  • Bane
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
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  • Dan Bane formerly Danyael Bane formerly Bane, is a participating character in the World Wildzone Wrestling and Outlaw Wrestling Coalition e-feds. Previous to that, he ran the Xtreme Wrestling Federation out of Xtreme Forums. As well as promo writing, he also writes matches for World Wildzone Wrestling.
  • Bane is a supervillain appearing in the DC Universe, and is an enemy of Batman who gained super-strength from a drug called Venom. He first appeared in the comic book one-shot Batman: Vengeance Of Bane (1993).
  • Bane is an enemy of Batman's.He appeared in the Batman theme in 2007 and made a return appearance in the 2012 theme, Super Heroes. 2013 featured Bane in a costume based on his appearance in the film The Dark Knight Rises.
  • When Set, it increases base HP by 12 and base Attack by 4. When Bane's battle effect is used, the user attacks and a vaporous red cloud is let loose upon impact. It deals a Venus-based attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 60 damage points, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Deadly Poison status condition. It is similar to the Jupiter Djinni Wheeze, but with that being Jupiter-aligned and dealing 10 less bonus damage.
  • In later episodes, he served as an assassin for Jimmy. Bane is eventually shot by Katie where he tragically dies before his master plan can be completed.
  • Bane was a Gen'Dai warrior in the service of the Cylon Imperium, and later Crimson Empire. Once he was a dangerous bounty hunter, and the number one competition of Cadden Blackthorne. Neither got along well with each other. He went on to loyally serve his master, acting as a general in the Cylon Imperial Army. Bane continued with his role through the Sith-Cylon War, when he was defeated in combat by Darth Trayus and, begrudgingly, swore loyalty. He retained his position as general, now in the Crimson Empire.
  • Bane was a major-league baseball player with a low batting average. Furious at his inability to keep up with his competition, he juiced himself full of steroids and took on the biggest bat of all....the urban terrorist Batman!
  • Special Part(s): GD_Weap_SMG.A_Weapons_Unique.SMG_Hyperion_3_Bane GD_Weap_SMG.Barrel.SMG_Barrel_Dahl_Bane GD_Weap_SMG.ManufacturerMaterials.Mat_Hyperion_3_Bane [Bane Variants] The Bane is a unique aftermarket submachine gun manufactured by Hyperion. Bane is obtained from the mission The Bane.
  • Bei den Bane handelt es sich um ein Bündnis zwischen den Neph, welche eine Splittergruppe der Eloh darstellen, und mehreren aggressiven außerirdischen Völkern, wie beispielsweise den Thrax. Die Bane führen einen Kreuzzug durch das Universum, welchem auch die Erde zum Opfer fiel. Bei den eigentlichen Handlungen halten sich die Neph eher im Hintergrund. Zu der Armee der Bane zählen auch zu Kampfrobotern umgebaute Menschen und Foreaner, sogenannte Machinima.
  • Bane is one of the Arkham inmates mutated by Shredder and Ra's al Ghul. Bane becomes a mutant elephant.
  • Image:Curse (Status Effect).png Bane is a harmful that jinxes its victim with a horrible curse until it wears off or is removed. Afflicted characters have their maximum HP and MP reduced by a large percentage, and suffer the effect of weight. This effect can last up to 120 minutes.
  • Bane - najemnik i zbiegły skazaniec z więzienia na wyspie w Ameryce Południowej. Bane posiada niezwykłą siłę fizyczną, zdobytą w eksperymencie z tajemniczym narkotykiem o nazwie ,,Venom" (Jad). Do historii przeszło zdarzenie, kiedy Bane złamał Batmanowi kręgosłup. Ochrzcił się wtedy imieniem "Człowiek, który złamał nietoperza". Jego prawdziwa tożsamość nie jest całkowicie znana.
  • -Bane Bane is one of Batman's strongest enemies, he is the only man to break the Batman.
  • Born a prisoner for crimes committed by his father, the child who would become Bane survived cruel solitary confinement in a Santa Priscan prison called the Pena Duro hole. During his long lonely years, he developed incredible powers of concentration, and, once released into the prison population, studied every book he could get his hands on. After nearly four decades of imprisonment, he was chosen for a strange experiment with the drug Venom, which greatly enhanced his strength. Escaping, he sought out Batman to prove himself to the world by destroying the greatest specimen of humankind. Bane broke Batman, but the Dark Knight's protege beat Bane into a coma.
  • Bane is a Centaur living in the Forbidden Forest.
  • Bane is a criminal and adversary of Batman.
  • Bane is a spell. Formerly known as Curse.
  • Bane is the remote homeworld of Scillian and the extinct Taek species, located deeply in the Unexplored Regions, far away from the major worlds of the Velara Galaxy. It is relatively underpopulated, a courtesy of its intricate, violent history. Image:Icon globe.png This conworld article is a stub. You can Conworlds Wiki by [ expanding it]. Size:
  • The idea of the guild Bane was created when a person was exposed to a corrupted weapon, his mind becoming consumed in the hatred and the insanity of the weapon's corruption. The bearer of Earthstealer, the weapon, emits an easily-felt aura of corruption, and he has succeeded in establishing a small hierarchy which he intends to enlarge, followed by people he have corrupted. - Work in progress -
  • Bane is a super-intelligent world-class fighter and tactical genius who enhances his great physical strength with a steroid called venom, making him one of Batman's greatest and most dangerous enemies. In addition to being one of the only men ever to independently figure out Batman's secret identity, he has also been an anti-hero, a government agent, a mercenary and a dictator.
  • The Bane is iron and it is toxic to Faeries.
  • Bane was a centaur living as part of the Forbidden Forest Centaur colony.
  • Bane era un centauro che abitava nella Foresta Proibita.
  • Bane est un centaure qui vit dans la Forêt interdite.
  • name = Bane season = 1
  • Aliases none home the Eldeen Reaches. gender male race werefox date of birth unknown age unknown class ranger alignment good source the Lost Chronicles Trilogy Bane Is a fictional character created by author Robert Johnen in his novel series the lost chronicles. abilities due to being a werefox, Bane can transform into an anthropomorphic fox. biography Bane served with Scorch in the Frostbrand During the last war. he wandered Khorvaire until he found Refuge in Foxearth, a small village in the Eldeen Reaches.
  • Bane was a Celtic Amazon warrior. She fought against Bellerophon in the battle to Helicon which she was killed because she did not follow orders. Firstly she appeared in the ship which she was considered by Tyro her best friend as an idiot who did not follow orders. She was shot by five arrows and later a bomb thrown by catapults explode on her dead body.
  • Bane är en intelligent kentaur, som kan spå i stjärnorna och förutspå framtiden, och han avskyr och föraktar människor. Bane omnämndes först i boken Harry Potter och de vises sten då Bane och Firenze förutspår framtiden åt Harry Potter genom att läsa stjärnorna; “Kom ihåg, Firenze vi har gått ed på att inte sätta oss upp mot himlavalvet. Har vi inte läst i planeternas rörelser vad som komma skall?" Bane var med i kentaurhopen som körde ut Harry, Hermione, och Hagrid ur skogen då de hälsat på Graup, och var även närvarande då kentaurerna attackerade Dolores Umbridge.
  • Bane är en intelligent kentaur, som kan spå i stjärnorna och förutspå framtiden, och han avskyr och föraktar människor. Bane omnämndes först i boken Harry Potter och de vises sten då Bane och Firenze förutspår framtiden åt Harry Potter genom att läsa stjärnorna; “Kom ihåg, Firenze vi har gått ed på att inte sätta oss upp mot himlavalvet. Har vi inte läst i planeternas rörelser vad som komma skall?" Bane var med i kentaurhopen som körde ut Harry, Hermione, och Hagrid ur skogen då de hälsat på Graup, och var även närvarande då kentaurerna attackerade Dolores Umbridge.
  • Description: Bane fills the caster's enemies with fear and doubt. They suffer a -1 penalty on their attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear.
  • Bane is thought to be the long-lost son of Omega. Best known for his famous catchphrase For you.
  • Bane är den tionde episoden av andra säsongen av Stargate SG-1.
  • Bane the Druid was a in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. He was the Human Guardian of Nature in the Blood Omen era, tainted by the corruption of the Pillars and hunted down by Kain as the "scourge of the circle". Kain caught up with Bane (along with DeJoule and Anarcrothe) in Dark Eden; killing him and returning Bane's Antler Headdress to the Pillars of Nosgoth, Kain was able to temporarily restore the Pillar of Nature.
