  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Class
  • None
  • AlbumBy the Sword (album) Sung by NovelBy the Sword (novel) Lyrics by Music by Listen on YouTube
  • not found (warrior.gif) Warriorは肉弾戦の中心となるClassです。彼らの特徴は非常にタフであること、武器と戦術に熟達していることです。Warriorは様々な技 能を持ち、足の指から爪先までも戦闘の為の存在そのものです。World of WarcraftのWarriorは、戦闘時に使用する様々な技能を持っています。 Warriorの熱い戦いは、恐れや呆ける事とは無縁のものです。特に狂戦士、Berserker Stanceの状態では、貴方は襲い掛かるFearやIncapacitateを解除するSkillが使えるようになる事でしょう。 各Stanceには、再使用が長い代わりに、大変強力な限定Skillがあります。 集団戦においては、まさに「斬り込み」というにふさわしい突撃系Skillを駆使します。一瞬にして相手の布陣を破壊、復旧させるよりも早く壊滅に追い込む事によって、その勝利は揺るぎないものとなるでしょう。
  • Warriors are monsters located in the Al-Kharid, Ardougne, and Varrock palaces. They can be pickpocketed at level 25 thieving for 18 coins and 26 experience if successful.
  • Warriors are fighters, pure and simple. There is little formality to their fighting style. Although sometimes they may band together and fight in small squads, they are individualistic fighters, each one fighting how he thinks best. Formations, movements, drilling mean little to them. Each one uses the weapons and style that suit him, that he is best at--and they are all good at what they do.
  • So why become a Warrior? They are stronger, and can use a huge variety of weapons and armor. Plus, you can go three different paths. I also prefer the passive skills of the Warrior above the other skills of other classes. I'm talking about "Improving HP Recovery", which improves the amount of HP you get back when standing still for a while, and "Endure", which makes it able to get HP back when hanging in a rope, or climbing a ladder.
  • A Warrior (or Warrior Bug, sometimes Soldiers) is bred to serve as the infantry of the Bug forces. A Warrior is single minded and relentless.
  • Clark meets Zatanna at a comic book convention where she tells him her father charmed a copy of the comic book Warrior Angel and it holds magical powers. A little boy named Alec steals the comic book and develops super powers as well as gains a few years of age, transforming himself into Warrior Angel and saving Chloe from a horrible accident. Meanwhile, Lois becomes jealous of Clark's relationship with Zatanna.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Warrior</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID 0001AFE0
  • Архетип Воин (Warrior) представляет собой три класса: Blood Warrior, Adept, и Wrathguard. В то время как основной атрибут зависит от отдельного класса, body является вторичным атрибутом для всех Воинов, поскольку многие навыки архетипа Воин используют Физическое состояние (physique). Кроме того, хотя у Воина есть несколько дальнобойных навыков, основу составляют навыки ближнего боя. Эти навыки могут изучить и другие архетипы (Spellcasters и Rogues) на 50 уровне.
  • Warrior Passive99,999 sec * +15% Physical Damage bonus strength * +5% All Energy Damage bonus strength * +15 Critical Severity
  • A harcos (angolul warrior) a World of Warcraft alapvető fizikai kasztja. Nem használ a klasszikus értelembe vett mágiát, a harc folyamán felgyülemlett dühét (rage) fordítja az ellenség legyőzése ellen. Ereje és állóképessége az egyik legnagyobb, ezért képes mindenfajta páncéltípust hordani, pajzsot fogni és a pálcák kivételével mindenféle egy- és kétkezes fegyvertípust forgatni. Képes komoly sérülések okozására, de akár társai megvédelmezésére is.
  • The Warrior, @, is a human which can be found on the Valkyrie quest. Many warriors reside in the same room as the Norn. They are generated peaceful, and are fond of getting in your way. They also provide different messages when chatted to. This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
  • Warriors who fight for payment are known as Soldiers.
  • A warrior is a person skilled in combat or warfare, especially within the context of a tribal or clan-based society that recognizes a separate warrior class or caste.
  • The Warrior is a Champion unit from the Clan Box. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
  • File:Risen2 logo 104.png File:Risen3 logo.png The Warrior is a dangerous, mindless Shadow appearing in Risen 2 and briefly in Risen 3. They appear to be deceased natives that have been raised again, from the Shaganumbi, Maracai, or Kila tribes. SPOILERS FOLLOW
  • The Warrior archetype consists of three classes: Blood Warrior, Adept, and Wrathguard. The primary attribute for Warriors is always body. A lot of Warrior archetype skills use the physique state. Also, the majority of Warrior skills are melee-based, although they do have a few ranged skills. These skills may be learned by the other two archetypes (Spellcasters and Rogues) at level 50.
  • Warrior er høyt utdannede krigere i kunstene våpen. De er sterke og raske på slagmarken. Slik at de kan håndtere store mengder skade, de er også i stand til å tåle store mengder skade for å beskytte andre gruppemedlemmer. En Warrior's evner er avhengig av raseri. Dette er forskjellig for alle, men en nærkamp klasse, som druid, nærmere bestemt en druid i Bjørne form. Raseri er generert gjennom skader blir som blir generert til rage og maks raseri er 100. Warriors har flere talenter som kan hjelpe raseri generasjon, slikt som Bloodrage
  • Warriors are the hunters and fighters of the Clan, and make up the majority of the Clan's population.
  • The Warrior is the a powerhouse class in Fat Princess, meaning that he can absorb the damage while/or inflicting a lot of damage. He has six health points. The Warrior can perform slash attacks with a sword. When locked on to enemies, the Warrior can block projectile attacks with its shield. When the Warrior is upgraded, it can wield a glaive that can perform more powerful charge attack, the glaive adds more damage to enemies. However, when wielding the glaive, the Warrior cannot block attacks.
  • Warriors excel at initiation and sustaining fights. On the in-game leaderboard, the amount of damage received by Warriors is tracked by the "Role" column. Warriors generally tend to be low-end to mid damage-dealers, with mid utility, mid to high survivability, and spread in the middle when it comes to complexity. The values in the lists below are provided by Blizzard and are in no way indicative of individual players' experience.
  • Ravenflight knew she was ready to fly. She was going to be the best fly warrior, and hopefully the best warrior. She knew what it took to reach the top and she would do what it took. She was the “Reckless Raven” as the other recruits liked to nickname her. Everything was just a simple challenge to her, another victory to add to her score. But after awhile, she realized that it wasn’t just about training, it was about being aware that this was all for a reason. It wasn’t a game. It was war. ~
  • Warriors are relentless people who love battle and war. They are skilled in weapons such as swords and axes. They are often taught under Thok, the Warlord in Trainers. They run on Fighter enhancements. Warrior is one of the most chosen classes, aside from Paladin. It is a non-member class. Info
  • The Warrior was once a king of a peaceful people who were besieged by violence from a powerful enemy.
  • Active Skills | Passive Skills | Builds | Costumes
  • All melee weapons
  • The warriors are the front line in Regnum. Their presence keeps groups together and allows coordination, while protecting the ranged classes. They lead the charges and punish those who cannot get away fast. The main attribute for warriors is strength. It gives them higher physical damage, spell focus also more space in the inventory. Constitution is also important, since it boosts the health bar and gives resistance against knock/stun.
  • The Warrior (戦士 Senshi?) is a recurring job class in the Tales series.
  • Minmatar Light Scout Drone. Does explosive damage.
  • The Warrior is called Thor here.
  • The warrior is a class or path of skills.
  • This warrior destroyed the Incursean homeworld.
  • Training you can get in the Warrior Class
  • Very cheap drugs : [url=]aciphex[/url] Thanks!
  • Warrior is a monster.
  • Warriors are a canon class in World of Warcraft.
  • Warrior can be unlocked by speaking with Drill Sergeant Dewey in Snowhill.
  • One of the 3 Job classes available to players when setting up a new game of Dokapon Kingdom. They have a good attack stat starting off, so they are good at the beginning. However, they lack in speed and magic, so the player should invest some stats in those areas. Strong in attack and defense abilities, the Warrior recieves a random boost to his AT at the start of a round.
  • Warriors possess many of the attributes of Knights but serve no lord or king, choosing instead to operate independently by their own free will. They are based on the usage of various weapons and tactics while using superior charismatic force.
  • A warrior is one of three character classes a player can choose, once they reach level 5 in ASDA Story and Level 10 in ASDA Story 2. They specialize in close-range combat and take more punishment than any other class.
  • Warriors are masters of weapons, shielding and hand-to-hand combat. They have greater brute strength than other vocations, and are able to carry more equipment and items at any given level. As a result of their focus on physical skills, warriors are severely lacking in magical abilities.
  • Level 30 3dot mob * River Palace * 3 dot protector mobs Lv 34 is the prereq for the ability.
  • Proposed template: Info/Intro Equipment Skills/Spells 1-99 Master Grand Master Gladiator Special: Warrior Training Grounds Tailoring Stat Plans / Character Builds (Various)
  • Warrior is an enemy in Sinjid Shadow of the Warrior that appears during the Human Gateway.
  • A Warrior is the most primitive and weakest melee unit found in many of the Civilization games. In all, it is one of the few units that are available from the beginning, as it doesn't need any specific technology.
  • The Warrior is the main character of Rise of the Warrior. Native son of Kirra, he seeks vengeance against the General who slew his father and endangered the lives of his people.
  • Warriors are the backbone of any society, large or small. They protect the group, hunt for food, and go to war.
  • One of three basic vocations that you can select when creating your character. The Warrior uses melee weapons sometimes combined with a shield. Once you have paved your path through Sattnyr Island and arrive at the Island of Judgement you can chose to branch out and become one of four classes, each special in their own way.
  • The Warrior . Sometimes, the Warrior is an advanced class of the Fighter. More complex societies and organizations usually forgo the Warrior in favor of more specialized classes, although even in differentiated and advanced forces, a basic combatant may still be classed as Warrior, even if their equipment is highly advanced, if there is no other specialization present.
  • When you reach level 10 as a Beginner, aspiring Warriors can go to the Warriors' Sanctuary in Perion and talk to Dances with Balrog, who will advance you to a Swordman. You will be given a HP and MP boost, as well as a basic warrior weapon.
  • The warrior is a character class in Divine Divinity.
  • The Warrior is the nickname of the player character in Fallout Tactics.
  • Warrior is a song by Disturbed. {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
  • Warriors are characters who begin with Combat as their primary statistic.
  • Warrior is the first level in the Gem Blox Mode section of the Explore Mode in Play Mode in Boom Blox. There are 11 Gem Blox that the player must tumble down in order to complete this level. The player can win Bronze if he/she meets this goal with 3 throws, Silver if 2 throws, and Gold if 1.
  • STR + HP Warriors can become a Blade that uses variety of weapons to infict critical damage, or they can become a Protector with high defense ability to protect ally's magicans and priests.
  • Warriors are Dragonica's premiere tanking class with both their large amount of health and armor and their ability to deal decent damage in melee range. Their primary role is to be up close in the face of the enemy, taking the hits for party members. In PvP combat, they use their strong stamina as a boon against heavy damage dealers like the Magician. Their primary stats are strength, DEF, and ATK.
  • Warrior (Soturi) on yksi pelin parhaimmista tankeista. Warriorit sopivat myö DPS-rooleihin.
  • Warrior is a ventus bakugan and the gaurdian bakugan of Cole. It kinda looks like warius but it is much more smooth looking and has the same face has a siege. Instead of having a hammer-like weapon Warrior has a glowing ventus colored sword. This bakugan can talk. This bakugan is a sky raider and has the metal the bakugan do now a days.
  • The Warrior is a more powerful and better armoured version of the Peewee with a lower top speed; its role is similar to the Hammer as it does well in front line offense. Unlike the Peewee that utilizes dual-barrelled EMGs, the Warrior only has one, however, it also comes armed with a Stumpy-esque weapon. It has no CORE counterpart.
  • The warrior. Melee master, tank, farmer, runner, you name it! Here's a couple of builds for the warrior...
  • After defeating the 2nd boss (Tengu), the Hero will be rewarded with the Tome of Mastery.This allows the player to choose between 2 different sub-classes.
  • The Warrior is the basic fighter class in all Bard's Tale games. Like the Paladin, he can use most kinds of armor and weaponry. Likewise, he develops his ability for multiple attacks.
  • Drew Roode (born July 8,1974) is a Canadian professional wrestler from Ottawa, Ontario,Canada. He is the brother of TNA's Robert Roode. He currently works for Excel Wrestling Action! under the ring name "Aztec" Warrior.
  • Warriors are adult cats who feed and protect the Clan. Their duties are extremely important to the overall survival of the Clan.
  • Masters of both weapons and armor, warriors are feared melee combatants. Warriors have the highest strength of any class and the physical resilience to make full use of it. This comes at a heavy price as they are among the least adept at recovering from arduous mental stress. Swinging a massive sword to decapitate your foes requires little thought, however, and warriors begin with a 5% (up to 15% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to max melee damage.
  • Warrior is a nursery manager of his own nursery. He made his first appearance in DAY AT THE NURSERY! when Jesse arrives at his nursery for his first day of training.
  • Warriors are the heavy-hitting, overtly offensive characters in game. They receive stat bonuses to strength and constitution, two characteristics which favor bashing, charging and abs playstyles. They also receive a minus to dexterity which tends to prevent them from being dodgy or stabby, though dodgy warriors are not unheard of and a very few warriors have been seen to stab. Warrior skills cost only 1 prac per session for warriors, while hunter skills cost 2 prac per session, and rogue skills cost warriors 3 pracs per session. This arrangement also tends to push warriors to focus on skills such as bash, charge and kick and avoid learning skills such as hide, sneak or backstab.
