  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • ORC
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • ORC
  • ORc
  • Orc
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • The greenskinned brute, Craekap Savages, the green pirates; Orcs go by many names in the Cradle, but no matter the name it inspires fear in the hearts of all rural citizens. Orcs are a brutle and savage race of muscular greenskined humanoids who almost universally live by a "Might make Right" philosophy. They exist in every nation of the Cradle, despite countless attempts to wipe out the race. They typically live far from cities, and other centers of power in the Cradle, but will often make raids on traid routes and smaller villages. The island of Craekap has a large native Orc population. Orcs worship their destroyer god they call Grummish.
  • Description: "A helm that magically makes you take on the appearance of an Orc. Very handy for infiltrating the Fort." How to acquire: Can be bought from Blacksmith (Swordhaven) for 5000 gold. Sell Value: 1250 gold.
  • Designed to be cool, and cruel biker in the highway and to have Stitch's abilities.
  • An orc is a savage humanoid creature. Its name derives from the word orco. The term was popularized by J.R.R. Tolkien; prior to The Lord of the Rings an orc was generally a sea monster.
  • Orcs were a strong race of shamanistic healers and alchemists who defended their territory fiercely. When lefein explorers and human and elven worshippers of Cardia encroached on orcish land, it led to conflict between the races, and eventually the orcs were driven to extinction during the First Age. Much of the orcish knowledge was lost save some snippets here and there, particularly alchemical formulae such as Godfire as well as orcs' contribution to the necromantic Totentanz and the bardic Lebenslied tomes.
  • Orcs are enemies in Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing.
  • De orcs komen van een de planeet genaamd Draenor, en hebben later in Durotar hun hoofdstad gebouwd, Orgrimmar. Zij ´leiden´ de Horde.
  • Orcs are an aggressive humanoid race that have a deep hatred of dwarves and elves. Half-orcs are usually the result of breeding with humans. They are generally more hostile and less intelligent than their human counterparts, but are typically much stronger and make good warriors.
  • Orcs surfaced from the Darklands during the Age of Darkness, having been displaced by dwarves bent on their Quest for Sky. Orcs prospered greatly during this time, as there was no direct sunlight to affect their vision. Since then they have maintained a firm grasp in the Hold of Belkzen in central Avistan, but have lost much of their influence in the rest of the world.
  • Orcs are ugly, brutish humanoids who make up for their lack of refinement with sheer savagery.
  • Orgrimmarin Örkit ovat Lauman sisäinen joukko, pelattavan örkin kansa. He asuvat Durotarin maassa, Kalimdorissa.
  • Orc is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
  • Les orques ou orcs sont des créatures reconnues universellement comme brutales et agressives. Elles sont dépeintes comme barbares et immoraux, et on leur attribue généralement le rôle de serviteurs des ténèbres. Tolkien les confondait avec les gobelins (mais on peut facilement lui pardonner : dans le monde de Midkemia, il n'existe aucune différence entre les kobolds et les gnomes, et dans Le Dernier Orc, "homoncule" n'est qu'un terme péjoratif pour désigner les nains). Les orcs seront presque toujours des fantassins et presque exclusivement des mâles.
  • Their home, the Orc Village is located south of Geffen.
  • Orcs are hostile beings from the Barren Plains. Since then they expanded to all over the Lands, even in human cities. They were part of the Dark Army that tried to take over during Scotia's reign. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • A brutish creation of Rallos Zek.
  • An orc.
  • Crixus was an Orc .
  • Orcs are one of the oldest races in Mortal Online. Known for their wild and sometimes uncontrollable temper, they are often outcasted from common societies and force to live in orc reservations. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Orc Leader - Agrokar
  • Orc is an enemy within Breath of Fire III.
  • Orcs are a canon race in World of Warcraft.
  • Orcs are one of the seven races.
  • Orcs are ferocious barbaric creatures that live in the wilderness and rarely congregate to form any form of society beyond tribal warbands.
  • The Orc is a Creature type in Dungeon Keeper.
  • The Orc is a animal on FarmVille.
  • Les orcs sont une espèce barbare dont le passe-temps favori est de se faire défoncer la gueule par des kevins dans des jeux vidéo ou jeux de rôles de type chiant.
  • In many fantasy works, such as those of J. R. R. Tolkien, orcs are very ugly humanoid creatures that are fierce and warlike. They originate from Tolkien's writings and they ride on boars or wolves. Their name is said to come from the Roman chthonic god Orcus.
  • The Elves were content and dwelt long under the stars of the forest near Cuiviénen. However, Melkor, the Dark Lord, became aware of them and their location before the Valar, and during this time he sent evil spirits to spy on them and do them harm. Many of the spirits that harassed the Elves. Due to Melkor's foresight and malice, some elves were afraid. Hiding and fleeing, some of these early elves were taken by Melkor or his agents. These elves were never seen again and were taken to Utumno, and were believed to be twisted and mutilated until they became the Orcs.
  • Orcs suffered great losses in the Unhuman Wars. Under the leadership of Dukagsh, some of the surviving orcs found new direction and eventually became the scro.
  • Orcs are powerful warriors - the toughest of the goblinoid races - and often install themselves as leaders of their weaker cousins. They are repulsive monsters who love inflicting pain and delight in cruelty and slaughter. Orcs are always fighting and, if they cannot find enemies to fight, they will fight each other. The whole of Orc technology and culture is geared towards conflict. They are dangerous individual foes, but lack the organisation or motivation to present any real long-term threat to humanity. Orcs speak the common Goblin tongue, usually about four octaves lower than any Goblin.
  • Orcs fought all the time. When not fighting and dying in wars, they killed each other or trampled flowers. Their preferred diet was weaker members of their own society, sometimes served with pork rinds for variety. Creating an army of orcs was easy. You could grow them in your basement, just like mushrooms. Once you peeled back the slime-covered gestational sac, they swore allegiance to you and lined up in neat little rows, waiting for orders to slaughter something. Dooku and Darth Saruman raised orc armies as a hobby.
  • 獰猛で緑色の肌を持つOrcたちは、Azerothの世界の多数を占める種族のひとつである。異世界であるDraenorに生まれたOrcは、 Azerothの他の種族からは粗暴で何ら人間性を持たない非情な種族であると思われてきたが、本来のOrcは高貴で教養があり、Draenorにおいて シャーマニズム文化を築き上げていた種族であった。 しかし、魔法の力を求め破壊と略奪を続ける邪悪な者たち「The Burning Legion」によって忌まわしき呪いをかけられた結果、Orcは極めて好戦的で残忍な種族へと変貌してしまった。 魔神の業たる暗黒魔術に手を染めたWarlockと呼ばれる暗黒魔術師の中でもとりわけ才能に恵まれていたGul'danは、力を授けられる代わりに Legionへの奉仕を誓った。そしてLegionの魔神はGul'danの影から密かに、しかし確実にOrcたちを自らの手駒として支配していったので ある。 そしてOrcたちは呪いによって植え付けられた戦いへの飢えを満たすべく、Dark Portalと呼ばれる次元の扉を用いてStormwind王国へ乗り込み、Humanたちと大規模な戦争を開始した。 そんな中、自分たちの背後に邪悪なものが存在することに気づき始めたOrcは、The Burning Legionの支配から逃れようと戦い続けた。多くの同胞を失いながらも、最終的に若き指導者Thrallの力によってその試みは成功し、彼らの名誉と力 を再び自らの元に取り戻したのである。 現在、彼らは征服のためではなく、彼ら自身が選びし地で生きのびるために戦いの準備を整えている。
  • The Orc is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found inside the Leck Mines. Orcs may appear alongside Spyders and the Orc King and have the ability to cast Bite.
  • ORC was an agency or title held by a Starfleet officer at Starfleet Command's Fleet Operations Center, Sol Sector. In January of 2155, Starfleet officer F. Leasure was working in or as ORC. It and the officer's name was listed on directory placards. (ENT: "Demons", directories)
  • Orcs (オーク, Ōku?) are monsters that infest The Legrue Corridor in ALfheim Online.
  • Orcs are aggressive humanoids that raid, pillage, and battle other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves that goes back many generations. Orcs are notable for being the only non-playable race that consists of a single species. They are also the only non-playable race that can parent a playable race (half-orcs).
  • In reality, Orcs are incredibly dumb and possess low intelligence, though they make it up for their brute strength.
  • Orcs are a subspecies of Goblins found in the Dungeons of Fate.
  • thumb|300pxLes orcs sont un type de monstre présents dans Rosario + Vampire.
  • Orcs are aggressive humanoids that raid, pillage, and battle other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves that goes back many generations.
  • Orcs are an enemy ecountered by Jago Daforgo in Quest for Glory ZZT.
  • The Orcs are green humanoid creatures. They mostly live in forests, building small villages here and there, though they mostly conglomerate in moving tent cities. Orcs are naturally violent - but despite this, recently they have grown much weaker and now only hold territory in the southwestern forests. Orcs are the strongest enemies found in Area 1, and the boss of Area 1, the Orc Leader, reflects this. They are still not very strong, however, and as long as the player does not run into them, they pose little threat.
  • Orcs are a Gaian race, their notable features being their huge build, dark green skin, pointed ears and small tusks. A tribe of them was found living in a cave east of Aekea by a research team on an investigation, and they were hired in manufacturing plants in the town to increase productivity.
  • Orcs were once considered to appear in StarCraft during the game's conception. Blizzard considered the idea of copying the set-up of the first Warcraft game, Orcs and Humans. This idea was later abandoned.
  • Orcs are intelligent pig-type monster girls that hunt in packs. They are one of a handful of monsters that can turn permanently submissive if their partner successfully turns the tables on her during sex.
  • Orcs are a thursine sapient humanoid race bearing apelike or porcine features and more sallow or greened skin compared to humans. They have more musculature and greater amount of natural aggression. Their instincts are aligned more with combat and wild survival than that of other sapient races. It is because of this, and the requisite culture that has risen around this instinct, that orcs are often considered non-sapient, existentially violent, and wholly evil. Though there are bipedal, sentient creatures that fit this profile, orcs are sapient beings with choice.
  • Orcs (sometimes spelled Orks) are a warrior race of typically green-skinned humanoids that can be found in many worlds, including Middle-earth and Azaroth. Ranging in size and build, Orcs are roughly of human height, though often with misshapen or disproportionate bodies. Orc culture can vary from primitive barbarism to a proud clan-based society centred around honour and loyalty to the tribe. Considered a sub-class of Goblinoids or Greenskins, Orcs are closely related to—or in some cases synonymous with—Goblins.
  • Your's is a point of view where real ietnlliegnce shines through.
  • The first orcs are from Middle-Earth. They are distant cousins of the Dwarfs, and often considered to be the inferior of the two. Orcs were fed up with being discriminated against, so they teleported to the UnWorld. They settled in Skyrim, where they were discriminated against. Basically, Nobody likes orcs. That makes them sad. When they get sad, they get hungry. When they get hungry, they eat human flesh. That is why nobody likes orcs.
  • Orcs are know for producing large, brutal armies of difficult-to-kill troops, usually supported by a variety or sub-groupingss of other Greenskins. Such is their skills on the battlefield that the majority of the most destructive campaigns ignited by the Greenskins are more often led by an Orcish Warlord of great strength, wit, and brutality. Goblins are the more prolific, but it is the Orcs that do the bulk of the bloody work in most battles. They are an overly pugnacious lot and if the Orcs find themselves without an enemy, they will often pummel each other just to keep their spirits up. Orcs naturally take their robust physique for granted and regard everyone else as weak, puny or squishy.[1c]
  • Orcs are a race of humanoids that have been a threat to the civilized cultures of Toril, particularly Faerûn for as long as any can remember. This changed somewhat in the years preceding and immediately after the Spellplague, when a horde of mountain orcs under the command of King Obould Many-Arrows unified into a single kingdom, one that is remarkably civilized.
