  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Wyverns are giant reptilian creatures with big, stocky bodies, four legs, scaly skin and a pair of bat-like wings on their backs. Their heads have many horns and glowing red eyes and they have beak-like mouths full of sharp pointed teeth. The color of their skin tends to be in darker shades, such as dark green or dark blue, but with some brightly-colored stripes.
  • Wyvern is a dragon form featured in Breath of Fire IV. It is obtained by acquiring the Flame Gem from the Mount Giga area, and has flame-based spells and attacks. It later upgrades into the Weyr dragon form.
  • Wyverns are powerful and dangerous creatures that inhabit the Dragon Sanctuary, Wyrmroost, as listed by Agad, the caretaker. Raxtus ends up fighting some in Keys to the Demon Prison to protect Kendra, Bracken, and the Eternal.
  • Wyvern, auch Flugschlangen oder Drachenschlangen genannt, sehen wie Schlangen mit Flügeln aus. Sie sind an das warme Wetter in ihrer Heimat Thalak gewohnt. So fällt es ihnen schwer außerhalb des Sommers in den Drei Reichen zu fliegen. Ein Wyvern kann bis zu einer Stunde Feuer speien.
  • Wyvern is a Wind element creature of which is located within the Mountain of Mortal Dragon. This is the most powerful creature in this area.
  • Wyverns are mentioned in Dante's Inferno (Canto XVII) as the body for one of his creatures in hell. Some cryptozoologists have interpreted wyverns as surviving pterosaurs, who existed from the late Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous periode. There are alleged sightings in remote areas of pterosaur-like creatures such as the Kongamato in Africa. They have spiked tails that are venomous. They are the main enemy in the game The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. Alduin is a good example of the main Dragon or Wyvern in Skyrim (Dragons (Skyrim))
  • Les paysans prennent souvent les wyverns pour des dragons, et pour eux, il est difficile de les distinguer. Les wyverns sont des grands reptiles volants aux coux serpentins et de longues queues qui terminent en tridents venimeux. Elles fondent sur leurs victimes, les arrachant et les emportant dans leurs nids. Si ce sont des moutons ou des hommes, peu importe. Dans Le Temps du Mépris, Ciri tua une wyvern dans le marché central à Gors Velen.
  • Peasants mistake wyverns for dragons, and it is hard to tell them apart. Wyverns are great flying reptiles with snake-like necks and long tails that end in a venomous trident. Swooping down from the sky, they easily snatch their prey and carry it off to their nest. And they do not much care if it is a sheep or a man.
  • Wyverns are large winged lizards with sharp teeth and a stinging tail. They are sometimes confused for younger dragons but actually are the dragons' more feral, weaker and less magical counterpart.
  • The Wyvern (飛竜 Hiryū, lit. Flying Dragon) is both a race and a class of Dragons that appears across the Fire Emblem Series. An uncommon type of dragon, Wyverns, much like Fire Dragons, expel Fire Breath to damage their foes. Wyverns are also a common flying mount that is employed by classes like the Wyvern Rider and Wyvern Lord.
  • Wyverns are most likely myths or hoaxes but there are recorded sightings and in partial evidence in prehistoric dinosaur skelotons. There is a cavern in the north pole where a group of explorers found many dead men and at the end of the cave they found a Wyvern skeleton itself. As for prehistoric times, there was a scorched T-Rex skull with three claw indents sustained from above, suggesting evidence of dragons. The skull was found by some archeologists, and this goes suggest that Dragons and Wyverns might have truly existed. There are theories and alleged "pictures" you can find online.
  • When they see these creatures circling above, Orcs have been known to greet it with raucous cheers, for the flying creature represents both might and brutality, traits that are highly respected within Orc society. Perhaps the only way for an Orc to ride a Wyvern is to steal a Wyverm egg and hand-rear it to maturity. These beast are the most highly prized mounts within a Greenskin army, where only the most powerful Orc Warbosses or Great Shamans have the ability and unnatural bond to bind these cruel beast to his will. In battle, Wyverns are voracious beast that always hunger for fresh meat, and would sometimes land right in the middle of an enemy unit and feast upon their flesh in the droves while its rider hacks at the enemy that are still left.[1a]
  • - More coming soon. -
  • Wyverns can be escaped, although you'd have to run for a couple of screens. It is preferable to do so, though, because they don't carry any loot and can easily sting the Hero in the beginning of the game (at which point you'd promptly have to find a poison cure potion, or to have one ready, because your health is still too small to survive the intoxication). During combat, the Wyvern throws fireballs at the Hero, but would sting only if you let it come close enough. Using ranged attacks (such as throwing daggers - you'll have to have good throwing skills - or casting magic spells) will keep it at a reasonable distance.
  • Wyvern, also known as Manticore-A VII, was the seventh planet of the Manticore System's primary star. It was a gas giant without any moons, and orbited Manticore-A at a distance of about 156,96 light minutes. (JIR1)
  • The Wyverns are a race of large winged creatures. They are cousins of the more-intelligent Gargoyles, but have much more potent Fire abilities. Like Gargoyles, Wyverns have the Missile attack, but fire them off much faster.
  • thumb|Wyvern Der Begriff Wyvern bezeichnet im Allgemeinen Drachen mit zwei Beinen und Flügeln. Dabei gehen die Darstellungen sehr weit auseinander, von einem vogelartigem Körperbau mit Hinterbeinen und Vogel- oder Fledermausflügeln über Tiere mit echsenartigem Körperbau, die die Flügel als Vorderbeine nutzen bis hin zu schlangenartigen Tieren deren Flügel an die Flughäute der Flugdrachen erinnern.
  • Edwardian Era plus dragons. DR106-123, IW142
  • O wyvern é um monstro que possui escamas.
  • A wyvern was a large winged lizard with a stinging tail and sharp teeth. They had dark brown or grey bodies, around 15' (4.6 m) in length, weighing around a ton. They were not greatly intelligent although they did speak Draconic fluently. They were not averse to attacking anything less powerful than themselves. Their sleek, strong legs proved very useful for attack.
  • Winged creature similar to a dragon.
  • Wyvern is a monster in the MMORPG Elder Tale.
  • Wyverns are dragons that are featured in Fate.
  • Wvyerns are dragons from White Knight Chronicles II. They are dangerous and difficult giant foes that player must face throughout the game.
  • La Wyvern (ワイバーン, Waibān) est une créature exclusive à l'animé ayant certaines ressemblances avec les Dragons, et vivant dans le Royaume de Fiore.
  • A type of dragon whose two front legs have become wings. It is smaller than a real dragon, and its intelligence and battle strength is also lower, but it is still bad news. It uses its poisonous tail to attack.
  • Dragonbane ammunition does not have its passive effect against the wyverns, as they are not considered dragons.
  • The Wyvern is a special Mutalisk strain, deployed in swarms by the Wyvern Brood.
  • Vox Machina encountered several wyverns being ridden by bandits in "Skyward". In a humorous turn of events, one of the flying beasts was polymorphed into a harmless rabbit, and consequently plummeted thousands of feet into the Ozmit Sea below. Wyverns were a common element of Thordak's forces, usually used as mounts by the lizardfolk that served him.
  • Wyverns are a pernicious species of immortals who often attacked Tortall during the Immortals War. Wyverns are giant, winged, legless lizards who breath a yellow fog that gives humans a dry, long-lasting cough and makes the eyes burn and blur. As distant, lesser cousins of dragons, wyverns must obey dragons of any age. The dragonet Skysong was instrumental in protecting Tortall from wyvern attacks druing the Immortals War.
  • thumb|200px|Das Wappen von Haus Vyrwell Wyvern sind verwandt mit den Drachen, können aber im Gegensatz zu diesen kein Feuer speien. Sie werden im Gegensatz zu den Drachen mit zwei Beinen, Flügeln und einem schlangenartigem Schwanz, der mit Stacheln gespickt ist, dargestellt. Sie sind die Namensgeber der Halbinsel Wyvernspitze auf Sothoryos, in deren Sümpfen und Dschungelwäldern sie leben und jagen. Das Wappen von Haus Vyrwell zeigt einen silbernen Wyvern. Auf den Burgmauern von Drachenstein zeigen einige der Wasserspeier die Form von Wyvern.
  • The Wyvern is a solitary carnivore, a creature of the mountains and forests. It is fierce and very dangerous, but, thankfully, rare. Wyverns can be mounted and ridden if they are caught whilst young and broken in by someone who has knowledge of such things. They are creatures of Chaos and sometimes appear out of the North.
  • Wyvern have sharp tails which they can use to inflict poison. They grow up, starting with young wyvern, and continuing with juvenile wyvern, adult wyvern, and finally great wyvern.
  • Wyvern are dragons which have two wings, but only two legs. Sometimes shown as having claws on the wings, acting like another pair of "hands". The wyvern is sometimes depicted as having a razor sharp stinger filled with poison on the end of its tail. The history of the wyvern seems to come from Europe. The history of this dragon is not so clear, it seems to be mixed in with the history of the 4-legged dragon. Wyverns have been depicted in heraldry on shields and banners for hundreds of years, and is considered a sign of strength to those who bear the symbol.
  • El wyvern es un scalekin que vuela con rápidez en el aire utilizando sus alas largas. Por ser una alternativa menos amenazante que los dragones, a los wyverns se les utiliza con frecuencia en las priermas filas de tropas que atacan sin parar a las fortificaciones de Ishgard.
  • A wyvern is one of two dragon-like monsters to use the D glyph in SLASH'EM, the other being the hydra. It possesses a poisonous sting, but no breath weapon.
  • Wyverns (ワイバーン Waibān) are ferocious, draconian creatures. They appear solely in the anime.
  • Wyvern is an anthropomorphic coral and barnacle person who holds a lamp from two Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. He reverts back into a human after Davy Jones' death. He does really speak,Image:Stop hand.png
  • Wyvern is a powerful FOE that can be usually found early in the game, but which possesses boss-like stats higher than the boss of the stratum she lives in. Its FOE avatar is black, so she can be considered an extra boss. She is a horned, draconic creature with pale green skin, orange belly and wings instead of arms. Its two legs have huge claws and it has a rather lightweight, aerodinamic frame optimized for flying. She likes to nest in forests, as does the Wyrm. There have been multiple cases of Wyrms taking over Wyvern territory, forcing the Wyverns to relocate.
  • Wyvern - A legless Wyvern who can shoot energy beams from its tail. At first, the Mystic Knights thought the invading Northmen that captured King Conchobar had control of it. It was actually Mider who had the Wyvern summoned on Maeve's behalf to set up the Northmen in a threat to invade the entire island. Rohan, Angus, & Garrett engage the Wyvern. As Garrett heads off to rescue King Conchobar from Maeve, Rohan & Angus's attacks weren't even having effect on the Wyvern. It was defeated by Pyre.
  • Wyverns are a race of diminutive dragons (at least compared to true dragons) known for their aggressiveness and territoriality.
  • The Wyvern was designed in 2660 as an urban warfare BattleMech. The Wyvern is considered a slow 'Mech for it's weight class when compared in general but in a city or close confine environment the Wyvern does not require a great deal of speed to be highly effective. The Wyvern also uses CASE technology to protect all of its very vulnerable ammunition. In the case of a hit on one of its ammunition bins the Wyvern' can survive and remove itself from combat for repairs.
  • The strong and agile Wyvern’s are competitive from birth. They never tire of challenging others. Courageous and stubborn, almost fearless in a fight they always wish to hold a high position. Only those who are also wild and bold of spirit should seek to own a Wyvern. Wyverns produce Dragons Scales as a secondary resource!
  • A Wyvern, sometimes spelled Wivern, is a legendary winged creature with a dragon's head and wings; a reptilian body; two legs (sometimes none); and a barbed tail. A sea-dwelling variant, dubbed the sea-wyvern, has a fish tail in place of a barbed dragon's tail. The wyvern in its various forms is important to heraldry, frequently appears as a mascot of schools and athletic teams (chiefly in the United States and United Kingdom), and occasionally appears in medieval and modern European and British literature as well as a multitude of video games.
  • Wyverns are dragon-like monsters with winged forearms. Trained and used for war, they're creatures of destruction. The Witch Arkana is known to command a gaggle of them alongside Gremlins.
