  • Chronos
  • Chronos
  • Chronos
  • Chronos
  • Chronos
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • The Hornet outclasses all ships below it, has the largest ammo capacity, and has the most Hit Points of all the ships. Its beauty is what makes this ship great, but it is also what makes it even more dangerous, due to its large size.
  • Chronos è il sommo dio del Tempo, che nè è la sua manifestazione, ed un personaggio apparso nel sequel del manga originale cioè Next Dimension, nominato anche nel Hypermyth e in Lost Canvas. Non va confuso con Crono, il signore dei Titani apparso in Episode G.
  • Chronos[[:File:|[, ]]] is a quest giver at the Darkmoon Faire on Darkmoon Island.
  • thumb|Situering in het Groot-Nirrerijk thumb|Noordkustthumb|OostkustChronos is een kanton van het Groot-Nirrerijk. De hoofdstad is Retoros. Chronos is bekend voor zijn kusttoerisme. Het zachte mediterrane klimaat en de vele zenuwen maken van Chronos een geliefde locatie om op reis te gaan. Het is tevens ook een schiereiland. Chrono's is het enige Nirriaanse kanton waar de doodstraf officieel nog kan uitgesproken worden. De meest recente terechtstelling dateert echter al van 1972. Categorie:Jamann Categorie:Kanton van het Groot-Nirrerijk
  • Chronos is the Art of temporal manipulation. Unlike the methods of altering time known to other supernaturals, Chronos is fairly indirect, and almost never goes in linear order - instead, it is an Art of being disjunct from the proper order of time, causing its practitioners to be difficult to affect with Time magic, and lose sight of how time should operate. Chronos is the exclusive Art of the Sidhe, much more so than any other noble Art; not only is it extremely difficult for commoners to learn it, they have a greater difficulty forming its cantrips.
  • Chronos (alternatively spelled as Khronos or Chronus) is one of the primordial Deities in the Greek mythology, said to be the personification of time and the lord of the Zodiac. His name means the word "time". He was initially portrayed to possess an incorporeal figure as a serpent with three heads; one of a man, the second of a bull, and the last of a lion.
  • Chronos first appeared in The Atom # 3 (1962). He was the arch-enemy of Atom. His real name was David Clinton and his gimmick was that he used weapons based on time pieces. (clocks with blades as hands, flying sun dials, etc.) He was very similar to the Clock King. He makes his debut in Ivy Town and is defeated by the Atom. In later appearances he had devices that allowed him to travel through time, or manipulate it in some fasion.
  • Chronos is the only bot that's actually easier against humans (the computer can react instantly to a teleport or phasing). Chronos must be used offensively, but he can easily run and hide with the matter phasing and teleport. He is fairly slow, but he does have a useful slide and roundhouse, and a great jumpkick. Basically, using a Chronos means attacking from all sides until the opponent makes a mistake. Humans in particular have trouble anticipating a Matter Phasing attack or defensive teleport (hold left/right). Impressive normals, easy combos, and the free-win Stasis Activator make Chronos a strong contender.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanami: Zero | Marishiten File:FireIcon.png Fire: Rasetsu File:WaterIcon.png Water: Queen Butterflight File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Gigamantis | Windblade Murasame File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Yeti File:Scroll.png Tower: 29F | 39F File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Fire (Carnage) | Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Time) | Light (Carnage) | Dark (Time)
  • Chronos is the Incarnation of Time. Because Chronos lives backwards in time, his past is everyone else's future, making him an isolated character even among the other Incarnations. When he is living backwards, he is not visible to mortals. Chronos experiments with his hourglass, recognized by all the Incarnations as being the most powerful magical device in the world, to halt and/or reverse time, travel many millions of years into the Earth's past, and work with the Incarnation of Fate, who needs his hourglass to help fix tangles in her threads of fate.
  • Peter and the guys travel to Greece in search of God to confront him over the continual losses by the New England Patriots in "3 Acts of God" thinking that they have luck in the once-home of many Gods. There, they meet Chronos, the God of Time and gift-baskets. When they question his title, he presents them with a lavish gift-basket and tells them the time as well.
  • Chronos' only appearance in the history of was during the War of Time Ending, where he is remembered as having prompted Negatron to stop being lazy and work at something - that is, killing Chronos. His coming marked the beginning of the war, and his death marked the end of both the war and time itself. Chronos is believed to have been the ruler of several other galaxies, but this is pure speculation.
  • Chronos is pictured as an elderly man with a scythe at his side, sitting at a desk looking at an hourglass. He is also pictured as a snake that along with Nyx, the prontagonos of night encircled the Earth.
  • Chronos was the god of time.
  • Chronos(クロノスKuronosu) is an immortal and omniscient being living at the heart of the Nexus.
