  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Write the text of your article here!
  • TBA ("Out of the Past")
  • Lewis hat einen Auftritt in der Criminal Intent-Episode Machtkampf auf. Er ist ein alter Freund von Det. Robert Goren und betreibt Lewis' Karosserieschmiede in Long Island City, Queens. Goren befragt ihn wegen eines roten 71er Malibu. Lewis ist begeistert von Goren Kollegin Alexandra Eames. In der Episode Cyber-Krieg (10. Staffel) erwähnt Goren gegenüber seiner Psychologin Paula Severin seinen Freund Lewis. Kategorie: Criminal Intent Charaktere Kategorie:Zivilisten
  • Razem z Anną Palmer należał do zespołu zwiadowczego, który w grudniu 2241 roku dotarł do Megatony. Później on i Agnes Taylor zostali mianowani ambasadorami w Megatonie. Do jego zadań było utrzymywanie kontaktów z mieszkańcami oraz eksplorowanie kolejnych obszarów. Jego dalszy los jest nieznany. Możliwe, że jest w jakiś sposób spokrewniony z Floydem Lewisem.
  • Agent Lewis is a character mentioned on Season 1 of WB sci-fi series Roswell.
  • Dr. Lewis was a doctor at a hospital in London, who tended to the poisoned victims of the Arthropleura from the London Underground creature incursion.
  • Lewis was one of the people that attended Ray and Debra's wedding. He was Uncle Mel's business partner at the time. He was only seen in a flashback sequence.
  • Lewis är en manlig Tau'ri och är en Sergeant och medlem av SG-14. Under ett uppdrag, två medlemmar av hans team, Löjtnant Louise Astor och Major Thomas Graham, fångades av Goa'uld och görs till Za'tarc. (SG1: "Divide and Conquer") kategori:Amerikaner kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär kategori:Sergeanter kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal kategori:SG-14 medlem
  • Lewis is a friendly, neurotic, trumpet-playing alligator who is Stitch's best friend and the deuteragonist of Stitch Goes West. He is voice sounds similiar to Dom DeLuise. He is voiced by Jeff Garlin. He is Louis's (from Princess and the Frog) Stitch Goes West counterpart.
  • Lewis was a SAS British mercenary that was hired by Reverend Arthur Marsh to rescue the Christian missionaries from Burmese soldiers alongside John Rambo. Although he constantly bickered with everyone and was stubborn, he did prove to be a big asset to getting the missionaries back. His weapon of choice was a customized Mossberg 590 shotgun.
  • Lewis was the Rathunter of Crydee. He employed trained ferrets to keep the castle clean of vermin. During the Siege of Crydee he noticed that his ferrets did not return and one was found injured. He notified Roland and Arutha about this fact and they realized that the Tsurani were digging tunnels to breach the castle.
  • Corporal Lewis is a GDI non-commissioned officer who serves under Michael McNeil in Tiberian Sun.
  • Lewis (Spingfield, 17 de abril de 2004) es un personaje secundario de Los Simpson , el mejor amigo es Richard.
  • Lewis is a character appearing in Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies.
  • That freakishly smart second year with the weird hair.
  • Lewis is a citizen of Danville.
  • Lewis is a former resident of Vault 101.
  • Lewis is a narrow gauge military tank engine.
  • Lewis war ein früherer Bewohner der Vault 101.
  • Lewis was the second in command of Whiskey Company during the events of Turok. He was first seen with multiple other soldiers at base camp, giving out orders to those who were able to assist.
  • Lewis is een patiënt in het Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute als Hurley terugkeert nadat hij van het eiland afkomt. Tijdens Hurley's verblijf speelt hij Vier-op-een-rij met met Hurley, net als Leonard eerder deed. Als ze buiten zijn wijst Lewis Hurley erop dat hij iemand aan het staren is. Toen Hurley keek waar Lewis wees, stond Charlie daar. ("The Beginning of the End")
  • Lewis est un patient de l'hôpital psychiatrique de Santa Rosa, qu'il fréquente en même temps que Hurley. De dernier y est retourné après être revenu de l'île. Pour une raison inconnue, lui aussi semble voir Charlie. (Le Début de la fin)
  • Lewis was a security guard for the Pescadero State Hospital. He was stabbed in the eye by the T-1000, who impersonated him physical contact.
