  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie was a young female who worked at the TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated Administration Center on the planet Narg. She was part of the TransGalMeg Personnel Satisfaction Division.
  • Bonnie är en kvinnlig Tau'ri och hon är en bekant med Presidenten. Under 2004 så besökte hon President Henry Hayes i Vita huset när han hade tagit över President posten. (SG1: "Lost City, Part 1") Kategori:Amerikaner Kategori: En-gång SG-1 karaktär
  • I'm Bonnie. I am a long time lurker. I've been part of various incarnations of EOTF since 1999. These are my characters: Cianta Desun Ululani Kekoa Narratrin Marshaine Sorcha Mohini Prisca Uwolowu Return to the Player Profiles page. Return to the EOTF Wiki Main Page.
  • Bonnie is the younger sister of Clemont, the Lumiose gym leader. She helps him run his gym in Prism Tower.
  • Bonnie is one of the starter characters in FNaF World.
  • (См. также: Nightmare Bonnie) Bonnie the Bunny (рус. Кролик Бонни) — кролик-аниматроник из игры Five Nights at Freddy's.
  • Bonnie is Fred's half sister. She was born to Fred's mom and Claudio. She is 1 year old and loves to play with Fred. Bonnie had stayed with Claudio after moved out, but Fred still visited her. Fred's mom received custody after Claudio abused Bonnie.
  • Bonnie was één van de Anderen en leefde in the Looking Glass.
  • Bonnie was a member of the Others, secretly assigned to the Looking Glass station by Ben, with the rest of the Others believing that she and Greta were on an assignment in Canada.
  • Bonnie ist ein kleines Mädchen aus Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder. Ihre Mutter ist Tanya. Mit ihr ist sie als Touristin in Monte d'Or unterwegs.
  • Bonnie was a girl who went on a double date with Connie, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers.
  • All tough teammates get +30% HP and +30% Attack.
  • Bonnie is a character appears in X and Y.
  • Bonnie is an employee at Sunstone Manor
  • Bonnie is a member of the Organization and, along with Celina, she is a minion of Professor Rickman.
  • Bonnie is a special trainer and hostess at Executive Priority Health. She first appears in White Night.
  • Bonnie is a Percheron mare belonging to Travis Foster, a human hired by Neferet to "help out" in the stables in Destined. Lenobia simply adores her. Bonnie is a little over five years old and is a very big horse, "easily over eighteen hands." (Lenobia, Destined, Page 73.)
  • bonnie has red hair
  • Bonnie is a non-trainable offensive troop in The Godfather Five Families.
  • Bonnie was a Communications Aide from Indiana. She worked for Toby Ziegler and Sam Seaborn. She worked closely with fellow Communications Aide Ginger.
  • wip again!!! '3';
  • Bonnie est une des Autres secrètement assignée à la station Miroir avec Greta par Ben, les autres membres des Autres la croyant partie au Canada avec Greta.
  • She reappeared again except she proposes Tsumugi to marry Clemont but Tsumugi's Vanilluxe froze her solid with a Blizzard, Mitsuki got Pignite to thaw her out with Flamethrower. Despite her cute appearance, she carries Dedenne in her bag to look after.
  • Bonnie is a student at P.S. 38, seen on May 21, 2017.
  • Bonnie is an antagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's. Bonnie is an animatronic children's entertainer housed at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, along with Freddy Fazbear and Chica. He is the guitarist in Freddy's band, positioned at the left side. At midnight, he is left in a "free-roaming mode" until 6 AM, to prevent his servos from locking up. Along with the other animatronics, Bonnie will try to forcefully stuff any human he sees after hours into a Freddy Fazbear suit, resulting in death.
  • thumb|left thumb|right|200px|Bonnie Kategorie:Charaktere Bonnie ist das Wildschwein von Ganju und das stärkste und wildeste der neun Wildschweine der Ganju-Gang, obwohl es ein Weibchen ist. Es unterscheidet sich nicht nur durch seine Kraft von den anderen Wildschweinen, sondern hat auch eine dunklere Hautfarbe und braune Haare. Es gehorcht Ganju zwar, doch geht es ihn meißtens, höchstwahrscheinlich ungewollt, sehr hart an. Bonnie gehörte einst Kaien Shiba und ist immernoch sehr bedrückt über den Tod seines geliebten Herrchens.
  • Bonnie (pieszczotliwie zwana Bonnie-chan, Bonny w wydaniu JPF) jest dzikiem i zwierzątkiem Ganju Shiby.