  • The faction-based artifacts are Skarg's Axe and War Brew. The faction-based spells are Bloodlust, Madness, Fervor, and Atrocity.
  • Orcs were once a fearsome race of warriors, until civilized by their fondness for magically-created computerized adventure games. A small segment (the Hi-Res Orcs) enjoy graphic adventures, the vast majority (the Orcs of Zork) prefer interactive fiction.
  • ORC était une division de Starfleet au 22ème siècle, dont les activités étaient développées au Fleet Operations Center de Starfleet Command sur Terre.
  • Weapon Proficiency (Exotic) - Characters who select Orc as one of their domains receive the feat Weapon Proficiency (Exotic) for free.
  • Orcs are violent, primitive humanoids that have plagued Faerûn for aeons, though the Orcgate Wars brought to Toril the fearsome gray orcs which, while more civilized than their mountain orc kin, are just as proficient and savage in combat. Interbreeding often results in half-orc offspring among both humans and orc tribes, with the former often being outcasts and the latter being even more harshly-treated, often resulting in a poor outlook regarding civilization.
  • Orcs developed their first written language around 2,300 years ago. Though they are less technologically advanced than most races, they are not unintelligent. The average Orc possess an intelligence ratio of about 93% that of an average Human. Orcs seem born to battle; being considerably stronger than most races, and possessing combat prowess rivaled by very few. Most Orcs are nomads by nature and can hardly bear to stay in one place for too long.
  • The Orcs are the founders and chief race of the Horde. Though they where once the slaves of the Burning Legion, they have now returned to their shamanistic ways. Here is a characters on WoWRP.
  • The following orcs appear in NetHack: * o orcs, (not randomly generated) * o hill orc * o Mordor orc * o Uruk-hai * o orc shaman * o orc-captain
  • The racial for the orc army is critical strike. The stats and cost for this racial are as follows:
  • The Orc is a dark based enemy found in the limestone cave.
  • They are vulnerable to fire attacks, and when set on fire make a very high pitched squealing noise, which is possibly where their nickname comes from. Orcs appear as having green skin, bulky bodies, short legs, tusks, muscly arms and facial appearances somewhat similar to pigs, giving them many nicknames such as Pigs, Hogs and Squealers by Dark Elves and Humans alike. They are not very good architects preferring to live in small clusters of tent like structures or shanty villages and small stockades made of wood. Their cloths and armour are also lacking in quality with most of their troops wearing nothing but a loincloth made of leather with a chain belt, or perhaps a dark coat of what appears to be fur or hair of some kind, possibly from the Large Boars they have tamed.
  • __TOC__ Orcs range in color from forest green, to pale teal. Occasionally, some Orcs are born with gray skin. Though rare, gray skinned Orcs are afforded special status in Orc society. Orc hair is typically thin, wiry, and jet-black, even in old Orcs. Orcs have a set of massively enlarged lower incisors which contributes to the Orcish tenancy to drool. Orcish society is tribal, each tribe by a strange sort of Oligarchy. This Oligarchy has two arms the military arm, lead by the Kish'ku or "Chieftan". The Kish'ku may appoint an arbitrary number of advisers, to aid him in war campaigns, or the business of government. Such advisers are called Mik'Tow, roughly translated "Officer", and speak for the Kish'ku when he is not present. A single Moot, or "Shaman" is assumed to speak for the tribe's
  • Orcs are a very common monster in the Netherworld. They live in large families and societies with a strict caste system, making them follow orders without recourse; this can extend to non-Orcs, assuming the individual has somehow earned their respect. Despite their small size, Orcs are hot-blooded, proud, and possess great strength; they wield clubs nearly the size of their own body and can juggle opponents much larger than themselves with ease. Type: Monstrous Humanoid (Orc, Monster, Demon) Hit Die: d10 Class Skills The creature's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Heavy Mace
  • Were once a nomadic people, more akin to the Tauren than the Orcs of today. They lived in isolated clans dotted around Draenor, meeting twice a year at the equinoxes for a Kosh'harg celebration. They knew of the draenei, and traded with them on occasion; relations were generally cordial but aloof. Thrall, son of Durotan and Draka (now dead), eventually broke free and rallied the other orcs around him. They escaped to Kalimdor, helped to defeat Archimonde, and then built the city of Orgrimmar in the land of Durotar. Key points, with approximate ages (it's hard to be exact):
  • Most commonly known in the books by J.R.R. Tolkien. Soon after that time they became extinct, mostly because of their harsh nature of eating manflesh, even cannibalism. They resemble raggedy men with grotesque features and sharp teeth. Many probably died because they were riddled with diseases. They were slightly intelligent, though rarely spoke anything human, mostly roars and growls. They have been known to ride on large, fierce wolves known as wargs. They have large pointed ears, like their warg mounts, and inhabit woods or abandoned forts, usually made of stone or brick. they are blacksmiths, and, though many times their weapons are blunt, they are good archers and warriors. They have never been known to reach six feet tall or over, and their weak, wrinkles skin makes them less strong
  • The green-skinned orcs, or Greenskins are one of the most prolific races of Azeroth. Born on the world of Draenor, the orcs were brought to Azeroth through the dimensional gateway known as the Dark Portal and waged war on the humans while under the influence of the Burning Legion. Now, the orcs stand ready to fight not for the sake of conquest, but for their very right of survival in their adopted world.
  • Les orcs sont de grands et très puissants guerriers vouant un véritable culte envers l'honneur le combat et la justice. Ils sont de grande taille (environ 2.19m pour 210kg en moyenne pour un orc (mâle) et 2.08m pour 98kg pour les orques (femelle)), ils ont la peau verte et ont des crocs sur la mâchoire inférieure. Contrairement aux autres races de la Horde, les orcs ne sont pas natifs d’Azeroth. À l’origine, ils vivaient au sein de clans chamaniques, sur le monde luxuriant de Draenor. Ils ont abandonné leur culture pacifique suite à leur corruption par le Seigneur Mannoroth : quand Kil’jaeden, un seigneur démon de la Légion ardente, s'intéressa à Draenor et aux orcs, il lui ordonna de les soumettre afin d'en faire le bras armé de sa vengeance contre les draeneï, exilés du monde d’origine d
  • Orcs have become one of the most frequent targets of Racisms, and for years have been denied basic racist rights. While uber noobss proclaim that orcs are purely bred for hatred and evil, orcs deny this, stating that they only fight because they want to, often being misused by evil, porno-hungry creeps. Their status is further diminished by the fact that they are huge fans of how-many-frozen-condoms-can-you-stick-up-your-nose contests. However, recently a patry of American orcs won the elections, banning orc-poaching. Unfortunately, their time in power is over and extreme acts of violence against them have been commited, such as civil wars (lotr), they have also dropped out of the new elections after not winning a single vote in China OR Russia.
  • Orcs are one of the most common creatures in lore. Large and stupid, orcs are aggressive creatures with limited knowledge but have a thirst for battle and bloodshed. Orcs are primitive beings belived to be an offset of humanity but their true origins are unknown. Orcs themselves record little of their history living in primitive tribes or in wandering groups. Indeed orc society is dominated by violence; whoever is strongest rules. Another interesting thing about orcs is their recent rise in activity. For most of orc history they where content with raiding and looting small bands or tribes, but recently Orc chiefs or Warleaders have been more focused in their attacks and some have even gone far enough to create small kingdoms. Whether this is just a phase or orcs are really coming together
  • Niegdyś byli szlachetną, szamańską społecznością w Draenorze. W tragicznych okolicznościach szlachetne klany orków uległy zepsuciu Płonącego Legionu i zostały wykorzystane w inwazji Legionu na ziemie Azeroth. Orkom udało się zbuntować i ostatecznie obrócili się przeciwko władcom demonów. Prowadzeni przez młodego wodza naczelnego Thralla, orkowie ponownie pojęli czym jest honor i jak ważny jest dla nich oraz dla ich społeczności. Przenieśli się ze Wschodnich Królestw do Kalimdoru i tam założyli państwo nazwane Durotarem.
  • Orcs are evil creatures that inhabit parts of Middle Earth. They can be found at night in many biomes (Gondor, Wilderland, Eriador for example), and also during daylight hours in some biomes (Mordor, Angmar). In addition, Orcs may launch an invasion and attack a land where they do not normally spawn -- Lindon, for example, can be invaded by Gundabad Orcs. There are currently nine different Orc races in the mod: Angmar Orcs, Black Uruks, Dol Guldur Orcs, Gundabad Orcs, Gundabad Uruks, Isengard Snagae, Mordor Orcs, Uruk-Hai and Utumno Orcs.
  • Brutal and destructive, the orcs of the Kojan Archipelago are terrors of the seas. These seafaring raiders, and their goblin cousins, would pose a major threat to the whole of Telon if not for the animosity between their clans keeping them in check. The orcs, and their goblin clansmen, hold a deep spiritual link with their ancestral spirits. Their warseers commune with these spirits to foretell portents of the future and earn favor with Ghalnn, god of slaughter and lord of battle.
  • Orcs resemble Neanderthal humans, with grey skin and coarse hair covering their bodies. They have a stooped posture, low forehead, and an almost-piglike face with prominent lower canines resembling tusks. Their hair is usually black with reddish eyes and wolf-like ears; due to their pigmented eyes, orcs can become dazzled in strong sunlight. Adult male orcs stand around 6 feet tall, weighing 210 pounds. Females are slightly smaller. Orcs have different dialects depending on their tribe, but all orcs are understandable by other orcs. They - interestingly - speak a language referred to as Orc. Some orcs can also speak Goblin or Giant, and the more intelligent or "diplomatic" (that is to say, they like to taunt their human opponents before killing them) orcs can speak Common.
  • The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities. After the destruction of the giants, they were able to expel the Elves and attained the most powerful position on Aden. However, they were defeated by the Elf-Human alliance some time later, and are currently living in an arctic area of Elmore. Special Abilities of the Race: They have a strong resistance to negative effects, such as poison or sickness.
  • The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities. After the destruction of the giants, they were able to expel the Elves and attained the most powerful position on Aden. However, they were defeated by the Elf-Human alliance some time later, and are currently living in an arctic area of Elmore. Special Abilities of the Race: They have a strong resistance to negative effects, such as poison or sickness.
  • Orcs belong to the dark races, created in the same dark pits as trolls. They mostly are the arch nemesis of many of the intelligent races, as they reproduce quickly and enjoy plundering, killing and spreading havoc in general. The average orc is five and a half to six feet high, weighs 130 to 150 pounds and has a gray to black skin. Their eyes glow red in the dark. Orcs shun sunlight, as it tends to hurt their eyes greatly. Because orcs mostly live in the underground, they are very good at detecting secret doors.
  • Το Orc είναι το μεγαλύτερο των ειδών greenskin. Είναι μεγαλύτεροι, επιθετικότεροι, και πιο μυϊκοί από τους μικρότερους ξαδέλφους τους, το Goblins, το Hobgoblins, και το μικροσκοπικό Snotlings. Τα Orcs συνεχίζουν να αυξάνονται καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια των ζωών τους και το δέρμα τους σκουραίνει με την ηλικία. Το ισχυρότερο Orcs τείνει να γίνει μαύρο Orcs, που χαρακτηρίζεται από το αυξανόμενο μέγεθος και το σκοτεινότερο δέρμα τους.