  • Warrior is a 2011 American sports action-drama film directed by Gavin O'Connor and starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Nick Nolte. Warrior tells the story of two estranged brothers entering a mixed martial arts tournament, and deals with the brothers' struggling relationship with each other and with their father.
  • The earliest military forces were simply the citizens of the city, armed with whatever implements they could use as weapons. Although a militia made up of warriors was inexpensive, they were not a match for organized armies. Warriors were usually used as stopgap measures while waiting for superior units to be trained, or to defend a city that had been temporarily cut off from military support. In a crisis situation, an assembly of warriors is better than no defese at all.
  • Warriors are one of the four types of small fries in the game Small Fry.
  • warru eli worrior, eli Warrior (soturi) on eräänlainen tiukka taistelija. Hän voi voittaa sinut terävillä reflexeillä ja voimakkailla käsillään. Hänellä on myös tiukat panssarit joten iskut eivät ikävästi lörpsähdä häneen. Löysillä panssareilla isku on kuin ruoskan läpsy, mutta tiukoilla tulee vain syvä haava.
  • Warrior is a vocation in the Dragon Quest game series. Warriors typically have high HP, Strength, and Vitality stats, but low Agility. They also have no magical ability whatsoever. The Warrior is most useful in "full-out" brawls, when the only chance to defeat a monster is to knock them out as fast as you can, before they have the chance to knock you out.
  • __notoc__ <default><span style="font-weight:bold;">Warrior</span></default> <format><span style="font-weight:bold;"></span></format> Mod.png Statistics Polarity Rarity Trading Tax 2,000 ‍ Dropped byCorpus Nullifier Crewman Corpus Sniper Crewman Dropped byOther: Transmutable Untransmutable Warrior allows Wyrm to attack the first visible enemy in range.
  • The Warrior is a close combat class that uses melee attacks. There combat style is the simplest of all the other classes(Archer, Mage, Summoner). They have the most Hit Points and are good for lasting long in team attempts.
  • A Warrior is a rank in the Andalite military. They are the fighters, the ones who go into battle and do not command anything; they're basically the common soldiers.
  • Warriors are catch all NPC fighters used for various roles like guards, soldiers, or other plain combatative roles.
  • Warrior is one of the three playable starting classes in Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Warriors are the front-line fighters, the backbone of any party under assault. In Dragon Age: Origins they rely on both melee and ranged weapons but in Dragon Age II and Dragon Age: Inquisition they only rely on melee weapons. Also they are supplemented by powerful special abilities that draw from deep reserves of stamina. They can withstand and deliver a great deal of punishment, and have a strong understanding of tactics. In Origins and Inquisition, all races can play as a warrior.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ de:Krieger fr:Guerrier es:Guerrero ja:戦士
  • A power class and leader of the pact. They can buff the whole party making them stronger and are skillful in melee combat. Depending on your weapon (Two Handed Sword) the Warrior can perform good AoE physical attacks.
  • Warrior es el vigésimo quinto soundtrack de Naruto Shippūden 4: La Torre Perdida Original Soundtrack compuesto por Takanashi Yasuharu. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
  • The Warrior (ウォーリア Uōria) is a male only combat physical class that recurrently appears across the Fire Emblem Series, beginning from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. The promoted form of the Fighter class, the Warrior class commonly wields Axes and Bows as its weapons of choice.
  • The Warrior is one of the 3 starting Heroes along with the Rogue and Mage and is unlocked by default. The Role of the Warrior Physical Defense(PDef) Tank. Because of their high starting Physical Defense, and their PDef per level rate, Warrior's make the best PDef tanks in the game. Description level Stats Dropped By Drop Chance
  • Warriors were akin to fighters although they received less training.
  • warrior adalah job dengan pedang besar . attack nya yang tinggi jadi pilihan para pemain seal , kekurangannya adalah di MP dan akurasi nya , tapi job ini adalah yang paling mudah digunakan juga kombo kombo nya yang sangat luar biasa . jika kamu lebih suka menyerang terus tanpa bertahan , job ini pilihan yang tepat !
  • The Warrior is an enemy that appears in the Ocean Palace in 12000 BC
  • When using basic attacks Warriors will swing their axe twice at the player and if hit the damage can be severe, they can also block off attacks with their large axe, also if a player attacks them enough they will lose their axe and be completely vulnerable, Warriors are also extremely slow so dodging them is easy but if one gets too far they will throw their axes and deal a heavy amount of damage but this will also cause them to become vulnerable.
  • Warriors are skilled in melee fighting and defending themselves from physical attacks . They have close to no knowledge about magic , though they are capable of casting healing spells and some basic attack spells . Warriors are easy and simple to play, and do not require lots of effort or gold to be spent on ammunition .
  • Warrior may refer to: * Warrior (Dragon Form) * Warrior (Breath of Fire II)
  • One of the original retired templates provided by Turbine. This template and its unique title are no longer available. Its description in the Asheron's Call Manual is as follows: Warriors specialize in combat with a variety of weapons. A warrior begins the game with a practice sword, a practice crossbow, 30 crossbow quarrels, and a practice axe. A warrior's attributes are weighted toward Strength, Endurance, and Coordination. Warriors are not specialized in any skill, but are trained in Appraise Armor, Appraise Weapon, Assess Creature, Axe, Crossbow, Jump, Magic Defense, Melee Defense, Missile Defense, Run, and Sword.
  • Warrior is a 2011 American sports drama film directed by Gavin O'Connor and starring Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton as two estranged brothers whose entrance into a mixed martial arts tournament forces them to come to terms with their past and each other. Nick Nolte was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as the father of the two brothers. Jennifer Morrison and Frank Grillo also star. The film has been officially remade in Bollywood as Brothers starring Akshay Kumar and Siddharth Malhotra in lead roles.
  • File:Warrior0 thumb.gif Write the text of your article here! GG8.png GG20.png Guy_warrior1.gif
  • Warrior é uma variação de personagem em Mortal Kombat X.Pertence ao personagem Predator. Categoria:Variações de Personagem Categoria:Variação de Personagem
  • The Warrior excels at the use of Swords and Axes. They are available for creation from the beginning, along with their female counterpart.
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • Warriors specialize in close combat. Fearsome and hulking, a Warrior's way is found more through brute force, grit and great resilience than guile and trickery. They use their great physical strength and prowess to pound the enemy and provide cover for allies. However, do not be fooled into thinking Warriors are only brainless, or simple-minded. A Warrior bears the brunt of the attack and can reply with tremendous force and power. Do not fail to appreciate what these soldiers can do for you or your group.
  • The Warrior, also known as the Soldier, is the primary assault caste of the Xenomorph XX121 species and as such is almost certainly the most numerous caste of Xenomorph in existence. They are fast, reasonably tough, and savage combatants. Even in death the Warrior is dangerous, as its pressurized bloodstream will cause it to burst apart, drenching nearby enemies in acid blood. Warriors are identified by their ridged heads, and stand around 7–8 feet tall on their hind legs. They are about 14–16 feet long, including their tail.
  • Warriors are melee fighters highly trained in the art of weaponry. Melee combat is the warrior's strongest skill. They are strong and quick on the battlefield. Depending on their specialization, a warrior can often deal very high damage or be tough to kill. Warrior abilities depend on rage generation. This is different to all but one melee class, the bear form druid. Rage for Arms and Fury is generates through auto-attacks, while rage for Protection warriors is generated primarily through taking damage.
  • The Warrior is an advanced Combat class, one of the last classes in the combat type that rely on Item/Mystic balance. It focuses on using the One-Handed and Power Grip wield styles, and increases damage done with all weapons. X360: This class will stop upgrading if the Item/Mystic Balance requirement is no longer met. Obviously the above mentioned Item classes are also readily available by getting the Item skills higher: Item + Combat * Gladiator: requires Mystic>Item, STR53+ * Gladiator: requires Mystic>Item, Power Grip 16, highest Mystic skill is Wards, STR53+
  • The Warrior is the only core melee profession (the Assassin and the Dervish are available in the Factions and Nightfall campaigns, respectively) and has many skills designed to enhance the use of swords, axes, shields, and hammers. Warriors wear the highest armor of any profession (though the Paragon has equal protection against non-physical damage), allowing them to trade hits with the biggest, meanest foes in the game. They also have the primary attribute Strength, which grants extra armor penetration when using attack skills. Many Warrior skills revolve around combining straight-up physical damage with crippling conditions. They also have access to stances which modify their abilities, and shouts to boost the party's performance or even impair enemies. The patron god of Warriors is Balt
  • In times such as these, no man is raised without knowledge of how to use weapons, and no household is without a sword. When all others fail, the people themselves are the last line of defence. Warriors are no more than peasants with any weapon they can get their hands on, called upon to defend their homes, their livelihoods, and their families. Although they fight with a desperate bravery and stubborness born of the knowledge that they are fighting to protect everything they hold dear, their lack of training and haphazard equipment makes them no match for professional soldiers. The Barbarian Warrior has none of the merits of the civilized men, save their fanatical bravery. Warriors form the bulk of the Barbarian war bands that prey on outlying settlements, thriving on destruction and slaug
  • As long as war is waged on Azeroth, there will be men and women who fight those wars. The warrior is no mere sword-swinger; they are skilled combatants, combining strength of arm, knowledge of weaponry and practiced maneuvers to slice or bludgeon their foes into little red bits. The warrior is the most versatile of the combat classes, and they supplement their fighting prowess with the ability to rally their allies and spur them to victory, but not only can they rally their allies into victory; they can themselves charge into the heart of the battle, take several lives and live to tell the tale. All races fight, and all races boast many warriors in their ranks. Warriors are common among dwarves, Forsaken, humans, and orcs, but are less so among the other races. Masters of swords, spears, a
  • The Warrior is a class that citizens of Habitica can select when they reach level 10. Additionally, all players begin the game as Warriors, though with limited abilities because mana for skills is not available until a class is chosen. After level 10, play style changes the least for players who choose the Warrior class. __TOC__
  • "The Shadowed One" recruited Warrior for his valiant battle skils. His code name refers to what his boss thought of him. So he hunted down many Toa, but mostly fought in wars rather than one-to-one combat. Now Warrior wanted to be most favored by "The Shadowed One." But all the other Dark Hunters were in his path, especially Titan. No matter how hard he tried, Warrior couldn't beat him. So finally, he left the organization.
  • The warrior ethos had been an important aspect of Klingon society since the time of Kahless, but the warrior aspects became much more dominant beginning in the early 22nd century. Previously, Klingon society was regarded as socially balanced, but over time the warrior caste gained greater prominence, to the point where the Klingons widely came to be regarded as a "warrior race." (ENT: "Broken Bow", "Judgment") The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of the mid-24th century was said to be equipped with the Klingon Empire's "best weapons" and "finest warriors." (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor" )
  • Image:EQ000060.jpg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Warriors are the backbone of Norrath's great armies, while the races that employ them vary the training rarely does, mighty strength and courage has to be demonstrated just to join the ranks of a Warrior guild. Practically every civilised and many of those more primitive races of Norrath produce and support Warriors. They are always thoroughly trained in close combat and familiar with all the common weapon types, they are expected to get right up to their opponents and stand toe to toe regardless of their enemies armory.
  • Warrior is Captain Star's fifth tug, who is used for a wide variety of tasks around Bigg City Port. Warrior usually works with his close companion and colleague Big Mac. He often is clumsy but tries not mess up. He is known only to get in the way by the Z-Stacks. Warrior speaks with a South London accent. Warrior is probably the clumsiest Tug on Sodor. He gets confused very easily, and prefers doing easier work. Warrior is also the only tug with a fixed fire hose, and mainly works with Lord Stinker. Warrior's whistle has a single note and is very nasal, much like a factory hooter.
  • Il Warrior (it: Guerriero) è una classe versatile per il corpo a corpo. Le sue abilità vanno dall'infliggere massicci danni fisici al resistere prepotentemente agli attacchi nemici. Compensano la loro incapacità di infliggere danni magici con una grande quantità di resistenza fisica e una grandissima varietà di abilità per gli scontri ravvicinati con l'avversario. I guerrieri dipendono dalla loro rabbia invece che sul mana. __TOC__
  • Warriors are melee fighters who use two handed swords to attack. Warriors' attack power and speed is higher than that of knights, but this is accompanied by a lesser defense than their armored counterparts. Strength (STR) and agility (AGI) are the primary stats to increase. Note: This page is still in the process of updating to new Seal: Blade of Destiny
  • Warrior Warrior eli soturi (ensimmäisessä työssään Swordsman) omaa suuren fyysisen vahingon ja suojan fyysisiä hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Kuitenkin suoja taikoja vastaan on heikko. Perustaidot: Improving HP Recovery: Palauttaa enemmän energiaa (HP) 10 sekunnin välein, kun seisoo paikallaan. Improving Max HP Increase: Lisää maksimi energia määrää, kun hahmo nousee tason (Level up) tai käyttää Ability Pointin (AP) energian maksimin nostattamiseen. Endure: Palauttaa energiaa myös silloin, kun roikkuu tikkaissa tai köydessä. Iron Body: Nostaa Weapon Defenceä väliaikaisesti. Power Strike: Iskee vihollista kovemmin. Slash Blast: Iskee korkeintaan kuutta (6) edessä olevaa vihollisia. Työt:
  • Warriors use their strength to beat monsters. The warrior's skill consist on melee. Warriors are experts on physical attacks and close combat and also on defense and armoury. Warriors are some sort of knight. Also, warriors are the main blockers of the hunts and quests because of their high close combat skills and high amounts of HP(health points) so if you are planning to make a big hunt or a quest, don't forget to have a good blocker for it!