  • Lewis is a pet dog and a member of the Justice. He is a good tracker and runner.
  • Three time winner of the University 110m Hurdles Championships, Lewis can thank his powerful legs for getting him to the top of every podium in the country! During a Supra Creatine promotional event, he met Lamar and quickly joined the All Stars' sports university, where Striker is teaching him all the tricks of the trade to get rid of an opponent without being noticed...
  • Lewis é um paciente do Instituto de Saúde Mental Santa Rosa. Ele disse a Hurley que alguém estava olhando para ele. Quando Hurley perguntou quem era, Lewis aponta para alguém que, quando Hurley olha, é Charlie, parado. Entretanto, havia um homem olhando para Hurley mais atrás, por isso é incerto se Lewis também podia ver Charlie ou não. ("The Beginning of the End")
  • Like Jen, Lewis hasn't had the most auspicious start in life - he was tragically orphaned as a young child. Lewis was then abducted as an infant, along with Jen by Abaddon's servants from the realm of Mortalis. It was here that Lewis was altered so that he would become something unique - a demon/human hybrid. It wasn't long however, before the forces of Order brought the two younglings back to Mortalis, for many years since, nothing seemed strange in Lewis' life.
  • Lewis was a seaman aboard HMS Indefatigable. He was present at Styles' fight with the rats.
  • Lewis es un paciente del Instituto Mental Santa Rosa.
  • Lewis was a mental patient at Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute who informed Hurley that Charlie was staring at him. (The Beginning of the End)
  • Lewis is Hei's neighbor when he is staying at the Ōyama Apartment Building.
  • Lewis, otherwise known as The Doctor was a Human Starfleet Captain and later Vice Admiral, best known as the joint-commanding officer of Unity One Starbase and the USS Odyssey-A in the late twenty-fourth century with his best friend Captain Puto. He was one of the youngest and most pragmatically streetwise starship commanders in Starfleet history, although is considered something of a rogue by authorities, especially after uncovering memories of a previous life as an alien time traveler in 2387. (Star Trek: Unity (fan film series))
  • thumb|400px Es un ciudadado de Danville Categoría:En trabajo Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Personajes masculinos Categoría:Esbozo Categoría:En trabajo
  • Lewis was a senior member of White Umbrella, described by Trent as a "disposable little man".
  • Lewis – ork, występujący w Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bogów. Jest gladiatorem na arenie w Trelis, a także nauczycielem.
  • Lewis was the valet attendant at 21500 Riverside Drive during Day 1. As Ted Cofell was leaving the building to go to the airport, Nancy spoke to Lewis on her headset, telling him that Mr Cofell was on his way down. Lewis then greeted him as he exited the lift, and called his limousine forward. Cofell gave him a tip, and Lewis wished him a nice day, sending the limousine off. However he was not aware that Jack Bauer had taken the place of Cofell's usual driver, and was planning to kidnap the businessman. ("9:00am-10:00am")
  • Lewis is a freshman at Reitman University who recently underwent brain surgery and had his pineal gland removed, allowing him to detect low frequency vibrations, or to put it simply: see ghosts. Lewis was pledging for Theta Theta Gamma, a frat house on campus when he encountered Ghosts of the Living in the Omega Theta Nu house. He has since served as an involuntary Medium to the Middleman and Wendy Watson. ("The Ectoplasmic Panhellenic Investigation")
  • The name Lewis might refer to: Surnames: * Lewis (Enterprise), a Starfleet lieutenant and security officer assigned to the USS Enterprise * Lewis (Enterprise-D), a Starfleet lieutenant assigned to the USS Enterprise-D * Lewis (Voyager), a crewmember aboard the USS Voyager * Jerry Lewis, a 20th century Human comedian Given names: * Lewis Carroll, a Human author * Lewis Zimmerman, a holoprogrammer based at Jupiter Station Production names: * Bob Lewis, the comic book cover artist for DC Comics * Susan Lewis, stand-in and regular background actress in Star Trek: Voyager * Shari Lewis, writer of the episode "The Lights of Zetar" You may also be looking for: * Louis
  • Lewis è un paziente dell'Istituto di Igiene Mentale Santa Rosa.