  • , Level: Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: 50 ft. Area: All enemies within 50 ft. Duration: 1 min./level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes
  • Bane es un personaje jugable en LEGO Batman: El Videojuego . Él es un criminal profesional, cuya fuerza se es producida por la droga Venom .
  • "Bane" is the tenth episode of the second season of Stargate SG-1.
  • "Bane" is the tenth episode of the second season of Stargate SG-1.
  • Bane - Beruf Berufsbezeichnung in +Aidanard, die übersetzt "Gerechte" bedeutet. Die Bane sind diejenigen im Reich, die auf die Einhaltung der Gesetze achten und Gesetzesbrecher strafen sollen, also Richter soweit man weiß. * Segment: Yhllgord - Reich: Aidanard .
  • Bane is an escaped convict from an island prison in South America and a super-villain/assassin. Bane has abnormal physical strength as a result of having undergone experiments involving a derivative of the drug Venom. He became known as "The Man Who Broke the Bat" when he broke Batman's back, forcing Bruce Wayne to give up the Batman persona while he recuperated. Bane was originally created by writers Chuck Dixon and Doug Moench and artist Graham Nolan, and he first appeared in Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January 1993).
  • Bane er en kentaur som lever i Den forbudte skogen sammen med Den forbudte skogens kentaur koloni. Denne artikkelen er en stubb. Du kan hjelpe ved å [ redigere artikkelen]. Bane Kategori:Kentaurer Kategori:Den forbudte skogen
  • Bane ist ein Superschurke und Gegner von Batman in den DC-Comics.
  • Bane ist wie Firenze ein Zentaur. Er streitet öfter mal Firenze, beispielsweise weil er Harry Potter auf seinem Rücken reiten lässt, oder weil er den Beruf als Wahrsagelehrer annimmt. Er ist in der gleichen Herde wie Firenze (der hinterher aber verstoßen wurde), und Magorian und Ronan.
  • Bane is a fearsome and implacable hunter-destroyer. Unicron created him from the wreckage of dead Decepticons to hunt down and eradicate Autobots and their human allies. He is disturbingly effective as a tracker-terminator, possessing powerful high-tech scanning and locating equipment with which to hunt his prey. He is merciless, and uses an arsenal of weapons, including laser blasters, target-dissolving acid rays, disintegrator beams, and assorted demolition and fusion devices. He can transform to a scouring space-worthy hovercraft capable of handling any terrain when scanning for "survivors." Unfortunately Bane is considered annoying by his fellow Sweeps, and he's unlikely to receive their aid when he gets in over his head.
  • Banes are folkloric creatures; pale young virgins who are said to inflict death and disease on children as they walk the villages at daybreak. They are mentioned by the alderman in Upper Posada in the short story "The Edge of the World". It's uncertain whether these are the same creatures as virgin banes which are said to affect cattle and milk production. Virginity does seem to be a common characteristic.
  • Bane ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Batman und Super Heroes. Die Minifigur ist 2007 (Batman) und 2012 (Super Heroes) erschien.
  • Bane es un centauro que vive como parte de la Colonia de centauros del Bosque Prohibido.
  • Bane was a crew member of the hovercraft Caduceus and a member of the Resistance. He later became the Real World vessel for a Smith.
  • Bane (瞬殺 Shunsatsu, lit. Instant Kill) is a skill from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and is unique to the Whisper class. When activated, it allows its user to reduce an enemy's HP to 1, excluding Bosses. In the Japanese version, it shares the same name as the Lethality skill from earlier games.
  • Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
  • Bane fills your enemies with fear and doubt. They suffer a -1 penalty on their attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear.
  • Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a D4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st
  • Bane was a chemically-boosted assassin, and a nemesis of Batman.
  • Benito La Ortega was the son of Agapito Pablo Ortega businessman and a retired Spanish fake wrestler. Benito grew up in Brazil and he and his father lived in a rough neighborhood. He only lived with his father since his parents were separated. As a child Benito was shorter than most children his age and very skinny making him a target for bullies. He was often beat up as a child and his childhood was rough. This made Benito a mean and dangerous child wanting revenge against his bullies. Eventually a traveling Chinese monk came to Brazil and he offered to teach Benito martial arts. He was taught martial arts to him but the young child only wanted to use it to beat up on his bullies which was immoral. He beat up on his bullies and they were no match for him which caused him to be rough and v
  • Bane es un personaje ficticio que aparece en los comic publicados por DC Comics. El personaje apareció por primera vez en Batman: La venganza de Bane #1 (enero de 1993), y fue creado por Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench y Graham Nolan. Bane ha sido uno de los enemigos de Batman más fuertes y conocidos. Un sujeto imparable conocido por quebrar la espalda de Batman en el arco de la historia "Knightfall" y que por ello es llamado "El hombre que rompió al murciélago". En la lista de IGN de los 100 mejores villanos de cómic de todos los tiempos, Bane es el número 34.
  • Bane is a Kencyr who became a thief in the Thieves' Guild of Tai-tastigon, apprenticed to Theocandi, the Sirdan of the Guild. He is the son of Ganth Gray Lord and his Kendar mistress, and half-brother to Jame and Torisen. His mother fled to Tai-tastigon with the priest Ishtier from the Keep. She was early in her pregnancy at this point, and quickly married Abbotir of the Gold Court, who became Bane's presumed father, though Ishtier later led Bane to believe that he was his father.
  • 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Bane'a 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Bane'a w czwartej edycji D&D 200px|left|thumb|Kapłanka Bane'a (druga od lewej) Kręte korytarze Twierdzy Zhentil odbijają echem złowrogie inkantacje śpiewane w cienistych świątyniach w całym Faerunie. Bane (bejn), Pan Ciemności zwyciężył śmierć i powrócił na świat, by dawać mroczną inspirację tysiącom intryg, by podżegać strach i nienawiść na cywilizowanych ziemiach oraz by ponownie zapewnić wszystkich śmiertelników, że tyrania, nawet jeśli ponosi klęski, nigdy nie ginie. Chociaż Bane przekroczył próg śmiertelności wiele wieków temu, jego podstawowy cel jest wciąż wyraźnie ludzki - zadowolić go może wyłącznie władza nad całym Faerunem. Spocznie dopiero, kiedy jego słudzy zasiądą na tronie każdej krainy, kiedy pospólstwo będzie służyć sw
  • Bane, also known as the Black Lord, is a lawful evil dead deity of strife, tyranny and hatred. He is part of the Dead Three alongside Myrkul, the Lord of the Dead, and Bhaal, the Lord of Murder. Long ago the three of them dedicated each to a quest to attain divinity for themselves. They traveled to the citadel of Jergal who, luckily for them was tiring of his existence as lord of the end of everything. Breaking off his skeletal knucklebones after an argument over which of the three would rule over the other two, they were each thrown by the mortals to determine which of Jergal's portfolios they would receive. Bane won the game and was to choose first. He selected the sphere of tyranny, as he believed it will allow him to one day rule over his peers, Bhaal and Myrkul.
  • Bane is a Sorceress living in Daemon's Crag on Pagan. She was the first person the Avatar met in the enclave in Ultima VIII. She appeared very friendly and told the Avatar a great deal about the enclave and the Sorcerers and their rules. She also spoke about the element of fire. After having measured the Avatar's usefulness, she revealed that she feared that Vardion, the First Acolyte, was plotting to kill their master Malchir. Under the pretext of foiling the plot, she tasked the Avatar with finding out Vardion's truename. She further entrusted the Avatar with her truename, and agreed to sponsor his studies in sorcery.
  • The twisted halls of Zhentil Keep echo with malign invocations chanted in shadowy temples though Faerûn. Bane (bain) the Lord of Darkness, has conquered death itself, returning to the world to give dark inspiration to a thousand intrigues, to foment fear and hatred in civilized lands, and to reassure the common mortal that tyranny, through it may suffer occasional defeat, will never die. Though Bane transcended mortality centuries ago, his primary goal remains notably human -- he seeks nothing short of the total domination of Faerûn. When his servants sit upon the throne of every land, when commoners serve their masters in fear for their very lives, and when altruism and hope have been erased from the world, only then will Bane rest. Until that dark day, however, the Black Hand has eternit
  • Bane was a Gilneas-born and worgen lieutenant formerly affiliated with the small goblin "cartel" of the name Sparkdealer currently traversing the continent of Kalimdor. However, in his youth, he was a human noble-child who sought to destroy the old Horde through the infantry that Gilneas had mustered. However, King Greymane refused to follow this idea, instead intending on isolating the kingdom from the rest of the world. A civil war broke out, resulting in the imprisonment of those who questioned Genn's orders. Through continuous stressful events, Bane had suffered for a decade or so, along with Darius Crowley, and other "dissenters". They lived their days behind bars until one day, all hell broke loose. Afterwards, he had lived under the pressure of a greedy, merciless goblin who tricked
  • The Bane is a giant white gnawer who is saved by Gregor in The Prophecy of Bane. He is the monster in The Prophecy Of Time. The Bane is a white rat that will appear every few centuries and is described to be taller, stronger, and faster than other rats. It will be a natural leader and is capable of uniting the rats and causing much havoc. The main antagonist in the series is Pearlpelt, who is the Bane. In Gregor and the Code of Claw, the Bane leads the gnawers against the humans, and battles Gregor, nearly killing him each time. Later in the second fight, the Bane is killed, as he kills Ares.
