  • Gary
  • Gary
  • Gary
  • Gary
  • Gary
  • Gary
  • Gary
  • Gary
  • __TOC__
  • Gary Species: Goomba Game Appearances: Super Maro Bros., Super Paper Mario Status: Dead
  • [[Category:Breath of Fire III |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire III Residents|Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Gary]] Gary is a character within Breath of Fire III.
  • Gary, formerly known as Gareth, is the messenger for the Guardians of Eternal Youth and the King of the planet Synthos.
  • Whenever Gary, the Fetish robber, arrives in a bank, all the women know what he wants: their stockings! And you better not mess with him, especially on weekends and Marathon days. But since the Montana offered to give him Lyse Teria's legendary, stinky nylon stockings in return for his services, Gary's started to sing a new tune...
  • Gary urodził się na planecie Centax. Gdy Gary poszedł ma testy IQ, wyszło, ze ma (−) 10000000 punktów IQ. Gary był taki debilny, że kiedyś wszedł na serwer Wikia, i zobaczył pewną bibliotekę fanonu. Zaczął wtedy błagać pewnego człowieka, żeby pojawił się w Imperium.
  • Gary, a young boy, is the son of a Sumdac Systems employee or employees. He is apparently a big fan of Optimus Prime.
  • Gary is one of the landlords of The Cross Keys Inn in Grimpen, Dartmoor. He runs the inn with his partner, Billy. Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson stay at The Cross Keys Inn when investigating reports of sightings of a gigantic hound at Dartmoor, at the request of Henry Knight. Gary admits to keeping a dog on the moor to boost the tourist trade, but says that he had to have it killed because it was uncontrollable. However, it is later revealed that it was simply abandoned on the moor, and it is eventually shot and killed by John and DI Greg Lestrade.
  • Gary ist ein ehemaliger Kollege von Nathan Scott und ebenfalls ein Klassenkamerad von ihm, der bei Hot and Twisted arbeitete. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Stub
  • Gary ist eine Minifigur der Baureihe LEGO Spongebob Schwammkopf. Die Minifigur ist 2006 das erste mal erschien. Dort war Gary Orange. 2009, und 2011, war Gary Pink.
  • The name "Gary" was included within a message that was written in Aurebesh on a pin-up poster of a female Hutt. Displayed on the top-right corner of the image, the message read, "To Gary X0X0." The image was one of several pin-up images seen on the walls of the Coruscant underworld cantina in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars second season episode, Lethal Trackdown. The poster can also be seen in a prison cell in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center in Deception.
  • Gary Brolsma is the main character in Feet For Hands.
  • Gary es un personaje que hizo su debut en el episodio "Pastel Gratis”. Él es un mensajero de los Los Guardianes de la Eterna Juventud. Su voz, en Latinoamérica, fue hecha por Carlos Hernández en la Primera Temporada. Pero en la Tercera Temporada su voz es hecha por Alejandro Urbán.
  • Gary (played by Kim Dunn) is a mall security guard who is often at odds with the Boys, especially Bubbles, whose cart operation frequently interferes with Gary's duties. Gary is also seen as a liquor store clerk "The Delusions Of Officer Jim Lahey".
  • Gary is Ash's friend, he also appeared in PTD2 and PTD1
  • thumb|150px|GaryGary war zusammen mit seinem Gladiatoren Partner Helen einer der absouluten Top Gladiatoren bei Zerstöre deine Welt. Er hatte die brutale Feuerkraft, die Helen fehlte und war somit die perfekte Ergänzung zu dessen Agilität. Helen war ein Roboter und besaß eine in seinen Arm eingebaute Energiekanone. Wenn sich der Feind als besonder hartnäckig heraustellte, ließ er Raketen regnen. Nahm er zu viel Schaden, kämpfte Helen weiter. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Roboter Kategorie:Bösewichte Kategorie:Endgegner Kategorie:Männlicher Charakter Kategorie:Zerstöre deine Welt Kategorie:Verstorben Kategorie:Gegner Kategorie:Ratchet & Clank 3 Charaktere Kategorie:Ratchet & Clank 3 Gegner Kategorie:Nahkampf Kategorie:Fernkampf Kategorie:Charaktere, welche von Neil Flynn gesprochen wurden
  • Gary is the second jumping spiderbot seen, after Gordon. He appears in strip 2430 where he enters Coffee Of Doom to order a coffee for his boss, leading Hannelore to think he was a hallucination.
  • <default>Gary</default> Edad Fecha de nacimiento Fecha de muerte Grupo sanguíneo Género Altura Peso Raza / etnia Ocupación Estado Voz Retrato Actor / actriz de captura Gary era un anciano que vivía en Raccoon City en el momento del brote viral. Luego recibió un disparo en la espalda y probablemente murió poco después.
  • Gary – postać epizodyczna, występująca w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969. Przed jedną z misji odniósł rany, więc protagonista zawiózł go do kryjówki. Kategoria:Postacie w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969
  • Gary appears in The Truth in the Myth.
  • Gary is a minor character in Inside Out.
  • Gary is a monster.
  • Gary is the Chii Star in Suikoden IV.
  • Gary ist der ehemals beste Freund von Jason.
  • Gary ist ein Barkeeper auf den Bahamas.
  • In English, Gary is voiced by Andrew Duncan.
  • Gary was a bot who operated the Dusty Lounge. In Habbo UK, he was known as Asherlee.
  • Gary is your long-time friend and rival in Newleaf Town. He has lived here with you for all his life, and he is the same age as you, with his birthday on the same day as yours. He does not know what to do when faced with a villain, but his confidence builds as the story progresses.
  • Gary (geb. am 21. März 1958 als Leonard Gary Oldman in New Cross, London) ist ein britischer Schauspieler, Regisseur und Filmproduzent, sowie einer von Luxords Lieblingsschauspielern.
  • Born on October 16th, 1999, Gary was a fun-loving child with a mom and a dad. But all that changed when his mom and dad got in a divorce. Gary went to live with his dad, who got married again and gave Gary a step-mother. For the rest of his days, he has lived with his dad and step-mom.
  • right Rencontre: Port-Faranga Faction: N/A Métier: Assistant de l'alchimiste Quêtes: * Suivez Gary sans vous faire repérer... * Retrouvez Gary! * Mettre la main sur Cutter! Récompenses de combat et/ou de vol à la tire: * XP+50 * sur lui: 13xflèches, 1xpotion de mana mineure, 1xbaie et 1xpomme
  • Gary (surname not revealed) is a serial killer and robber who appeared in Children of the Dark along with his partner-in-crime Ervin Robles.
  • Gary gave Richard and Adele Webber a tour of Roseridge Home for Extended Care.
  • Gary ist die reiche Eigentümerin von Als Schuhladen Gary's Shoes, in dem er schon seit seinem Highschool-Abschluss arbeitet. Gary tritt dominant auf und ist somit natürliche Feindin von Al. Er legt sich auch mit ihr an und setzt so seinen Job auf's Spiel.
  • Gary (voiced by Jason Marsden) is a minor villain of the 2001 animated television series The Fairly Odd Parents, who made his first debut in Imaginary Gary and also one of the three secondary villains of the 2010 animated horror film Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Demonic Possession. He is Timmy Turner's former imaginary friend until Cosmo (Daran Norris) and Wanda (Susan Blakeslee) brought him back to life.
  • Private Gary was a soldier who served for the 101st Airborne during World War 2.
  • Gary was an elderly civilian living in Raccoon City at the time of the t-Virus outbreak. Gary was shot through the back during the outbreak and likely died soon afterwards. It is likely that he was to be featured prominently (and injured/killed) in an unfinished scenario, since he has two costume versions and a proper name in both Resident Evil Outbreak and its sequel,File 2.
