  • Gaia
  • GAIA
  • Gaia
  • GAIA
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia is the Greek primordial Goddess of Earth, and mother to the Titans. Gaia (or Gaea) or Mother Earth is the Protogenoi Greek goddess of Earth. She was one of the first beings to emerge from Chaos at the creation of the Universe. She was the mother of all Gods and Giants and mortal creatures sprang from her and mother to the Titans.
  • Gaia is Mother Nature (unofficial), who is the supreme deity above all other gods.
  • Gaia is the goddess of the Earth. While the UnWorld was created from the T-5001's body, Earth was created from Gaia's. She was curled into a ball, floating in space, and she couldn't even take a shower. Thus, she was covered by dirt and sweat, which created the continents and oceans as we know them today. She would later turn evil and try to destroy the UnWorld.
  • Gaia is the very first Dragon that emerged in Unlimited Fafnir's world, being essentially the planet Earth itself, and the progenitor of all other Dragons.
  • Gaia was the first planet explored by humans since their discovery of the over-c drive. It is the homeworld of the Hoika. Excluding Albion, it is the only alien world capable of permanently supporting human life.
  • Representação mística da Terra. Gaia está morrendo e o desequilíbrio da Tríade que compões ela mesmo é a causa desta morte agonizante. Glifo:
  • Les Gaïa sont la race humaine de Rappelz. Ils sont des spécialistes dans la force brute et dans l’utilisation de la magie de la nature. Ville principale: Horizon
  • Gaia is the capital, and one of the oldest towns in Terra. It has a population of 10,000.
  • Gaia is a DekaRed (デカレッド Deka Reddo) and an operative of the S.P.D. Fire Squad.
  • Gaia was a cencept of mythology, a Greek goddess of the Earth, the conceptual personification of Earth as the "mother" of the Human civilization. Followers of Gaia were called Gaians. These people revered ecosystems. In 2294, Gaians were quite common in the Highlands of Scotland. (TOS novel: The Fearful Summons)
  • Fertility Inducement- Nature Manipulation- Precognition- Season Manipulation- Automatically Enhanced Ability Acquisition- Earth Manipulation- Timer Set-up- Enhanced Archery- Animal Manipulation- Reality Perception-
  • Gaia is the name given to a massive biological supercomputer located at the core of the Tartaros arcology. Self propagating, it automatically expands it's network to include any new developments in the city, and interfaces with a large number of terminals installed in major public places.
  • Categoría:PersonajesGaia (ガイア, Gaia) es una de las primeras deidades existentes, es la progenitora de varios Dioses. Ella representa la Tierra y fue quien le dio forma a la misma. Fue la principal conspiradora de la revolución contra uno de sus hijos y su marido: Ouranos; ella creó los Sómas como regalo a sus hijos para su batalla. Actualmente está sellada y se requiere como mínimo los doce Dýnamis imperfectos del Panteón Titán.
  • Gaia is a woman who appeared in "An Unlocked Mind".
  • Gaia always knew he was the weakest of the three bloon princes. Ever since birth he knew he would have two older brothers always outclassing him. He never liked it. He died in the fourth war, at the age of fourteen, and his ghost has returned to prove his brothers wrong.
  • Gaia is the primordial goddess of the Earth, mother of the Titans and the grandmother and great-grandmother of the Olympian Gods. She is the narrator of the series, the deuteragonist of God of War II, and the secondary antagonist of God of War III.
  • Gaia (Bertha en inglés y en Hispanoamérica por el anime, キクノ Kikuno en japonés) es la segunda miembro del Alto Mando de Sinnoh y se especializa en Pokémon tipo tierra.
  • Gaia (ガイア) is a game exclusive team.
  • Gaia is a ZT2 fansite started in April 2012.
  • Maître de Sonyk.
  • Gaia som utsedd P3X-774 av Tau'ri är hemplanet av Nox. Gaia är en skogsvärld hem till avancerade och mystiska Nox. Planeten ansåg innehavaren av en dyrbar hemlighet att Goa'uld är frodig och lövträd. Där Nox lever i symbios med sin omgivning. Världen är också hem till Fenri, en stor, flygande djur. (SG1: "The Nox")
  • Gaia (or Gaea or Mother Earth) is the Protogenoi Greek Goddess of Earth. She was one of the first beings to emerge from Chaos at the creation of the Universe. She was the mother of all Gods and Giants and mortal creatures sprang from her.
  • thumb|Die USS Defiant fliegt nach Gaia. Gaia ist ein Planet der Klasse M im Gamma-Quadranten. Der Planet ist erdähnlich und besitzt die gleichen Klimazonen, von der Tundra bis zur Wüste, wie auf der Erde.
  • Gaia is a recurring character in the Mana series. He is the guardian of earth. He is in many regards similar to Treant the guardian of nature who he is linked to in one way or another in most games.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__Plik:Gaia_top.png
  • GAIA is the main A.I. overseeing Project Zero Dawn. A personification of Mother Earth, GAIA is tasked with the re-terraforming of Earth back to its original state.
  • Gaia is a female clone of (out of all people to have their DNA saved) Bra, Trunks' younger, and much less combative sister. (Bra was, anyway.) Raised from birth by a group of warriors on a small planet, which effectively functioned as a large dojo, she has both the fighting skill of Goku and the prodigious genius of Bulma. She keeps herself permanently in Full Power Super Saiyan form, and has augmented her body with mechanical aides to add power to her movements and attacks.
  • Gaia is the last, and most powerful, of the Seikishin built by the Senshi, and was found by Naua, along with Doll. It was later cut in half after a battle with Kenshi.
  • Minoanter 10:10, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:EBOOK`s Kategorie:GAIA
  • Zachary White says: Gaia is the Goddess of the Earth, and is featured in icefire as a the white hedgehog, which was named Spikey by Lucy Pennykettle. Gaia was hinted to be a bear named Sunasala, who was the mate of the fighting bear Ragnar. When Lucy is captured and held captive on the Tooth of Ragnar by Gwilanna, Gaia makes an appearance as a polar bear, later transforming into her human form. She has long red hair and pink eyes. Gaia shows the two dragons G'reth and Groyne to Lucy, and lets G'reth take a lock of Lucy's hair, which sends the girl into a safe hibernation for three months, until the fire star rises and the ix all come to earth
  • Since Gaia was first published, many of Jim Lovelock's predictions have come true, and his theory has become a hotly argued topic in scientific circles. Here, in a new Preface, Lovelock outlines his present state of the debate.
  • The extremely high fertility and area along with an acceptable level of metal make these good Research bases.
  • This enemy is the embodiment of the world, and functions as the final boss of Stick Ranger, along with Chronos.
  • Gaia, serial number , was a Thirteenth Generation "Smart" AI, and
  • Gaia (sometimes referred as Lady Gaia) is one of the Xenia gods who resides in the Forest of Life. Her attributes include Nature (plants, trees, water, etc), Life and Death. Gaia attempted to seal her powers away by merging herself with her tree, Rukkha. However, that failed when Thanatos corrupted it. The tree and the goddess begin to connect together even more, and Perseo fears this. He immediately dispatched the Chase to her forest in order to free her. She grants the Chase the Orb of Life, and wishes them luck against the epic battle with Thanatos. It is suggested that Gaia and Perseo are a couple. Elesis also tries to ask Gaia about this, but she quickly drops the subject.
  • Gaia var biolog om bord på stjerneskipet Marco Polo og senere på Mandeville II etter at Marco Polo ble ødelagt under et sammenstøt med en sort seiler. Hun var en av de originale tre besetningsmedlemmene som deltok i utforskning av universet sammen med kaptein Jason og datamaskinisten Akeron.
  • Gaia (ガイア*)? is a demon and Magatama in the series.
  • Gaia, the mother Earth, was spouse of the father Sky, Caelus, and mother of the ten gods and godesses of the Yodotai. Between the couple they created the world and all that were on it. The sound of her voice was magic, and it created the truths of the world. Loyalty. Justice. Love. War.
  • Gaia takes on many forms during Grandia, all of which have a gigantic, insectoid appearance. Furthermore, Gaia has tentacle-like appendages that resemble the roots of a plant, which allow it to spread its corruption across the world, destroying anything in their path.
  • Gaia is the ancient earth goddess also known as Mother Earth and mother of the Titans. She appeared in the Hercules animated series episode "Hercules and the Prince of Thrace".
  • Gaia is a ship on the online rping forum Star Wars, Brotherhood of Darkness, by the user Odan Thos, and is under the ownership of Zero.
  • Grupo: Mägo de Oz Duración: 72.25 Distribuidor: Locomotive Music Productor: Goyo Esteban Disco anterior: Folktergeist (2002) Disco posterior: Belfast (2004) Es la primera parte de la trilogía Gaia (sigue con Gaia II-La voz dormida). Su sonido es un poco diferente al de los otros álbumes del grupo, sonando más folclórico y agregando más variedad de instrumentos, principalmente Andinos (El Charango en El Atrapasueños) y mayor influencia de los teclados.
  • Gaia is a divine mare. She is the wife to Ouranos . She is the originator of all the other horses in the game.
  • Gaia is a recurring character in the fourth season. She is portrayed by Tati Gabrielle and debuts in "Echoes". Gaia is Indra's estranged daughter, who became a Keeper of the Flame.
  • GAIA ist die Kern-KI, die Projekt Zero Dawn überwacht. Eine Personifikation von Mutter Erde, ist GAIA mit der Wiederherstellung des Planeten zurück zum ursprünglichen Zustand betraut.
