  • Crono
  • Crono
  • Crono
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  • Crono is the silent protagonist in Chrono Trigger. He lives with his mother in Truce in the Present. His personality matches that of the conventional hero archetype and he is willing to place his life on the line for the sake of others.
  • Crono is the main character of the video-game Chrono Trigger, a game originally part of the Super Nintendo library. Crono is a young boy who lives in the year 1000 AD and routinely practices fighting monsters and doing odd jobs for his neighbors. During his town's Millennial Fair Crono meets a girl called Marle and introduces her to his best friend, Lucca, a child genius who is at the Fair displaying her newly crafted teleportation device. Due to an unforeseen catalyst on Marle's person the machine is accidentally teleports her back in time instead of to the predsgnated area a few feet away. Crono goes back in time to rescue Marle, soon followed by Lucca, thus beginning an adventure traversing through time on an epic adventure through the eras.
  • Crono is the main character in Chrono Trigger, and a silent protagonist.
  • Crono (クロノ, Kurono, Chrono in Japanese media) is the silent spiky-haired protagonist of the game Chrono Trigger from the Chrono series. His personality matches that of the conventional hero archetype and he is willing to place his life on the line for mere strangers. In the McLeodGaming media, he is one of the playable characters in Super Smash Flash.
  • Crono (as クロノ?, Chrono in Japanese media) is the silent protagonist in Chrono Trigger. He lives with his mother in Truce in the Present. His personality matches that of the conventional hero archetype and he is willing to place his life on the line for the sake of others.
  • Boyfriend of Marle and best friend to Lucca, Crono was one of the people who helped save his world from Lavos, an entity of immense power. Now he is on a quest to save his love Marle, 'accidentally' banished to another realm by Lucca. He has shown some jealous tendencies, and some small anger management problems...
  • Crono è uno degli antagonisti principali di Episode G e re dei Titani. Inizialmente si manifesta solo sotto forma di Cosmo, poi rcupera la sua forma umana ma viene privato della memoria dalla sorella Mnemosine, che la ridà al solo scopo di farlo piombare nella disperazione.
  • Crono is the main character in Chrono Trigger. Many suspect that his name was meant to be Chrono, but due to the five-character restriction of character's names, it was shortened to Crono. In the English version of the game, his magical type is Lightning; however, in the original Japanese his type was Heaven, the opposite of the shadow type, which may explain why many of his techniques are not all lightning-oriented, but also include many light-based spells and a few healing spells.
  • Crono is the protagonist of Chrono Trigger, a role-playing game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. He is a red-haired teenager from 1000 A.D. who hails from the town of Truce. In the game, his quest is to save the world and it's past, present and future, with a variety of other characters that are added to his party by traveling through time. He courageously sacrifices himself in order to save the ones that have joined his party, though is eventually revived. Like many RPG characters during the Super NES era, Crono is a silent protagonist. No verbal dialogue boxes sprout from his mouth, but rather his feelings are represented through basic actions, a common tactic used within the genre that have silent characters. Despite being considered a silent protagonist, he does in fact utt
  • En la mitología griega, Crono o Cronos (en griego antiguo Κρόνος Krónos, transliterado también Cronus y Kronos) era el líder y —en algunos mitos— el más joven de la primera generación de Titanes, descendientes divinos de Gea, la tierra, y Urano, el cielo. Crono derrocó a su padre y gobernó durante la mitológica edad dorada, hasta que fue derrocado por sus propios hijos, Zeus, Hades y Poseidón, y encerrado en el Tártaro[1] o enviado a gobernar el paraíso de los Campos Elíseos.[2]
  • Crono (no 'h') is the silent protagonist of the Square RPG Chrono Trigger. His character design was created by Akira Toriyama, which explains why he looks like a character from Dragon Ball Z. He has lost thrice to Mario, but has also defeated the plumber once. However, Mario's second victory over Crono is very controversial, many Crono fans claim that Crono was "screwed" out of a victory. Throughout the entire match Crono kept a 500-800 vote lead over Mario, in the last hour of the match Mario began to make a very questionable comeback, though by the time 24 hours had past, Crono was victorious. But the poll did not close and was left open an extra 15 minutes allowing Mario to secure a victory. CJayC claimed the 15 minutes were to "check for cheating", though many disbelieve this claim, an
  • 1000
  • Good
Row 8 info
  • Paragon
  • Divinità
Row 4 info
  • None
  • Episode G: capitolo 01
Row 7 title
  • Goals:
Row 1 info
  • Crono
Row 8 title
  • Hero Type:
  • Il dominatore dei cieli
  • Il grande dio
Row 4 title
  • Occupation:
Row 2 info
  • None
  • Re dei Titani
Row 6 info
  • Going to the Millennial Fair, Adventuring, Doing odd jobs for his neighbors Fighting Monsters
Row 1 title
  • Real Name:
  • Ichor
Row 5 info
  • Sword skill, Storm based magic, Access to time-travel, Endurance
Row 2 title
  • Alias:
  • Megas Drepadon
  • Sabbia Adamantina
  • I dodici Titani
Row 6 title
  • Hobbies:
  • Cronovict.PNG
Row 5 title
  • Skills & Abilities:
Row 3 info
  • Chrono Trigger
  • sé stesso
Row 3 title
  • Origin:
Row 7 info
  • Save/Protect Princess Nadia, Stop Lavos, Balance out the Time-Stream
Box Title
  • Hero
  • Super Smash Flash
  • Crono
  • 17
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Crono
  • Character
  • Cronomenu.PNG
  • Artwork of Crono.