  • Chronos is a mysterious organisation that were first sighted by the first settlers on Tarsonas. Since then, they have appeared during every major event, from the destruction of Korhal to the Fall of Auir, appearing regularly throughout the Brood War. During the Second Great War, a number of Dominion forces managed to find and attack a number of the group's secret bases, by using a surprising strategy of not recording in any way their movements, however they were still defeated. These events gave rise to the theory the group were time travelers.
  • Chronos was an ancient deity, the god of time, ironically, lost to the ages. Religious texts and ancient histories speak of him in passing. He was known to be worshiped by the nation of Orva but it was unknown how he died. Shrines of Chronos still held power millennia later. Offerings would crumble to dust in mere seconds and in return, the offerer may have received a vision of the past or the future. Statues of Chronos depicted him as a tall man in a hooded robe with feathered wings, holding a scythe and an hourglass.
  • Two characters by different authors share the same name. * Chronos (G) (クロノス, Kuronosu), the main opponent in 1978; he loses his body at the end of the series. * (Saint Seiya: Episode G by Megumu Okada) * Chronos (ND) (クロノス, Kuronosu), a deity without body in 1990. * (Saint Seiya: Next Dimension by Masami Kurumada)
  • Chronos (クロノス Kuronosu?, "Khronos") is the Great Spirit of Time in Tales of Xillia 2. He is one of the game's major antagonists and is sometimes referred to as "the spirit with long hair".
  • Chronos, better known as "Chronos the Dismantler" is one of Seven Demon Lords of Risen Dark and captain of Devil Clockwork Pirates, wich is smallest pirate crew within Risen Dark. He is Cyborg and represensts "Sloth" in Seven Demon Lords.
  • David Clinton was a small time Physics professor from Gotham City who developed the technology to travel in time as Chronos.
  • Chronos, who referred to itself as the Guardians of Time, was an alien being, or possibly multiple beings, that Filby Young encountered on the Moon during his travels through space and time. It instructed Filby to travel back through time to undo a series of paradoxes that had been created by George Einwin on his travels through time. ("The Time Machine: Trapped in Time")
  • Chronos (クロノス, Kuronosu) est la déesse du "Temps", elle a été conservée dans l'ancienne "capitale du temps": Meldian. Dimaria Iesta, une descendante du peuple de Meldian peut ainsi fusionner avec Chronos pour ne former qu'une seule personne sous la forme du Take Over : God Soul.
  • According to Recount Tale, Chronos was originally a time player from a session from a planet in the universe that the pre-reset session of SBARG created. It goes on to mention how he singlehandedly murdered all of his fellow players to prevent them from claiming The Ultimate Reward, somehow hopped back into the session that spawned his universe, and somehow gained another class and aspect due to being the first player in the incipisphere.
  • Chronoses are Monsters from Maplestory. They're ghosts of time. __TOC__
  • Chronos was Claymore No. 4 of Isley's generation and eventually became an Awakened Being. He was among the group of Awakened former single-digit warriors who gathered outside Rabona to witness the being whose power surpasses the Abyssal Ones.
  • Chronos (richtiger Name: Winston Fripp) ist ein irrer Superschurke und ein Feind der Turtles in der neunten Staffel der 1987iger Cartoonserie.
  • Dernières chimère conçut par Celinael, Chronos est un immense lion humanoïde d’environ 5 mètres possédant deux ailes d’un rouge sanguin. Chimère préférant les résultats à la parole, il ne semble enclin à parler qu’avec certaines personnes qu’il juge assez brave et cela qu’il soit bon ou mauvais… Confondus à tort avec le dieu du temps, ses pouvoirs temporels sont pour leurs parts bien réels, mais ce n’est pas tout, Chronos peut pour se cacher revêtir deux apparences assez étonnante : une jeune femme à la peau grisâtre ou un petit lionceau albinos d’apparence tout a fait ordinaire…
  • Chronos (クロノス Kuronosu) is the God of Time. Enshrined in the ancient capital city of Mildian, he is able to share a single form with Dimaria, a descendant of the people of the city, when the latter utilizes God Soul.
  • This enemy is the embodiment of time, and functions as the final boss of Stick Ranger, along with Gaia.
  • In Greek mythology, Chronos (Ancient Greek: Χρόνος) in pre-Socratic philosophical works is said to be the personification of time. Often the figure is named Aeon (Eternal Time), a common alternate name for the god. He is also called Herakles. Chronos was imagined as an incorporeal god. Serpentine in form, with three heads—that of a man, a bull, and a lion. He and his consort, serpentine Ananke (Inevitability), circled the primal world-egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky.