  • Old Common term: Euroz Orcs are a savage, brutal race of humanoids, that raid pillage and battle other races and other orc tribes. Their hatred for dwarves and elves is well known. They speak their own languae, Orc, but are also known to speak Goblin and GIant. According to their own legend, the orc race was created by the blood of Gruumsh after his battle with the elf god Corelloen, during which Gruumsh's eye was stabbed out by the elf god. This is the reason for their intense hate of the elves.
  • Os orcs são criaturas bestiais e beligerantes, que habitam o subterrâneo ou regiões selvagens. Esses seres monstruosos são, quase sem exceção, saqueadores e assassinos, atacando comunidades civilizadas para roubar e matar. São onívoros e de hábitos noturnos, preferindo viver no subterrâneo - o que lhes provoca um ódio especial dos anões. Possuem traços selvagens, como presas, focinho e pêlos.
  • Orcs are generally portrayed as monsters. Usually, they take the role of the big, strong, but wholly evil and ugly cannon-fodder for the Big Bad. The Lord of the Rings originated the term as we know it, although other continua have included orcs and even made their own varieties and modifications. If an orc agent is encountered, it is not safe to treat them as you would another orc variety. It is likely they would take very great offense. And one trait nearly all varieties of orc share is that you really, really do not want to make one angry.
  • Orc is a word used to refer to various tough and warlike humanoid creatures in various fantasy settings, appearing originally in the stories of Middle-earth written by J. R. R. Tolkien and derivative fictions. Orcs are often portrayed as misshapen humanoids with brutal, warmongering, sadistic, yet cowardly tendencies, although some settings and writers describe them as a proud warrior race with a strong sense of honor. They are variously portrayed as physically stronger or weaker than humans, but always high in numbers. They often ride wolves or wargs. In many role-playing and computer games, though not in Tolkien's works, Orcs have green skin (earning the name "Greenskins" in such games) and have faces that resemble a cross between a pig and a porpoise.
  • A zöldbőrű orkok Azeroth népes fajainak az egyike. Az Első Háborúban a Draenor világáról származó orkok a Lángoló Légió befolyása alatt keresztülhatoltak Azeroth felé nyíló Sötét Portálon, hogy aztán leigázzák az embereket. Most az orkok ismét készen állnak a harcra, bár nem a hódítás, hanem a túlélés reményében.
  • An orc’s hair usually is black. It has lupine ears and reddish eyes. Orcs prefer wearing vivid colors that many humans would consider unpleasant, such as blood red, mustard yellow, yellow-green, and deep purple. Their equipment is dirty and unkempt. An adult male orc is a little over 6 feet tall and weighs about 210 pounds. Females are slightly smaller. The language an orc speaks varies slightly from tribe to tribe, but any orc is understandable by someone else who speaks Orc. Some orcs know Goblin or Giant as well.
  • Often depicted as savage brutes and ravaging barbarians the orcs of Eberron are in fact an incredibly diverse and deeply spiritual people. While it is true that some orcs are uncivilized and wild this stereotype does not reflect on the majority of orcs living in and around Khorvaire. The mighty House Tharashk is in fact made up mostly of half-orcs and many humans who can trace their heritage back to the orcs of the Shadow Marches and orcs of the Eldeen Reaches are some of the most closely connected to Eberron and the natural world. The orcs are one of the oldest, if not the oldest, race in all the world, dating their history back some thirty-thousand years. Orcs are a perfect study in nurture over nature as an orc's surrounding and history could mean the difference between a mad, wide-eyed
  • The orc is a term for a very large and massive race found all over Knightmare. They are pure warriors and they scorn any kind of non close hand combat. This means they do not have mages, rangers or use stealth or traps. They believe in only close hand to hand combat or combat with weapons. They see using weapons such as hammers to smash their enemies heads in as the only true form of combat. The Orcs have a honour system for their way of life. They will not use anything machines that will do their work in combat for them. They also will never kill children of enemies. They believe in death before capture as they see capture as the ultimate disgrace to their orc name. Orcs tend to live in villages or camps which can be moved quickly to combat. The orcs to make up for their unwillingness to
  • Orcs are a savage, warlike, aggressive race that raid, pillage and fight other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves that began generations ago and they will often kill such creatures on sight. Orcs generally have black hair, lupine ears and reddish eyes. Orcs favor vivid colors in clothes that most find unpleasant, like blood red. Their gear is usually unclean and unkempt.
  • Grommash Hellscream
  • Gul'dan
  • Blackhand the Destroyer
  • Garrosh Hellscream
  • Warchief Kargath Bladefist
  • Elder Shaman Ner'zhul
  • Thrall, Durotár fia és a Horda hadvezére, Rend Blackhand , Kargath Bladefist
  • Thrall, syn Durotana, Przywódca Hordy , Rend Blackhand , Kargath Bladefist
  • Orgrim Doomhammer ,
  • Warchief Ner'zhul
  • Warchief Rend Blackhand
  • Thrall, Varok Saurfang or Eitrigg Garrosh Hellscream
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 9
  • 11
  • 18
  • y
  • 4
  • 8
  • 15
  • -
  • Law
  • Dark-Law
  • The Servants of Sauron
  • Strength vs. AC
res fire
  • 50
res magic
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0
  • Orc
  • 1
res physical
  • 0
  • 6
  • 5
  • 10
res energy
  • 0
res elec
  • 50
  • 0
  • 1
res poison
  • 0
  • 0
  • 106
  • Emerald
  • 1
res cold
  • 50
  • 2
cost curr type
  • cash
  • no
  • 62
Attack Type
  • Physical
  • Horde
Row 4 info
5Type Chance
  • 1
  • Orcish Sword
  • Jackknife
  • Maggoty Bread, Silver Coins, Orc Bone, Rotten Flesh, Random Armour
  • Level 1- Hand to Hand
  • Level 5- Speed
  • Level 7- Armor
  • Level 9- Grenade
  • 3
  • 2
Battle Start
  • Orc fights for my comrades!
  • Sapient
  • None.
  • 0
  • 11
  • Fire, Energy, Poison
  • 2850
  • 2992
  • 3135
  • Pre-6.0
  • Orcs rennen weg zodra hun health rood is
  • Orcs run away at red health and cannot push items.
  • Orcs kan inte knuffa saker. En orc flyr när den har 15 health
  • Orkok, A Vörös világ szülöttei
  • 0
  • 40
  • 1
skill lv
  • Critical DMG to a single enemy / 10% chance
  • Critical DMG to a single enemy / 5% chance
  • 250
xp gain type
  • home
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoiden
  • Humanoids
  • Chasseur, Voleur, Guerrier, Démoniste, Chaman, Chevalier de la Mort , Mage , Moine ,
Row 1 info
  • desconhecida
  • Normal
  • 1
  • 7
  • 11
  • 20
  • Increase to 2[W] + Strength modifier damage at 21st level.
  • Humanoid
  • Ulderek's Rock, Edron Orc Cave, unter Thais , Ice Islands, Venore Ork Höhlen, Rookgaard Höhle, Rookgaard westiche "Prärie", Fibula Dungeon,Elvenbane und Orc Camp im Foreigner Quarter.
  • no
  • no
  • 80
  • Red
  • 8
  • Slight
  • 100.0
  • 300
harvest curr type
  • coin
  • coconut
Row 4 title
  • Primeira Aparição
  • Altura
harvest curr amt
  • 85
  • 200
  • 101
  • 110.0
  • by Jan 6th 2010 at 9:00AM
  • by * Feb 22nd 2012 at 5:00PM
  • by * Feb 29th 2012 at 2:00PM
  • by * Feb 8th 2012 at 2:00PM
  • by * Sep 22nd 2010 at 7:00PM
  • 100.0
1Type Chance
  • 1
  • Inget.
  • 61
  • 3
  • Orcs cannot push items.
  • 0
  • 7
  • 10
  • 5
  • Arms, Armor, Accessory
  • Attack
  • 300
  • Abilities
  • orc
Row 2 info
  • desconhecido
  • Subterrâneo e regiões selvagens de Lamnor, Lomatubar, Montanhas Sanguinárias e Floresta dos Espinhos
  • 2
Row 6 info
  • Yes
  • 100.0
  • 90.0
  • 80.0
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 15
  • Little
  • 100.0
Row 1 title
  • Categoria
  • Divindade Patrona
  • 1
  • 2
  • 30
  • Last Resort
Row 5 info
  • yes
  • 5
  • 8
  • 9
  • 12
  • 20
  • Little
1Ability Chance
  • 1
  • 35
Row 2 title
  • Habitat
  • Tempo de Vida
  • Slight
grow time
  • 48
Row 6 title
  • Primeira Aparição
  • 110.0
xp gain amt
  • 1400
  • Usually chaotic evil
  • 5
  • 34
  • 39
  • 2800
  • 2940
  • 3080
  • Yes
  • yes
friendship max
  • How do you like it?
  • This tender meat is dreamy...
  • Easy
  • None
  • 3
  • 5
  • y
  • No
  • no
  • 4
  • 5
  • 10
  • 18
  • 2
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • nee
  • no
  • no
  • 4
  • 8
Row 5 title
  • Última Aparição
  • Peso
  • 6
  • 7
  • 60
  • Orcs are a very ancient race that once ruled the whole of Tibia. Later, they were expelled from the upper world by other races, and now they live in the dungeons of Tibia. They are human-like and very wily. Organised as paramilitary squads they can be quite dangerous.
friendship event
  • I'd like to wrap it all up nice
  • Milord, do you hate
  • and tight and give it to you
  • chubby girls?
  • Regular, Raid, Unblockable
battle end
  • I want to eat... Meat...
Row 3 info
  • desconhecida
  • desconhecidos
  • orc
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • Draenor
  • Common
  • R
  • N
Row 3 title
  • Idiomas
  • Tendência
cost curr amt
  • 14
  • 100.0
  • yes
  • yes
  • ja
  • Yes
  • yes
  • 3
  • I welcome you back.
  • The meaty feast is about to begin!
  • Attack
  • Orcs
  • Orks
  • Orcs
  • Orcs
  • Orcs
  • Orcs
  • 35
Deutscher Name
  • Ork
  • Nichts.
  • "Grow truk grrrrr."; "Prek tars, dekklep zurk."; "Grak brrretz!".
  • 6
  • 10
  • 6.0
  • JAP 2
  • Gothador
  • Melee
  • 17
  • Light Sensitivity: Orcs remain dazzled in bright light or the radius of a daylight spell.
Box Title
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • 10
  • Dark
  • Darkness
  • None
  • 0
  • By character class
  • 60
  • an
  • 100
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • Yellow, Red, Brown
  • enemy
  • Orc Racial Power
  • 0
  • Lustful, or
  • 50
  • +2 Fort
  • 9
  • 17
  • 30
  • 70
  • 75
  • 222
  • 4
  • 1
  • 2
  • Mountainous areas
  • Slight
  • Dragon Quest IIII
  • Black, Dark blue, brown
  • 6
  • 3
  • 1
  • 10
  • 8
  • Orc
  • Orcs
  • Enrage
  • Heavy Armor
  • Shapeshifter
  • Agile
  • Orc
  • Siege
  • Orc
  • Fire Link
  • オーク
  • Orcs
  • Orc Commander
  • Orc
  • Orcs, born of the Red World
  • Geldra
  • Orc
  • Orc
  • Orc Chief
  • Orkok, A Vörös világ szülöttei
  • Orkowie, dzieci Czerwonego Świata
  • Warriors Surge
  • 16
  • 18
  • 22
  • 37
  • -
  • Shades of gray
  • Brown to green
  • Dark green, pale yellow, dark brown
  • Green, gray, brown
  • やけっぱちオーク
  • 7
  • 20
  • -3
  • Dark-Neutral
  • Not randomly generated
  • Sakepachi Ooku
  • Ōku
  • Orcs
  • A CGI representation of an orc
  • Depcitions of the orc.