  • Crono artwork
  • Official artwork of Crono by Akira Toriyama.
  • Armata dei Titani
  • Arkhein Phainomenon
  • Boato di Tenebra
  • Khaos Hyetos
  • Telos Oracle
Tipo de Armadura
Nombre de la armadura
  • Megas Drepanon
  • 大神クロノス
  • Ookami Kuronosu
  • Human
Image size
  • 250
  • A
  • Lightning
  • Present
  • Spirito=300px
  • Crono's Mother
  • Doan
  • Marle
  • King Guardia XXXIII
  • Queen Aliza
  • Lucca
  • Commander
  • Kino
  • Magus
  • Frog
  • Lara
  • Fritz
  • Elaine
  • Ayla
  • Belthasar
  • Melchior
  • Robo
  • Schala
  • Master of Kitchens
  • Queen Leene
  • Taban
  • Gaspar
  • King Guardia XXI
  • Chancellor ( )
Image File
  • Crono.png
  • Male
  • Element
  • Era
  • Akira Toriyama
  • Rea
  • Febe
  • Mnemosine
  • Temi
  • Teti
  • Teia
Vera forma
  • 300
  • En la mitología griega, Crono o Cronos (en griego antiguo Κρόνος Krónos, transliterado también Cronus y Kronos) era el líder y —en algunos mitos— el más joven de la primera generación de Titanes, descendientes divinos de Gea, la tierra, y Urano, el cielo. Crono derrocó a su padre y gobernó durante la mitológica edad dorada, hasta que fue derrocado por sus propios hijos, Zeus, Hades y Poseidón, y encerrado en el Tártaro[1] o enviado a gobernar el paraíso de los Campos Elíseos.[2] Como resultado de su asociación con la abundante y generosa edad dorada, Crono fue venerado como una deidad de la cosecha, supervisor de cultivos como el trigo, de la naturaleza, la agricultura y la progresión del tiempo en relación con los humanos en general. Se le solía representar con una hoz (normalmente de pedernal), que usaba para segar la cosecha y que también usó para castrar a su padre, Urano. En Atenas, el duodécimo día de cada mes (Hekatombaion) se celebraba una fiesta llamada Cronia en honor a Crono y para celebrar la cosecha. Crono también fue identificado en la antigüedad clásica con el dios romano Saturno. La etimología del nombre es oscura. Podría estar relacionado con ‘astado’, sugiriendo una posible relación con el antiguo demonio indio Kroni o la deidad levantina El. En la época alejandrina y el Renacimiento hubo cierta confusión con la palabra χρόνος Chronos, ‘tiempo’. En los antiguos mitos griegos, Crono envidiaba el poder de su padre y gobernante del universo, Urano. Éste se había ganado la enemistad de Gea, madre de Crono y los demás Titanes, cuando escondió a sus hijos menores, los Cíclopes, gigantes de un solo ojo, y los Hecatónquiros, gigantes de cien brazos y cincuenta cabezas en el Tártaro, para que no vieran la luz. Gea creó una gran hoz de pedernal y reunió a Crono y sus hermanos para convencerles de que matasen a Urano. Sólo Crono estuvo dispuesto a cumplir sus deseos, así que Gea le dio la hoz y le hizo tender una emboscada. Cuando Urano se encontró con Gea, Crono le atacó con la hoz y le castró. De la sangre (o, según algunas pocas fuentes, del semen) que salpicó en la Tierra, surgieron los Gigantes, las Erinias y las Melias (ninfas de los fresnos). Crono arrojó al mar la hoz (que dio origen a la isla de Corfú) y el miembro amputado de Urano, que produjo una espuma de la que nacería Afrodita. Por esto, Urano juró venganza y llamó a sus hijos titenes (‘los que abusan’, según Hesíodo la fuente del nombre «Titán», pero esta etimología es discutible) por exceder sus límites y osar cometer tal acto. En una versión alternativa, un Crono más benévolo derrocó a Ofión, el malvado Titán serpiente. Al hacerlo liberó al mundo de su esclavitud y por un tiempo gobernó justamente. Tras derrotar a Urano, Crono volvió a encerrar en el Tártaro a los Hecatónquiros y los Cíclopes, a quienes temía, y los dejó bajo la custodia de la monstruosa carcelera Campe. Subió al trono junto a su hermana Rea como reyes de los dioses. Esta época del reinado de Crono se denominó la edad dorada, pues la gente de entonces no necesitaba leyes ni reglas: todos hacían lo correcto y no existía la inmoralidad. Crono supo de Gea y Urano, poseedores del conocimiento del porvenir, que estaba destinado a ser derrocado por uno de sus propios hijos. Por ello, aunque fue padre con Rea de los dioses Deméter, Hera, Hades, Hestia y Poseidón, se los tragaba