  • A lewis is the term used to describe the son of a Mason in many jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions, a lewis is entitled to special treatment, such as being allowed to petition for Masonic membership early (i.e., at the age of eighteen rather than the age of twenty-one).
  • Lewis Johnson MP is the current Member of Parliament for Eucellia Port. He is notable for being the leader of The Democratic Labour Party, being joint leader of the The Pink & Purple Party, being leader of The Progressive Party and Prime Minister. He is also known for being from the middle of nowhere. Lewis Enjoys long strolls in the park whilst whistling popular 1950s pop tunes and wearing tall top hats.
  • Lewis made his first appearance on 26 January 2017. He is portrayed by an unknown actor.
  • Lewis ist zusammen mit Hurley ein Patient in der Psychiatrischen Anstalt Santa Rosa in der Zeit, nachdem dieser die Insel verlassen hat. Er weist Hurley auf einen Besucher hin. („“) Hugo „Hurley“ Reyes Dargestellt von Jorge Garcia
  • Corporal Lewis was a medic who was only mentioned in the Intel Document "Crawlers". Cpl. Lewis was stuck in Manchester and was inside Manchester Cathedral. One night his colleague Doctor Seaver was attacked and infected by Crawlers. Lewis and another medic used morphine to stop his heart and then tried to extract the Crawlers out of Seaver, and only to strangely discover that the Crawlers were already dead.
  • Lieutenant Lewis was an Imperial officer. He was assigned to assist Major Lariss during the takeover of Virujansi, acting as the Major's Conciliator to the Rajah and his Royal Court. He had a slight build and spoke rapidly but clearly.
  • Lewis Emery Skaja went from poor spelling and grammar during the days when he was on Justin's YouTube channel to being one of the most intellectual people in the chat. This is further evidenced by his wide-range of YouTube videos covering a variety of topics including "1+1=1", "Why I Love The Internet", and "Being Open Minded". His participation in Deep Discussion Night has also shown his knowledge in many subjects, but he is still able to objectively recognize that he has much to learn about the topics he expresses his thoughts about.
  • Lewis was the leader of Blue Faction and later Cheif Executioner for the Blue Empire.
  • Lewis was Cliff's co-worker at the post office. While Cliff tried to suggest out of convenience that he and Lewis were friends, it's evident that they were casual acquaintances at best. Cliff recruited Lewis to help him take care of a difficult bar patron in Cliff's Rocky Moment. However, Lewis quickly grew irritated with Cliff for the same reasons the bar patron did - Cliff's persistent know-it-all attitude - and left instead. He returned once more to Cheers, in I Call Your Name, searching out Cliff to find out why he had lost his job. Lewis quickly figured out Cliff was behind that, but forgave him without too much of a fuss.
  • <default>Lewis</default> Тип: Время: Вес (без патронов, кг): Длина (мм): Тип урона: Калибр: Применяемый патрон: УСМ: Темп стрельбы (в минуту): Начальная скорость пули (м/с): Дульная энергия (джоуль): Прицельная дальность (м): Емкость магазина: Происхождение: Область Применения: Пользователи: Разновидности: Lewis — британский ручной пулемёт времён Первой мировой войны. Был создан в 1913 году. Идея конструкции принадлежала Сэмюэлу Маклину, но воплотил её американец — полковник Армии США Айзек Ньютон Льюис. Изначально Льюис предполагал использовать свой пулемёт как станковый, с водяным охлаждением, однако в дальнейшем перешёл к идее разработки ручного пулемёта с принудительным воздушным охлаждением ствола.
  • Lewis was the father in an African-American family that lived in the same house that, back in the unaltered 1985, belonged to the McFly family. However due to Biff Tannen's manipulation of the space-time continuum, the McFlys had either moved from or never purchased that house, leaving it open for Lewis and his wife Louise to purchase.