  • Wojownik to przede wszystkim klasa tankująca, jak i DPS'ująca. Ma dostęp do dużej palety umiejętności, które mogą zostać użyte w zależności od poziomu Rage. W przeciwieństwie do innych klas, takich jak Rogue, pasek Rage jest pusty, zanim Warrior zada obrażenia bronią biała, lub bronią do walki na odległość taką jak np. Strzelby, Łuki, lub otrzyma obrażenia - wtedy pasek się wypełnia.
  • O Warrior é o combatente sem restrições ou bases, com variações abrangendo desde os soldados corruptos e mercenários até os aventureiros que vivem a vagar pelo mundo. Onde outros combatentes gastam suas vidas aperfeiçoando uma única técnica ou seu talento em um tipo particular de arma, o treino dos Warriors é a própria batalha; suas habilidades enfocam o desenvolvimento da virtude pela necessidade e pela sobrevivência. Embora seus ataques não possuam a "finese" que outros possuem, um Guerreiro experiente é sempre uma presença formidável em qualquer situação de combate.
  • Warrior (born James Brian Hellwig (June 16, 1959 - April 8, 2014) was an American professional wrestler. He is best known for his appearances in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s as the Ultimate Warrior, during which time he won the WWF Championship and pinned Hulk Hogan in the main event of WrestleMania VI. Hellwig legally changed his name to Warrior in 1993. He wrestled both as a heel and as a face. Warrior retired from professional wrestling in 1999 and embarked on a public speaking career.
  • The Warrior is one of three Classes only available to the Nordein. Image:Class Icon Warrior.jpg Warriors automatically gains + 1 to STR each Level. Description Like the Fighter, the Warrior is a standard melee combatant. Up close and personal is how Warriors prefer confrontation. Physical attack power is the focus of the Warrior, but focus solely on Strength. A certain amount of Magical Points (MP) is needed to power the Warrior’s devastating Special Skills.
  • The Warriors of the lands of Khanduras are well trained in all of the weapons of war. Ranging from crusading Paladins to unscrupulous mercenaries, Warriors can be found wherever there is conflict amongst their countrymen. Many of these adventuresome men joined with King Leoric's army and went to battle against the kingdom of Westmarch. As the fires of war burned themselves out, these Warriors returned home to find their kingdom in shattered chaos and disarray.
  • The Warrior is a character in The Precursor Legacy who lives in Rock Village and can be found at the pavilion there. A year before the events of The Precursor Legacy, the Warrior was known as a hero of Rock Village for single-handedly fending off lurker invasions. However, upon the gargantuan lurker Klaww's arrival, the valorous villager attempted to battle him, which he lost greatly (which also resulted in the Gambler becoming impoverished). Subsequent to his defeat he became a melodramatic coward, removing the pontoons in the bay, cutting Rock Village off from Mountain Pass in the hope of protecting himself from Klaww.
  • Warrior (戦(せん)士(し) Senshi) is a diverse, versatile, and popular Type of Monster Card. There are Warriors of every Attribute, primarily EARTH, DARK and LIGHT. The Warrior-Type is the most human-like Type of monster, consisting of many human knights, brawlers, rogues, etc. The members of the "Amazoness", "Battlin' Boxer", "Cardian", "Comics Hero", "Dark Scorpion", "Warrior", "Six Samurai", "Ninja", "Heroic", "U.A.", "Gouki", and "Noble Knight" archetypes are all Warrior-Type monsters, as is most of the "HERO" archetype.
  • Warrior is the second book in the Hythrun Chronicles Marla Wolfblade is effectively ruling Hythria in her brother's name. And ruling it well. The country is stable, there is peace and prosperity and even her nemesis, Alija Eaglespike, High Arrion of the Sorcerers' Collective, appears to have given up on her attempts to have her own husband elevated to the throne. And in Fardohnya, King Hablet waits for his opportunity to put an end to the Wolfblade line and will use anything, including all out war, to achieve his goal.
  • guerrero Mientras ha durado la guerra, los héroes de cada raza han intentado dominar el arte de la batalla. Los guerreros combinan fuerza, liderazgo y un amplio conocimiento de armas y armaduras para crear el caos durante el glorioso combate. Algunos protegen desde las primeras líneas con escudos, bloqueando a los enemigos mientras los aliados apoyan a los guerreros desde detrás con hechizos y arcos. Otros renuncian al escudo y desatan su ira contra la amenaza más próxima con una variedad de armas mortales.
  • A Warrior is the main damage-taker in EverQuest. They are a highly valued member of the group. Although Paladins, Shadowknights and a few other classes can also tank (take a majority of the damage), no class will match the pure strength of a warrior. The Warrior is also a great aggro (enemy aggression) taker, having many AA's and procs designed specifically for keeping the damage to yourself.
  • There are a total of 6 combat skills known as the "Authentic Six" which have been inherited among the Nevarethians. Among the Authentic Six, the "Warrior", "Blader" and "Wizard" skills were established before Nevareth Exodus, the Honorable Age. According to theory, at the time when Core Technology was at its peak, hundreds of groups were practicing and studying their own unique skills. However, the current skills were developed by the first generation of the 7 Sages, based on the Nevareth Exodus survivors' knowledge.
  • Nick Crush is a professional wrestler, by the name of Warrior. Crush is from Cleveland,OH, a current resident his entire life. He is currently serving in UWE, alongside his Valet for his 15 year career, Valentina. thumb | Warrior eventually made noise to the ears of former Japanease professional wrestler, Mashiro Chono (the then New Japan Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion). Chono invited Crush to an NJPW taping, and depending on his attitude towards NJPW and Japan all together, Crush would sign on for the New Japan Project.
  • The Warrior starts out with a good advantage, as all manners of stabbity and whackity items can be found every time you turn a corner in a dungeon; his good constitution and strength also means that he can carry more things and survive longer in the beginning. However, towards the middle of the game he/she will start to lose out, since a great manner of enemies have ranged attacks (and in the case of the chaos mushroom, an attack that can confuse you no less;) and a good number of other foes have penalties imposed upon the character during melee combat. The Kamikaze Attack quest is when the drawbacks of a warrior are clearest, since while a melee character can wield ranged weapons, they are not particularly strong with them.
  • The Warrior is a ranged specialist using the Assault Rifle and Shotgun to bring down her enemies. She can do a lot of damage to both single targets and groups of monsters with Penetrating hits and Afflict them with damage-over-time effects, but her main tactic is to constantly Hinder and slow down those who stand against her, so she can shoot them from a distance.
  • De warrior is een melee class die de mogenlijkheid heeft om veel damage te doen en te ontvangen. Warrior maken goed met hun variety melee aanvallen dat ze geen magische vaardigheden hebben. Daarom gebruikt een warrior rage inplaats van mana voor een groot aantal van hun vaardigheden. De warrior is een Tank/DPS klasse die 2 functies heeft. Een warrior kan dienen als een tank die voorkomt dat andere groepsgenoten aggro krijgen en de damage die andere krijgen minimaliseren. Ook het goed indelen van je talenten punten en goede een goede uitrusting kan een warrior heel veel DPS doen.
  • His capabilities range from the towing of barges (mainly Lord Stinker) to major liner docking operations, including the Princess Alice and The Duchess. Like the rest of the Star Fleet, Warrior is based on the tugs of San Francisco waters from the 1920's. His name obviously means he is pure of courage, bravery and knows how to put up a fight, which is quite ironically nothing at all, like Warrior! Warrior's whistle has a single note and is very nasally, much like a factory hooter.
  • The Warrior class is an advanced class of the Human Fighter who pursues physical power. Since Warriors do not belong to regular military, most pursue work independently. Warriors focus on having strong swordsmanship skills. Focused on gaining strength and power, they tend to distance themselves from other people to better focus on their training. Warriors tend to live on the outskirts of villages and adopt an uncultivated lifestyle. Playstyle:
  • Warrior Base Strength 1H,2H,Shield,No Duel Cloth,Leather,Mail Abilities Heroic Strike (6 sec) * Add X amount of damage on next attack War Cry (60 sec) * Add X amount of damage for 5 minutes to party Battle Cry (60 sec) * Add X amount of armor for 5 minutes to party Battle Roar (20 sec) * Cause people to attack you Shield Bash (requires Shield) (30 sec) * Does X amount of damage * Stuns for 2 seconds War Stomp (15 sec) * Does X amount of Damage to the the slowed and extra to stunned * Stuns for 1 seconds for people in a range of 150 * Slows for 2 seconds for people in a range of 250
image name
  • BatonoftheHero-OW.png
  • 1
  • Human Gateway Level 10
  • Human Gateway Level 5
  • Human Gateway Level 7
  • ADA600
  • DC0028
  • +9
  • Any
  • Punches enemies and blocks
  • High survivability and damage
  • no
  • no
  • vojovnikum
  • Corpus Nullifier Crewman
  • Corpus Sniper Crewman
  • vojovnik
  • światów
  • Fighter, Brigand , Pirate , Barbarian
  • None
  • * Level Tuning * The Warrior Returning Alive * Reinforcement of the Army * Scapegoat/Stray Lambs * Synchro Blast Wave * United We Stand
  • せんし
  • 6
Battle Start
  • I'll bury you with my blade!
diff bass
  • 5
  • None
  • Guerreiro
  • 90
  • -2
  • 100
  • no
  • None
  • 1925
diff bass pro
  • no
  • 19
  • 20
  • 200
skill lv
  • Deal 250% DMG to a single enemy / 15% chance
  • Deal 150% DMG to a single enemy / 10% chance
diff harmonies
  • 3
Tech Level
  • 1
Row 1 info
  • Available at start.
  • Reaver
  • Guerrero
  • Guerrero
  • 1
  • A member of Al Kharid's military
  • A skilled fighter
  • * Limit Reverse * Urgent Tuning
support list
  • List of Warrior-Type support cards
  • none
diff guitar pro
  • no
  • No
synchro monsters
  • * Junk Warrior * Nitro Warrior * Turbo Warrior * Road Warrior * Drill Warrior * Colossal Fighter * Armory Arm * X-Saber Urbellum * Chevalier de Fleur * Junk Gardna * Junk Archer * Junk Destroyer * X-Saber Wayne * Stardust Dragon * Lightning Warrior * Seven Swords Warrior
  • by Apr 9th 2014 11:00AM
  • by Apr 2nd 2014 5:00PM
force RBUP
  • no
  • válečník, bojovník
  • no
  • melee
  • ??
  • none
Build Time
  • 5709
  • 20
Row 2 info
  • +2 AT, +1 DF, +10 HP
diff keys
  • no
  • * Quickdraw Synchron * Junk Synchron * Nitro Synchron * Turbo Synchron * Road Synchron * Drill Synchron * Fleur Synchron * Quillbolt Hedgehog * Level Eater * Turret Warrior * Photon Thrasher * Speed Warrior * Boost Warrior * Fortress Warrior * Trident Warrior * Marauding Captain * Command Knight * Spell Striker * Level Warrior
Previous Chapter
  • bojovník
  • 40
Row 1 title
  • Unlocked By:
  • Infinite
diff vocals
  • 3
  • 7
  • -5
fanon doctor
  • 0
  • ??
  • none
anti-support list
  • List of Warrior-Type anti-support cards
broadcast date
  • 2010-02-12
  • 18
  • 27
Row 2 title
  • Stats/Level:
  • 161.0
diff guitar
  • 5
  • 2255
  • wòjôrz
friendship max
  • My sword and heart are yours. Treat them with the respect.
  • None
  • 50
force RBB
  • no
  • -5
  • vojovniku
  • Coins
  • Bones
  • Cabbage
  • Copper ore
  • Bronze Arrow
  • Chaos-Rune
  • Fire-Rune
  • Iron dagger
  • Fishing Bait
  • Medium Bronze Helmet
  • Mind-Rune
diff drums
  • red
harmonies nr
  • 3
  • Item / Mystic Balance
  • Minimum Style :
  • One-Handed 9 and Power Grip 9
  • Power Grip 9 or Two-Handed 9
  • or Dual Two-Handed 9
  • 14
  • 15
friendship event
  • Ha ha. I'm a little embarrassed but let's do this.
  • It's decided. I shall be your sword
battle end
  • Hrn, you're good......
Turn Rate
  • 115
Row 3 info
  • +1 AT/Level
  • Common
  • Common
  • Rare
  • N
  • Uncommon
  • always
Row 3 title
  • Mastery:
production group
force RB
  • no
  • yes
  • 1
diff band
  • 0
diff drums pro
  • red
  • ??
  • You look well. Shall we study the sword together?
Next Chapter
diff keys pro
  • no
  • black
  • świat
  • światy
  • światy
  • światem
  • świata
  • 80.0
t1 change
  • Adds diagonal move only at range 2
secondary attribute
  • świecie
  • światami
  • 170
  • 187
  • 203
t3 change
  • Adds one move only range in every direction
  • światom
t2 change
  • The move only fields are now move or attack
  • świecie
  • światach
  • światowi
  • Dwarf
  • 60
  • 65
  • 110
  • silver
  • Combat
  • 240
  • Melee
  • -
  • Icy Veins
Box Title
  • Warrior
  • 100.0
Music By
  • Dragon
  • Joel Edgerton, Tom Hardy, Nick Nolte
  • Passion
  • Warrior Path
  • FOT
Birth Date
  • 1959-06-16
  • Lasher
  • Warner Bros.
