  • Light
  • Light
  • Light
  • Light
  • Light
  • Light
  • Light
  • Light
  • Light
  • Light is a force parallel to Darkness, a strong element used in Synthesis items, and may also be used as an attack in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Although often associated with the forces of good, light is not entirely benevolent; for example, Xemnas uses the power over light gained from Kingdom Hearts against Sora and Riku in his last stand. The Realm of Light is also one of the three known realms in the Kingdom Hearts universe, along with the Realm Between, and the Realm of Darkness.
  • On Elara, there are 8 things considered to be elements, the building blocks of reality. They work in pairs of opposites, to keep balance and order in the universe. There are 4 pairs. Light represents the outer being, the universe around us, and (of course) actual light, and is paired with Life (which represents the inner being) to keep balance in the universe. The light element is manipulated by magic users in magic, using Essence to do so. Light can be used on its own, or combined with other elements to varying degrees for different results.
  • Light es el decimoquinto soundtrack de Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - Game Soundtrack compuesto por Chikayo Fukuda. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
  • LIGHT is the long-anticipated third series in Turaga Dlakii's Unknown Turaga Saga. The first chapter was placed on BZPower on March 1, 2008. The series wasn't too frequently updated, especially after Chapter 7 (currently the last). Due to the author's banning, the series' fate is unknown.
  • Light is one of the nano-augmentations in Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War. File:Light.png It is a non-upgradeable augment that is installed at the start of the game.
  • Lights are items which can be used to light up dark rooms. When held, lights are equipped in their own dedicated slot. Each light comes preset with a certain duration of use, measured in game tics. When fully depleted, a light will no longer function and cannot be recharged.
  • Light was an Ee mental power, and part of the environmental skills category. Ee skilled in this power could create a globe of light ten meters in diameter centered on an object weighing no more than a kilogram. The object could be moved, in which case the globe of light moved with it.
  • Light's attacks do not have additional effect, but it has no weaknesses either (need confirmation) and compensates in power by having an instantaneous [Q], a fairly unique [E], and a potentially high damage [X].
  • Light est un mage prometteur faisant parti de La Cohorte.
  • Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be quantified and measured as an effect of photon particles. The speed at which light travels in a complete vacuum such as space is approximately 2.9979 X 108 meters per second. The speed of light is usually represented by the variable c.
  • Age: 7 Blood Type: None Gender: Male Origin: [[Mitsugakure]] Kekki Genkai: Ability to control Light Chakra Types: Light Affiliations: Dark (Brother, enemy), Wind (Brother), Rock (Brother), Flame (Brother), Hydro (Brother), Vulcan (Brother), Cold (Brother), Steel (Brother), Smoke (Brother), Gravity (Brother), Thunder (Brother), Nature (Sister) Rank: Genin
  • Light is a fictional plasma element for Powder Game.
  • [[Category:]] Light was a very common spell learned by most spellcasters. Depending on how the caster was trained, light was either a cantrip or a first-level spell. In some spellcasting traditions this spell was reversible and called darkness when reversed.
  • With her twin sister Lime, Light was part of the thrill-seeking crime duo known as Lime and Light. They hoped to gain fame by taking on the Green Arrow in Seattle, but he defeated them, and they were sent to Belle Reve prison.
  • The Light is the force of good in the world, considered to be "from the Creator," and the antithesis of the Dark One's powers. Randland's population is unusually polarized, with very few people not feeling a strong allegiance to either the Shadow or the Light. The Light is less manifest in the world in concrete terms than the Shadow is, as the Creator has taken a somewhat hands-off approach to his/her/its creation. This is contrasted with the Dark One, who takes an active role in the world, with a voice and a quasi-physical (if artificially restrained) presence.
  • Light ist ein Videospiel, das auf der The Sarah Jane Adventures Webseite veröffentlicht wurde. Es ist ein Teil des KS2 Bitesize Science Projektes. In diesem lernen die Schüler Mathematik, Englisch und Naturwissenschaften in dem sie Videospiele spielen. Der Erzähler ist Daniel Anthony. Als Belohnung für die Beendigung des Spieles bekommen die Kinder ein Shansheeth Comic Wallpaper.
  • Light is the combination of the four elements (Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter), the Golden Sun.
  • The Light is to the Creator as the Shadow is to the Dark One.
  • Light es un alien de la luz y el agua, pero él se encarga más de controlar el poder de la luz.
  • "Light" is the fifth episode of the first season of Stargate Universe.
  • Light is a Elemental Power.
  • Light is a non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov.
  • Light is an NPC.
  • Light is an ability.
  • Light is the stuff invented by God, and later Thomas Edison that allows Homeland Security to track all of America's bats.
  • Refers to wines light in alcohol but also to texture and weight, how the wine feels in the mouth. Lightness is appropriate in some wines, a defect in others.
  • Light increases the world's visibility, though Monsters are not visibly affected by it or its absence. Light does not prevent Monsters from spawning, nor does it reduce their spawn rate. There are a large number of items that produce light, including the following:
  • The Light is a force of nature opposed to the Dark.
  • Light (known as Lightning in the SNES/PS versions of Chrono Trigger) is the type of magic used by Crono. It was originally known in the Japanese version of the game as Heaven (天 Ten?), but this was changed to Lightning due to Nintendo of America's policy of not having religious-based concepts in their games. For the DS re-release of Chrono Trigger, it was more-accurately translated as Light. The Light element includes lightning-based attacks.
  • Light is one of the many secondary Elemental Powers.
  • Light – bar bądź restauracja ulokowana w dzielnicy Shiroto w Downtown w Anywhere City. Z daty na szyldzie wynika, że został założony w 1557 roku, lecz to raczej niemożliwe.
  • Light (光, Hikari) is the genetic trait in which select members of the Hoshi Family, Hoshino Family, and the Star Clan exhibit unique shapes of the pupils and/or inside the pupil.
  • The Light was the embodiment of The Light side of the force.
  • File:Trans Light.gif The element of Light opposes the element of Dark. Other common associations include Charisma, Transfixion, Fusion, and Light (Skillchain). May be governed by the Alexander. The Carbuncle is also associated with light.
  • Xa'an was the Light and the light was Xa'an. He was light made aware. However, after the death of Xa'an by the God of Knowledge Veros the light was passed on to the God Drahthor who then claimed the domain of Fire in an attempt to reconcile these two elements.
  • Light is another one of the eight elements that reside in Therica, this one focusing on mainly healing, evasion and life giving properties, but can be quite deadly if the element is used as an attacking force.
  • The Light is the opposite of Darkness. Light is personified by a black bull, while Darkness is by a white bull.
  • Light was a fire spell which allowed the shugenja to cause an object to glow like a torch.
  • Light is the sixth installment of Michael Grant's Gone series. It was released on April 2, 2013 in the United States.
  • Darkness makes us aware of the stars, And so when dark hours arise, They may hold a bright and lovely thing, We might never have known otherwise. Peter A. Lea Light represents, hope, good, beauty. It's the thing that is a match for darkness. Light can be represented by Jesus, who is the opposite of Satan (aka prince of Darkness). Many say when you are about to die you see a light in the darkness. They say that means you're about to go to heaven and see Jesus and God.
  • The following table illustrates how each piece of equipment contributes to the Light level:
  • Light is one of the four cosmos elements. It's fire counterpart is Earth. Light is power of the cosmos, with the stars and nebula. Fire is power on earth, representing technology and advancement.
  • Light Edit mode is the MAKEITGOOD mode used for shading some parts/objects on a track without a 3D editor. The other method is using vertex paint which is less hardware consuming. This article is a stub. You can help Re-Volt the Wiki by expanding it.
  • Light was an element that allowed the user to augment their abilities with the properties of light or create light-based objects, as well as manipulation of light. It was associated with good due to its great power against the Makuta.
  • Light is some "luminescent" bullshit that doesn't really exist. Just like dark. Dark doesn't exist either. Light is only a figment of our fucking imagination. We really can see everything just fine thanks to the Sun along with lamps, flashlights, lightbulbs, the backlight of screens, etc. Not some total bullshit they call "light". Scientists are just dumbass pricks who have no fucking clue what they're talking about. Yeah, that pretty much defines a scientist, to be honest.
  • Light, or visible light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye.