  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies
  • #4CBB17
  • Chaos
  • Passa del tempo con Hurley
  • Zat samen met Hurley in Santa Rosa
Primera aparición
  • "Bart the Genius"
Row 8 info
  • Integrity, Respect, Defiance
  • Unknown
Posiadana Broń
  • Lewis
  • Onbekend
Row 4 info
  • Sam Scarber
  • None
  • Founder of DLP
  • GDWG Mer´s Trip chapter 1
  • Lewis
  • yes
  • Masculino
Miejsce urzędowania
  • BW061
  • BW062
  • ユウト Yūto
  • Fallout 3
  • FO3
  • Männlich
Erster Auftritt
Длина (мм):
  • 1283
Row 1 info
  • Dalmatian
  • Ravenclaw
  • Lewis
  • postal worker
  • 1914
  • Sconosciuta
  • Onbekend
  • Mitglied des Kundschafterteams
  • Mental Patient
  • Lewis
  • Automonteur
  • 250
  • Ручной пулемёт
Row 8 title
  • Motto
  • Lewis_.png
  • vivant
Row 4 title
  • Family
  • Positions
  • Played by
  • First appereance
Темп стрельбы (в минуту):
  • 550
  • Steven Neumeier
  • Steven Neumeier
  • .30-06 и другие
  • .303
  • , Unity One Starbase
  • Negro
Row 2 info
Row 6 info
  • Leader of the Progressive Party
  • Germanic warrior fighting glorious or illustrious. French Variant of Louis
Row 1 title
  • Breed
  • House
  • Occupation
  • Name
  • 10
  • Desconocida
Row 5 info
  • Co-founder/Leader of Pink and Purple party
  • GDWG Mer´s Trip chapter 1
  • Menschlich
Row 2 title
  • Episodes
  • Year
  • Affilation
  • Born
Row 6 title
  • Meaning of Name
Kod na przywołanie
  • Lewis
Letzter Auftritt
Row 5 title
  • Last apppereance
  • Man
  • FO3
Row 3 info
  • Common
Row 3 title
  • Gender
  • Status
  • Party
  • Appeared in
Miejsce zamieszkania
Row 7 info
  • --03-01
Box Title
  • Lewis
  • Lewis Johnson MP
  • Lewis
  • "Out of the Past"
  • Mentioned in "Divide and Conquer"
  • Aide
  • Head of Special Unit
  • Lewis
  • To Free the Forgotten
  • Brown
  • Dull Blue
  • Blue, Green
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • "The Beak"
  • Desconocida
  • Padre: Sin identificar
  • Hijo: Sin identificar
  • Abuelo Abuelo lewis
  • Madre: Sra. Jackson
  • 16
  • Unknown
  • 10.0
  • 20.0
  • 80.0
  • unbekannt
  • 50.0
  • Desconhecida
  • Early twenties
  • CDT4 .png
  • CDR .png
  • CAPT .png
  • 2.0
  • Season 2 Episode 25
  • Desconocida
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Unknown
  • Levend
  • unbekannt
  • Żyje
  • Vivo
  • am Leben
  • Vivo
  • Deceased, killed by Cherry Darling
base width
  • 144
  • 1
First Appearance
  • 2017-01-26
  • Członek zespołu zwiadowczego
  • Scout party member
  • none
  • Lewis
  • Dark Brown
  • Graying
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis Emery Skaja
  • The Star Wars Rules Companion
  • Quest
  • Galactic Empire
  • flying
  • grass
  • ground
  • psychic
  • 150
  • Stumbled upon the derelict on LV-426.
  • Lewis
  • Lewis , upon learning his girlfriend has accepted his proposal and that he has just received a promotion.
  • "All it takes is some imagination and a little science, and we can make the world a better place."
  • Admiral Lewis in 2391
  • Lewis during World War Three after traveling back in time from 2388.
  • Resident Evil: Underworld
  • "The Fast and the Phineas"
  • Male
  • Unova
  • yes
  • 1
Применяемый патрон:
  • 7.620000
  • .303 British
  • .30-06 Springfield
  • --01-25
  • 1
  • No ability
  • Killed in 1962 by Nasedo
  • Estaba ingresado con Hurley en el Santa Rosa
  • Paciente no mesmo instituto de Hurley
  • zusammen mit Hurley Patient in Santa Rosa.