  • Physically, the Bane are shaped like enormous mollusks with a shelled back and seven strong ambulatory tentacles. They also have a single eye on their faces and several smaller tentacles surrounding their mouths. As a telepathic species, they are able to read minds and manipulate memories. The illusory projections that make them appear like Humans, on the other hand, appear to be a technological achievement rather than a natural ability.
  • Bane was a male fox known for being an experienced mercenary; he carried a curved sword. He claimed to have fought alongside Verdauga Greeneyes, as well as against him. Bane traveled to Mossflower Woods from the north with his band of roughly sixty mercenaries (mostly foxes and rats, with a few weasels). Upon spotting Kotir, he greatly desired it for his own.
  • Atropos, der Bane Elemental bzw. Bane (Fluch), ist ein Intelligenz-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Mit seinen Fähigkeiten eignet sich Bane als Support-Held, da er gegnerische Einheiten kampfunfähig machen oder ihren Angriff stark schwächen kann. Bei ihm handelt es sich um eine Fernkampf-Einheit der Dire. Obwohl Bane ein Intelligenz-Held ist, besitzen seine drei Attribute dieselbe Höhe und dasselbe Wachstum. Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Disablers, Nukers und Supports übernehmen. Eneeble verringert den physischen Angriff einer gegnerischen Einheit für 20 Sekunden und kann manche Gegner gerade im frühen Spielverlauf zeitweise so gut wie handlungsunfähig machen. Brain Sap entzieht einer gegnerischen Einheit Lebenspunkte, die Bane in derselben Höhe als Heilung erhält. Durch seine dritte Fähigkeit
  • Die Bane sind eine nicht-humanoide Kopffüßer-Spezies. Sie stammen alle von der Bane Mutter ab und sind deren Kinder. Mit ihren tentakelartigen Beinen können sie steile Wände hochklettern. Außerdem können sie die Erinnerungen von Menschen lesen und beeinflussen. Sie nutzen Image Translator (deutsch Bildübersetzer) um wie Menschen auszusehen. Wenn jemand aus ihrer Spezies eine Aufgabe nicht gut erledigt wird dieser von den anderen Bane getötet und bei lebendigem Leib verspeist. Einige Zeit später versuchen die Bane Horath auf die Erde zu bringen. Sie hoffen gemeinsam die Erde erobern zu können.
  • Bane f.png bane_black.png bane_black_teen.png bane_black_adult.png bane_brown_pup.png bane_brown_teen.png bane_brown_adult.png bane_white.png bane_white_teen.png bane_white_adult.png The Bane is one of the donation items for May 2008. This donation item could only be purchased during the months of May/June 2008 for the price of 200 luna in the Donation Shop. View the other Donation Item for May 2008, Pookie. View this item in the Marketplace. Go back to the Monthly Donation Items. This item is also a pet.
  • Maschile
  • 0
  • nascondi
  • CD0000
save type
  • W
holy days2e
  • None
  • Mâle
level innate
  • 1
  • *Jason Piper *Nuno Silva
Row 9 info
  • Venom Injector
  • No
Row 8 info
  • Brilliant military strategist, Trained mercenary, Peak human physical conditioning, Highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant
  • +90 Schadensreduzierung durch Enfeeble
Row 4 info
  • The bane of all farmers.
  • Suicide Squad, Secret Society of Super Villains, Secret Six, The League of Assassins
  • Normal
  • 2,03 m
  • Braun
  • 1
  • 1
  • hide
Description from
  • Bane First Bio With world-class fighting skills and powerful-minifigure strength, LEGO Bane is one of the baddest villains ever built! He’s often by the side of LEGO Poison Ivy, using his massive muscles for battling LEGO Batman and creating crime-filled chaos all over Gotham City. His powerful secret weapon, Venom, makes him an extra tough enemy of the LEGO Super Heroes! Updated Bio Although he appears to be a hulking brute, Bane’s massive muscles mask a mind with a tactical intelligence that rivals even Batman’s. He has dedicated himself to tearing down everything that the Dark Knights holds dear, and at last breaking his heroic rival.
  • 2
Row 7 title
  • Powers
  • +100 Bewegungstempo
  • *Independent *Cylon Imperium
  • Bane
  • Dorrance
  • Yes
  • männlich
  • Negro
Erster Auftritt
  • Invasion of the Bane
Attack power
  • medium
  • nascondi
Row 1 info
  • 200
  • Dorrance
  • Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort,
  • Passiv
  • Super-fuerza
  • Inmunidad a las toxinas
  • Fuerza sobrehumana, alta inteligencia, gran escapista, experto estratega, experto en el disfraz
Icon Number
  • 106
Row 8 title
  • Skills and Abilities
  • No
Nombre del personaje
  • Bane
  • Svart
  • Svart
Row 4 title
  • Description
  • Team Affliations
  • *Human *Tarkhan
  • 270
Row 9 title
  • Paraphenalia
  • Lantern
  • Venom pump
  • 210
  • 1
  • +6 Rüstung
  • 250
  • Yes
level cleric
  • 1
Product page URL
  • Yes
  • Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers,
  • +30 % erhaltene EP
Row 2 info
  • Donation Shop
  • Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1
Row 6 info
  • Mobile
  • +200 Schaden/Heilung mit Brain Sap
  • Lego Batman: El Videojuego
  • 1
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Price
  • Neri
  • Yes
  • +200 Mana
  • Verbrecher
  • Söldner
  • 1
  • hide
  • hohe Intelligenz
  • photographisches Gedächtnis
  • Taktikgenie
  • Wrestler und Nahkämpfer
  • übermenschliche Stärke durch Drogengebrauch
  • 367
Row 5 info
  • None
  • May 2008
  • Eloh, Thrax etc.
Row 2 title
  • Shop
  • First Appearance
  • yes
  • siehe links
Row 6 title
  • Base of Operations
spell resistance
  • Yes
  • Braun
Icon Color
  • Red
  • Chuck Dixon
  • Doug Moench
  • Graham Nolan
  • Jonathan Smith
  • Bane
  • No
  • 253
Letzter Auftritt
  • Enemy of the Bane
Icon Border
  • 1
Row 5 title
  • Aliases
  • Released
  • This track unlocks in the Corporeal Beast's Lair.
  • Man
  • Man
  • No
variants link
  • on
Row 3 info
  • Any
  • Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench, Graham Nolan
  • Villanos
  • Escuadron suicida
  • Secret Six
  • Sociedad Secreta de Supervillanos
  • Noirs
  • Unique
Row 3 title
  • Creators
  • Gender
  • +250 Lebenspunkte
production group
  • Eroberung des Universums
  • Batman: Vengeance of Bane
  • Mensch
  • 159.0
  • Nach internem Krieg der Eloh
  • mind-affecting
points req
  • 5
Row 7 info
  • Venom enhanced strength and durability, Accelerated healing factor
  • +175 Zauberreichweite
  • A three-toed claw
  • 497
  • W4518
  • Long
  • l
Box Title
  • Bane
  • Colin Bean
  • Blood Omen
  • *"The Plane Scene" *The Matrix Reloaded *The Matrix Revolutions *Enter the Matrix *The Matrix: Path of Neo
  • 200
  • Bane
  • , , ,
  • centaur
  • 74.0
  • siehe links
  • 12984.0
  • Blue
  • brown
  • Bane
  • *Dayark *Tarcas *Vanetar
  • prawo, nienawiść, tyrania, zło, zniszczenie
  • 38
  • 2
Voiced by
  • Brawling
  • Various
  • Czarna Dłoń Bane'a [czarna rękawica]
  • Long, curved, Sword
  • Alive
  • Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser
  • Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser
  • Tom McBeath as Colonel Harold Maybourne
  • Tom McBeath as Colonel Harold Maybourne
  • Laara Sadiq as SSgt. Laura Davis
  • Laara Sadiq as SSgt. Laura Davis
  • Alonso Oyarzun as Punk Leader
  • Alonso Oyarzun as Punk Leader
  • Colleen Rennison as Allyson Martin
  • Colleen Rennison as Allyson Martin
  • Richard Leacock as Sergeant
  • Richard Leacock as Sergeant
  • Scott Hylands as Dr. Timothy Harlow
  • Scott Hylands as Dr. Timothy Harlow
First Appearance
  • Intelligence
  • Fighter
  • 12
  • Borderlands 2
  • Bane
  • Black
  • Blond
  • brown
  • Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • bane
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • Mit seinen erstklassigen Kampfkünsten und seiner überragenden Kraft ist LEGO Bane einer der gemeinsten Bösewichte, die es je gegeben hat! Er ist oft an der Seite von LEGO Poison Ivy zu sehen und verwendet seine enormen Muskeln dazu, um LEGO Batman in die Enge zu treiben und verbrecherisches Chaos in Gotham City anzurichten. Seine mächtige Geheimwaffe macht ihn zu einem besonders schwierigen Gegner für die LEGO Superhelden.
