufus Montaine, as he was the one who taught the present Warchief of the Horde, Thrall, of respect the first time. Paladins are also called knights, though they differ from their brothers in arms; many if not most rose from the ranks of former knights. They are even referred as Holy Knights. Like knights, some paladins also have the title of "sir", though this could also be because they have rose up from the ranks of former knights.
  • The Knight discipline is one of the many weapon sets available for custom characters and NPCs in Chronicles of the Sword mode in Soulcalibur III. The Lance is commonly used by Knights, as well as the Great Sword. Most NPC Knights in Soulcalibur III sport heavy armor, and many important characters within the story are Knights (see below). Some Knights in Chronicles of the Sword mode ride on horseback, wielding lances and moving significantly faster than units on foot. Horseback movement is only available to those NPC Knights. Soul of Siegfried and Soul of Raphael are available only to Knights. Overall, the Knight discipline favors using Rapiers and Zweihanders. "An unrelenting guardian with iron resolve hidden behind heavy armor. Wields a sword of unwavering pride and conviction, perserving against all odds." This style has the highest vitality rate out of all the other disciplines.
  • Red Knight: He resembles a huscarl. He wears a red Helmet with face mask that covers to his nose, horns, and carries a sheild made of metal with red in front of it. When he reaches level 99, his face mask becomes gold along with his armor and shield. Blue Knight: He resemble a English knight with leather slacks. He wears a blue helmet and he carries a shield that shows three lions in front of it. When he reaches level 70, he wears a face mask, and when he reaches level 99 his face mask becomes gold, along with metal parts of his armor and shield. Yellow Knight: He resembles a Arabian Mamluk. He wears yellow armor and robes and carries a shield with a golden sun on it. His armor changes are similar to the other colors at both level 70 and 99. Green Knight: He resembles a Pictish knight. He wears plated armor on one side with a bronze curaiss and, unlike the other knights, carries a circular shield with eroded green accents. At level 99, his armor and shield gain gold accents.
  • Knight is the minor character of Rugrats that he is voiced by Jesse Corti.
  • Knight is an enemy in Spyro: Shadow Legacy; a tall humanoid shaped creature with a sword and shield. Even more armoured than Shelly, this creature requires his armour to be destroyed first with a tail attack before you can do real damage. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro.
  • There are three knights:White Knights,Black Knights and Void Knights.All three of these have 25hp,are warriors,are human,are male and come from gods avalible to free players.Only the first two are actually avalible to free players,however.They are all level 2 and cost 250 mana,though the Void Knight is better than both other knights in that it is faster and has the forestwalk ability of all Guthix units
  • Les chevaliers sont de valeureux guerriers qui manient l'épée pour défendre leurs idéaux. Ils peuvent porter un bouclier et utiliser la plupart des armes à une main (épées, dagues, haches, maces). Les chevaliers peuvent remplacer leur bouclier par une dague, ils peuvent ainsi combattre avec deux armes et gagner en vitesse et puissance d'attaque.
  • The first known knights are the Knights of Sosaria. Not much is known about them, except that they strived to be virtuous and chivalrous. They existed before the First Age of Darkness. However, Mondain was able to corrupt most of them, and they became evil knights or dark knights, preying on the unsuspecting travelers. The Stranger had to face several of these corrupted knights in the quest to stop Mondain during Ultima I. At some point after that, virtuous knights started to reappear. When Lord British united Sosaria into Britannia, some of these knights left with the group from Montor, and established themselves in Monitor, in the Serpent Isle. They became the Knights of Monitor, and constantly competed for the title of Knight Champion. However, over time their ideals were corrupted by infighting between three groups and the temptations of power. Other knights stayed, and with them Lord British formed the Order of the Silver Serpent, containing only the best knights. In recognition to their outstanding service, the order was given the fortress of Serpent's Hold in the Isle of Deeds. The Order was based on the principle of Courage, striving to excel in all the Virtues related to that principle. The Order became the most renowned organization of knights from Ultima IV onwards. During the time of Ultima Underworld, Sir Cabirus formed a new order, the Knights of the Crux Ansata, to give order to the Abyss colony he founded. However, after the colony was destroyed, the order was not heard of again. It is not known if there are other knightly orders in Britannia. At least another world, Ashtalarea, also has knights. Seggallion from Ultima VI was a knight from that world.
  • Knight was a title of Earth's medieval history, often portrayed in Human literature as the "hero" character. José Tyler likened James T. Kirk to a knight, rushing off to save the day. (TOS novel: The Rift) Hydrans knighted all officers from the moment they became cadets. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command (game))
  • Knights are greatest defenders of kingdoms all over the world of Daventry.
  • Knight can refer to: * the fast charging mounted knight (Stronghold Crusader), * the sturdy sword-wielding knight (Stronghold 2), * the durable Crusader knight (Stronghold Crusader 2).
  • The Knight is a human unit that you will be able to create after defeating a single Knight unit. He is a physically-orientated warrior similar to the Fighter, but with greater focus on DEF at the cost of SPD. They are exceptionally proficient at Physical skills with Vital and Healing skills as a notable fallback. Knights can hold their own in head-on combat and are best with physical-type weapons like swords. Daggers can also help to compensate for their low SPD at the cost of attack power. They have a low-average confinement time and an average movement range that falls just below that of a Fighter. It's possible to teach them healing skills as a means of support, but their low RES doesn't reflect their skill in Healing arts very well. Their female equivalent is the Amazon. [Notable Passive] Healing Steps: This passive will allow the unit recover a percentage of their HP whenever it is their turn. (Passive Level% = amount of HP recovered). Example; Level 99 Healing Steps will recover 99% of the unit's HP. [1]
  • Sword Heroes can only attack one enemy at a time, but have a shield to defend themselves from their foes' attacks, unlike other Heroes. They are the only main class that can use a shield, which gives them excellent defense. Wielding sword and shield, you are gifted with high defense and vitality. Your Flame Sword magic deals scorching damage to a single foe. A melee character cannot attack enemies in the air. There is also a Knight mercenary.
