  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • __TOC__
  • } <default><b>Nombre</b></default> Puntos de Poder Otros perfiles[/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] [/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] Tropa M HA HP F R H A L S Oficial M HA HP F R H A L S Equipo Armas Bólter Pistola bólter Bólter de asalto Granada Frag Granada Perforante Espada sierra Espada de energía Puño de combate Arma 1 Arma 2 Arma 3 Arma 4 Arma 5 Arma 6 Arma 7 Arma 8 Arma 9 Arma 10 <default><b>Reglas</b></default> Tipo de unidad Miniaturas adicionales Tamaño de unidad Opciones Habilidades Psíquico Reglas especiales Keywords de Facción Keywords de Unidad
  • Predator decreases the cooldown time of the Bloodwing skill. This starts with an decrease of 3 seconds (of 28), and can be decreased by a maximum of 15 seconds with skill points alone, and by 27 seconds with additional class mods. Additional levels may be acquired through the use of class mods.
  • El Predator es una lancha o vehículo marítimo policial que aparece en Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned, Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony y Grand Theft Auto V. Es utilizado por la policía.
  • thumb|319x319px|Plakat filmu. Predator - amerykański film z 1987 roku w reżyserii Johna McTiernana. To pierwszy film w którym możemy zobaczyć rasę galaktycznych myśliwych, Yautja. W roli głównej wystąpił Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • War Cry is the Predator's special ability. Like the Priest's aura, it directly increases AT% and DF to its allies, but it can only be used when the Predator is wielding the Scary Blowgun or any of its variations. It increases the AT by 5% and DF by 1 per single MAG; essentially 5 times as efficient compared to the Aura. It automatically creates a yellow-colored aura when activated and can be stacked with the Priest's aura to combine the two; Technical section will be expanded later. It will always last for a minute, even going through screens, but reset when exiting stage.
  • Predator is a rogue talent from the shadow specialization in Dragon Age II.
  • Le Predator est un bateau d'assaut de la police (utilisable aussi par le joueur) disponible dans les épisode de la série Grand Theft Auto suivants : * Grand Theft Auto III * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas * Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories * Grand Theft Auto IV. * Grand Theft Auto V
  • Predator was a Solarian-built Gladiator-class heavy cruiser manned by Silesian pirates working for Manpower Incorporated.
  • Tämä on täsmennyssivu. Predator voi tarkoittaa kolmea seuraavaa asiaa: * Predator (TJA) - BIONICLE: The Jurassic Adventuressa esiintyvää Aucasaurusta * Predator (TNH) - Tegna Nuin Hämäräheimon nykyistä johtajaa * Predator (tarina) - Cropodin kirjoittama tarina
  • The Predator is an upgrade from the Hunter and may be chosen at Level 45. The Predator can move the camera to seek other players in the direction the cursor is facing by clicking the right mouse button, and it may not further upgrade.
  • Predator is a franchise that began with the film Predator and continued in film, books, comics, video game and other media.
  • Predatorn är en attackbåt som används av LCPD:s kustpolis. Båten är speciell eftersom på båda sidorna av båten finns det inmonterat .50. kalibers kulsprutor, som ger dig möjlighet att skjuta på andra båtar framför dig. Denna båt kommer när du får en efterlysningsgrad på vattnet. När du nått en efterlysningsgrad på två stjärnor så skjuter polismannen vid båtens akter på dig. thumb|250px
  • Predator war der erste Held von den Bedalorianern und wurde zum Gott erklärt.
  • Predator is the central character from the Predator film series. The Predator appeared in the Season Five episode "Butters' Very Own Episode".
  • Predators are reptilean dinosaur-like creatures native to Na Pali. They have only appeared in Return to Na Pali. They attack by running toward you at extremely high speed and make attempts to bite the player. They are fairly hard to kill, even though they have little health, their agility and speed makes them hard to hit. The thing that makes them even more formidable is that they attack in packs, rarely attacking alone.
  • Predator is 2015 American science fiction action horror film, a reboot of Predator franchise. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox with Davis Entertainment
  • Predators are heavily muscular humanoids. On average they stand 6'-6'8" and weigh no less than 250lbs. They have thick, rough skin and fingers that end in claws. Their face is where they differ the most from humans because their mouths separate into four mandibles. Predators skin color varies from gray to a light red and they have no hair.
  • Predator – amerykański film sci-fi z 1987 roku w reżyserii Johna McTiernana.thumb
  • Predator is a track in the Biohazard 0 Best Track Collection, an album only sold as part of the biohazard SOUND CHRONICLE.
  • Predator (в Grand Theft Auto V известный под названием «Полицейский Predator») — полицейский катер в серии игр GTA. Используется береговой охраной. Впервые катер появился в GTA III.
  • Predator e barca politiei.
  • Predator is a Nemesis Perk. __NoToC__
  • Predator é um personagem convidado em Mortal Kombat X. Ele faz parte da série de filmes Predator e estará disponível no Kombat Pack em Julho de 2015.
  • Predators in WHILS are the bad guys whom you defeat to gain experience for your Invincible Llama. There are generally 3 or 4 kinds of predator in each zone, matching the theme of the area (i. e., crocodiles in a swamp). They have a level, just like your llama, and this varies by about three levels for each speceis. Defeating predators is a common focus of quests. Quest-Only predators appear only while on a certain quest. Every map seems to have a 'boss' that is defeated during one of the ending quests. These bosses, and other related predators, do not appear again.
  • bestia ben 10
  • The Predator (known as the Police Predator in the HD Universe) is a Police patrol boat used by the police force. It has appeared in every game since Grand Theft Auto III (except Grand Theft Auto Advance and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars).
  • The Predator, known for the film franchise of the same name, is a playable guest character in Mortal Kombat X.
  • A predator is an animal that eats other animals. * Bat * Bengal Tiger * Red Wolf * Snake * Polar Bear * Sun Bear
  • Thursday 11:30 AM: Ian (Boss) comes in and yells at Anthony (Editor) because he didn't tell him to make the girl into a "Goddamn giraffe."Anthony tells Ian that he had the new guy work on that one. Ian says he'll give the new guy "A piece of [his] Goddamn mind" and leaves Anthony's cubicle. Ian enters another office used by Predator and shouts,"GODDAMN IT, PREDATOR!"
  • The Predator is an antagonist in Kingdom Hearts II ½.
  • thumb|300px|Predator GTA San Andreasissa.thumb|Predator GTA IV:ssä.Predator on poliisivene,joka on esiintynyt suraavissa peleissä: * Grand Theft Auto III * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas * Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories * Grand Theft Auto IV
  • La nomination Predator est portée par deux types d'armures différentes :
  • The Predator is a Buzz Bee blaster that was released in 2014 under the Air Warriors series. It comes packaged with a detachable scope and four Micro Darts.
  • Predator is a wooden roller coaster at Darien Lake that opened in 1990.
  • Predator (プレデター Puredetā) are one of the four tribes from the Black World.
  • Predator is the scariest creature to walk the earth. If you are reading this he is behind you
  • Predators, sometimes called "cybercats", are big, heavy robots shaped like cats.
  • Predator es el tercer personaje descargable y el segundo como invitado en el videojuego Mortal Kombat X. Se anunció el 20 de Marzo de 2015.
  • Predator is a film series started in 1987 with the film Predator starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, which led to two sequels and novel, comic book and video game spin-offs. A Predator appeared in the Dream Corp, LLC episode "The Predator", and helped Patient 103 get over his relationship fears with Patient 86
  • When used by the girl, she covers one of her eyes, and as the ability activates she sees numerous eye shapes in the sky. When the target is found, the eyes move toward that direction.
  • When attacking, you may reroll 1 attack die. If the defender's pilot skill value is "2" or lower, you may instead reroll up to 2 attack dice.
  • Predator es trigesimo primer tema del OST. Categoría:Resident Evil Zero OST Categoría:Soundtrack
  • In the wild, the rule is survival of the fittest. Predators are at the top of the food chain, and they prey upon weaker beasts. They survive by hunting, and as such are skillful, wary, stealthy, and fierce. They do not give up easily: once they have found a possible quarry, they will strive their hardest to bring it down, and once they have caught their prey, they will fight tooth and claw to defend their prize from interlopers who would steal it. The reason is simple: their survival depends upon their success in hunting and guarding that which they have caught.
  • Predator (Depredador) o Yautja, su nombre biológico, es una criaturaalienígena de ciencia ficción y enemigo de los power rangers que se caracteriza por ser cazador de trofeos humanos u otras especies alienígenas peligrosas.