  • thumb|299pxWyvern war ein Matrose auf der Flying Dutchman. Als er zum ersten mal in Pirates of the Caribbean – Fluch der Karibik 2 zu sehen ist, ist er bereits mit dem Schiff verschmolzen und dient als "Laternenhalter". Links und rechts neben ihm stehen Kanonen.
  • Einfache Bauersleute verwechseln Wyvern gerne mit Drachen, da es tatsächlich nicht so leicht ist, beide Spezies auseinander zu halten. Sie zählen zu den Ornithosauriern. Wyvern sind große, flugfähige Reptilien, mit schlangenartigen Hälsen und langen Schwänzen, welche in einem giftigen Dreizack am Ende auslaufen. Ihre Beute ergreifen sie im Flug und tragen sie zu ihrem Nest, es ist ihnen dabei relativ egal ob es sich dabei um ein Schaf oder einen Menschen handelt.. Der Name Wyvern kommt aus der Älteren Rede. In der Gemeinsprache heißt die Kreatur Wiewerne.
  • Wyverns resemble true dragons, but are much smaller and lack the forelegs of their larger kin. They have sharp talons, and crocodile-like heads with red or orange eyes. Located in their long, flexible tails are deadly, poisonous scorpion stingers. They also have very large wings. Unlike true dragons, wyverns do not have breath weapons.
  • A wyvern is a two-legged, serpentine creature. Its appearance comes from medieval heraldry. In Dungeons & Dragons, it is a vicious, dragon-like beast with wings and a stinging tail.
  • The Wyvern is a massive dragon-like creature from Sanghelios. It's featured in as many myths as the Helioskrill, a flightless evolutionary cousin.
  • The wyvern is a member of the dragon family and is especially important to Orlesian culture.
  • A wyvern’s body is 15 feet long, and dark brown to gray; half that length is tail. Its wingspan is about 20 feet. A wyvern weighs about one ton. Wyverns speak Draconic, but usually don’t bother with anything more elaborate than a loud hiss or a deep-throated growl much like that of a bull alligator.
  • In Game The Wyvern can attack both air and ground. Medium moving speed. Defense rate against air/ground enemy unit is about average. Uses Fire Element for attack, which allows no defense. It is possible to use flame attack, depending on the flammability of the area. They are weak against anti air units such as archers.
  • The Wyvern(Draco africanus.) is the largest Dragon species and spends most of its time flying and "skywriting" with smoke.
  • The Wyvern is also said to be a pet, by hatching a specific egg, but the chances before are rare and now is unobtainable.
  • The Wyvern was an Imperial Remnant starship that led the Wyvern battle group and fought at the Second Battle of Fondor.
  • Wyvern (飛竜Hiryō?) is an unmade dragon from the unmade 1972 Gamera , Gamera vs. Wyvern (ガメラ対双頭怪獣WGamera tai sōtō kaijū W?, lit. Gamera vs. Two-Headed Monster W). __TOC__
  • The Wyvern is one of the boss encounters in Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland. When Sterk arrives in Arls, he is sent to investigate the ruins and neutralize the Wyvern threat. The Wyvern acts as the game's first major boss, but once defeated, further development can done. Defeating the Wyvern is necessary to make further improvements in the Modis Ruins. Defeating the Wyvern will unlock the "One from the Sky" trophy.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ The serpentine, two legged Wyvern, with barbed tail and eagle's wings, is sometimes a herald of war and unrest, warning of approaching trouble. He despises the Wyrm greatly, and is not above using dirty tactics when doing battle with corruption (This causes some Garou to wonder about links to his fallen Draconic relative). He is a somewhat savage Totem, but well respected among some young Garou, particularly young Silver Fangs.
  • The Wyverns are related to the Reapers - but they're much more dangerous! These reptiles have a pair of leathery wings that are useless for flight, but they provide stability when they're running or fighting! With powerful claws on their feet and arms and two deadly horns on their heads, these Wyverns are truly dangerous in close combat... and they fight in pairs too - perfect teamwork and a killing combination! Be extremely wary of these monsters – they’re true dealers of death - and, like their cousins, you'll usually find them all over Antaloor. There is one region they don't like, however - the cold lands of the glaciers...
  • Small draconic creatures with only a single pair of legs in addition to their wings. * They arise from the lusty dreams of True Dragons * The Lunar Empire breeds and trains some few as flying steeds. Source: Guide to Glorantha
  • Wyvern is an enemy group in City of Villains. They are a private agency dedicated to eliminating problems Freedom Corps hasn't or won't deal with. Publicly, Wyvern is a private security agency hired by Paragon's wealthiest families and owned by Delia Huntley. What isn't known by the public is that Wyvern was founded by Justin Sinclair, aka Manticore, who also funds their activities. Not even the Freedom Phalanx is aware of this. Manticore created the group to carry out tasks that Freedom Corps is unwilling to perform. This group is walking the line between mercenary and hero. They are heroic in their goals, but the means in which they achieve them are questionable.
  • The Wyvern (originally Ryvern) is a monster from Dragon Quest IV. It is a stronger, gray version of the Terrorflyer.
  • In European medieval legend, a wyvern was a creature similar in appearance to a dragon. However, it only had two limbs and a pair of wings, and a barbed tail. Wyverns were an often used symbol in heraldry.
  • El Wyvern fue un Land Raider Proteus de la Orden Primii del Clan Avernii de la Legión de los Manos de Hierro.
  • Wyvern is a high-ranking member of the Black Suns organization and the commander of the Black Suns Knights. Very little is known about Wyvern except that he was one of the most infamous assassins in the galaxy, completing more than 700 high-profile assassinations of politicians, C-Sec officials, Alliance captains, and many others. This mysterious assassin is known for his deep hatred for the unified government of the galaxy and wants nothing more than to put a stop to the strict laws and regulations that they've placed all over the galaxy.
  • thumb|268pxWyvern(von franz. Guivre; Viper)bezeichnet eine Art der mythologischen Drachen, die sowohl in der ostafrikanischen Mythologie auftaucht, als auch in Nordeuropa und Griechenland. Ein Wyvern soll im Gegensatz zu anderen Drachen nur ein Paar Beine besitzen, die adlerartige Krallen haben – damit besitzt er einen ähnlichen Körperbau wie der mythologische Lindwurm. Direkt über seinen Beinen befinden sich große, häutige Flügel – dies unterscheidet ihn vom flugunfähigen Lindwurm. Der Körper wird als sehr muskulös und geschwungen beschrieben, als schlangenartig zu betrachten. Der Rumpf geht über in einen langen, gekringelten Schwanz; in manchen Beschreibungen soll am Schwanzende ein Giftstachel sitzen. Er wird wie alle anderen Drachen als Fleischfresser beschrieben. Sein natürlicher Lebe
  • Wyverns are two-legged lizards that have a long tail tipped with a poisonous stinger, very similar to a scorpion. They have leathery bat wings that allow them to fly and huge jaws filled with long, sharp teeth. They are distant cousins to true dragons, roughly 15 feet long with a weight of roughly 1 ton. Their wingspan is about 20 feet and their tail accounts for half of their length. Wyverns are stupid compared to their true draconic kin, and are very aggressive. They will attack nearly anything that is not obviously more powerful than themselves, usually diving from the air and snatching their enemies from the ground while stinging them with its' tail. A wyvern can also use their two legs to make a slashing attack, but only while flying. Wyverns are able to speak Draconic, although they
  • Los wyverns son enormes reptiles alados de la famila de los dragones. Morfológicamente son muy parecidos a los dragones excepto por el tamaño, bastante más pequeño en el caso de los wyvern, y el hecho de que un wyvern sólo tiene patas traseras. Intelectualmente son bastante inferiores a sus primos, los grandes dragones, ya que no cuentan con la gran inteligencia de éstos. Tampoco su vuelo es tan ágil como el de un dragón, de hecho, un wyvern no puede volar con una criatura de peso considerable.right|388px
  • A wyvernek sok ember szerint egy oroszlán és egy denevér bizarr keresztezéséből keletkeztek, ám ezek a hasznos állatok régóta élnek Thoursand Needles-ben, ahol a taurenek fedezték fel, és az orkok segítségével szelídítették meg őket. A legközelebbi kapcsolatba a Széllovasok (wind rider-ek) kerültek az állatokkal. KÜLSŐ: EGYEBEK: KÉPEK ÉS FOLYTATÁS VÁRHATÓ!
  • The wyvern is a level 220 monster that is found in The Frozen Boneland, north of Ghorrock. They are much deadlier than their skeletal counterparts, with higher combat level and lifepoints. Wyverns attack with Melee, Ranged, Magic and long-ranged Icy dragonfire. The melee and ranged attacks both can hit up to 150 and poison the target, while their magic attacks can hit up to 170. Despite having Icy dragonfire breath, they can still hit up to 690 without the right protection (Elemental- Mind-Body shield or Dragonfire shield).
  • When Arthur Pendragon set upon a quest to retrieve the golden trident of the Fisher King, he travelled to the Perilous Lands and reached the King's Dark Tower. There, he was attacked by several Wyverns, with which the tower was infested. The Prince, having his life force sucked out by a Phoenix Eye, would have been killed if Merlin and Gwaine hadn't saved him. As the wyverns were related to dragons, a Dragonlord, like Merlin, was able to command them. (The Eye of the Phoenix)
  • The North American Wyvern is a slender dracoform with two wings, two legs, and a long tail that ends in a venomous stinger. They are typically dark brown and grow up to 11.0 meters in length with a wingspan of 20.0 meters. Wyverns are nocturnal solitary hunters, using their venomous tail and air superiority to kill their prey. They are highly territorial and are highly aggressive within their marked territory. They appear to have some ability to cause paralyzing fear in their prey.
  • The Wyvern is a miniboss that spawns in the . Its face slightly resembles that of a dog's, and it has the body of a serpent/dragon with hands and feet. It's the weaker version of the Arch Wyvern (console/mobile only). File:Wyvern (Terraria wiki)
  • A wyvern is a wolfish-lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail. They can be found living in the harsh cliff-terraces of the Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains, and the Thousand Needles. They hold great enmity for harpies, as the vile creatures like to capture young wyverns for food and to subvert and train as guardians. Wyverns share a common ancestry with dragons and gryphons. Wyverns revel in flight, dutifully carrying Horde riders (also called "Wind Riders") along various routes surrounding Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar for a small fee.
  • Wyverns are monstrous animals.They are classified as Warm Blooded reptiles.They do not have many species,nor do they have arms,unlike their dragon counter part.Wyverns have colossal wings,two great legs,with razor sharp talons.Wyverns are much taller than dragons,and longer than an average dragon,they have many of the same characteristics though.Some spices can blow fire,conduct magic,but all species are poisonous and have serpent tongues. ===Species=== There are ten species of wyverns,all of which are large,poison us,evil,and predators. Some species are yet to be classified.
  • Północnoamerykański drapieżca, Wyvern (Wyverna) jest szczupłą drakoformą z dwoma skrzydłami, dwoma nogami, oraz długim ogonem zakończonym zatrutym kolcem jadowym. Zazwyczaj są ciemnobrązowe, mogą mierzyć do 11 metrów długości, a rozpiętość skrzydeł dochodzi do 20 metrów.
