  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • } <default><b>Nombre</b></default> Puntos de Poder Otros perfiles[/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] [/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] Tropa M HA HP F R H A L S Oficial M HA HP F R H A L S Equipo Armas Bólter Pistola bólter Bólter de asalto Granada Frag Granada Perforante Espada sierra Espada de energía Puño de combate Arma 1 Arma 2 Arma 3 Arma 4 Arma 5 Arma 6 Arma 7 Arma 8 Arma 9 Arma 10 <default><b>Reglas</b></default> Tipo de unidad Miniaturas adicionales Tamaño de unidad Opciones Habilidades Psíquico Reglas especiales Keywords de Facción Keywords de Unidad
  • Human crewman aboard the Minerva in 3002 CE.
  • Hunter es un empleado de Oceanic Airlines que no ha sido visto en la serie, sólo fué mencionado en "[[|]]", cuando Hurley le ruega a Jenna (una asistente de puerta) que le deje subir al vuelo. Ella levanta el teléfono y dice "Hunter, es Jenna. Tenemos otro más--" y posteriormente Hurley sube al avión.
  • Hunter is a character mentioned from the machinima series : . He was Peter's older brother who was KIA by a sniper during Gamma Team's first mission. He was the sniper and leader of the team.
  • File:WookieepediaFavicon.png Hunter (Star Cabal) on Wookieepedia
  • They will also get angry, just like any other monster, if you (accidentally) hit them with a projectile (while trying to kill a centaur of course). Remember that killing a quest friendly around your quest leader results in -MAX/8 alignment penalty.
  • Gender: MaleRace: HumanHunters are natural born bow users. Their spark type matches up with their high dex stat, which means that if you need a good bow user for the end game, the hunter makes an excellent addition.
  • Spawn Location: Church/Bovinia/Main Island Rulers: The King/Queen of Bovinia and Mother Nature Related Content: Animals, Taming And Animals, Wolves You are a hunter, the nocturnal predator, murderdrunk poacher, or the tree moving in the background. Your job is to capture pets for the purpose to use them as allies or to use what they have inside of them. Either way, you will have a lot of fun exploring with this job... Just don't hunt at night.
  • Hunter 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他沒有在任何集數登場,只在第1季第25集提及。
  • The Hunter was a powerful being created by Zod, Faora and Ursa to destroy Superman and release them from the Phantom Zone. He had the ability to absorb anything he touched. He nearly killed Superman when he absorbed Green Kryptonite. But Superman puts himself in a Kryptonian trance, and he returns to battle him again. The creature destroys himself when he fires a blast of electricity at Superman and it is deflected back to him by a satellite dish.
  • Hunters are found practicing archery in Basfelt Village.
  • Der Hunter (zu Deutsch: "Jäger") ist ein besonderer Infizierter aus Left 4 Dead und Left 4 Dead 2. Der sehr agile Infizierte stürzt sich mit weiten Sprüngen auf sein Opfer und verletzt dieses anschließend mit seinen Krallen. Der Betroffene kann sich aus dieser Lage nicht selbst befreien, sondern muss von einem Gefährten gerettet werden. Daher sind Hunter, auch wenn sie selten auftreten, besonders für einzelne Überlebende gefährlich.
  • It's available freely to all players in CF China, while in CF Vietnam it can only be obtained via WM's reward system. Many players complain that this class is hard to use, since the scope delay (occurs when Hunter fires an arrow when his TAC crossbow is in scoped mode) is rather confusing, so most of the time they don't know if the arrow has hit the target or not.
  • The Hunter (Japanese: 狩人 Kariudo) is a life you can choose to lead in the game Fantasy Life. It is one of 12 life classes available to choose to play as during the game and can be chosen at any time during the game by speaking to the Guild Master. The Hunter uses the bow and arrow to inflict damage and status effects (poison, sleep and paralysis) on enemies from a safe distance. The Hunter's Life Shop is located at the Traveller's Respite in the West Grassy Plains.
  • Hunter – wojskowy helikopter występujący w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas i Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Występuje również w kodzie Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, lecz nie można go uzyskać bez użycia kodów lub modyfikacji.
  • The Hunter is a minor antagonist from the Adventures of the Gummi Bears episode, "Loopy, Go Home".
  • Hunter is a profession. Hunters can gather meat and prepare it to make edible meat, they can also make Pet Ghosts and the First Part of the Dragon Pig's Maze Key. As of Dofus version 2.29 it has been combined with the old profession of Butcher.
  • The Hunters are enemies from Rayman 1. They are first encountered in The Dream Forest. They encountered again in Band Land. Female variants are encountered in Rayman Origins.
  • Der Hunter ist ein Ninja der darauf spezialisiert ist die Nukenin des jeweiligen Dorfes zu fangen oder zu töten, um die dorfinternen Geheimnise zu wahren. Im Normalfall sind Hunter spezielle Jounin. Ähnlich wie auch die ANBU tragen Hunter Masken. Diese sehen jedoch anders aus, als die der ANBU, denn die Hunter Masken tragen z.B. das Zeichen des jeweiligen Dorfes.
  • Hunter is a race of creature that is shared between all civilizations.
  • Hunters are the strongest Pfhor infantry and are a rank above Troopers. The player encounters Hunters in all three Marathon games.
  • Hunter is a character encountered by Sora in Kingdom Hearts II ½.
  • Hunter is a Naga with a Mew sub-type, that is exclusive to Monster Rancher Advance and Monster Rancher Advance 2. It has yellow fur with black tiger-like stripes on it, and a cat face with cat ears.
  • Hunters are the result of centuries of selective breeding. Bred to perform as reptilian bloodhounds, the Hunters are also used as instruments of terror and death. Heavily muscled and powerfully built, they can leap great distances and are extremely deadly. This enemy was set to appear in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, but it was cut from the game for unknown reasons. However, despite being cut from the game, this enemy is still listed within the pages of the game's manual.
  • Hunter is a prairie tank engine who works on Duck's branchline. He is friends with Thomas, Marty and Eagle and enemies with 98462 and 87546.
  • Using hunting equipment bought from hunter stores, players can hunt specific creatures, obtaining rewards such as bones, butterflies, animal furs, etc. At higher levels, players could even hunt for unorthodox crossbows, valuable potion ingredients, charm slices, and more. Hunter is classified as a Gatherer Skill. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at approximately rank ) on the hiscores for Hunter is level . As of , there are current members that have achieved level 99 in Hunter. There are current members that have achieved level 120 in Hunter.
  • Deer are one of the most common hunters on earth. They mostly prey on humans who wear dark brown in the middle of the woods. One of the most successful ways for deer to hunt involves one deer running into oncoming traffic. After the car swerves to avoid it, and crashes; a second deer collects the spoils of the hunt. Due to increases in the human population hunting has picked up over recent years.
  • hunters are often used in maps with covenant on the moded map,some examples of said maps are,hunter creek,hunter wars,covenant bse v1.1. all of these can be found at halp but working hunter sprites are not on the site. huunters have plasma cannons and a sheild witch can deflect incomeing projectiles,while bump possessing a hunter you will automatically attempt to melee the nearest enemy to you but you can fire your cannon by holding the fire button until it automatically realeses.
  • Hunter is a playable class common to Phantasy Star games. Hunter characters tend to specialize in melee weapon attacks.
  • Hunter ist ein Angestellter bei Oceanic Airlines, der nur kurz namentlich erwähnt wird. {{quervw|1x25]]" Als Hurley Jenna bittet, ihn ins Flugzeug zu lassen, ruft sie Hunter an und sagt: Daraufhin wird Hurley nachträglich ins Flugzeug gelassen.
  • Hunter is an Interceptor event featured in Need for Speed: Rivals, and is unlocked at rank 3 in the RCPD career. It has an easy difficulty rating.
  • Hunters are a Star Child class in Conception 2. They have incredibly high TEC and MAT, and use bows to fight. Hunters are not initially unlocked, becoming unlocked after a medium amount of story progression.
  • Hunter é uma variação de personagem em Mortal Kombat X.Pertence ao personagem Predator. Categoria:Variações de Personagem Categoria:Variação de Personagem
  • Hunter is a type of character encountered in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • The following are changes in the Hunter class form its listing in Paizo material.
  • Black Ops. Wetworks. The Agency. Every government has its darker side. No matter the name, the world powers have always maintained highly-trained individuals who are most comfortable clinging to the shadows and dealing with threats in their own extremely deadly ways. Trained with technology that is far superior to what the common man could even dream of, these Hunters commonly went after the most dangerous prey of all -- each other.
  • Hunter is commonly recognized as a way to make money, due to Carnivorous (Red) chinchompas always being desired for training the Range skill. However, training Hunter is extremely time consuming.
  • When Hurley implored Jenna (a gate attendant) to let him on the plane, she picked up the phone and said, "Hunter, this is Jenna, we've got one more...ta". Hurley was subsequently allowed on the plane.
  • Only two Hunter stores exist: Aleck's Hunter Emporium in Yanille, and Nardah Hunter Shop in Nardah. Using the Lunar Magic spell Hunter Kit (spell), players can obtain a hunter kit which contains various useful hunter items.
  • [1] This article is a stub. You can help the Silkroad Online Wiki by expanding it. [2]The hunter's task is to defend the merchant from Thieves. A Hunter earns points in its job by killing Thieves and by helping traders in ther trade run. Hunters get money from the traders for guarding them. Usually a hunter will start their job from lvl 60 because they need to be strong to fight Thieves.
  • The Hunter is a bolt-action Buzz Bee dart blaster that was released in 2010 under the Air Blasters series. It comes packaged with four Micro Darts.
  • Using hunting equipment bought from hunter stores, players can hunt specific creatures, obtaining rewards such as bones, butterflies, animal furs, etc. At higher levels, players could even hunt for unorthodox crossbows, valuable potion ingredients, charm slices, and more. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at approximately rank ) on the hiscores for Hunter is level . As of , there are current members that have achieved level 99 in Hunter. There are current members that have achieved level 120 in Hunter.
  • Hunter may refer to: * Hunters, people who have historically hunted "The Demon" and other gargoyles * Robyn Canmore, a specific hunter * Gillecomgain, the first hunter
  • The bow hunters wield is much like the longbow used by European archers, however it does not need to be produced by a weapon's workshop nor does it incur any kind of resource or gold cost. Hunters will automatically attack enemies nearby, albeit at a slower fire rate than longbowmen.
  • A prefix title awarded to predators who complete their stamina AA line. "Hunter" is also an automatic prefix that is gained after a certain amount of kills in PvP combat.
  • Usually cheats who seek profit from superstitious peasants. Track down and kill the undead. Also called exorcists, witchbane or hunters of the dead. Genuine hunters are rare.
  • Hunters were large, brown, hairless creatures with bat-like wings, long tails, sharp claws and long horned faces. (COMIC: The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack)
  • The Hunter is one of the five jobs available to players. The hunter uses bows or guns to attack targets with physical damage at range.
  • Sex: Female Species: Human When her village on Tau Ceti was decimated by the Sorg, Hunter vowed to seek out and destroy the reptiloids wherever they might hide. She was later captured by the Vadrigar to fight on the Arena Eternal.
  • A member of the Legion of Supervillains.
  • The Hunter, originally known as the Mini Strider, is a fast and agile synth used by the Combine as a scout and escort. The Hunter is first seen in Mossman's message in Half-Life 2: Episode One, but not encountered directly until Episode Two, where it is a prominent enemy.
  • Hunters are people that hunt things. After hunting said things, they usually trade things for other things. Usually these other things are things of high value, or edible. The edible things may be eaten with other edible things, or they may be used to trap things to kill. The things the hunters hunt can be eaten as well, unless the things the hunter hunts are poisonous things, in which case they probably shouldn't be eaten.
  • The Hunter is an unnamed man on Gengoro Island that hunts animals and always has a short assistant accompanying him.
  • Hunter is The Wise Guy of the group.
  • Hunter is the 26th level in Bloons Insanity.
  • Hunter is voiced by Darren Criss.
  • Hunter on ammatti.
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 161D10
  • Hunter ist ein kluger und nachdenklicher Junge, welcher oft unfreundlich wiederkommt. Jedoch ist er sehr hilfsbereit sehr loyal und treu zu Lady Moon, Gabriella Moonlight und Johan Winx.
  • Hunting can be done by setting up a trap in the vicinity of a hunter creature, and when a creature passes through the trap it will be caught. You can then check your trap to gain experience, obtain your loot and your trap. The amount of traps you can set is determinated by your level.
  • These skills are basic skillset for combo.
  • Hunter is a character featured in RAGE. He is a resident of Wellspring. Hunter doesn't have any significant dialogue options, although he will occasionally tell a few words to Nicholas Raine, like "Great racing today!". He also acknowledges the general changes in the situation. Initially he can be found in Wellspring wandering around the town or sitting on a stool in the courtyard near the "Second Chance" entrance.
  • Hunter was a seaman serving aboard HMS Indefatigable, Captain Sir Edward Pellew, at the time of Hornblower's tour. Hunter was assigned to Hornblower's prize crew aboard Marie Galante. There was also a Midshipman Hunter on the sloop HMS Le Reve.
  • se o metästäjä niin raisku aina sanoo, mut neo iha homoi ja miskakin mielest
  • Le Hunter [ˈhʌntər] est un hélicoptère de combat disponible dans : * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. * Grand Theft Auto Online avec le contenu téléchargeable Contrebande organisée appelé FH-1 Hunter.
  • El Hunter es una variante del Granadero especializado que usa la Horda Locust en las Partidas de Caza Locust, donde se matan a los Gusanos de Roca para alimentar a los Locust.
  • The hunter is a variant strain of the baneling that appears in StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm.
  • Hunter is a Final Fight character who first appeared in the Capcom game Final Fight 3. He is one of the minor enemy characters the player characters face.
  • The Hunter (狩人 Karyuudo?) is a recurring job class in the Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology subseries of escort titles within the Tales series. This job is based on aspects derived from the Archer (アーチャー Aachaa?) costume family of Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 and its sequel, merging it with abilities that are best associated with Nanaly Fletcher and Garr Kelvin.
  • Hunter to pracownik Oceanic Airlines wspomniany w odcinku „Exodus: Part 2”. Kiedy Hurley prosił Jennę o wpuszczenie do samolotu, ta podniosła słuchawkę i powiedziała: "Hunter, tu Jenna, mamy tu jeszcze jednego". Hurley został wpuszczony na pokład.
  • Hunter is the second Class from the Archer Base Class. Players can attain this class upon completing the Archer Growth Ring.
  • The Hunter had knobby, translucent skin, where black blood pumping through its power-line-sized veins could be seen. It was hairless, neckless, and hunched, with a flat face. Crooked fangs protruded from its lower jaw making it impossible to fully close its mouth, a steady stream of yellowish drool spilling out. It was amphibious, with gills the size of helicopter propellers. It was quadrupedal, with its hind legs bowed, its front legs more like thick gorilla arms. It had four eyes, arranged in a diamond pattern on the beast's broad forehead, and at the center of each eye, where the pupil would be, were the Loric pendants used to track the Garde. The Hunter was almost as tall as the Statue of Liberty. Sam Goode mistakes the Hunter for a "tarrasque."
  • Hunter is an ability that grants its user a range of powers allowing them to hunt down other people.
  • Hunter was an employee of Oceanic Airlines. Shortly before Oceanic Flight 815 took off from the Sydney Airport, Hunter received a call from Jenna indicating that there was still one more passenger who needed to board at the last minute. Hunter informed her that there was still enough time for the man to board the plane.
  • Aloy's tribe, the Nora, is said to have been the first to hunt machines, sometime after the collapse of human civilization. They are referred to as Braves, and hunt their prey using bows and ropecasters, while also gathering sustenance. They also defend the tribe from hostile human invaders. The Carja are more organized in their hunts. They keep detailed records of these hunts and the fates of past hunters at the Hunters Lodge. Among the Carja, machine hunters are known as Hawks.
  • The Hunter is a Class that upgrades from Sniper. It is a Tier 3 tank and can upgrade to the Predator or to the Streamliner.
  • s. auch: Kategorie:Noble Houses
  • アゼロスは様々な種族の故郷となっており、Lordaeronの新しい大地からカリムドーの古き大地まで、多種多様な生き物が存在しています。友好的であったり、敵対的であったりと違いはありますが、それら全てに共通するものがひとつあります。それは、それぞれの生物はハンターと特別な コネクションを繋ぐことができるということです。ハンターは荒野からあらゆる種類の獣や動物たちを探したり、追跡したり、飼い慣らしたり、殺したりします。彼らが弓や小銃などどのような武器に頼るかに関わらず、ハンターたち全ては自分の武器とペットが唯一本当の友であると考えています。
  • Hunter is the seventh episode of The Young Knight season 1.
  • "A specialist of outdoor activities. Their speciality is making long range sniping attacks with a long bow. They are also equipped with leather armor and a battle axe, so they are well balanced overall."
  • Hunter is a man who appeared in False Witness (episode).
  • Hunter is Socko's brother-in-law. He is an experienced hunter, continuing with the pun names that Socko's family generally has. His existence is known due to the fact that the first pic on's Bigfoot pics states that he loaned Spencer his camouflage clothes and gear. Also, in one episode, Carly states that Socko can't come to Spencer's party because he is on a safari in Africa with Hunter. Like Socko, he never appears in an episode.
  • thumbHunter es un Overlander, cazador furtivo, enemigo de Knuckles the Echidna, que considera el asesinato masivo de Mobians aceptable siempre y cuando le den una oportunidad deportiva. Apareció por primera vez en la Angel Island, tratando de capturar a Knuckles junto a su rival de la infancia Monk, solo para ser derrotado por Knuckles. Después de esto Hunter fue capturado, convirtiéndose en un soldado del Dr. Eggman. Hunter fue utilizado por Eggman para localizar y robar la Esmeralda Maestra, así como para enviar a numerosos Echidnas a la Egg Grape Chamber en el proceso. Hunter fue asesinado por Hyper Knuckles, después de ser lanzado de la isla, cayendo en el mar debajo.
  • The Hunter series is a form of genetically-engineered B.O.W. created with the mutagenic effects of the t-Virus, based on foreign DNA being introduced to human embryos.
  • Hunter er en member skill. Hunter er en god måde at tjene penge på.
  • File:IconLarge Hunter.gif La classe dell'Hunter (Cacciatore) è abile nell'effettuare i pull, ridirezionare l'aggro, effettuare il crowd control, ed è principalmente pensata per generare una grande quantità di danno da lontano. I cacciatori posseggono dei compagni animali che aumentano la loro capacità di effettuare DPS in combattimento e possono essere usati per controllare l'aggro del gruppo a seconda delle abilità che il padrone ha deciso di insegnare loro. I cacciatori cacciano, domano e allenano gli animali presenti nelle distese selvaggie. La loro abilità nella sopravvivenza, le loro armi e il loro compagno animale sono i loro unici amici.
  • The Hunter is a fictional ranged class for Stick Ranger. It has an extremely long ranged (200s) class with automatic magic attacks. It's a substantially weaker class than a regular Sniper and also tend to have lower LP. It uses Slings.
  • Hunter (Ohotnik / Охотник) is a character who appears only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl as a Loner stalker.
  • Hunter is a (basically civilian) class concerned with food acquisition. Together with the Warrior it forms two of the basic classes.
  • The Hunter is a Chimeran rifle that appears in Resistance: Burning Skies. It fires semi-automatic bursts of controlled energy.
  • Hunter è un membro dello staff Oceanic Airlines. * Non è mai comparso, ma viene menzionato brevemente da Jenna nell'episodio Esodo, seconda parte, quando Hurley arriva all'imbarco.
  • Hunter was a passenger on SouthCoast Flight 397, traveling from Washington, D.C. to Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 7 1994. Later that year, Dana Scully saw Hunter's name written on an airline passenger manifest while searching for Fox Mulder. (TXF: "Little Green Men")
  • Hunter is a meta-character in Sordid Lives, played by Robert Lewis Stephenson. He is a character in the fictional soap opera Friends and Lovers. His brother, who was played by Ty Williamson, died of burns. He is having an affair with Daniella.
  • Hunter was part of Jack Bauer's tactical team during the events of The Game.
  • "Hunter" is a keyword that represents a triggered power. It means, "When this card enters play, choose an opposing character. That character becomes hunted by you." - Only one character can be hunted by each player at a time. As a character becomes hunted by a player, all other characters stop being hunted by that player. A character also stops being hunted by a player if it stops being opposed to that player. A character that leaves play stops being hunted by all players.
  • Hunter is a medium armored hull in Tanki Online, which is is automatically obtained and equipped when creating a new account, along with Smoky.
  • Él es un granjero local, que te dará consejos y tips para cuidar a tus animales. Este chico siempre ha pensado que la compañía de sus peludos amigos es la mejor, y que la de un humano no tiene ni punto de comparación.
  • Hunter is highly respected throughout Bewaker City and the surrounding areas for his sheer bravery and leadership qualities. As the director of the protectors of Bewaker City, he holds a great deal of responsibility. Trainers who defeat him will be given the Blade Badge.
  • Hunter on AH-64 Apache GTA Vice Cityssä ja GTA Vice City Storiesissa. GTA San Andreasissa Hunter on AH-64A "Apache". Hunter on tappava helikopteri.Siinä on konekivääri ja sillä voi ampua kaksi rakettia kerralla. * Ajoneuvo laji:Taisteluhelikopteri * Miehistö:1 * Ilmestyy:GTA Vice Cityssä ,GTA San Andreasiss, GTA Liberty City Storiesissa ja GTA Vice City Storiesissa
  • Hunter (died 3237) is a character that appears in that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He was a rogue and ruthless Overlander poacher and a foe of Knuckles the Echinda. He first appeared on Angel Island, capturing Knuckles and his childhood rival Monk, only to be defeated by Knuckles. Following this, Hunter was captured and turned into a soldier by Dr. Eggman, who used him to locate and steal the Master Emerald as well as to send numerous Echidnas to the Egg Grape Chambers, only for Hunter to get killed by Super Knuckles in the process.
  • Hunter est un employé d’Oceanic Airlines qui est mentionné quand Hurley implore Jenna de le laisser monter à bord. Cette dernière décroche alors le téléphone et dit : « Hunter, c'est Jenna, nous en avons un de plus… ». (L'Exode (2/3))
  • The Hunter is one of the better front classes in the late game due to his ability to instantly kill enemies with critical hits through regular attacks. Especially in The Thief of Fate, this ability is extremely useful. Unlike in Tales of the Unknown and The Destiny Knight, the hunter's Thief of Fate character sheet tells the probability of scoring a critical hit. You should always have a Hunter just behind your Monk.
  • Hunter — военный вертолет, встречающийся в третьем поколении серии GTA. Используется Военными силами США. Впервые появился в GTA Vice City.
  • Hunter is a Deniable Ops game mode featured in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction. In Hunter, the player is tasked with eliminating all enemies in the area before moving on to another area in the map, each 'area' splitting the map into different zones.
  • Hunter is also noted as being the only Rover whose relatives appeared during the season; he visits his mother in "A Day in the Life."
  • Hunter is a member of Brotherhood, and one of the three to survive the events of MotorStorm: Apocalypse. He is the only friend of Stone. He is voiced by Arif S. Kinchen.
  • A hunter is person who hunts game or other wild animals for food. A hunter is also hired to kill smaller creatures (wild dogs, bears or wolves), or other simple work that does not require a witcher.
  • " Hunter " era el apodo de un comando clon que sirvió en el Gran Ejército de la República durante las Guerras Clon. Él era el líder de la Fuerza Clon 99, un escuadrón de élite con habilidades avanzadas.
  • Buckley Bedlington, Muffin Lionheart See also: pt-br:Caçador
  • Hunter is a fast, powerful cheetah from the "Spyro series" who helps Spyro on many adventures. He appears as a minor character in Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage. He is often equipped with a bow and arrow and is known to be a champion of the Speedway levels. Being as Hunter is not a character originating from the Crash Bandicoot series, he is only present in the Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot crossover game and serves a very minor role.
  • You have spent time hunting recreationally or professionally.
  • Places a trap and ends the turn. If an enemy moves within the area the Ecaflip jumps to him dealing damage.
  • Aleck's Hunter Emporium jest Yanille i inny znajduje się w Nardah. Inne potrzebne rzeczy:
  • Hunter foi um personagem não visto e brevemente mencionado em "Exodus: Parte 2". Quando Hurley pede a Jenna (atendente do portão de embarque) para o deixar entrar no avião, ela pega o fone e fala "Hunter, aqui é Jenna, nós pegamos mais um...ta". Permitindo assim que Hurley entrasse no avião.
  • left Medziokles (Hunter) įgūdis yra ne kovinis įgūdis, kuris leidžia žaidėjams sekti arba su spąstais gaudyti gyvūnus ir visokias būtybes visame RuneScape. Naudodamiesi medžioklės įranga, kuri yra perkama iš medžiotojų parduotuvių, žaidėjai gali medžioti visokias būtybes ir gauti atlyginimą kaip kaulai (bones), drugeliai (butterflies), gyvūnų dalys, arba net velniukus (imps), kurie gali pildyti jūsų norus. Viena medžiotojų parduotuvė yra mieste Yanille, į rytus nuo pilies karų (Castle wars). Medžiojimas buvo paleistas "HUNTER SKILL!" atnaujinime lapkričio 21 d. 2006m. Tai tik narių (members, p2p) įgūdis. Dabartinis minimalaus reikalavimas būti reitinguotam (esant rango 678.000) yra lygis 30.