  • As Zero continues to collect the energy from the other Digimon, he awakens to find his body repaired. Still fighting [[Arukadhimon ()|Arukadhimon]], Hideto reveals that his earlier attack was used to determined where the "Dot Matrix" was coming from. With the new realization, the three now attempt to distract him and then attack him from behind, as to pass the "Dot Matrix". However, Neo informs them that he saw through their plan and manages to counter-attack [[Dominimon ()|Dominimon]]. But before Arukadhimon manages to finish off Omnimon, Zero saves Omnimon, surprising everyone.
  • Light is a Base element. Light is energy which bounces off various objects and is then registered in the eyes of various animals. It signifies visibility and knowledge, as well as holy beings. Demons generally hate white or yellow light, unless they are Ice demons, which they can tolerate white light. The Elemental Lord of Light is Saradomin. The opposite of light is Darkness. On the Octogram of Elements, light is sometimes on the top, or sometimes slightly to the left or right, or even on the bottom on inverted pictures.
  • Light refers to the density of light levels in Minecraft. Lighting affects how easily a player can see the environment, and where Mobs will Spawn.
  • Those walking the path of Light are those with the strongest of good intentions, the desire to protect, the will to defend; heroes of all that is good. People following the alignment of Light desire a way to defeat the Heartless, disconnect the various worlds back to how they were and ultimately draw Hyakuji back into existence from the Darkness. This isn't to say all those of Light are good. There are also those who plunge too far and become lost in their zeal, ultimately using the blessings bestowed upon them to do terrible things in the name of justice.
  • Power of the Sky, it might mean a fire power without heat. * The best known holder of the power is Yelmalio.
  • Spell level: bard 0 cleric 0 druid 0 sorcerer/wizard 0 Innate level: 0 School: evocation Components: verbal Range: touch Area of effect: single Duration: 1 hour / level Save: harmless Spell resistance: no Additional counterspells: darkness Description: Creates a small light source above the target creature's head. The light travels with the target and is capable of illuminating a small area. It can be cast on any item the character can equip to make it glow for the spell's duration like a natural source of light.
  • Access to Light powers is available to members with an active subscription. Non-members may purchase access to Light powers in the Marketplace for either 600 Station Cash or 600 Marketplace Cash. Heroes wield the green power of Will, while villains use the yellow power of Fear. Specializing in Crowd Control abilities, Light is the game's seventh power. __TOC__
  • Increases a melee weapon's attack per second by 2%, decreases damage by 2%, and decreases knockback by 5%.
  • Light is a type of armor in Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight. It is weak to gun type attacks
  • This spell causes an object to glow like a torch, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for an additional 20 feet) from the point you touch. The effect is immobile, but it can be cast on a movable object. Light taken into an area of magical darkness does not function. A light spell (one with the light descriptor) counters and dispels a darkness spell (one with the darkness descriptor) of an equal or lower level. Arcane Material Component A firefly or a piece of phosphorescent moss.
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Light]] līhtan (“‘illuminate’”)
  • Shorter waves (with higher frequencies) are labeled "ultraviolet", while longer waves with lower frequencies are known as "infrared".
  • Chuck Norris doesn't go at the speed of light. Light goes at half the speed of Chuck Norris. Also, before there was light, when God said "let there be light," Chuck Norris said "say please."
  • Light (sometimes alternatively referred to as Holy in Origins) is a type of Magic one of the Elements, found in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins.
  • You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action. If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.
  • Level: , , , Components: V, M/DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Object touched Duration: 10 min./level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
  • thumb|Yagami Light Yagami ist der anfangs 17-jährige Protagonist. Er ist ein sehr mysteriöser Charakter mit hoher Intelligenz. Er handelt meistens wohlüberlegt und überstürzt nichts. Er hat das Talent, andere Menschen zu durchschauen. Völlig von der Richtigkeit seiner Idee von einer perfekten Welt überzeugt, tötet er anfangs nur Schwerverbrecher. Er wird aber durch Ls Ermittlungen immer häufiger dazu gebracht, auch andere Menschen zu töten, um seine Spuren zu verwischen und seine Identität zu verbergen. So geraten auch die japanische Polizei (inklusive seinem Vater, dem Einsatzleiter), sowie das FBI und andere Organisationen, die hinter ihm her sind, in sein Visier.
  • Light is a Cantrip known by Wizards at 1st level. Wizards may optionally substitute additional cantrips that were published in later sources.
  • BR1 第574回 * 全公司2個是烹飪社 * 毒殺人數 * 專業呆子-3人 * 影鈞-4人 * 共計7人 第1030回 * 未來的希望(呆子)首勝 BR2 第14回 * 焚化爐櫃檯服務員小焚首勝 * 詳見自豪紀錄 BR2的紀錄 第34回 * 焚化爐櫃檯服務員小焚2勝 第532回 * 老本行投魔呆子首勝
  • Superman once used the sun's light to light up the dark side of the Earth. He did it by using a telescope's reflector. Traveling at the speed of light or faster makes it possible to travel through time and to parallel universes. Marvin White hit a switch in Min & Max Trucking Co., Inc., thinking it was a light switch. It turned out to be a machine that caused the building to rotate.
  • Light is electromagnetic radiation, particularly radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (about 400–700 nm, or perhaps 380–750 nm). In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not.
  • Light is an Element of the Awesome Universe. The Diametric opposite of Darkness, it is loosely defined and employed by several characters. Light is not known to be associated with any other Element. The legendary hero, Ventus, is implied to have employed Light in his quest to defeat Xavian and the Artifacts of Wisdom are known to have been forged by Aev'Uldron Theska. Johnny is implied to have some Light abilties, being able to wield the Holy Claymore.
  • Light is that stuff that drops down from the sky. According to scientists, light is everything.EVERYTHING!
  • Light is a rating 1 spell. This is also a Priest Spell. The spell creates a magical light which glows with the same intensity as a firebrand. It is usually cast upon the tip of a staff or torch. the light lasts up to 15 minutes, but can be snuffed out at will by the caster. A magical light of this sort is affected by Darkness.
  • The speed of light is approximately 3.0*108 m/s in a vacuum.
  • Light is a PPC agent in the Department of Mary Sues. She is partnered with Sarah and was written by Sarah. Light was Sarah's RP character for three years. The role-play now having come to a stop, she's been recruited to the PPC. She has waist-length golden hair, blue eyes, and golden wings.
  • Light is a science fiction novel by M. John Harrison, first published in 2002. It centers around three main characters connected to the Kefahuchi Tract and its secrets. Michael Kearney is a mathematician in London, 1999, on his way to discovering a defining piece of FTL Travel; he’s also a serial killer running from a shadowy creature he calls the Shrander. Seria Mau Genlicher is a girl who became a spaceship in the space-faring future; recently she got her hands on a mysterious box that could be the key to being human again. Ed Chianese is a junkie getting tossed into transient relationships, but he keeps encountering a woman named Madame Shen who will show him the future.
  • The Light is a force of the universe, operating in direct opposition to the Dark. The task of the Light is to keep the Dark from rising and creating a world in which joy, love and laughter can not exist. It is difficult to say, from the book, how much the Light is sentient and transcendent, able to think and act and desire for itself, and how much it is simply an idea or an influence that causes its allies to do what they think they should do. The Light sometimes manifests itself in joy, as well as in a certain chiming music that Will Stanton frequently hears but can never quite remember.
  • LIGHT (光(ひかり) Hikari) monsters are the historic opposites of DARK Monsters. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", the components of "XYZ-Dragon Cannon", and monsters such as "D.D. Warrior Lady", and "Honest", are LIGHT monsters. LIGHT monsters are represented often by Fairy, Spellcaster, Thunder, Machine and Warrior-Type.
  • Adventures often take place in darkness; at night, for example, or deep underground where there is no natural light. In such circumstances, it is important to be aware of sources of light. Torches: These are basically flaming brands, fuelled by an oily rag or flammable material of some kind. Torches can often be improvised from wooden objects that the characters find, but preparing a torch in this fashion takes D4 minutes. Torches burn for an hour before they are consumed. A torch illuminates a circular area of ten yards radius. Within this area everything is illuminated as if it were normal daylight. Walls and other structural features at up to thirty yards distant from the torch appear as fleeting shadow. Observers more than twenty yards from the torch can only see the bright light of th
  • Darkness is truly the enemy of the adventurer. If it is night, or the party is deep inside a dungeon, creatures of evil will use the darkness to attack clandestinely. With Light, things are literally brightened up, and a light source will show what is normally hidden by darkness. This is lasts longer than the Glimmer spell but less than the Great Light spell. White potions fulfill the same purpose as the spell, but less effectively, acting more like the Glimmer spell. Daylight is a stronger version of this spell, illuminating a greater area.