  • Een CGI representatie van een orc
  • Geldra disciplining a Commander in training
  • Orc Chief as seen in the Library
  • Orc Commander as seen in the Library
  • Orc as seen in the Library
  • A peaceful Shadow Marches orc, from the Eberron Campaign Setting
  • Destroy [3+Magic] Skulls. Gain 4 Attack if I am damaged.
  • Horda , Sötét Horda , Káosz Horda
elsődleges nyelv
  • 480.0
  • 486.0
  • -6
  • Training Room - 9 tiles, Barracks - 1 tile
  • Physical
  • Ein gutes Monster um auf Rookgaard zu leveln.
  • None.
  • No
  • Dobre pošasti za level v Rookgaard.
  • 100.0
  • Ulderek's Rock, Edron Orc Cave, pod Thais , Ice Islands, Venore Orc Cave, Rookgaard jama, Rookgaard zahodne planine, Fibula Dungeon, Elvenbane in Orc Camp v Foreigner Quarter, Zao Orc Land.
  • 90.0
  • 101
  • Moraš biti vsaj Level 4 da jih tepeš. Bodi previden, kadar jih huntaš tpri nizkih levelih, ker so lahko skupaj z Orc Spearman.
  • 100.0
  • 357
  • 110.0
  • Orki bežijo pri rdečem health ne morajo premikati predmetov.
  • 80.0
  • 100.0
  • "Grow truk grrrrr."; "Prek tars, dekklep zurk."; "Grak brrretz!".
  • 100.0
  • Yes
  • 100.0
3e type
4e type
  • Natural humanoid, orc
3e advancement
  • By character class
3e size
  • Medium
4e size
  • Medium
4e source
  • Monster Manual (4th edition), pg. 278
  • Eberron Player's Guide, pg. 13
3e class
  • Orc
3e source
  • Monster Manual v. 3.5, pg. 204
2Type Chance
  • 3
  • 4
  • 20
  • 25
  • 58
  • 60
  • Normal
  • War-like, brutal
  • yes
  • Children of Artemicia
  • The sprite has changed with Update 10.55, from File:Orc (Old).gif to File:Orc.gif
  • I'm princess of Orcs. I hope we can get along.
  • Healing, Weapon
  • 2
  • 2
  • 7
  • 200
  • 850
  • Heavy
  • 280
  • dbkwik:resource/1QD_SrDb5rnbOMH4XSXa-w==
  • dbkwik:resource/e52FjLb8xL8epAetaYnSzA==
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The orcs, part 1
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The orcs, part 2
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The Old Horde
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: Orgrim Doomhammer, part 1
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The orcs, part 3
  • 8
  • Raga's Ship - Before Heat, Red Owl
  • Hills
  • Orc
  • 9
  • 14
  • Middle-Corellia
  • オーク
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • Temperate hills, mountains
  • or underground
  • Tall
  • 138.0
  • 480.0
  • 5.0
  • 365.0
  • 486.0
  • Roughly human
  • Greenskins
  • 6
  • 15
  • Spilling the blood of your enemy invigorates you.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 1
  • 5
  • 6
  • 8
  • 14
  • 23
  • 26
  • 2850
  • 2992
  • 3135
  • Red
  • Red, brown
  • Green, blue, brown
  • 50
  • 6.31152E9
  • 5.049216E9
  • 3
  • Agilao
  • Dia Guard Call Ally
  • Dia Penpatra Hell's Fist Heel Drop Summon Ally
  • Orcish Cudgel
  • Sukunda Tarunda Damu Hell Thrust Di Guard
  • Varies
  • Greenskin
  • 10
  • Spell_Orc.png
  • Princess of forest Orcs. Feared for super-human strength in battle but approachable in peace time.
  • Orcs belong to the dark races, created in the same dark pits as trolls. They mostly are the arch nemesis of many of the intelligent races, as they reproduce quickly and enjoy plundering, killing and spreading havoc in general. The average orc is five and a half to six feet high, weighs 130 to 150 pounds and has a gray to black skin. Their eyes glow red in the dark. Orcs shun sunlight, as it tends to hurt their eyes greatly. Because orcs mostly live in the underground, they are very good at detecting secret doors. Orcs make good fighters and are also known to spawn mighty priests serving their cruel war deity, Gruumsh, the One-Eyed and All-Seeing. Orcs train in the following skills: Backstabbing, Climbing, Find Weakness, Metallurgy, and Mining.
  • Red
  • Weak to Guns and Elec
  • 7
  • 15
  • 29
  • 35
  • 39
  • 120
  • Aggressive, low foreheads, tusks
  • Not Gamorreans
  • Strong, knowledgeable healers and alchemists
  • Large tusk-like teeth protrude from lower jaw, possess great strength
  • Won't you eat some meat with me?
  • 0
  • 357
  • Orcs rennen vor dir weg, wenn ihre Lebensanzeige im roten Bereich ist.
  • 300
  • 300
  • Du solltest mindest auf Level 4 sein, um gegen sie zukämpfen. Sei vorsichtig wenn du in Ork Höhlen huntest, da Orc Spearmans in der Nähe seien könnten. Orcs können keine Items bewegen.
  • Thrall, Durotár fia és a Horda hadvezére, Rend Blackhand , Kargath Bladefist
  • Orc
  • オーク
  • orcs
  • Forest, Area 1
  • Horde, clan, tribe
  • 6
  • Aucun Anciennement : * Ner'zhul * Gul'dan * Main-noire * Orgrim Marteau-du-Destin * Thrall *Garrosh Hurlenfer
  • 9
  • 8
  • Bra monsters att levela upp på i Rookgaard.
  • Goede monsters om op te levelen in Rookgaard.
  • Good monsters to level on in Rookgaard.
  • Good monsters to level on in Rookgaard.
  • Tolkien
  • fantasy
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7
  • 130
  • 86400.0
  • Black
  • White to black
  • Brown, black, ratty
  • "Grow truk grrrrr.", "Prek tars, dekklep zurk.", "Grak brrretz!"
  • "Grow truk grrrrr."; "Prek tars, dekklep zurk."; "Grak brrretz!".
  • "Grow truk grrrrr."; "Prek tars, dekklep zurk."; "Grak brrretz!".
  • 13
  • 10
  • 13
  • 20
  • 25
  • 38
  • 42
  • 54
  • 60
  • 70
  • 81
  • 100
  • 102
  • 26.0
  • JAP 30
  • orc
  • Temperate
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 2
  • A Chieftain of the faction you're interested in
  • Standard
  • 5
  • Slight
  • Orgrimmar
  • Orgrimmar , Czarna Skała , Cytadela Piekielnego Ognia
  • Orgrimmar , Blackrock Mountain , Hellfire Citadel
  • Orgrimmar , Blackrock Mountain , Hellfire Citadel
  • 8
  • Desperate Orc
  • Omnivorous
  • Omnivorous, mainly preferring the flesh of beasts
Image File
  • Orc.gif
  • 18
  • 700
  • Low
  • Medium-High
  • Medium-Low
  • Jaki
  • 10
  • 13
  • 200
  • Encounter
  • "Three Orcs walk into a bar. The fourth one ducks."
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Medium
  • 6
  • You should be at least Level 4 to fight them. Be careful when hunting them at low levels, as they might come together with Orc Spearmen.
  • Du ska minst vara level 4 för att döda dom. Var försiktig när du dödar dom i låg level, Då dom kan finnas tillsammans med Orc Spearmen.
  • You should be at least Level 4 to fight them. Be careful when hunting them at low levels, as they might be with Orc Spearman too.
  • Level 4 wordt aangeraden als je deze wil jagen. Pas op voor een of meerdere Orc Spearman wanneer je in een grot bent. Orcs kunnen geen voorwerpen verplaatsen.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • 9
  • 19
  • 4
  • 10
  • 15
  • 10
  • Slight
  • 8
Attack strength
  • Varies
  • 10
  • normal
  • demihuman
armour points
  • Varies
  • 95
  • 5
  • 7
  • 5
  • 4
  • 5
  • 9
  • 50
  • 52
  • 64
  • 4
  • 6
alignment needed
  • +150
  • In dark places in many biomes, and during daytime in other biomes like Angmar or Mordor.
added in
  • 1
  • 1
  • Yes
resistances conveyed
  • None
  • 150
  • 2
  • Medium
  • Orgrimmar , Blackrock Mountain , Hellfire Citadel
  • Yes
  • Azeroth
  • Yes
  • Drop only
  • Orc
  • 250
  • 250
creator deity
  • Dwarven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Undercommon
  • Orc, Common.
  • 6
4e modifiers
  • +2 Strength, +2 Constitution
3e modifiers
  • -2
  • +4 Strength, -2 Intelligence,
  • 250
  • 243.0
4e skillmod
  • None
  • 306.0
  • 7
3e language
4e language
cités majeures
  • Mor'shan, Camp Loup-de-givre, Garadar, Bastion Chanteguerre, Port Gueule-de-Dragon, Bastion des Sire-tonnerre, Campement Grom'gol, Tranchecolline, La Croisée, Thrallmar.
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Description: "A helm that magically makes you take on the appearance of an Orc. Very handy for infiltrating the Fort." How to acquire: Can be bought from Blacksmith (Swordhaven) for 5000 gold. Sell Value: 1250 gold.
  • Orcs are a savage, warlike, aggressive race that raid, pillage and fight other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves that began generations ago and they will often kill such creatures on sight. Orcs generally have black hair, lupine ears and reddish eyes. Orcs favor vivid colors in clothes that most find unpleasant, like blood red. Their gear is usually unclean and unkempt. They believe that to survive, they must conquer as much territory as possible. They constantly make war or prepare to make war on other humanoids, including other orcs. Their society is patriarchal, with women being possessions at best, chattel at worst. The status of an orc male in a tribe is determined by the number of women he owns and male children he sires as well as battle prowess, wealth and territory they acquire. Orc spellcasters are ambitious and often rivalries will form between warrior leaders, as well as the tribe's clerics, who are expected to become leaders or advisors to the chief. Orcs are ruled by the biggest and strongest of their tribe. The chief deity of the orc is Gruumsh, a one-eyed war god that will not tolerate signs of peace among his people and teaches that all are inferior to the orc and all worldly goods are theirs for the taking.
  • Niegdyś byli szlachetną, szamańską społecznością w Draenorze. W tragicznych okolicznościach szlachetne klany orków uległy zepsuciu Płonącego Legionu i zostały wykorzystane w inwazji Legionu na ziemie Azeroth. Orkom udało się zbuntować i ostatecznie obrócili się przeciwko władcom demonów. Prowadzeni przez młodego wodza naczelnego Thralla, orkowie ponownie pojęli czym jest honor i jak ważny jest dla nich oraz dla ich społeczności. Przenieśli się ze Wschodnich Królestw do Kalimdoru i tam założyli państwo nazwane Durotarem. Teraz Orkowie są gotowi do walki, ale nie w celu podbojów, lecz w obronie prawa do życia na zaadoptowanych przez siebie ziemiach.
  • Designed to be cool, and cruel biker in the highway and to have Stitch's abilities.