Appears In
  • Resistance: Fall of Man
  • Lewis
  • Red .png
  • Red Cadet .png
  • 0
  • 8.0
Played By
  • Quentin Tarantino
  • Vault 101, ehemals
  • Gothorita was Lewis' Pokémon that helped Iris in many cases, such as to complete the ritual to awaken Landorus.
  • Lewis had a Lilligant, who wasn't feeling good, for Milos Island's flora did not grow much. After Landorus, Thundurus and Tornadus used their powers to revive the island, Lilligant was feeling much better.
  • Landorus was summoned to stop Tornadus and Thundurus from fighting.
  • Lewis.jpg
  • All-Stars
Image size
  • 230
  • 250
  • Lewex
  • A gentle rabbit who always seems busy.
  • Medic
  • Adult
  • red
  • Lewis
  • 3
  • Lewis
  • Lewis
  • Lewis.JPG
  • LewisWiki2.jpg
  • lewis.png
  • 82
  • Pirate
  • unbekannt
  • Desconhecida
  • Valet attendant
  • Works on a Power Plant
Also known as
  • Rapist #2
  • Lewis
  • "Day 1: 9:00am-10:00am"
  • Vivo
  • Military
  • Starfleet officer
  • Umbrella executive
  • Musician, Abaddon's Chosen
Home Planet
  • Lewis
Introduced by
  • 2006-11-03
  • Lewis
Image File
  • BrownL.jpg
  • Lewis.jpg
  • Lewis1.jpg
  • 2371
  • The Star Wars Rules Companion
  • 0
  • Lewis.jpg
  • 1920.0
float width
  • 144
wikipage disambiguates
  • Sconosciuta
  • Steven Neumeier
  • ?
  • ?
Начальная скорость пули (м/с):
  • 747
Емкость магазина:
  • 47
  • ?
  • N/A
Вес (без патронов, кг):
  • 11.800000
  • Est à Santa Rosa en même temps que Hurley
Joined on
  • 2014-08-05
Added by
  • Write the text of your article here!
  • TBA ("Out of the Past")
  • Lewis hat einen Auftritt in der Criminal Intent-Episode Machtkampf auf. Er ist ein alter Freund von Det. Robert Goren und betreibt Lewis' Karosserieschmiede in Long Island City, Queens. Goren befragt ihn wegen eines roten 71er Malibu. Lewis ist begeistert von Goren Kollegin Alexandra Eames. In der Episode Cyber-Krieg (10. Staffel) erwähnt Goren gegenüber seiner Psychologin Paula Severin seinen Freund Lewis. Kategorie: Criminal Intent Charaktere Kategorie:Zivilisten
  • Razem z Anną Palmer należał do zespołu zwiadowczego, który w grudniu 2241 roku dotarł do Megatony. Później on i Agnes Taylor zostali mianowani ambasadorami w Megatonie. Do jego zadań było utrzymywanie kontaktów z mieszkańcami oraz eksplorowanie kolejnych obszarów. Jego dalszy los jest nieznany. Możliwe, że jest w jakiś sposób spokrewniony z Floydem Lewisem.
  • Agent Lewis is a character mentioned on Season 1 of WB sci-fi series Roswell.
  • Dr. Lewis was a doctor at a hospital in London, who tended to the poisoned victims of the Arthropleura from the London Underground creature incursion.
  • Lewis was one of the people that attended Ray and Debra's wedding. He was Uncle Mel's business partner at the time. He was only seen in a flashback sequence.