  • The knight is a class from the Player's Handbook II by Wizards of the Coast. Knights are dedicated melee combatants based around protecting other characters, distracting enemies, and high resilience. Their main ability is the "Knight's Challenge," which can boost the morale of allies, goad strong enemies into fighting him or her, and scare weak enemies. Knights must be of lawful alignment and maintain a specific code of conduct. In Eberron, knights would tend to be from the upper classes, perhaps even bearing the noble ir' prefix to their name. The could be from any of the Five Nations. However, they would be unlikely to hail from Xen'drik, Lhazaar Principalities, Mror Holds, Darguun, Droaam, Shadow Marches, Eldeen Reaches or the Demon Wastes.
  • A knight is a member of the warrior class of the Middle Ages in Europe who followed a code of law called "chivalry". In other Indo-European languages, cognates of cavalier or rider are more prevalent (e.g., French chevalier and German Ritter), suggesting a connection to the knight's mode of transport. Since antiquity a position of honour and prestige has been held by mounted warriors such as the Greek hippeus and the Roman eques, and knighthood in the Middle Ages was inextricably linked with horsemanship. The British legend of King Arthur was popularised throughout Europe in the Middle Ages by the cleric Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Historia Regum Britanniae ("History of the Kings of Britain"), written in the 1130s. Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur ("The Death of Arthur"), written in 1485, was important in defining the ideal of chivalry which is essential to the modern concept of the knight as an elite warrior sworn to uphold the values of faith, loyalty, courage, and honour. During the Renaissance, the genre of chivalric romance became popular in literature, growing ever more idealistic and eventually giving rise to a new form of realism in literature popularised by Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote. This novel explored the ideals of knighthood and their incongruity with the reality of Cervantes' world. In the late medieval period, new methods of warfare began to render classical knights in armour obsolete, but the titles remained in many nations. Some orders of knighthood, such as the Knights Templar, have themselves become the object of legend; others have disappeared into obscurity. Today, a number of orders of knighthood continue to exist in several countries, such as the English Order of the Garter, the Swedish Royal Order of the Seraphim, and the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav. Each of these orders has its own criteria for eligibility, but knighthood is generally granted by a head of state to selected persons to recognise some meritorious achievement.
  • A vocação knight é conhecida como a vocação da força e destreza. É a vocação mais usada no início por ser mais fácil, mas não é assim, ele tem uma cura menor que a de um mago mesmo sua poções curando-o muito ele pode morrer facilmente levando um combo e seu nivel de magia aumenta muito lentamente o fazendo algumas de suas magias terem pouco ataque/cura
  • The keima or knight is one of the stranger pieces. It jumps one square up and one square northwest or northeast every move. A knight promotes to a Gold General. It must promote if it reaches a point where it can no longer move.
  • A Knight is a level 2 Humans unit. It is promoted from Horsemen and can be promoted to a Paladin or Grand Knight. It has the Charge skill, which allows it to double its damage when attacking, but this also doubles the damage of the enemy's counterattack.
  • knightnw.jpg knight.jpg knightkoryo.jpg Resources to build 1 Knight. Very good against: Scout, Musketeer (Archer) Good against: Genoese Crossbowman (Marksman), Rodelero (Swordsman) Bad against: Landsknecht (Swordbrother), German Heavy Knight (Teutonic Knight), Halberdier (Royal Guard) Very bad against: Pikeman, Battering Ram (Ram), Mortar (Catapult), Heavy Halberdier (Heavy Royal Guard)
  • The Knight is one of the player roles in NetHack. Knights are always lawful humans. According to the guidebook: Knights are distinguished from the common skirmisher by their devotion to the ideals of chivalry and by the surpassing excellence of their armor.
  • Al nivel 60, un Mercenary puede pasar a la siguiente clase, y puede elegir entre ser un Knight (기사 Caballero) o un Blade. Al llegar al nivel 130 puede cambiar a la tercera y última clase, el Templar. Los Knights son fuertes guerreros, protectores de Madrigal, los cuales normalmente poseeen mucha defensa, y muchos puntos de vida (Stamina - Sta). Su ataque es fuerte, pero lento en cuanto a ataques de cuerpo a cuerpo.
  • Die Knights (Ritter) sind eine Minion-Art, welche an mercenary camps gefunden werden kann. Kategorie:Diener
  • A knight is a follower who has been placed on a city.
  • Cameron Mitchell fought a holographic image of a knight in the caverns of Avalon, and won after having a tough battle. (SG1: "Avalon, Part 1")
  • Knights are more geared towards sword and spear techniques and are trained to endure larger amounts of damage. They mainly serve the king of Rune-Midgarts and are the first line of defense for the kingdom.
  • A unused unit from the Middle Earth mod
  • When Samus arrives on the graveyard planet, he slices in half a "zombie" (actually a robot) that had formed out of the un-Deadly Six Stars, believing that these "toys" would not defeat Samus successfully. Knight was then attacked by Joey, but rather than fight back Knight encouraged Joey to leave the area. Knight demonstrates that he has a strong moral complex. Knight then challenged Samus to a battle, where he is incredibly fast despite his massive build. Knight displays to Samus a "secret technique" of his, Guillotine Blast, which manages to get the best of her. Knight is last seen challenging Samus to continue fighting him. Bishop, Greed's general of knowledge and Knight's companion, betrays Knight and detonates a bomb he had left as a contingency plan, in an attempt to kill Joey and Diesel and take Samus to Greed himself. Knight spares them, as he was not ordered to kill them, but warns that he will not do so a second time. He leaves them while noting that while the wounds on his back would heal, the wounds on his heart never would.