tan pronto como nacían. Cuando iban a nacer su sexto hijo, Zeus, Rea pidió a Gea que urdiese un plan para salvarlos y que así finalmente Crono tuviese el justo castigo a sus actos contra su padre y sus propios hijos. Rea dio a luz en secreto a Zeus en la isla de Creta y entregó a Crono una piedra envuelta en pañales, también conocida como Ónfalos, que éste tragó en seguida sin desconfiar creyendo que era su hijo. Rea mantuvo oculto a Zeus en una cueva del monte Ida en Creta. Según diversas versiones de esta historia, Zeus fue criado: Por una cabra llamada Amaltea, mientras una compañía de Curetes o Coribantes, bailarines armados, gritaban y daban palmadas para hacer ruido y que así Crono no oyese los llantos del niño. Por una ninfa llamada Adamantea, que escondió al niño colgándolo con una cuerda de un árbol de forma que quedara suspendido entre la tierra, el mar y el cielo, sobre los que gobernaba su padre, Crono. Por su abuela Gea. Por una ninfa llamada Cinosura, a quien en agradecimiento Zeus subió entre las estrellas tras su muerte. Por Melisa, quien lo alimentó con leche de cabra. Cuando hubo crecido, Zeus usó un veneno que le dio Gea para obligar a Crono a regurgitar el contenido de su estómago en orden inverso: primero la piedra, que se le dejó a Pitón bajo las cañadas del Parnaso como señal a los hombres mortales, y después al resto de sus hermanos. En algunas versiones, Metis le dio a Crono un emético para obligarle a vomitar los niños, y en otras Zeus abrió el estómago de Crono. Tras liberar a sus hermanos, Zeus liberó del Tártaro a los Hecatónquiros y los Cíclopes, quienes forjaron para él sus rayos. En una gran guerra llamada la Titanomaquia, Zeus y sus hermanos y hermanas junto con los Gigantes, Hecatónquiros y Cíclopes, derrocaron a Crono y a los otros Titanes. Tras esto, muchos de los Titanes fueron encerrados en el Tártaro, si bien otros no (como Crono, Epimeteo, Menecio, Océano y Prometeo). Gea engendró al monstruo Tifón para vengar a los encarcelados Titanes, si bien Zeus terminaría venciéndolo. Los relatos sobre el destino de Crono tras la Titanomaquia difieren. En la tradición homérica y otros textos fue encarcelado con los demás Titanes en el Tártaro. En los poemas órficos, fue encerrado por toda la eternidad en la cueva de Nix. Píndaro describe su liberación del Tártaro, siendo entonces coronado rey del Elíseo por Zeus. Crono es mencionado de nuevo en los Oráculos sibilinos, particularmente en el libro III, donde Crono, Titán y Jápeto, los tres hijos de Urano y Gea, reciben cada uno un tercio de la Tierra, y Crono es nombrado rey de todos. Tras la muerte de Urano, los hijos de Titán intentan destruir a la descendencia masculina de Crono y Rea tan pronto como nacen, pero en Dódona Rea da a luz en secreto a sus hijos Zeus, Poseidón y Hades, enviándolos a Frigia para ser criados al cuidado de tres cretenses. Tras saber de esto, sesenta hombres de Titán encarcelan a Crono y Rea, provocando que sus hijos declaren y libren la primera de todas las guerras contra ellos. Esta versión no menciona nada de la muerte de Urano a manos de Crono o del intento de matar a ninguno de sus hijos. Consortes y descendencia * Filira * Quirón * Rea * Deméter * Hades * Hera * Hestia * Poseidón * Zeus
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  • Crono is the protagonist of Chrono Trigger, a role-playing game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. He is a red-haired teenager from 1000 A.D. who hails from the town of Truce. In the game, his quest is to save the world and it's past, present and future, with a variety of other characters that are added to his party by traveling through time. He courageously sacrifices himself in order to save the ones that have joined his party, though is eventually revived. Like many RPG characters during the Super NES era, Crono is a silent protagonist. No verbal dialogue boxes sprout from his mouth, but rather his feelings are represented through basic actions, a common tactic used within the genre that have silent characters. Despite being considered a silent protagonist, he does in fact utter a few lines in one of the multiple endings in the game.