  • Gary är en manlig Tau'ri. Och han är pojkvän till Dr Lisa Park. Innan Park var fast på Destiny, deras förhållande gick i svårigheter, men de uppenbarligen ställ dem åt sidan, och deras relastionship var bättre än det någonsin varit. Park ville spela in ett meddelande på en Kino för att prata om det. Men okänd för henne, höll hon Kino inspelningen medan hon älskat att en soldat flera gånger. (Kino: "Not Just For Posterity") kategori:Tau'ri kategori:Nämnd endast Universe karaktär
  • Gary made his first appearance on 2 February 2017. He is portrayed by Dean Kilbey.
  • Gary was a British explorer who found Shangri-La along with Brock, his superior. The players need to help him escape Shangri-La. If the player does not attempt the easter egg, Gary will die from an unknown cause, as stated in the first radio. But if the player at least begins the Eclipse Easter Egg, Gary survives, only to be stuck in a time loop. In Zetsubou No Shima, one of the ciphers reveals he and Brock were killed during a weird atmospheric event whilst on a private plane.
  • Gary, a recurring character, is the owner of Gary's Shoes and employer of Al and Griff on Married... with Children. The part of Gary appears in seven episodes by actress Janet Carroll, beginning with the Season 9 episode "Business Still Sucks: Part 2".
  • Gary works along with Bird. He rarely talks, preferring to let Bird do the "speaking" for both of them.
  • Gary est un gladiateur d'Opération Destruction. Avec son associée, Hélène, ils forment les Jumeaux. Gary attaquera avec sa sulfateuse et ses lances-roquettes dorsaux. Tous deux s'intervertirons dans l'arène au bout d'un certain seuil de dégâts. Gary ressemble à un ancien gladiateur romain. Tuer les jumeaux rapporte 455 points d'expérience. Quelques citations * Je sors de suite! * Goûte-moi ça, Lombax! * A mon tour, là * C'est du gâteau Hélène!
  • Gary was a student at Central High School who dared a boy named Tom to race him in the 1st Street Factory District, and although he won, in the process he lost his car, his driver's license, and almost lost his life, but he and two other girls were rescued by the Wonder Twins.
  • Gary (ガオゥ Gao) is a character in the Original Series, consisting of Beyblade and Beyblade: G-Revolution. He is a member of the White Tigers which was then later renamed White Tiger X. His Bit-Beast and Beyblade is Galzzly.
  • Gary is SpongeBob's pet snail. SpongeBob and Gary are lifelong companions, and get very sad anddepressed when they are separated. A few episodes have been about him.
  • Gary was a young Visitor officer who usually palled around with Daniel Bernstein, who occasionally got him drunk or high. On one such occasion at the Los Angeles medical center, Daniel told him that a group of doctors were studying so they could be rich and marry sorority queens. After he smoked marijuana with Daniel, he was observed eating a mouse by a homeless man and was chastised by his superior Brian for doing so. Brian told him that the humans must never see them eat. Brian immediately dealt with the homeless man, though it is unclear if he was killed at that time or taken to a food processing facility. (V: The Final Battle)
  • While the Enterprise travels to Earth for Gary Mitchell's funeral, Captain Kirk tries to compose a letter to Gary's parents. Unable to write the truth about Gary's death, Kirk instead writes a story about an adventure that Kirk and Mitchell had aboard the Farragut.
  • Gary ist ein PSA-Agent und Erfinder. Er hilft bei jeder Secret Mission mit Geräten aus, die beim Erfüllen des Missionziels helfen sollen.
  • Gary is a gargoyle who was trying to save the Swan Knee River. For the mission, he was briefly transformed into a human. He met and married Gayle. He was at the Nameless Castle for Roxanne's trial.
  • Gary (d. 1905) was the second son of Loretta and Albion, and the younger brother of Dan. In 1914, he was approached a Man in a Black Suit while fishing at a point along Castle Stream. He narrowly escaped the encounter, and wrote about it in 1995 in a journal given to him by his great-granddaughter. He later went on to teach, as well as writing a column called "Long Ago and Far Away" for the Castle Rock Call. His surname is never mentioned, though his name is given as "Gary Berringer" in Nicholas Mariani's 2004 short film.
  • Gary is an original character appeasring in the Jurassic Park fanfiction Corruption.
  • Gary var en robot, og en av de forferdelige to (the terrible two). Han angriper med et enormt skytevåpen og missiler, skutt ut fra ryggen.
  • Gary is an immortal assassin and former servant to the Shadow God, Sheikoji.
  • Gary is based off the Gramahona, a Willamette river steamboat.
  • The Gary is an enemy in the Arcade Creator that so far only appears in Tech World. It takes three or four spells, slides, or jumps to defeat a Gary, which is the same amount as Brozilla and Big Baddie.
  • Gary (リカルド, Rikarudo, Ricardo en japonais, Kyle en anglais, Wolfgang en allemand, Ululo en italien, Ataúlfo en espagnol) est un loup, plus précisément un lycaon, apparaissant comme villageois uniquement dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Gary is Ergo and Magna's son. He was left in Australia's foster care system after his parents' death. He wasn't very lucky regarding foster parents. Eventually he met Sara shortly after she emerged, but was mortally wounded soon after that. Sara absorbed his soul and promised him he would be reborn at some time in the future. He currently resides in Sara's Hell of Flesh, where he enjoys a special invulnerability to the dangers of the place, granted by Sara. He has come to consider himself Sara's son.
  • In the Episode Eve of the War Gary drives together with Stefan and Dewi Jenkins to the cafe on the corner. Gary and Stefan send Dewi there to get tea for them. Dewi should also pay for it. Gary drinks the tea with milk and sugger. When Dewi leaves the cafe, Tom runs after him. He kills Gary and Stefan and lets Dewi leave.
  • Gary appeared in Season One, episode one, alongside his former best friend Jason. He introduced his "nan" to Jason, whom Jason fell in love with instantly. He was oblivious to Jason's infatuation, but eventually found out when he discovered Jason sucking nan's feet. Gary from then on never talked to or saw Jason again. In a deleted scene on the Season Two DVD, Gary is seen with his mum and sister, in a sketch where they stumble upon Jason having sex with nan.
  • He is punched, kicked, flipped, and choked by Steve while George uses the sniper rifle's scope to watch a klayman performing the splits. He accidentally shoots and kills him and laments about the death, and then returns to Gary. When he realizes Gary is in trouble, he tries to shoot Angry Steve, but misses and shoots Gary. The bullet kills Angry Steve and Gary survives, but is accidentally shot again and dies. After this he is shot by The Murderer.
  • Gary is SpongeBob's pet snail. He is made of different pieces than normal Minifigures, like a green cherry piece for his eyes. Gary has two variations. In the set 3827 Adventures in Bikini Bottom he has an orange shell, but in the set 3834 Good Neighbors at Bikini Bottom the colour of his shell is pink.
  • Gary is an officer worker at the Bluth Company. He is portrayed by Arrested Development writer Abraham Higginbotham.
  • Gary is a human male. He first appears in "I Was a Teenage Bigfoot".
  • Gary was a bounty hunter from a young age. And Gary picked up his first gun after being bullied so much he couldn't take it anymore, one day someone pushed Gary to the edge and Gary pulled out the gun and shot the bullies that bullied him. Gary was taken to a republic prison where he was feared in great numbers even the most feared bounty hunter out there Cad Bane which was rare.
  • O Gary (também conhecido como Gary o Pinguim Inventor ou G) é um agente da EPF que outrora trabalhou para ASP, assim como inventor. É o pinguim mais inteligente da ilha.thumb|Gary * Cor - Azul * Papel - Cientista, agente da EPF * Personalidade - Inteligente, nervoso * Roupas - Óculos do Gary, Fato do Gary
  • A member of the KKK introduced in Spawn Issue #30. He is one of the klansmen that carry off and lynch Judge Zachery Missen, thinking that he was actually a black man.