  • Chronos (not to be confused with the Greek titan Kronos/Cronus) is an Elder who is notable for his mastery over time magic. He is instrumental in the downfall of the Disir, exchanging Zephaniah's eyes for an ability to gaze through the threads of time. Zephaniah uses this ability to select and assemble a team of warriors that together bring down their empire in an event known as Ragnarok. Chronos' magic is also key to Marethyu's ability to travel through time and in organising the fate of Danu Talis. Though Chronos does not personally appear in the series, he is discussed several times. He is noted by Prometheus as "puny", and reported as physically repulsive (Tsagaglalal explaining his flesh had been warped by the process of time-travelling; it may be partially caused by the Change). He w
  • Aux confins éloignés de l’UEE se tient le système Chronos. Depuis sa découverte en 2863, ce système a été noyé dans le secret gouvernemental et la controverse politique. La documentation gouvernementale officielle indique que la 18ème flotte de combat, stationnée alors dans le système Kellog, est la première à avoir fait le voyage jusqu’à Chronos, après avoir découvert le point de saut lors d’une patrouille de routine.
  • Chronos is a time manipulating being; one of the Greek gods. Long ago, he was travelling the universe in search of a place for him to learn how to control his powers. He eventually settled on going to Earth. When he arrived there, beings in dark cloaks mistook him for a monster and then sealed him away in the Rock of Time, placing the stone in a dark cave. While within the rock, he learned to control his powers from within the cave. His powers are based on those of the monster-of-the-day Ramua from episode 6 of "Sailor Moon", Time Bomb.
  • Chronos is a black and orange anthropromorphic hedgehog born out of the Master Emerald at the end of time, just as it shatters he appears and is informed by a green echidna to use the fabled "Chaos Control" technique to go back to the time of Sonic the Hedgehog, Mobius and Life. After a short briefing on history Chronos arrives on Angel Island and searches for Shadow the hedgehog to inform him on vital information.
  • Na mitologia grega, Chronos (em grego antigo Χρόνος, que significa “tempo”; em latim Chronus) era a personificação do tempo segundo se diz nas obras filosóficas pré-socráticas. Também era habitual chamar-lhe Eón ou Aión (em grego Αίών, “tempo eterno”). Os gregos antigos tinham duas palavras para o tempo: chronos e kairos. Enquanto chronos refere-se ao tempo cronológico, ou sequencial, que pode ser medido, kairos refere-se a um momento indeterminado no tempo, em que algo especial acontece. Na Teologia cristã, é "o tempo de Deus".
  • 37
  • 55
  • 58
  • 105
  • 115
  • 164
  • 7
  • -
  • Neutral
  • Lu +1
  • 16
Return Item
  • Earthquake Card
  • Unknown
  • File:1451.png
Apparition Anime
  • N/A
  • Féminin
  • 0
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Attacks in an X pattern with 4 small elemental lasers.
  • -
  • New York City
  • Divinità
  • 1
  • Schwarz
  • Next Dimension capitolo 19
Battle Start
  • 172800.0
  • Sapient
  • 1
  • 3700
  • 3885
  • 4070
New Header
  • Kronos (Eternal); Kronos from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update Vol 1 2 001.jpg
  • Chronos; No_Image_Male.jpg
  • Chronus (Olympians); Cronus_.jpg
  • Kronos; No_Image_Male.jpg
  • Chronos-Tut Kang the Time Conquerer;Kang the Time COnquerer from Spider-Boy Team-Up 1 0001.jpg
  • männlich
Luck Skill
  • Shield
  • Critical
  • -
  • 155
skill lv
  • All enemies can't move for 6 turn / 10% chance
  • All enemies can't move for 6 turn / 5% chance
  • N/A
  • Hatcher
skill 2 lv
  • 10
  • 15
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • -
  • 10
  • 20
  • Maurice LaMarche
head colour
  • FF2600
  • 0
  • 250
  • 55
  • -
  • 1
Précédente Affiliation
  • Meldian
  • Chronosuit
  • Temporal displacement devices and other things that have to do with time travel
  • 10
  • 0
  • Bounce
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks upward and downward with 2 large elemental lasers.
  • Vertical Laser L
  • Attacks upward and downward with 2 massive elemental double lasers..
  • 0
  • Dio del Tempo
  • Fortune
Nom Usuel
  • Arcanan
  • Pfeil und Bogen
  • Uhrwerkkrieger
  • Zeitbomben
body colour
  • 53382.0
  • 116
  • -1
  • 1
  • 0
  • Superschurke
  • Mitarbeiter der Stadtverwaltung
  • 24
  • Kampfkünste
  • 16
  • 42
  • -
Powers and Abilities
  • Powers and Abilities
Apparition Manga
  • 198
  • 3300
  • 4050
  • 4252
  • 15276
  • 18197
  • 19618
  • Orange
friendship max
  • 3.15576E13
Strike shot
  • Increases Speed.