  • Light is electromagnetic radiation that is detectable to the eye. Occasionally, the term "light" was used to refer to electromagnetic radiation in general. A quantitative unit of light is the photon. The distance that light travels in one year was a unit of measurement for starship navigation and the speed that light travels was a unit of measurement for starship velocity. Some cloaking and holographic technologies operated by manipulating light in some fashion. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly"; VOY: "Phage", "Repentance")
  • Angels are said to be servants of the Light. Various mortals are capable of using the Light. Individuals associated with its usage include Paladins, Crusaders, and Templars. Some individuals are born with a natural affinity towards the Light. Usage of the Light grants mortals an array of abilities, including healing, resistance, and even share the Light's power with those around him/her via an aura. The spirits of the Light are ever vigilant, and in times of great need, have been known to aid their loyal disciples in subtle ways. Before using the powers of the Light however, a Paladin must submit to its glory.
  • Light is necessary for many activities: reading, growing plants. Most common use of natural light comes from the sun. If a place has plenty of windows, the sun illuminates most of the house for the duration of the day. When it is night, the moon is a source of light, but not sufficient enough for many activities. Artificial lighting makes it possible for people to continue activities such as reading, studying (homework), sewing, and other crafts.
  • A prim can be a light source by editing the prim and selecting the "Features" tab and setting the various properties for the light, such as color, radius, intensity, and fall-off. A major change to lighting in relation to prims was made in SL 1.9.1/1.10. Previously, a prim could only be a light by setting its material to "light" and the color of the prim was also the color of the light it emitted. Second Life's graphics engine has extensive lighting features such as the sun, moon, and objects which can all emit light. Light is also rendered differently on objects and land than on avatars.
  • The Light is a mysterious and benevolent force in the universe. Light and Shadow are the most fundamental forces in existence. They are bound together on a cosmic scale, although contradictory by their very nature. One cannot exist without the other. Pure Light and Shadow exist in a realm outside reality's borders, but shades of their presence are found in the physical universe. Holy magic is what Light manifests as, while shadow magic is what Shadow (also referred to a "the Void") appears as.
  • Light shines on wickedness to allow for proper judgement; without light, no proper judgement can be made. Genesis 1 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. John 3 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 Ephesians 5 Psalm 119 1 Thessalonians 5
  • Hell's Light: Tsukiyomi's first spell. A 64MP spell, Tsukiyomi uses her magic to deal light-class damage to enemies in a one hit linear attack. Star's Shadow: Tsukiyomi's secomd spell. A 48MP spell, Tsukiyomi calls upon the stars to grant full HP, status, and Ring abnormality recovery for one ally. Moon's Rainbow: Tsukiyomi's third spell. A 88MP spell, Tsukiyomi calls upon the power of the moon to deal light class damage to enemies in a large 15 hit circular attack. Bright Crime: One of Nicolai's spells in the Director's Cut of Covenant in White Magic. A 32MP spell.
  • Light was invented in 1866 by famous American playwright Thomas Edison but initially was available only in "GrayScale" (sold under the name "GreyScale" in the UK to avoid confusion). This is why all old movies (and plays) are in black and white. During World War II, color was invented to make it easier to see camoflagued objects. It was also more pleasing aesthetically to show weight in red numbers whenever someone was about to break the Gray-(Grey-)/TechniColorScale. Alternatively: The Japanese version of hhhright.
  • Light is electromagnetic radiation, particularly radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (about 400–700 nm), or perhaps 380–750 nm. In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not. Three primary properties of light are: * Intensity * Frequency or wavelength * Polarization
  • Здание, в котором находится бар, весьма небольшое и всего лишь двухэтажное, а также в этом здании находятся неизвестные магазины, а учитывая тот факт, что по близости находится старая часовня, это заведение могло быть основан именно в 1557 году, хотя это очень маловероятно, но тем не менее возможно. Однако, в городе есть еще два бар Light, однако здания в которых они находится более походит на современные, но находятся они очень близко, так-что можно считать что эти заведения тоже были построены давно, но не так, как первое заведение.
  • Daylight is available for approximately half of a Sim day. The outdoors are lit during daylight hours, though some areas may be in shadow. Daylight can enter a room through windows and doors that contain windows. Light can pass over a half-wall, though the half-wall may cast a shadow. Whether they're indoors or outdoors, Sims like to be in well-lit areas. In The Sims and The Sims 2, lack of light depresses the Room/Environment motive. In The Sims 3, it produces the "It's Dark" moodlet. However, some creatures, such as vampires, do not need light.
  • Light is a utility spell in ADOM. It allows the caster to permanently lighten the area around him/her. Light is a ball spell and thus cannot be targeted. Light is highly situational but remains a very useful spell. While darkness is sometimes a beneficial effect used to dispatch powerful monsters or retreat and rest, there are multiple cases where it can lead to negative consequences. These include:
  • Evocation cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, M (a firefly or phosphorescent moss) Duration: 1 hour You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.
  • Light is an element in the Luminous Arc series. Lucia and Dia are the Elemental Witches of light; with Lucia bei ng the Elemental Witch of light in Luminous Arc and Dia being the Elemental Witch of light in Luminous Arc 2. There is also a type of Kopin, called Light Kopins, that were introduced in Luminous Arc 2. They specialize in highly accurate attacks and thus have very high Technique. They also possessed very high Resistance and decent Speed so hitting them might be problem. Fortunately in Luminous Arc 3, they have the lowest HP of all Kopins.
  • Light, or visible light, is electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (about 400–700 nm). In a scientific context, the word light is sometimes used to refer to the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Light is composed of elementary particles called photons. Three primary properties of light are: * Intensity, or brightness; * Frequency or wavelength and; * Polarization or direction of the wave oscillation.
  • There is light in the dungeon. Each square is either lit or unlit. Within the range of your vision, you can see any monster or object on a lit square. This works even if the monster or object is on the other side of a room, and even if you must look past some dark squares. Corridors are usually dark. Rooms can be lit or unlit; the frequency of dark rooms tends to increase at deeper dungeon levels. Occasionally, entire dungeon levels will be dark, particularly in branches such as Gehennom or the Gnomish Mines. There are ways to make more light:
image name
  • LIGHT.svg
  • Masculin
  • Lighten
Response Center
  • ?
  • Lightsokar
  • ひかり
  • Earth, Sun and Moon
  • ?
  • Yes
  • LUZ
  • Light
New Header
  • Characters
  • Comics
  • Teams
  • Dawn of the White Light; Wolverine Vol 3 28 Textless.jpg
  • Light (Mutant); Light from X-Men vs Avengers Vol 1 4.png
  • Followers of the Light; Followers.jpg
  • Light (Soldiers of Misfortune); Light 0001.jpg
  • Light Brigade; Light Brigade 0001.png
  • Lights; FiveLights000.jpg
  • Shadows and Light; Shadows and Light issue 1.jpg
  • Light and Darkness War; Light and Darkness War Vol 1 1.jpg
  • No
  • No
  • 0
  • Diccionario de cerámica Inglés/Español: Índice adicional
Row 1 info
  • Element
  • No
  • no
  • A picture depicting light.
Boarder's Name
  • Sarah
  • 20
support list
  • List of LIGHT support cards
  • No
  • yes
  • N/A
  • None
  • by Jul 28th 2013 8:00PM
  • 0
  • N/A
  • No canon ones, in a relationship.
  • Glass thins out the beam.
  • None
Row 2 info
  • Aev'Uldron Theska
  • ?
  • 0
  • No
Row 1 title
  • Type
anti-support list
  • List of LIGHT anti-support cards
Row 2 title
  • Patron Immortal
  • no
  • No
  • 0
  • 173.0
  • This item will be returned to its original hiding place.
  • No
Home Continuum
  • Private role-play
  • At-Will
  • Rocks and Soils
  • 2
  • Light
Magies Maîtrisées
Row 3 info
  • Aev'Uldron Theska, Ventus, Johnny
  • Marron
  • N
Row 3 title
  • Known Users
  • always
  • Buy Mode
  • yes
  • light
  • F-3122
  • Touch
  • Ball
  • t
  • ranged 5
  • The thinner the light beam, the greater the chance to burn stuff.
Box Title
  • Light
  • Light
  • Light
  • 1
  • Dark Blue.
