  • Centaur
  • Centaur
  • Centaur
  • Centaur
  • Centaur
  • Centaur
  • History of this race is unknown.
  • Centaur (also spelled Kentauros) is a centaur-type Zoid, one of over 200 species of biomechanical lifeforms depicted by TOMY's Zoids model, toy, and media franchise. Based on the mythological creature centaur. the Centaur made its debut in the third Battle Story magazine from the Original Japanese Release storyline. It was later seen in Genobreaker's Story.
  • Centaury - zniekształcone, zmutowane stwory, powstałe w wyniku eksperymentów z FEV. Na zachodnim wybrzeżu Centaury zostały stworzone przez Mistrza. Razem z supermutantami stanowiły część Armii Mistrza, jednak nie były ani trochę inteligentne i samodzielne. Na wschodzie Centaury powstawały w Krypcie 87, gdzie również współdziałały z supermutantami. Były one jednak "stworzone" tylko z ludzi.
  • Right now it can be assembled for 8 H-NCA, 2 H-NCO and 2 H-PS, costing 120.000 U if you buy the parts or 160 Mucosum, 80 Plasmid, 300 Scrap and 40 Prismatium to make them.
  • Centaurs are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. On Gaia, Centaurs were introduced with the arrival of 2008 Olympics, they reside near Barton Town and Bass'ken Lake. Gaians can transform into a Centaur after consuming a Centaur Potion.
  • A species of Beast People * Also known as Horse-men. * They resemble horses with human head, torso, and arms instead of the head and neck of the horse. * They eschew the use of clothing and use only the most basic of tools. * They act as leaders of the Beast Valley of Dragon Pass.
  • This modified gunship has a respectable arsenal of weapons systems and a spacious cargo hold. One disadvantage is its rather average hull armor and moderate maneuverability.
  • Centaurs are mutated creatures. They are a result of infection by the Forced Evolutionary Virus gone horribly wrong.
  • A banner in King Hrothgar's great hall featured a centaur holding a sword and a shield. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons") The banner was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1] According to the Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update, the Ariolo were described as a race of centaurs.
  • A Centaur or Kentauroi is a being with the front parts of a man and the hind parts of a horse. The most famous of the Centaurs is Chiron (Kheiron). There are several different tribes of Centaurs including Kyprioi Kentauroi, Lamoi Kentauroi, Peloponnesioi Kentauroi, Thessalioi Kentauroi and the Marine version Ichthyocentaurs Ikhthyokentauroi
  • Legendary hunters and skilled warriors, centaurs are part man and part horse.
  • School: Image:Life.png Pip Cost: 6 Accuracy: 90% Type: Image:Damage.png Description: Deals 515 - 595 Image:Life.png Image:Damage.png to target. Received From: Moolinda Wu Requirements: Required Character Level: 33 Spells: * Imp * Leprechaun * Legend Shield * Sprite * Spirit Armor * Seraph * Satyr Prerequisite for: Spells: * Sanctuary Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes
  • El Centauro es un vehículo blindado ligero usado por la Korps de la Muerte de Krieg como remolque para la artillería de campaña y como transporte, pequeño y rapido, de granaderos.
  • Strong melee fighters, Centaurs serve as infantry for the vile Serpent Rider, Korax, and can be found in many levels, namely metal-themed ones. They and their tougher friends, the Slaughtaurs, can deflect missiles with their shields which makes it hard to down these beasts if you are playing as Parias the Cleric as they will send the venom spheres from your serpent staff right back at you, so beware when facing these monstrosities.
  • Centaurs are ranged units that can be summoned if you have enough favour with Saradomin.
  • Centaur is a pinball machine produced by Bally.
  • Centaurs are part human part horse.
  • Een centaur is een fabeldier. thumb|180px|Centaur
  • Een centaur is een fabeldier. thumb|180px|Centaur
  • A centaur is a Summer Court Faerie with a human upper body and the horse lower body of a horse.(reference needed)
  • The Centaur was the disguise of Susie Smythe.
  • Centaur is a suffix that can appear on Magic Items. It provides a bonus to Life based on character level. It doesn't start spawning on items until Item Level 20.
  • Centaurs are excellent astronomers and also are really fast.
  • A Centaur is a mythological creature, that is made up of the upper torso of a man and the body of a horse. They possess the strength of a horse and are an all-male race, making them a traditional enemy of the Amazons. The fact that centaurs must procreate with human women is made socially difficult by the fact that such relationships are heavily frowned upon in most parts of the known world. Though pregnancy with a centaur is not particularly difficult, the actual birth often is, leading to many centaurs being delivered via Caesarian Section.
  • Centaurs are a cross-breed of humans and horses. They are generally intelligent and stuborn, but consider magic an obscenity. There are winged centaurs and regular centaurs. Many Centaurs live on Centaur island, but some who have been discovered to have magic talents were exiled. Centaurs are good archers or good with ropes. They also are well educated. Centaurs have very strict rules about being crossbreeds as Chex would learn early in her life. Centaurs are known to play people shoes.
  • A Centaur is a creature that is native to the planet Caltos. This creature is part human and part horse.
  • A centaur was a creature of Greek legend which was half-man, half-horse.
  • From the Word of God page: "You don't want to try to ride a centaur unless you know them well or you were specifically asked to hop on. It's rude otherwise (just as it would be rude to jump on someone's back if you didn't know who the hell they were)." Examples: Zech Smith
  • Centaurs are a half-humanoid, half-horse, war-like tribal race. They abound in central and southern Kalimdor, primarily in Desolace and the Barrens, where they engage in constant war against other centaur and tauren tribes. Though rare, the woods of the Blasted Lands in the Eastern Kingdoms were once heavily populated with centaurs. They are savagery and brutality incarnate.
  • Centaurs are half-human creatures with the upper body of a man attached to the lower body of a horse. In Age of Mythology, the Centaur is a Greek Myth Unit available by worshipping Hermes in the Classical Age.
  • The Centaur type class is an early 24th century design consisting of an Excelsior class saucer section with warp nacelles mounted on the primary hull with a weapons pod. The Centaur’s primary role was as a fast attack ship with excellent maneuverability. As with the Excelsior class, Centaur class proved highly adaptable to new technologies, and could see action again someday should the need arise.
  • Centaurs are the guardians of the plains, defending them from marauding goblinoids and human bandits alike. Though they often establish trade with humans, they are (as they will be happy to tell you) not tame, nor are they common beasts of burden.
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Centaury - to starożytne, tajemnicze stworzenia, które w Tamriel albo są czczone, albo nienawidzone. Rada Artaeum uznała Centaurów za prawdziwych wyznawców Prastarych Dróg - magii mistycyzmu jak i poglądu którym kieruje się Zakon Psijic. Kategoria:Daggerfall: Stworzenia
  • Centaur is monster #77 from the Series 3 figures. It was available in all eight Series 3 colours, and had a points value of 25.
  • Centaurs are immortals with the lower half of a horse and the upper half of a human.
  • Centaurs are a bestial race. They are half-man from the waist up, half-horse from the waist down. They came to world of Daventry during one of the withdrawals from lands such as ancient Greece or Rome.
  • Centaurs are one of the more popular races in the Shining series. There are at least 3 centaur ally characters in most games.
  • Centauro é uma raça. Os Centauros são espécies parecidos com a figura da mitologia grega Centauro, meio-homem, meio-cavalo.
  • Centaurs also exist on Mobius, albeit in the hidden dimension of the Nameless Zone. These centaurs are actually part horse and part fox, combining together with a pale blue fur. The centaurs inhabit the town of Portstable and live a quiet life, with hunting being one particular activity shared amongst some of the townspeople. Ginny and Neddy are two centaurs that aided Tails with his quest to save cubs Jimmy and Jilly by granting him a flying boat.
  • Centaurs were a race of highly intelligent, loyal and honourable creatures that existed in Narnia. They appeared human from the abdomen up to the head, while the rest of their body was that of a horse. The horse part of them was described as resembling that of a huge English farm horse, and the human part like stern but beautiful giants. Centaurs were often prophets and stargazers, like Glenstorm, or healers like the Centaur Cloudbirth. All of them were warriors, who fought for Narnia and Aslan in every major battle and war.
  • Centaurs Appears in many fantasy stories, such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Harry Potter, as well as in many Role Playing Games.
  • Pół konie (od pasa w dół wysoki w kłębie koń z różnym umaszczeniem) i pół ludzie (umięśniony tors, ręce, glowa).
  • A legendary ARP Instruments prototype, which the company built and rebuilt several times between 1974 and 1978. This was the synth that contained so much circuitry, Al Pearlman calculated that in use, it would experience a circuit failure roughly every two hours. It never went into production, but it served as a testbed for circuits and subsystems that would go into both the Avatar and Chroma.
  • The Centaurs(Centaurus indomitus.) are often so loud that their concealment remains mysterious.
  • Enameled Glass Helm, Enameled Glass Plate, Razor-Glass Mace, Equips Items Equipped: Enameled Glass Shield Razor-Glass SwordUnknown edit Locations Found Locations Found: Trail Head Rasheek PlainsUnknown edit
  • In Greek mythology, the Centaurs were monsters that were both part man and part horse. They were usually depicted as barely civilized brutes, fond of wine and women. Some notable centaurs include Chiron (an uncharacteristically peaceful and intelligent centaur and a renowned medic and teacher, who in some myths is said to be a Titan) and Nessus (who played a large role in the death of Hercules).
