  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo (1254 – 1324) was a Venetian explorer and merchant and a member of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins. He was well educated, learning merchant subjects including foreign currency, appraising and the handling of cargo ships. Marco served an important role in the Brotherhood as he ensured the recovery of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's codex from the Mongols. He also played a key role in the formation of the Auditore family, who would become the leading body of the Italian Assassins.
  • Marco Polo (マルコ・ポーロ Maruko Pōro) is one of the 100 historical figure spirits who resides in the Village of Heroes.
  • Marco Polo ist ein Mensch des 13. Jahrhunderts und ein venezianischer Kaufmann und Reisender. Im Jahre 1289 begegnet er dem Doctor und seinen Begleitern im Pamir-Gebirge und verhindert, dass der mongolische Kriegsherr Tegana sie töten lässt. Die TARDIS will er als Geschenk für Kublai Khan, um sich so die Befreiung aus dessen Diensten zu erkaufen und endlich nach Venedig zurück kehren zu können. Der Doctor, Susan, Barbara und Ian begleiten Polo auf dem Weg zum Khan und lernen ihn in dieser Zeit gut kennen.
  • Marco Polo est un personnage d'espèce inconnue de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Stjerneskipet Marco Polo var et interstellarisk forskningsfartøy eid av Den Internasjonale Romadministrasjonen. Oppbygning : Skipets lugarer lå på B-dekket mens skipets kontrollrom og fritids areal befant seg på A-dekket.
  • Marco Polo était un explorateur italien au 13ème siècle. En 1275, il atteignit la Chine, qui n'était alors encore qu'un mythe en Europe. (Réalité extrapolée *) En 2365, Jean-Luc Picard compara la légendaire civilisation iconienne à la Chine mythique avant que Marco Polo ne s'y rende. (TNG: "Contagion")
  • 'Marco Polo' is one of the streets in Venice, Newport, close to the Border House. Undoubtedly named for the famous 13th century Venetian trader and explorer who recorded his travels to China in a widely-readМарко Поло
  • Marco Polo is the name of interstellar spaceships in multiple works of science fiction.
  • Marco Polo is an NPC that...
  • Marco Polo was an explorer during the Middle Ages.
  • Marco Polo ( Republica de Venezia, 15 de setembre, 1254 — 8 de janero, 1324) es viajor venezian. De 1271, el traversa tota Asia per Mongolia e reveni per Sumatra, pos 16 anios servinte Kubilay Khan. La narada de se viajas (Il Milione) es la prima testo european supra la Xina mongol, e atesta la mito de un Estrema orienta mervelios rica.
  • Marco Polo (c. 1254 – January 9, 1324) was the greatest traveller of the Middle Ages. He was the first European in history to travel the fabled Silk Road, the first to see Beijing and stay at the Beijing Hilton, and the first to sell fancy underwear to the Khan of the Golden Horde.
  • Marco Polo was a European traveler on Earth in the 13th century. He traveled to the near-mythical land of China, proving it was an actual place. In 2365, Jean-Luc Picard compared the legendary Iconian civilization to that of mythical China before the travels of Polo. (TNG: "Contagion" )
  • Marco Polo ist ein europäischer Händler aus dem dem 13. Jahrhundert. Polo ist für seine Reisen nach China berühmt, welches zu jener Zeit in Europa ein Mythos gewesen ist. 2365 vergleicht Captain Jean-Luc Picard den Mythos von Iconia mit den Mythos von China bevor dieses von Polo bereist worden ist. (TNG: )
  • Marco Polo is a cheese containing green and black peppercorns blended into the cheese, produced as a proprietary artisan cheese by Beecher's Handmade Cheese.
  • Marco Polo (September 15, 1254 – January 9, 1324 at earliest, but no later than June 1325) was a Venetian trader and explorer who plays a central role in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
  • thumb|Marco Polo we własnej osobie Marco Polo (ur. 1254, zm. 8 stycznia 1324) – wenecki pisarz fantasy, rzekomo: kupiec i podróżnik, Autor przewodnika po Azji Środkowo-wschodniej – „Il Milione”, znanego jednak po tytułem: „Opisanie świata”.