  • Appears in "Reprise", played by Marie Avgeropoulos.
  • Bonnie is a female rabbit who appeared on Bear in the Big Blue House. She lives with her son Billy and their home was damaged by flooding from the storm in "Welcome to Woodland Valley." She reluctantly, but gratefully accepts help from Jeremiah Tortoise in getting back on her feet. She later appeared in the episode "A Trip to the General Store." Image:Stub.png This character article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Bonnie is a cat NPC toon located at Nor'Easter Bonnets on Walrus Way, The Brrrgh.
  • FNAF 1 was a decent horror game and the Bonnie from that game was a freakshow. Then Toy Bonnie came along. At first, that seemed legit but Scott Cawthon said "Fuck That". In a greater attempt to scare the living crap out of us, this freaky version of Bonnie is here to stay. So if you don't mind, we must put on a spare set of pants in case we shit ourselves if he comes out.
  • Bonnie 是The Others的成員,她和另一成員Greta一起秘密地被Ben分派到窺鏡站進行任務,但是其他成員則以為她們倆被派到加拿大工作。
  • Bonnie era una chica que salió con Steve durante un corto tiempo.
  • Bonnie is a brand new character! She stands out in any crowd, but who is she, really? Here is what the designers have to say: "We took the concept of someone who’s always out to win no matter what, and added a dash of funk, and that’s Bonnie! She’s a ‘Renaissance woman’ – not only is she a fantastic racer, but she’s an excellent cook as well. Even the designers admit that Bonnie is as impressive a character as Afro!" - DDR X
  • Bonnie ist die Mutter von Käpten die Schwiegermutter von Lore und Großmutter von Lotte. Sie hat einen Inselshop bei dem man Taucheranzüge, Möbel und andere Sovinieres kaufen kann.
  • Bonnie era un membro degli Altri, assegnata segretamente alla stazione Lo specchio da Ben, mentre il resto degli Altri credevano che lei e Greta fossero in missione in Canada.
  • Bonnie (affectionately referred to as Bonnie-chan) is a pet boar owned by Ganju Shiba.
  • Bonnie is the deuteragonist of TV series Realms Undersea. In animation, Bonnie has long, floor-length, flip-styled blonde hair with a braid and multiple ponytails at the back. As a human (animated), Bonnie wears a dark brown shirt with a teal collar and a long, white skirt stopping just above her bare toes. While in mermaid form (animated), she wears a teal seashell bra with a turquoise tail and white fins. In live-action form, her hair is short and dark brown. As a human (live-action), she wears a sleeveless red shirt with a pink vest underneath and a short pink skirt. She wears white sandals. As a mermaid in live-action form, she has a magenta seashell bra, a bright pink tail, pale pink fins, and pale pink flats (hidden underneath the "fins")
  • Experiment 149 (Bonnie) is a green Stitch-like experiment with a large, rounded head featuring two predominate upper teeth, two orange/yellow tipped antennae, blue eyes, a small orange nose, gremlin-like ears and a boomerang-shaped marking on her forehead. Her body is of a more slender posture, featuring a blue stripe on each of her limbs.
  • Bonnie była członkiem wspólnoty Innych, przydzielona potajemnie przez Bena do Stacji Zwierciadło. Kiedy do stacji przybył Charlie, przy pomocy Grety obezwładniła go pistoletem i związała. („Greatest Hits”) W celu wydobycia z niego informacji wielokrotnie go uderzyła, a nawet groziła mu śmiercią. Po przybyciu do stacji Mikhaila wychodzi na jaw, że Bonnie i Greta chroniły Zwierciadła, aby żadna transmisja nie mogła opuścić wyspy. W rozmowie z Ukraińcem powiedziała, że wykonuje tylko rozkazy i o nic nie pyta, ponieważ mogłoby zniweczyć to wszystkie jej dotychczasowe wysiłki. Ben nie chciał ryzykować ujawnienia informacji przez Bonnie i Gretę i nakazał Mikhailowi zabić obie kobiety. Bonnie próbowała uciekać po strzale do Grety, lecz została postrzelona śmiertelnie w plecy. Na przekór polecenio
  • Bonnie é uma membro dos Outros que secretamente cuida da estação O Espelho junto com Greta, seguindo as ordens de Ben. Quando Charlie entra na estação, ela e Greta correm em direção a ele, apontando suas armas. ("Greatest Hits") Faz parte do Time O porque teve uma missão importantíssima.