  • De Centaurs zijn volgers van Saradomin en in de God Wars waren er veel Centaurs gedood. Ze komen ook voor in de quest Fairytale III - Battle at Orks Rift waar ze een kleine rol hebben. Als je met ze praat zeggen ze iets als Strange Creature you only have two legs. Categorie:Rassen en:Centaur
  • A Centaur is a magical creature whose head, torso and arms appear to be human and are joined to a horse's body. They are, however, their own species, and are not any kind of half-breed. Despite possessing 'human intelligence', centaurs are classified as Beasts by the Ministry of Magic, at their own request, as they were unhappy at having to share Being status with hags and vampires.
  • right CENTAUR - istota z mitologii grecko-rzymskiej, która od pasa w dół miała przybierać postać konia a od pasa w górę ludzką. W Grecji – ojczyźnie centaurów – zwano je kéntauroi. Uchodziły za potomstwo Kentaurosa i klaczy magnezyjskich lub Iksjona i widziadła (chmury) Nefele, której Zeus nadał postać. Tworzyły prymitywne plemię. Zamieszkiwały góry i lasy Tesalii. Obyczaje miały dzikie, to jest żywiły się surowym mięsem upolowanych zwierząt, kilkakrotnie usiłowały porwać lub zgwałcić kobiety, łatwo się upijały. Jako broni używały gałęzi drzew i skał.
  • Centaur - żyjąca w Northlandzie rasa o wyglądzie pół-człowieka, pół-konia. Centaury są inteligentne i potrafią posługiwać się językiem. Doskonale znają pojęcia godności i honoru; mimo to są rasą hańbioną nieustannie przez ludzi, którzy uważają się za gatunek wyższy. Przez większość z nich zaliczane są do zwierząt, bezrozumnych i nie posiadających uczuć. W Sitowym służą jako niewolnicy na dworach i w bogatych domach. Ludzie przechwytują centaury na pograniczu puszczy, gdyż ostatnio uciekają z terenów objętego wojną Northlandu.
  • Centaurs are semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers who do not build permanent homes of any kind, but roam freely through tribal territories. Quite frequently, a tribe's territory is centered on a place of natural power such as a wildspring or a circle of standing stones. If their territory faces a serious threat such as those posed by settlers or logging operations, centaurs may form alliances with other creatures who fight the encroachments of civilization, such as oaklords or Forest Prophet covens.
  • Some Centaurs compete against each other in Centaur competitions, especially races which are the equivalent of horse races in the human realm.
  • Centaurs are one of The People and are a species of fairy that are half horse, half humanoid. There are fewer of them than other fairy species. They are known to be the smartest of the fairy races, but they lack magic.
  • Centaurs are very rare creatures with the head and upper body of a human grafted onto the body of a horse. They were created in 1948 by French scientist Professor de Rigeur of L'Academie des Lunaces. An improved version was created by an Canadian who wishes to be unknown all it is known that the improved versions are only on a deserted island protected by the only 4' man in the Canadian Forces.
  • To enter the Enchanted Valley the code BKQ must be entered at the main fairy ring in Zanaris.
  • Centaur is the unofficial fan name for a tank that appears a few missions in Armored Core: Project Phantasma as an enemy.
  • [[Plik:Centaur_gra_na_tubie.jpg|thumb|348px|Centaur grający na tubie w obozie Aslana]]Centaur - jeden z wielu rodzajów stworzeń fantastycznych, istniejących także w wierzeniach i wyobrażeniach w naszym świecie, żyjących w Narnii.
  • __notoc__ <default><span style="font-weight:bold;"></span></default> [[File:|220x220px|center|middle]] [[File:||220x220px|center|middle]] Statistics File:MasterySigilClear.png Mastery File:TopWeapon.png Slot File:MiniMapMod.png Type Trigger Type Utility Ammo Type m/s Flight Speed m Range Limit Noise Level rounds/sec Attack Speed rounds Spool Up Rate Accuracy rounds Magazine Size rounds Max Ammo s Reload Time Zoom s Combo Reset s Min. Combo Finisher Damage Channeling Dmg
  • Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +2 shield, –1 size) hp 30 (4d10+8) Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 Speed 50 ft.; 35 ft. in armor; Swim: 30 ft. 15 ft in armor Melee longsword +5 (1d8+2/19–20), 2 hooves +0 (1d6+1) Ranged spear +5 (1d8+2/×3) Space 10 ft., Reach 5 ft. Paralyze Vaccine You gain a +4 bonus against any Paralyzation effects. (3) Blade Rush Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12 Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 19 (23 vs. trip) Feats Improved Initiative, Run Languages English, Japanese, SQ undersized weapons, Amphibious
  • The Centaur-class was a type of Federation light cruiser designed in the late 23rd century, used sporadically through the 24th century, and built in vast numbers during the start of the 25th century. Initially conceived as a way to utilize vast stores of extra components built for the Excelsior-class, the Centaur-class was often used in times when new ships needed to be commissioned quickly, such as times of war. The class saw extensive use in the Dominion War, and after the Borg incursion in 2409 they were built in vast quantities to accomodate the many new officers who were being commissioned on the battlefield. Though they are typically used in times of war, the "mass-produced" nature of the Centaur-class makes them versatile to the point that their Commanding Officer can make some mino
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Centaur to potężna istota pochodząca z mitologii greckiej, jest to pół-koń, pół-człowiek. W Rappelz jest to bestia posiadająca potężne ataki fizyczne,( prawdopodobnie największe w śród petów), których siłę dodaje w zjednoczeniu. Centaury poleca się oswajać w Laksy, gdzie występują najpowszechniej. Zjednoczenie z Centaurem Podnosi atak fizyczny : * 5 poz. zjednoczenia +140 * 10 poz. Zjdenoczenia +230 * 15 poz. Zjednoczenia +320 Kamienie (buildy)
  • Centaurs are enemies in Hexen. Centaurs have a similar attack pattern as the Ettins, yet they are faster and more vicious in approach. They are outfitted with armor, swords and a shield which has a skull face on it. Centaurs possess 200 hit points each. When a Centaur is attacked and flinches, it will raise its shield. In this state, all attacks except for hitscan, tunneling, and melee attacks are deflected, possibly back at the player; the aforementioned three attacks that are not deflected do it no damage at all. The Slaughtaur is a variant of the Centaur.
  • Centaurs are descendants of Centaurus, the child of Ixion and Nephele. Centaurus brought them into existence by mating with the Magnesian Mares. Centaurs are best known for their fight with the Lapiths - a civilized, Thessalian tribe, caused by their attempt to carry off Hippodamia and the rest of the Lapith women on the day of her marriage to Pirithous, king of the Lapiths and son of Ixion. This fight came to be known as the Centauromachy.
  • - style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Bounty: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| - style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Age: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| |- style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Birthday: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| |- style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Height: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;" | |-
  • A centaur is a monster that is a particular cross between a human and a horse; it has the body and legs of a horse, but where the horse's head would be, it instead has the upper body, arms, head and face of a human. Centaurs can wield weapons and use magic items, but unlike many other intelligent monsters, centaurs can also move fast and they can kick you. Forest centaurs are generated with a bow and 3-14 arrows, the other varieties get a crossbow and 3-14 bolts. Some centaurs may start peaceful, so you need not worry about each one that you encounter.
  • In the Czech Republic Centaurs are completely accepted as sentient creatures and achieve full rights as citizens. The Native American Nations, Greece, the Czech Republic, Amazonia, Yakut, and Mongolia all recognize centaurs as sapient beings and allow them full citizenship. They have known populations in the following areas: The Eurasian Steppe, North American refuge (created by the Great Dragon Dunkelzahn), and parts of Greece and the Czech Republic. Currently Evo is the only megacorporation that offers centaurs corporate citizenship. Known Centaur are as follows:
  • Centaurs are a tauric[1] race featuring the torso and arms of a human and the hindquarters of a horse. Centaurs also have pointed, elf-like ears. They are most frequently found in the desert regions of Gloriana traveling in nomadic herds (as noted in Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School: Advanced Adventuring Course). As they know the desert expertly, they often serve as guides for caravans in the region. Centaurs are extremely honorable, but have no sense of humor and as a consequence, they do not get along well with Gnomes. Centaurs are best at finding their away across the deserts.
  • The Centaur was a Coalition of Ordered Governments Army light tank. It was equipped with large wheels in the place of tracks, and had four-wheel drive and steering. It was armed with a single, high velocity main cannon that fired high explosive shells. The cannon was capable of holding up to six shells in its internal magazine at a time.
  • The Centaurs are an old and mysterious race of Oberin. Carriers of a great power sought by many for good and evil purposes, they are doomed to live hidden at what is known as the Centaurs' Cave; a place that they only open on very rare occasions. The power of the Centaurs comes from their blood. When one of them dies by sacrificing himself, the blood has a healing power and can cure any wound. If the Centaur was murdered, though, his blood will have destructive effects of greatest strength.