  • Knights are the Tier 4 fighter class of choice for those who wish to strike a balance between damage and defense. Knights have access to multiple area of effect skills, as well as many buffs that increase their ability to deal damage more efficiently. Along with these damage buffs, Knights also have access to defensive skills. This mix of offense and defense allows knights to solo quite effectively. Knights tend to prefer using one-handed weapons in conjunction with shields.
  • Covenant Unit Regular Assault Knight
  • File:Quake1.gif In Quake, a Knight is an armored Monster that wields a sword. It only has melee attacks, but it is quick and can easily catch you if you're not careful. The Knight is only found in levels which are predominantly Medieval themed.
  • Elesis is feared by her enemies for her powerful attack skills that instantly wipe out entire groups of monsters. She leads her team at the front line of battle, advancing against enemies while defending her allies against enemy Archers and Mages. When she charges her enemies, they go down without having a chance to retaliate. Elesis has 80% more defense points against Archer’s arrows, and suffers the least amount of delay among the Grand Chase members when inflicted with powerful damage from enemies.
  • As one of the jobs Holy Warriors can become, Knights are focused entirely on expanding defensive combat. This means that they expand on the tanking aspects of Holy Warriors. __TOC__
  • Knight is the second Class from the Soldier Base Class. Players can attain this class upon completing the Soldier Growth Ring.
  • A Knight was a Warrior of a privileged class.Especially a Noble who has the right to fight from Horseback and may be a local Lord or Landowner. In Middle-Earth Knight may refer to: * a Roquen Inor of Arthedain * a Dragon-Knight (Loke Innas Rim) * the Elnaith or Elven-Knights * a Morgûl-Knight * a northron Driug * a Rider of the Mark or "Ridder" * a Númenórean Roquen * a Sihad of the Haruze
  • Knight is a member of Rainbow Team Bravo.
  • Knight is a monster.
  • Knight is an elf.
  • Knight o Knight el Poderoso (The Powered Knight en inglés) es un general del Cuerpo de Greed. Aparece en el manga Metroid EX: Samus y Joey.
  • Though Knight is portrayed as heroic and kind hearted, most of his character is left up to interpretation, much like other silent protagonists such as Link from The Legend of Zelda series. It is clear that he cares about others, particularly his companions. Shortly after Knight leaves Baby in the Cave of Fear at the behest of the Mayor , He 'talks' to Nehani, and states that he wishes to go back for Baby, regretting what he did. He does this despite the specific orders of the mayor, showing that Knight is also not afraid of defying authority.
  • Knights, or Royal Soldiers, are the protectors of Knighton.
  • THIS PLACE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • The Knight is a boss found in Breath of Fire
  • The Knight is a car available in Midnight Club II.
  • The Knight is a feature of Fighting Fantasy canon.
  • Vinster och förnyelser
  • In the United Kingdom, a knighthood was invested in a ceremony in which the monarch tapped both shoulders of the recipient with a sword. (TV: Tooth and Claw) Both the Fifth and Tenth Doctors were knighted by King John (in reality the android Kamelion) and Queen Victoria respectively. The latter also bestowed the title of "Dame" upon Rose Tyler. (TV: The King's Demons, Tooth and Claw) Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. (TV: The Poison Sky, PROSE: The Dying Days) During the crusades, knights were the primary leaders of the English forces. While fighting Saladin, Richard I of England was frequently surrounded by knights whom he held in high regard. He knighted Ian Chesterton while in Palestine. (TV: The Crusade)
  • But what about the knights that choose not to stay at court and stay with their ruler? They can become a knight for hire, mercenaries with a noble title, or as is happening more often, they may join some knightly order like the Order of the Flaming Rose.
  • The Knight had several unique moves: Quietly approaching his target, the Knight unsheathes his greatsword, before he knocks their legs from underneath them with the side of his weapon. As they make contact with the ground, he hacks his sword into his victim's back, severing their spine and leaving them to bleed, following which he pulls his weapon out and stores it away. Casually walking up to his target, the Knight pulls out his sword and strikes them in the forehead with its hilt. He then takes advantage of their defenselessness by piercing his victim's stomach with the weapon and withdrawing it quickly, watching them crumple to the floor, dead. Walking over to his target from behind, the Knight removes his sword from his belt, before he chops downward into their shoulder. He then roughly slashes his sword through their body while he quickly pulls it out, providing his victim with a large fatal wound, before the Knight lets them collapse to the floor and succumb to their injuries. Stealthily approaching his target from behind, the Knight draws his greatsword, before slashing it horizontally across his target's spine, causing them to go weak at the knees. He then follows through with his attack by wedging his blade into the right of his victim's abdomen, and proceeds to free his greatsword by forcing his victim forwards with his foot, the sword slashing through their side along the way. Rushing towards his target, the Knight clotheslines them in the neck with his arm, making them topple onto their back. He then firmly stabs his sword into their chest and lets it go, before grabbing it with his other hand and pulling it out, taking the time to sheath his blade while his victim bleeds profusely, their heart pierced. Running at his target from behind, the Knight spins with great momentum, before chopping them in the waist with his weapon, getting his greatsword lodged in their flesh. Forcefully, he slashes through their body with a mighty swing, dislodging his sword and spinning them in the process. Afterwards, while his victim lays dead on the ground, the Knight stores his greatsword back at his belt. Nearing his seated target, the Knight stabs them in the chest, before lifting them from the bench and to the side. While they feebly grasp at the blade, they eventually go limp, and the Knight then pulls back the sword quickly, withdrawing the weapon and making his victim fall from its tip. Grabbing his seated target's foot, the Knight drags them off the bench until their head rests against it. Before they can do anything to defend themselves, he forcefully kicks them in the face, violently sending their head backwards and breaking his victim's neck on the bench behind them. Leaping onto his unfortunate target from above, the Knight crashes into them with gravity aiding his heavy armor, before removing his greatsword from his waist and forcibly chopping downwards into the middle of their head. Following this, as the Knight rips his weapon out his victim, he replaces his greatsword at his waist. Leaping from above, the Knight unsheathes his sword in mid-air. As he lands on his hapless target, knocking them to the ground, he roughly impales their heart with the tip of his greatsword before leaving his victim to die from blood loss.