  • Hunter is the main character in The Monster Hunter.
  • The hunters can survive in the toughest conditions. They are efficient with their long distance attacks but are extremely weak when it comes to melee attacks.
  • Hunters are master trackers and are no strangers to battle.
  • The first Hunters rose up in response to the Biomonster Outbreak on Mota. They worked to hunt down and destroy the hoards of monsters that plagued the planet. Some were motivated by money, others (as in the case of Rudo) by a personal vendetta. Some Hunters went bad as time went on. In order to negate this, a group called the Guardians was established to police and destroy any hunter that turned rogue.
  • Hunters are long-range combatants who utilize falcons and wolves to take down their adversaries. Despite having a wolf in the original Hunter concept art, wolf pets were never implemented for the Hunter. They were finally implemented for the 3rd Class Ranger that the Hunter can progress to.
  • Hunter (simply known as Proto-Elmer Fudd) is a character from the Merrie Melodies series. Hunter first appeared in the short Hare-um Scare-um. Some articles have the hunter known as Egghead, but they don't resemble each other. Hunter, reading a newspaper, comes across an article stating that meat prices have soared. Angry, he declares that he'll hunt his own meat to get back at the government for the price inflation. He takes his dog with him, revealing he is going hunting for rabbits.
  • The Hunter is one of the antagonists of the Left 4 Dead franchise. He is one of the Special Infected. Hunters love medkits but hates pills, much to Louis's dismay and anger. Hunters are capable of pouncing on their victims, using it to catch their victims. He plays video games and plays guitar.
  • Hunter was the codename for the most top-secret of Drasnian spies. There was no reason Hunter even had to be a Drasnian. Prince Kheldar even implied that the Intelligence service didn't necessarily trust Hunter. During the events of The Malloreon, Hunter was originally the Tolnedran courtesan Bethra, and later the Margravine Liselle.
  • left Hunter, eli metsästys on P2p-taito RuneScapessa, jossa metsästetään erilaisia eläimiä. Eläinten nahkoista ja hampaista voi tehdä raaka-aineita uusille tavaroille. Hunter-tarvikkeita voi ostaa Yanillesta ja Nardahista. Ensimmäisenä tason 99 saavutti Darkforest46. Hunteria voi kouluttaa monissa tietyissä paikoissa.
  • For a new player switching up from their starting horse, the Hunter is slightly slower than the Saddle Horse, though not noticeably so once your riding skill is higher. When running down enemies, usually only Desert Bandits will be able to outrun this horse over long distances. This horse is found in every town in the game.
  • Hunter is one of the many role-playing subclasses in Elder Tale.
  • I heart Jason earles Hunter earls is a new model android. He is programmed to protect Aaron Stone. Although something goes wrong with his program and he wants to kill him.and hunter has a littlie sister her name is Jillian may earls
  • Hunter The hunter is another of Jaaku's men. instead of knocking over, deflowering, and eventually killing the pikmin like miners, Hunters use their spear to kill pikmin. the Hunter will actively seek out and kill enemies. he then begins to gather their meat and pelt and so forth. after about a minute or so the corpse will disappear and the hunter will move on.
  • Hunter was a NPC (Non-Playable Character) on Bakugan Dimensions. He was located on the Athletic Field. He was a Subterra brawler.
  • Hunter ist ein stämmiger, großer, braun-grauer Deutsche-Doggen-Mix mit starkem Kiefer.
  • Łowca jest klasą specjalizującą się w walce na dystans. Charakteryzuje się potężnym DPS zadawanym na odległość oraz towarzyszem w postaci peta. Innymi zadaniem łowcy jest tropienie, zwabianie, pościg oraz zastawienie pułapek. Świetnie nadaje się również do samodzielnej gry - pet staje się wtedy tankiem dzięki umiejętnościom skupiającym na nim uwagę nieprzyjaciół.
  • Hunter is an original story by the Nemesis T-Type. The story deals with an orphaned outsider named Aaron Bane; an aspiring hunter in the Walkip Peleko Tribe who was exiled into the wilderness, and finds himself on the other side of the Walkip-Pintaro War, fighting against his own people.
  • Hunter is a gray ghost found only in Pac-Man World 2 specifically in the Canyon Chaos level. He can one-hit kill you like all other ghosts but his blunderbuss will take away one triangle of your health like all other enemies. He is seen only 1 time in the game.
  • Hunter is an event in Real Racing 3 where the player must chase down the "hunted" car and cross complete the lap at the furthest distance away from the vehicle. The player must wait a certain amount of time after giving the hunted car a head start. The "hunted" car is a red modified NISSAN SILVIA (S15) for all Hunter events. It drives slower than the regular Silvia and features more mass making side swiping the vehicle harder.
  • Hunter first arrived on Angel Island some time in 3236, where he located Knuckles and his childhood enemy Monk. Hunter captured Monk and had him brought back to his vessel while having Knuckles accompany him. Once inside, Hunter explained that he wanted to have a sporting hunt, and that he'd chosen Knuckles and Monk specifically for it. Forcing the two Mobians to wear electric shock collars, Hunter had them attempt to escape while he chased after them. After locating them and killing Monk by making him fall off a high platform in Hydro City, Hunter was knocked out when Knuckles, overcome with rage, struck him with a blast from the Chaos Force. Afterwards, Hunter was imprisoned by the Brotherhood of Guardians in Haven for his crimes.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Hunter File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Hunter File:Hunter.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Uncommon Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 2 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 2 Uncommon File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png +3% to Sabotage when attacking or defending Adept at taking out game and setting traps
  • The Hunter is a vehicle appearing in Star Fox Zero. It acts as the Star Wolf counterpart of the Walker.
  • Hunter - najsłabsza postać strzelająca w całej grze. W Stage Mode można go spotkać praktycznie zawsze. Zwykle występuje tam razem z Banditami lub innymi Hunterami tworząc drużynę. Nie posiada żadnych umiejętności oprócz strzelania strzał, które zabierają mu manę. en:Hunter Kategoria:Postacie z Little Fighter 2 Kategoria:Postacie dodatkowe
  • Nome: Thomas Douby Tribo: f Auspício: q Nascimento: o Posto: Fostern Totem Pessoal: Camaleão Obs.: Personagem do Ronaldo
  • Hunter was freed by the Eggman-supported Dingoes during the take-over of Angel Island. Seeing potential in the villain, Eggman enhanced his fighting abilities and armed him with a 'Chaos Spear' that allowed him to teleport his targets into captivity in New Megaopolis (and included a Control Collar to ensure that Hunter does Eggman's bidding, though his apparent hatred for Echidnas caused him to have some resistance). Once more however, Hunter was bested by Knuckles, who transformed into Super Knuckles and cast the Overlander into the sea, where he drowned. This fate was oddly fitting, given that it echoed the fate of Monk. Before his death, Hunter captured numerous citizens of Angel Island, including Constable Remington, the Fire Ant Council, Xenin and others. (StH: #140, #141)
  • The Hunter is an Eldari Spineripper piloted by Ameth Trist, an Eldar Hunter with the Furious Angel and Ryn.
  • Hunter was an award in 8-bit Mini Mayhem, it was given to the player who shot the most enemies.
  • In LOTRO Hunter is a playable profession.In Rolemaster Hunter is a playable profession as is the Witch-Hunter,Bounty-Hunter, Mage Hunter and Elemental Hunter.In TOR the Treasure Hunter is a playable calling.
  • The Hunter is a level 1 non-combat seaplane equipped with a powerful sonar that is capable of scanning for underwater units even while in flight and has more range than a Sonar Station; it provides very good sonar coverage and is actually tougher than its radar variant, but still makes for an inviting target due to its relatively big size and slow speed. Its ARM counterpart is the Seahawk.
  • A hunter is a being, usually a human, who hunts down the supernatural and saves people from monsters, demons, ghosts and other creatures.
  • When his daughter was gone, his daughter saw the Fox River Eight (C-Note, Abruzzi, Sucre, Lincoln and Michael). However Abruzzi pointed a gun at Gracie's head. John Abruzzi did want to shoot, but he stopped with pointing a gun at them. Later he met Brad Bellick and said that he was scared. He revealed that his car was stolen to Bellick.
  • thumb|304px Hunter (pol. Łowca, wojownik lub inne definicje tego typu. ) Elitarny Predator, występujący w grze Aliens vs Predator 3 (2010) tylko na początku kampani Predatora. Razem z Wolfem i Spartanem obserwował walkę Darka z Ksenomorfami na niewielkiej arenie który chciał zasłużyć sobie na tytuł elitarnego łowcy.
  • Le Hunter est un ennemi puissant et apparaissant fréquemment sur les routes gummis de Kingdom Hearts II, que vous rencontrez pour la première fois au Circuit sidéral. Si vous ne vous en débarrassez pas rapidement, il partira de lui-même, se disant que vous n'êtes pas à sa hauteur. Notez que tout les ennemis gummi puissants agissent de la même manière. Le Final Hunter est une version améliorée du Hunter commun, et est aussi l'ultime défi pour le Vaisseau Gummi. de:Hunter Catégorie:Ennemis Gummi Catégorie:Sans-cœur Gummi
  • hunter is a common enemy that you encounter on all stages.he always attack the player in group.just like bandit,he is one of the enemy that you encounter on all can play as him if you type ""
  • leftHunter is een members skill die bestaat sinds 21 November 2006. Hunter is Engels voor jager, en dat is ook wat je bij deze skill doet: je jaagt op dieren. Omdat het een skill is waarmee je spullen verzamelt en waarvoor je vrijwel niets hoeft te kopen is het een skill waarmee je geld kunt verdienen.
  • Hunter (born 1995) is the secondary tritagonist of Father of the Pride. He is Larry and Kate's 10-year-old son, Sierra's younger brother, and Sarmoti's grandson. Hunter loves Lord of the Rings and he has a rash (which is why he scratches his arm), so he has to wear a cone all the time. As well, Hunter has anxiety issues.
  • Anybody who hunts animals for food. * According to the Heortlings, it is one of the Eighteen Occupations Source: King of Sartar
  • Hunter Raymond is a fictional character on the television series The Office. He is played by Nicholas D'Agosto.
  • The Hunter is a military attack helicopter featured in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.
  • Hunter is a Fossil Fighter who battles with Vivosaurs.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Hunter is a celebrity that appears in Custom Robo Arena. He comes to the Hero's school to try and convince Liv to become his dual diving partner and constantly supply him with power via her special ability. She refuses but he keeps trying to convince her throughout the story. He is a powerful commander and battles the hero with the robo Wolfen various times.
  • Hunter (ハンター Hantaa) is a combat physical class introduced in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, and appears in several later instalments and both TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga and TearRing Saga: Berwick Saga. Wielding Bows as their sole weapon of choice, Hunters are skilled in forest and mountain combat and possess higher Strength, and Speed than Archers.
  • Hunter was the seven-year-old son of a police officer who died drowning in a swimming pool. He was briefly recreated by Rick's ship after Summer insisted she not be protected by violent means. The Hunter recreation asked his father to leave the car alone before disintegrating into purple slime, causing lasting psychological trauma.
  • El Hunter es un helicóptero militar de la saga GTA. Aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (sólo con un cheat device, únicamente en PSP), y en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. En GTA IV y sus expansiones hay una posibilidad de que se haya remplazado por el Annihilator y/o Buzzard (GTA: TBOGT)
  • The hunter is a stalker in the wilds, living on his knowledge of survival and skill with a bow or rifle. He is deeply in tune with nature, and some of its mightiest beasts are his allies. Of Azeroth's many creatures, few can resist the hunter's call, and fewer can survive his fury. Hunters are as varied as the world's many climates, but they are universally renowned for their amazing abilities to find their prey and bring it down. They come from any race (players are restricted to seven races, see below), though certain races naturally excel at the hunter's profession. Most hunters seek to aid the balance of nature along with their druidic allies. Elven rangers are not alone in their mastery of the wilderness. While an elven ranger prefers the bow, the hunter would rather get up close. A h
  • The Hunter is an optical attachment featured in Battlefield 4, exclusive to the sniper rifles in the game. The scope features a very high magnification of 20x. Unlike all other sniper rifle scopes, the Hunter is only unlockable through Battlepacks. The scope serves as a medium between the default scopes and the Ballistic (40X), and functions well on large maps like Golmud Railway and Silk Road. Its advisable to use Sniper rifles geared more toward long range combat with the scope, like the M98B and SRR-61.
  • Hunter – polski (szczycieński) zespół grający muzykę, soul metal i nie tylko. Tematyka piosenek grupy jest bardzo zróżnicowana (smutek, załamka, depresja, rozpacz, histeria). Wokalista zespołu był do niedawna porządnym człowiekiem, jednak jakiś czas temu został członkiem rady miasta. Nazwa zespołu jest pewną niejasnością. Krążą legendy, iż Paweł Grzegorczyk jest zapalonym kulturystą, a nazwa zespołu miała brzmieć „Hantel”, jednak ze względu na ułomność polskiego społeczeństwa, każdy przekręcał nazwę na „Hanter”. Zespół kocha jeździć w trasy, szczególnie do Japonii oraz Tajlandii – gdzie mają najwięcej fanów. Fascynacja zespołu Japonią, wiąże się także z ulubionym rytuałem członków bandu, a mianowicie bukakke, który to jest obowiązkowym elementem każdego koncertu, szczególnie koncertów z se
  • De hunter is een DPS class die meestal vanaf een afstand (range) aanvalt. Hunters hebben pets die ook een hoop toevoegen aan je DPS en hun helpen aggro te regelen. Hunters zoeken, temmen en trainen beesten die in het wild leven. Hunters vinden dat hun wapens en dieren hun enige echte vrienden zijn.
  • Faction: Decepticon Species: Transformer Function: TRACKER - ASSASSIN Rank: 3 - Intelligence HUNTER is a mysterious and quiet Decepticon. He keeps mostly to himself and the shadows. He is wise and determined, a loyal and hardworking addition to the Decepticon Empire. Aged to the civil wars of Cybertron, HUNTER has many, many years of life experience and knowledge. He holds the hunt to the highest regard and applies all he has to each one. Equipped with homing missiles and a quantum fusion cannon in his space-modified SR-71 alt mode, as well as a pulse sniper rifle and hunting knives of the strongest metals in his robot mode. He can fly in excess of 60000 mph, when not engaging his FTL engines which tax his systems heavily, but moving at those maximum speeds causes him to lose much maneuver
  • Hunters are a unique class. Depending on their disciplines they can be either great foes in fair pvp, or silent backstabbers that strike enemies in their moments of weakness. Archers who choose this subclass give up the accuracy and damage boosts of the Marksman, but gain the use of more interesting spells and abilities. Hunters are, without their pet, weak compared to the other five subclasses, with no real power improvements. With that in mind, they need to use and sometimes abuse their stealthing techniques to kill their enemies.
  • Hunters are physical ranged damage dealers. With their low "damage per hit" and high attack rate, they are easy to combo with. Skills such as Arrow Shower allow them to maximize combo counts while allowing them to have move time to move to another cluster of mobs in order to maximize combos. One could say that their primary role in groups is to keep enemies immobilized, poisoned, in the air. With such abilities like that, they have great synergy with all other classes. In PvP, hunters become more rounded than archers because of the number of AoE and crowd control they possess.
  • Hunters were incubated and hatched from infected water towers and hives. Hunters are large, brutal, heavily mutated humanoid beasts with reddish, hairless skin, bulging muscles, sunken eyes and a lip less mouth. They bear a fitting resemblance to a shaved gorilla.
  • Hunter on siitä hyvä hahmoluokka että se käyttää ampuma-aseita tehdäkseen varteenotettavaa vahinkoa, ja toisen erikoisuutensa lemmikin se jakaa vain yhden hahmoluokan kanssa, Warlockin. Tosin myös Death knightit saavat pysyvän lemmikin unholy spekissä, muttei se ole yhtä varteenotettava. Metsästäjällä on myös kyky nähdä tietyn tyyppisten vihollisten (ja ystävien) sijainnit minimap:ssa, ja metsästäjä voi asettaa ansoja joilla aiheuttaa vahinkoa tai hidastaa vihollista.
  • Hunter "Description The Hunter has long range attacks that stun and weaken apponents. Special Skills Excellent group and solo attacks. Play Style Excels in putting out damage, but weak on defense." ( Different types are on the right side of the page. OFFENSIVE ABILITIES: Kidney Punch Level 1 1.0 second cast 2.0 second cooldown 10 to 80 damage +1avoid Rain Down Arrows (Rank1) Level 7 3.0 second cast 10.0 second cooldown 30 to 60 damage to all enemies Sniper Shot Level 20 2.0 second cast 14.0 second cooldown 100 to 350 damage DEFENSIVE ABILITIES:
  • Jack-B099 looked through his sniper scope.He saw his targets,the prophets of Life and Glory.He fired and killed them both.An elite snuck up behind him and sliced at him.Jack dodged and fired a clip of sniper ammo at him,killing him.The covenant below him heard the gunfire and threw plasma grenades.Jack switched to SMGs and jumped off the ledge he was on,firing at the covenant below him.When he landed,Jason ran to the hangar and stole a seraph.He called Terabyte,who teleported to him. Jack said "I don't have a team" and Amy said "Well,a team would make it easier for you to do jobs."
  • The Hunter is able to lay waste to whole areas with his Elementalism spells and Shotgun attacks. He is a master doing area damage, and at the same time Hinder and root his enemies in the devastated zone. The Hunter fights best when keeping his opponents at a distance, which frees him up to concentrate on doing damage to whole groups of monsters at once.
  • Hunting is one of the oldest professions in the history of the Old World. Each can follow and almost sense animal trails with uncanny precision and is expert at the kill. The habits and habitats of wild animals are a part of their lives; they share an uncommon affinity with the creatures of the wild and their ways. The Hunter may appear sullen and uncommunicative to his fellow men, but this is the result of his solitary, stealthy lifestyle. Hunters stand out from the common press of Old Worlders and are often seen wearing the skins of the animals they have killed; in colder climates this has practical as well as symbolic value.
  • Cousin de Lilianna, Il fut abandonné très tôt par Meiling dans un orphelinat de Done, Ayant hérité des aptitudes sportive de sa mère et d’une sacrée endurance, il fut mit sous la tutelle d’une guilde de chasseurs de vampire et dût s’entraîner durement pour devenir le trente et unième dépositaire du surnom de Van hellsing. Il retrouva ses derniers lors d'une mission conjointe avec les Sans Destin et tua lors d'un combat Arkrae avant de tenté de sauver Léatarcie, mais cette dernière mourut en lui laissant comme dernier souvenir d'elle Yuria, leurs fille à tous les deux.
  • The Hunter is a ranged combatant, with powerful damaging abilities at range, that are very limited in close combat. The hunter also has wilderness skills such as traps and tracking. Special traps can be purchased or made by crafters. Due to their ability to use traps Hunters are excellent at soloing against a single target, even if higher level than them. However because their main damage dealing abilities are highly interruptible, Hunters have difficulty dealing with large groups of opponents even of slightly lower levels. Hunters inventory is not cluttered with arrows, due to the usual inventory hassle. Hunters may choose to carry particular consumables for special shots (flame arrows, for example). The Hunter can gather focus from a number of skills that range from toggle skills (refill
  • The Hunter Job class is the original progression in the path of the Archer Job class before the Alternative Second Job classes were released. Most of the skills of the Hunter Job class are centered on the deployment of traps, giving the Hunter an edge in versatility as it is able to adapt to a number of situations. Another major part of the Hunter class is the use of a Falcon which can increase the damage of the Hunter making it one of the most powerful 2nd job classes there is in the game.
  • He was stranded on the island, and he knew he would never get off of it. He had heard the stories, knew about the deaths, the killings. He knew he would die on this island. Never see his family again. He was Dr. Arnold Crichton, paleontologist. he had been the leading expert in carnivorous dinosaurs for the last 20 years. He was widely considered to be the single greatest paleontologist of the past hundred years, almost all of paleontology's existence. And it would all end today. He knew it would. End in blood, and he would see it coming, possibly even see it happen. He heard a snarl. A hiss.
  • Attis is The Lord of the Hunt, deity for all hunters. The Isle of the Beast was once a hunters grounds known as the Isle of the Forest. Alexander found a Hunter's Lamp left behind by one of the island's former hunters. Duck decoy as may be used by hunters, but Ersatz is against hunting. There is a valley where the Roc's live. Hunters toss meat into a steep valley to collect diamonds at the bottom. Sinbad once had to escape the valley. Connor lived outside Daventry town, where it’s less populated and nearer trade with hunters, as he is a tanner.
  • Los cazadores tienen mascotas que se añaden a su DPS y ayudan a controlar el aggro. thumb|logo de claseTambién pueden realizar un seguimiento de bestias, humanoides, no-muertos... La mascota mejor entrenada, en innumerables ocasiones, ha salvado la vida de un cazador. Se ha dicho por muchos, a largo de la historia, que los cazadores consideran sus armas y sus mascotas como sus únicos amigos verdaderos.
  • Hunters are able to build camps and continue the Scout tradition of 2 movement. They can also train Hawks and use them to scout out areas without having to waste time or risk their lives investigating it themselves.
  • Használható páncélzat: 1-40:Leather 40-80:Mail Használható fegyverek: 1-2 kezes bárdok (One-Two handed axe) 1-2 kezes kardok (One-Two handed sword) Botok (Staff) Dárdák, lándzsák (Polearm, Spear) Tőrök (Dagger) Íjjak (Bow) Számszeríjjak (Crossbow) Puskák (gun) Fajok amik választhatják: Alliance: Dwarf - Törp Night Elf - Éjelf Draenei - Draenei Horde: Orc - Ork Troll - Troll Tauren - Tauren Blood elf - Vérelf Híresebb vadászok: Horda:
  • The Hunter is one of three Classes only available to the Nordein. Image:Class Icon Hunter.jpg Hunters automatically gains + 1 to LUC each Level. Description Hunters use ranged attacks to wound and slow the enemy as well as lower its attack power or stop it in its tracks. Hunters keep their distance in battle and should stay off of the front lines. Their Special skills allow them to literally rain death down upon their targets. Hunters also have high luck, enabling them to make critical hits more often than most other classes.
  • Hunter is a bi-pedal cheetah skilled in archery and malee combat. he lives in a heavily palisaded village in a section of the lower valley known as the valley of Avalar. following several attacks on the village by Grublins, the upper part of the village is fortified with ramparts,using warfang's fortifacations as a model for it's own. he trusts Cynder and Spiril, though their ruler, cheif prawess, denounces her due to her corruption by malefor during the dragon civil war. he does, however, approve of the high council's induced corruption, due to the fact that they can effectively control her. following the Siege of the great dragon temple by the illuminati, they also approve of cynder's consitutional monarchy, citing that monarchies are harder to collapse then the council-based government
  • File:Quake3.png Hunter is the Arena Lord of the Tier 2 and a playable character at single player of Quake 3 Arena. She gives player a challenge at The Proving Grounds (q3tourney2). She loves the Lightning Gun and even references to it in her chat lines. She hates all Sorg for the destruction of her homeworld. Sorlag will reference to her as well.
  • In the Hunters' culture, it was a socially acceptable way of life to chase and kill another sentient species known as the Tosk. In the past, the Hunters had developed genetic engineering to make the Tosk worthy prey – a prey they came to respect and even admire.
  • This armor and weapon set is available only in the Dragon Knight Saga game. It contains the following pieces: * Hunter Gauntlets * Hunter Helmet * Hunter Leggings * Hunter Cuirass * Hunter Belt * Hunter Necklace * Hunter Earrings * Hunter Bracelets * Hunter Ring * Hunter Bow
  • Nie wiem jak to zacząć... To co mnie spotkało... Nigdy tego nie zapomnę. Ciągle będę widział tą zamaskowaną postać, z tak czarnymi oczami jak otchłań do której może wkrótce trafisz. Lecz zacznijmy do podstaw. Moje imię brzmi Piotrek. Mieszkam w Koszalinie. Mam 18 lat i niedawno skończyłem liceum. Maturę zdałem na 80%, dobry wynik nie? Z okazji pomyślnego zdania matur wraz z Bartkiem, Grześkiem, Pawłem, Martyną i Julką postanowiliśmy wyjechać do lasu na kemping na 2-3 dni. Oczywiście moi rodzice się zgodzili, zawszę się zgadzali na takie wyjazdy. Na miejsce dostaliśmy się dzięki uprzejmości mamy Bartka, która nas podwiozła. Po rozłożeniu namiotu i wypakowaniu części rzeczy poczułem się dziwnie. Jak by ktoś mnie obserwował. Pierwsza myśl jaka przeszła mi przez głowę mówiła, że dramatyzuję. K
  • Hunter er en non-combat skill (du kan fremdeles ta skade under trening) å være member gir det mulighet til å fange dyr over hele Runescape. Hunter ble utgitt den 21 november 2006. Bruke jakt utstyr kjøpt fra jeger butikker, spillere jakter spesielle skapninger, få belønning for eksempel bein, sommerfugler, dyr, pels og andre elementer. Bare to hunter butikker eksisterer, de er lokalisert i Yanille og Nardah. Det gjeldende minimumskrav som skal rangeres (til ca rangering 876.477) på hiscores for hunter er lvl 30.