  • "Gaia" is a music track that appeared in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate as the stage theme for Lost World.
  • Gaia is a non-playable team in Age of Empires and Age of Empires II, to which all the natural environment units found around the map belong. The Age of Mythology and Age of Empires III equivalent to Gaia is Mother Nature. It's actually possible to play as animal units in Age of Empires, and Age of Empires II by entering the code Gaia.
  • Gaia is generally held to be the supreme spirit, and the Triat of Weaver, Wyld, and Wyrm are her subordinates in creation. Gaia is said to have created the Incarnae, including the Totem spirits. Garou widely believe that Gaia is sick, and that the Wyrm has become too powerful and upset the balance, and that the coming Apocalypse will either destroy Gaia forever or at great sacrifice bring about a new balance.
  • Gaia (ガイア, Gaia) is the mother of the Titans (in addition to several other gods and creatures), the wife and consort of Uranus, the mother of Pontos and the grandmother of the gods of Olympus.
  • Gaia is a Daeva of Earth in the Nobelium of Eltnen Fortress. She came to Eltnen to investigate the desertification of the region.
  • Gaia is Isaac's down special move in Super Smash Flash 2. Isaac summons a rock pillar from the ground. A spell circle will appear on the ground directly below him, and the player can use the left and right directional buttons to re position it. When the special attack button is released quickly, a pillar of stone will appear beneath. Isaac can delay the move by keeping the special button pressed.
  • Gaia was the goddess or personification of Earth in ancient Greek mythology. Gaia was one of the Greek Primordial deities -- that is she was one of the first deities of existence, who were born from Chaos (a formless or void state preceding the creation of the universe or cosmos). Gaia was the great mother of all: the Giants and the Titans (who later create the Olympian gods) were born from her union with Uranus (the sky), while the sea-gods were born from her union with Pontus (the sea).
  • Gaia is a flag on the Meridian Ocean. It was created on October 22, 2006.
  • Gaia, appelée P3X-774 par la Tau'ri, est la planète d'origine des Nox. C'est un monde forestier, également berceau d'une espèce d'animaux volants nommée Fenri. Elle abrite au moins une cité flottante des Nox qu'ils cachent aux étrangers grâce à leur technologie. 1. * REDIRECTION
  • Emperor Gaia is the leader of the soldiers of the Empire and the ruler of the Underworld. It's unknown how he lost his eye.
  • When she's not surfing, Gaia likes to do yoga on the beach. But if someone steals her wave or pollutes her beach then it's no more Miss Nice Girl. On a constant search for "the ultimate wave", she travels the world and learns about new cultures, while discovering different forms of martial arts.
  • Gaia, the current home of the Syreen, lies in a star system at the edge of Ur-Quan space closest to Earth. Known formally as Betelgeuse I, it was given to the Syreen as a suitable planet in which to be slave-shielded after their defeat at the hands of the Ur-Quan Hierarchy. When the Syreen explained to the Ur-Quan that their original homeworld, Syra, had been destroyed and described its former beauty, the Ur-Quan searched their extensive planetary database and offered the choice of two Water Worlds: Gaia or Organon. A Hierarchy starbase under the command of Talana orbits the planet.
  • She came from the ageless void of nothingness and darkness called Chaos. From her Ouranos was born and from them, the Titans were born. It was Gaia who encouraged Kronos to rebel against his father, providing him with a scythe forged of adamant, the strongest substance in existance, to castrate Ouranus while he and her were making love. She rewarded Kronos with his father's throne, granting him domain over the Earth, time itself, and over mankind.
  • Gaia is a fictional planet described in the book Foundation's Edge (1982) and referred to in Foundation and Earth (1986), by Isaac Asimov. The name is derived from the Gaia hypothesis, which is itself eponymous to Gaia, the Earth Goddess. In this fictional universe, Gaia is located in the Sayshell Sector, about ten parsecs (32 light years) from the system Sayshell itself. It orbits a G-4 class star, and has one natural satellite (50 km or 31 miles in diameter). Its axial inclination is 12°, and a Gaian day lasts 0.92 Galactic Standard Days.
  • Gaia is the Spirit representation of the Earth, the mother of all living things. More directly, she is credited with creating the Garou and most of the Fera to be her warriors, servants and agents in both the material and spirit worlds. As is the case with other spirits of God-like power, Gaia is almost never encountered directly; instead she communicates with her children and other supplicants via minor spirits under her command. Gaia has many aspects and is known by a variety of names; these include the Emerald Mother, the guise in which she is known to the shen of the Middle Kingdom.
  • Gaia are a family of viruses appearing in Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Battle Network 4 games. When a match begins, Gaia viruses remain stationary and do not move throughout the progression of the battle. These virus are naturally equipped with the StoneBody ability (greyed out in color, resembling stone); in Mega Man Battle Network, in this form they only take 1 HP damage from any attack, while in Mega Man Battle Network 4 they are completely invulnerable to attacks in their StoneBody state. In Mega Man Battle Network, when attacking, Gaia will change color to that of their native variant and smash the ground with their hammer, upon which they release a three-square wide explosion traveling down one column at a time. If there is a hole panel in front of the virus, when it attacks,
  • [[Imagem:Tellus.jpg|thumb|450px|center|Tellus ou Gaia, com dois Carpos, no Altar da Paz originalmente situado no Campo de Marte, Roma (9 a.C.). A jovem à direita é considerada uma representação da Brisa (Aura) do Mar e do poder romano sobre o Mediterrâneo e a outra como alegoria da Brisa da Terra e da fertilidade e prosperidade de Roma]] Na mitologia grega, Gaia ou Geia (do grego Γαῖα, Gaîa, possivelmente contração de γῆ, gê, "terra" e αἶα, aîa, "mãe", "terra-mãe") ou Gé (γῆ, gê, "terra"), também chamada, por Ésquilo, Khthon, Cton, por Diodoro da Sicília, Titeia (Titea ou Tithea, da mesma raiz de "titã") e pelos romanos Tellus, Tellus Mater ou Terra era a deusa primordial da Terra e a Grande Mãe de todas ou da maioria das divindades e dos mortais.
  • Gaia (Standard Gaian: ガイア), officially the Imperial Union of Gaia, is a country located on the planet of Kebir Blue on the southern coast of Austral Bergo, Centura Donna Continent. Gaia is a unitary state consisting of ten prefectures and a special region, with a parliamentary monarchy overseen by Empress Ryoko. The country is home to approximately 92 million people, 93% of which are ethnic Gaians. Chukyo is the capital of Gaia, and is home to approximately 11% of the country's population.
  • Gaia (o Gea) è la dea primordiale, colei che ha creato la Terra e generato le altre divinità e la vita, nonchè colei che forgiò le Soma . Da millenni imprigionata in una misteriosa fontana, nel 1979 comincia a liberarsi grazie al piano di suo figlio Ponto , consistente nel far scontrare i Titani (indeboliti) contro i Cavalieri d'Oro di Atena e permettere così alla Madre Terra di assorbire la Dunamis dei suoi stessi figli. Nell'Hypermyth viene invece presentata (insieme ad Urano e Ponto) come una delle tre divinità generate dall'arrivo del Big Will sulla Terra .
  • GAIA is not a single entitiy, but rather a collection of AIs. It is the controlling entity of Installation X, and has a similar job to that of Monitors. However, unlike them, he does not have a physical avatar. However, it could be said that the ring is his self, as he is connected to everything on the ring. He was put there to observe the ring, as well as keep track of the flood in the valley of the forerunners. He is quite powerful, he can use any system on the ring at a whim. Thankfully, it does not contain a library as it does not have a superweapon, and he is quite peaceful, prone to quietly observing but not interfering. Indeed, during the battle of Installation X, he did not want to act, but was conviced by Andrea and Michael Harrington. It is suspected that GAIA has it's own sinist
  • Gaia is the personification of the planet Earth, a collective consciousness of the life the planet bears. Although stemming from ancient greek mythology, where Gaia (or Gæa, Gaea, Gea) is the primordial goddess of the earth, Gaia's appearance in Random Kingdom is largely inspired by Final Fantasy VII and combines the greek concept of a personification with a more generalized concept of a collective unconsciousness. While the underlying concept of a collective consciousness of the planet earth is accepted as factual within the setting, the process on how this being, incarnated in a form that the human mind cannot relate to, became a female humanoid avatar is explained by Birthplace of the Gods - the belief of the people caused it to manifest in this form, with the attributes ascribed to it.
  • Gaia started life at the end of April 2008. It was originally conceived simply as a safe haven for the Horde characters of players in the Alliance Guild Tranquillity. Several of the longer-established members joined the Guild through this route, including the current Guildmaster. In June 2008 it was decided to expand the Guild and make it a viable stand-alone entity by recruiting new Horde characters who would have no connection with Tranquillity. Most of the Guild’s active members have joined in this way.
