  • Isaac Newton
  • Isaac Newton
  • Isaac Newton
  • Isaac Newton
  • Isaac Newton
  • Isaac Newton
  • Isaac Newton
  • See here
  • Sir Isaac Newton PRS (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727 [NS: 4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727]) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. Newton's bizarre obsession with apples drove him to many important discoveries in the fields of science, and mathematics, though most have subsequently turned out to be blatantly wrong.
  • Emmett Brown had a portrait of Isaac Newton in his garage. Later in 1885, Doc named one of his horses, Newton. Doc's second son, Verne Newton Brown, was given his middle name in honor of the scientist.
  • At some point the Doctor took Newton on a trip to planet Practas Seven, but according to the Tenth Doctor, Newton didn't take the experience very well and "sat in a corner and whimpered". (COMIC: Final Sacrifice) According to Professor Celeste Rivers Sir Isaac Newton had strong interests in the paranormal. (TV: The Lost Boy)
  • Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who famously described what would become the law of gravity. Newton often claimed that the revelation came to him after witnessing an apple falling from a tree. Exaggerations of this story have gone on to suggest that the apple hit Newton on his head, thus knocking the idea into his mind.
  • Izaak Newton - (ur. 4 stycznia 1643, zm. 31 marca 1727) - angielski fizyk, matematyk, astronom, historyk, filozof, alchemik oraz badacz Biblii, wynalazca teleskopu zwierciadłowego. To on jest autorem dzieła Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. To on stworzył III zasady dynamiki oraz stworzył prawo powszechnego ciążenia (w 1666). Początkowo uczył się w szkole niezbyt dobrze, jednakże staranne wykształcenie otrzymał w Grantham Grammar School. Już w 1665 roku stworzył podstawy do rachunku różniczkowego i całkowitym, oraz rozpoczął badania nad grawitacją i optyką.
  • Sir Isaac Newton is a historical figure who makes a non-canon appearance.
  • Isaac Newton was a famous Lucian.
  • Sir Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727 CE) was a British physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian on Earth. He was remembered even in the Diaspora for formulating the first laws of physics. (HH1)
  • Isaac Newton is a minor character in Mr. Peabody and Sherman.
  • Isaac Newton is a famous German theologist who came up with many theories on life. A few are listed below.
  • Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician.
  • Isaac Newton (1642–1727) ia es un fisiciste e matematiciste engles ci ia nase en un familia povre de cultivores.
  • son enfance n'etait pas tres heureuse chez sa grand mere!
  • Isaac Newton's life is an important subplot of the Baroque Cycle. Daniel Waterhouse is his friend in college, but slowly begins to disagree with Newton's view of the world. Newton's reformation of the mint is an especially important aspect of the books.
  • Isaac Newton is one of the scientists on the portraits.
  • Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was the person who discovered how gravity worked. There is a legend that he was inspired by an apple landing on his head,however all he said was that his ideas were "Occasioned by the fall of an apple".He also invented calculus, a form of mathematics used in planning spaceflight. One of his famous theories or laws is the law of Inertia and the Law of Gravity. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Isaac Newton var en manlig Tau'ri och var en av de mest kända Tau'ri forskare. Rodney McKay använde hans födelsedatum tillsammans med Albert Einsteins, sitt eget, och det ultimata svaret på livet, universum och allting som hans lösenord. (ATL: "Quarantine")
  • Sir Isaac Newton was a noted Human scientist from Earth. In the 17th century, he invented calculus as well as Newtonian physics, which became the foundation of all physics that followed. Newton at one point held the Lucasian Chair of mathematics at Cambridge University. (TNG: "All Good Things..." ) He was one of six Human astronomers honored with a monument located in front of the Griffith Observatory in the 20th century, the others being Hipparchus, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and William Herschel. (VOY: "Future's End")
  • When Marvin and Wonder Dog jumped onto a swimming pool of ice, they were unable to get out because they kept slipping and falling. Marvin then explains to his dog that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, he then grabbed Wonder Dog's paws and told him to push while he did the same, they were able to spring themselves out of the pool, thanks to something he had learned that was written by Isaac Newton.