  • Wyvern was a crew member serving aboard the Flying Dutchman under Captain Davy Jones. At an unknown point in time, he would be press-ganged aboard the Flying Dutchman as a member of Davy Jones' crew. Over time, Wvyern's body slowly merged with the Dutchman itself, until he appeared to be growing out of a wall on the lower deck. By the time Will Turner was a part of Jones' crew, Wyvern's body was covered with coral and barnacles, and was almost indistinguishable from the hull of the Flying Dutchman. His outstretched right arm held aloft a ship's lantern, and Wyvern was able only to separate the front of his head and upper body from the hull. Although Wyvern had been all but assimilated into the ship, he still retained a degree of humanity while aiding Will Turner in during the search for th
  • Although some lore incorrecly suggests that Wyverns are stupid, they are actually rather deadly and cunning in combat and are distantly related to Dragons. They prefer to always be in flight, and take any opportunity to take flight if not doing so already. Upon the ground, Wyverns attack with their teeth, and with their deadly tail stingers (which are highly poisonous). If flying, Wyverns can also use their teeth and stingers, but prefer to swoop down, and slash at prey with their claws, or even grab them, carry them up into the air, and drop them. Wyverns are careful to be silent when flying, and to keep their shadow unseen. This gives them the benefit of stealth if the foes are unaware of the creature. Wyverns eat the remains of those they kill, and sometimes even take their valuables li
  • A wyvern (or wivern) is a legendary winged reptilian creature often found in medieval heraldry. Its usual blazon is statant (standing). Its origin is in Europe.The name "wyvern" derived from the Saxon word Wivere, which means "serpent". The French wyvern is known as the Vouivre. Both words are etymologically related to viper. The wyvern can be regarded similar to a dragon. Depictions often include two legs and two wings. Sometimes there are eagle's claws on the wingtips. The rest of its appearance can vary, such as appearing with a tail spade or with a serpent-like tail. Wyvern supporters in the arms of the Borough of Vale Royal Wyvern supporters in the arms of the Borough of Vale Royal Variants of the wyvern include the sea-wyvern, which has a fish-like tail. The wyvern has a similar appe
  • Wyverns are large winged reptiles with scaley, barbed tails. They are sometimes confused with dragons due to their similarities in both appearance and behavior. However, these reptiles do not have a breathe attack and are much smaller than dragons. They often inhabit heavily wooded regions, particularly the area Cloakwood Wyverns in Baldur's Gate. Otherwise, they are often seen during waylaid encounters when traveling between forests, including Cloakwood and the Wood of Sharp Teeth.
  • The Wyvern uses a bastardised version of the Hydra's advanced auto-targeting system that constantly runs proximity sweeps of the area for concentrations of enemy infantry. The Machine Spirits of these vehicles are renowned for their malicious nature, as they actively seek the most tightly-packed or vulnerable grouping of infantry and strain to target them, sometimes even overriding the commands of their crews. When the tank does fire, its Stormshard Mortars emit a distinctive roar as they spew clouds of shells high into the air. The sound of these weapons firing becomes the dread of enemy forces facing batteries of Wyverns in dense urban areas, for it is inevitably followed by the sound of those same shells descending with crackling booms as they detonate, and the harrowing scream of the m
  • Be careful in this battle, as falling off the battlefield will result in members suffering from the Transfer status. This can happen when the foe knocks you off, during you launching an attack, or when you are moving. This is bad, as many of the Upper Lizard's attacks knock you around. So you need to stay in close to the Lizard. Good news is though, you can also knock him off the battlefield! You won't receive any EXP tough.
  • With both arms being huge wings, this Dragon species is known as the “Wyvern.” With the same powers as other dragons, this variety can also return to the form it had before the current Demon Lord’s ascension. While its physical strength is inferior to a dragon’s, its huge wings give it exceptional abilities in the air, able to turn much tighter and outdistance its cousin when it comes to speed.
  • Wyvern is a Zonama Sekot Ranger on Zonama Sekot. He was once a fierce Mandalorian, but after his family was murderd by a rival grup of Mandalorians he thought to himself that it wasnt worth being a Mando anymore. He encounterd the group responsible for his family's death once more on his way off Tatooine, where he was Born and raised.
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  • Scaled
  • 18
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  • -
  • 14
  • 15'
  • 5
  • 50
  • Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
  • Can deploy 3 additional Fighters or Fighter Bombers per level
  • 91
  • N/A
  • "Wyvern Blowing"
art 8 br
  • 59
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  • Wyvern Talon
  • Relaxing Herb
  • 25
  • capture
  • 58
  • 2
  • capture
  • Wyvern Scale
  • Relaxing Herb
  • Ruby
  • Wyvern Talon
  • Wyvern Scale
  • Sky Dragon Husk
  • Wyvern Talon
  • capture
  • capture
  • Wyvern Bone
  • Sky Dragon Talon
  • Refreshing Herb
  • Sky Dragon Husk
  • capture
  • Wyvern Talon
  • Large Horn
  • Cureroot
  • Northrup 750
Apparition Anime
  • 50
  • 0
  • N/A
Row 4 info
  • * Pack members are, in general, more alert and perceptive than other Garou. * Once a month, if fighting in defense of a Caern or sacred spot, one member of the pack may sting their prey to death, using a poison granted by their Totem. Using a milder version of that same poison, each packmember's claws can do more damage when fighting in defense of Caerns or sacred spots. * They are occasionally granted visions of harm being done to sacred sites and Caerns. * They may use Call of the Wyld to summon help and cause their enemies to quail.
  • N/C
acc magic
  • 2517
  • 0
  • y
  • 250
  • Invisibility
  • Drunkenness
  • Soul Plate Value: ~99*
  • *Value only associated when Sanraku's subject of interest is of the Wyvern family
  • Fire, Energy
aff magic
  • 65
  • Energy Damage and Ice Damage .
  • 0
  • Ice
  • Stab
  • Bash
  • 7.900000
  • They run away at deep yellow health. They can retarget and move items that are in their way, though they themselves cannot be pushed. Their drunkenness is VERY heavy, but lasts for a very short time. They are often found in packs.
  • They are often found in packs.
  • They run away at deep yellow health. They can Retarget and move items that are in their way.
  • Nothing.
  • 0
  • y
  • 22500
  • 3
  • 100
Attack power
  • high
  • 0.0
  • n
  • Reptiles
  • Reptiles
  • Reptiles
  • #FF8C8C
Row 1 info
  • desconhecida
  • N/A
  • A very dangerous wyvern.
  • 0
  • 16
  • 23
  • 58
  • 65
  • 1000
no of attacks
  • 2
  • 50
  • Reptile
  • yes
  • no
  • ?
  • 80
  • Brown/Green
pc value
  • 443.0
  • 5
  • 14
  • -
  • Not bad
  • 100.0
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • 10
  • 900
max magic
  • 1310
Damage Type
Row 4 title
  • Primeira Aparição
  • 100.0
Hit points
  • 63
  • 90.0
  • Invisible, Drunkenness and Earth Damage.
max spec
  • 0
  • 33
acc melee
  • 2517
aff weakness
  • 90
  • 0
  • y
  • They run away at deep yellow health. They can retarget and move items that are in their way, though they themselves cannot be pushed. Their drunkenness is very heavy, but lasts for short time. They are often found in packs.
  • They dive at their opponents, try to knock them down and poison them with venom
  • Poison
  • 9
  • 15
  • 16
  • 20
  • Weyr
  • 50
  • Weapon, Accessory
  • 0
aff melee
  • 55
  • x1
  • 116
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • wyvern
Row 2 info
  • desconhecido
  • 0
  • Yes
pc hp
  • ~ 14,000
  • 100.0
Image Gallery
  • yes
  • 100.0
  • Wind
  • 80.0
  • 6
  • 40
  • 81
  • -
  • Not bad
  • 100.0
Row 1 title
  • Categoria
max ranged
  • 1310
  • 0
  • n
  • 9
Row 5 info
  • 10
  • 11
  • 14
  • 16
  • 17
  • 22
  • 28
  • 36
  • 37
  • Good
  • 140
  • 144
Anciens Membres
  • N/A
Row 2 title
  • Habitat
Apparition Manga
  • Aucune
aff ranged
  • 45
acc ranged
  • 2517
  • Little
  • 96
  • 0.0
  • Usually neutral
  • 10
  • 30
  • 78
  • 94
  • 96
  • 146
  • 3000
low mp
  • none
  • No
  • no
  • Unaligned
Light Novel Debut
  • Medium
art 2 br
  • 59
  • 66
  • 86
  • 15
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • 12
  • 27
  • Yes
  • yes
xp value
  • 1400
  • 9
Monster Type
  • Elemental
  • 7
  • 8
  • 12
  • 15
  • 43
vehicle class
  • Super
art 3 br
  • 5
  • 31
  • 45
Boss Name
  • Wyvern
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • 6
  • 12
  • 17
  • 60
Row 5 title
  • Última Aparição
  • 7
  • 15
  • 20
  • 27
  • 65
  • 80
  • Nowadays, the most aggressive Wyverns became extinct. The new breed is somewhat more sociable. Wyverns often form small packs, but since they are still quite aggressive, lethal power struggles are common, especially when it comes to leadership. Given their aggressive disposition, several Wyverns still end up in solitary.
  • Some scholars consider the Wyvern as a distant cousin of the dragons. This is far from truth though. The Wyvern we know nowadays are the result of constant breeding of some significantly smaller, only mildly poisonous flying lizards. Over several generations, orc shamans had selected the biggest and meanest of those little beasts for breeding. Subjecting those lizards to poison and alchemistic brewages as well as constant fighting, the orcs captured and killed thousands of them. Long before the breeding cycles came to an end, the original lizard race became extinct. Originally intended to be used as weapons in wars, Wyverns proved to be too uncontrollable and impulsive to be of any real use. Finally they were used for sports events in which the orcs forced them to battle each other and other creatures. So the breeding continued for a while until the orcish society was shattered by wars and many Wyverns escaped into freedom. These new and powerful predators had no problems to survive in freedom and only their natural aggressiveness, even among each other, prevented that they became a widespread plague.
  • Regular, Raid, Unblockable
max melee
  • 1310
Row 3 info
  • desconhecida
  • wyvern
  • 5
  • 9
  • 10
  • 13
  • 28
  • Common
  • Rare
  • Ultra Rare
  • Uncommon
  • Always
  • Very rare
  • always
  • common
  • rare
  • uncommon
  • very rare
Row 3 title
  • Tendência
  • 10
Anime Debut
assigned by
  • Kuradal, Morvran
  • Dragon Scales
art 4 br
  • 1
  • 9
  • 16
  • 23
  • 30
  • Chimaera Wing
  • 100
  • * Wyvern hates seeing Caerns and other sacred spots defiled, and charges his followers to defend such spots whenever asked, even if the sacred sites belong to rival tribes or other Changing Breeds. A pack which lets a Caern fall, lose power, or be defiled in any way will lose Wyvern's favor, and will be haunted by serpents until they retake and/or cleanse the site. * Though Wyvern does not require that His children gather treasure for him, they must guard what treasure and baubles they do have very carefully; though such gathering must not further the Wyrm's purposes or leave a Caern undefended.