  • Debuff
  • DC
  • Submachine Gun
  • File:Bane.jpg
  • Anglo-Caribbean and Hispanic
  • will negates
  • Will negates
  • Bane in Blood Omen.
  • Ratatatat
  • Symbol of Bane
  • Bane powstający z ciała Iyachtu Xvima z uniesioną, płonącą zielonym ogniem dłonią
  • Weapons Officer
  • Superhuman strength
  • High intelligence
  • Hand to hand combat
  • Superhuman strength and durability
  • Genius-level intellect
  • Genius level intellect
  • Peak human physical condition
  • Escapologist
  • Expert strategist
  • Chemically induced super-strength and durability
  • Master fighting tactician
  • When using Venom:
  • Bane fills the caster's enemies with fear and doubt. They suffer a -1 penalty on their attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear.
  • Hogwarts
  • Hogwarts
duration type
  • medium
  • Kan spå i stjärnorna
  • Kan spå i stjärnorna
  • All, Combat, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Healing, Law, Necromantic, Summoning, War (minor:) Creation, Numbers, Sun
  • Blood-binder
  • Nero
  • Republic
  • *Scilli *Galactic basic
  • Journeyman thief
Character Name
  • Bane
  • Pipe organ, horn, flute, harp, strings, voices, percussion
  • Yes
  • RED
  • #fff
  • 350.0
  • Canden
  • *Darth Trayus *Sith Brotherhood
  • Bane
Preceded By
  • "Secrets"
  • "Secrets"
  • Bane
  • *Big ocean *Lands: varied
  • 210
  • black
  • VS
  • ca. 70 million
  • Corporeal Beast
  • 8.0
  • 2.02
  • Big Guy
  • Bane
  • The Dark One
  • Guardian of the Pillar of Nature
  • The Black Lord,
  • Lord Bane,
  • Lord of Darkness,
  • Mroczny Władca, Czarna Dłoń, Pan Ciemności
  • The Black Hand,
  • The Black Lord
  • Hyperion
  • 1
  • 3
  • 494.0
  • Bane.jpg
  • GD_Weap_SMG.Barrel.
  • GD_Weap_SMG.Manufacturer
  • GD_Weap_SMG.A_Weapons_Unique.
  • Materials.Mat_Hyperion_3_Bane
  • SMG_Barrel_Dahl_Bane
  • SMG_Hyperion_3_Bane
  • Trogg Zombie Bird
  • Is_bane.png
  • Is_x1bane.gif
  • #3a324a
  • #66487c
  • Dead Power
  • Бэйн
  • *Jedi Order
Image size
  • 250
  • Fighter
  • Warlock
  • Black Dragon
  • Terrestrial
  • #000
  • #efefef
  • 5
  • Bane.ogg
Real Name
  • Unknown
  • Dorrance
  • Reduces the casting time of your Shadow Bolt, Chaos Bolt and Immolate spells by X seconds and your Soul Fire spell by Y seconds.
  • Push
  • Unique
  • background:#ff8080
  • Bane
  • Bane
  • Super Strength
  • Super Strong, Can pass through toxic gasses.
  • Peak human physical condition Great strength even without Venom Enhanced agility and strength with Venom Master strategist Photographic memory
  • The martyred Nature Guardian
  • 1358
  • Upright hand, palm out, fingers together, usually on a red field.
  • zielone promienie ściśnięte w czarnej rękawicy
  • Bane
  • 2012
  • Gotham City
  • Santa Prisca
  • Acheron/Avalas/Czarny Bastion; Pustkowia Zagłady i Rozpaczy/Czarny Bastion
  • None
  • Bane the Druid
  • Colossal
  • colossal
Last Appearance
  • Lumous
  • *Bounty Hunter *Mercenary
  • The Bane
  • Stargate SG-1
  • *Batman *Super Heroes
  • 260
  • 270
  • ベイン(曖昧さ回避)
  • Bane
  • Unknown
  • 2.100000
  • 210
  • Yes
  • 2625
  • 80
  • 8
  • 299
  • 6500
  • 433
  • 42
  • 0
  • 50
  • 12
  • 23
N mentions
  • * * *
  • 0
  • 2.650000
  • 10
  • 117
  • 60
  • 60
  • 0
channel divinity4e
  • Bane's tactics
  • Criminal
home era
  • Pluto Era
Home Planet
  • Gallifery
  • Bane
  • Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1
  • Batman
  • Super Heroes
  • The Dark Knight Rises
  • The LEGO Batman Movie
  • Venom-Powered
  • 70914
  • Bane.jpg
  • Bane2.png
  • BaneFig1.PNG
  • BaneTLBM.png
  • Bane_400.jpg
  • Darkbane2.png
  • Smallbane.png
  • sh009.jpg
  • Differentiated
  • 2014-10-16
  • Mossflower
  • No
  • Caucasian
Image File
  • Bane.jpg
  • Male
  • Breathable
  • high
  • Human
  • Timelord
  • Genetically Enhanced Human
  • Half-Kendar, half-Highborn
  • General
  • 3.0
  • None
  • Unknown
  • Taking additional damage from attacks and effects
  • Chris Jolley
  • Strife, Hatred, Tyranny
  • spór, nienawiść, tyrania, strach
  • [Bane] was forced on [Theocandi] by his father, Abbotir of the Gold Court, just before the Guild Council meeting six years ago in return for political support. The funny thing is that I don't think Bane wants to be a thief either. He has his own interests, his own… amusements. Three weeks ago, on Grandfather's name-day, his followers made me watch while he mutilated that child. The things they did to him before he died—and after…
  • white
  • Mutual Kill with Argulor
affiliated with
  • Taylor
  • Stone Circle
Followed By
  • 1.0
  • "The Tok'ra, Part 1"
  • Masculino
  • No
  • brak
  • Reduces an enemy's HP to 1.
  • 250
  • 6860
  • Jagddrohne.jpg
  • Bane.jpg
  • Destruction, Tier 2
  • Corporeal Beast's Lair
  • Daemon's Crag
  • 150
  • 400
  • Stationen auf vielen Planeten
wikipage disambiguates
  • Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1
  • Chuck Dixon
  • Doug Moench
  • Graham Nolan
  • Tom McBeath som Överste Harry Maybourne
  • Laara Sadiq som SSgt. Laura Davis
  • Teryl Rothery som Dr. Janet Fraiser
  • Alonso Oyarzun som Punk ledare
  • Colleen Rennison som Allyson Martin
  • Richard Leacock som Sergeant
  • Scott Hylands som Dr. Timothy Harlow
  • 2
  • Mind-Affecting
  • Acheron/Avalas
  • Fear, hatred, tyranny
Deity Domains
  • , , Hatred, Law, Tyranny
  • A black fist emanating green rays from between the fingers
  • Strife, hatred, tyranny
Deity Titles
  • The Black Lord, The Black Hand, Lord of Darkness
  • Upright black right hand, thumb and fingers together
Deity Symbol
  • Green rays squeezed forth from a black fist
Deity Power
  • Greater deity
  • Acheron/ Avalas
  • Upright hand, palm out, fingers together, usually on a red field
Cleric Alignments
  • LE, NE
  • Those who reveled in the elements of his portfolio
favored weapon3e
  • "The Black Hand of Bane"
Deity Alignment
  • Lawful evil
  • Strife, hatred, tyranny
  • Tyranny
  • An open black hand, thumb and fingers aligned, sometimes with red field
Deity Group
Deity Worshipers
  • Conquerors, evil fighters and monks, tyrants, wizards
Deity Portfolio
  • Strife, hatred, tyranny, fear
Deity Name
  • Bane
  • Conquerors, evil fighters and monks, wizards, and tyrants
  • gennaio 1993
S appearances
  • *
  • 430
N appearances
  • * * *
  • Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim
holy days3e
  • None
  • nascondi
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • __TOC__
  • Dan Bane formerly Danyael Bane formerly Bane, is a participating character in the World Wildzone Wrestling and Outlaw Wrestling Coalition e-feds. Previous to that, he ran the Xtreme Wrestling Federation out of Xtreme Forums. As well as promo writing, he also writes matches for World Wildzone Wrestling.