  • Leader: Sister Elsabeth, Solitus 150 Meta-Physicist Location: unknown Background: Gaia gave up on the conflict with Omni-Tek a long time ago, and figured it'd be best if they could terra-form another part of the planet and live peacefully without any possible interference from Omni-Tek. The only problem with this is that Gaia is no where near large enough to gather the resources that would be required, and this is where the Council comes in. While Gaia feels that the Council is unnecessary on this part of Rubi-Ka, Elsabet understands that she needs to convince others that the development of this Garden is necessary. As well, while she is against war, she feels Omni-Tek owes the clans money and resources. Gaia feels that between the resources they could gain from Omni-Tek and that of the ot
  • Die Sonne streckte ihre kleinen Fühler behutsam durch den gräulichen Nebel des Morgens. Die Nacht befand sich schon auf dem Rückzug, doch noch sah man den alltäglichen Kampf der beiden Zeiten hoch oben am Himmel. Ich stand schon im Wald. Tau hing am Gras und befeuchtete meine Stiefel, welche meine Füße vor der Kälte bewahrten. Hose und Mantel umhüllten meinen filigranen Körper, während ein dunkelgrüner Hut mein langes Haar zu bändigen versuchte. Försterin war in meinen Augen schon immer ein toller Beruf gewesen und endlich, endlich hatte ich ihn bekommen. Offiziell begann mein erster Tag zwar erst in ein paar Stunden, aber ich hatte es vor Aufregung einfach nicht mehr ausgehalten und war so früh wie möglich in meinen grünen Arbeitsplatz geeilt. Es versprach, ein schöner Tag zu werden.
  • Gaia (from Greek Γαία, meaning "gay") is a hippie belief regarding the origins of America's Planet that does not include Jesus, The Baby Jesus or God, which is all that's needed to disqualify it as a coherent belief with any merit. Belief in Gaia is only taken seriously by people who have their heads up their asses, i.e. liberals. America, being a nation of it-getters, rejected the blasphemous notion that an unmarried mother could take the place of, or even function without the help of God, a man. It should be mentioned that Gaia, while unmarried, did have a live-in boyfriend named Captain Planet.
  • Gaia est un simulateur qui donne vie un spécimen au cours d'une SIMER -- ou en français -- Gaia permet de tester des types de sociétés humaines en les simulant En terminologie mutante, une "société humaine" est un écosystème qui est représenté digitalement par un spécimen. Le spécimen que Gaia "fait vivre" est une incarnation du spécimen. Donc, pour utiliser Gaia, il faut d'abords Créer un spécimen et lancer une SIMER. Gaia est composé de trois sous-systèmes: Si les incarnations qui vivent dans la SIMER "se portent bien", le karma général augmente.
  • Though Gaia looks after the Planeteers and obviously views them as children to her mother-like figure, she rarely gives them personal advice. She treats them as a team, warning them to be careful and to take care of one another and work together. She often watches over them and contacts them as they are leaving Hope Island in the geo-cruiser.
  • Gaia can be troublesome, eating up almost everything she can get her hands on... despite not actually having hands as such. She never eats unique things, though. Unwanted gadgets are often a good thing to feed her. If she finds a species has gone extinct and has sufficient bioenergy she will attempt to create it in a reasonable location. Gaia occupies Geat slot G. She can be downloaded from Creaturesfrance (link to geat page - direct link to file) or AmberCreatures (on the Life page). It is a good idea to read the included readme thoroughly to understand the effects Gaia will have on the game.
  • Gaia (Genetic Ark Interface Apparatus) est à la fois un agent et une espèce, mais aussi un outil. Selon les dires de son créateur Lis Morris: Gaia est un ordinateur de bord intelligent capable de controler l'écosystème de l'arche et les niveaux de bioenergie. Elle a aussi ses propres besoins et demandes et aime passer du temps avec la main ou d'autres créatures. Contrairement à d'autres créatures, elle fait partie intégrante du vaiseaux et est de ce fait indéplaçable. Tout se fait grâce à la télékinesie.
  • 6
  • 7
  • 45
  • 90
  • Dead or Alive 5 Soundtrack Vol.3
  • +10
Main Character
  • Gaia; Gaia 001.jpg
  • Neutral
  • 143.0
  • VIT +1
  • Vi +1
Previous Track
  • "Fallen Leaves"
  • Gaia riceve la Dunamis dei Titani
  • 4
  • Masculin
  • Blaster
  • Plasma Cannon
  • Life Outage
Row 9 info
  • 3.15576E8
Row 8 info
  • Hokkaidō
first-ncis la
  • Gaia
  • Divinità
Row 4 info
  • GNG vol 18, page 148
  • Capitolo 38
  • Epsiode G: capitolo 7
Battle Start
  • I cannot forgive war!
  • 250
  • Ukjent
  • 7
  • 2766
  • Agua
  • Tierra
  • Roca
  • 121664
Row 7 title
  • Meaning of Name
  • Pollution, humans
  • +0
  • ガイア
  • 4
  • +0
  • Force/Expel/Death
  • 3800
  • 4180
last-ncis la
  • 24444
  • Weiblich
  • Gaia
Luck Skill
  • -
  • Tierra
  • Volador
  • Roca
  • 12952
  • 129
  • 185
  • 198
skill lv
  • Recover 50% of all allied soldiers / 5% chance
  • Recover 70% of all allied soldiers / 10% chance
  • 3334
  • Nox hemvärld
  • 250
  • Evolution
  • 1355
Row 1 info
  • Japanese Wolf
Max Luck
  • 72
  • 90
  • 2006
  • 988
English Voice
  • -
  • 2373
  • Pokémon Diamante, Perla y Platino
head colour
  • 4
Row 8 title
  • Place of Birth
  • 2
  • 68
  • 22
  • 6
Name Jp
  • ガイア
  • meridian
  • La Madre Terra
  • 6.0
  • Gaia drains the enemy's energy.
  • Shoots a powerful shock wave using plasma energy.
  • Spark coming from Buster Launcher reminds the enemies how vurnable they are.
  • Inflicts daage equal to 2261% of ATK on 1 enemy and stuns for 12 sec. Inflicts 1396% splash damage on enemies around.
  • Inflicts 967% damage on all enemies and removes all buffs. Attacked target does not receive buffs for 7 sec.
  • Gaia
  • Being disturbed, the Earth being treated carelessly
name dub
  • Gaia
Row 4 title
  • Last appearance
Row 9 title
  • Age
  • *Extremt avancerad *Primitiv livsstil
  • 7751
  • DEF +5%
  • DEF +4%
  • Max HP +4%
  • Max HP +8%
  • Gaia acquires the ability "Astral: Shield of Valor". Added effect: Player's DMG taken -18% for 6 sec. Astral Ultimates replace Senshi Ultimate.
  • CRIT DMG taken -20%
  • Gaia
  • 6776
Grupo Sanguíneo
  • Ichór
  • no
  • Gaia
  • Bounce
debut game
  • None
  • De USS Defiant nadert Gaia
  • Het oppervlak van Gaia
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Targets weakened foes with 4 elemental shots.
  • Targets weakened foes with 6 elemental shots.
  • 3794
  • 8
  • Shieldmaiden
  • 2
Row 2 info
  • Gaia's Pack
  • Dea della Terra
Row 6 info
  • 10
  • Empress
Nom Usuel
  • Gaia
Aparece en
  • Manga
  • 0
  • 2420
body colour
  • ACC7D2
Row 1 title
  • Species
  • Infinite
JP Name
  • ガイア
  • 大地燦将ガイア
Row 5 info
  • Deceased
  • The Last Supper
  • Target Plan
  • Cradle of Creation
  • 180
  • Gaia.jpg
  • 60
  • 22
Row 2 title
  • Affiliation
  • 4626
Row 6 title
  • Family or owners
  • キクノ
  • 177
  • 254
  • 258
  • 3600
  • 3960
  • 10332
  • 20394
Light Novel Debut
  • -
friendship max
  • I can feel your warm love.
Strike shot
  • Bashes the first contacted enemy and sends it flying.
  • Strikes the first contacted enemy and sends it flying.
  • Love the Earth - 14 Turns
  • Thank the Soil - 12 Turns
  • 58
Manga Debut
  • -
  • 156
  • 195
  • 207
Pie de Foto
  • Imagen de Gaia en D/P/Pt
  • 22
  • 9252
  • 63
Row 5 title
  • Status
  • 111.900000
  • 135.330000
friendship event
  • Let's row to the stars, orbiting each other
  • Together, we can go beyond the Milky Way.
battle end
  • We're family!
  • Kvinne
Row 3 info
  • GNG vol 17, page 125
  • Ponto
  • 0
  • 4
  • 5
  • Rare
  • SR
  • HR
Row 3 title
  • First appearance
Anime Debut
  • -
  • 2012
  • Waveriders
To Evo
  • 30
  • 10000919
  • 26
  • 72
  • 78
Row 7 info
  • Earth
  • 248624
  • Look after your star, okay?
  • 26.0
  • 15.9
  • 10.1
  • 10
  • Gaia's internal system is morre than enough to make him a reaper.
  • The power of Gaia's blue gloves is spreading to all party members.
  • Increases all party members' INT by 9% and your DEF Penetration by 30.
  • Inflicts 2472% damage on all enemeis when Gaia dies. [CD: 36.1 sec]
  • 2
The Four Horsemen
  • Appears
  • inhabitant
  • 70
  • unknown
  • 216
  • 234
  • Uranus
  • Unlimited
Box Title
  • Gaia
  • -
  • Cain, son
  • Maria, wife
  • Max, son
  • Flying
  • Gaia
  • Gaia
  • Gaia, la Diosa de la Madre Tierra
  • 25
  • Dark
  • Light
Next Track
  • "Desert Storm"
  • Faction
symbol type
  • Emblem
  • 600
  • Green
  • Biolog
  • The Golden Apples of Hesperides, sleeping
Official language
  • Gaian
  • Mobile Suit Gundam
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Destroyed
  • Inaccessible
  • Levende
  • Miembro del Alto Mando
  • Gigantic, rock-like, red eyes, trees all over her body, green grasslike hair
leader name
First Appearance
  • None
  • Parliament
  • Being the planet itself, creating nature
  • Formerly green, now purple
  • +0
  • 52
  • Tati Gabrielle
ethnic group
  • Other
  • Gaian
  • Austral Bergonian
  • Calypso
  • Gaia
  • Daphne
  • Rhea
  • GAIA
  • Dione
  • Gaia
  • -
  • 235
  • 390
  • Temperamental, scornful, irritable
lower house
  • Imperial Assembly
  • yes
  • 250
  • File:Gaia 001.jpg
  • 1.420092E17
Drives on the
  • right
  • Arrogant, Bluff
  • Haughty, Forceful
  • -
  • Daichiboshin Gaia
  • Earth
  • 250
  • Force Gaia
  • Gaia becoming embedded within the planet itself.