  • Bonnie ist ein Mitglied der Anderen, das in einem Geheimauftrag von Ben zusammen mit Greta den Spiegel bemannt. Die übrigen Anderen glauben, sie seien auf einer Mission in Kanada. Als Charlie in die Station eindringt, wird er von den beiden mit vorgehaltener Waffe empfangen und an einen Stuhl gefesselt. („“) In den nachfolgenden Verhören schlägt sie Charlie mehrmals und droht sogar, ihn mit einer Harpune zu erschießen. Als Mikhail in die Station kommt, stellt sich heraus, dass die beiden die Funktion des Störsenders überwachen, der abgehende Funksignale von der Insel blockiert.
  • Bonnie, played by Lisa Dean Ryan, is a character seen on Beverly Hills, 90210, the first series of the Beverly Hills, 90210 continuity. She appears in the Season 1 episode The Gentle Art of Listening. Bonnie is a cheerleader at West Beverly Hills High School. She is first seen at a pep rally for grudge week doing cheers. She briefly makes eye contact with Brandon Walsh and smiles during the cheering.
  • Bonnie era un miembro de los Otros. Estaba secretamente, junto con Greta, a cargo de El Espejo, una estación Dharma localizada bajo el agua cerca de la orilla de la Isla. Cuando Charlie entró En El Espejo, ella y Greta le sorprendieron, apuntándole con sus armas. Tratando de obtener información de Charlie, Bonnie le golpeó repetidas veces, e incluso amenazó con dispararle con una ballesta para peces. Cuando Mikhail llegó a la estación, fue revelado que Greta y Bonnie guardaban El Espejo para asegurarse de que ninguna transmisión que dejara la Isla fuera detectada.
  • Bonnie was one of The Others", and an occupant of the DHARMA Initiative's Looking Glass Station. When Charlie swam up through the submarine port, ecstatic that he had not drowned, Bonnie and her fellow occupant Greta entered the room with a handgun pointed directly at Charlie in a hostile manner. (Greatest Hits)
  • Bonnie ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im "Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC)”, Ringling Zuchtstation Polk City, Florida, USA. Sie wurde am 29.10.1994 im Roman Schmitt Busch Garden geboren. Sie war für das Ringling-Zirkusunternehmen auf Tournee unterwegs. Am 19.01.2009 brachte sie ihren Sohn Barack nach einer künstlichen Befruchtung zu Welt. Es wurden dafür 2 Samenspender verwendet. Nach einem DNA-Test erwies sich Doc als der Vater des kleinen Bullen. Bonnie wurde einige Monate vor der Geburt aus dem Zirkusprogramm genommen, kehrte aber mit ihrem Kalb in die "Ringling Blue Unit Tour" zurück. Das Kalb erhielt seinen Namen aufgrund seines Geburtstags am Antrittsabend des 44.Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten, Barack Obama. Im Januar 2010 erkrankte Barack am Herpesvirus, daher konnten s
  • Bonnie is a friend of Phoebe's, distinctly remembered by Rachel for having a bald head. Phoebe asked Rachel if she could set Bonnie up with Ross, and Rachel deviously agreed, thinking that Ross would not be interested due to Bonnie being bald. However, when Phoebe does introduce Bonnie to Ross, it is revealed that she is very attractive and does, in fact, have hair. Ross and Bonnie then become a couple. Rachel takes Phoebe outside the coffeehouse and begins to complain that Phoebe told her that Bonnie was bald. Phoebe explains that she was bald but that she is not anymore. They then walk by the window of the coffeehouse and see Bonnie and Ross sitting together on the sofa with Bonnie's hand on Ross' leg. Rachel is very upset by this as she fears that Ross is going to fall in love with Bonn
  • #4B0082
  • 5
  • 30
  • ....