  • Increases Speed and Strength and paralyzes on contact with weak point.
  • Increases Speed and Strength and does a lot of damage to Drones.
  • Circle of Time - 12 Turns
  • Sword of Space-Time - 28 Turns
  • The Great Beyond - 18 Turns
  • 50
  • 159
  • 47
  • 10
  • 253.370000
  • 294.300000
  • 329.170000
friendship event
  • 1.5E7
  • But I guess that depends on how long you will stay with me?
  • That's a long time, yet so short
battle end
  • 172800.0
  • sè stesso
  • -
  • SR
  • Chronos
  • Mensch
  • 57
  • 90
  • 802
  • 1000200000
  • I've been waiting for you···from
  • Aspect of Labelas Enoreth
  • unknown
  • Humanoid
  • 512
  • N/A
  • Unknown
  • -
  • Flying
  • Chronos
  • 25
  • Light
  • Time
  • Male
  • Neutral
  • Devil Clockwork Pirates
  • -
  • Blue
  • blue
Base of Operations
  • Base of Operations
  • 45
  • Unknown
  • Unknown; likely skewed by time travel
  • -20
  • 260
Previous Affiliation
  • Marines
  • -
  • 1
Voiced by
  • 8
  • Master Emerald
  • Common
  • Deceased
  • Resurrected
  • Awakened/Dead
  • Time After Time
  • Master of Time
Previous Occupation
  • Marine Vice-Captain
  • 5
  • 0
  • Grey
  • black
  • Chronos
  • Cronos
  • Chronos
  • Dark Chronos
  • 82
  • 300
  • 3000
  • 118772
  • Mutation
  • Wind
  • Unknown
  • Balanced
  • Emerald Entity
  • Forceful
  • Kuronosu
  • A Greek statue of the titan.
  • Male
  • Time travel
  • Unknown
  • unknown
Type de système
  • Etoile unique
Group Affiliations
  • Group Affiliations
procs g
  • 1
Points de saut
  • 8
Objet stellaires
Traitor Game Roles
  • Traitor Game Roles
BoO info
  • Neo-Gotham City, The Timestream
Alter Ego info
  • David Clinton
Traitor Game History
  • Traitor Game History
Guardián de
  • Portale del Tempo
Roles info
  • None.
First TG Appearance
  • First TG Appearance
Traitor Game Rivals
  • Traitor Game Rivals
Group info
  • Seized control of The Jokerz gang
First TG info
TG History info
  • Traitor Game XV, XIX, XX
™ / © Owner
  • ™ / © Owner
PA info
  • Chronos' time belt enables him to teleport and travel through time and space limitlessly via portals and tunnels, although doing so causes damage to the space/time continuum. Currently, Chronos shares a copy of the Time Trapper's space/time manipulating powers with Timazo. Their combined power limit is, as yet, undefined, although they are immune to each other. Chronos is also able to pull duplicates of himself from different points in time to assist him in personal combat.
Rivals info
™ / © info
  • DC Comics
Occupation info
  • Time traveling despot, Self-styled "Master of Space and Time"
Valeur stratégique
  • 10
  • 86
  • 2950
  • 3148
  • 18541
  • 10.500000
  • -
  • Null Damage Wall
Character Name
  • Chronos
  • Null Damage Wall
  • Sprite Slayer M
  • Mine Sweeper / Laser Stop
  • -
  • 250
  • Ryūshi Ryūshi no Mi; Particle-Particle Fruit Meaning ; Particles
  • #C9E4E5
  • 400000.0
  • 1
  • 130.0
  • The Greek deification of time.
  • König des Glockenturms
  • Winston Fripp
  • 240
  • クロノス
  • クロノス
  • Kuronosu
  • 200.0
  • Chronos
  • He Who Never Forgets!
  • Kronus, Karonis
  • 16
  • 204
  • 3950
  • 4147
  • 4345
  • Cyborg Body
  • Chronos.png
  • #3a324a
  • #66487c
  • 1
  • Time Ring
  • Archwitch 10x dmg
  • Bufulaon Mediahan Curse
  • Bufuraon Mediahan Curse 3
  • 4
Image size
  • 250
  • Deity
  • Unknown
  • -
  • #005961
Real Name
  • David Clinton
  • UEE
  • Highest ranked Goddess of time. With her Goddess Ring she controls time quite freely.
  • Mutated from Hermes if it is equipped during the Aquarius Temple boss battle.
  • 1449
  • 1450
  • 1451
  • Unknown
  • 43
  • 52
  • 57
  • 10000
  • Unknown
  • No matter how short or long
  • Time travel is my specialty!