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • Resistant to stun and poison attempts
  • Yes
art 5 br
  • 17
  • 24
  • 31
  • 38
  • 45
  • 0
  • Dragon Scales
  • Wyvern trophy
  • Wyvern mutagen
  • Wyvern hide
  • Monster blood
  • Monster bone
  • Monster brain
  • Monster claw
  • Monster eye
  • Wyvern egg
  • 276
art 1 br
  • 5
  • 31
  • 45
  • Wyverns
  • Lizards
  • Low Class Lizards
  • no
  • yes
  • 9
immune to poison
  • No
  • 0
  • 116
  • 45.0
  • Scaled
  • JAP 15
  • Gamera vs. Wyvern
  • Teridia Anomaly
  • 6
  • 172.500000
  • Arabia and Africa
  • NES
  • PS / DS
  • 18
Box Title
  • Wyvern
  • Mark of the Assassin
  • Dragon Age II
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Multiplayer
  • Dragon Age: The Last Court
  • Heroes of Dragon Age
  • The Eye of the Phoenix
  • The Darkest Hour: Part One
  • The Darkest Hour: Part Two
  • 270
  • 7
  • 6
  • 50
  • x2
  • a
  • Horde, Independent
  • 444
  • 60
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • Red
  • Unknown
  • Charge
  • N/A
  • Poison Breath
  • Overwhelm
  • Talon, Tail Whip, Tornado
  • Talon, Tailwhip, Tornado
  • Toxic Dart, Breath, Tempest, Thunder Rain, Calling, Grave Rider, Overcome
  • Wing Talon, Tail Strike, Burning Ray, Sharp Roar, Whirlwind
  • Dead Man's Chest
  • Abrasive
  • 4
  • 9
  • 70
  • 93
  • Cruising: 43 kph
  • Maximum: 65 kph
  • 282
  • 14
  • 18
  • 40
  • 50
  • 52
  • 60
  • 18
  • Kilosh 1000 with CASE
  • Talon
  • 10
  • Les Wyverns communes vivent dans le nature ou près des villages humains. Elles s'intègrent bien à l'écosystème naturel et se laissent volontiers apprivoiser par les druides, qui les estiment beaucoup
  • 50
  • Gains Health x1
  • 9
  • Not bad
  • Dragon Quest IV
  • Dragon Quest IVIV
  • 91
  • Unknown
  • 69
  • 24
  • 91
  • Warp Drive Operation V
  • Drone Interfacing V
  • Caldari Battleship V
  • 1
  • 11
  • 17
  • Wyvern
  • Coins
  • Wyvern
  • Fast
  • Shark
  • Salamander
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • 7200.0
  • Earth rune
  • Grimy avantoe
  • Grimy dwarf weed
  • Grimy guam
  • Grimy irit
  • Grimy marrentill
  • Grimy ranarr
  • Pteranodon
  • Rune plateskirt
  • Sturdy
  • Clue scroll
  • Grimy snapdragon
  • Rare drop table
  • Rune bar
  • Rune platelegs
  • Adamant bar
  • Adamant platebody
  • Air rune
  • Crushed nest
  • Death rune
  • Draconic visage
  • Dragon spear
  • Mithril mace
  • Onyx bolt tips
  • Rune chainbody
  • Rune longsword
  • Uncut diamond
  • Uncut dragonstone
  • Uncut emerald
  • Uncut ruby
  • Uncut sapphire
  • Amulet of glory
  • Rune scimitar
  • Steel platelegs
  • Water rune
  • Adamant arrow
  • Dragon arrowheads
  • Dragon dart tip
  • Grimy torstol
  • Prayer potion
  • Soul rune
  • Wyvern bones
  • Black hatchet
  • Dragon Bond
  • Granite legs
  • Mithril bolts
  • Dragon kiteshield
  • Dragon warhammer
  • Rune arrow
  • Rune spear
  • Ring of wealth
  • Dragon pickaxe
  • Off-hand rune longsword
  • ワイバーン
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern crossbow
  • Toxic Sting
  • wyvern
  • Frozen skeleton
  • Ignustyrannus draconis rex
  • Raptor key part 1
  • Ryvern
  • Wyvern
  • Wyvern spines
  • 30
  • 32
  • 43
  • 46
  • 96
  • 107
  • 160
  • -
  • Scaled
  • Grey
  • Brown to Greyish Tan
  • yellowish-white body, red wings, neck stripe and forehead, and grey back, neck, head and tail, with yellowish white ringlets on tail
  • ワイバーン
  • Wyverns live in the wilderness or near human settlements; they are a natural element of an ecosystem; they are prized by druids, who tame them
  • Wyverns have been spotted nesting in north-eastern Velen, though it must be stressed that these beasts are highly-adaptable, and have been sighted across the entire Continent and the Skellige isles.
  • 1.500000
  • -
  • 390.0
  • 7
  • Dark-Chaos
  • Foolish, Gloomy, Forceful, Snappish
  • Very rare
  • Waibaan
  • Raiban
  • Waibān
  • A captured Wyvern can be sold at a high price and is best used for gai yang.
  • A Child Fire Wyvern
  • A Pteranodon firing a Missile
  • A Salamander firing a Missile
  • A Wyvern firing a Missile
  • A Wyvern in Grand Theft Auto Online.
  • A wyvern.
  • Official artwork of a Wyvern from the TCG.
  • Quetzalcoatl shines in the morning sun
  • Wyvern concept art
  • Wyverns are massive creatures.
  • Fire
  • Might
  • dbkwik:resource/qImoIsIihh3sg-55NT8Y-Q==
  • Hwa
  • Gigaflame
  • Jeh
  • Melee , Poison Wave , Musical Wave , Self Healing , Haste.
  • Melee , Poison Wave , Musical Wave , Self Healing, Haste.
  • Melee , Poison Wave , Musical Wave , Self Healing, Haste.
  • TDB
  • The Wyvern is based on documents detailing the design of the ancient Raata empire’s seafaring flagship, the Oryioni-Haru. According to historical sources the ship was traditionally taken on parade runs between the continent of Tikiona and the Muriyuke archipelago, seat of the Emperor, and represented the pride and joy of what would one day become the Caldari State. Today’s starfaring version gives no ground to its legendary predecessor; with its varied applications in the vast arena of deep space, the Wyvern is likely to stand as a symbol of Caldari greatness for untold years to come.
  • The serpentine, two legged Wyvern, with barbed tail and eagle's wings, is sometimes a herald of war and unrest, warning of approaching trouble. He despises the Wyrm greatly, and is not above using dirty tactics when doing battle with corruption . He is a somewhat savage Totem, but well respected among some young Garou, particularly young Silver Fangs.
  • 975
  • Flame
  • 5
  • Large
primary ability
  • N/A
immune to stun
  • No
  • 1878.800000
immune to deflect
  • No
immune to drain
  • No
  • 6
  • Yes
  • Wyverns
  • 0
  • 100
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 99
  • 200
  • Can fit Projected Electronic Counter Measures
  • 60
  • 10
  • 40000000
  • 0.034400
  • 4143750
  • 1000000
  • Vulnérables à l'argent et à l'huile contre les ornithosaures
  • 0
  • 1.500000
  • 63750
  • 0
  • 60
  • 25
  • 0
  • 0
  • 200000
  • 590000
  • Immunisées contre les poisons, l'étourdissement et les coups précis
  • 0
  • 40
  • 20
  • 4
  • Elles fondent sur leurs adversaires, tentent de les mettre à terre et les empoisonnent avec leur venin
  • 45
  • 550000
  • x1
summary res
  • None
summary sav
  • 7
  • Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Silver, and Gold
  • 2008-11-25
  • -
  • Yes
  • 0
  • 231
  • 392
  • 456
  • 515
  • 25000
  • 250000
  • 320000
  • Great
  • Yes
  • Gae Bolg
  • Vital Lance
  • Garnet
  • Down Burst
  • Moonstone
  • Kuchinawa Sword
  • 6
  • 17
  • 12500
  • 4
  • 9
  • 15
  • 200
  • 2000
  • 4500
  • Medium
  • Merged with the Flying Dutchman.
  • 250
  • 300
  • 80
  • 90
  • 260
  • 20'
  • Chimera
  • Wyvern
  • Fire Breath
  • Police Field Troops: Inn
  • 50
  • 9
  • WVE-5N
  • 45
  • 1650000000
  • black
  • 12
  • 17
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 8
  • 10
  • 16
  • 30
  • 40
  • 55
  • 60
  • 69
  • 72
  • 93
  • 500
  • 6021
  • ワイバーン
  • ワイバーン
body style
  • Single-seat formula race car
Located In
  • 2950000.0
  • Waibān
  • C
  • Raptor's Challenge - Wyverns
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • Temperate and warm hills
  • N/A
  • Tall
  • 310.0
  • Wingspan:15.9 meters to 30.5 meters
  • 53000000
  • Human
  • Wyvern
  • africanus
  • Wyvern
  • Coil
  • Maltex Corporation
  • 50
  • 573
  • Draco
  • 20
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 3
  • 14
  • 16
  • 18
  • 20
  • 28
  • 48
  • 70
  • 88
  • 104
  • 657
  • 1000
  • Yellow
  • 6
  • 1
  • 17430
  • Unknown
  • 1
  • Blaze
  • Scratch
  • Fire Breath
  • Flame 3
  • Zanma Poison Breath Traport Mazan Sukukaja Mediarahan
  • Bite Jump Kick Fire Breath Wing Flap
  • Caldari Carrier
  • Feral Bite Wing Flap Fire Breath
  • Fire Breath Bite Jump Kick
  • Fog Breath Wing Flap Spike Claw
  • Heal All 3 Revive 1
  • Scratch 3
  • Kamitsuki Body Blow Habataki Blaze Breath Scratch Tail
  • 2517
  • -4
  • 277
  • Self-powered flight
  • 25
  • Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
  • Spell_Wyvern.png
  • A beast that makes its nest in the Primitive Jungle. Be prepared before challenging it.
  • One of the ancient wyrms, who soar high in the sky, scorching the land below in blinding light.
  • An ancient dragon that soars through the skies. It can scorch the earth with its intense heat.
  • Green
  • Brown
  • Volt
  • Weak to Guns and Fire
  • Cut, Stab
  • Fire, Stun, Fear, Panic, Blind, Arm bind, Leg bind
  • Resist Physical other than Gun.
  • 14
  • 6
  • 10
  • 55
  • 90
  • 107
  • 160
  • Wyvern Wing
  • Sky Dragon Fang
  • Wyvern Eye
  • Wyvern Scale
  • Resemble Dragons Are natural enemies with Helioskrills Are capable of flight
  • Winged lizards, smaller and less magical than dragons
  • W
  • 0
  • 648
  • Wyvern
  • ライバーン
  • wyverns
  • Nest, Area 9
  • Spark-RenaultSRT_01E.JPG
  • 14
  • 11
  • 21
  • 230
  • STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
  • 50
  • Some scholars consider the Wyvern as a distant cousin of the dragons. This is far from truth though. The Wyvern we know nowadays are the result of constant breeding of some significantly smaller, only mildly poisonous flying lizards. Wyverns can also push objects. Image:Wyvern Musical Wave.JPG
  • Some scholars consider the wyvern a distant cousin of the dragon, though this is far from truth. The wyvern we know today is the result of constant breeding of some significantly smaller, only mildly poisonous flying lizards. Image:Wyvern Musical Wave.JPG
  • Some scholars consider the Wyvern a distant cousin of the Dragon, though this is far from truth. The Wyvern we know today is the result of constant breeding of some significantly smaller, only mildly poisonous flying Lizards. Image:Wyvern Musical Wave.JPG
  • None
  • x1
  • 4
  • 5
  • 9
  • 11
  • 12
  • 14
  • 700
  • A King's Ransom
  • 190
  • 259200.0
  • Ost Endo Steel
  • Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog
  • "Shriiiek".
  • "Shriiiek".
  • 21812
  • 0
  • Melee, Ranged, Magic
  • 21
  • 83
  • 105
  • 221
  • 324
  • 328
  • 345
  • 349
  • 366
  • 400
  • 422
  • 502
  • 548
  • 551
  • 795
  • 2770
  • 6000
  • 8000
  • 33000
  • 500000
  • Scaled
  • 594.0
  • JAP 680
  • Wyvern.png
  • Wind
  • 2015-11-02
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Drake
  • 26
  • GM 180
  • Little
  • Dark scales
  • None
  • Scaled
  • Carnivorous, local wildlife
  • Male
  • Medium
  • High
  • medium
  • Medium-High
  • Medium-Low
  • 1405
  • Wyvern
  • Drake
  • Beast
  • Kaijuu
  • Hiryu
  • 120
  • 393
  • 1859
  • unknown
  • Scaled
  • Whirlwind
  • Spark
  • Surefire
  • Permafrost
  • Dust Devil
  • Wind Shear
  • Caustic Blast
  • Double Time
  • #966551
  • War
Vehicle Type
  • Road course racing car
  • Flying Dutchman
  • 91
  • ""
  • white
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Stone Circle
  • DillmoorLavafenderThe Great SubterraneThe Ivory PeaksThe Southwestern Road
  • 1
  • 2
  • None
  • Burn
  • [Flame Attack] +5
  • 2500000
  • Unknown
  • Seraphic Gate
  • Hissing Wastes
  • Mountains
  • Infini Palace
  • Sea of Flames
  • Mountain of Mortal Dragon
  • Warm hills
  • Ice Islands , Edron 8x leading towards Cyclopolis, single spawn north of the mountain pass , single spawn north of dragon lair , and a single north of Stonehome, north of the Kazordoon dragon, Ghostland 1x, Plains of Havoc , a 7x spawn on the way to Orc Fortress and a 2x spawn above, northwest of Venore, Ankrahmun 3x mountains, Plague Spike northwest side, Black Knight's Villa beneath the Green Claw Swamp , on the way to Paradox Tower 2x , deep within the Tiquanda jungle , close to Lizards campement in Chor on a hill, on the way to secret Green Djinn Tower entrance, 2x north of Edron Dragon Lair, west of Carlin, .