Portrayed By
  • Good
  • Unknown
  • Bonnie
  • Kobieta
  • Boonie55.jpg
  • Мужской
  • The Brrrgh
Last Episode
  • ユリーカ Yuriika
  • Weiblich
  • weiblich
  • Dzik
  • Boonie
  • Sconosciuta
  • One of "The Others"
  • Boonie
  • 2004
  • Обычно выходит первый, но не в 3 ночь
  • Самый покалеченный из старых аниматроников
  • 15
  • Décédée
  • 300
  • Tracy Middendorf
  • 3
Debiut w mandze
  • Развлекать детей
  • "Through the Looking Glass"
Debiut w anime
  • Гитарист рок-группы
  • Списан
  • Tracy Middendorf
  • Sconosciuto
  • Tanya
  • The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer
  • Desconocida
  • Bonnie
  • Old Bonnie
  • Brak
  • Kvinna
  • Shot by Mikhail
  • Ultra-rare
  • 15
  • 3
  • 195
  • 23
  • 2004
  • Yes
  • Bonnie
  • 41
  • 1.0
  • 100.0
  • Bonnie
Birth Day
  • 1975
  • The Abduction
  • Yeehaws
  • Unknown
  • Bonnie
  • Communications Aide
  • 不明
  • Bonnie
  • Child
  • Unknown
  • Obéir au chef des Autres et à Jacob
  • Desconhecida
  • Mid 20's
  • Protéger l'Île
  • Cookie
  • Unknown
  • Active
  • 死亡
  • Nie żyje
  • verstorben
  • Deceduta
  • Morta
  • good
  • Greta_Bonnie_Charlie.jpg
  • Grams
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Classic Adventures
  • 250
  • Makaron
  • True
  • Bear in the Big Blue House
Character Name
  • Bonnie
Miejsce śmierci
  • Bonnie
  • Remigia
  • Bonnie
  • 200
Data śmierci
  • --12-23
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • experiment 149
  • BonnieA.jpg
  • Indiana
  • left
  • Teeth
Image size
  • 150
  • 225
  • ??
  • 15
Real Name
  • Bonnie
  • Light Blue
  • Bonnie
  • Mamiral
  • Bonnie
  • Bonnie
  • Desconhecida
  • Bonnie.jpg
  • マカロン
  • ゲコ
  • Desconocido
  • Muerta
  • Unknown
  • Student
  • Employee of Sunstone Manor
  • Captain America: The First Avenger
Home Planet
  • Rosauria
  • TBD
  • Bonnie
  • Desconhecida
  • normal
  • Bonnie
  • 12345
Japanese name
  • ユリーカ Eureka
  • Classic Adventures
  • 2004-12-21
  • 3
  • Bonnie & Greta interrogate Charlie.
wikipage disambiguates
  • designed to work with Clyde to steal things without the victim's knowledge.
  • Sconosciuta
Время появления
  • Tracy Middendorf
debiut w grach wideo
  • --12-21
  • Uma dos Outros
podstawowe umiejętności
  • Brak
  • Capitán América: El Primer Vengador
  • Блокировка дверей для лёгкой атаки Фокси
  • Приходит из центрального холла или из левой вентиляции
UK or US
  • US
Powód śmierci
  • Zabita przez Mikhaila
  • Emanuela Baroni
  • E' una degli Altri
Вид аниматроника
  • Кролик
  • Bonnie was a young female who worked at the TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated Administration Center on the planet Narg. She was part of the TransGalMeg Personnel Satisfaction Division.
  • Bonnie är en kvinnlig Tau'ri och hon är en bekant med Presidenten. Under 2004 så besökte hon President Henry Hayes i Vita huset när han hade tagit över President posten. (SG1: "Lost City, Part 1") Kategori:Amerikaner Kategori: En-gång SG-1 karaktär
  • I'm Bonnie. I am a long time lurker. I've been part of various incarnations of EOTF since 1999. These are my characters: Cianta Desun Ululani Kekoa Narratrin Marshaine Sorcha Mohini Prisca Uwolowu Return to the Player Profiles page. Return to the EOTF Wiki Main Page.
  • Bonnie era un miembro de los Otros. Estaba secretamente, junto con Greta, a cargo de El Espejo, una estación Dharma localizada bajo el agua cerca de la orilla de la Isla. Cuando Charlie entró En El Espejo, ella y Greta le sorprendieron, apuntándole con sus armas. Tratando de obtener información de Charlie, Bonnie le golpeó repetidas veces, e incluso amenazó con dispararle con una ballesta para peces. Cuando Mikhail llegó a la estación, fue revelado que Greta y Bonnie guardaban El Espejo para asegurarse de que ninguna transmisión que dejara la Isla fuera detectada. Mikhail cuestionó por qué hacían esto y Bonnie dijo que estaba siguiendo órdenes. Ben no quería arriesgarse a que Greta o Bonnie llegaran a divulgar esta información a cualquiera de los Otros y ordenó a Mikhail matarlas a ambas. Después de que Greta fuera disparada y asesinada por Mikhail, Bonnie trató de huir, pero fue fatalmente acertada en la esplada. Sólo para irritar a Ben, dio a Charlie el código para desactivar la señal de intercepción, justo antes de que ella muriese. Charlie o Desmond cubrieron respestuosamente su cuerpo con una sábana.