  • Orc is a word used to refer to various tough and warlike humanoid creatures in various fantasy settings, appearing originally in the stories of Middle-earth written by J. R. R. Tolkien and derivative fictions. Orcs are often portrayed as misshapen humanoids with brutal, warmongering, sadistic, yet cowardly tendencies, although some settings and writers describe them as a proud warrior race with a strong sense of honor. They are variously portrayed as physically stronger or weaker than humans, but always high in numbers. They often ride wolves or wargs. In many role-playing and computer games, though not in Tolkien's works, Orcs have green skin (earning the name "Greenskins" in such games) and have faces that resemble a cross between a pig and a porpoise. However, in many other representations of Orcs they have been portrayed closer to being resembled as twisted Humans or Elves, therefore they share a similar anatomy that appears to be stockier.
  • An orc is a savage humanoid creature. Its name derives from the word orco. The term was popularized by J.R.R. Tolkien; prior to The Lord of the Rings an orc was generally a sea monster.
  • Orcs were a strong race of shamanistic healers and alchemists who defended their territory fiercely. When lefein explorers and human and elven worshippers of Cardia encroached on orcish land, it led to conflict between the races, and eventually the orcs were driven to extinction during the First Age. Much of the orcish knowledge was lost save some snippets here and there, particularly alchemical formulae such as Godfire as well as orcs' contribution to the necromantic Totentanz and the bardic Lebenslied tomes.
  • Orcs are enemies in Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing.
  • De orcs komen van een de planeet genaamd Draenor, en hebben later in Durotar hun hoofdstad gebouwd, Orgrimmar. Zij ´leiden´ de Horde.
  • Orcs are an aggressive humanoid race that have a deep hatred of dwarves and elves. Half-orcs are usually the result of breeding with humans. They are generally more hostile and less intelligent than their human counterparts, but are typically much stronger and make good warriors.
  • The orc is a term for a very large and massive race found all over Knightmare. They are pure warriors and they scorn any kind of non close hand combat. This means they do not have mages, rangers or use stealth or traps. They believe in only close hand to hand combat or combat with weapons. They see using weapons such as hammers to smash their enemies heads in as the only true form of combat. The Orcs have a honour system for their way of life. They will not use anything machines that will do their work in combat for them. They also will never kill children of enemies. They believe in death before capture as they see capture as the ultimate disgrace to their orc name. Orcs tend to live in villages or camps which can be moved quickly to combat. The orcs to make up for their unwillingness to use stealth or ranged attacks have developed very advanced techniques and very strong armor and equipment to make up for it. Orcs are roughly human sized but they tend to be very muscular and their skin colour comes in wide variety of all colours of the rainbow.
  • Orcs surfaced from the Darklands during the Age of Darkness, having been displaced by dwarves bent on their Quest for Sky. Orcs prospered greatly during this time, as there was no direct sunlight to affect their vision. Since then they have maintained a firm grasp in the Hold of Belkzen in central Avistan, but have lost much of their influence in the rest of the world.
  • Orcs are ugly, brutish humanoids who make up for their lack of refinement with sheer savagery.
  • Orgrimmarin Örkit ovat Lauman sisäinen joukko, pelattavan örkin kansa. He asuvat Durotarin maassa, Kalimdorissa.
  • Brutal and destructive, the orcs of the Kojan Archipelago are terrors of the seas. These seafaring raiders, and their goblin cousins, would pose a major threat to the whole of Telon if not for the animosity between their clans keeping them in check. The orcs, and their goblin clansmen, hold a deep spiritual link with their ancestral spirits. Their warseers commune with these spirits to foretell portents of the future and earn favor with Ghalnn, god of slaughter and lord of battle. The city of Martok is a fortified military stronghold where the Martok clan prepares for constant warfare against their enemy, the Gulgrethor clan. The orcs live simply and efficiently, devoting their free time to training for battle rather than partaking in arts and music like many of the other races. Orcs are feared or hated by most races across Telon. Their devastating invasion of the continent of Thestra in the not too distant past has earned them powerful enemies. The orcs, however, couldn't care less, for their great size, strength, and toughness makes them at home in battle. It is common to see orcs as Warriors, Dread Knights, Rangers, Monks, Shamans and Disciples.
  • Orc is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
  • Les orques ou orcs sont des créatures reconnues universellement comme brutales et agressives. Elles sont dépeintes comme barbares et immoraux, et on leur attribue généralement le rôle de serviteurs des ténèbres. Tolkien les confondait avec les gobelins (mais on peut facilement lui pardonner : dans le monde de Midkemia, il n'existe aucune différence entre les kobolds et les gnomes, et dans Le Dernier Orc, "homoncule" n'est qu'un terme péjoratif pour désigner les nains). Les orcs seront presque toujours des fantassins et presque exclusivement des mâles.
  • Os orcs são criaturas bestiais e beligerantes, que habitam o subterrâneo ou regiões selvagens. Esses seres monstruosos são, quase sem exceção, saqueadores e assassinos, atacando comunidades civilizadas para roubar e matar. São onívoros e de hábitos noturnos, preferindo viver no subterrâneo - o que lhes provoca um ódio especial dos anões. Possuem traços selvagens, como presas, focinho e pêlos. Durante milênios, suas tribos fizeram do continente de Lamnor um sangrento campo de batalha, travando guerras sem fim entre si e contra goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, ogros e outras raças de humanóides monstruosos. Mas agora tudo mudou, e Thwor Ironfist conseguiu encerrar os conflitos menores e unir todos os monstros, criando a Aliança Negra e devastando todo o continente lamnoriano. Desde então, muitos orcs ingressam nas fileiras da Aliança Negra. Outros tantos, porém, convivem há gerações com os habitantes de Lomatubar, misturando seu sangue em suas veias. Há também relatos de orcs que atacam com frequência a região da Floresta dos Espinhos, sendo rechaçados por Berforam e os elfos negros. Costumam temer qualquer coisa maior e mais forte que eles, mas seus líderes podem forçá-los a lutar por intimidação. Organizam-se em tribos, e cada tribo pode ter também um ou mais ogres. Apesar de serem considerados seres fracos e desprezíveis, foi em um grande ataque de orcs que o segundo líder do Protetorado do Reino, Grevan Tormac II, foi morto. O nome mais comum de todos entre os orcs é Krusk - fato que ocasionou uma enorme inimizade do famoso Arkam Braço Metálico com toda a raça. Alguns orcs veneram a Divina Serpente ou Megalokk. Hoje, com a unificação forçada pela Aliança Negra, vários orcs de Lamnor integram a ordem de Ragnar - mas muitos ainda tentam conservar sua devoção à divindades específicas da raça. São desprezados por Tanna-Toh por escolherem a ignorância e brutalidade.
  • Their home, the Orc Village is located south of Geffen.
  • Most commonly known in the books by J.R.R. Tolkien. Soon after that time they became extinct, mostly because of their harsh nature of eating manflesh, even cannibalism. They resemble raggedy men with grotesque features and sharp teeth. Many probably died because they were riddled with diseases. They were slightly intelligent, though rarely spoke anything human, mostly roars and growls. They have been known to ride on large, fierce wolves known as wargs. They have large pointed ears, like their warg mounts, and inhabit woods or abandoned forts, usually made of stone or brick. they are blacksmiths, and, though many times their weapons are blunt, they are good archers and warriors. They have never been known to reach six feet tall or over, and their weak, wrinkles skin makes them less strong than men.
  • Orcs are hostile beings from the Barren Plains. Since then they expanded to all over the Lands, even in human cities. They were part of the Dark Army that tried to take over during Scotia's reign. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • A brutish creation of Rallos Zek.
  • An orc.
  • Orcs belong to the dark races, created in the same dark pits as trolls. They mostly are the arch nemesis of many of the intelligent races, as they reproduce quickly and enjoy plundering, killing and spreading havoc in general. The average orc is five and a half to six feet high, weighs 130 to 150 pounds and has a gray to black skin. Their eyes glow red in the dark. Orcs shun sunlight, as it tends to hurt their eyes greatly. Because orcs mostly live in the underground, they are very good at detecting secret doors. Orcs make good fighters and are also known to spawn mighty priests serving their cruel war deity, Gruumsh, the One-Eyed and All-Seeing. Orcs train in the following skills: Backstabbing, Climbing, Find Weakness, Metallurgy, and Mining.
  • Crixus was an Orc .
  • Orcs have become one of the most frequent targets of Racisms, and for years have been denied basic racist rights. While uber noobss proclaim that orcs are purely bred for hatred and evil, orcs deny this, stating that they only fight because they want to, often being misused by evil, porno-hungry creeps. Their status is further diminished by the fact that they are huge fans of how-many-frozen-condoms-can-you-stick-up-your-nose contests. However, recently a patry of American orcs won the elections, banning orc-poaching. Unfortunately, their time in power is over and extreme acts of violence against them have been commited, such as civil wars (lotr), they have also dropped out of the new elections after not winning a single vote in China OR Russia. Many humans do not realize they are committing murder, instead viewing themselves as "heroes" out to save the land. Others find nothing wrong with killing for the sake of looting an Orc body for armor and a few gold pieces. Some, calling themselves "adventurers," even think of it as hunting. Goblins, ogres, trolls, giants, and others in the community have supported orcs in their struggle, but few outside the community are willing to recognize their view. Orcs say that the situation is unresolvable. If they must fight in order to stop humans from attacking, and humans attack because they fight, then by logic one side must keep fighting indefinitely. Orc supporters say that the key is to reduce "looting" by not bringing any valuable items to the field. The downside is that with no valid protection, orcs become helpless and easy targets for "quick XP." Even worse, they say, is the media which portrays them through severely racist eyes. Human children frequently view these materials, which give them ideas of going out and murdering countless orcs because of what they see. Crime against orcs become "fun and exciting," a mere pastime to thrill Democrats with no social life.
  • Orcs are one of the oldest races in Mortal Online. Known for their wild and sometimes uncontrollable temper, they are often outcasted from common societies and force to live in orc reservations. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The green-skinned orcs, or Greenskins are one of the most prolific races of Azeroth. Born on the world of Draenor, the orcs were brought to Azeroth through the dimensional gateway known as the Dark Portal and waged war on the humans while under the influence of the Burning Legion. The orcs once cultivated a noble, shamanistic society on Draenor. Tragically, the proud orc clans were corrupted by the Burning Legion and used as pawns in the Legion's invasion of Azeroth. The orcs managed to rebel, however, and they were ultimately able to help turn the tide against their demon masters. Led by the young Warchief Thrall, the orcs have reclaimed their strength and honor. The orcs moved from the Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor, and there they founded the nation of Durotar. Now, the orcs stand ready to fight not for the sake of conquest, but for their very right of survival in their adopted world.
  • Orc Leader - Agrokar
  • Orc is an enemy within Breath of Fire III.
  • Orcs are a canon race in World of Warcraft.
  • Orcs are one of the seven races.
  • Orcs are ferocious barbaric creatures that live in the wilderness and rarely congregate to form any form of society beyond tribal warbands.
  • The Orc is a Creature type in Dungeon Keeper.
  • The Orc is a animal on FarmVille.
  • Les orcs sont une espèce barbare dont le passe-temps favori est de se faire défoncer la gueule par des kevins dans des jeux vidéo ou jeux de rôles de type chiant.
  • An orc’s hair usually is black. It has lupine ears and reddish eyes. Orcs prefer wearing vivid colors that many humans would consider unpleasant, such as blood red, mustard yellow, yellow-green, and deep purple. Their equipment is dirty and unkempt. An adult male orc is a little over 6 feet tall and weighs about 210 pounds. Females are slightly smaller. The language an orc speaks varies slightly from tribe to tribe, but any orc is understandable by someone else who speaks Orc. Some orcs know Goblin or Giant as well. Most orcs encountered away from their homes are warriors; the information in the statistics block is for one of 1st level.