  • Really long, lotta walking. The Doctor and his companions basically get dragged from one end of China to another. From the telesnaps, it's pretty clear that Susan is in a lesbian relationship with Ping-Cho, making it the first interracial relationship on British TV that wasn't just two white English people one of whom was in blackface or yellowface, so that's something. It's true that when you listen to the reconstruction, it seems more like maybe Susan's just befriending a poor young girl who's sad because she's been arranged to marry a shriveled up old man, but what are you going to believe, the reconstructed soundtrack, or a couple of photos?
  • Marco polo var en manlig Tau'ri från Italien och han var en köpman resenär som gjorde resor som presenterade Europeisk till Central Asien och Kina. Försvarsminister David Swift ansåg att Stargate programmet inte hade förvärvat utomjordisk teknologi tillräckligt snabbt, påpekade han att Polos resor till Fjärran Östern "tog tillbaka mer än bara några... exotiska kryddor". (SG1: "The Nox") kategori:Tau'ri kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär
  • Marco Polo war ein venezianischer Händler, der durch die Berichte über seine Reise nach China bekannt wurde. Er war der Sohn von Niccolò Polo, der 1257 nach Masyaf reiste um Altaïr zu treffen und kurz vor seinem Tod, den Kodex erhielt, um diesen sicher vor den Templern aufzubewahren.
  • "Marco Polo" is the 8th episode of Season 5 of the HBO original series The Sopranos. It is the 60th overall episode of the series. Written by Michael Imperioli and directed by John Patterson, it originally aired on April 25, 2004.
  • thumb|right|Retrato de Marco Polo Marco Polo (15 de septiembre de 1253 - 8 de enero de 1324) fue un mercader y explorador veneciano que, junto con su padre y su tío, estuvo entre los primeros occidentales que viajaron por la ruta de la seda a China (que él llamaba Catai). Sus viajes están relatados en el conocidísimo libro Il Milione ("El Millón" o Los viajes de Marco Polo). (El libro se llamó originalmente "Libro de las maravillas", pero ganó rápidamente el apodo de "El millón" ya que Marco Polo decía encontrar "millones de personas" o "millones de pájaros". A partir de ahí ganó su fama de exagerado). Marco Polo suele considerarse uno de los más grandes exploradores del mundo, aunque algunos escépticos prefieren considerarlo el mayor cuentista del mundo.
  • Marco Polo was a trader and explorer from the Venician Republic. He was born in 1254 to trader Niccolò Polo. Niccolò and his brother Maffeo traveled through out Asia from 1259 to 1269, returning with correspondence of Kublai Khan for the Pope. The Papal throne was vacant at their return and they had to wait until 1271 for a Pope to be elected. Finally bringing their message to newly elected Gregory X they were then assigned delivering his answer to Kublai Khan. This time they were accompanied by young Marco.
  • Polo, with his father and uncle, left for Cathay in the year 1271. By his twenty-fifth birthday in 1277, he had come into the service of Kublai Khan. In 1287, Marco, his father and uncle asked the Khan to be permitted to return home. The Khan refused. Iris Wildthyme once held a party in Hobbe's End in 1972 which Marco Polo attended. (PROSE: From Wildthyme with Love)
  • Marco Polo, fin da quando la mamma lo allattava, mostrava numerose doti artistiche e intellettuali. Sebbene nella maggior parte delle scuole italiane e dell'intero pianeta lo si ricordi come un grande viaggiatore e DJ, egli fu in realtà l'ideatore di grandi invenzioni che tuttora sono molto utilizzate. È grazie a lui infatti che esistono le famose caramelline Polo e i tipici indumenti usati dai mortali detti volgarmente polo.