  • Battlefield support
  • 58
  • 6
  • Austral Bergo
event date
  • 3265-09-03
Internet TLD
  • .ga
Native Species
  • None; colonized by Gaia inhabitants
  • The Earth, nature
  • +10
army percentage
  • N/A
  • Pnakotic Congressional Order
conventional long form
  • Imperial Union of Gaia
army total
  • 372286
  • 58891
  • 345
  • DMG taken -5%
  • 411
  • DMG taken -7%
  • 378
  • DMG taken -6%
  • 444
  • DMG taken -8%
  • Player's Received Damage -18%
  • Thor's Justice
  • Gaia surface.jpg
  • Shield of Valor
  • Target's ACC -5%
  • Nein
  • Nein
  • Appears
A Lie Guarded
  • Mentioned
production total
  • 5234000000000
ethnic group2 percentage
  • 4
ethnic group3 percentage
  • 3
ethnic group1 percentage
  • 93
Wild Effects
  • Heal/Strength +1
  • Hercules
  • 800
  • Centura Donna
  • -
  • Imperial Credit
  • She is given the Golden Apples of Hesperides and removes Adonis curse, she then returns to sleep
  • -3
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • Bliss Foxy
  • Draco Brightspark
  • Fryderyk the Tenor
  • At last we meet. I've been waiting for you!
  • 26
  • 52
  • Rhea
  • None
  • Une cité flottante de la planète
  • 230
Appears In
  • God of War III
  • God of War Series
  • God of War II
  • no
  • Earth goddess of Greek lore who gave birth to many gods with Uranus.
  • Greek goddess meaning "Earth". Conceived many gods with Uranus.
  • Extremely Advanced technology, primitive lifestyle
  • Mother Earth
  • Goddess of the Earth
  • Mother of the Titans
  • 52
  • 55
  • Lo usa para detener al Team/Equipo Rocket y destruir las armaduras que habían creado para Carnivine y Seviper. Conoce pedrada .
  • Lo usa para pelear contra el Torterra de Ash, demostró ser muy fuerte al soportar los ataques de éste y a la vez muy rápido para ser tan grande y pesado, derrota a Torterra después de una serie de ataques. Conoce excavar , cabezahierro , colmillo ígneo y también usó su habilidad, chorro arena .
  • Usa a su Gliscor para destruir el robot del Team/Equipo Rocket. Conoce guillotina .
  • UniSov World Trade
Voice Actor
  • 90
  • 1103421
  • 1239011
  • 1531916
  • 1697211
  • 1747739
  • 2020233
  • 3262566
  • 3338899
  • 3427767
  • 4979418
  • 250000000
  • ガイア
  • 大地母神 ガイア
region name
  • Miyako
  • Chukyo Capital Region
  • Haiwan
  • Hoshimoto
  • Kamagaya Special Prefecture
  • Shiraiwa
  • Shizumi
  • Tokohama
  • Gaia
  • 79
  • Unknown
  • Nox homeworld
  • Earth
  • ""
  • GAIA
  • Mother of All
  • Daeva of Earth
  • Queen of the Greek Gods
  • Gaia surface.jpg
  • Gaia.jpg
  • 211
  • show
  • Gaia Family
  • The Mother Earth
  • 22
  • 141
  • 227
  • 284
  • 300
  • 4000
  • 4400
  • All systems on Installation X that have offensive capabilities
  • The elements of the Earth
  • Ulu Watu
  • 60
  • Gaia.png
  • Magda Giner
  • 1
  • Mother
  • Bufudyne Zandyne
  • Deathbound\61 Avenge\69 Gaea Rage\74 Attack All\76
  • Megidola Earth's Anger Myriad Arrows Tetrakarn
  • Tetrakarn Anger of the Earth Rain of Arrows
  • 2
  • 1000000000500
  • AI of Installation X
Image size
  • 250
  • Class
  • Mage
  • Vivolith
  • Divine Light Card
  • Holylight Card
  • Mythic
  • A Thirteenth Generation "Smart" AI
  • Gaia mutates into Futsuno Mitama.
  • Guardian of land, sea and air.
  • Gaia is a primordial deity and the personification of the Earth in Greek mythology. The Gods of Olympus and the Titans are her children. This has lead her to have several interactions with the Amazon hero Wonder Woman.
  • Star Goddess.
  • The guardian of balance known to appear when the world is unstable. He has the most powerful fire power among the seven Dragon Busters.
  • Gaia
  • Physical
  • Dark Gaia
  • Geokinesis
  • Immortality
  • Omnipresence
  • Can cast curses and read minds
  • 38
  • 46
  • 33700
  • 3
  • Cradle of Creation
government type
  • Unitary Parliamentary Monarchy
  • Earth
  • Emblem_of_Gaia.png
  • Look, these are my stars!
City Name
  • Awakened Eirden
  • Awakened Lilith
  • Awakened Turq
  • None
  • Angel's Caress
  • Enhanced Horsepower
  • Eternal Nightmare
  • Fox's Instinct
  • Location of Death
  • None
  • Angel's Blessing
  • Frozen Enchanted
  • Master Conductor
  • None
  • Intelligence Increase
  • Flame Study
  • Weapon Use
localization map
  • Location of Gaia.png
  • Gaia
  • Imperial Union Act
  • 43
  • 44
  • 46
  • Gaea; Gaea Fear Itself Vol 1 7.2.png
  • Sister Gaia(Serena Foster); Serena Foster from Excalibur Vol 1 44 0001.jpg
Last Appearance
native name
  • ガイアの帝国連合
  • Gaian
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • -
  • EP639 Gliscor de Bertha.png
  • EP639 Golem de Bertha.png
  • EP639 Hippowdon de gaia.png
  • Gaia face-1-.jpg
  • Gaia.png
  • Gaia_02.jpg
  • 242
  • 243
  • 松岡洋子 Yōko Matsuoka
  • Check out Gaia's releaser poster here.
  • In mythology, Gaia is the personifiaction of "earth" and one of the very first deities. She gave birth to the first generation of Titans with Ouranos. Her roman counterpart is called "Tellus".
  • Eterna
  • Alle Howrsepferde, die nicht von Spielern gezüchtet wurden
Imagen P
  • Golem Pt.png
  • Gliscor Pt.png
  • Golem DP.png
  • Hippowdon hembra DP.png
  • Hippowdon hembra Pt.png
  • Quagsire hembra DP.png
  • Rhyperior hembra Pt.png
  • Sudowoodo hembra DP.png
  • Whiscash DP.png
  • Whiscash Pt.png
période technologique
  • Technologie très avancée
  • Goddess
  • -
  • Fleimkepa
  • Goddess of the Earth
  • 22
upper house
  • Imperial Senate
  • Gaia
  • María Julia Díaz
  • Hippowdon
  • Quagsire
  • Rhyperior
  • Whiscash
  • Golem
  • Sudowoodo
  • Gliscor
  • Indra
  • *Chaos *Ouranos *Nyx *Eros *Tartarus *Pontus *Other Primordials † *Minotaurs *Cronos † *Rhea *Hyperion † *Oceanus † *Aegaeon † *Typhon *Gyges † *Cottus *Aphrodite *The Furies † *Zeus † *Poseidon † *Hades † *Hera † *Demeter *Hestia *Helios † *Eos *Selene *Hercules † *Ares† *Hephaestus† *Persephone † *Perseus † *Peirithous † *Pollux † *Theseus † *Apollo *Artemis *Athena † *Hermes† *Kratos *Deimos † *Lysandra † *Ceryx † *Orkos † *Calliope † *Pandora †
  • 3000
  • 4664
  • 6056
  • 7200
  • 12600
  • 2
Leader title
  • Prime Minister
  • Monarch
  • Deputy Prime Minister
Largest City
  • Dragon Buster Gaia
  • 2006-05-02
  • From the Stars
Image File
  • Gaia.jpg
  • Female
  • Male
  • -
  • Male and Female
  • Female Programming
  • 11878
  • Menneske
  • Lauren Bowles
  • Gaea
  • "Mother Gaia"
region type
  • Prefecture
  • "#$】%&'⦄【⚫▲!>
  • "Who dares disturb the slumber of Gaia?!"
  • Hmph! Feel the earth's wrath!
  • In being equal to me, you are the world itself.
  • I am the first to exist from the chaos, the core of this land...
  • I am the Mother Gaia who rises from primordial chaos to become the foundation of the earth...