  • Centaurs are a class of monster, i.e. a species in the bestiary of Guild Wars. Centaurs are creatures that feature the body of a horse with the upper torso, arms and head of a humanoid, with two curved, bovid horns growing on the head. Centaurs are among the more intelligent creatures in Tyria, with a complex social structure. They used to live in peace with humans, but are now at war with them. By their name and their habitat, Tyrian centaurs can be split up into four groups:
  • A Beastman type monster with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse, most of whom live in grasslands and plains. Most of them are excellent warriors, galloping around the grasslands with their powerful legs and loins, wielding swords and bows. They live by hunting wild animals and gathering plants. By the time the man arrives at his destination riding on them, they’ll be totally ready for intercourse, and he’s liable to get attacked once they become unable to bear the heat and desire.
  • In Greek mytholofy, the centaurs (from : Κένταυροι - Kéntauroi) are a race of creatures composed of part horse and part human. In early versions of their myths, they are depicted with the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's body, where the horse's neck would be. This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as , caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the , or conversely as teachers, like .
  • Centaury (ang. centaur) to istoty o tułowiu, głowie i rękach człowieka, od pasa w dół posiadające ciało konia. Centaury żyją w leśnych ostępach, najczęściej zasiedlając zaszyte w leśnej głuszy polany i pastwiska, z dala od cywilizacji. Istoty te mówią swoim własnym językiem a nieliczne z nich znają również mowę elfów. Ich bogiem jest Skerrit.
  • This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron. Centaurs were said to have inhabited the region of Magnesia and Mount Pelion in Thessaly, the Foloi oak forest in Elis, and the Malean peninsula in southern Laconia.
  • In Greek mythology, a centaur (from Greek: Κένταυροι, Kéntauroi) or hippocentaur is a member of a composite race of creatures, part human and part horse. In early Attic and Boeotian vase-paintings (see below), they are depicted with the hindquarters of a horse attached to them; in later renderings centaurs are given the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be. Centaurs were said to have inhabited the region of Magnesia and Mount Pelion in Thessaly, the Foloi oak forest in Elis, and the Malean peninsula in southern Laconia.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ The Centaur is a creature of two worlds, man and beast, cultured and uncultured, wise and wild. She benefits from the combination of these two worlds greatly, but is likewise prone to the pitfalls and problems of both. As much as she is kind, nurturing, and possessing of a deep and rich sylvan knowledge, so is Centaur prideful, indulgent, and violent. The children of Centaur thus share in this dual nature, receiving more benefits than from a typical totem, but also shouldering a greater burden than most.
  • The Centaurs (also known as Ixionidae) are a race of creatures that are part human and part horse. Their first appearance comes from early Greek archaeological finds in which Attic vase-paintings depicted the centaurs as the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be. The centaurs were spawned by the cloud nymph Nephele, who was raped by the impious Lapith, King Ixion, which is the cause of the Centaurs' hatred for the Lapiths.
  • Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) Armor Class: 14 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+12 Attack: Longsword +7 melee (2d6+6/19–20) or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/x3) Full Attack: Longsword +7 melee (2d6+6/19–20) and 2 hooves +3 melee (1d6+2); or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/x3) Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: — Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 11 Feats: Dodge, Weapon Focus (hoof)
  • The Centaur can be used for a large number of logistical purposes on the battlefield, but the most common use is that of artillery tow vehicle. The vehicle has a very powerful engine capable of pulling artillery pieces such as the Heavy Mortar Cannon and the Quad Cannon across the battlefield. It can also tow the much heavier Earthshaker Cannon and Medusa Siege Gun, but only on flat terrain. Passengers in a Centaur can mount any heavy or special weapons they may possess to a mount on the vehicle near the front, adding their firepower to that of the vehicle. A Centaur can also be assigned to a squad of Imperial Guard Grenadiers as a transport. In this case the vehicle is also modified with extra armour plating to protect its crew and passengers from enemy fire. When not being used to tow he
  • Part human and part horse, they were the children of either Centaurus and the Magnesian Mares or Ixion and Nephele. They were wild in nature and untamed, excelled at archery and were fond of grapes and wine. They do not take well to alcohol, becoming drunk easily. In this state they become very aggressive and would often attack humans and each other.
  • The Centaurs, sometimes known. The Centaurs are a race very similar to the Centaurs of Greek legend on which their bodies, agility, behaviours and even their ferocity is based on. Motaro is the only known member of the Centaur race. Long ago, they served the Emperor Shao Kahn as one of his Extermination Squads, and they have been in his favour above their most hated foes, the Shokans, ever since. They even proclaim themselves as the so-called greatest hunters of all the species of Outworld.
  • Numerous khans, Khan Dez'hepah , Khan Hratha , Khan Jehn , Khan Shaka , Centaur Pariah , Khan Bloodhoof , Centaur Khan
  • 1
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 13
  • 17
  • 22
  • *Pendulum Wars *Locust War *Lambent Pandemic
  • 18
  • 9.460000
  • Usually lawful evil
  • Unknown
  • Human almost
  • +5 with bow
  • 12
Train Time
  • 22
  • -
Train At
  • -
  • Null
  • -
  • 6
  • Nee
Row 4 info
  • 50
  • * The great centaur Chiron's ability to use medicine, salves, and unguents to heal and banish sickness is legendary; one child of Centaur at a time may use the Bastet Gift: Banish Sickness. * Centaur has always been heralded as master of archery, and so gifts this knowledge to one child at a time, who may make ranged attacks at -1 difficulty. * Understanding of the whims and ways of the natural world, Centaur blesses all of her children with sylvan knowledge, providing them +1 die to all rolls involving hunting, tracking, navigation, survival, and the playing of stringed/piped/vocal instruments. * Gaining insight into the nature of duality and how beast and man can function in unity, all of Centaur's children gain an intuitive nature of shifting , and may share in Centaur's violent tendencies to pull from a pack pool of 3 rage for purposes of rage-shifting only. * Once per moon cycle, a child of centaur may meditate upon the stars and catch a glimpse into the tidings of the universe. Doing so allows a spirit of prophecy to momentarily join with her mind, speaking through her. However, to do so, the child must have previously indulged in some vice, and then successfully walked away without frenzy; doing so primes and opens the mind to greater truth. **This spirit is always aligned with whatever constellation is meditated upon. This ability may only be used by one pack member per month. * While a totem of Wisdom, Centaur is well-known for her violence and viciousness when it comes to protecting the natural world, and so is viewed as a fairly glorious totem. Black Furies, Red Talons, and Ahrouns in particular will respect the children of Centaur.
  • Kuchinawa's Sword
Battle Start
  • Look the archery of me!
  • Sapient
  • +140
  • +230
  • +320
  • to target.
  • Deals 515 - 595
  • 1600
  • 1760
  • Wszystkie centaury
  • -
  • Centaur
skill lv
  • Deal 120% DMG to all enemies / 10% chance
  • Deal 220% DMG to all enemies / 15% chance
Row 1 info
  • Greece
  • Gunship
  • Horseplay.
  • 8
  • 13
  • ?
  • 35000
  • Ja - A Fairy Tale Part II
Row 4 title
  • Cargo Hold
  • 6
  • 12
  • 7
  • 8
  • 16
  • ?
  • Large
  • Equips All
  • Yes
  • -
Row 2 info
  • 4
  • Exchanges: Handshakes, page 8
  • -
Row 1 title
  • Type
  • Region of Origin
  • Infinite
  • Fizyczny
  • 10
  • 7.480000
  • High
Row 5 info
  • 8
  • 9
  • 11
  • ?
  • 7
  • 9
  • ?
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance in Comic
  • Weapons systems
  • Usually neutral good
  • 11
  • 1850
  • 2035
friendship max
  • Are you saying, it's you!?
  • What do you mean, stallion?
  • None
  • 33
  • 12
  • 20
  • 25
  • --07-11
  • 13
  • Rzadkie
Row 5 title
  • Era
  • 8
  • 10
friendship event
  • Affinity is good for pedigree
  • Are you prepared to mate!
  • I ask you this milord!
  • So, let's mate!
battle end
  • Was my horse-half inferior...
  • Nee
  • centaur.jpg
Row 3 info
  • 280
  • 7
  • 10
  • 11
  • ?
  • no
  • Common
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • Legendary
  • N
  • Ultra Rare
Row 3 title
  • Armor
  • * Though they strive to replicate Chiron's image and legacy, centaurs remain prone to hedonism and indulgence, wildness and carousing. Children of Centaur thus must enjoy life in Centaur's honor once a week. To aid her children in this, alcohol and other means of imbibing affects them more than normal Garou. * Whenever alcohol or any other method of imbibing is present, regardless of situation or former proclivities, a child of Centaur must roll willpower or carelessly indulge. If a child of Centaur does indulge and wishes to prematurely stop, she must make a frenzy check. * Due to their new Dionysian connection, whenever a child of Centaur would need to make a willpower roll to resist temptation, pacify themselves, or otherwise act in an orderly and cultured manner, she does so at +1 difficulty. Frenzy checks due to instances of lust, passion, hedonism, and revelry are made at -1 difficulty. * Centaur is a spirit of freedom in all of its many nuances, and so her children must also be free . Children of Centaur feel easily claustrophobic, and temporarily lose the ability to shift if ever bound or caged. * A Wyld-aligned spirit, children of Centaur must respect and protect the wilderness, and are obliged to include such an area in their territory. * While a totem of Wisdom, Centaur is looked down upon for her wild and unpredictable nature, and so is viewed as a fairly dishonorable totem. Silver Fangs, Philodox, and other Garou who hold Honor in the highest esteem will not look well upon the children of Centaur.