  • Humanoid Monster
  • +9
  • 110
  • 52
  • Unknown
death place
  • Scottsdale, Arizona
  • 450
  • 26
  • 28
  • 30
  • 40
  • 45
  • 60
  • 70
  • 80
  • 85
  • 100
  • Reaver
  • Warrior
  • File:Shove.pngShove*Base skill of all foot units.
  • Fighter*Use a File:FE10masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Fighter or train a Fighter to Level 21.*30px
  • File:FE4 Axe Fighter Sprite.gifAxe Fighter*Choose the "Class Change" option in the Home Castle when the relevant unit reaches Level 20.*File:FE4 Warrior Sprite.gifWarrior
  • File:FE5 Brigand.gifMountain Thief*Use a File:Knight Proof (FE5).pngKnight Proof on a Level 10+ Mountain Thief.*File:FE5 Warrior.gifWarrior
  • &#9733;*125%*90%*15%*75%*70%*75%*70%*40%*-*-*-*-
  • &#9733;*41*21*5*20*20*0*15*10*7*13*14* D
  • &#9733;*65*38*8*34*33*30*28*18*7*13*14* SS
  • *30px
  • *36*19*3*18*18*0*13*8*7*13*14* D
  • *53*30*5*26*27*30*23*13*7*13*14* S
  • *65%*50%*10%*30%*35%*50%*40%*20%*-*-*-*-
  • File:FE11 Fighter Map Sprite.gifFighter*Use a File:FE11masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Fighter.*File:FE11 Warrior Map Sprite.gifWarrior
  • File:Colossus (FE9).gifColossus*Occult skill of the Warrior and Berserker classes; assign with an File:MasteryBook.gifOccult Scroll.
  • File:Counter (FE13).pngCounter*Learned at Level 5.
  • File:StrengthCry.pngRally Strength
  • Learned at Level 15.
  • *File:FE13 Barbarian Map Sprite.gifBarbarian*Use a File:Master Seal FE13 Icon.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Barbarian.*File:FE13 Generic Warrior Map Sprite.gifWarrior
  • *File:FE6Brigand.gifBrigand*Use a File:Herocrest.gifHero Crest on a Level 10+ Brigand.*File:FE8 Warrior Map Sprite.gifWarrior
  • Fighter*Use a File:FE9masterseal.gifMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Fighter.*30px
  • Warrior*Use a File:FE10mastercrown.pngMaster Crown on a Level 10+ Warrior or train a Warrior to Level 21.*30px
  • File:FE8 Fighter Map Sprite.gifFighter*Use a File:herocrest.gifHero Crest on a Level 10+ Fighter.*File:FE8 Warrior Map Sprite.gifWarrior
  • *File:FE8 Pirate Map Sprite.gifPirate*Use an File:Oceanseal.gifOcean Seal on a Level 10+ Pirate.*File:FE8 Warrior Map Sprite.gifWarrior
  • *File:FE13 Generic Fighter Map Sprite.gifFighter*Use a File:Master Seal FE13 Icon.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Fighter.*File:FE13 Generic Warrior Map Sprite.gifWarrior
  • File:FEDS Fighter Map Sprite.gifFighter*Use a File:FE11masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Fighter.*File:FEDS Warrior Map Sprite.gifWarrior
  • 9
  • Alive
  • Prince of Persia
  • All
  • Barbarian, Dark Elf, Drakkin, Dwarf, Froglok, Gnome, Half Elf, Halfling, Human, Iksar, Ogre, Troll, Vah Shir, Wood Elf
First Appearance
  • -5
  • 850
  • о во́йне
  • 10
  • 15
  • 30
  • 60
  • Easy
Release Date
  • 2011-09-09
  • TBA
  • United States
  • 150
  • Warrior
  • Warriors
  • Attack
  • Unknown
  • Stab
  • Ultimate Warrior
  • Precision Slash
  • Class of 2014
  • Black, black-blue
  • Nu Metal
  • Dance-pop, disco
Built by
  • None
  • 50
  • 8
  • Guerriero
  • Senshi
  • Generic class portrait of a Warrior from Awakening.
  • A Red Male Warrior and a Red Female Warrior.
  • Male warrior
  • The Warrior' Artwork
  • Warrior Concept Art
  • Warrior concept art for RO2.
  • Player's choice
  • Kills monsters and crumbles blocks
  • 10
  • 100
  • An upgrade to Soldier, this trait increases ranged weapon damage, physical melee damage and critical damage.
  • List of Warrior-Type monsters
  • All
force LRB
  • no
primary attribute
  • 15
  • 30
Deck Name
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Physical
job base
job tier
  • 2
  • 40
  • 50
  • 365
  • Guerrier
  • English
  • -
  • +5 melee damage
  • No
  • yes
  • Did you call me? Perfect, because I was bored.
  • Parts Unknown
  • Queens, New York
  • 1
  • 280.0
  • 375.0
  • 250
  • dbkwik:resource/1ZN70Vqp4hU7sKlJp7GWKg==
  • dbkwik:resource/LowIM4_Qvt_35U9Wo0yfFg==
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: Warriors of Azeroth and beyond, Part 2
  •| |-
  •| |-
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: Warriors of Azeroth and beyond Part 1
  •|desc=Arms, Fury, and Protection Warrior Raiding Guides
  • Narrator
  • Bronze
Episode Number
  • 187
  • Hunter
  • Soldier
  • #B00000
  • #FFE93E
  • ffb705
Voice Actor
  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7
Birth Place
  • 戦士
  • Warrior
  • 25
  • 60
  • File:AxeFighter.gifFighter*Use a File:TRSHeroProof.gifHero Proof on a Level 10+ Fighter.*File:Warrior.gifWarrior
Unit Name
  • Warrior
  • Runescape beta is now online!
  • Newsletter 1
  • 2.200000
  • 2.500000
  • 187.96
  • 8'
  • 10
  • Warrior
  • światów
  • 0.720000
  • 83
  • 2145
  • Sword
  • Mace
  • Any simple or martial weapons
  • Axe, Bow
Last album
  • Cherrybomb
  • no
  • Rock
  • Warrior
  • Justice
  • Dingo
  • The Ultimate Warrior
  • Blade Runner Rock
  • Dingo Warrior
  • Jim Hellwig
  • 84
  • Launch
death date
  • 2014-04-08
  • 7
  • Slash
Image size
  • 300
  • Takanashi Yasuharu
  • Takanashi Yasuharu
  • wojownik
  • All light, medium and heavy armour, plus all shields .
  • Warrior
  • Fighter
  • KBOT
  • 15
  • 20
This Album
  • Warrior
  • Score a goal after suffering a non-contact injury with a player
  • This soldier confronted the world crisis with other brave warriors in the nether world.
  • Lower experience gain
  • vojovnikami
  • войнами
  • Gladiator
  • Templar
  • General
  • Merchandise
  • Skills
  • Toys
  • Job
  • Magazine covers
  • Image gallery
  • Event history
  • None
  • 2.3057115E7
  • 19
  • 23
  • *Ridged skull *Bladed tail
  • Krieger
  • Do you need my sword?
  • 戦士
  • Guerrero
  • Warrior.jpg
  • Icon class warrior.gif
  • ??
  • none
  • Asylum.png
  • WAR.jpg
  • świata
  • Potentially any planet
  • 180
  • 230
  • 280
  • Warrior
  • Guard
Episode Name
  • Warrior
  • vojovnika
  • во́йна
  • vojovnikum, vojovnikim
  • войнов
  • vojovniku
  • во́йна
  • vojovnik
  • воин
  • vojovnikov
  • войнов
  • vojovniku
  • войну
  • vojovnikum, vojovnikim
  • войнам
  • vojovnikem
  • войном
  • о войнах
  • vojovniki
  • войны
  • 100
  • Spd
  • Spd + 3
  • Warrior
  • Nursery worker
  • Corrupted, king
  • Yes
  • 1985-11-28
  • 1
  • 666
Next album
  • The Collection
  • Warrior
  • the 42nd chapter of the Attack on Titan manga
  • Ascalon
  • 2010
  • 2001-01-04
  • 2001-01-21
  • 2010-07-12
Home world
  • воин
  • the anime episode of the same name
  • 55
Image File
  • Male
  • 110
  • One hit
  • 2009
  • 戰士 Zhànshì / Zin3 si6
  • 전사 Jeonsa
  • A Warrior on Acheron (LV-426).
  • A warrior in advanced gear.
  • Enrage
  • Concentration
  • Intimidation
  • Acceleration
  • Area Intimidation
  • Blazing Hurricane
  • Chain Slash
  • Combo Training
  • Deadly Slash
  • Double Slash
  • Great Sword Combo
  • Great Sword Combo 2
  • Ironblood
  • Party Enrage
  • Quick Slash
  • Spinning Slash
  • Sword wield
  • Warrior's inspiration
  • 2008-06-25
  • محارب
  • Bookshelf group 1 on the 1st floor of the Library.
  • "But sometimes being a warrior means standing your ground and fighting, even when winning seems impossible."
  • white
  • b27f00
  • 2.5E8
  • By the Sword
  • Weapon
  • Passive
  • Power Play
  • 99999.0
  • *+15 Critical Severity
  • *+15% Physical Damage bonus strength
  • *+5% All Energy Damage bonus strength
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Warrior
  • 2011
Cover size
  • 250
  • Ocean Palace
wikipage disambiguates
  • None
Number (in vol.)
  • 4
  • None
Release date (JA)
  • 2013-02-09
Number (overall)
  • 42
  • ??
  • none
  • None
  • Strike
  • none
  • +9
  • X-Strike
  • 90
  • Yes
force GDRB
  • no
Metal Cost
  • 196
Energy Cost
  • 2236
previous doctor
number stories
  • TBA
  • 0
  • 1.500000
  • PhD + MaD
  • PhD + MaD + 5
  • PhD/3
  • PhD/3 + 5
Max Velocity
  • 15
  • Attack
  • Skille2
  • Skille0
  • 5
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 0
  • 3
  • 6
  • 8
Shield HP
  • 140
  • 200
  • 320
  • 10
  • 2
  • d8
  • Neutral
number seasons
  • 1
  • Class
  • None
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
  • AlbumBy the Sword (album) Sung by NovelBy the Sword (novel) Lyrics by Music by Listen on YouTube
  • not found (warrior.gif) Warriorは肉弾戦の中心となるClassです。彼らの特徴は非常にタフであること、武器と戦術に熟達していることです。Warriorは様々な技 能を持ち、足の指から爪先までも戦闘の為の存在そのものです。World of WarcraftのWarriorは、戦闘時に使用する様々な技能を持っています。 Warriorの熱い戦いは、恐れや呆ける事とは無縁のものです。特に狂戦士、Berserker Stanceの状態では、貴方は襲い掛かるFearやIncapacitateを解除するSkillが使えるようになる事でしょう。 各Stanceには、再使用が長い代わりに、大変強力な限定Skillがあります。 集団戦においては、まさに「斬り込み」というにふさわしい突撃系Skillを駆使します。一瞬にして相手の布陣を破壊、復旧させるよりも早く壊滅に追い込む事によって、その勝利は揺るぎないものとなるでしょう。
  • Warriors are monsters located in the Al-Kharid, Ardougne, and Varrock palaces. They can be pickpocketed at level 25 thieving for 18 coins and 26 experience if successful.
  • Warriors are fighters, pure and simple. There is little formality to their fighting style. Although sometimes they may band together and fight in small squads, they are individualistic fighters, each one fighting how he thinks best. Formations, movements, drilling mean little to them. Each one uses the weapons and style that suit him, that he is best at--and they are all good at what they do.
  • So why become a Warrior? They are stronger, and can use a huge variety of weapons and armor. Plus, you can go three different paths. I also prefer the passive skills of the Warrior above the other skills of other classes. I'm talking about "Improving HP Recovery", which improves the amount of HP you get back when standing still for a while, and "Endure", which makes it able to get HP back when hanging in a rope, or climbing a ladder.
  • A Warrior (or Warrior Bug, sometimes Soldiers) is bred to serve as the infantry of the Bug forces. A Warrior is single minded and relentless.
  • Clark meets Zatanna at a comic book convention where she tells him her father charmed a copy of the comic book Warrior Angel and it holds magical powers. A little boy named Alec steals the comic book and develops super powers as well as gains a few years of age, transforming himself into Warrior Angel and saving Chloe from a horrible accident. Meanwhile, Lois becomes jealous of Clark's relationship with Zatanna.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Warrior</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID 0001AFE0
  • A Warrior is the main damage-taker in EverQuest. They are a highly valued member of the group. Although Paladins, Shadowknights and a few other classes can also tank (take a majority of the damage), no class will match the pure strength of a warrior. The Warrior is also a great aggro (enemy aggression) taker, having many AA's and procs designed specifically for keeping the damage to yourself. Picking a race for a Warrior doesn't really matter; initial strengths and weaknesses aside the races tend to even out quickly. Of course, every race has their own advantages. For example, the Iksar has a natural health regen, and the Ogre has high strength. Picking a race is mainly a personal choice. Be aware, however, that some races are evil to some cities, which can make getting tomes and equipment hard.
  • Архетип Воин (Warrior) представляет собой три класса: Blood Warrior, Adept, и Wrathguard. В то время как основной атрибут зависит от отдельного класса, body является вторичным атрибутом для всех Воинов, поскольку многие навыки архетипа Воин используют Физическое состояние (physique). Кроме того, хотя у Воина есть несколько дальнобойных навыков, основу составляют навыки ближнего боя. Эти навыки могут изучить и другие архетипы (Spellcasters и Rogues) на 50 уровне.