  • They are vulnerable to fire attacks, and when set on fire make a very high pitched squealing noise, which is possibly where their nickname comes from. Orcs appear as having green skin, bulky bodies, short legs, tusks, muscly arms and facial appearances somewhat similar to pigs, giving them many nicknames such as Pigs, Hogs and Squealers by Dark Elves and Humans alike. They are not very good architects preferring to live in small clusters of tent like structures or shanty villages and small stockades made of wood. Their cloths and armour are also lacking in quality with most of their troops wearing nothing but a loincloth made of leather with a chain belt, or perhaps a dark coat of what appears to be fur or hair of some kind, possibly from the Large Boars they have tamed. Prior to being annexed by Vellond, the Orcs and Ogres of Hexter were split into many different tribes, namely Darokha, Gorzanik, Jurai and Nazarahm tribes were the four strongest, and for the most part they got on reasonably well with eachother. However the Half Vampire Lord, Valdemar had united the Dark Elves in Vellond north of Hexter and was looking on Hexter with keen eyes, seeing a large Labour Force and Army that he could use. He sent Appeasment Inspectors, including his own son Lienhart to oversee and gain the trust of the Orcs by giving them weapons and an Alliance with the tribes. Initially, it began with one tribe, the Darokha, who were the most ambitious and second strongest of all the Orc tribes. he appeasement policy of weapons and resources aided the Darokha in conquering smaller neighbouring tribes. Upon seeing what was happening, a rebellion started among the rest of the Orc tribes, headed by the Gorzanic tribe, they fough against Vellond but were ultimately crushed by Valdemars general, Regnier. Eventually all Orc tribes were united as one under Vellond and wore red plumes as a sign of allegience. Orcs are not known for their intelligence, often being fooled by Dark Elves and Humans, although some are smart enough to be Sappers and to lay traps. After an Orc has died it can be re-animated by a Lich into a ghoul, a creature that runs on all fours and is unarmed. They are brought to life through the Lich Curse and thus are vulnerable to Holy magic.
  • Often depicted as savage brutes and ravaging barbarians the orcs of Eberron are in fact an incredibly diverse and deeply spiritual people. While it is true that some orcs are uncivilized and wild this stereotype does not reflect on the majority of orcs living in and around Khorvaire. The mighty House Tharashk is in fact made up mostly of half-orcs and many humans who can trace their heritage back to the orcs of the Shadow Marches and orcs of the Eldeen Reaches are some of the most closely connected to Eberron and the natural world. The orcs are one of the oldest, if not the oldest, race in all the world, dating their history back some thirty-thousand years. Orcs are a perfect study in nurture over nature as an orc's surrounding and history could mean the difference between a mad, wide-eyed, axe wielding barbarian and a humble, proud farmer who seeks to protect his family above all else.
  • __TOC__ Orcs range in color from forest green, to pale teal. Occasionally, some Orcs are born with gray skin. Though rare, gray skinned Orcs are afforded special status in Orc society. Orc hair is typically thin, wiry, and jet-black, even in old Orcs. Orcs have a set of massively enlarged lower incisors which contributes to the Orcish tenancy to drool. Orcish society is tribal, each tribe by a strange sort of Oligarchy. This Oligarchy has two arms the military arm, lead by the Kish'ku or "Chieftan". The Kish'ku may appoint an arbitrary number of advisers, to aid him in war campaigns, or the business of government. Such advisers are called Mik'Tow, roughly translated "Officer", and speak for the Kish'ku when he is not present. A single Moot, or "Shaman" is assumed to speak for the tribe's totem spirit, and occasionally departed dead. As such, the word of the Moot caries much weight and even the Kish'ku is beholden to it, to some degree. The Moot advises the Kush'ku as the will of the tribes totem spirit, and of the dead. As such, most of what the Moot does is designed to placate or earn the favor of the spirits, especially before a major battle or the start of a military campaign. All other able bodied males are either hunters who ensure the day-to-day needs of the tribe are met, or warriors. Most of the ranks of male Orcs are warriors. Warriors, contribute to society by staging small raids and otherwise being available for purposes of war. Female Orcs are trained as equals until they reach maturity. At that time, they must fight hand-to-hand against a male Orc of the same age; until one, or the other is unconscious. If the female fails, she is sent to the tribes Huush'naag or "Breeding-Annex" where all such females are force-bred until they are no longer fertile. This is done to ensure the large number of Orcs necessary fight in any of the Orcs many military campaigns. If she wins, she has earned the right to fight as a warrior, and may take any husband she pleases. Any male who looses the fight, is removed from military service, and given hunting duties instead. Orcs keep slaves, to see to the menial tasks in their society. Some taskmasters treat their slaves better than others. However, such slaves are treated as property. Many are treated cruelly. Female slaves can expect to be force bred with other slaves, or worse male Orcs. Male slaves work any land the tribe may posses. Slaves caught attempting escape are typically beaten, or maimed. Half-Orcs are treated with mild contempt, and are considered weakened by their Human heritage. Many Half-Orcs live as slaves. However it is possible for a Half-Orc to prove himself, and attain status in the warrior caste. Such happenings are rare, but not unheard-off, especially during major military campaigns.
  • Orcs resemble Neanderthal humans, with grey skin and coarse hair covering their bodies. They have a stooped posture, low forehead, and an almost-piglike face with prominent lower canines resembling tusks. Their hair is usually black with reddish eyes and wolf-like ears; due to their pigmented eyes, orcs can become dazzled in strong sunlight. Adult male orcs stand around 6 feet tall, weighing 210 pounds. Females are slightly smaller. Orcs have different dialects depending on their tribe, but all orcs are understandable by other orcs. They - interestingly - speak a language referred to as Orc. Some orcs can also speak Goblin or Giant, and the more intelligent or "diplomatic" (that is to say, they like to taunt their human opponents before killing them) orcs can speak Common. Orcs prefer to wear vivid colours such as blood red, mustard yellow and deep purple. Their equipment is dirty and unkempt. When orcs are not fighting, they are planning raids or honing their fighting skills. Orcs prefer larger weapons such as the greataxe and favour attacking from concealment and setting ambushes. Of note, an orcish tribe will obey the rules of war, such as honouring truce, so long as it is convenient for them. Orcs believe that it is their right to conquer as much territory as possible, placing them as enemies with all intelligent creatures living nearby. They are constantly at war or preparing war against other humanoids, including other orcish tribes. Although some orc mercenaries have banded together with other humanoids, they will quickly rebel if their leader is not an orc. Their religion teaches that all other beings are inferior and that all worldly goods rightfully belong to the orcs. Their society is patriarchal - females are considered prized possessions at best. Male orcs pride themselves on how many women they own and how many male children they have, along with their own battle prowess, wealth and territory. They wear battle scars proudly and scar themselves deliberately to mark significant achievements and turning points during life. Orcs live in caves, wooden huts, forts, or even a large city built either above or below ground. They are usually heavily fortified and it is considered suicide to attack orcish settlements without a large supporting army. It is this reason why the orcs have never been fully removed from the banks of the River Ashrin. Most orc tribes in the are found in the northern and eastern parts of the world, mainly the Eastern Wastelands, but also the Northern Wastelands and the orcish territories east of Erebria, with a few smaller tribes in The Hundred Kingdoms. It is rare to find orcs on the southern continent of the Golden Empire, the Three River Cities and the Sundered Realms.
  • In many fantasy works, such as those of J. R. R. Tolkien, orcs are very ugly humanoid creatures that are fierce and warlike. They originate from Tolkien's writings and they ride on boars or wolves. Their name is said to come from the Roman chthonic god Orcus.
  • The Elves were content and dwelt long under the stars of the forest near Cuiviénen. However, Melkor, the Dark Lord, became aware of them and their location before the Valar, and during this time he sent evil spirits to spy on them and do them harm. Many of the spirits that harassed the Elves. Due to Melkor's foresight and malice, some elves were afraid. Hiding and fleeing, some of these early elves were taken by Melkor or his agents. These elves were never seen again and were taken to Utumno, and were believed to be twisted and mutilated until they became the Orcs.
  • Orcs suffered great losses in the Unhuman Wars. Under the leadership of Dukagsh, some of the surviving orcs found new direction and eventually became the scro.
  • Orcs are powerful warriors - the toughest of the goblinoid races - and often install themselves as leaders of their weaker cousins. They are repulsive monsters who love inflicting pain and delight in cruelty and slaughter. Orcs are always fighting and, if they cannot find enemies to fight, they will fight each other. The whole of Orc technology and culture is geared towards conflict. They are dangerous individual foes, but lack the organisation or motivation to present any real long-term threat to humanity. Orcs speak the common Goblin tongue, usually about four octaves lower than any Goblin.
  • Orcs fought all the time. When not fighting and dying in wars, they killed each other or trampled flowers. Their preferred diet was weaker members of their own society, sometimes served with pork rinds for variety. Creating an army of orcs was easy. You could grow them in your basement, just like mushrooms. Once you peeled back the slime-covered gestational sac, they swore allegiance to you and lined up in neat little rows, waiting for orders to slaughter something. Dooku and Darth Saruman raised orc armies as a hobby.
  • Orcs are one of the most common creatures in lore. Large and stupid, orcs are aggressive creatures with limited knowledge but have a thirst for battle and bloodshed. Orcs are primitive beings belived to be an offset of humanity but their true origins are unknown. Orcs themselves record little of their history living in primitive tribes or in wandering groups. Indeed orc society is dominated by violence; whoever is strongest rules. Another interesting thing about orcs is their recent rise in activity. For most of orc history they where content with raiding and looting small bands or tribes, but recently Orc chiefs or Warleaders have been more focused in their attacks and some have even gone far enough to create small kingdoms. Whether this is just a phase or orcs are really coming together has yet to be seen. In the links below are some of the most common orcs that are encountered, but rare ones sometime appear or are added in special quests. Orc Archer, Orc Bandit, Orc Blaster, Orc Footsoldier, Orc General, Orc Gladiator, Orc Horde, Orc Mage, Orc Swordsman, Orc Warlord, and Orc Wizard.