  • Predators are Beasts who hunger for Prey. Some predators hunt in "catch-and-release" fashion, but others must kill to sate their Hunger.
  • The Predator, was a Tribunal-class Super Star Destroyer and the Second of its Class, stated to be designed for the complete destruction of questionable Enemy Resources with little effort and was one of the Bases of Operation for the Galactic Peacekeeping Force.
  • The Predator is a special Chaser 13 shotgun. It is featured only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • The original Predator was made after the car of legendary producer Samuel L. Goldwyn was cut off in traffic by H. G. Wells. Goldwyn decided to get his revenge by ripping off one of Wells' novels. He chose War of the Worlds, a tale of invaders from another world who kill and consume human beings.
  • Predator is a franchise of films and comic books that detail individual encounters with an impossibly cool alien species with advanced technology, including a personal invisibility field. Although the human characters of the first two Predator films don't realize it, the creature likes to hunt aggressive members of other species for sport -- and humans fit quite well in this category... Not a direct opposite of Prey, despite what one might think.
  • Predator – łódź policyjna występująca w Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV (jako Police Predator) i Grand Theft Auto V. Predator jest szybką łodzią, używaną przez policjantów, jego parametry są podobne do parametrów Speedera. Jest to unikalna łódź, ze względu na wbudowane karabiny maszynowe, pozwalające na niszczenie innych łodzi. Mają nieskończoną amunicję, lecz muszą się przeładowywać.
  • The Yautja, known colloquially as the Predators, are an extraterrestrial species characterized by their hunting of other dangerous species for sport and honor, including humans. The Yautja are a sentient, humanoid race that breathe an atmosphere of mainly methane and thrive on a planet with a harsher climate and much higher temperature than Earth, but possess a level of technological advancement far in excess of anything available to humans. The Predators stalk and kill their prey using a combination of highly advanced technology, such as active camouflage and energy weapons, combined with traditional ancient weapons, such as blades, spears and nets. The Predators often ritualistically mutilate their victims and usually claim a trophy from their kills. Capable of interstellar travel in sta
  • The Predators are a Decepticon group that saw release in the final year of Generation One, only in "European" markets (which does include Canada). They were the "headliner" Decepticons, with their leader Skyquake apparently being the leader of all the Decepticons at the time. Though the Predators shared the missile-launching shtick of their Autobot counterparts the Turbomasters (though the Predator launchers are entirely uniform across all the toys), they also had the Megavisor gimmick to unify the team further, allowing the smaller jets to physically link with the larger.
  • The "Predator" Mil bot is a free-floating bot armed with four rapid-fire laser cannons that can alternatively fire a barrage of rockets (In multiplayer with a cooldown time). The general shape of the predator resembles that of a giant wing featuring three giant engines (Or exhaust ports?) on the back, which emit a noticeable smokey particle effect. In multiplayer the predator can be found in two maps, controllable and completely usable in the map "Last Minute Effort", and a usable (By recruiter grenade only) in the map "Ruins"
  • The Predators are an extraterrestrial race whose warrior civilization seems to revolve around the concept of hunting for sport. They are depicted as excellent hunters, who travel from world to world in search of any prey which is a formidable opponent, for no reason other than the challenge and thrill of the hunt. They then stalk and kill their prey using an arsenal of highly advanced weaponry and devices, combining high-tech gadgets such as energy weapons and invisibility cloaking devices, to simplistic tools such as blades and spears, before taking their defeated opponents skulls and spines as a trophy. They have a long and involved history with many species they hunt, including humans and other Xenomorph animals. There are, however, certain customs which the Predators follow, or must fo
  • Predator is a 1987 American science fiction action film directed by John McTiernan, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Jesse Ventura, and Kevin Peter Hall. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox. The story follows an elite special forces team, led by 'Dutch' (Arnold Schwarzenegger), on a mission to rescue hostages from guerrilla territory in Central America. Unbeknownst to the group, they are being hunted by a technologically advanced form of extraterrestrial life, the Predator. Predator was scripted by Jim and John Thomas in 1985, under the working title of Hunter. Filming began in April 1986 and creature effects were devised by Stan Winston.
  • Predator's gibt es 4 verschiedene in Elysium, nähmlich: * Limping Predator * Howling Predator * Woundet Predator * Pained Predator Sie befinden sich zwischen Sabre's Cradle und Barter. Sie droppen die Predator Armor und sind auf Level 75 und werden von vielen Heartland Predator's umgeben, die auf Level 68-72 sind. Die Respawnzeit der Bosse beträgt 20min. Leider ist die Droprate ziemlich dürftig, so das man also locker ein paar Stunden mit dem Hunten verbringen kann, bis man endlich alle Teile der Armor gefunden hat. Liebe Grüsse und viel Geduld beim Hunten.
  • Predator (traducción sugerida: "Depredador") es un personaje seleccionable para Mortal Kombat X como contenido descargable desde Julio 7 de 2015 para los poseedores del Kombat Pack. La confirmación del personaje fue en Marzo 13 del mismo año, en el trailer de presentación del Kombat Pack junto a Jason, Tremor y Tanya, visto en Xbox Marketplace. En Junio 22, Ed Boon presenta una breve demostración de la visión infrarroja del personaje, y posteriormente en Junio 26 se muestra una imagen de lo que sería el interior de la nave del Predator. Para Mortal Kombat X, Predator también será acompañado de otras referencias a la franquicia de películas de origen, entre las que se cuentan el traje alternativo Carl Weathers Jax y Commando Johnny Cage. Antes de ser incluído en el mencionado título Predato
  • The Authority Predator is a vehicle featured in RAGE. This is the vehicle type used by the Authority. They will be first fought after receiving the quest "Assault the Authority Bridge" in Subway Town. The Predators are armed with Pulse Cannons which can destroy even heavy Monarch armor quickly, and will kill Nicholas Raine on foot instantly. Those vehicles are heavily armored and can take a lot of punishment, but a single shot from the Monarch's Pulse Cannon will destroy them. The protagonist never gets the chance to drive one, however one can be seen guarded by Authority Enforcers near Saul's Garage before the quest "Assault Capital Prime".
  • Predator (プレデター puredetā) is a class largely used for animals and other things that don't use equipment. In vanilla Elona, this class is unavailable to the player. In Elona+, the class has an expanded skillset and is available for the player to choose. It also adds a class feat that gives it an increased chance of inflicting a critical hit. Given the focus upon martial arts and evasion, players could use the predator class as a de facto "monk" class.
  • When Ryn first purchased his prized possession, the Predator, it was a generic Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter. However, as his income from the Clone Wars increased, so did his desire to modify this ship. He had stressed the ship's systems to their limits through these modifications, without actually causing it to overload. With careful precision and seemingly top-notch piloting skills, Ryn has made excellent use of this fighter craft.
  • A predator is an animal or other organism that hunts and kills other organisms, called prey, for food in an act called predation. Predators are either carnivores or omnivores. Parasites may also consume other animals in part. Unlike in predators, for whom killing prey is necessary in order to consume it, it is usually undesirable for a parasite to kill its host, on or in which it lives.
  • First introduced in 1987 as the main antagonist of the film Predator, the Predator creatures returned in the sequels Predator 2 (1990), Alien vs. Predator (2004), Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), and Predators (2010). The Predators have also been the subject of numerous novels, video games, and comic books, both on their own and as part of the Alien vs. Predator crossover imprint. Kramer vs. Predator pits Dustin Hoffman’s character from Kramer vs. Kramer against a Predator in a parody of the 2004 crossover film Alien vs. Predator in "8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter".
  • Okay, folks, this is gonna sound very weird, but it’s just what happened to me. I just don’t really know what I should do, probably no one can tell me what to do - this is just really wearing me down, and I don’t think I can carry on much longer. I think I shouldn’t have. I wish I hadn’t. I should have known this was too good to be true. I wish I had done that. I wanted to do it - but I just couldn’t move, paralyzed of fear, while he was standing there, just staring at me, without ever blinking, a crooked smile frozen on his face. I prayed he didn’t notice my hand was shaking in terror. Richard
  • A predator was a hunting lifeform focused on other lifeforms, called prey. Species maps including predators might just consist of a predator-prey binary, or might be more complex food chains. Species evolved from predators (which included Vulcans, Humans, Betazoids and Ocampa), had violent instincts. (VOY: "Meld";DIS: "The Vulcan Hello") After Spock told Trelane that his father was from Vulcan, Trelane asked him if the Vulcans were predatory. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos" )
  • 158
  • Neutral
  • 25.0
  • 12.0
  • 14500.0
  • Pirates of the Caribbean Online
  • 1
  • Titanium claws
  • X
  • Melee
  • 15
  • ---- ---- ----
Rear quarter imagename
  • PolicePredator-GTAV-rear.png
  • GTA San Andreas
  • GTA Vice City Stories
  • GTA Vice City
  • GTA Liberty City Stories
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • The Ballad of Gay Tony
  • The Lost and Damned
  • Grand Theft Auto III
  • Grand Theft Auto Online
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
GTASA Rear imagename
  • PolicePredator-GTASA-RearQuarter.jpg
  • Resident Evil Zero
  • Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned, Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony y Grand Theft Auto V.