  • Warrior Passive99,999 sec * +15% Physical Damage bonus strength * +5% All Energy Damage bonus strength * +15 Critical Severity
  • Image:EQ000060.jpg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Warriors are the backbone of Norrath's great armies, while the races that employ them vary the training rarely does, mighty strength and courage has to be demonstrated just to join the ranks of a Warrior guild. Practically every civilised and many of those more primitive races of Norrath produce and support Warriors. They are always thoroughly trained in close combat and familiar with all the common weapon types, they are expected to get right up to their opponents and stand toe to toe regardless of their enemies armory. Not only are they expected to use their strength to dish out damage in very close quarters, they are to withstand a greater amount in return. Warriors are the most experienced and battle hardened troops and the grizzled veterans on any expedition are usually of this class. They have the greatest endurance, strength and toughness of any who specialise in melee combat, capable of lasting longer than even the most noble knight in a drawn out battle. Only the Warrior has the skills to physically shield others from melee damage and they are the only class capable of developing such a high level of proficiency in every weapon type. Though a Warrior is a true expert in melee combat and a somewhat self sufficient class, they are not suited to adventuring alone. Warriors rely on magical healing to regenerate after battle which restricts their abilities when fighting solo. They are often capable of beating creatures only slightly less adept than themselves but getting back to full health afterwards can be a significant barrier to advancement. In a party Warriors are a valuable ally and are usually very aware of how to best make use of their limited but exceptional talents. They are not a class that can fit any other role but make an excellent choice for filling that single role they do fit in. Warrior Races Barbarian, Dark Elf, Drakkin, Dwarf, Froglok, Gnome, Half Elf, Halfling, Human, Iksar, Ogre, Troll, Vah Shir, Wood Elf
  • A harcos (angolul warrior) a World of Warcraft alapvető fizikai kasztja. Nem használ a klasszikus értelembe vett mágiát, a harc folyamán felgyülemlett dühét (rage) fordítja az ellenség legyőzése ellen. Ereje és állóképessége az egyik legnagyobb, ezért képes mindenfajta páncéltípust hordani, pajzsot fogni és a pálcák kivételével mindenféle egy- és kétkezes fegyvertípust forgatni. Képes komoly sérülések okozására, de akár társai megvédelmezésére is.
  • The Warrior, @, is a human which can be found on the Valkyrie quest. Many warriors reside in the same room as the Norn. They are generated peaceful, and are fond of getting in your way. They also provide different messages when chatted to. This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
  • Warriors who fight for payment are known as Soldiers.
  • A warrior is a person skilled in combat or warfare, especially within the context of a tribal or clan-based society that recognizes a separate warrior class or caste.
  • Warrior (戦(せん)士(し) Senshi) is a diverse, versatile, and popular Type of Monster Card. There are Warriors of every Attribute, primarily EARTH, DARK and LIGHT. The Warrior-Type is the most human-like Type of monster, consisting of many human knights, brawlers, rogues, etc. The members of the "Amazoness", "Battlin' Boxer", "Cardian", "Comics Hero", "Dark Scorpion", "Warrior", "Six Samurai", "Ninja", "Heroic", "U.A.", "Gouki", and "Noble Knight" archetypes are all Warrior-Type monsters, as is most of the "HERO" archetype. Warriors also have their own Structure Decks, Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph, Structure Deck: Warrior's Strike/Warriors' Strike Structure Deck, Samurai Warlords Structure Deck and Structure Deck: HERO's Strike/HERO Strike Structure Deck. The main protagonists of the series have used plenty of Warrior-Type monsters in their Decks, initially including at least 1 Warrior-Type archetype each. Yugi Muto uses the Three Musketeers of Face Cards and "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monsters, Jaden Yuki uses "Elemental HERO" and "Masked HERO" monsters, and Yusei Fudo uses "Warrior" Synchro Monsters. Yuma Tsukumo also uses several Warrior-Type monsters, with his signature monster also being Warrior-Type. Yuya Sakaki used the Type the least, his line-up consisting of "Performapal Helpprincess" and "Performapal Dag Daggerman", while Yusaku Fujiki only uses Cyberse monsters, but has used the Warrior-like "Code Talker" monsters and "Linkslayer". Many other characters use Warrior monsters, including Aster Phoenix (all incarnations), Reginald Van Howell III, Kaze, Nistro, Alito, Yuto, Chojiro Tokumatsu, Gloria Tyler, and Go Onizuka.
  • The Warrior is a Champion unit from the Clan Box. Table of Contents: Quick Stat & Upgrades | Strategy (+/-) __TOC__
  • The Warrior is one of three Classes only available to the Nordein. Image:Class Icon Warrior.jpg Warriors automatically gains + 1 to STR each Level. Description Like the Fighter, the Warrior is a standard melee combatant. Up close and personal is how Warriors prefer confrontation. Physical attack power is the focus of the Warrior, but focus solely on Strength. A certain amount of Magical Points (MP) is needed to power the Warrior’s devastating Special Skills. Beginning Stats: * STR - 16 * REC - 11 * INT - 8 * WIS - 7 * DEX - 12 * LUC - 11 Weapons * One Handed Axe * Dual Axe * Two Handed Axe * Spear See Also * Warrior Armor * Warrior Skills
  • There are a total of 6 combat skills known as the "Authentic Six" which have been inherited among the Nevarethians. Among the Authentic Six, the "Warrior", "Blader" and "Wizard" skills were established before Nevareth Exodus, the Honorable Age. According to theory, at the time when Core Technology was at its peak, hundreds of groups were practicing and studying their own unique skills. However, the current skills were developed by the first generation of the 7 Sages, based on the Nevareth Exodus survivors' knowledge. "Warriors" are those who have inherited the very first form of "force". They practice physical strength by using force rather than manipulating it, thus being a warrior requires being more physically superior than those of the other forms of force. As they prioritize physical power over technique and speed, their fights are often more thrilling and dynamic. On the contrary, their understanding of force manipulation is quite limited, and thus their intelligence is given less priority in their training. However, experienced warriors are said to be able to awaken their latent abilities by using force to become berserker warriors and summon Astral Weapons by experiencing a spiritual awakening in force.
  • Warrior is the second book in the Hythrun Chronicles Marla Wolfblade is effectively ruling Hythria in her brother's name. And ruling it well. The country is stable, there is peace and prosperity and even her nemesis, Alija Eaglespike, High Arrion of the Sorcerers' Collective, appears to have given up on her attempts to have her own husband elevated to the throne. But the surface calm belies the turmoil underneath. Marla has more immediate problems to deal with. She must decide who will be given the honour of fostering her son, Damin, arrange marriages for her stepchildren, and find something useful to do with her fractious and rebellious daughter, Kalan. The problems really start, however, when she brings into the family the orphaned daughter of her third husband, Luciena Mariner, who has secretly been primed by Alija Eaglespike to kill her son, Damin Wolfblade, the first chance she gets. Meanwhile, Brakandaran the Halfbreed arrives in Krakandar, demanding Wrayan Lightfinger help him rescue a child with magical ability from Fardohnya, in order to make up for a dreadful crime he has committed but which he refuses to discuss. And in Fardohnya, King Hablet waits for his opportunity to put an end to the Wolfblade line and will use anything, including all out war, to achieve his goal. But the real danger to Marla lies in the very heart of her family and the person she trusts the most will eventually betray her. Against a background of treachery and the peril of the plague, Warrior follows the fates of Marla and her children, Wrayan Lightfinger, and Elezaar the Dwarf as the High Prince's heir grows to manhood and is forced to confront his destiny.
  • File:Risen2 logo 104.png File:Risen3 logo.png The Warrior is a dangerous, mindless Shadow appearing in Risen 2 and briefly in Risen 3. They appear to be deceased natives that have been raised again, from the Shaganumbi, Maracai, or Kila tribes. SPOILERS FOLLOW
  • The Warrior archetype consists of three classes: Blood Warrior, Adept, and Wrathguard. The primary attribute for Warriors is always body. A lot of Warrior archetype skills use the physique state. Also, the majority of Warrior skills are melee-based, although they do have a few ranged skills. These skills may be learned by the other two archetypes (Spellcasters and Rogues) at level 50.
  • Warrior er høyt utdannede krigere i kunstene våpen. De er sterke og raske på slagmarken. Slik at de kan håndtere store mengder skade, de er også i stand til å tåle store mengder skade for å beskytte andre gruppemedlemmer. En Warrior's evner er avhengig av raseri. Dette er forskjellig for alle, men en nærkamp klasse, som druid, nærmere bestemt en druid i Bjørne form. Raseri er generert gjennom skader blir som blir generert til rage og maks raseri er 100. Warriors har flere talenter som kan hjelpe raseri generasjon, slikt som Bloodrage
  • The Warrior starts out with a good advantage, as all manners of stabbity and whackity items can be found every time you turn a corner in a dungeon; his good constitution and strength also means that he can carry more things and survive longer in the beginning. However, towards the middle of the game he/she will start to lose out, since a great manner of enemies have ranged attacks (and in the case of the chaos mushroom, an attack that can confuse you no less;) and a good number of other foes have penalties imposed upon the character during melee combat. The Kamikaze Attack quest is when the drawbacks of a warrior are clearest, since while a melee character can wield ranged weapons, they are not particularly strong with them. Another one of the ill effects of being melee-based is that the warrior will usually have to wade up to the big threatening monster to deal with it, which is not good if said big threatening monster have a powerful breath attack, can steal, or dishes out a special negative effect (such as stamina absorption) whenever they strike. Again, ranged attack is an option, but usually a secondary one. Then again, the warrior as a melee-based character receives the best picks from the special artifacts (Diablo, Mournblade, Rankis, and Blood Moon, just to name a few) and so the warrior can dole out supreme levels of raw damage in due time. Just make sure you are immune to blinding and confusion.
  • Warriors are the hunters and fighters of the Clan, and make up the majority of the Clan's population.
  • The Warrior is the a powerhouse class in Fat Princess, meaning that he can absorb the damage while/or inflicting a lot of damage. He has six health points. The Warrior can perform slash attacks with a sword. When locked on to enemies, the Warrior can block projectile attacks with its shield. When the Warrior is upgraded, it can wield a glaive that can perform more powerful charge attack, the glaive adds more damage to enemies. However, when wielding the glaive, the Warrior cannot block attacks.
  • Warriors excel at initiation and sustaining fights. On the in-game leaderboard, the amount of damage received by Warriors is tracked by the "Role" column. Warriors generally tend to be low-end to mid damage-dealers, with mid utility, mid to high survivability, and spread in the middle when it comes to complexity. The values in the lists below are provided by Blizzard and are in no way indicative of individual players' experience.
  • Ravenflight knew she was ready to fly. She was going to be the best fly warrior, and hopefully the best warrior. She knew what it took to reach the top and she would do what it took. She was the “Reckless Raven” as the other recruits liked to nickname her. Everything was just a simple challenge to her, another victory to add to her score. But after awhile, she realized that it wasn’t just about training, it was about being aware that this was all for a reason. It wasn’t a game. It was war. ~
  • Warriors are melee fighters highly trained in the art of weaponry. Melee combat is the warrior's strongest skill. They are strong and quick on the battlefield. Depending on their specialization, a warrior can often deal very high damage or be tough to kill. Warrior abilities depend on rage generation. This is different to all but one melee class, the bear form druid. Rage for Arms and Fury is generates through auto-attacks, while rage for Protection warriors is generated primarily through taking damage. Warriors wear plate, and at level 50 they receive [Plate Specialization]. They are able to use shields, wear a variety of armor, and wield any weapon with the exception of wands. Warrior is one of the two classes playable by all races, Hunter being the other.
  • Warriors are relentless people who love battle and war. They are skilled in weapons such as swords and axes. They are often taught under Thok, the Warlord in Trainers. They run on Fighter enhancements. Warrior is one of the most chosen classes, aside from Paladin. It is a non-member class. Info
  • The Warrior was once a king of a peaceful people who were besieged by violence from a powerful enemy.
  • Active Skills | Passive Skills | Builds | Costumes
  • All melee weapons
  • Warrior (born James Brian Hellwig (June 16, 1959 - April 8, 2014) was an American professional wrestler. He is best known for his appearances in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s as the Ultimate Warrior, during which time he won the WWF Championship and pinned Hulk Hogan in the main event of WrestleMania VI. Hellwig legally changed his name to Warrior in 1993. He wrestled both as a heel and as a face. Warrior retired from professional wrestling in 1999 and embarked on a public speaking career. The Ultimate Warrior died on April 8, 2014, at the age of 54. Over the preceding three days he had been inducted to the WWE Hall of Fame, appeared at WrestleMania XXX, and made his final public appearance on Raw (April 7, 2014).
  • The warrior ethos had been an important aspect of Klingon society since the time of Kahless, but the warrior aspects became much more dominant beginning in the early 22nd century. Previously, Klingon society was regarded as socially balanced, but over time the warrior caste gained greater prominence, to the point where the Klingons widely came to be regarded as a "warrior race." (ENT: "Broken Bow", "Judgment") The Klingon Bird-of-Prey of the mid-24th century was said to be equipped with the Klingon Empire's "best weapons" and "finest warriors." (TNG: "A Matter Of Honor" ) In 2368, Lieutenant Worf said in his personal log that he would "rather fight ten Balduk warriors than face one small child" after he found out his son, Alexander, was coming aboard the Enterprise. (TNG: "New Ground" ) The unnamed hologram used to test weapons in in "Business as Usual" was also described a "warrior" in the script.