  • Sir Isaac Newton ist ein Wissenschaftler des späten 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. Er gilt als Begründer der klassischen Mechanik und der modernen Physik. Isaac Newton gehört zu den sechs bedeutenden Astronomen und Physikern, denen vor dem Griffith-Observatorium ein Denkmal gesetzt wird. (VOY: )
  • Newton built the first brooksome edleaming farseer in 1668; he also throughwrote a lief of light grounded on the yeming that a prism unwraps white light into the hues of the rainbow. Newton also shares meed with Gottfried Leibniz for the outlaying of reckoning. Newton's helds on light, shrithing, and weightpull forspanned stufflore for the next three hundred years, until frothered by Albert Einstein's held of alswaying. Early life
  • Sir Isaac Newton était un scientifique terrien du 17ème et 18ème siècles, qui a inventé des méthodologies de calcul et des théories de physiques qui ont influencé les sciences qui ont suivi. (Réalité extrapolée *) En 1669*, Newton obtint la chaire lucasienne de mathématiques à l'Université de Cambridge. (TNG: "All Good Things...") Isaac Newton fut l'un des six astronomes humains honoré sur un monument situé devant l'observatoire Griffith, les autres étant Hipparque, Galileo Galilei, Nicolas Copernic, Johannes Kepler et William Herschel. (VOY: "Future's End, Part I", "Future's End, Part II")
  • Isaac Newton, (*4. január 1643, nejaká diera v Anglicku – † 31. marec 1727, Londýn) je fizyk, matematik a filozof. Isaac je veľmi známym najmä vynálezom gravitácie a zavedeniu troch (prvočíslo) Newtonových zákonov, podľa ktorých dodnes funguje svet. Za zásluhy bol Zborom Slovenských Bačov a výrobcov žinčice prijatý do syrárskej spoločnosti s titulom „Britký syr“. Syr Isaac Newton je významný aj preto, že založil infinitezimálny počet, čo je veľmi veľmi významné, ale už nevieme, čo to je. Jeho objavy v matematike, optike a mechanike položili základy pre modernú fizyku.
  • Sir Isaac Newton, FRS (4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727 [OS: 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727]) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian and one of the most influential men in human history. His Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, is considered to be the most influential book in the history of science. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, laying the groundwork for classical mechanics, which dominated the scientific view of the physical Universe for the next three centuries and is the basis for modern engineering. Newton showed that the motions of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural laws by demonstrating the consisten
  • Isaac Newton was a 17th Century and 18th Century British Scientist, famous for discovering Gravity. In the 20th Century, the work of Albert Einstein improved on the Newtonian understanding of gravity, see Theory of Relativity. Newton also did pioneering work in optics and mathematics, discovering calculus together with Liebniz. Newton developed a new type of telescope using a parabolic mirror instead of lenses that is to this day called a Newtonian reflector.
  • Unnamed Loric Parent
  • yes
  • 18
  • 1643
  • A hologram of Isaac Newton
  • Isaac Newton aboard the USS "Voyager"
  • 1727-03-31
  • Terre
  • 1643-01-04
  • Terre
  • 1727
  • yes
  • Man
  • The Five Greatest Warriors
  • The Four Legendary Kingdoms
  • Mentioned in "Quarantine"
  • Scientist/Homer's Conscious
  • 3266238
  • 2008-08-26
  • Exceptional mathematic and scientific skills
  • 84
  • Deceased
Voiced by
  • Deceased
  • "The Last Temptation of Homer"
  • Gray
  • Isaac Newton
  • Sir Isaac Newton
  • Masculin
first mention
  • The Pirate Planet
Last name
  • Newton
  • Mr. Newton
Miesto narodenia
  • nejaká diera v Anglicku
Dátum úmrtia
  • 1727-03-31
Známy vďaka
  • vynálezca gravitácie a fizyky
Dátum narodenia
  • 1643-01-04
  • Sir isaac newton 1702.jpg
Veľkosť obrázka
  • 230
  • mal, už nežijú
  • Newton à bord de l'USS Voyager en 2372
  • Institutions
  • Fields
  • Died
  • Born
  • Known for
  • Isaac Newton
  • Isaac
First name
  • Isaac
  • 1727
  • Newton
  • Isaac Newton.jpg
  • Physicist
  • Mathematician
  • Physicist
  • Mathematician
Home Planet
  • wheat
  • Summer
  • Male
  • 1643
  • 1726-03-20
  • 1642-12-25
  • United Kingdom
wikipage disambiguates
last appear
  • N/A
first appear
  • N/A
  • syr Isaac Newton
  • 1642-12-25
  • Physics Natural philosophy Mathematics Astronomy Alchemy Economics
  • Newtonian mechanics Universal gravitation Calculus Newton's laws of motion Optics Binomial series Principia Newton's method
  • University of Cambridge Royal Society Royal Mint
  • --03-20
  • postupne pribral
Miesto úmrtia
  • Londýn
  • veda
  • See here
  • Sir Isaac Newton PRS (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727 [NS: 4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727]) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian. Newton's bizarre obsession with apples drove him to many important discoveries in the fields of science, and mathematics, though most have subsequently turned out to be blatantly wrong.