  • Mother Gaia... Since we are the same, you too are the world…
  • Kebir Blue
  • ガイア
  • 2
  • -
  • normal
  • 800000000000
  • Flag_of_Gaia.png
  • Gaia1, Gaia2, Gaia3, Gaia1EX, Gaia2EX, Gaia3EX
  • N/A
  • -
  • Killed by Knight Sonic
  • Hippowdon
  • Golem
  • Gliscor
  • None, emerged at the creation of the universe
population total
  • 91905340
  • Femenino
  • Femmina
  • 2585
  • yes
  • 260
  • Titani
  • Urano
  • Ponto
  • Tifone
  • Eros
  • Erebo
  • Look-a-troopa
  • Eons Ago
  • 44
  • Mary O' Brady
Country Name
  • Gaia
wikipage disambiguates
  • Gaea
  • -
  • 5
  • 64
  • earthvoid
  • -
  • Gaia.jpg
  • 50
  • 52
  • 53
  • 55
  • 56
  • 59
  • 66
  • 68
  • 69
  • 71
  • 74
  • -
Unknown Power
  • Special
  • Urano
Die All, Die Merrily
  • Appears
  • He leaves a mark that amplifies damage and inflicts splash damage during normal attack.
God Complex
  • Appears
  • Appears
  • Planète des Nox
  • Gaia is the Greek primordial Goddess of Earth, and mother to the Titans. Gaia (or Gaea) or Mother Earth is the Protogenoi Greek goddess of Earth. She was one of the first beings to emerge from Chaos at the creation of the Universe. She was the mother of all Gods and Giants and mortal creatures sprang from her and mother to the Titans.
  • Gaia is Mother Nature (unofficial), who is the supreme deity above all other gods.
  • GAIA is not a single entitiy, but rather a collection of AIs. It is the controlling entity of Installation X, and has a similar job to that of Monitors. However, unlike them, he does not have a physical avatar. However, it could be said that the ring is his self, as he is connected to everything on the ring. He was put there to observe the ring, as well as keep track of the flood in the valley of the forerunners. He is quite powerful, he can use any system on the ring at a whim. Thankfully, it does not contain a library as it does not have a superweapon, and he is quite peaceful, prone to quietly observing but not interfering. Indeed, during the battle of Installation X, he did not want to act, but was conviced by Andrea and Michael Harrington. It is suspected that GAIA has it's own sinister purposes in mind for Installation X, but it is unknown what those purposes are.
  • Leader: Sister Elsabeth, Solitus 150 Meta-Physicist Location: unknown Background: Gaia gave up on the conflict with Omni-Tek a long time ago, and figured it'd be best if they could terra-form another part of the planet and live peacefully without any possible interference from Omni-Tek. The only problem with this is that Gaia is no where near large enough to gather the resources that would be required, and this is where the Council comes in. While Gaia feels that the Council is unnecessary on this part of Rubi-Ka, Elsabet understands that she needs to convince others that the development of this Garden is necessary. As well, while she is against war, she feels Omni-Tek owes the clans money and resources. Gaia feels that between the resources they could gain from Omni-Tek and that of the other clans, the Garden would be more than feasible. Also, until they get their Garden of Eden, Gaia tries hard to emphasize the importance of respecting the environment of Rubi-Ka, both to Omni-Tek and to the other clans. Feelings about the CoT: To Gaia, the Council is a resource they are tapping to gain support for the formation of a Garden of Eden on the other side of Rubi-Ka. Other than that, Gaia sees the Council as a bunch of naïve clans who think they can change the world, but will ultimately fail to change anything. * Eco Warriors: While Gaia respects the Eco Warriors for their desire to conserve the planet, Gaia feels that the Warriors are a bit too radical and that their plan to leave the planet is misguided. * The Pilgrims: Gaia most respects the Pilgrims, both for their desire to help others, but more importantly for their self-proclaimed connection with the planet itself. * New Dawn: While Gaia desires to reach peace with Omni-Tek and avoid conflict at the same time like New Dawn, Gaia feels that Omni-Tek will never agree to a complete allegiance with the clans. * The Sentinels: Gaia secretly respects the Sentinels, and would like it if the Sentinels got onboard with Gaia's Garden of Eden project, as Gaia feels the Sentinels would provide indispensable protection. * The Unionists: Gaia is strongly against the efforts of the Unionists, both in their desire to fight against the corporation in open combat, and in the conflict between the two clans' ideas of conservation as The Unionists are mostly miners and workers who are not immediately concerned with the environment. * Terra Firma: Gaia dislikes Terra Firma because it feels they have no desire for anything but political power, which is not at all a concern of Gaia's. * Knights: Gaia feels that the ideals of the Knights ignore the importance of the environment. Also, Gaia dislikes the Knights' indecision in regards to the conflict. * Vanguard: As it distrusts Terra Firma, Gaia distrusts Vanguard due to its lust for power, though unlike Terra Firma, Vanguard lusts after money. --Tussa 19:09, 12 Jun 2005 (CEST)
  • Gaia is the goddess of the Earth. While the UnWorld was created from the T-5001's body, Earth was created from Gaia's. She was curled into a ball, floating in space, and she couldn't even take a shower. Thus, she was covered by dirt and sweat, which created the continents and oceans as we know them today. She would later turn evil and try to destroy the UnWorld.
  • Gaia is the very first Dragon that emerged in Unlimited Fafnir's world, being essentially the planet Earth itself, and the progenitor of all other Dragons.
  • Gaia was the first planet explored by humans since their discovery of the over-c drive. It is the homeworld of the Hoika. Excluding Albion, it is the only alien world capable of permanently supporting human life.
  • Representação mística da Terra. Gaia está morrendo e o desequilíbrio da Tríade que compões ela mesmo é a causa desta morte agonizante. Glifo:
  • Gaia is the personification of the planet Earth, a collective consciousness of the life the planet bears. Although stemming from ancient greek mythology, where Gaia (or Gæa, Gaea, Gea) is the primordial goddess of the earth, Gaia's appearance in Random Kingdom is largely inspired by Final Fantasy VII and combines the greek concept of a personification with a more generalized concept of a collective unconsciousness. While the underlying concept of a collective consciousness of the planet earth is accepted as factual within the setting, the process on how this being, incarnated in a form that the human mind cannot relate to, became a female humanoid avatar is explained by Birthplace of the Gods - the belief of the people caused it to manifest in this form, with the attributes ascribed to it. Alternatively, a consciousness might manifest itself in human female form (or various other forms) to interact with other minds, such as its human inhabitants - and the form in which it incarnates, or even the desire to do so, might be a result of the belief of the people (more conventionally, one would assume an incarnation to appear and determine the form which people over time come to believe the being has, based on observing the incarnation. However, we can safely assume that in RL, at no time did planetary consciousness physically manifest - with its powers and in its entirety, see below - in any lifeform. Of course one could presume a mental manifestation which determined the course religion took, but that acctually is simply what abstract ideas are - mental images and creations about a certain thing the mind perceives). Wether such belief-impelled manifestations are still identical to the world-soul itself, or wether they 'splinter off' into their own consciousness, is up for debate (of course, in RL, such manifestations have not been physical, but merely artistic and mental, so assigning them a consciousness is itself a somewhat problematic idea). Indeed, if we assume the Dreaming Planet stance, every consciousness - and even inanimate objects - are indeed a manifestation of Gaia, even the planetary body itself is a dream dreamt by a great agglomeration of consciousness,to realize itself. However, the opposite is also used as an explanation for Gaia - it starts with the physical planetary body and, over the course of millenia, becomes more evolved and conscious as life on it becomes more complex. These two might actually both be true, one process reflecting back on the other. Other cultures can hence have other gods and goddesses with the same domain, each of them being a culture-specific interpretation of the underlying factual world-consciousness. It is possible to conclude that the belief in the first place might have initiated by an acctual physical manifestation (but this is highly unlikely regarding RL, except if we take Earth and its processes as the incarnation, which is most truthful and very certainly true) and was then spun by each culture differently. For example, the consciousness appears to be nearly universally understood (by human cultures) as female, because of obvious analogies of fertility. However, the underlying truth is still truth - an unfathomable consciousness of the planet itself, a great soul, an agglomeration of consciousness, a lifestream, to which every living thing returns upon death, to be reborn in a new form. Hence, to discuss the nature of Gaia in Random Kingdom is impossible without the related discussion of the nature of the Afterlife, Chi (the life force) and several terms of RL metaphysics.
  • Les Gaïa sont la race humaine de Rappelz. Ils sont des spécialistes dans la force brute et dans l’utilisation de la magie de la nature. Ville principale: Horizon
  • Gaia is the capital, and one of the oldest towns in Terra. It has a population of 10,000.
  • Gaia is a DekaRed (デカレッド Deka Reddo) and an operative of the S.P.D. Fire Squad.
  • Gaia are a family of viruses appearing in Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Battle Network 4 games. When a match begins, Gaia viruses remain stationary and do not move throughout the progression of the battle. These virus are naturally equipped with the StoneBody ability (greyed out in color, resembling stone); in Mega Man Battle Network, in this form they only take 1 HP damage from any attack, while in Mega Man Battle Network 4 they are completely invulnerable to attacks in their StoneBody state. In Mega Man Battle Network, when attacking, Gaia will change color to that of their native variant and smash the ground with their hammer, upon which they release a three-square wide explosion traveling down one column at a time. If there is a hole panel in front of the virus, when it attacks, its hammer won't make contact with anything, successfully preventing them from executing their attack (similar to how GutsMan's shockwave attack works). In Mega Man Battle Network 4, while attacking, they drop three stones from the sky (these panels are marked by shadows), instead of the shockwave attack as in the previous game. Gaia+ and their higher-ranked versions along with the rocks will crack panels at random, so maneuvering can be a bit hectic. Only when they change to their native color, during their attack process, that the player can properly damage these viruses.