  • Bane is a supervillain appearing in the DC Universe, and is an enemy of Batman who gained super-strength from a drug called Venom. He first appeared in the comic book one-shot Batman: Vengeance Of Bane (1993).
  • Bane is an enemy of Batman's.He appeared in the Batman theme in 2007 and made a return appearance in the 2012 theme, Super Heroes. 2013 featured Bane in a costume based on his appearance in the film The Dark Knight Rises.
  • When Set, it increases base HP by 12 and base Attack by 4. When Bane's battle effect is used, the user attacks and a vaporous red cloud is let loose upon impact. It deals a Venus-based attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 60 damage points, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Deadly Poison status condition. It is similar to the Jupiter Djinni Wheeze, but with that being Jupiter-aligned and dealing 10 less bonus damage.
  • In later episodes, he served as an assassin for Jimmy. Bane is eventually shot by Katie where he tragically dies before his master plan can be completed.
  • Bane is a Kencyr who became a thief in the Thieves' Guild of Tai-tastigon, apprenticed to Theocandi, the Sirdan of the Guild. He is the son of Ganth Gray Lord and his Kendar mistress, and half-brother to Jame and Torisen. His mother fled to Tai-tastigon with the priest Ishtier from the Keep. She was early in her pregnancy at this point, and quickly married Abbotir of the Gold Court, who became Bane's presumed father, though Ishtier later led Bane to believe that he was his father. He gave his soul to Ishtier so that he could do dishonorable things without losing his soul's honor, and Ishtier used Bane's soul to create the Lower Town Monster. In God Stalk, Bane functions as a foil for Jame's sense of honor, advising her to let go off all constraints and responsibility. Their meetings throughout the novel invariably end with one or the other bleeding. Attempting to blood-bind Jame, Bane was accidentally blood-bound to her before she learned she possessed such an ablity. Bane was killed on the Mercy Seat, but his shadow (or ghost, if you will) followed Jame for a time in Seeker's Mask, and is now guarding the Ivory Knife and the Book Bound in Pale Leather for her, not quite dead.
  • Bane was a Gen'Dai warrior in the service of the Cylon Imperium, and later Crimson Empire. Once he was a dangerous bounty hunter, and the number one competition of Cadden Blackthorne. Neither got along well with each other. He went on to loyally serve his master, acting as a general in the Cylon Imperial Army. Bane continued with his role through the Sith-Cylon War, when he was defeated in combat by Darth Trayus and, begrudgingly, swore loyalty. He retained his position as general, now in the Crimson Empire.
  • The twisted halls of Zhentil Keep echo with malign invocations chanted in shadowy temples though Faerûn. Bane (bain) the Lord of Darkness, has conquered death itself, returning to the world to give dark inspiration to a thousand intrigues, to foment fear and hatred in civilized lands, and to reassure the common mortal that tyranny, through it may suffer occasional defeat, will never die. Though Bane transcended mortality centuries ago, his primary goal remains notably human -- he seeks nothing short of the total domination of Faerûn. When his servants sit upon the throne of every land, when commoners serve their masters in fear for their very lives, and when altruism and hope have been erased from the world, only then will Bane rest. Until that dark day, however, the Black Hand has eternity to hatch demented plots and vile intrigues. Eventually, he will rule all Faerûn, but there's no hurry. Getting there will be half the fun. Bane prefers to keep to the shadows, allowing his servants to carry out his intricate plans. On the rare occasion in which he appears, he takes the form of a shadowy humanoid figure -- often bare-chested, sometimes wearing dark armor and a stylish black cloak streaked with red. His right hand, invariably protected by a jeweled metal gauntlet, is all the weapon he needs to dispatch the few foes brave (or foolhardy) enough to attack him. He has no tolerance for failure and seldom thinks twice about submitting even a loyal servant to rigorous tortures to ensure complete obedience to his demanding, regimented doctrine. Though possessed of an unforgiving wrath when aroused, Bane is slow to anger, existing in a perpetual stat of controlled burn. Bane's tyranny is known throughout the continent, and his is the image most seen as the face of evil. When news of Bane's destruction during the Time of Troubles made its way throughout Faerûn, no fewer then twenty-seven nations declared national festivals of celebration and thanksgiving. The commoner sees Bane's clerics as petty would-be dictators unafraid to use immoral tactics and unthinkable violence to spread their influence and agenda. The adventurer sees the clergy as constant interlopers and enemies, agents of rigid, evil philosophy who side with monsters, devils, and savage humanoids to further their wicked ends. Canny nobles glimpse the truest threat, that some of their peers pay homage to the Black Lord to gain through guile and subterfuge what soldiers cannot conquer by force. Clerics of Bane pray for spells at midnight. Their religion recognizes no official holidays, though servants give thanks to the Black Hand before and after major battles or before a particularly important act of subterfuge. Senior clerics often declare holy days at a moment's notice, usually claiming to act upon divine inspiration granted to them in dreams. Rites include drumming, chanting, and the sacrifice of intelligent beings, usually upon an altar of blck basalt or obsidian. Of late, clerics of Cyric have become a preferred sacrifice, though old favorites such as paladins, unicorns, children, and celestials remain popular with traditionalists. Clerics of Bane most commonly multiclass in fighters, monks, blackguards, or dreadmasters. Those associated with the Cult of the Dragon often multiclass as wearers of Purple.
  • Bane was a major-league baseball player with a low batting average. Furious at his inability to keep up with his competition, he juiced himself full of steroids and took on the biggest bat of all....the urban terrorist Batman!
  • Special Part(s): GD_Weap_SMG.A_Weapons_Unique.SMG_Hyperion_3_Bane GD_Weap_SMG.Barrel.SMG_Barrel_Dahl_Bane GD_Weap_SMG.ManufacturerMaterials.Mat_Hyperion_3_Bane [Bane Variants] The Bane is a unique aftermarket submachine gun manufactured by Hyperion. Bane is obtained from the mission The Bane.
  • Bei den Bane handelt es sich um ein Bündnis zwischen den Neph, welche eine Splittergruppe der Eloh darstellen, und mehreren aggressiven außerirdischen Völkern, wie beispielsweise den Thrax. Die Bane führen einen Kreuzzug durch das Universum, welchem auch die Erde zum Opfer fiel. Bei den eigentlichen Handlungen halten sich die Neph eher im Hintergrund. Zu der Armee der Bane zählen auch zu Kampfrobotern umgebaute Menschen und Foreaner, sogenannte Machinima.
  • Atropos, der Bane Elemental bzw. Bane (Fluch), ist ein Intelligenz-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Mit seinen Fähigkeiten eignet sich Bane als Support-Held, da er gegnerische Einheiten kampfunfähig machen oder ihren Angriff stark schwächen kann. Bei ihm handelt es sich um eine Fernkampf-Einheit der Dire. Obwohl Bane ein Intelligenz-Held ist, besitzen seine drei Attribute dieselbe Höhe und dasselbe Wachstum. Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Disablers, Nukers und Supports übernehmen. Eneeble verringert den physischen Angriff einer gegnerischen Einheit für 20 Sekunden und kann manche Gegner gerade im frühen Spielverlauf zeitweise so gut wie handlungsunfähig machen. Brain Sap entzieht einer gegnerischen Einheit Lebenspunkte, die Bane in derselben Höhe als Heilung erhält. Durch seine dritte Fähigkeit Nightmare kann Bane Gegner, sich selbst oder Verbündete in einen tiefen Schlaf fallen lassen. In diesem Schlaf sind sie handlungsunfähig, erhalten Schaden über Zeit und können dadurch sterben. Greift man eine Einheit an, die unter dem Effekt von Nightmare steht, geht der Effekt auf den Angreifer über. Lediglich Bane selbst kann die Wirkung von Nightmare, sofern sie auf ihm liegt, durch Nightmare End sofort beenden. Banes Ultimate Fiend's Grip wirkt kanalisierend und hält eine gegnerische Einheit fest, die massiven Schaden erleidet und einen Prozensatz ihres Manas an Bane verliert. Aghanim's Scepter erhöht den Schaden und Manaraub aus Fiend's Grip.