  • Lewis är en manlig Tau'ri och är en Sergeant och medlem av SG-14. Under ett uppdrag, två medlemmar av hans team, Löjtnant Louise Astor och Major Thomas Graham, fångades av Goa'uld och görs till Za'tarc. (SG1: "Divide and Conquer") kategori:Amerikaner kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär kategori:Sergeanter kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal kategori:SG-14 medlem
  • <default>Lewis</default> Тип: Время: Вес (без патронов, кг): Длина (мм): Тип урона: Калибр: Применяемый патрон: УСМ: Темп стрельбы (в минуту): Начальная скорость пули (м/с): Дульная энергия (джоуль): Прицельная дальность (м): Емкость магазина: Происхождение: Область Применения: Пользователи: Разновидности: Lewis — британский ручной пулемёт времён Первой мировой войны. Был создан в 1913 году. Идея конструкции принадлежала Сэмюэлу Маклину, но воплотил её американец — полковник Армии США Айзек Ньютон Льюис. Изначально Льюис предполагал использовать свой пулемёт как станковый, с водяным охлаждением, однако в дальнейшем перешёл к идее разработки ручного пулемёта с принудительным воздушным охлаждением ствола. Льюис не сумел убедить руководство в необходимости принять на вооружение его конструкцию, вышел в отставку и покинул США в 1913 году. Вначале он уехал в Бельгию, а вскоре — в Великобританию. В Бельгии для производства пулемёта он основал компанию Armes Automatique Lewis в Льеже. В Великобритании Льюис тесно сотрудничал с компанией Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) с целью преодолеть некоторые трудности, возникшие при производстве данного оружия. Производство пулемёта началось на заводах BSA (Англия), и первой на вооружение РП Льюиса приняла бельгийская армия в 1913 году, а боевое крещение "Льюис" получил в 1914 году, с началом Первой мировой войны. К концу 1930-х он был снят с вооружения, однако с началом Второй мировой войны его вернули в строй после частичной модернизации, в ходе которой были сняты радиаторы, а две сошки были заменены одной телескопической. Кроме армейских имелись и авиационные варианты. Из-за манёвренности и общей скрытности пулеметы Льюиса были прозваны солдатами Кайзеровской Германии "гремучей змеёй", чему способствовал характерный звук пулеметной очереди. Трофейные пулемёты германцами активно подвергались переделке под патрон Маузера 7,92 мм и использовались в штурмовых отрядах вместе с другими трофеями. Категория:Оружие Категория:Оружие XX века Категория:Оружие Второй Мировой Войны Категория:Оружие Европы Категория:Оружие Великобритании Категория:Оружие США Категория:Огнестрельное оружие Категория:Автоматическое оружие Категория:Пулемёты Категория:Ручные пулемёты
  • Lewis is a friendly, neurotic, trumpet-playing alligator who is Stitch's best friend and the deuteragonist of Stitch Goes West. He is voice sounds similiar to Dom DeLuise. He is voiced by Jeff Garlin. He is Louis's (from Princess and the Frog) Stitch Goes West counterpart.
  • Lewis was a SAS British mercenary that was hired by Reverend Arthur Marsh to rescue the Christian missionaries from Burmese soldiers alongside John Rambo. Although he constantly bickered with everyone and was stubborn, he did prove to be a big asset to getting the missionaries back. His weapon of choice was a customized Mossberg 590 shotgun.
  • Lewis was the Rathunter of Crydee. He employed trained ferrets to keep the castle clean of vermin. During the Siege of Crydee he noticed that his ferrets did not return and one was found injured. He notified Roland and Arutha about this fact and they realized that the Tsurani were digging tunnels to breach the castle.
  • Corporal Lewis is a GDI non-commissioned officer who serves under Michael McNeil in Tiberian Sun.
  • Lewis (Spingfield, 17 de abril de 2004) es un personaje secundario de Los Simpson , el mejor amigo es Richard.
  • Lewis is a character appearing in Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies.
  • That freakishly smart second year with the weird hair.
  • Lewis is a citizen of Danville.
  • Lewis is a former resident of Vault 101.
  • Lewis is a narrow gauge military tank engine.
  • Lewis war ein früherer Bewohner der Vault 101.
  • Lewis was the second in command of Whiskey Company during the events of Turok. He was first seen with multiple other soldiers at base camp, giving out orders to those who were able to assist.