  • Warriors specialize in close combat. Fearsome and hulking, a Warrior's way is found more through brute force, grit and great resilience than guile and trickery. They use their great physical strength and prowess to pound the enemy and provide cover for allies. However, do not be fooled into thinking Warriors are only brainless, or simple-minded. A Warrior bears the brunt of the attack and can reply with tremendous force and power. Do not fail to appreciate what these soldiers can do for you or your group. Though your first steps may be relatively easy to master, Warriors must fully dedicate both body and mind to completely understand the powerful skills they’ll be taught. A great many Warriors have walked the land, but only the strongest and most dedicated can truly survive in this world. Once a Warrior reaches level 10, they must choose to specialize in either a Templar or a Gladiator. Some Warriors choose the path of the Gladiator and march headlong through the front lines of the battlefield to destroy their enemy. Other soldiers, destined to follow the path of the Templar, use swords and shields to force back the front lines of battle and to protect those not as sturdy as themselves.
  • The warriors are the front line in Regnum. Their presence keeps groups together and allows coordination, while protecting the ranged classes. They lead the charges and punish those who cannot get away fast. The main attribute for warriors is strength. It gives them higher physical damage, spell focus also more space in the inventory. Constitution is also important, since it boosts the health bar and gives resistance against knock/stun.
  • The Warrior (戦士 Senshi?) is a recurring job class in the Tales series.
  • Minmatar Light Scout Drone. Does explosive damage.
  • The Warrior is called Thor here.
  • The warrior is a class or path of skills.
  • This warrior destroyed the Incursean homeworld.
  • Training you can get in the Warrior Class
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  • The Warriors of the lands of Khanduras are well trained in all of the weapons of war. Ranging from crusading Paladins to unscrupulous mercenaries, Warriors can be found wherever there is conflict amongst their countrymen. Many of these adventuresome men joined with King Leoric's army and went to battle against the kingdom of Westmarch. As the fires of war burned themselves out, these Warriors returned home to find their kingdom in shattered chaos and disarray. Dark rumors of the mysterious demise of King Leoric abounded and the evil that lurked within his Cathedral drew many Warriors to Khanduras seeking fortune and glory. Though they were warned by the people of Tristram, a few of these brave souls ventured into the chaotic labyrinth beneath the old church - never to be heard from again. Whether they were driven by valor, honor, madness or greed, new Warriors arrived in Tristram every day, ready to challenge the dark unknown that awaited them beneath the earth.
  • Warrior is a monster.
  • Warriors are a canon class in World of Warcraft.
  • The Warrior is the only core melee profession (the Assassin and the Dervish are available in the Factions and Nightfall campaigns, respectively) and has many skills designed to enhance the use of swords, axes, shields, and hammers. Warriors wear the highest armor of any profession (though the Paragon has equal protection against non-physical damage), allowing them to trade hits with the biggest, meanest foes in the game. They also have the primary attribute Strength, which grants extra armor penetration when using attack skills. Many Warrior skills revolve around combining straight-up physical damage with crippling conditions. They also have access to stances which modify their abilities, and shouts to boost the party's performance or even impair enemies. The patron god of Warriors is Balthazar. Anyone looking to use a sword, axe, or hammer should take Warrior as either their primary or secondary profession. Keep in mind that all characters are restricted to the armor and primary attribute of their primary profession, but even without the Warrior's armor and Strength some secondary warrior builds can be quite effective. Furthermore, taking Warrior as a secondary can be useful even for characters who will never use a melee weapon due to the Warrior's protective shouts and stances. The Warrior is currently the only pure melee profession as all other melee professions have at least one attribute that is some form of magic. The primary Warrior's base armor provides 80 armor and an additional +20 armor versus physical damage. A starting primary Warrior begins with 20 base energy and 2 energy recovery. The Warrior's primary attribute is Strength, which adds armor penetration to attack skills.
  • Warrior can be unlocked by speaking with Drill Sergeant Dewey in Snowhill.
  • One of the 3 Job classes available to players when setting up a new game of Dokapon Kingdom. They have a good attack stat starting off, so they are good at the beginning. However, they lack in speed and magic, so the player should invest some stats in those areas. Strong in attack and defense abilities, the Warrior recieves a random boost to his AT at the start of a round.
  • "The Shadowed One" recruited Warrior for his valiant battle skils. His code name refers to what his boss thought of him. So he hunted down many Toa, but mostly fought in wars rather than one-to-one combat. Now Warrior wanted to be most favored by "The Shadowed One." But all the other Dark Hunters were in his path, especially Titan. No matter how hard he tried, Warrior couldn't beat him. So finally, he left the organization. When "The Shadowd One" heard of Warrior's leave, he was angry and worried that Warrior might reveal the Dark Hunters' secrets to anyone. So he sent some of his best Hunters to kill Warrior. However, Warrior was caught in the middle of nowhere by the Brotherhood of Makuta before the Hunters found him.
  • Wojownik to przede wszystkim klasa tankująca, jak i DPS'ująca. Ma dostęp do dużej palety umiejętności, które mogą zostać użyte w zależności od poziomu Rage. W przeciwieństwie do innych klas, takich jak Rogue, pasek Rage jest pusty, zanim Warrior zada obrażenia bronią biała, lub bronią do walki na odległość taką jak np. Strzelby, Łuki, lub otrzyma obrażenia - wtedy pasek się wypełnia. Warrior korzysta z trzech stance: Battle Stance - stan podstawowy, Defensive Stance - zmniejsza obrażenia przyjmowane przez warriora i generuje Threat zwany także Aggro. Trzecim stance, chyba najbardziej kluczowym w PVP jak i w generowaniu DPS w PVE jest Berserker Stance - nasz damage jest większy, ale także otrzymujemy więcej obrażeń. Typów buildów jest kilka, choć jest tylko garstka popularnych - Arms (zwany MS Fury - od nazwy kluczowego skilla w drzewku talentów Arms - Bladestorm. Nastepnym Buildem jest Fury (nazywany rogue-in-plate lub cookie-cutter). Skupia się on na typowym PVE Dpsowaniu - Dual wield, polączony z talentami zwiększajacymi damage i prędkość ataku z broni jednoręcznych. Trzecim i Ostatnim typem buildów jest Prot (od nazwy drzewka Protection. Sluży on przede wszystkim do Tankowania mobów na instancjach, choć w PVP w rękach doświadczonego gracza może być zabójczą bronią - połączenie Mortal Strike z Concussion Blow.
  • Warriors possess many of the attributes of Knights but serve no lord or king, choosing instead to operate independently by their own free will. They are based on the usage of various weapons and tactics while using superior charismatic force.
  • guerrero Mientras ha durado la guerra, los héroes de cada raza han intentado dominar el arte de la batalla. Los guerreros combinan fuerza, liderazgo y un amplio conocimiento de armas y armaduras para crear el caos durante el glorioso combate. Algunos protegen desde las primeras líneas con escudos, bloqueando a los enemigos mientras los aliados apoyan a los guerreros desde detrás con hechizos y arcos. Otros renuncian al escudo y desatan su ira contra la amenaza más próxima con una variedad de armas mortales. Los gritos de guerra de los guerreros envalentonan a los aliados y hacen que los enemigos se encojan aterrorizados. Con precisión legendaria, los guerreros apuntan hacia las rajas más pequeñas en la armadura y cortan tendones con una ráfaga de acero.Cada dragón derrotado, tirano corrupto derrocado y demonio exiliado de Azeroth ha temblado ante estos señores de la guerra. Información general Los guerreros se equipan con cuidado para el combate y se enfrentan a sus enemigos de frente, dejando que los ataques resbalen contra su pesada armadura. Usan diversas tácticas de combate y una gran variedad de tipos de armas para proteger a los combatientes menos hábiles. Los guerreros deben controlar cuidadosamente su ira (el poder detrás de sus ataques más fuertes) para maximizar su efectividad en el combate. Categoría:Clases Categoría:Ampliar Categoría:Poner imágenes
  • A warrior is one of three character classes a player can choose, once they reach level 5 in ASDA Story and Level 10 in ASDA Story 2. They specialize in close-range combat and take more punishment than any other class.
  • Warriors are masters of weapons, shielding and hand-to-hand combat. They have greater brute strength than other vocations, and are able to carry more equipment and items at any given level. As a result of their focus on physical skills, warriors are severely lacking in magical abilities.
  • As long as war is waged on Azeroth, there will be men and women who fight those wars. The warrior is no mere sword-swinger; they are skilled combatants, combining strength of arm, knowledge of weaponry and practiced maneuvers to slice or bludgeon their foes into little red bits. The warrior is the most versatile of the combat classes, and they supplement their fighting prowess with the ability to rally their allies and spur them to victory, but not only can they rally their allies into victory; they can themselves charge into the heart of the battle, take several lives and live to tell the tale. All races fight, and all races boast many warriors in their ranks. Warriors are common among dwarves, Forsaken, humans, and orcs, but are less so among the other races. Masters of swords, spears, and weapons of all kinds, warriors share a common way of life on Azeroth. Using their abilities to deal pain and cause bloodshed, warriors are deadly adversaries and welcome friends in violent times (which seem to be all the time in recent decades). Warriors have existed in every race, from the murlocs to the tauren. Anyone willing to take up arms to defend their people can be classed as a warrior. A knight is the warrior elite among humans. Here is a list of .
  • Level 30 3dot mob * River Palace * 3 dot protector mobs Lv 34 is the prereq for the ability.
  • Proposed template: Info/Intro Equipment Skills/Spells 1-99 Master Grand Master Gladiator Special: Warrior Training Grounds Tailoring Stat Plans / Character Builds (Various)
  • Warrior is an enemy in Sinjid Shadow of the Warrior that appears during the Human Gateway.
  • A Warrior is the most primitive and weakest melee unit found in many of the Civilization games. In all, it is one of the few units that are available from the beginning, as it doesn't need any specific technology.
  • The Warrior is the main character of Rise of the Warrior. Native son of Kirra, he seeks vengeance against the General who slew his father and endangered the lives of his people.
  • Warriors are the backbone of any society, large or small. They protect the group, hunt for food, and go to war.
  • One of three basic vocations that you can select when creating your character. The Warrior uses melee weapons sometimes combined with a shield. Once you have paved your path through Sattnyr Island and arrive at the Island of Judgement you can chose to branch out and become one of four classes, each special in their own way.
  • The Warrior . Sometimes, the Warrior is an advanced class of the Fighter. More complex societies and organizations usually forgo the Warrior in favor of more specialized classes, although even in differentiated and advanced forces, a basic combatant may still be classed as Warrior, even if their equipment is highly advanced, if there is no other specialization present.
  • When you reach level 10 as a Beginner, aspiring Warriors can go to the Warriors' Sanctuary in Perion and talk to Dances with Balrog, who will advance you to a Swordman. You will be given a HP and MP boost, as well as a basic warrior weapon.
  • Nick Crush is a professional wrestler, by the name of Warrior. Crush is from Cleveland,OH, a current resident his entire life. He is currently serving in UWE, alongside his Valet for his 15 year career, Valentina. thumb | Crush broke into the business with the help of the Grand Wizard. Crush would go to Kentucky(Without his parents knowledge) during the weekends, and wrestle for independent shows that the Grand Wizard set up for him, only to drive 8 hours back to his home, hoping his parents wouldn't be up by the time he got home. Crush claimed he never had a real job growing up, and that all he wanted to do was "Win the big one". Warrior eventually made noise to the ears of former Japanease professional wrestler, Mashiro Chono (the then New Japan Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Champion). Chono invited Crush to an NJPW taping, and depending on his attitude towards NJPW and Japan all together, Crush would sign on for the New Japan Project. Crush debuted with NJPW on November 5th 1986, and stayed until he recieved a call from Tod Gordon to sign on with Extreme Championship Wrestling in 1993. Crush debuted what would be his most recognizable character to date, Warrior. Warrior was a "Blatant rip-off of "The Ultimate Warrior" claims Crush. Crush would go around, sporting either face-paint, or a mask with face-paint. Warrior, however, wouldn't wrestle too much in New Japan Pro Wrestling, due to a knee injury he suffered at the hands of Kejii Mutoh. Crush was seemingly put on the back-burner of the company, and because of that, Crush felt his style wasn't being used up to par, and decided to take his pink slip on January 2nd, 1992. Crush would continue to wrestle on the indy circuit on and off, until Tod Gordon gave him a call to come wrestle for the up and come Extreme Championship Wrestling(ECW). Crush would debut in ECW against Stevie Richards on April 24th, 1993. Crush, being accepted highly from the ECW crowd, would always get "Mastermind", or "Anarchy" chants throughout the early days of his ECW career. However, Warrior was a heel, and had begun to insult the crowd. One notable event occurred on September 12th, 1993, to where a fan had heckled Crush so bad that he went by the fan, and told him to "Keep his mouth shut", thus escalating a confrontation to where the fan would jump the guardrail, only to be punch by Crush. Crush, feeling bad for the man, decided to send him a get well soon card, attached with two front row tickets for an upcoming live event. Crush would eventually get his very first title opportunity in his career against Sabu on August 9th, 1995, at ECW Hostile City Showdown, for the TV Championship. Warrior, always mocking Sabu, and calling him a "Bad version of a Terrorist", would eventually lose to Sabu. Sabu, however, would get the worse of Crush, as Sabu needed 10 stitches on his right bicep. Crush always joked towards Sabu about it, however Sabu would rub the title win back in his face. Crush was told by Paul Heyman (Tod Gordan's replacement), that Crush would need to do something different to his character, just to distinct himself from all the other masked wrestlers in ECW at that time (Rey Mysterio Jr, Pyschosis, Juventud Guerra) in order to keep his job. Heyman, however was joking, but Crush took it seriously, and thats when he brought in his new valet, Valentina(Lizzy Borden) Borden and Crush were ECW's "Match made in extreme", however, Crush felt in real life, that Valentina was only wearing his character down. The next piece of history for Crush would be the Mass Transit Incident. Crush, who was running later to an ECW taping in Revere, Massachusetts, called Paul and told him to replace him. Crush's replacement was a fan by the name of Eric Kulas, who was impersonating a wrestler. Kulas got beat up badly by a wrestler named New Jack, so bad to where the kid had blood dripping everywhere, and the Kulas needed medical attention as soon as the match was done with. Crush noted that on the DVD "The Rise and Fall of ECW"(produced by WWE) he was "1000% responsible for this incident", However Heyman told him he did the right thing. The company was heading towards a close in 2001, and while ECW was trying to stay alive, Crush became the second-to-last ECW Champion. Crush would lose the title January 1st, 2001 to Rhyno. Crush would not be heard of for quite some time, however that was only because he would be producing shows, such as "Hardcore Homecoming", and wrestling DVD's, such as "The Rise and Fall of ECW". Crush would later join XWA in the summer of 2007. XWA (Xtreme Wrestling Association) informed Crush of their product. Crush went to their location the next week (Palatka, Florida) and visited backstage. Crush, impressed by XWA, would sign a contract through 2009. However, it came to a short close when Crush asked for released exactly one month later (February 4th,2007). Crush, once again, would not be heard of until May 1st, 2008, when he signed with UWE(Ultimate Wrestling Entertainment) Crush would show up to the UWE Souled Out PPV, to make his debut against fellow UWE debuter, Dime. Crush, however would lose the match. The following week, on UWE Showdown, Crush would have his first match, only to lose once again. The Rise and Fall of ECW-DVD ECW Hardcore Revolution-Video Game ECW Anarchy Rulz-Video Game Masermind Matches-Straight-to-DVD release ECW Magazine-Cover of ECW Magazine January 1999 Edition Nicknames "The Leader of the Anarchy"-ECW/UWE "The Anarchist"-NJPW/Early ECW "The Mastermind"-All Promotions Signature Moves Train Wreck(Irish whip into clothesline) Big Boot Downfall(Reverse Twist of Fate) SideJacker(Stomp on Ribs)-ECW Twisted Version(Hard Swinging Neckbreaker)-NJPW
  • The warrior is a character class in Divine Divinity.