Author name
  • Madmax1
  • Faen
  • 401
GTASA Front imagename
  • Predator-GTASA-front.jpg
  • City of Despair
Inne nazwy
  • Police Predator
air speed
  • 8000
  • Neutral
  • Yautja
Row 4 info
  • Predators
  • Predator
  • Alien versus Predator
  • Aliens versus Predator: Requiem
  • 2,11 m
  • tak
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • Bolt-action
  • Predator.jpg
handling top speed
  • 43
  • 75
  • 118
  • Skill
  • 120
  • Männlich
  • Single-fire
  • Armored
GTAIV Rear imagename
  • Predator-GTAIV-rear.png
  • beträchtliche Größe
  • N/A
GTAVC Rear imagename
  • PolicePredator-GTAVC-RearQuarter.jpg
тип тс
  • Транспорт правоохранительных органов
Row 1 info
  • Unknown
  • 4
shield gen
  • 6
  • 62.0
Front quarter imagename
  • PolicePredator-GTAV-front.png
  • keine
  • *Lanzadores de Humo: Una vez por partida, en vez de disparar el vehículo puede usar los lanzadores de humo: Hasta la siguiente fase de Disparo, debes restar 1 en las tiradas para impactar para las armas a distancia que hagan objetivo a un tanque con humo. *Explosión: Cuando retires el vehículo del juego, tira 1d6: Con un 6, el vehículo explota y a 6" de él toda miniatura reciba 1d3 heridas mortales.
  • 3
ширина изображения
  • 300
  • 270
  • not bad
  • Полицейский Predator в Grand Theft Auto V.
GTAVCS Front imagename
  • Predator-GTAVCS-front.jpg
Row 4 title
  • Origin
ammo type
  • Micro Darts
  • *Un Predator puede reemplazar el Cañón Automático por un Cañón Láser Acoplado. *Un Predator puede añadir un Misil Cazador-Asesino. *Un Predator puede añadir un Bólter de Asalto.
  • 2002
  • Lancha
  • tak
  • Predator
comment image
  • Un Predator de la Police dans GTA IV
front image
  • PolicePredator-GTAV-front.png
  • Buena
GTAIII Front imagename
  • Predator-GTA3-front.jpg
  • tak
  • Police Predator
  • Predator
  • Cañón Láser Acoplado 48" / Pesada 2 / F 9, AP -3, Daño D6.
  • Cuchillas de muñeca, Combi-Stick, Disco, Plasma Caster, Dispositivo de autodestrucción, Trampas explosivas
  • Misil Buscador Asesino 48" / Pesada 1 / F 8, AP -2, D6 Esta arma sólo puede dispararse una vez por batalla.
  • Bólter Pesado 36" / Pesada 3 / F 5, AP -1, Daño 1
  • Cañón Automático de Predator 48" / Pesada 2D3 / F 7, AP -1, Daño 3
  • Cañón Láser 48" / Pesada 1 / F 9, AP -3, Daño D6.
handling engine
  • Petrol
  • NS
  • Titanium claws
rear image
  • PolicePredator-GTAV-rear.png
  • Class .50
  • *Class 2.0 *Class 10
тип кузова
  • Полицейский катер
Row 2 info
  • Wings of Liberty
  • Heart of the Swarm
  • Nova Covert Ops
  • Invitado en Mortal Kombat X
  • 298
  • Yautja
  • none
  • 235
Row 1 title
  • Home world
  • 1
  • Class 2
второе название
  • Полицейский Predator
  • Predator
  • Yes
  • Parked
  • title|Only spawns when the player has a 2-star wanted level (3-star in GTA IV)|Conditional
  • P
Row 5 info
  • N/A
  • Beastmaster
  • not bad
Row 2 title
  • Other residences
  • none
comentario imagen
  • Un Predator en Grand Theft Auto V.
  • 1230
  • 1530
max accel
  • 1460.0
observed engine
  • Twin outboard engines
  • 84
  • 4
  • tak
  • Predator
  • Crescent Chakram
  • Wo Dao
изображение спереди
  • PolicePredator-GTAV-front.png
vehicle class
  • Boats
GTAIV Front imagename
  • Predator-GTAIV-front.png
handling fuel tank
  • 2
Row 5 title
  • Voiced by
  • schwarz
Dashboard view imagename
  • Police_Predator_GTAVe_Interior.jpg
  • Buena
  • Predator .jpg
Row 3 info
  • Neutral/Antagonist
  • Neutral, Assistant
  • predator
  • Warrior
Row 3 title
  • Role
GTALCS Front imagename
  • Predator-GTALCS-front.jpg
  • 60500
effect type
  • Upgrade
  • Passive Ability
  • -
handling mass
  • 2200
  • 2500
  • 3000
GTAVC Front imagename
  • Predator-GTAVC-front.jpg
изображение сзади
  • PolicePredator-GTAV-rear.png
  • 120
  • 25.0
  • 1
  • Summon Grizzly
rsc image
  • Predator-GTAV-RSCStats.png
  • N/A
Box Title
  • Celtic
  • Scar
  • Wolf
  • Predator
  • Chopper
  • Mr. Black
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
  • The Lost and Damned
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
  • Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
  • The Ballad of Gay Tony
  • Grand Theft Auto III
  • Grand Theft Auto Online
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
  • Predator.jpg
  • Hunter, warrior
  • Predator
  • *Un Predator está equipado con un Cañón Automático.
  • Mortal Kombat X
  • 8
date created
  • 12
  • DJ04
  • "Imaginationland, Episode II"
  • 4
  • 1
  • None
  • Alive
  • working
  • 4
  • Third
  • "Butters' Very Own Episode"
  • Gunslinger
  • Space Superiority
  • Anti-Infantry Specialist
  • none
  • Borderlands
  • SC2
  • Predator
  • Predator
  • The Predator
  • Predator
  • Authority Predator
  • Police Predator
  • Predator
  • : +1
  • : You recover 1
  • You and your Wolf each gain +4 Health.
  • Your Wolf's attacks gain:
  • Whenever you stand up or are revived by another hero, you recover 2 additional .
  • Bateaux
  • 150
  • File:none.jpg
  • Predator, como apareció en el trailer de presentación del personaje.
  • A Police Predator in Grand Theft Auto V.
  • Space Marine Predator
  • Pirates of the Caribbean Online
  • Neutral
  • 3
  • 4
  • 100
  • 5
  • 100
  • +1
  • nie
  • Hunter
  • Warrior
  • Hish-Qu-Ten
  • 24
комент к умению
  • Tough Hide - Снижает получаемый физический и магический урон на 50.
  • Mother Nature 5 - Восстанавливает 300 ХП всем Феям. Эффект не снимается
  • Steel Fur 10 - Поглощает 80% урона по своему герою и на 20 снижает ярость героя противника.
  • 5675
  • 2
  • 265
  • 8610
  • good
  • Super Star Destroyer
  • łodź policyjna
  • black
  • 3.0
  • 11
  • NS
body style
  • Police boat
  • Yautja
  • 190.0
  • Navigation
  • Predator
  • Embodiment of Love
  • [[starwars:SoroSuub Corporation
  • Kuat Drive Yards over Karavis
  • *
  • 167
  • 497
  • 8
  • 10
  • Cloaking Device
  • Wrist Blades
  • Combi-Stick
  • Explosive Snares
  • Plasma Caster
  • Self-Destruct Device
  • Smart Disc
  • 4
  • fe wo dao
  • rogue_predator.png
  • 6
  • Throwing
  • Healing
  • Anatomy
  • Stealth
  • Tactics
  • Detection
  • Eye of Mind
  • Sense Quality
Image size
  • 200
  • 300
  • Super Star Destroyer
  • 6
  • Apoyo Pesado.
  • Shadows are particularly deadly when they manage to flank their foes. Whenever the shadow strikes an enemy from behind, whether with a basic attack or using a talent, the attack now always results in a critical hit.