  • Lewis is een patiënt in het Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute als Hurley terugkeert nadat hij van het eiland afkomt. Tijdens Hurley's verblijf speelt hij Vier-op-een-rij met met Hurley, net als Leonard eerder deed. Als ze buiten zijn wijst Lewis Hurley erop dat hij iemand aan het staren is. Toen Hurley keek waar Lewis wees, stond Charlie daar. ("The Beginning of the End")
  • Lewis est un patient de l'hôpital psychiatrique de Santa Rosa, qu'il fréquente en même temps que Hurley. De dernier y est retourné après être revenu de l'île. Pour une raison inconnue, lui aussi semble voir Charlie. (Le Début de la fin)
  • Lewis was a security guard for the Pescadero State Hospital. He was stabbed in the eye by the T-1000, who impersonated him physical contact.
  • Lewis is a pet dog and a member of the Justice. He is a good tracker and runner.
  • Three time winner of the University 110m Hurdles Championships, Lewis can thank his powerful legs for getting him to the top of every podium in the country! During a Supra Creatine promotional event, he met Lamar and quickly joined the All Stars' sports university, where Striker is teaching him all the tricks of the trade to get rid of an opponent without being noticed...
  • Lewis é um paciente do Instituto de Saúde Mental Santa Rosa. Ele disse a Hurley que alguém estava olhando para ele. Quando Hurley perguntou quem era, Lewis aponta para alguém que, quando Hurley olha, é Charlie, parado. Entretanto, havia um homem olhando para Hurley mais atrás, por isso é incerto se Lewis também podia ver Charlie ou não. ("The Beginning of the End")
  • Like Jen, Lewis hasn't had the most auspicious start in life - he was tragically orphaned as a young child. Lewis was then abducted as an infant, along with Jen by Abaddon's servants from the realm of Mortalis. It was here that Lewis was altered so that he would become something unique - a demon/human hybrid. It wasn't long however, before the forces of Order brought the two younglings back to Mortalis, for many years since, nothing seemed strange in Lewis' life.
  • Lewis was a seaman aboard HMS Indefatigable. He was present at Styles' fight with the rats.
  • Lewis es un paciente del Instituto Mental Santa Rosa.
  • Lewis was a mental patient at Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute who informed Hurley that Charlie was staring at him. (The Beginning of the End)
  • Lewis is Hei's neighbor when he is staying at the Ōyama Apartment Building.
  • Lewis, otherwise known as The Doctor was a Human Starfleet Captain and later Vice Admiral, best known as the joint-commanding officer of Unity One Starbase and the USS Odyssey-A in the late twenty-fourth century with his best friend Captain Puto. He was one of the youngest and most pragmatically streetwise starship commanders in Starfleet history, although is considered something of a rogue by authorities, especially after uncovering memories of a previous life as an alien time traveler in 2387. (Star Trek: Unity (fan film series))
  • Lewis was the father in an African-American family that lived in the same house that, back in the unaltered 1985, belonged to the McFly family. However due to Biff Tannen's manipulation of the space-time continuum, the McFlys had either moved from or never purchased that house, leaving it open for Lewis and his wife Louise to purchase. On October 26, 1985, Marty McFly stumbled into his daughter Loretta's bedroom and became a target for Lewis's wooden baseball bat. As Marty fled, Lewis yelled after him that they were not selling their house and wouldn't be terrorized. Afterward, he disagreed with his wife that they should put bars on all the windows as it would feel like "living in a jail".
  • thumb|400px Es un ciudadado de Danville Categoría:En trabajo Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Personajes masculinos Categoría:Esbozo Categoría:En trabajo
  • Lewis was a senior member of White Umbrella, described by Trent as a "disposable little man".
  • Lewis – ork, występujący w Gothic 3: Zmierzch Bogów. Jest gladiatorem na arenie w Trelis, a także nauczycielem.
  • Lewis was Cliff's co-worker at the post office. While Cliff tried to suggest out of convenience that he and Lewis were friends, it's evident that they were casual acquaintances at best. Cliff recruited Lewis to help him take care of a difficult bar patron in Cliff's Rocky Moment. However, Lewis quickly grew irritated with Cliff for the same reasons the bar patron did - Cliff's persistent know-it-all attitude - and left instead. He returned once more to Cheers, in I Call Your Name, searching out Cliff to find out why he had lost his job. Lewis quickly figured out Cliff was behind that, but forgave him without too much of a fuss. Lewis was played by Sam Scarber, a former NFL football player.