  • Wizard Cantrip
  • Light spell doesn't work in a room with flickering lights. Casting Light also damages all gremlins which are in its area of effect.
  • 19
  • No
  • Stargate Universe
  • Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01
  • N/A
  • Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman as Airman Darren Becker
  • Jennifer Spence as Dr. Lisa Park
  • Julia Benson as Lt. Vanessa James
  • Patrick Gilmore as Dr. Dale Volker
  • Peter Kelamis as Dr. Adam Brody
  • Dominic Zamprogna as Dr. Boone
  • Glynis Davies as Marian Wallace
  • Haig Sutherland as Sgt. Hunter Riley
  • Josh Blacker as Sgt. Spencer
  • Mark Burgess as Dr. Jeremy Franklin
  • Ming-Na as Camile Wray
  • The Sims 3
  • Ultima IX
  • Ultima V
  • Ultima IV
  • Ultima VII
  • Ultima VII Part Two
  • Ultima VI
  • Grey
  • Light
  • Light
  • Lucid Light
  • Illuminates a darkened area.
  • Should Grimwar ever find the means to cast Light, many a sleepy night of mine would henceforth be disturbed. The Light spell summons an orb of light that follows a mage's movements. Its range is limited, yet it can be of great use in darkened catacombs. Some toothy nuisances prefer the dark and may choose to avoid the caster until the spell is dispelled or mana has run dry.
  • The enchantment of Light is a trivial one, often the very first spell acquired by the budding sorcerer. It requires but a pinch of Sulphurous Ash, which is applied to the end of a staff and gently blown upon until it begins to glow with a soft yellow light. The spellcaster must concentrate briefly on the image of a candle and expend a slight amount of energy to start the magical glow. From then on it will burn softly until the reagent is consumed, lighting the underground passages where the thaumaturge treads. There are two principal advantages to the use of Light spells in place of ordinary torches. They are unaffected by all but magical winds or breezes; and they do not smoke and cause one's eyes to smart. Many a warrior has suffered grievously because his eyes were shut by the sting of a wealth of tears.
  • This spell brings into being a mobile source of light that lasts for half an hour.
  • This spell is a more potent version of the Linear spell Glimmer. It creates a source of light that will illuminate a darkened area. This light source can travel with the party and lasts for a significant amount of time.
  • This simple spell creates a pool of light. Although a short duration, In Lor creates a brighter light than the best of torches. Note, however, that In Lor cannot be used in place of real flame to enhance the mixing of reagents for spells, for its properties are quite different. In Lor's sole ingredient is sulphurous ash powder. Place the powder upon the object intended as the light source; rub it rhythmically while chanting "In Lor." Almost instantly, the object will blaze with white light.
  • No
  • Utility
  • Environment
  • Plasma
  • Instant
  • Floor
  • wowinsider
  • None
  • harmless
  • 2009-10-23
  • 0
  • LUCE
  • 2003-01-21
  • Cleansing, Holy, Searing
  • Hikari
  • Creates a small light source above the target creature's head. The light travels with the target and is capable of illuminating a small area. It can be cast on any item the character can equip to make it glow for the spell's duration like a natural source of light.
  • List of LIGHT monsters
  • 0
  • 100
  • 2
  • Town / VocationKnightsDruidsPaladinsSorcerers
associated colors
  • Golden Yellow
  • Wizard Cantrip
  • true
associated classes
  • Liviano
  • 0
  • true
  • 8
  • Light
  • light
  • continual flame
  • Controlar la luz
Character Name
  • Light
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sword and dagger
  • Special: You can have only one light cantrip active at a time. If you create a new light, your previously cast light winks out.
  • 0.453000
  • 0.500000
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The color of magic
Written By
Preceded By
  • "Darkness"
Image caption
  • Light icon
  • IN LOR
  • utevo lux
  • utevo lux
  • 105
  • V
  • V, M/DF
  • None.
  • §95
  • Missing, Presumed Death
  • 6
  • Xianic Avatar
  • Quarter cat, quarter human, quarter elf, and quarter tree spirit
  • Light
  • Light Magic
  • With a wave of your hand, you cause a bright light to appear on the tip of your staff, upon some other object, or in a nearby space.
  • 10
  • 3600.0
  • 1.0
  • is_light.gif
  • Chikayo Fukuda
  • Chikayo Fukuda
Real Name
  • Unknown
  • Light is part of the Kid at Graveyard Quest in Aleph's Quest. After finishing Aleph's Quest, return to Light after Level 100 to get Aleph's Revenge Quest.
  • Light is a utility spell in ADOM. It allows the caster to permanently lighten the area around him/her. Light is a ball spell and thus cannot be targeted. Light is highly situational but remains a very useful spell. While darkness is sometimes a beneficial effect used to dispatch powerful monsters or retreat and rest, there are multiple cases where it can lead to negative consequences. These include: * A doomed PC can be instantly killed by a grue in a dark area * It is possible to accidentally hit neutral monsters and companions which imposes an alignment hit and makes the monster hostile * It is possible to accidentally hit karmic creatures or cats in the darkness * Some monsters are able to perfectly see in the dark while the PC cannot
  • no
  • no
  • E1AD21
  • Support
  • Support
  • darkness
  • 3
  • Light
  • 光    
  • LUZ
  • Light wallpaper.jpg
  • Light is an area spell and its effective range is dependent on the PC's Willpower and spell proficiency.
  • single
  • This spell is freely given to players on the Island of Destiny. However, it has no practical value since the 7.8 update permits players to adjust ambient light, though some choose to still use light sources as they where intended to be. This spell is best replaced by Great Light once a character reaches level 13. It is now used for Magic Level Training. Since Winter Update 2012 this spell became free. It used to cost 100 gp.
  • This spell is freely given to players on the Island of Destiny. However, it has no practical value since the 7.8 update permits players to adjust ambient light. It is now used for Magic Level Training. thumb|400px
  • Alien Light.png
  • 1.050000
  • The Courage of Bonds
  • Mage
  • 3122
  • 29750
  • no
  • 2013-10-15
  • Object touched
  • One object or unoccupied square
  • minor
  • 51
  • Shines your way to the top!
  • Male
  • Humain
  • 光 Guāng / Gwong1
  • 빛 Bit
  • Hot Blooded!! The Great Sparkling Battle!!!
  • CyberConnect2
  • CyberConnect2
  • ضوء
  • at-will
  • Compendium
  • Spellbook
  • The Book of Fellowship
  • The Book of Lore
  • Beyond the Serpent Pillars
  • The Book of Mystic Wisdom
  • N/A
Followed By
  • "Water"
  • 360.0
  • You cause the target to shed bright light. The light fills the target's square and all squares within 4 squares of it. The light lasts for 5 minutes. Putting out the light is a free action.
  • Provides illumination in a 3 tile radius around the caster . Duration is 6 minutes, 10 seconds.
  • Light_98l.jpg
  • Unkown
  • Zaid Graveyard
wikipage disambiguates
  • Druids, Sorcerers, Paladins and Knights
  • Druids, Sorcerers, Paladins and Knights
  • 8
  • 8
  • Light is a force parallel to Darkness, a strong element used in Synthesis items, and may also be used as an attack in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Although often associated with the forces of good, light is not entirely benevolent; for example, Xemnas uses the power over light gained from Kingdom Hearts against Sora and Riku in his last stand. The Realm of Light is also one of the three known realms in the Kingdom Hearts universe, along with the Realm Between, and the Realm of Darkness.
  • On Elara, there are 8 things considered to be elements, the building blocks of reality. They work in pairs of opposites, to keep balance and order in the universe. There are 4 pairs. Light represents the outer being, the universe around us, and (of course) actual light, and is paired with Life (which represents the inner being) to keep balance in the universe. The light element is manipulated by magic users in magic, using Essence to do so. Light can be used on its own, or combined with other elements to varying degrees for different results.
  • Light es el decimoquinto soundtrack de Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - Game Soundtrack compuesto por Chikayo Fukuda. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
  • LIGHT is the long-anticipated third series in Turaga Dlakii's Unknown Turaga Saga. The first chapter was placed on BZPower on March 1, 2008. The series wasn't too frequently updated, especially after Chapter 7 (currently the last). Due to the author's banning, the series' fate is unknown.