  • Damage
  • Life
  • I was waiting for you, milord!
  • I'm tired to listening to prayers.
  • 77
  • 12
Box Title
  • Centaur
  • Species Information
  • To get credit for discovering Atlantis
  • 180
  • Passion
  • 3
  • Saradomin
  • None,cenarion circle ,, , formerly Princess Theradras
  • Black
  • One
  • Varies
  • brown, black, blue
  • Mr. Goldenfold's Dream
  • Violent, lustful
  • *Lower torso is a horse's body *Higher torso is a human's body *Capable of human intelligence and speech
  • 30
  • 5
  • 18
  • 20
  • High, with boost capabilities
  • 42
  • Alive
  • N/A
  • Bestia
  • 4
  • Solitary , gang , tribe
  • Thirteen Monsters
  • *Coalition of Ordered Governments **Coalition of Ordered Governments Army
First Appearance
  • Young Hercules
  • "Hooves and Harlots"
  • Hercules in the Underworld
  • -
  • Resist
  • 8.260000
  • *Assault *Escort
  • FNV
  • FO1
  • FO2
  • FO3
  • FO4
  • Red
  • Varies
  • Black beard
  • different colors
  • 6
  • 8
  • 9
  • 11
  • 19
  • 27
  • 29
  • 50
  • 84
  • ?
  • black, white
  • Female
  • Male
  • Damage
  • Beast
  • Monstrous humanoid
  • Humanoid/Animal
  • -3
  • -1
  • 0
  • Earth
  • Very rare
  • Marble statue of a centaur carrying off a nymph; by Laurent Marqueste, 1892; Tuileries Gardens, Paris
  • A bronze statue of a centaur.
  • A group of centaurs
  • Mae the knight centaur.
  • Three centaurs.
  • Vague image of a centaur's body: half horse, half human.
  • All troops gain +4 Life for having 3 unique Centaur troops
  • The Centaur is a creature of two worlds, man and beast, cultured and uncultured, wise and wild. She benefits from the combination of these two worlds greatly, but is likewise prone to the pitfalls and problems of both. As much as she is kind, nurturing, and possessing of a deep and rich sylvan knowledge, so is Centaur prideful, indulgent, and violent. The children of Centaur thus share in this dual nature, receiving more benefits than from a typical totem, but also shouldering a greater burden than most. At her core, however, Centaur is a Wyld-aligned spirit of freedom in all of its forms, and an avid protector and advocate for the wilderness. As reflected in her dual nature, she prefers the secluded darkness of the virgin forest as much as the open air of unspoiled, rolling plains, and she exults in the spirit of life and living. So too will her children share in her joy. Given her prideful nature, Centaur finds no need for human speech, despite her human head, and speaks only the language of spirits to those not of her brood.
  • All troops gain +4 Life and + 1 Magic for having 4 unique Centaur troops
  • WNSD: It's All Greek to Scooby
  • Central Kalimdor
Money Dropped
  • 5820
  • Large
Items Dropped
Items Equipped
  • 489.0
Locations Found
  • 3
  • A Godslayer Needs Demons DLC
  • Human Intelligence
Unusual Features
  • Top half of a human on the body of a horse.
  • false
  • Wise, nature-loving
  • 120
  • Kuchinawa Sword
  • quest: "Przybycie Hektora"
Notable Members
  • Damage dealer
  • CENTAUR, carved the name in the sky is me.
  • 1
  • 10
Created by
  • Andrew Dettman and Daniel Truly
  • Mythological
  • 2100
  • 2500
  • 2550
  • Gotland
  • Main Battle Tank
  • Forests
  • 2500
Eye Colour
  • Hazel, Amber, Black/Ebony
  • 13
Voice Actor
  • Rob Paulsen
  • Resist*
  • 3
  • 195
  • Temperate forests and plains
  • 6
  • 7
  • Tall
  • 540.0
  • Several meters
  • Nee
  • Centaur
  • Ranger
  • Centaur
  • 49
  • 0
  • 10
  • 7
  • 8
  • 26
  • 1800
  • 1980
  • -4.73364E9
  • 10
  • Zanma
  • Bufu\Innate Needle Shot\2
  • Bufu\Innate Needle Shot\5
  • Magna Double Hit Dormina Tetrakarn Paralyse Magnus
  • Sky Bow of Cheiron
  • Ziolaon Diarama Makajam
  • Bufula\Innate Tathlum Shot\Innate Rapid Needle\Innate Diarama\Innate Resist Elec\Innate
  • Petra Double Hit Slumber Reflect Paralyze Petraburst
Image size
  • 250
  • General
  • Beast
  • XXXX
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • None
  • 8
  • 630
  • Team_Bonus_Type_1.png
  • Team_Bonus_Type_2.png
  • Star spirit of Centaurus. A family of superior wisdom and courage, but will get angry if treated like a "horse".
  • Gun\+2 Ice\+1 Ailment\-1 Support\-1 Elec\-3 Force\-3
  • 7
  • 18
  • 22
  • half-human, half horse
  • half-man, half-horse
  • A...trifector? You've got some explaining to do!
  • 12
  • Unknown, but capable of holding at least four Gears and several Stranded
  • Greek mythology
  • fantasy
Last Appearance
  • Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
  • Mission From Zeus
  • What... Again?! Part 4
  • 7
  • 2
  • 86400.0
  • from red to brown, black,
  • Varies
  • 90
  • Life
  • 50
  • 76
  • 104
  • 111
  • 125
  • 146
  • 220
  • ?
  • Temperate
  • 1981-02-03
  • 7
  • Varies
  • White or tanned
  • human flesh tones
  • 15
  • Omnivore
  • Carnivorous, eats any kind of animal
  • omnivouros
  • Male
  • Man/Vrouw.
  • 21
  • 46
  • 270
  • Centaurs
  • Centaur
  • Yoma
  • Half-Human Half-Horse
  • 51
  • 66
  • 84
Unit Type
  • Wisdom
  • Moolinda Wu
  • Resist
  • *Turret-mounted Cannon
  • -
  • Mens/Paard
  • Artwork: Paul Faris
  • Designers: Jim Patla
  • large
  • 10
wikipage disambiguates
Naturalne występowanie
  • Kolonie w lasach
  • : Poison
  • Sanctuary
  • Neutral-Unfriendly
  • Narnia
  • -
  • 1
  • Phys x1, 1 enemy
MAG Per Step
  • 0
  • 13
  • Sword, Spear
  • 7
  • Leprechaun
  • Sprite
  • Imp
  • Seraph
  • Satyr
  • Spirit Armor
  • Legend Shield
  • 90
  • 132
Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii
  • XXXX
  • Yes
  • 30
resistances conveyed
  • None
  • 500
  • 600
  • 80
  • Wysokie
  • 35
  • 25000
  • 1
  • 2
  • Large
  • 50
  • Large
  • Ixionidae
  • 1
  • 1
  • The Perrin Sequence Offering
  • Arbiters of Hexis Offering
  • Arbiters of Hexis Offering
  • Day
  • Arbiters of Hexis Offering
  • New Loka Offering
  • Market
  • New Loka Offering
  • Market
  • Market
  • New Loka Offering
  • The Perrin Sequence Offering
  • The Perrin Sequence Offering
  • 250
  • 6
  • 250
  • 150
  • 175
  • 6
  • hours
  • History of this race is unknown.
  • Centaur (also spelled Kentauros) is a centaur-type Zoid, one of over 200 species of biomechanical lifeforms depicted by TOMY's Zoids model, toy, and media franchise. Based on the mythological creature centaur. the Centaur made its debut in the third Battle Story magazine from the Original Japanese Release storyline. It was later seen in Genobreaker's Story.
  • Centaury - zniekształcone, zmutowane stwory, powstałe w wyniku eksperymentów z FEV. Na zachodnim wybrzeżu Centaury zostały stworzone przez Mistrza. Razem z supermutantami stanowiły część Armii Mistrza, jednak nie były ani trochę inteligentne i samodzielne. Na wschodzie Centaury powstawały w Krypcie 87, gdzie również współdziałały z supermutantami. Były one jednak "stworzone" tylko z ludzi.
  • Right now it can be assembled for 8 H-NCA, 2 H-NCO and 2 H-PS, costing 120.000 U if you buy the parts or 160 Mucosum, 80 Plasmid, 300 Scrap and 40 Prismatium to make them.
  • Centaurs are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. On Gaia, Centaurs were introduced with the arrival of 2008 Olympics, they reside near Barton Town and Bass'ken Lake. Gaians can transform into a Centaur after consuming a Centaur Potion.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Centaur to potężna istota pochodząca z mitologii greckiej, jest to pół-koń, pół-człowiek. W Rappelz jest to bestia posiadająca potężne ataki fizyczne,( prawdopodobnie największe w śród petów), których siłę dodaje w zjednoczeniu. Centaury poleca się oswajać w Laksy, gdzie występują najpowszechniej. Zjednoczenie z Centaurem Podnosi atak fizyczny : * 5 poz. zjednoczenia +140 * 10 poz. Zjdenoczenia +230 * 15 poz. Zjednoczenia +320 Kamienie (buildy) Kamienie Siła/Atk Fiz/Spd.Atk/Ewentualnie coś na atak fizyczny, a w przypadku budowania dla naszej nowej postaci pod tanka także klejnoty na żywotność i obronę.