  • Gaia (Standard Gaian: ガイア), officially the Imperial Union of Gaia, is a country located on the planet of Kebir Blue on the southern coast of Austral Bergo, Centura Donna Continent. Gaia is a unitary state consisting of ten prefectures and a special region, with a parliamentary monarchy overseen by Empress Ryoko. The country is home to approximately 92 million people, 93% of which are ethnic Gaians. Chukyo is the capital of Gaia, and is home to approximately 11% of the country's population. Gaia is a developed country and enjoys one of the highest GDP (PPP) per capita in the world. In 3600, Gaia had the highest ranked business index amongst its federation. Gaia is a member of various international organizations such as the Pnakotic Congressional Order and the UniSov World Trade Common Market.
  • Gaia was a cencept of mythology, a Greek goddess of the Earth, the conceptual personification of Earth as the "mother" of the Human civilization. Followers of Gaia were called Gaians. These people revered ecosystems. In 2294, Gaians were quite common in the Highlands of Scotland. (TOS novel: The Fearful Summons)
  • [[Imagem:Tellus.jpg|thumb|450px|center|Tellus ou Gaia, com dois Carpos, no Altar da Paz originalmente situado no Campo de Marte, Roma (9 a.C.). A jovem à direita é considerada uma representação da Brisa (Aura) do Mar e do poder romano sobre o Mediterrâneo e a outra como alegoria da Brisa da Terra e da fertilidade e prosperidade de Roma]] Na mitologia grega, Gaia ou Geia (do grego Γαῖα, Gaîa, possivelmente contração de γῆ, gê, "terra" e αἶα, aîa, "mãe", "terra-mãe") ou Gé (γῆ, gê, "terra"), também chamada, por Ésquilo, Khthon, Cton, por Diodoro da Sicília, Titeia (Titea ou Tithea, da mesma raiz de "titã") e pelos romanos Tellus, Tellus Mater ou Terra era a deusa primordial da Terra e a Grande Mãe de todas ou da maioria das divindades e dos mortais. Na mais antiga cosmologia grega, a Terra era concebida como um disco chato cercado pelo rio Oceano, coberta pelo domo do céu e tendo por baixo o abismo do Tártaro. Ela suporta o mar e as montanhas sobre seu seio.
  • Fertility Inducement- Nature Manipulation- Precognition- Season Manipulation- Automatically Enhanced Ability Acquisition- Earth Manipulation- Timer Set-up- Enhanced Archery- Animal Manipulation- Reality Perception-
  • Gaia is the name given to a massive biological supercomputer located at the core of the Tartaros arcology. Self propagating, it automatically expands it's network to include any new developments in the city, and interfaces with a large number of terminals installed in major public places.
  • Gaia is a fictional planet described in the book Foundation's Edge (1982) and referred to in Foundation and Earth (1986), by Isaac Asimov. The name is derived from the Gaia hypothesis, which is itself eponymous to Gaia, the Earth Goddess. In this fictional universe, Gaia is located in the Sayshell Sector, about ten parsecs (32 light years) from the system Sayshell itself. It orbits a G-4 class star, and has one natural satellite (50 km or 31 miles in diameter). Its axial inclination is 12°, and a Gaian day lasts 0.92 Galactic Standard Days. In its course of settlement, the human beings on Gaia, under robotic guidance, not only evolved their ability to form an ongoing group consciousness, but also extended this consciousness to the fauna and flora of the planet itself, even including inanimate matter. As a result the entire planet became a super-organism.
  • Categoría:PersonajesGaia (ガイア, Gaia) es una de las primeras deidades existentes, es la progenitora de varios Dioses. Ella representa la Tierra y fue quien le dio forma a la misma. Fue la principal conspiradora de la revolución contra uno de sus hijos y su marido: Ouranos; ella creó los Sómas como regalo a sus hijos para su batalla. Actualmente está sellada y se requiere como mínimo los doce Dýnamis imperfectos del Panteón Titán.
  • Gaia is a woman who appeared in "An Unlocked Mind".
  • Gaia is the Spirit representation of the Earth, the mother of all living things. More directly, she is credited with creating the Garou and most of the Fera to be her warriors, servants and agents in both the material and spirit worlds. Gaia is a Celestine, and one of the most powerful spirits known to exist - possibly the most powerful. Opinions differ over her exact relationship to the Triat (some say she created them, others the opposite), but she clearly has ties to Helios and Luna. While Mages generally see her as a spiritual represention of the planet Earth, Garou and others often think of her as the entire cosmos, with the planet just her most important and vital aspect. As is the case with other spirits of God-like power, Gaia is almost never encountered directly; instead she communicates with her children and other supplicants via minor spirits under her command. Gaia has many aspects and is known by a variety of names; these include the Emerald Mother, the guise in which she is known to the shen of the Middle Kingdom. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Gaia can be troublesome, eating up almost everything she can get her hands on... despite not actually having hands as such. She never eats unique things, though. Unwanted gadgets are often a good thing to feed her. If she finds a species has gone extinct and has sufficient bioenergy she will attempt to create it in a reasonable location. Gaia occupies Geat slot G. She can be downloaded from Creaturesfrance (link to geat page - direct link to file) or AmberCreatures (on the Life page). It is a good idea to read the included readme thoroughly to understand the effects Gaia will have on the game. Note: Gaia will not work on DS standalone, as she is installed onto the bridge of the Ark near the Splicer, unless you use Gaia DS edition. A male counterpart for Gaia entitled "Gaius" has been developed by Ghosthande.
  • Gaia always knew he was the weakest of the three bloon princes. Ever since birth he knew he would have two older brothers always outclassing him. He never liked it. He died in the fourth war, at the age of fourteen, and his ghost has returned to prove his brothers wrong.
  • Gaia is the primordial goddess of the Earth, mother of the Titans and the grandmother and great-grandmother of the Olympian Gods. She is the narrator of the series, the deuteragonist of God of War II, and the secondary antagonist of God of War III.
  • Gaia (Bertha en inglés y en Hispanoamérica por el anime, キクノ Kikuno en japonés) es la segunda miembro del Alto Mando de Sinnoh y se especializa en Pokémon tipo tierra.
  • Gaia (ガイア) is a game exclusive team.
  • Gaia is a ZT2 fansite started in April 2012.
  • Maître de Sonyk.
  • Gaia som utsedd P3X-774 av Tau'ri är hemplanet av Nox. Gaia är en skogsvärld hem till avancerade och mystiska Nox. Planeten ansåg innehavaren av en dyrbar hemlighet att Goa'uld är frodig och lövträd. Där Nox lever i symbios med sin omgivning. Världen är också hem till Fenri, en stor, flygande djur. (SG1: "The Nox")
  • Gaia (or Gaea or Mother Earth) is the Protogenoi Greek Goddess of Earth. She was one of the first beings to emerge from Chaos at the creation of the Universe. She was the mother of all Gods and Giants and mortal creatures sprang from her.
  • Gaia (from Greek Γαία, meaning "gay") is a hippie belief regarding the origins of America's Planet that does not include Jesus, The Baby Jesus or God, which is all that's needed to disqualify it as a coherent belief with any merit. Belief in Gaia is only taken seriously by people who have their heads up their asses, i.e. liberals. America, being a nation of it-getters, rejected the blasphemous notion that an unmarried mother could take the place of, or even function without the help of God, a man. It should be mentioned that Gaia, while unmarried, did have a live-in boyfriend named Captain Planet. A big push was made in the early 90's to indoctrinate America's youth with belief in Gaia. This indoctrination program was a cartoon called Captain Planet and the Planeteers. [Gaia actually means ]
  • thumb|Die USS Defiant fliegt nach Gaia. Gaia ist ein Planet der Klasse M im Gamma-Quadranten. Der Planet ist erdähnlich und besitzt die gleichen Klimazonen, von der Tundra bis zur Wüste, wie auf der Erde.
  • Gaia is a recurring character in the Mana series. He is the guardian of earth. He is in many regards similar to Treant the guardian of nature who he is linked to in one way or another in most games.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__Plik:Gaia_top.png
  • GAIA is the main A.I. overseeing Project Zero Dawn. A personification of Mother Earth, GAIA is tasked with the re-terraforming of Earth back to its original state.
  • Gaia is a female clone of (out of all people to have their DNA saved) Bra, Trunks' younger, and much less combative sister. (Bra was, anyway.) Raised from birth by a group of warriors on a small planet, which effectively functioned as a large dojo, she has both the fighting skill of Goku and the prodigious genius of Bulma. She keeps herself permanently in Full Power Super Saiyan form, and has augmented her body with mechanical aides to add power to her movements and attacks.
  • Gaia is the last, and most powerful, of the Seikishin built by the Senshi, and was found by Naua, along with Doll. It was later cut in half after a battle with Kenshi.
  • Minoanter 10:10, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:EBOOK`s Kategorie:GAIA
  • Zachary White says: Gaia is the Goddess of the Earth, and is featured in icefire as a the white hedgehog, which was named Spikey by Lucy Pennykettle. Gaia was hinted to be a bear named Sunasala, who was the mate of the fighting bear Ragnar. When Lucy is captured and held captive on the Tooth of Ragnar by Gwilanna, Gaia makes an appearance as a polar bear, later transforming into her human form. She has long red hair and pink eyes. Gaia shows the two dragons G'reth and Groyne to Lucy, and lets G'reth take a lock of Lucy's hair, which sends the girl into a safe hibernation for three months, until the fire star rises and the ix all come to earth
  • Gaia started life at the end of April 2008. It was originally conceived simply as a safe haven for the Horde characters of players in the Alliance Guild Tranquillity. Several of the longer-established members joined the Guild through this route, including the current Guildmaster. In June 2008 it was decided to expand the Guild and make it a viable stand-alone entity by recruiting new Horde characters who would have no connection with Tranquillity. Most of the Guild’s active members have joined in this way. Gaia is primarily a PvE levelling Guild, with some very light RP thrown in occasionally, mainly at Guild Meetings. It is intended for all levels of player.