  • Bane is one of the Arkham inmates mutated by Shredder and Ra's al Ghul. Bane becomes a mutant elephant.
  • Image:Curse (Status Effect).png Bane is a harmful that jinxes its victim with a horrible curse until it wears off or is removed. Afflicted characters have their maximum HP and MP reduced by a large percentage, and suffer the effect of weight. This effect can last up to 120 minutes.
  • Bane, also known as the Black Lord, is a lawful evil dead deity of strife, tyranny and hatred. He is part of the Dead Three alongside Myrkul, the Lord of the Dead, and Bhaal, the Lord of Murder. Long ago the three of them dedicated each to a quest to attain divinity for themselves. They traveled to the citadel of Jergal who, luckily for them was tiring of his existence as lord of the end of everything. Breaking off his skeletal knucklebones after an argument over which of the three would rule over the other two, they were each thrown by the mortals to determine which of Jergal's portfolios they would receive. Bane won the game and was to choose first. He selected the sphere of tyranny, as he believed it will allow him to one day rule over his peers, Bhaal and Myrkul. In recent times Bane and Myrkul stole the Tablets of Fate from Lord Ao and thus caused the Time of Troubles. All gods were cast down to Toril to retrieve the tablets, and Bane was no exception. During the time spent on Toril Bane was slain, but not before procuring an heir, Iyachtu Xvim. For Bane, much like Bhaal has foreseen his own demise and made plans to one day return through his own progeny. Shortly after the Time of Troubles, Xvim achieved godhood and ruled in his father's place.
  • Bane - najemnik i zbiegły skazaniec z więzienia na wyspie w Ameryce Południowej. Bane posiada niezwykłą siłę fizyczną, zdobytą w eksperymencie z tajemniczym narkotykiem o nazwie ,,Venom" (Jad). Do historii przeszło zdarzenie, kiedy Bane złamał Batmanowi kręgosłup. Ochrzcił się wtedy imieniem "Człowiek, który złamał nietoperza". Jego prawdziwa tożsamość nie jest całkowicie znana.
  • -Bane Bane is one of Batman's strongest enemies, he is the only man to break the Batman.
  • Bane es un personaje ficticio que aparece en los comic publicados por DC Comics. El personaje apareció por primera vez en Batman: La venganza de Bane #1 (enero de 1993), y fue creado por Chuck Dixon, Doug Moench y Graham Nolan. Bane ha sido uno de los enemigos de Batman más fuertes y conocidos. Un sujeto imparable conocido por quebrar la espalda de Batman en el arco de la historia "Knightfall" y que por ello es llamado "El hombre que rompió al murciélago". En la lista de IGN de los 100 mejores villanos de cómic de todos los tiempos, Bane es el número 34. Bane fue interpretado por Robert "Jeep" Swenson en la película Batman & Robin, dirigida por Joel Schumacher. Tom Hardy interpretó a Bane en la última película de la trilogía de Batman de Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight Rises.
  • Born a prisoner for crimes committed by his father, the child who would become Bane survived cruel solitary confinement in a Santa Priscan prison called the Pena Duro hole. During his long lonely years, he developed incredible powers of concentration, and, once released into the prison population, studied every book he could get his hands on. After nearly four decades of imprisonment, he was chosen for a strange experiment with the drug Venom, which greatly enhanced his strength. Escaping, he sought out Batman to prove himself to the world by destroying the greatest specimen of humankind. Bane broke Batman, but the Dark Knight's protege beat Bane into a coma.
  • Bane was a Gilneas-born and worgen lieutenant formerly affiliated with the small goblin "cartel" of the name Sparkdealer currently traversing the continent of Kalimdor. However, in his youth, he was a human noble-child who sought to destroy the old Horde through the infantry that Gilneas had mustered. However, King Greymane refused to follow this idea, instead intending on isolating the kingdom from the rest of the world. A civil war broke out, resulting in the imprisonment of those who questioned Genn's orders. Through continuous stressful events, Bane had suffered for a decade or so, along with Darius Crowley, and other "dissenters". They lived their days behind bars until one day, all hell broke loose. Afterwards, he had lived under the pressure of a greedy, merciless goblin who tricked him into servitude. Eventually, the goblin had disappeared, leaving Bane alone to fend off against angry Steamwheedle Cartel brutes. Bane died a few years later while hunting Razilius, seeking revenge for leaving him alone.
  • Bane is a Centaur living in the Forbidden Forest.
  • Bane is a criminal and adversary of Batman.
  • Bane is a spell. Formerly known as Curse.
  • Bane is the remote homeworld of Scillian and the extinct Taek species, located deeply in the Unexplored Regions, far away from the major worlds of the Velara Galaxy. It is relatively underpopulated, a courtesy of its intricate, violent history. Image:Icon globe.png This conworld article is a stub. You can Conworlds Wiki by [ expanding it]. Size:
  • The idea of the guild Bane was created when a person was exposed to a corrupted weapon, his mind becoming consumed in the hatred and the insanity of the weapon's corruption. The bearer of Earthstealer, the weapon, emits an easily-felt aura of corruption, and he has succeeded in establishing a small hierarchy which he intends to enlarge, followed by people he have corrupted. - Work in progress -
  • Bane is a super-intelligent world-class fighter and tactical genius who enhances his great physical strength with a steroid called venom, making him one of Batman's greatest and most dangerous enemies. In addition to being one of the only men ever to independently figure out Batman's secret identity, he has also been an anti-hero, a government agent, a mercenary and a dictator.
  • Benito La Ortega was the son of Agapito Pablo Ortega businessman and a retired Spanish fake wrestler. Benito grew up in Brazil and he and his father lived in a rough neighborhood. He only lived with his father since his parents were separated. As a child Benito was shorter than most children his age and very skinny making him a target for bullies. He was often beat up as a child and his childhood was rough. This made Benito a mean and dangerous child wanting revenge against his bullies. Eventually a traveling Chinese monk came to Brazil and he offered to teach Benito martial arts. He was taught martial arts to him but the young child only wanted to use it to beat up on his bullies which was immoral. He beat up on his bullies and they were no match for him which caused him to be rough and violent. He was put in the juvenile hall for two years but when he was released he and his father moved to San Diego in a peaceful neighborhood. When Benito was a teenager he became more muscular than most kids his age and was very tall, much different from him in his childhood. He was also a bit of a ladies man. He always dreamed of becoming a wrestler so eventually at age eighteen he became a fake wrestler and won many wrestling tournaments. People began to call him Bane because of the cruel ways he took down his opponents. After Benito moved out of his father's house he became very rich and was a superstar and famous actor in wrestling movies. But then Benito secretly was a criminal and had all his money because of robbing banks. One day Benito put a bomb on a train because it was the train his now grown up criminal bullies were on but his plan went wrong and everyone evacuated while when he was in the train it blew up. However he survived but was crippled and scarred. He was put in a prison for years. Decades later at age fifty three Benito was wheelchair bound and very skinny having lost his muscular ness in his forties. But then Dr. Hugo Strange from Gotham city freed Benito and took him to Gotham city. He became a guinea pig for a top secret medical experiment where they promised him they would restore his ability to walk and restore his strength and muscularity. They tested a drug on him called Venom one of the ingredients being steroids. After the serum was tested on him he could walk again and became a huge muscular hulking brute. The effects of the venom also gave him super strength. He was hired as a henchman for the crime boss Rupert Thorne. He worked for Thorne for some time using his strength to rob banks and commit other crimes. Eventually Bane was stopped by Batman and put in Arkham Asylum. One year later he escaped and got his revenge on Batman by breaking his back disabling Wayne and keeping him from being Batman for a while. But then Azrael wearing the batsuit defeated Bane and put him back in Arkham in a maximum security area.
  • The Bane is iron and it is toxic to Faeries.