  • The Hunter is the Item oriented class for using Lotions. Since Lotions does not have any buffing Arts, fully utilizing the benefits of this class requires Potions or high level Mystic skills. How to Obtain: Like most Item related classes this one is very easy to obtain, the only thing to watch out for is to not have Herbs as a significant Item skill as that will lead to Scout before the Rank 5 stat requirements are met. X360: Units can only either start in the class, or change from another Item + Combat class (Scout). X360 Upgrade Options: Upgrade options are very limited:
  • Hunter (eller Huntard) er hardføre folk som spesialiserer seg på å jakte, spore, legge feller og å temme ville dyr. En hunter angriper først og fremst fra avstand, og går bare i nærkamp om det skulle være høyst nødvendig. En hunter har også som regel en følgesvenn i form av et dyr.
  • The Hunter class performs pulling, threat redirection, crowd control, and primarily ranged damage. Hunters have pets that add to their DPS and help manage aggro. They can also track, tame and train animals and beasts found in the wild. Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends.
  • Reclined against the great furry back of her cat, Akindi held her tankard in one hand and passed the peace pipe on with the other. The air near the fire was hot, and she was not the only one who had taken off her heavy tabard. She watched Zimjak's animated face in the firelight as he sat in only his leather breeches, half telling and half acting out a raucous story to his captivated audience. "An' she kept following me, sniffin like! So finally, ah had no choice left: eet had ta be da goblins." "Kindi? Kindi where do you be hidin'?" "Ahm up here, Grandfaddah!" "H'okay. What news? Tell me!" "…" "…"
  • A hunter is one who hunts. Hunting is the practice of pursuing any living thing, usually wildlife, for food, recreation, or trade. The species which are hunted are referred to as game or prey, and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory gamebirds. Whatever their role, hunters on the battlefield are deadly foes. Their enemies become their prey.
  • Hunter ist eine Kurzgeschichte der 2. Idekria-Story des Benutzers Bioniclemaster724. In dieser Geschichte wird von zwei alternativen Toa - Kiani und Norik - berichtet, die sich auf die Suche nach dem Verräter aus "The Universe of Shadows" machen. "Hey, wenigstens haben wir es versucht und wenn alle Stricke reißen suchen wir eben die Kanohi Olmak von Brutaka." sagte Gaaki. "Die Maske existiert nicht mehr." erwiederte der alternative Norik. "Sie wurde von mir persönlich zerstört. Ich habe alle Fragmente im Universum verteilt, damit sie nicht repariert werden kann." * * * * * * * * * * * * ENDE
  • Hunter (ang. Łowca) - polski zespół heavymetalowy. Muzycy grupy określają swój styl jako soul metal. Zespół powstał w 1985 roku w Szczytnie z inicjatywy Pawła Grzegorczyka i Grzegorza Sławińskiego. W latach 2004-2009 zespół był gospodarzem festiwalu muzyki metalowej Hunter Fest. Uczestnicy 17. Worldvision Song Contest TOP 3 Finaliści
  • Hunter is a messenger sent from the Twins' home planet. Though at first she is portrayed as someone wishing to kill the Twins as they are the last of their species, it is revealed that she is actually the family pet of the Twins' father, Ozzal, whom has sent her to collect them to bring them back home because they have overrun the year their father allowed them to holiday on Earth. The story about the Twins being the last of their race was a lie, fabricated as a 'sob story' to convince the inmates to help them escape Hunter.
  • right|320px|thumb|Un Hunter Un Hunter è una delle tante creature del mondo di Resident Evil. Gli Hunters sono bipedi a forma di rettile con una larga testa. Sono dei B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapons) cioè delle arme biologiche disegnate dalla Umbrella Corporation combinando un ovulo umano con DNA di rettile e implementando il T-Virus in essi. Il loro codice di produzione è MA-121, e il loro nome significa cacciatore. Gli Hunters sono apparsi in tutti i giochi della serie tranne Resident Evil 2 e Resident Evil 4, nei quali sono stati rimpiazzati rispettivamente dai Licker e dai Novistador.
  • The Hunter was a large German man who worked as a Nazi operative during World War II, and was called in specifically to track down heroes, such as The Hangman. He was described as an experienced sleuth and appeared to be a skilled big game hunter. He was indeed fairly clever. He was also strong enough to throw men around with ease, and was more than a match in physical combat with The Hangman. He would have killed the Hangman several times, if not for outside intervention.
  • Hunters are the independent, self-reliant sort of characters which have an easy time developing proficiency in navigation, survival and tracking type skills. Depending on stats a hunter can choose to go abs, dodge or combo and span the range of offensive playstyles from stab to bash to charge as well. Hunters with particularly well-balanced stats have been known to train and play one way only to later reset their pracs and train and play a completely opposite style. This is possible mainly because hunters have the only balanced practice equations in the game. Hunter skills cost hunters 1 prac per training session while warrior and rogue skills both cost 2 pracs per session.
  • Hunters pull and use threat redirection, crowd control, and primarily ranged damage. Some hunters have pets that add to their DPS which also allow special spells such as Rebirth and Heroism, and help manage aggro. They can also track, tame, and train animals and beasts found in the wild. The well-trained pet, on countless occasions, has saved a hunter's life. They are the only class that can name, feed, and 'train' their pets to have one of three specializations: Ferocity for burst DPS, Cunning for utility, and Tenacity for tanking. This specialization can be switched at any time when not in combat or dead.
  • Completion of Lv30. Hunter from the Darkest Wild
  • yes
  • 45
  • None
  • 5
  • 10
  • 26
  • 150
  • 660
  • Battlepacks
  • 7622
  • 15519
  • Blue
  • 60
  • 255
  • +4
Main Character
  • Hunter, the White Wolf; Hunter.PNG
  • Evil
  • Good
  • 12.6
  • Keep his family safe
  • 0
  • The beloved guardian of Bewaker City.
  • 死亡
  • 不明
  • 不明
  • 不明
  • *Weißbrot
  • Masculin
  • ----
  • 7
  • 20
  • 22
GTASA Rear imagename
  • Hunter-GTASA-RearQuarter.jpg
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories y Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Monde d'Origine
  • Done
Next Level
Pop Requirement
  • 45
  • Unknown
  • *Safari outfit *Eggman Empire uniform *Bone necklace
  • *Safari outfit *Eggman Empire uniform *Bone necklace
GTASA Front imagename
  • Hunter-GTASA-front.jpg
  • --
  • Ракеты
  • Пулемёт
  • Mężczyzna
  • Combo effect: When used after having used Hunt, Ability Power of physical and magic damage increased to 90. Chance to miss.
  • Combo effect: When used after Hunt, Ability Power increased to 150. Added effect: Chance to poison target increased to 40%.
  • Combo effect: When used after having used Hunt, Ability Power increased to 150. Added effect of reduction in target's MATK increased to 20%.
  • Humano
  • Locust
Row 4 info
  • Harry Lucey
  • Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
  • normal
  • Braun
  • Hunter
  • tak
  • Steward
Hexidecimal Code
  • 161
  • Hantā
  • Hunter
Battle Start
  • I won't lose, even to a human!
  • Bolt-action
  • Zero Kiryu @Vampire Knight
  • 140.0
  • None.
handling top speed
  • 124
  • Racists
  • Single-shot
  • +2
  • * +1.0 Attack * +1.3 Evasion * +0.3 Magic Evasion
  • Fire, Energy, Poison
  • 118
  • 98
  • ハンター
  • 1550
  • 1627
  • 1705
  • Pre-6.0
  • Männlich
  • männlich
  • 不明性別人類
  • Single-fire
  • Negro
  • Protagonist
  • Hunters run when in low health. Can't be pushed and moves objects.
  • Hunters run when in low health. Can't be pushed and moves objects.
  • Hunters run when in low health. Can't be pushed and moves objects.
regalo horror
  • -
  • 100
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • 59
  • [[]]
skill lv
  • Recovers 50% of its own troops / near defeat 25% chance
  • Recovers 70% of its own troops / near defeat 35% chance
GTAVC Rear imagename
  • Hunter-GTAVC-RearQuarter.jpg
  • Yes
  • *República Galáctica **Gran Ejército de la República ***Fuerza Clon 99
  • Humans
  • Humans
  • Humans
  • Humans
  • Unknown
  • Hunter
Tech Level
  • 1
Row 1 info
  • Unknown
shield gen
  • 50.0
  • Rebellion
  • Horseman Hide Hunter
  • *Butler Uniform
  • *Descargadores de Humo: Una vez por partida, en vez de disparar el vehículo puede usar los descargadores de humo: Hasta la siguiente fase de Disparo, debes restar 1 en las tiradas para impactar para las armas a distancia que hagan objetivo a un tanque con humo. *Explosión: Cuando retires el vehículo del juego, tira 1d6: Con un 6, el vehículo explota y a 6" de él toda miniatura reciba 1d3 heridas mortales.
  • Oceanic Airline Employee
  • Médaille x 152,
  • Médaille x 76,
  • Orbe HP x 76
regalo normal
  • -
  • Human
  • no
  • no
  • 145
regalo fatal
  • -
ширина изображения
  • 300
  • 10
  • +10
  • 100.0
  • 530
  • *Guerra Locust
  • Hunter
  • На военной базе
Starting Darts
  • 1
  • Hunter.PNG
  • Inconnu
  • Getting bullied
Previous Level
Row 4 title
  • Origin
  • Created by
  • Hunter.gif
  • * +1.0 Defense
  • 100.0
  • by Aug 1st 2012 at 7:00PM
  • by Jul 31st 2012 at 2:00PM
# of Bloons
  • 45
  • 100.0
ammo type
  • Micro Darts
  • *Un Hunter puede añadir un misil cazador-asesino. *Un Hunter puede añadir un bólter de asalto.
  • Helicóptero Militar
  • Gene experimentation
  • Primary t-viral infection
  • 90
  • Laser Cannons
comment image
  • Un Hunter dans GTA Online
front image
  • Hunter-GTAVCS-front.jpg
nombre juego
  • ''Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley
Podpis pod obrazkiem
  • Hunter
regalo perfecto
  • -
  • Archer
  • Hunters run when in low health. They can't be pushed and move objects.
  • Muy Buena
  • None.
  • 6
  • +6
  • ??
  • Hunter
  • Bólter de asalto 24" / Fuego Rápido 2 / F 4, AP 0, Daño 1
  • Misil cazador-asesino 48" / Pesada 1 / F 8, AP -2, D6 Esta arma sólo puede dispararse una vez por batalla.
  • Lanzamisiles Arpón Celestial 60" / Pesada 1 / F 9, AP -3, Daño D6 Añade 1 a tus tiradas para impactar si estás disparando contra un objetivo Volador. Resta 1 a tus tiradas para impactar para el resto de objetivos.
handling engine
  • Petrol
  • NS
Build Time
  • 10512
  • Class 1
Related Quests
  • *Gio Shiori *Lady Moon *Johan Winx *Gabriella Moonlight *Lady Sun
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • Little Fighter 2, większość modyfikacji.
animal preferido
  • -
  • hunter
Row 2 info
  • Heart of the Swarm
  • 100.0
  • yes
Nom Usuel
  • Hunter
  • 80.0
  • 100.0
  • *Action
  • 105.0
  • 110.0
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Home world
  • Infinite
  • 1
  • Desconocida
  • scheint ein Flugbegleiter an Bord von Flug 815 zu sein
  • 330
  • +1
  • No
  • Parked
  • *Stark *Schnell *Klug
  • Stürzt sich auf Überlebende und Krallt
Row 5 info
  • Gregg Berger
  • +12%
  • 4
  • +4
  • ??
  • 57
  • Deutsche-Doggen-Mix
  • 120
  • AH-64 Apache
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • Other residences
  • unbekannt
  • *Hammerburst II *Escopeta Gnasher
comentario imagen
  • Un Hunter en pleno vuelo en GTA: VC
  • yes
  • 100.0
  • 43
  • 1950
  • 2047
  • 2252
  • +10%
  • No
  • No
  • 250
  • Braun
friendship max
  • Hey dear!
  • Let's go hunting together!
  • Easy
  • None
max accel
  • 18
  • 87
observed engine
  • Twin turboshaft engines, 4-bladed rotor
  • 0
Manga Debut
  • "Bearly Friends!"
  • *Huntress
  • Aegislash
  • Spiritomb
  • Bastiodon
  • Ferrothorn
  • 7
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • -1
  • * +1.6 MP * +0.5 Magic Attack * +0.3 Magic Defense
  • 1
  • Huntericon.png
  • Hunter
  • tak
  • *Lord Shadowblood
  • 240
изображение спереди
  • Hunter.png
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 25
  • 60
  • -
vehicle class
  • Helicopters
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • Item > Mystic
  • Significant Item: Lotions
Row 5 title
  • Voiced by
  • 45
  • Вертолёт
  • Buena
  • Hunters are outlaws that dwell in the large forests of Tibia. They do not only hunt animals but also attack travellers and adventurers. Although they are not strong, they are very deadly due to their quickness and their bows.
friendship event
  • Can I call you honey?
  • It's a necessity for a hunter. Give me strength!
Shade of
  • Green
battle end
  • I've failed my quest...!
Turn Rate
  • 67
  • Hunter .jpg
  • 50
Row 3 info
  • Ally, Assistant
  • MLJ
  • hunter
  • hunter
  • N
Row 3 title
  • Role
  • Original Publisher
Anime Debut
  • "My Friend, Mr. Bear!!"
GTALCS Front imagename
  • Hunter-GTALCS-front.jpg
  • 70
  • 67200
  • Shortbow
  • Tracker
  • Woven Belt
  • Hunter
regalo error
  • -
  • Hunter
handling mass
  • 10000
GTAVC Front imagename
  • Hunter-GTAVC-front.jpg
Patch Introduced
  • Igel
  • normal
  • 100
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • 14
  • 0
  • *Villa Moon
Live Image
  • Hunter Live.jpg
  • ??
  • I'm ready! Shall we take on a quest today?
trabajo juego
  • Granjero
  • Outlaws
  • Outlaws
  • Outlaws
  • Outlaws
  • 25
  • 22
  • * Leather Jacket * Sawn-off Double-barrel
  • 迷失 第1季第25集
  • 14
  • 19
  • 28
  • 29900
  • 94100
  • 200000
Robo of choice
  • Wolfen
job type
  • 2
Commander License
  • N/A
job level
  • 50
Game Series
  • Custom Robo
  • 150
  • 190
  • 211
Где достать
  • На военной базе
Hunt costume
  • 248
  • guard
  • 2
  • Item + Combat
  • Places the Hunter's Trap *Jumps on the enemy * Damage Glyph Ends the turn
  • 1
  • Ranged
  • Med
  • Icy Veins
  • Petopia
  • Hunter DPS Analyzer
  • Hunter Loot
Box Title
  • Hunter
  • The Hunter
  • 헌터
  • 헌터
  • Dragon
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • 1
  • 12
  • Jan's Assistant
  • Hunter
  • "Hunter"
  • Drone Hunter
  • Water
  • Passion
  • Archer
  • Strike craft
  • *Un Hunter está equipado con un lanzamisiles Arpón Celestial.
  • a
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • Kerrigan's Swarm
  • 2
  • 200
  • TBA
  • yes
  • 8
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • red
  • 2000
  • 3000
  • 4500
  • Hunter
  • Male Stripper
  • United States of America
  • 220
  • +4
  • 17
  • unbekannt
  • yes
  • 3
  • 2
  • --
  • *Hunting skills *Trapping intuition
  • Alpha , Jäger , Einzelhund
  • * +2.0 Attack
  • 7
  • Unknown
  • 8.520552E8
  • Desconhecida
  • 12
  • 105
  • Lord of the Rings, playing with his Lord of the Rings action figures, elves, going to school, spending time with his family
  • Hantā
  • MS
  • ATK1
  • ATK2
  • ATK3
  • ATK4
  • CRIT1
  • DEF1
  • DEF2
  • DEF3
  • EVA1
  • HP1
  • HST1
  • HST2
  • HST3
  • HST
  • ATK5
  • CRIT2
  • CRIT3
  • CRIT4
  • CRIT5
  • HunterL1
  • HunterL2
  • HunterL3
  • HunterL4
  • HunterL5
  • HunterL6
  • HunterL7
  • HunterR1
  • HunterR2
  • HunterR3
  • HunterR4
  • HunterR5
  • HunterR6
  • HunterR7
  • 18
  • 20
  • 35
  • 40
  • 52
  • 60
  • 70
  • 80
  • 100
  • File:FE3 Hunter Map Sprite.gifHunter*Use File:FE3 Orion's Bolt.pngOrion's Bolt on a Level 10+ Hunter.*File:FE3 Horseman Map Sprite.gifHorseman
  • File:FE11 Hunter Map Sprite.gifHunter*Use a File:FE11masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Hunter.*File:FE11 Horseman Map Sprite.gifHorseman
  • File:FEDS Hunter Map Sprite.gifHunter*Use a File:FE11masterseal.pngMaster Seal on a Level 10+ Hunter.*File:FEDS Horseman Map Sprite.gifHorseman
  • Trabajador de Oceanic Airlines
  • Bow
  • Shotgun
  • Bow
  • Automatic
  • Elementalism
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Inactive
  • Non-Player Killer
  • unbekannt
  • Żyje
  • Lebend
  • Desconhecido
  • 3
  • Slender lion with Elizabethan collar
First Appearance
  • Stealth, Marksmanship, Speed and Finesse.
  • Hunter .ogg
  • Hunter Level up 1.ogg
  • Hunter Level up 2.ogg
  • Hunter.ogg
  • -1
  • * +1.5 Attack * +1.6 Accuracy * +0.2 Magic Attack * +0.2 Magic Accuracy * +0.2 Critical Attack
  • Damage
  • Unknown
  • Starfighter
  • Quadrupedal Assault Vehicle
  • Bloons Insanity
  • RAGE
  • SC2
  • yes
  • Fantasy Life
  • •Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon
  • •Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology
  • •Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
  • •Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3
  • •Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2
  • •Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3
  • humanoid omnivore
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Optics
  • Color
  • Black
  • Orange
  • none
  • Grey/Black
  • 70
  • 7
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hat Up Lv.2
  • Balancing
  • Dress Up Lv.2
  • "Hunter"
  • Hunter
  • Charged Snipe
  • High Circle Snipe
  • Poison Assault
  • Spirit Guardian
  • Accuracy Boost
  • TAC-15
  • Hunter
  • Anti-Lancer Lv.2
  • Hunter Fraser
  • MDEF Boost Lv.2
  • "Saving people, hunting things. The family business."
  • Hélicoptères
  • Funny, panic-stricken, clumsy, caring, outgoing, kind, anxiety-ridden
Built by
  • 200
  • 150
  • Human
  • -7
  • right
  • no random generation
  • Hunter
  • A Hunter in Grand Theft Auto Online.
  • A Hunter in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
  • Hunter M0
  • Hunter concept art for RO.
  • Hunter, from Sonic the Hedgehog #140.
  • Official artwork of the Hunter class from the TCG.
  • The Hunter in her female form
  • 9720
  • 30.0
  • 45.0
  • Currently unknown.
  • The first music that can be played when levelled up.
  • The second music that can be played when levelled up.
  • Uses an extra % attack time to increase attack by %. Reduces magical accuracy and attack speed at the same time.
  • Concentrates the user's powers, giving double accuracy for the duration.
  • Fires arrows in quick succession, increasing damage to the enemy.
  • Shoots an arrow at the enemy from a distance when they are not looking. Causes great damage, but does not hit easily.
  • Shoots an arrow at the enemy from a great distance with high accuracy but low damage.
  • Draws a bow back fully for a stronger attack.
  • Converts magic power into arrows. Useful when you have no arrows left.
  • Analyzes the enemy's weak points, increasing the chance of a critical attack.
  • Allows bows and crossbows to be used regardless of job at % of their full strength.
  • The ability to equip bows and crossbows.
  • Concentrates and locks onto the enemy, increasing attack speed, but reducing movement speed and evasion.
  • Readies the user for combat, raising attack, defense, magical attack, magical defense, accuracy and evasion. Stackable.
  • Calms the enemy and reduces their bad feeling toward you.
  • Draws the bowstring back with great force for a more powerful shot.
  • Fires a volley of arrows to inflict damage on surrounding enemies. Consumes 5 arrows.
  • Uses force on the bowstring to create a shockwave that damages the enemy without using an arrow.
  • Attacks the enemy's throat, stopping them from using skills .
  • Fires a bloody rain of arrows to inflict damage on surronding enemies. Consumes 5 arrows.
  • Uses one arrow to hit the enemy multiple times.
  • When activated, the HP of the enemy can be seen, and invisibility can be detected as well.
  • Increase physical skill damage vs. enemy by *%. 1/2 effect for non-Hunter occupations.
Hair Color
  • Black, grey
  • TBA
  • 15
  • 3
  • 6
  • *Schlechte Flirtsprüche
  • Rozmawiał z Jenną
Deck Name
  • Hunter
Remake Debut
  • "Ori's Bear"
  • 2006-11-21
  • 84
  • Geen
  • АН-64 «Апач»
short information
  • Let your hunting instincts guide you as you stalk your prey deep in forests or out under the scorching desert sun.
Присутствует в играх
  • 200
  • +7%
  • Zło
  • Stürzen und Krallen
  • nie
  • Hugel
  • Hunter
  • Physical
job base
job tier
  • 2
  • 248
Other Systems
  • Transform into Wolfen
  • Father of the Pride
  • 150
  • 720
  • 810
  • 57
  • All civilizations.
  • 1
  • Unknown
  • 5000
  • 20000
  • 30000
  • 50000
  • Bewaker Gym
  • +5 damage when fighting unarmed, +5 when using axes.
  • Yes
  • Ja
  • Tak
  • yes
Skin Color
  • Caucasian
  • helikopter wojskowy
  • #fff
  • black
  • Girlfriend back home
  • I can hunt down any beast!
  • I'm a hunter!
  • 170
  • 1450
  • Lumbering size and presumably ape-like gait.
  • 250
  •| |-
  •|desc=Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, and Survival Hunter Raiding Guides
  •|desc=A closer look at the Hunter rare tames in Mists of Pandaria
  •|desc=Mists of Pandaria Beta: Hunters get new challenges for rare pets
  • Dejó subir a Hurley al vuelo.
  • Falou com Jenna
  •|desc= Hunter guides at WoW Insider
  • Talked to Jenna
  •|desc=Loot listings for all Hunter specs
  •| |-
  •|desc=Web-based Hunter DPS spreadsheet
  •|desc= Scattered Shots &mdash; non-raid hunter weekly feature at WoW Insider
  •|desc=Hunter Pet Information
Appears In
  • 240
  • *npc_hunter *npc_ministrider *npc_furniture
  • *Hunter
  • 1
  • black
  • 11
  • 59
  • Human
  • reptile/amphibian
Voice Actor
  • Will Jennings
  • 狩人
body style
  • Gunship attack helicopter
  • Gunship attack chopper
  • 18
  • 60
  • 0
  • 2500000.0
Unit Name
  • Hunter
  • 5
  • 200.0
  • 6.0
  • Overlander
  • Human
  • Hunter
  • Cheetah
  • ''
  • Overlander
  • Leopard Seal
  • Polska
  • Hunter
  • Navigation
  • The Hunter
  • Hunter
  • Hunter level up jingle
  • Hunter level up tune
  • Hunter level-up music
  • Snow Tusker Annihilator
  • show
  • 10
  • Hunting down others
  • *
  • 0.600000
  • 61
  • 1950
  • 2047
  • 2145
  • +7%
translation name
  • Kariudo
  • Bow
  • His claws
  • Lightning Gun, Rocket Launcher, Shotgun
  • *Flechette Launcher *Metal Blades *Charging And Ramming
  • 1
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 70
  • icyveinscom
  • Archer Class Trait 001
  • Archer Class Trait 002
  • Archer Class Trait 003
  • Archer Class Trait 004
  • Shared Trait 003
  • Hunter.png
  • 6
  • 10
  • 30
  • Ready For Action
  • Mix
  • Aim
  • Sneak Peek
  • Ankle Strike
  • Concentrated Fury
  • Bow Mastery
  • Unerring Aim
  • Additive Arrow
  • Assassin's Arrow
  • Demonslayer Arrow
  • Full Draw
  • Go For the Throat
  • Strongbow
  • Arrow Alchemy
  • Weak Spotter
  • Equip Bow
  • Appease
  • Dark Deluge
  • Poison Weapon
  • Two Birds With One Stone
  • Dart Deluge
  • Bowstring Shockwave
  • Sharpened Arrow
  • Охотник
  • Охотник
  • Ripto
  • None
  • Bullies, Tom's son, Tom, Blake
Image size
  • 300
  • Leader
  • Physical Enhancement
  • Ecaflip
  • ??
  • VTOL
  • 4
  • 8
  • 10
  • 6
  • Rep
  • Apoyo Pesado.
  • #000
  • Grapevine Drive
  • A professional hunter. She hunts game much larger than herself.
  • The Ecaflip targets an area and prepares to pounce. If an enemy moves within the area, the Ecaflip jumps on him, clows first.