  • Emmett Brown had a portrait of Isaac Newton in his garage. Later in 1885, Doc named one of his horses, Newton. Doc's second son, Verne Newton Brown, was given his middle name in honor of the scientist.
  • At some point the Doctor took Newton on a trip to planet Practas Seven, but according to the Tenth Doctor, Newton didn't take the experience very well and "sat in a corner and whimpered". (COMIC: Final Sacrifice) According to Professor Celeste Rivers Sir Isaac Newton had strong interests in the paranormal. (TV: The Lost Boy)
  • Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who famously described what would become the law of gravity. Newton often claimed that the revelation came to him after witnessing an apple falling from a tree. Exaggerations of this story have gone on to suggest that the apple hit Newton on his head, thus knocking the idea into his mind.
  • Izaak Newton - (ur. 4 stycznia 1643, zm. 31 marca 1727) - angielski fizyk, matematyk, astronom, historyk, filozof, alchemik oraz badacz Biblii, wynalazca teleskopu zwierciadłowego. To on jest autorem dzieła Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. To on stworzył III zasady dynamiki oraz stworzył prawo powszechnego ciążenia (w 1666). Początkowo uczył się w szkole niezbyt dobrze, jednakże staranne wykształcenie otrzymał w Grantham Grammar School. Już w 1665 roku stworzył podstawy do rachunku różniczkowego i całkowitym, oraz rozpoczął badania nad grawitacją i optyką.
  • Sir Isaac Newton is a historical figure who makes a non-canon appearance.
  • Sir Isaac Newton, FRS (4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727 [OS: 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727]) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian and one of the most influential men in human history. His Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, is considered to be the most influential book in the history of science. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, laying the groundwork for classical mechanics, which dominated the scientific view of the physical Universe for the next three centuries and is the basis for modern engineering. Newton showed that the motions of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural laws by demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravitation, thus removing the last doubts about heliocentrism and advancing the scientific revolution. In mechanics, Newton enunciated the principles of conservation of momentum and angular momentum. In optics, he built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a theory of colour based on the observation that a prism decomposes white light into a visible spectrum. He also formulated an empirical law of cooling and studied the speed of sound. In mathematics, Newton shares the credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of the differential and integral calculus. He also demonstrated the generalised binomial theorem, developed the so-called "Newton's method" for approximating the zeroes of a function, and contributed to the study of power series. Newton was also highly religious (though unorthodox), producing more work on Biblical hermeneutics than the natural science he is remembered for today. Newton's stature among scientists remains at the very top rank, as demonstrated by a 2005 survey of scientists in Britain's Royal Society asking who had the greater effect on the history of science, Newton or Albert Einstein. Newton was deemed the more influential.
  • Newton built the first brooksome edleaming farseer in 1668; he also throughwrote a lief of light grounded on the yeming that a prism unwraps white light into the hues of the rainbow. Newton also shares meed with Gottfried Leibniz for the outlaying of reckoning. Newton's helds on light, shrithing, and weightpull forspanned stufflore for the next three hundred years, until frothered by Albert Einstein's held of alswaying. Early life Isaac Newton was born on 4 Afteryule 1643, in a hire house in Lincolnshire, England. His father died three months before his birth. When Isaac was three his mother wedded again, and Isaac blived with his grandmother. He was not indrawn in the ilk farm, so he was sent to Cambridge Lorehall. It is sometimes told that Isaac Newton was reading a book under a tree when an apple from the tree fell onto his head. This led to his reckonings of weightpull.
  • Isaac Newton was a famous Lucian.
  • Sir Isaac Newton ist ein Wissenschaftler des späten 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. Er gilt als Begründer der klassischen Mechanik und der modernen Physik. Isaac Newton gehört zu den sechs bedeutenden Astronomen und Physikern, denen vor dem Griffith-Observatorium ein Denkmal gesetzt wird. (VOY: ) Einer Legende zufolge formuliert Newton seine Gravitationsgesetze, nachdem ihm ein Apfel auf dem Kopf fällt, während er unter einem Apfelbaum sitzt. Dass dies tatsächlich so geschieht bestätigt er 2372, als Q ihn in diese Zeit holt: Der Q Quinn hat den Apfel gezielt fallen lassen. Bis 2369 wird die Echtheit dieser Geschichte bezweifelt, so Data in einem Pokerspiel mit den Hologrammen von Newton, Albert Einstein und Stephen Hawking. (VOY: , TNG: )
  • Sir Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727 CE) was a British physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian on Earth. He was remembered even in the Diaspora for formulating the first laws of physics. (HH1)
  • Isaac Newton is a minor character in Mr. Peabody and Sherman.