  • Gallery
  • Videos
  • Overview
  • Moveset
  • synopsis
  • 7
  • 831200000
  • wpn_wincheaster1300_trapper
Tabla de Daños
  • Predator Baal Tabla.png
  • Predator
  • Navigation Computer
  • x
  • 10
  • Mordecai
  • 250
  • 280
  • Predator.png
  • tabber| Predator=File:PredatorMKX..jpg 300px
  • 15
  • 33
  • 140
  • 74140
  • *
  • x
  • 8
  • Alien
  • none
  • 0
  • 40
Image File
  • Celtic.jpg
  • Chopper.jpg
  • Mr Black.jpg
  • PredatorVG.jpg
  • ScarPred.jpg
  • Wolf.jpg
  • Male
  • Genderless
  • 0.080000
  • Insect
  • Terran
  • Emotion Entity
  • Yautja, alien-humanoid
  • Destruction with Extreme Prejudice
  • tak
  • Predator
  • Mossberg Maverick 88
  • tak
  • Predator
Vehicle Type
  • Law enforcement vehicle
  • None
  • 25
  • Titanium-reinforced alusteel
  • 3
  • 7
  • tak
  • Predator
  • John McTiernan
  • *
  • *2 Heavy Laser Cannons *1 Concealed Forward-Firing Proton Torpedo Tube Launcher *1 Concealed Forward-Firing Ion Cannon
  • *Over 5,000 turbolaser batteries and ion cannons: :*1800 turbolaser batteries :*1800 heavy turbolaser batteries :*200 heavy ion cannons :*600 point-defense laser cannons *200 heavy concussion missile batteries *30 Phylon Transport Q7 tractor beam projectors[7]
  • Decreases cooldown of Bloodwing.
  • 1987
  • 2014
  • GTA IV
  • * 12x70 Buckshot * 12x76 Slug * 7 round capacity
  • Large
wikipage disambiguates
  • * Accuracy: 70 * Handling: 70 * Damage: 60 * Rate of Fire: 105 RPM
  • none
  • 9
  • Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
  • Vehículo, Predator
  • 107
  • 16
Nombre (Por defecto, el de la página)
  • Predator
  • Trials, Hero Altar, Token Mall, Gauntlet
  • , , ,
otras apariciones
  • 821
  • 2
  • Predator Card
  • 5985
  • 455
  • card
картинка к комменту
  • Grizzly.png
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • __TOC__
  • Predator is a 1987 American science fiction action film directed by John McTiernan, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Jesse Ventura, and Kevin Peter Hall. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox. The story follows an elite special forces team, led by 'Dutch' (Arnold Schwarzenegger), on a mission to rescue hostages from guerrilla territory in Central America. Unbeknownst to the group, they are being hunted by a technologically advanced form of extraterrestrial life, the Predator. Predator was scripted by Jim and John Thomas in 1985, under the working title of Hunter. Filming began in April 1986 and creature effects were devised by Stan Winston. The film's budget was around $15 million. Released in the United States on June 12, 1987, it grossed $98,267,558. Initial critical reaction to Predator was negative, with criticism focusing on the thin plot. However, in subsequent years critics' attitudes toward the film warmed, and it has appeared on a number of "best of" lists. Two sequels, Predator 2 (1990) and Predators (2010), as well as two crossover films with the Alien franchise, Alien vs. Predator (2004) and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), have been produced.
  • Predator decreases the cooldown time of the Bloodwing skill. This starts with an decrease of 3 seconds (of 28), and can be decreased by a maximum of 15 seconds with skill points alone, and by 27 seconds with additional class mods. Additional levels may be acquired through the use of class mods.
  • When Ryn first purchased his prized possession, the Predator, it was a generic Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter. However, as his income from the Clone Wars increased, so did his desire to modify this ship. He had stressed the ship's systems to their limits through these modifications, without actually causing it to overload. With careful precision and seemingly top-notch piloting skills, Ryn has made excellent use of this fighter craft. He is often told that this ship is "far outdated" and he should replace it with something more recent, but Ryn never listens to this "advice". And he continuously proves anyone who tries to talk him into finding a replacement wrong with his piloting skills and the the Predator's overall performance.
  • El Predator es una lancha o vehículo marítimo policial que aparece en Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned, Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony y Grand Theft Auto V. Es utilizado por la policía.
  • thumb|319x319px|Plakat filmu. Predator - amerykański film z 1987 roku w reżyserii Johna McTiernana. To pierwszy film w którym możemy zobaczyć rasę galaktycznych myśliwych, Yautja. W roli głównej wystąpił Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • War Cry is the Predator's special ability. Like the Priest's aura, it directly increases AT% and DF to its allies, but it can only be used when the Predator is wielding the Scary Blowgun or any of its variations. It increases the AT by 5% and DF by 1 per single MAG; essentially 5 times as efficient compared to the Aura. It automatically creates a yellow-colored aura when activated and can be stacked with the Priest's aura to combine the two; Technical section will be expanded later. It will always last for a minute, even going through screens, but reset when exiting stage.
  • Predator is a rogue talent from the shadow specialization in Dragon Age II.
  • Predator (プレデター puredetā) is a class largely used for animals and other things that don't use equipment. In vanilla Elona, this class is unavailable to the player. In Elona+, the class has an expanded skillset and is available for the player to choose. It also adds a class feat that gives it an increased chance of inflicting a critical hit. The skills listed are the Elona+ skills - the standard Elona skills of this class are restricted down to more basic skills like Tactics and a large bonus to Str, Con, and Dex, without having the large number of skills available as "balance". However, it is the only class to grant extra speed, meaning you will get +10 speed to start (and predator NPCs will have more speed relative to their level). Given the focus upon martial arts and evasion, players could use the predator class as a de facto "monk" class.
  • Le Predator est un bateau d'assaut de la police (utilisable aussi par le joueur) disponible dans les épisode de la série Grand Theft Auto suivants : * Grand Theft Auto III * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas * Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories * Grand Theft Auto IV. * Grand Theft Auto V
  • Predator was a Solarian-built Gladiator-class heavy cruiser manned by Silesian pirates working for Manpower Incorporated.
  • Tämä on täsmennyssivu. Predator voi tarkoittaa kolmea seuraavaa asiaa: * Predator (TJA) - BIONICLE: The Jurassic Adventuressa esiintyvää Aucasaurusta * Predator (TNH) - Tegna Nuin Hämäräheimon nykyistä johtajaa * Predator (tarina) - Cropodin kirjoittama tarina
  • The Predator is an upgrade from the Hunter and may be chosen at Level 45. The Predator can move the camera to seek other players in the direction the cursor is facing by clicking the right mouse button, and it may not further upgrade.
  • Predator is a franchise that began with the film Predator and continued in film, books, comics, video game and other media.
  • Predatorn är en attackbåt som används av LCPD:s kustpolis. Båten är speciell eftersom på båda sidorna av båten finns det inmonterat .50. kalibers kulsprutor, som ger dig möjlighet att skjuta på andra båtar framför dig. Denna båt kommer när du får en efterlysningsgrad på vattnet. När du nått en efterlysningsgrad på två stjärnor så skjuter polismannen vid båtens akter på dig. thumb|250px
  • The Authority Predator is a vehicle featured in RAGE. This is the vehicle type used by the Authority. They will be first fought after receiving the quest "Assault the Authority Bridge" in Subway Town. The Predators are armed with Pulse Cannons which can destroy even heavy Monarch armor quickly, and will kill Nicholas Raine on foot instantly. Those vehicles are heavily armored and can take a lot of punishment, but a single shot from the Monarch's Pulse Cannon will destroy them. The protagonist never gets the chance to drive one, however one can be seen guarded by Authority Enforcers near Saul's Garage before the quest "Assault Capital Prime". Both Brick Johnson and Sally LePrine will reward the protagonist generously for destroying the Authority Predators.