  • *Hair: Black *Eyes: Blue
  • An excellent choice for any tanker. It has decent speed for a medium tank and enough armor to handle itself well in battles at any range. Goes well wtih almost any gun and is a real hunter!
  • Sniper, Leader
  • Hunt
  • Hunt, Jagen
  • 11
  • 12
  • 15
  • 18
  • 20
  • 22
  • 24
  • -
  • 1995
  • Experimental
  • Tracking
  • Mass-produced bio-weapon
  • Raptor
  • Swarmling
  • Let's hunt a BIG one today!
  • 1
  • 1000
Tabla de Daños
  • Hunter Tabla Reglas.png
  • Hunter
  • Demonikius
  • 17
  • ハンター
  • hunters
  • Hunter
  • Las Vegas
  • Subterra
  • Bf88d4-GTA5 2016-10-30 12-09-40-35.jpg
  • Decreased
  • x
  • No
  • HP: 90
  • Hunter Brawn (Earth-616)
  • Stephanie Hunter (Earth-616)
  • Peter Parker; Peter Parker from What If Spider-Man Vol 1 1 0002.jpg
  • Jackson Hunter; Jackson Hunter from Giant-Size Man-Thing Vol 1 5.jpg
  • Jessica Drew; Jessica Drew from Spider-Woman Vol 5 5 001.jpg
  • Hank Hunter; No Image Male.jpg
  • Hunter Joe; No Image Male.jpg
  • Hunter Stein; No_Image_Male.jpg
  • Hunter's active skill
  • Hydra Robot; No Image Male.jpg
  • Ian Hunter; No Image Male.jpg
  • Jaeger; Jaeger from X-Men Vol 2 100 02.png
  • John Hunter; No Image Male.jpg
  • Lance Hunter; Lance Hunter .jpg
  • Mako Robot; No Image Male.jpg
  • Max Hunter; Max Hunter 1.jpg
  • Morgan Hunter; No Image Female.jpg
  • Pride member; Hunter 0002.jpg
  • Rachel Hunter; No Image Female.jpg
  • Rosalind Hunter; No Image Female.jpg
  • Virginia Hunter; No Image Female.jpg
  • Monster Special Force member; Hunter of Monster Special Force .jpg
  • Hunter in Darkness; Hunter in Darkness from All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update Vol 1 1 0001.png
  • Zak Tessi (Hunter); Zak Tessi from Ravage 2099 Vol 1 20 0001.png
  • Mrs. Hunter; Hunter from West Coast Avengers Vol 2 45 001.png
  • Fierce creatures that attack anyone who approaches them. Often mistaken on PVP worlds as a PKer by newbies. They are very dangerous for low level players. They can shoot you from off-screen.
  • Gevaarlijke vijand die iedereen in de buurt aanvalt.De hunter wordt op PVP vaak verwisseld door een andere speler. Ze kunnen heel gevaarlijk zijn voor nieuwe spelers.Ze kunnen je van buiten het scherm aanvallen.
  • Fierce creatures that attack anyone who approaches them. Often mistaken on PVP worlds as a PKer by newbies. They are very dangerous for low level players. They can shoot you from off-screen.
  • Fierce creatures that attack anyone who approaches them. Often mistaken on PVP worlds as a PKer by newbies. They are very dangerous for low level players. They can shoot you from off-screen.
Last Appearance
  • Field agent, CTU Los Angeles
  • Oceanic Airlines flight attendant
  • Parece ser um comissário de bordo do Vôo 815
  • Professional Racer
  • Semblait travailler à bord du vol 815
File Name
  • Event Hunter.png
  • Badge #Blade BadgeBlade Badge
  • 4
  • +4
  • ??
  • *"Huntress"
  • ハンター
  • Uncommon
  • 86400.0
  • Swing or maul their target.
  • Desconocido
basic class
  • 50
  • Student
  • Movie Star, Commander
  • 70
  • "Guess who we are hunting!"; "Guess who we're hunting, hahaha!"; "Bullseye!"; "You'll make a nice trophy!".
  • "Guess who we are hunting!"; "Guess who we're hunting, hahaha!"; "Bullseye!"; "You'll make a nice trophy!".
  • "Guess who we are hunting!"; "Guess who we're hunting, hahaha!"; "Bullseye!"; "You'll make a nice trophy!".
  • 22
  • Yes
  • No
  • Hunting Lodge
  • Hunter
  • 150
  • 5000
  • 20000
  • 30000
  • 50000
  • *
  • +14%
  • 0
  • Hunter's_Aegislash.png
  • Hunter's_Bastiodon.png
  • Hunter's_Ferrothorn.png
  • 2006-11-21
  • 100
  • The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack
  • 2006-11-21
  • Quad Damage
  • Can be steadied with
  • Scope glint
  • Sniper Rifle exclusive
  • Giving Advice, Soccer
  • Hunter
  • None
  • Larry, Kate, Sierra, Sarmoti, Snack, Siegfried Fischbacher, Roy Horn
  • Tan
  • TBA
  • Desconhecida
  • 90
  • 21600.0
  • 432000.0
  • 1036800.0
  • 1123200.0
Eye Color
  • Blue
musical instrument
  • 50
  • Increases MDEF of Hat Gear by 4%.
  • Increases MDEF of Clothing Gear by 4%.
  • Increases MDEF of all allies by 10% for 60 seconds.
  • Ability Power 120. Damages 1 enemy with physical damage. Added effect: 25% chance to poison target for 20 seconds.
  • Removes buffs from all enemies.
  • Ability Power 120. Damages 1 enemy with magic damage. Added effect: Reduces target's MATK by 10% for 40 seconds.
  • Damages 1 enemy with Ability Power 70 physical damage 2 times and Ability Power 70 magic damage 2 times. Chance to miss.
  • Increases MDEF by 3%.
  • Increases hit chance of "Circle Snipe", "[[#High Circle Snipe
  • Increases Ability Power for physical/magic attack Abilities used against Lancers by 8.
Image File
  • Earth
  • Antarctica
  • 235
  • 410
  • High
  • *300 *210
  • Human
  • Zerg
  • asmodian
  • Male Aluvian
  • Krusnik
  • Hunter
  • tak
  • 64
  • -
  • Hunter
  • tak
  • 61
Vehicle Type
  • Military helicopter
  • Military Helicopter
  • Trapper
  • X Hunter Predator Streamliner
Japanese name
  • 狩人
  • 1
  • " My precious!"
  • red
  • 45
  • normal
  • EASY
  • 8
  • Hunter
  • yes
  • tak
  • 87
  • *
  • 1
  • Masculino
  • 2
  • * 4 Laser Cannons * 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers
  • Medic
  • Lotions
  • SPD
  • Buff Duration
  • Places the Hunter's Trap *Jumps on the enemy * Damage Glyph Ends the turn
  • yes
  • 2010
  • 250
  • KeinBild.png
  • Hunter1.png
  • 1
  • +8%
  • 26
  • 2576-07-13
  • * +Non-linear HP * +0.4 Defense * +0.1 Magic Defense
  • 100
  • 250
  • medium
  • Paladins hebben niets te vrezen van hunters , zolang hun distance boven 50 is.
  • Knights should approach them quickly before they shoot more Arrows. A good strategy for knights would be to run towards them in full defense and once you are near them, attack with full offense. Another strategy is to duck behind a corner of a house and force the hunter to walk closer to you. Because of the hunter's low defense a knight can kill them easily.
  • Mages should use Invisible or if they are hunting them they should summon monks. Overall, stay away from these unless you have to get through them to get to where you want to hunt or if you need to get a pair of Sniper Gloves. They usually aren't worth the trouble.
  • Mages should use Invisible or if they are hunting them they should summon monks. Overall, stay away from these unless you have to get through them to get to where you want to hunt or if you need to get a pair of Sniper Gloves. They usually aren't worth the trouble.
  • Mages should use Invisible or if they are hunting them they should summon monks. Overall, stay away from these unless you have to get through them to get to where you want to hunt or if you need to get a pair of Sniper Gloves. They usually aren't worth the trouble.
  • Knights should approach them fast before they shoot more Arrows. A good strategy for knights would be to run towards them in full defence and once you are near them, attack with full attack. Because of the hunter low defence a knight can kill him easily.
  • Knights should approach them fast before they shoot more Arrows. A good strategy for knights would be to run towards them in full defence and once you are near them, attack with full attack. Because of the hunter low defence a knight can kill him easily.
  • Mages Zouden ofwel de Invisibility of summons kunnen gebruiken.In het algemeen , negeer deze vijanden , ze zijn de moeite niet waard tenzij je Sniper Gloves zoekt.
  • Paladins should not fight these creatures unless they have a Stealth Ring, shield or high enough skills to kill them in 1 or 2 shots, and if you're planning to kill it without spells or runes, make sure to have a good healing spell, rune or potion ready in case of a high hit. A distance level of around 50 is recommended to kill them easily.
  • Knights moeten zo snel mogelijk zo dicht mogelijk bij de hunter raken. Een goede strategie is om in full defense naar de hunter to te lopen , en eens je bij hem bent te wisselen naar full attack.Omdat de hunter maar weinig defence heeft is hij zeer makkelijk te verslaan. .
  • Paladins should not fight these creatures unless they have the Invisibility Spell, shield or skill enought to kill them in 1 shot, and if your planning to kill it without spell or runes put yourself in Magic Shield and must have a distance of around 50 to kill it fast.
  • Paladins should not fight these creatures unless they have the Invisibility Spell, shield or skill enought to kill them in 1 shot, and if your planning to kill it without spell or runes put yourself in Magic Shield and must have a distance of around 50 to kill it fast.
wikipage disambiguates
Liczba umiejętności
  • Brak
  • S952
  • New New Alexandria, Reach
Title Color
  • Maroon
  • Yes
  • 6
  • Superior a los 2 metros aproximadamente, poseen la misma estatura que los Drones y los Granaderos comunes
  • Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, [Capítulo]
  • Weiß
  • 49705
  • Vehículo, Hunter
  • Hunter
  • 2
  • +2
  • ??
  • 50
  • 4
  • +4
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories [UN] Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Grand Theft Auto V [CUT] Grand Theft Auto Online
  • +1
resource3 qual
  • Uncommon
  • 70
  • 沒有圖片.png
  • 2741
Nombre (Por defecto, el de la página)
  • Hunter
  • Unknown
  • 4
  • Parle à Jenna
  • No
resistances conveyed
  • None
debut appearance
  • Hare-um Scare-um
  • 5
  • 400
observed engine location
  • Middle/Side-mounted
Metal Cost
  • 142
Proficiency required
  • 60
  • 100
  • 125
  • 250
  • 400
  • 600
observed landing system
  • Conventional landing gears
Energy Cost
  • 7421
  • Yes
  • sprach mit Jenna
Max Velocity
  • 116.400000
base agility
  • 7
base durability
  • 7
passive skills
base physique
  • 7
  • 0
boxing glove
  • 70
base wisdom
  • 6
base dexterity
  • 15
base power
  • 16
  • 60
active skills
  • 50
  • 2004
inna nazwa
  • Hunt
Alternativer Name
  • Hoodie, Jumper, Crazy Legs, Leaper, Punk-ass, Pouncing one, Hoodie dude, Sweatshirt-wearing wuss, Scrawny little bitch
  • Hunter's Pack , Moon's Pack , Einzelhund
  • Eagle Hunters were chosen by the earth goddess herself due to their nerves of steel and deadly aim. Their eagle-eye accuracy brings victory closer with every shot.
  • Eagle
  • Falcon Hunters are natural innovators, combining devastating attacks with first-rate defensive capabilities. Their unique approach to combat allows even a single shot to turn the tide of a battle.
  • ATK, Haste
  • Falcon
  • 70
  • Rookie
life name
  • Hunter
life type
  • Combat
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • Human crewman aboard the Minerva in 3002 CE.
  • Hunters are the independent, self-reliant sort of characters which have an easy time developing proficiency in navigation, survival and tracking type skills. Depending on stats a hunter can choose to go abs, dodge or combo and span the range of offensive playstyles from stab to bash to charge as well. Hunters with particularly well-balanced stats have been known to train and play one way only to later reset their pracs and train and play a completely opposite style. This is possible mainly because hunters have the only balanced practice equations in the game. Hunter skills cost hunters 1 prac per training session while warrior and rogue skills both cost 2 pracs per session. Formerly known as Rangers, the class underwent a name change during an update on February 8, 2002.
  • Hunter es un empleado de Oceanic Airlines que no ha sido visto en la serie, sólo fué mencionado en "[[|]]", cuando Hurley le ruega a Jenna (una asistente de puerta) que le deje subir al vuelo. Ella levanta el teléfono y dice "Hunter, es Jenna. Tenemos otro más--" y posteriormente Hurley sube al avión.
  • Hunter is a character mentioned from the machinima series : . He was Peter's older brother who was KIA by a sniper during Gamma Team's first mission. He was the sniper and leader of the team.
  • File:WookieepediaFavicon.png Hunter (Star Cabal) on Wookieepedia
  • Hunter is a messenger sent from the Twins' home planet. Though at first she is portrayed as someone wishing to kill the Twins as they are the last of their species, it is revealed that she is actually the family pet of the Twins' father, Ozzal, whom has sent her to collect them to bring them back home because they have overrun the year their father allowed them to holiday on Earth. The story about the Twins being the last of their race was a lie, fabricated as a 'sob story' to convince the inmates to help them escape Hunter. The crystal she wears has the power to capture the Twins inside of it so she can transport them back to their father, but she is eventually taken down during the course of the episode she appears in, and is trapped inside her own crystal. Alice then keeps this crystal, still containing Hunter.
  • They will also get angry, just like any other monster, if you (accidentally) hit them with a projectile (while trying to kill a centaur of course). Remember that killing a quest friendly around your quest leader results in -MAX/8 alignment penalty.
  • Gender: MaleRace: HumanHunters are natural born bow users. Their spark type matches up with their high dex stat, which means that if you need a good bow user for the end game, the hunter makes an excellent addition.
  • Spawn Location: Church/Bovinia/Main Island Rulers: The King/Queen of Bovinia and Mother Nature Related Content: Animals, Taming And Animals, Wolves You are a hunter, the nocturnal predator, murderdrunk poacher, or the tree moving in the background. Your job is to capture pets for the purpose to use them as allies or to use what they have inside of them. Either way, you will have a lot of fun exploring with this job... Just don't hunt at night.
  • Hunter 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他沒有在任何集數登場,只在第1季第25集提及。
  • The Hunter was a powerful being created by Zod, Faora and Ursa to destroy Superman and release them from the Phantom Zone. He had the ability to absorb anything he touched. He nearly killed Superman when he absorbed Green Kryptonite. But Superman puts himself in a Kryptonian trance, and he returns to battle him again. The creature destroys himself when he fires a blast of electricity at Superman and it is deflected back to him by a satellite dish.
  • The Hunter is the Item oriented class for using Lotions. Since Lotions does not have any buffing Arts, fully utilizing the benefits of this class requires Potions or high level Mystic skills. How to Obtain: Like most Item related classes this one is very easy to obtain, the only thing to watch out for is to not have Herbs as a significant Item skill as that will lead to Scout before the Rank 5 stat requirements are met. X360: Units can only either start in the class, or change from another Item + Combat class (Scout). Upgrade Options: The easiest upgrades from this class are the Item-related ones: * Assassin: requires One-Handed 15 and Sword 13, STR53+ or INT53+ * Alchemist: highest Item skill is Shards, STR53+ or INT53+ Changing into the Mystic + Combat classes from here will require training Mystics to become a significant skill group. Since those classes also require high Wield Style levels, this means raising both Mystics and Weapons above Items unless only normal attacks are used. * Ataraxian: requires Dual Two-Handed 17, STR53+ or INT53+ * Ninja: requires Dual Wield 22 and Katana 19, STR59+ or INT59+ Training Wards is another option. The class obtained will depend on STR or INT significance, and meeting the skill requirements: * Gladiator: requires Mystic>Item, Power Grip 16, highest Mystic skill is Wards, STR53+ * Commander: highest Mystic skill is Wards, INT53+ X360 Upgrade Options: Upgrade options are very limited: * Assassin: requires One-Handed 15 and Sword 13, STR53+ or INT53+
  • Hunters are found practicing archery in Basfelt Village.
  • Der Hunter (zu Deutsch: "Jäger") ist ein besonderer Infizierter aus Left 4 Dead und Left 4 Dead 2. Der sehr agile Infizierte stürzt sich mit weiten Sprüngen auf sein Opfer und verletzt dieses anschließend mit seinen Krallen. Der Betroffene kann sich aus dieser Lage nicht selbst befreien, sondern muss von einem Gefährten gerettet werden. Daher sind Hunter, auch wenn sie selten auftreten, besonders für einzelne Überlebende gefährlich.
  • Hunters are a unique class. Depending on their disciplines they can be either great foes in fair pvp, or silent backstabbers that strike enemies in their moments of weakness. Archers who choose this subclass give up the accuracy and damage boosts of the Marksman, but gain the use of more interesting spells and abilities. Hunters are, without their pet, weak compared to the other five subclasses, with no real power improvements. With that in mind, they need to use and sometimes abuse their stealthing techniques to kill their enemies. Having a hunter in the group means always being prepared as they can quickly track surroundings to find enemies. Combining this with their area stealth spell can lead to successful ambushes and surprise attacks. One last thing about them, is that hunters can tame wild creatures and name them, mainly animals and monsters. Hunters tend to choose their battles and their victims will always be taken by surprise.
  • In the Hunters' culture, it was a socially acceptable way of life to chase and kill another sentient species known as the Tosk. In the past, the Hunters had developed genetic engineering to make the Tosk worthy prey – a prey they came to respect and even admire. In 2369, a group of Hunters arrived in the Alpha Quadrant via the Bajoran wormhole in pursuit of a Tosk. Their ship was small, but its technology was totally unknown to the Federation. Its weapon was capable of bombarding a target with an unusual type of radiation, which, when fired on Deep Space 9, was effective in reversing the polarity of the shield frequencies, allowing the Hunters to transport onto the station and attempt to locate the Tosk. They decreed that the Bajoran wormhole would be off-limits for future hunts, but the Tosk they were hunting escaped with the aid of Miles O'Brien to continue the hunt. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")
  • It's available freely to all players in CF China, while in CF Vietnam it can only be obtained via WM's reward system. Many players complain that this class is hard to use, since the scope delay (occurs when Hunter fires an arrow when his TAC crossbow is in scoped mode) is rather confusing, so most of the time they don't know if the arrow has hit the target or not.
  • The Hunter is an optical attachment featured in Battlefield 4, exclusive to the sniper rifles in the game. The scope features a very high magnification of 20x. Unlike all other sniper rifle scopes, the Hunter is only unlockable through Battlepacks. The scope serves as a medium between the default scopes and the Ballistic (40X), and functions well on large maps like Golmud Railway and Silk Road. Its advisable to use Sniper rifles geared more toward long range combat with the scope, like the M98B and SRR-61. Due to its large magnification, attachments like Variable Zoom and Canted Ironsights complement the scope well and aid the player when dealing with targets at closer ranges. Alternatively, the Range Finder compliments the scope well by aiding in Zeroing the scope for long range shots. Its a very reliable over long range.
  • The Hunter (Japanese: 狩人 Kariudo) is a life you can choose to lead in the game Fantasy Life. It is one of 12 life classes available to choose to play as during the game and can be chosen at any time during the game by speaking to the Guild Master. The Hunter uses the bow and arrow to inflict damage and status effects (poison, sleep and paralysis) on enemies from a safe distance. The Hunter's Life Shop is located at the Traveller's Respite in the West Grassy Plains.
  • Hunter – wojskowy helikopter występujący w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas i Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Występuje również w kodzie Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, lecz nie można go uzyskać bez użycia kodów lub modyfikacji.
  • The Hunter is a minor antagonist from the Adventures of the Gummi Bears episode, "Loopy, Go Home".
  • Hunter is a profession. Hunters can gather meat and prepare it to make edible meat, they can also make Pet Ghosts and the First Part of the Dragon Pig's Maze Key. As of Dofus version 2.29 it has been combined with the old profession of Butcher.
  • The Hunters are enemies from Rayman 1. They are first encountered in The Dream Forest. They encountered again in Band Land. Female variants are encountered in Rayman Origins.
  • Der Hunter ist ein Ninja der darauf spezialisiert ist die Nukenin des jeweiligen Dorfes zu fangen oder zu töten, um die dorfinternen Geheimnise zu wahren. Im Normalfall sind Hunter spezielle Jounin. Ähnlich wie auch die ANBU tragen Hunter Masken. Diese sehen jedoch anders aus, als die der ANBU, denn die Hunter Masken tragen z.B. das Zeichen des jeweiligen Dorfes.
  • Hunter is a race of creature that is shared between all civilizations.
  • Hunters are the strongest Pfhor infantry and are a rank above Troopers. The player encounters Hunters in all three Marathon games.
  • Hunter is a character encountered by Sora in Kingdom Hearts II ½.
  • Hunter is a Naga with a Mew sub-type, that is exclusive to Monster Rancher Advance and Monster Rancher Advance 2. It has yellow fur with black tiger-like stripes on it, and a cat face with cat ears.
  • Hunters are the result of centuries of selective breeding. Bred to perform as reptilian bloodhounds, the Hunters are also used as instruments of terror and death. Heavily muscled and powerfully built, they can leap great distances and are extremely deadly. This enemy was set to appear in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, but it was cut from the game for unknown reasons. However, despite being cut from the game, this enemy is still listed within the pages of the game's manual.
  • Hunter is a prairie tank engine who works on Duck's branchline. He is friends with Thomas, Marty and Eagle and enemies with 98462 and 87546.
  • Using hunting equipment bought from hunter stores, players can hunt specific creatures, obtaining rewards such as bones, butterflies, animal furs, etc. At higher levels, players could even hunt for unorthodox crossbows, valuable potion ingredients, charm slices, and more. Hunter is classified as a Gatherer Skill. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at approximately rank ) on the hiscores for Hunter is level . As of , there are current members that have achieved level 99 in Hunter. There are current members that have achieved level 120 in Hunter.
  • Hunter (eller Huntard) er hardføre folk som spesialiserer seg på å jakte, spore, legge feller og å temme ville dyr. En hunter angriper først og fremst fra avstand, og går bare i nærkamp om det skulle være høyst nødvendig. En hunter har også som regel en følgesvenn i form av et dyr. * Huntere er veldig gode til å overleve utendørs, for eksempel ved å legge feller og å spore fiender. * Huntere bruker Leather/Lær og Cloth/Tøy til nivå 39. Etter level 40 får de i tillegg mulighet til å bruke Mail/Brynjer. De fleste hunters starter med en øks eller kniv og en børse, armbrøst eller bue. Ved å trene kan de lære å bruke alle andre våpen unntatt klubber. De kan heller ikke bruke skjold eller rustning. * Huntere har mange magiske ferdigheter som krever mana slik som healing av dyr og spesielle skuddtyper, men de har ikke så mye mana siden magi heller ikke er deres primærfelt. * Huntere kan ta også innleve seg i forskjellige aspects, eller karakteristikker, som gir de spesielle egenskaper, som for eksempel bedre smidighet, økt løpehastighet eller ekstra forsvarsevne mot natureffekter.
  • Deer are one of the most common hunters on earth. They mostly prey on humans who wear dark brown in the middle of the woods. One of the most successful ways for deer to hunt involves one deer running into oncoming traffic. After the car swerves to avoid it, and crashes; a second deer collects the spoils of the hunt. Due to increases in the human population hunting has picked up over recent years.
  • hunters are often used in maps with covenant on the moded map,some examples of said maps are,hunter creek,hunter wars,covenant bse v1.1. all of these can be found at halp but working hunter sprites are not on the site. huunters have plasma cannons and a sheild witch can deflect incomeing projectiles,while bump possessing a hunter you will automatically attempt to melee the nearest enemy to you but you can fire your cannon by holding the fire button until it automatically realeses.
  • Hunter is a playable class common to Phantasy Star games. Hunter characters tend to specialize in melee weapon attacks.
  • Hunter ist ein Angestellter bei Oceanic Airlines, der nur kurz namentlich erwähnt wird. {{quervw|1x25]]" Als Hurley Jenna bittet, ihn ins Flugzeug zu lassen, ruft sie Hunter an und sagt: Daraufhin wird Hurley nachträglich ins Flugzeug gelassen.
  • The Hunter is one of three Classes only available to the Nordein. Image:Class Icon Hunter.jpg Hunters automatically gains + 1 to LUC each Level. Description Hunters use ranged attacks to wound and slow the enemy as well as lower its attack power or stop it in its tracks. Hunters keep their distance in battle and should stay off of the front lines. Their Special skills allow them to literally rain death down upon their targets. Hunters also have high luck, enabling them to make critical hits more often than most other classes. Beginning Stats: * STR - 13 * REC - 12 * INT - 7 * WIS - 10 * DEX - 10 * LUC - 13 Weapons * Throwing * Dual Axe * Bow See Also * Hunter Armor * Hunter Skills
  • Hunter is an Interceptor event featured in Need for Speed: Rivals, and is unlocked at rank 3 in the RCPD career. It has an easy difficulty rating.