  • The basic rank in a Knight Order. [More coming soon]
  • A prefix title awarded to crusaders who complete their wisdom AA line.
  • The archetypical unit of mediaeval Christendom, the Knight is both a sight to behold and to beware. With a fully caparisoned horse, a full-face helmet and a small but hardy and agile shield, the knight brings glory to your armies and strikes fear in those ill-prepared to face a charge. Knights thus present a powerful shock element that if deployed properly, can deliver a powerful blow against an opposing force, like a sledgehammer against an egg. All this power, however, costs a great deal regardless of how greatly it corrupts its wielders and so players who intend to train these monstrously powerful units must pay attention to their ability to churn out enough ore and coin to equip their men as knights. Not all factions recruit knights for heavy cavalry. however — Muslim and Asian factions however do not recruit knights, but instead recruit heavy lancers to do the bidding of their masters, which may or may not follow the same ethos of honour and service to a lord or strongman. By the end of the 10th century, European magnates had realised that a man on horseback with a spear moves faster than one on foot, making him far more useful, and soon heavily armed horsemen began to take precedence over elite footmen. Even the Viking kingdoms soon learnt to use cavalry to their advantage, with their Gallicised Norman descendents soon learning to transport horses by ship to where they were needed. The cost of raising horse and rider and then arming them however was problematic to the extreme in the mostly agrarian societies of Dark Age Europe, and so it was that only people of means could furnish cavalry units to fight for their kings, meaning the ruling aristocracy (and in more modern times, yeomen as well). These aristocrats were often landowners and in good time evolved into the warrior known to us as the knight, and were often found in the most warlike of societies. The French, Russians and Hungarians had good lands that allowed for the rise of an efficient feudal society to sustain a heavy cavalry tradition, a system that was soon adopted by the increasingly strapped-for-cash Byzantines, whose lands covered present-day Italy and the Balkans. Although knights were often expected to be landowners, not all of them were always sufficiently rich to do so, much less afford the sums required for maintenance of their equipment and mounts — the very embodiment of their own livelihoods. Towards the Modern Era, feudalism increasingly fell out of favour, and many knights, especially in Germany, were soon forced into becoming bandits or selling their services as mercenaries. Such a warrior, independent of land, custom and even fealty, were often called "Freelancers", and they were not only recruited by most European factions but were also raised by Muslim Moors who had contacts with their Christian counterparts in Spain.
  • Knight is the English term for an Uncyclopedian social position. In the High and Late Middle Ages, the first duty of a knight was to lead a heavy cavalry of n00blets against the ever-present onslaught of crud. More recently, knighthood has been a title of honour, given to a more diverse class of users, from those who'd never stoop to soil their fingernails by even touching something that another person wrote, to those whose ability to write is the subject of much debate, but who really enjoy deleting everything they see (though their ability to read is the subject of much debate).
  • In Elona+, can be evolved into a Checkmate using an , gaining 20 strength, 20 magic, 10 speed, and a new sprite.
  • Knight was an inmate in Fox River State Penitentiary, he was mentioned by Bellick during a roll call.
  • Knights are available to all civilizations except for the Aztecs, Incas, Indians, and Mayans.
  • Knight labeled The Manipulative Jerk was a character on Total Drama: Around the World.
  • High strength, high movement rate, and a decent withdrawal rate combine to form a strong utility unit. There is no best use for a Knight, it's the fact that they can do many things so well that make them so valuable.
  • selengkapnya baca disini kawan:)
  • A Knight is a mailable Rank 8 Item used to set up Bastions and to attack Keeps. It is regarded as a House of Gauntlets Item.
  • Knights are holy or unholy champions, masters of combat and weapons of their deity.
  • Knights were trained as warriors. They hail from noble stock, and adhere to the code of chivalry. The most important skills to them are: Long Blade, Etiquette, Blunt Weapon, Axe, Archery, and Short Blade.
  • Knights (ナイト, Naito) are members of the Chivalric Order, they are charged with killing Devils, Fallen Angels, Demonic Creatures, along with other monstrous creatures that can potentially harm Humans. They vary from normal human beings or the descendants of Heroes (mainly Knights).
  • Knight is a starting class in the series. Knights are centaurs, and possess movement of 7, usually high Hit Points, or Defense. Their Attack statistic varies. Knights are melee based fighters, able to use Lances and Halberds, or Spears for a ranged attack. A small number of Knights can also use limited magic. Knights usually promote into Paladins, although Knights in Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing can be promoted to Pegasus Knights. In Shining Force III, Paladins can be further promoted to the class of Holy Knight. Though they have a high movement stat, Knights are slowed heavily by mountain and forest terrain.
  • Knight is an earned title in Melanie Rawn's fantasy novels of the Dragon Prince and Dragon Star Trilogies.
  • The Knight class is the most-powerful fighting class recommended for new users to start with. Knights focus on hand to hand combat and are able to use the strongest equipment.
  • The Knight (正騎士) is a promoted class among the Gralsritter of the Septian Church. In addition to retrieving artifacts, they are also tasked with supporting the Dominion they have been assigned to.
  • Los Knights son los maestros de armas, shielding y combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Ellos tienen más fuerza bruta que otras vocaciones y son capaces de llevar mas equipo y elementos a cualquier nivel. Como resultado de su enfoque en las habilidades físicas, los Knight son muy deficientes en habilidades mágicas.
