  • Tau'ri
  • Tau'ri
  • Tau'ri
  • Tau'ri
  • Tau'ri
  • A Tau'ri goa'uld nyelven van. Azt jelenti földi ember/Föld.
  • Tau'ri is a term used by the the inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy to describe the people of Earth. The term is Goa'uld for Ones of the First World, referring to the fact that Earth was where the human species first originated.
  • Homeworld: Earth Home Galaxy: The Milky Way Galaxy Home System: Sol Current Population: six billions Primary Language: None; many dialects Skin Tone: Varies Major Planets: Earth, New London Affiliation: GATO Current GATO Status: Member
  • Tau'ri je goa'uldský název pro Zemi a lidi ze Země (někdy též Lidé z Tau'ri) ve sci-fi seriálu Stargate SG-1. Slovo Tau'ri znamená v goa'uldštině první (lidé) či ti z prvního světa.
  • Tau'ri is the term used by the inhabitants of the Milky Way to refer to Earth and human beings from Earth. The word means "first ones" or "those from the first world" in Goa'uld in the sense that human life began on Earth. While it originally applied to all human beings in the Milky Way, the term has come to apply specifically to the humans who currently live on Earth as the Stargate Program progressed and began to inflict more and more serious blows to the Goa'uld Empire. Most of the time, the majority of protagonists in the fight against galactic oppressors are of the Tau'ri, fighting a multi-front war against several other major races.
  • Earth (Terra Atlantus in Ancient, Midgard to the Humans settled by the Asgard, Tau'ri in Goa'uld), and designated P2X-3YZ by the Tau'ri, is the home planet for the SG teams. Stargate Command is located in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, United States of America.
  • Tau'ri fue el término usado por los habitantes de la Vía Láctea para referirse a la Tierra y los seres humanos de la Tierra. La palabra significa " los primeros "o" los del primer mundo " en los Goa'uld, es el sentido de que la vida humana comienza en la Tierra. Si bien originalmente aplicado a todos los seres humanos en la Vía Láctea, el término ha llegado a aplicar específicamente a los seres humanos que han nacido en la Tierra, como el Programa Stargate ha progresado y ha comenzado a infligir golpes cada vez más graves para el imperio Goa'uld .
  • Tau'ri is the term used by the inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy to refer to Earth and humans from it. The word means "first ones" or "those from the first world" in Goa'uld, in the sense that human life began on their homeworld. The Tau'ri have become known as the Atlanteans by the races of the Pegasus Galaxy due to their habitation of the city of Atlantis, and Earth has also been referred to as "Midgard" by the peoples of planets under the protection of the Asgard. They have gained a reputation as courageous and honorable warriors, though some view their rapid rise to prominence as a threat to their own influence. When the Asgard race was close to extinction, they declared the Tau'ri as the "Fifth Race", alluding to the once-powerful Alliance of Great Races. When the Nox rebirthed the
  • Tau'ri is the term used by the inhabitants of the Milky Way to refer to human beings from Earth. The word means "first ones" or "those from the first world", in the Goa'uld language, in the sense that all human life in the Milky Way began on Earth. While the term "Tau'ri" originally applied to all human beings in the galaxy, it has come to apply specifically to those who currently live on Earth as the Stargate Program proceeded to explore the galaxy.
  • Tau'ri är den term som används av invånarna i Vintergatan för att hänvisa till Jorden och mänskliga varelser från Jorden. Ordet betyder "de första" eller "från första världen" i Goa'uld i den meningen att människors liv började på Jorden. Även om det ursprungligen tillämpas på alla människor i Vintergatan, har termen kommit att tillämpas uttryckligen på de människor som är födda på Jorden, som Stargate programmet utvecklats och började orsakar mer och mer allvarliga slag till Goa'uld imperiet.
  • *Abydonianer *Argosianer *Arkhan's folk *Aschener *Asgard *Athosianer *Balarianer *Belkan *Cimmerianer *Koalition av Planeter *Edoraner *Enkaraner *Eurondaner *Free Jaffa Nation *Galaraner *Genii *Goa'uld **Herre Yu **Herre Ba'al *Hoffaner *Hebridianer *Langaraner *Orbanianer *Pangaraner *Folket av M7G-677 *Serrakiner *Tollan *Tok'ra *Traveler *Unas *Ursini *Wraith **"Guide"
  • Humana
  • Stargate
  • Tau'ri
  • Tau'ri
  • Múltiples democracias
  • Engelska och andra språk
  • dbkwik:resource/dtJEbvFzns0FNGhuN5Fjvw==
  • Coalition of Planets, et al.
  • Athosians, Coalition of Planets, Free Jaffa Nation, Galarans, Langarans, Nox, Orbanians, Tok'ra, Travelers, Genii ', Abydonians ', Asgard ', Tollan ', Goa'uld
  • Systems Coalition , Athosians, Langarans, Galarans, Edorans, Travelers, Pegasus Coalition, Toholans, Tollan, Refugee Worlds
  • Tau'ri
  • Alive
  • Active
  • Lever
  • Stargate
  • "Stargate Movie"
  • ''[[w:c:stargate:Stargate
  • Hijos de los dioses
  • 300
  • Many languages
  • English and other languages
  • English, and other languages
  • 300
  • Human
  • Tau'ri
  • 195
alianzas anteriores
  • Desconocidas
  • Tau'ri fue el término usado por los habitantes de la Vía Láctea para referirse a la Tierra y los seres humanos de la Tierra. La palabra significa " los primeros "o" los del primer mundo " en los Goa'uld, es el sentido de que la vida humana comienza en la Tierra. Si bien originalmente aplicado a todos los seres humanos en la Vía Láctea, el término ha llegado a aplicar específicamente a los seres humanos que han nacido en la Tierra, como el Programa Stargate ha progresado y ha comenzado a infligir golpes cada vez más graves para el imperio Goa'uld . Los Tau'ri se han conocido como "Atlantianos" por las bases en la Galaxia Pegaso, debido a la ciudad de Atlantis , y la Tierra ha sido referida como "Midgard" por los pueblos bajo la protección de los Asgard. La mayoría de las veces, la mayoría de los protagonistas de la lucha contra los opresores galácticos son los Tau'ri. Cuando los Asgard estuvieron en vías de extinción, declararon los Tau'ri como " La Quinta Raza ", en alusión a la desaparecida Alianza de los Cuatro Grandes Razas.