  • Predator (traducción sugerida: "Depredador") es un personaje seleccionable para Mortal Kombat X como contenido descargable desde Julio 7 de 2015 para los poseedores del Kombat Pack. La confirmación del personaje fue en Marzo 13 del mismo año, en el trailer de presentación del Kombat Pack junto a Jason, Tremor y Tanya, visto en Xbox Marketplace. En Junio 22, Ed Boon presenta una breve demostración de la visión infrarroja del personaje, y posteriormente en Junio 26 se muestra una imagen de lo que sería el interior de la nave del Predator. Para Mortal Kombat X, Predator también será acompañado de otras referencias a la franquicia de películas de origen, entre las que se cuentan el traje alternativo Carl Weathers Jax y Commando Johnny Cage. Antes de ser incluído en el mencionado título Predator ya había influido en la serie de videojuegos, inspirando el diseño de los ciberninjas en Mortal Kombat 3 y el fatality Spine Rip en Mortal Kombat. Aún cuando se desconoce si tienen nombres individuales, el personaje es popularmente conocido como Predator por el título de la película original. No obstante, estas criaturas extraterrestres suelen identificarse por la denominación de su especie (Yautja y/o Hish-qu-Ten) en su propio universo expandido. Creados por los hermanos Jim y John Thomas, los Predators son descritos como criaturas humanoides de gran tamaño, cazadores por naturaleza e inteligentes poseedores de armamento avanzado. Desde 1987, estos personajes han inspirado varias películas y otras adaptaciones basadas en las mismas. Originalmente, antes que el actor Kevin Peter Hall fuese seleccionado para caracterizar al extraterrestre en la primera película se había pensado en Jean-Claude Van Damme, el mismo actor que en algún momento inspiró al personaje de Mortal Kombat Johnny Cage. De acuerdo a su biografía en Mortal Kombat X, Predator permanece sin cambios a su concepto original como personaje. Es introducido sin ninguna otro propósito que la cacería por deporte y la búsqueda de trofeos, advirtiendo que él no fallará a diferencia de aquellos que se llamaron conquistadores: Shao Kahn y Shinnok. Esta historia no afecta ni interfiere la continuidad canónica de Mortal Kombat ni de la franquicia Predator. Categoría:Personajes de otras franquicias Categoría:Personajes de Mortal Kombat X Categoría:Personajes de Mortal Kombat XL
  • Predator war der erste Held von den Bedalorianern und wurde zum Gott erklärt.
  • Predator – łódź policyjna występująca w Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Grand Theft Auto IV (jako Police Predator) i Grand Theft Auto V. Predator jest szybką łodzią, używaną przez policjantów, jego parametry są podobne do parametrów Speedera. Jest to unikalna łódź, ze względu na wbudowane karabiny maszynowe, pozwalające na niszczenie innych łodzi. Mają nieskończoną amunicję, lecz muszą się przeładowywać. Będąc pojazdem policyjnym, Predator zaczyna ścigać gracza (w grach oprócz GTA III i Liberty City Stories), jeśli jest na wodzie, i ma jakiś poziom poszukiwań. Chociaż jest pojazdem policyjnym, nie można w nim wykonywać misji stróża prawa. W GTA San Andreas, Predatory zaczną ścigać gracza, gdy ten osiągnie 2. stopień poszukiwań. W GTA IV, Predator nie ma już wbudowanych karabinów - ich funkcję przejmują policjanci z karabinami M16, strzelający do gracza, gdy ten ma jakiś stopień poszukiwań.
  • Predator is the central character from the Predator film series. The Predator appeared in the Season Five episode "Butters' Very Own Episode".
  • Predators are reptilean dinosaur-like creatures native to Na Pali. They have only appeared in Return to Na Pali. They attack by running toward you at extremely high speed and make attempts to bite the player. They are fairly hard to kill, even though they have little health, their agility and speed makes them hard to hit. The thing that makes them even more formidable is that they attack in packs, rarely attacking alone.
  • Predator is a franchise of films and comic books that detail individual encounters with an impossibly cool alien species with advanced technology, including a personal invisibility field. Although the human characters of the first two Predator films don't realize it, the creature likes to hunt aggressive members of other species for sport -- and humans fit quite well in this category... Since the inception in 1987, the Predator has appeared in a large number of movies, comics, novels, video games, and other media. Following an extremely successful comic crossover, many of these works pit the Predator against the Alien to the point that the two are forever linked in the public mind. (This trend began in Predator 2, which included a xenomorph skull as an Easter Egg, and was eventually canonized in film.) Beyond humans and xenomorphs, multiple comic series have established that the Predator's third favorite prey includes superheroes ( which rarely works out ). Not a direct opposite of Prey, despite what one might think.
  • The Predators are an extraterrestrial race whose warrior civilization seems to revolve around the concept of hunting for sport. They are depicted as excellent hunters, who travel from world to world in search of any prey which is a formidable opponent, for no reason other than the challenge and thrill of the hunt. They then stalk and kill their prey using an arsenal of highly advanced weaponry and devices, combining high-tech gadgets such as energy weapons and invisibility cloaking devices, to simplistic tools such as blades and spears, before taking their defeated opponents skulls and spines as a trophy. They have a long and involved history with many species they hunt, including humans and other Xenomorph animals. There are, however, certain customs which the Predators follow, or must follow; they do not kill anyone who is unarmed, sick, or pregnant. If a human is successful in killing at least one Predator in combat, that human would be given a weapon by the Elder Predator, usually the Spear, as a sign of respect for a brother warrior and equal.
  • Predator is 2015 American science fiction action horror film, a reboot of Predator franchise. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox with Davis Entertainment
  • Predators are heavily muscular humanoids. On average they stand 6'-6'8" and weigh no less than 250lbs. They have thick, rough skin and fingers that end in claws. Their face is where they differ the most from humans because their mouths separate into four mandibles. Predators skin color varies from gray to a light red and they have no hair.
  • Predator – amerykański film sci-fi z 1987 roku w reżyserii Johna McTiernana.thumb
  • Predator is a track in the Biohazard 0 Best Track Collection, an album only sold as part of the biohazard SOUND CHRONICLE.
  • Predator (в Grand Theft Auto V известный под названием «Полицейский Predator») — полицейский катер в серии игр GTA. Используется береговой охраной. Впервые катер появился в GTA III.
  • Predator e barca politiei.
  • Predator is a Nemesis Perk. __NoToC__
  • Predator é um personagem convidado em Mortal Kombat X. Ele faz parte da série de filmes Predator e estará disponível no Kombat Pack em Julho de 2015.
  • Predators in WHILS are the bad guys whom you defeat to gain experience for your Invincible Llama. There are generally 3 or 4 kinds of predator in each zone, matching the theme of the area (i. e., crocodiles in a swamp). They have a level, just like your llama, and this varies by about three levels for each speceis. Defeating predators is a common focus of quests. Quest-Only predators appear only while on a certain quest. Every map seems to have a 'boss' that is defeated during one of the ending quests. These bosses, and other related predators, do not appear again.
  • The "Predator" Mil bot is a free-floating bot armed with four rapid-fire laser cannons that can alternatively fire a barrage of rockets (In multiplayer with a cooldown time). The general shape of the predator resembles that of a giant wing featuring three giant engines (Or exhaust ports?) on the back, which emit a noticeable smokey particle effect. The Predators lasers are their basic attack each arm will fire one laser. The lasers by them selves are accurate but not to damaging, their alternate fire sends a barrage of rockets at where the arms are pointed which inflicts heavier damage than the lasers. A effective way to weaken them is get rid of their arms. In the single-player campaign the predator appears numerous times, Most of which are uncontrollable. The most featured was in the level "I, Predator" in which the player uses a control console to take control of an idle predator somewhere, which the player then uses to kamikaze a local power grid to thereby shut down a shield blocking the way. The predator will frequently appear on the level "Bright Lights, Mil City". It makes two more appearances in the game, one in "You know the drill" (Which is both controllable and vulnerable to a recruitment grenade) and once more in the level "Seen better days". The one in "Seen better days" is not controllable. In multiplayer the predator can be found in two maps, controllable and completely usable in the map "Last Minute Effort", and a usable (By recruiter grenade only) in the map "Ruins" The predator is controllable via a data port located between the first and second engine from behind/under the bot.
  • bestia ben 10
  • The Predator (known as the Police Predator in the HD Universe) is a Police patrol boat used by the police force. It has appeared in every game since Grand Theft Auto III (except Grand Theft Auto Advance and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars).
  • The Predator, known for the film franchise of the same name, is a playable guest character in Mortal Kombat X.
  • First introduced in 1987 as the main antagonist of the film Predator, the Predator creatures returned in the sequels Predator 2 (1990), Alien vs. Predator (2004), Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), and Predators (2010). The Predators have also been the subject of numerous novels, video games, and comic books, both on their own and as part of the Alien vs. Predator crossover imprint. Kramer vs. Predator pits Dustin Hoffman’s character from Kramer vs. Kramer against a Predator in a parody of the 2004 crossover film Alien vs. Predator in "8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter". In a cutaway gag in "Brian Writes a Bestseller", a guy in a coma dreams of writing a script of Batman vs. Predator. A Predator stalks Peter, Joe and Quagmire in the woods in "Bigfat". Peter suggested covering their body heat like Arnold Schwarzenegger did in the film but the others disagree; saying it's just a movie.