  • A Knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch for military service to the monarch or country. A respectable occupation in the world of Lore, Knights are capable fighters and defenders of their kingdom, having sworn loyalty to the crown and exhibiting a distinctive chivalry code. Gameplay-wise, a Knight is a Tier 2 Class that requires Fighter Level 10 and encompasses five different armors: one for basic training (as a Squire), and four others for each of the known kingdoms of Lore (Rennd, Granemor, Deren and Stormfallen). Primarily, its Trainer is Sir Tahtlin, a Pria Knight from the Kingdom of Rennd, who also teaches his oreder's advanced skills. However, to learn another Kingdom's class skills, it is necessary to train under General Herous, Head Knight of Granemor, Deren's Second Knight Cerin, or Tyranna, warrior Queen of Stormfallen. A Knight in-training is known as a Squire.
  • Knights gain their advantage through their skillfull training and well rounded defensive abilities. A Knight's use and understanding of their training allows them to take more damage than anyone else on the battlefield whilst dishing out a range of punishing attacks on their foes. Upon reaching level 40 and after defeating Lavalon, a Knight is promoted to a Paladin. In battle, Knights take advantage of their high HP and defense to survive on the battlefield without the help of potions or healers, their lack of DPS skills makes them suitable for the job of cleaner on mission maps, taking care of mobs left behind by the AoEer so the party does not get delayed. In boss rooms their best job is to kill the mini-boss, be the tanker, distracting the main boss while party members attack or just stand there in front of the boss and do spear jab. Generally, Knights prove to be among the best classes at Solo-play PvE, Since in PvE it's much easier to land a successful Spear jab and Shoulder tackle-Storm blade combo, Making them deal massive damage while still being able to tank hits better than any other class. In PvP, Knights can shine thanks to 2 specials skills, Revenge and Impervion, Skills which allow the knight to survive a long time in PvP returning damage and avoiding knockdowns. A Knight is still a good PvP Class, thanks to skills such as: Sword Dance, Storm Blade, SPEAR JAB, and Aeriel Smack down. * High defence * Excellent solo leveling capabilities * High hp * Recommended class for beginners. * Decent damage due to the skill "Spear Jab" * Faster normal attack than gladiator * All of his damaging abilities have CC effects on them. * Lower damage than gladiator * Low mp * Hard to land their skills in PvP
  • Knights sind 2nd-Job-Charaktere des Mercenary. Im Nahkampfbereich sind sie besonders berüchtigt für ihre starke Defensive, sowie für ihre große Anzahl an HP. Unterstützt wird dies durch ihre Rüstung, die die Verteidigung von Knights oft noch zusätzlich verstärkt.Der Knight ist eher als Aoe-Klasse vorgesehen dank der hohen Verteidigung. Auf dem Bild sehen Sie einen weiblichen (links) und einen männlichen (rechts) Knight.Beide in der 75iger Rüstung.
  • Knights are a charismatic melee class. Knights are significantly lacking in power compared to other classes and are difficult to roleplay or even fight with them, due to their strict morality code. Thus new players are advised not to try this class. Although they are below average as a whole, they can be challenging with some optimization touches.
  • Knight is a Rainbow operative that helps Bishop and Bravo Team in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 co-op mode. Knight is never a mentioned in the campaign itself and is simply there for cooperative uses.
  • The British legend of King Arthur, popularised throughout Europe in the Middle Ages by Geoffrey of Monmouth in his Historia Regum Britanniae ("History of the Kings of Britain") written in the 1130s, and Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur (The Death of Arthur) written in 1485, were important in defining the ideal of chivalry which is essential to the European ideal of the knight as an elite warrior sworn to uphold the values of faith, loyalty, courage and honour such as Knights Templar.
  • A knight was a nobility title bestowed by several species, most notably Hydrans and Lyrans. (RIS Bouteina) Hydran individuals could be dubbed (i.e. granted knighthood) if they achieve a rank high enough in the Hydran Royal Navy or the Hydran Civil Service. Individuals that served in the Royal Navy would be granted knighthoods when they achieved the rank of ensign or higher. Lyran knights were granted their nobility title by letters patent (such as winning the final phase of the Lyran Imperial Science Fair Tournament) and, also, when they were granted command of a ship of the line. (RIS Bouteina: "Degree of Liberty")
  • ( Hier ben ik mee bezig hij is dus nog niet 100% compleet tot nu toe naar schatting: 35%)
  • The knight is a defensive fighter also gifted with magical powers.
  • There are many ways for a Knight to level up. They can practice on training dummies, spar with other guards, go hunting in the forest, and plenty of other things. Perhaps, the most efficient way to level up early is to Practice Military Strategy on the table in the upper part of the barracks. It gives about 12 experience points every so often, plus, a positive buff is given after practicing which raises focus significantly. A Knight has many responsibilities in the kingdom. All of these raise XP and give the hero a positive buff that raises focus. A few of these responsibilities include, feeding the beast, dueling challengers, paying taxes, and all sorts of other knightly things.
  • A knight jousting on horseback was briefly visible as the time stream reset itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II ") While visiting the Shore Leave Planet in 2267, Leonard McCoy was temporarily slain by a knight on horseback who had been conjured up in his daydreams. (TOS: "Shore Leave" ) McCoy recalled this two years later when Spock brought it up. (TAS: "Once Upon a Planet") A knight was one of the passengers on the Orient Express holoprogram in 2370. (TNG: "Emergence" ) In 2374, Jack referred to Weyoun as a "Dark Knight" that couldn't be controlled by "The Pretender" (Damar) (DS9: "Statistical Probabilities") Patrick Stewart and Judith Anderson both have received honorary knighthoods (Sir and Dame respectively).
  • The Knight is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. It uses lances, which has the same range as the Whipper but has lower average damage. Knights can have high LP. They also wield a shield.