  • Crono is the silent protagonist in Chrono Trigger. He lives with his mother in Truce in the Present. His personality matches that of the conventional hero archetype and he is willing to place his life on the line for the sake of others.
  • Crono is the main character of the video-game Chrono Trigger, a game originally part of the Super Nintendo library. Crono is a young boy who lives in the year 1000 AD and routinely practices fighting monsters and doing odd jobs for his neighbors. During his town's Millennial Fair Crono meets a girl called Marle and introduces her to his best friend, Lucca, a child genius who is at the Fair displaying her newly crafted teleportation device. Due to an unforeseen catalyst on Marle's person the machine is accidentally teleports her back in time instead of to the predsgnated area a few feet away. Crono goes back in time to rescue Marle, soon followed by Lucca, thus beginning an adventure traversing through time on an epic adventure through the eras.
  • Crono (no 'h') is the silent protagonist of the Square RPG Chrono Trigger. His character design was created by Akira Toriyama, which explains why he looks like a character from Dragon Ball Z. He has lost thrice to Mario, but has also defeated the plumber once. However, Mario's second victory over Crono is very controversial, many Crono fans claim that Crono was "screwed" out of a victory. Throughout the entire match Crono kept a 500-800 vote lead over Mario, in the last hour of the match Mario began to make a very questionable comeback, though by the time 24 hours had past, Crono was victorious. But the poll did not close and was left open an extra 15 minutes allowing Mario to secure a victory. CJayC claimed the 15 minutes were to "check for cheating", though many disbelieve this claim, and it was common belief that the poll was rigged. Despite these losses however, Chrono Trigger defeated Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario RPG, and Super Mario World in the 2004 Game Contest before pounding Mario with over 53% that Summer. Unfortunately, Mario returned the favor by scoring over 53% on him only one year later. And he lost to Sonic in the 2006 contest. Hoohah! Crono also took third place in round three of the 2007 contest (four-way matches), making him the first Noble Niner to fall to a non-Noble Niner (Vincent Valentine), though whether or not this "broke the Noble Nine" was a topic of debate. In honor of this result and the uproar it caused, Satai delenn wrote a very entertaining poem called Crono at the Bat (based on Casey at the Bat). After that, he went and lost to Missingno in his return to 1v1 matches. Talk about a fall from grace.
  • Crono is the main character in Chrono Trigger. Many suspect that his name was meant to be Chrono, but due to the five-character restriction of character's names, it was shortened to Crono. In the English version of the game, his magical type is Lightning; however, in the original Japanese his type was Heaven, the opposite of the shadow type, which may explain why many of his techniques are not all lightning-oriented, but also include many light-based spells and a few healing spells. Despite being the game's protagonist, Crono never speaks in the game's dialogue, as it is the case in some RPG and video-games, with the notable exception occurring in one of the game's many endings.
  • Crono is the main character in Chrono Trigger, and a silent protagonist.
  • Crono (クロノ, Kurono, Chrono in Japanese media) is the silent spiky-haired protagonist of the game Chrono Trigger from the Chrono series. His personality matches that of the conventional hero archetype and he is willing to place his life on the line for mere strangers. In the McLeodGaming media, he is one of the playable characters in Super Smash Flash.
  • Crono (as クロノ?, Chrono in Japanese media) is the silent protagonist in Chrono Trigger. He lives with his mother in Truce in the Present. His personality matches that of the conventional hero archetype and he is willing to place his life on the line for the sake of others.
  • Boyfriend of Marle and best friend to Lucca, Crono was one of the people who helped save his world from Lavos, an entity of immense power. Now he is on a quest to save his love Marle, 'accidentally' banished to another realm by Lucca. He has shown some jealous tendencies, and some small anger management problems...
  • Crono è uno degli antagonisti principali di Episode G e re dei Titani. Inizialmente si manifesta solo sotto forma di Cosmo, poi rcupera la sua forma umana ma viene privato della memoria dalla sorella Mnemosine, che la ridà al solo scopo di farlo piombare nella disperazione.
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