  • Sir Isaac Newton was a noted Human scientist from Earth. In the 17th century, he invented calculus as well as Newtonian physics, which became the foundation of all physics that followed. Newton at one point held the Lucasian Chair of mathematics at Cambridge University. (TNG: "All Good Things..." ) In his lifetime, Newton once encountered the man later known as Quinn. Newton was sitting under a tree one day when an apple fell on his head, causing him to think about the laws of gravity. As it happened, Quinn had jostled the tree when he got up to leave, just before the apple fell. As a result, a new era in Human science was born. It was later revealed by Q that if it wasn't for Quinn, then Newton would have died in a Liverpool debtor's prison as a suspect in several prostitute murders. (VOY: "Death Wish") He was one of six Human astronomers honored with a monument located in front of the Griffith Observatory in the 20th century, the others being Hipparchus, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and William Herschel. (VOY: "Future's End") After hearing that Dixon Hill had struck Felix Leech, Cyrus Redblock referred to a "Newtonian truism", otherwise known as Newton's 3rd law of motion. Redblock told him that "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," moments before Redblock allowed Leech to strike Hill with the butt of his gun. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye" ) In 2153, when Enterprise NX-01 encountered spatial anomalies in the Delphic Expanse which locally changed the laws of physics, Chief Engineer Tucker asked himself, "Where is Isaac Newton, when you need him?" (ENT: "Anomaly") When Arev in 2154 asked Captain Jonathan Archer what was Kiri-kin-tha's first law of metaphysics, Archer responded that he only knew Newton's first law of motion but imagined they could be the same. (ENT: "The Forge") In 2285, David Marcus believed that if Project Genesis had worked, his mother, Carol Marcus, would be remembered in the same breath as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Surak. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) In 2369, Lieutenant Commander Data created a holodeck version of Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking in order to watch how three of the greatest Human scientists would interact during a game of poker. Data's observations were "most illuminating." He inadvertently offended Newton by telling him that the story of the apple falling on his head was generally believed to be apocryphal. (TNG: "Descent" ) In 2372, on stardate 49301.2, Q plucked Newton from his own time to testify at Janeway's hearing about Quinn. Newton did not remember the visit after transported back. (VOY: "Death Wish") Newton was played by John Neville in "Descent" and Peter Dennis in "Death Wish". According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 80) , the birth and death years of Sir Newton were 1642 and 1727, respectively. The latter number appeared in the registry of the USS Newton.
  • Isaac Newton is a famous German theologist who came up with many theories on life. A few are listed below.
  • Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician.
  • Isaac Newton (1642–1727) ia es un fisiciste e matematiciste engles ci ia nase en un familia povre de cultivores.
  • When Marvin and Wonder Dog jumped onto a swimming pool of ice, they were unable to get out because they kept slipping and falling. Marvin then explains to his dog that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, he then grabbed Wonder Dog's paws and told him to push while he did the same, they were able to spring themselves out of the pool, thanks to something he had learned that was written by Isaac Newton. Von Knowalot illustrated the concept of centrifugal force to the JLA, explaining to them that it's that force, combined with gravity, in a delicate balance that keeps the Earth in its' natural orbit. This concept of course was postulated by Newton as well.
  • Isaac Newton, (*4. január 1643, nejaká diera v Anglicku – † 31. marec 1727, Londýn) je fizyk, matematik a filozof. Isaac je veľmi známym najmä vynálezom gravitácie a zavedeniu troch (prvočíslo) Newtonových zákonov, podľa ktorých dodnes funguje svet. Za zásluhy bol Zborom Slovenských Bačov a výrobcov žinčice prijatý do syrárskej spoločnosti s titulom „Britký syr“. Syr Isaac Newton je významný aj preto, že založil infinitezimálny počet, čo je veľmi veľmi významné, ale už nevieme, čo to je. Jeho objavy v matematike, optike a mechanike položili základy pre modernú fizyku. Bol to práve on, kto rozhodol, že v slove „fizyka“ bude prvé "i" mäkké a druhé tvrdé, t.j. zaviedol nový fenomén, ktorý v súčasnosti (podobne ako slovo bicykel) získal názov „anomálna slabiková erekcia“. Za zmienku stojí, že priezvisko Newton je prekladom staroslovenského Mlokoň.