  • Hunters are a Star Child class in Conception 2. They have incredibly high TEC and MAT, and use bows to fight. Hunters are not initially unlocked, becoming unlocked after a medium amount of story progression.
  • Hunter é uma variação de personagem em Mortal Kombat X.Pertence ao personagem Predator. Categoria:Variações de Personagem Categoria:Variação de Personagem
  • Los cazadores tienen mascotas que se añaden a su DPS y ayudan a controlar el aggro. thumb|logo de claseTambién pueden realizar un seguimiento de bestias, humanoides, no-muertos... La mascota mejor entrenada, en innumerables ocasiones, ha salvado la vida de un cazador. Se ha dicho por muchos, a largo de la historia, que los cazadores consideran sus armas y sus mascotas como sus únicos amigos verdaderos. En World of Warcraft y World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, el árbol de supervivencia ofrecía algunas mejoras a la capacidad de cuerpo a cuerpo, pero la mitigación de los daños de la clase era pobre en comparación con las clases puras de cuerpo a cuerpo.
  • Hunter is a type of character encountered in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • The following are changes in the Hunter class form its listing in Paizo material.
  • Black Ops. Wetworks. The Agency. Every government has its darker side. No matter the name, the world powers have always maintained highly-trained individuals who are most comfortable clinging to the shadows and dealing with threats in their own extremely deadly ways. Trained with technology that is far superior to what the common man could even dream of, these Hunters commonly went after the most dangerous prey of all -- each other.
  • Nie wiem jak to zacząć... To co mnie spotkało... Nigdy tego nie zapomnę. Ciągle będę widział tą zamaskowaną postać, z tak czarnymi oczami jak otchłań do której może wkrótce trafisz. Lecz zacznijmy do podstaw. Moje imię brzmi Piotrek. Mieszkam w Koszalinie. Mam 18 lat i niedawno skończyłem liceum. Maturę zdałem na 80%, dobry wynik nie? Z okazji pomyślnego zdania matur wraz z Bartkiem, Grześkiem, Pawłem, Martyną i Julką postanowiliśmy wyjechać do lasu na kemping na 2-3 dni. Oczywiście moi rodzice się zgodzili, zawszę się zgadzali na takie wyjazdy. Na miejsce dostaliśmy się dzięki uprzejmości mamy Bartka, która nas podwiozła. Po rozłożeniu namiotu i wypakowaniu części rzeczy poczułem się dziwnie. Jak by ktoś mnie obserwował. Pierwsza myśl jaka przeszła mi przez głowę mówiła, że dramatyzuję. Kiedy wyszedłem z obozu po to by załatwić potrzebę fizjologiczną (wysikać się), ciągle widziałem ruchy kątem oka. Lecz na serio przestraszyłem się gdy usłyszałem trzask gałązki. Szybko zapiąłem rozporek i obróciłem się. Zobaczyłem jak coś szybko i bezszelestnie się porusza między drzewami. Szybko pobiegłem to sprawdzić. Nic tam nie było, znalazłem jedynie tą złamaną gałązkę i obok niej szyszkę. -Jakim cudem szyszka mogła złamać gałąź?- Pomyślałem.- Nie ważne. Trzeba wracać. Kiedy wracałem zobaczyłem na drzewie pod którym się załatwiałem jakiś symbol. Wyglądał jak kursor myszki od komputera, lecz był odwrócony i bez tego ogonka. Wyglądał na szybko wyrytego. -Kurwa! Kto to zrobił?!- Wykrzyczałem przestraszony. Szybko wróciłem do obozu. Przyjaciele od razu zobaczyli że coś jest nie tak. Opowiedziałem im o moim doświadczeniu, nie uwierzyli mi. Chciałem im pokazać lecz śmiali się że to pewnie nic takiego. Woleli gadać o różnych rzeczach. Jak na przykład o wkurzających nauczycielach, lub o nowych samochodach marek Lamborghini, lub Forda. Słuchaliśmy także muzyki i tańczyliśmy. Wieczorem Paweł i Martyna pływali w jeziorze. Ja i reszta siedzieliśmy przy ognisku i opowiadaliśmy dowcipy. Ciągle czułem że ktoś prócz mych przyjaciół mnie obserwuje, lecz tłumiłem to uczucie śmiechem wywołanym kawałami. W nocy ciągle słyszałem czyjeś kroki. Czułem się obserwowany. Lekko odsłoniłem zasłonkę na okienko od namiotu i zobaczyłem jakąś postać. Obserwowała namiot Bartka. Nagle się odwróciła w moją stronę, szybko się położyłem i zacząłem się modlić o to by mnie wtedy nie zobaczył. Praktycznie nie spałem do 3 nad ranem ze strachu. -Słyszeliście coś w nocy- Zapytałem się przyjaciół z zaspanym głosem. Ależ wtedy byłem niewyspany. -Nie, a co?- Odpowiedziała Julka.- Coś się stało? -Jeśli to kolejne twoje brednie o jakieś postaci to sobie daruj.- Odpowiedział Paweł.right -Ale ja na prawdę coś słyszałem i widziałem!- Wykrzyczałem wściekły. -Jak już to mogło to być jakieś zwierzę, przecież jesteśmy w lesie.- Powiedział Grzesiek. -Jakie kurwa zwierzę nosi ubrania i jest dwunożne?!- Wykrzyczałem na Grzesia.- To co widziałem było człowiekiem. -Może The Rake?- Powiedziała Martyna. Lubiła creepypasty. Lecz ja w creepypasty nie wierzę, lub nie wierzyłem.- Lecz The Rake nie nosi ubrań.- Dopowiedziała po chwili. -Czy ty nie ześwirowałeś? Pyta... -Nie ześwirowałem!- Przerwałem Bartkowi.-Niczego nie zmyśliłem! -Chłopaki! Uspokójcie się. Piotrek musiało ci się przewidzieć.- Uspokoiła mnie trzymając za rękę Julka. -Może masz rację.- odpowiedziałem. W tym dniu nie było żadnych incydentów. Wieczorem gadaliśmy sobie straszne historie. Oczywiście Martyna opowiadała o tym jak Jeff The Killer, Slenderman i Eyeless Jack zabijają ludzi w lasach, zjadają wnętrzności i "upiększają", jak to określiła Martyna w wypadku Jeffa. Wszystko było pięknie aż do nocy. Tym razem oprócz odgłosów kroków słyszałem rozpruwanie czyjegoś namiotu. Chciałem zareagować, lecz zemdlałem ze strachu. Cały ja. Z przerażeniem odkryliśmy to że ten ktoś porwał Pawła. Martyna była najbardziej przerażona o los Pawła, ponieważ byli parą. -Czyli ty nie kłamałeś...- Powiedział Bartek.- Powinniśmy ci uwierzyć. Przepraszam. -Nic nie... -Zamiast przepraszać powinniśmy go znaleźć i złapać porywacza!- Wykrzyczał Bartek przerywając mi.- Podzielimy się na jedno osobowe grupy, dzięki czemu zbadamy większy obszar. -Serio chcesz w pojedynkę... -Tak chcę! Damy przecież radę.- Powiedział Bartek znów mi przerywając. -Debil. Pewnie to robi by zaimponować dziewczynom.- Pomyślałem. -O kurka! Co jeżeli to Ticci Toby, Hoodie, Masky, The Rake, lub jeszcze Eyelees Jack?!- Wykrzyczała podekscytowana Martyna. -Przecież oni nie istnieją.- Pomyślałem.- Lecz jeżeli tak to który to... -Dość pierdolenia, robota czeka.- Powiedział Bartek. -Najpierw wymyślasz gówniany plan, żeby następnie używać tekstów z klasycznych polskich filmów.- Pomyślałem. Krążyłem po okolicy prze dobre 2-3 godziny. Chciałem wracać gdy nagle usłyszałem odgłosy biegu. Odwróciłem się gwałtownie i spostrzegłem że biegnie do mnie Martyna cała we krwi. Wleciała na mnie. Złapałem ją. -Uciekaj... Powiedziała konając w mych ramionach. Całe jej ciało było pocięte. Cała twarz była w szramach. W niektórych miejscach na klatce piersiowej można było zobaczyć ślady dźgnięć. Nagle usłyszałem kroki i łamanie się gałązek. Odwróciłem się i moim oczom ukazał się mój najgorszy koszmar. Między drzewami stała zakapturzona, zamaskowana postać. Była cała we krwi. Domyślałem się czyja to krew. Miała ze 160-170 cm wzrostu. Maska była biała, górna część maski miała wcięcie przez które wychodziły włosy które opadały na maskę. Dolna cześć maski była szeroka, a na jej dwóch końcach były stożki zwrócone w dół o 45 stopni. Jego oczy były czarne, wyglądało tak jakby nie miał oczu, tylko czarne oczodoły. Od razu skojarzyło mi się z Eyeless Jack'iem. Maska miała dwie szramy. Jedną na lewym oku, drugą na prawym policzku. Nie wiem czy miał je wynikające z walki z którymś z mych przyjaciół. Miał zieloną bluzę z plamami krwi. Na bluzie był pas z nożami, trzy miał zawieszone na pasie przy klatce piersiowej, jeden zawieszony na pasie z tyłu ramienia. Na rękach miał ostrza. Na prawej ręce ostrze było niezwykle długie. Na lewej ręce były dwa ostrze lecz krótkie. Nosił rękawice na których zamontowane były metalowe pazury. Nosił podarte dżinsy. Buty miały coś w stylu ostrzy jak w korkach, lecz ostrzejsze. -Biegnij.- Powiedziała postać głosem spokojnym i zimnym przez co wzbudzał przerażenie. -Słucham?!- Wykrzyczałem na słowa oprawcy mej przyjaciółki. -Kolejny który nie rozumie co to jest polowanie? Wiesz. Jeden ucieka drugi goni go. Jeden umiera, drugi zabija. Proste nie? Już rozumiesz? Czy jak twój kolega będziesz walczył ze mną? Jak on miał na imię? Bartek, tak?- Powiedziała postać z irytacją w głosie. -Skąd znasz jego imię?!- spytałem się przerażony. -Och Piotrek. Śledziłem was od Koszalina aż tutaj. Podsłuchiwałem. Obserwowałem.- Odpowiedział. -Cholera!- Pomyślałem. -Teraz skończmy tą pogawędkę. Zacznijmy polowanie.- Po powiedziawszy tych słów rzucił się na mnie kierując swe długie ostrze w mój prawy bark. Odskoczyłem i zacząłem uciekać co sił w nogach. Po przebiegnięciu 60 metrów zgubiłem skurwiela z oczu. Po chwili musiałem odpocząć. -Tak szybko się zmęczyłeś. Dopiero zaczynamy.- Mym oczom ukazał się On. -Jak ty... -Umiem sprawnie poruszać się po lesie i oszczędzać energię.- Powiedział mój oprawca po czym rzucił się znów na mnie, tym razem trafił swym ostrzem w mój prawy bark. Bolało jak cholera. kiedy wyciągał ostrze, miałem okazję do kopnięcia go w brzuch. Po kopnięciu go w brzuch moja stopa przez chwilę bolała. Miałem to gdzieś, uciekałem co sił w nogach. W moim krwiobiegu zaczęła płynąć adrenalina. Po przebiegnięciu sporego kawałka zobaczyłem coś co wryło mi się na zawszę w pamięć. Zobaczyłem zmasakrowane ciało Julii. Zatrzymałem się i zacząłem płakać, nie dość ze znamy się od przedszkola to jeszcze ją kochałem i planowałem ją zaprosić po kempingu na kolację. Lecz chwilę przerwał przeszywający ból. Tam gdzie miałem ranę zadaną prze ostrze tego typa były dwa ostrza. Odwróciłem się i zobaczyłem go. Szybko zarwałem się do ucieczki wyrywając się z jego ostrzy. -Cholera! Boli jak by ktoś operował mnie żywcem!- Wykrzyczałem w myślach. Nagle poczułem mocny ból w miejscu gdzie znajduje się nerka. Poczułem jakiś przedmiot. Wiedziałem że to jeden z noży. Odwróciłem się szybko i zobaczyłem jak przebiega między drzewami niczym pantera, niczym drapieżnik. biegłem tak z 10 minut, dotarłem do naszego obozu. Padłem ze zmęczenia. -Jeśli ten psychol mnie chce... Niech mnie zabije tutaj. Przynajmniej dołączę do mych przyjaciół...-Pomyślałem. -A to pech. dotarłeś aż tutaj. Jesteś po za terenem mych łowów. Przeżyłeś. W nagrodę możesz się mnie spytać o co chcesz. Lecz nie musisz oczekiwać uzyskania odpowiedzi.- Powiedział to mój zawiedziony oprawca. Można jednak było wyczuć trochę szacunku w jego głosie. -Czemu to robisz?- Spytałem się domagając się wyjaśnień. -Że co niby robię?- Zapytał się. Najwyżej nie zrozumiał mego pytania. -Czemu na nas polowałeś?! Czemu ich zabiłeś?- Zapytałem się gwałtownie. Nic nie odpowiedział. Tylko patrzył w niebo.-To chociaż pokaż co masz pod maską. -Jak chcesz..- Powiedział, po czym zdjął kaptur. Wtedy zobaczyłem jakiego kolory miał włosy. Były koloru ciemnobrązowego. Następnie zaczął przesuwać maskę w górę odsłaniając to co ma pod nią. Miał zasłonę na twarz. Zasłaniała jego twarz aż do nosa. Wtedy zobaczyłem jego niebieskie oczy, źrenica była normalnego rozmiaru. -Czyli nie jest psychopatą.-Pomyślałem. -No cóż. Na moje szczęście nie zobaczysz mej twarzy. Teraz żegnaj. Oddam tobie twych przyjaciół. Teraz idę na dalsze łowy.- Po powiedzeniu tych słów przez niego zemdlałem. Obudziłem się dopiero w szpitalu. Nade mną stała Mama i Tata. -Jak się czujesz?- Spytała przerażona mama. -Lepiej.- Odpowiedziałem. -Kto ci to zrobił?- Zapytał tata. -Jakiś typ. Nie znam jego imienia.- Odpowiedziałem patrząc na mój prawy bark, który był cały owinięty. -Mam dobre wieści.- Powiedział lekarz z wynikami badań.- Twój bark się ładnie i szybko goi jak na te obrażenia. Nerka cudem nie doznała żadnych obrażeń. Można powiedzieć, że jesteś cały Piotrek.- Powiedział lekarz patrząc na mój bark. -Jak tu długo leżę?- Zapytałem. -Z 3 dni.- Odpowiedział lekarz. -A kiedy wyjdę?- Zapytałem się ponownie. -Z około 2 tygodnie.- Powiedział lekarz, który z zadowoleniem patrzył na wyniki mych badań. Kiedy tak leżałem na obserwacji słyszałem ciągle jak dowożą zwłoki ludzi zabitych przez tego skurwiela. Wzbudzał przerażenie wśród pracowników. Nie dziwie im się. Też się boję tego faceta. Po 2 tygodniach gdy wyszedłem ze szpitala, policja wezwała mnie na przesłuchanie. Z tego co się dowiedziałem od nich wynika to ze Hunter (tak go nazwała policja, nie wiem czemu angielska nazwa, mam to gdzieś) zabił już z 20 osób. Wszystkich w lesie. Oddali mi także ten nóż co prawie nie pozbawił mnie nerki, tłumacząc że nie ma na nim odcisków palców, więc na nic im się nie przyda. W domu odkryłem to że na moim udzie został wyryty ten sam symbol co ten który widziałem na drzewie. Naznaczył mnie... Teraz jak sobie to przypominam to przechodzą mnie dreszcze po plecach. Wyobrażacie sobie jak to jest wiać przed trzeźwo myślącym kolesiem, który chce na was "zapolować"? Nigdy nie otrząsnę się z tego koszmaru. Do dziś gdy rodzice proponują wyjazd do lasu ja kategorycznie odmawiam. Najgorsze jest to że jebany zabrał moje pieniądze i teraz może sobie kupić jedzenie i picie. Wczoraj na dodatek znalazłem na biurku kartkę z napisem: "Bój się lasu". -Kurwa!- Pomyślałem.- Ten facet był w mym pokoju!thumb|Oto wymieniony wyżej nóż Odkryłem także to, że nóż zniknął. Wraz z rodzicami odkryliśmy ślady wspinaczki po ścianie naszego domu i to ze okno zostało wyważone. Zrobił to po jeden nóż? Czemu... Możliwe że się nigdy nie dowiem. Przepraszam za tak długi tekst, ale mam na dzieję że zrozumieliście co przeżyłem. Jeśli w lesie widzicie podejrzany ruch kątem oka uciekajcie, gdyż to może być on. Teraz żegnam was. Zaraz wyjeżdżam na studia do Warszawy. Będę się trzymał jak najdalej od Huntera. Jeśli moje przeznaczenie mi na to pozwoli. Godzina 16. Jego łowy się rozpoczęły. Powodzenia w ucieczce... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oficjalny theme song postaci: Ciąg dalszy: Geneza: Kategoria:Opowiadania Kategoria:Legendy miejskie
  • Hunter is commonly recognized as a way to make money, due to Carnivorous (Red) chinchompas always being desired for training the Range skill. However, training Hunter is extremely time consuming.
  • When Hurley implored Jenna (a gate attendant) to let him on the plane, she picked up the phone and said, "Hunter, this is Jenna, we've got one more...ta". Hurley was subsequently allowed on the plane.
  • Only two Hunter stores exist: Aleck's Hunter Emporium in Yanille, and Nardah Hunter Shop in Nardah. Using the Lunar Magic spell Hunter Kit (spell), players can obtain a hunter kit which contains various useful hunter items.
  • [1] This article is a stub. You can help the Silkroad Online Wiki by expanding it. [2]The hunter's task is to defend the merchant from Thieves. A Hunter earns points in its job by killing Thieves and by helping traders in ther trade run. Hunters get money from the traders for guarding them. Usually a hunter will start their job from lvl 60 because they need to be strong to fight Thieves.
  • The Hunter is a bolt-action Buzz Bee dart blaster that was released in 2010 under the Air Blasters series. It comes packaged with four Micro Darts.
  • The Hunter class performs pulling, threat redirection, crowd control, and primarily ranged damage. Hunters have pets that add to their DPS and help manage aggro. They can also track, tame and train animals and beasts found in the wild. Hunters consider their weapons and pets to be their only true friends. Although in some other games such as Everquest, the Hunter is much more a ranged/melee hybrid, this is generally not the case in World of Warcraft. The Survival tree offers some enhancement to melee ability, but the class's damage mitigation in particular is poor compared to pure melee classes, and its melee abilities, such as they are, are generally considered vestigial.
  • Using hunting equipment bought from hunter stores, players can hunt specific creatures, obtaining rewards such as bones, butterflies, animal furs, etc. At higher levels, players could even hunt for unorthodox crossbows, valuable potion ingredients, charm slices, and more. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at approximately rank ) on the hiscores for Hunter is level . As of , there are current members that have achieved level 99 in Hunter. There are current members that have achieved level 120 in Hunter.
  • Hunter may refer to: * Hunters, people who have historically hunted "The Demon" and other gargoyles * Robyn Canmore, a specific hunter * Gillecomgain, the first hunter
  • The bow hunters wield is much like the longbow used by European archers, however it does not need to be produced by a weapon's workshop nor does it incur any kind of resource or gold cost. Hunters will automatically attack enemies nearby, albeit at a slower fire rate than longbowmen.
  • right|320px|thumb|Un Hunter Un Hunter è una delle tante creature del mondo di Resident Evil. Gli Hunters sono bipedi a forma di rettile con una larga testa. Sono dei B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapons) cioè delle arme biologiche disegnate dalla Umbrella Corporation combinando un ovulo umano con DNA di rettile e implementando il T-Virus in essi. Il loro codice di produzione è MA-121, e il loro nome significa cacciatore. Gli Hunters sono apparsi in tutti i giochi della serie tranne Resident Evil 2 e Resident Evil 4, nei quali sono stati rimpiazzati rispettivamente dai Licker e dai Novistador. Tre sono le versioni attualmente conosciute: * Hunter Gamma (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Rana mutata blu) * Hunter Beta (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, nero e rosso) * Hunter Alpha (Resident Evil, Verde). * Hunter Mu (Resident Evil Outbreak file 2: verde) * Sweeper (Resident Evil: Code Veronica) Le specie di questa creatura hanno tutte eccezionali qualità di salto con attacco aereo, capacità di aggrapparsi sui muri per brevi periodi. La versione beta e gamma hanno la capacità di letteralmente "mangiare" il giocatore, oltre che decapitare con l'attacco in salto. Altre notazioni possono essere la loro rapidità e come essi appaiono sempre in gruppo. Lo Sweeper ha la facoltà di avvelenare le prede con i loro artigli tossici. Gli Hunters sono resistenti ai colpi di pistola che non riescono a bloccare i loro attacchi. Armi efficaci contro di essi sono le doppiette, capaci di respingere i loro attacchi in salto, e le magnum, capaci nella maggioranza dei casi di ucciderli con un solo colpo. Il bazooka si rivela spesso impreciso in quanto sono capaci di schivarne i colpi.
  • Hunters are physical ranged damage dealers. With their low "damage per hit" and high attack rate, they are easy to combo with. Skills such as Arrow Shower allow them to maximize combo counts while allowing them to have move time to move to another cluster of mobs in order to maximize combos. One could say that their primary role in groups is to keep enemies immobilized, poisoned, in the air. With such abilities like that, they have great synergy with all other classes. In PvP, hunters become more rounded than archers because of the number of AoE and crowd control they possess. Their primary stats are agility, strength, and ATK.
  • A prefix title awarded to predators who complete their stamina AA line. "Hunter" is also an automatic prefix that is gained after a certain amount of kills in PvP combat.
  • Usually cheats who seek profit from superstitious peasants. Track down and kill the undead. Also called exorcists, witchbane or hunters of the dead. Genuine hunters are rare.
  • Hunters were large, brown, hairless creatures with bat-like wings, long tails, sharp claws and long horned faces. (COMIC: The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack)
  • The Hunter is one of the five jobs available to players. The hunter uses bows or guns to attack targets with physical damage at range.
  • Sex: Female Species: Human When her village on Tau Ceti was decimated by the Sorg, Hunter vowed to seek out and destroy the reptiloids wherever they might hide. She was later captured by the Vadrigar to fight on the Arena Eternal.
  • The Hunter is able to lay waste to whole areas with his Elementalism spells and Shotgun attacks. He is a master doing area damage, and at the same time Hinder and root his enemies in the devastated zone. The Hunter fights best when keeping his opponents at a distance, which frees him up to concentrate on doing damage to whole groups of monsters at once. The Deck is good for solo play when tackling large groups of enemies. The Hunter is built around doing high amounts of damage, but must be careful to keep enemies at arm’s length, as he lacks defenses. The Deck is very good in large scale player-versus-player combat, when huge groups of enemies flock together to find safety in numbers, because the Hunter can cause havoc by hitting so many of them at once.
  • A member of the Legion of Supervillains.
  • The Hunter, originally known as the Mini Strider, is a fast and agile synth used by the Combine as a scout and escort. The Hunter is first seen in Mossman's message in Half-Life 2: Episode One, but not encountered directly until Episode Two, where it is a prominent enemy.
  • Hunters are people that hunt things. After hunting said things, they usually trade things for other things. Usually these other things are things of high value, or edible. The edible things may be eaten with other edible things, or they may be used to trap things to kill. The things the hunters hunt can be eaten as well, unless the things the hunter hunts are poisonous things, in which case they probably shouldn't be eaten.
  • The Hunter is an unnamed man on Gengoro Island that hunts animals and always has a short assistant accompanying him.
  • Hunter is The Wise Guy of the group.
  • Hunter is the 26th level in Bloons Insanity.
  • Hunter is voiced by Darren Criss.
  • Hunter on ammatti.
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 161D10
  • Hunter ist ein kluger und nachdenklicher Junge, welcher oft unfreundlich wiederkommt. Jedoch ist er sehr hilfsbereit sehr loyal und treu zu Lady Moon, Gabriella Moonlight und Johan Winx.
  • Hunting can be done by setting up a trap in the vicinity of a hunter creature, and when a creature passes through the trap it will be caught. You can then check your trap to gain experience, obtain your loot and your trap. The amount of traps you can set is determinated by your level.
  • These skills are basic skillset for combo.
  • Hunter is a character featured in RAGE. He is a resident of Wellspring. Hunter doesn't have any significant dialogue options, although he will occasionally tell a few words to Nicholas Raine, like "Great racing today!". He also acknowledges the general changes in the situation. Initially he can be found in Wellspring wandering around the town or sitting on a stool in the courtyard near the "Second Chance" entrance.
  • Hunter was a seaman serving aboard HMS Indefatigable, Captain Sir Edward Pellew, at the time of Hornblower's tour. Hunter was assigned to Hornblower's prize crew aboard Marie Galante. There was also a Midshipman Hunter on the sloop HMS Le Reve.
  • se o metästäjä niin raisku aina sanoo, mut neo iha homoi ja miskakin mielest
  • Le Hunter [ˈhʌntər] est un hélicoptère de combat disponible dans : * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. * Grand Theft Auto Online avec le contenu téléchargeable Contrebande organisée appelé FH-1 Hunter.