  • Chronos
  • Arcanan
  • N/A
  • Junichi Suwabe
  • Chronoses
  • Base=File:1449.png
  • Tikal 12
  • 76
  • 0
  • Maplestory
  • -
  • 24
  • Chronos.jpg
  • 1449
  • 1450
  • 1451
  • Produits GeoEngineering
  • Faible
  • Divinité
  • Occupation
  • Pirate, Captain
  • God of Time
  • Time Keeper
  • •Great Spirit of Time
  • •Guardian of the Land of Canaan
  • Unknown
  • unknown
  • 699
  • 700
  • 1600
  • 6200
  • 14154
  • 18157
  • 20638
  • 75000
  • 377625
  • 2746619
  • Darkmoon Faire
Image File
  • Chronosx.JPG
  • Male
  • 2614
  • 2500
  • Unknown
  • David Clinton
  • Medium threat
Blood Type
  • B
  • -
  • See the karma controlling one's destiny...
  • I am Chronos... The dark sun that kills its father and wields the scythe of false power...
  • Ascension: 6.5
  • Evolution: 7.5
  • 800000000000
  • -
  • Maschio
Alter Ego
  • Alter Ego
  • N/A
  • Joel McDonald
  • 10
  • 173
  • 1116
  • 1549
  • 4900
  • 250
  • Look-a-troopa
wikipage disambiguates
skill 2 end
  • 2013-08-16
first anime
  • N/A
  • Ethan Snider
atk g
  • 3960
cost g
  • 57
  • 24
  • 45
first manga
  • Scene 128
  • 8
  • 300
  • 928
def g
  • 5214
skill g lv
  • All enemies can't move for 6 turn / 10% chance
  • All enemies can't move for 6 turn / 15% chance
soldiers g
  • 4477
  • Grand Cross
  • Time
  • Naine Jaune
Découvert en
  • 2863
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • The Hornet outclasses all ships below it, has the largest ammo capacity, and has the most Hit Points of all the ships. Its beauty is what makes this ship great, but it is also what makes it even more dangerous, due to its large size.
  • Chronos è il sommo dio del Tempo, che nè è la sua manifestazione, ed un personaggio apparso nel sequel del manga originale cioè Next Dimension, nominato anche nel Hypermyth e in Lost Canvas. Non va confuso con Crono, il signore dei Titani apparso in Episode G.
  • Chronos[[:File:|[, ]]] is a quest giver at the Darkmoon Faire on Darkmoon Island.
  • thumb|Situering in het Groot-Nirrerijk thumb|Noordkustthumb|OostkustChronos is een kanton van het Groot-Nirrerijk. De hoofdstad is Retoros. Chronos is bekend voor zijn kusttoerisme. Het zachte mediterrane klimaat en de vele zenuwen maken van Chronos een geliefde locatie om op reis te gaan. Het is tevens ook een schiereiland. Chrono's is het enige Nirriaanse kanton waar de doodstraf officieel nog kan uitgesproken worden. De meest recente terechtstelling dateert echter al van 1972. Categorie:Jamann Categorie:Kanton van het Groot-Nirrerijk
  • Chronos is the Art of temporal manipulation. Unlike the methods of altering time known to other supernaturals, Chronos is fairly indirect, and almost never goes in linear order - instead, it is an Art of being disjunct from the proper order of time, causing its practitioners to be difficult to affect with Time magic, and lose sight of how time should operate. Chronos is the exclusive Art of the Sidhe, much more so than any other noble Art; not only is it extremely difficult for commoners to learn it, they have a greater difficulty forming its cantrips.
  • Chronos (alternatively spelled as Khronos or Chronus) is one of the primordial Deities in the Greek mythology, said to be the personification of time and the lord of the Zodiac. His name means the word "time". He was initially portrayed to possess an incorporeal figure as a serpent with three heads; one of a man, the second of a bull, and the last of a lion.
  • Chronos first appeared in The Atom # 3 (1962). He was the arch-enemy of Atom. His real name was David Clinton and his gimmick was that he used weapons based on time pieces. (clocks with blades as hands, flying sun dials, etc.) He was very similar to the Clock King. He makes his debut in Ivy Town and is defeated by the Atom. In later appearances he had devices that allowed him to travel through time, or manipulate it in some fasion.