  • Marco Polo (ur. 15 września 1254 w Wenecji lub Korčuli, zm. 8 stycznia 1324 w Wenecji) – wenecki kupiec i podróżnik. Wraz z ojcem i stryjem dotarł do Chin, przemierzając Jedwabny Szlak. Byli oni jednymi z pierwszych przedstawicieli Zachodu, którzy dotarli do Państwa Środka. Jego podróże zostały spisane w książce znanej jako Opisanie świata przez Rustichella z Pizy w czasie, gdy Marco Polo przebywał w niewoli w Genui po przegranej bitwie morskiej pomiędzy Wenecją i Genuą. Obecnie Marco Polo jest uważany za jednego z największych podróżników, chociaż współcześni mu uznawali go raczej za gawędziarza, a jego opowieści za fantastyczne. Pewne elementy jego relacji oraz brak bezpośrednich śladów jego obecności na dworze cesarskim w kronikach chińskich sprawiły jednak, że pojawiają się głosy powąt
  • Marco Polo ist ein venezianischer Globetrotter, dem es nach unendlichen Strapazen und dem Verbrauch einiger Kamelkarawanen gelang, das Land seiner Träume zu erreichen. Dort überzeugte er die Chinesen vom Vorteil der Globalisierung. Er gilt als Begründer verschiedener Textilfirmen, die Polo-shirts herstellen. Die Arbeiter sind dabei unendlichen Strapazen ausgesetzt und bekommen ein Honorar von ungefähr ein Marco pro Tag. (sh. Noomi Klein, No logo) Nachdem Kublai Khan seinen honorigen Gast überaus freundlich empfangen hatte, konnte sich jener nicht der listigen Frage entschlagen, wie breit denn eigentlich eine europäische Straße sei. Der Venezianer, nichts böses argend, antwortete: Für zwei einander begegnende Polos muss es reichen. Woraufhin China die (letztlich doch deutsche) Autobahn in e
  • Venetian
  • File:2577.png
  • Masculin
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Grants a defense boost to teammates.
  • Venedig
  • Assassin's Creed II
  • no
  • no
  • männlich
Erster Auftritt
  • Marco Polo
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • Hatcher
Row 1 info
  • Marc Polo
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • Assassin's Creed: La Croisade secrète
  • Assassin's Creed II
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  • Assassin's Creed: Memories
  • 30
  • 250
  • Marco Polo
  • Bounce
  • 200
  • Bas Moyen Âge
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Fires three 16-way sprays of massive elemental pass-through shots.
  • Fires a large elemental sphere of energy.
  • Fires three 16-way sprays of massive elemental bullets.
  • 1254-09-15
  • Venise, Italie
Row 2 info
  • 1254-09-15
  • ca. 1257
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Stjerneskipet Marco Polo.jpg
  • Juin 1954
Row 2 title
  • Born
Nom Original
  • Marco Polo
  • 14228
  • 17571
  • 18922
Strike shot
  • Increases Speed.
  • Passes through enemies while attacking and increases the grade of items on screen.
  • Passes through enemies and reverts to bounce after touching a wall.
  • マルモーケ・イル・ミリオーネ - 20 Turns
  • ソロバン・トリック - 13 Turns
  • 宇宙的商魂 - 12 Turns
Letzter Auftritt
  • Marco Polo
  • 232.130000
  • 288
  • 374.530000
  • Man
Row 3 info
  • --01-09
Row 3 title
  • Died
  • 1324
  • Assassinen
  • 4
  • 8
Box Title
  • Marco Polo
  • ( †)
  • Mentioned in "The Nox"
  • 25
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  • Female
  • Deceased
  • 1
  • Mark Eden
  • Marco Polo
  • Marco Polo
  • Craft
  • Speed
  • Balanced
  • Historical figure
  • 2004-04-25
  • --02-22
  • Recovery
  • Dragon Slayer / Mancer Slayer
  • Dragon Slayer M / Mancer Slayer M
Character Name
  • Marco Polo
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • Flight / Null Wind
  • Null Wind
  • Donald et Picsou récitant les rôles de Marco Polo et du Khan dans un feuilleton télévisé réalisé à Donaldville.
  • 200
  • Human
  • Marco Polo
  • no
  • Galaxite
  • Des capsules pour Tralla La
  • Teaches Shoes Crafting.
  • -
  • Marco Polo
  • 1324-01-08
  • Venice
  • Marco Polo
  • Base=File:2575.png
  • Marco-Polo.png
  • 2575
  • 2576
  • 2577
  • Merchant traveler
Home Planet
  • 12870
  • 19206
  • 20801
  • Marco Polo
  • Male
  • 1254
  • Evolution: ??
  • Ascension: ??
  • --01-09
  • Venice, Republic of Venice
  • Matteo Polo
  • 4
  • MarcoPolo.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1324-01-08
  • Venise, Italie
  • ?
  • 4
  • Marco Polo (1254 – 1324) was a Venetian explorer and merchant and a member of the Italian Brotherhood of Assassins. He was well educated, learning merchant subjects including foreign currency, appraising and the handling of cargo ships. Marco served an important role in the Brotherhood as he ensured the recovery of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's codex from the Mongols. He also played a key role in the formation of the Auditore family, who would become the leading body of the Italian Assassins.