  • The Warrior is the nickname of the player character in Fallout Tactics.
  • The Warrior class is an advanced class of the Human Fighter who pursues physical power. Since Warriors do not belong to regular military, most pursue work independently. Warriors focus on having strong swordsmanship skills. Focused on gaining strength and power, they tend to distance themselves from other people to better focus on their training. Warriors tend to live on the outskirts of villages and adopt an uncultivated lifestyle. Playstyle: The Warrior class is specialized for close physical combat with an emphasis on attack skills. Warriors tend to concentrate their effort on raising their attack skills and killing monsters. During party play, warriors can assume the role of a tank to some extent. However, their primary skill and benefit is in dealing damage, and lots of it.
  • Warrior is a song by Disturbed. {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
  • Warriors are characters who begin with Combat as their primary statistic.
  • Warrior is the first level in the Gem Blox Mode section of the Explore Mode in Play Mode in Boom Blox. There are 11 Gem Blox that the player must tumble down in order to complete this level. The player can win Bronze if he/she meets this goal with 3 throws, Silver if 2 throws, and Gold if 1.
  • Warrior Base Strength 1H,2H,Shield,No Duel Cloth,Leather,Mail Abilities Heroic Strike (6 sec) * Add X amount of damage on next attack War Cry (60 sec) * Add X amount of damage for 5 minutes to party Battle Cry (60 sec) * Add X amount of armor for 5 minutes to party Battle Roar (20 sec) * Cause people to attack you Shield Bash (requires Shield) (30 sec) * Does X amount of damage * Stuns for 2 seconds War Stomp (15 sec) * Does X amount of Damage to the the slowed and extra to stunned * Stuns for 1 seconds for people in a range of 150 * Slows for 2 seconds for people in a range of 250 Charge (15 sec) (non combat) * Stuns for 1 sec * Does x amount of damage Rend (15 sec) * Does X amount of damage over time * Slows for 4 seconds
  • STR + HP Warriors can become a Blade that uses variety of weapons to infict critical damage, or they can become a Protector with high defense ability to protect ally's magicans and priests.
  • Warriors are Dragonica's premiere tanking class with both their large amount of health and armor and their ability to deal decent damage in melee range. Their primary role is to be up close in the face of the enemy, taking the hits for party members. In PvP combat, they use their strong stamina as a boon against heavy damage dealers like the Magician. Their primary stats are strength, DEF, and ATK.
  • Warriors use their strength to beat monsters. The warrior's skill consist on melee. Warriors are experts on physical attacks and close combat and also on defense and armoury. Warriors are some sort of knight. Also, warriors are the main blockers of the hunts and quests because of their high close combat skills and high amounts of HP(health points) so if you are planning to make a big hunt or a quest, don't forget to have a good blocker for it! Another great advantage of the warrior is that they are great to make money (aka: moneymakers) because they can hunt easy creatures without any tipe of waste. If you are planning to get cash or to be a blocker then don't hesitate and become a warrior!
  • De warrior is een melee class die de mogenlijkheid heeft om veel damage te doen en te ontvangen. Warrior maken goed met hun variety melee aanvallen dat ze geen magische vaardigheden hebben. Daarom gebruikt een warrior rage inplaats van mana voor een groot aantal van hun vaardigheden. De warrior is een Tank/DPS klasse die 2 functies heeft. Een warrior kan dienen als een tank die voorkomt dat andere groepsgenoten aggro krijgen en de damage die andere krijgen minimaliseren. Ook het goed indelen van je talenten punten en goede een goede uitrusting kan een warrior heel veel DPS doen. Warriors kunnen alle types armor gebruiken en wapens behalve Librams, Relics, Totems en Wands.
  • Warrior (Soturi) on yksi pelin parhaimmista tankeista. Warriorit sopivat myö DPS-rooleihin.
  • Warrior is a ventus bakugan and the gaurdian bakugan of Cole. It kinda looks like warius but it is much more smooth looking and has the same face has a siege. Instead of having a hammer-like weapon Warrior has a glowing ventus colored sword. This bakugan can talk. This bakugan is a sky raider and has the metal the bakugan do now a days.
  • The Warrior is a more powerful and better armoured version of the Peewee with a lower top speed; its role is similar to the Hammer as it does well in front line offense. Unlike the Peewee that utilizes dual-barrelled EMGs, the Warrior only has one, however, it also comes armed with a Stumpy-esque weapon. It has no CORE counterpart.
  • The warrior. Melee master, tank, farmer, runner, you name it! Here's a couple of builds for the warrior...
  • After defeating the 2nd boss (Tengu), the Hero will be rewarded with the Tome of Mastery.This allows the player to choose between 2 different sub-classes.
  • The Warrior is the basic fighter class in all Bard's Tale games. Like the Paladin, he can use most kinds of armor and weaponry. Likewise, he develops his ability for multiple attacks.
  • Drew Roode (born July 8,1974) is a Canadian professional wrestler from Ottawa, Ontario,Canada. He is the brother of TNA's Robert Roode. He currently works for Excel Wrestling Action! under the ring name "Aztec" Warrior.
  • Warriors are adult cats who feed and protect the Clan. Their duties are extremely important to the overall survival of the Clan.
  • The Warrior, also known as the Soldier, is the primary assault caste of the Xenomorph XX121 species and as such is almost certainly the most numerous caste of Xenomorph in existence. They are fast, reasonably tough, and savage combatants. Even in death the Warrior is dangerous, as its pressurized bloodstream will cause it to burst apart, drenching nearby enemies in acid blood. Warriors are identified by their ridged heads, and stand around 7–8 feet tall on their hind legs. They are about 14–16 feet long, including their tail. Warriors first appeared in Aliens, but were actually the result of a last-minute design change made by director James Cameron; the original smooth Drone headpiece was considered too fragile to stand up to the rigors of filming and so it was removed, revealing the ridged structure beneath.
  • Masters of both weapons and armor, warriors are feared melee combatants. Warriors have the highest strength of any class and the physical resilience to make full use of it. This comes at a heavy price as they are among the least adept at recovering from arduous mental stress. Swinging a massive sword to decapitate your foes requires little thought, however, and warriors begin with a 5% (up to 15% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to max melee damage.
  • Warrior is a nursery manager of his own nursery. He made his first appearance in DAY AT THE NURSERY! when Jesse arrives at his nursery for his first day of training.
  • Warriors are the heavy-hitting, overtly offensive characters in game. They receive stat bonuses to strength and constitution, two characteristics which favor bashing, charging and abs playstyles. They also receive a minus to dexterity which tends to prevent them from being dodgy or stabby, though dodgy warriors are not unheard of and a very few warriors have been seen to stab. Warrior skills cost only 1 prac per session for warriors, while hunter skills cost 2 prac per session, and rogue skills cost warriors 3 pracs per session. This arrangement also tends to push warriors to focus on skills such as bash, charge and kick and avoid learning skills such as hide, sneak or backstab.
  • Warrior is a 2011 American sports action-drama film directed by Gavin O'Connor and starring Tom Hardy, Joel Edgerton, and Nick Nolte. Warrior tells the story of two estranged brothers entering a mixed martial arts tournament, and deals with the brothers' struggling relationship with each other and with their father.
  • The earliest military forces were simply the citizens of the city, armed with whatever implements they could use as weapons. Although a militia made up of warriors was inexpensive, they were not a match for organized armies. Warriors were usually used as stopgap measures while waiting for superior units to be trained, or to defend a city that had been temporarily cut off from military support. In a crisis situation, an assembly of warriors is better than no defese at all.
  • Warriors are one of the four types of small fries in the game Small Fry.
  • Warrior Warrior eli soturi (ensimmäisessä työssään Swordsman) omaa suuren fyysisen vahingon ja suojan fyysisiä hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Kuitenkin suoja taikoja vastaan on heikko. Perustaidot: Improving HP Recovery: Palauttaa enemmän energiaa (HP) 10 sekunnin välein, kun seisoo paikallaan. Improving Max HP Increase: Lisää maksimi energia määrää, kun hahmo nousee tason (Level up) tai käyttää Ability Pointin (AP) energian maksimin nostattamiseen. Endure: Palauttaa energiaa myös silloin, kun roikkuu tikkaissa tai köydessä. Iron Body: Nostaa Weapon Defenceä väliaikaisesti. Power Strike: Iskee vihollista kovemmin. Slash Blast: Iskee korkeintaan kuutta (6) edessä olevaa vihollisia. Työt: Tasolla 10 saat ensimmäisen työn, jos STR on 35 tai enemmän. Tasolla 30 saat toisen työn. Työssään Swordman voi valita kolmesta vaihtoehdosta, jotka ovat Fighter, Page ja Spearman. * Fighter käyttää kahden tai yhden käden kirveitä tai miekkoja. Page käyttää kahden tai yhden käden miekkoja tai nuijia. * Spearman käyttää nimensä mukaan kahden käden keihästä tai hilparia (keihään ja taistelukirveen yhdistelmä). Kaikilla hahmoilla on eronsa. Tasolla 70 saat kolmannen työn. Työssään Fighter muuttuu Crusaderiksi, Page muuttuu White Knightiksi ja Spearman muuttuu Dragon Knightiksi Tasolla 120 Crusader muuttuu Heroksi, Knight muuttuu Paladiniksi ja Dragon Knight muuttuu Dark Knightiksi Luokka:Työt
  • warru eli worrior, eli Warrior (soturi) on eräänlainen tiukka taistelija. Hän voi voittaa sinut terävillä reflexeillä ja voimakkailla käsillään. Hänellä on myös tiukat panssarit joten iskut eivät ikävästi lörpsähdä häneen. Löysillä panssareilla isku on kuin ruoskan läpsy, mutta tiukoilla tulee vain syvä haava.
  • Warrior is a vocation in the Dragon Quest game series. Warriors typically have high HP, Strength, and Vitality stats, but low Agility. They also have no magical ability whatsoever. The Warrior is most useful in "full-out" brawls, when the only chance to defeat a monster is to knock them out as fast as you can, before they have the chance to knock you out.
  • In times such as these, no man is raised without knowledge of how to use weapons, and no household is without a sword. When all others fail, the people themselves are the last line of defence. Warriors are no more than peasants with any weapon they can get their hands on, called upon to defend their homes, their livelihoods, and their families. Although they fight with a desperate bravery and stubborness born of the knowledge that they are fighting to protect everything they hold dear, their lack of training and haphazard equipment makes them no match for professional soldiers. The Barbarian Warrior has none of the merits of the civilized men, save their fanatical bravery. Warriors form the bulk of the Barbarian war bands that prey on outlying settlements, thriving on destruction and slaughter. Most Barbarians carry on the way of their nomadic ancestors, ceaselessly on the move, still worshipping the ancient and bloodthirsty pagan gods, and their spine-chilling war cries and horrific appearance are the terror of the borderlands. These menaces to the civilized world deserve nothing less than to be exterminated.