  • Chronos is the only bot that's actually easier against humans (the computer can react instantly to a teleport or phasing). Chronos must be used offensively, but he can easily run and hide with the matter phasing and teleport. He is fairly slow, but he does have a useful slide and roundhouse, and a great jumpkick. Basically, using a Chronos means attacking from all sides until the opponent makes a mistake. Humans in particular have trouble anticipating a Matter Phasing attack or defensive teleport (hold left/right). Impressive normals, easy combos, and the free-win Stasis Activator make Chronos a strong contender.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanami: Zero | Marishiten File:FireIcon.png Fire: Rasetsu File:WaterIcon.png Water: Queen Butterflight File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Gigamantis | Windblade Murasame File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Yeti File:Scroll.png Tower: 29F | 39F File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Fire (Carnage) | Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Time) | Light (Carnage) | Dark (Time)
  • Chronos is the Incarnation of Time. Because Chronos lives backwards in time, his past is everyone else's future, making him an isolated character even among the other Incarnations. When he is living backwards, he is not visible to mortals. Chronos experiments with his hourglass, recognized by all the Incarnations as being the most powerful magical device in the world, to halt and/or reverse time, travel many millions of years into the Earth's past, and work with the Incarnation of Fate, who needs his hourglass to help fix tangles in her threads of fate.
  • Peter and the guys travel to Greece in search of God to confront him over the continual losses by the New England Patriots in "3 Acts of God" thinking that they have luck in the once-home of many Gods. There, they meet Chronos, the God of Time and gift-baskets. When they question his title, he presents them with a lavish gift-basket and tells them the time as well.
  • Chronos' only appearance in the history of was during the War of Time Ending, where he is remembered as having prompted Negatron to stop being lazy and work at something - that is, killing Chronos. His coming marked the beginning of the war, and his death marked the end of both the war and time itself. Chronos is believed to have been the ruler of several other galaxies, but this is pure speculation.
  • Chronos is pictured as an elderly man with a scythe at his side, sitting at a desk looking at an hourglass. He is also pictured as a snake that along with Nyx, the prontagonos of night encircled the Earth.
  • Chronos was the god of time.
  • Chronos is a black and orange anthropromorphic hedgehog born out of the Master Emerald at the end of time, just as it shatters he appears and is informed by a green echidna to use the fabled "Chaos Control" technique to go back to the time of Sonic the Hedgehog, Mobius and Life. After a short briefing on history Chronos arrives on Angel Island and searches for Shadow the hedgehog to inform him on vital information. Chronos' abilities are similar to Lyx's in a way that they are also similar to Tabuu's and Dr. Manhattan's (Watchmen), Because of thier ability to control time, teleport, fly and have overwhelming power and control over matter (Solid, Liquid and Gas).
  • Chronos(クロノスKuronosu) is an immortal and omniscient being living at the heart of the Nexus.
  • Chronos is a mysterious organisation that were first sighted by the first settlers on Tarsonas. Since then, they have appeared during every major event, from the destruction of Korhal to the Fall of Auir, appearing regularly throughout the Brood War. During the Second Great War, a number of Dominion forces managed to find and attack a number of the group's secret bases, by using a surprising strategy of not recording in any way their movements, however they were still defeated. These events gave rise to the theory the group were time travelers.
  • Chronos was an ancient deity, the god of time, ironically, lost to the ages. Religious texts and ancient histories speak of him in passing. He was known to be worshiped by the nation of Orva but it was unknown how he died. Shrines of Chronos still held power millennia later. Offerings would crumble to dust in mere seconds and in return, the offerer may have received a vision of the past or the future. Statues of Chronos depicted him as a tall man in a hooded robe with feathered wings, holding a scythe and an hourglass.
  • Two characters by different authors share the same name. * Chronos (G) (クロノス, Kuronosu), the main opponent in 1978; he loses his body at the end of the series. * (Saint Seiya: Episode G by Megumu Okada) * Chronos (ND) (クロノス, Kuronosu), a deity without body in 1990. * (Saint Seiya: Next Dimension by Masami Kurumada)
  • In Greek mythology, Chronos (Ancient Greek: Χρόνος) in pre-Socratic philosophical works is said to be the personification of time. Often the figure is named Aeon (Eternal Time), a common alternate name for the god. He is also called Herakles. Chronos was imagined as an incorporeal god. Serpentine in form, with three heads—that of a man, a bull, and a lion. He and his consort, serpentine Ananke (Inevitability), circled the primal world-egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky. He was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaics as a man turning the Zodiac Wheel. Chronos is usually portrayed through an old, wise man with a long, gray beard, such as "Father Time". Some of the current English words whose etymological root is khronos/chronos include chronology, chronometer, chronic, anachronism, and chronicle.
  • Chronos (クロノス Kuronosu?, "Khronos") is the Great Spirit of Time in Tales of Xillia 2. He is one of the game's major antagonists and is sometimes referred to as "the spirit with long hair".
  • Chronos, better known as "Chronos the Dismantler" is one of Seven Demon Lords of Risen Dark and captain of Devil Clockwork Pirates, wich is smallest pirate crew within Risen Dark. He is Cyborg and represensts "Sloth" in Seven Demon Lords.