  • Hunter ist eine Kurzgeschichte der 2. Idekria-Story des Benutzers Bioniclemaster724. In dieser Geschichte wird von zwei alternativen Toa - Kiani und Norik - berichtet, die sich auf die Suche nach dem Verräter aus "The Universe of Shadows" machen. Kiani hatte Metru Nui erreicht, doch er hatte den Verräter verloren. Er war sehr enttäuscht über die Flucht des Verräters, musste aber an den Plan denken. Nun öffnete er den Weg und die Bevölkerung des Universums machte sich auf den Weg zum Kernprozessor. Währenddessen erreichten Iruini, Gaaki, Kualus, Norik und der alternative Norik den Kernprozessor durch den Tunnel, doch er war leer. "Wir sind doch zu spät gekommen, sie sind weg!" sagte Iruini enttäuscht. "Hey, wenigstens haben wir es versucht und wenn alle Stricke reißen suchen wir eben die Kanohi Olmak von Brutaka." sagte Gaaki. "Die Maske existiert nicht mehr." erwiederte der alternative Norik. "Sie wurde von mir persönlich zerstört. Ich habe alle Fragmente im Universum verteilt, damit sie nicht repariert werden kann." "Dann müssen wir eben einen anderen Weg finden." sagte Kualus. Dann hörten die Toa ein Geräusch, nein mehrere, und sie wurden lauter. "Das ist Kiani, wir sind nicht zu spät, wir sind zu früh!" sagte Kualus überglücklich. "Aber wo ist Bomonga? Und Pouks? Er hat die Ignika!" "Sie sind genau hier!" sagte Pouks mit einem Lächeln auf dem Gesicht. Zusammen mit Bomonga und Kiani war er der erste, der den Kernprozessor betrat, die Ignika in den Händen. "Es wird Zeit zu gehen." sagte Gaaki mit Hoffnung in ihrer Stimme. Pouks nickte und legte die Kanohi Ignika in eine Niesche auf den Maschinen. Er betätigte einen Knopf und ein heller Lichtstrahl fuhr in die Kanohi Ignika. Es gab ein starkes Erdbeben und die Toa wussten was passiert war - der Roboter hatte keinen Geist mehr, er war tot und doch lebendig. "Gut, Kiani und ich werden den Hebel umlegen." sagte der alternative Norik. Die Toa Hagah nickten den beiden zu, und als sie den Hebel umlegten wurde es hell. Als sich das Licht auflöste waren die Toa und die Bewohner des Universums immer noch im Kernprozessor, doch die Toa Hagah merkten, dass sich etwas verändert hatte - sie konnten ihre Kräfte nicht einsetzen. "Wir haben es geschafft!" sagte Norik und drehte sich um, doch Kiani und der alternative Norik waren nicht da. "Sie sind dort geblieben, sie wollen sterben..." sagte Gaaki leise, dann zeigte ihre Maske ihr eine Vision. "Nein, sie wollen eine Rechnung begleichen, eine Rechnung mit einem Verräter." sagte Gaaki, nachdem ihre Maske ihr die Vision gezeigt hatte. * * * Dort, wo einst die Festung von Gahkran stand, schaufelte ein Matoraner den Schutt beiseite. Seit einigen Stunden war er nun schon damit beschäftigt und schließlich hatte er ihn freigelegt. Auf ihm saß eine blaue Toa, sie saß regungslos da. Er glänzte, der gläserne Thron. Der Matoraner lächelte, denn er wusste, dass sich sein Plan erfüllt hatte. "Niemals... das Ende!" sagte der Matoraner und begann teuflisch zu lachen. * * * Durch die Weiten der Galaxie flog ein roter Strahl. An diesem Strahl befand sich ein gewaltiger mechanischer Körper, der sich extrem schnell fortbewegte. Dieser Roboter hatte den Namen Mata Nui und er hatte eine Mission - fremde Welten beobachten, um einen weiteren Krieg zu verhindern, der einen ganzen Planeten zerstören kann. Seit einigen Jahren war Mata Nui nun schon unterwegs und er merkte, dass in ihm irgendetwas nicht stimmte, doch er hatte keine Zeit darüber nachzudenken und sich darum zu kümmern, denn seine Mission kam zuerst. Plötzlich merkte Mata Nui einen stechenden Schmerz und es fühlte sich an, als würde er aus seinem Körper gerissen werden - was auch der Fall war, denn in diesem Moment benutzten die Toa Hagah einer anderen Galaxie, genannt Idekria, die Kanohi Ignika, um Mata Nuis Geist in ihr zu fangen und zu entführen. Der gewaltige Roboterkörper hatte nun keinen Geist mehr und flog unkontrolliert durch die Welten, bis er auf einem Planeten aufschlug. Im Inneren des Roboters... Das Universum bebte. Von Metru Nui bis hin zu der südlichsten Insel des Universums gab es Erschütterungen, die zerstörerische Ausmaße annahmen. Die wenigen Rahi, die im Universum lebten suchten verzweifelt Schutz, doch nichts konnte ihnen diesen Schutz bieten. Im Kernprozessor ging währenddessen ein Vorgang vor sich. Zwei Stasis-Röhren fielen aus der Decke und zerschlugen beim Aufprall auf dem Boden. In dieser Stasis-Röhre befanden sich zwei schwarz-rot gepanzerte Wesen. Auf dem Planeten Spherus Magna waren diei beiden als Mitglieder einer Spezies der Skrall bekannt, doch sie hatten keinen Namen. Die Großen Wesen hatten diese zwei Skrall dort positioniert, um Mata Nui zu steuern, wenn er es selbst nicht mehr konnte. Und nun war diese Zeit gekommen. * * * Kiani grub so schnell er konnte. Norik tat dies ebenfalls. Die Erschütterungen waren nun schon seit einigen Stunden vorbei und die beiden hatten es bis nach Gahkran geschafft. "Du bist dir sicher, dass du den Verräter hier finden wirst?" fragte Norik unsicher. "Nicht den Verräter - die Verräterin. Du kennst sie." sagte Kiani ohne jegliche Emotion in der Stimme. "Ich kenne niemanden in diesem Universum." erwiederte Norik leise. "Oh doch... du kennst die Verräterin. Schließlich handelt es sich dabei um deine Schwester - Gaaki." erwiederte Kiani. Norik starrte den Toa des Eises an und hörte auf zu graben. "Grabe weiter, Norik. Oder willst du Gaaki nicht ihrem Urteil zuführen?" fragte Kiani. "Natürlich will ich das... aber ob ich es schaffe ist eine andere Frage." erwiederte Norik. "Diese Frage können wir uns stellen, wenn wir sie gefunden haben." sagte Kiani. "Selbst wenn wir sie unter den Trümmern finden ist es ausgeschlossen, dass sie noch lebt." sagte Norik. "Sie lebt, ich weiß es." entgegnete Kiani. Auf ein Mal tauchte hinter den beiden eine Gestalt auf - eine Gestalt in blau-goldener Rüstung. Sie legte die Spitze ihres Speers an Noriks Hinterkopf. Der Toa des Feuers konnte spüren, dass der Speer vor Wasser tropfte. "Ich wusste, dass ich dich hier finden werde." sagte Gaaki. Fast gleichzeitig drehten sich Kiani und Norik um und was sie sahen schockierte sie zutiefst: eine ganze Armee von Gaaki. Den beiden stockte der Atem. Vor allem Norik wagte es kaum zu atmen. Seitdem er sich gegen sein Team gestellt hatte, hatte er auf den Moment der vergeltung gewartet, doch nun da es soweit war, konnte er nichts tun. Das Blut gefror in seinen Adern und er begann vor Aufregung zu zittern. "Bring mich meiner Bestimmung näher." sagte die Gaaki, die ihren Speer vor Norik hielt und machte sich bereit für den Angriff. Währenddessen musterte Kiani die Armee von Gaaki. Er sah, dass nicht alle identisch waren. Einige der Gaaki waren entstellt, verkrüppelt oder verwandelt. "Wo hast du denn die Klone her?" fragte Kiani. "Soweit ich weiß sind beide Kanohi Olmak zerstört worden." "Ein Herrscher eines Universums hat immer einen Plan in der Hinterhand." erwiederte Gaaki mit einer Stimme, die Kiani einen kalten Schauer über den Rücken laufen ließ. "Wollt ihr nur reden, oder wollt ihr mich endlich zur Strecke bringen?" fragte Gaaki lachend, denn Norik und Kiani hatten gegen ihre Armee keine Chance. "Was hast du mit dieser Armee vor?" fragte Norik und ignorierte Gaakis Frage. "Da du mir mein Universum genommen hast, habe ich mich auf die Reise durch die Dimensionen gemacht und jede Gaaki geholt, die ich finden konnte. Mit dieser Armee werde ich alle Universen erobern, die ich finden kann." erklärte Gaaki. "Das wirst du nicht schaffen. Die ersten Universen wirst du vielleicht gnadenlos erobern, aber deine Armee wird von Dimension zu Dimension kleiner werden." warnte Norik. Gaaki begann schallend zu lachen und holte eine Toa aus der Masse, die gänzlich anders aussah wie alle anderen Gaaki - ja, sie war keine alternative Gaaki. "Darf ich vorstellen? Meine Geheimwaffe - Toa Tuyet. In ihrer Rüstung befinden sich Splitter des legendären Nui-Steins und wenn ich ihn erst rekonstruiert habe, werde ich unbesiegbar sein." sagte Gaaki. "Es war schwer eine Tuyet zu finden, da sie in fast allen Universen entweder gestorben oder von dem Orden von Mata Nui versteckt wurde, aber ich bin in ein Universum gekommen, in dem Tuyet im Gefängnis der Grube saß. Ich konnte sie retten, bevor das Gefängnis einstürzte." erklärte die Toa des Wassers. "Aber wie?" fragte Norik. "Wie konntest du durch die Dimensionen reisen. Ich weiß, dass es keine Olmak gibt und ich persönlich habe den Teleportationsapparat von Destral zerstört." fuhr der Toa des Feuers fort. "Es gibt eine Macht, die du nicht zerstören kannst. Ich habe diese Macht benutzt, so wie mein Vorgänger." sagte Gaaki. "Aber wollen wir uns jetzt nicht weiter mit den Formalitäten aufhalten." sagte Gaaki und gab ihrer Armee ein Zeichen. "Es war schön dich gekannt zu haben, Norik." sagte Gaaki, während hunderte von Gaaki auf die beiden Toa zukamen. * * * "Wieso funktioniert es nicht?" fragte der Skrall. Er sah seinen Stammeskollegen an, doch dieser blickte bloß fragend drein. "In diesem Körper befindet sich kein Geist mehr, wir müssten ihn kontrollieren können." sagte der Skrall. "Vielleicht ist einer der Hebel defekt." entgegnete der andere Skrall und drückte erneut auf die Knöpfe. Auf ein Mal begann die Steuerzentrale im Kernprozessor zu leuchten. "Es funktioniert! Machen wir uns auf den Weg nach Spherus Magna!" sagte der Skrall. "Nein! Es geht nicht! Irgendetwas stimmt nicht mit diesem Roboter. Er produziert nicht genug Energie!" sagte der Skrall schockiert. "Überprüf die Population des Universums." ordnete der Skrall an. Sein Begleiter sah auf die Bildschirme und verlor sämtliche Farbe in seinem Gesicht. "Es gibt keine Population in diesem Universum. Auf meinem Bildschirm wird mir nur eine kleine Zahl von Rahi und einige hundert Toa angezeigt, aber kein einziger Matoraner, kein Skakdi oder Makuta sind zu sehen." erkärte der Skrall. "Reichen die Notreserven noch aus?" fragte der andere Skrall. "Das könnte knapp werden." sagte der Skrall. "Aber selbst wenn wir es nach Spherus Magna schaffen sollten, haben wir danach nicht genug Energie, um den Planeten zu vereinen." "Dann werden wir uns dort etwas neues einfallen lassen." entgegnete der andere Skrall. Die beiden starteten die Maschinen und erhoben sich mit dem Roboter in die Weiten der Galaxie. In der Ferne konnten sie schon Bara Magna sehen, das größte Fragment des gespaltenen Spherus Magna. So schnell sie konnten, steuerten sie den Roboter auf den Planeten zu, doch die Reserven reichten nicht mehr. Kurz bevor der Roboter Bara Magna erreichen konnte, schalteten sich die Maschinen aus und der Roboter trieb in der Schwerelosigkeit. Im Inneren des Roboters gingen nun alle Lichter aus und die Wärme verschwand. Vernichtende Kälte und Dunkelheit breiteten sich im Universum aus. Eine Welle aus Schatten durchfuhr das Universum und zerstörte alles auf seinem Weg. Eine Armee aus Toa des Wassers, die gerade gegen zwei Toa kämpfte, sah die Gefahr nicht kommen und sie wurden alle miteinander vernichtet. Die Schattenwelle reichte bis in den Kernprozessor, wo sie die zwei Skrall tötete, die versuchten den Roboter wieder zum laufen zu bringen. Dort wo einst Leben herrschte, befand sich nun nichts anderes als Leere. Hätte jemand überlebt, würde er nichts als Dunkelheit sehen, außer er befände sich dort, wo Gahkran einst plaziert war. Dann hätte er einen gläsernen Thron gesehen, eine unzerstörbare Macht, die sich nun auflöste. In diesem Universum gab es nichts mehr und so beschloss dieser Gläserne Thron sich das nächste Universum zu suchen - und dort die Kontrolle zu übernehmen, denn selbst ein gläserner Thron muss nicht nur ein gläserner Thron sein, wenn einmal das Leben selbst auf ihm gesessen hatte und ihm seine Macht verliehen hatte. ENDE
  • El Hunter es una variante del Granadero especializado que usa la Horda Locust en las Partidas de Caza Locust, donde se matan a los Gusanos de Roca para alimentar a los Locust.
  • Jack-B099 looked through his sniper scope.He saw his targets,the prophets of Life and Glory.He fired and killed them both.An elite snuck up behind him and sliced at him.Jack dodged and fired a clip of sniper ammo at him,killing him.The covenant below him heard the gunfire and threw plasma grenades.Jack switched to SMGs and jumped off the ledge he was on,firing at the covenant below him.When he landed,Jason ran to the hangar and stole a seraph.He called Terabyte,who teleported to him. Terabyte hacked the controls and flew them both to safety.When they landed,Jack saw another Spartan.She noticed him and said "Hello Jack.Terabyte told me about you.I am Amy,Spartan B180.I want to join your team." Jack said "I don't have a team" and Amy said "Well,a team would make it easier for you to do jobs." Jack said "Fine.But until I find somebody I want to join the team,it's just you and me."
  • The hunter is a variant strain of the baneling that appears in StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm.
  • Hunter is a Final Fight character who first appeared in the Capcom game Final Fight 3. He is one of the minor enemy characters the player characters face.
  • A hunter is one who hunts. Hunting is the practice of pursuing any living thing, usually wildlife, for food, recreation, or trade. The species which are hunted are referred to as game or prey, and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory gamebirds. Hunting can also involve the elimination of vermin, as a means of pest control to prevent diseases caused by overpopulation. Hunting advocates state that hunting can be a necessary component of modern wildlife management, for example to help maintain a population of healthy animals within an environment's ecological carrying capacity when natural checks such as predators are absent. Due to their livelihood, hunters have developed several skills. Skilful tracking and acquisition of an elusive target are foremost. They possess or have developed keen senses of smell, sight, and hearing. Hunters have learned patience from hours of waiting for prey. From spending so much time in the wild, they have deloped an affinity with nature, and are experts at reading the land, blending in with their surroundings, and discerning strategic locations for ambush. Hunters are usually keen archers, but not always; some are fierce melee combatants, relying on speed and ferocity to catch their prey and slay it swiftly and efficiently. On the battlefield, hunters can put their experience and skills to use in many ways. They are extremely useful as scouts, snipers, and skirmishers. They can also be used to flush out and destroy small hidden pockets of resistance. If an army is being harried by enemy while on the march, hunters can drive off the enemy, turning the tables on them and making the enemy the hunted ones. Whatever their role, hunters on the battlefield are deadly foes. Their enemies become their prey.
  • The Hunter (狩人 Karyuudo?) is a recurring job class in the Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology subseries of escort titles within the Tales series. This job is based on aspects derived from the Archer (アーチャー Aachaa?) costume family of Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 and its sequel, merging it with abilities that are best associated with Nanaly Fletcher and Garr Kelvin.
  • Hunter to pracownik Oceanic Airlines wspomniany w odcinku „Exodus: Part 2”. Kiedy Hurley prosił Jennę o wpuszczenie do samolotu, ta podniosła słuchawkę i powiedziała: "Hunter, tu Jenna, mamy tu jeszcze jednego". Hurley został wpuszczony na pokład.
  • Hunter is the second Class from the Archer Base Class. Players can attain this class upon completing the Archer Growth Ring.
  • The Hunter had knobby, translucent skin, where black blood pumping through its power-line-sized veins could be seen. It was hairless, neckless, and hunched, with a flat face. Crooked fangs protruded from its lower jaw making it impossible to fully close its mouth, a steady stream of yellowish drool spilling out. It was amphibious, with gills the size of helicopter propellers. It was quadrupedal, with its hind legs bowed, its front legs more like thick gorilla arms. It had four eyes, arranged in a diamond pattern on the beast's broad forehead, and at the center of each eye, where the pupil would be, were the Loric pendants used to track the Garde. The Hunter was almost as tall as the Statue of Liberty. Sam Goode mistakes the Hunter for a "tarrasque."
  • The Hunter was a large German man who worked as a Nazi operative during World War II, and was called in specifically to track down heroes, such as The Hangman. He was described as an experienced sleuth and appeared to be a skilled big game hunter. He was indeed fairly clever. He was also strong enough to throw men around with ease, and was more than a match in physical combat with The Hangman. He would have killed the Hangman several times, if not for outside intervention. In addition to his great strength, The Hunter carried a variety of weapons, including a short sword and a bow (with a quiver of arrows strapped to his back). He had two vicious tracking hounds named Bruno and Thor. He was also very skilled in setting up traps. However, the Hunter eventually fell into a trap set up by the hangman which resulted in his hanging. He appeared to be killed.
  • He was stranded on the island, and he knew he would never get off of it. He had heard the stories, knew about the deaths, the killings. He knew he would die on this island. Never see his family again. He was Dr. Arnold Crichton, paleontologist. he had been the leading expert in carnivorous dinosaurs for the last 20 years. He was widely considered to be the single greatest paleontologist of the past hundred years, almost all of paleontology's existence. And it would all end today. He knew it would. End in blood, and he would see it coming, possibly even see it happen. If things worked out that way. He heard a snarl. A hiss. Crichton heard a rustling in the bushes ahead of him. Then four, maybe five flashes. Pain in his side. He felt something warm spilling into his lap, he later knew to be his intestines. He thought of his son, his daughter....... His son.......daughter.......... They knew what to do. At least his son did. They knew where he was, or, they would soon. Knew to have it all destroyed. He reached for his tranquilizer pistol, and randomly fired a few blanks. I was stupid, he thought. Should've loaded it. Or, to save him the time, he should never have come. But it was too late now. Far, far too late. He felt a chunk of flesh come out of his side. Blood spilled onto the sand and was washed into the sea as the tide came up. More bites, excrutiating pain. It would all be over soon. Too soon. No time left. His children could fix it. He knew they could. Or at least, his son could. He knew that. Maybe not the daughter though. Everything went black.
  • Hunter is an ability that grants its user a range of powers allowing them to hunt down other people.
  • Hunter was an employee of Oceanic Airlines. Shortly before Oceanic Flight 815 took off from the Sydney Airport, Hunter received a call from Jenna indicating that there was still one more passenger who needed to board at the last minute. Hunter informed her that there was still enough time for the man to board the plane.
  • Aloy's tribe, the Nora, is said to have been the first to hunt machines, sometime after the collapse of human civilization. They are referred to as Braves, and hunt their prey using bows and ropecasters, while also gathering sustenance. They also defend the tribe from hostile human invaders. The Carja are more organized in their hunts. They keep detailed records of these hunts and the fates of past hunters at the Hunters Lodge. Among the Carja, machine hunters are known as Hawks.
  • Reclined against the great furry back of her cat, Akindi held her tankard in one hand and passed the peace pipe on with the other. The air near the fire was hot, and she was not the only one who had taken off her heavy tabard. She watched Zimjak's animated face in the firelight as he sat in only his leather breeches, half telling and half acting out a raucous story to his captivated audience. "An' she kept following me, sniffin like! So finally, ah had no choice left: eet had ta be da goblins." Bishmi roared his laughter, slapping his knee, while Sneaky winced in sympathy. Akindi chuckled, but through the fog of the bloomsmoke she kept losing track of the stories. "That's nothing," Thrusk rumbled from his seat on a log. "About a year ago, I was hunting down in Durotar…" Her eyes were drawn from his face to his bare arms as he gestured, the movement of muscles under skin hypnotic. She caught herself and buried her face in her mug. She would have to leave again. Tomorrow at the latest. "Kindi? Kindi where do you be hidin'?" "Ahm up here, Grandfaddah!" "Hrmph. Get down from dere. Ah got news." "H'okay. What news? Tell me!" "It be grand news, lil Kindi. Cho'll be happeh ta hear it. Ah've been talkin wit a few of de oddah eldahs, an ah've decided dat on yer namin day, eet'll be time fer ya ta get married." "… Wha?" "Ahm too old ta take care of yeh properlike, ah got ta be findin choo a man afore I be gone." "… Who?" "Leel Boojum." "Really? Tu-" "Ol'juk Boojum. Choo two be a perfect match." Akindi breathed deeply of the cool night air coming in from the Golden Plains. The stories had ended and the younger members of her little tribe were stoking up the fire now, singing lascivious songs about elves and gnomes. She smiled as she looked out over the great plains of Mulgore, bathed in the light of the full moon. The hairs on the back of her neck tingled as Bishmi came up behind her. Her heart beat faster as he laid a warm had on her shoulder. "Choo leavin?" A nod. "Eet be time for me to go." Bishmi pulled her around, gently. The bonfire lit up her face, but cast shadows over his. They stood there, two old trolls who had fought beside each other many times through the years. He spoke first. "Why not stay here diss time?" She shook her head mutely, lips pressed together. Her palms were sweating. "Eets not right, Akindi." She shook his hand off, feeling the familiar surge of anger well up. "Eet not be of aneh concern ta you, what ah do." "Ah don' like seein mah friends hurt demselves." "Den don' watch!" She whistled sharply for Claw. Bishmi was standing too close. Her face was hot. The fog of smoke had left her and she clung to her anger. "Ahm goin huntin… tell de othas 'bye foh me." Bishmi frowned at her retreating back, gnawing on the air in frustration. "Grandfather?" "Mnn.. Enh? Wha?" "Grandfather? I had a dream." "Kindi? A dream? Couldn't you tell me about it tomorrow?" "No. It's about tomorrow." "Ah. I see. Hang on then." "…" "Allright. It's normal to have dreams the night before your naming day, you know." "Mother and Father were talking to me." "Mmm." "I could see them… we were walking through the village, Mother was on my left and Father on my right. We stopped near the pond, Tum'juk and Ol'juk were there. They were fighting." "Were they now? About what?" "I… didn't know. I started to go to them, but mother made me stay. Then…. Tum'juk s-started shouting, and the sky got dark, an, an Ol'juk suddenly had a knife, an I h-had to do something but I di-hidn't know what it was, an they were fighting, an th-then Mother grabbed me and, and T-Tum'juk sh-shot me with a-an arrow!" "Shhhh… c'mere. Kindi, it was just a dream… he would never hurt you, you're just nervous and making up dangers." "No, h-he wasn't shooting at me. He was shooting at my baby! A-hand Mother was helping!" "Your.. Hey. Shhhh. It's ok, Kindi." "But… then I wa-has out in a jungle, and M-mother was gone, and it was j-just me and Father. And he h-handed me his bow, and I wasn't shot or hurt, and he s-said 'This is your place' a-hand dissappeared. A-hand I was so a-ha-loooone..." "Shush... shush… Hrmmm." "Grandf-father?" "Hmmnnn. Let's go see Karlak'ji." Two great cats ran across the plains, muscles smoothly pumping through well practiced motions. His mind was clear. His was the thrill of the run, and the anticipation of the great hunt ahead of them. Hers was troubled. Despite the release of running and the promise of blood, a small part of herself that she could never escape burned and remembered. "Who are you who come before the Council of Elders?" "I name myself to be Kajee'ki Barr'att." "We greet you, Kajee'ki Barr'att, noble hunter of the tribe. Who do you bring before us?" "She is my ward. She has no name." "If she is fit, she shall have one." "I proclaim her fit, and offer violence and death to any who disagree." "We see no objections to your claim. She is known to us and fit to be a member of this tribe. Step forward, child." "I am here." "What would you have of the council?" "I am an adult now. I wish an adult's name and place in the tribe." "Then claim it." "I am no longer a child. I am Akindi Bar'att, a hunter of the tribe." "We welcome another strong member of the tribe! Sound the drums! Light the fires! Another warrior is born this day. Let us feast!" They stalked through the jungle, the hot, humid air offering no relief to her. She grimaced, her tusks bared to the world. Her hands gripped the hilts of her weapons rhythmically, clenching and releasing as she sought her prey. Something large. Something fierce. Something that had a real chance of killing her. He growled, low. There was a scent in the air. "Hoy! Hoy! Speech!" "Jah, mon, speech from da parteh girl! Ah mean woman!" "Talk about adult tings!" "Ah-ahahah!" "Shatap, joo monkey. H'okay. Friends an famileh, ah be havin sometin' to say." "Woo! Say yer'll marreh me!" "Cho're alreadeh married!" "Ah could have two…" "Joo couldn't handle her." "Hoo!" "Oy you two! Shut yer mouths fer a minute an stop pourin da drink down em. Akindi has sumtin ta say to all of yeh." "Tank you, Grandfaddah. Ah… Tomorrow ahm leavin da village." "What?" "No! Why?" "But -" "Ah had a dream, an da spirits talked to meh. Dey said dat ah can't be stayin here. Ah've got tings to do before.. Er, before ah start a famileh." "Heh. She's blushin." "Shh!" "Ah be havin sometin to do, an Ah don' know what eet be. But ah'm swearin to da spirits now, ah won't settle down til ah finish eet." "But she was supposed to-" "Akindi's got a spirit quest! Alreadeh?" "Choo missed yer callin as a shaman, girl!" "She'd make a terrible shaman - what'ryoo yappin about?" "Ah don' know when ah'll be done it. Ah tink ah have a lot to do, tings dat ah can't do while ahm stayin here and… takin care of a tent. So. I sweah not to have a mate or a home of my own until ah've done… whatever eet is dey want me to do." "…" "But… but she…" "Whew. No mate at all?" "Crazy girl." "Hope eet doesn' take too long, eh?" "Ah'm sorreh. Ah don' want to leave. But ah have to." "Well, den dere it eez. Choo heard her. Now as I always say: If dere be shit to do tomorrow, at least get shitfaced today!" "Woo!" "But…" "PASS DA PIPE!" The two great cats tore into the giant reptile, claws rending flesh, axes spinning, soaked in blood. It bathed her arms, her legs, as she and the tiger roared as one at the jungle tyrant. The energy built up within her swelled as she fought, throbbing painfully through her arms and shoulders, her heartbeat pounding in her head. The devilsaur fought with desperation now, swiping viciously, lashing out at the other cat with its massive tail. She screamed in rage as a great talon raked across her face, tearing through her scalp and ripping through her eye. Blood ran down her face as she staggered backwards, dropping an axe to clutch at the wound. The tyrant lunged forward but she ducked low and spun, a rictus of hate on her face, severing the tendon in his lower leg. With a great bellow the beast fell, and the two cats lunged in for the kill. With a triumphant roar she cleaved through his throat with her axe, the ecstasy of the kill flowing through her. The giant lizard jerked violently in the throes of death, blood pumping out of its severed artery. Akindi welcome it, glorying in the hot blood running down her skin. She roared again, the built up adrenaline and rage finally finding a release among the dense jungle trees. She waited, panting, as the noble beast finally stilled. The blood on her skin was drying, already caked on to her thighs. Her muscles shivered with exhaustion. She let her axe drop from her hands and fell to her knees as her companion came over to lick at her ear. It would have to do.