  • Gary is a reformed bully at Dexter's school who only appeared in the episode "Accent You Hate." He constantly harassed kids with funny accents, his most notable victims being Dexter (Russian accent) and his friends Lucky (Irish accent) and Pierre (French accent). He wore a t-shirt that read, "I Hate Kids with Funny Accents." By the end of the episode, Gary turned out to like kids with funny accents due to getting hit in the face by a statue, distorting his own voice; his t-shirt now reads, "I ♡ Kids with Funny Accents."
  • File:FC4 Icon.png Gary is a character who appears in Far Cry 4. He is Pagan Min's assistant. His duties include official state business, such as taking down Pagan's decrees, as well as attending Pagan's personal needs, such as fetching first aid supplies when Pagan is lancing his boils. Pagan Min is always demanding Gary doing household chores for him, and takes care of the palace when Pagan is out.
  • Gary is a serial killer who targeted young women in the Philadelphia area.
  • (w oryginale nazywa się Fairy Gary) Inne imiona: Karol Talent: pyłkowy Cechy: przyjacielski, serdeczny, zabawny Przyjaciele: Terencjo, inne elfy pyłkowe Ulubione miejsce: Pracownia Pyłkowa Lubi: kawały Nie lubi: gdy inni wyśmiewają się z jego kiltu
  • Gary ist ein Freund von Spencer. Gary kam bisher nur in der Folge Ist Sam verrückt? (iLost My Mind) vor.Als Spencer sich als Ms.Puckett verkleidete,sah sein Freund Gary sofort das es Spencer war.Gary lies seine Tarnung auffliegen.Man erfuhr auch das Gary mit Spencer bei Joga war.Aber man weiß nicht genau was Gary im Troble Waters zu suchen hatte.In iCarly gibt es noch einen Gary,der andere heißt aber im vollem Namen Gary Halberstadt.Er kam in der Folge Absolut halloweenös! vor.
  • Gary el caracol, la querida mascota de Bob Esponja, aunque su comportamiento se asemeja en varios aspectos al de un monstruo. Se trata de una persona inteligente y domesticado, que ofrece soluciones elegantes a cualquier dilema que se le plantea a su dueño. Aunque discrepa con algunas ideas de Bob Esponja, se esfuerza por advertirle peligros.
  • Gary seudónimo de Edgar Efraín Fuentes (n. 5 de febrero de 1962 en Amboy, localidad del valle de Calamuchita, Córdoba - 9 de noviembre de 2001) apodado "El ángel que canta", fue un cantante, compositor (registradas 206) y productor de Argentina. Estuvo casado con Carina Salato y tuvo dos hijos: Gisela y Jorge.
  • Gary was the keeper of the docks and was the first victim from King Neptune.
  • Gary is a vampire of the Lysinda circle who appears in Vampires. Lysinda transforms Gary into a vampire as a replacement for Lysinda circle vampires slain by Muffin the Vampire Baker. However, he is destroyed the next night when Riff, Aylee, and Bun-bun attack to rescue Torg and Zoë.
  • Gary is a name referring to 5 different persons: * Gary - a friend of Tommy Collins, who was killed by the Wendigo in the episode Wendigo. * Gary Bryman - a name that appeared in the episode Bloody Mary. He was killed by Jill in a hit and run. * Gary Cole - an actor who portrayed the character Brad Redding. * Gary Frankle - a witch that appeared in the episode Swap Meat. * Gary Freleng - a character that appeared in the episode Hunteri Heroici. If you have been led here by a link on a page, please edit the link and redirect it to the correct page.
  • Gary – pewien badacz, który wraz ze swoim przełożonym, Brockiem, odkrył świątynię w Shangri-La. W trakcie badań zaskoczyło go zaćmienie i został zaatakowany przez zombie. Zdołał uciec, lecz wkrótce zginął z nieznanego powodu. Zadaniem graczy jest zmienienie jego losu. W tym czasie Gary odkrywa ołtarz z Kamieniem Koncentracji. Brock próbuje zabrać kamień, po czym badacze zostają cofnięci w czasie do momentu, w którym odkryli świątynię. Powoduje to uwięzienie ich w niekończącej się historii.
  • Gary The Gadget Guy (ang. Gary Gadżeciaż) Pingwin , który najczęściej zajmuje się gadżetami.Nosi biały fartuch i okulary.Gary jest bardzo nieśmiałym pingwinem.
  • Gary was the works foreman at Mike Peterson's former place of employment, who laid Mike off when the latter was injured at work, and presumably was part of the process which denied Mike workers' compensation. In the "Pilot", Mike returns to the factory, cap in hand, looking to get his old job back, as he can now work harder than ever, but becomes violent when Gary dismisses him in a high-handed manner. Mike throws Gary into a set of metal tubing, and turns his own words ("It's the company, man. I'm not the bad guy.") against him, declaring him to be the villain, and Mike himself as the hero, before seemingly knocking him unconscious (or worse) with a metal barrel. As no murder charges are mentioned, it appears likely that Gary at least survived.
  • Gary was a worker at C&S Industries. <default>Gary</default> Place of Birth Nationality Status Birth date Death date Cause of death Place of death Family Species Gender Height Hair color Eye color Affiliation Occupation Weapon Specialty Appears in First appearance Voice Actor Model Designer At some point, during or after the Chimera's invasion of America, C&S Industries was placed under a quarantine to find out which workers were infected with the Chimeran Virus and which weren't. The quarantine was told to be temporary till the grouping of the workers was made. However, Gary noticed that the barricades used for the factory's quarantine weren't for temporary measures.
  • Gary is a mollusk that accompanies SpongeBob at home, have a history together but very poor communication. While SpongeBob goes to work, Gary hunts mice; but never reaches any because he is slow and rather slimy. Gary also has as a hobby climb trees to hunt clams, reaching extremes so ridiculous that after firefighters have to come to take him down.
  • Kang Hee-gun, nacido el 24 de febrero de 1978, más conocido por su nombre artístico Gary (coreano: 개리, a menudo escrito como Garie) es un rapero de Corea del Sur, compositor, autor , productor discográfico, bailarín, actor, promotor, personalidad de televisión, el restaurador y fundador de LeeSsang Company. Es miembro del dúo de hip-hop, LeeSsang. Es muy conocido por haber sido parte de los miembros originales de Running Man desde el 2010. En su juventud, él estaba más interesado en el baile hip-hop o breakdance, formó un grupo de baile y una vez ganaron en un concurso en el Jamsil.
  • Gary is a secret government project with advanced psychic powers. He is able to use pyrokinesis, psychokinesis, and metamorph people and objects. The reason why Sam and Max were called to see him was because he was prone to anger and needed someone to calm him down. He doesn't mean to hurt others or do bad things though. Sam supposed that Gary's unruly behavior was due to the fact that he was subjected to many tests and kept in a clean and sterile environment everyday. So Sam and Max take him along with them on a series of outside activities such as stopping a bank heist, playing baseball, and going to a carnival.
  • The ruins of the city lay dormant for nearly 30 years, save for the occasional band of raiders or nomadic tribes making their way to or from Chicago. In 2107, the vault opened, and the families within began to make their ways out into the wasteland. One of the vault dwellers, Karl Stahlmann (A German immigrant and railroad worker before the bombs fell) soon took charge of the survivors, and the rebuilding of the city. In 2112, he led an expedition along Lake Michigan, where they soon discovered the ruins of the Windy City to the west. Through careful diplomacy, an agreement was reached between the mob families of Chicago and Stahlmann - Chicago would provide electricity to Gary in exchange for steel from the Gary mills, and the signing of a non-aggression pact. After it was discovered that
  • Gary is Phoebe's ex-boyfriend. (They were together between The One With The Cop and The One With The Ball in Season 5.) Gary is a police officer, hence the title of the episode in which he first appears. Not much is known about his relationship with Phoebe, but it is mainly based around sex. In The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss, Monica becomes envious of their outrageousness sexually. She begins to compete with them by persuading Chandler to have sex with her at every open oppurtunity. She even follows him into a men's toilet intent of getting into his pants.