  • Centaurs are a tauric[1] race featuring the torso and arms of a human and the hindquarters of a horse. Centaurs also have pointed, elf-like ears. They are most frequently found in the desert regions of Gloriana traveling in nomadic herds (as noted in Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School: Advanced Adventuring Course). As they know the desert expertly, they often serve as guides for caravans in the region. Centaurs are extremely honorable, but have no sense of humor and as a consequence, they do not get along well with Gnomes. Occasionally, centaurs can be found in other lands as they are quite an adaptable race. While often engaged in manual labor, centaurs may work in a variety of fields from farming to advising kings. Centaurs are best at finding their away across the deserts.
  • A Beastman type monster with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse, most of whom live in grasslands and plains. Most of them are excellent warriors, galloping around the grasslands with their powerful legs and loins, wielding swords and bows. They live by hunting wild animals and gathering plants. Most of them place great importance in one’s pride as a warrior, so they’re normally calm and rational. Due to this, they won’t do such things as attack humans. The centaur race has produced many heroes and sages since ancient times. This is because every member of this race has this way of thinking: “Do not sully the name of the heroes of the past.” However, they naturally have a violent and lustful disposition. They lose control unexpectedly and reveal their true nature. In the case of extreme individuals, just being touched by a human man will make them go wild with lust, revealing their ferocious and lustful nature. In accordance with their hot, throbbing body, they’ll attack the man extra savagely in proportions to how much they normally restrain themselves, and enjoy the pleasure and sex they wanted so badly. They’re even more troublesome when they come back to their senses and calm down after attacking a man. When they’re calm, they have an extremely strong sense of purity, and they may have an outburst of anger as soon as they come back to their senses. They chase him around, demanding he take responsibility. However, their devilish nature, which is their true nature, says “Take Responsibility”, so they can get the man, and then whisper to them, “Have sex with the man and indulge in pleasure to your heart’s content.” They hate letting men ride on their back, and they only make an exception for the man they acknowledge as their husband. If he requests it, they’ll reluctantly let him ride, but since their body will be glued to the man’s body during this, their body will get very hot and they’ll go wild with lust. By the time the man arrives at his destination riding on them, they’ll be totally ready for intercourse, and he’s liable to get attacked once they become unable to bear the heat and desire. All monsters in the centaur family have another vagina, aside from the horse vagina located at their rear which they’ve had since the era of the former Demon Lords. It’s in the front at the boundary of the human upper body and the horse lower body (In the same position as a human woman), and it was newly formed when their body changed to become more suitable for intercourse with a man upon the dawning of the era of the current Demon Lord. They can have sex with a man and become pregnant no matter which one is used. The rear vagina has also changed to become small and tight, capable of squeezing, matching the human size so it is suitable for intercourse with a human.
  • The Centaurs, sometimes known. The Centaurs are a race very similar to the Centaurs of Greek legend on which their bodies, agility, behaviours and even their ferocity is based on. Motaro is the only known member of the Centaur race. Long ago, they served the Emperor Shao Kahn as one of his Extermination Squads, and they have been in his favour above their most hated foes, the Shokans, ever since. They even proclaim themselves as the so-called greatest hunters of all the species of Outworld. In Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, the Centaur race was apparently transformed into Minotaurs due to a curse brought upon them by their sworn enemies, the Shokans.
  • A species of Beast People * Also known as Horse-men. * They resemble horses with human head, torso, and arms instead of the head and neck of the horse. * They eschew the use of clothing and use only the most basic of tools. * They act as leaders of the Beast Valley of Dragon Pass.
  • This modified gunship has a respectable arsenal of weapons systems and a spacious cargo hold. One disadvantage is its rather average hull armor and moderate maneuverability.
  • Centaurs are mutated creatures. They are a result of infection by the Forced Evolutionary Virus gone horribly wrong.
  • A banner in King Hrothgar's great hall featured a centaur holding a sword and a shield. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons") The banner was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1] According to the Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update, the Ariolo were described as a race of centaurs.
  • A Centaur or Kentauroi is a being with the front parts of a man and the hind parts of a horse. The most famous of the Centaurs is Chiron (Kheiron). There are several different tribes of Centaurs including Kyprioi Kentauroi, Lamoi Kentauroi, Peloponnesioi Kentauroi, Thessalioi Kentauroi and the Marine version Ichthyocentaurs Ikhthyokentauroi
  • Legendary hunters and skilled warriors, centaurs are part man and part horse.
  • Centaurs are a class of monster, i.e. a species in the bestiary of Guild Wars. Centaurs are creatures that feature the body of a horse with the upper torso, arms and head of a humanoid, with two curved, bovid horns growing on the head. Centaurs are among the more intelligent creatures in Tyria, with a complex social structure. They used to live in peace with humans, but are now at war with them. By their name and their habitat, Tyrian centaurs can be split up into four groups: 1. * in the Northern Shiverpeaks, led by Horm Frostrider 2. * in the Maguuma Jungle, led by Ramtha Brokenhoof 3. * in the Crystal Desert. 4. * in the Far Shiverpeaks. There is only one named group of Centaurs in Elona, the Veldrunner pride of Kourna, although the existence of other unnamed prides is mentioned. Though they are not at open war with humans, and bicker amongst themselves, they are very disdainful of humans in general.
  • This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron. The centaurs were usually said to have been born of Ixion and Nephele (the cloud made in the image of Hera). Another version, however, makes them children of a certain Centaurus, who mated with the Magnesian mares. This Centaurus was either himself the son of Ixion and Nephele (inserting an additional generation) or of Apollo and Stilbe, daughter of the river god Peneus. In the later version of the story his twin brother was Lapithus, ancestor of the Lapiths, thus making the two warring peoples cousins. Centaurs were said to have inhabited the region of Magnesia and Mount Pelion in Thessaly, the Foloi oak forest in Elis, and the Malean peninsula in southern Laconia. Centaurs continued to figure in literary forms of Roman mythology. A pair of them draw the chariot of Constantine the Great and his family in the Great Cameo of Constantine (c314-16), which embodies wholly pagan imagery.
  • School: Image:Life.png Pip Cost: 6 Accuracy: 90% Type: Image:Damage.png Description: Deals 515 - 595 Image:Life.png Image:Damage.png to target. Received From: Moolinda Wu Requirements: Required Character Level: 33 Spells: * Imp * Leprechaun * Legend Shield * Sprite * Spirit Armor * Seraph * Satyr Prerequisite for: Spells: * Sanctuary Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes
  • El Centauro es un vehículo blindado ligero usado por la Korps de la Muerte de Krieg como remolque para la artillería de campaña y como transporte, pequeño y rapido, de granaderos.
  • Strong melee fighters, Centaurs serve as infantry for the vile Serpent Rider, Korax, and can be found in many levels, namely metal-themed ones. They and their tougher friends, the Slaughtaurs, can deflect missiles with their shields which makes it hard to down these beasts if you are playing as Parias the Cleric as they will send the venom spheres from your serpent staff right back at you, so beware when facing these monstrosities.
  • A centaur is a monster that is a particular cross between a human and a horse; it has the body and legs of a horse, but where the horse's head would be, it instead has the upper body, arms, head and face of a human. Centaurs can wield weapons and use magic items, but unlike many other intelligent monsters, centaurs can also move fast and they can kick you. Forest centaurs are generated with a bow and 3-14 arrows, the other varieties get a crossbow and 3-14 bolts. Thus centaurs are dangerous in melee; their rapid and repeated use of wielded weapons (or bare-handed combat) combined with kicking can quickly harm or kill your character. A centaur with ranged weapons may shoot you. Shoot back or send your pet. Some centaurs may start peaceful, so you need not worry about each one that you encounter.
  • Centaurs are ranged units that can be summoned if you have enough favour with Saradomin.
  • Centaur is a pinball machine produced by Bally.
  • Centaurs are part human part horse.
  • Een centaur is een fabeldier. thumb|180px|Centaur
  • Een centaur is een fabeldier. thumb|180px|Centaur
  • A centaur is a Summer Court Faerie with a human upper body and the horse lower body of a horse.(reference needed)
  • The Centaur was the disguise of Susie Smythe.
  • Centaur is a suffix that can appear on Magic Items. It provides a bonus to Life based on character level. It doesn't start spawning on items until Item Level 20.
  • Centaurs are excellent astronomers and also are really fast.
  • A Centaur is a mythological creature, that is made up of the upper torso of a man and the body of a horse. They possess the strength of a horse and are an all-male race, making them a traditional enemy of the Amazons. The fact that centaurs must procreate with human women is made socially difficult by the fact that such relationships are heavily frowned upon in most parts of the known world. Though pregnancy with a centaur is not particularly difficult, the actual birth often is, leading to many centaurs being delivered via Caesarian Section.
  • Part human and part horse, they were the children of either Centaurus and the Magnesian Mares or Ixion and Nephele. They were wild in nature and untamed, excelled at archery and were fond of grapes and wine. They do not take well to alcohol, becoming drunk easily. In this state they become very aggressive and would often attack humans and each other. Centaurs were said to have inhabited the region of Magnesia and Mount Pelion in Thessaly, the Foloi oak forest in Elis, and the Malean peninsula in southern Laconia. They were believed to either be driven off or wiped out during their war with the Lapiths.