  • Marco Polo (マルコ・ポーロ Maruko Pōro) is one of the 100 historical figure spirits who resides in the Village of Heroes.
  • Marco Polo ist ein venezianischer Globetrotter, dem es nach unendlichen Strapazen und dem Verbrauch einiger Kamelkarawanen gelang, das Land seiner Träume zu erreichen. Dort überzeugte er die Chinesen vom Vorteil der Globalisierung. Er gilt als Begründer verschiedener Textilfirmen, die Polo-shirts herstellen. Die Arbeiter sind dabei unendlichen Strapazen ausgesetzt und bekommen ein Honorar von ungefähr ein Marco pro Tag. (sh. Noomi Klein, No logo) Nachdem Kublai Khan seinen honorigen Gast überaus freundlich empfangen hatte, konnte sich jener nicht der listigen Frage entschlagen, wie breit denn eigentlich eine europäische Straße sei. Der Venezianer, nichts böses argend, antwortete: Für zwei einander begegnende Polos muss es reichen. Woraufhin China die (letztlich doch deutsche) Autobahn in exponierter Weise als "Chinesische Mauer" plagiierte, auf der sich genau 2 Polos (bei gegebener Rücksichtnahme) begegnen können, ohne aneinander vorbeizufahren. Wikileaks ist dem auf der Spur. Als Guttenachter wurde ein ausgewiesener Spezialist gebeten, die Plagiatsvorwürfe zu prüfen. Mittlerweile soll M. Polo wieder in Europa angekommen sein. Den Stress mit dem Khan will er sich nach seinen eigenen Worten nicht mehr antun. Frankreich hat protestiert und ein eigenes Label auf die Verwendung Strauss und Khan angemeldet. Die Amerikaner sind unsicher. Die Chinesen beginnen jetzt im großen Stil den Polo zu plagiieren. Dazu bauen sie großzügige neue Teststrecken in Form weiterer Mauern, die schließlich ganz Asien umfassen werden. China ist mittlerweile zu einer Weltmacht geworden. Venedig war dies mal. (sh. Abd al Kenos, Das Gesetz der diminutiven Reziprozität) Heute wird Marco P. angelastet, er sei ein krimineller Kaufmann. Das BKA fahndet nach ihm.
  • Marco Polo was a trader and explorer from the Venician Republic. He was born in 1254 to trader Niccolò Polo. Niccolò and his brother Maffeo traveled through out Asia from 1259 to 1269, returning with correspondence of Kublai Khan for the Pope. The Papal throne was vacant at their return and they had to wait until 1271 for a Pope to be elected. Finally bringing their message to newly elected Gregory X they were then assigned delivering his answer to Kublai Khan. This time they were accompanied by young Marco. Marco traveled with his father and uncle until reaching Kanbaliq in 1274. There the Polos joined the Mongol court until 1291, never allowed to leave the Empire. In 1291, Marco was assigned with deliverin g Cocacin, a Mongol princess, for marriage to her betrothed Arghun Khan. Arghun was the ruler of the Ilkhanate, the Persian line of the Mongol dynasty. The elderly Niccolo and Maffeo joined the mission as a way to leave the court. They arrived to Persia in 1294 and found Arghun to be deceased. Cocacin settled in the Persian court and would later marry Ghazan Khan, another Ilkhanate ruler. Marco and the elder Polos headed to Trebizond and returned from there to Venice. The Polos returned to Venice in 1295. They had trouble convincing their various kinsmen that they were the same trio which had left the city 24 years before. When they did convince them, many sought more information on China and the Mongols. Marco later took part in the conflict between Venice and the rival Republic of Genoa. He was taken prisoner by the Genoans and remained in a cell from 1298 to 1299. He dictated his memoirs to fellow prisoner Rustichello da Pisa. Their book became known as the "Il Milione", the main source of knowledge about China in Europe for several centuries. The accuracy of the information has been questioned however. Released in 1299, Marco returned to Venice and started running the family trading business from within its grounds. He married in 1300 and had three daughters over the following years. He died in 1324, having spend his last 25 years within the city Venice. His book influenced other European travelers interested in China, including Christopher Columbus.