  • Gerald Wilson Jr "Gary L'Escargot " Étoile II est l'escargot domestique de Bob l'Éponge. Il faut savoir que dans la série, les escargot correspondent à nos chats, tout comme les vers correspondent aux chiens. Gary est donc un escargot qui miaule (sauf dans "Le jour des contraires" où il aboie). Heureusement, Bob arrive un peu à le comprendre quand il s'exprime. Gary est beaucoup plus intelligent que son maître, il a souvent de bien meilleures solutions aux problèmes que Bob l'Éponge lui-même et il a tendance à ne pas être d'accord avec ses choix.
  • Gary is a man who appeared in No Good Deed (episode). Gary had apparently stolen something from a store (although he implies that he had in fact been innocent of the crime), and was then sentenced to 80 hours of Community Service. While working what was presumably his first day, he then encountered an Older Man who was sentenced 30 days of the same. Upon noticing him, he then recognized him from somewhere, although he couldn't figure out from where. He then realized the Older Man was the Senator who got busted ordering the services of a prostitute (although the Older Man sternly corrected him and stated that he was a Congressman, not a Senator), and noted that even though both got mugshots posted on TNZ, the prostitute "was fly." He alongside the Older Man then stumbled upon a discarded mo
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5
  • 1
Portrayed By
  • Hurt/Kill Timmy
  • None
  • Hero's Armor
  • Holy Armor
  • Yes
  • 0
  • Berserker Belt
  • Dried Grass Amulet
  • Godspeed Anklet
  • Razril Knight Token
  • Strength Sash
  • Counter Ring
  • Hero's Cape
  • Killer Ring
  • Mâle
  • Mein Bahamas 2
  • 290
  • ehem. Freund von Jason
  • Loup
Primera aparición
  • UK
  • Inside Out
  • Caucásico
Row 4 info
  • Dorin
  • 2
Description from
  • He says it all with one word, “meow.” This mollusk is a true friend and loyal pet to his owner, SpongeBob. After all, it was Gary who re-taught SpongeBob to tie his shoes… and he helped SpongeBob get ready for his first prom. A friend like this only comes along once in a lifeslime.
  • 2
  • Masculino
  • Nothing
  • y
  • 52
Row 1 info
  • 15
  • Former friend of Jason
  • ガルズリー
  • 10
Row 4 title
  • Homeworld:
  • Matt Lucas
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 6
  • 250
  • Patrick Étoile
  • Gary
  • Bob l'Éponge
  • Divers ancêtres
  • Patar
  • Patrick Revere
  • Patron
  • Pecos Patrick
Product page URL
  • Desconocida
  • 5
Row 2 info
  • 20
  • 124
Row 6 info
  • DC-15A Blaster rifle
  • Gao
  • None
  • (Suikoden IV)
  • Unknown(Suikoden Tactics)
  • 57
Row 1 title
  • Born:
  • Barkeeper
  • hide
  • 51
Row 5 info
  • Bounty Hunter
  • A Regular Epic Final Battle Part 2
  • 39
  • Masculino
  • 37
Row 2 title
  • Death:
  • y
  • siehe links
  • 5
Row 6 title
  • Weapon:
  • 39
  • Caucasian
  • hide
  • Julie
  • Maureen
Only appearance
Row 5 title
  • Type:
  • 55
  • Man
  • Common
  • Gary
production group
  • : Tom Kenny
  • : Claude Brousseau
  • Miner
  • Conso-leur de Bob l'Éponge
  • Noueur de lacet de Bob l'Éponge
  • 4
  • 18
  • 64
  • None
  • None
  • Earth
  • Gare
  • Garebeard
  • Mme Tuffsy
Box Title
  • Gary
  • Unknown
  • 3818
  • 3827
  • 3834
  • "The Hounds of Baskerville"
  • Landlord
  • Gary
  • Serial Killer
  • Robber
  • Abductor
  • -
  • siehe links
  • Killer Apples
  • Over Nine Thousand
  • Swagged Out Citrus FruitsTDSS=File:GaryAllstars.PNG
  • Chad Jamian Williams
  • Unknown
  • brown
  • 24
  • Unknown
  • Quest Monster
  • 21
  • 9
  • 15
  • 17
  • 21
  • 42
  • 49
  • Unknown
  • ans
  • No
Voiced by
  • Unknown
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Incarcerated
  • Unknown
  • Martwy
  • Presumed Alive
  • Uwięziony w niekończącej się historii
  • Stuck in a time loop
First Appearance
  • 2017-02-02
  • Good Grief
  • Resistance 3
  • "Pilot"
  • The Disk
  • "Money Broom Wizard"
  • -
  • Veronica Wasboiski's date
  • None
  • Black
  • Brown
  • blond
  • brown
  • Gary
  • Gary
  • Gary
  • Galzzly
  • Private Gary
  • The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Lethal Trackdown
  • Comic
  • Person
  • comic
  • George
  • Escargot de mer
Cover Artist
  • ギリー
  • 80
  • Feb 29, 2012
  • File:GaryNew.png
  • Geirī
  • Girii
  • Female
  • Male
  • Męska
  • Recess Mess", "Tip a Canoe and Gary Too" and "Flower & Control
  • 0.970000
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Chic
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --12-06
Spalte 1 Titel
  • Name:
  • Gary
Spalte 3 Titel
  • Beruf:
starting item
  • First Aid Spray Iron Pipe
  • 2000
Spalte 1 Info
  • Gary
Spalte 2 Titel
  • Geschlecht:
Spalte 3 Info
  • Besitzerin von Gary's Schoes
Spalte 2 Info
  • Weiblich
  • Todd Garfield and Jeremy Corray
  • Chain Mail
Character Name
  • Gary
  • Imaginary Gary
  • None
  • None
  • Varied
  • 250
Appears In
  • Resistance 3
  • Robert Serrano
  • Unknown
Voice Actor
  • 22
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 10
  • 2
  • 2.300000
  • Unknown
  • 160.0
Played By
  • Gary
Cover Image
  • 232
  • show
  • None
  • 52
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Montana
  • Private
Image size
  • 300
  • Scoundrel
  • 15
  • #efefef
  • #a50000
Real Name
  • Gary
  • works at the Bluth Company
  • Incredibly wealthy woman who later in the series becomes "Sugar Momma" to a much younger Bud Bundy
  • Villain
  • Wife Ema
  • Gary
  • Fanart
  • Gallery
  • Gary
  • comic
  • 5
  • No
  • #63: The Alone
  • 1998
  • 2012
  • ガオゥ
  • Gerald Wilson Jr
  • 2006
  • 2009
  • 2012
  • Synthos
  • #65: Bait...and Switch
Last Appearance
  • Security at Los Angeles Medical Center
  • -
  • 250
  • Timmy's Imagination,
  • Muerto
  • Alignment Quest Monster
  • Black
  • Blonde
  • Ghost in the Lion
  • #63: "The Alone Part Two"
  • Unknown
  • Worker
  • Student
  • Various
  • Blader
  • Factory Manager or Foreman
  • Keeper of the Raccoon City Docks
  • School Bully
  • Al and Griff's boss from, and owner of Gary's Shoes
home era
  • 2006
  • 1.57788E8
  • Beating up kids with funny accents
Home Planet
  • New Shell, 2009 & 2012
  • Original Shell, 2006
  • 458
  • Gary_orange.jpg
  • Garypink.png
  • theclonewars/guide/episode222.html
  • -
Introduced by
  • Gary
  • 2006-08-28
  • Former; guest
  • Looking at memes, computer programming
  • east asian
  • TDS: 6th
  • TDSS: 9th
  • TDTJ: 5th
  • 1978
  • Gilli
Image File
  • Gary2.jpg
  • Male
  • "garooouuu"
  • Gunner
  • • Seeker of Justice
  • Unknown
  • SY 260
  • GA: 8
  • #65: "Bait... and Switch"
  • Five Forged
  • Orange shell
  • Pink shell
  • ゲイリー
  • #000000
  • None
  • Attack
  • 1944
  • Gary
  • Empire including Gary's Shoes
  • Two distinct signatures: *Gaining entry into victims' homes with a dead animal *Killing victims in front of their children
  • 2280.0
  • File:gary.jpg
  • Gary.jpg
  • Gary.png
  • Garypink.png
  • 52
  • 70
  • Approx. 1902
wikipage disambiguates
  • Beyblade Volume 3 - Chapter 4: Journey to the Land of Legend!