  • Centaurs are a cross-breed of humans and horses. They are generally intelligent and stuborn, but consider magic an obscenity. There are winged centaurs and regular centaurs. Many Centaurs live on Centaur island, but some who have been discovered to have magic talents were exiled. Centaurs are good archers or good with ropes. They also are well educated. Centaurs have very strict rules about being crossbreeds as Chex would learn early in her life. Centaurs are known to play people shoes.
  • A Centaur is a creature that is native to the planet Caltos. This creature is part human and part horse.
  • A centaur was a creature of Greek legend which was half-man, half-horse.
  • Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +2 shield, –1 size) hp 30 (4d10+8) Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 Speed 50 ft.; 35 ft. in armor; Swim: 30 ft. 15 ft in armor Melee longsword +5 (1d8+2/19–20), 2 hooves +0 (1d6+1) Ranged spear +5 (1d8+2/×3) Space 10 ft., Reach 5 ft. Paralyze Vaccine You gain a +4 bonus against any Paralyzation effects. (3) Blade Rush Str 15, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 12 Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 19 (23 vs. trip) Feats Improved Initiative, Run Skills Diplomacy +4, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +6, Survival +9, Martial knowledge (Heavy blades) +4 Languages English, Japanese, SQ undersized weapons, Amphibious Although a centaur is Large, its upper torso is the same size as that of a Medium humanoid. As a result, they wield weapons as if they were one size category smaller than their actual size (Medium for most centaurs). Centaurs can take a full round action to make their fist a large sized weapon and make a single attack with it. The fist then deals 1d6 +2 damage. A centaur can move through difficult terrain at its normal speed while within a swamp. Magically altered terrain affects a centaur normally. Environment marshy forests and swamps Organization solitary, pair, band (3–10), tribe (11–30 plus 3 hunters of 3rd level and 1 leader of 6th level) Treasure standard (breastplate, heavy steel shield, longsword, spear, other treasure) Legendary hunters and trappers, Centaurs are powerful half horse and half frog man creatures that dwell within forests and swamps. Centaurs tend to live only in areas of wilderness and most refuse to integrate into modern societies. They can be a bit feral and have been known to hunt and attack other intelligent creatures for food and sport, however most clans are much more civil and willing to trade and cooperate with people of other races and tribes. Centaurs stand 8 feet high and have varying colored bodies, however typically their upper half is slick and brightly colored while the bottom half is hairy and darker shaded. Centaurs are powerful on Land or in the water as they are excellent swimmers.
  • From the Word of God page: "You don't want to try to ride a centaur unless you know them well or you were specifically asked to hop on. It's rude otherwise (just as it would be rude to jump on someone's back if you didn't know who the hell they were)." Examples: Zech Smith
  • Centaurs are a half-humanoid, half-horse, war-like tribal race. They abound in central and southern Kalimdor, primarily in Desolace and the Barrens, where they engage in constant war against other centaur and tauren tribes. Though rare, the woods of the Blasted Lands in the Eastern Kingdoms were once heavily populated with centaurs. They are savagery and brutality incarnate.
  • Centaurs are half-human creatures with the upper body of a man attached to the lower body of a horse. In Age of Mythology, the Centaur is a Greek Myth Unit available by worshipping Hermes in the Classical Age.
  • The Centaur was a Coalition of Ordered Governments Army light tank. It was equipped with large wheels in the place of tracks, and had four-wheel drive and steering. It was armed with a single, high velocity main cannon that fired high explosive shells. The cannon was capable of holding up to six shells in its internal magazine at a time. It was very easy to repair, as demonstrated by Damon Baird and Augustus Cole, who were able to fix relatively heavy damage in less than a minute. It also seems to have a very high troop capacity for a tank, as it can hold at least four Gears and several Stranded. The Centaur tank also has the same model hatch as the Armadillo.
  • The Centaur type class is an early 24th century design consisting of an Excelsior class saucer section with warp nacelles mounted on the primary hull with a weapons pod. The Centaur’s primary role was as a fast attack ship with excellent maneuverability. As with the Excelsior class, Centaur class proved highly adaptable to new technologies, and could see action again someday should the need arise.
  • Centaurs are the guardians of the plains, defending them from marauding goblinoids and human bandits alike. Though they often establish trade with humans, they are (as they will be happy to tell you) not tame, nor are they common beasts of burden.
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Centaury - to starożytne, tajemnicze stworzenia, które w Tamriel albo są czczone, albo nienawidzone. Rada Artaeum uznała Centaurów za prawdziwych wyznawców Prastarych Dróg - magii mistycyzmu jak i poglądu którym kieruje się Zakon Psijic. Kategoria:Daggerfall: Stworzenia
  • Centaury (ang. centaur) to istoty o tułowiu, głowie i rękach człowieka, od pasa w dół posiadające ciało konia. Centaury żyją w leśnych ostępach, najczęściej zasiedlając zaszyte w leśnej głuszy polany i pastwiska, z dala od cywilizacji. Istoty te mówią swoim własnym językiem a nieliczne z nich znają również mowę elfów. Ich bogiem jest Skerrit. Centaury są istotami stadnymi, uwielbiającymi towarzystwo swoich pobratymców. Żyją w plemionach, na które składają się pojedyncze rodziny centaurów (zwykle nie więcej niż 20). Występuje wśród nich nadreprezentacja płci żeńskiej, jednak to męskie centaury zajmują się walką i polowaniem. Dzieci wychowywane są wspólnie. Na czele każdego plemienia stoi kapłan, pełniący zarazem funkcję przywódcy. Siedziby centaurów składają się zwykle z przestronnej polany z pastwiskiem i strumieniem lub innym źródłem bieżącej wody. W zależności od klimatu na polanie znajdują się chaty lub trójścienne schrony, zamieszkane przez poszczególne rodziny. W centrum polany, z dala od drzew znajdują się paleniska, używane do gotowania i ogrzewania. Centaury są znakomitymi ogrodnikami i często uprawiają rozmaite odmiany ziół. Jeżeli ich siedziba graniczy z terenami łowieckimi drapieżników, ogradzają ją gęstą barierą kolczastych krzewów i zabezpieczają wilczymi dołami i pułapkami. Centaury zajmują się po trochu polowaniem, rolnictwem, rybactwem, grabieżą i handlem. Unikają kontaktów z ludźmi, jednak z elfami handlują jedzeniem i winem a czasem dzielą z nimi terytorium łowieckie. Utrzymują wspólny skarbiec, do którego wpływają łupy zdobyte na upolowanych potworach, natomiast każdy centaur nosi przy sobie niewielką ilość grosza na własne potrzeby. Nastawienie centaurów do obcych zależy głównie od samych obcych. Ludzie i krasnoludy są zwykle grzecznie proszeni o odejście, gnomy i niziołki są tolerowane, agresywne istoty w rodzaju goblinów czy trolli są bezlitośnie zabijane, natomiast w przypadku zagrożenia ze strony potężnych napastników, jak smoki czy giganci, plemię przenosi się w inne miejsce. Oddziały wypadowe centaurów składają się zwykle z męskich przedstawicieli danego plemienia, zbrojnych w drewniane pałki i łuki. Jedynie przywódcy mają na wyposażeniu tarcze i lance. Choć na ogół spokojne i mało agresywne, centaury znane są ze swej podatności na alkohol, który wywołuje u nich napady furii. Są również bardzo wrażliwe na punkcie bezpieczeństwa swoich żon i dzieci. Na ogół żyją w harmonii z naturą, pielęgnując i umiejętnie korzystając z darów swego otoczenia. Mają naturalny instynkt, który pozwala im określić, jak daleko mogą się posunąć, by nie zaszkodzić środowisku i co zrobić, by prosperowało ono pod ich opieką.
  • Centaur is monster #77 from the Series 3 figures. It was available in all eight Series 3 colours, and had a points value of 25.
  • Centaurs are immortals with the lower half of a horse and the upper half of a human.
  • Centaurs are a bestial race. They are half-man from the waist up, half-horse from the waist down. They came to world of Daventry during one of the withdrawals from lands such as ancient Greece or Rome.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ The Centaur is a creature of two worlds, man and beast, cultured and uncultured, wise and wild. She benefits from the combination of these two worlds greatly, but is likewise prone to the pitfalls and problems of both. As much as she is kind, nurturing, and possessing of a deep and rich sylvan knowledge, so is Centaur prideful, indulgent, and violent. The children of Centaur thus share in this dual nature, receiving more benefits than from a typical totem, but also shouldering a greater burden than most. At her core, however, Centaur is a Wyld-aligned spirit of freedom in all of its forms, and an avid protector and advocate for the wilderness. As reflected in her dual nature, she prefers the secluded darkness of the virgin forest as much as the open air of unspoiled, rolling plains, and she exults in the spirit of life and living. So too will her children share in her joy. Given her prideful nature, Centaur finds no need for human speech, despite her human head, and speaks only the language of spirits (and rarely, Mother's Tongue) to those not of her brood.
  • Centaurs are one of the more popular races in the Shining series. There are at least 3 centaur ally characters in most games.