  • Adventures often take place in darkness; at night, for example, or deep underground where there is no natural light. In such circumstances, it is important to be aware of sources of light. Torches: These are basically flaming brands, fuelled by an oily rag or flammable material of some kind. Torches can often be improvised from wooden objects that the characters find, but preparing a torch in this fashion takes D4 minutes. Torches burn for an hour before they are consumed. A torch illuminates a circular area of ten yards radius. Within this area everything is illuminated as if it were normal daylight. Walls and other structural features at up to thirty yards distant from the torch appear as fleeting shadow. Observers more than twenty yards from the torch can only see the bright light of the torch itself and maybe a few shadows. Lanterns: These are a much more useful means of illumination. Lanterns run on oil and have shutters, so as to avoid giving away the position of the carrier. Lanterns generally hold about two pints of fuel, which will burn for about five hours. Lanterns illuminate an area of fifteen yards radius and structural features at up to forty-five yards away will appear as vague shadows. Observers more than thirty yards from the lantern will see only the bright light of the lantern and indistinguishable shadows. Campfires: These illuminate an area of fifteen yards radius in the same way as a lantern. Lamps: These run from fuel oil, in the same way as lanterns, but the flame is exposed, as with a candle. Because of this, lamps can blow out fairly easily. They burn oil at the same rate as a lantern. A lamp illuminates an area five yards in radius and structural features at up to fifteen yards can be seen as vague shadows. Observers more than ten yards from the light source see only the flickering flame of the lamp and indistinguishable shadows. Candles: These are made from solid wax and a combustible wick. The flame is exposed and can be blown out very easily. A candle will burn for about an hour before it is consumed. A candle illuminates an area five yards in radius and structural features at up to fifteen yards can be seen as vague shadows. Observers more than ten yards from the light source see only the flickering flame of the candle and indistinguishable shadows.
  • Light is one of the nano-augmentations in Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War. File:Light.png It is a non-upgradeable augment that is installed at the start of the game.
  • Lights are items which can be used to light up dark rooms. When held, lights are equipped in their own dedicated slot. Each light comes preset with a certain duration of use, measured in game tics. When fully depleted, a light will no longer function and cannot be recharged.
  • Light shines on wickedness to allow for proper judgement; without light, no proper judgement can be made. Genesis 1 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. John 3 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. 2 Corinthians 4 6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5 8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: 9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Isaiah 51 4 Hearken unto me, my people; and give ear unto me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people. Psalm 119 105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. 1 Thessalonians 5 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Matthew 10 26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. 27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
  • Light was an Ee mental power, and part of the environmental skills category. Ee skilled in this power could create a globe of light ten meters in diameter centered on an object weighing no more than a kilogram. The object could be moved, in which case the globe of light moved with it.
  • Light's attacks do not have additional effect, but it has no weaknesses either (need confirmation) and compensates in power by having an instantaneous [Q], a fairly unique [E], and a potentially high damage [X].
  • Light est un mage prometteur faisant parti de La Cohorte.
  • Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be quantified and measured as an effect of photon particles. The speed at which light travels in a complete vacuum such as space is approximately 2.9979 X 108 meters per second. The speed of light is usually represented by the variable c.
  • Age: 7 Blood Type: None Gender: Male Origin: [[Mitsugakure]] Kekki Genkai: Ability to control Light Chakra Types: Light Affiliations: Dark (Brother, enemy), Wind (Brother), Rock (Brother), Flame (Brother), Hydro (Brother), Vulcan (Brother), Cold (Brother), Steel (Brother), Smoke (Brother), Gravity (Brother), Thunder (Brother), Nature (Sister) Rank: Genin
  • Light is a fictional plasma element for Powder Game.
  • [[Category:]] Light was a very common spell learned by most spellcasters. Depending on how the caster was trained, light was either a cantrip or a first-level spell. In some spellcasting traditions this spell was reversible and called darkness when reversed.
  • With her twin sister Lime, Light was part of the thrill-seeking crime duo known as Lime and Light. They hoped to gain fame by taking on the Green Arrow in Seattle, but he defeated them, and they were sent to Belle Reve prison.
  • Hell's Light: Tsukiyomi's first spell. A 64MP spell, Tsukiyomi uses her magic to deal light-class damage to enemies in a one hit linear attack. Star's Shadow: Tsukiyomi's secomd spell. A 48MP spell, Tsukiyomi calls upon the stars to grant full HP, status, and Ring abnormality recovery for one ally. Moon's Rainbow: Tsukiyomi's third spell. A 88MP spell, Tsukiyomi calls upon the power of the moon to deal light class damage to enemies in a large 15 hit circular attack. Bright Light: One of Nicolai's spells in the Director's Cut of Covenant in White Magic. A 16MP spell, it is a small circular one hit knockdown spell of Light special damage. Bright Crime: One of Nicolai's spells in the Director's Cut of Covenant in White Magic. A 32MP spell.
  • The Light is the force of good in the world, considered to be "from the Creator," and the antithesis of the Dark One's powers. Randland's population is unusually polarized, with very few people not feeling a strong allegiance to either the Shadow or the Light. The Light is less manifest in the world in concrete terms than the Shadow is, as the Creator has taken a somewhat hands-off approach to his/her/its creation. This is contrasted with the Dark One, who takes an active role in the world, with a voice and a quasi-physical (if artificially restrained) presence.
  • Light ist ein Videospiel, das auf der The Sarah Jane Adventures Webseite veröffentlicht wurde. Es ist ein Teil des KS2 Bitesize Science Projektes. In diesem lernen die Schüler Mathematik, Englisch und Naturwissenschaften in dem sie Videospiele spielen. Der Erzähler ist Daniel Anthony. Als Belohnung für die Beendigung des Spieles bekommen die Kinder ein Shansheeth Comic Wallpaper.
  • Light is the combination of the four elements (Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter), the Golden Sun.
  • The Light is to the Creator as the Shadow is to the Dark One.
  • The Light is a force of the universe, operating in direct opposition to the Dark. The task of the Light is to keep the Dark from rising and creating a world in which joy, love and laughter can not exist. It is difficult to say, from the book, how much the Light is sentient and transcendent, able to think and act and desire for itself, and how much it is simply an idea or an influence that causes its allies to do what they think they should do. In many ways they are like the Dark, being hard and cold, separate from the world of men and bound by the Laws which regulate the magics used. Both sides use agents of various kinds and can be ruthless in their goals. The Light will do what it has to to defeat the Dark—for instance, risking the lives of mortals—and some men and allies of the Dark point out that the Light is in some ways not much better than the Dark; for instance, John Rowland, after being told that the triumph of the Light is more important that one person's life, states that he'd rather save one person's life. Interestingly, this feeling plays an important role in the final conflict. However, unlike the Dark, the Light does not wish to destroy the world. It is important to note that the Light and the Dark are not the only forces at work in the universe; there is also Wild Magic, the magic of the natural world, and High Magic, which governs the universe. All four forces are governed by rigid laws and exist seperately from each other, although certain of their laws and customs involve more than one kind (for instance, the challenge in the fifth book, in which the Dark and the Light both argue sides of a case; once a decision is made, it is ratified by the High Magic). There are also places, such as the Lost Land, in which neither Dark nor Light has power. There is a final element at work on Earth, and that is men. Men are inherently neither of the Light nor the Dark, although they can have good or evil in their hearts; the Dark and Light can use these inclinations to their advantage. The Light sometimes manifests itself in joy, as well as in a certain chiming music that Will Stanton frequently hears but can never quite remember.
  • Light es un alien de la luz y el agua, pero él se encarga más de controlar el poder de la luz.
  • "Light" is the fifth episode of the first season of Stargate Universe.
  • Light is a Elemental Power.
  • Light is a non-fiction book by Isaac Asimov.
  • Light is an NPC.
  • Light is an ability.
  • Light is the stuff invented by God, and later Thomas Edison that allows Homeland Security to track all of America's bats.
  • There is light in the dungeon. Each square is either lit or unlit. Within the range of your vision, you can see any monster or object on a lit square. This works even if the monster or object is on the other side of a room, and even if you must look past some dark squares. Corridors are usually dark. Rooms can be lit or unlit; the frequency of dark rooms tends to increase at deeper dungeon levels. Occasionally, entire dungeon levels will be dark, particularly in branches such as Gehennom or the Gnomish Mines. * Walls and closed doors limit your vision. You cannot see into another room, unless you look through a suitable passageway. * Light is useless when you are blind. * There are ways to cause darkness, such as by using a cursed scroll of light. * Some locations, such as under water, cannot be lit. You can light the inside of a vortex, if engulfed, but there is little reason to do so. There are ways to make more light: * permanently, with a scroll of light, wand of light, or the spell from a spellbook of light. * temporarily, by switching on a light source such as an oil lamp or magic lamp. (Sometimes you might want to switch it off again, because lamps reveal your location to monsters or because light sources other than magic lamps burn out eventually.)