  • A Malkioni Caste established by Hrestol * Originally meant "Men of All". * Most modern knights are soldiers or landowners. * They are mystical warriors
  • Knight is a possible crossbreed son of Melantha and Naldo on Ptero. His twin brother is Mourning. He and Mourning were last seen heading in the direction of Dawn and Eve in the Castle Roogna on Ptero.
  • Knights are brave and noble warriors who have taken an oath to defend the innocent from the Maelstrom. Their determination and armor make knights virtual walls. The Sentinel Knight posseses the strongest defense of all the Factions, though its adequate offensive abilities still classify it as an offtank.
  • The Knight is a class in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness and its remakes. Knights focus on both dealing physical damage and using elemental magic, and thus can wield swords and staves equally skillfully. When a Knight uses the Attack command, she has a chance to follow up the attack with a random learned offensive spell. Having two overlying proficiencies, her overall stat Aptitudes and growth are slightly lower than most classes, making her best used as a support or follow-up attacker. Also, when Transmigrating this class, there is a chance that they will learn a new set of elemental spells upon completing the process. Thus with subsequent Transmigrations, the Knight can learn all Elemental spells up to Omega level. Healing and Star-element spells must still be Pupil-taught, however. A level 100 Knight is one of the requirements to unlock the Celestial Host.
  • In the Kingdom of Scotland the Lyon Court of Arms both creates knightly orders and admits deserving citizens into their ranks. A female Knight is a Dame.
  • Knights are one of Regnum Online's defensive subclasses, focusing on melee combat. Warriors that choose to follow the knight subclass gain access to heavier armor, as well as 2 unique disciplines, Vanguard and Shields. Their armor grants them the highest base protection of all classes, which together with their powers can make them tougher to take down. Knights also specialize in using shields, and as a result they also have a chance to block attacks. Along with keeping themselves alive, knights can also be powerful as a supportive class, making use of defensive auras, damage resistances, and other buffs for allies which can be helpful for holding ground in a battle. Their strong defense also makes them ideal for leading attacks into the heart of the enemy, keeping foes busy and their allies protected. To further devastate the enemy, they can run into the back of enemy lines and use single target crowd control and debuff skills. In short, knights are for those who prefer to take their time and find the right moments to strike.
  • Knight es un vigilante británico y miembro del grupo internacional de lucha contra el crimen, "Batman Incorporated". Él se se considera como el Batman de Inglaterra. Cyril Sheldrake era originalmente el Squire de su padre Percy Sheldrake, la primera persona usar el nombre de Knight. Después de la muerte de su padre, adoptó el manto de Knight y tomó a Beryl Hutchinson como su Squire.
  • Knights also have an unusual notation because the K was taken by the king so the N was used for the knight.
  • When fighting these groups solo, a player's best bet is to take out the sorceror first, while doing AOE damage to the rest, then take down the rest of the camp. Their camps respawn at a rate of 150 seconds.
  • Knight is a subclass of fighter introduced in Heroes of the Fallen Lands. Knights are pure defenders.[HotFL:123] For players who value offense and defense. The other fighter subclasses are weaponmaster and slayer.
  • "Knight" (ナイト Naito) is an archetype of cards with the anime-only "Revival Knight" as the only support card. "Knights" don't have a specific focus nor do they have any relations, but they have their own sub-types like "HERO".
  • The Knight (アーマーナイト Āmā naito), also known as the Armor Knight or simply Armor (アーマー Āmā), is a heavily-armored physical combat class that recurrently appear across the Fire Emblem Series. Often wielding Lances as their sole weapon of choice, Knights are generally hampered by low Movement and compensate for this with their good physical stats across the board. They are one of few classes that count as armored units, which leaves them vulnerable to bonus damage from weapons such as Armorslayers and Hammers.
  • Knight is the ultimate fighting force of the Human Soldiers in Mutation Knight Mode. Any soldier who lives as the soldier levels reach maximum limit, transform into Knights armed with Ghost Blades for slaying mutants. Knights start with 1400 HP, and like the Commandos in Hero Mode X, they cannot be infected, only killed. Unlike Commandos, which can only number up to 3 individuals, all soldiers who live can turn into Knights, making this very dangerous for mutants. Soldiers automatically turn into Knights, without needing to press E. Knights still have heartbeat sensors, and can also keep using Mounted FAL Camo Turrets and Ziplines.
  • Knights are the initial class for Humans, who either become a Guardian or a Defender at level 50.
  • As a Knight you can take on the role of being the tank for the party. You will be at the front taking damage from monsters and dealing damage. You will have good defense, enabling you to shield other members from attacks. You will also have the strength to provide consistent damage against monsters. As a Knight you will wear heavy armor for protection. To fight, you will use Two-Handed Swords and Axes. Knights focus on defense and power over speed. They have the ability to wield the most powerful, albeit slowest weapons in the game, as well as the most protective armors (the lack of a shield is made up for by their armors' heavy defense.) In general, Knights are more efficient than other classes at making use of their Area of Effect skills, as they can fight many more monsters at a time due to their naturally high defense. Knights are usually considered the tank characters in FlyFF, since Knights receive a greater HP bonus for each point of stamina than any other class in the game. Like the Blade, a Knight can use a single handed sword or axe with or without a shield, but will be unable to use any Knight-specific skills. Knights also have a passive skill called Swordcross, which activates at random. It doubles the damage of one hit, whether it's dealt with or without the use of a skill. Swordcross does not stack with Holycross, and only has a chance to activate with a Two-Handed Sword or Axe. Note: As of v18, knights no longer inflict the Swordcross debuff on enemies while using two-handed weapons. From the Gala Net staff, the developers ran into bugs while implementing v18 (though this sounds like complete and utter BS, this is Gala Labs we're talking about, who is extremely incompetent...)