  • Marco Polo ist ein Mensch des 13. Jahrhunderts und ein venezianischer Kaufmann und Reisender. Im Jahre 1289 begegnet er dem Doctor und seinen Begleitern im Pamir-Gebirge und verhindert, dass der mongolische Kriegsherr Tegana sie töten lässt. Die TARDIS will er als Geschenk für Kublai Khan, um sich so die Befreiung aus dessen Diensten zu erkaufen und endlich nach Venedig zurück kehren zu können. Der Doctor, Susan, Barbara und Ian begleiten Polo auf dem Weg zum Khan und lernen ihn in dieser Zeit gut kennen.
  • Marco Polo est un personnage d'espèce inconnue de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Marco Polo, fin da quando la mamma lo allattava, mostrava numerose doti artistiche e intellettuali. Sebbene nella maggior parte delle scuole italiane e dell'intero pianeta lo si ricordi come un grande viaggiatore e DJ, egli fu in realtà l'ideatore di grandi invenzioni che tuttora sono molto utilizzate. È grazie a lui infatti che esistono le famose caramelline Polo e i tipici indumenti usati dai mortali detti volgarmente polo. Da recenti studi inoltre è emerso che egli amasse particolarmente praticare il rugby, ma poiché questo sport non era ancora stato inventato, dovette abbandonare questa sua grande passione.
  • Stjerneskipet Marco Polo var et interstellarisk forskningsfartøy eid av Den Internasjonale Romadministrasjonen. Oppbygning : Skipets lugarer lå på B-dekket mens skipets kontrollrom og fritids areal befant seg på A-dekket.
  • Marco Polo était un explorateur italien au 13ème siècle. En 1275, il atteignit la Chine, qui n'était alors encore qu'un mythe en Europe. (Réalité extrapolée *) En 2365, Jean-Luc Picard compara la légendaire civilisation iconienne à la Chine mythique avant que Marco Polo ne s'y rende. (TNG: "Contagion")
  • 'Marco Polo' is one of the streets in Venice, Newport, close to the Border House. Undoubtedly named for the famous 13th century Venetian trader and explorer who recorded his travels to China in a widely-readМарко Поло
  • Marco Polo is the name of interstellar spaceships in multiple works of science fiction.
  • Polo, with his father and uncle, left for Cathay in the year 1271. By his twenty-fifth birthday in 1277, he had come into the service of Kublai Khan. In 1287, Marco, his father and uncle asked the Khan to be permitted to return home. The Khan refused. Polo encountered the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan on the Plain of Pamir in 1289 and promptly seized the TARDIS as a gift for the Khan. He hoped it would be sufficiently impressive to buy his way out of the Khan's service so he could return home. The Doctor and his companions were forced to make a long overland journey with Polo, during which time they got to know him well. He had prevented an assassination attempt on the Khan's life by the Mongol warlord Tegana. Following this, Marco returned the TARDIS keys to their owners to allow their escape as Tegana's body was removed. Barbara claimed that she knew that Polo would see Venice again. (TV: Marco Polo) Iris Wildthyme once held a party in Hobbe's End in 1972 which Marco Polo attended. (PROSE: From Wildthyme with Love)
  • Marco Polo is an NPC that...
  • Marco Polo was an explorer during the Middle Ages.
  • Marco Polo ( Republica de Venezia, 15 de setembre, 1254 — 8 de janero, 1324) es viajor venezian. De 1271, el traversa tota Asia per Mongolia e reveni per Sumatra, pos 16 anios servinte Kubilay Khan. La narada de se viajas (Il Milione) es la prima testo european supra la Xina mongol, e atesta la mito de un Estrema orienta mervelios rica.
  • Marco Polo (c. 1254 – January 9, 1324) was the greatest traveller of the Middle Ages. He was the first European in history to travel the fabled Silk Road, the first to see Beijing and stay at the Beijing Hilton, and the first to sell fancy underwear to the Khan of the Golden Horde.
  • Marco Polo (ur. 15 września 1254 w Wenecji lub Korčuli, zm. 8 stycznia 1324 w Wenecji) – wenecki kupiec i podróżnik. Wraz z ojcem i stryjem dotarł do Chin, przemierzając Jedwabny Szlak. Byli oni jednymi z pierwszych przedstawicieli Zachodu, którzy dotarli do Państwa Środka. Jego podróże zostały spisane w książce znanej jako Opisanie świata przez Rustichella z Pizy w czasie, gdy Marco Polo przebywał w niewoli w Genui po przegranej bitwie morskiej pomiędzy Wenecją i Genuą. Obecnie Marco Polo jest uważany za jednego z największych podróżników, chociaż współcześni mu uznawali go raczej za gawędziarza, a jego opowieści za fantastyczne. Pewne elementy jego relacji oraz brak bezpośrednich śladów jego obecności na dworze cesarskim w kronikach chińskich sprawiły jednak, że pojawiają się głosy powątpiewające w podróże Marco Polo.