  • Bane is a Sorceress living in Daemon's Crag on Pagan. She was the first person the Avatar met in the enclave in Ultima VIII. She appeared very friendly and told the Avatar a great deal about the enclave and the Sorcerers and their rules. She also spoke about the element of fire. After having measured the Avatar's usefulness, she revealed that she feared that Vardion, the First Acolyte, was plotting to kill their master Malchir. Under the pretext of foiling the plot, she tasked the Avatar with finding out Vardion's truename. She further entrusted the Avatar with her truename, and agreed to sponsor his studies in sorcery. The Avatar then went out to gain Vardion's trust and his truename. There are two possible outcomes: The Avatar trusted Vardion's claims that in fact Bane was the one plotting, so gave Vardion Bane's truename. Vardion used this information to summon a daemon to destroy Bane. The Avatar told Bane Vardion's truename. It turned out that she merely wished to kill him to advance her own position. After summoning a daemon to kill Vardion, Malchir scolded her for doing something so foolish, being forced to promote her to First Acolyte. As such, she was responsible for the Avatar's training. She gave the Avatar information about the magic of Sorcery, and oversaw the first tests of spell creation, before sending the Avatar to the Obsidian Fortress. She later assisted in the summoning of Pyros. After the Avatar received the Tongue of Flames by killing Malchir in a duel, she bowed to the Avatar, in recognition of her better.
  • Bane was a centaur living as part of the Forbidden Forest Centaur colony.
  • Bane era un centauro che abitava nella Foresta Proibita.
  • The Bane is a giant white gnawer who is saved by Gregor in The Prophecy of Bane. He is the monster in The Prophecy Of Time. The Bane is a white rat that will appear every few centuries and is described to be taller, stronger, and faster than other rats. It will be a natural leader and is capable of uniting the rats and causing much havoc. The main antagonist in the series is Pearlpelt, who is the Bane. In Gregor and the Code of Claw, the Bane leads the gnawers against the humans, and battles Gregor, nearly killing him each time. Later in the second fight, the Bane is killed, as he kills Ares. Pearlpelt's mother was Goldshard
  • Bane f.png bane_black.png bane_black_teen.png bane_black_adult.png bane_brown_pup.png bane_brown_teen.png bane_brown_adult.png bane_white.png bane_white_teen.png bane_white_adult.png The Bane is one of the donation items for May 2008. This donation item could only be purchased during the months of May/June 2008 for the price of 200 luna in the Donation Shop. View the other Donation Item for May 2008, Pookie. Bane was later made into a pet. When registered as a pet, the form is changed and the opportunity for other colors is made possible. This was done in order to update the image to something that matches the site's art style without taking away the original Bane. Because of this, Bane has 10 possible forms plus an egg. View this item in the Marketplace. Go back to the Monthly Donation Items. This item is also a pet.
  • Bane est un centaure qui vit dans la Forêt interdite.
  • name = Bane season = 1
  • Aliases none home the Eldeen Reaches. gender male race werefox date of birth unknown age unknown class ranger alignment good source the Lost Chronicles Trilogy Bane Is a fictional character created by author Robert Johnen in his novel series the lost chronicles. abilities due to being a werefox, Bane can transform into an anthropomorphic fox. biography Bane served with Scorch in the Frostbrand During the last war. he wandered Khorvaire until he found Refuge in Foxearth, a small village in the Eldeen Reaches.
  • Bane was a Celtic Amazon warrior. She fought against Bellerophon in the battle to Helicon which she was killed because she did not follow orders. Firstly she appeared in the ship which she was considered by Tyro her best friend as an idiot who did not follow orders. She was shot by five arrows and later a bomb thrown by catapults explode on her dead body.
  • Die Bane sind eine nicht-humanoide Kopffüßer-Spezies. Sie stammen alle von der Bane Mutter ab und sind deren Kinder. Mit ihren tentakelartigen Beinen können sie steile Wände hochklettern. Außerdem können sie die Erinnerungen von Menschen lesen und beeinflussen. Sie nutzen Image Translator (deutsch Bildübersetzer) um wie Menschen auszusehen. Wenn jemand aus ihrer Spezies eine Aufgabe nicht gut erledigt wird dieser von den anderen Bane getötet und bei lebendigem Leib verspeist. Mit dem Getränk Bubble Schock, in dem Teile von Bane sind, wollen sie 2008 die Erde zu einer Welt der Bane machen. Die Hauptbasis der Bane ist in der Bubble Shock Fabrik. Dort erstellen sie das Bubble Schock Getränk und erschaffen Luke Smith. An diesem wollen sie die Wirkung von Bubble Schock testen. So soll die Immunität von 2% der menschlichen Bevölkerung gegen das Getränk aufgehoben werden. Jedoch flieht Luke Smith gemeinsam mit Maria Jackson. Die beiden können mit Unterstützung von Sarah Jane Smith die Eroberungsversuche der Bane stoppen. Mrs. Wormwood wird von den Bane für das Fehlschlagen der Aktion verantwortlich gemacht. Sie wird von den Bane ausgeschlossen und zum Tode verurteilt. Die Bane wollen sie lebendig aufessen. Doch Mrs. Wormwood kann entkommen. (Invasion of the Bane) Einige Zeit später versuchen die Bane Horath auf die Erde zu bringen. Sie hoffen gemeinsam die Erde erobern zu können. Die Bane schleusen Cal Kilburne bei UNIT ein, ohne das die UNIT Mitarbeiter etwas davon bemerken. Dieser soll ihnen helfen an Informationen über Horath heranzukommen. Der Plan Horath zurück zu holen misslingt und das Portal zu Horath wird verschlossen. (Enemy of the Bane) Kategorie:Gegenspieler von Sarah Jane Kategorie:Außerirdische Völker Kategorie:Nichthumanoide Lebensformen ! Bane
  • Bane är en intelligent kentaur, som kan spå i stjärnorna och förutspå framtiden, och han avskyr och föraktar människor. Bane omnämndes först i boken Harry Potter och de vises sten då Bane och Firenze förutspår framtiden åt Harry Potter genom att läsa stjärnorna; “Kom ihåg, Firenze vi har gått ed på att inte sätta oss upp mot himlavalvet. Har vi inte läst i planeternas rörelser vad som komma skall?" Bane var med i kentaurhopen som körde ut Harry, Hermione, och Hagrid ur skogen då de hälsat på Graup, och var även närvarande då kentaurerna attackerade Dolores Umbridge.
  • Bane är en intelligent kentaur, som kan spå i stjärnorna och förutspå framtiden, och han avskyr och föraktar människor. Bane omnämndes först i boken Harry Potter och de vises sten då Bane och Firenze förutspår framtiden åt Harry Potter genom att läsa stjärnorna; “Kom ihåg, Firenze vi har gått ed på att inte sätta oss upp mot himlavalvet. Har vi inte läst i planeternas rörelser vad som komma skall?" Bane var med i kentaurhopen som körde ut Harry, Hermione, och Hagrid ur skogen då de hälsat på Graup, och var även närvarande då kentaurerna attackerade Dolores Umbridge.
  • Description: Bane fills the caster's enemies with fear and doubt. They suffer a -1 penalty on their attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear.
  • Bane is thought to be the long-lost son of Omega. Best known for his famous catchphrase For you.
  • Bane är den tionde episoden av andra säsongen av Stargate SG-1.
  • Bane the Druid was a in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. He was the Human Guardian of Nature in the Blood Omen era, tainted by the corruption of the Pillars and hunted down by Kain as the "scourge of the circle". Kain caught up with Bane (along with DeJoule and Anarcrothe) in Dark Eden; killing him and returning Bane's Antler Headdress to the Pillars of Nosgoth, Kain was able to temporarily restore the Pillar of Nature.
  • , Level: Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: 50 ft. Area: All enemies within 50 ft. Duration: 1 min./level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes
  • Bane es un personaje jugable en LEGO Batman: El Videojuego . Él es un criminal profesional, cuya fuerza se es producida por la droga Venom .
  • "Bane" is the tenth episode of the second season of Stargate SG-1.
  • "Bane" is the tenth episode of the second season of Stargate SG-1.
  • Bane - Beruf Berufsbezeichnung in +Aidanard, die übersetzt "Gerechte" bedeutet. Die Bane sind diejenigen im Reich, die auf die Einhaltung der Gesetze achten und Gesetzesbrecher strafen sollen, also Richter soweit man weiß. * Segment: Yhllgord - Reich: Aidanard .
  • Bane is an escaped convict from an island prison in South America and a super-villain/assassin. Bane has abnormal physical strength as a result of having undergone experiments involving a derivative of the drug Venom. He became known as "The Man Who Broke the Bat" when he broke Batman's back, forcing Bruce Wayne to give up the Batman persona while he recuperated. Bane was originally created by writers Chuck Dixon and Doug Moench and artist Graham Nolan, and he first appeared in Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January 1993).