  • Chronos is a time manipulating being; one of the Greek gods. Long ago, he was travelling the universe in search of a place for him to learn how to control his powers. He eventually settled on going to Earth. When he arrived there, beings in dark cloaks mistook him for a monster and then sealed him away in the Rock of Time, placing the stone in a dark cave. While within the rock, he learned to control his powers from within the cave. When Lord Zedd decided to reverse time after becoming inspired by a class assignment that the Power Rangers were doing, Chronos didn't want to follow the orders of an evil being, so instead he focused his powers on just two places located on Earth. Those places were Angel Grove High School and the World Peace Conference building. His partner, Mnemosyne, cast her memory spell immediately after, allowing the adult memories of those affected by this spell to be maintained. When the Mighty Morphin Mini Rangers went into the cave, they battled the monsters sent by Zedd to guard the Rock of Time. The combined blast of Saba and the Power Blaster freed both beings. His powers are based on those of the monster-of-the-day Ramua from episode 6 of "Sailor Moon", Time Bomb.
  • David Clinton was a small time Physics professor from Gotham City who developed the technology to travel in time as Chronos.
  • Chronos, who referred to itself as the Guardians of Time, was an alien being, or possibly multiple beings, that Filby Young encountered on the Moon during his travels through space and time. It instructed Filby to travel back through time to undo a series of paradoxes that had been created by George Einwin on his travels through time. ("The Time Machine: Trapped in Time")
  • Chronos (クロノス, Kuronosu) est la déesse du "Temps", elle a été conservée dans l'ancienne "capitale du temps": Meldian. Dimaria Iesta, une descendante du peuple de Meldian peut ainsi fusionner avec Chronos pour ne former qu'une seule personne sous la forme du Take Over : God Soul.
  • Na mitologia grega, Chronos (em grego antigo Χρόνος, que significa “tempo”; em latim Chronus) era a personificação do tempo segundo se diz nas obras filosóficas pré-socráticas. Também era habitual chamar-lhe Eón ou Aión (em grego Αίών, “tempo eterno”). Os gregos antigos tinham duas palavras para o tempo: chronos e kairos. Enquanto chronos refere-se ao tempo cronológico, ou sequencial, que pode ser medido, kairos refere-se a um momento indeterminado no tempo, em que algo especial acontece. Na Teologia cristã, é "o tempo de Deus". Chronos tem sido frequentemente confundido com o titã Cronos, especialmente durante o período alexandrino e renascentista. De acordo com os mitos gregos, Chronos era o deus das Idades (desde a Dourada até a de Bronze). Chronos surgiu no princípio dos tempos, formado por si mesmo. Era um ser incorpóreo e serpentino possuindo três cabeças, uma de homem, uma de touro e outra de leão. Uniu-se à sua companheira Ananke (a inevitabilidade) numa espiral em volta do ovo primogênito separando-o, formando então o Universo ordenado com a Terra, o mar e o céu. Permaneceu como um deus remoto e sem corpo, do tempo, que rodeava o Universo, conduzindo a rotação dos céus e o caminhar eterno do tempo, aparecendo ocasionalmente perante Zeus sobre a forma de um homem idoso de longos cabelose barba brancos, embora permanecesse a maior parte do tempo em forma de uma força para além do alcance e do poder dos deuses mais jovens. Na tradição órfica, Chronos era filho de Hydros e Thesis. Junto con Ananke, era pai de Caos, Marmarugas, Skotos e Fanes. Outras fontes afirmam que era pai das Horas e, com Melana, de Ama. Nos mosaicos Greco-romanos era representado como um homem girando a roda zodiacal.
  • According to Recount Tale, Chronos was originally a time player from a session from a planet in the universe that the pre-reset session of SBARG created. It goes on to mention how he singlehandedly murdered all of his fellow players to prevent them from claiming The Ultimate Reward, somehow hopped back into the session that spawned his universe, and somehow gained another class and aspect due to being the first player in the incipisphere.