  • Modis Ruins
  • * Carlin: Folda , Vega and Ghostlands . * Edron: 8x north east of town , 2x spawn north of the mountain pass, north of Stonehome , 2x north of Edron Dragon Lair. * Kazordoon: North of single dragon spawn , At Paradox Tower entrance . * Venore: PoH , a 9x Ferngrims Gate. , in Black Knight's Villa . * Darashia: Plague Spike . * Port Hope: Deep in Tiquanda , on a hill at Chor . * Ankrahmun: Green Djinn Tower entrance , near Green Djinn Tower, near the Hyaenas and Cobras . * Vandura Mountain: 1 in the area with Nightstalkers
  • * Carlin: Folda , Vega and Ghostlands . * Kazordoon: North of dragon lair , a 9x Ferngrims Gate, West of Orc Fortress and at Paradox Tower entrance . Also inside the Drillworm Caves. * Gnomegate: All over the place in the Truffels Garden and the Crystal Grounds, as well as Mushroom Gardens. * Venore: Plains of Havoc , and in Black Knight's Villa . * Edron: 8x north east of town , 2x spawn north of the mountain pass, north of Stonehome , 2x north of Edron Dragon Lair, and 2x at the entrance to the Old Fortress. * Darashia: Plague Spike . * Ankrahmun: Green Djinn Tower entrance and near the Hyaenas and Cobras . * Port Hope: Deep in Tiquanda and on a hill at Chor . * Vandura Mountain: In the area with Nightstalkers . * Formorgar Glacier: All over the place and near the teleporter to The Bloodtusk). * Chyllfroest: Several on top of the mountain and underground.
  • 250
  • Large
  • Gigantic
  • 9
  • 17
  • Hunting in a team: Depending on your vocation and how much room you have, using a Silver Amulet and a Dwarven Ring is a good idea to reduce poison damage and prevent becoming drunk. You can hunt these with a low level team, consisting of a blocker and a shooter. Another way to hunt these creatures is to get a group of 3 or 4 people and go to a single spawn, like the one near Venore. Simply have the strongest go up first, followed by the others. Each person should be level 15+ or they will die. Lure the creature to a spot where everyone can stand diagonally. Make sure each of you have Light Healing or Intense Healing and Cure Poison, or its poison will kill you. Just attack until it runs away, and make sure you stand at a good angle where the poison wave won't affect you.
  • Mages can kill them easily around level 27 with Flame Strikes or Fireballs. Lower level spell casters can shoot Fire Field runes to "soften it up" and help kill the Wyvern faster. Heal with Intense Healing and consider using Magic Shield. Mages often summon Demon Skeletons or Monks to kill Wyverns while shooting with an appropriate Rod or Wand, depending on their level and vocation. Using Death Strikes is also a consideration.
  • Paladins can hunt Wyverns at level 23 with 40 distance , shooting Arrows, Royal Spears or Bolts while trying to avoid Poison Wave. If poisoned, use Cure Poison as soon as possible to keep your health from being drained . You should consider wearing a Dwarven Ring, because if you become drunk and can't run away you'll be receiving melee damage. Fighting Wyverns at low level and about 55 distance is one of the fastest and safest ways a paladin can level because they give good experience. As a guide, the best place for a lower level paladin to solo Wyverns is in the field north of the Edron Dragon Lair. There are two spawns total and plenty of room to run them. A level 30 paladin with 60 distance using a standard Bow can expect to kill, on average, 1 wyvern for every 20 Arrows shot. Start at the north and draw the Wyvern southward as you shoot. Because there is so much room to maneuver, you can easily avoid the poison wave. The musical wave is even simpler to stay away from, as it doesn't project very far. As described here, a paladin can kill a wyvern without taking any damage. Accordingly, in this locale, a Dwarven Ring is not really necessary. While waiting for respawn, make sure you kill the Poachers in the northeast woods as they routinely drop arrows, which helps to keep your ammo stocked.
  • Depending on your vocation and how much room you have, using a Silver Amulet and a Dwarven Ring is a good idea to reduce poison damage and prevent becoming drunk.
  • Paladins can hunt wyverns at level 23 with 40 distance , shooting arrows, royal spears or bolts while trying to avoid poison wave. If poisoned, use antidote as soon as possible to keep your health from being drained. You should consider wearing a Dwarven Ring, because if you become drunk and can't run away you'll be receiving melee damage. Fighting wyverns at low level and about 55 distance is one of the fastest and safest ways a paladin can level because they give good experience. As a guide, the best place for a lower level paladin to solo wyverns is in the field north of the Edron Dragon Lair. There are two spawns total and plenty of room to run them. A level 30 paladin with 60 distance using a standard bow can expect to kill, on average, 1 wyvern for every 20 arrows shot. Start at the north and draw the wyvern southward as you shoot. Because there is so much room to maneuver, you can easily avoid the poison wave. The musical wave is even simpler to stay away from, as it doesn't project very far. As described here, a paladin can kill a wyvern without taking any damage. Accordingly, in this locale, a Dwarven Ring is not really necessary. While waiting for respawn, make sure you kill the poachers in the northeast woods as they routinely drop arrows, which helps to keep your ammo stocked.
  • Mages can kill them relatively easily around level 25, with low waste, just go up and down ramps/stairs while using fireballs or Flame Strikes, shoot fire field rune and either heal with exura gran or use mana shield. Often, Mages also summon Demon Skeletons or Monks to kill wyverns, while shooting with an aproperiate Rod or Wand, depending on the level and vocation, and using Death Strikes. Also can be "hunted" with a low level team, with a good blocker, like lvl 25+ and a shooter. Another good way to hunt these creatures with a low lvl is to get a team of about 3 or 4 people and go to a single spawn like the one near venore. Simply have the strongest go up first then the others come up. Each person needs lvl 15+ or they will die. Lure the creature to a spot where everyone can stand diagonally. Make sure each of you have exura or exura gran and exana pox or is poison will kill you. Simply attack it until it starts running away and make sure you stand at a good angle where is poison wave won't poison you.
  • Paladins can kill wyverns at 40 distance , just run up and down ramps/stairs shooting arrows or bolts and try avoid poison wave. If you get poisoned, use antidote as soon as possible, because you will most likely be not getting any other damage than occasional poison. You should always use Dwarven Ring because if you can't run to right direction you will be receiving high damage. Fighting wyverns at low level and about 55 distance is one of the fastest and safest ways to level as paladin because wyverns give good experience.
  • Knights can kill a wyvern around level 30 and skills between 65/65 and 75/75, depending on the equipment worn and fighting mode. For blocking 60/60 would be enough. Level matters more than skills, because of their poison attack. Stay diagonal to avoid poison wave and musical wave. Avoid using Energy Fields because you will most likely kill them fast enough without and you could step on your own fields while moving around the wyvern.
  • Mages can kill them easily around level 27 with flame strikes or Fireballs. Lower level spell casters can shoot the fire field rune to "soften it up" and help kill the wyvern faster. Heal with exura gran or consider a mana shield. Mages often summon demon skeletons or monks to kill wyverns, while shooting with an appropriate rod or wand, depending on their level and vocation. Using death strikes is also a consideration. You can hunt these with a low level team, consisting of a blocker and a shooter. Another way to hunt these creatures is to get a group of 3 or 4 people and go to a single spawn, like the one near Venore. Simply have the strongest go up first, followed by the others. Each person should be level 15+ or they will die. Lure the creature to a spot where everyone can stand diagonally. Make sure each of you have exura or exura gran, and exana pox or its poison will kill you. Just attack until it runs away, and make sure you stand at a good angle where the poison wave won't affect you.
  • Knights can kill a Wyvern around level 30 with skills between 65/65 and 75/75, depending on the equipment worn and fighting stance. For blocking, 60/60 would be enough. Level matters more than skills because of their poison attack. Stay diagonal to avoid the poison and musical waves. Avoid wasting Energy Fields because it's likely you'll kill them fast enough without them, and you could step on your own field while moving around.
  • Using Silver Amulet and Dwarven Ring is good idea for all vocations to reduce the poison damage and prevent being drunk.
  • Knights can kill a wyvern around level 30 with skills between 65/65 and 75/75, depending on the equipment worn and fighting stance. For blocking, 60/60 would be enough. Level matters more than skills because of their poison attack. Stay diagonal to avoid the poison and musical waves. Avoid wasting energy fields because it's likely you'll kill them fast enough without them, and you could step on your own field while moving around.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • 18
  • 56
  • 62
  • Crit: 2, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%
  • 9
  • 15
  • 550000
  • 0
  • Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
  • 0
  • Normal
  • 15
  • 8
  • 14
  • 40
  • 12470
  • dragon
  • bird
  • beast
  • winddrain
  • toxic beast
  • water dragon
Move Type
  • Flight
  • 6
  • 0
  • 8
  • 13
  • 16
  • --11-17
  • --12-01
  • Volt, Instant Death, Petrify
  • Fire
  • Force
  • 200
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7
  • 12
  • Grand Theft Auto Online
  • 5
  • 70
  • 110
  • 158
  • 160
  • -
  • 6
  • 10
  • Wyvern Supercarrier
  • 150
  • 400
recovery Time
  • 45
  • 0
split 3 note
  • 30.0
breaking point
  • 5
  • 6
art 7 br
  • 43
  • 50
  • 58
  • 65
  • 71
  • Yes
  • Aerodynamic Wyvern Wing
  • Wyvern Beak
split 1 note
  • 40.0
resistances conveyed
  • 500
split 4 note
  • 5.0
art 6 br
  • 17
  • 24
  • 31
  • 38
  • 45
split 2 note
  • 40.0
  • 10
  • 6
  • Large
  • Flame Attack
  • 4
  • 0.950000
  • 20000
  • Advanced Spaceship Command V
  • Jump Drive Operation I
  • Capital Ships III
  • Caldari Carrier III
  • 1000
  • 32
creator deity
  • 50000
  • Green or greenish-brown with paler underparts
  • None
  • 250
drop icons
  • 250
  • thumb|250px
  • ジャブジブ
  • Jabujibu
  • Jabjib
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Wyverns are giant reptilian creatures with big, stocky bodies, four legs, scaly skin and a pair of bat-like wings on their backs. Their heads have many horns and glowing red eyes and they have beak-like mouths full of sharp pointed teeth. The color of their skin tends to be in darker shades, such as dark green or dark blue, but with some brightly-colored stripes.
  • Wyvern is a dragon form featured in Breath of Fire IV. It is obtained by acquiring the Flame Gem from the Mount Giga area, and has flame-based spells and attacks. It later upgrades into the Weyr dragon form.
  • A wyvern (or wivern) is a legendary winged reptilian creature often found in medieval heraldry. Its usual blazon is statant (standing). Its origin is in Europe.The name "wyvern" derived from the Saxon word Wivere, which means "serpent". The French wyvern is known as the Vouivre. Both words are etymologically related to viper. The wyvern can be regarded similar to a dragon. Depictions often include two legs and two wings. Sometimes there are eagle's claws on the wingtips. The rest of its appearance can vary, such as appearing with a tail spade or with a serpent-like tail. Wyvern supporters in the arms of the Borough of Vale Royal Wyvern supporters in the arms of the Borough of Vale Royal Variants of the wyvern include the sea-wyvern, which has a fish-like tail. The wyvern has a similar appearance to another mythical creature, the cockatrice.
  • Wyverns are powerful and dangerous creatures that inhabit the Dragon Sanctuary, Wyrmroost, as listed by Agad, the caretaker. Raxtus ends up fighting some in Keys to the Demon Prison to protect Kendra, Bracken, and the Eternal.
  • Wyvern, auch Flugschlangen oder Drachenschlangen genannt, sehen wie Schlangen mit Flügeln aus. Sie sind an das warme Wetter in ihrer Heimat Thalak gewohnt. So fällt es ihnen schwer außerhalb des Sommers in den Drei Reichen zu fliegen. Ein Wyvern kann bis zu einer Stunde Feuer speien.
  • Wyvern is a Wind element creature of which is located within the Mountain of Mortal Dragon. This is the most powerful creature in this area.
  • Wyverns are mentioned in Dante's Inferno (Canto XVII) as the body for one of his creatures in hell. Some cryptozoologists have interpreted wyverns as surviving pterosaurs, who existed from the late Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous periode. There are alleged sightings in remote areas of pterosaur-like creatures such as the Kongamato in Africa. They have spiked tails that are venomous. They are the main enemy in the game The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. Alduin is a good example of the main Dragon or Wyvern in Skyrim (Dragons (Skyrim))
  • Les paysans prennent souvent les wyverns pour des dragons, et pour eux, il est difficile de les distinguer. Les wyverns sont des grands reptiles volants aux coux serpentins et de longues queues qui terminent en tridents venimeux. Elles fondent sur leurs victimes, les arrachant et les emportant dans leurs nids. Si ce sont des moutons ou des hommes, peu importe. Dans Le Temps du Mépris, Ciri tua une wyvern dans le marché central à Gors Velen.