  • The Centaur can be used for a large number of logistical purposes on the battlefield, but the most common use is that of artillery tow vehicle. The vehicle has a very powerful engine capable of pulling artillery pieces such as the Heavy Mortar Cannon and the Quad Cannon across the battlefield. It can also tow the much heavier Earthshaker Cannon and Medusa Siege Gun, but only on flat terrain. Passengers in a Centaur can mount any heavy or special weapons they may possess to a mount on the vehicle near the front, adding their firepower to that of the vehicle. A Centaur can also be assigned to a squad of Imperial Guard Grenadiers as a transport. In this case the vehicle is also modified with extra armour plating to protect its crew and passengers from enemy fire. When not being used to tow heavy weapons, the vehicle is capable of moving very quickly, at speeds of up to 70 kilometres per hour off-road. Centaur crews greatly enjoy moving at this speed as it keeps them safer from enemy fire, made reliable by the Centaur's incredibly resilient engine which can run on low-quality fossile fuel.
  • Centauro é uma raça. Os Centauros são espécies parecidos com a figura da mitologia grega Centauro, meio-homem, meio-cavalo.
  • Centaurs also exist on Mobius, albeit in the hidden dimension of the Nameless Zone. These centaurs are actually part horse and part fox, combining together with a pale blue fur. The centaurs inhabit the town of Portstable and live a quiet life, with hunting being one particular activity shared amongst some of the townspeople. Ginny and Neddy are two centaurs that aided Tails with his quest to save cubs Jimmy and Jilly by granting him a flying boat.
  • - style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Bounty: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| - style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Age: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| |- style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Birthday: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| |- style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Height: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;" | |- - style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Age: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| 30 |- style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Birthday: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| |- style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Height: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;" | 6'2 |- ( ?)- style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Epithet: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right: 1em;"| - style="font-size:0.83em;" ! style="vertical-align:top;"| Bounty: | style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:1em;"| 100,000,000
  • The Centaurs (also known as Ixionidae) are a race of creatures that are part human and part horse. Their first appearance comes from early Greek archaeological finds in which Attic vase-paintings depicted the centaurs as the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be. The centaurs were spawned by the cloud nymph Nephele, who was raped by the impious Lapith, King Ixion, which is the cause of the Centaurs' hatred for the Lapiths. They inhabited the mountains and forests of Magnesia. They lived in mountain caves, hunted wild animals for food and armed themselves with rocks, tree branches and later built weapons of their own.
  • In Greek mythology, a centaur (from Greek: Κένταυροι, Kéntauroi) or hippocentaur is a member of a composite race of creatures, part human and part horse. In early Attic and Boeotian vase-paintings (see below), they are depicted with the hindquarters of a horse attached to them; in later renderings centaurs are given the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be. This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron. The centaurs were usually said to have been born of Ixion and Nephele (the cloud made in the image of Hera). Another version, however, makes them children of a certain Centaurus, who mated with the Magnesian mares. This Centaurus was either himself the son of Ixion and Nephele (inserting an additional generation) or of Apollo and Stilbe, daughter of the river god Peneus. In the later version of the story his twin brother was Lapithus, ancestor of the Lapiths, thus making the two warring peoples cousins. Centaurs were said to have inhabited the region of Magnesia and Mount Pelion in Thessaly, the Foloi oak forest in Elis, and the Malean peninsula in southern Laconia. Centaurs continued to figure in literary forms of Roman mythology. A pair of them draw the chariot of Constantine the Great and his family in the Great Cameo of Constantine (c314-16), which embodies wholly pagan imagery.
  • The Centaurs are an old and mysterious race of Oberin. Carriers of a great power sought by many for good and evil purposes, they are doomed to live hidden at what is known as the Centaurs' Cave; a place that they only open on very rare occasions. The power of the Centaurs comes from their blood. When one of them dies by sacrificing himself, the blood has a healing power and can cure any wound. If the Centaur was murdered, though, his blood will have destructive effects of greatest strength. The first recorded time where the Centaurs' blood was used is the creation of the Blood Dagger by the mage Aborek. That day, four Centaurs were murdered in the catacombs of Brogan's Keep. The Alliance too has been involved in the murdering of a Centaur near Gohoran. The body was restituted to their kind, a gesture rewarded with five magical mining axes. It is perhaps from this murdering that vials of Centaur blood were collected, some of them still found now and then. Around that time, Asliendor gathered a small group to visit Cecil at Brigobaen for a crash course in Centaurian language. With them was Elefin of Andris, by then sentimentally involved with the former Commander of the Mirith Vanguard. No one suspected that the wizard was part of the Black Hand, and even less that she was in the possession of the Blood Dagger. The revelation was going to be made shortly after, at the Centaurs' Cave: Zexe had been severely wounded, and Nafets escorted him to the Cave with the help of a large group from Mirith. Once there, Elefin revealed that she was the wife of the deceased Yadeth, and killed both Zexe and one of the Elder Centaurs, unleashing an uttermost destructive power and summoning a horde of elementals. Many Centaurs died that day, and the Blood Dagger became even more lethal than it was at the moment of its creation. After the massacre, the few surviving Centaurs decided to seal the Cave for good and to break any contact with the human race. Perhaps with the exception of Cecil, known as the Guardian of the Centaurs, no one heard of them again for many years. It was indeed under Cecil's request that the Centaurs accepted another expedition inside their cave. This time to seek for help with a spell that would locate and kill the traitor Tirana. After the successful outcome of that expedition (not without a long battle, of course), a new alliance between the Centaurs and Mirith was established. Soon after, Galandir sent his newborn soon N'eroth to live in the Cave until his education was complete. On the other hand, Mirith would host Mernias, who resided in the castle until he was killed during blue moon 438 when the twins and Tirana took over the city.
  • Centaurs were a race of highly intelligent, loyal and honourable creatures that existed in Narnia. They appeared human from the abdomen up to the head, while the rest of their body was that of a horse. The horse part of them was described as resembling that of a huge English farm horse, and the human part like stern but beautiful giants. Centaurs were often prophets and stargazers, like Glenstorm, or healers like the Centaur Cloudbirth. All of them were warriors, who fought for Narnia and Aslan in every major battle and war.
  • Centaurs Appears in many fantasy stories, such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Harry Potter, as well as in many Role Playing Games.
  • Pół konie (od pasa w dół wysoki w kłębie koń z różnym umaszczeniem) i pół ludzie (umięśniony tors, ręce, glowa).
  • A legendary ARP Instruments prototype, which the company built and rebuilt several times between 1974 and 1978. This was the synth that contained so much circuitry, Al Pearlman calculated that in use, it would experience a circuit failure roughly every two hours. It never went into production, but it served as a testbed for circuits and subsystems that would go into both the Avatar and Chroma.
  • Centaurs are enemies in Hexen. Centaurs have a similar attack pattern as the Ettins, yet they are faster and more vicious in approach. They are outfitted with armor, swords and a shield which has a skull face on it. Centaurs possess 200 hit points each. When a Centaur is attacked and flinches, it will raise its shield. In this state, all attacks except for hitscan, tunneling, and melee attacks are deflected, possibly back at the player; the aforementioned three attacks that are not deflected do it no damage at all. Centaurs are particularly weak to the Cleric's poison gas clouds (used via the fléchette) and when affected will be put into a stasis state until the gas cloud wears off. The flechette is also probably the most efficient way to kill them when playing as the Fighter or Mage. Like Ettins, Centaurs will gib when killed by high-damaging attacks or any of the classes' fourth weapons. The Slaughtaur is a variant of the Centaur.
  • The Centaurs(Centaurus indomitus.) are often so loud that their concealment remains mysterious.
  • Enameled Glass Helm, Enameled Glass Plate, Razor-Glass Mace, Equips Items Equipped: Enameled Glass Shield Razor-Glass SwordUnknown edit Locations Found Locations Found: Trail Head Rasheek PlainsUnknown edit
  • In Greek mythology, the Centaurs were monsters that were both part man and part horse. They were usually depicted as barely civilized brutes, fond of wine and women. Some notable centaurs include Chiron (an uncharacteristically peaceful and intelligent centaur and a renowned medic and teacher, who in some myths is said to be a Titan) and Nessus (who played a large role in the death of Hercules).
  • De Centaurs zijn volgers van Saradomin en in de God Wars waren er veel Centaurs gedood. Ze komen ook voor in de quest Fairytale III - Battle at Orks Rift waar ze een kleine rol hebben. Als je met ze praat zeggen ze iets als Strange Creature you only have two legs. Categorie:Rassen en:Centaur
  • A Centaur is a magical creature whose head, torso and arms appear to be human and are joined to a horse's body. They are, however, their own species, and are not any kind of half-breed. Despite possessing 'human intelligence', centaurs are classified as Beasts by the Ministry of Magic, at their own request, as they were unhappy at having to share Being status with hags and vampires.
  • right CENTAUR - istota z mitologii grecko-rzymskiej, która od pasa w dół miała przybierać postać konia a od pasa w górę ludzką. W Grecji – ojczyźnie centaurów – zwano je kéntauroi. Uchodziły za potomstwo Kentaurosa i klaczy magnezyjskich lub Iksjona i widziadła (chmury) Nefele, której Zeus nadał postać. Tworzyły prymitywne plemię. Zamieszkiwały góry i lasy Tesalii. Obyczaje miały dzikie, to jest żywiły się surowym mięsem upolowanych zwierząt, kilkakrotnie usiłowały porwać lub zgwałcić kobiety, łatwo się upijały. Jako broni używały gałęzi drzew i skał.