  • Refers to wines light in alcohol but also to texture and weight, how the wine feels in the mouth. Lightness is appropriate in some wines, a defect in others.
  • Light increases the world's visibility, though Monsters are not visibly affected by it or its absence. Light does not prevent Monsters from spawning, nor does it reduce their spawn rate. There are a large number of items that produce light, including the following:
  • The Light is a force of nature opposed to the Dark.
  • Light (known as Lightning in the SNES/PS versions of Chrono Trigger) is the type of magic used by Crono. It was originally known in the Japanese version of the game as Heaven (天 Ten?), but this was changed to Lightning due to Nintendo of America's policy of not having religious-based concepts in their games. For the DS re-release of Chrono Trigger, it was more-accurately translated as Light. The Light element includes lightning-based attacks.
  • Light is one of the many secondary Elemental Powers.
  • Light – bar bądź restauracja ulokowana w dzielnicy Shiroto w Downtown w Anywhere City. Z daty na szyldzie wynika, że został założony w 1557 roku, lecz to raczej niemożliwe.
  • Light (光, Hikari) is the genetic trait in which select members of the Hoshi Family, Hoshino Family, and the Star Clan exhibit unique shapes of the pupils and/or inside the pupil.
  • The Light was the embodiment of The Light side of the force.
  • File:Trans Light.gif The element of Light opposes the element of Dark. Other common associations include Charisma, Transfixion, Fusion, and Light (Skillchain). May be governed by the Alexander. The Carbuncle is also associated with light.
  • Xa'an was the Light and the light was Xa'an. He was light made aware. However, after the death of Xa'an by the God of Knowledge Veros the light was passed on to the God Drahthor who then claimed the domain of Fire in an attempt to reconcile these two elements.
  • Light is another one of the eight elements that reside in Therica, this one focusing on mainly healing, evasion and life giving properties, but can be quite deadly if the element is used as an attacking force.
  • The Light is the opposite of Darkness. Light is personified by a black bull, while Darkness is by a white bull.
  • Light was a fire spell which allowed the shugenja to cause an object to glow like a torch.
  • Light is the sixth installment of Michael Grant's Gone series. It was released on April 2, 2013 in the United States.
  • Darkness makes us aware of the stars, And so when dark hours arise, They may hold a bright and lovely thing, We might never have known otherwise. Peter A. Lea Light represents, hope, good, beauty. It's the thing that is a match for darkness. Light can be represented by Jesus, who is the opposite of Satan (aka prince of Darkness). Many say when you are about to die you see a light in the darkness. They say that means you're about to go to heaven and see Jesus and God.
  • Darkness is truly the enemy of the adventurer. If it is night, or the party is deep inside a dungeon, creatures of evil will use the darkness to attack clandestinely. With Light, things are literally brightened up, and a light source will show what is normally hidden by darkness. This is lasts longer than the Glimmer spell but less than the Great Light spell. In Ultima IX, a small, orange-glowing sphere will hover above the caster, shedding light into the surroundings. The sphere will continue to leech on the mage's mana until either it is all used up, or the sphere is dismissed with another casting of the spell. White potions fulfill the same purpose as the spell, but less effectively, acting more like the Glimmer spell. Daylight is a stronger version of this spell, illuminating a greater area.
  • The following table illustrates how each piece of equipment contributes to the Light level:
  • Light is electromagnetic radiation that is detectable to the eye. Occasionally, the term "light" was used to refer to electromagnetic radiation in general. A quantitative unit of light is the photon. The distance that light travels in one year was a unit of measurement for starship navigation and the speed that light travels was a unit of measurement for starship velocity. Some cloaking and holographic technologies operated by manipulating light in some fashion. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly"; VOY: "Phage", "Repentance") Light could be created from a variety of different sources including light bulbs, fires, candles, and stars. "Sunlight" or "daylight" was also a common term referring to light. (TNG: "Home Soil" ; ENT: "The Catwalk") The Robbiani dermal-optic test measured one's reactions to various color wavelengths. (TOS: "Turnabout Intruder" )
  • The Light is a mysterious and benevolent force in the universe. Light and Shadow are the most fundamental forces in existence. They are bound together on a cosmic scale, although contradictory by their very nature. One cannot exist without the other. Pure Light and Shadow exist in a realm outside reality's borders, but shades of their presence are found in the physical universe. Holy magic is what Light manifests as, while shadow magic is what Shadow (also referred to a "the Void") appears as. Wielding the Light is a matter of having willpower or faith in one's own ability to do it. The Light is often said to bring about feelings of positive emotion—hope, courage, comfort—and the like. Shadow abilities are just the opposite, able to impart feelings like despair, doubt, and panic. In a poetic sense, it can be said that the emotions which the Light brings about come from the "heart," whereas the emotions manipulated by shadow are often based on survival logic, and therefore affect the "mind."
  • Light is one of the four cosmos elements. It's fire counterpart is Earth. Light is power of the cosmos, with the stars and nebula. Fire is power on earth, representing technology and advancement.
  • Light Edit mode is the MAKEITGOOD mode used for shading some parts/objects on a track without a 3D editor. The other method is using vertex paint which is less hardware consuming. This article is a stub. You can help Re-Volt the Wiki by expanding it.
  • Light was an element that allowed the user to augment their abilities with the properties of light or create light-based objects, as well as manipulation of light. It was associated with good due to its great power against the Makuta.
  • Light is some "luminescent" bullshit that doesn't really exist. Just like dark. Dark doesn't exist either. Light is only a figment of our fucking imagination. We really can see everything just fine thanks to the Sun along with lamps, flashlights, lightbulbs, the backlight of screens, etc. Not some total bullshit they call "light". Scientists are just dumbass pricks who have no fucking clue what they're talking about. Yeah, that pretty much defines a scientist, to be honest.
  • Light, or visible light, is electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (about 400–700 nm). In a scientific context, the word light is sometimes used to refer to the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Light is composed of elementary particles called photons. Three primary properties of light are: * Intensity, or brightness; * Frequency or wavelength and; * Polarization or direction of the wave oscillation. Light can exhibit properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as wave-particle duality. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics.
  • Light, or visible light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye.
  • As Zero continues to collect the energy from the other Digimon, he awakens to find his body repaired. Still fighting [[Arukadhimon ()|Arukadhimon]], Hideto reveals that his earlier attack was used to determined where the "Dot Matrix" was coming from. With the new realization, the three now attempt to distract him and then attack him from behind, as to pass the "Dot Matrix". However, Neo informs them that he saw through their plan and manages to counter-attack [[Dominimon ()|Dominimon]]. But before Arukadhimon manages to finish off Omnimon, Zero saves Omnimon, surprising everyone.
  • Light is a Base element. Light is energy which bounces off various objects and is then registered in the eyes of various animals. It signifies visibility and knowledge, as well as holy beings. Demons generally hate white or yellow light, unless they are Ice demons, which they can tolerate white light. The Elemental Lord of Light is Saradomin. The opposite of light is Darkness. On the Octogram of Elements, light is sometimes on the top, or sometimes slightly to the left or right, or even on the bottom on inverted pictures.
  • Light refers to the density of light levels in Minecraft. Lighting affects how easily a player can see the environment, and where Mobs will Spawn.
  • Those walking the path of Light are those with the strongest of good intentions, the desire to protect, the will to defend; heroes of all that is good. People following the alignment of Light desire a way to defeat the Heartless, disconnect the various worlds back to how they were and ultimately draw Hyakuji back into existence from the Darkness. This isn't to say all those of Light are good. There are also those who plunge too far and become lost in their zeal, ultimately using the blessings bestowed upon them to do terrible things in the name of justice.
  • Power of the Sky, it might mean a fire power without heat. * The best known holder of the power is Yelmalio.
  • Spell level: bard 0 cleric 0 druid 0 sorcerer/wizard 0 Innate level: 0 School: evocation Components: verbal Range: touch Area of effect: single Duration: 1 hour / level Save: harmless Spell resistance: no Additional counterspells: darkness Description: Creates a small light source above the target creature's head. The light travels with the target and is capable of illuminating a small area. It can be cast on any item the character can equip to make it glow for the spell's duration like a natural source of light.