  • Peasants mistake wyverns for dragons, and it is hard to tell them apart. Wyverns are great flying reptiles with snake-like necks and long tails that end in a venomous trident. Swooping down from the sky, they easily snatch their prey and carry it off to their nest. And they do not much care if it is a sheep or a man.
  • The Wyvern uses a bastardised version of the Hydra's advanced auto-targeting system that constantly runs proximity sweeps of the area for concentrations of enemy infantry. The Machine Spirits of these vehicles are renowned for their malicious nature, as they actively seek the most tightly-packed or vulnerable grouping of infantry and strain to target them, sometimes even overriding the commands of their crews. When the tank does fire, its Stormshard Mortars emit a distinctive roar as they spew clouds of shells high into the air. The sound of these weapons firing becomes the dread of enemy forces facing batteries of Wyverns in dense urban areas, for it is inevitably followed by the sound of those same shells descending with crackling booms as they detonate, and the harrowing scream of the maimed and dying left in their wake. In a galaxy where many of Mankind's enemies leave the Imperial Guard with a feeling of powerlessness and inadequacy, such a vindictive weapon is extremely popular amongst them. There are few things that can restore a Guardsman's faith like watching arrogant Eldar or terrifying Daemons reduced to piles of bloody, frantic madness by the shelling of a Wyvern artillery battery. The Wyvern is worth its weight in gold for this spectacle alone, not only being devastating to the enemy's forces but improving morale by reducing them to a powerless, terrified mass as they die. The Wyvern is a very versatile artillery vehicle, as whole batteries of them can rain oblivion upon the foe or they can be attached in small numbers to other formations. A single Wyvern can provide an Imperial infantry platoon with close-range fire support, fending off wave after wave of enemy forces who might otherwise overrun the Guardsmen that it is supporting. When deployed with other formations, a Wyvern can keep enemy infantry from advancing upon vulnerable areas such as flanks and the rear. Even ultra-fast moving targets such as Eldar Jetbikes can find themselves cut to pieces by experienced Wyvern crews. Each successful kill elicits a growl of satisfaction from the Wyvern’s malicious and bloodthirsty Machine Spirit, even as its sensors hunt for its next victim.
  • Wyverns are large winged lizards with sharp teeth and a stinging tail. They are sometimes confused for younger dragons but actually are the dragons' more feral, weaker and less magical counterpart.
  • The Wyvern (飛竜 Hiryū, lit. Flying Dragon) is both a race and a class of Dragons that appears across the Fire Emblem Series. An uncommon type of dragon, Wyverns, much like Fire Dragons, expel Fire Breath to damage their foes. Wyverns are also a common flying mount that is employed by classes like the Wyvern Rider and Wyvern Lord.
  • Wyverns are most likely myths or hoaxes but there are recorded sightings and in partial evidence in prehistoric dinosaur skelotons. There is a cavern in the north pole where a group of explorers found many dead men and at the end of the cave they found a Wyvern skeleton itself. As for prehistoric times, there was a scorched T-Rex skull with three claw indents sustained from above, suggesting evidence of dragons. The skull was found by some archeologists, and this goes suggest that Dragons and Wyverns might have truly existed. There are theories and alleged "pictures" you can find online.
  • When they see these creatures circling above, Orcs have been known to greet it with raucous cheers, for the flying creature represents both might and brutality, traits that are highly respected within Orc society. Perhaps the only way for an Orc to ride a Wyvern is to steal a Wyverm egg and hand-rear it to maturity. These beast are the most highly prized mounts within a Greenskin army, where only the most powerful Orc Warbosses or Great Shamans have the ability and unnatural bond to bind these cruel beast to his will. In battle, Wyverns are voracious beast that always hunger for fresh meat, and would sometimes land right in the middle of an enemy unit and feast upon their flesh in the droves while its rider hacks at the enemy that are still left.[1a]
  • - More coming soon. -
  • Although some lore incorrecly suggests that Wyverns are stupid, they are actually rather deadly and cunning in combat and are distantly related to Dragons. They prefer to always be in flight, and take any opportunity to take flight if not doing so already. Upon the ground, Wyverns attack with their teeth, and with their deadly tail stingers (which are highly poisonous). If flying, Wyverns can also use their teeth and stingers, but prefer to swoop down, and slash at prey with their claws, or even grab them, carry them up into the air, and drop them. Wyverns are careful to be silent when flying, and to keep their shadow unseen. This gives them the benefit of stealth if the foes are unaware of the creature. Wyverns eat the remains of those they kill, and sometimes even take their valuables like their larger cousins, the Dragons.
  • Wyverns are monstrous animals.They are classified as Warm Blooded reptiles.They do not have many species,nor do they have arms,unlike their dragon counter part.Wyverns have colossal wings,two great legs,with razor sharp talons.Wyverns are much taller than dragons,and longer than an average dragon,they have many of the same characteristics though.Some spices can blow fire,conduct magic,but all species are poisonous and have serpent tongues. ===Species=== There are ten species of wyverns,all of which are large,poison us,evil,and predators. [[Rock headed Wyvern]]s are the smallest and have no temper,they only live to live. [[Giant Wyvern]]s are the largest species,and have such tempers that they live only alone,even there ten foot long babies.They grow up to ninety feet long,counting the tail,and without the tail are seventy feet long Some species are yet to be classified.
  • Wyverns can be escaped, although you'd have to run for a couple of screens. It is preferable to do so, though, because they don't carry any loot and can easily sting the Hero in the beginning of the game (at which point you'd promptly have to find a poison cure potion, or to have one ready, because your health is still too small to survive the intoxication). During combat, the Wyvern throws fireballs at the Hero, but would sting only if you let it come close enough. Using ranged attacks (such as throwing daggers - you'll have to have good throwing skills - or casting magic spells) will keep it at a reasonable distance.
  • The North American Wyvern is a slender dracoform with two wings, two legs, and a long tail that ends in a venomous stinger. They are typically dark brown and grow up to 11.0 meters in length with a wingspan of 20.0 meters. Wyverns are nocturnal solitary hunters, using their venomous tail and air superiority to kill their prey. They are highly territorial and are highly aggressive within their marked territory. They appear to have some ability to cause paralyzing fear in their prey. Nothing is known about the Wyverns reproductive behavior, and it is impossible to determine the sex of the wyvern without dissection. They are found throughout the Midwest UCAS, the CAS, Aztlan, the Southern portion of CalFree, and the NAN. It is rumored that the European Wyverns have several cosmetic differences in appearance.
  • Wyvern, also known as Manticore-A VII, was the seventh planet of the Manticore System's primary star. It was a gas giant without any moons, and orbited Manticore-A at a distance of about 156,96 light minutes. (JIR1)
  • The Wyverns are a race of large winged creatures. They are cousins of the more-intelligent Gargoyles, but have much more potent Fire abilities. Like Gargoyles, Wyverns have the Missile attack, but fire them off much faster.
  • thumb|Wyvern Der Begriff Wyvern bezeichnet im Allgemeinen Drachen mit zwei Beinen und Flügeln. Dabei gehen die Darstellungen sehr weit auseinander, von einem vogelartigem Körperbau mit Hinterbeinen und Vogel- oder Fledermausflügeln über Tiere mit echsenartigem Körperbau, die die Flügel als Vorderbeine nutzen bis hin zu schlangenartigen Tieren deren Flügel an die Flughäute der Flugdrachen erinnern.
  • Edwardian Era plus dragons. DR106-123, IW142
  • A wyvernek sok ember szerint egy oroszlán és egy denevér bizarr keresztezéséből keletkeztek, ám ezek a hasznos állatok régóta élnek Thoursand Needles-ben, ahol a taurenek fedezték fel, és az orkok segítségével szelídítették meg őket. A legközelebbi kapcsolatba a Széllovasok (wind rider-ek) kerültek az állatokkal. KÜLSŐ: A wyvernek előfurdulhatnak a kéktől kezdva a lilán és a zöldön át a sárga és vörös színekig. Négy lábon futnak, ezért a földön is gyorsan haladnak, ám a lábaik között feszülő hártyás szárnyak segítségével elrúghatják magukat a földtől és szétvetett lábakkal kifeszítik az itt lévő szárnyaikat, majd vitorlázva a levegőbe emelkedhetnek.A wyvernek teherbírása nagyjából fél tonna, mivel egy felpáncélozott taurent vagy orkot is könnyedén a levegőbe emelnek. EGYEBEK: A wyvernek tojással szaporodnak (ez az egyikl Freewind Post-ban felvehető küldetésből derül ki), kicsinyeiket hatalmas fogaikkal illetve karmos első mancsaikkal védik. A hordások 60-as szinten (emlékezetem szerint) Shattrath City-ben veheteik meg első állatjukat, a 280-as mountot pedig Dalaranban vásárolhatják meg. A huntereknek csak akkor javasolt befogni őket, ha jelenleg nem jutnak erősebb állathoz ugyanis a fajuk (Bat=denevér) ugyanis nemigen kedvelt a vadászok körében. KÉPEK ÉS FOLYTATÁS VÁRHATÓ!
  • A wyvern is a wolfish-lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail. They can be found living in the harsh cliff-terraces of the Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains, and the Thousand Needles. They hold great enmity for harpies, as the vile creatures like to capture young wyverns for food and to subvert and train as guardians. Like hippogryphs and gryphons, wyverns are intelligent creatures — as smart as any humanoid. Their fierce predator instincts, as well as their harsh environments, lend little trust for humanoids, however. Despite this, wyverns are new allies to the Horde. The greenskinned orcs proved themselves to wyverns in battle against harpies attempting to kill a Stonetalon Mountains flight. Since then, the two species have a growing respect for one another. Wyverns share respect for the tauren just as they do the orcs, though the former are simply too large to join forces with a flying wyvern. A wyvern may choose an orc with a willingness to take to the air, and the two establish a formidable aerial scouting and combat team. Such orcs are known as wind riders. Wyverns are encountered alone as often as they are found in an orc rider’s presence. Wyverns share a common ancestry with dragons and gryphons. Wyverns revel in flight, dutifully carrying Horde riders (also called "Wind Riders") along various routes surrounding Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar for a small fee. Orcs raise wyverns to serve as steeds both in and out of combat. Not all wyverns are friendly to the horde; some are even enraged. They do not give up their eggs willingly, forcing the Horde to take the eggs to raise the newborn wyvern. Professional wyvern trainers wear thick, elbow-length leather gloves to protect themselves from baby wyverns' deadly stings. They speak Orcish and Taur-ahe, and are capable of learning Common and other languages.
  • Wyverns are large winged reptiles with scaley, barbed tails. They are sometimes confused with dragons due to their similarities in both appearance and behavior. However, these reptiles do not have a breathe attack and are much smaller than dragons. They often inhabit heavily wooded regions, particularly the area Cloakwood Wyverns in Baldur's Gate. Otherwise, they are often seen during waylaid encounters when traveling between forests, including Cloakwood and the Wood of Sharp Teeth. Wyverns have two melee attacks; a high damage crushing blow (its mouth and claws) and a low damage piercing strike (its tail). The downside of the piercing attack would be, similar to most inhabitants of the wood, that it's poisonous. Even disregarding this, they make fearsome opponents, as they are one of the toughest mobs in the game. As their saving throws are relatively high, it's generally suggested to make use of missile weapons, while using a high-AC decoy that has some Antidotes handy.
  • Wyverns are two-legged lizards that have a long tail tipped with a poisonous stinger, very similar to a scorpion. They have leathery bat wings that allow them to fly and huge jaws filled with long, sharp teeth. They are distant cousins to true dragons, roughly 15 feet long with a weight of roughly 1 ton. Their wingspan is about 20 feet and their tail accounts for half of their length. Wyverns are stupid compared to their true draconic kin, and are very aggressive. They will attack nearly anything that is not obviously more powerful than themselves, usually diving from the air and snatching their enemies from the ground while stinging them with its' tail. A wyvern can also use their two legs to make a slashing attack, but only while flying. Wyverns are able to speak Draconic, although they choose mostly to just hiss and growl at their prey. Wyverns are well known in the area around Frostkeep; the Wyvern's Pass, a treacherous, craggy route between Frostkeep and Fort Sarwick, is said to be home or hunting ground to wyverns, but reports of their numbers and size vary greatly with the seasons.