  • Version A. All STR, meaning right from level 1 to level 15 all strengh.This means you will have the highest attack possible until level 15. Pros:- Highest attack, quicker killing. Cons:- Very Slow Attack- Very low life (meaning you need some pots) Version B. 1 to STR, 1 to DEX. Just 1-1 each level. Pros:- Good attack power- Fast attack Cons:- Low Life (Meaning you need some pots) Version C. All STA, this is least reccomended. Pros:- High HP (Alot less pots needed,for those who dont make money fast) Cons:- Low attack speed- Low attack power 3. Explenation of the stats: STR - Adds damage to your hit.STA - Adds HP and defence.DEX - Faster, More accurate hits,and higher dodge rate.(There are also alot of arguing about how much"faster" does dex reallyadd.)INT - Isnt important for merc -Don't even bother putting 1 point. 4. Knights - Cons: * Miss alot due to very low dex.*Low dodge rate.*Low attack power resulting in slower killingresulting in slower leveling. * Can take alot of damage.* Has high HP (STA).* Few health pots needed for leveling - whereas blades need alot - andstill die alot.* It's more honorable to play a lesser-played job.* Can easily tank higher level giants (trust me, you'll be killing alot ofgiants) 5. What Stats To Add?: You have 3 choices, go with what fits you well; Knights focus on STA - But I did find thatthe leveling is quite slow, so Iturned to STR a bit, by which STAwill be 15 points above STR - Which isgood in my opinion, because I dont liketo skill-spam *Why skill-spam? Well at higher levelsyou find that your attack is too lowto kill anything quickly - so you useskills, they never miss and they havehigher attack then your regular one.* Version A. (STA stays 20-25 Above STR)-This means Getting STR to 40, andSTA to 60, - Dex limit is 30! And once youget those just keep adding one to STR and one to STA eachlevel, so STA stays 20 above STR. Version B. (STA is 15 above STR)-This version of the guide involvesmaxing out the STR to 50,making dex28 dex (30 being the max for dex) andthe rest to STA, this way you stillhave a good attack power when you areknight, and you still have alot ofHP to take damage. This is also the path that I chose. Version C. Same as version B except NO dex at all,since Knights skill spam at higherlevels, meaning no misses with skills,dex is useless and the points can goto STA, but for those of you that donot like to skill spam 24/7, andyou want higher hit rate until level 60I recommend Version B, for the dex.Remember though you WILL beusing alot of skills - meaning DEX haslittle influence on your char.It is VERY hard to level up from level 15 to60 with 15 dex! Since all the misses, so thisis why its my least-reccomended.Alsoremember to level the skills up 6. Weapons for knights: Since knights miss alot, they skill spam,meaning skills never miss, andhave higher attack power than theregular hit, this means Knights need touse axes, why? axes + skills = highattack power, never miss, and thespeed of axes dont matter, sinceskills are the same speed, with an axe orwith a sword. This also works onprices, since there are less knightsaround, axes are sold cheaper,like (level 30, level 45 rare axe). NOTE:The axes really pay up when fighting giants!(You will be fighting alot of giants, for moneyand items, usually giants 2-5 levels above you,if you are going to be a knight, skill spammingthe giant is most important, so you can kill itfaster and also take as less damage as youcan possibly take. There have also beensome rumors about a "Time-Factor"effecting the giant drops, if you kill itfaster = better drop. No one knowsthe truth about these rumors, exceptfor the developpers 7. Quickest way to a Knight. THIS WILL ONLY BE GOOD IF YOU THINKYOU CAN SAVE UP 10-11MillionPenya until level 59/60. The plan is this, it is known thatBlades level faster then Knights (that is,until level 60). So what most peopledo is use a restat at level 59/60 andthen become a Knight! [A restat reset all your stats,meaning everything is at 15 again.This way getting to be a knight isless troublesome. It can be purchasedin-game from other players (Usualy goes for 11Million Penya), or throughthe cash shop (for real money)] What you'll need to do is make a pureSTR/DEX 1:1 merc character untillevel 60, then get a restat and switch toSta - 20 more then str.(For example, 60 sta, 40 str)NO DEX! (Why no dex, read status build Version C.)
  • Knights are one of two melee classes in the game(the other being the berserker). You must be a Human to play a Knight. Knights specialize in defense and those wishing to be a tank are suggested to be this class. See also Classes
  • Knights are Warrior NPCs with 480 Health and 80 Armor (+20 vs physical attacks) with a self-heal in the form of Healing Signet. In every GvG battle, two Knights stand near the Guild Lord deep inside the both teams' Guild Halls. Contrary to other NPCs in GvG, Knights are very easy to aggro and lured out of position for relatively easy kills. However, they dish out a fair amount of pressure through degeneration and conditions, and can take down an unsuspecting target. In terms of their skill set, they are but the improved version of a Footman. As a general rule of thumb, they will use Healing Signet when their Health drops to around 25%.
  • A knight is a member of the warrior class of the Middle Ages in Europe who followed a code of law called "chivalry". They are brave and loyal soldiers who fight for the honor of their kingdoms. The Smurfs have met various knights along their journeys, with the most notable one being Sir Johan, though technically he is more commonly referred to as a squire than a knight.
  • O General, o líder das tropas, o desmoralizador e aquele que quebra formações inimigas. Os Knights concentram suas técnicas na exploração de fraquezas... E criá-las, se nenhuma puder ser encontrada. Originalmente são encontrados exclusivamente à serviço dos governantes. Suas técnicas e aqueles que as ensinam se espalham com o tempo para cada canto do mundo, em um campo de batalha. Image:Ingus the Knight.jpg
  • Knights are Studious essences that appear in MySims. It can be obtained by shaking it off of a tree deep in the Forest, since the area where Knight trees grow can be accessed with a Blowtorch. You can also get access to the knight tree by crossing all three bridges deep in the forest.