  • Bonnie is the younger sister of Clemont, the Lumiose gym leader. She helps him run his gym in Prism Tower.
  • Bonnie is one of the starter characters in FNaF World.
  • (См. также: Nightmare Bonnie) Bonnie the Bunny (рус. Кролик Бонни) — кролик-аниматроник из игры Five Nights at Freddy's.
  • Bonnie ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im "Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC)”, Ringling Zuchtstation Polk City, Florida, USA. Sie wurde am 29.10.1994 im Roman Schmitt Busch Garden geboren. Sie war für das Ringling-Zirkusunternehmen auf Tournee unterwegs. Am 19.01.2009 brachte sie ihren Sohn Barack nach einer künstlichen Befruchtung zu Welt. Es wurden dafür 2 Samenspender verwendet. Nach einem DNA-Test erwies sich Doc als der Vater des kleinen Bullen. Bonnie wurde einige Monate vor der Geburt aus dem Zirkusprogramm genommen, kehrte aber mit ihrem Kalb in die "Ringling Blue Unit Tour" zurück. Das Kalb erhielt seinen Namen aufgrund seines Geburtstags am Antrittsabend des 44.Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten, Barack Obama. Im Januar 2010 erkrankte Barack am Herpesvirus, daher konnten seine Mutter und er stationär im CEC bleiben. Im April 2010 wurde die Genesung publiziert und beide kehrten im Juli 2010 auf die Zirkustournee zurück. Die Elefantenvorführungen wurden im Mai 2016 komplett beendet.
  • Bonnie is Fred's half sister. She was born to Fred's mom and Claudio. She is 1 year old and loves to play with Fred. Bonnie had stayed with Claudio after moved out, but Fred still visited her. Fred's mom received custody after Claudio abused Bonnie.
  • Bonnie é uma membro dos Outros que secretamente cuida da estação O Espelho junto com Greta, seguindo as ordens de Ben. Quando Charlie entra na estação, ela e Greta correm em direção a ele, apontando suas armas. ("Greatest Hits") Faz parte do Time O porque teve uma missão importantíssima. Ela é a mais rigorosa das garotas da estação, repetidamente batendo em Charlie e ameaçando matá-lo. Quando Mikhail chega na estação e questiona o porque delas estarem alí, já que lhe foi dito que elas estavam viajando. Bonnie diz que apenas está seguindo ordens, e que se ela questionar essas ordens, ela sabe que todo o trabalho irá por água a baixo. Ela diz que está fazendo isso porque acredita em Ben e acredita em Jacob e que Ben as fez jurarem que não contariam pra ninguém. Depois de Greta ser morta por Mikhail, ela tenta correr mas leva um tiro também, mas não morre ainda. Desmond atira um arpão em Mikhail e ele não consegue matar Bonnie. Antes de morrer, Bonnie fala o código do desbloqueamento das transmissões para Charlie, para que ele possa salvar a todos. Bonnie morre em decorrência dos ferimentos. ("Through the Looking Glass")
  • Bonnie ist ein Mitglied der Anderen, das in einem Geheimauftrag von Ben zusammen mit Greta den Spiegel bemannt. Die übrigen Anderen glauben, sie seien auf einer Mission in Kanada. Als Charlie in die Station eindringt, wird er von den beiden mit vorgehaltener Waffe empfangen und an einen Stuhl gefesselt. („“) In den nachfolgenden Verhören schlägt sie Charlie mehrmals und droht sogar, ihn mit einer Harpune zu erschießen. Als Mikhail in die Station kommt, stellt sich heraus, dass die beiden die Funktion des Störsenders überwachen, der abgehende Funksignale von der Insel blockiert. Mikhail fragt sie, warum sie das tue, woraufhin Bonnie antwortet, sie befolge nur Befehle und dass sie diese Befehle nicht in Frage stelle, da sonst alles auseinanderfalle. Ben möchte nicht riskieren, dass diese Informationen publik werden und befiehlt Mikhail die beiden zu töten. Nachdem Greta von Mikhail erschossen worden ist, versucht Bonnie zu entkommen, wird jedoch in den Rücken geschossen und schwer verletzt. Um es Ben heimzuzahlen, gibt sie Charlie, kurz vor ihrem Tod, den Code zur Deaktivierung des Störsenders. („“), („“)
  • Bonnie was één van de Anderen en leefde in the Looking Glass.