  • O wyvern é um monstro que possui escamas.
  • thumb|268pxWyvern(von franz. Guivre; Viper)bezeichnet eine Art der mythologischen Drachen, die sowohl in der ostafrikanischen Mythologie auftaucht, als auch in Nordeuropa und Griechenland. Ein Wyvern soll im Gegensatz zu anderen Drachen nur ein Paar Beine besitzen, die adlerartige Krallen haben – damit besitzt er einen ähnlichen Körperbau wie der mythologische Lindwurm. Direkt über seinen Beinen befinden sich große, häutige Flügel – dies unterscheidet ihn vom flugunfähigen Lindwurm. Der Körper wird als sehr muskulös und geschwungen beschrieben, als schlangenartig zu betrachten. Der Rumpf geht über in einen langen, gekringelten Schwanz; in manchen Beschreibungen soll am Schwanzende ein Giftstachel sitzen. Er wird wie alle anderen Drachen als Fleischfresser beschrieben. Sein natürlicher Lebensraum soll das Gebirge sein. Dort mache er sich in Höhlen breit, von wo aus er mit den sehr scharfen Augen seine Beute gut erkennen könne. Allgemein ist der Wyvern bei dem Volk unbeliebter als die anderen Drachen, da er ein Verbreiter von Pest und anderer Infektionen gewesen sein soll. Der Wyvern zählt zu den „klassischen“ Drachen, die vor allem in Europa am meisten verbreitet gewesen sein sollen. Der Wyvern taucht auch in Wappen des mitteleuropäischen Raums auf und ist dort über das Wappen des englischen Profifußballvereins Leyton Orient bis heute erhalten geblieben, das zwei Wyvern zeigt, die sich mit den Füßen auf einem Fußball abgestützt gegenüberstehen. In Indien gibt es laut Plinius dem Älteren goldene Bergdrachen und schwarze Sumpfdrachen, die Wyvern sind und über 50 Meter lang werden. Der Bergdrache besitzt einen feurigen Kamm und einen roten Bart und beide Arten tragen Drachensteine in ihrem Kopf, die als Schmuck den Träger unverwundbar machen. Dazu müssen sie jedoch einem lebenden Wyvern entnommen werden.
  • A wyvern was a large winged lizard with a stinging tail and sharp teeth. They had dark brown or grey bodies, around 15' (4.6 m) in length, weighing around a ton. They were not greatly intelligent although they did speak Draconic fluently. They were not averse to attacking anything less powerful than themselves. Their sleek, strong legs proved very useful for attack.
  • Winged creature similar to a dragon.
  • Wyvern is a monster in the MMORPG Elder Tale.
  • Wyverns are dragons that are featured in Fate.
  • Wvyerns are dragons from White Knight Chronicles II. They are dangerous and difficult giant foes that player must face throughout the game.
  • La Wyvern (ワイバーン, Waibān) est une créature exclusive à l'animé ayant certaines ressemblances avec les Dragons, et vivant dans le Royaume de Fiore.
  • A type of dragon whose two front legs have become wings. It is smaller than a real dragon, and its intelligence and battle strength is also lower, but it is still bad news. It uses its poisonous tail to attack.
  • Dragonbane ammunition does not have its passive effect against the wyverns, as they are not considered dragons.
  • The Wyvern is a special Mutalisk strain, deployed in swarms by the Wyvern Brood.
  • The Wyvern is a miniboss that spawns in the . Its face slightly resembles that of a dog's, and it has the body of a serpent/dragon with hands and feet. It's the weaker version of the Arch Wyvern (console/mobile only). It will only spawn when the player is at sky level (300+ feet, 500+ feet, and 1,000+ feet on small, medium, and large worlds respectively). Wyverns spawn at the same altitude as Harpies. It seems to spawn lower than this on Blood Moons and in The Hallow. This enemy is very strong, and can be dangerous for players without good armor and defense. Lingering in one spot and taking the full brunt of its attack can rack up a lot of damage, even with good Defense. File:Wyvern (Terraria wiki)
  • Vox Machina encountered several wyverns being ridden by bandits in "Skyward". In a humorous turn of events, one of the flying beasts was polymorphed into a harmless rabbit, and consequently plummeted thousands of feet into the Ozmit Sea below. Wyverns were a common element of Thordak's forces, usually used as mounts by the lizardfolk that served him.
  • Wyverns are a pernicious species of immortals who often attacked Tortall during the Immortals War. Wyverns are giant, winged, legless lizards who breath a yellow fog that gives humans a dry, long-lasting cough and makes the eyes burn and blur. As distant, lesser cousins of dragons, wyverns must obey dragons of any age. The dragonet Skysong was instrumental in protecting Tortall from wyvern attacks druing the Immortals War.
  • Wyvern was a crew member serving aboard the Flying Dutchman under Captain Davy Jones. At an unknown point in time, he would be press-ganged aboard the Flying Dutchman as a member of Davy Jones' crew. Over time, Wvyern's body slowly merged with the Dutchman itself, until he appeared to be growing out of a wall on the lower deck. By the time Will Turner was a part of Jones' crew, Wyvern's body was covered with coral and barnacles, and was almost indistinguishable from the hull of the Flying Dutchman. His outstretched right arm held aloft a ship's lantern, and Wyvern was able only to separate the front of his head and upper body from the hull. Although Wyvern had been all but assimilated into the ship, he still retained a degree of humanity while aiding Will Turner in during the search for the Dead Man's Chest.
  • thumb|200px|Das Wappen von Haus Vyrwell Wyvern sind verwandt mit den Drachen, können aber im Gegensatz zu diesen kein Feuer speien. Sie werden im Gegensatz zu den Drachen mit zwei Beinen, Flügeln und einem schlangenartigem Schwanz, der mit Stacheln gespickt ist, dargestellt. Sie sind die Namensgeber der Halbinsel Wyvernspitze auf Sothoryos, in deren Sümpfen und Dschungelwäldern sie leben und jagen. Das Wappen von Haus Vyrwell zeigt einen silbernen Wyvern. Auf den Burgmauern von Drachenstein zeigen einige der Wasserspeier die Form von Wyvern.
  • Północnoamerykański drapieżca, Wyvern (Wyverna) jest szczupłą drakoformą z dwoma skrzydłami, dwoma nogami, oraz długim ogonem zakończonym zatrutym kolcem jadowym. Zazwyczaj są ciemnobrązowe, mogą mierzyć do 11 metrów długości, a rozpiętość skrzydeł dochodzi do 20 metrów. Wyverny to samotne drapieżniki, które przystosowały się do polowania nocą, podczas polowania używają zatrutego kolca na końcu ogona, atakują z powietrza. Wyverny cechuje silny terytorializm - osobniki są gatunku są niezwykle agresywne w stosunku do intruzów. Wydaje się, że Wyverny potrafią wywołać paraliżujący strach w swojej ofierze. Nie ma dokładnych danych o zachowaniach rozrodczych tego gatunku, nie można nawet określić płci danego osobnika - jedyną znaną metodą jest sekcja zwłok. Na terenie Stanów Zjednoczonych można je spotkać na Środkowym Zachodzie, w CAS, Aztlanie, oraz na południu ziem Indian i Wolnego Stanu Kalifornia. Chodzą plotki, że europejskie wyverny różnią się od amerykańskich pobratymców drobnymi szczegółami w wyglądzie.
  • The Wyvern is a solitary carnivore, a creature of the mountains and forests. It is fierce and very dangerous, but, thankfully, rare. Wyverns can be mounted and ridden if they are caught whilst young and broken in by someone who has knowledge of such things. They are creatures of Chaos and sometimes appear out of the North.
  • When Arthur Pendragon set upon a quest to retrieve the golden trident of the Fisher King, he travelled to the Perilous Lands and reached the King's Dark Tower. There, he was attacked by several Wyverns, with which the tower was infested. The Prince, having his life force sucked out by a Phoenix Eye, would have been killed if Merlin and Gwaine hadn't saved him. As the wyverns were related to dragons, a Dragonlord, like Merlin, was able to command them. (The Eye of the Phoenix) Morgana, High Priestess of the Old Religion, took her dying sister Morgause to the Isle of the Blessed to sacrifice her in the ritual that could tear the Veil between the two worlds. The Isle was now infested with wyverns, but these creatures didn't attack the sisters or the old man who ferried them across the lake. Upon arriving at the Isle of the Blessed, the Knights of the Round Table were attacked by two wyverns. Merlin was able to command them to leave, but more attacked. Elyan, Sir Leon and Percival held them off, so that the other knights could complete their quest (The Darkest Hour).
  • Los wyverns son enormes reptiles alados de la famila de los dragones. Morfológicamente son muy parecidos a los dragones excepto por el tamaño, bastante más pequeño en el caso de los wyvern, y el hecho de que un wyvern sólo tiene patas traseras. Intelectualmente son bastante inferiores a sus primos, los grandes dragones, ya que no cuentan con la gran inteligencia de éstos. Tampoco su vuelo es tan ágil como el de un dragón, de hecho, un wyvern no puede volar con una criatura de peso considerable.right|388px Físicamente son reptiles con dientes afilados y de color pardo grisáceo. Tienen un tamaño de unos 6 metros de largo y unas alas de murciélago enormes. Su cola tiene un aguijón muy parecido al de un escorpión y sus ojos son de un rojo intenso. Como cazadores son verdaderamente astutos. Cuando encuentran a una posible víctima la vigilan con sigilo, evitando que su sombra caiga sobre la presa. Finalmente se lanzan en picado, en completo silencio, de manera que su víctima no tenga ninguna posibilidad. Cuando hay poco alimento, los wyverns suelen formar pequeños grupos para cazar. Si se produce un enfrentamiento con enemigos considerables, el wyvern hace uso de su aguijón con bastante habilidad. Este aguijón inyecta un veneno al que pocas víctimas consiguen sobrevivir. En general, los wyverns son seres solitarios y sólo viven con su pareja y sus crías. Forman sus guaridas en las montañas, desde donde dominan los bosques cercanos. A veces colaboran con los dragones malvados. Categoría:Animales
  • Wyvern have sharp tails which they can use to inflict poison. They grow up, starting with young wyvern, and continuing with juvenile wyvern, adult wyvern, and finally great wyvern.
  • Wyvern are dragons which have two wings, but only two legs. Sometimes shown as having claws on the wings, acting like another pair of "hands". The wyvern is sometimes depicted as having a razor sharp stinger filled with poison on the end of its tail. The history of the wyvern seems to come from Europe. The history of this dragon is not so clear, it seems to be mixed in with the history of the 4-legged dragon. Wyverns have been depicted in heraldry on shields and banners for hundreds of years, and is considered a sign of strength to those who bear the symbol.
  • El wyvern es un scalekin que vuela con rápidez en el aire utilizando sus alas largas. Por ser una alternativa menos amenazante que los dragones, a los wyverns se les utiliza con frecuencia en las priermas filas de tropas que atacan sin parar a las fortificaciones de Ishgard.
  • A wyvern is one of two dragon-like monsters to use the D glyph in SLASH'EM, the other being the hydra. It possesses a poisonous sting, but no breath weapon.
  • Wyverns (ワイバーン Waibān) are ferocious, draconian creatures. They appear solely in the anime.
  • Wyvern is an anthropomorphic coral and barnacle person who holds a lamp from two Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. He reverts back into a human after Davy Jones' death. He does really speak,Image:Stop hand.png
  • Wyvern is a powerful FOE that can be usually found early in the game, but which possesses boss-like stats higher than the boss of the stratum she lives in. Its FOE avatar is black, so she can be considered an extra boss. She is a horned, draconic creature with pale green skin, orange belly and wings instead of arms. Its two legs have huge claws and it has a rather lightweight, aerodinamic frame optimized for flying. She likes to nest in forests, as does the Wyrm. There have been multiple cases of Wyrms taking over Wyvern territory, forcing the Wyverns to relocate.