  • 獰猛で緑色の肌を持つOrcたちは、Azerothの世界の多数を占める種族のひとつである。異世界であるDraenorに生まれたOrcは、 Azerothの他の種族からは粗暴で何ら人間性を持たない非情な種族であると思われてきたが、本来のOrcは高貴で教養があり、Draenorにおいて シャーマニズム文化を築き上げていた種族であった。 しかし、魔法の力を求め破壊と略奪を続ける邪悪な者たち「The Burning Legion」によって忌まわしき呪いをかけられた結果、Orcは極めて好戦的で残忍な種族へと変貌してしまった。 魔神の業たる暗黒魔術に手を染めたWarlockと呼ばれる暗黒魔術師の中でもとりわけ才能に恵まれていたGul'danは、力を授けられる代わりに Legionへの奉仕を誓った。そしてLegionの魔神はGul'danの影から密かに、しかし確実にOrcたちを自らの手駒として支配していったので ある。 そしてOrcたちは呪いによって植え付けられた戦いへの飢えを満たすべく、Dark Portalと呼ばれる次元の扉を用いてStormwind王国へ乗り込み、Humanたちと大規模な戦争を開始した。 そんな中、自分たちの背後に邪悪なものが存在することに気づき始めたOrcは、The Burning Legionの支配から逃れようと戦い続けた。多くの同胞を失いながらも、最終的に若き指導者Thrallの力によってその試みは成功し、彼らの名誉と力 を再び自らの元に取り戻したのである。 現在、彼らは征服のためではなく、彼ら自身が選びし地で生きのびるために戦いの準備を整えている。
  • Orcs are a very common monster in the Netherworld. They live in large families and societies with a strict caste system, making them follow orders without recourse; this can extend to non-Orcs, assuming the individual has somehow earned their respect. Despite their small size, Orcs are hot-blooded, proud, and possess great strength; they wield clubs nearly the size of their own body and can juggle opponents much larger than themselves with ease. Being easily manipulated, Orcs are often hired by overlords and are called upon generally as foot soldiers and cannon fodder. Despite this, their population is still impressive. Orcs are often referred to as ‘Petite Orcs’, which they dislike; they are also well-known to be notorious perverts. Type: Monstrous Humanoid (Orc, Monster, Demon) Hit Die: d10 Class Skills The creature's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are The fighter's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Martial Knowledge (Physical monster weapon), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 hl (average 105 hl.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 hl or less. Alignment: Orcs are oftentimes chaotic due to their impulsive nature, however many still follow laws and government systems opting for more normal lives. Religion: Orcs almost always worship the Orc God, but some others choose to worship powerful creatures or follow a creature they find to be attractive or something they fear. Orcs sometimes worship gods of battle and war or destruction, and also some worship Nether Nobles. *Evilty* Mass Psyche Gain a +1 morale bonus to Attack, damage and armor class for every orc within 30 feet of you. •+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. •Speed: 30 feet • Small size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Stealth checks, -1 penalty on CMB and CMD. • Dark Vision out to 60 feet • +4 to Intimidate. • Automatic Languages: English and Japanese as well as Orc. •Bonus Languages: Any Monster Weapon Proficiency (Ex) Orcs are proficient and can only wield physical monster weapons, unless they have reincarnated from a previous body that had the ability to wield other weapons. An Orc’s weapon always appears as a huge spiked Mace that deals 1d8 damage, or the damage listed under the monster weapon, whichever is higher. Magichange (Ex) As a free action, an Orc can change into a Heavy Mace or a powerful Bastard Sword. The Magichange lasts as many rounds as the Orc’s Constitution Modifier, and when it ends, the creature returns to it's former self but is considered exhausted. It takes a move action to reload the gun, and can be reloaded rapidly. The wielder must be unarmed and able to hold the weapon when the Orc transforms. Bastard Sword Damage: 1d10 or Orc’s monster weapon, whichever is higher. Critical: 19-20 x2 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 6 lbs. Heavy Mace Damage: 1d8 or damage of monster weapon, whichever is higher Critical: 20 x2 Damage Type: Bludgeoning Weight: 8 lbs. Techniques (Su) Just like all classes, Orcs gain access to special techniques they can utilize to aid them in battle or day to day activities. At each level they gain 1 technique of any level they can perform. At the levels designated, Orcs also gain special Monster Techniques they can utilize to get an edge over their opponents. An Orc Learns a monster technique at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, and 20th level. These Techniques can be chosen from the Orc's list of techniques highlighted with two (**). The Orc must be able to perform techniques of the technique's level to learn it. There are many cases where a creature may not have enough techniques to take whenever it gains a new monster technique, Whenever this is the case, choose instead a normal technique. An Orc's relevant modifier is Strength. Ability Boost Creatures gain Ability buffs at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. The Ability boost is determined by what kind of creature it is. Orcs gain bonuses to their Strength, Dexterity, and Con. Natural armor (Ex) Orcs gain Natural armor at the levels indicated on the table above. Damage Reduction (Ex) Orcs Gain Damage Reduction overcome by nothing as indicated on the table above. An orc remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. It is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score. Rage (Ex) An Orc can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, an Orc can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that an Orc can rage per day. An Orc can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive. While in rage, an Orc gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the Orc 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, an Orc cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. An Orc can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. An Orc cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If an Orc falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death. At 4th level and every 3 levels afterwards, Orcs gain a bonus feat. These feats can be chosen from the list of Combat feats. An orc counts as a fighter for purposes of qualifying for feats. Fearless (Ex) At 9th level, Orcs become immune to all fear effects. Sensitivity immunity (Ex) At 11th level the Orc loses it's light sensitivity and it's darkvision increases by 30 feet. Greater Rage (Ex) At 11th level, when an Orc enters rage, the morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution increases to +6 and the morale bonus on her Will saves increases to +3. Inheritance Destruction (Ex) At level 15, Orcs deal an additional +1 damage per dice for all techniques. Tireless Rage (Ex) Starting at 17th level, an Orc no longer becomes fatigued at the end of her rage. Shadow Orc (Ex) At 20th level an Orc becomes a champion of battle, it's tiny form seeming immense amongst other soldiers as it smashes through everyone. Once per day as a standard action, the Orc can enter a shadowy state of pure battle. While in this form their damage reduction is increased by 10 and they gain resistance 10 to all energy types. The Orc gains a +4 Circumstance bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution and a +2 bonus to armor class as well as fast healing 5. If the orc uses rage in this form, unlike usual, the Orc can still make normal decisions and takes no penalty to armor class as they have reached a level of such battle clarity that they are at peace. The orc gains a +10 bonus to move speed and once per transformation, the orc can choose to ignore all damage reduction for a single round. This lasts 1 round per level. 1st-Level Orc Techniques—Bless, Bane, True Strike, Magic weapon, inflict light wounds, Ant Haul, Cause Fear, Compel Hostility, divine favor, doom, Dream feast, **Mistake Eraser 2nd-Level Orc Techniques— Shatter, Bull's Strength, Pain Strike, Spiritual weapon, aid, Inflict moderate wounds, Admonishing Ray, Sound Burst, Align weapon, **Orc Combo 3rd-Level Orc Techniques—Rage, Keen Edge, Magic vestment, Vampiric touch, Inflict Serious Wounds, Agonize, Archon's Aura, Blood Biography, Deadly Juggernaut, **Flying V strike 4th-Level Orc Techniques—Inflict Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Aura of Doom, Chaos Hammer, Dimensional Anchor, Greater magic weapon, **Orc Attack, **Pork Special (MC), 5th-Level Orc Techniques— Shout, Symbol of Pain, flame Strike, wall of thorns, Inflict Light wounds mass, Slay Living, Burst of Glory, Boneshatter, Disrupting weapon, Symbol of pain, **Orc Hero Gas 6th-Level Orc Techniques— Harm, Moonstruck, blade barrier, Inflict Moderate Wounds mass, Heroes' feast, Symbol of Fear, **Orc Throw 7th-Level Orc Techniques—Disintegrate, power word blind, mass inflict serious wounds, Bestow grace of the Champion, Destruction, Blasphemy, Holy Word, Dictum, Word of Chaos 8th-Level Orc Techniques—Earthquake, Demand, power word stun, Mass inflict critical wounds, Frightful Aspect, Holy Aura, Unholy Aura, **Gold?Silver? (MC) 9th-Level Orc Techniques—Implosion, power word kill, Energy Drain, Overwhelming presence, Symbol of Strife, **Gaea Crush, **Orc God's Descent, **Orc 100 Slash (MC)
  • The Orc is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found inside the Leck Mines. Orcs may appear alongside Spyders and the Orc King and have the ability to cast Bite.
  • ORC was an agency or title held by a Starfleet officer at Starfleet Command's Fleet Operations Center, Sol Sector. In January of 2155, Starfleet officer F. Leasure was working in or as ORC. It and the officer's name was listed on directory placards. (ENT: "Demons", directories)
  • Orcs (オーク, Ōku?) are monsters that infest The Legrue Corridor in ALfheim Online.
  • Orcs are aggressive humanoids that raid, pillage, and battle other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves that goes back many generations. Orcs are notable for being the only non-playable race that consists of a single species. They are also the only non-playable race that can parent a playable race (half-orcs).
  • The greenskinned brute, Craekap Savages, the green pirates; Orcs go by many names in the Cradle, but no matter the name it inspires fear in the hearts of all rural citizens. Orcs are a brutle and savage race of muscular greenskined humanoids who almost universally live by a "Might make Right" philosophy. They exist in every nation of the Cradle, despite countless attempts to wipe out the race. They typically live far from cities, and other centers of power in the Cradle, but will often make raids on traid routes and smaller villages. The island of Craekap has a large native Orc population. Orcs worship their destroyer god they call Grummish. Races of Tellic
  • In reality, Orcs are incredibly dumb and possess low intelligence, though they make it up for their brute strength.
  • Orcs are a subspecies of Goblins found in the Dungeons of Fate.
  • thumb|300pxLes orcs sont un type de monstre présents dans Rosario + Vampire.
  • Το Orc είναι το μεγαλύτερο των ειδών greenskin. Είναι μεγαλύτεροι, επιθετικότεροι, και πιο μυϊκοί από τους μικρότερους ξαδέλφους τους, το Goblins, το Hobgoblins, και το μικροσκοπικό Snotlings. Τα Orcs συνεχίζουν να αυξάνονται καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια των ζωών τους και το δέρμα τους σκουραίνει με την ηλικία. Το ισχυρότερο Orcs τείνει να γίνει μαύρο Orcs, που χαρακτηρίζεται από το αυξανόμενο μέγεθος και το σκοτεινότερο δέρμα τους. Το Orcs δεν είναι φωτεινό με οποιαδήποτε μέσα, αλλά κατέχουν μια ζωώδη συνειδητοποίηση της κοινωνικής δομής.. Δεν υπάρχει τίποτα που να αγαπά ένα Orc περισσότερο από τον πόλεμο. Εάν στερηθούν άλλους αντιπάλους, θα παλέψουν μεταξύ τους. Τέτοιες μάχες είναι πάντα αιματηρές υποθέσεις, γιατί τα Orcs είναι τρομακτικοί εχθροί, ακόμα και όταν είναι πληγωμένα. Δεν αισθάνονται κανέναν πόνο και φόβο. Ένα ιδιαίτερα ισχυρό Orc θα ανέλθει στην κορυφή της φυλής του μέσω της άσπλαχνων αγριότητας και της νίκης στον προσωπικό αγώνα. Εάν να είσαι σε θέση να νικήσει το τρέχον Warboss, θα πάρεις εκείνη την θέση. Εάν είσαι ιδιαίτερα ισχυρογνώμων, το νέο Warboss μπορεί να είναι σε θέση να οδηγήσει ολόκληρη την φυλή σε Waaagh!. Πάλη Orcs με τα πρωτόγονα όπλα που είναι μικρά περισσότερο από τα μεγάλα χοντρά κομμάτια του μετάλλου απορρίμματος. Δίνουν σε αυτά τα όπλα τέτοια περιγραφικά ονόματα όπως "τα choppas", "τα bashas" και "τα smashas", και τα χειρίζονται με τη βάναυση δύναμη.
  • Were once a nomadic people, more akin to the Tauren than the Orcs of today. They lived in isolated clans dotted around Draenor, meeting twice a year at the equinoxes for a Kosh'harg celebration. They knew of the draenei, and traded with them on occasion; relations were generally cordial but aloof. Their leaders were deceived by Kil'jaeden in part of a plot to destroy the Draenei and they were forged into a bloodthirsty, warlike Horde. They abandoned shamanism and turned instead to warlock magic, their skin turning from brown to green; eventually, most clans drank the demon Mannoroth's blood (the exceptions being Durotan, his Frostwolf clanmates, and Orgrim Doomhammer). After destroying their homeland and being effectively abandoned by Kil'jaeden, they invaded Azeroth via the Dark Portal out of perceived necessity. They waged war on the humans, eventually losing the Second War and being rounded up into internment camps. (Any orc under 25-30 years old will have been born in or soon after internment.) They were kept by the humans as slaves at best and animals at worst, falling into a deep lethargy as a result of withdrawal from Mannoroth's blood. Thrall, son of Durotan and Draka (now dead), eventually broke free and rallied the other orcs around him. They escaped to Kalimdor, helped to defeat Archimonde, and then built the city of Orgrimmar in the land of Durotar. Key points, with approximate ages (it's hard to be exact): * Any orc younger than 50 will not have known Orcish society as it was before Kil'jaeden. The older the orc, the more experience they will have had of this society. * Any orc aged around 40 or older will probably have drunk Mannoroth's blood (unless they were a Frostwolf, or had the redpox). * Any orc aged around 40 could have been magically aged. Children between 6 and 11 were taken and aged until they were 12. * Any orc younger than 40 will not have seen Draenor before it was shattered. * Any orc younger than 30 will not have seen Outland before. * Any orc younger than 25 will have been born into an internment camp (unless they are a Frostwolf). * Any orc younger than 18 will not have seen the inside of an internment camp whilst they were in use. * Any orc older than 5 cannot have been born within Durotar or Orgrimmar.