  • Bonnie was a member of the Others, secretly assigned to the Looking Glass station by Ben, with the rest of the Others believing that she and Greta were on an assignment in Canada.
  • Bonnie ist ein kleines Mädchen aus Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder. Ihre Mutter ist Tanya. Mit ihr ist sie als Touristin in Monte d'Or unterwegs.
  • Bonnie was a girl who went on a double date with Connie, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers.
  • All tough teammates get +30% HP and +30% Attack.
  • Bonnie is a character appears in X and Y.
  • Bonnie is an employee at Sunstone Manor
  • Bonnie is a member of the Organization and, along with Celina, she is a minion of Professor Rickman.
  • Bonnie is a special trainer and hostess at Executive Priority Health. She first appears in White Night.
  • Bonnie was one of The Others", and an occupant of the DHARMA Initiative's Looking Glass Station. When Charlie swam up through the submarine port, ecstatic that he had not drowned, Bonnie and her fellow occupant Greta entered the room with a handgun pointed directly at Charlie in a hostile manner. (Greatest Hits) After Charlie swims into the station, Bonnie is abusive and rough toward him. She is also shown to be easily frustrated, screaming at Charlie for singing constantly and often arguing with Greta and Mikhail. On Ben's orders, Mikhail shoots Bonnie, but she lives long enough to tell Charlie the code to deactivate the jamming device that blocked all transmissions, as a final act of defiance against the man she trusted, Benjamin Linus. (Through the Looking Glass)
  • Bonnie is a Percheron mare belonging to Travis Foster, a human hired by Neferet to "help out" in the stables in Destined. Lenobia simply adores her. Bonnie is a little over five years old and is a very big horse, "easily over eighteen hands." (Lenobia, Destined, Page 73.)
  • bonnie has red hair
  • Bonnie is a non-trainable offensive troop in The Godfather Five Families.
  • Bonnie was a Communications Aide from Indiana. She worked for Toby Ziegler and Sam Seaborn. She worked closely with fellow Communications Aide Ginger.
  • wip again!!! '3';
  • Bonnie est une des Autres secrètement assignée à la station Miroir avec Greta par Ben, les autres membres des Autres la croyant partie au Canada avec Greta.
  • Bonnie, played by Lisa Dean Ryan, is a character seen on Beverly Hills, 90210, the first series of the Beverly Hills, 90210 continuity. She appears in the Season 1 episode The Gentle Art of Listening. Bonnie is a cheerleader at West Beverly Hills High School. She is first seen at a pep rally for grudge week doing cheers. She briefly makes eye contact with Brandon Walsh and smiles during the cheering. Bonnie later calls anonymously to a Teen hotline, where she gets into contact with Brenda Walsh after the phone lines have closed. She questions whether or not she was raped by a guy she likes. She calls again the next night, crying, upset, and stating that she was raped once again behind the gym. She later briefly runs into Dylan McKay in the hallway and apologizes. She later calls the hotline again and reports a third rape, this time with two guys. Brenda figures out who she is and approaches her in the hallway. Bonnie reacts with anger, telling Brenda she's jealous of her popularity and storms away. After the last grudge week event, Bonnie is getting into her car when George Sudaris and a friend try to rape her again, but Brenda alerted the police ahead of time and the rape was prevented and George arrested.
  • She reappeared again except she proposes Tsumugi to marry Clemont but Tsumugi's Vanilluxe froze her solid with a Blizzard, Mitsuki got Pignite to thaw her out with Flamethrower. Despite her cute appearance, she carries Dedenne in her bag to look after.
  • Bonnie is a student at P.S. 38, seen on May 21, 2017.
  • Bonnie is an antagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's. Bonnie is an animatronic children's entertainer housed at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, along with Freddy Fazbear and Chica. He is the guitarist in Freddy's band, positioned at the left side. At midnight, he is left in a "free-roaming mode" until 6 AM, to prevent his servos from locking up. Along with the other animatronics, Bonnie will try to forcefully stuff any human he sees after hours into a Freddy Fazbear suit, resulting in death.
  • thumb|left thumb|right|200px|Bonnie Kategorie:Charaktere Bonnie ist das Wildschwein von Ganju und das stärkste und wildeste der neun Wildschweine der Ganju-Gang, obwohl es ein Weibchen ist. Es unterscheidet sich nicht nur durch seine Kraft von den anderen Wildschweinen, sondern hat auch eine dunklere Hautfarbe und braune Haare. Es gehorcht Ganju zwar, doch geht es ihn meißtens, höchstwahrscheinlich ungewollt, sehr hart an. Bonnie gehörte einst Kaien Shiba und ist immernoch sehr bedrückt über den Tod seines geliebten Herrchens.