  • Kazuyuki Ishikawa
  • Galzzly
  • Sagittaire
  • Yes
  • 300
Travelled with
  • Police officer
  • Galzzly
  • Craig Lauzon
  • Oliver Kalkofe
  • None
  • Spirit
  • None
  • Lycaon
  • __TOC__
  • Gary Species: Goomba Game Appearances: Super Maro Bros., Super Paper Mario Status: Dead
  • Gary was a worker at C&S Industries. <default>Gary</default> Place of Birth Nationality Status Birth date Death date Cause of death Place of death Family Species Gender Height Hair color Eye color Affiliation Occupation Weapon Specialty Appears in First appearance Voice Actor Model Designer At some point, during or after the Chimera's invasion of America, C&S Industries was placed under a quarantine to find out which workers were infected with the Chimeran Virus and which weren't. The quarantine was told to be temporary till the grouping of the workers was made. However, Gary noticed that the barricades used for the factory's quarantine weren't for temporary measures. It is unknown if Gary had been converted into one of the many Grims that Capelli encountered in the factory, or if he died before Capelli's arrival to the factory. If Gary had been converted into a Grim, then he was either killed or avoided by Capelli, or he might even still be developing in a cocoon.
  • [[Category:Breath of Fire III |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire III Residents|Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Gary]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Gary]] Gary is a character within Breath of Fire III.
  • Gary, formerly known as Gareth, is the messenger for the Guardians of Eternal Youth and the King of the planet Synthos.
  • Whenever Gary, the Fetish robber, arrives in a bank, all the women know what he wants: their stockings! And you better not mess with him, especially on weekends and Marathon days. But since the Montana offered to give him Lyse Teria's legendary, stinky nylon stockings in return for his services, Gary's started to sing a new tune...
  • Gary is Phoebe's ex-boyfriend. (They were together between The One With The Cop and The One With The Ball in Season 5.) Gary is a police officer, hence the title of the episode in which he first appears. When Phoebe first meets Gary, she is running around with a police badge that she has found, using it to defend nature. (She threatens to call for backup on one woman for putting her cigarette out on a tree unless she apologizes to the tree.) Gary is one of her victims, who she promptly orders to park his car off the pavement, stating that she is a cop. When she learns that Gary is actually a cop, he starts asking her trick questions to prove her occupation, leaving her with no choice but to drop the badge and run away. After tracking her old address (Monica's apartment) he asks her out on a date. Not much is known about his relationship with Phoebe, but it is mainly based around sex. In The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss, Monica becomes envious of their outrageousness sexually. She begins to compete with them by persuading Chandler to have sex with her at every open oppurtunity. She even follows him into a men's toilet intent of getting into his pants. In The One With The Ball, Gary tries to move the relationship with Phoebe forward, and tells Monica that he is going to ask Phoebe to move in with him. Monica, who is seemingly incapable of keeping secrets, reveals it to Phoebe after Gary leaves. Phoebe is shocked because she feels that it is too soon in their relationship, so she asks Chandler (who is famous amongst his friends for his major commitment issues) to try and put Gary off. Chandler visits Gary at the police station and makes a weak attempt at inflicting his own fears about commitment onto him. Gary disagrees and responds with, "I was lucky enough to find someone that I really love. I just want to be around her as much as I can." Chandler is touched by this and considers moving in with Monica. Gary tells him that it is too soon for them, and Chandler agrees with a smirk. Gary goes ahead and asks Phoebe to move in with him. Phoebe tells him how sweet that she thinks he is but reveals that she thinks that it is really too soon. She can see how upset Gary is, so agrees, even though she does not really want to. Gary, as a cop, works it all out after Phoebe tells him that she cannot find any apartments for them to live in. Phoebe is slightly intimidated by the interrogation, but Gary manages to win her round by telling her how much he likes her and how he wants her to be happy. She then agrees to move in with him happily. They only live together for a single day, however, because Gary pokes his gun out of the bedroom window and shoots a bird just because it is chirping too loudly. Phoebe is very disturbed by this and breaks up with him.
  • Gary urodził się na planecie Centax. Gdy Gary poszedł ma testy IQ, wyszło, ze ma (−) 10000000 punktów IQ. Gary był taki debilny, że kiedyś wszedł na serwer Wikia, i zobaczył pewną bibliotekę fanonu. Zaczął wtedy błagać pewnego człowieka, żeby pojawił się w Imperium.
  • Gary, a young boy, is the son of a Sumdac Systems employee or employees. He is apparently a big fan of Optimus Prime.
  • Gary is one of the landlords of The Cross Keys Inn in Grimpen, Dartmoor. He runs the inn with his partner, Billy. Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson stay at The Cross Keys Inn when investigating reports of sightings of a gigantic hound at Dartmoor, at the request of Henry Knight. Gary admits to keeping a dog on the moor to boost the tourist trade, but says that he had to have it killed because it was uncontrollable. However, it is later revealed that it was simply abandoned on the moor, and it is eventually shot and killed by John and DI Greg Lestrade.
  • Gary ist ein ehemaliger Kollege von Nathan Scott und ebenfalls ein Klassenkamerad von ihm, der bei Hot and Twisted arbeitete. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Stub
  • Gary ist eine Minifigur der Baureihe LEGO Spongebob Schwammkopf. Die Minifigur ist 2006 das erste mal erschien. Dort war Gary Orange. 2009, und 2011, war Gary Pink.
  • The name "Gary" was included within a message that was written in Aurebesh on a pin-up poster of a female Hutt. Displayed on the top-right corner of the image, the message read, "To Gary X0X0." The image was one of several pin-up images seen on the walls of the Coruscant underworld cantina in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars second season episode, Lethal Trackdown. The poster can also be seen in a prison cell in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center in Deception.
  • The ruins of the city lay dormant for nearly 30 years, save for the occasional band of raiders or nomadic tribes making their way to or from Chicago. In 2107, the vault opened, and the families within began to make their ways out into the wasteland. One of the vault dwellers, Karl Stahlmann (A German immigrant and railroad worker before the bombs fell) soon took charge of the survivors, and the rebuilding of the city. In 2112, he led an expedition along Lake Michigan, where they soon discovered the ruins of the Windy City to the west. Through careful diplomacy, an agreement was reached between the mob families of Chicago and Stahlmann - Chicago would provide electricity to Gary in exchange for steel from the Gary mills, and the signing of a non-aggression pact. After it was discovered that transporting the steel to Chicago via Brahmin was too troublesome, Stahlmann ordered that the railroad lines between the two cities be rebuilt. When Karl finally passed away in his sleep in 2139, rail traffic between the two cities averaged almost two-hundred trains per day. (Under Construction...)
  • Gary Brolsma is the main character in Feet For Hands.
  • Gary es un personaje que hizo su debut en el episodio "Pastel Gratis”. Él es un mensajero de los Los Guardianes de la Eterna Juventud. Su voz, en Latinoamérica, fue hecha por Carlos Hernández en la Primera Temporada. Pero en la Tercera Temporada su voz es hecha por Alejandro Urbán.
  • Gary (played by Kim Dunn) is a mall security guard who is often at odds with the Boys, especially Bubbles, whose cart operation frequently interferes with Gary's duties. Gary is also seen as a liquor store clerk "The Delusions Of Officer Jim Lahey".