  • Bane er en kentaur som lever i Den forbudte skogen sammen med Den forbudte skogens kentaur koloni. Denne artikkelen er en stubb. Du kan hjelpe ved å [ redigere artikkelen]. Bane Kategori:Kentaurer Kategori:Den forbudte skogen
  • Bane ist ein Superschurke und Gegner von Batman in den DC-Comics.
  • Bane ist wie Firenze ein Zentaur. Er streitet öfter mal Firenze, beispielsweise weil er Harry Potter auf seinem Rücken reiten lässt, oder weil er den Beruf als Wahrsagelehrer annimmt. Er ist in der gleichen Herde wie Firenze (der hinterher aber verstoßen wurde), und Magorian und Ronan.
  • Physically, the Bane are shaped like enormous mollusks with a shelled back and seven strong ambulatory tentacles. They also have a single eye on their faces and several smaller tentacles surrounding their mouths. As a telepathic species, they are able to read minds and manipulate memories. The illusory projections that make them appear like Humans, on the other hand, appear to be a technological achievement rather than a natural ability. The Bane serve and venerate the Bane Mother, which looks like a gigantic member of the species. They refer to their kind as the "Bane family" and have very strict discipline, using cannibalism as punishment. Failing at an important task will result on the blamed individual being eaten alive by the others. The Bane are particularly vulnerable to communication device transmissions, including those of Earth cell phones. The power generated by an Arcateenian interstellar communicator can be strong enough to kill several Bane, including the Mother Bane.
  • Bane is a fearsome and implacable hunter-destroyer. Unicron created him from the wreckage of dead Decepticons to hunt down and eradicate Autobots and their human allies. He is disturbingly effective as a tracker-terminator, possessing powerful high-tech scanning and locating equipment with which to hunt his prey. He is merciless, and uses an arsenal of weapons, including laser blasters, target-dissolving acid rays, disintegrator beams, and assorted demolition and fusion devices. He can transform to a scouring space-worthy hovercraft capable of handling any terrain when scanning for "survivors." Unfortunately Bane is considered annoying by his fellow Sweeps, and he's unlikely to receive their aid when he gets in over his head.
  • Banes are folkloric creatures; pale young virgins who are said to inflict death and disease on children as they walk the villages at daybreak. They are mentioned by the alderman in Upper Posada in the short story "The Edge of the World". It's uncertain whether these are the same creatures as virgin banes which are said to affect cattle and milk production. Virginity does seem to be a common characteristic.
  • Bane ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Batman und Super Heroes. Die Minifigur ist 2007 (Batman) und 2012 (Super Heroes) erschien.
  • Bane es un centauro que vive como parte de la Colonia de centauros del Bosque Prohibido.
  • 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Bane'a 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Bane'a w czwartej edycji D&D 200px|left|thumb|Kapłanka Bane'a (druga od lewej) Kręte korytarze Twierdzy Zhentil odbijają echem złowrogie inkantacje śpiewane w cienistych świątyniach w całym Faerunie. Bane (bejn), Pan Ciemności zwyciężył śmierć i powrócił na świat, by dawać mroczną inspirację tysiącom intryg, by podżegać strach i nienawiść na cywilizowanych ziemiach oraz by ponownie zapewnić wszystkich śmiertelników, że tyrania, nawet jeśli ponosi klęski, nigdy nie ginie. Chociaż Bane przekroczył próg śmiertelności wiele wieków temu, jego podstawowy cel jest wciąż wyraźnie ludzki - zadowolić go może wyłącznie władza nad całym Faerunem. Spocznie dopiero, kiedy jego słudzy zasiądą na tronie każdej krainy, kiedy pospólstwo będzie służyć swoim panom ze strachu o własne życie i kiedy altruizm oraz nadzieja zostaną wymazane z powierzchni świata. Jednak do tego mrocznego dnia Czarna Dłoń ma całą wieczność na knucie obłąkańczych sojuszy i złośliwych intryg. Ostatecznie to on będzie rządził Faerunem, lecz nie ma pośpiechu. Osiągnięcie szczytu to jedynie połowa zabawy. Bane woli pozostawać w cieniu, pozwalając swoim sługom na realizację zawiłych planów. W rzadkich okazjach, kiedy się ukazuje, przybiera formę cienistej, humanoidalnej postaci - często z nagą klatką piersiową, czasem odzianej w czarną zbroję i ubranej w stylowy, ciemny płaszcz, blamowany krwią. Jego prawa dłoń, niezmiennie chroniona metalową rękawicą, wysadzaną klejnotami, jest jedyną bronią, jakiej potrzebuje, by uśmiercać nielicznych wrogów na tyle odważnych (lub głupich), by go zaatakować. Nie toleruje porażek i rzadko zastanawia się dwa razy nad poddaniem nawet najbardziej lojalnego sługi okrutnym torturom, mającym zapewnić całkowite posłuszeństwo jego wymagającej doktrynie. Choć kiedy powstał, był ogarnięty gniewem, obecnie nie jest skory do złości, choć egzystuje w stanie ciągłego napięcia. Tyrania Bane'a słynie na całym kontynencie - to właśnie on jest najbardziej znanym ucieleśnieniem zła. Kiedy w Czasach Kłopotów po Faerunie rozniosły się wieści o zniszczeniu Bane'a, przynajmniej dwadzieścia siedem państw zorganizowało festiwale i święta dziękczynne. Powszechnie uważa się, iż kapłani tego bóstwa dążą do dyktatury i nie mają oporów przed zastosowaniem niemoralnych praktyk i przemocy, byleby tylko rozszerzyć swoje wpływy. Poszukiwacze przygód widzą w owych kapłanach intruzów i wrogów, wysłańców surowej, złej filozofii, którzy trzymają stronę potworów, diabłów i dzikich humanoidów, w zamian wspierających ich niegodziwe cele. Ostrożni szlachcice za największą groźbę uważają sytuację, w której ktoś równy statusem składa hołd Mrocznemu Władcy, by podstępem i przebiegłością uzyskać to, czego żołnierze nie mogą zdobyć siłą. Kapłani Bane'a modlą się o czary o północy. Ich religia nie uznaje oficjalnych świąt, chociaż wyznawcy oddają cześć Czarnej Dłoni przed i po ważnej bitwie lub przed wykonaniem ważnego podstępu. Starsi kapłani często dość dowolnie ogłaszają, iż nastały święte dni, najczęściej utrzymując przy tym, że działają pod wpływem boskiego natchnienia zesłanego im w snach. Rytuały polegają na grze na bębnach, śpiewach i składaniu w ofierze inteligentnych istot, najczęściej na ołtarzu z czarnego bazaltu lub obsydianu. Ostatnio ulubioną ofiarą stali się kapłani Cyrica, chociaż dawni faworyci, tacy jak paladyni, jednorożce; dzieci i niebianie pozostają popularni wśród tradycjonalistów.
  • Bane was a male fox known for being an experienced mercenary; he carried a curved sword. He claimed to have fought alongside Verdauga Greeneyes, as well as against him. Bane traveled to Mossflower Woods from the north with his band of roughly sixty mercenaries (mostly foxes and rats, with a few weasels). Upon spotting Kotir, he greatly desired it for his own. Bane allied himself with Tsarmina Greeneyes, hoping to use her to gain access to Kotir, while she hoped to use Bane's trained forces as her own. Using his skills and knowledge, he helped Tsarmina in battle against the woodlanders greatly. However, Tsarmina found out from Brogg that Bane was planning to overthrow her. Tsarmina then gave Bane Ashleg's cloak, and duped him into believing there was a problem with Kotir's gate. As Bane realized that he was tricked into being locked outside, the eagle Argulor attacked him, believing he was Ashleg, a pine marten whom he had often fantasized about consuming. Bane slashed away at Argulor, but was ultimately killed by him; although at the same time, he mortally wounded the bird. The unlucky eagle died soon after the fox did, and plummeted down to earth with Bane's lifeless corpse gripped in his talons.
  • Bane was a crew member of the hovercraft Caduceus and a member of the Resistance. He later became the Real World vessel for a Smith.
  • Bane (瞬殺 Shunsatsu, lit. Instant Kill) is a skill from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and is unique to the Whisper class. When activated, it allows its user to reduce an enemy's HP to 1, excluding Bosses. In the Japanese version, it shares the same name as the Lethality skill from earlier games.
  • Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
  • Bane fills your enemies with fear and doubt. They suffer a -1 penalty on their attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear.
  • Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Up to three creatures of your choice that you can see within range must make Charisma saving throws. Whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a D4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st
  • Bane was a chemically-boosted assassin, and a nemesis of Batman.
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