  • Bonnie (pieszczotliwie zwana Bonnie-chan, Bonny w wydaniu JPF) jest dzikiem i zwierzątkiem Ganju Shiby.
  • Bonnie była członkiem wspólnoty Innych, przydzielona potajemnie przez Bena do Stacji Zwierciadło. Kiedy do stacji przybył Charlie, przy pomocy Grety obezwładniła go pistoletem i związała. („Greatest Hits”) W celu wydobycia z niego informacji wielokrotnie go uderzyła, a nawet groziła mu śmiercią. Po przybyciu do stacji Mikhaila wychodzi na jaw, że Bonnie i Greta chroniły Zwierciadła, aby żadna transmisja nie mogła opuścić wyspy. W rozmowie z Ukraińcem powiedziała, że wykonuje tylko rozkazy i o nic nie pyta, ponieważ mogłoby zniweczyć to wszystkie jej dotychczasowe wysiłki. Ben nie chciał ryzykować ujawnienia informacji przez Bonnie i Gretę i nakazał Mikhailowi zabić obie kobiety. Bonnie próbowała uciekać po strzale do Grety, lecz została postrzelona śmiertelnie w plecy. Na przekór poleceniom Bena, tuż przed śmiercią, wyjawiła Charliemu kod dezaktywujący blokadę sygnału. Jej ciało zostało przykryte kocem i pozostawione w głównym holu stacji. („Through the Looking Glass: Part 1”)
  • Appears in "Reprise", played by Marie Avgeropoulos.
  • Bonnie is a female rabbit who appeared on Bear in the Big Blue House. She lives with her son Billy and their home was damaged by flooding from the storm in "Welcome to Woodland Valley." She reluctantly, but gratefully accepts help from Jeremiah Tortoise in getting back on her feet. She later appeared in the episode "A Trip to the General Store." Image:Stub.png This character article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Bonnie is a cat NPC toon located at Nor'Easter Bonnets on Walrus Way, The Brrrgh.
  • FNAF 1 was a decent horror game and the Bonnie from that game was a freakshow. Then Toy Bonnie came along. At first, that seemed legit but Scott Cawthon said "Fuck That". In a greater attempt to scare the living crap out of us, this freaky version of Bonnie is here to stay. So if you don't mind, we must put on a spare set of pants in case we shit ourselves if he comes out.
  • Bonnie 是The Others的成員,她和另一成員Greta一起秘密地被Ben分派到窺鏡站進行任務,但是其他成員則以為她們倆被派到加拿大工作。
  • Bonnie era una chica que salió con Steve durante un corto tiempo.
  • Bonnie is a brand new character! She stands out in any crowd, but who is she, really? Here is what the designers have to say: "We took the concept of someone who’s always out to win no matter what, and added a dash of funk, and that’s Bonnie! She’s a ‘Renaissance woman’ – not only is she a fantastic racer, but she’s an excellent cook as well. Even the designers admit that Bonnie is as impressive a character as Afro!" - DDR X
  • Bonnie is a friend of Phoebe's, distinctly remembered by Rachel for having a bald head. Phoebe asked Rachel if she could set Bonnie up with Ross, and Rachel deviously agreed, thinking that Ross would not be interested due to Bonnie being bald. However, when Phoebe does introduce Bonnie to Ross, it is revealed that she is very attractive and does, in fact, have hair. Ross and Bonnie then become a couple. Rachel takes Phoebe outside the coffeehouse and begins to complain that Phoebe told her that Bonnie was bald. Phoebe explains that she was bald but that she is not anymore. They then walk by the window of the coffeehouse and see Bonnie and Ross sitting together on the sofa with Bonnie's hand on Ross' leg. Rachel is very upset by this as she fears that Ross is going to fall in love with Bonnie. File:Bonnie and Ross at Central Perk.jpg In the next episode and finale of Season 3, The One At The Beach, Bonnie and Ross are still dating, and Rachel is very jealous. The opening scene of the episode is the gang and Bonnie in Central Perk. Bonnie, Ross and Chandler are talking about Bonnie's first sexual experience, and how it was with a woman.She also states all of the countries and places that she has had sex in. This causes Rachel to cattily moan to Monica about how Bonnie does not talk about anything but sex. Phoebe then walks in and asks the group whether they can all go to the beach so that Phoebe can see a friend of her mom's that she has discovered from her mother's yearbook and an old graduation photograph. Bonnie then tells the group that she cannot go because she has to work. File:Bonnie Strips Off Top.jpg Upon arriving at the beach, Ross and Rachel start flirting. Joey suggests that the group play Strip Poker because it is raining outside and they are all very bored. Everybody initially says no, but as there is nothing else to do, they eventually