  • Marco Polo was a European traveler on Earth in the 13th century. He traveled to the near-mythical land of China, proving it was an actual place. In 2365, Jean-Luc Picard compared the legendary Iconian civilization to that of mythical China before the travels of Polo. (TNG: "Contagion" )
  • Marco Polo ist ein europäischer Händler aus dem dem 13. Jahrhundert. Polo ist für seine Reisen nach China berühmt, welches zu jener Zeit in Europa ein Mythos gewesen ist. 2365 vergleicht Captain Jean-Luc Picard den Mythos von Iconia mit den Mythos von China bevor dieses von Polo bereist worden ist. (TNG: )
  • Marco Polo is a cheese containing green and black peppercorns blended into the cheese, produced as a proprietary artisan cheese by Beecher's Handmade Cheese.
  • thumb|right|Retrato de Marco Polo Marco Polo (15 de septiembre de 1253 - 8 de enero de 1324) fue un mercader y explorador veneciano que, junto con su padre y su tío, estuvo entre los primeros occidentales que viajaron por la ruta de la seda a China (que él llamaba Catai). Sus viajes están relatados en el conocidísimo libro Il Milione ("El Millón" o Los viajes de Marco Polo). (El libro se llamó originalmente "Libro de las maravillas", pero ganó rápidamente el apodo de "El millón" ya que Marco Polo decía encontrar "millones de personas" o "millones de pájaros". A partir de ahí ganó su fama de exagerado). Marco Polo suele considerarse uno de los más grandes exploradores del mundo, aunque algunos escépticos prefieren considerarlo el mayor cuentista del mundo. Los Polo vivieron allí supuestamente durante diecisiete años antes de volver a Venecia. Tras su regreso, en una batalla marítima entre Venecia y Génova, Marco fue capturado y llevado a prisión, donde dictó a Rustichello de Pisa el libro Il Milione sobre sus viajes.
  • Marco Polo (September 15, 1254 – January 9, 1324 at earliest, but no later than June 1325) was a Venetian trader and explorer who plays a central role in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
  • thumb|Marco Polo we własnej osobie Marco Polo (ur. 1254, zm. 8 stycznia 1324) – wenecki pisarz fantasy, rzekomo: kupiec i podróżnik, Autor przewodnika po Azji Środkowo-wschodniej – „Il Milione”, znanego jednak po tytułem: „Opisanie świata”.
  • Really long, lotta walking. The Doctor and his companions basically get dragged from one end of China to another. From the telesnaps, it's pretty clear that Susan is in a lesbian relationship with Ping-Cho, making it the first interracial relationship on British TV that wasn't just two white English people one of whom was in blackface or yellowface, so that's something. It's true that when you listen to the reconstruction, it seems more like maybe Susan's just befriending a poor young girl who's sad because she's been arranged to marry a shriveled up old man, but what are you going to believe, the reconstructed soundtrack, or a couple of photos?
  • Marco polo var en manlig Tau'ri från Italien och han var en köpman resenär som gjorde resor som presenterade Europeisk till Central Asien och Kina. Försvarsminister David Swift ansåg att Stargate programmet inte hade förvärvat utomjordisk teknologi tillräckligt snabbt, påpekade han att Polos resor till Fjärran Östern "tog tillbaka mer än bara några... exotiska kryddor". (SG1: "The Nox") kategori:Tau'ri kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär
  • Marco Polo war ein venezianischer Händler, der durch die Berichte über seine Reise nach China bekannt wurde. Er war der Sohn von Niccolò Polo, der 1257 nach Masyaf reiste um Altaïr zu treffen und kurz vor seinem Tod, den Kodex erhielt, um diesen sicher vor den Templern aufzubewahren.
  • "Marco Polo" is the 8th episode of Season 5 of the HBO original series The Sopranos. It is the 60th overall episode of the series. Written by Michael Imperioli and directed by John Patterson, it originally aired on April 25, 2004.
is til of
is Previous of
is Featuring of
is First Appearance of
is Notable of
is Person of
is NEXT of
is wikipage disambiguates of