  • Since Gaia was first published, many of Jim Lovelock's predictions have come true, and his theory has become a hotly argued topic in scientific circles. Here, in a new Preface, Lovelock outlines his present state of the debate.
  • The extremely high fertility and area along with an acceptable level of metal make these good Research bases.
  • This enemy is the embodiment of the world, and functions as the final boss of Stick Ranger, along with Chronos.
  • She came from the ageless void of nothingness and darkness called Chaos. From her Ouranos was born and from them, the Titans were born. It was Gaia who encouraged Kronos to rebel against his father, providing him with a scythe forged of adamant, the strongest substance in existance, to castrate Ouranus while he and her were making love. She rewarded Kronos with his father's throne, granting him domain over the Earth, time itself, and over mankind. Gaia was called upon by Reah, who asked her to look after and protect her last child, Zeus, from his father, Kronos. Gaia agreed and raised Zeus as her own in a far away land among the world of man. Gaia and the Humans taught Zeus the arts of crafts and combat, training him for the day that he would free Humanity from his father's reign.
  • Gaia, serial number , was a Thirteenth Generation "Smart" AI, and
  • Gaia (sometimes referred as Lady Gaia) is one of the Xenia gods who resides in the Forest of Life. Her attributes include Nature (plants, trees, water, etc), Life and Death. Gaia attempted to seal her powers away by merging herself with her tree, Rukkha. However, that failed when Thanatos corrupted it. The tree and the goddess begin to connect together even more, and Perseo fears this. He immediately dispatched the Chase to her forest in order to free her. She grants the Chase the Orb of Life, and wishes them luck against the epic battle with Thanatos. It is suggested that Gaia and Perseo are a couple. Elesis also tries to ask Gaia about this, but she quickly drops the subject.
  • Gaia est un simulateur qui donne vie un spécimen au cours d'une SIMER -- ou en français -- Gaia permet de tester des types de sociétés humaines en les simulant En terminologie mutante, une "société humaine" est un écosystème qui est représenté digitalement par un spécimen. Le spécimen que Gaia "fait vivre" est une incarnation du spécimen. Donc, pour utiliser Gaia, il faut d'abords Créer un spécimen et lancer une SIMER. Gaia est composé de trois sous-systèmes: * Le Métabolisme : * Incarne les nouveaux concepts issus des processus de production (de tous les concepts incarnés). * Dresse la liste de tous les processus de consommation (de tous les concepts incarnés). * Met à jour toutes les variables globales. * L'Instinct : * Satisfait tous les processus de consommation issus du système métabolique à l'aide d'un algorithme plus ou moins efficace. * Met à jour les variables conceptuelles des incarnations dont un processus de consommation a été satisfait par le système instinctif. * L' Anima : * Applique les règles du gouvernement. Selon le cas, ces règles sont exécutées avant ou après le système instinctif. Avant le système instinctif: Si la règle a été conçue pour rendre plus efficiente la satisfaction de certains processus de consommation. Autrement dit, si elle prend en charge une partie du travail du système instinctif. Ce dernier n'ayant plus à trouver des ressources pour satisfaire ces processus de consommation . Après le système instinctif: Si l'objectif de la règle est d'utiliser les ressources laissées libres après satisfaction de tous les processus de consommation de tous les concepts incarnés. * Met à jour les variables conceptuelles des incarnations dont un processus de consommation a été satisfait par l' anima. Si les incarnations qui vivent dans la SIMER "se portent bien", le karma général augmente.
  • Gaia var biolog om bord på stjerneskipet Marco Polo og senere på Mandeville II etter at Marco Polo ble ødelagt under et sammenstøt med en sort seiler. Hun var en av de originale tre besetningsmedlemmene som deltok i utforskning av universet sammen med kaptein Jason og datamaskinisten Akeron.
  • Gaia (ガイア*)? is a demon and Magatama in the series.
  • Gaia, the mother Earth, was spouse of the father Sky, Caelus, and mother of the ten gods and godesses of the Yodotai. Between the couple they created the world and all that were on it. The sound of her voice was magic, and it created the truths of the world. Loyalty. Justice. Love. War.
  • Though Gaia looks after the Planeteers and obviously views them as children to her mother-like figure, she rarely gives them personal advice. She treats them as a team, warning them to be careful and to take care of one another and work together. She often watches over them and contacts them as they are leaving Hope Island in the geo-cruiser. In the first episode, A Hero for Earth, it would appear that Gaia has a soft spot for Ma-Ti, treating him with gentle affection. This may be because he is the youngest, but she also makes it clear that he has the most important power of all, and without him, the other Planeteers have no cause. In "There is No Place Like Home" episode, Dr. Blight referred her as "Empress Earth".
  • Gaia takes on many forms during Grandia, all of which have a gigantic, insectoid appearance. Furthermore, Gaia has tentacle-like appendages that resemble the roots of a plant, which allow it to spread its corruption across the world, destroying anything in their path.
  • Gaia is the ancient earth goddess also known as Mother Earth and mother of the Titans. She appeared in the Hercules animated series episode "Hercules and the Prince of Thrace".
  • Gaia is a ship on the online rping forum Star Wars, Brotherhood of Darkness, by the user Odan Thos, and is under the ownership of Zero.
  • Grupo: Mägo de Oz Duración: 72.25 Distribuidor: Locomotive Music Productor: Goyo Esteban Disco anterior: Folktergeist (2002) Disco posterior: Belfast (2004) Es la primera parte de la trilogía Gaia (sigue con Gaia II-La voz dormida). Su sonido es un poco diferente al de los otros álbumes del grupo, sonando más folclórico y agregando más variedad de instrumentos, principalmente Andinos (El Charango en El Atrapasueños) y mayor influencia de los teclados.
  • Gaia is a divine mare. She is the wife to Ouranos . She is the originator of all the other horses in the game.
  • Die Sonne streckte ihre kleinen Fühler behutsam durch den gräulichen Nebel des Morgens. Die Nacht befand sich schon auf dem Rückzug, doch noch sah man den alltäglichen Kampf der beiden Zeiten hoch oben am Himmel. Ich stand schon im Wald. Tau hing am Gras und befeuchtete meine Stiefel, welche meine Füße vor der Kälte bewahrten. Hose und Mantel umhüllten meinen filigranen Körper, während ein dunkelgrüner Hut mein langes Haar zu bändigen versuchte. Försterin war in meinen Augen schon immer ein toller Beruf gewesen und endlich, endlich hatte ich ihn bekommen. Offiziell begann mein erster Tag zwar erst in ein paar Stunden, aber ich hatte es vor Aufregung einfach nicht mehr ausgehalten und war so früh wie möglich in meinen grünen Arbeitsplatz geeilt. Es versprach, ein schöner Tag zu werden. Langsam schritt ich durch mein Reich. Es war so schön hier, so friedlich, die Ruhe hier war beinahe schon ansteckend. Gelassen streifte ich durch mein Refugium, vorbei an kräftigen Bäumen und kleineren Büschen. Irgendwann flitzte ein Tier über den Weg vor mir, doch mehr geschah in dieser Frühe noch nicht. Die Luft lag über allem wie eine kühlende Decke und vertrieb auch das letzte Bisschen Müdigkeit aus meinen Knochen. Frei wie ein Reh bewegte ich mich durch den grün saftigen Wald, völlig unbeschwert, als könnte nichts und niemand meine Ruhe stören. Ah! Hm? War da was? wahrscheinlich nur irgendein Vogel. Aaaaaah! Okay, da war tatsächlich etwas. Eine kleine Welle der Panik durchfuhr meinen Körper. Was sollte ich jetzt tun? Sollte ich es nicht einfach ignorieren? Eigentlich hatte mein Job ja noch gar nicht begonnen. Ich könnte mich also einfach ganz vorsichtig wegschleichen. Hilfe! Eine herzzerreißende Stimme hallte zwischen den Bäumen umher. Unweigerlich zuckte ich zusammen. Was auch immer das war, ich musste ihm helfen. Weglaufen könnte ich nun nicht mehr. Langsam pirschte ich durch die dunkle Umgebung. Plötzlich schien es, als würde die Nacht den ewigen Kampf gegen den Tag grade gewinnen. Alles lag in einem drückenden Zwielicht, welches dir wie ein Betrüger die Dinge zwar zeigte, aber nichts so wie es wirklich war. Es wollte dich verwirren und täuschen, anstatt dir hilfsbereit zur Seite zu stehen. Ich wusste nicht, wohin ich ging. Niemand schrie mehr. Ich folgte nur meinen Instinkten. Ich bahnte mir meinen Weg durch das struppige Unterholz, völlig auf meine Aufgabe konzentriert. Doch dann, wie ein Pfeil in den Körper eines Kriegers, drang ein Gedanke in meinen Kopf. Es war eine Geschichte, wie man sie sich hier in der Gegend erzählte, eine Geschichte, die mir meine Freunde ein paar Tage vorher noch erzählt hatten, um mir, gut wie sie es meinten, noch einen gehörigen Schrecken einzujagen, bevor ich meine neue Stelle antrat. Sie handelte von Kreaturen, so abscheulich, dass ihre