agree and Joey eagerly goes to look for playing cards. He can only find a Happy Days board game, so they play that instead. The gang all volunteer Joey to strip. He gets down to his boxers, and Bonnie walks in. Rachel, after expressing to Monica her hope that one day Ross and herself will start dating again, is distraught to see her. Bonnie asks what the group is doing. Joey cheerfully tells her that they are playing "Strip Happy Days Game", so Bonnie says that she will catch up and takes off her shirt. Later on in the episode; in the morning; the group complain about the noise that Bonnie and Ross were making last night. The happy couple then walk down the stairs and say what a good night they had. File:Bonnie Shave Her Hair Off Again.jpg Rachel is outside the beach house reading when Bonnie walks up and asks what happened to her. Rachel, not wanting to admit that she was avoiding her, quickly evases the question. Bonnie then says how funny Joey and Chandler are, explaining how she jumped off the pier and her swimsuit came off. Understandably, Rachel is disgusted by this. Bonnie then complains about how she brought half of the beach back in the hair and says how easier it was when she used to shave her head. Rachel then lies, and tells her how much she loved her look when she was bald, and that Bonnie should do it again if it bothers her that much. She also lends her a razor to do so. File:Bonnie Shaved Head.jpg Later on, Bonnie walks down the stairs and to everybody's shock, she has shaved all of her hair off. Ross looks uncomfortable and asks her what she has done. Bonnie asks whether he likes it and asks him to touch her naked head. He hesitantly puts his hand on her head and says "You can feel all of the bones in your skull,". Bonnie then runs off outside to go back to the beach and Ross finds out that Rachel gave her the razor to shave off her hair. He also complains that he can see the moonlight bouncing off of Bonnie's head. Rachel then loses it and reveals that she does not find it easy to see Ross with Bonnie and says that she and Ross only broke up because she was mad at him, not because she stopped loving him. Both of them then admit to one another that they still love each other, and share a kiss. However, they are interrupted by Joey and Chandler arguing about Joey wanting them to privately play Strip Poker together for practice. Rachel then tells Ross that she is going to bed, hinting that she wants him to follow her. At the end of the episode, Ross is seen standing in the hallway of the beach house between the bedroom doors of Bonnie and Rachel, wondering which girl to stay with. In the premiere of Season 4, The One With The Jellyfish, Ross chooses Rachel, and goes to break up with Bonnie. Bonnie is last seen onscreen in Rachel's bedroom, with Rachel helping her to apply sunblock on her sunburnt head. Ross later confirms that he has broken up with her.
  • Bonnie ist die Mutter von Käpten die Schwiegermutter von Lore und Großmutter von Lotte. Sie hat einen Inselshop bei dem man Taucheranzüge, Möbel und andere Sovinieres kaufen kann.
  • Bonnie era un membro degli Altri, assegnata segretamente alla stazione Lo specchio da Ben, mentre il resto degli Altri credevano che lei e Greta fossero in missione in Canada.
  • Bonnie (affectionately referred to as Bonnie-chan) is a pet boar owned by Ganju Shiba.
  • Bonnie is the deuteragonist of TV series Realms Undersea. In animation, Bonnie has long, floor-length, flip-styled blonde hair with a braid and multiple ponytails at the back. As a human (animated), Bonnie wears a dark brown shirt with a teal collar and a long, white skirt stopping just above her bare toes. While in mermaid form (animated), she wears a teal seashell bra with a turquoise tail and white fins. In live-action form, her hair is short and dark brown. As a human (live-action), she wears a sleeveless red shirt with a pink vest underneath and a short pink skirt. She wears white sandals. As a mermaid in live-action form, she has a magenta seashell bra, a bright pink tail, pale pink fins, and pale pink flats (hidden underneath the "fins")
  • Experiment 149 (Bonnie) is a green Stitch-like experiment with a large, rounded head featuring two predominate upper teeth, two orange/yellow tipped antennae, blue eyes, a small orange nose, gremlin-like ears and a boomerang-shaped marking on her forehead. Her body is of a more slender posture, featuring a blue stripe on each of her limbs.
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