  • Orcs are aggressive humanoids that raid, pillage, and battle other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves that goes back many generations.
  • Orcs are an enemy ecountered by Jago Daforgo in Quest for Glory ZZT.
  • The Orcs are green humanoid creatures. They mostly live in forests, building small villages here and there, though they mostly conglomerate in moving tent cities. Orcs are naturally violent - but despite this, recently they have grown much weaker and now only hold territory in the southwestern forests. Orcs are the strongest enemies found in Area 1, and the boss of Area 1, the Orc Leader, reflects this. They are still not very strong, however, and as long as the player does not run into them, they pose little threat.
  • Orcs are a Gaian race, their notable features being their huge build, dark green skin, pointed ears and small tusks. A tribe of them was found living in a cave east of Aekea by a research team on an investigation, and they were hired in manufacturing plants in the town to increase productivity.
  • Orcs were once considered to appear in StarCraft during the game's conception. Blizzard considered the idea of copying the set-up of the first Warcraft game, Orcs and Humans. This idea was later abandoned.
  • Orcs are generally portrayed as monsters. Usually, they take the role of the big, strong, but wholly evil and ugly cannon-fodder for the Big Bad. The Lord of the Rings originated the term as we know it, although other continua have included orcs and even made their own varieties and modifications. If an orc agent is encountered, it is not safe to treat them as you would another orc variety. It is likely they would take very great offense. And one trait nearly all varieties of orc share is that you really, really do not want to make one angry. Mixing up any of these orc types or substituting one for another is a charge if you want it to be. Not closely related to Random Orcs, which can be of any species (including orcs).
  • Orcs are intelligent pig-type monster girls that hunt in packs. They are one of a handful of monsters that can turn permanently submissive if their partner successfully turns the tables on her during sex.
  • Orcs are a thursine sapient humanoid race bearing apelike or porcine features and more sallow or greened skin compared to humans. They have more musculature and greater amount of natural aggression. Their instincts are aligned more with combat and wild survival than that of other sapient races. It is because of this, and the requisite culture that has risen around this instinct, that orcs are often considered non-sapient, existentially violent, and wholly evil. Though there are bipedal, sentient creatures that fit this profile, orcs are sapient beings with choice.
  • The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities. After the destruction of the giants, they were able to expel the Elves and attained the most powerful position on Aden. However, they were defeated by the Elf-Human alliance some time later, and are currently living in an arctic area of Elmore. Special Abilities of the Race: They have a strong resistance to negative effects, such as poison or sickness. Characteristics: Orcs have superior physical strength, with high maximum HP and MP levels. They also have a fast recovery speed. However, they are not quick and have slow movement, attack, and casting speeds. They have low marksmanship and evasion as well.
  • The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities. After the destruction of the giants, they were able to expel the Elves and attained the most powerful position on Aden. However, they were defeated by the Elf-Human alliance some time later, and are currently living in an arctic area of Elmore. Special Abilities of the Race: They have a strong resistance to negative effects, such as poison or sickness. Characteristics: Orcs have superior physical strength, with high maximum HP and MP levels. They also have a fast recovery speed. However, they are not quick and have slow movement, attack, and casting speeds. They have low marksmanship and evasion as well.
  • Orcs (sometimes spelled Orks) are a warrior race of typically green-skinned humanoids that can be found in many worlds, including Middle-earth and Azaroth. Ranging in size and build, Orcs are roughly of human height, though often with misshapen or disproportionate bodies. Orc culture can vary from primitive barbarism to a proud clan-based society centred around honour and loyalty to the tribe. Considered a sub-class of Goblinoids or Greenskins, Orcs are closely related to—or in some cases synonymous with—Goblins.
  • Your's is a point of view where real ietnlliegnce shines through.
  • The first orcs are from Middle-Earth. They are distant cousins of the Dwarfs, and often considered to be the inferior of the two. Orcs were fed up with being discriminated against, so they teleported to the UnWorld. They settled in Skyrim, where they were discriminated against. Basically, Nobody likes orcs. That makes them sad. When they get sad, they get hungry. When they get hungry, they eat human flesh. That is why nobody likes orcs.
  • Orcs are know for producing large, brutal armies of difficult-to-kill troops, usually supported by a variety or sub-groupingss of other Greenskins. Such is their skills on the battlefield that the majority of the most destructive campaigns ignited by the Greenskins are more often led by an Orcish Warlord of great strength, wit, and brutality. Goblins are the more prolific, but it is the Orcs that do the bulk of the bloody work in most battles. They are an overly pugnacious lot and if the Orcs find themselves without an enemy, they will often pummel each other just to keep their spirits up. Orcs naturally take their robust physique for granted and regard everyone else as weak, puny or squishy.[1c]
  • Orcs are a race of humanoids that have been a threat to the civilized cultures of Toril, particularly Faerûn for as long as any can remember. This changed somewhat in the years preceding and immediately after the Spellplague, when a horde of mountain orcs under the command of King Obould Many-Arrows unified into a single kingdom, one that is remarkably civilized.
  • The faction-based artifacts are Skarg's Axe and War Brew. The faction-based spells are Bloodlust, Madness, Fervor, and Atrocity.
  • Orcs were once a fearsome race of warriors, until civilized by their fondness for magically-created computerized adventure games. A small segment (the Hi-Res Orcs) enjoy graphic adventures, the vast majority (the Orcs of Zork) prefer interactive fiction.
  • Les orcs sont de grands et très puissants guerriers vouant un véritable culte envers l'honneur le combat et la justice. Ils sont de grande taille (environ 2.19m pour 210kg en moyenne pour un orc (mâle) et 2.08m pour 98kg pour les orques (femelle)), ils ont la peau verte et ont des crocs sur la mâchoire inférieure. Contrairement aux autres races de la Horde, les orcs ne sont pas natifs d’Azeroth. À l’origine, ils vivaient au sein de clans chamaniques, sur le monde luxuriant de Draenor. Ils ont abandonné leur culture pacifique suite à leur corruption par le Seigneur Mannoroth : quand Kil’jaeden, un seigneur démon de la Légion ardente, s'intéressa à Draenor et aux orcs, il lui ordonna de les soumettre afin d'en faire le bras armé de sa vengeance contre les draeneï, exilés du monde d’origine de Kil’jaeden, Argus.
  • ORC était une division de Starfleet au 22ème siècle, dont les activités étaient développées au Fleet Operations Center de Starfleet Command sur Terre.
  • Weapon Proficiency (Exotic) - Characters who select Orc as one of their domains receive the feat Weapon Proficiency (Exotic) for free.
  • A zöldbőrű orkok Azeroth népes fajainak az egyike. Az Első Háborúban a Draenor világáról származó orkok a Lángoló Légió befolyása alatt keresztülhatoltak Azeroth felé nyíló Sötét Portálon, hogy aztán leigázzák az embereket. Az orkok egykor nemes, samanisztikus társadalmat építettek Draenoron. Szerencsétlenségükre a büszke ork klánokat megrontotta a Lángoló Légió és felhasználták őket az Azeroth elleni invázióban. Az orkoknak sikerült fellázadniuk, és képesek voltak megfordítani a háborút démoni mestereik ellen. A fiatal hadúr Thrall vezetésével az orkok visszanyerték erejüket és becsületüket. A Keleti Királyságokból (Eastern Kingdoms) áthajóztak Kalimdorba, ahol megalapították Durotar országát. Most az orkok ismét készen állnak a harcra, bár nem a hódítás, hanem a túlélés reményében.
  • Orcs are violent, primitive humanoids that have plagued Faerûn for aeons, though the Orcgate Wars brought to Toril the fearsome gray orcs which, while more civilized than their mountain orc kin, are just as proficient and savage in combat. Interbreeding often results in half-orc offspring among both humans and orc tribes, with the former often being outcasts and the latter being even more harshly-treated, often resulting in a poor outlook regarding civilization.
  • Orcs developed their first written language around 2,300 years ago. Though they are less technologically advanced than most races, they are not unintelligent. The average Orc possess an intelligence ratio of about 93% that of an average Human. Orcs seem born to battle; being considerably stronger than most races, and possessing combat prowess rivaled by very few. Most Orcs are nomads by nature and can hardly bear to stay in one place for too long.
  • Orcs are evil creatures that inhabit parts of Middle Earth. They can be found at night in many biomes (Gondor, Wilderland, Eriador for example), and also during daylight hours in some biomes (Mordor, Angmar). In addition, Orcs may launch an invasion and attack a land where they do not normally spawn -- Lindon, for example, can be invaded by Gundabad Orcs. There are currently nine different Orc races in the mod: Angmar Orcs, Black Uruks, Dol Guldur Orcs, Gundabad Orcs, Gundabad Uruks, Isengard Snagae, Mordor Orcs, Uruk-Hai and Utumno Orcs. Upon killing an Orc, the player gains the achievement "Orc Slayer"
  • Old Common term: Euroz Orcs are a savage, brutal race of humanoids, that raid pillage and battle other races and other orc tribes. Their hatred for dwarves and elves is well known. They speak their own languae, Orc, but are also known to speak Goblin and GIant. According to their own legend, the orc race was created by the blood of Gruumsh after his battle with the elf god Corelloen, during which Gruumsh's eye was stabbed out by the elf god. This is the reason for their intense hate of the elves. The average adult male orc stands at 6ft tall and weighs about 210 pounds, with females being smaller. They have lupine ears, red eyes, and hair is generally black. They wear vivid colors humans find unappealing, such as mustard yellow, and blood-red. Their equipment is always dirty and unkempt. Orc society is male dominated with women being prized possessions at best and cattle at worst. Status is determined by battle prowess, territory they claim, possessions, the number of women they own and how many children they sire. They are covered in scars and ritually scar themselves. Many of their tribal leaders are great warrirors or clerics of their god Gruumsh. Orcs are able to breed with humans, creating what is called a Half-Orc. Gruumsh is not the only god worshipped by orcs. Some tribes have served Iuz for generations as the shock troops of his army and worship the Old One as thier god. The Orcish Empire of the Pomarj is the largest orc dominated nation in the Flanasse, with orcs having conquered the nation in the aftermath of the Hateful wars against the Ulek states. It is currently ruled by a half-orc named Turosh Mak. Orcs also old power in the fallen states of Geoff and the Bone March and are used in the Northern Kingdom to enforce the will of Overking Grenell I.
  • The Orcs are the founders and chief race of the Horde. Though they where once the slaves of the Burning Legion, they have now returned to their shamanistic ways. Here is a characters on WoWRP.
  • The following orcs appear in NetHack: * o orcs, (not randomly generated) * o hill orc * o Mordor orc * o Uruk-hai * o orc shaman * o orc-captain
  • The racial for the orc army is critical strike. The stats and cost for this racial are as follows:
  • The Orc is a dark based enemy found in the limestone cave.
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