  • A predator was a hunting lifeform focused on other lifeforms, called prey. Species maps including predators might just consist of a predator-prey binary, or might be more complex food chains. Species evolved from predators (which included Vulcans, Humans, Betazoids and Ocampa), had violent instincts. (VOY: "Meld";DIS: "The Vulcan Hello") After Spock told Trelane that his father was from Vulcan, Trelane asked him if the Vulcans were predatory. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos" ) The Vorta believed that they previously existed as small, timid, ape-like forest dwellers living in hollowed-out trees to avoid predators on their homeworld, of which there were many. (DS9: "Treachery, Faith and the Great River") While stranded on Goralis III in 2375, Worf killed a large furry mammal, somewhat similar to a wolf, for food. Worf also mentioned the planet having predators that might pose a threat to him. (DS9: "Penumbra") Captain Jean-Luc Picard compared the Scimitar with a predator following a tactical analysis of its weapon systems. (Star Trek Nemesis) The Doctor's comments on species evolved from predators in "Meld" are somewhat suggestive of the idea that most if not all Humanoids evolved from them. The Star Trek: Titan novels from Pocket Books classify the Valdore-type as the Mogai-class, after a man-sized predatory bird native to Romulus. Star Trek Online does so as well.
  • A predator is an animal that eats other animals. * Bat * Bengal Tiger * Red Wolf * Snake * Polar Bear * Sun Bear
  • Thursday 11:30 AM: Ian (Boss) comes in and yells at Anthony (Editor) because he didn't tell him to make the girl into a "Goddamn giraffe."Anthony tells Ian that he had the new guy work on that one. Ian says he'll give the new guy "A piece of [his] Goddamn mind" and leaves Anthony's cubicle. Ian enters another office used by Predator and shouts,"GODDAMN IT, PREDATOR!"
  • The Predator is an antagonist in Kingdom Hearts II ½.
  • thumb|300px|Predator GTA San Andreasissa.thumb|Predator GTA IV:ssä.Predator on poliisivene,joka on esiintynyt suraavissa peleissä: * Grand Theft Auto III * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas * Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories * Grand Theft Auto IV
  • La nomination Predator est portée par deux types d'armures différentes :
  • The Predator is a Buzz Bee blaster that was released in 2014 under the Air Warriors series. It comes packaged with a detachable scope and four Micro Darts.
  • Predator is a wooden roller coaster at Darien Lake that opened in 1990.
  • Predator (プレデター Puredetā) are one of the four tribes from the Black World.
  • Predator is the scariest creature to walk the earth. If you are reading this he is behind you
  • A predator is an animal or other organism that hunts and kills other organisms, called prey, for food in an act called predation. Predators are either carnivores or omnivores. Parasites may also consume other animals in part. Unlike in predators, for whom killing prey is necessary in order to consume it, it is usually undesirable for a parasite to kill its host, on or in which it lives. Herbivores also consume other species, generally only in part, leaving the organism alive. However, where the prey consists of single-celled algae, the activities of the herbivorous grazer is generally of the same nature as that of a carnivore. As often in ecology there is seldom consensus on the distinctions; some ecologists prefer functional definitions like the one outlined above, others rather look at the ecological dynamics the relationships between the species create. The Lotka-Volterra equations describe a simple mathematical model of the interaction between predators and their prey.
  • Predators, sometimes called "cybercats", are big, heavy robots shaped like cats.
  • Predator es el tercer personaje descargable y el segundo como invitado en el videojuego Mortal Kombat X. Se anunció el 20 de Marzo de 2015.
  • Predator is a film series started in 1987 with the film Predator starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, which led to two sequels and novel, comic book and video game spin-offs. A Predator appeared in the Dream Corp, LLC episode "The Predator", and helped Patient 103 get over his relationship fears with Patient 86
  • When used by the girl, she covers one of her eyes, and as the ability activates she sees numerous eye shapes in the sky. When the target is found, the eyes move toward that direction.
  • When attacking, you may reroll 1 attack die. If the defender's pilot skill value is "2" or lower, you may instead reroll up to 2 attack dice.
  • Okay, folks, this is gonna sound very weird, but it’s just what happened to me. I just don’t really know what I should do, probably no one can tell me what to do - this is just really wearing me down, and I don’t think I can carry on much longer. My name is Richard Talsey, and I live in a small suburb (sorry, folks, not gonna tell you where). I’m 72 years old, I lived a happy life and I still try to make the most of it. My wife died half a year ago, my son made a career selling costumes and I have three wonderful grandchildren. I kind of thought that I mastered most of what life would put up against me - seems I was wrong. It all started about a week ago, on the weekend. After my wife had died - god bless her - I found that the house we had bought was just too large for me to life in alone, so I decided to move to a smaller apartment that would suit my needs better (less cleaning, less fear of burglars...) I managed to contact a guy downtown who dealt with real estate, and I was able to get myself a good deal. I was supposed to move there next week, but right now, I’m not sure... I just don’t know anymore what is about to happen. As I said - I was about to get ready to move, so I finally got an excuse to tidy up the attic. I’m not very attached to physical keepsakes anymore, so the mess up there was more because of my laziness than anything else. I had gotten rid of most of my wife’s belongings in the months after her death - some went to my son, my grandchildren wanted some souvenirs, the rest was mostly just sold or thrown away - so it wasn’t THAT much to sort out, mainly old furniture, some old finger paintings from when my son was three years old, some stuff from my grandchildren, old newspapers, stuff like that. I figured it couldn’t hurt try to make some cash out of that (and I had nothing better to do that weekend), so I registered for the garage sale that’s being held in my neighbourhood once every two months and sorted out the stuff I wanted to sell after calling my family to ask if they wanted to keep anything. They said they were fine, so on Sunday morning I just threw most of the things and set up the old garden table in front of my house. I think I shouldn’t have. I wish I hadn’t. I still remember it vividly - it was a bright, sunny day and I thought to myself “What a wonderful day this is gonna be.” I lazily sat in a garden chair, enjoying the sun, having some hot dogs, just living the life. I noticed I still hadn’t come around to removing the “For Sale!” sign in my front lawn, and that I probably should get rid of it before people called me about it. My house is situated a little off the main road, so not too many people came around to buy stuff, but I still was able to get rid of most of the furniture, some old paintings and most of the toys of my grandchildren. Granted, it wasn’t as busy as on the main roads, but I was able to sit in the sun - so what’s not to like? I should have known this was too good to be true. It was about 4 PM. when the other shoe dropped. I was just watching a blackbird trying to wrestle a worm out of the ground, when suddenly a chill run down my back. I’m not a superstitious person, but I still looked over my shoulder, it just felt like a bad omen or something. And that’s when I saw him. A guy, about 18 years old, harmless appearance, average looking slowly drove up to my house. There was nothing special about him, but I can’t put my finger on it - there was just something about him that put me on edge, something in his eye - it seemed as he was being followed, he seemed hunted, some nervous twinkle in his eye. Cautiously, he watched his surroundings as he stopped the car and got out and for a second I thought he was just making sure the coast was clear to mug me - but the street wasn’t THAT empty and I know my neighbours would have come to help right away, so I forced myself to smile and greeted him. He wouldn’t answer, just stare at me with eyes wide open, with a slight air of disgust on his face. I noticed he stared at my blind eye (I suffered from a cataract a few years ago) with open revulsion and remember thinking to myself how rude this was. After a few awkward seconds of silence I swallowed my hurt feelings, cleared my throat, forced myself to smile again and asked him how I could help him. As I started to speak, he flinched, like I just awoke him from some weird kind of trance or something, hastily looked over his shoulder and mumbled something about “old video games”. I remembered my grandson used to own a Nintendo, so I got up, told him I'd be right back and hurried to the garage, as I didn’t really trust him being alone with my stand. I picked up the box of games (the console had already been sold) and went back outside, half expecting to see him making off with some of my stuff - but instead he was just gazing at the finger paintings of my son with a moony glaze over his eyes. I started to feel really uncomfortable with this guy pawing paintings of my son, and I started to suspect he was on some kind of drug. He didn’t notice me until I made it all the way back to the table and cleared my throat. I hadn’t thought he had spaced out that much, but the kid just let out a shriek, jumped and snarled at me like an animal. I instinctively shifted backwards a bit as the snarl slowly mutated into a giggle, which then boiled up into a loud, maniacal laughter while he eyed me with some kind of creepy curiosity that made me feel VERY uncomfortable. After he ran out of air, he kept standing there, slightly bent over as if he was just getting ready to lunge at me, heavily breathing. The twinkle of madness in his eyes had intensified, I think, maybe it was just my nerves - but this kid just had something on him, I don’t know. My instincts told me to just run, to get into the house and lock the doors and just not care what happened to my