  • The Hunter is a Class that upgrades from Sniper. It is a Tier 3 tank and can upgrade to the Predator or to the Streamliner.
  • s. auch: Kategorie:Noble Houses
  • アゼロスは様々な種族の故郷となっており、Lordaeronの新しい大地からカリムドーの古き大地まで、多種多様な生き物が存在しています。友好的であったり、敵対的であったりと違いはありますが、それら全てに共通するものがひとつあります。それは、それぞれの生物はハンターと特別な コネクションを繋ぐことができるということです。ハンターは荒野からあらゆる種類の獣や動物たちを探したり、追跡したり、飼い慣らしたり、殺したりします。彼らが弓や小銃などどのような武器に頼るかに関わらず、ハンターたち全ては自分の武器とペットが唯一本当の友であると考えています。
  • De hunter is een DPS class die meestal vanaf een afstand (range) aanvalt. Hunters hebben pets die ook een hoop toevoegen aan je DPS en hun helpen aggro te regelen. Hunters zoeken, temmen en trainen beesten die in het wild leven. Hunters vinden dat hun wapens en dieren hun enige echte vrienden zijn. * Hunters temmen wilde beesten uit Outland en Azeroth en trainen die om naast hun te vechten. Hunters en warlocks (demons) mages (water elemental) druids (force of nature balance) shamans (elemental summoning totems) en priests (shadowfiend) maken het goed dat de andere klassen ook pets hebben. Warlocks pets zijn all genoemd als je ze krijgt en hun damage heeft er geen betrekking op. * Hunters zijn meesters in overleving met vallen leggen en en opsporen. * Hunters kunnen Leather en Cloth dragen tot level 39. Op level 40 kunnen ze mail armor dragen. De meeste Hunters beginnen op level 1 een axe of dagger en een gun, crossbow en bow. Met training kunnen ze alle andere wapens leren behalve wands maces en two handed maces. Ze kunnen geen shields en plate armor gebruiken. * Hunters kunnen soorten buffs genaamd Animal Aspects gebruiken die speciale attributes verhoogd zoals dodge ren snelheid en zelfs nature resistance.
  • Hunter is the seventh episode of The Young Knight season 1.
  • "A specialist of outdoor activities. Their speciality is making long range sniping attacks with a long bow. They are also equipped with leather armor and a battle axe, so they are well balanced overall."
  • Hunter is a man who appeared in False Witness (episode).
  • Hunter is Socko's brother-in-law. He is an experienced hunter, continuing with the pun names that Socko's family generally has. His existence is known due to the fact that the first pic on's Bigfoot pics states that he loaned Spencer his camouflage clothes and gear. Also, in one episode, Carly states that Socko can't come to Spencer's party because he is on a safari in Africa with Hunter. Like Socko, he never appears in an episode.
  • The hunter is a stalker in the wilds, living on his knowledge of survival and skill with a bow or rifle. He is deeply in tune with nature, and some of its mightiest beasts are his allies. Of Azeroth's many creatures, few can resist the hunter's call, and fewer can survive his fury. Hunters are as varied as the world's many climates, but they are universally renowned for their amazing abilities to find their prey and bring it down. They come from any race (players are restricted to seven races, see below), though certain races naturally excel at the hunter's profession. Most hunters seek to aid the balance of nature along with their druidic allies. Elven rangers are not alone in their mastery of the wilderness. While an elven ranger prefers the bow, the hunter would rather get up close. A hunter is skilled in stealth, slipping through the woods like a ghost. Orcs of the Horde first learned the ways of the hunter from forest trolls on Lordaeron and tauren have been masters of the hunt since the dawn of the world. Like the shamans of the Horde, hunters call upon the spirits of the land, wind, and fire to aid them in their hunts and tasks. Their spells focus on the elements and the land. Here is a list of .
  • thumbHunter es un Overlander, cazador furtivo, enemigo de Knuckles the Echidna, que considera el asesinato masivo de Mobians aceptable siempre y cuando le den una oportunidad deportiva. Apareció por primera vez en la Angel Island, tratando de capturar a Knuckles junto a su rival de la infancia Monk, solo para ser derrotado por Knuckles. Después de esto Hunter fue capturado, convirtiéndose en un soldado del Dr. Eggman. Hunter fue utilizado por Eggman para localizar y robar la Esmeralda Maestra, así como para enviar a numerosos Echidnas a la Egg Grape Chamber en el proceso. Hunter fue asesinado por Hyper Knuckles, después de ser lanzado de la isla, cayendo en el mar debajo.
  • File:Quake3.png Hunter is the Arena Lord of the Tier 2 and a playable character at single player of Quake 3 Arena. She gives player a challenge at The Proving Grounds (q3tourney2). She loves the Lightning Gun and even references to it in her chat lines. She hates all Sorg for the destruction of her homeworld. Sorlag will reference to her as well. At lower difficulties she hardly possess any threat to players, but at higher difficulties you can see her rushing LG quickly and giving you the shock of your life. She favors hitscan and beam type weapons, generally switches along then rapidly use them to get the frag. If you dare to get close to land better hits, she swiftly switches to Shotgun and riddles you with pellets. At the mid range she favors her trustful and dead accurate Lightning Gun skills. In case she runs dry on ammo or you attempt to keep distance, you'll most likely feel the sting of her Machinegun shots or Shotgun pellets again. When she's out of Lightning Gun, she will use Rocket Launcher. Her skill with the Rocket Launcher is greater than that of the Lightning Gun, but still prefers it over the rocket. She appears as a barely armored amazonian, tall tribeswoman; wears stripy dark green bands and metallic pads with skulls carved on it and what appears to be a sorg skull with feathers on top of it. Her eyesight is hidden with her sorg skull headwear. She looks smooth as a piece of silk in the breeze but actually tough as nails on the inside. Her other names in chat lines are; "Ice Queen", "Princess", "Feather-head", "She-male", "~Sistah Chicken Head" and "Witch".
  • The Hunter series is a form of genetically-engineered B.O.W. created with the mutagenic effects of the t-Virus, based on foreign DNA being introduced to human embryos.
  • Hunter er en member skill. Hunter er en god måde at tjene penge på.
  • Faction: Decepticon Species: Transformer Function: TRACKER - ASSASSIN Rank: 3 - Intelligence HUNTER is a mysterious and quiet Decepticon. He keeps mostly to himself and the shadows. He is wise and determined, a loyal and hardworking addition to the Decepticon Empire. Aged to the civil wars of Cybertron, HUNTER has many, many years of life experience and knowledge. He holds the hunt to the highest regard and applies all he has to each one. Equipped with homing missiles and a quantum fusion cannon in his space-modified SR-71 alt mode, as well as a pulse sniper rifle and hunting knives of the strongest metals in his robot mode. He can fly in excess of 60000 mph, when not engaging his FTL engines which tax his systems heavily, but moving at those maximum speeds causes him to lose much maneuverability. Enhanced senses and stealth in robot mode allow Hunter to be the ultimate tracker he is.
  • File:IconLarge Hunter.gif La classe dell'Hunter (Cacciatore) è abile nell'effettuare i pull, ridirezionare l'aggro, effettuare il crowd control, ed è principalmente pensata per generare una grande quantità di danno da lontano. I cacciatori posseggono dei compagni animali che aumentano la loro capacità di effettuare DPS in combattimento e possono essere usati per controllare l'aggro del gruppo a seconda delle abilità che il padrone ha deciso di insegnare loro. I cacciatori cacciano, domano e allenano gli animali presenti nelle distese selvaggie. La loro abilità nella sopravvivenza, le loro armi e il loro compagno animale sono i loro unici amici.
  • The Hunter is a fictional ranged class for Stick Ranger. It has an extremely long ranged (200s) class with automatic magic attacks. It's a substantially weaker class than a regular Sniper and also tend to have lower LP. It uses Slings.
  • Hunter (Ohotnik / Охотник) is a character who appears only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl as a Loner stalker.
  • Hunter – polski (szczycieński) zespół grający muzykę, soul metal i nie tylko. Tematyka piosenek grupy jest bardzo zróżnicowana (smutek, załamka, depresja, rozpacz, histeria). Wokalista zespołu był do niedawna porządnym człowiekiem, jednak jakiś czas temu został członkiem rady miasta. Nazwa zespołu jest pewną niejasnością. Krążą legendy, iż Paweł Grzegorczyk jest zapalonym kulturystą, a nazwa zespołu miała brzmieć „Hantel”, jednak ze względu na ułomność polskiego społeczeństwa, każdy przekręcał nazwę na „Hanter”. Zespół kocha jeździć w trasy, szczególnie do Japonii oraz Tajlandii – gdzie mają najwięcej fanów. Fascynacja zespołu Japonią, wiąże się także z ulubionym rytuałem członków bandu, a mianowicie bukakke, który to jest obowiązkowym elementem każdego koncertu, szczególnie koncertów z serii „Unplugged”, czyli gitary na baterie. Zespół sprzedaje wiele gadżetów, między innymi kubki z wizerunkiem Klaudiusza z Big Brothera oraz butelki wody mineralnej, naładowanej przez „ręce, które leczą”. Inną pasją członków zespołu jest jazda na ich ciężkich motocyklach, Harleyach marki Romet. Uwielbiają też skórzane ciuszki, które za namową Erica Adamsa (Manowar), kupują tak jak on, na wyprzedażach ciuchów ze serialu Hercules (rzadziej z serialu Xena) oraz od samego Kevina Sorbo. W społeczeństwie chodzą pogłoski, jakoby Hunter był zespołem satanistycznym, aczkolwiek Kościół nie poparł tego stanowiska, ze względu na zbyt duże podobieństwo Pawła Grzegorczyka do Jezusa Chrystusa. Wśród znawców muzyki, Hunter jest nazywany polskim 50 Centem. Na płytach zespołu, gościnnie występują takie gwiazdy jak: Gunther, Scooter, C-Bool oraz DJ Hazel. W wolnych chwilach członkowie bandu, chodzą na piwo z zespołami Opeth i Children of Bodom, a potem grają z nimi w bierki. W 2009 r. zespół wydał płytę „HellWood”, która nic, a nic nie jest podobny do poprzednich ( teksty wyjątkowo dotyczą braku sensu życia). W 2012 nagrali album o nazwie „Królestwo”. Zostało ono wydane na własny koszt, aby tym razem wszystkie miliony złotych ze sprzedaży płyt trafiły na zakup nowego H2Ó do stawu Wódki niedaleko stodoły Letkiego (to właśnie w niej nagrywano płytę, a jak wiadomo – artysta nie wielbłąd, pić musi). Po roku popijawy zespół pozbierał się i nagrał album o wdzięcznej nazwie „Imperium” w którym każda piosenka miały początek o takowym przedsionku. Zaraz po wydaniu zespół został oficjalnie znienawidzony przez ojca Rydzyka za to, że piosenka „Imperium Trujki” obraża Radio Maryja swoim ostatnim refrenem.
  • Hunter is a (basically civilian) class concerned with food acquisition. Together with the Warrior it forms two of the basic classes.
  • The Hunter is a Chimeran rifle that appears in Resistance: Burning Skies. It fires semi-automatic bursts of controlled energy.
  • Hunter è un membro dello staff Oceanic Airlines. * Non è mai comparso, ma viene menzionato brevemente da Jenna nell'episodio Esodo, seconda parte, quando Hurley arriva all'imbarco.
  • Hunter was a passenger on SouthCoast Flight 397, traveling from Washington, D.C. to Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 7 1994. Later that year, Dana Scully saw Hunter's name written on an airline passenger manifest while searching for Fox Mulder. (TXF: "Little Green Men")
  • Hunter is a meta-character in Sordid Lives, played by Robert Lewis Stephenson. He is a character in the fictional soap opera Friends and Lovers. His brother, who was played by Ty Williamson, died of burns. He is having an affair with Daniella.
  • Hunter was part of Jack Bauer's tactical team during the events of The Game.
  • "Hunter" is a keyword that represents a triggered power. It means, "When this card enters play, choose an opposing character. That character becomes hunted by you." - Only one character can be hunted by each player at a time. As a character becomes hunted by a player, all other characters stop being hunted by that player. A character also stops being hunted by a player if it stops being opposed to that player. A character that leaves play stops being hunted by all players.
  • Hunter on siitä hyvä hahmoluokka että se käyttää ampuma-aseita tehdäkseen varteenotettavaa vahinkoa, ja toisen erikoisuutensa lemmikin se jakaa vain yhden hahmoluokan kanssa, Warlockin. Tosin myös Death knightit saavat pysyvän lemmikin unholy spekissä, muttei se ole yhtä varteenotettava. Metsästäjällä on myös kyky nähdä tietyn tyyppisten vihollisten (ja ystävien) sijainnit minimap:ssa, ja metsästäjä voi asettaa ansoja joilla aiheuttaa vahinkoa tai hidastaa vihollista. * Beastmastery (Petoherruus) Petoherruuden kyvyt vahvistavat pääasiassa Metsästäjän lemmikkiä, mutta sen alaisuuteen kuuluvat myäs itse metsästäjää vahvistavat aspectit ja jotkin muut talentit. Petoherruuspuun parhaita iskuja on Bestial Wrath joka kasvattaa lemmikin tekemää vahinkoa 50%. Lisätalentilla myös hunter itse hyötyy siitä. Lisäksi petoherrat voivat kesyttää Eksoottisia Petoja, joihin kuuluvat mm. Khimairat, Villasarvikuonot ja Spirit Beastit, * Marksmanship (Ampumistaito) Toiseksi yleisin metsästäjätyyppi on keskittynyt oman vahinkonsa voimistamiseen, ongelma on lemmikin kyky pitää Aggro kurissa ja sen hallitseminen onkin yksinpelattessa tärkeää, mutta ryhmissä ero petomestaruuden ja ampumistaidon välillä hämärtyy, sillä hyvän tankin olessa mukana metsästäjän ei tarvitse pidätellä itseään vaan voi käyttää koko potentiaaliaan tuottaakseen vahinkoa. * Survival (Selviytyminen) Survival metsästäjät osaavat erilaisia selviytymiskikkoja ja paranneltujen aggronhallintakykyjen takia ovat parhaita vetäjiä. Survival metsästäjät ovat myös Master Tactician-kyvyn takia todella tehokkaita ryhmissä, koska he parantavat kaikkien eikä vain oman ryhmänsä jäsenten iskuntehokkuutta. Survival metsästäjän tärkeimpiä kykyjä ovat Arcane Shotin korvaava Explosive Shot, Wyvern Sting joka tekee paljon vahinkoa ja nukuttaa kohteen hetkeksi, sekä Scatter Shot, joka sekoittaa kohteen neljäksi sekunniksi.
  • Hunter is a medium armored hull in Tanki Online, which is is automatically obtained and equipped when creating a new account, along with Smoky.
  • Él es un granjero local, que te dará consejos y tips para cuidar a tus animales. Este chico siempre ha pensado que la compañía de sus peludos amigos es la mejor, y que la de un humano no tiene ni punto de comparación.
  • Hunter is highly respected throughout Bewaker City and the surrounding areas for his sheer bravery and leadership qualities. As the director of the protectors of Bewaker City, he holds a great deal of responsibility. Trainers who defeat him will be given the Blade Badge.
  • Hunter on AH-64 Apache GTA Vice Cityssä ja GTA Vice City Storiesissa. GTA San Andreasissa Hunter on AH-64A "Apache". Hunter on tappava helikopteri.Siinä on konekivääri ja sillä voi ampua kaksi rakettia kerralla. * Ajoneuvo laji:Taisteluhelikopteri * Miehistö:1 * Ilmestyy:GTA Vice Cityssä ,GTA San Andreasiss, GTA Liberty City Storiesissa ja GTA Vice City Storiesissa
  • Hunter (died 3237) is a character that appears in that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics. He was a rogue and ruthless Overlander poacher and a foe of Knuckles the Echinda. He first appeared on Angel Island, capturing Knuckles and his childhood rival Monk, only to be defeated by Knuckles. Following this, Hunter was captured and turned into a soldier by Dr. Eggman, who used him to locate and steal the Master Emerald as well as to send numerous Echidnas to the Egg Grape Chambers, only for Hunter to get killed by Super Knuckles in the process.
  • Hunter est un employé d’Oceanic Airlines qui est mentionné quand Hurley implore Jenna de le laisser monter à bord. Cette dernière décroche alors le téléphone et dit : « Hunter, c'est Jenna, nous en avons un de plus… ». (L'Exode (2/3))
  • The Hunter is one of the better front classes in the late game due to his ability to instantly kill enemies with critical hits through regular attacks. Especially in The Thief of Fate, this ability is extremely useful. Unlike in Tales of the Unknown and The Destiny Knight, the hunter's Thief of Fate character sheet tells the probability of scoring a critical hit. You should always have a Hunter just behind your Monk.
  • Hunter — военный вертолет, встречающийся в третьем поколении серии GTA. Используется Военными силами США. Впервые появился в GTA Vice City.
  • This armor and weapon set is available only in the Dragon Knight Saga game. It contains the following pieces: * Hunter Gauntlets * Hunter Helmet * Hunter Leggings * Hunter Cuirass * Hunter Belt * Hunter Necklace * Hunter Earrings * Hunter Bracelets * Hunter Ring * Hunter Bow "Conceived by a group of professional hunters, this set encompasses the best and the most complete equipment a ranger could wish for. Rangers who wear this equipment should be among the most feared creatures in Rivellon but - as is intended - they are not: for how prey can fear that which they never even saw coming?"
  • Hunter is a Deniable Ops game mode featured in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction. In Hunter, the player is tasked with eliminating all enemies in the area before moving on to another area in the map, each 'area' splitting the map into different zones.
  • Hunter is also noted as being the only Rover whose relatives appeared during the season; he visits his mother in "A Day in the Life."
  • Hunter is a member of Brotherhood, and one of the three to survive the events of MotorStorm: Apocalypse. He is the only friend of Stone. He is voiced by Arif S. Kinchen.
  • The Hunter Job class is the original progression in the path of the Archer Job class before the Alternative Second Job classes were released. Most of the skills of the Hunter Job class are centered on the deployment of traps, giving the Hunter an edge in versatility as it is able to adapt to a number of situations. Another major part of the Hunter class is the use of a Falcon which can increase the damage of the Hunter making it one of the most powerful 2nd job classes there is in the game. An Archer may become a Hunter once he/she has reached at least Job Level 40 and completed the Hunter Job Change Quest. Hunters became more adept in using Bows, enabling them to shoot arrows faster compared to Archers. With the skills they have, they take their knowledge and skill of the Bow & Arrow to the next level.
  • A hunter is person who hunts game or other wild animals for food. A hunter is also hired to kill smaller creatures (wild dogs, bears or wolves), or other simple work that does not require a witcher.
  • " Hunter " era el apodo de un comando clon que sirvió en el Gran Ejército de la República durante las Guerras Clon. Él era el líder de la Fuerza Clon 99, un escuadrón de élite con habilidades avanzadas.
  • Buckley Bedlington, Muffin Lionheart See also: pt-br:Caçador
  • Hunter is a fast, powerful cheetah from the "Spyro series" who helps Spyro on many adventures. He appears as a minor character in Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage. He is often equipped with a bow and arrow and is known to be a champion of the Speedway levels. Being as Hunter is not a character originating from the Crash Bandicoot series, he is only present in the Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot crossover game and serves a very minor role.
  • You have spent time hunting recreationally or professionally.
  • Places a trap and ends the turn. If an enemy moves within the area the Ecaflip jumps to him dealing damage.
  • Aleck's Hunter Emporium jest Yanille i inny znajduje się w Nardah. Inne potrzebne rzeczy:
  • Hunter foi um personagem não visto e brevemente mencionado em "Exodus: Parte 2". Quando Hurley pede a Jenna (atendente do portão de embarque) para o deixar entrar no avião, ela pega o fone e fala "Hunter, aqui é Jenna, nós pegamos mais um...ta". Permitindo assim que Hurley entrasse no avião.
  • Hunters are able to build camps and continue the Scout tradition of 2 movement. They can also train Hawks and use them to scout out areas without having to waste time or risk their lives investigating it themselves. Years of living in the wilderness on their own terms have taught these men a thing or two about the importance of stealth, speed and senses. When called upon to do so, they make excellent scouts, moving fast and missing little. Though not as magnificently in tune with the land as the Rangers and Elves, hunters know how to bend Nature to their will, and make use of the advantages She gives. Many Hunters are excellent animal trainers, and you will rarely find one without a large hound and a bird of prey as travelling companions.
  • left Medziokles (Hunter) įgūdis yra ne kovinis įgūdis, kuris leidžia žaidėjams sekti arba su spąstais gaudyti gyvūnus ir visokias būtybes visame RuneScape. Naudodamiesi medžioklės įranga, kuri yra perkama iš medžiotojų parduotuvių, žaidėjai gali medžioti visokias būtybes ir gauti atlyginimą kaip kaulai (bones), drugeliai (butterflies), gyvūnų dalys, arba net velniukus (imps), kurie gali pildyti jūsų norus. Viena medžiotojų parduotuvė yra mieste Yanille, į rytus nuo pilies karų (Castle wars). Medžiojimas buvo paleistas "HUNTER SKILL!" atnaujinime lapkričio 21 d. 2006m. Tai tik narių (members, p2p) įgūdis. Dabartinis minimalaus reikalavimas būti reitinguotam (esant rango 678.000) yra lygis 30.
  • Hunter is the main character in The Monster Hunter.
  • The hunters can survive in the toughest conditions. They are efficient with their long distance attacks but are extremely weak when it comes to melee attacks.
  • Hunters are master trackers and are no strangers to battle.
  • Hunter er en non-combat skill (du kan fremdeles ta skade under trening) å være member gir det mulighet til å fange dyr over hele Runescape. Hunter ble utgitt den 21 november 2006. Bruke jakt utstyr kjøpt fra jeger butikker, spillere jakter spesielle skapninger, få belønning for eksempel bein, sommerfugler, dyr, pels og andre elementer. Bare to hunter butikker eksisterer, de er lokalisert i Yanille og Nardah. Det gjeldende minimumskrav som skal rangeres (til ca rangering 876.477) på hiscores for hunter er lvl 30. Hunter er sagt å være enn av de letteste skillene på Runescape. Hvis du har tid og tolmodighet, kan du greie det lett.