  • Wyvern - A legless Wyvern who can shoot energy beams from its tail. At first, the Mystic Knights thought the invading Northmen that captured King Conchobar had control of it. It was actually Mider who had the Wyvern summoned on Maeve's behalf to set up the Northmen in a threat to invade the entire island. Rohan, Angus, & Garrett engage the Wyvern. As Garrett heads off to rescue King Conchobar from Maeve, Rohan & Angus's attacks weren't even having effect on the Wyvern. It was defeated by Pyre.
  • Wyverns are a race of diminutive dragons (at least compared to true dragons) known for their aggressiveness and territoriality.
  • The wyvern is a level 220 monster that is found in The Frozen Boneland, north of Ghorrock. They are much deadlier than their skeletal counterparts, with higher combat level and lifepoints. Wyverns attack with Melee, Ranged, Magic and long-ranged Icy dragonfire. The melee and ranged attacks both can hit up to 150 and poison the target, while their magic attacks can hit up to 170. Despite having Icy dragonfire breath, they can still hit up to 690 without the right protection (Elemental- Mind-Body shield or Dragonfire shield). The area which they are in is surrounded by a very few numbers of level 165 Frosty Wolves and level 122 Ice troll. Revenants do not wonder here which should not be much of a threat.
  • The Wyvern was designed in 2660 as an urban warfare BattleMech. The Wyvern is considered a slow 'Mech for it's weight class when compared in general but in a city or close confine environment the Wyvern does not require a great deal of speed to be highly effective. The Wyvern also uses CASE technology to protect all of its very vulnerable ammunition. In the case of a hit on one of its ammunition bins the Wyvern' can survive and remove itself from combat for repairs.
  • The strong and agile Wyvern’s are competitive from birth. They never tire of challenging others. Courageous and stubborn, almost fearless in a fight they always wish to hold a high position. Only those who are also wild and bold of spirit should seek to own a Wyvern. Wyverns produce Dragons Scales as a secondary resource!
  • A Wyvern, sometimes spelled Wivern, is a legendary winged creature with a dragon's head and wings; a reptilian body; two legs (sometimes none); and a barbed tail. A sea-dwelling variant, dubbed the sea-wyvern, has a fish tail in place of a barbed dragon's tail. The wyvern in its various forms is important to heraldry, frequently appears as a mascot of schools and athletic teams (chiefly in the United States and United Kingdom), and occasionally appears in medieval and modern European and British literature as well as a multitude of video games.
  • Be careful in this battle, as falling off the battlefield will result in members suffering from the Transfer status. This can happen when the foe knocks you off, during you launching an attack, or when you are moving. This is bad, as many of the Upper Lizard's attacks knock you around. So you need to stay in close to the Lizard. Good news is though, you can also knock him off the battlefield! You won't receive any EXP tough. Now onto the battle itself. Boost your Fire resistance beforehand, and start the battle. Hold the Sword Blessing Sealstone for an extra Attack boost. Get in as close as possible to the Wyvern, and attack. Towards the end of its life, the Wyvern will split itself into two new entities, the Upper Lizard and Lower Lizard. You can either take care of the Lower Lizard and then the Upper Lizard, or go straight for the Upper Lizard. The Lower Lizard isn't too troublesome, and has some good items, so defeat it by simply attacking. The Upper Lizard is also straightforward, but if you find yourself low on HP, make sure to heal as quickly as possible.
  • Wyverns are dragon-like monsters with winged forearms. Trained and used for war, they're creatures of destruction. The Witch Arkana is known to command a gaggle of them alongside Gremlins.
  • thumb|299pxWyvern war ein Matrose auf der Flying Dutchman. Als er zum ersten mal in Pirates of the Caribbean – Fluch der Karibik 2 zu sehen ist, ist er bereits mit dem Schiff verschmolzen und dient als "Laternenhalter". Links und rechts neben ihm stehen Kanonen.
  • Einfache Bauersleute verwechseln Wyvern gerne mit Drachen, da es tatsächlich nicht so leicht ist, beide Spezies auseinander zu halten. Sie zählen zu den Ornithosauriern. Wyvern sind große, flugfähige Reptilien, mit schlangenartigen Hälsen und langen Schwänzen, welche in einem giftigen Dreizack am Ende auslaufen. Ihre Beute ergreifen sie im Flug und tragen sie zu ihrem Nest, es ist ihnen dabei relativ egal ob es sich dabei um ein Schaf oder einen Menschen handelt.. Der Name Wyvern kommt aus der Älteren Rede. In der Gemeinsprache heißt die Kreatur Wiewerne.
  • Wyvern is a high-ranking member of the Black Suns organization and the commander of the Black Suns Knights. Very little is known about Wyvern except that he was one of the most infamous assassins in the galaxy, completing more than 700 high-profile assassinations of politicians, C-Sec officials, Alliance captains, and many others. This mysterious assassin is known for his deep hatred for the unified government of the galaxy and wants nothing more than to put a stop to the strict laws and regulations that they've placed all over the galaxy. Wyvern was one of the more difficult figures for the Black Suns to track down, due to his mysterious nature and erratic travel patterns. They offered him a spot in the organization due to his efficient skill in snuffing out the political figures of the galaxy.
  • Wyverns resemble true dragons, but are much smaller and lack the forelegs of their larger kin. They have sharp talons, and crocodile-like heads with red or orange eyes. Located in their long, flexible tails are deadly, poisonous scorpion stingers. They also have very large wings. Unlike true dragons, wyverns do not have breath weapons.
  • Wyvern is a Zonama Sekot Ranger on Zonama Sekot. He was once a fierce Mandalorian, but after his family was murderd by a rival grup of Mandalorians he thought to himself that it wasnt worth being a Mando anymore. He encounterd the group responsible for his family's death once more on his way off Tatooine, where he was Born and raised. Wyvern discoverd he had a powerful force indide of him. He knew nothing of the force until he met a Jedi who taught him the ways of the force. Even after he learned the Force, he still prefered to use his blaster and other projectile-fireing objects. He then traveled to Zonama Sekot and apply to be a ranger.
  • A wyvern is a two-legged, serpentine creature. Its appearance comes from medieval heraldry. In Dungeons & Dragons, it is a vicious, dragon-like beast with wings and a stinging tail.
  • The Wyvern is a massive dragon-like creature from Sanghelios. It's featured in as many myths as the Helioskrill, a flightless evolutionary cousin.
  • The wyvern is a member of the dragon family and is especially important to Orlesian culture.
  • A wyvern’s body is 15 feet long, and dark brown to gray; half that length is tail. Its wingspan is about 20 feet. A wyvern weighs about one ton. Wyverns speak Draconic, but usually don’t bother with anything more elaborate than a loud hiss or a deep-throated growl much like that of a bull alligator.
  • In Game The Wyvern can attack both air and ground. Medium moving speed. Defense rate against air/ground enemy unit is about average. Uses Fire Element for attack, which allows no defense. It is possible to use flame attack, depending on the flammability of the area. They are weak against anti air units such as archers.
  • The Wyvern(Draco africanus.) is the largest Dragon species and spends most of its time flying and "skywriting" with smoke.
  • The Wyvern is also said to be a pet, by hatching a specific egg, but the chances before are rare and now is unobtainable.
  • The Wyvern was an Imperial Remnant starship that led the Wyvern battle group and fought at the Second Battle of Fondor.
  • Wyvern (飛竜Hiryō?) is an unmade dragon from the unmade 1972 Gamera , Gamera vs. Wyvern (ガメラ対双頭怪獣WGamera tai sōtō kaijū W?, lit. Gamera vs. Two-Headed Monster W). __TOC__
  • The Wyvern is one of the boss encounters in Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland. When Sterk arrives in Arls, he is sent to investigate the ruins and neutralize the Wyvern threat. The Wyvern acts as the game's first major boss, but once defeated, further development can done. Defeating the Wyvern is necessary to make further improvements in the Modis Ruins. Defeating the Wyvern will unlock the "One from the Sky" trophy.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ The serpentine, two legged Wyvern, with barbed tail and eagle's wings, is sometimes a herald of war and unrest, warning of approaching trouble. He despises the Wyrm greatly, and is not above using dirty tactics when doing battle with corruption (This causes some Garou to wonder about links to his fallen Draconic relative). He is a somewhat savage Totem, but well respected among some young Garou, particularly young Silver Fangs.
  • The Wyverns are related to the Reapers - but they're much more dangerous! These reptiles have a pair of leathery wings that are useless for flight, but they provide stability when they're running or fighting! With powerful claws on their feet and arms and two deadly horns on their heads, these Wyverns are truly dangerous in close combat... and they fight in pairs too - perfect teamwork and a killing combination! Be extremely wary of these monsters – they’re true dealers of death - and, like their cousins, you'll usually find them all over Antaloor. There is one region they don't like, however - the cold lands of the glaciers...
  • Small draconic creatures with only a single pair of legs in addition to their wings. * They arise from the lusty dreams of True Dragons * The Lunar Empire breeds and trains some few as flying steeds. Source: Guide to Glorantha
  • Wyvern is an enemy group in City of Villains. They are a private agency dedicated to eliminating problems Freedom Corps hasn't or won't deal with. Publicly, Wyvern is a private security agency hired by Paragon's wealthiest families and owned by Delia Huntley. What isn't known by the public is that Wyvern was founded by Justin Sinclair, aka Manticore, who also funds their activities. Not even the Freedom Phalanx is aware of this. Manticore created the group to carry out tasks that Freedom Corps is unwilling to perform. This group is walking the line between mercenary and hero. They are heroic in their goals, but the means in which they achieve them are questionable.
  • The Wyvern (originally Ryvern) is a monster from Dragon Quest IV. It is a stronger, gray version of the Terrorflyer.
  • With both arms being huge wings, this Dragon species is known as the “Wyvern.” With the same powers as other dragons, this variety can also return to the form it had before the current Demon Lord’s ascension. While its physical strength is inferior to a dragon’s, its huge wings give it exceptional abilities in the air, able to turn much tighter and outdistance its cousin when it comes to speed. Unlike the dragon, they are neither haughty nor prideful, never looking down on humans. However, they are heavily driven by their monstrous instincts, have an abrasive personality, and are very willing to attack human men if they want to copulate. When they desire a mate they will take to the skies and circle a large area, and when they finally spot a man they like they will initiate an “attack” by diving out of the air and swooping down onto the man. They will then pin the man with their strong legs and begin to ravish him. Afterwards they will take the man back to their home and zealously copulate with him, their goal being to bear the man’s children. Knights, called “Dragoons,” are known to use dragons as their mounts instead of regular horses. Dragons though, despite being the iconic representatives of their race, rarely do this, their pride making it a Herculean task to convince one to let you ride her. While dragons lend their name to the “Dragoons,” the lack of the typical dragon haughtiness in wyverns means that they are actually the more common mount among dragon knights. However, while a dragon mount is fairly tractable, a wyvern’s abrasive nature, their inclination to start fights, and desire to straddle their knight once they themselves are straddled can make them difficult to manage. Even a married couple can find it difficult to manage their duties as knight and mount. If a knight attempts to mount a wild wyvern, there will be a struggle about whom the superior is and who will be “mounted.” If you fail in your attempt to gain dominance she will instead mount you every day, squeezing out your semen as she rides you. A safer method than this is to attain a wyvern’s egg and train her from a young age to act as a dragoon’s mount. In order for a knight and his wyvern mount to become one and improve cooperation, it is crucial that they spend a lot of time together and develop a more loving and trusting relationship by having plenty of close physical contact. For such reasons, in some countries that produce many dragoons, children who will be dragoons in the future are brought up together with the wyvern children who will become their mounts. As childhood friends, fiances, brother and sister, or master and servant, eventually love will blossom, they will become sweethearts and eventually marry. By nurturing this love for as long as possible, they gain a strong understanding of one another, creating the strongest dragon knight pairings.
  • In European medieval legend, a wyvern was a creature similar in appearance to a dragon. However, it only had two limbs and a pair of wings, and a barbed tail. Wyverns were an often used symbol in heraldry.
  • El Wyvern fue un Land Raider Proteus de la Orden Primii del Clan Avernii de la Legión de los Manos de Hierro.
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