stuff. I wish I had done that. I wanted to do it - but I just couldn’t move, paralyzed of fear, while he was standing there, just staring at me, without ever blinking, a crooked smile frozen on his face. Again, a few awkward seconds passed until I nervously reached into the box, pulled out the next best thing that i found and handed it over to him. I prayed he didn’t notice my hand was shaking in terror. With a hasty movement, he snatched the game out of my hand and inspected it, turning it again and again in his hands as if he found something special. About half a minute, maybe a minute passed while he was eagerly inspecting every edge of the game I just handed him - I still don’t know which one it was - until he suddenly froze, his head flipped around to face me and his stare pierced into my heart. “How much?”, he snarled again, and something about his voice made my instincts boil up again and it took all my willpower to not just run away until I could not run anymore. At this moment, I would have done everything to get as far away as I could, and I had the terrible feeling that I’d better make him happy with the price. I collected what was left of my courage, licked over my dry lips, smiled nervously and told him he could have it if he wanted to, that it was just something my grandson left here and I didn’t need it anymore - I don’t recall anymore what exactly I said, I just wanted to finally get him to drive away, far away from me. For a short, endless moment he just stood there, staring at me, then his smile got a little broader and he nodded. “Gooood”, he said, at least I think what it was, it was more like a growling noise with the “oo” pulled into length, it lasted about ten seconds, if not longer. “Thank you.” He nodded again and turned towards his car, and I felt like a giant weight just got lifted off my shoulders. I forced myself to smile and said something about the lines of “Well, have fun with the game... g’bye, man...”, but he completely ignored me, got into his car and made off. I watched his car go down the whole street, where it turned and vanished around a corner, but something stayed behind - the sun just didn’t feel as warm anymore, the birds had stopped singing and I felt a weird feeling of nausea building inside of me. This evening, I burned all of the finger paintings of my son. They felt tainted, smirched in some twisted kind of way and I couldn’t even stand seeing them anymore let alone touch them. As they burned into ash, I felt like a part of my past burst into flames, but it felt relieving - as if I had traded a part of my memories for being rescued from a greater evil. If only I knew this was only the beginning. That night, I had a dream. I dreamt of the creepy guy standing in front of my bed, staring at me with his lunatic gaze, just staring at me, letting out a light snarl every time he would breathe out, while I just couldn’t move a muscle. And while I was just lying there, his face would come closer, become bigger, until his madness-ridden eyes filled up my entire field of vision, and then his snarling started forming words: “I suffer because of you.” I awoke shaking in terror and started searching furiously for the light switch of my nightstand, knocking over my bottle of water and the telephone in the progress. When I finally flicked the switch, it took me several minutes to realize it had just been a dream. It felt all too real, and I got no sleep for the rest of the night. The next day, I called my son, Thomas, about the incident. He laughed at first, but he soon realized I was dead serious and agreed to come over to see me, but I couldn’t handle sitting in the house, so we drove downtown and took a stroll in the park while I told him in detail what happened. After I finished, he remained silent for a while we strolled through the tree-edged pathways. “Well, dad”, he finally said, “I think... I don’t know what to think. But he’s gone now, isn’t he?” I think the situation really got to him. I have never been a person to be scared easily, I never was superstitious and I think this might have been the first time he ever saw me this shaken up. I pretended to feel better and told him that it helped me getting the story off my chest, but I didn’t. There was something that kept sticking to me since I met that guy, some sinister, unquiet essence that I couldn’t get off no matter how hard I tried. I caught myself watching over my shoulder frequently, always fearing to see him sneaking up to me, snarling in his inhuman voice, staring at me with his unsettling eyes... That night, I tried not to fall asleep. I put myself in front of the television, made myself a thermos can full of coffee and one with black tea and turned on the lights in the whole house. Nevertheless, at about 3 a.m., I started to notice how I kept dozing off, and I finally decided to give in to the temptation and just sleep on the couch, with the lights on. I woke up half an hour later, screaming. I didn’t remember much of the dream I had, but the animal guy was in there, banging onto my door, and when I didn’t open, he crushed it open, but he had fangs and claws, and when he snarled at me, his eyes would glow in a faint yellow tone... I remembered running through a dark forest, then I felt something hitting my back, me falling down, and then - nothing. Shivering, I checked the windows. Nothing seemed wrong - it was dark and silent outside, the street lights and the moon lit up the street just enough to see that no one was out there, when suddenly a noise came from up above. Immediately I froze, listening into the silence. Then I heard it again - a faint thudding noise, as if something - or someone - was on the roof. I was too scared to go check it out, but the sound resumed for about half an hour before it stopped. I managed to get another two or three hours of sleep before the sun set, and I couldn’t get myself to sleep after that, so I made new coffee and showered for half an hour - but even that was not enough to get rid of the haunting feeling that just stuck to me like a barnacle. Afterwards, I forced myself to eat some breakfast and decided to take a walk again to take my mind of stuff, telling myself that I’d be moving soon and will never have to see him again. It worked. For the first time since I met the kid, I was able to relax a bit, just doing some of the stuff old men my age are compelled to do - feeding some ducks, strolling around aimlessly, having a hot chocolate in a street cafe. The suspense of the encounter started to finally fall off my chest and I was able to unwind, and I felt genuinely relieved when I returned to my house at about 5 p.m. I just drove up the drive as my neighbour, Tyler, waved to me and walked over to my car. I noticed he looked a little nervous. “Hey, Tyler”, I greeted him. “How are ya?” - “Hi, Richard...” I was not mistaken - Tyler WAS nervous. “Umm, have you been expecting visitors...? Like, a young guy?” My blood froze. “There was a young guy, about 18 I guess, ringing your bell earlier. He was also there yesterday, furiously ringing when you were at the park, and today he rang my bell and started asking questions about your family... Do you know who I mean?” I could only force myself to nod faintly, and all the blood must have rushed from my head. “Richard... are you okay?”, Tyler asked me. I only faintly remember him helping me out of the car and into the house. I could have been mistaken, but I could have sworn there was a faint stench in the air as I walked up to my door. A stench of wild animal. A predator’s smell. My memories do not clear up until about an hour later. Tyler was still with me, I remember him giving me a glass of water. Finally, he was able to tell me what happened. The predator kid came back. He furiously rang the bell, then he knocked on my door. Just like in my dream. He tried to break the door open, but left, went around the house and looked for an entry point. I can only thank god I remembered to lock all the windows, the thought of coming back and him being in my house still haunts me at night. Finally, the predator kid started to harass my neighbours. He went up to Tyler who had just been mowing his lawn, and Tyler described him just as I remembered the guy - just even more down-and-out. He seems to have had giant bags under his eyes, unkempt hair and a wild, hunting look in his eyes, and he wanted to know things about my family. More specifically, about my grandson. Tyler was quick on the uptake, always had been, and so he apparently made up some cover-up story about me having no family and my grandson being related to someone else and having died years ago. At this point, I was too terrified to even think and I interrupted Tyler, hurried over to the phone and called my grandson. He was the one who once owned the game I gave to the predator kid. The thought of my grandson being tracked down by him gave me the chills. He didn’t pick up. That night, I had another nightmare. I was standing in front of some kind of stone altar, in the middle of the forest. I could see the full moon shining through the leaves, but it was blood red and seemed unnatural and... evil. I can’t put my finger on it, but there was something in the air, something weird, something wrong, and it terrified me to the core. As I looked around, suddenly I heard a noise behind me. I jerked around, just to see a shadow vanish in the corner of my eye. Then it was silent again. Suddenly something hit me in the back of my head, and I spun around again - and there he was, the predator kid, sitting atop the stone altar. He was now entirely inhuman, but I still know it was him, from the eerie, mad glow in his eyes, even though his skin had been replaced by ruffled, oily fur and his face was a parody of a human’s features wildly mixed with an animal’s snout and large, pointy, yellow teeth dripping with splittle. As he watched me, his facial feature’s slowly turned, mutated, changed, until there was my grandson staring back at me with an expression of fear and agony, propped up on the monstrous body of the unnatural beast. I awoke, shaking in terror again. After a few seconds of listening anxiously into the darkness, I heard the thumping again. It was here. It was on my roof. For a second, I hesitated, but this had all gotten far too real for me - my grandson was in danger, and for him I would confront the abomination. I would kill it. Without turning the light, I got dressed as fast and as silent as I could and grabbed