  • Sir Isaac Newton était un scientifique terrien du 17ème et 18ème siècles, qui a inventé des méthodologies de calcul et des théories de physiques qui ont influencé les sciences qui ont suivi. (Réalité extrapolée *) En 1665*, un membre du Continuum Q (appelé plus tard Quinn) secoua l'arbre sous lequel Isaac Newton était assis, causant la chute d'une pomme sur sa tête. Le scientifique humain concevait ensuite les 3 lois du mouvement qui formaient la base de compréhension de la physique et de l'Univers. En 2372, Q révéla que sans l'intervention de Quinn, Newton serait mort dans une prison de Liverpool accusé du meurtre de plusieurs prostituées. (VOY: "Death Wish") En 1669*, Newton obtint la chaire lucasienne de mathématiques à l'Université de Cambridge. (TNG: "All Good Things...") Isaac Newton fut l'un des six astronomes humains honoré sur un monument situé devant l'observatoire Griffith, les autres étant Hipparque, Galileo Galilei, Nicolas Copernic, Johannes Kepler et William Herschel. (VOY: "Future's End, Part I", "Future's End, Part II") Après avoir entendu que Dixon Hill a frappé Felix Leech, Cyrus Redblock fit référence à un "truisme newtonien", plus connu sous le nom de troisième loi du mouvement de Newton. Redblock indiqua que pour chaque action, il y avait une réaction égale et opposée, peu avant que Redblock n'autorise Leech à frapper Hill avec son arme. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye") En 2153, lorsque l'Enterprise NX-01 rencontra des anomalies spatiales dans l'Etendue Delphique qui défiaient les lois de la physique, le Chef-ingénieur Tucker se demanda où était Isaac Newton lorsqu'on avait besoin de lui. (ENT: "Anomaly") En 2154, lorsqu'Arev demanda au Capitaine Jonathan Archer ce qu'était la première loi de métaphysique de Kiri-kin-tha, Archer répondit qu'il ne connaissait que la première loi du mouvement de Newton, mais imaginait qu'il s'agissait peut-être de la même chose. (ENT: "The Forge") En 2369, le Lieutenant Commander Data créa une simulation holographique de Sir Isaac Newton, d'Albert Einstein et de Stephen Hawking dans le but d'étudier comment trois des plus grands scientifiques humains interagissaient durant une partie de poker. Il offensa Newton en lui indiquant que l'histoire de la pomme tombant sur sa tête était généralement considérée comme apocryphe. (TNG: "Descent, Part I") En 2372, à la date stellaire 49301.2, Q transporta temporairement Newton depuis sa propre époque pour certifier à Janeway les histoires concernant Quinn. Newton n'eut aucun souvenir de cette visite. (VOY: "Death Wish")
  • Isaac Newton was a 17th Century and 18th Century British Scientist, famous for discovering Gravity. In the 20th Century, the work of Albert Einstein improved on the Newtonian understanding of gravity, see Theory of Relativity. Newton also did pioneering work in optics and mathematics, discovering calculus together with Liebniz. Newton developed a new type of telescope using a parabolic mirror instead of lenses that is to this day called a Newtonian reflector. Unfortunately, Newton didn’t understand that alchemy is unreasonable and wasted a great deal of effort on it. But that wasn’t his fault, as he lived back in the 18th Century when people didn’t know any better.
  • son enfance n'etait pas tres heureuse chez sa grand mere!
  • Isaac Newton's life is an important subplot of the Baroque Cycle. Daniel Waterhouse is his friend in college, but slowly begins to disagree with Newton's view of the world. Newton's reformation of the mint is an especially important aspect of the books.
  • Isaac Newton is one of the scientists on the portraits.
  • Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was the person who discovered how gravity worked. There is a legend that he was inspired by an apple landing on his head,however all he said was that his ideas were "Occasioned by the fall of an apple".He also invented calculus, a form of mathematics used in planning spaceflight. One of his famous theories or laws is the law of Inertia and the Law of Gravity. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Isaac Newton var en manlig Tau'ri och var en av de mest kända Tau'ri forskare. Rodney McKay använde hans födelsedatum tillsammans med Albert Einsteins, sitt eget, och det ultimata svaret på livet, universum och allting som hans lösenord. (ATL: "Quarantine")
is Associates of
is Person of
is influenced of
is wikipage disambiguates of