  • Daylight is available for approximately half of a Sim day. The outdoors are lit during daylight hours, though some areas may be in shadow. Daylight can enter a room through windows and doors that contain windows. Light can pass over a half-wall, though the half-wall may cast a shadow. Whether they're indoors or outdoors, Sims like to be in well-lit areas. In The Sims and The Sims 2, lack of light depresses the Room/Environment motive. In The Sims 3, it produces the "It's Dark" moodlet. However, some creatures, such as vampires, do not need light. The light engine for The Sims 3 itself has provoked some controversy among players as light does not flow from one floor to another, and often does not flow off of lots, leaving harsh visible edges on buildings and sidewalks. A higher level of bloom was introduced with The Sims 3: Ambitions. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Access to Light powers is available to members with an active subscription. Non-members may purchase access to Light powers in the Marketplace for either 600 Station Cash or 600 Marketplace Cash. Heroes wield the green power of Will, while villains use the yellow power of Fear. Specializing in Crowd Control abilities, Light is the game's seventh power. __TOC__
  • Increases a melee weapon's attack per second by 2%, decreases damage by 2%, and decreases knockback by 5%.
  • Light is an element in the Luminous Arc series. Lucia and Dia are the Elemental Witches of light; with Lucia bei ng the Elemental Witch of light in Luminous Arc and Dia being the Elemental Witch of light in Luminous Arc 2. The role of light magic differs between Luminous Arc and it's sequels. While light was an allround element with buffs, good attack and very good healing spells in the first game, it loses it's healing abilities in Luminous Arc 2, being a primary attack element like earth, fire, wind and shadow frost. Instead the spell focus on status healing and enchantment, raising defensive department. In Luminous Arc 3 the light magic spell also got several spells from Silver Magic department such as Barrier and Light Seal as well as possing an ability to raise an ally Action Order. There is also a type of Kopin, called Light Kopins, that were introduced in Luminous Arc 2. They specialize in highly accurate attacks and thus have very high Technique. They also possessed very high Resistance and decent Speed so hitting them might be problem. Fortunately in Luminous Arc 3, they have the lowest HP of all Kopins.
  • Light is a type of armor in Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight. It is weak to gun type attacks
  • This spell causes an object to glow like a torch, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for an additional 20 feet) from the point you touch. The effect is immobile, but it can be cast on a movable object. Light taken into an area of magical darkness does not function. A light spell (one with the light descriptor) counters and dispels a darkness spell (one with the darkness descriptor) of an equal or lower level. Arcane Material Component A firefly or a piece of phosphorescent moss.
  • A prim can be a light source by editing the prim and selecting the "Features" tab and setting the various properties for the light, such as color, radius, intensity, and fall-off. A major change to lighting in relation to prims was made in SL 1.9.1/1.10. Previously, a prim could only be a light by setting its material to "light" and the color of the prim was also the color of the light it emitted. Second Life's graphics engine has extensive lighting features such as the sun, moon, and objects which can all emit light. Light is also rendered differently on objects and land than on avatars. Hardware lighting is a feature introduced in 1.10 which uses the graphics processor to handle lighting in SL. With hardware lighting enabled, the 6 closest light sources will be used (8 if counting the sun and moon).
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Light]] līhtan (“‘illuminate’”)
  • Shorter waves (with higher frequencies) are labeled "ultraviolet", while longer waves with lower frequencies are known as "infrared".
  • Chuck Norris doesn't go at the speed of light. Light goes at half the speed of Chuck Norris. Also, before there was light, when God said "let there be light," Chuck Norris said "say please."
  • Light is a utility spell in ADOM. It allows the caster to permanently lighten the area around him/her. Light is a ball spell and thus cannot be targeted. Light is highly situational but remains a very useful spell. While darkness is sometimes a beneficial effect used to dispatch powerful monsters or retreat and rest, there are multiple cases where it can lead to negative consequences. These include: * A doomed PC can be instantly killed by a grue in a dark area * It is possible to accidentally hit neutral monsters and companions which imposes an alignment hit and makes the monster hostile * It is possible to accidentally hit karmic creatures or cats in the darkness * Some monsters are able to perfectly see in the dark while the PC cannot
  • Здание, в котором находится бар, весьма небольшое и всего лишь двухэтажное, а также в этом здании находятся неизвестные магазины, а учитывая тот факт, что по близости находится старая часовня, это заведение могло быть основан именно в 1557 году, хотя это очень маловероятно, но тем не менее возможно. Однако, в городе есть еще два бар Light, однако здания в которых они находится более походит на современные, но находятся они очень близко, так-что можно считать что эти заведения тоже были построены давно, но не так, как первое заведение. Заведение недоступно игроку и не играет никакой роли в сюжетной линии.
  • Light (sometimes alternatively referred to as Holy in Origins) is a type of Magic one of the Elements, found in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins.
  • You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action. If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.
  • Level: , , , Components: V, M/DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Object touched Duration: 10 min./level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
  • thumb|Yagami Light Yagami ist der anfangs 17-jährige Protagonist. Er ist ein sehr mysteriöser Charakter mit hoher Intelligenz. Er handelt meistens wohlüberlegt und überstürzt nichts. Er hat das Talent, andere Menschen zu durchschauen. Völlig von der Richtigkeit seiner Idee von einer perfekten Welt überzeugt, tötet er anfangs nur Schwerverbrecher. Er wird aber durch Ls Ermittlungen immer häufiger dazu gebracht, auch andere Menschen zu töten, um seine Spuren zu verwischen und seine Identität zu verbergen. So geraten auch die japanische Polizei (inklusive seinem Vater, dem Einsatzleiter), sowie das FBI und andere Organisationen, die hinter ihm her sind, in sein Visier.
  • Light is a Cantrip known by Wizards at 1st level. Wizards may optionally substitute additional cantrips that were published in later sources.
  • Light was invented in 1866 by famous American playwright Thomas Edison but initially was available only in "GrayScale" (sold under the name "GreyScale" in the UK to avoid confusion). This is why all old movies (and plays) are in black and white. During World War II, color was invented to make it easier to see camoflagued objects. It was also more pleasing aesthetically to show weight in red numbers whenever someone was about to break the Gray-(Grey-)/TechniColorScale. Initially light was thought to be a substance that would be a utilizable form of energy (an idea rampant with hippies living in communes). Though it has since been dis-proven, "light theory" was a valuable stepping stone to our modern understanding of vision. Although generally thought to be one of Einstein's Malicious Theories, it is thought now to have been a genuine error. This replaced the previous theory of vision, which held that objects were seen by "smelling" of the "air" with our eyes. After scientific progress began suspecting that air theory was a fluke, it wasn't long before light theory was developed. However, it didn't last much longer. Light travels at 196 billion nautical miles, the standard length unit for physicists every fortnight. Keep those lighthouses clean! Dark physicists will tell you that light is about half as fast as dark but only during the day (at night dark is faster which is why it is dark). Light is the sum of 3 moons adding their solar rays to the plutonium argon supply. Which in theory could result in a majorly catastrophic set back which could, left unchecked, be really stinky. The sun emits light particles of all colors, each with a distinctive wave length (some smell like curry, many smell of polo's). For example, blue light has an extremely short wave length, which causes it to bump into all sorts of space junk en route to earth. The blue light reflects off the space junk, causing the junk, and indeed the entire sky, to appear blue (unless it is a Thursday). Yellow light has a long wave length, and therefore travels straight from the sun to your retina, making the sun appear yellow. Einsteinian Physics state that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This idea is incongruous with light theory. Adam Smith showed this by placing a spotlight facing upward on a common balance. If light was really being emitted upwards, the spotlight should have exerted an increased amount of downward pressure on the balance, tipping it. However, no change in downwards pressure was observed. Supporters of light theory blamed the results of the experiment on imprecision on the part of the equipment, or on Smith himself. Since then, the same experiment has been conducted with equipment capable of measuring particles too small to be seen, with the same results. Since light (had it existed) could clearly be seen, it would obviously have shown up in the refined tests. The killing blow to light theory was dealt in the 1930s when glass was invented by a pair of Dutch optometrists (who were searching for something to put in their anal passages). If light truly traveled between objects, it would have been impeded by such an object as glass (interestingly, some groups had already claimed to have dis-proven light by showing that it couldn't pass through air [Case in point: Where the sun don't shine]- even though air was already regarded as a myth by most of the scientific community at this point). Light has since had several patch updates to allow for custard creams and tea. The most prominent of these states that "light" is actually just a particle wavoid, similar to green cheese that has been used to wash a boat. Objects that emit "light" are simply creating a flow of these wavoids, analogous to a crack whore. While this idea remains a theory, it is still upheld by much of the scientific community including Asian chicks. The religious community, however, holds that light is made of the souls of un-dead ancestors of kiwi fruit and oranges. Light, clearly, is one topic about which we have much to fondal. And the light bulb industry sure isn't about to give away all their secrets. Alternatively: The Japanese version of hhhright.