  • Gary is Ash's friend, he also appeared in PTD2 and PTD1
  • Gary is a mollusk that accompanies SpongeBob at home, have a history together but very poor communication. While SpongeBob goes to work, Gary hunts mice; but never reaches any because he is slow and rather slimy. Gary also has as a hobby climb trees to hunt clams, reaching extremes so ridiculous that after firefighters have to come to take him down. It is a very amateur animal reading, having among his favorite reading 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne, The Capital, Karl Marx, The City and Worms, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Mollusk in Boots. Another of his hobbies is chewing gum and obstacle courses. In addition to actively participate in a campaign cream pearl and shell against the snail cream. Being a mollusk, has some kinship with Squidward.
  • thumb|150px|GaryGary war zusammen mit seinem Gladiatoren Partner Helen einer der absouluten Top Gladiatoren bei Zerstöre deine Welt. Er hatte die brutale Feuerkraft, die Helen fehlte und war somit die perfekte Ergänzung zu dessen Agilität. Helen war ein Roboter und besaß eine in seinen Arm eingebaute Energiekanone. Wenn sich der Feind als besonder hartnäckig heraustellte, ließ er Raketen regnen. Nahm er zu viel Schaden, kämpfte Helen weiter. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Roboter Kategorie:Bösewichte Kategorie:Endgegner Kategorie:Männlicher Charakter Kategorie:Zerstöre deine Welt Kategorie:Verstorben Kategorie:Gegner Kategorie:Ratchet & Clank 3 Charaktere Kategorie:Ratchet & Clank 3 Gegner Kategorie:Nahkampf Kategorie:Fernkampf Kategorie:Charaktere, welche von Neil Flynn gesprochen wurden
  • Gary is the second jumping spiderbot seen, after Gordon. He appears in strip 2430 where he enters Coffee Of Doom to order a coffee for his boss, leading Hannelore to think he was a hallucination.
  • <default>Gary</default> Edad Fecha de nacimiento Fecha de muerte Grupo sanguíneo Género Altura Peso Raza / etnia Ocupación Estado Voz Retrato Actor / actriz de captura Gary era un anciano que vivía en Raccoon City en el momento del brote viral. Luego recibió un disparo en la espalda y probablemente murió poco después.
  • Gary – postać epizodyczna, występująca w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969. Przed jedną z misji odniósł rany, więc protagonista zawiózł go do kryjówki. Kategoria:Postacie w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969
  • Gary appears in The Truth in the Myth.
  • Gary is a minor character in Inside Out.
  • Gary is a monster.
  • Gary is the Chii Star in Suikoden IV.
  • Gary ist der ehemals beste Freund von Jason.
  • Gary ist ein Barkeeper auf den Bahamas.
  • In English, Gary is voiced by Andrew Duncan.
  • Gary was a bot who operated the Dusty Lounge. In Habbo UK, he was known as Asherlee.
  • Gary is your long-time friend and rival in Newleaf Town. He has lived here with you for all his life, and he is the same age as you, with his birthday on the same day as yours. He does not know what to do when faced with a villain, but his confidence builds as the story progresses.
  • Gary (geb. am 21. März 1958 als Leonard Gary Oldman in New Cross, London) ist ein britischer Schauspieler, Regisseur und Filmproduzent, sowie einer von Luxords Lieblingsschauspielern.
  • Born on October 16th, 1999, Gary was a fun-loving child with a mom and a dad. But all that changed when his mom and dad got in a divorce. Gary went to live with his dad, who got married again and gave Gary a step-mother. For the rest of his days, he has lived with his dad and step-mom.
  • right Rencontre: Port-Faranga Faction: N/A Métier: Assistant de l'alchimiste Quêtes: * Suivez Gary sans vous faire repérer... * Retrouvez Gary! * Mettre la main sur Cutter! Récompenses de combat et/ou de vol à la tire: * XP+50 * sur lui: 13xflèches, 1xpotion de mana mineure, 1xbaie et 1xpomme
  • Gary (surname not revealed) is a serial killer and robber who appeared in Children of the Dark along with his partner-in-crime Ervin Robles.
  • Gary gave Richard and Adele Webber a tour of Roseridge Home for Extended Care.
  • Gary ist die reiche Eigentümerin von Als Schuhladen Gary's Shoes, in dem er schon seit seinem Highschool-Abschluss arbeitet. Gary tritt dominant auf und ist somit natürliche Feindin von Al. Er legt sich auch mit ihr an und setzt so seinen Job auf's Spiel.
  • Gary (voiced by Jason Marsden) is a minor villain of the 2001 animated television series The Fairly Odd Parents, who made his first debut in Imaginary Gary and also one of the three secondary villains of the 2010 animated horror film Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Demonic Possession. He is Timmy Turner's former imaginary friend until Cosmo (Daran Norris) and Wanda (Susan Blakeslee) brought him back to life.
  • Private Gary was a soldier who served for the 101st Airborne during World War 2.
  • Gary was an elderly civilian living in Raccoon City at the time of the t-Virus outbreak. Gary was shot through the back during the outbreak and likely died soon afterwards. It is likely that he was to be featured prominently (and injured/killed) in an unfinished scenario, since he has two costume versions and a proper name in both Resident Evil Outbreak and its sequel,File 2.
  • Gary är en manlig Tau'ri. Och han är pojkvän till Dr Lisa Park. Innan Park var fast på Destiny, deras förhållande gick i svårigheter, men de uppenbarligen ställ dem åt sidan, och deras relastionship var bättre än det någonsin varit. Park ville spela in ett meddelande på en Kino för att prata om det. Men okänd för henne, höll hon Kino inspelningen medan hon älskat att en soldat flera gånger. (Kino: "Not Just For Posterity") kategori:Tau'ri kategori:Nämnd endast Universe karaktär
  • Gary is a secret government project with advanced psychic powers. He is able to use pyrokinesis, psychokinesis, and metamorph people and objects. The reason why Sam and Max were called to see him was because he was prone to anger and needed someone to calm him down. He doesn't mean to hurt others or do bad things though. Sam supposed that Gary's unruly behavior was due to the fact that he was subjected to many tests and kept in a clean and sterile environment everyday. So Sam and Max take him along with them on a series of outside activities such as stopping a bank heist, playing baseball, and going to a carnival. After being "corrupted" by Sam and Max, Gary was unsuitable for the secret project and released. That made his parents and him very happy. Sam made him a Freelance Police badge as a gift.
  • Gary made his first appearance on 2 February 2017. He is portrayed by Dean Kilbey.
  • Gary was a British explorer who found Shangri-La along with Brock, his superior. The players need to help him escape Shangri-La. If the player does not attempt the easter egg, Gary will die from an unknown cause, as stated in the first radio. But if the player at least begins the Eclipse Easter Egg, Gary survives, only to be stuck in a time loop. In Zetsubou No Shima, one of the ciphers reveals he and Brock were killed during a weird atmospheric event whilst on a private plane.
  • Gary, a recurring character, is the owner of Gary's Shoes and employer of Al and Griff on Married... with Children. The part of Gary appears in seven episodes by actress Janet Carroll, beginning with the Season 9 episode "Business Still Sucks: Part 2".
  • Gary works along with Bird. He rarely talks, preferring to let Bird do the "speaking" for both of them.
  • Gary est un gladiateur d'Opération Destruction. Avec son associée, Hélène, ils forment les Jumeaux. Gary attaquera avec sa sulfateuse et ses lances-roquettes dorsaux. Tous deux s'intervertirons dans l'arène au bout d'un certain seuil de dégâts. Gary ressemble à un ancien gladiateur romain. Tuer les jumeaux rapporte 455 points d'expérience. Quelques citations * Je sors de suite! * Goûte-moi ça, Lombax! * A mon tour, là * C'est du gâteau Hélène!