  • Knights are masters of melee combat. They possess greater physical strength than other vocations and are able to carry more items at any given level. As a result of their focus on physical skills, knights are severely lacking in terms of magical abilities.
  • Knights using two handed weapons are even more powerful than Heavy Infantry.
  • Knights generally take specific roles depending on the weapon they wield. If they use Cleavers, then a Knight will charge forward if within a reasonable distance from enemies for some melee attacks, but will seek cover if the enemy is too far away. Thus, if facing Cleaver-wielders, it's best to go for a long-range approach to try to defeat them before they can find cover. If utilizing Boomers, they act as long-range support, raining heavy blasts from afar that can arc over cover. When facing these Knights, distance is still a viable option, though do be aware that they can still hit you, even if you take cover. In these situations, mobility is key, as being quick on your feet will throw off its ability to keep track of you whilst firing away. However, close combat isn't a walk in the park either, as they will simply fire at close ranges. Also, Boomer Knights may sometimes "berserk" with a emission of red energy, regenerating a small amount of health and charging at you for a weapon bash. A Knight's Wall of Darkness can be destroyed with enough damage, though the amount of damage inflicted must be instantaneous to do so. It should also be noted that only Boomer or Shredder Knights can deploy the Wall of Darkness. That being said, some Boomer Knights, particularly those on high, cramped platforms, are not able to deploy their shield.
  • The Knight is the basic cavalry troop of the Knights. A knight is the lowliest of the mounted knights. As yet unschooled in battle, these men prefer heraldry to survival, and ride into battle with barding covering their mounts instead of barding. None-the-less, they themselves are armoured well enough to be resistant to all physical attacks. However, as they have not yet learned how to dress sensibly, they are vulnerable to all forms of elemental damage. As mounted knights, they gain all the bonuses that apply to this class of units. They cost a fair amount of gold, and a moderate amount of metal.
  • Knight (formerly known as Hero) is a member of the ZNG. His spirit animal is a bunny rabbit.
  • Knights are a class who combine attack power with bulky defense. Knights can wield two-handed weapons, for increased attack, or a one-handed weapon and shield, to improve their defensive prowess. Knights can also wield bows. Knights can learn to wear light armor at level 6, medium armor at level 20, and heavy armor at level 30. They are currently the only class that can wear heavy armor.
  • Knight (z ang. Rycerz) - jest to średnio wymagający przeciwnik. Nie ma specjalnych ataków, lecz potrafi nieprzerwanie wymachiwać mieczem. Do jego zalet należy między innymi słaba przepustowość ataków wręcz, jak i z dystansu. W trybie bitwy, występuje w dwóch kolorach (w zależności od drużyny).
  • "A knight class is of a rather advanced area of southern Boletaria. This is a character that is equipped with hard metal armor and shield, and thus, excels in defense, but because they have low luck, it will be difficult to obtain items."
  • Knight is the first playable character, being unlocked at the start of the game.
  • Resume: Soldiers can advance to Knights imbued with holy power. Knights always lead the forces at the front line with their excellent defense, and can withstand attacks from stronger enemies. Characteristics: Knights can equip heavy armor, such as plate armor, and large shields that can offer protection to most of the body. They can also wear head gear like full helms which cover most of the face. Weapons: Knights favor the use of a One Handed Weapon and a Shield at the same time. Although their attack strength may not be great, their strikes are fast and accurate. Battle Strategy: Since Knights possess decent physical strength and high defense, it is possible to deal with stronger enemies when supported with magic skills that amplify their abilities. When in a party, Knights can lead the battle and directly confront the enemy as the first line of defense. They are not only efficient in protecting party members, but they can also cast some support magic skills to aid party members from a distance. Main Skills: Knights tend to specialize in the use of One Handed Swords for speed and accuracy. They can also use Shields to block enemy attack and have support skills that increase the defense of the caster or party members, as well as other enhancements. Soldiers can become Knights at lvl 30
  • Knight is one of the many role-playing subclasses in Elder Tale.
  • Chess piece carved from elephant ivory. It moves 1 across and 2 vertically in 1 of 8 directions. Able to jump other pieces, it is tactically very useful.
  • Knight is a title held by soldiers of the various kingdoms of Albion. Soldiers are normally knights, but may also be mercenaries. This title is denoted by the prefix "Sir" in front of the recipient's given name. The title is usually bestowed by the ruling king but may also be granted by another royal. Knights are bound to a code of honour, known as the 'Knights' Code'. At one point in Camelot this code included a) all knights had to be of noble blood and swear allegiance to the king and b) an accepted challenge must be seen through, though the fact that Arthur Pendragon's knights included Sirs Lancelot , Elyan and Percival indicates that the former was relaxed under his rule. Camelot is notable for its knights and an honoured detachment of the Knights of Camelot serve as the Knights of the Round Table, an elite unit formed by Arthur himself during the campaign against Queen Morgana (The Coming of Arthur).
  • Knights are monsters located in East Ardougne. Knights can be pickpocketed at level 55 Thieving, giving the player 84.5 Thieving experience as well as 50 coins per successful pickpocket.
  • Knights are Tune Troopers that have high physical and magical defense, fights with piercing lance, and specializes in healing magic.
  • The knight is a loyal soldier to the king and is bonded to him, being one of his most trusted guards. He keeps the king from harm while keeping the kingdom a safe place. He starts off with no tools. He is known as a Knight in Bovinia, and known as a Noble if he comes from Cowmalot.
  • The Knight's style revolves around facilitating movement and taking and resisting damage. Its starting equipment are the Iron Longsword, the Wooden Shield, and the skill Oath of Honor.
  • Knight, aka Kraang Subprime, is an Utrom traitor, chief spy, and subprime leader of the Kraang Hive Mind, who stole Rook's robotic body, and disguised himself as a schoolgirl named Irma to spy on April O'Neil. This character was created specifically for the 2012 animated series.
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