  • __notoc__ <default><span style="font-weight:bold;"></span></default> [[File:|220x220px|center|middle]] [[File:||220x220px|center|middle]] Statistics File:MasterySigilClear.png Mastery File:TopWeapon.png Slot File:MiniMapMod.png Type Trigger Type Utility Ammo Type m/s Flight Speed m Range Limit Noise Level rounds/sec Attack Speed rounds Spool Up Rate Accuracy rounds Magazine Size rounds Max Ammo s Reload Time Zoom s Combo Reset s Min. Combo Finisher Damage Channeling Dmg Block Resist. Disposition Total Damage s Burst Count Crit Chance Crit Multiplier Status Chance Punch Through Radius Duration Damage Falloff Ammo Cost Total Damage Charge Time s Burst Count Crit Chance Crit Multiplier Status Chance Punch Through Radius Duration Damage Falloff Ammo Cost Total Damage s Crit Chance Crit Multiplier Status Chance Radius Duration Charge Time Damage Falloff Ammo Cost Total Damage s Crit Chance Crit Multiplier Status Chance Radius Duration Charge Time Damage Falloff Total Damage s Burst Count Crit Chance Crit Multiplier Status Chance Punch Through Radius Duration Damage Falloff Charge Time Fire Rate Trigger Type Ammo Cost Total Damage Crit Chance Crit Multiplier Status Chance Punch Through Damage Falloff Charge Time Total Damage Crit Chance Crit Multiplier Status Chance Punch Through Damage Falloff Charge Time Other Attacks Slam Attack Slam Radius Slide Attack Wall Attack Miscellaneous Syndicate Effect Augments Polarities Stance Polarity Stances Weapon Users Introduced Variants CODEX Part sword, part shield, the Centaur excels at charging headlong into enemy fire. The Centaur is an Archwing based melee that also acts as a shield, which shares its own basic six-hit combo with Rathbone, but also possesses its own six-hit combo when used in quick melee (primary weapon equipped).
  • Centaur - żyjąca w Northlandzie rasa o wyglądzie pół-człowieka, pół-konia. Centaury są inteligentne i potrafią posługiwać się językiem. Doskonale znają pojęcia godności i honoru; mimo to są rasą hańbioną nieustannie przez ludzi, którzy uważają się za gatunek wyższy. Przez większość z nich zaliczane są do zwierząt, bezrozumnych i nie posiadających uczuć. W Sitowym służą jako niewolnicy na dworach i w bogatych domach. Ludzie przechwytują centaury na pograniczu puszczy, gdyż ostatnio uciekają z terenów objętego wojną Northlandu.
  • Centaurs are semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers who do not build permanent homes of any kind, but roam freely through tribal territories. Quite frequently, a tribe's territory is centered on a place of natural power such as a wildspring or a circle of standing stones. If their territory faces a serious threat such as those posed by settlers or logging operations, centaurs may form alliances with other creatures who fight the encroachments of civilization, such as oaklords or Forest Prophet covens.
  • Some Centaurs compete against each other in Centaur competitions, especially races which are the equivalent of horse races in the human realm.
  • Centaurs are one of The People and are a species of fairy that are half horse, half humanoid. There are fewer of them than other fairy species. They are known to be the smartest of the fairy races, but they lack magic.
  • Centaurs are very rare creatures with the head and upper body of a human grafted onto the body of a horse. They were created in 1948 by French scientist Professor de Rigeur of L'Academie des Lunaces. An improved version was created by an Canadian who wishes to be unknown all it is known that the improved versions are only on a deserted island protected by the only 4' man in the Canadian Forces.
  • To enter the Enchanted Valley the code BKQ must be entered at the main fairy ring in Zanaris.
  • Centaur is the unofficial fan name for a tank that appears a few missions in Armored Core: Project Phantasma as an enemy.
  • In the Czech Republic Centaurs are completely accepted as sentient creatures and achieve full rights as citizens. The Native American Nations, Greece, the Czech Republic, Amazonia, Yakut, and Mongolia all recognize centaurs as sapient beings and allow them full citizenship. They have known populations in the following areas: The Eurasian Steppe, North American refuge (created by the Great Dragon Dunkelzahn), and parts of Greece and the Czech Republic. Currently Evo is the only megacorporation that offers centaurs corporate citizenship. There are two kinds of Centaur, with variations between them as distinct as breeds of horse. There is the basic Centaur, which has a furred humanoid body with a horselike head (though with a shorter muzzle) and the 'lesser Centaur' (as dubbed by other standard Centaurs) which are more akin to Greek myth, having unfurred human torso's and human heads. These are often the subject of discrimination by the more standard Centaur and many are outed from their tribes to either die or be raised by others, though some kinder standard Centaurs are known to raise them. They have an estimated worldwide population of 50,000 (standard Centaur) and 1500 ('lesser' Centaur). However these numbers are estimations as many Centaurs would likely not take censuses and wish to have little to do with mainstream meta-humanity. In more recent times, many Centaurs have begun to leave their homes and explore the new world, tempted by media, technology or simple curiosity or need. Known Centaur are as follows: * The Prairie Boys, a band completely composed of common centaurs. * Rouge Bitless, a lesser centaur professional fighter. * Milo Czerda is a Centaur on the board of the Draco Foundation and represents living proof that Centaurs, or at least Centaur-like creatures, are sentient. Dunkelzahn was well known for having Centaurs guarding his Lake Louise lair.
  • Centaurs are descendants of Centaurus, the child of Ixion and Nephele. Centaurus brought them into existence by mating with the Magnesian Mares. Centaurs are best known for their fight with the Lapiths - a civilized, Thessalian tribe, caused by their attempt to carry off Hippodamia and the rest of the Lapith women on the day of her marriage to Pirithous, king of the Lapiths and son of Ixion. This fight came to be known as the Centauromachy. Centaurs were notorious for being overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, given to violence when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents. Each Centaur was also wild and lusty, except for the most well-known centaur, Chiron. True centaurs were born of sun and raincloud, until the female centaurs (called Centaurides) came from some normal horses, and centaurs started out like normal creatures, from conceived from baby to adult. Chiron was another exception. He was born from Kronos and the nymph Philyra. He was half-horse because Kronos was half-horse when he was with Philyra. Another tribe of Centaurs were seen in Peloponnese where they came into conflict with Hercules over the wine of their brother Pholos (who had given Hercules some hospitality while he was looking for the Erymanthian Boar). Most of the enemy Centaurs were slain by Hercules who used the arrows covered in the blood of the Hydra on them. The surviving Centaurs fled to the Malean Peninsula southern Lakonia where they were given refuge by Poseidon. There was also another type of Centaurs called the Cyprian Centaurs. They are bull-horned centaurs who were the result of Zeus accidentally impregnating Gaea during his failed attempt to seduce Aphrodite. They are more friendly than the Centaurs that
  • Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares) Armor Class: 14 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+12 Attack: Longsword +7 melee (2d6+6/19–20) or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/x3) Full Attack: Longsword +7 melee (2d6+6/19–20) and 2 hooves +3 melee (1d6+2); or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/x3) Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: — Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 11 Skills: Listen +3, Move Silently +4, Spot +3, Survival +2 Feats: Dodge, Weapon Focus (hoof) Environment: Temperate forests Organization: Solitary, company (5–8), troop (8–18 plus 1 leader of 2nd–5th level), or tribe (20–150 plus 30% noncombatants plus 10 3rd-level sergeants, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 1 leader of 5th–9th level) Challenge Rating: Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually neutral good Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment:
  • [[Plik:Centaur_gra_na_tubie.jpg|thumb|348px|Centaur grający na tubie w obozie Aslana]]Centaur - jeden z wielu rodzajów stworzeń fantastycznych, istniejących także w wierzeniach i wyobrażeniach w naszym świecie, żyjących w Narnii.
  • The Centaur-class was a type of Federation light cruiser designed in the late 23rd century, used sporadically through the 24th century, and built in vast numbers during the start of the 25th century. Initially conceived as a way to utilize vast stores of extra components built for the Excelsior-class, the Centaur-class was often used in times when new ships needed to be commissioned quickly, such as times of war. The class saw extensive use in the Dominion War, and after the Borg incursion in 2409 they were built in vast quantities to accomodate the many new officers who were being commissioned on the battlefield. Though they are typically used in times of war, the "mass-produced" nature of the Centaur-class makes them versatile to the point that their Commanding Officer can make some minor modifications to them to suit their command style. They are frequently used as "starter ships" for new COs, as their parts are easily replacable at Spacedock.
  • In Greek mytholofy, the centaurs (from : Κένταυροι - Kéntauroi) are a race of creatures composed of part horse and part human. In early versions of their myths, they are depicted with the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's body, where the horse's neck would be. This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as , caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the , or conversely as teachers, like . The centaurs were usually said to have been born of and (the cloud made in the image of ). Another version, however, makes them children of a certain , who mated with the mares. This Centaurus was either the son of Ixion and Nephele (instead of the Centaurs) or of and , daughter of the river god . In the latter version of the story his twin brother was Lapithus, ancestor of the Lapiths, thus making the two warring peoples cousins. Centaurs were said to have inhabited the region of Magnesia and Mount in , Mount Pholoe in and the Malean peninsula in southern .
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