  • Gary was a student at Central High School who dared a boy named Tom to race him in the 1st Street Factory District, and although he won, in the process he lost his car, his driver's license, and almost lost his life, but he and two other girls were rescued by the Wonder Twins.
  • Kang Hee-gun, nacido el 24 de febrero de 1978, más conocido por su nombre artístico Gary (coreano: 개리, a menudo escrito como Garie) es un rapero de Corea del Sur, compositor, autor , productor discográfico, bailarín, actor, promotor, personalidad de televisión, el restaurador y fundador de LeeSsang Company. Es miembro del dúo de hip-hop, LeeSsang. Es muy conocido por haber sido parte de los miembros originales de Running Man desde el 2010. Su apodo en la escuela secundaria era Gae (Significa perro en coreano) y el decidió usarlo como su nombre artístico, pero sentía que tenía que añadir algo para que sonara mejor y así se convirtió en Gary o Garie. En su juventud, él estaba más interesado en el baile hip-hop o breakdance, formó un grupo de baile y una vez ganaron en un concurso en el Jamsil. El presidente de la SM Entertainment vió a Gary y le ofreció un contrato, pero él se negó para continuar con sus estudios. En la universidad Gary asistió a Yong y se especializó en Seguridad Especializada, Yong In es la universidad más prestigiosa en Corea, que entrena a los guardaespaldas y personal de "seguridad" de élite para proteger al Presidente, los funcionarios gubernamentales y de otros organismos de seguridad de élite. Parte de los requerimientos para entrar en la universidad es la prueba física rígida y efectiva formación en artes marciales. A los 20 años Gary comenzó a boxear como aficionado, es 8vo Dan En 1997 se unió a X-teen y ayudo con la liberación de dos albumes en 1997 y 2000 Gary dejó el grupo ya que como el mismo dijo, se sentia como una celebridad (?) pero se juntó con Gil quien también pertenecia a x-teen y formaron el grupo Family Honey liberando dos albumes en 1999 y el 2000, luego se les unió Diggity y formaron el grupo llamado Leessam trio, pero luego éste dejó el grupo y pasaron a llamarse Leessang como se les conoce hasta el día de hoy.
  • Gary (ガオゥ Gao) is a character in the Original Series, consisting of Beyblade and Beyblade: G-Revolution. He is a member of the White Tigers which was then later renamed White Tiger X. His Bit-Beast and Beyblade is Galzzly.
  • Gary is SpongeBob's pet snail. SpongeBob and Gary are lifelong companions, and get very sad anddepressed when they are separated. A few episodes have been about him.
  • Gary was a young Visitor officer who usually palled around with Daniel Bernstein, who occasionally got him drunk or high. On one such occasion at the Los Angeles medical center, Daniel told him that a group of doctors were studying so they could be rich and marry sorority queens. After he smoked marijuana with Daniel, he was observed eating a mouse by a homeless man and was chastised by his superior Brian for doing so. Brian told him that the humans must never see them eat. Brian immediately dealt with the homeless man, though it is unclear if he was killed at that time or taken to a food processing facility. (V: The Final Battle)
  • While the Enterprise travels to Earth for Gary Mitchell's funeral, Captain Kirk tries to compose a letter to Gary's parents. Unable to write the truth about Gary's death, Kirk instead writes a story about an adventure that Kirk and Mitchell had aboard the Farragut.
  • Gary ist ein PSA-Agent und Erfinder. Er hilft bei jeder Secret Mission mit Geräten aus, die beim Erfüllen des Missionziels helfen sollen.
  • Gary is a gargoyle who was trying to save the Swan Knee River. For the mission, he was briefly transformed into a human. He met and married Gayle. He was at the Nameless Castle for Roxanne's trial.
  • Gary (d. 1905) was the second son of Loretta and Albion, and the younger brother of Dan. In 1914, he was approached a Man in a Black Suit while fishing at a point along Castle Stream. He narrowly escaped the encounter, and wrote about it in 1995 in a journal given to him by his great-granddaughter. He later went on to teach, as well as writing a column called "Long Ago and Far Away" for the Castle Rock Call. His surname is never mentioned, though his name is given as "Gary Berringer" in Nicholas Mariani's 2004 short film.
  • Gerald Wilson Jr "Gary L'Escargot " Étoile II est l'escargot domestique de Bob l'Éponge. Il faut savoir que dans la série, les escargot correspondent à nos chats, tout comme les vers correspondent aux chiens. Gary est donc un escargot qui miaule (sauf dans "Le jour des contraires" où il aboie). Heureusement, Bob arrive un peu à le comprendre quand il s'exprime. Gary est beaucoup plus intelligent que son maître, il a souvent de bien meilleures solutions aux problèmes que Bob l'Éponge lui-même et il a tendance à ne pas être d'accord avec ses choix. Ce mollusque est bien dressé, il sait ramener les balles en caoutchouc que Bob lui envoie, il va chercher le journal, il est propre et très sage. De plus c'est un grand lecteur, la nuit par exemple, il rêve qu'il est dans une bibliothèque entouré de livres de grands auteurs ("Rêver sans y être invité"). Puis on le voit lire un livre de blagues sur les escargots dans Gary prend un bain. D'ailleurs, Gary est un vrai poète lui-même et on lui laisse sa chance au Crabe Croustillant à l'occasion du gala organisé par Carlo. À côté de cela, l'escargot le plus populaire de Bikini Bottom sait jouer du violon quand Bob a mauvaise haleine et même de la batterie dans un autre épisode. Enfin, on apprend dans Problèmes de lacets que c'est lui qui noue les chaussures de Bob l'Éponge. Même si les escargots sont sensés être hermaphrodites, Gary dans la série est un mâle. Il tombe d'ailleurs plus ou moins amoureux de Snellie, l'escargot de course "femelle" de Carlo dans Un escargot pur sang. Gary a beaucoup de petits rôles, mais il a cependant déjà 5 épisodes où il est le personnage principal (Un escargot affamé, L'éponge abandonnée, Gary prend un bain, Un escargot pur sang et La fugue de Gary), sans compter les autres épisodes où il joue un rôle très important pour aider Bob l'Éponge.
  • Gary is an original character appeasring in the Jurassic Park fanfiction Corruption.
  • Gary var en robot, og en av de forferdelige to (the terrible two). Han angriper med et enormt skytevåpen og missiler, skutt ut fra ryggen.
  • Gary is an immortal assassin and former servant to the Shadow God, Sheikoji.
  • Gary is based off the Gramahona, a Willamette river steamboat.
  • The Gary is an enemy in the Arcade Creator that so far only appears in Tech World. It takes three or four spells, slides, or jumps to defeat a Gary, which is the same amount as Brozilla and Big Baddie.
  • Gary was the works foreman at Mike Peterson's former place of employment, who laid Mike off when the latter was injured at work, and presumably was part of the process which denied Mike workers' compensation. In the "Pilot", Mike returns to the factory, cap in hand, looking to get his old job back, as he can now work harder than ever, but becomes violent when Gary dismisses him in a high-handed manner. Mike throws Gary into a set of metal tubing, and turns his own words ("It's the company, man. I'm not the bad guy.") against him, declaring him to be the villain, and Mike himself as the hero, before seemingly knocking him unconscious (or worse) with a metal barrel. As no murder charges are mentioned, it appears likely that Gary at least survived. He is portrayed by Bob Stephenson.
  • Gary (リカルド, Rikarudo, Ricardo en japonais, Kyle en anglais, Wolfgang en allemand, Ululo en italien, Ataúlfo en espagnol) est un loup, plus précisément un lycaon, apparaissant comme villageois uniquement dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Gary is Ergo and Magna's son. He was left in Australia's foster care system after his parents' death. He wasn't very lucky regarding foster parents. Eventually he met Sara shortly after she emerged, but was mortally wounded soon after that. Sara absorbed his soul and promised him he would be reborn at some time in the future. He currently resides in Sara's Hell of Flesh, where he enjoys a special invulnerability to the dangers of the place, granted by Sara. He has come to consider himself Sara's son.