the revolver I always keep in my nightstand. I’m not the trigger happy type, and I never had to use it before - hell, I haven’t even fired it for years, and I could only hope that it wouldn’t quit working just now. Cautiously, I climbed the stairs to the second floor, and up the stairs to the attic. My heart pounding, I put my ear against the door. I heard a faint scratching. Someone, no - something was in there. And I knew what it was. I took a deep breath. I just wished I had thought of taking a flashlight with me, but as it was I had to take it in the dark, but fortunately the full moon was still out and my eyes had already adapted to the darkness - and my attic had large windows. One second passed, two, another deep breath, a short moment of hesitation - then I burst the door open and pulled the gun. A shadow lunged at me, something heavy threw me backwards and I felt sharp teeth dig into my forearm. Panicking, I fired a shot into the air, and suddenly, the weight was gone and a large, furry shadow scurried through the attic, always cautious to remain in the dark and then jumping out of a window. It was broken. Someone smashed it open from the outside and I didn’t notice. The creature had been inside my house all along. That was yesterday. I moved out of my house with my gun and told my son and grandchildren to go somewhere safe. To not go outside at night. To not speak to strangers. I spend the day following that incident doing research, Tyler, clever, smart Tyler jotted down the license place of that guy’s car. I was able to track him down. I know where the creature lives. And I will confront it. I spent last night in a hotel room outside of town. I had nightmares again, the creature tormented my grandson again. I will not tolerate this anymore. I will end this, once and for all, for my family, for their future. As I'm writing this, I have my loaded gun next to me and nothing to lose. I do not know how I drew its attention, why it chose me or how my grandson plays into it. Maybe it picked up his smell from the game. Maybe it wants to taunt me by killing my family before it finishes me. Maybe I'm just slowly turning mad. I surely hope so, because if I am, there is no way my family could be hurt. I will make sure my family doesn’t get hurt. I will email this summary of my last day’s to my grandson - he’s old enough and he has a right to know what might await him if I fail. I will drive to his apartment this afternoon, leave here at about four. That means I will confront the vile beast about twenty minutes later. If my grandson does not hear anything from me after seven PM., he will know that I failed and spread this file to whomever it may concern. Thomas, I have always loved you and you are my pride. I could not have wished for a better son. And my grandchildren - I love all of you dearly. I wish I could have been a better gramps for you, but I fear we won’t have too much time together left. I love all of you. Please hold my memory dear. I love you dearly. Richard _________ My grandfather emailed this file to me two days ago. We haven’t heard of him ever since. In his house, we found one of the roof windows smashed, and on the inside, we found traces of blood and animal feces. The police said it was a marten. I don’t know about that. I asked around, and the college said they knew nothing about an older man on the campus. I don’t know what happened. I just hope he’s okay. So far, I haven’t had any strange encounters, but I had a dream last night. I was on a clearing in the forest, and I started to grow fur, and I howled at the moon and then... I don’t know. This is probably just all too much. I haven’t told my siblings, Rosa and Matt, of this. Neither does dad know, besides the talk he had with gramps on the second day. I don’t want to drag them into this. I kind of have a feeling that this is something I have to deal with, but it was gramps’ last wish to publish his story, so here you go. If you know anything about this or have any idea what could have happened, please feel free to drop me a line. I just hope I’ll be alright. -Ben
  • Predator es trigesimo primer tema del OST. Categoría:Resident Evil Zero OST Categoría:Soundtrack
  • In the wild, the rule is survival of the fittest. Predators are at the top of the food chain, and they prey upon weaker beasts. They survive by hunting, and as such are skillful, wary, stealthy, and fierce. They do not give up easily: once they have found a possible quarry, they will strive their hardest to bring it down, and once they have caught their prey, they will fight tooth and claw to defend their prize from interlopers who would steal it. The reason is simple: their survival depends upon their success in hunting and guarding that which they have caught.
  • } <default><b>Nombre</b></default> Puntos de Poder Otros perfiles[/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] [/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] Tropa M HA HP F R H A L S Oficial M HA HP F R H A L S Equipo Armas Bólter Pistola bólter Bólter de asalto Granada Frag Granada Perforante Espada sierra Espada de energía Puño de combate Arma 1 Arma 2 Arma 3 Arma 4 Arma 5 Arma 6 Arma 7 Arma 8 Arma 9 Arma 10 <default><b>Reglas</b></default> Tipo de unidad Miniaturas adicionales Tamaño de unidad Opciones Habilidades Psíquico Reglas especiales Keywords de Facción Keywords de Unidad [[Archivo:M1252433_99120101016_SMPredatormain_445x319.jpg|thumb|300px|Predator (Ultramarines).]] El Predator es el tanque de batalla principal de los Marines Espaciales. Está basado en el diseño del Rhino, pero el Predator sacrifica capacidad de transporte por un mejor blindaje frontal y armamento montado en la torreta. El resultado es un tanque móvil fuertemente armado, capaz de mantener la posición o lanzar asaltos blindados de punta de lanza en el territorio enemigo más defendido. Hay dos variantes del Predator y cada una se diferencia por su armamento especifico. Además de estos dos modelos, está el Predator Baal, empleado por el Capítulo de los Ángeles Sangrientos.
  • Predator (Depredador) o Yautja, su nombre biológico, es una criaturaalienígena de ciencia ficción y enemigo de los power rangers que se caracteriza por ser cazador de trofeos humanos u otras especies alienígenas peligrosas.
  • Predator's gibt es 4 verschiedene in Elysium, nähmlich: * Limping Predator * Howling Predator * Woundet Predator * Pained Predator Sie befinden sich zwischen Sabre's Cradle und Barter. Sie droppen die Predator Armor und sind auf Level 75 und werden von vielen Heartland Predator's umgeben, die auf Level 68-72 sind. Die Respawnzeit der Bosse beträgt 20min. Leider ist die Droprate ziemlich dürftig, so das man also locker ein paar Stunden mit dem Hunten verbringen kann, bis man endlich alle Teile der Armor gefunden hat. Liebe Grüsse und viel Geduld beim Hunten. Anmerkung: Diese Bosse werden oft von High-Level-Player für ihre Twinks becampt, somit ist es als Main schwer, sich diese Armor zu beschaffen.
  • The Yautja, known colloquially as the Predators, are an extraterrestrial species characterized by their hunting of other dangerous species for sport and honor, including humans. The Yautja are a sentient, humanoid race that breathe an atmosphere of mainly methane and thrive on a planet with a harsher climate and much higher temperature than Earth, but possess a level of technological advancement far in excess of anything available to humans. The Predators stalk and kill their prey using a combination of highly advanced technology, such as active camouflage and energy weapons, combined with traditional ancient weapons, such as blades, spears and nets. The Predators often ritualistically mutilate their victims and usually claim a trophy from their kills. Capable of interstellar travel in star ships, the Predators have hunted on Earth for centuries and have also had prior contact with the Engineers. They have been known to deliberately breed Xenomorphs in order to hunt them, often as part of initiation rituals for young Predators.
  • The Predators are a Decepticon group that saw release in the final year of Generation One, only in "European" markets (which does include Canada). They were the "headliner" Decepticons, with their leader Skyquake apparently being the leader of all the Decepticons at the time. Though the Predators shared the missile-launching shtick of their Autobot counterparts the Turbomasters (though the Predator launchers are entirely uniform across all the toys), they also had the Megavisor gimmick to unify the team further, allowing the smaller jets to physically link with the larger. In some European markets, the Predators were referred to as Scope Masters. The Predators include... * Skyquake the leader and huge jet-thing. * Stalker the ICBM launcher tank. * Falcon the Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk. * Skydive the Northrop YF-23 Black Widow II. * Snare the Grumman X-29. * Talon the McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle.
  • Predators are Beasts who hunger for Prey. Some predators hunt in "catch-and-release" fashion, but others must kill to sate their Hunger.
  • The Predator, was a Tribunal-class Super Star Destroyer and the Second of its Class, stated to be designed for the complete destruction of questionable Enemy Resources with little effort and was one of the Bases of Operation for the Galactic Peacekeeping Force.
  • The Predator is a special Chaser 13 shotgun. It is featured only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • The original Predator was made after the car of legendary producer Samuel L. Goldwyn was cut off in traffic by H. G. Wells. Goldwyn decided to get his revenge by ripping off one of Wells' novels. He chose War of the Worlds, a tale of invaders from another world who kill and consume human beings. He set his scriptwriters to the task, but by the time their script was completed (some three hours later), Goldwyn had learned from his lawyers that he might be sued by Wells if the finished film was too close to the novel. However, they continued, if elements of War of the Worlds were ripped off and combined with elements of another story, then the film could proceed safely. In one of the genius moves that made him such a towering figure in film, Goldwyn decided to steal from another Wells story, Invisible Man. In this way, he could sharpen his attack on Wells, whilst at the same time avoiding legal retribution.
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