  • BR1 第574回 * 全公司2個是烹飪社 * 毒殺人數 * 專業呆子-3人 * 影鈞-4人 * 共計7人 第1030回 * 未來的希望(呆子)首勝 BR2 第14回 * 焚化爐櫃檯服務員小焚首勝 * 詳見自豪紀錄 BR2的紀錄 第34回 * 焚化爐櫃檯服務員小焚2勝 第532回 * 老本行投魔呆子首勝
  • Superman once used the sun's light to light up the dark side of the Earth. He did it by using a telescope's reflector. Traveling at the speed of light or faster makes it possible to travel through time and to parallel universes. Marvin White hit a switch in Min & Max Trucking Co., Inc., thinking it was a light switch. It turned out to be a machine that caused the building to rotate.
  • Light is electromagnetic radiation, particularly radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (about 400–700 nm, or perhaps 380–750 nm). In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not.
  • Light is an Element of the Awesome Universe. The Diametric opposite of Darkness, it is loosely defined and employed by several characters. Light is not known to be associated with any other Element. The legendary hero, Ventus, is implied to have employed Light in his quest to defeat Xavian and the Artifacts of Wisdom are known to have been forged by Aev'Uldron Theska. Johnny is implied to have some Light abilties, being able to wield the Holy Claymore.
  • Evocation cantrip Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, M (a firefly or phosphorescent moss) Duration: 1 hour You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action. If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.
  • Light is that stuff that drops down from the sky. According to scientists, light is everything.EVERYTHING!
  • Angels are said to be servants of the Light. Various mortals are capable of using the Light. Individuals associated with its usage include Paladins, Crusaders, and Templars. Some individuals are born with a natural affinity towards the Light. Usage of the Light grants mortals an array of abilities, including healing, resistance, and even share the Light's power with those around him/her via an aura. The spirits of the Light are ever vigilant, and in times of great need, have been known to aid their loyal disciples in subtle ways. Before using the powers of the Light however, a Paladin must submit to its glory. Light is anathema to the undead. According to Ellig Barrows, the Light is not a malignant force, but is vengeful against those who transgress against it. The Light is used by humans in various phrases, such as "go with the Light," "thank the Light," etc. Light can be stored in physical objects.
  • Light is electromagnetic radiation, particularly radiation of a wavelength that is visible to the human eye (about 400–700 nm), or perhaps 380–750 nm. In physics, the term light sometimes refers to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not. Three primary properties of light are: * Intensity * Frequency or wavelength * Polarization Light, which exists in tiny "packets" called photons, exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as the wave–particle duality. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics. Light ranges from wavelengths of 7x10-5 cm (red) to 4x10-5 cm (violet) and (like all electromagnetic radiation) travels at the speed of light, 299,792,458 meters per second or 186,282 miles per second. (Interesting fact: the speed of light is actually defined to be 299,792,458 meters per second and scientists combine this with the definition of a second to create the definition of a meter! As stated at the 17th General conference on weights and Measures, "The meter is the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.") The frequency (number of wavelengths per second) of a light wave may be calculated using the equation c=ln where l is the wavelength, n is the frequency and c is the speed of light. In quantum theory, a photon has energy equal to hn, where h is Plank's constant and n is the frequency of the light in classical theory.
  • Light is a rating 1 spell. This is also a Priest Spell. The spell creates a magical light which glows with the same intensity as a firebrand. It is usually cast upon the tip of a staff or torch. the light lasts up to 15 minutes, but can be snuffed out at will by the caster. A magical light of this sort is affected by Darkness.
  • Light is a science fiction novel by M. John Harrison, first published in 2002. It centers around three main characters connected to the Kefahuchi Tract and its secrets. Michael Kearney is a mathematician in London, 1999, on his way to discovering a defining piece of FTL Travel; he’s also a serial killer running from a shadowy creature he calls the Shrander. Seria Mau Genlicher is a girl who became a spaceship in the space-faring future; recently she got her hands on a mysterious box that could be the key to being human again. Ed Chianese is a junkie getting tossed into transient relationships, but he keeps encountering a woman named Madame Shen who will show him the future. Light was succeeded in 2008 by a sort-of sequel, Nova Swing. It takes place in the same universe, but only has one shared character, Liv Hula.
  • The speed of light is approximately 3.0*108 m/s in a vacuum.
  • LIGHT (光(ひかり) Hikari) monsters are the historic opposites of DARK Monsters. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", the components of "XYZ-Dragon Cannon", and monsters such as "D.D. Warrior Lady", and "Honest", are LIGHT monsters. LIGHT monsters are represented often by Fairy, Spellcaster, Thunder, Machine and Warrior-Type. Some LIGHT cards focus on overwhelming offensive power, such as the "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and the fusion forms of "Cyber Dragon", but others focus on positively reinforcing the player instead of directly damaging the opponent, such as by increasing their Life Points or allowing the player to draw extra cards from their Deck. LIGHT monsters will in general either be highly offensive or highly defensive with little middle ground. In Decks themed around multiple Attributes, the trump card of the set will often be LIGHT, such as "Rainbow Dragon" for the "Crystal Beasts", "Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman", and "Elemental HERO Neos" in "Elemental HERO" builds, and so on. Some LIGHT monsters almost always reveal your strategy due to the follow up that would happen if the strategy succeeds in being used. Notably, the Attribute of the Monsters do not necessarily indicate any sense of morality and alignment. An example made can be from "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", for as the monster represents the purity of Kisara's soul and draws its powerful existence from her Ka, it being known as an engine of destruction and being put to use by less than wholesome players, such as an egotistic and twisted younger Seto Kaiba, showcases the Attribute's possibly for good or evil, as with any attribute. Plenty of LIGHT Archetypes do exist, representing good, heroism, virtue, valiance, and divinity, such as "Constellar", "Lightsworn", "Utopia", and "Noble Knight". Furthermore, some Fiend and Zombie monster are LIGHT-attributed. This shows that not all monsters of those attributes are evil and corrupted, and LIGHT also symbolizes redemption, repentance, salvation, atonement, firm faith in virtues and purification. Being LIGHT monsters however, neither guarantees that such of an attribute are saintly, pure and virtuous, with LIGHT also representing elitism, the lurid and unwholesome made existent, decadence and bending light to create illusions of good and distortions of others. This can be seen in monsters as the Fabled, Worms, and Arcana Force are antagonistic beings according to card lore or the anime, which also features an evil entity of LIGHT. Although not exclusively, almost all monsters that appear to have electric-based powers and which are not Thunder-Type are LIGHT Attribute. Examples include "Super Conductor Tyranno", one of only two LIGHT Dinosaur-Type monsters in the game; "Voltic Kong"; "Elemental HERO Thunder Giant"; "Gilford the Lightning" and "Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon". LIGHT-based archetypes include: "Silent Swordsman", "Silent Magician, "Arcana Force", "Batteryman", "Fabled", "Hieratic", "Satellarknight", "Star Seraph", "Lightray", "Lightsworn", "Noble Knight", "Ojama", "Photon", "Galaxy", "Constellar", "Vylon", "Bujin", "Watt", "Worms" , "The Agent", "Utopia", "Artifact" and "PSY-Frame".
  • Light is a PPC agent in the Department of Mary Sues. She is partnered with Sarah and was written by Sarah. Light was Sarah's RP character for three years. The role-play now having come to a stop, she's been recruited to the PPC. She has waist-length golden hair, blue eyes, and golden wings.
  • Light is necessary for many activities: reading, growing plants. Most common use of natural light comes from the sun. If a place has plenty of windows, the sun illuminates most of the house for the duration of the day. When it is night, the moon is a source of light, but not sufficient enough for many activities. Artificial lighting makes it possible for people to continue activities such as reading, studying (homework), sewing, and other crafts. The most common source of light for an average household usually comes from light bulbs, when light from the sun is not enough to light a room sufficiently to do the desired tasks.
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