  • In the Episode Eve of the War Gary drives together with Stefan and Dewi Jenkins to the cafe on the corner. Gary and Stefan send Dewi there to get tea for them. Dewi should also pay for it. Gary drinks the tea with milk and sugger. When Dewi leaves the cafe, Tom runs after him. He kills Gary and Stefan and lets Dewi leave.
  • Gary appeared in Season One, episode one, alongside his former best friend Jason. He introduced his "nan" to Jason, whom Jason fell in love with instantly. He was oblivious to Jason's infatuation, but eventually found out when he discovered Jason sucking nan's feet. Gary from then on never talked to or saw Jason again. In a deleted scene on the Season Two DVD, Gary is seen with his mum and sister, in a sketch where they stumble upon Jason having sex with nan.
  • He is punched, kicked, flipped, and choked by Steve while George uses the sniper rifle's scope to watch a klayman performing the splits. He accidentally shoots and kills him and laments about the death, and then returns to Gary. When he realizes Gary is in trouble, he tries to shoot Angry Steve, but misses and shoots Gary. The bullet kills Angry Steve and Gary survives, but is accidentally shot again and dies. After this he is shot by The Murderer.
  • Gary is SpongeBob's pet snail. He is made of different pieces than normal Minifigures, like a green cherry piece for his eyes. Gary has two variations. In the set 3827 Adventures in Bikini Bottom he has an orange shell, but in the set 3834 Good Neighbors at Bikini Bottom the colour of his shell is pink.
  • Gary is an officer worker at the Bluth Company. He is portrayed by Arrested Development writer Abraham Higginbotham.
  • Gary is a human male. He first appears in "I Was a Teenage Bigfoot".
  • Gary was a bounty hunter from a young age. And Gary picked up his first gun after being bullied so much he couldn't take it anymore, one day someone pushed Gary to the edge and Gary pulled out the gun and shot the bullies that bullied him. Gary was taken to a republic prison where he was feared in great numbers even the most feared bounty hunter out there Cad Bane which was rare.
  • Gary is a man who appeared in No Good Deed (episode). Gary had apparently stolen something from a store (although he implies that he had in fact been innocent of the crime), and was then sentenced to 80 hours of Community Service. While working what was presumably his first day, he then encountered an Older Man who was sentenced 30 days of the same. Upon noticing him, he then recognized him from somewhere, although he couldn't figure out from where. He then realized the Older Man was the Senator who got busted ordering the services of a prostitute (although the Older Man sternly corrected him and stated that he was a Congressman, not a Senator), and noted that even though both got mugshots posted on TNZ, the prostitute "was fly." He alongside the Older Man then stumbled upon a discarded motorcycle and, after the Older Man told his boss to come over since they found something, they then discovered the corpse of David Austin nearby. He apparently was a regular of the Cobra Room at Tate Street (an implied nightclub), as he initially wondered whether the Older Man was at the club when noting he seemed familiar.
  • O Gary (também conhecido como Gary o Pinguim Inventor ou G) é um agente da EPF que outrora trabalhou para ASP, assim como inventor. É o pinguim mais inteligente da ilha.thumb|Gary * Cor - Azul * Papel - Cientista, agente da EPF * Personalidade - Inteligente, nervoso * Roupas - Óculos do Gary, Fato do Gary
  • A member of the KKK introduced in Spawn Issue #30. He is one of the klansmen that carry off and lynch Judge Zachery Missen, thinking that he was actually a black man.
  • Gary is a reformed bully at Dexter's school who only appeared in the episode "Accent You Hate." He constantly harassed kids with funny accents, his most notable victims being Dexter (Russian accent) and his friends Lucky (Irish accent) and Pierre (French accent). He wore a t-shirt that read, "I Hate Kids with Funny Accents." By the end of the episode, Gary turned out to like kids with funny accents due to getting hit in the face by a statue, distorting his own voice; his t-shirt now reads, "I ♡ Kids with Funny Accents."
  • File:FC4 Icon.png Gary is a character who appears in Far Cry 4. He is Pagan Min's assistant. His duties include official state business, such as taking down Pagan's decrees, as well as attending Pagan's personal needs, such as fetching first aid supplies when Pagan is lancing his boils. Pagan Min is always demanding Gary doing household chores for him, and takes care of the palace when Pagan is out.
  • Gary is a serial killer who targeted young women in the Philadelphia area.
  • (w oryginale nazywa się Fairy Gary) Inne imiona: Karol Talent: pyłkowy Cechy: przyjacielski, serdeczny, zabawny Przyjaciele: Terencjo, inne elfy pyłkowe Ulubione miejsce: Pracownia Pyłkowa Lubi: kawały Nie lubi: gdy inni wyśmiewają się z jego kiltu
  • Gary ist ein Freund von Spencer. Gary kam bisher nur in der Folge Ist Sam verrückt? (iLost My Mind) vor.Als Spencer sich als Ms.Puckett verkleidete,sah sein Freund Gary sofort das es Spencer war.Gary lies seine Tarnung auffliegen.Man erfuhr auch das Gary mit Spencer bei Joga war.Aber man weiß nicht genau was Gary im Troble Waters zu suchen hatte.In iCarly gibt es noch einen Gary,der andere heißt aber im vollem Namen Gary Halberstadt.Er kam in der Folge Absolut halloweenös! vor.
  • Gary el caracol, la querida mascota de Bob Esponja, aunque su comportamiento se asemeja en varios aspectos al de un monstruo. Se trata de una persona inteligente y domesticado, que ofrece soluciones elegantes a cualquier dilema que se le plantea a su dueño. Aunque discrepa con algunas ideas de Bob Esponja, se esfuerza por advertirle peligros.
  • Gary seudónimo de Edgar Efraín Fuentes (n. 5 de febrero de 1962 en Amboy, localidad del valle de Calamuchita, Córdoba - 9 de noviembre de 2001) apodado "El ángel que canta", fue un cantante, compositor (registradas 206) y productor de Argentina. Estuvo casado con Carina Salato y tuvo dos hijos: Gisela y Jorge.
  • Gary was the keeper of the docks and was the first victim from King Neptune.
  • Gary is a vampire of the Lysinda circle who appears in Vampires. Lysinda transforms Gary into a vampire as a replacement for Lysinda circle vampires slain by Muffin the Vampire Baker. However, he is destroyed the next night when Riff, Aylee, and Bun-bun attack to rescue Torg and Zoë.
  • Gary is a name referring to 5 different persons: * Gary - a friend of Tommy Collins, who was killed by the Wendigo in the episode Wendigo. * Gary Bryman - a name that appeared in the episode Bloody Mary. He was killed by Jill in a hit and run. * Gary Cole - an actor who portrayed the character Brad Redding. * Gary Frankle - a witch that appeared in the episode Swap Meat. * Gary Freleng - a character that appeared in the episode Hunteri Heroici. If you have been led here by a link on a page, please edit the link and redirect it to the correct page.
  • Gary – pewien badacz, który wraz ze swoim przełożonym, Brockiem, odkrył świątynię w Shangri-La. W trakcie badań zaskoczyło go zaćmienie i został zaatakowany przez zombie. Zdołał uciec, lecz wkrótce zginął z nieznanego powodu. Zadaniem graczy jest zmienienie jego losu. W tym czasie Gary odkrywa ołtarz z Kamieniem Koncentracji. Brock próbuje zabrać kamień, po czym badacze zostają cofnięci w czasie do momentu, w którym odkryli świątynię. Powoduje to uwięzienie ich w niekończącej się historii.
  • Gary The Gadget Guy (ang. Gary Gadżeciaż) Pingwin , który najczęściej zajmuje się gadżetami.Nosi biały fartuch i okulary.Gary jest bardzo nieśmiałym pingwinem.
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