  • Lewis was the valet attendant at 21500 Riverside Drive during Day 1. As Ted Cofell was leaving the building to go to the airport, Nancy spoke to Lewis on her headset, telling him that Mr Cofell was on his way down. Lewis then greeted him as he exited the lift, and called his limousine forward. Cofell gave him a tip, and Lewis wished him a nice day, sending the limousine off. However he was not aware that Jack Bauer had taken the place of Cofell's usual driver, and was planning to kidnap the businessman. ("9:00am-10:00am")
  • Lewis is a freshman at Reitman University who recently underwent brain surgery and had his pineal gland removed, allowing him to detect low frequency vibrations, or to put it simply: see ghosts. Lewis was pledging for Theta Theta Gamma, a frat house on campus when he encountered Ghosts of the Living in the Omega Theta Nu house. He has since served as an involuntary Medium to the Middleman and Wendy Watson. ("The Ectoplasmic Panhellenic Investigation")
  • The name Lewis might refer to: Surnames: * Lewis (Enterprise), a Starfleet lieutenant and security officer assigned to the USS Enterprise * Lewis (Enterprise-D), a Starfleet lieutenant assigned to the USS Enterprise-D * Lewis (Voyager), a crewmember aboard the USS Voyager * Jerry Lewis, a 20th century Human comedian Given names: * Lewis Carroll, a Human author * Lewis Zimmerman, a holoprogrammer based at Jupiter Station Production names: * Bob Lewis, the comic book cover artist for DC Comics * Susan Lewis, stand-in and regular background actress in Star Trek: Voyager * Shari Lewis, writer of the episode "The Lights of Zetar" You may also be looking for: * Louis
  • Lewis è un paziente dell'Istituto di Igiene Mentale Santa Rosa.
  • A lewis is the term used to describe the son of a Mason in many jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions, a lewis is entitled to special treatment, such as being allowed to petition for Masonic membership early (i.e., at the age of eighteen rather than the age of twenty-one).
  • Lewis Johnson MP is the current Member of Parliament for Eucellia Port. He is notable for being the leader of The Democratic Labour Party, being joint leader of the The Pink & Purple Party, being leader of The Progressive Party and Prime Minister. He is also known for being from the middle of nowhere. Lewis Enjoys long strolls in the park whilst whistling popular 1950s pop tunes and wearing tall top hats.
  • Lewis made his first appearance on 26 January 2017. He is portrayed by an unknown actor.
  • Lewis ist zusammen mit Hurley ein Patient in der Psychiatrischen Anstalt Santa Rosa in der Zeit, nachdem dieser die Insel verlassen hat. Er weist Hurley auf einen Besucher hin. („“) Hugo „Hurley“ Reyes Dargestellt von Jorge Garcia
  • Corporal Lewis was a medic who was only mentioned in the Intel Document "Crawlers". Cpl. Lewis was stuck in Manchester and was inside Manchester Cathedral. One night his colleague Doctor Seaver was attacked and infected by Crawlers. Lewis and another medic used morphine to stop his heart and then tried to extract the Crawlers out of Seaver, and only to strangely discover that the Crawlers were already dead.
  • Lieutenant Lewis was an Imperial officer. He was assigned to assist Major Lariss during the takeover of Virujansi, acting as the Major's Conciliator to the Rajah and his Royal Court. He had a slight build and spoke rapidly but clearly.
  • Lewis Emery Skaja went from poor spelling and grammar during the days when he was on Justin's YouTube channel to being one of the most intellectual people in the chat. This is further evidenced by his wide-range of YouTube videos covering a variety of topics including "1+1=1", "Why I Love The Internet", and "Being Open Minded". His participation in Deep Discussion Night has also shown his knowledge in many subjects, but he is still able to objectively recognize that he has much to learn about the topics he expresses his thoughts about.
  • Lewis was the leader of Blue Faction and later Cheif Executioner for the Blue Empire.
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