  • Tau'ri is the term used by the inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy to refer to Earth and humans from it. The word means "first ones" or "those from the first world" in Goa'uld, in the sense that human life began on their homeworld. The Tau'ri have become known as the Atlanteans by the races of the Pegasus Galaxy due to their habitation of the city of Atlantis, and Earth has also been referred to as "Midgard" by the peoples of planets under the protection of the Asgard. They have gained a reputation as courageous and honorable warriors, though some view their rapid rise to prominence as a threat to their own influence. When the Asgard race was close to extinction, they declared the Tau'ri as the "Fifth Race", alluding to the once-powerful Alliance of Great Races. When the Nox rebirthed the organization to face modern threats, Earth became a founding member of the new Alliance, and one of two primary military powers in it, alongside the Free Jaffa Nation. Their membership eventually transferred to the Interstellar Alliance, a galactic government in which Earth was to play a critical and leading role. In terms of broader galactic history, the people of Earth have been a part of every conflict in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies. The Tau'ri were directly responsible for the destruction of the Replicators and Asurans, played an instrumental role in assisting the Jaffa in toppling the System Lords, and aided in the battles against the Der'kal, Aschen, and Wraith. For better or worse, their historic impact on intergalactic affairs is undeniable, and the future seems ready to be written by their hands.
  • A Tau'ri goa'uld nyelven van. Azt jelenti földi ember/Föld.
  • Tau'ri is a term used by the the inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy to describe the people of Earth. The term is Goa'uld for Ones of the First World, referring to the fact that Earth was where the human species first originated.
  • Homeworld: Earth Home Galaxy: The Milky Way Galaxy Home System: Sol Current Population: six billions Primary Language: None; many dialects Skin Tone: Varies Major Planets: Earth, New London Affiliation: GATO Current GATO Status: Member
  • Tau'ri is the term used by the inhabitants of the Milky Way to refer to human beings from Earth. The word means "first ones" or "those from the first world", in the Goa'uld language, in the sense that all human life in the Milky Way began on Earth. While the term "Tau'ri" originally applied to all human beings in the galaxy, it has come to apply specifically to those who currently live on Earth as the Stargate Program proceeded to explore the galaxy. The Tau'ri have also become known as the "Lanteans" by the races of the Pegasus Galaxy due to their habitation of the city of Atlantis, and Earth has been referred to as "Midgard" by the peoples of planets under the protection of the Asgard. When the Asgard race approached extinction, they declared the Tau'ri as the "Fifth Race", an allusion to the now-broken Alliance of Four Great Races. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "Red Sky", "Unending")
  • Tau'ri je goa'uldský název pro Zemi a lidi ze Země (někdy též Lidé z Tau'ri) ve sci-fi seriálu Stargate SG-1. Slovo Tau'ri znamená v goa'uldštině první (lidé) či ti z prvního světa.
  • Tau'ri är den term som används av invånarna i Vintergatan för att hänvisa till Jorden och mänskliga varelser från Jorden. Ordet betyder "de första" eller "från första världen" i Goa'uld i den meningen att människors liv började på Jorden. Även om det ursprungligen tillämpas på alla människor i Vintergatan, har termen kommit att tillämpas uttryckligen på de människor som är födda på Jorden, som Stargate programmet utvecklats och började orsakar mer och mer allvarliga slag till Goa'uld imperiet. Tau'ri har blivit känd som "Atlanteaner" av raserna i Pegasus galaxen på grund av sin boning i stad i Atlantis, och Jorden har kallat Midgård av folken i planeter under skydd av Asgard. Merparten av tiden, de flesta av huvudpersonerna i kampen mot galaktiska förtryckare är av Tau'ri, kämpar en multi-front krig mot flera andra större raser. När Asgard rasen blev nära att dö ut de förklarade Tau'ri som "femte rasen", en anspelning på den numera trasiga Alliansen av Fyra Stora Raser. (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Hammer", "Red Sky", "Unending")
  • Tau'ri is the term used by the inhabitants of the Milky Way to refer to Earth and human beings from Earth. The word means "first ones" or "those from the first world" in Goa'uld in the sense that human life began on Earth. While it originally applied to all human beings in the Milky Way, the term has come to apply specifically to the humans who currently live on Earth as the Stargate Program progressed and began to inflict more and more serious blows to the Goa'uld Empire. Most of the time, the majority of protagonists in the fight against galactic oppressors are of the Tau'ri, fighting a multi-front war against several other major races.
  • Earth (Terra Atlantus in Ancient, Midgard to the Humans settled by the Asgard, Tau'ri in Goa'uld), and designated P2X-3YZ by the Tau'ri, is the home planet for the SG teams. Stargate Command is located in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, United States of America.
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