  • The first Hunters rose up in response to the Biomonster Outbreak on Mota. They worked to hunt down and destroy the hoards of monsters that plagued the planet. Some were motivated by money, others (as in the case of Rudo) by a personal vendetta. Some Hunters went bad as time went on. In order to negate this, a group called the Guardians was established to police and destroy any hunter that turned rogue.
  • Hunter (ang. Łowca) - polski zespół heavymetalowy. Muzycy grupy określają swój styl jako soul metal. Zespół powstał w 1985 roku w Szczytnie z inicjatywy Pawła Grzegorczyka i Grzegorza Sławińskiego. W latach 2004-2009 zespół był gospodarzem festiwalu muzyki metalowej Hunter Fest. Uczestnicy 17. Worldvision Song Contest TOP 3 Finaliści Alan Hržica (Chorwacja) • Aziz Abdo (Liban) • Bartók Krisztián (Węgry) • C-Real (Cypr) • Destra Garcia (Trynidad i Tobago) • George Nozuka (Kanada) • Isgaard (Niemcy) • Koldun (Białoruś) • Lucie Bílá (Czechy) • Michelle Williams (USA) • Oleksandr Ponomaryov (Ukraina) • Patrick Fiori (Monako) • Ricki-Lee (Australia) • Sandra Dahlberg (Szwecja) • Shy'm (Francja) • Sibel (Macedonia) • Sophia (Rumunia) • Sukkerchok (Dania) • Valentina Giovagnini (Włochy) • Yohanna (Islandia) Półfinaliści Aleksander With (Norwegia) • Aleksandra Radović (Serbia) • Brick & Lace (Jamajka) • Dan Winter (Luksemburg) • For you (Kazachstan) • Humane (Finlandia) • Hunter (Polska) • Ines (Estonia) • Inga & Anush (Armenia) • Lobo & Peter Kotul’a (Słowacja) • Sonu Nigam & Mahalaxmi Iyer (Indie) • Zhasmin (Rosja) Reprezentanci border|20px|Polska Polski w Worldvision Song Contest 1. WSC: Virgin • 2. WSC: Mandaryna • 3. WSC: Abra • 4. WSC: Renia Pączkowska & Verka Serduchka • 5. WSC: Sumptuastic • 6. WSC: Gosia Andrzejewicz • 7. WSC: Natalia Kukulska • 8. WSC: Hania Stach • 9. WSC: Renata Dąbkowska • 10. WSC: Ewelina Flinta • 11. WSC: Adrianna Biedrzyńska • 12. WSC: Doda • 13. WSC: Planeta • 14. WSC: Closterkeller • 15. WSC: Sylwia Grzeszczak • 16. WSC: Totentanz • 17. WSC: Hunter • 18. WSC: Ich Troje • 19. WSC: Żywioły • 20. WSC: Ocean • 21. WSC: Angelika Kiepura • 22. WSC: Julia Marcell • 23. WSC: Anna Lubieniecka • 24. WSC: Sofa & O.S.T.R. • 25. WSC: Pawbeats feat. Madox • 26. WSC: Agnes Milewski • 27. WSC: Piotr Niesłuchowski feat. Ania Dąbrowska • 28. WSC: UnSun • 29. WSC: Dawid Podsiadło feat. Tatiana Okupnik • 30. WSC: The Cuts • 31. WSC: Ewelina Lisowska • 32. WSC: Eleni • 34. WSC: Patrycja Kosiarkiewicz & Effortless • 35. WSC: Kari • 36. WSC: Sylwia Grzeszczak • 37. WSC: Karolina Skrzyńska • 38. WSC: Sorry Boys • 39. WSC: Marika & Maleo Reggae Rockers ft. Buslav • 40. WSC: Barabas • 42. WSC: Justyna Steczkowska & Boban Marković Orkestar • 43. WSC: Ewa Farna • 44. WSC: Poets' Corner • 45. WSC: Arek Kłusowski • 47. WSC: Natalia Szroeder
  • Hunters are long-range combatants who utilize falcons and wolves to take down their adversaries. Despite having a wolf in the original Hunter concept art, wolf pets were never implemented for the Hunter. They were finally implemented for the 3rd Class Ranger that the Hunter can progress to.
  • The Hunter is a ranged combatant, with powerful damaging abilities at range, that are very limited in close combat. The hunter also has wilderness skills such as traps and tracking. Special traps can be purchased or made by crafters. Due to their ability to use traps Hunters are excellent at soloing against a single target, even if higher level than them. However because their main damage dealing abilities are highly interruptible, Hunters have difficulty dealing with large groups of opponents even of slightly lower levels. Hunters inventory is not cluttered with arrows, due to the usual inventory hassle. Hunters may choose to carry particular consumables for special shots (flame arrows, for example). The Hunter can gather focus from a number of skills that range from toggle skills (refills focus slowly), to out-of-combat skills (no-very little cooldown), and in-combat skills (cooldown is usually a few minutes). The Hunter and the Champion share the titles of main damage dealers. Hunters are favored in many mmorpgs, for their abliity to attack from afar and up close, allowing them to inflict damage before foes get close damage on them.
  • Hunter (simply known as Proto-Elmer Fudd) is a character from the Merrie Melodies series. Hunter first appeared in the short Hare-um Scare-um. Some articles have the hunter known as Egghead, but they don't resemble each other. Hunter, reading a newspaper, comes across an article stating that meat prices have soared. Angry, he declares that he'll hunt his own meat to get back at the government for the price inflation. He takes his dog with him, revealing he is going hunting for rabbits.
  • Hunter is a bi-pedal cheetah skilled in archery and malee combat. he lives in a heavily palisaded village in a section of the lower valley known as the valley of Avalar. following several attacks on the village by Grublins, the upper part of the village is fortified with ramparts,using warfang's fortifacations as a model for it's own. he trusts Cynder and Spiril, though their ruler, cheif prawess, denounces her due to her corruption by malefor during the dragon civil war. he does, however, approve of the high council's induced corruption, due to the fact that they can effectively control her. following the Siege of the great dragon temple by the illuminati, they also approve of cynder's consitutional monarchy, citing that monarchies are harder to collapse then the council-based government they have maintained since warfang was built thousands of years ago.
  • The Hunter is one of the antagonists of the Left 4 Dead franchise. He is one of the Special Infected. Hunters love medkits but hates pills, much to Louis's dismay and anger. Hunters are capable of pouncing on their victims, using it to catch their victims. He plays video games and plays guitar.
  • Hunter was the codename for the most top-secret of Drasnian spies. There was no reason Hunter even had to be a Drasnian. Prince Kheldar even implied that the Intelligence service didn't necessarily trust Hunter. During the events of The Malloreon, Hunter was originally the Tolnedran courtesan Bethra, and later the Margravine Liselle.
  • left Hunter, eli metsästys on P2p-taito RuneScapessa, jossa metsästetään erilaisia eläimiä. Eläinten nahkoista ja hampaista voi tehdä raaka-aineita uusille tavaroille. Hunter-tarvikkeita voi ostaa Yanillesta ja Nardahista. Ensimmäisenä tason 99 saavutti Darkforest46. Hunteria voi kouluttaa monissa tietyissä paikoissa.
  • For a new player switching up from their starting horse, the Hunter is slightly slower than the Saddle Horse, though not noticeably so once your riding skill is higher. When running down enemies, usually only Desert Bandits will be able to outrun this horse over long distances. This horse is found in every town in the game.
  • Hunter is one of the many role-playing subclasses in Elder Tale.
  • -Prince Vladimir Tzepesci HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 8'5" / 2,75 TONS ARMAMENT: LONG ARM CANNON (LEFT ARM), BATTLE AXE (RIGHT ARM) FUEL LOAD/BURN USAGE: 400 LBS / 8.5 HRS GENERAL, 90 MINS COMBAT INITIAL SERVICE DATE: 603 AR CORTEX MANUFACTURER: CYGNARAN ARMORY ORIG. CHASSIS DESIGN: CYGNARAN ARMORY The Hunter was developed for one purpose and one purpose only: to seek out and destroy opposing warjacks, Swift and maneuverable, it is skilled at crippling enemy 'jacks before they even have the opportunity to engage Cygnaran forces, The agile machine is able to traverse most terrain with ease to gain the perfect vantage point from which to rain down death on the enemy
  • Attis is The Lord of the Hunt, deity for all hunters. The Isle of the Beast was once a hunters grounds known as the Isle of the Forest. Alexander found a Hunter's Lamp left behind by one of the island's former hunters. Duck decoy as may be used by hunters, but Ersatz is against hunting. There is a valley where the Roc's live. Hunters toss meat into a steep valley to collect diamonds at the bottom. Sinbad once had to escape the valley. The big, bad wolf fell asleep and began to snore loudly after eating Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. The sound was heard by a hunter, who rushed inside the house thinking Grandma was ill. The hunter recognized the wolf for what it was and shot the creature dead through the head. He then heard noises from inside the wolf, and cutting the body open, found Grandma and Red alive. The girl still had the flowers clutched in her hand. Connor lived outside Daventry town, where it’s less populated and nearer trade with hunters, as he is a tanner.
  • I heart Jason earles Hunter earls is a new model android. He is programmed to protect Aaron Stone. Although something goes wrong with his program and he wants to kill him.and hunter has a littlie sister her name is Jillian may earls
  • Hunter The hunter is another of Jaaku's men. instead of knocking over, deflowering, and eventually killing the pikmin like miners, Hunters use their spear to kill pikmin. the Hunter will actively seek out and kill enemies. he then begins to gather their meat and pelt and so forth. after about a minute or so the corpse will disappear and the hunter will move on.
  • Hunters pull and use threat redirection, crowd control, and primarily ranged damage. Some hunters have pets that add to their DPS which also allow special spells such as Rebirth and Heroism, and help manage aggro. They can also track, tame, and train animals and beasts found in the wild. The well-trained pet, on countless occasions, has saved a hunter's life. They are the only class that can name, feed, and 'train' their pets to have one of three specializations: Ferocity for burst DPS, Cunning for utility, and Tenacity for tanking. This specialization can be switched at any time when not in combat or dead. Hunters excel in outdoor survival skills, such as tracking and laying traps. They wear mail armor. They are unable to use shields or plate armor. Beast Master and Marksmanship hunters start with a gun, crossbow, or bow, depending on their race. They can use all other weapons except wands, maces, and two-handed maces. Survival hunters specifically use melee weapons and start with a polearm. Hunters use many abilities that either deal damage or apply a status effect that costs focus to use. Food and drink does not replenish focus; instead, the only source is by using certain abilities or by having it replenish naturally over time. Most other abilities are free to use such as Mend Pet or their Trap (Survival-only) abilities. They can take on various Animal Aspects that grant special abilities, such as improved run speed or additional ranged attack power.
  • Hunter was a NPC (Non-Playable Character) on Bakugan Dimensions. He was located on the Athletic Field. He was a Subterra brawler.
  • Hunter ist ein stämmiger, großer, braun-grauer Deutsche-Doggen-Mix mit starkem Kiefer.
  • Łowca jest klasą specjalizującą się w walce na dystans. Charakteryzuje się potężnym DPS zadawanym na odległość oraz towarzyszem w postaci peta. Innymi zadaniem łowcy jest tropienie, zwabianie, pościg oraz zastawienie pułapek. Świetnie nadaje się również do samodzielnej gry - pet staje się wtedy tankiem dzięki umiejętnościom skupiającym na nim uwagę nieprzyjaciół.
  • Hunter is an original story by the Nemesis T-Type. The story deals with an orphaned outsider named Aaron Bane; an aspiring hunter in the Walkip Peleko Tribe who was exiled into the wilderness, and finds himself on the other side of the Walkip-Pintaro War, fighting against his own people.
  • Hunter is a gray ghost found only in Pac-Man World 2 specifically in the Canyon Chaos level. He can one-hit kill you like all other ghosts but his blunderbuss will take away one triangle of your health like all other enemies. He is seen only 1 time in the game.
  • Hunter is an event in Real Racing 3 where the player must chase down the "hunted" car and cross complete the lap at the furthest distance away from the vehicle. The player must wait a certain amount of time after giving the hunted car a head start. The "hunted" car is a red modified NISSAN SILVIA (S15) for all Hunter events. It drives slower than the regular Silvia and features more mass making side swiping the vehicle harder.
  • Hunter first arrived on Angel Island some time in 3236, where he located Knuckles and his childhood enemy Monk. Hunter captured Monk and had him brought back to his vessel while having Knuckles accompany him. Once inside, Hunter explained that he wanted to have a sporting hunt, and that he'd chosen Knuckles and Monk specifically for it. Forcing the two Mobians to wear electric shock collars, Hunter had them attempt to escape while he chased after them. After locating them and killing Monk by making him fall off a high platform in Hydro City, Hunter was knocked out when Knuckles, overcome with rage, struck him with a blast from the Chaos Force. Afterwards, Hunter was imprisoned by the Brotherhood of Guardians in Haven for his crimes.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Hunter File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Hunter File:Hunter.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Uncommon Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 2 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 2 Uncommon File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png +3% to Sabotage when attacking or defending Adept at taking out game and setting traps
  • The Hunter is a vehicle appearing in Star Fox Zero. It acts as the Star Wolf counterpart of the Walker.
  • Hunter - najsłabsza postać strzelająca w całej grze. W Stage Mode można go spotkać praktycznie zawsze. Zwykle występuje tam razem z Banditami lub innymi Hunterami tworząc drużynę. Nie posiada żadnych umiejętności oprócz strzelania strzał, które zabierają mu manę. en:Hunter Kategoria:Postacie z Little Fighter 2 Kategoria:Postacie dodatkowe
  • Nome: Thomas Douby Tribo: f Auspício: q Nascimento: o Posto: Fostern Totem Pessoal: Camaleão Obs.: Personagem do Ronaldo
  • Hunter was freed by the Eggman-supported Dingoes during the take-over of Angel Island. Seeing potential in the villain, Eggman enhanced his fighting abilities and armed him with a 'Chaos Spear' that allowed him to teleport his targets into captivity in New Megaopolis (and included a Control Collar to ensure that Hunter does Eggman's bidding, though his apparent hatred for Echidnas caused him to have some resistance). Once more however, Hunter was bested by Knuckles, who transformed into Super Knuckles and cast the Overlander into the sea, where he drowned. This fate was oddly fitting, given that it echoed the fate of Monk. Before his death, Hunter captured numerous citizens of Angel Island, including Constable Remington, the Fire Ant Council, Xenin and others. (StH: #140, #141)
  • The Hunter is an Eldari Spineripper piloted by Ameth Trist, an Eldar Hunter with the Furious Angel and Ryn.
  • Hunter was an award in 8-bit Mini Mayhem, it was given to the player who shot the most enemies.
  • Használható páncélzat: 1-40:Leather 40-80:Mail Használható fegyverek: 1-2 kezes bárdok (One-Two handed axe) 1-2 kezes kardok (One-Two handed sword) Botok (Staff) Dárdák, lándzsák (Polearm, Spear) Tőrök (Dagger) Íjjak (Bow) Számszeríjjak (Crossbow) Puskák (gun) Fajok amik választhatják: Alliance: Dwarf - Törp Night Elf - Éjelf Draenei - Draenei Horde: Orc - Ork Troll - Troll Tauren - Tauren Blood elf - Vérelf Híresebb vadászok: Horda: Sen'jin: Murlockok áldozatául esett troll árnyvadász a troll faj egyik legkiemeltedőmm vadásza volt. Vol'jin: Sen'jin fia, a trollok jelenlegi vezetője, szintén híres a horda és a trollok körében. Cairne Bloodhoof: Bár részben harcos, mint a legtöbb tauren ő is jóban van az állatokkal. Baine Bloodhoof: Cairne fia, aki mint apja harcosnak tanult, de mint a legtöbb tauren, részben ő is vadász. Halduron Brightwing: A vérelf vadászok és rangerek vezetője, Lor'Themar Theron jobbkeze. Kategória:Kasztok
  • In LOTRO Hunter is a playable profession.In Rolemaster Hunter is a playable profession as is the Witch-Hunter,Bounty-Hunter, Mage Hunter and Elemental Hunter.In TOR the Treasure Hunter is a playable calling.
  • The Hunter is a level 1 non-combat seaplane equipped with a powerful sonar that is capable of scanning for underwater units even while in flight and has more range than a Sonar Station; it provides very good sonar coverage and is actually tougher than its radar variant, but still makes for an inviting target due to its relatively big size and slow speed. Its ARM counterpart is the Seahawk.
  • A hunter is a being, usually a human, who hunts down the supernatural and saves people from monsters, demons, ghosts and other creatures.
  • When his daughter was gone, his daughter saw the Fox River Eight (C-Note, Abruzzi, Sucre, Lincoln and Michael). However Abruzzi pointed a gun at Gracie's head. John Abruzzi did want to shoot, but he stopped with pointing a gun at them. Later he met Brad Bellick and said that he was scared. He revealed that his car was stolen to Bellick.
  • thumb|304px Hunter (pol. Łowca, wojownik lub inne definicje tego typu. ) Elitarny Predator, występujący w grze Aliens vs Predator 3 (2010) tylko na początku kampani Predatora. Razem z Wolfem i Spartanem obserwował walkę Darka z Ksenomorfami na niewielkiej arenie który chciał zasłużyć sobie na tytuł elitarnego łowcy.
  • Le Hunter est un ennemi puissant et apparaissant fréquemment sur les routes gummis de Kingdom Hearts II, que vous rencontrez pour la première fois au Circuit sidéral. Si vous ne vous en débarrassez pas rapidement, il partira de lui-même, se disant que vous n'êtes pas à sa hauteur. Notez que tout les ennemis gummi puissants agissent de la même manière. Le Final Hunter est une version améliorée du Hunter commun, et est aussi l'ultime défi pour le Vaisseau Gummi. de:Hunter Catégorie:Ennemis Gummi Catégorie:Sans-cœur Gummi
  • hunter is a common enemy that you encounter on all stages.he always attack the player in group.just like bandit,he is one of the enemy that you encounter on all can play as him if you type ""
  • leftHunter is een members skill die bestaat sinds 21 November 2006. Hunter is Engels voor jager, en dat is ook wat je bij deze skill doet: je jaagt op dieren. Omdat het een skill is waarmee je spullen verzamelt en waarvoor je vrijwel niets hoeft te kopen is het een skill waarmee je geld kunt verdienen.
  • Hunter (born 1995) is the secondary tritagonist of Father of the Pride. He is Larry and Kate's 10-year-old son, Sierra's younger brother, and Sarmoti's grandson. Hunter loves Lord of the Rings and he has a rash (which is why he scratches his arm), so he has to wear a cone all the time. As well, Hunter has anxiety issues.
  • Anybody who hunts animals for food. * According to the Heortlings, it is one of the Eighteen Occupations Source: King of Sartar
  • Hunter Raymond is a fictional character on the television series The Office. He is played by Nicholas D'Agosto.
  • The Hunter is a military attack helicopter featured in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.
  • Hunter is a Fossil Fighter who battles with Vivosaurs.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Hunter is a celebrity that appears in Custom Robo Arena. He comes to the Hero's school to try and convince Liv to become his dual diving partner and constantly supply him with power via her special ability. She refuses but he keeps trying to convince her throughout the story. He is a powerful commander and battles the hero with the robo Wolfen various times.
  • Hunting is one of the oldest professions in the history of the Old World. Each can follow and almost sense animal trails with uncanny precision and is expert at the kill. The habits and habitats of wild animals are a part of their lives; they share an uncommon affinity with the creatures of the wild and their ways. The Hunter may appear sullen and uncommunicative to his fellow men, but this is the result of his solitary, stealthy lifestyle. Hunters stand out from the common press of Old Worlders and are often seen wearing the skins of the animals they have killed; in colder climates this has practical as well as symbolic value. * Concealment: Rural * Follow Trail * Game Hunting * Secret Language: Ranger * Secret Signs: Woodsman's * Silent Move: Rural * 25% chance of Immunity To Poison * Bow or Crossbow and ammunition * Hand Weapon * Druid * Mountaineer (Dwarfs only) * Outlaw * Scout * Wise Woman
  • Hunter (ハンター Hantaa) is a combat physical class introduced in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, and appears in several later instalments and both TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga and TearRing Saga: Berwick Saga. Wielding Bows as their sole weapon of choice, Hunters are skilled in forest and mountain combat and possess higher Strength, and Speed than Archers.
  • Hunter was the seven-year-old son of a police officer who died drowning in a swimming pool. He was briefly recreated by Rick's ship after Summer insisted she not be protected by violent means. The Hunter recreation asked his father to leave the car alone before disintegrating into purple slime, causing lasting psychological trauma.
  • } <default><b>Nombre</b></default> Puntos de Poder Otros perfiles[/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] [/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] Tropa M HA HP F R H A L S Oficial M HA HP F R H A L S Equipo Armas Bólter Pistola bólter Bólter de asalto Granada Frag Granada Perforante Espada sierra Espada de energía Puño de combate Arma 1 Arma 2 Arma 3 Arma 4 Arma 5 Arma 6 Arma 7 Arma 8 Arma 9 Arma 10 <default><b>Reglas</b></default> Tipo de unidad Miniaturas adicionales Tamaño de unidad Opciones Habilidades Psíquico Reglas especiales Keywords de Facción Keywords de Unidad [[Archivo:Stalker_Hunter_Cicatrices_Blancas.jpg|thumb|300px|Stalker y Hunter de los Cicatrices Blancas.]] El Hunter es una variante con armamento antiaéreo del chasis de la PCE del Rhino. Es la principal unidad de combate tierra-aire de los Marines Espaciales. Armado con un lanzamisiles Arpón Celestial, el Hunter ha demostrado su valía en incontables zonas de guerra, purgando los cielos de bombarderos y cazas enemigos.
  • Hunter "Description The Hunter has long range attacks that stun and weaken apponents. Special Skills Excellent group and solo attacks. Play Style Excels in putting out damage, but weak on defense." ( Different types are on the right side of the page. OFFENSIVE ABILITIES: Kidney Punch Level 1 1.0 second cast 2.0 second cooldown 10 to 80 damage +1avoid Rain Down Arrows (Rank1) Level 7 3.0 second cast 10.0 second cooldown 30 to 60 damage to all enemies Sniper Shot Level 20 2.0 second cast 14.0 second cooldown 100 to 350 damage Rain Down Arrows (Rank2) Level 23 2.0 second cast 10.0 second cooldown 200 to 300 damage to all enemies DEFENSIVE ABILITIES: Snake Level 5 10Armor +10hit / +10crit / +10damage / +10avoid Raven Level 15 20Armor +20hit / + 20crit / +20damage / +20avoid Hound Level 25 20Amor +30hit / +30crit / +30damage / +30avoid Wolf Level 35 20Armor +40 hit / +40crit / +40damage / +40avoid
  • Hunters were incubated and hatched from infected water towers and hives. Hunters are large, brutal, heavily mutated humanoid beasts with reddish, hairless skin, bulging muscles, sunken eyes and a lip less mouth. They bear a fitting resemblance to a shaved gorilla. With strength equal to that of Alex, tough hides resistant to small arms, and speed that belies their size, Hunters are a dangerous foe to both the military and Alex Mercer. A few working in concert can tear apart tanks with ease and kill large groups of soldiers. Early on, one alone can be a match for Alex, though later they are only dangerous in packs.
  • Cousin de Lilianna, Il fut abandonné très tôt par Meiling dans un orphelinat de Done, Ayant hérité des aptitudes sportive de sa mère et d’une sacrée endurance, il fut mit sous la tutelle d’une guilde de chasseurs de vampire et dût s’entraîner durement pour devenir le trente et unième dépositaire du surnom de Van hellsing. Récupérer à 15 ans par Anthonyo et Rikku, son oncle et sa tante l’adopta avec son demi frère Daisuke et tentèrent de lui octroyer un amours qu’il n’avait jamais véritablement eu, créant un véritable lien. Ce sont d’ailleurs les seuls personnes *Excepter avec Daisuké, et peut êtres les jumelles* avec qui il ne s’est jamais disputé. Vers l’âge de 17 ans, il décida néanmoins de voyager de mondes en mondes afin d’officialiser son rôle de chasseurs de vampire avec son frère, il rencontra d’ailleurs de nombreuses personnes et se fit plus d’ennemis que d’amis. Ce fut à 18 ans qu’il changea, ayant débuté une relation avec une jeune femme du nom de Léatarcie qui se fit Kidnappée et transformer en un vampire par Arkrae Forsk, fou de douleurs il obligea un vampire krusnik de le mordre afin de pouvoir ressentir ses proies et de pouvoir continuer sa vengeance en tuant tout ceux qui se mettront sur son chemin jusqu’à ce qu’il retrouve ses deux vampires. Il retrouva ses derniers lors d'une mission conjointe avec les Sans Destin et tua lors d'un combat Arkrae avant de tenté de sauver Léatarcie, mais cette dernière mourut en lui laissant comme dernier souvenir d'elle Yuria, leurs fille à tous les deux.
  • El Hunter es un helicóptero militar de la saga GTA. Aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (sólo con un cheat device, únicamente en PSP), y en Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. En GTA IV y sus expansiones hay una posibilidad de que se haya remplazado por el Annihilator y/o Buzzard (GTA: TBOGT)
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