bloße Existenz eine Beleidigung für die Erde war. Blutrünstig und gierig streiften sie durch die Wälder dieser Gegend, immer auf der Suche nach arglosen Besuchern, nur um sie zu verstümmeln und schließlich qualvoll verenden zu lassen. Sie waren heimtückische Wesen, nur auf das Töten und Quälen anderer bedacht. Ich hatte es zwar für einen einfachen Mythos gehalten, ein kleines Märchen, das man Kindern erzählte um sie nachts vom Wald fernzuhalten, doch mittlerweile spukte eine Befürchtung durch meinen Kopf, die alles andere überlagerte und mich in die eisigen Arme der Angst trieb: Was, wenn diese Wesen existierten? Ich war nun vorsichtiger. Keine Ahnung, was ich vorher erwartet hatte anzutreffen, aber nun war ich auf der Hut. Ich verschmolz mit der Umgebung, versuchte lautlos durch die düstere Umgebung zu schweben. Ich war so sehr auf meine eigene Sicherheit fixiert, dass ich fast stolperte, als ich wieder einen Schrei hörte. Hilfe, so hilf mir doch jemand! Es klang noch verzweifelter als vorhin, aber was noch viel entscheidender war: es klang nun viel näher. Höchstens noch zwanzig Meter entfernt. Ich nahm mein Gewehr ab. Eigentlich hatte ich gehofft, es nie benutzen zu müssen, hatte versucht, seine Last auf meinem Rücken zu ignorieren. Aber nun war ich doch irgendwie glücklich, es mitgenommen zu haben. Vielleicht würde es sich doch als ganz nützlich erweisen. Ich konnte sie sehen. Die Wilden, diese Kreaturen der Nacht. Ihre Gesichter waren verzerrte Fratzen, merkwürdig behaart und mit gelblichen Zähnen im Maul. Ihre Augen waren dunkel, jedoch voller Hass und Wut. So wie ich es auch grad war. Über und über waren sie von Schmutz bedeckt, ihre Körper trieften von Schlamm und Schweiß. Gierig lechzten sie nach ihrer Beute und beobachteten ihre Opfer. Zwei von denen, die ich eigentlich vor den Monstern des Waldes beschützen sollte, lagen gefesselt auf dem Boden und konnten mittlerweile nur noch winseln. Tränen standen in ihren Augen und tiefe Verzweiflung lag in ihren Gesichtern. Die Monster tauschten Grunzlaute untereinander aus, ich konnte sie nicht verstehen, doch sie klangen so schäbig und verdorben wie ihre Seelen. Schmerz erfüllte mein Herz, der Kavallerie gleich erstürmte er mein Inneres und bereitete den Weg für Wut und Zorn, unbändig tobten sie in mir und ersetzen meine Gedanken durch Instinkte, mein Überlegen durch bloßes Handeln. Ich griff nach meiner Waffe. Ich konnte nicht anders. Ich legte sie an. ich wollte mich wehren, doch es ging einfach nicht. Drei Schüsse. Drei Treffer. Drei Tote. Noch bevor sie realisieren konnten, wie ihnen geschah, gingen die drei Menschen zu Boden. Ich wartete, bis sich keiner der Wilderer mehr bewegte, dann machte ich die beiden gefesselten Hirsche los. Danke. Danke, oh Herrin. Mit diesen Worten verschwanden sie in den Tiefen des Waldes. Ich warf noch einen Blick auf die Leichen der Männer, der Ungeheuer. Schon lange zerstörten sie mein Reich, doch nun war ich zurück. Und ich würde ihnen eine Lektion beibringen. Würde sie bestrafen, würde sie vertreiben und demütigen. Meine Brüder würden mir dabei helfen. Mein Name ist Gaia. Ich bin die Erde. Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Mittellang Kategorie:Mord Kategorie:Schockierendes Ende Kategorie:Kreaturen
  • Gaia is a recurring character in the fourth season. She is portrayed by Tati Gabrielle and debuts in "Echoes". Gaia is Indra's estranged daughter, who became a Keeper of the Flame.
  • GAIA ist die Kern-KI, die Projekt Zero Dawn überwacht. Eine Personifikation von Mutter Erde, ist GAIA mit der Wiederherstellung des Planeten zurück zum ursprünglichen Zustand betraut.
  • "Gaia" is a music track that appeared in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate as the stage theme for Lost World.
  • Gaia is a non-playable team in Age of Empires and Age of Empires II, to which all the natural environment units found around the map belong. The Age of Mythology and Age of Empires III equivalent to Gaia is Mother Nature. It's actually possible to play as animal units in Age of Empires, and Age of Empires II by entering the code Gaia.
  • Gaia is generally held to be the supreme spirit, and the Triat of Weaver, Wyld, and Wyrm are her subordinates in creation. Gaia is said to have created the Incarnae, including the Totem spirits. Garou widely believe that Gaia is sick, and that the Wyrm has become too powerful and upset the balance, and that the coming Apocalypse will either destroy Gaia forever or at great sacrifice bring about a new balance.
  • Gaia (ガイア, Gaia) is the mother of the Titans (in addition to several other gods and creatures), the wife and consort of Uranus, the mother of Pontos and the grandmother of the gods of Olympus.
  • Gaia (o Gea) è la dea primordiale, colei che ha creato la Terra e generato le altre divinità e la vita, nonchè colei che forgiò le Soma . Da millenni imprigionata in una misteriosa fontana, nel 1979 comincia a liberarsi grazie al piano di suo figlio Ponto , consistente nel far scontrare i Titani (indeboliti) contro i Cavalieri d'Oro di Atena e permettere così alla Madre Terra di assorbire la Dunamis dei suoi stessi figli. Nell'Hypermyth viene invece presentata (insieme ad Urano e Ponto) come una delle tre divinità generate dall'arrivo del Big Will sulla Terra . La pettinattura di Gaia alla sua effettiva apparizione viene disegnata in modo leggermente diverso rispetto sue apparizioni in flashback (dove il suo corpo era colorato di nero, come a nasconderne i lineamenti) dove aveva i capellli mossi e lunghi, mentre nelle sue successive apparizioni appaiono simili a quelli di Crono come pettinatura.
  • Gaia is a Daeva of Earth in the Nobelium of Eltnen Fortress. She came to Eltnen to investigate the desertification of the region.
  • Gaia is Isaac's down special move in Super Smash Flash 2. Isaac summons a rock pillar from the ground. A spell circle will appear on the ground directly below him, and the player can use the left and right directional buttons to re position it. When the special attack button is released quickly, a pillar of stone will appear beneath. Isaac can delay the move by keeping the special button pressed.
  • Gaia was the goddess or personification of Earth in ancient Greek mythology. Gaia was one of the Greek Primordial deities -- that is she was one of the first deities of existence, who were born from Chaos (a formless or void state preceding the creation of the universe or cosmos). Gaia was the great mother of all: the Giants and the Titans (who later create the Olympian gods) were born from her union with Uranus (the sky), while the sea-gods were born from her union with Pontus (the sea).
  • Gaia is a flag on the Meridian Ocean. It was created on October 22, 2006.
  • Gaia, appelée P3X-774 par la Tau'ri, est la planète d'origine des Nox. C'est un monde forestier, également berceau d'une espèce d'animaux volants nommée Fenri. Elle abrite au moins une cité flottante des Nox qu'ils cachent aux étrangers grâce à leur technologie. 1. * REDIRECTION
  • Gaia (Genetic Ark Interface Apparatus) est à la fois un agent et une espèce, mais aussi un outil. Selon les dires de son créateur Lis Morris: Gaia est un ordinateur de bord intelligent capable de controler l'écosystème de l'arche et les niveaux de bioenergie. Elle a aussi ses propres besoins et demandes et aime passer du temps avec la main ou d'autres créatures. Contrairement à d'autres créatures, elle fait partie intégrante du vaiseaux et est de ce fait indéplaçable. Tout se fait grâce à la télékinesie. Gaia peut souffrir de problémes, vu qu'elle mange tout ce qui passe à portée de ses mains... même si elle n'en a pas. Elle mange n'importe quoi. Des agents inutiles sont un bon aliment pour elle. Si elle voit qu'une espèce est eteinte, elle se chargera de la faire revenir, si la bioénergie le lui permet. Gaia occupe le Slot de Race Geat G. Elle peut êre téléchargée sur CreaturesFrance. Il est utile de lire le fichier readme.txt fourni avec afin de comprendre les effets de Gaia. Actuellement, Gaia ne fonctionne pas sur Docking Station à moins de posséder l'édition DS de Gaia. Catégorie:Races
  • Emperor Gaia is the leader of the soldiers of the Empire and the ruler of the Underworld. It's unknown how he lost his eye.
  • When she's not surfing, Gaia likes to do yoga on the beach. But if someone steals her wave or pollutes her beach then it's no more Miss Nice Girl. On a constant search for "the ultimate wave", she travels the world and learns about new cultures, while discovering different forms of martial arts.
  • Gaia, the current home of the Syreen, lies in a star system at the edge of Ur-Quan space closest to Earth. Known formally as Betelgeuse I, it was given to the Syreen as a suitable planet in which to be slave-shielded after their defeat at the hands of the Ur-Quan Hierarchy. When the Syreen explained to the Ur-Quan that their original homeworld, Syra, had been destroyed and described its former beauty, the Ur-Quan searched their extensive planetary database and offered the choice of two Water Worlds: Gaia or Organon. A Hierarchy starbase under the command of Talana orbits the planet.
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