  • Chronoses are Monsters from Maplestory. They're ghosts of time. __TOC__
  • Aux confins éloignés de l’UEE se tient le système Chronos. Depuis sa découverte en 2863, ce système a été noyé dans le secret gouvernemental et la controverse politique. La documentation gouvernementale officielle indique que la 18ème flotte de combat, stationnée alors dans le système Kellog, est la première à avoir fait le voyage jusqu’à Chronos, après avoir découvert le point de saut lors d’une patrouille de routine. Cependant, il faut aussi tenir compte d’une récente affaire judiciaire, toujours en cours : Contraly contre l’UEE, pour laquelle une plainte a été déposée. Dans celle-ci, il est dit que c’est le grand père de Contraly qui a découvert le système et qui l’a rapporté à la 18ème flotte de combat. On précise également que la prime de découverte lui fut refusée à cause d’une affaire en cours concernant du braconnage sur Orms et Xis. Les historiens experts des deux camps ont dit ce qu’ils avaient à dire, et c’est à présent à la Cour de Justice de se prononcer. Quoi qu'il en soit, à l’époque de sa découverte, le système était composé d’une étoile de type G, de deux planètes inhabitables regroupées près du soleil et rien de plus. Du fait de son emplacement isolé et de son manque de ressources ou de lieux habitables, peu de gens pensaient que l’UEE puisse trouver un quelconque intérêt au système. Les observateurs ont donc été fortement étonnés de voir l’UEE s’empresser de revendiquer Chronos comme système réglementé, réservé à l'usage unique du gouvernement. Quand les vaisseaux militaires ont commencé à entrer fréquemment dans un système soi-disant vide, les plus curieux se sont questionnés sur ce qu’il s'y passait vraiment. Pendant des années, des théories ont fait rage, des plus idiotes (un engin apocalyptique) aux plus imaginatives (une station spatiale invisible). Une spécialiste théoricienne du complot aurait même soi-disant été jusqu’à embarquer à bord d’un vaisseau militaire qui a fait le saut dans le système. Quand elle déclara plus tard qu’il n’y avait rien de caché là-bas, son incapacité à découvrir quoi que ce soit scandalisa et rendit furieux ses camarades. Cela ne fit que rajouter de l’huile sur le feu en matière de spéculation. Il se disait que la seule raison pour laquelle elle n’avait absolument rien trouvé, était qu’il y avait quelque chose à cacher et que le gouvernement avait encore muselé la vérité. Ceux qui croyaient qu’on essayait d’étouffer l’affaire étaient encore plus convaincus que l’UEE avait une raison de vouloir Chronos pour elle seule. Ce ne fut qu’en 2872 que l’Imperator Corbyn Salehi intervint pour annoncer officiellement ce sur quoi le gouvernement était en train de travailler. Chronos allait devenir le foyer du projet Archange, appelé communément “Synthémonde” : un énorme projet de l’UEE destiné à tenter de créer une planète. Après des siècles de transformation des planètes avec la technologie de terraformation, l’humanité avait, à présent, l’intention d’en créer une de toutes pièces : le Projet Archange. Aujourd’hui, il n’y a plus qu’un trafic minimum dans Chronos. Les transporteurs continuent de décharger leurs marchandises à la station Archange, et certains autres ne font que traverser le système en suivant la voie commerciale les menant au système Branaugh. À part cela, il n’existe que peu d’autres raisons de se trouver dans le système Chronos.
  • Chronos was Claymore No. 4 of Isley's generation and eventually became an Awakened Being. He was among the group of Awakened former single-digit warriors who gathered outside Rabona to witness the being whose power surpasses the Abyssal Ones.
  • Chronos (not to be confused with the Greek titan Kronos/Cronus) is an Elder who is notable for his mastery over time magic. He is instrumental in the downfall of the Disir, exchanging Zephaniah's eyes for an ability to gaze through the threads of time. Zephaniah uses this ability to select and assemble a team of warriors that together bring down their empire in an event known as Ragnarok. Chronos' magic is also key to Marethyu's ability to travel through time and in organising the fate of Danu Talis. Though Chronos does not personally appear in the series, he is discussed several times. He is noted by Prometheus as "puny", and reported as physically repulsive (Tsagaglalal explaining his flesh had been warped by the process of time-travelling; it may be partially caused by the Change). He was widely despised, though Marethyu and Abraham both counted him as a great friend and sought his assistance on numerous occasions. The network of 13 leygates Marethyu used to travel through time were created by Chronos. In The Enchantress, Chronos appears in a flashback in which he shows an assortment of Elders a series of timelines to demonstrate the consequences of their actions.
  • Chronos (richtiger Name: Winston Fripp) ist ein irrer Superschurke und ein Feind der Turtles in der neunten Staffel der 1987iger Cartoonserie.
  • Dernières chimère conçut par Celinael, Chronos est un immense lion humanoïde d’environ 5 mètres possédant deux ailes d’un rouge sanguin. Chimère préférant les résultats à la parole, il ne semble enclin à parler qu’avec certaines personnes qu’il juge assez brave et cela qu’il soit bon ou mauvais… Confondus à tort avec le dieu du temps, ses pouvoirs temporels sont pour leurs parts bien réels, mais ce n’est pas tout, Chronos peut pour se cacher revêtir deux apparences assez étonnante : une jeune femme à la peau grisâtre ou un petit lionceau albinos d’apparence tout a fait ordinaire…
  • Chronos (クロノス Kuronosu) is the God of Time. Enshrined in the ancient capital city of Mildian, he is able to share a single form with Dimaria, a descendant of the people of the city, when the latter utilizes God Soul.
  • This enemy is the embodiment of time, and functions as the final boss of Stick Ranger, along with Gaia.
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