  • His capabilities range from the towing of barges (mainly Lord Stinker) to major liner docking operations, including the Princess Alice and The Duchess. Like the rest of the Star Fleet, Warrior is based on the tugs of San Francisco waters from the 1920's. His name obviously means he is pure of courage, bravery and knows how to put up a fight, which is quite ironically nothing at all, like Warrior! He is extremely hardworking, despite the fact that his inherent clumsiness often leads to problems. He is quite loyal, strong-willed, and determined, and never gives up. Despite Warrior's shortcomings, he has proved himself to be a valuable member of the Star Fleet with notable examples being when he helped put out the fires, saved Izzy Gomez and stopped the logs that were flowing from up the river. Captain Star has referred to him as a striker. Even though he's not the smartest tug on the fleet, Warrior can occasionally come up with bright (if unusual) ideas in dire situations, such as setting his garbage barge alight to make a beacon for the S.S. Vienna. Whenever he makes a mistake, he's determined to set things right, as seen in Sunshine, when he is the only tug who openly acknowledges how badly the other Star Tugs treated Sunshine. Warrior's whistle has a single note and is very nasally, much like a factory hooter.
  • __notoc__ <default><span style="font-weight:bold;">Warrior</span></default> <format><span style="font-weight:bold;"></span></format> Mod.png Statistics Polarity Rarity Trading Tax 2,000 ‍ Dropped byCorpus Nullifier Crewman Corpus Sniper Crewman Dropped byOther: Transmutable Untransmutable Warrior allows Wyrm to attack the first visible enemy in range.
  • The Warrior is an advanced Combat class, one of the last classes in the combat type that rely on Item/Mystic balance. It focuses on using the One-Handed and Power Grip wield styles, and increases damage done with all weapons. X360: This class will stop upgrading if the Item/Mystic Balance requirement is no longer met. How to Obtain: Since this class requires Item/Mystic balance, it is easiest to obtain by keeping this balance through a previous Combat class while training the required wield style skills. Changing to Warrior from a Mystic class will likely involve skill grinding as this is only possible if STR becomes significant or weapon types become the only significant skill group. The former is unlikely to happen to a Mystic type character, and the latter needs to be done before changing to a different Rank 4 class at STR41 or INT41. On the X360, only one of Power Grip or Two-Handed is needed to meet the requirements, along with the Item/Mystic balance. The requirements are also lax enough that Dual Two-Handed and Dual Power Grip can be used to achieve and progress in the class. The Wield Style level requirements remain the same. Upgrade Options: There are no more straight upgrades from this class. The only higher rank class requiring Item/Mystic balance is Ordainer, but the requirements for that are so high that it is easier to obtain through another intermediate class. Raising Item skills opens up the next Combat class Rank: X360 * Guardian: requires Item>Mystic, STR47+ * Guardian: requires Item>Mystic, One-Handed 13 or Power Grip 13 or Two-Handed 13, Herbs 6 or Lotions 6, STR47+. This can prove to be a little tricky though, as both Herbs and Lotions have corresponding Item-related Rank 5 classes that have easier requirements and will be changed into before the Guardian requirements are met. The best way to avoid this is to keep the Item/Mystic balance until all other requirements are met. Obviously the above mentioned Item classes are also readily available by getting the Item skills higher: Item + Combat * Scout: highest Item skill is Herbs, STR41+ or INT41+ * Hunter: highest Item skill is Lotions, STR47+ or INT47+ * Wanderer: highest Item skill is Traps, STR47+ or INT47+ * Thief: highest Item skill is Explosives, STR47+ or INT47+ * Alchemist: highest Item skill is Shards, STR53+ or INT53+ If Mystics are trained instead, Mystic or Mystic + Combat classes can open up depending on the skill group significance. Raising Mystics while keeping them from becoming significant: X360 * Gladiator: requires Mystic>Item, STR53+ * Gladiator: requires Mystic>Item, Power Grip 16, highest Mystic skill is Wards, STR53+ Raising Mystics to become another significant skill group: * Paladin: highest Mystic skill is Psionics, STR47+ or INT47+ * Ninja: requires Dual Wield 22 and Katana 19, STR59+ or INT59+ And raising Mystics until they become the only significant skill group and meeting the skill requirements: * Sage: highest Mystic skill is Hexes and at least 3 Mystic skills trained to level 7+, INT47+ * Thaumaturge: highest Mystic skill is Invocations or Evocations and at least 3 Mystic skills trained to level 7+, INT47+ * Commander: highest Mystic skill is Wards, INT53+
  • The Warrior is a close combat class that uses melee attacks. There combat style is the simplest of all the other classes(Archer, Mage, Summoner). They have the most Hit Points and are good for lasting long in team attempts.
  • The Warrior is a class that citizens of Habitica can select when they reach level 10. Additionally, all players begin the game as Warriors, though with limited abilities because mana for skills is not available until a class is chosen. After level 10, play style changes the least for players who choose the Warrior class. Warriors deal high damage to bosses and have more (and more powerful) critical hits on tasks, while also having good defense against task-based damage. Warrior skills can deal extra damage to bosses, increase the warrior's own defense, and buff party members' strength and defense. They are powerful allies to have for dealing damage in boss battles. __TOC__
  • A Warrior is a rank in the Andalite military. They are the fighters, the ones who go into battle and do not command anything; they're basically the common soldiers.
  • Warriors are catch all NPC fighters used for various roles like guards, soldiers, or other plain combatative roles.
  • Warrior is one of the three playable starting classes in Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Warriors are the front-line fighters, the backbone of any party under assault. In Dragon Age: Origins they rely on both melee and ranged weapons but in Dragon Age II and Dragon Age: Inquisition they only rely on melee weapons. Also they are supplemented by powerful special abilities that draw from deep reserves of stamina. They can withstand and deliver a great deal of punishment, and have a strong understanding of tactics. In Origins and Inquisition, all races can play as a warrior.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ de:Krieger fr:Guerrier es:Guerrero ja:戦士
  • The Warrior is a ranged specialist using the Assault Rifle and Shotgun to bring down her enemies. She can do a lot of damage to both single targets and groups of monsters with Penetrating hits and Afflict them with damage-over-time effects, but her main tactic is to constantly Hinder and slow down those who stand against her, so she can shoot them from a distance. The Deck is very good for solo play, as it can control its environment and leap out of danger if enemies come close, but the Warrior must be very careful when facing opponents which are resistant to being Hindered. The Warrior can be very useful in player-versus-player battles, where slowing down opponents often can be the key to victory.
  • Warriors are melee fighters who use two handed swords to attack. Warriors' attack power and speed is higher than that of knights, but this is accompanied by a lesser defense than their armored counterparts. Strength (STR) and agility (AGI) are the primary stats to increase. Note: This page is still in the process of updating to new Seal: Blade of Destiny *Useful Links: * * Warrior Guides - Warrior Builds * Warrior Weapon * Warrior Weapons on SEAL Reload * Warrior Combos * Warrior Armor * Zanzar's Stat Calculator - Zanzar's characteristics calculator. * Warrior Skill Calculator * 2nd Job Berserker * 2nd Job Swordmaster
  • A power class and leader of the pact. They can buff the whole party making them stronger and are skillful in melee combat. Depending on your weapon (Two Handed Sword) the Warrior can perform good AoE physical attacks.
  • O Warrior é o combatente sem restrições ou bases, com variações abrangendo desde os soldados corruptos e mercenários até os aventureiros que vivem a vagar pelo mundo. Onde outros combatentes gastam suas vidas aperfeiçoando uma única técnica ou seu talento em um tipo particular de arma, o treino dos Warriors é a própria batalha; suas habilidades enfocam o desenvolvimento da virtude pela necessidade e pela sobrevivência. Embora seus ataques não possuam a "finese" que outros possuem, um Guerreiro experiente é sempre uma presença formidável em qualquer situação de combate. Image:Refia the Warrior.jpg
  • Warrior es el vigésimo quinto soundtrack de Naruto Shippūden 4: La Torre Perdida Original Soundtrack compuesto por Takanashi Yasuharu. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
  • The Warrior (ウォーリア Uōria) is a male only combat physical class that recurrently appears across the Fire Emblem Series, beginning from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. The promoted form of the Fighter class, the Warrior class commonly wields Axes and Bows as its weapons of choice.
  • The Warrior is one of the 3 starting Heroes along with the Rogue and Mage and is unlocked by default. The Role of the Warrior Physical Defense(PDef) Tank. Because of their high starting Physical Defense, and their PDef per level rate, Warrior's make the best PDef tanks in the game. Description level Stats Dropped By Drop Chance
  • Warriors were akin to fighters although they received less training.
  • Il Warrior (it: Guerriero) è una classe versatile per il corpo a corpo. Le sue abilità vanno dall'infliggere massicci danni fisici al resistere prepotentemente agli attacchi nemici. Compensano la loro incapacità di infliggere danni magici con una grande quantità di resistenza fisica e una grandissima varietà di abilità per gli scontri ravvicinati con l'avversario. I guerrieri dipendono dalla loro rabbia invece che sul mana. Il guerriero è una classe per tank e DPS, in base all'albero di talenti selezionato. Un guerriero basato su Protezione è in grado di parare la maggior parte dei colpi che gli vengono inflitti e di resistere a una enorme quantità di danni. Al contrario, un guerriero che ha selezionato la strada della Furia è in grado di infliggere molti DPS, ma perde in resistenza. Importantissima la possibilità dei guerrieri Protezione di prevenire mediante le loro abilità che gli altri membri del gruppo superino il loro aggro, in modo che la totalità degli attaccanti lo prediligano come bersaglio. __TOC__
  • warrior adalah job dengan pedang besar . attack nya yang tinggi jadi pilihan para pemain seal , kekurangannya adalah di MP dan akurasi nya , tapi job ini adalah yang paling mudah digunakan juga kombo kombo nya yang sangat luar biasa . jika kamu lebih suka menyerang terus tanpa bertahan , job ini pilihan yang tepat !
  • The Warrior is an enemy that appears in the Ocean Palace in 12000 BC
  • When using basic attacks Warriors will swing their axe twice at the player and if hit the damage can be severe, they can also block off attacks with their large axe, also if a player attacks them enough they will lose their axe and be completely vulnerable, Warriors are also extremely slow so dodging them is easy but if one gets too far they will throw their axes and deal a heavy amount of damage but this will also cause them to become vulnerable.
  • Warriors are skilled in melee fighting and defending themselves from physical attacks . They have close to no knowledge about magic , though they are capable of casting healing spells and some basic attack spells . Warriors are easy and simple to play, and do not require lots of effort or gold to be spent on ammunition .
  • Warrior may refer to: * Warrior (Dragon Form) * Warrior (Breath of Fire II)
  • The Warrior is a character in The Precursor Legacy who lives in Rock Village and can be found at the pavilion there. A year before the events of The Precursor Legacy, the Warrior was known as a hero of Rock Village for single-handedly fending off lurker invasions. However, upon the gargantuan lurker Klaww's arrival, the valorous villager attempted to battle him, which he lost greatly (which also resulted in the Gambler becoming impoverished). Subsequent to his defeat he became a melodramatic coward, removing the pontoons in the bay, cutting Rock Village off from Mountain Pass in the hope of protecting himself from Klaww. In the game, Jak needed the pontoons to access lost Precursor city and Boggy Swamp. The Warrior required a ninety Precursor orb payment for moving the pontoons back. The Warrior can be found slouching at the cafe, clad in Romanesque armor. He has green hair and a hefty build, and is commonly seen and heard sobbing due to his defeat.
  • One of the original retired templates provided by Turbine. This template and its unique title are no longer available. Its description in the Asheron's Call Manual is as follows: Warriors specialize in combat with a variety of weapons. A warrior begins the game with a practice sword, a practice crossbow, 30 crossbow quarrels, and a practice axe. A warrior's attributes are weighted toward Strength, Endurance, and Coordination. Warriors are not specialized in any skill, but are trained in Appraise Armor, Appraise Weapon, Assess Creature, Axe, Crossbow, Jump, Magic Defense, Melee Defense, Missile Defense, Run, and Sword.
  • Warrior is a 2011 American sports drama film directed by Gavin O'Connor and starring Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton as two estranged brothers whose entrance into a mixed martial arts tournament forces them to come to terms with their past and each other. Nick Nolte was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as the father of the two brothers. Jennifer Morrison and Frank Grillo also star. The film has been officially remade in Bollywood as Brothers starring Akshay Kumar and Siddharth Malhotra in lead roles.
  • File:Warrior0 thumb.gif Write the text of your article here! GG8.png GG20.png Guy_warrior1.gif
  • Warrior is Captain Star's fifth tug, who is used for a wide variety of tasks around Bigg City Port. Warrior usually works with his close companion and colleague Big Mac. He often is clumsy but tries not mess up. He is known only to get in the way by the Z-Stacks. Warrior speaks with a South London accent. Warrior is probably the clumsiest Tug on Sodor. He gets confused very easily, and prefers doing easier work. Warrior is also the only tug with a fixed fire hose, and mainly works with Lord Stinker. His capabilities range from the towing of barges, mainly that of Lord Stinker, (a garbage barge who is an associate of Warrior's) to major liner docking operations, including Princess Alice and The Duchess. Like the rest of the Star Fleet, Warrior is based on the tugs of San Francisco waters from the 1920's, his name obviously means he is pure of courage, bravery and knows how to put up a fight, which is quite ironically nothing at all like Warrior! In some scenes it seems as though he has a bit of hair sticking out from under his cap. Warrior's whistle has a single note and is very nasal, much like a factory hooter. Warrior's character reflects that of Henry from the sister series, as another big and strong character.
  • Warrior é uma variação de personagem em Mortal Kombat X.Pertence ao personagem Predator. Categoria:Variações de Personagem Categoria:Variação de Personagem
  • The Warrior excels at the use of Swords and Axes. They are available for creation from the beginning, along with their female counterpart.
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